Re: The new wiki

2006-07-05 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks to Tyler MacDonald and we now have a brand spanking new
> wiki! is its location, we'll worry about
> getting more official domains later.

Since I set up my own server for (then nx, now yi).org 8 years ago
and started doing the dynamic DNS thing, my hope was to be able to give
something back to the hackers in the open source community that have already
given me more than a lifetime's worth of value. Perl/CPAN in particular has
made my life both more enjoyable and profitable. I'm glad that the server is
fulfilling it's use; thanks to you guys for doing what you're doing! :)

- Tyler

Re: Volunteer wanted: We need a new wiki.

2006-07-05 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> You win!  Set it up.  Let us know when its online.  We'll worry about
> >> getting a proper domain/uri for it later.
> >
> >Done!
> Thanks!
> Could you switch that to  Just to make it clear this
> isn't's QA department.'s QA department... I almost snorted me tea out of my nose when I read
that. ;-)

OK, I've set to point there. I figured once it was ready for
production you'd point a more official perly URL at it. (If/when you
want to do that, please let me know so I can update apache etc...)


Re: Volunteer wanted: We need a new wiki.

2006-07-05 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/5/06, Tyler MacDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I'd be happy to. is already running a few mediawikis, as well as
> > Let me know and I'll get it set up.
> You win!  Set it up.  Let us know when its online.  We'll worry about
> getting a proper domain/uri for it later.


- Tyler

Re: Volunteer wanted: We need a new wiki.

2006-07-05 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> These TAP extension proposals and designs for parsers and questions
> for details about the TAP grammar... they should all go into the Wiki.
> But the Perl QA Wiki sucks.  Its slow.  Its spammed.  UseModWiki
> sucks.  And I don't have the time to maintain it.
> We need a new wiki. is too anemic to run anything serious
> (64 megs of RAM, woo!).  We need a volunteer with server space to
> setup and maintain the Perl QA Wiki.  I'd prefer MediaWiki (that which
> Wikipedia uses).  It seems the best known, best of breed with the
> least fuss.
> Please contact me if you would like to do this.

I'd be happy to. is already running a few mediawikis, as well as Let me know and I'll get it set up.


Re: Non-Perl TAP implementations

2006-04-17 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Ovid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tracking the results in an object is a better choice than scraping from
> a print buffer.  One of the frustrating issues with Perl's testing
> tools is the limited flexibility we have due to reading the output from

I like that aspect about TAP... it's simple, humans and machines can
read it easily, and there's no reason why it has to be langauge-specific. I
think the only thing that could make it better would be if TAP output was
parseable by YAML. :-) 

> we should at least publish an EBNF grammar for the output.


- Tyler

Re: Module requirements (was: Module::Build and installing in non-standardlocations)

2006-04-03 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >OTOH, who still runs pre-5.8.x code deserves what they get.
> >
> >There are horrible bugs in older Perls, and I don't know why people 
> >still
> >insist using insecure, buggy and feature-lacking code like 5.6. or even
> >gasp 5.004. Just think "Unicode support", "hash randomization", "memory
> >leaks".

FWIW I've heard at least one valid argument for sticking with 5.6,
and that actually is unicode support. :-)

Apparently, in 5.6 regular expressions don't have full unicode
support. But in 5.8 the regexp unicode stuff is expensive. And to make
matters worse, if anything in any package that you import uses unicode, the
new, slower unicode regular expression algorithm is applied to *everything*
and there's no easy way to turn that off.

This is just a nasty rumour I'm sure, but I've heard it multiple
times from multiple people. I like to stay on the cutting edge and if my
regexps are too slow, I'll find some other way to do it. :-)


Apache::Test <-> cpan.testers weirdness

2006-03-16 Thread Tyler MacDonald
I just got some cpan testers reports on a new module, CGI::JSONRPC. 1 pass,
2 failures. One of the failures seems to be my fault, but the other one
seems really odd:

The odd part is here:

[ERROR] [Wed Mar 15 10:06:14 2006] MAKE TEST failed: No such file or
directory PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/local/perl-5.8.5/bin/perl
"-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')"
t/Apache2-JSONRPC[  error] STDIN is not attached to tty, skip
interactive config
[  error] Skipping the test suite execution, while returning success status
# No tests run!
Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
DIED. FAILED tests 1-6
Failed 6/6 tests, 0.00% okay

In the same breath it looks like the Apache::Test suite both says that it's
going to return success, and returns a failure code. The really odd thing is
that this only happens in Apache2-JSONRPC.t:

While CGI-JSONRPC.t skips its tests as well, and returns a correct result

Does anybody know what's happening here?


Re: Best Practice for testing compilation of scripts

2006-03-15 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Geoffrey Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was suggesting the functionality be added to Test::More as compile_ok(),
> rather than runperl() in some separate CPAN module, as it seems to closely
> parallel use_ok() for modules and would be rather useful on a larger scale.

I agree, a well written version of that would be awesome in


Re: Activestate and Scalar-List-Utils

2006-03-14 Thread Tyler MacDonald
David Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So back at the beginning of February, there was some email traffic about 
> how ActiveState's automated PPM build system was using an outdated 
> version of Scalar-List-Utils, which was causing a cascading prerequisite 
> failure for many distributions.
> Has anyone heard any updates on this?  Does anyone have an inside 
> contact at ActiveState that can shed some more light on the subject?

The problem's bigger than that and has to do with ActiveState's QA
process, dual-life packages, and PPM. From what I gather a few solutions
have been proposed and the perl hackers at ActiveState are looking into it,
but they're a bit distracted right now by all the extra work that comes from
severing themselves from Sophos; moving offices, splitting up the IT
infrastructure, etc. After that, un-borking modules like Scalar::List::Utils
and Spiffy are a top priority.

This is all just gossip; I work at Sophos and occasionally run into
an Activator on the patio, and I also have several modules who fail under
PPM but succeed elsewhere. Here's a weird one:

That build seems to hang on the first ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt(),
even though ActiveStates "cpanrun" sets AUTOMATED_TESTING and


Re: New kwalitee metric - eg/ directory

2006-03-14 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Tels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And packages without any actual packages, like wikimedia-graph.
> But I am not sure if the agreed-on last suggestions were even implemented, 
> or anything else done: was last updated 
> 2005-12-05, e.g. over three months ago :(

AFAIK Thomas Klausner is working on getting a new improved CPANTS up
and running. He last logged into the server on Mar. 2 and put out a new
Module::CPANTS::Analyse two days ago.


Re: New kwalitee metric - eg/ directory

2006-03-14 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Steve Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > /eg scripts are a nice "hands-on" way of finding out how a module works 
> > in real life.
> > 
> > No distribution should be without one!
> Unless, of course, it has an examples/ directory, which would cause the 
> kwalitee test to fail. ;)  I do think its a good idea, especially with
> large, all-encompassing type modules to provide some examples, but
> testing for (in effect, regulating) the name of the directory that will
> be difficult to do.

I'm not convinced this is a good idea, but if it were implemented, I
don't think a regexp to catch all of them would be that complicated... Well
so far the only ones I've seen are "eg", "examples", and from that renegade
GD::Graph, "samples".

If we were to actually use this as a metric, I'd suggest negating it
if there is a "bin" directory, since applications may not need examples...


Re: Trends in Code Quality

2006-03-02 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Matisse Enzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jeff I think that is a good theory - I mean, it is a testable theory.  
> I hope it is true, but I am not sure. I suggest you interview a few  
> IT managers - come up with a list of 6 questions and ask them to  
> answer in email - I can introduce you to a couple outside of the  
> company you are at now, and I bet other people can to - getting  
> answers from a dozen different IT managers would add useful  
> information. And consider the different environments - small company,  
> large company, fast-moving, slow-moving, etc.

Ooooh, a testable theory! When you do this, can you post the results
as Test::Harness output so we can calculate the Kwalitee of the theory?
Something like

ok 1 - IT Managers like code quality
not ok 2 - Programmers are lazy



Re: Best practice for version control of locally installed CPAN modules

2006-02-27 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Hello Matisse,

I like these two ideas:

Matisse Enzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   2) Put the CPAN .tar.gz files in a local CPAN repository and use
>  CPAN::Site to install - that way we *only* get the versions in
>  our local CPAN repository and dependencies are managed by the
>  module Makefile.PL / Build.PL scripts.
>   3) Put the .tar.gz files in our source-code control system, and checkout
>  and build each one during a release process.

#3 seems like the lowest maintenence. Maintaining on a .tar.gz in CVS
seems easier than integrating diffs of the newest version whenever you want
to upgrade.

#2 has it's benefits too - you could even mirror all of CPAN, and
just maintain a script with "install" commands to install the versions you

install "KWILLIAMS/Module-Build-0.27_04.tar.gz";

etc. That makes both upgrading easy and makes your build process
independant from the availablity of your favourite CPAN mirror.


Re: META.yml feature for autotesters?

2006-02-24 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Adam Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So while we are on the subject of META.yml, I think the dynamic_config 
> approach is horrible, because it defaults to an efficient error case and 
> relies on the author to fix the error, rather than defaulting to the 
> inefficient correct case, and giving the option to make it faster.
> Where would be the best place to get this flag changed (or for a 
> discussion on doing so) in the spec?

The module-build project, maintained by Ken Williams, is currently
hosting the META.yml spec;

I guess META.yml's "reccomends" feature accomplishes most of what
I'm after (if you can't install the module don't worry about it, but if you
can, it'll enhance things), but what I was looking for was a place to dump
stuff like that that doesn't affect the usability of the package, just the
testability. "build_recommends" was suggested on module-build-general, but
it appears to have disappeared from the Module::Build code and isn't on the
META.yml spec.

- Tyler

META.yml feature for autotesters?

2006-02-24 Thread Tyler MacDonald
I've been thinking about automated testing again. I know this is a
bad habit and I should stop it and just get on with my work, but here's
where I'm at:

Sometimes it's beneficial for an automated tester to install
additional packages (in software I'm releasing, Test::CPANpm and sqlite are
perfect examples). It would be good to have a standard way to tell a smoke
tester what these packages are.

How does everybody feel about making this a defined "feature" in
the META.yml spec? Something like:

  - automated_testing:
  description: Automated testing of all of this package's features
DBD::SQLite2: 0

If an optional_feature field for packages useful for automated
testing was standardized, functionality could be added to CPAN::YACSmoke and
PITA to take advantage of it, and then there would be an easy way for an
author to define prerequisites for doing an exhaustive smoke test of their

What do y'all think?


Re: Request for Comments: Package testing results analysis, result codes

2006-02-20 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Adam Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'd still like such a thing to be visible in some way. Of course
> >you're going to happily skip tests that require a database if you don't
> >have DBI_DSN set.
> Not necesarily... it all depends on how important it is to you. I see 
> some potential cases where you'd rather abort the install if you can't 
> do proper testing.

Fair enough. So both uses cases exist and it sounds like you're
gearing PITA to be able to handle them in some fashion. I'm looking forward
to seeing it. :)


Re: Request for Comments: Package testing results analysis, result codes

2006-02-20 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Adam Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Firstly is that it might turn an otherwise normal result into something 
> else, with no clear rule. It makes a judgement call that some level of 
> testing is good or bad, which isn't really the place of an installer to 
> call.
> The reason Kwalitee has metrics like this is that it's not important in 
> the scheme of things, it's only looking for indicators which may well be 
> wrong (hence the name Kwalitee). The Kwalitee of a module does not 
> prevent it being installed. What makes 79 skips different from 80 skips? 
> You need some clear distinction between the two states, not just 
> something arbitrary (be it 50 or 80 or something else).

I was speaking in percentages, not actual numbers, but I do see your
point: part of the problem is that while we can send a message to the screen
about why a test was skipped, there's no convention for making a *computer*
understand why. If there were flags or tags that were standard convention
(eg; "need_config", "missing_module", etc) then this would be a lot easier.

> Now 100% skips, THAT could potentially be interesting, or maybe TODOs. But
> then I don't necesarily know why it would be worthy of a different result
> code.

Is there metadata stored apart from these result codes? If so it
might be useful to just store the statistics on skips. Assuming this
database was searchable, it'd be easy to identify modules that could be
tested better by, say, sorting by % of tests skipped and then looking at the
top curplits' log output manually.

That actually brings up another point: Currently
only provides verbose log output for failures. In cases like this, (or cases
where you're driving yourself mad trying to understand why platform X always
passes whereas platform Y which doesn't seem too different always fails),
it'd be handy for the module author to have access to full logs of the test
output for both passes *and* fails.

> The second issue is that it has the potential to override the package
> author. If the author felt that the tests weren't critical, and could be
> skipped quite happily, who are we to make a call that he is wrong and that
> it's a probably, or anything other than 100% ok.

I'd still like such a thing to be visible in some way. Of course
you're going to happily skip tests that require a database if you don't have
DBI_DSN set. (I am toying with the idea of marshalling a whitebox for the
purpose of doing CPAN testers specifically for database and mod_perl-based
packages... that'll probably be a project in itself, hacking YACsmoke to
only pick up those packages, add "-mysql" or whatever to the uname that it
posts with, etc. :)


Re: Request for Comments: Package testing results analysis, result codes

2006-02-19 Thread Tyler MacDonald
I have one more edgey case I'd like to see on this list:

> 13. Tests exist, but fail to be executed.
> There is tests, but the tests themselves aren't failing.
> It's the build-process that is failing.
> 14. Tests run, and some/all tests fail.
> The normal FAIL case due to test failures.
> 15. Tests run, but hang.
> Covers "non-skippable interactive question".
> Covers infinite attempts to connect network sockets.
> Covers other such cases, if detectable.

Tests run, but >50% (or maybe >80%?) are skipped. 

From what I've seen, the most common cause of this is that the
package is untestable with the current build configuration. Eg; you needed
to specify a webserver or database or something to get these tests to run.
Apache::Test provides some hooks for autotesters to configure themselves to
test packages using it, IMHO setting DBI_DSN etc should be enough for
packages that test against a database.

I've been thinking a lot about how to properly autotest
database-driven packages lately. So far the best I've got is:

- If a package depends on a particular DBD:: driver, and you have
the matching database server available, specify a DBI_DSN that uses that

- If a package depends on DBI, but no particular driver, try testing
it with every driver you can use, starting with SQLite since it does not
need a "live" database server.

In the case where a package supports multiple, but not all, database
driver backends, they would probably depend on DBI, but "reccomend" each
DBD:: driver in the META.yml, which would be covered by the first bullet.


Re: IPC::Run or something else?

2006-02-05 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Tamas Dober <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a beginner, please forgive me b/c of the simple questions.
> I'd like to test that that a batch file (starting a Java app) gives me the 
> expected output or not.

I really like IPC::Run, but it is a bit of a heavy package to make
users install just for your test cases. If your module is already using it
for something else, go for it! Otherwise i'd suggest just opening a pipe if
you don't need bidirectional communication;

open(my $fh, '-|', "@ls");
my $out = join('', <$fh>);


> use warnings;   
> use IPC::Run 'run';
> my $out;
> my @ls = ( '\/perl\/Feb\/packager\/bin\/package.bat' ) ;
> run [EMAIL PROTECTED], \undef, \$out or die "bat returned $?" ; 
> like($out, qr/Usage/, 'Usage message'  );
> is( $out =~ /config/, 'this is like that');

> --
> The outcome:
> C:\perl\Feb\packager\bin>prove -v Run2.t
> Run21..2
> Usage: 
> -config[Configuration XML URL]
> -request   [Request XML URL]
> --help
> not ok 1 - Usage message
> #   Failed test 'Usage message'
> #   in Run2.t at line 8.
> #   '
> #
> #
> # '
> # doesn't match '(?-xism:Usage)'
> not ok 2
> #   Failed test in Run2.t at line 9.
> #  got: ''
> # expected: 'this is like that'
> # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.
> It seems I couldn't redirect the output.
> Maybe IPC::Run is not a good choice?
> If I try it under LINUX (using instead of package.bat) I'm having 
> the same issue.
> Could you please help me what direction I should go, what module should I use?
> Thank you
> Tamas
> -
>  Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.

Re: Binary distributions

2006-02-05 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Offer Kaye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Phillipe Chaisson aka "Gozer" (one of the mod_perl authors) is
> > responsible for the ActiveState PPM repositories now,
> Hi Gozer, nice to meet you. Gratz on ActiveState's move to a new
> company, good luck :)

It's a Good Thing for all companies involved, but as a developer for
Sophos, I'll certainly miss having them upstairs. (Not to mention the email addy ;-)

- Tyler

Re: Binary distributions

2006-02-05 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Offer Kaye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just an example, IO::All [1] version 0.33 has been available since Dec
> 17, 2004. It passed testing many times, at least according to its
> testers page [2]. My default 5.8.7 ActivePerl distribution lists
> IO::All version 0.17 .

According to
it is not being built because Spiffy failed it's tests. According to
Spiffy's log, *it* did not build becuase Scalar-List-Utils failed to
build... Which is the same module that both Adam Kennedy and David Golden
are complaining about. (I wonder how many modules are being held back over
this one bug?)

> I'm not sure which of the reasons you listed are valid, as a user I
> have no real way of knowing... that's why I thought an automated
> Windows-PPM sub-domain on CPAN which would be updated automatically
> for every new package would be great. What you are saying, that
> ActiveState already have such a system, is news to me, especially in
> view of examples such as the above... I would rather use CPAN, but the
> PPM works fine for me, only it's not as updated as CPAN.

I think it's a combination of "too much to do, too little time" and
the QA philosophy of ActiveState. On, if the unit tests
fail, you don't get a PPM; I guess this "protects" ActivePerl users from
installing modules that won't work properly on their install. would be a good idea and probably not too hard to
implement. What would it's mandate be? Provide every package out there, even
if unit tests fail, so long as it acutally built? Who is going to provide
the icky sticky windows box with VC++-compiled versions of all the libraries
people expect to be able to use with perl (libgd, libmysqlclient,
apache2, etc)? I certainly don't want to lay my hands on any windows box.

> I'd like to clarify something - I don't really expect Gozer to handle this
> problem... or a problem with any other module... there are so many, how
> can a single person keep up? It would be better if the system were
> automated... and worked :)

I think if the module is close to the metal and a lot of other
modules depend on it, it would be worth ActiveState's time to investigate
the problem and either fix the build system or fix the module. It's a big
payoff if fixing one module means that all of a sudden another 30 or so
automagically build.

> I would rather not use 2 seperate package installation schemes...
> either CPAN or PPM (or something else), not both.

I think those two schemes are exactly what we need for perl. It's
analogous to building and installing a source package, or just installing
the latest RPM/.deb/whatever.

- Tyler

Re: Binary distributions

2006-02-04 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Offer Kaye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why not start off by providing (as the OP suggested for
> linux distors), or something similar? There are many modules that I
> want to use where the PPM version provided by ActiveState or some
> other repository is badly of out date..

ActiveState always serves the last available version where all tests
passed on a given platform. It attempts to build and test every package on
CPAN at least once a week. If something isn't available, it means the tests
failed, which could mean:

1) Tests are failing because it's windows

2) Tests are failing because they're failing everywhere else as well

3) Tests are failing because of ActiveState's build system

For 3), that could mean because the build system itself is screwed
or they don't have some library available.

Phillipe Chaisson aka "Gozer" (one of the mod_perl authors) is
responsible for the ActiveState PPM repositories now, and the he's told me
that if there's an issue with the build system that causes some particular
module's build to fail when it shouldn't, he'll fix it right away if it can
be identified. contains full logs of every
single package build success and failure, so if a package isn't available,
have a look there and see why/how it failed and let him know.


Re: [Module::Build] [RFC] author tests

2006-02-02 Thread Tyler MacDonald
A. Pagaltzis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was just gonna say. It???s pointless for anyone but the author to
> check POD or test coverage.

I agree about the POD coverage. But if I got a different level of
code coverage on somebody else's system than my own? I'd be very interested
in finding out why. I was actually considering playing with YACSmoke and
Devel::Cover to make a site that shows the code coverage metrics for all of
CPAN, but then I realised that I'm getting far too obsessed with this
testing stuff and I need to focus on writing real code if I ever want to
finish an application. :-)

- Tyler

Re: [Module::Build] [RFC] author tests

2006-02-02 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Chris Dolan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  * copyright.t - Ensures that there is a "Copyright ".([localtime]-> 
> [5]+1900) somewhere in every .pm file.  Will break 11 months from now.
>  * distribution.t - Relies on Test::Distribution, which is not in my  
> prereq list
>  * perlcritic.t - Runs Test::Perl::Critic on all .pm files.  Will  
> fail without my specific $HOME/.perlcriticrc and will fail with  
> future, more exhaustive versions of P::C
>  * spelling.t - Runs Test::Spelling.  Will fail without my custom  
> dictionary
>  * versionsync.t - Checks that the $VERSION is the same in all bin/*  
> and *.pm files.  This test is pointless after release, since it's  
> already been tested before release
>  * pod.t - Checks POD validity.  This test is pointless after  
> release, since it's already been tested before release
>  * pod-coverage.t - Checks POD completeness.  This test is pointless  
> after release, since it's already been tested before release
> and one I have not yet employed:
>  * coverage.t - Ensures that Devel::Cover totals are higher than  
> some threshold

Wow, you really *are* exhaustive. How do you find the time to write any
code? ;-)

Now that I understand exactly what you mean by "author" tests, here's what I
think: Whatever convention you're using, if these tests are only going to
work on your system, then they definately shouldn't be in "t". And since
there's absolutely no value in these types of tests for anybody else except
the module author, there's no real point in having a convention, just stick
'em anywhere that the make/buildfiles will ignore them.

- Tyler

Re: [Module::Build] [RFC] author tests

2006-02-02 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Steffen Mueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > And now that I think about it, I'm not so convinced about that whole
> >"concenience for the end user" nonsense. If they're mucking about
> >installing perl modules from the CPAN packages by themself, they're
> >probably developers that need some extra time to sit there and think
> >about what sort of madness they're getting themselves into anyway.
> I strongly disagree! CPAN is the preferred source for any Perl modules 
> and the associated tools like or CPANPLUS are the preferred 
> method of installing them. Why? Because since you are not going to see 
> all modules in .deb or whatever packages and not in the most recent 
> versions. Using both the system's package system and CPAN's for module 
> installation is going to bite you on most systems some day.


I more meant the madness they are getting themselves into by
programming in perl in the first place. :-)

- Tyler

Re: [Module::Build] [RFC] author tests

2006-02-02 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Adam Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Write this up. Then exhaustively test it on every single Perl platform 
> (50ish?) and every Perl version back to 5.004, including a random 
> collection similarly weird combinations (5.004 VMS, "that" 5.6.0 from 
> RedHat 7, 5.6.1 on Windows 95).

I let and take care of that.

> Then make sure the code is so clean and complete you'll never need add 
> another lines of code or tweak the docs.

That's difficult, which is why nearly every core perl module has a
newer version available on CPAN...

> Then lets think about adding a new compulsory near-core dependency.

Ok, so Chris and I were getting a bit too excited about the idea. :)

A new module doesn't need to be added to the core, so long as there
is a way that we can reliably detect when a person wishes to build and test
any given perl package for an objectively unselfish purpose such as
1:prepackaging, 2:automated testing, or 3:releasing. All three are viral so
it's best to make sure they do no harm, while still maintaining some level
of convenience for the "end user".

There's already AUTOMATED_TESTING for 2 and "make disttest" for #3
(just keep a file around in your repo that's not in your MANIFEST and test
for it's presence.)

Any good way to detect #1?

And now that I think about it, I'm not so convinced about that whole
"concenience for the end user" nonsense. If they're mucking about installing
perl modules from the CPAN packages by themself, they're probably developers
that need some extra time to sit there and think about what sort of madness
they're getting themselves into anyway.

- Tyler

Re: [Module::Build] [RFC] author tests

2006-02-01 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Chris Dolan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is a class of tests that module authors perform that end users  
> are not expected to run.  For example code coverage tests, spelling  
> tests, coding style tests, etc.  These tests are either prohibitively  
> expensive or complicated or unpredictable for end users to run.  I  
> call these "private tests" or author tests.

I really like this idea. But as you pointed out, it's not just
authors that need to worry about running these tests, it's packagers
(ppm/deb/etc), automated testers (cpants/, and hackers.
I'd suggest we call these "exhaustive" tests.

Spelling tests, code coverage tests, testing interaction with, etc. are things that I think should be done by automated testers,
and by people packaging your module for distribution inside another larger
system (eg, PPMs or debian packages). So maybe it would make sense if there
were certain tests that only run if AUTOMATED_TESTING is set, and/or if the
"disttest" action is being run.

That said, it would be easy to whip together a Test:: module that
only allows these tests to run under these conditions, especially if
Module::Build, say, set a "DIST_TEST" environment variable when the disttest
action was being run. I already check for AUTOMATED_TESTING to manipulate my
test environments to be more exhaustive. Both Module::Build, and perhaps
future versions of ExtUtils::MakeMaker (if there will ever be a future
version) could depend on this Test:: module (whether or not they use it
themselves) so that it's already on everybody's system. It'd be nice and
small so I don't see anybody complaining too loudly.

Maybe we could call it "Test::Exhaustive"? It's mandate being to
SKIP_ALL of a test if you havent somehow (AUTOMATED_TESTING, disttest, etc)
made it clear that you wish to exhaustively test this module?

> Roughly, I propose that we adopt a standard file extension for author  
> tests, like "t/*.ta", and add an ACTION_authortest to M::B that runs  
> both t/*.t and t/*.ta (which ones first??)

If they were named differently (i don't think they have to be), I'd
want to see them run in lexical order like the current tests, so it'd go
"01foo.t", "02bar.ta", "03baz.t".


Re: bug with Test::Exception? or imacat's autotest box?

2006-01-31 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Greg Matheson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, Tyler MacDonald wrote:
> > Take a look at this output:
> >
> > It looks like this particular system is not noticing that Test::Exception
> > requires Sub::Uplevel, then gets confused thinking it was *my* module that
> > needed Sub::Uplevel. What's even more concerning is the presence of line
> > noise right after the "make test FAILED"... Any idea what can be going on
> > here?
> It's a NLS error message. In Big 5, it says. 'This file or
> directory does not exist.'

Ahh, in my firefox it looked like a bunch of copyright symbols and
squiggly lines. Guess I've got a few fonts to install. :)

The weird thing is, on most chinese language webpages, I get little
squares with the 2-byte hex code for the appropriate character written

- Tyler

Re: bug with Test::Exception? or imacat's autotest box?

2006-01-31 Thread Tyler MacDonald
imacat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > That sucks. :-( If imacat's box has gone AWOL, is there anything
> > cpan testers can do to flag it as such? At least until his/her attention is
> > grabbed and the problem is addressed?
> I'll look into it and return ASAP.  It's Chinese New Year here, so
> give me a break and allow some delay, OK?  You could write to me again
> if I do not return for some certain period.

I wouldn't have suggested that unless fergal had indicated that it
was a long-standing issue. Now that I know you're aware of the problem and
looking into it, I thank you and will patiently await your reply. :)

Happy year of the dog!

- Tyler

Re: Kwalitee in your dependencies (was CPAN Upload: etc etc)

2006-01-31 Thread Tyler MacDonald
OK, speaking of "Kwalitee", I saw cpants for the first time today.
And saw that it claims to update every sunday, but there hasn't been an
update since december 5th. I also saw this interesting .pm file that
appeared to have an anonymous hash of every tarball in CPAN in it, all on
one line. That nearly crashed my browser. :-) What's up with CPANTS? Is it a
defunct project?

- Tyler

Re: bug with Test::Exception? or imacat's autotest box?

2006-01-31 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Fergal Daly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a fail against a module for exactly the same reason. I
> initially blamed Module::Build but they convinced me it was Imacat's
> setup. Apparently the output looks like an old version of something or
> other.
> has details.
> Imacat didn't respond to my email at the time,

That sucks. :-( If imacat's box has gone AWOL, is there anything
cpan testers can do to flag it as such? At least until his/her attention is
grabbed and the problem is addressed?


bug with Test::Exception? or imacat's autotest box?

2006-01-31 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Take a look at this output:

It looks like this particular system is not noticing that Test::Exception
requires Sub::Uplevel, then gets confused thinking it was *my* module that
needed Sub::Uplevel. What's even more concerning is the presence of line
noise right after the "make test FAILED"... Any idea what can be going on


Re: out of sync with

2006-01-31 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Leon Brocard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Usually this clears up in about a day, but in some cases it's been 3 or 4
> > days now and is telling me that tests have run, but
> > doesn't seem to know anything about them.
> Sorry, I'll prod again. Give it a while to sync up.

Awesome, thanks! Is the code that drives open
source? I'd really like to learn more about it.


Re: Binary distributions

2006-01-29 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Andreas J. Koenig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> FWIW, we're using dh-make-perl to create debian packages from CPAN
> modules.

I've used this tool a few times when a CPAN module wasn't already
available in unstable/main, but I havent looked into it too closely. I'm
curious, does it do anything about .so's that XS modules need, or build vs.
runtime dependancies in environments that support it (Module::Build, etc)?


Re: Binary distributions

2006-01-29 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did anybody here have played with CPANPLUS::Dist::Deb?
> Believing its documentation, it should build a valid Debian package
> and take care of its dependencies (dunno if that means just listing
> or actually adding them in the package).

This excited me, but even with all the debian helper utils installed
and CPANPLUS on default settings running as root, it crashes not being able
to find the right dist_cpan object out of CPANPLUS. :-(

- Tyler

Re: Binary distributions

2006-01-28 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Gabor Szabo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You simple cannot guess what libraries/compiler/system/kernel the user
> > has installed, unless you know the distribution and version *and* require
> > that the user never updates anything.
> I think I agree. That's what I would like to see solved. If I stick to the
> standard apt-get (or whatever) of my distribution I would like to be able
> to get all the CPAN modules by saying
> # apt-get install Module::Name

Well in debianland it's actually apt-get libmodule-name-perl :)

The solution to this sounds straightforward, although probably not
simple to implement. Your build box is running the distribution+arch you
want to release the modules for. After building the packages, "ldd" any
binaries found within. This will give you a list of library filenames. In
debian's case, /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list contains a list of files supplied
by each package on the system. Use that to match dependancies up.

If a package requires something on the system that it *doesn't* link
against (say, a certain executable), that problem won't be solved, but I
think that case is a bit rarer.

- Tyler

Re: Binary distributions

2006-01-28 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Barbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm one of the maintainers/developers for CPAN::YACSmoke. I was
> intrigued by your post about adding a Packager plugin to it. However,
> I'm unclear as to what purpose it would serve. CPAN::YACSmoke is purely
> about reporting on test results. CPANPLUS does the actual work. 


From what I gather, CPANPLUS is a linear package building
system, whereas YACsmoke is a wrapper around that that tries to build as
many packages as is humanly (er, computerly) possible on a system, with the
side effect of sending it's results through Test::Reporter. YACsmoke also
can maintain a database of what it has built and what it hasn't, allowing a
YACsmoke system to eventually exhaustively build every single package on
CPAN without building the same one twice. Is this correct?

> What would the plugins for .deb, .rpm and .ppm do? Currently we just
> pass the path to CPANPLUS and let CPANPLUS unwrap, make and test the
> distribution. We then just interrogate the results.

These plugins would execute *after* YACsmoke/CPANPLUS has done it's
work, but before it's cleaned up after itself, and generate the actual
.deb/.rpm/.ppm files.

> Perhaps this is something you meant for CPANPLUS to handle, in which
> case I'm sure that's something Jos would be interested in, as he has
> previously looked at some kind of binary support.

Well, maybe the actual low-level package generation could be kicked
down a level, but the whole reason I thought of using YACsmoke for this was
because of it's "grab everything and try to build it" nature.

> I plan to find time soon to complete the tests required for the next
> release of CPAN::YACSmoke, so if what you want does relate to
> CPAN::YACSmoke I can start taking a look and see what needs to be done
> to implement it.

Sounds good :)


Re: Binary distributions

2006-01-27 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Gabor Szabo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have just moved to Ubuntu and thought I will try to rely on apt-get
> to install my Perl modules. Quckly I hit a wall and could not install some
> of the basic modules. I did not have the time to investigate and check
> if I made a mistake or if there is a .deb repository with the latest CPAN
> modules for Ubuntu. I reverted to use
> BTW here is an article on how to build Debian packages of Perl modules:
> Anyway I think instead of trying to setup our own binary distribution
> we might want to make sure there are up to date repositories of
> Perl modules for the major distributions
> (and I am not talking only about Linux distributions here).
> It can be done by helping the people who already maintain some of these
> distributions or by setting up repositories such as,
>, etc...

That is such an incredibly good idea. I've got plenty of bandwidth
to burn and I'm willing to set up 

I think the most obvious way to automate this would be to take
advantage of the whole perl package / dependancy / build / test process that
the YACsmoke module already offers us. Maybe
CPAN::YACSmoke::Plugin::Packager, with children ::Deb, ::RPM, ::PPM, etc.
These modules could just stick their built packages into an outgoing
directory (or maybe multiple, "noarch", "i386", etc); some distros would be
able to just nab those and their metainfo and roll a repo out of it, maybe
some we'll have to write tools to do that for as well.

- Tyler

Re: Dependency trees was: CPAN Upload: D/DO/DOMM/Module-CPANTS-Analyse-0.5.tar.gz

2006-01-27 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Jeffrey Thalhammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Randy Kobes distributes Win32 PPMs for some of the
> modules that ActiveState doesn't provide.  It is not
> entirely automated, so the latest code isn't always
> available.  But Randy is very helpful if there's
> anything you want to see.

What is actually happening on, is that only
modules that pass all their unit tests are packaged for the general public.
IMHO this is a great idea, since then people who are "ppm installing" stuff
from activestate repoes can be reasonably(*) confident that the package will
work on their system.

Part of the problem is that a lot of modules out there are fully
functional even when a few of their tests fail due to assumptions about the
environment they are being tested in. Another part is that the ActiveState
perl package build process ("cpanrun") doesn't behave exactly the same way
as CPAN::YACSmoke. So, a lot of packages that build successfully for CPAN
testers don't for (and sometimes, the opposite is true).

Gozer (the new ActiveState CPAN<->PPM guru) is working hard to get
as many of these failing modules working properly ASAP. In the past few
weeks he's implemented the PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT and AUTOMATED_TESTING
environment variables in cpanrun. He's also working on getting as many
non-perl dependancies as possible (eg; libgd, libpg, etc) installed on his
build boxes so that XS-based packages that depend on these things can be
built. A lot of packages still dont get released through activeperl, but the
situation is getting better.

There's still always going to be packages that fail unit tests, that
people want anyways; I think keeping those packages out of a "quality
assured" repo is a neccessary sacrifice to maintain integrity. Maybe it
would be a good idea for there to be an official "unstable" PPM repo where
packages that built, but failed unit tests, get placed -- then somebody who
wants to be on the bleeding edge can add that repo to their list to get at
the packages, and maybe even lend a hand in figuring out why the tests are


Re: Dependency trees was: CPAN Upload: D/DO/DOMM/Module-CPANTS-Analyse-0.5.tar.gz

2006-01-27 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Chris Dolan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >* for windows only
> >* only includes Foo-Bar, but not it's dependecies
> It will auto-install dependencies just like CPAN, I believe.  And,  
> yes, it's currently Windows-only.  Didn't you offer bonus points for  
> Windows??

Um, no it isn't!

PPMs are built for a variety of platforms, windows, OSX, and various

You can download ActivePerl for these platforms here:

- Tyler out of sync with

2006-01-27 Thread Tyler MacDonald
On several of my modules, the page shows test
passes/failures, whereas when I follow the link to see the actual list,
there are no tests reported.


Usually this clears up in about a day, but in some cases it's been 3 or 4
days now and is telling me that tests have run, but doesn't seem to know anything about them.

Is this a common problem? Is it fixable? Is there somewhere else I can go to
find out about the results of my modules being tested, short of subscribing
to the mailing list where *every* module tested gets posted?


Re: Test Script Best-Practices

2006-01-24 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Jeffrey Thalhammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * Should a test script have a shebang?  What should it
> be?  Any flags on that?

It's not at all neccessary, but IMHO it is good form; it's a surefire way
for anything else (HTTP server, IDEs, etc) to figure out that you're
actually a perl script and do the right thing (run it, syntax highlight it,

For test scripts and other executables, I use:


For .pm files, I just put


> * When run outside of 'make test', should the test
> script force modules to load from the distro's lib or
> blib directory by default?  Or should it just load
> from the user's existing @INC (whatever it may be).

The convention in running tests is to use the 'prove' command;

prove t/01_class.t

That should take care of blib for you.

> * Should a test script make any assumptions about the
> CWD?

It's expected that a test script will be executed from the package's root
directory, where the Makefile.PL etc reside.

> Is it fair/safe for the test script to change directories?

Yes. Typically, each test script runs as it's own process, so if it changes
directories, it only affects that one test file and not the others. It would
probably be nice of the test script to only change to directories inside
it's packages root, as opposed to snooping around the harddrive of whomever
is doing the testing.

> * What's the best practice for testing-only libraries?
>  Where do they go and how do you load them?  Is there
> a naming convention that most people follow (e.g.
> t::Foo::Bar).

I don't know. If there is that could be far more convienent than what I do.
I usually use My::Package::Test::blah.

- Tyler

Re: how to detect that we're running under CPAN::Testers?

2006-01-11 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For CPAN smokers based on CPAN::YACSmoke, the answer is: test the
> presence of the AUTOMATED_TESTING environment variable. See also
> the following page for more details:

Awesome, that's what I was after. :) Are there any other automated
testing environments that post their results to I should
worry about?


how to detect that we're running under CPAN::Testers?

2006-01-11 Thread Tyler MacDonald

Is there any way to tell if my package is being tested automatically
under CPAN::Testers? Here's the situation:

I have a DBI extension (DBIx::Transaction) whose unit tests
currently depend on a valid DSN being available. SQLite makes a good testbed
for "mock" databases, so if DBD::SQLite2 is available, my module defaults to
testing against a temporary database using that. Thus, DBIx-Transaction-0.04
depends on DBD::SQLite2 *unless* the DBI_DSN environment variable is set to
a non-SQLite2 driver. If DBI_DSN is set to an empty string, the tests do not
run at all.

Some people think that in a perfect world, end users should not be
made to install DBD::SQLite2 by default. I'm leaning towards that as well;
less bloat is good.

However, when these packages are being auto-tested as part of the
perl QA effort (and possibly for packaging for use in ActivePerl on as well), I'd like my Makefile.PL to notice this and
depend on DBD::SQLite2 after all, so that the tests will be run and we have
an assurance that the package works.

Any thoughts/ideas?
