Re: When do named subs bind to their variables? (Re: Questionable scope of state variables ([perl #113930] Lexical subs))

2012-07-07 Thread Tom Christiansen
"Father Chrysostomos via RT"  wrote
   on Sat, 07 Jul 2012 18:54:15 PDT: 

>Thank you.  So the bar sub seems to be closing over the name @a (the
>container/variable slot/pad entry/whatever), rather than the actual
>array itself.

>Since I don't  have it installed, could you tell me what this does?

All three of those say the same thing:



Re: When do named subs bind to their variables? (Re: Questionable scope of state variables ([perl #113930] Lexical subs))

2012-07-07 Thread Tom Christiansen
"Father Chrysostomos via RT"  wrote
   on Sat, 07 Jul 2012 17:44:46 PDT: 

> I’m forwarding this to the Perl 6 language list, so see if I can find
> an answer there.

I do have an answer from Damian, which I will enclose below, and a 
Rakudo result for you.

> [This conversation is about how lexical subs should be implemented in
> Perl 5.  What Perl 6 does may help in determining how to iron out the
> edge cases.]


> This question might be more appropriate:  In this example, which @a
> does the bar subroutine see (in Perl 6)?

> sub foo {
> my @a = (1,2,3);
> my sub bar { say @a };
> @a := [4,5,6];
> bar();
> }

The answer to your immediate question is that if you call foo(), 
it prints out 456 under Rakudo.

Following is Damian's answer to my question, shared with permission.


    From:  Damian Conway 
To:Tom Christiansen 
CC:Larry Wall 
Date:  Sun, 08 Jul 2012 07:17:19 +1000
Delivery-Date: Sat, 07 Jul 2012 15:19:09
Subject:   Re: my subs and state vars
In-Reply-To:   <22255.1341691089@chthon>

X-Spam-Status: No, score=-102.6 required=4.5 
   USER_IN_WHITELIST autolearn=ham version=3.3.0

X-Google-Sender-Auth: UHLwfgo2kyvv2prdl6qJm-RfLF8
Content-Type:  text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

> It looks like perl5 may be close to having my subs, but a puzzle
> has emerged about how in some circumstances to treat state
> variables  within those.  [I'm pretty sure that perl6 has thought
> this through thoroughly, but [I] am personally unfamiliar with the
> outcome of said contemplations.]
> I bet you aren't, though.  Any ideas or clues?

The right things to do (and what Rakudo actually does) is to treat
lexical subs as lexically scoped *instances* of the specified sub
within the current surrounding block.

That is: a lexical sub is like a "my" var, in that you get a new one
each time the surrounding block is executed. Rather than like an "our"
variable, where you get a new lexically scoped alias to the same package
scoped variable.

By that reasoning, state vars inside a my sub must belong to each
instance of the sub, just as state vars inside anonymous subs belong to
each instance of the anonymous sub.

Another way of thinking about what Perl 6 does is that:

my sub foo { whatever() }

is just syntactic sugar for:

my &foo := sub { whatever() }

That is: create a lexically scoped Code object and alias it at run-time
to an anonymous subroutine. So the rules for state variables inside
lexical subs *must* be the same as the rules for state variables inside
anonymous subs, since they're actually just two ways of creating the
same thing.

With this approach, in Perl 6 it's easy to specify exactly what you want:

sub recount_from ($n) {

my sub counter {
state $count = $n;   # Each instance of &counter has its own 
say $count--;
die if $count == 0;

while prompt "recount $n> " {


sub first_count_down_from ($n) {

state $count = $n;   # All instances of &counter share a common 

my sub counter {
say $count--;
die if $count == 0;

while prompt "first count $n> " {

Feel free to forward the above to anyone who might find it useful.


Re: Underscores v Hyphens (Was: [perl6/specs] a7cfe0: [S32] backtraces overhaul)

2011-08-24 Thread Tom Christiansen
Darren Duncan  wrote on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 11:18:20 PDT:

> Smylers wrote:
>> Could we have underscores and hyphens mean the same thing? That is, Perl
>> 6 always interprets illo-figut and illo_figut as being the same
>> identifier (both for its own identifiers and those minted in programs),
>> with programmers able to use either separator on a whim?

> I oppose this.  Underscores and hyphens should remain distinct.

>> That would seem to be the most human-friendly approach.

> I disagree.  More human friendly is "if it looks different in any way then it 
> is 
> different".  (I am not also saying that same-looking things are equal, given 
> Unicode's redundancy.)

Your mentioning of Unicode is poignant.  In Unicode properties, you are not
supposed to have to worry about these things.For example, from UTS#18:

Note: Because it is recommended that the property syntax be lenient
  as to spaces, casing, hyphens and underbars, any of the
  following should be equivalent: \p{Lu}, \p{lu}, \p{uppercase
  letter}, \p{uppercase letter}, \p{Uppercase_Letter}, and

Simillarly, since this applies to property names as well as to property
values, these are all the same:

\p{GC  =Lu}
\p{gc  =Lu}
\p{General Category=Lu}
\p{generalcategory =Lu}

I'll let you permute the RHS on your own. :)

However, I use the opposite of that sort of loose matching of identifiers
in my own code.  For example, when I make a named character alias, I always
use lowercase so that it looks different from an official one.

use charnames ":full", ":alias" => {
smcap_ae=> "LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL AE",  # this is a lowercase 
smcap_oe=> "LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL OE",  # this is a lowercase 

I don't make "E_ACUTE" and "eacute" also work there.  However, there is a
new ":loose" that does do that, but I suspect I shan't use it, since I use
both "ae" and "AE" differently in existing code.


UCA and NFC/NFD issues in pattern matching

2011-02-23 Thread Tom Christiansen
I have two points.  First, this excerpt from Synopsis 6:

The :m (or :ignoremark) modifier scopes exactly like :ignorecase except
that it ignores marks (accents and such) instead of case. It is equivalent
to taking each grapheme (in both target and pattern), converting both to
NFD (maximally decomposed) and then comparing the two base characters
(Unicode non-mark characters) while ignoring any trailing mark characters.
The mark characters are ignored only for the purpose of determining the
truth of the assertion; the actual text matched includes all ignored
characters, including any that follow the final base character.

The :mm (or :samemark) variant may be used on a substitution to change the
substituted string to the same mark/accent pattern as the matched string.
Mark info is carried across on a character by character basis. If the right
string is longer than the left one, the remaining characters are
substituted without any modification. (Note that NFD/NFC distinctions are
usually immaterial, since Perl encapsulates that in grapheme mode.) Under
:sigspace the preceding rules are applied word by word.  In perl5, one must
manually run two matches on all data.

First: I notice that ignoring marks (and such) and ignoring case are both
differently strengthed effects of the Unicode Collation Algorithm.  What
about simply allowing folks to specify which of the four (or more, I guess)
levels of UCA equivalence/folding they want?

Second: I'm not altogether reassured by the parenned bit about NFD/NFC
being immaterial.  That's because I've been pretty annoying lately in perl5
with having to manually run *everything* through a double match every time,
and I can't avoid it by prenormalizing.  I'm just hoping that perl6 will
handle this better.

It's usually like this:

NFD($data) =~ $pattern
NFC($data) =~ $pattern

Or if you know your data is NFD:

$data  =~ $pattern
NFC($data) =~ $pattern

Or if you know your data is NFC:

NFD($data) =~ $pattern
$data  =~ $pattern

That's because even if your data in a known state with respect to
normalization, if your pattern admits both NFD and NFC forms, which it
would if read in from a file etc, then you have to run them both.

For example, suppose you read a pattern whose characters are specified



$pattern = q; # "e" + COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT

It would be ok if those were literal characters, because you
could just NFD the patterns and be done.  But they're not.  So
in order for

$data =~ $pattern

to work properly with both, you really have to do a guaranteed
double-convert/match each time.  This is rather unfortunate, to put it
mildly.  What you really want is a pattern compile flag that imposes
canonical matching, and does this correctly even when faced with named
characters, etc.

My read of S06 suggests that this will not be an issue.  I do wonder
what happens when you want to match just the combining part.  Does
that fail in grapheme mode?  It shouldn't: you *can* have standalones.
But then we're back to partial matches in the middle of things, which
is something that plagues us with full Unicode case-folding.  This is


problem, amongst others.  Seems that you are going to get into the
same dilemma if you allow matching partial graphemes in grapheme mode.



Perl6 regexes and UTS#18

2011-02-05 Thread Tom Christiansen
Has anybody specifically looked at how Perl6 regexes might map to
the various requirements of UTS#18, Unicode Regular Expressions?

I ask because to my inexperienced eye, quite a few perl6isms are
*much* better at this than in perl5 obtain, and so I wondered
whether this was by conscious intent and design.  Is/Was it?

I'm also curious whether there are active plans to address the
tr18 requirements in perl6 regexes.  It would be a wonderful
feather in perl6's cap to be able to legitimately claim Level 2
or even Level 3 compliance, since besides perl5, only ICU right
now manages even Level 1, with everybody else *very* far behind.

TR18 specifies three levels of support (Basic, Extended, and Tailored),
with each having specific, reasonably well-defined requirements:

  =Level 1: Basic Unicode Support
   RL1.1Hex Notation
   RL1.2a   Compatibility Properties  
   RL1.3Subtraction and Intersection 
   RL1.4Simple Word Boundaries  
   RL1.5Simple Loose Matches   
   RL1.6Line Boundaries   
   RL1.7Supplementary Code Points

  =Level 2: Extended Unicode Support
   RL2.1Canonical Equivalents   
   RL2.2Default Grapheme Clusters  
   RL2.3Default Word Boundaries   
   RL2.4Default Loose Matches
   RL2.5Name Properties 
   RL2.6Wildcard Properties

  =Level 3: Tailored Unicode Support
   RL3.1Tailored Punctuation
   RL3.2Tailored Grapheme Clusters 
   RL3.3Tailored Word Boundaries  
   RL3.4Tailored Loose Matches   
   RL3.5Tailored Ranges 
   RL3.6Context Matching   
   RL3.7Incremental Matches   
 ( RL3.8Unicode Set Sharing )
   RL3.9Possible Match Sets  
   RL3.10   Folded Matching 
   RL3.11   Submatchers



Re: Unicode Categories

2010-11-11 Thread Tom Christiansen
>The 'Is' prefix can be used on any property in 5.12 for which there is 
>no naming conflict.  The only naming conflicts are certain of the block 
>properties, such as Arabic.  IsArabic means the Arabic script.  InArabic 
>means the base Arabic block.  Personally, I find Is and In unintuitive, 
>and prefer to write sc=arabic or blk=arabic instead.

I agree.

>When Unicode proposed to add some properties in 5.2 that started with 
>'Is', there was significant enough protest that they backed off, and 
>promised never to do it again, adding a stability policy to 6.0 to that 
>effect.  Apparently a number of languages use 'Is' as a prefix.

Yes, that's right.  Even worse, there are languages that are very very 
bad about "Is" vs "In", giving the wrong sense to them.


Re: Unicode Categories

2010-11-10 Thread Tom Christiansen
Patrick wrote:

: > * Almost. E.g. isL would be nice to have as well.
: Those exist also:
:  $ ./perl6
:  > say 'abCD34' ~~ /  /
:  a
:  > say 'abCD34' ~~ /  /
:  3
:  >

They may exist, but I'm not certain it's a good idea to encourage
the Is_XXX approach on *anything* except Script=XXX properties.  

They certainly don't work on everything, you know.

Also, I can't for the life of me why one would ever write  when
 is so much more obvious; similarly, for  over .  
Just because you can do so, doesn't mean you necessarily should.

The recommended names for UCD properties and property values are in
PropertyAliases.txt [Prop] and PropertyValueAliases.txt [PropValue].
There are both abbreviated names and longer, more descriptive names.

It is strongly recommended that both names be recognized, and that
loose matching of property names be used, whereby the case
distinctions, whitespace, hyphens, and underbar are ignored.

Furthermore, be aware that the Number property is *NOT* the same
as the Decimal_Number property.  In perl5, if one wants [0-9], then
one expresses it exactly that way, since that's a lot shorter than
writing (?=\p{ASCII})\p{Nd}, where Nd can also be Decimal_Number.

Again, please that Number is far broader than even Decimal_Number,
which is itself almost certainly broader than you're thinking.

Here's a trio of little programs specifically designed to help scout
out Unicode characters and their properties.  They work best on 5.12+,
but should be ok on 5.10, too.


Description: application/tar

Re: Unicode Categories

2010-11-10 Thread Tom Christiansen
Patrick wrote at 12:15pm CST on Wednesday, 10 November 2010:

>> Sorry if this is the wrong forum. I was wondering if there was a way to
>> specify unicode
>> categoriesin
>> a regular expression (and hence a grammar), or if there would be any
>> consideration for adding support for that (requiring some kind of special
>> syntax).

> Unicode categories are done using assertion syntax with "is" followed by
> the category name.  Thus  (uppercase letter),  (decimal digit), 
>  (space separator), etc.

> This even works in Rakudo today:

>$ ./perl6
>> say 'abcdEFG' ~~ /  /

> They can also be combined, as in +isLu+isLt  (uppercase+titlecase).
> The relevant section of the spec is in Synopsis 5; search for "Unicode
> properties are always available with a prefix".
> Hope this helps!

Actually, that quote from Synopsis raises more questions than it answers.

Below I've annonated the three output groups with (letters):

% uniprops -a A
 (A)\w \pL \p{LC} \p{L_} \p{L&} \p{Lu}
 (B)AHex ASCII_Hex_Digit All Any Alnum Alpha Alphabetic ASCII Assigned
Cased Cased_Letter LC Changes_When_Casefolded CWCF
Changes_When_Casemapped CWCM Changes_When_Lowercased CWL
Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded CWKCF Lu L Gr_Base Grapheme_Base Graph
GrBase Hex XDigit Hex_Digit ID_Continue IDC ID_Start IDS Letter L_
Latin Latn Uppercase_Letter PerlWord PosixAlnum PosixAlpha
PosixGraph PosixPrint PosixUpper Print Upper Uppercase Word
XID_Continue XIDC XID_Start XIDS
 (C)Age:1.1 Block=Basic_Latin Bidi_Class:L Bidi_Class=Left_To_Right
Bidi_Class:Left_To_Right Bc=L Block:ASCII Block:Basic_Latin
Blk=ASCII Canonical_Combining_Class:0
Canonical_Combining_Class:Not_Reordered Ccc=NR
Canonical_Combining_Class:NR Decomposition_Type:None Dt=None
East_Asian_Width:Na East_Asian_Width=Narrow East_Asian_Width:Narrow
Ea=Na Grapheme_Cluster_Break:Other GCB=XX Grapheme_Cluster_Break:XX
Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Other Hangul_Syllable_Type:NA
Hangul_Syllable_Type:Not_Applicable Hst=NA
Joining_Group:No_Joining_Group Jg=NoJoiningGroup
Joining_Type:Non_Joining Jt=U Joining_Type:U
Joining_Type=Non_Joining Script=Latin Line_Break:AL
Line_Break=Alphabetic Line_Break:Alphabetic Lb=AL Numeric_Type:None
Nt=None Numeric_Value:NaN Nv=NaN Present_In:1.1 Age=1.1 In=1.1
Present_In:2.0 In=2.0 Present_In:2.1 In=2.1 Present_In:3.0 In=3.0
Present_In:3.1 In=3.1 Present_In:3.2 In=3.2 Present_In:4.0 In=4.0
Present_In:4.1 In=4.1 Present_In:5.0 In=5.0 Present_In:5.1 In=5.1
Present_In:5.2 In=5.2 Script:Latin Sc=Latn Script:Latn
Sentence_Break:UP Sentence_Break=Upper Sentence_Break:Upper SB=UP
Word_Break:ALetter WB=LE Word_Break:LE Word_Break=ALetter

What that means is that the "B" properties are properties from 
the *General* category.  They may all be referred to as \p{X} 
or \p{IsX}, \p{General_Category=X} or \p{General_Category:X}, 
and \p{GC=X} or \p{GC:X}.

I have a feeling that your synopsis quote is referring only to 
type B properties alone.  It is not talking about type C properties, 
which must also be accounted for.


Re: Perl6 and "accents"

2010-05-17 Thread Tom Christiansen
> Why isn't that:

>  /<+ alpha - [A-Za-z]>+ /

If you're asking why it's mentioned in the "Update:" section
instead of the pattern in question just being rewritten, I don't know.

What got me most was the assumption that subtracting A-Za-z from Alphas
yielded "accented characters", as though Alpha meant A-Za-z.  It doesn't.

There are ***plenty*** of letters that aren't A-Z or a-z:  Latin letters
like ETH, THORN, WYNN, ESZETT, and others--plus all the letters from Greek,
Cyrillic, and the rest of the non-Latin scripts, too.  Also, within the
letters there are the non-casing \p{Lo} and \p{Lm} letters. 

The statement was more false than true.

>> I'm also disappointed to see perl6 spreading the notion that "accent"
>> is somehow a valid synonym for

>>diacritical marking
>>diacritic marking
>>diacritic mark

>> It's not.  Accent is not a synonym for any of those.  Not all
>> marks are accents, and not all accents are marks.

> I agree that it's a rather "folksy" way of saying "them funny
> letters." On the other hand, I think that was the intent. It's
> very hard to find ways to describe Unicode spaces in ways that
> the average coder (not the average person, which is a small
> help) will grasp immediately. diacritical isn't a word that
> most folks know, even among programmers.

Certainly it's perfectly well known amongst people who deal with
letters--including with the Unicode standard.

> "Accent" does have a colloquial meaning that maps correctly,
> but sadly that colloquial definition does not correspond to
> the technical definition, so in being clear, you become less
> accurate. There is, as far as I'm aware, no good middle
> ground, here.

One doesn't *have* to make up play-words.  There's nothing wrong with the
correct terminology.  Calling a mark a mark is pretty darned simple.

Unicode has blocks for diacritic marks, and a Diacritic property for
testing whether something is one.  There are 1328 code points whose
canonical decompositions have both both \p{Diacritic} and \pM in them,
946 code points that have only \pM but not \p{Diacritic}, and 197 that 
have \p{Diacritic} but not \pM.

I still think resorting to talking about "accent marks" is a bad idea.  
I had somebody the other day thinking that "throwing out the accent marks"
meant deleting all characters whose code points were over 0x7F--and this
was a recent CompSci major, too.

But that's nothing.  The more you look into it, the weirder it can get,
especially with collation and canonical equivalence, both of which really
require locale knowledge outside the charset itself.

Perl6 and "accents"

2010-05-17 Thread Tom Christiansen
Exegesis 5 @ reads:

  # Perl 6
  / <  - [A-Za-z] >+ /   # All alphabetics except A-Z or a-z
# (i.e. the accented alphabetics)

[Update: Would now need to be <+ - [A..Za..z]> to avoid ambiguity
with "Texas quotes", and because we want to reserve whitespace as the first
character inside the angles for other uses.]

Explicit character classes were deliberately made a little less convenient
in Perl 6, because they're generally a bad idea in a Unicode world. For
example, the [A-Za-z] character class in the above examples won't even
match standard alphabetic Latin-1 characters like 'Ã', 'é', 'ø', let alone
alphabetic characters from code-sets such as Cyrillic, Hiragana, Ogham,
Cherokee, or Klingon.

First off, that "i.e. the accented alphabetics" phrasing is quite incorrect!  
Code like /[^\P{Alpha}A-Za-z]/ matches not just things like


but also of course:


and many, many more.

I'm also disappointed to see perl6 spreading the notion that "accent"
is somehow a valid synonym for 

diacritical marking 
diacritic marking 
diacritic mark

It's not.  Accent is not a synonym for any of those.  Not all marks are
accents, and not all accents are marks.

I believe what is meant by "accent" is NFD($char) =~ /\pM/.  Fine: then
say "with diacritics", not "with accents".

Also, there are many combining characters that aren't "accents" by any
stretch of term, such as 20E3 COMBINING ENCLOSING KEYCAP, to name just one.
Only three code points have official names that include "ACCENT", and even
these are dubious.

Finally, I note also that people use the Alpha property too loosely.  Note
the caron and such above.  One probably wants the LC property instead.


use charnames ();
use Unicode::Normalize;
for $cp ( 1 .. 0x ) {
$orig  = chr($cp);
$canon  = NFD($orig);  # NFKD gives diff results
## if ($orig =~ /[^\P{Alpha}A-Za-z]/) {
if ($orig =~ /\p{LC}/ && $canon !~ /^[A-Za-z]/) {
printf("%c %04X %s\n", $cp, $cp, charnames::viacode($cp));

Re: Amazing Perl 6

2009-05-28 Thread Tom Christiansen
· Quoth Larry:

˸ So let’s not make the mistake of thinking something
˸ longer is always less confusing or more official.

⋮ I already have too much problem with people thinking the
⋮ efficiency of a perl construct is related to its length.

So you’re saying the Law of Parsimony has its uses… a̲n̲d̲ abuses? ☻


   M V L T I P L I C A N D A 

Re: Files, Directories, Resources, Operating Systems

2008-11-27 Thread Tom Christiansen
In-Reply-To: Message from Mark Overmeer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
   of "Thu, 27 Nov 2008 08:23:50 +0100." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>* Tom Christiansen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [081126 23:55]:

>> On "Wed, 26 Nov 2008 11:18:01 PST."--or, for backwards compatibility,
>> at 7:18:01 p.m. hora Romae on a.d. VI Kal. Dec. MMDCCLXI AUC,
>> Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> SUMMARY: I've been looking into this sort of thing lately (see p5p),
>>  and there may not even *be* **a** "right" answer.  The reasons
>>  why take us into an area we've traditionally avoided.

> What a long message...

It *was*?  That was approaching a medium in my epistolary (and RFC) world,
the one unrelated to PostIt notes.  I can therefore see you've never been
FMTEYEWTK'd, and thus also to all outward appearances, we've not made each
other's acquaintance.  I'm tchrist; pleased to meet you.

Read the // treatise, as I have repeatedly 
done, and you will quickly reassess your length calls.  This is not
necessarily a good thing.  Neal Stephenson can do the same, and of
far lesser utility.


Re: Files, Directories, Resources, Operating Systems

2008-11-27 Thread Tom Christiansen
In-Reply-To: Message from Darren Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
   of "Wed, 26 Nov 2008 19:34:09 PST." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Tom Christiansen wrote:

>>  I believe database folks have been doing the same with character data, but
>>  I'm not up-to-date on the DB world, so maybe we have some metainfo about
>>  the locale to draw on there.  Tim?

> AFAIK, modern databases are all strongly typed at least to the point
> that the values you store in and fetch from them are each explicitly
> character data or binary data or numbers or what-have-you; and so,
> when you are dealing with a DBMS in terms of character data, it is
> explicitly specified somewhere (either locally for the data or
> globally/hardcoded for the DBMS) that each value of character data
> belongs to a particular character repertoire and text encoding, and so
> the DBMS knows what encoding etc the character data is in, or at least
> it treats it consistently based on what the user said it was when it
> input the data.

Oh, good then.  That's what I'd heard was happening, but wasn't sure since
I've steared clear of such beasties since before it was true.

I wish our filesystems worked that way.  But Andrew said something to me
last week about Ken and Dennis writing quite pointedly that while you
*could* use the f/s as a database, that you *shouldn't*.  I didn't know
the reference he was thinking of, so just nodded pensively (=thoughtfully).

>>  There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY I've found to tell whether these utf-8
>>  string should test equal, and when, nor how to order them, without
>>  knowing the locale:
>>  "RESUME",
>>  "Resume"
>>  "resume"
>>  "Resum\x{e9}"
>>  "r\x{E9}sum\x{E9}"
>>  "r\x{E9}sume\x{301}"
>>  "Re\x{301}sume\x{301}"

>>  Case insensitively, in Spanish they should be identical in all regards.
>>  In French, they should be identical but for ties, in which case you
>>  work your way right to left on the diactricals.

> This leads me to talk about my main point about sensitivity etc.

> I believe that the most important issues here, those having to do with
> identity, can be discussed and solved without unduly worrying about
> matters of collation;

It's funny you should say that, as I could nearly swear that I just showed
that identify cannot be determmined in the examples above without knowing
about locales.  To wit, while all of those sort somewhat differently, even
case-insensitively, no matter whether you're thinking of a French or a
Spanish ordering (and what is English's, anyway?), you have a a more
fundadmental = vs != scenario which is entirely locale-dependent.

If I can make a "RESUME" file, ought I be able to make a distcint
"r\x{E9}sum\x{E9}" or "re\x{301}sume\x{301}" file in a case-ignorant
filesystem? There is no good answer, because we might think it
reasonable to

lc(strip_marks($old_fn)) eq lc(strip_marks($new_fn))

Theee problem of what is or is not a "mark" varies by locale,

*  Castilian doesn't think ~ is a mark; Portuguese does, and 
   so if you strip marks, you in Castilian count as the same
   two letters that it deems disinct, but in Portuguese, you
   incur no lasting harm.

*  Catalan doesn't think ¸ is a mark; French does. and so if you strip
   marks, you in Catalan count as the same two letters that it deems
   disinct, but in French or Portuguese, you incur no lasting harm.

*  Modern English (usually) decomposes æ into a+e, but OE/AS and
   Icelandic do not.

*  Moreover, Icelandic deems é and e to be completely
   different letters altogether.  If you strip marks, you 
   count as the same letters that that language does not.
   Similarly with ö, which is at the end of their alphabet,
   (like ø in some), and nowhere near o or ó.  BTW, those
   are three separate letters, not variants.

*  And in OE/AS you could have a long mark on an asc (say "ash" for the
   atomic *letter* æ).  If split into a and e and stripped of marks, it
   woudn't make any sense at all.

Case in point: Ælene Frisch, whom many of you doubtless know, insists her
name be spelt as I have written it.  She does not want Aelene Frish, for
she considers her forename to have 5 letters in it, not 6.  But Unicode
doesn't give us a title case version of that (did AS?), suggesting it a
ligature not a digraph.  

But if we have a file called "ÆLENE", may be assume it the same in a case-
insensitive sense to both "aelene" and  "ælene"?

I can only go on code-points, because I don't want to deal with ß and SS
and Ss.  Case-folding file s

Re: Smooth numeric upgrades?

2008-10-20 Thread Tom Christiansen
On Mon, 06 Oct 2008 at wee small hour of 02:20:22 EDT 
you, Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote:

> Darren Duncan wrote:

>>> [2] "Num" should have an optional limit on the number of
>>> decimal places it remembers, like NUMERIC in SQL, but
>>> that's a simple truncation.

>> I disagree.

>> Any numeric operations that would return an irrational number
>> in the general case, such as sqrt() and sin(), and the user
>> desires the result to be truncated to an exact rational number
>> rather than as a symbolic number, then those operators should
>> have an extra argument that specifies rounding, eg to an exact
>> multiple of 1/1000.

> That seems like scattering a lot of redundant extra arguments
> around.  The nice thing about doing it as part of the type is
> you just specify it once.

> But instead of truncating data in the type, maybe what I want
> is to leave the full accuracy inside and instead override
> string/numification to display only 2 decimal places.

This is currently something of an annoyance with Math::Complex.
It needs a way of specify epsilon.

If you ask for both sqrt()s of 4, you get

(2, -2+2.44929359829471e-16i)

in Cartesian but in Polar:

( [2,0], [2,pi] )

Is the problem that it's working in Polar and the conversion to
Cartesian is off by a wee bit?  I would really like to get
Cartesian answers of (2, -2), not that -2e-16i silliness.

If you ask for both roots of -4, you get

( 1.22464679914735e-16+2i, -3.67394039744206e-16-2i )
( [2,pi/2], [2,-1pi/2] );

But I'd like a Cartesian return of (2i, -2i).  
And a Polar return of ([2,pi/2],[2,-pi/2]).

It's worse still with the 10 roots of 2**10:

The 10 roots of 1024 are:
CRTSN:  1: 2
POLAR:  1: [2,0]
CRTSN:  2: 1.61803398874989+1.17557050458495i
POLAR:  2: [2,pi/5]
CRTSN:  3: 0.618033988749895+1.90211303259031i
POLAR:  3: [2,2pi/5]
CRTSN:  4: -0.618033988749895+1.90211303259031i
POLAR:  4: [2,3pi/5]
CRTSN:  5: -1.61803398874989+1.17557050458495i
POLAR:  5: [2,4pi/5]
CRTSN:  6: -2+2.44929359829471e-16i
POLAR:  6: [2,pi]
CRTSN:  7: -1.61803398874989-1.17557050458495i
POLAR:  7: [2,-4pi/5]
CRTSN:  8: -0.618033988749895-1.90211303259031i
POLAR:  8: [2,-3pi/5]
CRTSN:  9: 0.618033988749894-1.90211303259031i
POLAR:  9: [2,-2pi/5]
CRTSN: 10: 1.61803398874989-1.17557050458495i
POLAR: 10: [2,-1pi/5]

The 10 roots of -1024 are:
CRTSN:  1: 1.90211303259031+0.618033988749895i
POLAR:  1: [2,0.314159265358979]
CRTSN:  2: 1.17557050458495+1.61803398874989i
POLAR:  2: [2,0.942477796076938]
CRTSN:  3: 1.22464679914735e-16+2i
POLAR:  3: [2,pi/2]
CRTSN:  4: -1.17557050458495+1.61803398874989i
POLAR:  4: [2,2.19911485751286]
CRTSN:  5: -1.90211303259031+0.618033988749895i
POLAR:  5: [2,2.82743338823081]
CRTSN:  6: -1.90211303259031-0.618033988749895i
POLAR:  6: [2,-2.82743338823081]
CRTSN:  7: -1.17557050458495-1.61803398874989i
POLAR:  7: [2,-2.19911485751286]
CRTSN:  8: -3.67394039744206e-16-2i
POLAR:  8: [2,-1pi/2]
CRTSN:  9: 1.17557050458495-1.6180339887499i
POLAR:  9: [2,-0.942477796076938]
CRTSN: 10: 1.90211303259031-0.618033988749895i
POLAR: 10: [2,-0.31415926535898]

>> Note, a generic numeric rounding operator would also take the
>> "exact multiple of" argument rather than a "number of digits"
>> argument, except when that operator is simply rounding to an
>> integer, in which case no such argument is applicable.

>> Note, for extra determinism and flexibility, any operation
>> rounding/truncating to a rational would also take an optional
>> argument specifying the rounding method, eg so users can
>> choose between the likes of half-up, to-even, to-zero, etc.
>> Then Perl can easily copy any semantics a user desires,
>> including when code is ported from other languages and wants
>> to maintain exact semantics.

> Yes, this is very important for currency operations.

>> Now, as I see it, if "Num" has any purpose apart from "Rat",
>> it would be like a "whatever" numeric type or effectively a
>> union of the Int|Rat|that-symbolic-number-type|etc types, for
>> people that just want to accept numbers from somewhere and
>> don't care about the exact semantics.  The actual underlying
>> type used in any given situation would determine the exact
>> semantics.  So Int and Rat would be exact and unlimited
>> precision, and maybe Symbolic or IRat or something would be
>> the symbolic number type, also with exact precision
>> components.

> That sounds right.  It's the "whatever can conceivably be
> called a number" type.

I think you might be surprised by what some people conceive 
of by numbers. :-(



use strict;
use warnings;

use Math::Complex;

# my $STYLE = "HACKED";

unless (@ARGV) {
die "usage: $0 number rootcount\n";

my ($number, $rootcount) = @ARGV;

$number = cplx($

Re: Smooth numeric upgrades?

2008-10-05 Thread Tom Christiansen
In-Reply-To: Message from Nicholas Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
   of "Sun, 05 Oct 2008 22:13:14 BST." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Studiously ignoring that request to nail down promotion and demotion, I'm
> going to jump straight to implementation, and ask:

> If one has floating point in the mix [and however much one uses rationals,
> and has the parser store all decimal string constants as rationals, floating
> point enters the mix as soon as someone wants to use transcendental functions
> such as sin(), exp() or sqrt()], I can't see how any implementation that wants
> to preserve "infinite" precision for as long as possible is going to work,
> apart from
>storing every value as a thunk that holds the sequence of operations that
>were used to compute the value, and defer calculation for as long as
>possible. (And possibly as a sop to efficiency, cache the floating point
>outcome of evaluating the thunk if it gets called)

>Nicholas Clark

My dear Nicholas, 

You mentioned sin(), exp(), and sqrt() as being "transcendental" functions,
but this is not true!  Perhaps you meant something more in the way of their
being--um, "irrational".  but far be it from me to risk using so loaded a
word in reference to anyone's hypothetical intentions or rationale! :-)

While all transcendentals are indeed irrationals, the opposite relationship
does *not* apply.  It's all really rather simple, provided you look at it 
as a brief, binary decision-tree.

=> All reals are also one of either rational or irrational:

 +  Rational numbers are those expressible as the RATIO of I/J, 
where I is any integer and J any non-zero integer. 

 -  Irrationals are all other reals *EXCEPT* the rationals.

=> All irrationals are also one of either algebraic or transcendental:

 +  Algebraic numbers are solutions to polynomial equations of a single 
variable and integer coefficients.  When you solve for x in the 
polynomial equation 3*x**2 - 15 == 0, you get an algebraic number.

 -  Transcendentals are all other irrationals *EXCEPT* the algebraics.

Thinking of the sine function and its inverse, I notice that
sin(pi/2) == 1 and asin(1) is pi/2.  Pi is *the* most famous 
of transcendental numbers, and sin() is a transcendental function.

Thinking of the exponential function and its inverse, I notice that
exp(1) == e and log(e) == 1.  And e, "Euler's number", is likely the 
#2 most famous transcendental, and exp() is a transcendental function.

However, we come now to a problem.  

If you solved the simple equation I presented above as one whose solution
was by definition *not* a transcendental but rather an algebraic number,
you may have noticed that solution is 5**(1/2), better known as sqrt(5).
So that makes sqrt(5) an algebraic number, and sqrt() is an algebraic
function, which means therefore that it is *not* a transcendental one.

Q.E.D. :-)

Ok, I was teasing a little.  But I'd now like to politely and sincerely
inquire into your assertion that floating point need inevitably enter the
picture just to determine sin(x), exp(x), or sqrt(x).

Your last one, sqrt(), isn't hard at all.  Though I no longer recall the
algorithm, there exists one for solving square roots by hand that is only a
little more complicated than that of solving "long division" by hand.  Like
division, it is an iterative process, somewhat tedious but quite well-defined
easily implemented even on pen and paper.  Perhaps that has something to do
with sqrt() being an algebraic function. :-) j/k

As for the two transcendental functions, this does ask for more work.  But
it's not as though we do not understand them, nor how to derive them at
need from first principles!  They aren't magic black-ball functions with
secret look-up tables that when poked with a given input, return some
arbitrary answer.

We *know* how to *do* these!  

Sure, many and probably most solutions, at least for the transendentals, do
involve power series, and usually Taylor Series.  But this only means that
you get to joyfully sum up an infinite sequence of figures receding into
infinity ("And beyond!" quoth Buzz), but where each figure in said series 
tends to be a reasonably simple and straightforward computation.

For example, each term in the Taylor Series for exp(x) is simply x**N / N!,
and the final answer the sum of all suchterms for N going from 0 to infinity.  
Its series is therefore 

 x**0 / 0! # er: that's just 1, of course :-)
  +  x**1 / 1! 
  +  x**2 / 2! 
  +  x**3 / 3! 
  +  x**4 / 4! 
  + + + + + + + + + + ad infinitum.

For sin(x), it's a bit harder, but not much: the series is a convergent one
of alternating sign, running N from 0 to infinity and producing a series 
that looks like this:

 (x**1 / 1!)# er: that's just x, of course :-)
   - (x**3 / 3!) 
   + (x**5 / 5!) 
   - (x**7 / 7!) 
   + (x**9 / 9!) 
   + - + - + - + - + ad infinitum.

Each term in the sin(x) series is still a comparitively easy one, 
reading much better on pap

Re: Smooth numeric upgrades?

2008-10-04 Thread Tom Christiansen
In-Reply-To: Message from Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   of "Sat, 04 Oct 2008 02:06:18 EDT." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Larry Wall wrote:
>> The status of numeric upgrades in Perl 6 is fine.  It's rakudo that
>> doesn't do so well.  :)
>> As another datapoint:
>> $  pugs -e 'say 2**40'
>> 1099511627776
>> $ pugs -e 'say 2**50'
>> 1125899906842624
>> $ pugs -e 'say 2**1100'
>> 1358298529049385849277351428359266778603493846931744549748519669727813

> That's good [1] to hear, thanks.

>> I don't think of Int as a type that automatically upgrades.  I think
>> of it as an arbitrarily large integer that the implementation can in
>> some cases choose to optimize to a smaller or faster representation,

> Oh don't worry, I do.  I just got so flustered when I saw Rakudo do the
> same thing that Perl 5 does I was worried this got lost somewhere along
> the line.

> [1] We need a polite way to say "less bad".

my mistake
oh, right!
not to worry
oh be joyful!
'tain't so bad
calms my qualms
less sub-optimal
cheers my spirit
soothes my nerves
dispells my doubts
heartens my resolve
cushions the cudgel
dismisses my dismay
drives out the dread
comforts me to learn
inspires me with hope
restores my confidence
gladdens my good humor
brightens my rainy day
alleviates my concerns
mollifies my misgivings
alleviates my confusion
puts down the false alarm
perks/plucks up my courage
pacifies my preoccupations
banishes my paranoia-demons
felicitates my facilitation
facilitates my felicitation
assuages my misapprehensions
shows I was worrying too much
encourages me; is encouraging
warms the cockles of my heart
offers hope for a better world
trounces my tetchy trepidations
dispells my misplaced anxieties
sure puts a spiffier shine on it 
makes molehills out of mountains
eases up on my nerves a fair bit
not nearly so gnarly as I'd feared
'tis not too late to seek a newer world
way better than I'd half-begun to suspect
patches the potholes in my crumbling wetware
softens the imagined blow that wasn't even there to start with
serenades such sweet sonnets as to nullify nervous nellies' natterings

Re: Allowing '-' in identifiers: what's the motivation?

2008-08-11 Thread Tom Christiansen
>I'm still somewhat ambivalent about this, myself.  My previous
>experience with hyphens in identifiers is chiefly in languages that
>don't generally have algebraic expressions, e.g. LISP, XML, so it will
>take some getting used to in Perl.  But at least in Perl's case the
>subtraction conflict is mitigated by the fact that many subtraction
>expressions will involve sigils;  $x-$y can't possibly be a single

People use nonadic functions (nonary operators? where non = 0, not 9)
without parens, and get themselves into trouble for it.

% perl -E 'say time-time'

% perl -E 'say time-do{sleep 3; time}'

% perl -E 'say time +5'

% perl -E 'say time -5'

% perl -E 'say time(-5)'
syntax error at -e line 1, near "(-"
Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.
Exit 19


Re: Exegesis 7: Fill Justification

2004-03-01 Thread Tom Christiansen
>On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 10:01:11AM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
>: That's a *very* interesting idea. What do people think?

>I think anyone who does full justification without proportional
>spacing and hyphenation is severely lacking in empathy for the reader.
>Ragged right is much easier on the eyes--speaking as someone who had
>their seventh eye operation today.

At least aesthetically, yes, it sure does look better ragged.  I do
wonder why that is, though.  Could it be that the unevenness of the
inserted fixed-width spacing looks rough?  Or is maybe because with
long lines, one's eye might get lost, being slower to tell one line
from the next?  That's certainly a reason for have shorter columns.

In a message of mine to p5p of 4-Nov-2003 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
I showed (but did not mention) how this sort of can be done without
inserting any spurious spaces whatsoever, even in a long paragraph:

> Well, no.  Mark answered so quickly after I did, and covered so much of it
> so succinctly, that I backed off again.  It seems to me that he and I have
> both for a long time yearned for a perliotut; I don't believe either of us
> has ever fleshed out more than an outline, though.  IO is a subject that's
> not always easy to figure out how to get the best handle on (ENOPUN).  For
> one thing, it's steeped in Unix lore and tradition, and it requires either
> knowing or else teaching quite a bit of C programming that would otherwise
> be completely irrelevant to Perl.  For example, when you see someone lseek
> zero bytes from the current position in Perl, you know they're remembering
> the ANSI C requirement of a seek falling between switching from reading to
> writing or vice versa.  As always, you're subject to all the silly bugs in
> your libc runtime system and in your kernel; for example, we tried to have
> all buffers flushed before a fork() to avoid duplicate output in the child
> by calling fflush(0) from C, the intent being to flush data still there in
> stdio buffers.  Unfortunately, on some platforms, you'll accidentally toss
> not just pending output, but also pending input.  Thus the case where read
> on STDIN was called with 2 against "asdf\n", you'd still have the df\n yet
> to read get completely trounced.  This is incorrect behaviour, at least as
> far as the goal of flushing pending output buffers before forking.  Sadly,
> there really are a zillion little things like this, and these are just the
> exceptions, not the core functionality that you'd like to teach people for
> learning IO.  Blocking and buffering are tricky; did you remember that the
> output commands can also block?  Think about sending something down a pipe
> where the reader on the other end is slow or busy.  That's why with select
> you also have a slot for output handles you want to know whether are ready
> for IO.  It just goes on and on.  It would be easier to hand out copies of
> Stevens than to write perliotut, but that's too embarrassing and annoying.

However, I fear this isn't really readily automated; sorry to interrupt. :-)


PS: Ok, maybe one *could* do it, but that would still require a whole lot of
PhD-ish NLP work, and surely Damian's too engaged now for the diversion.

Re: == vs. eq

2003-04-05 Thread Tom Christiansen
>The IEEE-float-style infinities are quite sufficient for most purposes

>One thing I agree is that writing  1..Inf  is a *bit* sloppy since the 
>range operator  n..m  normally produces the numbers i for which 
>n <= i <= m  while  n..Inf  gives  n <= i < Inf

>but I can live with it

I could sure save myself a lot of typing by reading ahead to message N+1
before answering message N. :-)


PS:  For all N.  :-):-)

Re: == vs. eq

2003-04-05 Thread Tom Christiansen
>Unless I'm very wrong, there are more whole numbers than natural 
>numbers. An induction should prove that there are twice as many.

We're probably having a language and/or terminology collision.  By natural
numbers, I mean the positive integers.  By whole numbers, I mean the
natural numbers plus the number zero.   Since both sets have infinite
members, each has just as many members as the other has.  It just *looks*
like the whole numbers have "one more".  But they don't, you know, because 
Inf+1 == Inf, as IEEE shows us in their seminal treatise on "How to Lie
With Computers under IEEE Floating Point".

It's not really relevant to figuring out how to evaluate equality testing
on unbounded lists in Perl, but I think that your inductive proof would
lead you to conclude the opposite of what you're thinking.  You can pick a
first member of both sets.  Then you can pick a second member of both sets.
Then a third, then a fourth, and so and so forth for all cardinal numbers.
Even though your list of pairings one from each set itself stretches to
infinity (not that that means it actually stops somewhere, of course, as
though infinity were a place; I mean it just stretches ever upwards without
bound), then I think induction will convince you that in the resulting
pair-list, there are no missed members from either set.  So we are
comfortable saying that there are "just as many" of one as the other; well,
*I* am comfortable saying that, at least, and I hope you are, too.  :-)
It's initially a bit disturbing, though, when you realize that this
necessarily leads to saying there are "just as many" multiple of two as
there are of, oh, eight.  Maybe that's why Cantor died mad. :-)


Re: == vs. eq

2003-04-05 Thread Tom Christiansen
>You can define is very easily:  two lists are equal if the ith element of 
>one list is equal to the ith element of the other list, for all valid 
>indices i.

The problem is that you've slipped subtly from a well-known creature, like
1..10, a finite set of ten distinct integers, to a quite a different sort
of beast entirely, 1..Inf, which while notationally similar to the first,
does not share some very fundamental properties.  For example, it no longer
has an integral membership count, that is, a length.  This is problematic
if one is not quite careful.

>As for whether you can *evaluate* this test in bounded time, that depends. 
>Computers are incapable of storing truly infinite lists, so the lists will 
>have finite internal representations which you can compare.

Is it possible that "finite internal representations" will differ in
internal representation yet produce identical series?  It seems to me that
some meta-analsys would be required if this is possible.  If it is not
possible, then that means that every distinct series has a distinct
internal representation.  Certainly this is not true lexically: I can
use many variant lexical representations to produce the same infinite
series.  For example:

(1 .. X, X+1 .. Inf)
(1 .. Y, Y+1 .. Inf)

Those define identical list, for any natural numbers X and Y, even as 
compile-time constants.  However, save for special case of X==Y, I do
not expect their internal representation to be the same.  

>As for two dynamically generated infinite lists (which you can't easily 
>compare, for example if they're based on external input)... it will either 
>return false in finite time, or spend infinite time on determining they're 
>indeed equal.

I suppose you could classify

(1 .. X, X+1 .. Inf)
(1 .. Y, Y+1 .. Inf)

as "dynamically generated infinite lists", but again, given constants X and
Y, they really needn't be.  Even a run-time thing like the list (1 .. $X)
shouldn't actually need to spend infinite time on determining its
equivalence to (1 .. $Y).  However, there are more interesting
possibilities: generic iterator functions that you repeatedly call and
which produce successors that aren't generally recognizable.  Remember the
old flipflop, as in

if ( 1 .. /^$/ )  {  }
if ( /foo/ .. /bar/ ) {  }
if ( f() .. g() ) {  } 

You could, a think, have an infinite list that was really some fancy
interface to a dynamic interator of some sort.  I know it's interesting,
but whether this would be sufficiently useful to justify its complexity is
rather less obvious.  But if you did have such a list, where stepping 
down it implicitly called some sort of ->ITER method or whatnot, then 
for those I could see the intractability of finite evaluation, since it's
perfectly conceivable that it wouldn't terminate.  Another pitfall is
non-reproduceability; think about readline() as an  on a stream 
object whose underlying file descriptor is not seekable.  But I'm not sure
that the any of the sorts of lists we've been talking about have to have
that problem.  But I don't know whether we can be clever enough to step
around infinite evaluation through some sort of higher-level analysis.

A clever compiler could move things around.  Maybe it could change 

for ($i = 1; $i <= 10_000; $i++)  


for $i ( 1 .. 10_000 ) 

and then perhaps take advantage of that construct's lazy evaluation.
Given general purpose lazy evaluation, you could start doing things 
like thinking of 

for ($i = 1; $i <= fn(); $i++)  
for $i ( 1 .. fn() ) 

and making instead a list or array whose members are 

( 1 .. fn() )

However, do you evaluate fn() only once or repeatedly?


If it were repeatedly, then I do see what you mean by dynamically
generated infinite lists.

>>In other words, if you treat Inf as any particular number (which Mr
>>Mathematician stridently yet somewhat ineffectually reminds you that are
>>*not* allowed to do!), then you may get peculiar results.

>There is no problem with doing that, as long as you define what you want 
>it to do.

Well, sure, you could let Inf = MAXINT + 1 for example, and then define
things as you want them to act, but that doesn't mean that this resulting
Inf is either what people think of as a Number nor what they think of as
Infinity.  See below on IEEE, which found it very useful to something of
the like.

>Remember, most of mathematics is just an invention of humans :)

I believe we are indeed trying to define what we want it to do, no?

So sure, you can create a new infinite set by conjoining some new elements
to an existing one.  That's what all the numberic sets are, pretty much.
Do be careful that the result has consistent properties, though.

>>(crap about testing first/last N elements)

>testing the first/last N elements is not the same as testing the whole list

>for all N  :)

>>Mr Mathematician, purist that he is, has of course long ago thrown up his
>>hands in disgust, contempt, or both, an

Re: == vs. eq

2003-04-05 Thread Tom Christiansen
>When you write:

>(1..Inf) equal (0..Inf)

>I'd like Perl to consider that false rather than having a blank look
>on its face for a long time.  

The price of that consideration would be to give the Mathematicians
blank looks on *their* faces for a very long time instead.  Certainly,
they'll be quick to tell you there are just as many whole numbers
as naturals.  So they won't know what you mean by equal up there.

The Engineers might also be perplexed if you make that false, but
for rather different reasons.  I think that you will have to define
your "equal" operator in a way contrary to their respective
expectations, because both have ways of thinking that could quite
reasonably lead them to expect the answer to the expression above
to come out to be false, not true.

Practically speaking, I'm not sure how--even whether--you *could*
define it.  One is tempted to attempt something like saying that
operator "equal" is true of a *lazy*, *infinite* list if and only
if elements 0..N of both lists were each themselves "equal", and
then only blessedly finite values of N.

But where then do you stop?  If N is 1, then (1..Inf) and (1..Inf:2)
are ok.  If N is 2, meaning to check both the first pair from each
list and also the second one, they aren't.  However, if N is true,
(1..Inf) and (1, 2..Inf:2) are certainly ok.

In fact, that definition seems trivial to break.  Given a known N
steps of comparison, the lazy lists (1..Inf) and (1..N-1, (N..Inf:2))
would both test equal in the first N positions and differ in position
N+1.  Therefore, we can always break any operator that tests the
first N positions of both lazy lists, and thus that definition would
be wrong.

The reason Mr Engineer might expect false would be if they thought you were
eventually testing against Inf.  Due to his experience in numerical
programming, he sees NaN and Inf having certain behaviors that no pure
mathematician would even countenance.  On a system whose system nummifier
knows things like Inf and NaN already, you see this happening even today.
Witness real Perl:

% perl -e 'printf "%g\n", NaN'
% perl -e 'printf "%g\n",  1 + NaN'
% perl -e 'printf "%g\n", 42 * NaN'
% perl -e 'printf "%g\n", Nan == NaN'
% perl -e 'printf "%g\n", 1+Nan == NaN'
% perl -le 'printf "%g\n", Inf'
% perl -le 'printf "%g\n", 1+Inf'
% perl -le 'printf "%g\n", 2+Inf'
% perl -e 'printf "%g\n", Inf == Inf'
% perl -e 'printf "%g\n", Inf == -Inf'
% perl -e 'printf "%g\n", 1+Inf == Inf'
% perl -e 'printf "%g\n", Inf + Inf' 
% perl -e 'printf "%g\n", Inf * Inf'
% perl -e 'printf "%g\n", Inf / Inf'

=begin ASIDE

Yes, it's platform dependent what you'll get:

mach1%  perl -le 'printf "On $^O, NaN == NaN is %g\n", Nan == NaN'
On openbsd, NaN == NaN is 1

mach2% perl -le 'printf "On $^O, NaN == NaN is %g\n", Nan == NaN'
On linux, NaN == NaN is 0

I believe that's because the libc on openbsd doesn't nummify string "NaN"
to any special IEEE float, whereas the redhate one did.

I am truly hoping that on Perl6, comparing "apples" with "greed" will mean
that you're testing NaN with itself, that testing NaN and *anything*
including another Nan with == will get you into trouble no matter what your
platform, and that that trouble will be the same irrespective of platform.

=end ASIDE

In other words, if you treat Inf as any particular number (which Mr
Mathematician stridently yet somewhat ineffectually reminds you that are
*not* allowed to do!), then you may get peculiar results.  Heck, you could
probably then get Mr Engineer to agree that the lazy lists (1..Inf) and
(0..Inf) are the same in the *last* N positions for all values of N, and
since you could just select N to be equal (ahem) to the length (ahem**Inf)
of your list, they must be equal. :-)

Mr Mathematician, purist that he is, has of course long ago thrown up his
hands in disgust, contempt, or both, and stormed out of the room.  To him,
most of those Perl examples given above were utter nonsense: how can you
say 1+Inf?  It bothers him to talk about Inf+1, and 1..Inf will be
problematic, too, since to say 1..Inf is also to say there must exist some
number whose successor is Inf.  And of course, there isn't.  Which is why
Inf is not a valid operand for numerical questions in Mr Mathematician's
platonically purist world of ideas.  But practical Mr Engineer has defined
his own Inf in which you can do limited otherwise apparently numerical
operations, because it was *practical* for him to do so.  He had work to
do, and needed some new rules.

While Mr Mathematician won't put up with comparing numbers and infinities,
he's quite comfortable with comparing *infinities* themselves.  He's
comfortable with infinite sets, and he's comfortable with infinite series,
too, which is what these lists seem to be.  I'm not sure that his
experience with infinite series 

Re: Barewords and subscripts

2002-01-26 Thread Tom Christiansen

>Maybe there will be a Perl 6 rule forcing the keys to be quoted, but it
>won't be because of the "no barewords" rule.  If there were such a rule, I
>presume you'd also apply it to the LHS of =>?

There is another way to resolve the ambiguity of foo meaning either
"foo" or foo() depending on current subroutine visibility.  This
would also extend then to issue of $hash{foo} meaning either
$hash{foo()} or $hash{"foo"}.  Just use parens.  

Oh, I know, I know.  I can already hear the mass reaction now: "Oh,
horrors!" cry the masses from every timezone.  But let's think about
it anyway.

Perl's historical optionality of explicit parentheses to delimit a
function's argument list is, like its similar optionality of explicit
quotation marks, a source of ambiguity.  And while ambiguity can
be a source flexibility, expressibility, and convenience, it can
also have a darker side that would be better relegated to obfuscated
programming contests than to production-calibre code.

In my experience, many programmers would prefer that all functions
(perhaps restricted to only those of no arguments to appease
hysterical cetaceans?) mandatorily take (even empty) parens.  Thus,
shift() in lieu of shift, no matter whether it's as a hash subscript
or the left-hand operand of the comma arrow, or whether it's floating
around free, outside of any such autoquoting construct.

Since this matter has now been mentioned, I would like to suggest that 
there lurk other related and perhaps even more important ramifications to 
the current optionality of parentheses than the one concerning strings.


% perl -MO=Deparse,-p -e 'push @foo, reverse +1, -2'
push(@foo, reverse(1, -2));

% perl -MO=Deparse,-p -e 'push @foo, rand +1, -2'
push(@foo, rand(1), -2);

% perl -MO=Deparse,-p -e 'push @foo, time +1, -2'
push(@foo, (time + 1), -2);

[ Gr.  That should read time(). ]

% perl -MO=Deparse,-p -e 'push @foo, fred +1, -2'
push(@foo, ('fred' + 1), -2);

Do you see what I'm talking about?  The reader unfamiliar with the
particular context coercion templates of the functions used in code

use SpangleFrob;
frob @foo, spangle +1, -2;

can have no earthly idea how that will even *parse*.  This situation
seems at best, unfortunate.

I'm sure that if it were somehow possible to require proper placement of all
those parens, even with something like the hypothetical and wholly optional
"use strict 'parens'", that this would raise the hackles of many a current
Perl programmer.  But perhaps this owes more to the fact that those folks
do not have to explain or justify this particular--well, let's be charitable
and merely call it an "issue"--to those whom it befuddles or annoys than it
owes to any legitimate convenience or desirable functionality.  When you get
to see non-wizards repeatedly stumble on these ambiguities on a regular basis,
this whole situation can quickly become a source of frustration, embarrassment,
or both.  Whether this scenario inspires apologetics or apoplectics is not
consistently predictable.

However, if one were simply *able* to write something like

use SpangleFrob;
use strict 'parens';  # subsumed within a blanket "use strict"

frob(@foo, spangle(1, -2));
frob(@foo, spangle(1), -2);
frob(@foo, spangle() + 1, -2);

then, without even inflicting grievous harm on compile-time checking of
arguments, one could at least always readily discern which arguments went
where--which hardly seems an undesirable goal, now does it?

Nevertheless, even that wouldn't help in being able to know whether
that's really  meaning

frob(   \@foo, 
frob( scalar @foo, 

It all would depend upon the existence of coercion templates such
as frob(@...), frob(\@...), and frob($...).  Sadly, there's no
B::Deparse switch to tell you under which scenario your operating,
but that's all probably best left for a semi-separate discussion
(if at all).

The devil's advocate might suggest that not knowing which of the
three treatments of @foo silently occurred in the frobbing function
call--which they with some credibility assert a desirable goal--goes
hand in glove with not knowing whether spangle is here acting as a
list-op, as a un(ary)-op, or as a non(e)-op.  But considering that
such devils need no help in their advocacy, I shan't bother to do
so myself.  :-)


Re: RFC 357 (v1) Perl should use XML for documentation instead of POD

2000-10-04 Thread Tom Christiansen

>POD, presumably.  Or maybe son-of-POD; it would be nice to have better
>support for tables and lists.

We did this for the camel.   Which, I remind the world, was 
written in pod.


Re: RFC 357 (v1) Perl should use XML for documentation instead of POD

2000-10-02 Thread Tom Christiansen

>The problem with XML is that it is so unforgiving; 

No, the problem is verbosity.


Re: RFC 357 (v1) Perl should use XML for documentation instead of POD

2000-10-02 Thread Tom Christiansen

>XML is intrinsically no more or less difficult to write than HTML.


>Comparing XML to HTML is pointless, however; they are not the same

Wrong.  And you only say that because you will not like the answer.

Go back to the posted example and count bytes of data versus
bytes of meta data.  

I guarantee you that you will drive people away with this crap.

And the sum result is less docs.  

No thanks.


Re: RFC 357 (v1) Perl should use XML for documentation instead of POD

2000-10-02 Thread Tom Christiansen

>- Done right, it could be easier to write and maintain

Strongly disagree.

>- Why make people learn pod, when everyone's learning XML?

Because it is simple.  It is supposed to be simple.
It is not supposed to do what you want to do.
In fact, it is suppose to NOT DO what you want to do.

>- Pod can be translated into XML and vice versa

Then do that.

>- Standard elements could be defined and utilized with the
>  same or greater ease than pod for build and configuration.

>  Module::Name
>  0.01
>  short description
>=head1 long description
>  =head2 heading
>  Type in some text here...
>  Eliott P. Squibb
>  Joe Blogg
>  none
>  Distributed under same terms as Perl
>define your own section
>blab here

That is an excellent description of why THIS IS COMPLETE 


Re: RFC 357 (v1) Perl should use XML for documentation instead of POD

2000-10-02 Thread Tom Christiansen

>No-one ever did suggest adding « and » to the list of matched delimiters
>that q() etc support, did they? :-)

I did.

>Does Unicode define bracket pairings for character sets? 

$ grep ^Prop /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/unicode/Props.txt

does not seem very helpful, but this may not be much of a proof.


Term::ReadKey inclusion

2000-09-29 Thread Tom Christiansen

It is unreasonably complicated to do single-character
input in a portable fashion.  We should therefore
include the Term::ReadKey module in the standard

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Re: RFC 325 (v1) POD and comments handling in perl

2000-09-29 Thread Tom Christiansen

It really is not feasible to relax the pod
requirement that pod diretives begin with
an equals to allow them to begin with a 
pound sign as well, for to do so would expose
an untold number of programs to unpredictable 
effects.  I also don't really see any advantage.

And yes, I'm sure I'm days behind.  I have no

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Re: RFC 48 (v4) Replace localtime() and gmtime() with date() and utcdate()

2000-09-28 Thread Tom Christiansen

Certainly numbers should never be "zero-padded"!

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Re: RFC 171 (v3) my Dog $spot should call a constructor implicitly

2000-09-28 Thread Tom Christiansen

You also didn't mention that you would have broken the symmetry between

   my  Dog $spot;  
   our Dog $spot;

Or that constructors have no (and should have no) set name in Perl.


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Re: RFC 277 (v1) Eliminate unquoted barewords from Perl entirely

2000-09-28 Thread Tom Christiansen

>So what's left?
>print STDERR "Foo";
>We have a proposal to turn STDERR into $STDERR, and it looks likely it'll go

It is?  I certainly hope not.  It makes as much sense to 
do that as to force a dollar sign on subroutines.

   sub $foo { ... }


   sub 'foo' { ... }

Heck, maybe everyone should be forced to write

   *foo = sub { ... };

>$time = time;

>If use strict 'subs' is in effect you're guaranteed these are subroutine
>calls, or compile-time errors.  If it isn't you get a nice little warning. 
>Perhaps the stringification should be removed entirely, and the syntax
>always be a subroutine call.

Eek, that's what I want to kill.  I want you to HAVE to 
write that as

$time = time();

with the parens.  The lack of parens is the root of MANY
an evil in perl.


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Murdering @ISA considered cruel and unusual

2000-09-28 Thread Tom Christiansen

>I strongly agree with the opinion that we should try and get away from
>special variables and switches in favor of functions and pragmas.
>Witness 'use base' instead of '@ISA', 'use warnings', and so on.

Huh?  Why???  Perl's use of @ISA is beautiful.  It's an example
of code reuse, because we don't need no stinking syntax!

use base is, or can be, pretty silly -- think pseudohashes, 
just for one.

The general sentiment you espouse obviously has a line beyond
which you don't intend to cross.   The question is where
that line lies.

--tom, who knows that it's hard to read his mail, but it's
   even harder to write it

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Re: RFC 277 (v1) Eliminate unquoted barewords from Perl entirely

2000-09-28 Thread Tom Christiansen

Try thinking of it this way: it's only a bareword if 
it would make use strict whinge at you.  Thus, the
constructs you cited are all non-uses of barewords,
such as in use Foo or require Foo or Foo => 1, or
even $x{Foo}.  And I have proposed (nonRFC) that
Foo->bar() also be not a bareword.  Yes, I know 
strict doesn't carp about it, but that could be Foo().

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my and local

2000-09-28 Thread Tom Christiansen

As we sneak under the wire here, I'm hoping someone
has posted an RFC that alters the meaning of my/local.
It's very hard to explain as is.  my is fine, but local
should be changed to something like "temporary" (yes, that
is supposed to be annoying to type) or "dynamic".

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Re: RFC 143 (v2) Case ignoring eq and cmp operators

2000-09-28 Thread Tom Christiansen

This RFC still has silly language that discounts what
has been said before.  

1) It calls
uc($a) eq uc($b)
"ugly", despite their being completely intuitive and legible
to even the uninitiated.

2) It then proposes "eq/i" without the least blush, despite
   how incredibly ugly and non-intuitive and, if I may,
   syntactically perverse such a notion is.


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RFC 307 (v1) PRAYER - what gets said when you C something

2000-09-27 Thread Tom Christiansen

Goodness, no, don't call it "PRAYER".   The blessing
is one of corporate approval, not ecclesiastical deprecationem.
Please don't piss people off.

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Re: RFC 303 (v1) Keep C, but make it work.

2000-09-27 Thread Tom Christiansen

Don't change "use less" to "use optimize".  We don't
need to ruin the cuteness.

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Better Security support (was: RFC 290 (v1) Remove -X)

2000-09-27 Thread Tom Christiansen

The -wd syntax (writeable directory) is nicer than file($file, "wd").
But anyway, there's hardly anything wrong with -w && -d.  Don't
the complaint.

One thing I would really like to see is better security support.  Look
at the Camel-III's security chapter, File::Temp, and the is_safe
stuff I've done lately.

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Re: RFC 290 Remove -X

2000-09-27 Thread Tom Christiansen

One doesn't remove useful and intuitive syntax
just because Mr Bill never put it into MS-BASIC!

I merely passingly suggested that there be a 
use English style alias for these.  They are, however,
wholly natural to millions of people, and should not
be harrassed.  (NB: 10 million Linux weenies alone)
Still, twould be nice to have -rw and -rx and stuff, too. :-)
BTW, -s(FH)/2 is still wickedly broken.

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Re: RFC 259 (v2) Builtins : Make use of hashref context for garrulous builtins

2000-09-27 Thread Tom Christiansen

On the matter of unpack(C4) and the gethost returns,
I certainly agree that all pack/unpack ickiness should
be hidden away.  It's nutty that gethostbyaddr takes
a binary address, yet just try to get that with getnetwhatever.
See the Net::hostent manpage, where I confess that you
still need to do this wackiness.

--tom, who thinks he's going to be spending three weeks
   gallavanting about the eurozone sending mail whose
answers he'll not be able to read for a month.

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Re: RFC 259 (v2) Builtins : Make use of hashref context for garrulous builtins

2000-09-27 Thread Tom Christiansen

> grep -l Class::Struct */*.pm

Please check those out for precedent and practice.

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Re: RFC 259 (v2) Builtins : Make use of hashref context for garrulousbuiltins

2000-09-27 Thread Tom Christiansen

On the matter of gcos or gecos, and passwd or pw_passwd, and all
that noise, please consult the User::pwent manpage.  There's 
no reason for all those noisy bits.  In fact, there had jolly
well better be a VERY good reason not to follow my Class::Struct'd
modules' name choices, since they were chosen to nonshock systems
programmers already, and because they've got precedent.

BTW, there's a bug in Class::Struct on setting array fields
to a new complete array.

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Re: Perl6Storm: Intent to RFC #0101

2000-09-27 Thread Tom Christiansen

You suggested:

 file($file, 'w');  # is it writeable?

That's really insane.  The goal was to produce code that's legible. 
That is hardly better.  It's much worse than is_writable or writable
or whatnot.  Just use -w if that's what you want.


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Re: Perl6Storm: Intent to RFC #0101

2000-09-27 Thread Tom Christiansen

./sun4-solaris/ isatty {
./sun4-solaris/B/ is_scope {
./sun4-solaris/B/ is_state {
./sun4-solaris/B/ is_miniwhile { # check for one-line loop
(`foo() while $y--')
./sun4-solaris/B/ is_scalar {
./sun4-solaris/B/ is_subscriptable {
./ isindex {
./ is_reachable {
./ isa_perl {
./Pod/ is_selected {
./ExtUtils/ is_cmd { $0 eq '-e' }
./ExtUtils/ is_perl_object {

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Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-27 Thread Tom Christiansen

This is screaming mad.  I will become perl6's greatest detractor and
anti-campaigner if this nullcrap happens.  And I will never shut up
about it,
either.  Mark my words.

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perl6storm ideas that are already covered

2000-09-27 Thread Tom Christiansen

I do not see how the cited RFCs manage to cover the fact
that while () doesn't do a localization, but that for() 
does, and that this confuses people.

--tom, incognito

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Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-21 Thread Tom Christiansen

>Now, that's not accurate either.  "NUL" is simply a normalized form of "null",
>because all the ASCII special characters have three upper-case letter names.
>There is no doubt that the ASCII guys meant "null" by this.

All other matters aside, kindly consider this simple one: If ever
you thought homophones were bad, imagine then how to rely upon
nothing more than mere case distinction, an ancillary artifact of
our system of writing, in two distinct terms whose usages are not
radically different from each other but whose meanings most certainly
are, is an endeavour virtually guaranteed to be frequently misheard
and thus misconstrued when those terms are used in spoken discourse--as
they inevitably shall be.


Re: PERL6STORM - tchrist's brainstorm list for perl6

2000-09-21 Thread Tom Christiansen

=item perl6storm #0106

Safe "signals"!  (not syssigs,really)

PERL6STORM - tchrist's brainstorm list for perl6

2000-09-21 Thread Tom Christiansen
Wrong precedence makes people miserable.

=item perl6storm #0051

Generalize the defined() magic in readdir, readline, etc.
so it isn't unique to special functions.

=item perl6storm #0052

Make "0" (more?) true so that people don't get surprised.


Make "0.00" (more?) false so that people don't get surprised.

=item perl6storm #0053

Make  call readdir() just as  calls readline().

=item perl6storm #0054

Add dup() and dup2() style stuff to give legible ways of
handling &FH and &=FH.

=item perl6storm #0055

Make it clean and easy to push input and output stream filters as
alteratives to forkopen.  For example:

push_filter STDOUT, { s/^/READY/ }

is like calling program with

prog | perl -pe 's/^/READY/'

or fancy forkopen tricks.  Allow ways to look at filters
on stack.

=item perl6storm #0056

Remove the complicated "extended" regex features (?...) Or rewrite
them in a non-regex spec-y way.  (?{...}) and (??{...}) come to

=item perl6storm #0057

ADD MORE TOOLS  Code devel and analysis tools.  Maybe PPT, too.

BTW: I can't make "perlman fred" be accessible as "perl -man fred"
but I want to.  That's because the pragma won't be loaded
without a read -e or script. So "fred" must exist as a path, for
all values of "fred".  That's annoying.

=item perl6storm #0060

formats and html doesn't mix nicely (not wysiwig).   Neither do any
hidden chars, like ESC-blah.  Can we do more for generating simple
clean transparent xml?

=item perl6storm #0061

Make not hate me.

=item perl6storm #0062

Can there be an anal mode that detects anything that might xU
(raise exception as unimplemented on some plats?)

=item perl6storm #0063

Core the portopath manippers.  Too slow.  Fix their stupid
names:  catfile sucks.  it doesn't `cat file`.

=item perl6storm #0064

Do something about microsoft's CRLF abomination.

=item perl6storm #0065

Make indirect objectable built-ins overloadable/overrideable/inheritable
by object type.

=item perl6storm #0066

Allow next/last/redo in do{} per C.

=item perl6storm #0067

Where's ferror()?   Can we raise exceptions on them?

use io_errors;  # wrong name

or maybe


=item perl6storm #0070

Make tacit fclose stdout detect failure.  

END { close STDOUT || die "close STDOUT: $!" }

But was there some horrible gotcha with this?

=item perl6storm #0071

How do you prototype split?  print?

=item perl6storm #0072

"Fix" the $ prototype.  No coerce on @ or %.  Fix for
lists.  fn($$) should permit fn(foo()) to mean fn((foo())[0,1]),
which is damned annoying to write.  likewise fn(@foo[0,1]),
which freaks.

=item perl6storm #0073

kill bareword strings entirely.

=item perl6storm #0074

make all the built-ins take perl style interfaces, not C ones.
eg: notice how larry changed openlog from C to Perl.  having
to write "O_blah | O_blah" hurts.

=item perl6storm #0075

Make a way for regex switches not to be single lettered.

re_match( EXPR, REGEX, FLAGS )

$gotit = 
re_match($line = readline(), 

But now we're back to ugly O_ or'ing.  See regcomp(3).

=item perl6storm #0076

Allow ASCII characters to be specified symbolically.
Too retro?  chr(NUL), chr(SOH), chr(STX).  Or are those
already chars, and one would do ord(SOH) instead?  Module
would suffice.

=item perl6storm #0077

make open(FH, "|cmd|") just work -- call open2 etc.

=item perl6storm #0100

add python and java sections to perltrap.

=item perl6storm #0101

Just like the "use english" pragma (the modern not-yet-written
version of "use English" module), make something for legible

is_readable(file) is really -r(file)

note that these are hard to write now due to -s(FH)/2 style
parsing bugs and prototype issues on handles vs paths.

=item perl6storm #0102

Make "my sub" work.

Make nested subs work.

=item perl6storm #0103

Finally implement the less pragma.

use less 'memory';

etc.   Right now, you can say silly things.

use less 'sillyiness';

What about use more?  Or is that just no less

use less 'magic';
no  more 'magic';

=item perl6storm #0104

Look at the deep magic seen in some of the examples in Camel-3's
OO and tie chapters and in perltootc.  Consider what to canonize
into a simpler-to-get-at mechanism, just as plum engendered much
in perl5.

=item perl6storm #0105

Learn to count in decimal.


=head1 BUGS

None.  These are features.

=head1 AUTHOR

Tom Christiansen

Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-21 Thread Tom Christiansen

>How can you convince anyoone if you say you would not use it. For any feature
>enhancement to perl, unless there is a strong case for how it makes
>the labguage easier and better it is just not going to happen.

It's not as though Tim Bunce has been hollering for this, which is a 
bad sign.


Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-21 Thread Tom Christiansen

< Russ:

>> About the only piece of code of mine that this would affect are places
>> where I use ++ on an undef value, and that's not a bad thing to avoid as a
>> matter of style anyway (usually I'm just setting a flag and = 1 would work
>> just as well; either that, or it's easy enough to explicitly initialize
>> the counter to 0).

< Philip:

>Depends. While it is possible to initialise counters in the canonical
>"have I seen this before" situation, it's more convenient the way it is at
>the moment:


>looks, to me, nicer than

>$seen{$word} = (exists $seen{$word}) ? 1 : $seen{$word} + 1;

er, flip that.


>if(defined($seen{$word})) { $seen{$word}++ } else { $seen{$word} = 1 }

>or similar.

In general, if you can get away with a simpler expression, it's better.
For example, 

if ($foo && is_whatnot($foo)) 

is inferior to 

if ($foo) 

just as

if (!$foo && !is_whatnot($foo)) 

is inferior to 

unless ($foo)

"Inferior by what metric?" you ask?  Complexity.  

Larry wrote (in Camel-3) that

...the autoincrement will never warn that you're using undefined values,
because autoincrement is an accepted way to define undefined values.

So I think you're safe there.

He also wrote:

The C<||> can be used to set defaults despite its origins as a
Boolean operator, since Perl returns the first true value.  Perl
programmers manifest a cavalier attitude with respect to truth,
since the line above would break if, for instance, you tried
to specify a quantity of 0.  But as long as you never want to
set either C<$quality> or C<$quantity> to a false value, the
idiom works great.  There's no point in getting all superstitious
and throwing in calls to C and C all over the
place.  You just have to understand what it's doing.  As long
as it won't accidentally be false, you're fine.

Simple true and simple false are best if your goal is simplicity.
Sometimes you need more than that.  So you write functions.  Or,
if you're into the quirks of using strange magic of occasionally
dubious charm, then through operationally overloaded objects.


Re: Beefier prototypes (was Re: Multiple for loop variables)

2000-09-21 Thread Tom Christiansen

>   > Could the prototype people please report whether Tim Bunce's issues with 
>   > prototypes have been intentionally/adequately addressed?

>I'm not a prototype person (in fact RFC 128 makes it a hanging offence
>to use that confusing word in connection with parameter lists! ;-)
>Could someone please recapitulate Tim's issues?

The long story is here:

The short story includes details that involve how to permit

sub fn($$$)

to work with


where @foo==3, which won't be known till runtime.


Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-21 Thread Tom Christiansen

>Can't we all just play nice?

Apparently not.   Several of us attempted to explain why this didn't
make sense, for many reasons.  GL wouldn't hear any of it, stubbornly
adhering to this notion despite what was said, often completely
ignoring or apparently purposefully misunderstanding the points.
He then started accusing others of insults where none existed.
Screw that.  Since he asked for insults, now he got them.

But it's funny you should mention nulling him out.  He's now in my
killfile.  Blessed be.


Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-21 Thread Tom Christiansen

>> By your "reasoning", we can just add infinitely more things that
>> take twice a few pages to explain.

>You took that to an illogical extreme conclusion.  Clearly you can't add
>everything to the language.  However, it is clear by the set of currently
>submitted RFCs that more people think suggesting additions to Perl is a better
>use of their time than suggesting subtractions.


If it takes several pages just to introduce your new, fucked-up
notion of "false", you've done something wrong.  If it then again
takes several pages just to introduce how your new, fucked-up notion
of "false" is different from the existing ones, you've done something

Guess what?

You've done something wrong.

>> Perl is already too hard.

>So make it easier.  Where are your RFCs to remove things?

They're right here in my edit buffer.  I will simply explain them
to Larry directly.  You won't even get the chance to waste my time.

Fortunately, I have every reason to believe that Larry will reject
your idiotic notion of false that grew out of a cancerous complexity
in an obscure niche of programming has no business burdening users
with its incredibly lame-ass naming and confusing behavior.


Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-21 Thread Tom Christiansen

>> In Perl, this is the null string:""
>> In Perl, this is the null character: "\0"
>> In Perl, this is the null list:  ()

>In RFC 263, this is the null:  null

>That's a different word for a different concept.  No conflict, if you
>learn the way the RFC speaks.

Wrong.  Just plain wrong.

>> It's a shame you don't like it, but this is the way we speak.

>What's this we and you business?  I'm a perl user too.

Who can't speak.

>> If you wish to make sense of the documentation, you must learn
>> its language.

>The documentation isn't all that consistent about everything, either.
>Perhaps you, personally, are more so, and if so, perhaps you should help
>rewrite the documentation to make it as perfectly consistent as yourself.

Thank you very much, but I just did that.  It's called Camel-3.

>I allowed that you might want to call it the null string, and I'm allowed
>to read "null string" and think "empty string", and I'm just as right as
>you are.  You must not have a cohesive argument to make, if you resort to
>insults in an attempt to make points.

You haven't heard insults.  Here are insults: you are a stupid idiot.
And I am incredibly glad that within hours, I'm about to spend three solid 
weeks afraid from such a fucked up blathering fool.


Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-21 Thread Tom Christiansen

>No, in that wonderfully consistent Perl documentation, it's "undef" not 
>is only used to refer to (as you pointed out in another post)

>   the null string
>   the null character
>   the null list

>Those use null as an adjective.  This RFC proposes an addition to Perl t

>   the null

>This uses null as a noun, and it has a different meaning than undef.

A null is a null byte, or a null character.  Period.  You are
completely out of your mind if you expect to co-opt an extant term
for this screwed up notion of yours.  I place my faith in Larry 
not to fuck up the language with your insanity.


Re: RFC 12 (v2) variable usage warnings

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

Have a nice day.  And thanks for all the fish.

Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

>But I see code in the XML modules that check defined (@array)

They're buggy and wrong. 


Re: RFC 12 (v3) variable usage warnings

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

>Tom Christiansen wrote:
>> >It happens when I don't bother to declare something. My company has
>> >several dozen machines with an 'our'-less perl, and 'use vars qw($x)' is
>> >a pain. As is $My::Package::Name::x.
>> Far, far easier to fix behavioral problems than to hack Perl.
>> --tom

>Not sure what you mean, since this RFC _adds_ a warning in this case. In
>fact, with the proposed change, my trick to avoid punishment for my
>misbehavior would no longer work.

>The point is that if

>$x = 3;

>elicits a warning...

that you should declare the variable properly, of course.


Re: RFC 12 (v2) variable usage warnings

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

>Tom Christiansen wrote:
>> >Anything else? Any opinion on whether eval "" should do what it does
>> >now, and be invisible for the purposes of this analysis; or if it should
>> >be assumed to instead both use and initialize all visible variables? The
>> >former produces more spurious warnings, the latter misses many errors.
>> You have to assume eval STRING can do anything.
>> --tom

>"have to"? Perl5 doesn't.

You mean "perl".

>% perl -we '$x = 3; $v = "x"; eval "\$$v++"'
>Name "main::x" used only once: possible typo at -e line 1.

Non sequitur.  And no, I don't have time.

Re: RFC 85 (v2) All perl generated errors should have a unique identifier

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

Ok, so you want message catalogues, and not solely on Perl but anything
in the distribution.  You should say that.


Re: RFC 12 (v3) variable usage warnings

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

>It happens when I don't bother to declare something. My company has
>several dozen machines with an 'our'-less perl, and 'use vars qw($x)' is
>a pain. As is $My::Package::Name::x.

Far, far easier to fix behavioral problems than to hack Perl.


Re: RFC 12 (v2) variable usage warnings

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

>Anything else? Any opinion on whether eval "" should do what it does
>now, and be invisible for the purposes of this analysis; or if it should
>be assumed to instead both use and initialize all visible variables? The
>former produces more spurious warnings, the latter misses many errors.

You have to assume eval STRING can do anything.


Re: RFC 12 (v3) variable usage warnings

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

>Which is silly, because you shouldn't have to say '$x = $x = 3' when you
>mean '$x = 3'.  Just because there's a real reason behind it doesn't make it
>any less silly.

I'd like to see where this can happen.  Sounds like someone forgot to
declare something:

our $x;
$x = 2;


Re: RFC 12 (v2) variable usage warnings

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

>But that doesn't even matter that much here; I'm saying that if the
>compiler can definitely determine that you are using an uninitialized
>variable, it should warn. 


>$x is a global. The compiler cannot detect all possible assignments to
>or accesses of globals, so it never warns about them.

>If you inserted my $x at the top of that code, it would most likely
>produce the "possible use" warning. Or not; this is a simple enough case
>that it might be able to infer the right answer.

>I am certainly not saying that the "possible use" warning should be
>enabled by default. But please, argue over that one separately from the
>others. It's the most likely to annoy.

>> Or:
>> foo();
>> print $x;
>> Generate a warning, or not?  Which one? Remember, foo() may initialize $x.

>Same thing. If $x is lexical, it gives a definite warning. If $x is a
>global, it says nothing. You're right; I need to point this out in the


sub ouch {
my $x;
my $fn = sub { $x++ };
print $x;


Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

>> I'm not happy with your use of "coerce".  There's no mutation.  It simply
>> *is* those things.

>Fine.  So, in particular, it _isn't_ null.

Of course it's null.  That's why it has length zero.  Stop speaking
SQL at me.  I'm speaking Perl.

>> 4) The antiïinitialized value is autovivified to a true value when
>> used that value is (legally) used lvaluably.

>If, by "true value" in the above, you mean a value other than undef whic
>interpreted as boolean false, then I think I understand what you said.  
>enough to have said it, which is why I used coerce.

No, I mean this:

undef $a;
@$a = ();
if ($a) { . } # always true

It's the lvaluable deref that autoinitializes.


Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

>Tom Christiansen wrote:

>> > no strict;
>> > $a = undef;
>> > $b = null;
>> Perl already has a null string: "".

>That's an empty string.  In any case, if you really want to call it a
>null string, that's fine, just a little more likely to be

In Perl, this is the null string:""
In Perl, this is the null character: "\0"
In Perl, this is the null list:  ()

It's a shame you don't like it, but this is the way we speak.
If you wish to make sense of the documentation, you must learn
its language.


Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

>> For example, assuming this code:

>>$name = undef;
>>print "Hello world!" if ($name eq undef);

>So don't do that.  Use C if you want to ask that question.

That's why I want to change the names of these things.  The current
situation invites errors such as seen previously.  

Actually, one almost wants a warning on "=undef", too.  Well, some uses.  


Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

>That's not much different than the cost of undef, so I fear it proves
>nothing, universally.


YOU OVERQUOTEDkes a few pages, and a few truth tables to explain NULL.
YOU OVERQUOTEDonly take a few pages and a few examples, to explain the
YOU OVERQUOTED between undef and null.
YOU OVERQUOTEDcost of this is twice a few pages of explanation, plus truth
YOU OVERQUOTEDexamples?  Are you mad?
YOU OVERQUOTED of no better proof that this is the Wrong Thing than
YOU OVERQUOTEDwn words.  Thank you.
YOU OVERQUOTEDe on the right track,
YOU OVERQUOTEDn over if you just sit there.
YOU OVERQUOTED  -- Will Rogers
YOU OVERQUOTEDFree Internet Access and Email__

By your "reasoning", we can just add infinitely more things that
take twice a few pages to explain.

Perl is already too hard.


Re: RFC 85 (v2) All perl generated errors should have a unique identifier

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

>>>>>> "TC" == Tom Christiansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>> Currently many programs handle error returns by examining the text of
>>> the error returned in $@. This makes changes in the text of the error
>>> message, an issue for the backwards compatibility police.

>TC> eval {  fn() };
>TC> if ($@ == EYOURWHATHURTS) {  } 
>TC> sub fn { die "blindlesnot" }

>I don't understand what you are trying to say.

I'm saying that you can't know what to check for, because you don't
know who generated the exception.  Can you use your fancy constants?

And what is "core"?  Compiler?  Interpreter?  Utilities?  Pragmata?

Citing IBM as a reference is enough to drive a lot of us away screaming.

Try  or   Notice how much nicer this is.  Few
values, but usable in varied places.


Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

>* Tom Christiansen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [21 Sep 2000 05:49]:
>> > no strict;
>> > $a = undef;
>> > $b = null;

>> Perl already has a null string: "".

>Looks more like a string of no length than a null string.

Well, it's not.  That's a null string.  You're thinking of "\0", 
a true value in Perl.

Here are the canonical definitions:

A string containing no characters, not to be confused with
a string containing a null character, which has a positive

A character with the ASCII value of zero.  It's used by C
and some Unix syscalls to terminate strings, but Perl allows
strings to contain a null.

A list value with zero elements, represented in Perl by ().


Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

>It only takes a few pages, and a few truth tables to explain NULL.
>It should only take a few pages and a few examples, to explain the
>difference between undef and null.

Ah, so the cost of this is twice a few pages of explanation, plus truth 
tables and examples?  Are you mad?

I can think of no better proof that this is the Wrong Thing than 
your very own words.  Thank you.


Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

>$a = null;
>$b = ($a == 42);
>print defined($b)? "defined" : "not defined";

>would print "not defined", maybe?

In a sane world of real (non-oo-sneaky) perl, the "==" operator returns 
only 1 or "".  Both are defined.


Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

Perl has *one* out-of-band value.  It doesn't need more.  That
doesn't mean that perhaps some rare sorts of programming might not
benefit from fancy weirdnesses.  That's what modules are for.
You don't need to complicate the general language to get what
you want.  Don't make others pay for your problems.

>1) all otherwise uninitialized variables are set to undef

Wrong.  You cannot say that an aggregate is undef.  Scalar
variables--not all variables, just scalar variables alone--hold the
uninitialized value, henceforth known as the antiïinitialized value,
if they were last initialized to the antiïinitialized value, or if
they haven't been initialized at all--in which case, I suppose, you
*might* choose to call it _a_n_t_eïinitialized instead of antiïinitialized,
but then you'll get people wanting to split those up again.

>2) under "use strict", use of undef in expressions is diagnosed with a warning

Wrong.  You are thinking, perhaps, of `use warnings', not `use strict'.
In particular, 

use warnings qw'uninitialized';

>3) undef is coerced to 0 in numeric expressions, false in boolean expressions,
>and the empty string in string expressions.

I'm not happy with your use of "coerce".  There's no mutation.  It simply
*is* those things.  It's not quite kosher to claim that undef gets "coerced"
to false in Boolean expresions.  The antiïinitialized value *is* a false
value.  The only false number is 0, and therefore the antiïinitialized 
numeric value is 0.  Yes, we have two false strings--lamentably--but since
we need a canonical one (eg the result of 1 == 2), we choose "".

You also forgot this:

4) The antiïinitialized value is autovivified to a true value when
used that value is (legally) used lvaluably.  

Notice also this:

% perl -le 'use warnings; $a = 1 == 2; print $a->[1] ? "good" : "bad"'

% perl -le 'use strict;   $a = 1 == 2; print $a->[1] ? "good" : "bad"'
Can't use string ("") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at -e line 1.
Exit 255


Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

> no strict;
> $a = undef;
> $b = null;

Perl already has a null string: "".


Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

>Unlike undef, which gets assigned to uninitialized variables, NULL is only
>used by choice.  So you only need deal with NULL when there is the
>possibility that it needs to be handled in some special way, and might exist
>as a value in the expression being handled.

This can be done without being in the language.  Return a ref to a
blessed object whose stringification or numification method raises
an exception.  

>The novice need not use NULL until he is an expert, or is dealing with
>databases.  As an expert, it is not hard to understand the difference, and if
>dealing with databases, there is a definite need to understand the

I completely disbelieve.  Changing the fundamental nature of what
a VALUE is in Perl is hardly something you can hide.  The amount
of pain people seem to go through already understanding this stupid
spectre out of database hell is sufficient to run in terror.


Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

>The semantics for NULL is different, read the SQL standard.  

Perl has no business contaminating itself with SQL.


Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

>Nathan Wiger wrote:
>> ...a "use tristate" pragma which obeys blocks

>bka "lexically scoped".  If I'm not mistaken, pragmas *are* lexically scoped.

They *can* be.  They needn't be.


Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

>Here's something you and Glenn don't seem to understand:
>it doesn't *matter* what the human meaning of undef is.
>Call it undefined, uninitialized, unknown, etc. etc.
>What matters is that in the perl machine, it's a different
>kind of value that a scalar can have, besides string, number,
>reference, filehandle, etc.

Unfortunately, people don't seem to be able to read the documentation
about these matters.  Time to remove them from the language.  It's
too hard.


Re: RFC 12 (v2) variable usage warnings

2000-09-20 Thread Tom Christiansen

And what about $$x?

Dang, are we back to this incredible confusion about what it is to be
defined in Perl.?

undef $a;

That is now UNINITIALIZED.  So is this:

$a = undef;

You have initialized it to undef.  There is no reasonable difference.


Remove all references from the language to defined and undef.
People just aren't smart enough to understand them.  Change
defined() to read has_a_valid_initialized_scalar_value().  Change
undef() to "operator_to_uninitialize_a_variable".  Touch luck
on the chumps who can't type well.  They pay for their brothers'

repeat until blue:



Re: RFC 263 (v1) Add null() keyword and fundamental data type

2000-09-19 Thread Tom Christiansen

>Currently, Perl has the concept of C, which means that a value is
>not defined. One thing it lacks, however, is the concept of C,
>which means that a value is known to be unknown or not applicable. These
>are two separate concepts.

No, they aren't.


Re: RFC 85 (v2) All perl generated errors should have a unique identifier

2000-09-19 Thread Tom Christiansen

>Currently many programs handle error returns by examining the text of
>the error returned in $@. This makes changes in the text of the error
>message, an issue for the backwards compatibility police.

eval {  fn() };

if ($@ == EYOURWHATHURTS) {  } 

sub fn { die "blindlesnot" }


Re: RFC 12 (v2) variable usage warnings

2000-09-19 Thread Tom Christiansen

>The warning for the use of an unassigned variable should be "use of
>uninitialized variable C<$x>". 

The problem with that idea, now as before, is that this check happens 
where Perl is looking at a value, not a variable.  Even were it possible
to arduously modify Perl to handle explicitly named simple variables,
there's much more to consider.

if ( fx() == fy() ) { }

For one.


Re: RFC 76 (v2) Builtin: reduce

2000-09-19 Thread Tom Christiansen

>Ummm...Maybe I'm missing something, but how does reduce() know the
>difference between

>$sum = reduce ^_+^_, 0, @values;

>unshift @values, 0;
>$sum = reduce ^_+^_, @values;

You know, I really find it much more legible to consistently write
these sorts of thing with braces around their code block, just as

@x = map { $_ * 3 }, 4, 5;

is infinitely better than 

@x = map $_ * 3, 4, 5;


Re: RFC 244 (v1) Method calls should not suffer from the action on a distance

2000-09-19 Thread Tom Christiansen

>>   $IO::STDERR->print @stuff;
>>   print $IO::STDERR @stuff;

You know, I already resent having to use STDERR instead of stderr.
Adding five noisy characters, or seven, is way, way over the top.

As for system globals, when one suggested to Larry that these be
something on the order of SYS::ARGV or $SYS::ERRNO, he sputtered
vetoistically about how unpleasantly tedious such an irritably
length name would thus be, and required a terser solution.


(Er, well, actually, I generally *can* use stderr, at least in
main, but you didn't hear me tell that.)

Re: RFC 76 (v2) Builtin: reduce

2000-09-19 Thread Tom Christiansen

>Tom suggested:

>   > Why not just check @numbers?

>Hear, hear:

>   $sum = @numbers ? reduce ^_+^_, @numbers : 0;

Although we're back to the pain of what happens when @numbers is
really fn().  This is unsatisfactorily nonidempotent (aliapotent? :-)

$sum = fn() ? reduce ^_+^_, fn() : 0;


Re: RFC 76 (v2) Builtin: reduce

2000-09-19 Thread Tom Christiansen

>Following Glenn's lead, I'm in the process of RFC'ing a new null()
>keyword and value 

As though one were not already drowning in a surfeit of subtly
dissimilar false values.


Re: RFC 76 (v2) Builtin: reduce

2000-09-19 Thread Tom Christiansen

Why not just check @numbers?


Re: RFC 76 (v2) Builtin: reduce

2000-09-19 Thread Tom Christiansen

>   $sum = reduce {$_[0]+$_[1]} 0, @numbers || die "Chaos!!";

>Note with the || that way, it'll die immediately if @numbers is empty,
>even before destroying the universe.

Yes, but why are you passing the size of the array in there?


Re: RFC 76 (v2) Builtin: reduce

2000-09-19 Thread Tom Christiansen

>> If the original list has no elements, C immediately throws an
>> exception.

>What do you mean by exception, die ? No other builtin dies like that at

Well, more can trigger run-time exceptions than people usually notice,
but I don't know of one that does so on an empty list.

These raise an exception if given an argument of inappropriate type:

accept bind binmode bless close closedir connect eof
fcntl fileno flock getc getpeername getsockname getsockopt
ioctl kill listen open opendir pipe print printf prototype
read readdir readline recv rewinddir seek seekdir select
send setsockopt shutdown socket socketpair stat substr
sysopen sysread sysseek syswrite tell telldir truncate

These raise an exception if modifying a read-only target:

chomp chop fcntl ioctl read recv s/// substr syscall
sysread tr/// undef vec y///

These raise an exception when fed tainted data:

bind chdir chmod chown chroot connect do eval exec fcntl
glob ioctl kill link m// mkdir open opendir readpipe
rename require rmdir s/// setpgrp setpriority socket
socketpair symlink syscall system truncate umask unlink

These raise an exception if unimplemented on current platform:

accept alarm bind chown chroot closedir connect crypt
dbmclose dbmopen fcntl flock fork getgrent getgrgid
getgrnam gethostbyaddr gethostbyname gethostent getlogin
getnetbyaddr getnetbyname getnetent getpeername getpgrp
getppid getpriority getprotobyname getprotobynumber
getprotoent getpwent getpwnam getpwuid getservbyname
getservbyport getservent getsockname getsockopt ioctl
kill link listen lstat msgctl msgget msgrcv msgsnd open
opendir pipe readdir readlink readpipe recv rewinddir
seekdir select semctl semget semop send setpgrp setpriority
setsockopt shmctl shmget shmread shmwrite shutdown
socket socketpair symlink syscall telldir times truncate
umask utime wait waitpid

These raise an exception whenever they're feeling curmudgeonly:

glob require substr sysread syswrite write

I presume this would fall in the lattermost category.


Re: RFC 258 (v1) Distinguish packed binary data from printable strings

2000-09-19 Thread Tom Christiansen

>Tim Conrow wrote:
>> Tom Christiansen wrote:
>> > Perhaps what you're truly looking for is a generalized tainting mechanism.
>> Sounds cool, but I have only the vaguest idea what you (may) mean. Pointers?
>> RFCs? Examples? Hints?

>Sorry for the clutter, but I didn't want to come off too clueless. I know what
>tainting is, I just don't know what you mean by generalized tainting. If it's
>been discussed before I'd love to see a pointer to the thread.

You want to have more properties that work like tainting does: a
per-SV attribute that is enabled or disabled by particular sorts
of expressions, sometimes dependent upon the previous presence or
absence of that property, other times, not so.


Re: RFC 255 (v2) Fix iteration of nested hashes

2000-09-19 Thread Tom Christiansen

>Just to note: in version 2 of the RFC, it's associated with the pad of
>the block in which the C appears.

>   > then what are you going to do?  

>The short answer is that there is no "manual" reset of iterators.

I am concerned about that.

sub fn(\%) {
my $href = shift;
while (my($k,$v) = each %$href) {
return if something's funny;

Now, imagine you call


and there's a premature exit.  Isn't the second fn() going to not
only be at the wrong spot, but still worse, at the wrong hash?

Or do you plan for all block exits to clear all their iterators?

What happens then in this code:

for my $hr (\(%foo, %bar, %glarch)) {
push @first_keys, scalar each %$hr;

There's no block exit there.


Re: RFC 258 (v1) Distinguish packed binary data from printable strings

2000-09-19 Thread Tom Christiansen

Perhaps what you're truly looking for is a generalized tainting mechanism.


Re: RFC 255 (v2) Fix iteration of nested hashes

2000-09-19 Thread Tom Christiansen

>This RFC proposes that the internal cursor iterated by the C function 
>be stored in the pad of the block containing the C, rather than
>being stored within the hash being iterated.

Then how do you specify which iterator is to be reset when you wish 
to do that?  Currently, you do this by specifying the hash.  If the
iterator is no longer affiliated with the hash, but the opcode node,
then what are you going to do?  


Re: RFC 258 (v1) Distinguish packed binary data from printable strings

2000-09-19 Thread Tom Christiansen

>On 19 Sep 2000, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:

>> Distinguish packed binary data from printable strings

>What defines a "printable" string?  What if I'm working in an environment
>that can "print" bytes that yours can't?  Specifically I'm wondering how
>this proposal handles Unicode.

Perl should fly far and fast from starting down the bumpy road where
that data is strongly typed in the mythical and deceptive text-vs-binary
sense, for that path is one littered with the frustrations of a
legion of programmers stretching from the plodding mainframe operating
systems of our grandfathers to the toybox legacies of our less
fortunate brethren of today.  Heed the wisdom of the Unix and the
song of the C: Let your data be simply data, homogenously clean.
To do otherwise is to suffer unending inanities and combinatoric
misconnects of noncongruent types.


Re: RFC 259 (v1) Builtins : Make use of hashref context for garrulous builtins

2000-09-19 Thread Tom Christiansen

>It's hard to remember the sequence of values that the following
>builtins return:


>and though it's easy to look them up, it's a pain to look them up
>Every Single Time.

>Moreover, code like this is far from self-documenting:

use File::stat;

>if ((stat $filename)[7] > 1000) {...}

>if ((lstat $filename)[10] > time()-1000) {...}

use Time::localtime;

>if ((localtime(time))[3] > 5) {...}

use User::pwent;

>if ($usage > (getpwent)[4]) {...}

use Net::hostent;
>@host{qw(name aliases addrtype length addrs)} = gethostbyname $name;

Don't have one for that.
>warn "Problem at " . join(":", @{[caller(0)]}[3,1,2]) . "\n";

>It is proposed that, when one of these subroutines is called in the new
>HASHREF context (RFC 21), it should return a reference to a hash of values,
>with standardized keys. For example:

Which is what the modules listed above do.  And more.


Re: RFC 111 (v3) Here Docs Terminators (Was Whitespace and Here Docs)

2000-09-18 Thread Tom Christiansen

>But Tom, that preserves all the white space both before and after the '!'!
>Michael's goal is to eliminate the leading white space, although he didn
>'!' bit.  So I'm not sure how you'd have written that if you'd have done

Yeah, ok.  I still think

# Your stuff that you write
#goes nicely right here
# If you want it to print
#sans mungeing to fear

is the nicest way to heredoc, where "#" is some distinctive string.


Re: $a in @b (RFC 199)

2000-09-18 Thread Tom Christiansen

>From: Tom Christiansen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> From: Jarkko Hietaniemi
>> >I find this urge to push exceptions everywhere quite sad.
>> Rather. 
>> Languages that have forgotten or dismissed error returns, turning
>> instead to exceptions for everything in an effort to make the code
>> "safer", tend in fact to produce code that is tedious and annoying.

>There seems to be some general consensus that some people would like to be
>able to short-circuit functions like grep. Do you see no need for the code
>block equivalent of C/C/C?

What, you mean like 

Loop controls don't work in an C or C, either, since
those aren't loops.  But you can always introduce an extra set
of braces to give yourself a bare block, which I count
as a loop.

if (/pattern/) {{
last if /alpha/;
last if /beta/;
last if /gamma/;
# do something here only if still in if()


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