Re: Properties

2002-12-12 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Simon Glover wrote:

On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Simon Glover wrote:

Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding how properties are supposed to

I did check in (a totally untested) fix.


Re: Parrot v0.0.9 code freeze

2002-12-12 Thread Tanton Gibbs
 Are the Tru64 registers scanned for live PMCs/Buffers? I don't know
 what things would typically get missed that way, but it's a known
 problem for most architectures (or was until recently? What's the
 status on this?)

I don't know if they are or not.  How could you tell?

 Does Tru64 have hardware breakpoints? They're nice for this sort of
 thing -- find a value that eventually becomes incorrect, take the
 address of it at a point when it is still correct, then watch what it
 points to:

   (gdb) p interpreter-ctx.pmc_reg.registers[0]-cache.int_val
   $6 = 1
   (gdb) p interpreter-ctx.pmc_reg.registers[0]-cache.int_val
   $7 = (INTVAL *) 0x810c904
   (gdb) watch *$7
   Hardware watchpoint 2: *$7
   (gdb) continue
I'll try this on the weekend...I'm moving today and won't have internet
until tomorrow.  But I'll give it a shot and see.


RE: Comparing Object Identity (was: Re: Stringification of references (Decision, Please?))

2002-12-12 Thread Brent Dax
Luke Palmer:
#  There's no need for special methods or (gods forbid) more operators.
#  Just:
#   $ == $
#  That's what the universal Cid method is *for*.
# I rather like that.  It's used for hashing by default (in 
# absence of a stringification or .hash (?) method), yes?

I'd assume so, but more by default rather than by design:

class Object {
method hash() {
return .str();

method str() {
return .id();

method id() {
return sprintf(%s(%#x), .class,
#Or some such nonsense

@roles=map {Parrot $_} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

If you want to propagate an outrageously evil idea, your conclusion
must be brazenly clear, but your proof unintelligible.
--Ayn Rand, explaining how today's philosophies came to be

Re: [perl #18782] [PTACH] long double support i386/linux

2002-12-12 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Leopold Toetsch (via RT) wrote:

# New Ticket Created by  Leopold Toetsch 
# Please include the string:  [perl #18782]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 

As no one complained (or answered) I have checked in long double support 
for i386.

To test this, compile a perl 5.8.0 with long double support:

rm -f
sh Configure -Dprefix=/opt/perl-ld -Duselongdouble
make test
make install

After this, parrots perl defaults to long double. To use 
8 byte doubles again you can run perl --floatval=double.

Test results (also with JIT)

Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/src/sprintf.t1   256 21  50.00%  1

Here is myconfig:
Summary of my parrot 0.0.8 configuration:
  configdate='Thu Dec 12 10:09:52 2002'
osname=linux, archname=i686-linux-ld
jitcapable=1, jitarchname=i386-linux,
jitosname=linux, jitcpuarch=i386
cc='cc', ccflags='-fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include 
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='cc', ldflags=' -L/usr/local/lib ',
libs='-lnsl -ldl -lm -lposix -lcrypt -lutil'
  Dynamic Linking:
so='.so', ld_shared='-shared -L/usr/local/lib',
iv=long, intvalsize=4, intsize=4, opcode_t=long, opcode_t_size=4,
ptrsize=4, ptr_alignment=1 byteorder=1234,
nv=long double, numvalsize=12, doublesize=8

Success (only ;-) messages for other i386 system welcome.
(The format char %Lf in might need adjustment for different 


Re: right-to-left pipelines

2002-12-12 Thread Luke Palmer
 Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 02:19:18 -0500
 From: Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Since that may be either:
$foo = bar($x, $y), foo()
 in which case it's in scalar context, or
$foo = bar($x, $y, foo())

 in which case it's in list context (sort of)

 The fun thing is that, potentially, you need to actually *call* foo() 
 to figure out what context to call foo in. (Since, depending on what 
 it returns, you may dispatch to different bar subs, which may or may 
 not actually need what foo returns, thus changing its context)

A similar thing arises with multimethods:

class Foo;  class Bar;

sub baz(*@args);
sub foo(Foo $thing) { ... }
sub foo(Bar $thing, $arg) { ... }

sub bar($blah) {
  if $blah {
return new Foo:;# is that : required?
  else {
return new Bar:;

baz foo bar $x, $y; 

If $x is true, that's:

baz(foo(bar($x)), $y)

Otherwise, it's:

baz(foo(bar($x), $y));

It's not as paradoxical as Dan's example, but it's also not fixable
with an actually, context ... argument.

As a solution (not just to this, just as a general sanity mechanism),
I propose that we

  a) Only differentiate between unary and list ops, as in Perl 5.  
  b) Consider a sub unary only if _all_ of it's versions are unary.

Thus, in this case, it would parse as:

baz(foo(bar($x), $y));

And if $x happened to be true, a run-time error would occur.

This way, people would not have to remember how many arguments things
take, just whether they're unary or not.  This allows for easier
parsing on the human side, and encourages parentheses when they would
be beneficial to readers.


Re: is it required to use type declarations? (was Re: 'hashkey context/Str context')

2002-12-12 Thread Dave Storrs
On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 12:13:49PM -0700, Luke Palmer wrote:
  [Dks wrote:]
  So...are we intending that types and type safety will be like 'use
  strict' (optional and only on request), or will they be like sigils
  (mandatory, can't be turned off)?  Or, perhaps, on by default but able
  to be turned off?
 Optional by request, but not explicit request.  If you type a
 variable, you're asking for type checking on that variable.

Excellent.  That's the best of all worlds.  Thanks; I am much relieved.


Re: REs as generators

2002-12-12 Thread Dave Storrs
On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 10:35:47AM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
 Dave Storrs wrote:
  - the ability for the programmer to set limiters (??better name??)
  on the junction, which will specify how the junction should
  collapse--e.g. always collapse to the lowest/highest value that hasn't
  been supplied yet, or to the lowest/highest unsupplied value that
  causes a particular code block to return true, or whatever.
 Junctions don't collapse. They distribute.
 Remember: Junctions Aren't Quantum.

Ah.  Obviously, I don't know JAQ. (sorry)

However, I don't believe this answers my question...or, more likely, I
am just misunderstanding junctions.  I believe that this code:

my $i = one(7...);
print $i;

Is roughly equivalent to this English:

- declare a lexical variable $i 
- create a junction.  The states of the junction are (7..Inf).  The
type of the junction is one 
- assign the junction to $i
- distribute the junction [that still doesn't sound right, but ok] by
choosing one of the states (at random??)
- print the number chosen in the previous step.

First of all, am I correct about this?

Second, what I was originally asking is this: could there be some way
for the programmer to attach a (method/code block/sub/whatever) to the
junction, such that when the state is chosen, the default method of
choosing a state is overriden by the code supplied by the programmer.


Re: Comparing Object Identity (was: Re: Stringification of references (Decision, Please?))

2002-12-12 Thread Dave Storrs
On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 02:54:18PM -0800, Dave Whipp wrote:
 Michael Lazzaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  After thinking about it a little more, I'll set myself on the yes
  side.  And propose either '===' or ':=:' to do it.
 Definitely '==='.

Hopefully, this thread has been settled by Damian's pointing out the
existence of id(), but could I put in a strong vote against the use of
'===' for anything?  It is far too easy to misread as ==, IMHO.


Re: right-to-left pipelines

2002-12-12 Thread Piers Cawley
Simon Cozens [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Deborah Ariel Pickett) writes:
 About this point was when my brain when a ha!.  But I'm not yet
 convinced that generating all possible parses is (a) of sane time
 complexity, and (b) a little *too* DWIM for its own good.

 As I said, I wasn't sure whether or not I was being serious at this point.

   method bar($x, $y) {
   method bar($z) {  # note 1
  Oh, bringing in multimethods Just Isn't Fair.
 Those are multimethods?  Migod, I feel like a person who's just
 discovered for the first time in their life that the plate that gets
 passed around in church is for putting money *onto*.

 Oh, if you have a method which does X when it gets one argument and does
 Y when it gets another, I'd call that a multimethod. But then, I am no
 OO wizard.

I believe what Deborah is talking about is a special case of a
multimethod. Real multimethods get to dispatch on more than just the
first argument, but if you have real multimethods then function
overloading just falls out.


   It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite.
 -- Jane Austen?

Re: Stringification of references (Decision, Please?)

2002-12-12 Thread Piers Cawley
Michael Lazzaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Wednesday, December 11, 2002, at 10:36  AM, John Siracusa wrote:
 Are we married to the AS_* thing?

 Not really -- whatever works.  We also had .debug, .identity, and .id
 proposed, for example.

 You shouldn't be stringifying objects merely to test if they're the
 same object -- yuck.  It was an artifact of Perl5 that we should be
 So, what is the Perl 6 way to test this?

 I was hoping someone would ask that.  :-)  We don't _have_ a way,
 AFAIK.  It was discussed briefly during the operator thread, but
 without decision.  We know:

$obj1 == $obj2;  # compares them numerically
$obj1 eq $obj2;  # compares them stringically

 We could override either C== or Ceq of CObject to do it.  Then
 we have to ask what happens if you say:

$obj == 5;
$obj eq 'foo';

 That would hopefully *not* compare the identity of $obj to either 5 or
 'foo', but instead Do The Right Thing (numerify or stringify $obj).
 So presumably, this is a job for multimethod variants of
 class-specific C== or Ceq operators.  Well, sortof.

 OR, you just explicitly compare the identities, e.g.

 $obj1.identify == $obj2.identity;   # yuck

I like this. Gets 'round needing a million and one different equality
operators. If you find yourself using a particular form more often
than others then just write yourself an operator.


   It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite.
 -- Jane Austen?

Re: Comparing Object Identity (was: Re: Stringification of references (Decision, Please?))

2002-12-12 Thread Aaron Crane
Damian Conway writes:
 There's no need for special methods or (gods forbid) more operators.
 $ == $
 That's what the universal Cid method is *for*.

How universal are universal methods?

That is, can a programmer override .id() in a user-defined class?  If so,
simply comparing .id for numeric equality isn't a good enough way of
comparing object identity.  I think you'd have to do something like

  $obj1.UNIVERSAL::id == $obj2.UNIVERSAL::id

which is getting fairly verbose.  But I also have a feeling of non-specific
unease at the idea that I might _not_ be able to override a universal

Another question.  Consider the integer 17.  There are two plausible
representations for it -- one boxed, and one unboxed.  There might also
be several distinct boxed 17s that aren't object-identical.  My question
is whether all of those should have the same .id().  That is, should the
programmer be allowed to determine whether two apparently-identical
numbers have the same representation, or should .id() fudge the issue by
pretending that all representations of a number of a given type are

Aaron Crane * GBdirect Ltd.

Re: Everything is an object.

2002-12-12 Thread Piers Cawley
Simon Cozens [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Whipp) writes:
 There is a difference between verbs and noun. Sometimes you don't want
 to associate a verb with an object: you want to associate it with the

 Verbs are almost always associated with their subject in OO languages,
 so I don't see where you're coming from.

 the cat sat on the mat
 is that



 This one. If you called
 in Perl 5, who would you expect to be sitting on what?

C $cat.sat_on($the_mat)  is surely a predicate, returning true or false
depending on whether the cat is on the mat or not. But unless I can
write it as C $cat.sat_on?($the_mat)  then I'd be very cross with
anyone who didn't call the method C is_sat_on .


   It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite.
 -- Jane Austen?

Re: Comparing Object Identity

2002-12-12 Thread Piers Cawley
Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
 Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 19:21:35 -0500
 From: John Siracusa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-SMTPD: qpsmtpd/0.20,
 On 12/11/02 6:16 PM, Damian Conway wrote:
  There's no need for special methods or (gods forbid) more operators.
 $ == $
  That's what the universal Cid method is *for*.
 I must have missed this (or forgotten it?)  Any chance of it becoming .ID or
 .oid or even ._id?  I'm kind of attached to using an id method on objects
 that represent things in a database... :-/

 Well I use .str all the time, an .eq is one of my favorites!  Don't
 take those, put a prefix on them!

 Theoretically, there are sufficiently few Object methods to warrant
 normal names.  

Right now there are 'sufficiently few' Object methods, but I'm betting
that before the game is over there's going to a be a whole pile
more, just take a look at any Smalltalk image if you don't believe
me. But that's no reason for upcasing said methodnames. Anyway, you
haven't lived 'til you've added a suite of methods to
UNIVERSAL/Object; it's how we make Pixie work for instance.


   It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite.
 -- Jane Austen?

Help with setting up Perl6

2002-12-12 Thread Jared Rhine
I'd like to help write some test cases for Perl6 to deliver on that
part of this group's charter.

I'm having problems getting Perl 6 working, and I'd like help.  This
may be off-charter for this group, but there's hardly a better place,
and the info is probably generally useful to others also seeking to
create tests (nudge nudge).

The head of the tree won't compile for me (dod.c:508: undefined
reference to `flush_register_windows'), but RELEASE_0_0_8 will (as
described below).  The perl6 test harness is failing for me though.

So, starting with a blank directory, I:

  cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/public login
  [return for blank password]
  cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/public checkout -r RELEASE_0_0_8  parrot
  cd parrot
  perl Configure.PL

Everything through this point works ok, as far as I can tell.  I get a
functional parrot binary in the top directory and a make test goes off
its merry way passing all the basic and jako tests.

Harness output:

  All tests successful, 5 subtests skipped.
  Files=26, Tests=433, 579 wallclock secs (440.29 cusr + 34.98 csys =
  475.27 CPU)

So I proceed to try to play with perl6:

  cd languages/perl6

and it proceeds to go into the imcc, classes, and doc directories to
make and I end up with a blib/lib/libparrot.a.  Still no errors.

So I try a 'make test', and I get:

-- begin --

- make test
/usr/bin/perl t/harness
t/compiler/1...Can't bless non-reference value at
../../ line 163.
# Failed test (t/compiler/1.t at line 7)
#  got: 'Parrot VM: Can't stat t/compiler/1_1.pbc, code 2.
# '
# expected: 'Hello, world
# '
t/compiler/1...NOK 1Can't bless non-reference value at ../../ line 
# Failed test (t/compiler/1.t at line 16)
#  got: 'Parrot VM: Can't stat t/compiler/1_2.pbc, code 2.
# '
# expected: '5
# -1
# 6
# 3.00
# 2
# 23
# 8.00
# 8.00
# 2.00
# 0.50
# '
t/compiler/1...NOK 2

-- end --

In languages/perl6/t/compiler/1_1.err, I get:

  Can't find loader Parrot_DynOp_core_0_0_7: ../imcc/imcc: undefined
  symbol: Parrot_DynOp_core_0_0_7

which is suspicious for the 0_0_7 when I actually checked out 0_0_8.

For kicks, I rebuilt the Perl6 grammer via './perl6 --force-grammar',
and that works.

If I manually feed some code to perl6 (cat examples/life-ar.p6 |
./perl6), it produces a reasonable 'a.imc' file .  I've tried
deconstructing the perl6 Makefile and run the steps individually but
everything has broken in ways that make me think I'm missing something
more fundamental.

I'll try this procedure again when 0.0.9 comes out soon, but this is
more likely my problem.  Suggestions?

Version: 3.12
d s:+++ a-
C++()$ USL P+++ L+++ E++(+++) W N- !o !K w !O M V
PS+++(-) PE++(--) Y+ PGP++
t@ 5 X+ R+ tv++-- b++ DI+ D- G
e++ h- r+ y+++

Re: [perl #18745] [PATCH] config test for i386 fcomip

2002-12-12 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Leopold Toetsch (via RT) wrote:

# New Ticket Created by  Leopold Toetsch 
# Please include the string:  [perl #18745]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 

I did put in a patch based on #18745
- jit/i386 test for fcomip (old pentiums don't have it)
- NEW to actually use the test result
- extended genfile() to eval the file - this is the most 
flexible way to generate some config defines - if it's too dangerous 
feel free to make it more safe.

Have fun,

Re: Jako and Native Calls

2002-12-12 Thread Leopold Toetsch

Dan --

We were talking earlier about Jako supporting native calls. I have looked
at PDD 6 and PDD 3, and here's what I think so far...

I don't think I can get the native call stuff working until I have IMCC 
for PDD 3. IMCC is totally in charge of what goes into each register, 

You can always define an explicit register:

  I5 = your_var
  I6 = another
  I7 = $I199
  call _the_sub	# or invoke
  result_var = I5

Above snipped should be probably wrapped into its own sub, where you can 
saveall your registers.


-- Gregor


Re: Partially Memoized Functions

2002-12-12 Thread James Mastros
On 12/10/2002 5:46 PM, Smylers wrote:

OK.  There was something on MJD's QOTW recently where using the current
Perl 5 Memoize module slowed code down -- that gave me the impression
that caching had the potential.

It does.  In fact, all caching has that potential.  Specificly, if the 
time to look up somthing in the cache is greater then the time to 
recompute it, caching is a loose.  Additionaly, if the hit rate 
(probablity; 0..1) times the time to recompute the datum is less then 
the time to look up the result in the cache, it's a loss for that datum.

MJD has a set of presentation slides on this at -- Quantitative Analysis of 

	-=- James Mastros

PS -- This is getting offtopic, even for p6l.

Re: superposed parsers (was: right-to-left pipelines)

2002-12-12 Thread Simon Cozens
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen McCamant) writes:
 Simon I'm afraid I can't tell whether or not I'm being serious any
 Simon more.
 I don't know if this has been discussed before, but there are
 completely serious parsing algorithms that work this way

Morale: If you can come up with a crazy enough idea on perl6-language,
someone else will show how it can be seriously implemented.

... though the Japanese must be the most stupid people... I'm sure I
read somewhere that Tokyo has the densest population in the world...
- Gid Holyoake, sdm.

Re: right-to-left pipelines

2002-12-12 Thread Andy Wardley
Michael Lazzaro asked:
 foo $a, $b, $c, $d;   # how many args?

Damian Conway wrote:
 Yep. Can't be known unless predeclared and hence compile-time discernible.
 And methods can't be discerned in the presence of run-time dispatch.

Is that not the purpose of an interface?  That is, to specify at compile 
time that a given object conforms to a particular set of method signatures?

The method is still resolved for dispatch at runtime, depending on the object 
type, multimethod arguments, etc.  At compile time we don't know which method 
will be called, but, thanks to the interface, we do know what argument(s) it 
will be expecting.


Re: Comparing Object Identity (was: Re: Stringification of references (Decision, Please?))

2002-12-12 Thread James Mastros
On 12/12/2002 5:50 AM, Aaron Crane wrote:

Damian Conway writes:

There's no need for special methods or (gods forbid) more operators.

$ == $

That's what the universal Cid method is *for*.

How universal are universal methods?

That is, can a programmer override .id() in a user-defined class?  If so,
simply comparing .id for numeric equality isn't a good enough way of
comparing object identity.  
I'd say that you can override .id, but if you do, you deserve what you 
get.  That is to say, if your .id method lies, and somebody tests that 
two objects are the same with .id, you should be sure that you're 
prepared to accept all the complications of answering the way you do.

Also, it's likely that .id will be implemented with a single Parrot 
opcode, so you'll loose a lot of efficency by overriding it.

Another question.  Consider the integer 17.  There are two plausible
representations for it -- one boxed, and one unboxed.  There might also
be several distinct boxed 17s that aren't object-identical.  My question
is whether all of those should have the same .id().  
Here's my basic defintion of ID: Two things should have the same ID 
if-and-only-if they will behave exactly the same, now and forevermore.

Thus, there should be one ID for all constants of the same value, which 
is different from all constants of different value.  (This is probably 
unimplementable if we gaurntee IDs are of some constant length.)

Two objects should only have the same ID if they are aliases of 
each-other: they always have the same instance values, and the same 
value (but) properties.

Promotable, but unpromoted, Ints should have different IDs, because they 
may at some point, have different values.

Any unconsidered cases?

That is, should the
programmer be allowed to determine whether two apparently-identical
numbers have the same representation, or should .id() fudge the issue by
pretending that all representations of a number of a given type are

Some of both.  Not all constants of the same number neccessarly have the 
same reprensentation in PBC -- to whit, a constant float in different 
compilation units will get different slots in the constant table, but 
are really identical.  The same is true of constant strings.  (Constant 
integers are inlined, and thus this doesn't apply to them -- they really 
are identical.)

	-=- James Mastros

Re: Comparing Object Identity

2002-12-12 Thread James A. Duncan

On Thursday, December 12, 2002, at 10:49  am, Piers Cawley wrote:

Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 19:21:35 -0500
From: John Siracusa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-SMTPD: qpsmtpd/0.20,

On 12/11/02 6:16 PM, Damian Conway wrote:

There's no need for special methods or (gods forbid) more operators.

   $ == $

That's what the universal Cid method is *for*.

I must have missed this (or forgotten it?)  Any chance of it 
becoming .ID or
.oid or even ._id?  I'm kind of attached to using an id method on 
that represent things in a database... :-/

Well I use .str all the time, an .eq is one of my favorites!  Don't
take those, put a prefix on them!

Theoretically, there are sufficiently few Object methods to warrant
normal names.

Right now there are 'sufficiently few' Object methods, but I'm betting
that before the game is over there's going to a be a whole pile
more, just take a look at any Smalltalk image if you don't believe
me. But that's no reason for upcasing said methodnames. Anyway, you
haven't lived 'til you've added a suite of methods to
UNIVERSAL/Object; it's how we make Pixie work for instance.

But in fairness we do distinguish our method names with a different 
convention 'px_'.  We prefix the methods more because people aren't 
used to the UNIVERSAL::* hierarchy being mucked around in, and methods 
suddenly cropping up may be surprising.

I think there may be a cultural issue here - in Smalltalk if someone 
messes with a method higher up in the hierarchy its visible quickly by 
virtue of the browser and the image. Adding a method in Smalltalk's 
MetaObject/Class/Object hierarchy isn't going to be that dangerous, 
because everybody can see that it has been added, and its therefore 
culturally exposed and therefore subject to debate[0].  Not so in Perl. 
 Perl, of course, lets you stick a method that exists in any package 
anywhere on the system[1].  You can add methods to UNIVERSAL from 
anywhere, and this gets really complex when you start overriding 
existing methods. For example, if you're not happy with UNIVERSAL::isa, 
it can be replaced with a sub UNIVERSAL::isa {} pretty much 
anywhere[2].  You may get a warning but its pretty easy to turn it off, 
and tracking it down would be a real pain without some pretty serious 
reflection capabilities.

Of course pretty serious reflection capabilities would be Very Nice 
Indeed, but anyway...


[0] Read: argument.
[1] This is not a bad thing, its just a different thing.
[2] This probably is a bad thing in most circumstances.

RE: right-to-left pipelines

2002-12-12 Thread Peter Haworth
On Tue, 10 Dec 2002 13:02:18 -0800, Brent Dax wrote:
 Peter Haworth:
 #   @b = @a.grep { /\S/ }, $c;
 # how does the compiler know whether $c is an argument to grep, 
 # or another element to be assigned to @b?
 The same way it does when it sees a normal sub?
 I know, late binding and all that.  But when you think about it, a lot
 can be done to simulate the conditions otherwise.  For example, with a
 definition like this:
   class Foo {
   method bar($self: $baz) { ... }
 And a call like this:
   @b=$ $baz, $quux;
 Where we can see *at runtime* that $quux is too many arguments, we can
 just append it to the end of bar()'s return value.  (This would only
 happen when there were no parentheses.)

But at runtime, we don't necessarily have a good idea of what the original
code looked like (we've compiled to bytecode, and the user may have stripped
all the useful metadata from the .pbc file), or a way to generate new bytecode
on the fly (the user may have opted to exclude the runtime eval capability).
For this to work, we'd have to compile every possible variation of the syntax
tree, and decide which of them was appropriate at runtime. Ick.

In a strictly typed language you can do this without too many surprises.
I don't think it's appropriate for Perl, except possibly for certain special
cases like blocks as the only argument.

Peter Haworth   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
'As Annie Oakley almost said, Anything you can do, I can do meta.'
-- Larry Wall

Re: REs as generators

2002-12-12 Thread Luke Palmer
 Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
 Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 17:24:54 -0800
 From: Dave Storrs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Content-Disposition: inline
 X-SMTPD: qpsmtpd/0.20,
 On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 10:35:47AM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
  Dave Storrs wrote:
   - the ability for the programmer to set limiters (??better name??)
   on the junction, which will specify how the junction should
   collapse--e.g. always collapse to the lowest/highest value that hasn't
   been supplied yet, or to the lowest/highest unsupplied value that
   causes a particular code block to return true, or whatever.
  Junctions don't collapse. They distribute.
  Remember: Junctions Aren't Quantum.
 Ah.  Obviously, I don't know JAQ. (sorry)
 However, I don't believe this answers my question...or, more likely, I
 am just misunderstanding junctions.  I believe that this code:
   my $i = one(7...);
   print $i;
 Is roughly equivalent to this English:
 - declare a lexical variable $i 
 - create a junction.  The states of the junction are (7..Inf).  The
   type of the junction is one 
 - assign the junction to $i
 - distribute the junction [that still doesn't sound right, but ok] by
   choosing one of the states (at random??)
 - print the number chosen in the previous step.

No collapsing.  Not without an explicit .pick.  It would call Cprint
with each of the values of $i  (unless print was designed to accept a
junction, in which case you'd get some stringification/serialization
of the junction).  Cprint would return a one() junction of whatever
print returned after printing each value, but what do you care,
they're all in the garbage anyway? :)

 First of all, am I correct about this? 

No. As I just explained.

 Second, what I was originally asking is this: could there be some way
 for the programmer to attach a (method/code block/sub/whatever) to the
 junction, such that when the state is chosen, the default method of
 choosing a state is overriden by the code supplied by the programmer.

Your question is now irrelevant.


[INFO] jit_debug

2002-12-12 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Stabs gdb support now can show parrot registers.

e.g. complicated program:

	set I0, 10
	set N1, 1.1
	set S2, abc

(gdb) p I0
$2 = 10
(gdb) p N1
$3 = 1.1001
(gdb) p *S2
$4 = {bufstart = 0x815ad30, buflen = 15, flags = 336128, bufused = 3, 
strstart = 0x815ad30 abc}
(gdb) p S2
$5 = (struct Parrot_String *) 0x81628a8

The view of strings is actually simplified in the stabs file, e.g. 
showing strstart as string (which is handy) and omitting some members.

You can set parrot registers too in gdb.
When running inside JIT, the N and I-Registers might still be in 
processor registers and therefore show old values inside gdb.

What fields would be useful for PMCs?

Have fun,


PS attached dddp (usage: dddp j for running j.pbc and starting ddd 
with symbols)

# run ddd parrot with given file
# gdb confirmations should be off
echo b runops_jit
r -d -j --gc-debug $1.pbc
add-symbol-file $1.o 0

ddd --command .ddd parrot 

Re: Properties

2002-12-12 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Simon Glover wrote:

On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Dan Sugalski wrote:

Are in. You can now get, set, delete, and get a hash of PMC
properties. (Hopefully)

Alas, no tests. Working on that, but if someone wants to beat me to
it, feel free.

 I would expect this:

new P0, .PerlInt
new P1, .PerlInt

set S0, Brown
set P0, Yes
setprop P1, S0, P0

set S0, Black

hash keys are only referenced not copied into the hash. So you reset 
here the first key to Black ...

 In fact, it prints:


... which explains this.



Re: Properties

2002-12-12 Thread Simon Glover

On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

 Simon Glover wrote:

  On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 Are in. You can now get, set, delete, and get a hash of PMC
 properties. (Hopefully)
 Alas, no tests. Working on that, but if someone wants to beat me to
 it, feel free.
   I would expect this:
  new P0, .PerlInt
  new P1, .PerlInt
  set S0, Brown
  set P0, Yes
  setprop P1, S0, P0
  set S0, Black

 hash keys are only referenced not copied into the hash. So you reset
 here the first key to Black ...

 I see what you mean; changing the code to this:

new P0, .PerlInt
new P1, .PerlInt
new P3, .PerlInt

set S0, Brown
set P0, Yes
setprop P1, S0, P0

set S0, Black
set P3, No
setprop P1, S0, P3

new P2, .PerlString
getprop P2, Brown, P1
print P2
print \n

getprop P2, Black, P1
print P2
print \n


 does indeed print:


 This still doesn't answer my question, though: is the fact that the keys
 are passed by reference a bug or a feature?

 Also, the above code (and the original version) still segfaults if I run
 it with --gc-debug.


Re: Parrot v0.0.9 code freeze

2002-12-12 Thread Juergen Boemmels
Steve Fink [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Heads up. The weather report indicates a feature freeze on Sat
 2002-Dec-14 at 20:00 GMT (12:00 PST, 15:00 EST, 21:00 CET), leading to
 a release on Wed 2002-Dec-18. So if you have any feature changes that
 you want to get into 0.0.9 (and it isn't too destabilizing), please
 commit them before Saturday.

Is it possible to put patch #18379 in?
This patch brings languages scheme in the direction of a functional
language. It shouldn't break anything, because its only a scheme -
pasm translation.

Juergen Boemmels[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fachbereich Physik  Tel: ++49-(0)631-205-2817
Universitaet Kaiserslautern Fax: ++49-(0)631-205-3906
PGP Key fingerprint = 9F 56 54 3D 45 C1 32 6F  23 F6 C7 2F 85 93 DD 47

Re: Properties

2002-12-12 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 10:47 AM -0500 12/12/02, Simon Glover wrote:

 This still doesn't answer my question, though: is the fact that the keys
 are passed by reference a bug or a feature?

Feature. The crashing, though, is a bug. And (D'oh!) I know where, 
too--the GC doesn't know about the prop hash member so it's not 
getting considered. I'll go fix.

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Parrot v0.0.9 code freeze

2002-12-12 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 4:51 PM +0100 12/12/02, Juergen Boemmels wrote:

Steve Fink [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Heads up. The weather report indicates a feature freeze on Sat
 2002-Dec-14 at 20:00 GMT (12:00 PST, 15:00 EST, 21:00 CET), leading to
 a release on Wed 2002-Dec-18. So if you have any feature changes that
 you want to get into 0.0.9 (and it isn't too destabilizing), please
 commit them before Saturday.

Is it possible to put patch #18379 in?
This patch brings languages scheme in the direction of a functional
language. It shouldn't break anything, because its only a scheme -
pasm translation.

It's in.

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: [perl #19031] [PATCH] befunge's Makefile autogenerated by configure

2002-12-12 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 8:30 AM + 12/11/02, Jerome Quelin (via RT) wrote:

Thanks to bf's example, I'm now writing Befunge Makefile while
configuring Parrot. I hope that I did not miss sthg important. Please
note that $PARROT/languages/befunge/Makefile should go (the patch only
empties it AFAICT) - and I removed it from MANIFEST.

Applied, thanks.

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: [INFO] Buffer/PMC unification

2002-12-12 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 1:12 PM +0100 12/11/02, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

Changes #6.

- PMC_*_FLAGs are history.
- I did remove the bogus looking, unused, untested and superfluous 
destroy from core.ops

It's not actually superfluous. If for some reason someone wants to 
write part of the GC cleanup sweep in pasm, they'll need it. It's 
also needed when code needs to explicitly kill a PMC.

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Properties

2002-12-12 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Simon Glover wrote:

On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

 This still doesn't answer my question, though: is the fact that the keys
 are passed by reference a bug or a feature?

hash.c works like this. If it's a bug or feature WRT properties - I 
don't know.

 Also, the above code (and the original version) still segfaults if I run
 it with --gc-debug.

With my recent changes in dod.c/headers.c checked out from CVS?



Re: Properties

2002-12-12 Thread Simon Glover

On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

 Simon Glover wrote:

   Also, the above code (and the original version) still segfaults if I run
   it with --gc-debug.

 With my recent changes in dod.c/headers.c checked out from CVS?

 Yep. I've just double-checked with a completely fresh check-out.


Re: [INFO] Buffer/PMC unification

2002-12-12 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Dan Sugalski wrote:

At 1:12 PM +0100 12/11/02, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

Changes #6.

- PMC_*_FLAGs are history.
- I did remove the bogus looking, unused, untested and superfluous 
destroy from core.ops

It's not actually superfluous. If for some reason someone wants to write 
part of the GC cleanup sweep in pasm, they'll need it. It's also needed 
when code needs to explicitly kill a PMC.

Just don't reference the PMC and it will go away. I can't imagine the 
some reason it will be dead slow.

And, actively destroying something is dangerous.

When there is a real need for it, ok - then add it again.


Re: Properties

2002-12-12 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 11:29 AM -0500 12/12/02, Simon Glover wrote:

On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

 Simon Glover wrote:

   Also, the above code (and the original version) still segfaults if I run
   it with --gc-debug.

 With my recent changes in dod.c/headers.c checked out from CVS?

 Yep. I've just double-checked with a completely fresh check-out.

Weird. It doesn't die for me, which is annoying. We'll work it into a 
test and see where it does fail in the tinderbox.

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Properties

2002-12-12 Thread Simon Glover

On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

 Simon Glover wrote:

  On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
 Simon Glover wrote:

  Also, the above code (and the original version) still segfaults if I run
  it with --gc-debug.

 With my recent changes in dod.c/headers.c checked out from CVS?

   Yep. I've just double-checked with a completely fresh check-out.

 prot tests do segfault here[1] w/o the change in dod.c and don't
 segfault with marking metadata as in CVS - strange (your snippet runs
 fine too).

 Mystery solved; I'd botched writing the test, and it was segfaulting
 for a completely different reason (forgetting to create a PMC before
 assigning to it). With a properly written test, it now works as expected.
 Sorry for wasting your time, gentlemen.


Re: Properties

2002-12-12 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Dan Sugalski wrote:

At 11:29 AM -0500 12/12/02, Simon Glover wrote:

Weird. It doesn't die for me, which is annoying. We'll work it into a 
test and see where it does fail in the tinderbox.

The newly added test case #2 was -hmmm- somewhat wrong.

leo - no segfault

Re: A work list! (Coming soon)

2002-12-12 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Dan Sugalski wrote:

What I'd like is for folks to take the next day or three to think of the 
things that they need parrot to do that aren't working or designed yet, 
and throw them at the list. 

- badly needed: line numbers in packfile (implying PBC extensions)
- run through KNOWN_ISSUES (which I updated not too long ago) and
  make this file as short as before my update ;-)
- DOD with optimized parrot compile (mark processor regs) on $arch?

- Design documents e.g. vtable var/value split

I would like to have a docs/architectures.pod with all pecularities of 
all todo supported $arch's. Same would be fine for C-compilers.

Enough for now,

Re: String Literals, take 3

2002-12-12 Thread Peter Haworth
On Tue, 10 Dec 2002 16:08:25 -0500, Joseph F. Ryan wrote:
 Peter Haworth wrote:

 On Thu, 05 Dec 2002 15:17:57 -0500, Joseph F. Ryan wrote:
 Again, C STRING.split(' ')  is different than
  C STRING.split(/\s+/) . The latter will add an empty element to the
 beginning of the string if there is leading whitespace, which is not the
 behaivor  will have (if it acts like qw(), at any rate.)
 I hate this special case. Why is there no way of specifying the removal
 of leading empty elements with any other separator string?

 Given that strings and regular expressions are different types of objects,
 maybe the single whitespace rule could be extended to any single
 character delimeter

That's still an unchangeable special case. In some circumstances, I might
want leading empty fields when I specify space as the separator, and in
others I might want them stripped with any random separator string or
regex. There needs to be a way to explicitly specify whether leading blanks
are required.

Peter Haworth   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I think that was lobotomy rather than trepanation wasn't it? Important to
 understand the difference if you're considering trepanning yourself at home
-- Robin Houston

Re: Help with setting up Perl6

2002-12-12 Thread Sean O'Rourke
On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Jared Rhine wrote:
 In languages/perl6/t/compiler/1_1.err, I get:

   Can't find loader Parrot_DynOp_core_0_0_7: ../imcc/imcc: undefined
   symbol: Parrot_DynOp_core_0_0_7

 which is suspicious for the 0_0_7 when I actually checked out 0_0_8.

You're right on the mark here.  If you re-checkout imcc from 2002/09/06
01:21:17 or later, the version number should be fixed, and things should
work much better.


Re: Comparing Object Identity (was: Re: Stringification of references (Decision, Please?))

2002-12-12 Thread John Siracusa
On 12/11/02 11:41 PM, Luke Palmer wrote:
 More generally, I really don't want to have too many (any?) system object
 method names squatting in my all-lowercase object method namespace.  It's
 not hard to think of many kinds of objects that would naturally have an id
 attribute, but must now have foo_id and bar_id methods because the
 (probably rarely used) id method from UNIVERSAL (or whatever it is today)
 is hogging it.
 I'd argue that you'd better pick a better name than .id anyway.  You
 wouldn't use .foo_id and .bar_id, you'd use .descriptor or .index
 (though that one's not too much more descriptive than .index).  I'd
 say .id should be kept short and sweet, because it's going to be used
 on a wider variety of objects than your database .id.

I use the id attribute of my database objects much more often than I
compare object identities.  IMO, common method names like id should be
in the user's domain, to be used as is applicable to each kind of object.


RE: Comparing Object Identity

2002-12-12 Thread Brent Dax
Piers Cawley:
# Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
#  Theoretically, there are sufficiently few Object methods to warrant 
#  normal names.
# Right now there are 'sufficiently few' Object methods, but 
# I'm betting that before the game is over there's going to a 
# be a whole pile more, just take a look at any Smalltalk image 
# if you don't believe me. But that's no reason for upcasing 

I'll probably burn in Hell for saying this, but in .NET System.Object
only has four methods.  (One of those, however, is GetType(), which you
use to do things like UNIVERSAL::isa() in Perl.)

@roles=map {Parrot $_} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

If you want to propagate an outrageously evil idea, your conclusion
must be brazenly clear, but your proof unintelligible.
--Ayn Rand, explaining how today's philosophies came to be

Re: right-to-left pipelines

2002-12-12 Thread Adam D. Lopresto
 It seems to me that the simplest disambiguating rule is to require the
 parentheses on methods.

The way I see it, any sort of matching of what [multi-]?method is to be called,
is automatically doomed to failure.  But I don't think that means we need to
require parentheses, except to override the default behaviour.  There are three
meanings I can see for parenthesisless calls that are completely regular and
meaningful, easy to read, and quite (debatably) good things.

1) Always assume nulladic.

That is, $ is always parsed exactly like $  The advantage here
is that short simple things can be written short and simply.

2) Always assume monadic.

Personally, I don't think this would be that useful, but I'm mentioning it for
completeness.  Any call that doesn't have parentheses scoops up the next
argument only.

3) Always assume variadic.

Basically a lot like the perl5 rule.  If you call something without
parentheses, the parser puts parentheses around pretty much everything after
it.  If you don't like it, put your own parentheses where you really want them.

foo bar baz quux;

would be parsed as



foo bar, baz;

would be exactly like

foo(bar(), baz());

and if foo is later determined to be something that can only take one argument,
well then too bad.  The idea is that leaving off the parentheses is just
shorthand, and doesn't need to do any lookup to determine whether what's typed
is valid, any more than if you had typed foo(bar(), baz());  If you want foo to
be monadic, call it as foo(bar), baz; or the lispy (foo bar), baz; (with
optional parens after bar and baz, since they don't have anything more they
could eat anyway, unless someone gets crazy enough to write a unary comma
operator).  So basically we can leave off the parentheses in the usual cases,
but they're still required when you're doing something unusual or that would
otherwise be hard to read.
Adam Lopresto ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

I have a very firm grasp on reality!  I can reach out and strangle it any time!

Re: right-to-left pipelines

2002-12-12 Thread Jonathan Scott Duff
On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 09:43:26AM -0600, Adam D. Lopresto wrote:
 So basically we can leave off the parentheses in the usual
 cases, but they're still required when you're doing something unusual
 or that would otherwise be hard to read.

Which is simpler?  You don't need parentheses except in the case that
you're doing something unusual  or you always need parentheses

Surely the latter.  

It seems to me that requiring the parens will cause less confusion in
the long run.  But, I'm just waiting to see what brilliant ideas Larry
et alia come up with  :-)

Jonathan Scott Duff

Re: Everything is an object.

2002-12-12 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Dave Whipp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We seem happy to structure objects (using
 attributes, etc.), but verbs remain flat and uninteresting: just
 arbitrary names.
 As a result of this lack of expressiveness in the grammar, we find
 ourselves saying that if a concept doesn't fit the everything 
 is an object worldview, then it needs to be a built-in. 

This is a good point.

I think that to a certain extent, this can be handled with properties.
It's just that we haven't gotten used to thinking this way, yet.

Already we've borrowed the Spanish ser/estar model (is/but) to
differentiate between permanent and transient characteristics. 
(Then I unpacked my adjectives... He was a hairy bear. He was a scary

Prepositions are kind-of-there with properties, and with the
specially-named-blocks (first, last, etc.) for order-prepositions.

The cat sat on the TV.
The cat sat near the TV.
The cat sat beside the TV.
The @#$@#$ cat sat in front of the TV.

Currently, that's going to be 

$cat.sit($TV but 'near');
$cat.sit($TV but 'beside');
$cat = $cat but '@#$@#$'; 
$cat.sit($TV but 'in front of');

Some adverbial work has been put into blocks-as-arguments, as with sort
(sort these *ascendingly*). But in general, adverbs aren't obviously
there, yet.

(Lolly Lolly Lolly, get your adverbs here!
Quickly quickly quickly, get your adverbs here!
Slowly surely really, learn your adverbs here!)

Another use of adverbs is as intensifiers.

$x = 'useless' but 'necessary';
$y = but very 'necessary'; # How do you say this, really?
$z = but very very 'necessary';

If there were some (automatic) mechanism that ordered objects according
to their necessity (like the new part() built-in!!), the intensifiers
should affect the order:

sub do_stuff(@honeydew)
  my (@a, @b, @c) = part 
 when necessary ; 
  when optional is reversed; #? syntax
  } @honeydew;


Ideally, the @a list and the @c list should honor the intensifiers and
be ordered such that the very-very necessary come before the very
necessary come before the necessary come before the not-very ...

Likewise, adverbs as verb modifiers provides a way to avoid having
several functions with similar behaviors. 

Csort does this with a block: cool. But adverbs like securely,
surely, quickly, and dynamically don't necessarily translate well to
blocks, and they don't set context.

Perhaps we need adverbial scope?

  # From LWP
  # Pass request to the user agent and get a response back
  my $res = $ua-request($req) securely; 

  ... somewhere in the bowels of LWP6? ...
my $pcl = http;
when securely { $pcl = https };

Thus anyone could suggest behavior, and it may-or-may-not be acted
upon in the subsequent code. But the overall activity (the verb, which
is to say the subs/methods) gets done, regardless.



Re: Comparing Object Identity (was: Re: Stringification of references (Decision, Please?))

2002-12-12 Thread James Mastros
(This is a reply to a mail accidently sent to me personaly instead of 
the list.  Buddha, care to resend your other mail?  I havn't quoted it 
in total.)

On 12/12/2002 9:43 AM, Buddha Buck wrote:

James Mastros wrote:

Here's my basic defintion of ID: Two things should have the same ID 
if-and-only-if they will behave exactly the same, now and forevermore.

If I wrote the Perl6 code correctly (and no guarantees that I hit this 
moving target), then once created, a Complex object cannot be modified 
and is indistinguishable by behavior from any other Complex object 
with the same value:

Is it reasonable to have $ == $ 

No, as you can still change the properties of the objects independently. 
If you can't even do that, then yes.

   -=- James Mastros

Re: Comparing Object Identity (was: Re: Stringification of references (Decision, Please?))

2002-12-12 Thread Buddha Buck
(resent as requested)

James Mastros wrote:

Here's my basic defintion of ID: Two things should have the same ID 
if-and-only-if they will behave exactly the same, now and forevermore.

Thus, there should be one ID for all constants of the same value, which 
is different from all constants of different value.  (This is probably 
unimplementable if we gaurntee IDs are of some constant length.)

Two objects should only have the same ID if they are aliases of 
each-other: they always have the same instance values, and the same 
value (but) properties.

Promotable, but unpromoted, Ints should have different IDs, because they 
may at some point, have different values.

Any unconsidered cases?

What about value objects (objects with no methods to change state after

class Complex {
# Hmmm, what's the attribute syntax this week?
attr .real is ro is public;
attr .imaginary is ro is public;

sub new($r, $i) {
   my Complex $obj;
   $obj.real = $r;
   $obj.imaginary = $i;
   return $obj;

method .magnitude { return sqrt($.real * $.real
  + $.imaginary * $.imaginary);

method .conjugate ( return Complex::new($.real, -$.imaginary); }

sub operator::* (Complex $a, Complex $b) is exported {
  return Complex::new($a.real*$b.real-$a.imaginary*$b.imaginary,

If I wrote the Perl6 code correctly (and no guarantees that I hit this
moving target), then once created, a Complex object cannot be modified
and is indistinguishable by behavior from any other Complex object with
the same value:

  my Complex $a = Complex::new(5,4);
  my Complex $b = Complex::new(5,4);

Is it reasonable to have $ == $

Re: Comparing Object Identity (was: Re: Stringification of references (Decision, Please?))

2002-12-12 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 12:20:18PM -0500, James Mastros wrote:
: (This is a reply to a mail accidently sent to me personaly instead of 
: the list.  Buddha, care to resend your other mail?  I havn't quoted it 
: in total.)
: On 12/12/2002 9:43 AM, Buddha Buck wrote:
: James Mastros wrote:
: Here's my basic defintion of ID: Two things should have the same ID 
: if-and-only-if they will behave exactly the same, now and forevermore.
: If I wrote the Perl6 code correctly (and no guarantees that I hit this 
: moving target), then once created, a Complex object cannot be modified 
: and is indistinguishable by behavior from any other Complex object 
: with the same value:
: Is it reasonable to have $ == $ 
: No, as you can still change the properties of the objects independently. 
: If you can't even do that, then yes.

Which basically comes down to this: an id represents a location in
memory for any objects that don't override the .id method.  If you want
to compare two immutable values to see if they're the same value, use a
value comparison, not an id comparison!  Whether two equivalent values
will happen to have the same id should be considered an implementation
detail, and should not generally be relied upon outside the class
because it breaks encapsulation, insofar as it prevents a class from
changing between shared and non-shared implementations of equivalent
values.  I see nothing wrong with having multiple objects with the same
value, even if they happen to be immutable objects.  It's up to the
constructor to enforce identity of equivalent immutable values, if the
class wants to do that.

As for namespace pollution and classes that use .id in Perl 5, I
don't think it's going to be a big problem.  Built-in identifiers
do not have a required prefix, but they have an optional prefix,
which is C*.  I think we can probably parse

$a.*id == $b.*id

if you really need to get to  If our most-global splats
start interfering with our list-flattening splats, we'll have to
change one or the other.  It's the concepts that are important, not
the particular character.  The general concept is that standard names
should be easy to hide locally, but it should be almost as easy to
get back to the standard definition.  One extra character like * is
good Huffman coding for that.  Getting back to intermediate super
or outer versions doesn't have to be so easy, so we have things
like SUPER:: and OUTER:: for that.

I'd almost be tempted to argue that if push comes to shove, it's
the list splat star that gets shoved.


Re: Everything is an object.

2002-12-12 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Wednesday, December 11, 2002, at 06:56  PM, Simon Cozens wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Lazzaro) writes:

Wel... yes and no.  You can make the same argument for operators
upon scalars, for example, since 'scalar' is arguably no more
universal than 'array'.  And we could easily use that argument to
remove *all* builtins, period:

Now you're getting the idea.

Yes.  But Java sucks.  Me no like make Perl like Java.

I would still like to be able to do things in Perl6 like:

@out = sort map {...} grep { ... } @in;# [1]

Even though that technically means having sort, map, grep as builtins.

We can make that

@out = @in.grep({...}).map({...}).sort;# [2]

if we want to grind our OO axe, but I find that syntax disappointing.  
I like that the idea is important enough in Perl to have it's own 
grammar, but I realize the problem of namespace pollution involved in 
having a bunch of builtins called grep, map, whatever.

The only encompassing solution would seem to be to find a grammar rule 
by which map,grep,etc are unambiguously methods of Array, but can still 
be called in a fashion similar to [1].  That would, I suspect, satisfy 


Re: Comparing Object Identity (was: Re: Stringification of references (Decision, Please?))

2002-12-12 Thread John Siracusa
On 12/12/02 12:55 PM, Larry Wall wrote:
 As for namespace pollution and classes that use .id in Perl 5, I
 don't think it's going to be a big problem.  Built-in identifiers
 do not have a required prefix, but they have an optional prefix,
 which is C*.  I think we can probably parse
   $a.*id == $b.*id
 if you really need to get to

That'll only work out if everyone always writes it as *id.  If not, my
Perl 6 objects that override id() won't work correctly with any other
classes or functions that simply call id and expect it to really be *id

But I suspect the reverse will happen.  Everyone will just expect $ to
be functionally the same as $a.*id, so no one will actually ever write
$a.*id.  And so I'm back to losing the ability to have id attributes on
objects in Perl 6 that represent anything other than a place in memory,
and back to my complaint about a system method hogging a common (IME) and
sensible method name for many kinds of objects, using it to store
information that is very infrequently accessed.

Is one extra letter going to kill anyone?  .uid?  .oid?  C'mon, throw me a
bone here... :-}


RE: Comparing Object Identity (was: Re: Stringification of refere nces (Decision, Please?)) [x-adr][x-bayes]

2002-12-12 Thread Garrett Goebel
John Siracusa wrote:
 On 12/12/02 12:55 PM, Larry Wall wrote:
  As for namespace pollution and classes that use .id in Perl 5, I
  don't think it's going to be a big problem.  Built-in identifiers
  do not have a required prefix, but they have an optional prefix,
  which is C*.  I think we can probably parse
$a.*id == $b.*id
  if you really need to get to
 That'll only work out if everyone always writes it as *id.  
 If not, my Perl 6 objects that override id() won't work correctly
 with any other classes or functions that simply call id and
 expect it to really be *id


So we'll _have_ to write $obj.*id when we mean $obj-UNIVERSAL::id;

I'm not sure I understand what Larry means by most-global... Do you mean
outer-most scope, root-of-method-inheritence, or both?

And what of the case we someone does want to explicitly override a builtin
method like UNIVERSAL::can? What is the Perl6 equivalent to:

  *UNIVERSAL::can = sub { print qq{hello\n} };
  sub foo {};
  print main-can('foo');

And what will:


result in?

Larry Wall wrote:
 I'd almost be tempted to argue that if push comes to shove, it's
 the list splat star that gets shoved.

Don't you suspect the list splat will be more common than most-global?

Re: A work list! (Coming soon)

2002-12-12 Thread Juergen Boemmels
Leopold Toetsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 - badly needed: line numbers in packfile (implying PBC extensions)

I have some toughts about PBC file extensions and some half working
code. Unfortunaltly my day time job consumes an enormous amount of
time at the moment. Lets see what i can to this evening.

Juergen Boemmels[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fachbereich Physik  Tel: ++49-(0)631-205-2817
Universitaet Kaiserslautern Fax: ++49-(0)631-205-3906
PGP Key fingerprint = 9F 56 54 3D 45 C1 32 6F  23 F6 C7 2F 85 93 DD 47

Re: A work list! (Coming soon)

2002-12-12 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Juergen Boemmels wrote:

Leopold Toetsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

- badly needed: line numbers in packfile (implying PBC extensions)

I have some toughts about PBC file extensions and some half working
code. Unfortunaltly my day time job consumes an enormous amount of
time at the moment. Lets see what i can to this evening.

No need to get it running today - tomorrow is early enough ;-)

Thanks, would be greate.



[perl #19090] [PATCH] make parrot_v[sfn]*printf behave itself

2002-12-12 Thread Sean O'Rourke
# New Ticket Created by  Sean O'Rourke 
# Please include the string:  [perl #19090]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 

The following defines a macro VA_TO_VAPTR(x) to convert va_list arguments
to pointers in a platform-independent way.  Works for me on Linux-ppc.
Could someone with another CPU give it a spin and/or make sure I hid the
macro in the right part of {config/,lib/Parrot/Configure,...}?


-- attachment  1 --

Index: misc.c
RCS file: /cvs/public/parrot/misc.c,v
retrieving revision 1.30
diff -p -u -w -r1.30 misc.c
--- misc.c  10 Dec 2002 14:24:12 -  1.30
+++ misc.c  12 Dec 2002 23:51:53 -
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ STRING *
 Parrot_vsprintf_s(struct Parrot_Interp *interpreter, STRING *pat, va_list args)
 SPRINTF_OBJ obj = va_core; = args; = VA_TO_VAPTR(args);
 return Parrot_sprintf_format(interpreter, pat, obj);
Index: config/gen/feature_h/
RCS file: /cvs/public/parrot/config/gen/feature_h/,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -p -u -w -r1.1
--- config/gen/feature_h/   12 Dec 2002 11:20:44 -  1.1
+++ config/gen/feature_h/   12 Dec 2002 23:51:55 -
@@ -15,6 +15,15 @@ if (${jit_i386}  ${jit_i386} eq 'fcomi
print OUT #endif\n;
+if (${jitcpuarch} eq 'ppc') {
+print OUT 'END';
+#define VA_TO_VAPTR(x) (x)
+} else {
+print OUT 'END';
+#define VA_TO_VAPTR(x) ((x))
 #endif guard
 print OUT \n\n#endif\n

Re: right-to-left pipelines

2002-12-12 Thread Michael Lazzaro
One possibility for R-to-L pipelines that would also solve the 
namespace issues associated with reserving lots of keywords like map 
and grep and part would be to have a quite literal inverse-C. 
grammar.  So instead of saying


you could _always_ say an equivalent

foo(args) - $a;

Where the invocant $a is at the right, not the left.
(I know, I know... - is just a PLACEHOLDER.  Ambiguous, etc.)

This would allow our visual R-to-L pipelines:

@out = sort {...} - map {...} - grep {...} - @in;

The primary advantage is that Cmap, etc. are *not* reserved keywords, 
but simply object methods of @Array.  You might even override Cgrep 
for individual subclasses of Array, for example, perhaps to attach 
additional variants.

The namespace issues are thus lessened considerably, as it takes the 
specialness away from the particular Cmap-like keywords and puts it 
in the grammar.

And parens might not be needed in the pipe, _if_ - is parsed as 
grammar (similar to how postconditions work), not as an op.

But parsing it may be tricky, in that you can't get the invocant until 
you've already parsed the method name and args.  So methods must either 
always have parens, or always slurp up all possible args -- anything 
else is still ambiguous.


Re: Everything is an object.

2002-12-12 Thread Luke Palmer
 Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 10:11:00 -0800
 From: Michael Lazzaro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Wednesday, December 11, 2002, at 06:56  PM, Simon Cozens wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Lazzaro) writes:
  Wel... yes and no.  You can make the same argument for operators
  upon scalars, for example, since 'scalar' is arguably no more
  universal than 'array'.  And we could easily use that argument to
  remove *all* builtins, period:
  Now you're getting the idea.
 Yes.  But Java sucks.  Me no like make Perl like Java.
 I would still like to be able to do things in Perl6 like:
  @out = sort map {...} grep { ... } @in;# [1]

Or, better yet:

@out = sort map grep @in: { ... }: { ... }:;

Hi Mister Maintainence Programmer :-P


Re: Comparing Object Identity (was: Re: Stringification of refere nces (Decision, Please?)) [x-adr][x-bayes]

2002-12-12 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 12:40:52PM -0600, Garrett Goebel wrote:
: John Siracusa wrote:
:  On 12/12/02 12:55 PM, Larry Wall wrote:
:   As for namespace pollution and classes that use .id in Perl 5, I
:   don't think it's going to be a big problem.  Built-in identifiers
:   do not have a required prefix, but they have an optional prefix,
:   which is C*.  I think we can probably parse
: $a.*id == $b.*id
:   if you really need to get to
:  That'll only work out if everyone always writes it as *id.  
:  If not, my Perl 6 objects that override id() won't work correctly
:  with any other classes or functions that simply call id and
:  expect it to really be *id
: yes...
: So we'll _have_ to write $obj.*id when we mean $obj-UNIVERSAL::id;

If you wish to be precise, yes.  But $ eq $ should work for most any
class that uses the the term id in the typical fashion.

: I'm not sure I understand what Larry means by most-global... Do you mean
: outer-most scope, root-of-method-inheritence, or both?

It's context dependent, just as the meaning of an identifier is context dependent.
In this case, it means root-of-method-inheritance, that is, Object.  (That is
tne new name of UNIVERSAL.)  So $a.*id is short for $a.Object::id.  But $*foo
is short for $Global::foo or some such.

: And what of the case we someone does want to explicitly override a builtin
: method like UNIVERSAL::can? What is the Perl6 equivalent to:
:   *UNIVERSAL::can = sub { print qq{hello\n} };
:   sub foo {};
:   print main-can('foo');

Any of:

method Object::can ($meth) { print qq[hello\n] }


*can := method ($meth) { print qq[hello\n] };


Object::can ::= sub ($object, $method) { print qq[hello\n] };

Hmm.  Those don't really stand out enough.  Maybe we should go with
OBJECT:: and GLOBAL:: just for a little more visual punch.

: And what will:
:   main.*can('foo')
: result in?

These days it's Main, not main.  And it's a module, not a class,
so probably it fails, unless someone can think of something useful
for it to mean.

: Larry Wall wrote:
:  I'd almost be tempted to argue that if push comes to shove, it's
:  the list splat star that gets shoved.
: Don't you suspect the list splat will be more common than most-global?

That's why I said almost.


Re: Comparing Object Identity (was: Re: Stringification of refere nces (Decision, Please?)) [x-adr][x-bayes]

2002-12-12 Thread John Siracusa
On 12/12/02 4:01 PM, Larry Wall wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 12:40:52PM -0600, Garrett Goebel wrote:
 : So we'll _have_ to write $obj.*id when we mean $obj-UNIVERSAL::id;
 If you wish to be precise, yes.  But $ eq $ should work for most any
 class that uses the the term id in the typical fashion.

I still feel like we're talking past each other here.  What I was saying is
that, regardless of any admonitions to the contrary, I think people will
still write this:

$ == $

and expect it to compare memory addresses.  That is not the typical
fashion for an object method named id to work, IMO.

The need to compare memory addresses is so infrequent that warrants a much
less common and/or longer method name than id.


RE: Comparing Object Identity (was: Re: Stringification of refere nces (Decision, Please?)) [x-adr][x-bayes]

2002-12-12 Thread Brent Dax
Larry Wall:
# Hmm.  Those don't really stand out enough.  Maybe we should go with
# OBJECT:: and GLOBAL:: just for a little more visual punch.

How about CORE:: instead of GLOBAL::?  This helps stick with tradition
and minimize the number of reserved packages.

# : And what will:
# : 
# :   main.*can('foo')
# : 
# : result in?
# These days it's Main, not main.  And it's a module, not a 
# class, so probably it fails, unless someone can think of 
# something useful for it to mean.

I'd hope that Perl would allow me to do something like that to see if
Main::foo exists...

@roles=map {Parrot $_} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

If you want to propagate an outrageously evil idea, your conclusion
must be brazenly clear, but your proof unintelligible.
--Ayn Rand, explaining how today's philosophies came to be

Re: Comparing Object Identity

2002-12-12 Thread Dave Whipp
John Siracusa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 memory addresses is so infrequent that warrants a much
 less common and/or longer method name than id.

Another reason for not making these synonymous:

Is the address of an object constant? Or might it be
remapped during the life of an object. For example,
arrays might move when they grow too big; distributed
objects may move as they transfer onto different hosts;
a persistent object might have a new address when
retrieved from backing-store).

I might want to write code such as:

  $remembered_id = $;

 ... [ time passes ] ...

  if $ == $remembered_id { ... }

If memory addresses can change over time, then we
need a more fundamental concept to act as the ID!


Re: Comparing Object Identity

2002-12-12 Thread John Siracusa
On 12/12/02 4:41 PM, Dave Whipp wrote:
 John Siracusa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 memory addresses is so infrequent that warrants a much
 less common and/or longer method name than id.
 Another reason for not making these synonymous:
 If memory addresses can change over time, then we
 need a more fundamental concept to act as the ID!

Heh, it seems like you're supporting my position, but you're really not :)

Whatever the this is the same object value actually is, I don't think it
deserves to live under the method name id.


RE: Comparing Object Identity

2002-12-12 Thread Brent Dax
Dave Whipp:
# Is the address of an object constant? Or might it be
# remapped during the life of an object. For example,
# arrays might move when they grow too big; distributed
# objects may move as they transfer onto different hosts;
# a persistent object might have a new address when
# retrieved from backing-store).

Under all systems I can think of, the memory address of an object's
header is constant.  The data may move, but the header stays constant.
This is to minimize the insanity of pointer chasing in C.

@roles=map {Parrot $_} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

If you want to propagate an outrageously evil idea, your conclusion
must be brazenly clear, but your proof unintelligible.
--Ayn Rand, explaining how today's philosophies came to be

RE: Comparing Object Identity

2002-12-12 Thread Austin Hastings
--- Brent Dax [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dave Whipp:
 # Is the address of an object constant? Or might it be
 # remapped during the life of an object. For example,
 # arrays might move when they grow too big; distributed
 # objects may move as they transfer onto different hosts;
 # a persistent object might have a new address when
 # retrieved from backing-store).
 Under all systems I can think of, the memory address of an object's
 header is constant.  The data may move, but the header stays

The '.id as memory address' scheme fails for any attempt to use 
id persistence (NOT object persistence, but ID persistence).

That is, '.id-as-addr' is only useful for compare these two
currently-in-memory objects, as opposed to have I EVER seen this
object, or have I EVER-this-session seen this object, since
recording the .id of the object in a cache doesn't preclude the object
being GC'd when all other references go away.

So the value of the current .id isn't much of an ID. 

Which does not remove the value of being able to quickly and easily say
is this current-runtime-object the same as that one? It just suggests
that the name .id isn't very well chosen.

Other questions, like how do I generate a persistence-unique id?, 
also beg for .id as a non-reserved name (unless we propose to add
macaddr and threadsafe timestamp as components of the standard .id --
not always a bad thing, but not a single opcode anymore...)


Re: Comparing Object Identity

2002-12-12 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Thursday, December 12, 2002, at 01:41  PM, Dave Whipp wrote:

I might want to write code such as:

  $remembered_id = $;

 ... [ time passes ] ...

  if $ == $remembered_id { ... }

I think if you do this, you're probably in a world of hurt.  We'd have 
to assure that no object id's are *ever* reused -- so mem addresses are 
out, since the same address may be used for different things at 
different points in time.  It would literally have to be a unique 
serialnum attached to every single object in the process' lifespan.  
And if it were to work correctly for persistent objs, it'd have to be 
unique even among all perl invocations.  Eeew!

Whatever's behind 'id' is probably a meaningless blob with only one 
use: to determine if two vars, $obj1 and $obj2, are in fact bound to 
the same thing.  You can't (meaningfully) store them for use elsewhere.

Anything else seems to imply icky overhead, yes?


Re: right-to-left pipelines

2002-12-12 Thread Smylers
Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:

 On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 09:43:26AM -0600, Adam D. Lopresto wrote:
  So basically we can leave off the parentheses in the usual cases,
  but they're still required when you're doing something unusual or
  that would otherwise be hard to read.
 Which is simpler?  You don't need parentheses except in the case that
 you're doing something unusual  or you always need parentheses
 Surely the latter.

The former could be claimed to be analogous to use of parentheses with
operators (or indeed in maths generally): there are precedence rules
which mean that much of the time parens aren't needed (but you can
always choose to add them), but when you want to do something else you
need to put them in.

When teaching programming I've encountered several people make decisions
along the lines of It's always easier to put the parens in because then
I keep full control and I'm not leaving it to 'chance' and I can see
what's being done when without having to memorize the precedence table.

I don't mind that in simple experssions, but if I see an expression with
seven pairs of parens then I've got to stop for a couple of moments to
check out which ones balance and what the expression is doing.  Even if
all seven pairs are redundant it still takes time to determine that,
whereas a paren-less expression can be noted quickly as not doing
anything odd.

If six of those pairs of parens were superfluous but one of them was
overriding precedence it isn't easy to spot which is which, when
compared with an expression which only had the required pair.

 It seems to me that requiring the parens will cause less confusion in
 the long run.

I think different people find different things confusing.  Were Adam's
rule to be in place, there's nothing to stop some people choosing to
ignore it and include the parens all the time.  (Just as in Perl 5 some
people put parens on all built-in function calls all the time.)

 But, I'm just waiting to see what brilliant ideas Larry et alia come
 up with  :-)



Re: Comparing Object Identity (was: Re: Stringification of references (Decision, Please?))

2002-12-12 Thread Simon Cozens
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Wall) writes:
 Which basically comes down to this: an id represents a location in
 memory for any objects that don't override the .id method. 

Aiee! No! Please don't let things override the address-in-memory method,
as that makes == comparisons dubious at best and useless at

You stupid? All of Europe (maybe except those crazy Brits) prints on A4 paper.
Crazy we may be, but not foolscap.
-- James Kilfiger, ctt

Re: Everything is an object.

2002-12-12 Thread Smylers
Michael Lazzaro wrote:

 I would still like to be able to do things in Perl6 like:
  @out = sort map {...} grep { ... } @in;# [1]
 The only encompassing solution would seem to be to find a grammar rule
 by which map,grep,etc are unambiguously methods of Array, but can
 still be called in a fashion similar to [1].  That would, I suspect,
 satisfy everyone.

What if the thing being Csorted (or whatever) is not an array but a

  @out = sort $scalar, @array, result_of_calling_function($param);

Would the list have to be stored in an array before it could be sorted?

That doesn't sound very nice ...

  @out = [$scalar, @array, result_of_calling_function($param)].sort;

I think I'm in favour of things that operate on an arbitrary lists
remaining functions rather than becoming methods.


Re: Comparing Object Identity

2002-12-12 Thread Dave Whipp
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 There'll definitely be memory address reuse. If .id returns the
 current object's memory address, it shouldn't be cached any place, as
 otherwise you'll find things going bang with some regularity.

In a multi-threaded environment, even a simple

  $ == $

may have significant time between the two lookups. If we are
going to rely on addresses for id comparison, then we need to
mandate that the address is constant for the life of the object.
Brent indicated that he could think of no reason for the header
address to change: but that isn't strong enough. We need a cast-
iron guarantee. Otherwise we can't compare identity using .id.


Re: REs as generators

2002-12-12 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 06:53:20PM -0800, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
  Rich == Rich Morin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Rich On occasion, I have found it useful to cobble up a little language
 Rich that allows me to generate a list of items, using a wild-card or some
 Rich other syntax, as:
 Richfoo[0-9][0-9]  yields foo00, foo01, ...
 Rich I'm wondering whether Perl should have a similar capability, using REs.
 Well, here's a cheap way:
 my @list = glob ('foo{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}');

Cheap in terms of programmer effort. But it uses a lot of RAM in perl5.
Enough the the golfers get upset that some of the shortest solutions don't
work because they run out of swap. IIRC Hugo is lucky because his auction of
an improvement for perl 5.10 could easily have ended up with a bidder who
wanted multiway globs to work in much less RAM.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Comparing Object Identity

2002-12-12 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 2:42 PM -0800 12/12/02, Dave Whipp wrote:

Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 There'll definitely be memory address reuse. If .id returns the
 current object's memory address, it shouldn't be cached any place, as
 otherwise you'll find things going bang with some regularity.

In a multi-threaded environment, even a simple

  $ == $

may have significant time between the two lookups.

No, that's not a problem, since neither $a nor $b can possibly go 
anywhere, as they're both being referenced. The GC is aggressive, but 
we do wait until a variable is at least dead before reaping it.

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Everything is an object.

2002-12-12 Thread Michael G Schwern
On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 10:40:20PM -, Smylers wrote:
 What if the thing being Csorted (or whatever) is not an array but a
   @out = sort $scalar, @array, result_of_calling_function($param);
 Would the list have to be stored in an array before it could be sorted?

I would hope Perl would be smart enough to allow this:

  @out = ($scalar, @array, result_of_calling_function($param)).sort

which Ruby does:

  $ ruby -wle 'out = [foo, bar].sort;  print out.join  ' 
  bar foo

but as I said, I find the Lisp flow style worth keeping.

  @out = join \n, map {...} grep {...} sort {...} @foo


Michael G. Schwern   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Perl Quality Assurance  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kwalitee Is Job One
Pancakes is the better part of valor.

Re: Everything is an object.

2002-12-12 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Thursday, December 12, 2002, at 02:40  PM, Smylers wrote:

What if the thing being Csorted (or whatever) is not an array but a

  @out = sort $scalar, @array, result_of_calling_function($param);

Would the list have to be stored in an array before it could be sorted?

I hope and expect that there is sufficient magic to treat a list as an 
Array wherever necessary, such that Array method calls should be 
allowed on any literal or Creturned list.

   ( $scalar, @array, foo() ).sort {...};   # [1]

   my @a = ( $scalar, @array, foo() );  # [2]
   @a.sort {...};

If we kept the current map syntax, the same should be true:

   sort {...} $scalar, @array, foo();   # [1]

   my @a = ( $scalar, @array, foo() );  # [2]
   sort {...} @a;

Or if we can come up with a reverse-dot syntax that treats Csort as a 
method of Array, and not a reserved keyword:

   sort { ... } - $scalar, @array, foo();  # [1]

   my @a = ( $scalar, @array, foo() );  # [2]
   sort {...} - @a;

In each case, [1] should be marginally more efficient than [2], because 
it's doing less.

Same magic for hashes, too.  And maybe even for references upon 

   (1,2,3,4,5).reverse;  # returns (5,4,3,2,1)
   [1,2,3,4,5].reverse;  # returns [5,4,3,2,1]

But note:

   @a .= reverse;# these two might mean different things?

   my @a = (1,2,3,4,5);
   @a.reverse;   # OK

   my $a = [1,2,3,4,5];
   $a.reverse;   # but this might be problematic

That last line would be OK only if the CRef type either didn't have 
any methods of it's own (unlikely), or if CRef knew to look in the 
methods of the referred-to obj if the method was not part of CRef 


Re: Comparing Object Identity (was: Re: Stringification of refere nces (Decision, Please?)) [x-adr][x-bayes]

2002-12-12 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 01:50:37PM -0800, Brent Dax wrote:
: Larry Wall:
: # Hmm.  Those don't really stand out enough.  Maybe we should go with
: # OBJECT:: and GLOBAL:: just for a little more visual punch.
: How about CORE:: instead of GLOBAL::?  This helps stick with tradition
: and minimize the number of reserved packages.

I don't like the Perl 5 tradition on top-level namespaces.

First of all, nobody really knows what core means anymore.  Is it
just the built-in opcodes?  Is it the functions that come with the
distribution?  Neither of those map onto Perl 5 concept of CORE::
anymore.  So Perl 6 doesn't have a CORE:: anymore.  What used to
be in CORE goes into *, whever that means.

Second, in Perl 5 there are two global namespaces apart from CORE::.
If you say $::foo, you get $main::foo.  If you say $STDIN, you
get some other namespace that has no name in Perl 5.  In Perl 6,
the latter truly global namespace is combined with CORE to get what
main was trying to be in Perl 5.  The former main namespace is
no longer intended to be used for globals, and the $::foo syntax is
no longer supported for that purpose.  The translator will translate
$::foo to $Main::foo.

So $*IN really is considered to be in the global namespace, not
in the core namespace.  You might argue that stdin is core in
some sense, but all global names go into *, not just built-ins.
This includes all user-defined package names.  So the real name of
package Foo is GLOBAL::Foo.  It's not Main::Foo, nor is it CORE::Foo.
It's short name isn't ::Foo, but *Foo.  And you can just call it Foo
because the search for identifiers ends in GLOBAL (except for methods,
for which the search ends in OBJECT).

: # : And what will:
: # : 
: # :   main.*can('foo')
: # : 
: # : result in?
: # 
: # These days it's Main, not main.  And it's a module, not a 
: # class, so probably it fails, unless someone can think of 
: # something useful for it to mean.
: I'd hope that Perl would allow me to do something like that to see if
: Main::foo exists...

Ordinarily you'd test for subs with one of

exists Main::foo

As to whether .can should work for that, it should depend on whether
it's possible to invoke foo as a method in Main.  This may or may
not be the same thing as having a sub declaration named foo.
Certainly classes will distinguish subs from methods.  It may be
that modules will too, and you'd have to write package Main to
get Perl to confuse them like Perl 5 does.  But that's not decided yet.

It's not clear what .can should return for a multimethod, either.
You'd have be able to return results like: yes int can mult, but
only if the second argument is an int or num.  Basically, .can
has a bad syntax.  We need a modifier on an ordinary multimethod
or subroutine call that says, Go through all the motions of calling
this, but don't really.  To do that kind of almost-dispatch you often
need the actual arguments, or something resembling them.  One is tempted
to say that taking a reference to a function call with arguments
does something like this:


The reference could be bound to the dispatch list, or be false if nothing

Except that syntax currently means something else, and doesn't work
for method calls.  Maybe it's a good place for a question mark:


and maybe even

$x +? $y

It's vaguely possible this should be unified with currying if the
construct actually returns a reference with prebound arguments.

It's also possible that it's not visible enough, and we should say
splashy like:

can { Main::foo(1,3) }
can { $ }
can { $a + $y }

Exactly how much can-{} should do without doing anything is left as
an exercise for the reader.  What would it do with this:

can { $a + $y + snort() }

I suppose one could set up a transactional structure in which can
actually does the side effects hypothetically, with the option of
committing later.  Sort of what a try block would like to be when
it grows up...


Re: Everything is an object.

2002-12-12 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 04:17:44PM -0800, Michael G Schwern wrote:
: On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 10:40:20PM -, Smylers wrote:
:  What if the thing being Csorted (or whatever) is not an array but a
:  list?
:@out = sort $scalar, @array, result_of_calling_function($param);
:  Would the list have to be stored in an array before it could be sorted?
: I would hope Perl would be smart enough to allow this:
:   @out = ($scalar, @array, result_of_calling_function($param)).sort

It does, under the rule that says a comma list in a scalar context
assumes [...].  (The dot provides the scalar context to the comma
list--the outer list context is only meaningful to the sort.)

: which Ruby does:
:   $ ruby -wle 'out = [foo, bar].sort;  print out.join  ' 
:   bar foo
: but as I said, I find the Lisp flow style worth keeping.
:   @out = join \n, map {...} grep {...} sort {...} @foo

That too.  But you don't have to think of them as built-ins, except
insofar as any subroutine defined in * is a built-in.  It's possible
the only real built-in is *sub.  And maybe *rx.


Re: Everything is an object.

2002-12-12 Thread Larry Wall
On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 06:50:12PM -0800, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
: On Wednesday, December 11, 2002, at 06:41  PM, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
:print $i;   # ILLEGAL; use $STDOUT.print($i) or $i.print (?)
:reverse @a; # ILLEGAL; use @a.reverse;
:map {...} @a;   # ILLEGAL; use{...});
:sort {...} @a;  #
:keys %h;# ...etc...
: (And yes, I'm aware that (1 = N = 5) of those are going away already.)

Actually, N might be 0.  The : may not always be required on single arg
methods in indirect object syntax.  That is, if there's no sub matching

keys %h

it'll fall back to looking for

keys %h:

I have horrors of seeing programs full of things like

close $FH:;


Re: Comparing Object Identity (was: Re: Stringification of refere nces (Decision, Please?)) [x-adr][x-bayes]

2002-12-12 Thread James Mastros
On 12/12/2002 4:01 PM, Larry Wall wrote:

On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 12:40:52PM -0600, Garrett Goebel wrote:
: And what will:
:   main.*can('foo')
: result in?

These days it's Main, not main.  And it's a module, not a class,
so probably it fails, unless someone can think of something useful
for it to mean.
It would, logicaly, mean that the class Module has a method foo if 
true  -- applying can on an object tells you if the class of that object 
can do somthing, and Main is an object of class Module... right? 
(%Main:: is a hash, but Main (bareword) is an object, no?)

	-=- James Mastros

Exists and hypotheticals (Was: Re: Comparing Object Identity)

2002-12-12 Thread James Mastros
On 12/12/2002 8:07 PM, Larry Wall wrote:

Ordinarily you'd test for subs with one of

exists Main::foo

I thought that was now spelt exists %Main::{foo} -- that the symbol 
tables were now just plain hashes?  (And what's the methody syntax for 
testing for hashkey existance -- %hash{key}.exists should get the key 
element of hash, then run it's exists method, logicly.  Is it 

I suppose one could set up a transactional structure in which can
actually does the side effects hypothetically, with the option of
committing later.  Sort of what a try block would like to be when
it grows up...

Or hypothetical variables in a non-regex context...

	-=- James Mastros

Re: Comparing Object Identity

2002-12-12 Thread James Mastros
On 12/12/2002 5:24 PM, Dan Sugalski wrote:

At 2:17 PM -0800 12/12/02, Michael Lazzaro wrote:

On Thursday, December 12, 2002, at 01:41  PM, Dave Whipp wrote:

I might want to write code such as:
  $remembered_id = $;
 ... [ time passes ] ...
  if $ == $remembered_id { ... }

I think if you do this, you're probably in a world of hurt.  We'd have 
to assure that no object id's are *ever* reused -- so mem addresses 
are out, since the same address may be used for different things at 
different points in time.

There'll definitely be memory address reuse. If .id returns the current 
object's memory address, it shouldn't be cached any place, as otherwise 
you'll find things going bang with some regularity.
And I'd say (but who asked me -- IMHO, of course) that it should be 
perfectly valid to write code like the above.  (That IDs should be 
unique across a process over all time.)  If that'd require that an 
object's ID be a combination of the header address and a generation 
counter, that's OK.  It means a serilization point in the allocator, but 
I think we'd need one no matter what (Dan?).

	-=- James Mastros

Re: Everything is an object.

2002-12-12 Thread Chris Dutton
On Thursday, December 12, 2002, at 01:11 PM, Michael Lazzaro wrote:

We can make that

@out = @in.grep({...}).map({...}).sort;# [2]

if we want to grind our OO axe, but I find that syntax disappointing.  
I like that the idea is important enough in Perl to have it's own 
grammar, but I realize the problem of namespace pollution involved in 
having a bunch of builtins called grep, map, whatever.

The only encompassing solution would seem to be to find a grammar rule 
by which map,grep,etc are unambiguously methods of Array, but can still 
be called in a fashion similar to [1].  That would, I suspect, satisfy 

Well, if the source file were considered to be just a big giant class, 

class main {

then it becomes as simple as having a method in Object, grep, something 

class Object {
	method grep($a_closure, *@input) {