Re: Objects, methods, attributes, properties, and other related frobnitzes

2003-02-21 Thread Benjamin Goldberg
Dan Sugalski wrote:
 At 2:06 PM + 2/19/03, Peter Haworth wrote:
 On Fri, 14 Feb 2003 15:56:25 -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
   I got clarification. The sequence is:
   1) Search for method of the matching name in inheritance tree
   2) if #1 fails, search for an AUTOLOAD
   3) if #2 fails (or all AUTOLOADs give up) then do MM dispatch
 Shouldn't we be traversing the inheritance tree once, doing these
 three steps at each node until one works, rather doing each step once
 for the whole tree. MM dispatch probably complicates this, though.
 No, you have to do it multiple times. AUTOLOAD is a last-chance
 fallback, so it ought not be called until all other chances have
 If my derived class has an autoloaded method which overrides the base
 class' method, I don't want the base class method to be called, just
 because parrot does things in a peculiar order. Well, I know it's the
 same order that perl5 does things, but it's still peculiar.
 If you prototype the sub but AUTOLOAD the body it'll work OK.

newbie to perl6; I've just joined this mailing list

How about two AUTO subroutines?  An AUTOPROTO method, which will return
the prototype of the subroutine being looked for.  If it returns undef,
then we know to keep looking up the inheritance tree.  If it doesn't
return undef, cache the prototype (just as if someone had created a stub
for that subroutine with that prototype), and then call AUTOLOAD.

There are a number of benefits of doing it this way:
   1/ Just a single traversal of the inheritance tree.
   2/ More than one class can have an AUTOLOAD.
   2a/ No need for $self-NEXT::AUTOLOAD(_)
   3/ If perl6 allows $coderef = someclass.can('somemethod'), similar
  to perl5's UNIVERSAL::can, then this will work right even if
  somemethod *would* be autoloaded, but hasn't been created yet,
  or if the AUTOLOAD method chooses not to cache a subroutine for
  it.   (.can would would search the inheritance tree (once), and
  call AUTOPROTO as needed, but would not call AUTOLOAD)

Item (2) is perhaps the most important, since none of the other things
in this thread seem to address it.


$;=qq qJ,krleahciPhueerarsintoitq;sub __{0 
my$__;s ee substr$;,$,++$__%$,--,1,qq;;;ee;
$__2__}$,=22+$;=~y yiy y;__ while$;;print

Re: Objects, methods, attributes, properties, and other related frobnitzes

2003-02-21 Thread Benjamin Goldberg
Andy Wardley wrote:
 Dan Sugalski wrote much sense, including these gems:
  Code must be able to fetch a handle on a particular method for later
 By this I presume you mean that the handle would be frozen to the
 method as it was when then handle was fetched?  If you later re-define
 the method, the handle would remain pointing at the original method,
 not the new one.
 Or not?

Redefining methods is almost (but not quite) as evil as altering
inheritance trees (at least wrt to it's effect on caching methods).

Consider the following perl5 code:

{ package MyClass; sub SomeMethod { 12 } }
my $methodref = MyClass-can(SomeMethod);
*MyClass::SomeMethod = sub { return 42 };
print MyClass-SomeMethod(), \n;
print MyClass-$methodref(), \n;

I suppose if perl6's equivilant of 'can' returns a string, such as
MyClass::SomeMethod, then it might work as you want it to... but that
would produce one extra level of indirection; would it be worth it?

$;=qq qJ,krleahciPhueerarsintoitq;sub __{0 
my$__;s ee substr$;,$,++$__%$,--,1,qq;;;ee;
$__2__}$,=22+$;=~y yiy y;__ while$;;print

Re: [perl #21276] [PATCH] formatting fix for docs/dev/

2003-02-21 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Cal Henderson (via RT) wrote:

# New Ticket Created by  Cal Henderson 
# Please include the string:  [perl #21276]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 


this patch fixes some formatting issues that cause docs/dev/ to
incorrectly display code snippets and to have no title. it also adds
a missing B tag.
Thanks, applied.

Re: [perl #21301] [PATCH] life.pasm

2003-02-21 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Leon Brocard (via RT) wrote:

# New Ticket Created by  Leon Brocard 
# Please include the string:  [perl #21301]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 

This little patch changes the life.pasm in examples/assembly/ to use a
small spaceship instead. 

Thanks, applied.

Re: Using imcc as JIT optimizer

2003-02-21 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Leopold Toetsch wrote:

- do register allocation for JIT in imcc
- use the first N registers as MAPped processor registers

The [RFC] imcc calling conventions didn't get any response. Should I 
take this fact as an implict yep, fine?

Here is again the relevant part, which has implications on register 
renumbering, used for JIT optimization:

=head1 Parrot calling conventions (NCI)

Proposed syntax:

  $P0 = load_lib libname
  $P1 = dlfunc $P0, funcname, signature
  .nciarg z # I5
  .nciarg y # I6
  .nciarg x # I7
  ncicall $P1   # r = funcname(x, y, z)
  .nciresult r
A code snippet like:

set I5, I0
dlfunc P0, P1, func, ii
set I6, I5
now comes out as:

set ri1, ri0
dlfunc P0, P1, func, ii
set ri0, ri1
which is clearly not, what pdd03 is intending. For plain PASM at least 
the .nciarg/.nciresult are necessary, to mark these parrot registers as 
fix and to have some hint for imcc, that dlfunc is actually using these 

So there are some possibilities:
- disable register renumbering for all compilation units, where a 
Binvoke is found
- do it right, i.e. implement above (or a similar) syntax and rewrite 
existing code


Re: Objects, methods, attributes, properties, and other related frobnitzes

2003-02-21 Thread Benjamin Goldberg
Dan Sugalski wrote:
 At 12:06 AM -0500 2/21/03, Benjamin Goldberg wrote:
 Andy Wardley wrote:
   Dan Sugalski wrote much sense, including these gems:
Code must be able to fetch a handle on a particular method for
later calling
   By this I presume you mean that the handle would be frozen to the
   method as it was when then handle was fetched?  If you later
   re-define the method, the handle would remain pointing at the
   original method, not the new one.
   Or not?
 Redefining methods is almost (but not quite) as evil as altering
 inheritance trees (at least wrt to it's effect on caching methods).
 So? This is perl, it happens with some frequency, and other languages
 we'll be running (like Ruby) do it rather more than perl does.
 Doesn't matter if we like it or not, it's going to happen so we deal
 with it. There are optimization tricks we can use, but they need to
 be behind-the-scenes tricks and not affect language semantics.

I haven't said that we should rule out method redefinition... I am,
however, saying that we should handle it no worse than (and preferably
better than) perl5 does it.

My bit of example code was merely to demonstrate that UNIVERSAL::can()
from perl5 clearly has the problem that Andy Wardley worries about wrt
freezing to a particular definition...  Thus, it *may* be a good idea
to *not* provide a user-code-level means of obtaining method handles, or
else it will likely have the same problem as perl5's -can().  In other
words, I'm agreeing with you -- any method-handle-obtaining-for-caching
should be entirely behind the scenes, where we can easily keep track of
whether a cached handle is still valid.

$;=qq qJ,krleahciPhueerarsintoitq;sub __{0 
my$__;s ee substr$;,$,++$__%$,--,1,qq;;;ee;
$__2__}$,=22+$;=~y yiy y;__ while$;;print


2003-02-21 Thread Steve Fink
The invoke op is bothering me -- namely, it disturbs me that it
implicitly operates on P0. I know that P0 is the correct register to
use according to pdd03, but I dislike having it be implicit. The user
is required to set the rest of the pdd03 conventions up manually, so I
don't see any need for invoke to be different. And it makes it much
more clear what registers are being used if you have to pass in a PMC
as an argument.

So would anyone mind if I eliminated the zero-arg invoke op in favor
of a one-arg invoke that takes a single PMC? (I may also have
situations where I don't need to follow pdd03, and it would be more
convenient to use a different register.)

stabs support

2003-02-21 Thread Steve Fink
First -- wow, thanks! I tried out the stabs stuff for the JIT
yesterday, and it's really helpful to be able to step through PASM
code from within emacs's gud mode.

I had one problem, though -- whenever stepping over a keyed op (eg
set I0, P0[3]), gdb fails to recognize that it reaches any more
lines and instead runs the whole thing to completion and exits. If I
did 'si' twice to step two machine instructions whenever I was about
to execute a keyed op, then I could go back to stepping normally and
it would find things correctly.

That .stabs data is correct -- the keyed op and the following ops (and
all others) had the correct offsets associated with them. I still
don't have a home network connection anymore, so I couldn't download
the gdb source to figure out what was going on. But I remember
noticing that gdb prints out the current PASM line number after that
second 'si' on the keyed op.

Anyone else having this problem? (Anyone have a better workaround?)

In my local copy (currently locked away on my home hard drive, so I
can't post it from here at work), I also added stabs entries for all
the PMC registers (in addition to the current S, I, and N registers.)
You can see the PMC's data fields and type. It looks something like:

  (gdb) p P0
(PMC*) 0xdeadbeef
  (gdb) p *P0
{ vtable = 0xdeadbeef, pobj = { u = { int_val = 17, pmc_val = 0x17 }, flags = 
381741 } }
  (gdb) p *P0-vtable
{ base_type = PerlArray }

(I added an enumeration for the PMC types). I probably have the exact
data structures all wrong, but it looks something like that. Oh, and I
suspect I may be able to use an external type reference to avoid
defining all of these things. I haven't tried that yet.

And I'd just like to say that stabs is a mess. Is DWARF2 any better?
(My poor disconnected computer doesn't have any documentation on it,
so I couldn't try it out.)

Helpful emacs gud/perldb debugging tool

2003-02-21 Thread Steve Fink
Here's a silly little tool that I've used for a long time to help
debug various programs. I just added perl support to it, so I thought
I'd announce it in case anyone got some use out of it.

To use it, save it into your $PATH somewhere. Then, instead of running
./someapplication args..., run debug ./someapplication args...
instead. If someapplication is a compiled binary other than perl, it
will bring up an emacs window with gdb running the application within
it. If someapplication is either perl or an executable perl script,
it will bring up an emacs window running perldb with the application
loaded (and it also chdirs to the correct path, instead of perldb's
usual annoying behavior).

There are some environment variables that you can use to control
whether the application will be running under GDB when the window pops
up (the default), or whether it will just set the arguments and give
you a chance to run it yourself. Read the source for details.

Note that this won't help much if you're debugging something that
exec's the thing you really want to debug, but you can usually work
around that by changing the exec to put debug in front of the actual
command. This, in fact, is the killer application for this script,
since it will then pop up windows no matter how deeply buried the
interesting invocation is, and the whole environment should be set up

If you're trying to use this, or perldb in general, to debug the perl6
driver program, watch out -- perl6 uses *massive* amounts of stack
space, so to get anything useful you'll probably need to set the max
stack depth to 1000 instead of the default 100.

  BEGIN { $DB::deep = 1000 }

should do it, I think. (Once again, my notes on that are at home.)

Let me know if you find this useful, or think I'm stupid for not
knowing a much nicer way of doing this.
#!/bin/bash -f

# This script opens up an emacs window with the given program running
# under a debugger, all automagic-like.
# Usage: debug program args...
# Various environment variables can affect the operation. Let's see...
#   $DBG : set to qr/EXPRESSION/ to only fire up emacs for programs
#  that match the given regex.
#   $GDB_INITFILE : gdb will execute this file when it starts up.
#  There are better ways of doing this, you know.
#   $GDB_INITSTRING : execute the given gdb command at startup.
#   $GDB_INTERACTIVE : set this to any nonempty value to have gdb
#  pause before running the program.
# Most of those options don't work or aren't relevant for the perl
# debugger.

COMMAND=$(echo $1 | perl -lpe 's!//!/!g')

# Check whether we should skip debugging this invocation
# (if DBG is set to qr/something/ that doesn't match the command line)
if perl -e '$args=join( ,ARGV); print MATCHING $ENV{DBG} AGAINST $args\n; if 
($ENV{DBG} !~ /^qr/) { exit(1); } else { $match=eval $ENV{DBG}; exit(($args =~ $match) 
? 1 : 0); }' $COMMAND $*; then
exec $COMMAND $*

function debug_perl () {
exec emacs --eval (progn (perldb \perl $*\) (insert-string \chdir('$CWD')\) 

if [ $COMMAND = perl ]; then
debug_perl $*
elif file $COMMAND | grep perl script; then
debug_perl $COMMAND $*

# Set the arguments
INIT_EVAL=(insert-string \set args $*\) (comint-send-input) (insert-string \cd 
$(pwd)\) (comint-send-input)

# If env var GDB_INITFILE set, load it into gdb on startup
if [ ! x$GDB_INITFILE = x ]; then
echo Loading init file $GDB_INITFILE 2
INIT_EVAL=$INIT_EVAL (insert-string \source $GDB_INITFILE\) 

# If env var GDB_INITSTRING set, give it to gdb
if [ ! x$GDB_INITSTRING = x ]; then
echo Sending gdb command $GDB_INITSTRING 2
INIT_EVAL=$INIT_EVAL (insert-string \$GDB_INITSTRING\) (comint-send-input) 

# If env var GDB_INTERACTIVE or DBG eq 'wait', let the user run the gdb session
if [ x$GDB_INTERACTIVE = x ]  [ ! x$DBG = xwait ]; then
echo Running gdb immediately 2
INIT_EVAL=$INIT_EVAL (insert-string \run\) (comint-send-input) 

exec emacs --eval (progn (gdb \gdb $COMMAND\) $INIT_EVAL)

# Copyright (c) 2002-3 by Steve Fink. All rights reserved.
# You may do anything you want with this script, as long as you don't
# use it to directly or indirectly cause harm to any mythical
# creatures. Only real creatures may be harmed by the running of this
# script. Oh, and you can't remove my copyright notice either, no
# matter how much you mutate the script itself.
# But if you're nice, you'll properly document all the funky options,
# clean it up, and send it back to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] And you seem
# like a really nice person to me.

Re: [RFC] imcc calling conventions

2003-02-21 Thread Steve Fink
On Feb-18, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
 =head1 Stack calling conventions
 Arguments are Bsaved in reverse order onto the user stack:
.arg y # save args in reversed order
.arg x
call _foo  #(r, s) = _foo(x,y)
.local int r
.local int s
.result s  # restore results in reversed order
.result r  # [1]
 and return values are Brestored in reversed order from there.
 The subroutine is responsible for preserving registers.
  .sub _foo# sub foo(int a, int b)
.param int a
.param int b
.return pl # return (pl, mi)
.return mi # [1]

My immediate reaction to this (okay, I really saw this before in
perl6-generated code) is why don't the values from .return and
restoreall get mixed up?

You may want to add a brief description of the kazillion different
stacks that Parrot uses. There are six, I think:

1. The user stack -- holds a stack of unions, so entries can be
2. The control stack -- holds return addresses
3. The int register stack -- holds frames of 32 ints each
4. The float register stack
5. The string register stack
6. The pmc register stack

I think this has been discussd before, but are we all okay with this
callee-save-everything policy? At the very least, I'd be tempted to
add a bitmasked saveall/restoreall pair to reduce the amount of cache
thrashing. (saveall 0b00100110) It just
seems odd that you have to either save all 32 of one of the types of
registers, or to save selected ones onto a different stack. But it
*is* simpler to copy over the entire register file to a stack frame, I

Taking that farther, I've always liked systems that divide up the
registers into callee-save, caller-save, and scratch (nobody-save?)
Maybe that's just me. And I vaguelly recall that there was some
discussion I didn't follow about how that interferes with tail-call
optimization. (To me, tail call optimization == replace recursive
call with a goto to the end of the function preamble)

Or, as another stab at the same problem, does Parrot really need 32*4
registers? I keep thinking we might be better off with 16 of each
type. But maybe I'm just grumbling.

[It's nice to have a net connection again!]

Re: IMCC's bsr handling

2003-02-21 Thread Steve Fink
[Apologies if you receive this twice, but my messages from work
haven't been going through, so I'm resending everything now that I
have my home net connection back.]

On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 12:19:35PM +0100, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
 Steve Fink wrote:
  bsr $I0
 It will complain that it can't fixup the label '$I0'.
 I can't imagine, how to get a correct CFG with these kind of register 
 jump instructions. They are too low level, lacking any hint where they 
 might jump to.
 When we want these kind of branches, then they must be more high level, 
 defining all possible branch targets, e.g. like a switch statement.

My specific use is in implementing regexes (I guess I should say
rules). It is now possible to store anonymous rules or references to
named rules in variables, and invoke the rules within a regex. If
you're qualifying those invocations with * or + or whatever, then the
setup/teardown code is going to be called many, many times, so it
would be nice to minimize it. But because it's not constant, it will
boil down to either bsr $I0 or invoke. I would like to be able to
put the code implementing those anonymous rules into the current
compilation unit (they'll be acting like closures and referring to
local vars, but I'd rather avoid a full-blown closure when possible.)

I think all that means that I *can* specify a set of labels that the
instruction might jump to, and guarantee that if it jumps to anywhere
else that it won't affect any registers. For now, I'm prototyping
using a heavyweight mechanism. If that gets to be too unwieldy, maybe
I'll take a look at implementing something like

  bsr $I0 = _label1 | _label2 | REGISTER_PRESERVING_LOCATION

(Ignore the syntax!). It's only needed for imcc, right? (I wouldn't
need to propagate it through to the JIT or anything, would I?)

I'm not really sure whether I'll end up needing any of this anway. It
may be just too unpredictable where things can go to, and I'll have to
suffer with the heavyweight approach.

How is invoke handled? Is it assumed to always use the full PDD06
calling conventions?

Re: XML within parrot?

2003-02-21 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 2:07 PM -0800 2/17/03, Tupshin Harper wrote:
I've been a parrot lurker for quite some time, and I've recently 
wanted to start participating in some way. One idea that came to 
mind was to port a language I wrote a while back which is an 
XML-relational converter. Call it XTOR(XML to Relational for lack 
of imagination). Think of it as analogous to XSL, but for converting 
XML data to row/column data in completely arbitrary(and sometimes 
quite capricious) ways. The problem(s) is that the language itself 
is written in XML (as is XSL), and therefore anything that processes 
it has to have an XML engine available.
Just out of curiosity (I know, this is old) have you looked at 
examples/assembly/xml_parser.pasm? Might not be enough, but it is 

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Objects, methods, attributes, properties, and other related frobnitzes

2003-02-21 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 6:24 PM -0500 2/20/03, Mark Jason Dominus wrote:
 At 2:06 PM + 2/19/03, Peter Haworth wrote:
 On Fri, 14 Feb 2003 15:56:25 -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
   I got clarification. The sequence is:
   1) Search for method of the matching name in inheritance tree
   2) if #1 fails, search for an AUTOLOAD
   3) if #2 fails (or all AUTOLOADs give up) then do MM dispatch
 Shouldn't we be traversing the inheritance tree once, doing these three
 steps at each node until one works, rather doing each step once for the
 whole tree. MM dispatch probably complicates this, though.
 No, you have to do it multiple times. AUTOLOAD is a last-chance
 fallback, so it ought not be called until all other chances have
Pardon me for coming in in the middle, but it seems to me that only
one traversal should be necessary.  The first traversal can accumulate
a temporary linked list of AUTOLOAD subroutines.  If the first
traversal locates an appropriate method, the linked list is discarded.
If no appropriate method is found, control is dispatched to the
AUTOLOAD subroutine at the head of the list, if there is one; if the
list is empty the MM dispatch is tried.
Fair enough--in practice we can do a single traversal, but 
conceptually we need to do multiple traversals. More importantly we 
can't check for method then AUTOLOAD then MMD in each class in turn 
up the hierarchy, which is what I think the original suggestion was. 
(Though I may have misinterpreted, of course)

If A isa B, we certainly wouldn't want to call A's AUTOLOAD on a 
method before we looked to see if B had a concrete instance of that 

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Objects, methods, attributes, properties, and other related frobnitzes

2003-02-21 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 12:06 AM -0500 2/21/03, Benjamin Goldberg wrote:
Andy Wardley wrote:
 Dan Sugalski wrote much sense, including these gems:
  Code must be able to fetch a handle on a particular method for later
 By this I presume you mean that the handle would be frozen to the
 method as it was when then handle was fetched?  If you later re-define
 the method, the handle would remain pointing at the original method,
 not the new one.
 Or not?
Redefining methods is almost (but not quite) as evil as altering
inheritance trees (at least wrt to it's effect on caching methods).
So? This is perl, it happens with some frequency, and other languages 
we'll be running (like Ruby) do it rather more than perl does. 
Doesn't matter if we like it or not, it's going to happen so we deal 
with it. There are optimization tricks we can use, but they need to 
be behind-the-scenes tricks and not affect language semantics.

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Using imcc as JIT optimizer

2003-02-21 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 12:09 PM +0100 2/20/03, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Starting from the unbearable fact, that optimized compiled C is 
still faster then parrot -j (in primes.pasm), I did this experiment:
- do register allocation for JIT in imcc
- use the first N registers as MAPped processor registers
This sounds pretty interesting, and I bet it could make things 
faster. The one thing to be careful of is that it's easy to get 
yourself into a position where you spend more time optimizing the 
code you're JITting than you win in the end.

You also have to be very careful that you don't reorder things, since 
there's not enough info in the bytecode stream to know what can and 
can't be moved. (Which is something we need to deal with in IMCC as 

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: --cgoto=0 doesn't work

2003-02-21 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 09:45:49PM -0500, Simon Glover wrote:
 On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Simon Glover wrote:
  On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Nicholas Clark wrote:
   If I
   perl --cgoto=0  make all test
   then the build fails with:

   The problem is that an ifdef in jit/i386/jit_emit.h is defining JIT_CGP
   based on whether or not the compiler is GCC, and not on whether
   HAS_COMPUTED_GOTO is defined. The attached patch fixes this, but I'm
   not sure if the __GCC__ bit is still necessary. Leo?
  OK, let's try this again, with the _correct_ spelling this time...

Thanks, applied.

Nicholas Clark

Re: --cgoto=0 doesn't work

2003-02-21 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 08:34:05AM +0100, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
 Nicholas Clark wrote:
 If I
 perl --cgoto=0  make all test
 then the build fails with:
 We need to sort out different cases:
 1) $cc doesn't have computed goto
 2) user doesn't want to build core_ops_cg.c
 Case 1) shouldn't matter, as the CGP core is only called from JIT/i386/gnucc
 Case 2) should disable only core_ops_cg.c but not core_ops_cgp.c

But surely we'd also like a flag to disable core_ops_cgp.c but leave

How many cores are there now? Is there a way to make a modular flag system
that lets people configure any arbitrary combination that they wish to build?
And an easy way for the tinderbox machines to build all applicable, and
run tests for each built core in turn?

Nicholas Clark

Re: Using imcc as JIT optimizer

2003-02-21 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Dan Sugalski wrote:

At 12:09 PM +0100 2/20/03, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

Starting from the unbearable fact, that optimized compiled C is still 
faster then parrot -j (in primes.pasm), I did this experiment:
- do register allocation for JIT in imcc
- use the first N registers as MAPped processor registers

This sounds pretty interesting, and I bet it could make things faster. 
The one thing to be careful of is that it's easy to get yourself into a 
position where you spend more time optimizing the code you're JITting 
than you win in the end.

I don't think so. Efficiency of JIT code depends very much on register 
save/restore instructions. imcc does a full parrot register life 
analysis, and knows when e.g. I17 is rewritten and thus can assign the 
same register for it, that some ins above I5 had. Current JIT code is 
looking at parrot registers and emits save/loads to get processor 
registers in sync, which is the opposite of:
The proposal is, to map the top N used parrot regs to physical processor 
registers. This means: imcc emits instructions to get parrot registers 
up to date and not vv. The code is already in terms of processor regs.

You also have to be very careful that you don't reorder things, since 
there's not enough info in the bytecode stream to know what can and 
can't be moved. (Which is something we need to deal with in IMCC as well)
Yep. So, I'm trying to get *all* needed info's into the bytecode 
stream/into the op_info/or as a hack in imcc. See e.g. [RFC] imcc 
calling conventions. Please remember times where I started digging into 
 parrot and core.ops: the in/out/inout definition of P-registers. These 
issues are *crucial* for a language *compiler*.
If perl6 or any other language should run *efficiently*, imcc has to be 
a compiler with all needed info at hand and not a plain PASM assembler.
