Re: Dynamic libs don't seem to work

2004-12-10 Thread Klaas-Jan Stol

William Coleda wrote:
Can you give us a copy of the generated myconfig file in the top 
level parrot directory?

this is it:
Summary of my parrot 0.1.1 configuration:
 configdate='Thu Dec  9 23:53:50 2004'
   osname=linux, archname=i486-linux
   jitcapable=1, jitarchname=i386-linux,
   jitosname=LINUX, jitcpuarch=i386
   cc='cc', ccflags=' -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE 
 Linker and Libraries:
   ld='cc', ldflags=' -L/usr/local/lib',
   libs='-lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lrt -lgmp'
 Dynamic Linking:
   share_ext='.so', ld_share_flags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib -fPIC',
   load_ext='.so', ld_load_flags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib -fPIC'
   iv=long, intvalsize=4, intsize=4, opcode_t=long, opcode_t_size=4,
   ptrsize=4, ptr_alignment=1 byteorder=1234,
   nv=double, numvalsize=8, doublesize=8

Klaas-Jan Stol wrote:
I just got a fresh cvs checkout, compiled it, compiled pge and tried 
to make tcl.
This is what I get:

(cd ../../  ./parrot --output=languages/tcl/lib/tcllib.pbc 
Couldn't load 'tcl_group': tcl_group: cannot open shared object file: 
No such file or directory
error:imcc:Unknown PMC type 'TclString'

in file 'languages/tcl/lib/commands/upvar.imc' line 13
   included from 'languages/tcl/lib/tcllib.imc' line 1
make: *** [lib/tcllib.pbc] Error 17
- when doing make test, all tests with dynamic pmc seem to fail.
- following instructions in dynoplibs and trying to execute the 
test.pasm in dynoplibs/ doesn't work either.

Couldn't load 'myops_ops': myops_ops: cannot open shared object file: 
No such file or directory
Couldn't load 'foo': foo: cannot open shared object file: No such 
file or directory
Couldn't load 'libnci': libnci: cannot open shared object file: No 
such file or directory
error:imcc:parse error, unexpected IDENTIFIER, expecting PARROT_OP
in file 'dynoplibs/test.pasm' line 43

Obviously, there is something wrong with dynamic libs.
I don't get what I'm doing wrong. This should all work right? Perljam 
(sorry, don't know his real name)
told me on IRC he did a fresh checkout, and it all worked.

Any ideas?

Re: Dynamic libs don't seem to work

2004-12-10 Thread Sam Ruby
Klaas-Jan Stol wrote:
I just got a fresh cvs checkout, compiled it, compiled pge and tried to 
make tcl.
This is what I get:

(cd ../../  ./parrot --output=languages/tcl/lib/tcllib.pbc 
Couldn't load 'tcl_group': tcl_group: cannot open shared object file: No 
such file or directory
Try rebuilding after you issue the following from your top level parrot 

  perl --prefix=`pwd`
- Sam Ruby

Re: Python method overloading

2004-12-10 Thread Sam Ruby
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Sam Ruby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I continue to disagree with the part of this conclusion where you insert
find_method into the discussion.  To give a concrete example: at the
moment the lookup involved in abs_p_p does not involve the use of
$ cat abs.imc
.sub main
.local pmc cl, o
cl = newclass A
$I0 = typeof cl
o = new $I0
$P0 = new Undef
$P0 = abs o
print $P0
.namespace [A]
.sub __absolute
.param pmc d
d = ok\n
$ parrot abs.imc
$ parrot -t abs.imc
# find_method class 'A' method '__absolute': Sub
# Calling sub '__absolute'
But only for classes that inherit from delegate.
If Perl programmers need to know about Parrot method names, then
effectively this beomes part of the Perl language specification.  I do
not have the luxury of changing the Python language specification.
If you are targeting Parrot you have to know the opcode names *and* the
reserved method names, sorry.
People writing Python to Parrot translators need to know Parrot 
internals.  People who merely write in Python should not.

... (BTW, a combined instantiate method
does not map well to Python which has separate __new__ and __init__
We have the __init hook too. This is separate.
Ultimately, I believe that this will need to be revisited.
$ parrot -t abs.imc
6 new P17, I30 - P17=PMCNULL, I30=72
# find_method class 'A' method '__init': no
...  My recommendation
is to stick to primitives, and simply provide a new_p_p).
What is the second _p for?
What I am thinking of is something like:
  inline op new(out PMC) {
$1 = VTABLE_instantiate(interpreter, $2);
goto NEXT();
Where instantiate does not support a variable number of arguments 
(Parrot calling conventions).  If you then want to init the PMC you have 
obtained, you can use the separate init hook (with a variable number of 

That is only because the design you have in mind conflates Parrot and
language operations.  There is no reason that __abs__ couldn't call
VTABLE_abs, or that __add__ can't make use of MMD_ADD.
And if the class implements it's own __absolute or __add, we do a
separate redispatch? And dynclasses/py* does it differently to
dynclasses/perl*. Why don't you just believe me that that's error prone
and slow ;-)
Only in the sense that CoRoutine and RetContinuation provide 
incompatible (i.e., different) implementations of invoke.  However, 
they are very compatible in the only sense that matters: they both 
implement the common protocol named invoke.

Arguably, the very reason that a find_method VTABLE entry was provided 
was to enable different PMCs to provide different implementations of 
this protocol.

The code that backs perl classes can have implementations find_method 
that looks for __add methods with a given parameter signature, and the 
code that backs python classes can have implementations of find_metho 
that looks for __add__ methods with a different parameter signature.

- Sam Ruby

Re: flip flop xx Inf

2004-12-10 Thread Michele Dondi
On Fri, 3 Dec 2004, Larry Wall wrote:
On Sat, Dec 04, 2004 at 01:11:30AM +0100, Juerd wrote:
: What happens to the flip flop operator? Will .. in scalar context remain
: the same?
I don't think so.  It's definitely a candidate for a longer
Huffmanization simply in terms of frequency of use.  On top of which,
almost no Perl 5 programmers even know what it does.  Plus it's
Well, I have the vague feeling that you may have some more experience with 
Perl than I do, however such a claim seems a bit exaggerate to me. For 
example I do know what it does and even though I consider myself to be at 
most an advanced beginner rather than an expert, I think that I use it 
correctly and to great advantage, when I do use it, that is...

For sure it can't be just me!!
- Scritta su diversi muri milanesi

Re: Arglist I/O [Was: Angle quotes and pointy brackets]

2004-12-10 Thread Michele Dondi
On Fri, 3 Dec 2004, Larry Wall wrote:
On Fri, Dec 03, 2004 at 06:43:05PM +, Herbert Snorrason wrote:
: This whole issue kind of makes me go 'ugh'. One of the things I like
: best about Perl is the amazing simplicity of the  input construct.
   while () {...}
   for .lines {...}
Looks like a wash to me.
Partly it does. The point is that not only the  is simple, but that it 
is also visually distinctive, which is important IMHO.

Obviously the new proposal of unary C= is just as good from this point 
of view...

: Replacing that with something that not only is object oriented, but on
: top of that also LOOKS object oriented is bound to be a loss. It's
: going to be that bit longer to write, and not the least bit easier to
: understand.
Really?  I dare you to show those two lines to any random
computer-literate but non-Perl-speaking stranger and see which one
they understand better.
Of course they'd understand better the latter, but I think that there's a 
limit to non-Perl-speaking-people-friendship. After all this may be useful 
for learning perl, but learning it to a good degree would always involve 
getting acquainted with quite a lot of typical idioms, so this does not 
make much of a point IMHO, provided that when a typical user becomes 
familiar with those idioms he can perceive (i) how good they look in 
source code (ii) how useful they result in practice.

It's all cargo cult at that level anyway, so whether it looks OO or not
is really completely immaterial to its usability.
Indeed it's not *purely* a matter of looking OO, but of looking yet 
another more-or-less alphabetic string (yes, even with a prepended point: 
it's just not as markedly distinctive!). As I said,  is deeply etched in 
Perl programmers' cortex as an input operator. In other words it may well 
be cargo cult, but not in a totally negative acceptation: I mean... till 
it works, and works well as it currently does!

And I don't buy the nuclear blackmail argument either.  I'll start
worrying about people switching to Python and Ruby when those languages
get a clue about how natural languages work.  As far as I know, there's
OTOH, as a side note, but not a totally unrelated one, I guess, one should 
pay some attention not to exaggerate following natural languages 
principles in designing programming languages: granted, I appreciate their 
pervasiveness in (current) perl and indeed probably this is one of the 
reasons I love it. But I think that there are some natural limits to this 
as well: AFAIK any attempt to overcome them was basically a failure. We 
want the *right* mixture of conciseness, intutivity, clarity instead. In 
this sense a construct like

  while () {
really doesn't resamble any natural language construct as far as I can 
see, but indeed it's an idiom that perl programmers easily become familiar 
with and like to use... well, I think so!

I hold a square measuring 10x10 metres away from a person who is standing
100 metres away.
I ask them to shoot the square with a high-accuracy gun.
Don't stand there holding the square when they are shooting...
- Robert Israel in sci.math, Re: Scaling

Re: cvs commit: parrot/t/pmc perlstring.t

2004-12-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Sam Ruby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Leopold Toetsch wrote:

   -=item Cvoid* invoke(void* next)

 IMHO, all of these can go.  The invoke methods need to be on the PMCs
 returned by get_class.

That's exactly how it worked - the PMCs get_class returns a PMC of the
same type, so they act as their own class. But the invoke syntax is
gone, yes. I leave that to the Py* types.

 IMHO, the notion of a pythonic slice can go.


 - Sam Ruby

Thanks for looking through it,

Re: state vs my

2004-12-10 Thread Michele Dondi
On Fri, 3 Dec 2004, Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon wrote:
Larry Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
So optimizing to a state variable won't necessarily help your loop
overhead, but it could help your subroutine overhead, at least in Perl
5, if Perl 5 had state variables.  Best you can do in Perl 5 is an
our variable with an obscure name.
   my $x if 0;
I know it's *going* away, but it hasn't *gone* away yet.
Personally I'm glad this is going away. I'm not bothered by the caveats of 
the docs: it's the construct itself that somehow strikes me as 
innatural, to the point that I've never been bitten in the neck by using 
it inadvertently for I would have never ever though about doing so...

In fact a declaration is fundamentally a way to introduce an object to 
be used subsequently, and the fact that it can be used also in the same 
statement in which it is declared doesn't make things really different. So 
how can I *declare* something depending on a condition?!? I can branch 
over a condition to execute either one block or another *within* which 
things can be declared or some such. Not the other way round...

A question out of curiousity: who is this Green of Green's functions?
Is he the same person of Green's theorem? :)
Yes. He was also an early environmentalist; hence the current
phrases green this and green that...
- David C. Ullrich on sci.math, thread Who is Green?

Re: iterators and functions (and lists)

2004-12-10 Thread Michele Dondi
On Sun, 5 Dec 2004, Matthew Walton wrote:
At least we had the sense to call them subroutines instead of functions.
Of course, that also upset the mathematicians, who wanted to call them
functions anyway.  Go figure.
That might be because the mathematicians haven't heard of a variant of a 
function which is allowed to have side effects yet.
More or less BS for, from the point of view of a mathematitian (i.e. from 
the point of view of Mathematics), you still have true functions, 
they're either not just the *same* function each time, or the same 
function with some arguments/parameters set to different values (that in 
the implementation are passed implicitly rather than explicitly), which 
are fundamentally the same thing after all (up to an isomorphism, that 

I find the line I am not pestering anybody, I am asking questions on
usenet. That's what usenet is for. a classic.
It's like I am not talking to you, I am just opening and closing my
mouth while standing close to you. That's what a mouth is for.
- David Kastrup, on comp.text.tex (slightly edited)

Re: specifying the key Type for a Hash

2004-12-10 Thread Michele Dondi
On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Luke Palmer wrote:
Well, there's always domain and range, if we want to be
What you want here is domain and codomain.  Which leads me to
believe that you don't want either.
For the record, in most connections range would be just as good. Indeed 
codomain, especially from the algebraic/categorial point of view is 
sounds somehow better.

[ standard bull-shit snipped ]
 Your friend,
 Nathan the Great
 Age 11
The best of your postings is the backside.
Please let the front also blank in the
- Rainer Rosenthal in sci.math, Re: Cantor Paradox :-)

Re: iterators and functions (and lists)

2004-12-10 Thread Michele Dondi
On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Larry Wall wrote:
to return an infinite list, or even
   return 0..., 0...;
to return a surreal list.  Either of those may be bound to an array
Hope not to bark something utterly stupid, but... if one iterates over 
such a list, may it be that on the first Clast one really starts over 
from the second 0? Well, unless some adverb is given to the point that 
one really has to

  last :everything  # or somesuch...
Some time ago,I managed to wipe out almost all of  /usr/bin while doing 
some cleaning (don't drink and root...:-)
- Predrag Ivanovic in CRUX mailing list

Re: [CVS ci] class refactoring 1 - Integer

2004-12-10 Thread Sam Ruby
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Sam Ruby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I took a look into this.  Apparently, in Perl5, the result of xor'ing
undef with anything is undef.  I'm not suggesting that this is either
right or wrong (it actually was surprising to me),
Yep. It doesn't really follow the definition of xor, nor does it match
the implementation of other types.
I'd leave that to language lawyers.  Undef (like null in SQL) could be 
interpreted to mean I don't know, and a case could be made that I 
don't know xor'ed with anything is I don't know.

Furthmore, the concept of a logical xor seems to be a Perl innovation. 
Languages like C and Python don't have such a concept.

Finally, Perl doesn't seem to be consistent.  Anything xor undef always 
seems to return the leftmost argument.

Unfortunately, this does not work as inheritance seems to take
precedence over defaults.
Partly. Specific functions are set last.
The precedence seems to be specific functions, inheritance, and then 

... I think that this should be the other way
around: a subclass should be able to easily override all MMD operations
for a given method.
The problem is that the passed in mmd init list has no indication, if a
default function is installed or a inherited or a specific one.
The passed in mmd init list only has specific and defaults.
Finally, I took a look at Parrot_mmd_register_parents.
Don't ;-)
Oops.  ;-)
... This seems more
complicated than it needs to be,
Well, yes. But I'm not even sure if it's worth the effort to improve it.
The static MMD table doesn't handle dynamic inheritance. While you can
install a function with mmdvtregister, this is just for a pair of types,
which is rather useless for classes that inherit from one of the types.
But which other functions for which types should be registered too?
This is the reason for the proposal of going fully dynamic with MMD too.
OK, I'll leave this alone unless I have a specific problem that I need 
to fix.  Hopefully by then, all this will go away.

- Sam Ruby

Re: [CVS ci] class refactoring 1 - Integer

2004-12-10 Thread Eirik Berg Hanssen
Leopold Toetsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Sam Ruby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I took a look into this.  Apparently, in Perl5, the result of xor'ing
 undef with anything is undef.  I'm not suggesting that this is either
 right or wrong (it actually was surprising to me),

 Yep. It doesn't really follow the definition of xor, nor does it match
 the implementation of other types.

  Which Perl5 (xor, undef) would this be?  It does not look like the
result is undef around here:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ perl -le 'print defined($_)?defined:undef, : «$_»
for map {(undef xor $_), ($_ xor undef), (undef ^ $_), ($_ ^ undef)}
string, , -1, 0, 1 , 2'
defined: «1»
defined: «1»
defined: «string»
defined: «string»
defined: «»
defined: «»
defined: «»
defined: «»
defined: «1»
defined: «1»
defined: «4294967295»
defined: «4294967295»
defined: «»
defined: «»
defined: «0»
defined: «0»
defined: «1»
defined: «1»
defined: «1»
defined: «1»
defined: «1»
defined: «1»
defined: «2»
defined: «2»
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ perl -v

This is perl, v5.8.5 built for i686-linux

Copyright 1987-2004, Larry Wall

Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.

Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on
this system using `man perl' or `perldoc perl'.  If you have access to the
Internet, point your browser at, the Perl Home Page.

C++ is the only current language making COBOL look good.
   -- Bertrand Meyer

Re: Python method overloading

2004-12-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Sam Ruby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Leopold Toetsch wrote:

 # find_method class 'A' method '__absolute': Sub
 # Calling sub '__absolute'

 But only for classes that inherit from delegate.

Yes of course. Objects's derived from ParrotObject (i.e. Parrot standard
objects) dispatch to overloaded functions via the meta-class helper
class delegate. Standard PMCs call pmc-vtable-absolute().

But infix operations like the add opcode dispatch via mmd_dispatch_*
and have no delegate functionality.

I've posted a graphic of all these possibilities in one of the mails.

This is the reason why I'm prefering to replace all with just one
scheme that works, i.e. doing full dynamic dispatch at the opcode level.

 People writing Python to Parrot translators need to know Parrot
 internals.  People who merely write in Python should not.

Why on earth should Python writers know Parrot internals? Why do you
come to such a conclusion?

... (BTW, a combined instantiate method
does not map well to Python which has separate __new__ and __init__

 We have the __init hook too. This is separate.

 Ultimately, I believe that this will need to be revisited.

What is wrong? Does it not work?

...  My recommendation
is to stick to primitives, and simply provide a new_p_p).

 What is the second _p for?

 What I am thinking of is something like:

inline op new(out PMC) {
  $1 = VTABLE_instantiate(interpreter, $2);

There is no second argument on the new signature. But I presume it's a
class PMC. Well doing:

  cl = getclass Foo
  o = cl.instantiate()

does exactly that - it constructs a new Integer with the default value by
calling pmc_new/init.

OTOH when you have

  cl = getclass Foo
  o = cl.instantiate(5)

you have two possiblities: implement the instantiate vtable (or let a
user provided overridden method do the initialization) or do the init
stuff in __init, which get's again the arguments according to pdd03.

   If you then want to init the PMC you have
 obtained, you can use the separate init hook (with a variable number of

This is working already.

.sub main
.local pmc cl, o
cl = subclass Integer, A
o = cl.instantiate(5)
print o
print \n

.namespace [A]
.sub __init method
.param int i
self = i

 The code that backs perl classes can have implementations find_method
 that looks for __add methods with a given parameter signature, and the
 code that backs python classes can have implementations of find_metho
 that looks for __add__ methods with a different parameter signature.

Sam, there *should* be no difference between a pythonic __add__
and Parrot's __add. Currently calling conventions don't match - I've
posted a mail WRT this and it needs fixing.

And Perl doesn't have an __add or such. Perl5 has use overload '+' =
... Perl6 has a special infix:+ syntax.

So the prerequisit is that Parrot's function signature of overloaded
methods is appropriate for Python and Perl.

We have:

  a = b + c

You already did show the Python code, which emits the Parrot opcode
add, which does MMD dispatch. But we both posted an example that
overloads the operator + with a piece of user provided function.

You've stated that the code to provide this functionality is missing in
py*.pmc. But when you write it, you have of course to know, that a
setattribute (or a __dict__ update) with the key __add__ is meaning an
overload of the + operator. Else you wouldn't be able to roll your own

So when your translator encounters:

def myadd(self, r):
return self - r

class J(int):
__add__ = myadd

i = J(44)
print i, i + 2

you have to know that myadd will be the function that is called, when an
add operation for an object of class J is executed. This is the
place where you would call:

  Parrot_store_global(interp, J, __add, myadd);

The subroutine PMC myadd is stored into the namespace  of J as
the subroutine labeled __add.

In the current system you would have to call mmdvtregister to
associate the myadd subroutine with the add opcode for the given
types - but that doesn't work for objects derived from class J nor for
mixed types.

So what I'm saying (or I'm trying to) is: when at the opcode level the
add opcode is actually acting as a method call, everything works as
now including dynamic overriding of MMD functions. And there is no need
at all for duplicating a lot of Parrot core functionality in the

I've described that in MMD dispatch. With the help of the inline cache
this scheme is 30% faster then the current static MMD table dispatch.

 - Sam Ruby


Re: state vs my

2004-12-10 Thread Alexey Trofimenko
On Sat, 4 Dec 2004 22:03:19 -0800, Larry Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Sun, Dec 05, 2004 at 02:15:51AM +0300, Alexey Trofimenko wrote:
: oh! that it. I've found example which could make it clear to me
: sub test {
:   return sub {
: for 1..3 {
:state $var = 1;
:print $var++
: }
:   }
: }
: $a = test; $a() for 1..3; print ';'
: $b = test; $b() for 1..3;
: that could print, for different possible definitions of state:
: 1) 123123123;123123123
: 2) 123456789;123456789
: 3) 123456789;101112131415161718
: looks like you meant third(!) variant.. but it doesn't make any sense  
: for me.

I don't know how you even get the third variant.  I think it should be 2,
though I see how you'd get 1 if you think a loop clones every time  
third variant is what we get if we replace Cstate with perl5 my $var if  
0 here (not exactly, because $var start value would be undef in that  

Certainly that one doesn't, since it doesn't refer to any external  
Perhaps statehood should be limited to official subs just like  
return is.
they must be limited. It would be really strange if
  sub test {
 for 1..3 {
state $var = 1;
print $var++
  sub test {
 my $a;
 for 1..3 {
state $var = 1;
print $var++
would print different results.
But actually I would prefer if state somehow could be made to work other  
way, even if closure isn't cloned. I mean, first variant, mentioned at top  
of the message. Then we could use state vars in things like:

  # I know that _this_ particular task could be solved better
  # I'm not good in examplification.
  %hash = map {state $k=1; $_ = $k++ } @array;
and always get our keys numbered from 1. And one still get behaviour(2) if  
state declaration is at start of subroutine.
(Hmm, but I can't figure if it is possible )

This applies to FIRST {...} blocks too.
for 1..10 {
  for 1..3 {
FIRST {...}
I'd expect that FIRST would be fired 10 times, not only once, because  
FIRST looks here just as a mere funny loop control structure.
 and of course I don't want it to happen once here, and 10 times there,  
depending on such a subtle thing as appearance of outer lexical variables  
in inner block. hmm.. but I don't want unnecessary cloning either, if it'd  
slow down my program. I have a cake, please show me where to bite:)

Re: [CVS ci] class refactoring 1 - Integer

2004-12-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Eirik Berg Hanssen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Which Perl5 (xor, undef) would this be?  It does not look like the
 result is undef around here:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ perl -le 'print defined($_)?defined:undef, : «$_»
 for map {(undef xor $_), ($_ xor undef), (undef ^ $_), ($_ ^ undef)}
 string, , -1, 0, 1 , 2'

This xor is returning the bool values, which is quite different to
returning a value according to the xor of the booleans.

 perl -le 'print defined($_)?defined:undef, : «$_»
for map {(undef xor $_), ($_ xor undef)}
string, , undef, -1, 0, 1 , 2'

dropping bitwise xor, and including undef xor undef reveals that Perl5
has a different opinion then Parrot (or Perl6?).

inline op xor(out INT, in INT, in INT) :base_core {
  $1 = ($2  ! $3) ? $2 : ($3  ! $2) ? $3 : 0;
  goto NEXT();

static void
mmd_fallback_lxor_pmc(Parrot_Interp interp, PMC *left, PMC *right, PMC *dest)
INTVAL left_truth, right_truth;
PMC *true;
left_truth = VTABLE_get_bool(interp, left);
right_truth = VTABLE_get_bool(interp, right);

if (left_truth  !right_truth)
true = left;
else if (!left_truth  right_truth)
true = right;
else {
VTABLE_set_integer_native(interp, dest, 0);
VTABLE_set_pmc(interp, dest, true);

We need language lawyers ;)


Re: Dynamic libs don't seem to work

2004-12-10 Thread Klaas-Jan Stol
Sam Ruby wrote:
Klaas-Jan Stol wrote:
I just got a fresh cvs checkout, compiled it, compiled pge and tried 
to make tcl.
This is what I get:

(cd ../../  ./parrot --output=languages/tcl/lib/tcllib.pbc 
Couldn't load 'tcl_group': tcl_group: cannot open shared object file: 
No such file or directory

Try rebuilding after you issue the following from your top level 
parrot directory:

  perl --prefix=`pwd`
- Sam Ruby

thanks, that worked! (what does this --prefix='pwd'  do?)
dynoplibs still doesn't work, however. is this correct?

New updates

2004-12-10 Thread Andy Lester is updated.  So is, with new modules and some


Andy Lester = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = = AIM:petdance

Re: Dynamic libs don't seem to work

2004-12-10 Thread Sam Ruby
Klaas-Jan Stol wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
Klaas-Jan Stol wrote:
I just got a fresh cvs checkout, compiled it, compiled pge and tried 
to make tcl.
This is what I get:

(cd ../../  ./parrot --output=languages/tcl/lib/tcllib.pbc 
Couldn't load 'tcl_group': tcl_group: cannot open shared object file: 
No such file or directory
Try rebuilding after you issue the following from your top level 
parrot directory:

  perl --prefix=`pwd`
- Sam Ruby
thanks, that worked! (what does this --prefix='pwd'  do?)
dynoplibs still doesn't work, however. is this correct?
Ultimately, when Parrot is released and someone installs it, shared 
libraries will go into a place like /usr/local/lib.  So, by default, 
that's where Parrot is looking for tcl_group.

However, you aren't installing it, or copying these shared libraries. 
Instead you want Parrot to look *here*.  That's where prefix comes in. saves your prefix in src/parrot_config.h where it is used 
to construct paths used at runtime.

`pwd` simply is your current working directory.
Sorry, I don't know anything about dynopslibs.
- Sam Ruby

Re: [CVS ci] class refactoring 1 - Integer

2004-12-10 Thread Mike Guy
Leopold Toetsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 dropping bitwise xor, and including undef xor undef reveals that Perl5
has a different opinion then Parrot (or Perl6?).

inline op xor(out INT, in INT, in INT) :base_core {
  $1 = ($2  ! $3) ? $2 : ($3  ! $2) ? $3 : 0;
  goto NEXT();

 We need language lawyers ;)

IANAL, but I am a mathematician.Because Cxor necessarily always
depends on *both* its arguments, analogies with Cand and Cor are
inappropriate.Cxor cannot short-circuit, and it is not sensible
to return as result either of the arguments.   So the above macro
is misguided nonsense.

Perl5 Cxor always returns a standard boolean value, i.e.
dualvar(0, '') or dualvar(1, '1').Perl6/Parrot should do the same

Mike Guy

Re: S05 question

2004-12-10 Thread John Macdonald
On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 11:18:34AM -0800, Larry Wall wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 08:24:20PM -0800, Ashley Winters wrote:
 : I'm still going to prefer using :=, simply as a good programming
 : practice. My mind sees a big difference between building a parse-tree
 : object and just grepping for some word I want in a string. Within a
 : rule{} block, there is no place except the rule object to keep your
 : data (hypothetically -- haha), so it makes sense to have everything
 : capture unless otherwise specified. There's no such limitation in a
 : regular code block, so I don't see the need.
 Since regex results are lexically scoped in Perl 6, in a regular
 code block we can do static analysis and determine whether there's
 any possibility that $foo is referenced at all, and optimize it
 away in many cases, if it turns out to be high overhead.  But as Patrick
 points out, so far capture seems pretty cheap.

It might turn out to be worth optimizing only when ALL of the
capture blocks are unused - the saving from avoiding setup
costs together with avoiding the (too small to be a bother
by themselves) incremental costs, might be significantwhen
taken together.


Re: New updates

2004-12-10 Thread Ovid
Two comments:

I would add Test::MockModule to the test modules.  I've stopped using
my Sub::Override since I encountered this very useful tool.

On the test guidelines, perhaps there should be an or die 
recommendation after use_ok.  Life gets pretty miserable if  that
fails but many subsequent tests pass and  testa # 217 and beyond fail
because the module didn't load properly.  You can spend hours debugging
because you didn't see the use_ok failure at the top.  (I speak from
extremely painful personal experience on this.)


--- Andy Lester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: is updated.  So is, with new modules and some
 Andy Lester = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = = AIM:petdance

Silence is Evil
Web Programming with Perl

RE: [CVS ci] class refactoring 1 - Integer

2004-12-10 Thread Gordon Henriksen

print(day\n xor night\n);

Gordon Henriksen
IT Manager
ICLUBcentral Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Sam Ruby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday December 10, 2004 13:28
Subject: Re: [CVS ci] class refactoring 1 - Integer

Mike Guy wrote:
 Perl5 Cxor always returns a standard boolean value, i.e.
 dualvar(0, '') or dualvar(1, '1').Perl6/Parrot should do the same


 perl -le print 'day' xor 'night'

On the version of Perl I have installed, I get day as the result.

- Sam Ruby

Re: Undeclared attributes

2004-12-10 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
Dave Whipp wrote:
Attributes are declared with Chas, but also have a unique signil 
C$.. So is it strictly necessary to declare them? Or rather, is it 
Cno strictly necessary -- i.e. is the following legal?

no strict;
class Foo {
  method bar {
   say $.a++
For the standard layout, I'd think it'd be good to declare the
attributes, but perhaps not necessary. An object of class C, IIRC, will
just be an object in the parrot sense; doing an Caddattribute Px, Sy
will cause the attribute to be added to all other objects of that class,
 and to all objects that is or does that class; That might involve
a whole lot of work.
But maybe you are asking if Perl6 can intuit that you implied an
unwritten Chas $.a But it could be a Chas $.a or Cour $.a or
Cmy $.a.
BTW, should we be able to write pragmas like this:
class Foo isnt strict{...}
class Foo isn't strict{...}

[perl #32996] Register coloring not dirtying registers for method calls properly

2004-12-10 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Dan Sugalski 
# Please include the string:  [perl #32996]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 

The register coloring algorithm's not dirtying registers right, and 
looks to be assuming that things are in registers across method calls 
when they really aren't. The following test program shows the 
problem. While it should print In method 1\nIn method 2\n a few 
dozen times, instead it dies partway through. From a trace it looks 
like the coloring algorithm assumes that an object is in a register 
that gets clobbered (correctly) by the method calls.

.namespace [Foo]

.sub __biginit prototyped, @MAIN
newclass $P0, Foo
$I1 = find_type Foo
$P1 = new $I1

$P2 = new $I1

$P3 = new $I1

$P4 = new $I1

$P5 = new $I1

$P6 = new $I1

$P7 = new $I1

$P8 = new $I1

$P9 = new $I1

$P10 = new $I1

$P11 = new $I1

$P12 = new $I1

$P13 = new $I1

$P14 = new $I1

$P15 = new $I1



.sub method1 prototyped, method
print In method 1\n

.sub method2 prototyped, method
print In method 2\n


--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
   teddy bears get drunk

Re: [perl #32996] Register coloring not dirtying registers for method calls properly

2004-12-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The register coloring algorithm's not dirtying registers right,

There are still some compatibility hooks inside parrot that set P1 on
the caller's end (or on both sides). I'll remove this remenants RSN.


Re: [CVS ci] class refactoring 1 - Integer

2004-12-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Mike Guy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Leopold Toetsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 dropping bitwise xor, and including undef xor undef reveals that Perl5
 has a different opinion then Parrot (or Perl6?).

 inline op xor(out INT, in INT, in INT) :base_core {
   $1 = ($2  ! $3) ? $2 : ($3  ! $2) ? $3 : 0;
   goto NEXT();

 We need language lawyers ;)

 IANAL, but I am a mathematician.Because Cxor necessarily always
 depends on *both* its arguments, analogies with Cand and Cor are
 inappropriate.Cxor cannot short-circuit, and it is not sensible
 to return as result either of the arguments.

Cxor can't of course be short-circuit and above code isn't. Both values
are evaluated WRT trueness, always.

 ... So the above macro is misguided nonsense.

Not quite. It gives one value if one is true or 0 (false). This is more
information then the perl5 implementation returns. The returned value (if
any) is still true but usable, if I just want one of both. Well that's
logical xor - not binary xor.

 Perl5 Cxor always returns a standard boolean value, i.e.
 dualvar(0, '') or dualvar(1, '1').Perl6/Parrot should do the same

Maybe, IANAL.

 Mike Guy


Re: [CVS ci] class refactoring 1 - Integer

2004-12-10 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 08:50:46PM +0100, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
  We need language lawyers ;)
  IANAL, but I am a mathematician.Because Cxor necessarily always
  depends on *both* its arguments, analogies with Cand and Cor are
  inappropriate.Cxor cannot short-circuit, and it is not sensible
  to return as result either of the arguments.
 Not quite. It gives one value if one is true or 0 (false). This is more
 information then the perl5 implementation returns. The returned value (if
 any) is still true but usable, if I just want one of both. Well that's
 logical xor - not binary xor.

Agreed.   At some point this probably belongs on perl6-languages (and
apologies if this posting to p6i is therefore inappropriate).  But if
the following hold (Perl 5):

print (0 and hello);# outputs 0
print ( and hello);   # outputs 
print (0 or hello); # outputs hello
print ( or hello);# outputs hello
print ( or 0);  # outputs 0
print (0 or );  # outputs 
print (not( or 0)); # outputs 1
print (not(a and b)); # outputs 

it seems like one should be able to do:

print (0 xor hello);# outputs hello
print ( xor hello);   # outputs hello
print (hello xor 0);# outputs hello
print (hello xor );   # outputs hello
print (world xor hello);  # outputs 
print (0 xor ); # outputs 1
print ( xor 0); # outputs 1

Just as Cor returns its first non-false argument, the interpretation
of Cxor would be that it returns its single non-false argument, or 1 if
both (all?) arguments logically evaluate to false.

  Perl5 Cxor always returns a standard boolean value, i.e.
  dualvar(0, '') or dualvar(1, '1').Perl6/Parrot should do the same

Keep in mind that in Perl 6 the boolean forms of Cand, Cor, and Cxor
(the ones that always return 0 or 1)  are  C?, C?|, and C?^.  
So perhaps Cxor should be able to return more than just 0 or 1.


Re: [perl #32989] Problem in linux ppc

2004-12-10 Thread chromatic
On Fri, 2004-12-10 at 07:23 -0800, via RT wrote:

 trying to compile parrot (cvs) in a linux ppc machine I get the following 
 error. It looks like the configure process gets confused and does not compile 
 the ppc jit code when it is under linux:

This is a duplicate of #32514, which still awaits the gentle touch of a
Configure hacker.

-- c

Re: [CVS ci] class refactoring 1 - Integer

2004-12-10 Thread Luke Palmer
[ From p6i ]

Patrick R. Michaud writes:
 On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 08:50:46PM +0100, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
  Not quite. It gives one value if one is true or 0 (false). This is more
  information then the perl5 implementation returns. The returned value (if
  any) is still true but usable, if I just want one of both. Well that's
  logical xor - not binary xor.
 Agreed.   At some point this probably belongs on perl6-languages (and
 apologies if this posting to p6i is therefore inappropriate).  But if
 the following hold (Perl 5):
 print (0 and hello);# outputs 0
 print ( and hello);   # outputs 
 print (0 or hello); # outputs hello
 print ( or hello);# outputs hello
 print ( or 0);  # outputs 0
 print (0 or );  # outputs 
 print (not( or 0)); # outputs 1
 print (not(a and b)); # outputs 
 it seems like one should be able to do:
 print (0 xor hello);# outputs hello
 print ( xor hello);   # outputs hello
 print (hello xor 0);# outputs hello
 print (hello xor );   # outputs hello
 print (world xor hello);  # outputs 
 print (0 xor ); # outputs 1
 print ( xor 0); # outputs 1
 Just as Cor returns its first non-false argument, the interpretation
 of Cxor would be that it returns its single non-false argument, or 1 if
 both (all?) arguments logically evaluate to false.

Well, IAAL. :-)

In particular, xor is analogous, operatorwise, to the junctive one().
one() represents its single true value when it evaluates to true in

my $smin = one(3,6,9,12)  5;

So it seems logical that xor do the same.  I don't see any loss of
generality in doing so, and you're keeping around more information.

For the PMC variant, it seems like returning *the* true PMC is the
correct thing to do, because the definiton of the canonical true
differs from language to language.  Parrot has a canonical false.


Re: The split opcode

2004-12-10 Thread James deBoer

Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 01:34:03PM -0500, James deBoer wrote:

Currently, the split opcode is declared as 'split(out PMC, in STR, in 
STR)' where $2 is a regex.

PGE, however, currently supports three types of regular expressions, and 
more are likely going to be added. So, which type of regular expression 
should split use?
A solution:

Declare split as 'split(out PMC, in PMC, in STR)' where $2 would be a 
compiled PGE::Match object. This lets you pick what kind of regular 
expression you want to use.

Slight correction:  Thus far a PGE::Match object is the result of 
performing a match between a rule and target string, not the compiled 
form of the rule.  At present a rule is just a subroutine that returns
PGE::Match objects.  Eventually we may have a PGE::Rule class for
representing compiled rule objects, but we're not there yet.  So, $2 
would need to be a rule subroutine.

Going beyond that, we might want to just have a split method for 
PGE::Rule objects, and leave the split opcode to do fast separation
of strings based on constant strings.  But I'm not entirely familiar
with Parrot's opcode/MMD semantics so I'll follow others' leads on this


I would even go further than that and say that if we went with 
PGE::Rule's split, the split opcode should be obsoleted. I can't think 
of a place where splitting on constant strings is not  a special case of 
splitting on a regular expression. Evaluating a very simple regular 
expression (i.e. a constant string) should be fast enough that it is not 
worth the effort to determine if a pattern can be sent through the split 
opcode instead of PGE::Rule.split().

However, using a split opcode that accepts a match subroutine has the 
advantage that the PGE is not strictly required. It would be possible to 
write your own subroutines if speed or code size were issues or if you 
had some other crazy requirements.

This raises the question: How far do we want to let the PGE into our 
everyday lives?

- James

Re: [CVS ci] class refactoring 1 - Integer

2004-12-10 Thread Paul Johnson
On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 01:28:10PM -0500, Sam Ruby wrote:

 Mike Guy wrote:
 Perl5 Cxor always returns a standard boolean value, i.e.
 dualvar(0, '') or dualvar(1, '1').Perl6/Parrot should do the same
 perl -le print 'day' xor 'night'
 On the version of Perl I have installed, I get day as the result.

Gordon mentioned the precedence problem here.  I've not replied to his
message because I couldn't be bothered to fix up the quoting and
attributions.  s/le/wle/ gives the hint too.

Mike is quite right of course.  And the code which handles this is one
of the more simple parts of perl5.  Provided you're not too worried
about what's going on under the macros, I suppose.

if (SvTRUE(left) != SvTRUE(right))

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [perl #32996] Register coloring not dirtying registers for method calls properly

2004-12-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Leopold Toetsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The register coloring algorithm's not dirtying registers right,

 There are still some compatibility hooks inside parrot that set P1 on
 the caller's end (or on both sides). I'll remove this remenants RSN.

Looking a bit deeper into this bug reveals that above sentence doesn't
describe fully what happens, and it additionally depends on the register
allocator (CVS or new).

1) current CVS allocator
* P28 .. P30 are used to allocate temps and not allocated else
* P31 is reserved for spilling
* the old allocator doesn't have the code WRT preserved registers, which
  was written for the new one (it could be backported)
* the register allocator needs 3 more registers and allocates P0, P1, P3
  (P2 is visible in set P2, Px that moves the object in place)

Now implicit register usage strikes back. The register allocator isn't
aware of the side effect that Ccallmethodcc clobbers P0, P1, and S0.

2) new allocator
* has a list of allocatables usable for temps and has a clear notion
  of preserved vs non-preserved registers

static const char assignable[4][5] = {
   /* 0  1  2  3  4  */
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, }, /* I */
{ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, }, /* S */
{ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, }, /* P */
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, }, /* N */

* code would execute correctly, one more used register would cause


Re: [CVS ci] class refactoring 1 - Integer

2004-12-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Patrick R. Michaud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just as Cor returns its first non-false argument, the interpretation
 of Cxor would be that it returns its single non-false argument, or 1 if
 both (all?) arguments logically evaluate to false.

Yep, except *0* if both evaluate to either true or false.



Re: The split opcode

2004-12-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
James deBoer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would even go further than that and say that if we went with
 PGE::Rule's split, the split opcode should be obsoleted.

All these function/method like opcodes will be refactured somewhen.

WRT split (you write):


in general


where $P0 is a namespace or object that can split. For some bits of
more performance a user could do:

  cl = getclass String

assuming that the current split on strings moves to the String class.

 This raises the question: How far do we want to let the PGE into our
 everyday lives?

PGE is a Parrot core feature available and usable for all languages
using the Parrot engine.

 - James


Re: [CVS ci] class refactoring 1 - Integer

2004-12-10 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
On Sat, Dec 11, 2004 at 04:42:54AM +0100, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
 Patrick R. Michaud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Just as Cor returns its first non-false argument, the interpretation
  of Cxor would be that it returns its single non-false argument, or 1 if
  both (all?) arguments logically evaluate to false.
 Yep, except *0* if both evaluate to either true or false.

Oh yeah, I got my truth values messed up there--I don't know what I was
typing.  I stand corrected, although the return value in this case should
probably be  in a string context (or, to follow Perl 5 somewhat, whatever
corresponds to the value of false for the type of the last argument).


Re: [perl #32996] Register coloring not dirtying registers for method calls properly

2004-12-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The register coloring algorithm's not dirtying registers right, and
 looks to be assuming that things are in registers across method calls
 when they really aren't.

Fixed and thanks for the test case,

RE: New version of Test::LongString

2004-12-10 Thread Clayton, Nik
 I use Text::Differences for this, as it will show which lines are 
 different, rather than just the first 50 characters. Much 
 easier for me to diagnose problems.

Something I put at the top of a lot of my test scripts is:

if(eval require Test::Differences; 1) {
no warnings 'redefine';
*is_deeply = \Test::Differences::eq_or_diff;

I think (BICBW) that it was Richard Clamp who first suggested this


Re: iterators and functions (and lists)

2004-12-10 Thread Matthew Walton
Michele Dondi wrote:
On Sun, 5 Dec 2004, Matthew Walton wrote:
At least we had the sense to call them subroutines instead of functions.
Of course, that also upset the mathematicians, who wanted to call them
functions anyway.  Go figure.

That might be because the mathematicians haven't heard of a variant of 
a function which is allowed to have side effects yet.

More or less BS for, from the point of view of a mathematitian (i.e. 
from the point of view of Mathematics), you still have true functions, 
they're either not just the *same* function each time, or the same 
function with some arguments/parameters set to different values (that in 
the implementation are passed implicitly rather than explicitly), which 
are fundamentally the same thing after all (up to an isomorphism, that is).
I wasn't intending to be taken seriously with that comment. I hope 
everyone realised that...

Re: iterators and functions (and lists)

2004-12-10 Thread Luke Palmer
Michele Dondi writes:
 On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Larry Wall wrote:
 to return an infinite list, or even
return 0..., 0...;
 to return a surreal list.  Either of those may be bound to an array
 Hope not to bark something utterly stupid, but... if one iterates over 
 such a list, may it be that on the first Clast one really starts over 
 from the second 0? Well, unless some adverb is given to the point that 
 one really has to
   last :everything  # or somesuch...

Balancing the mathematical preposterousness and the actual usefulness of
such a thing, I really don't think that's going to fly.  From the finite
world,  and *2 look exactly the same, and I'm pretty sure that, cool
as Perl is, it's still in the finite world.

In particular, calling Clast and having the loop not exit is more than
a little weird.  Whatever you can do with that, you could do with a
sligh redesign:

return [ 0... ], [ 0... ];

And then your Clast :everything is a Cnext OUTER for a nested loop.


Classes with several, mostly unused, attributes

2004-12-10 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
Consider a class (e.g., the hypothetical Geometry::Triangle) that can 
have several attributes (side1, side2, side3, angle1, ang_bisector1, 
side_bisector,  altitude1 and so forth), most of which will not be 
needed for most instances of Geometry::Triangle.

I know how this can be done in P5. Using the layout Hash things are 
easy. How can P6 deal with this, without allocating too much memory to 
things that'd never get used? The layout P6Hash could come to the 
rescue, but there is still the issue of syntax:

what exactly does Chas $.bisector1 do? IIRC, in the P6Opaque layout, 
every instance of the class would have space the size of a PMC allocated 
for it. This behavior is not needed for P6Hash, and it should just leave 
attributes alone until they are assigned to (where defaults are also 

In which case, maybe for that layout we can get away without declaring 
all attributes, perhaps? (Since the declaration does nothing except help 
the parser).

I was thinking whether we could do something like this:
class Triangle is layoutP6Hash does autovivify{
  method calculate_bisectors { $.bisector1 = ...;
   # $.bisector1 autovivifies
where it is an error without the autovivify, and only P6Hash supports 


Undeclared attributes

2004-12-10 Thread Dave Whipp
Attributes are declared with Chas, but also have a unique signil 
C$.. So is it strictly necessary to declare them? Or rather, is it 
Cno strictly necessary -- i.e. is the following legal?

no strict;
class Foo {
  method bar {
   say $.a++

Re: New updates

2004-12-10 Thread Andy Lester
On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 10:01:44AM -0800, Ovid ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I would add Test::MockModule to the test modules.  I've stopped using
 my Sub::Override since I encountered this very useful tool.
 On the test guidelines, perhaps there should be an or die 
 recommendation after use_ok.  Life gets pretty miserable if  that
 fails but many subsequent tests pass and  testa # 217 and beyond fail
 because the module didn't load properly.  You can spend hours debugging
 because you didn't see the use_ok failure at the top.  (I speak from
 extremely painful personal experience on this.)

Patches, please.  s/html$/pod/ in the URL for the source.


Andy Lester = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = = AIM:petdance

Re: [CVS ci] class refactoring 1 - Integer

2004-12-10 Thread Sam Ruby
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Currently one test (t/pmc/pmc_43.pasm) is failing due to wrong 
Actually not because of inheritance. The implementation of 
PerlUndef.logical_xor was bogus. I've fixed this and the test.
I took a look into this.  Apparently, in Perl5, the result of xor'ing 
undef with anything is undef.  I'm not suggesting that this is either 
right or wrong (it actually was surprising to me), but if Parrot wanted 
to provide this behavior, the seemingly obvious way for this to be coded 
would be for PerlUndef to have the following:

void logical_xor (PMC* value,  PMC* dest) {
VTABLE_set_pmc(INTERP, dest, SELF);
Unfortunately, this does not work as inheritance seems to take 
precedence over defaults.  I think that this should be the other way 
around: a subclass should be able to easily override all MMD operations 
for a given method.

Finally, I took a look at Parrot_mmd_register_parents.  This seems more 
complicated than it needs to be, and that is because it is only looking 
at the mmd table (the final results after overriding) instead of at the 
specific overrides (the various _temp_mmd_init arrays).

An alternate approach would be for the make process to generate a 
function that registers a given class into a given type slot, and code 
to call each parent in order (top down) to override their slots as required.

A concrete example might help:
Parrot_PerlInt_mmd_init(interp, entry) {
  const  MMD_init _temp_mmd_init[] = {...};
  Parrot_mmd_register(interp, entry, _temp_mmd_init, N_MMD_INIT);
followed later by the following calls:
Parrot_scalar_mdd_init(interp, entry);
Parrot_Integer_mmd_init(interp, entry);
Parrot_PerlInt_mmd_init(interp, entry);
- Sam Ruby

Re: [CVS ci] class refactoring 1 - Integer

2004-12-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Sam Ruby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I took a look into this.  Apparently, in Perl5, the result of xor'ing
 undef with anything is undef.  I'm not suggesting that this is either
 right or wrong (it actually was surprising to me),

Yep. It doesn't really follow the definition of xor, nor does it match
the implementation of other types.

 Unfortunately, this does not work as inheritance seems to take
 precedence over defaults.

Partly. Specific functions are set last.

 ... I think that this should be the other way
 around: a subclass should be able to easily override all MMD operations
 for a given method.

The problem is that the passed in mmd init list has no indication, if a
default function is installed or a inherited or a specific one.

 Finally, I took a look at Parrot_mmd_register_parents.

Don't ;-)

 ... This seems more
 complicated than it needs to be,

Well, yes. But I'm not even sure if it's worth the effort to improve it.
The static MMD table doesn't handle dynamic inheritance. While you can
install a function with mmdvtregister, this is just for a pair of types,
which is rather useless for classes that inherit from one of the types.
But which other functions for which types should be registered too?

This is the reason for the proposal of going fully dynamic with MMD too.

 An alternate approach would be for the make process to generate a
 function that registers a given class into a given type slot, and code
 to call each parent in order (top down) to override their slots as required.

I don't think that this would help currently because the mmd_init table
already has (defaulted) and other static inheritance. Dunno.

 - Sam Ruby


Re: [CVS ci] class refactoring 1 - Integer

2004-12-10 Thread Sam Ruby
Eirik Berg Hanssen wrote:
Leopold Toetsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sam Ruby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I took a look into this.  Apparently, in Perl5, the result of xor'ing
undef with anything is undef.  I'm not suggesting that this is either
right or wrong (it actually was surprising to me),
Yep. It doesn't really follow the definition of xor, nor does it match
the implementation of other types.
  Which Perl5 (xor, undef) would this be?  It does not look like the
result is undef around here:
My bad.  I misinterpreted an empty string as an undef.  Here's the test 
I ran:

  my $a = undef;
  $c = $a xor $a;
  print $c;
  $c = $a xor 0;
  print $c;
  $c = $a xor 1;
  print $c;
  $c = 2 xor $a;
  print $c;
  $c = 3 xor 4;
  print $c;
  $c = 0 xor $a;
  print $c;
  $c = 5 xor 0;
  print $c;
  $c = 0 xor 6;
  print $c;
  print \n;
perl -v returns:
  This is perl, v5.8.4 built for i386-linux-thread-multi
- Sam Ruby

[perl #32989] Problem in linux ppc

2004-12-10 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
# Please include the string:  [perl #32989]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 

osname= linux
osvers= 2.6.9-gentoo-r9
arch=   powerpc-linux-thread-multi
cc= gcc 3.4.3 20041125 (Gentoo Linux 3.4.3-r1, ssp-3.4.3-0, pie-8.7.7)
trying to compile parrot (cvs) in a linux ppc machine I get the following 
error. It looks like the configure process gets confused and does not compile 
the ppc jit code when it is under linux:

c++ -o parrot -L/usr/local/lib -Wl,-E  -g  imcc/main.o blib/lib/libparrot.a   
-lpthread -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lrt -lpthread -lm -L/usr/lib  -licuuc 
-licudata -lpthread -lm
blib/lib/libparrot.a(jit_cpu.o)(.text+0x2722): In function `Parrot_end_jit':
src/jit_cpu.c:74: undefined reference to 
blib/lib/libparrot.a(jit_cpu.o)(.text+0x2726):src/jit_cpu.c:74: undefined 
reference to `Parrot_ppc_jit_restore_nonvolatile_registers'
blib/lib/libparrot.a(jit_cpu.o)(.text+0x274e):src/jit_cpu.c:74: undefined 
reference to `Parrot_ppc_jit_restore_nonvolatile_registers'
blib/lib/libparrot.a(jit_cpu.o)(.text+0x2752):src/jit_cpu.c:74: undefined 
reference to `Parrot_ppc_jit_restore_nonvolatile_registers'
blib/lib/libparrot.a(jit_cpu.o)(.text+0x2772):src/jit_cpu.c:74: undefined 
reference to `Parrot_ppc_jit_restore_nonvolatile_registers'
blib/lib/libparrot.a(jit_cpu.o)(.text+0x2776):src/jit_cpu.c:74: more undefined 
references to `Parrot_ppc_jit_restore_nonvolatile_registers' follow
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [parrot] Error 1

Summary of my parrot 0.1.1 configuration:
  configdate='Fri Dec 10 15:28:20 2004'
osname=linux, archname=powerpc-linux-thread-multi
jitcapable=1, jitarchname=ppc-linux,
jitosname=LINUX, jitcpuarch=ppc
cc='gcc', ccflags='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DTHREADS_HAVE_PIDS  -pipe 
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='gcc', ldflags=' -L/usr/local/lib',
libs='-lpthread -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lrt -lpthread -lm -L/usr/lib 
 -licuuc -licudata -lpthread -lm'
  Dynamic Linking:
share_ext='.so', ld_share_flags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib -fPIC',
load_ext='.so', ld_load_flags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib -fPIC'
iv=long, intvalsize=4, intsize=4, opcode_t=long, opcode_t_size=4,
ptrsize=4, ptr_alignment=1 byteorder=4321, 
nv=double, numvalsize=8, doublesize=8


The split opcode

2004-12-10 Thread James deBoer
Currently, the split opcode is declared as 'split(out PMC, in STR, in 
STR)' where $2 is a regex.

PGE, however, currently supports three types of regular expressions, and 
more are likely going to be added. So, which type of regular expression 
should split use?

The Perl6's split function will likely use slightly different regular 
expressions than TCL's split function or Python's. Picking any one 
regular expression (e.g Perl6's) will force the other languages to 
reimplement split's functionality.

A solution:
Declare split as 'split(out PMC, in PMC, in STR)' where $2 would be a 
compiled PGE::Match object. This lets you pick what kind of regular 
expression you want to use.

An example using Perl6's regular expressions:
   .local string pattern
   .local string input
   .local pmc rulesub
   .local pmc array
   pattern = [\n ]   # pattern to compile
   rulesub = p6rule_compile(pattern) # compile it to rulesub
   input = I held out my arm\nbut she laughed
   split array, rulesub, input # array will be a 
list of words in input

Comments? Is there a simpler solution? Am I making a problem out of nothing?
- James

Re: [CVS ci] class refactoring 1 - Integer

2004-12-10 Thread Sam Ruby
Mike Guy wrote:
Perl5 Cxor always returns a standard boolean value, i.e.
dualvar(0, '') or dualvar(1, '1').Perl6/Parrot should do the same
perl -le print 'day' xor 'night'
On the version of Perl I have installed, I get day as the result.
- Sam Ruby

Re: The split opcode

2004-12-10 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 01:34:03PM -0500, James deBoer wrote:
 Currently, the split opcode is declared as 'split(out PMC, in STR, in 
 STR)' where $2 is a regex.
 PGE, however, currently supports three types of regular expressions, and 
 more are likely going to be added. So, which type of regular expression 
 should split use?
 A solution:
 Declare split as 'split(out PMC, in PMC, in STR)' where $2 would be a 
 compiled PGE::Match object. This lets you pick what kind of regular 
 expression you want to use.

Slight correction:  Thus far a PGE::Match object is the result of 
performing a match between a rule and target string, not the compiled 
form of the rule.  At present a rule is just a subroutine that returns
PGE::Match objects.  Eventually we may have a PGE::Rule class for
representing compiled rule objects, but we're not there yet.  So, $2 
would need to be a rule subroutine.

Going beyond that, we might want to just have a split method for 
PGE::Rule objects, and leave the split opcode to do fast separation
of strings based on constant strings.  But I'm not entirely familiar
with Parrot's opcode/MMD semantics so I'll follow others' leads on this


Re: [CVS ci] class refactoring 1 - Integer

2004-12-10 Thread Luke Palmer
Sam Ruby writes:
 Mike Guy wrote:
 Perl5 Cxor always returns a standard boolean value, i.e.
 dualvar(0, '') or dualvar(1, '1').Perl6/Parrot should do the same
 perl -le print 'day' xor 'night'
 On the version of Perl I have installed, I get day as the result.

Odd, since xoring two true values should give a false one.

Remember the precedence of xor.  This is parsed:

perl -le print('day') xor 'night'


Re: overloaded operator calling conventions

2004-12-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Leopold Toetsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ fullquote ]

 A recent discussion with Sam has shown that the current calling
 conventions for overloaded operators don't match Python semantics (nor
 Perl6 when I interpret S06 and S13 correctly).

 The difference is that Parrot is passing in the destination argument
 while these languages are returning the operator result.


 def myadd(self, r):
  return self - r

 class I(int):
  __add__ = myadd

 i = I(44)
 print i, i + 2

 Parrot is expecting and calling a subroutine like:

.sub __add
  .param left
  .param right
  .param dest

 and it's run in void context. This calling convention matches the add
 opcode, where the destination argument has to exist. But it's not suited
 for HLLs as the HLL compiler can't track the subroutine usage back to
 overloading and adjust the emitted code.

 A short-term solution would be to evaluate the return result (if the
 function returns something) and assign that value to the dest argument.

 Parrot would call

.sub __add
   .param left
   .param right
   .param dest   # HLL can use it or create a temp
   .return(temp) # or .return (dest) if HLL knows about dest

 while this is still a bit sub-optimal because of the additional temp,
 the HLL might create, it would at least match the semantics.

 A more radical change would be to just adapt these opcodes to create an
 appropriate PMC with the result.

Thinking more about that it seems that we don't have much chance to keep
the current scheme that the destination is passed in.

a Python snippet:

def myadd(self, r):
return I(self.v - r)

class I(object):
__add__ = myadd
def __init__(self, v):
self.v = v
def __repr__(self):
return I(%d) % self.v

i = I(44)
j = i + 2
k = j + 2
print i, j, k

The add opcode is overloaded and returns a new object of class I.
The current scheme is:

  $P0 = new Undef
  $P0 = add i, 2

*If* the HLL compiler can somehow make a connection between the myadd
function as an overloaded add opcode, it could try to morph the passed
in destination argument. The whole morph code is bulky and slow,
changing one PMC into an arbitrary different one needs deallocating the
old one (what happens with finalizers?) and constructing a new one in

But I doubt that a compiler can track such a usage (myadd could be in a
different file and imported). That means we are pre-constructing a LHS
PMC for nothing with all implications on GC and performance.

Second: looking at pmc.c:pmc_reuse() the code isn't able to and can't
never return a singleton as the result of an operation, because that
would mean to change the address of the argument, where only it's
pointer is passed.




2004-12-10 Thread Jos I. Boumans
After quite a bit of feedback on the first beta, I'm pleased to 
announce the second beta. Get it from:

Or soon, a CPAN near you.
Changes for 0.050_02Fri Dec 10 15:03:39 CET 2004

*   Move CPANPLUS::Dist::(Deb|Ports) to it's on repository
*   Fix error when Test::Reporter is unavaliable
*   Various spelling fixes
*   Added CPANPLUS::Hacking pod with instructions how to hack on
*   Added an environment variable 'PERL5_CPANPLUS_IS_RUNNING' which
will be set to the current process id, so subprocesses can
recognize that they are running under CPANPLUS
*   Some wordings have changed for the setup, to make things a bit
*   Add 'do we have test::reporter support' probing code (used in
test suite)
*   Add Mail::Send as a prerequisite for test::reporter support
*   Don't attempt to actually send test reports from our test suite
-- Test::Reporter doesn't do that itself either, we might have
failed tests due to Test::Reporter rather than ourselves
*   Mention 'bundle::cpanplus::test::reporter' which has all the
modules needed to have test::reporter support enabled
*   Improved accuracy for core module detection logic and errors
*   More support for connecting to remote machines using
CPANPLUS::Daemon (not yet released, but will be soon)
*   Add extra clean up arguments to our own Makefile to remove temp
*   Extensive overhaul of CPANPLUS::Dist::Build to get Module::Build
support working properly (lots of workarounds for bugs in the M::B
API -- we now bundle a custom patched M::B (0.26061) to cope)
*   Module::Build now accepts buildflags
*   Seperate inc path for installers (defacto only Module::Build
right now)
*   Update various bundled modules like Object::Accessor, IPC::Cmd,
*   Smarter loading of bundled modules
*   Various speed optimizations
*   't --force' can send a new test::report now
*   Don't force current installer format onto prereqs, unless it's
explicitly requested
*   Make the default shell be aware when it's running in noninteractive
mode, making sure it makes no suggestions with require interactivity
*   Add a message about where the module was extracted to in verbose 

Jos Boumans
Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority,
it is time to pause and reflect. - Mark Twain