Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-13 Thread Jan Wieck
On 7/10/2004 6:55 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:
It seems anonymous savepoints really don't buy us anything.  They don't
match the Oracle behavior, and don't do anything more than nested
transactions. I agree we want them, but I don't see the value they add
value right now.
Anonymous Savepoints == Nested Transactions
This issue is whether we're going to use a PostgreSQL-specific, non-standard, 
syntax for NTs, or use a syntax that puts us on the road to implementing 
spec-compliant savepoints.

Given that the functionality is exactly the same in either case, I don't see 
why you would want to implement syntax which is 100% Postgres-specific.

I don't think they are 100% the same. The SQL3 spec defines in 7.15 and 
13.4 that each sql procedure statement and each subquery on close 
implicitly destroy all savepoints that have been created during that 
statement or subquery.

I am however certain that nested transactions do not offer any 
additional functionality that would not be available through savepoints. 
So what I am missing is the reason why we would want a non-standard 
syntax at all. Especially using the keyword BEGIN in the syntax would 
strike me as dumb, because it will create a parsing and reading 
nightmare for PL/pgSQL, since that language uses BEGIN ... END; for 
grouping statements like C uses curly braces.

# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.  #
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Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-13 Thread Jan Wieck
On 7/11/2004 12:22 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
There is not a lot of difference.  This was allowed in nested
transactions because we wanted the nesting be to OK when using it in a
possibly aborted transaction block, so the user would not commit a
transaction that could not have been created.  In savepoints it's a
nonissue because the command to end the outer xact is different.
My opinion is that we should disallow both SAVEPOINT and RELEASE when in
an aborted transaction block.  Only ROLLBACK TO, ROLLBACK and COMMIT
would be allowed.  In this scenario, ROLLBACK TO would always return to
a non-aborted transaction state, or the target savepoint would not
exist and the state would remain the same.
As I interpret the spec ROLLBACK TO foo will rollback all savepoints 
that have been created since savepoint foo was created including ones 
explicitly released. That means, that every subxid = foo is aborted, 
and a new foo subtransaction created.

# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.  #
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Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-13 Thread Mike Rylander
posted  mailed

Dennis Bjorklund wrote:

 On Sat, 10 Jul 2004, Mike Rylander wrote:
 They do, if only to make particular constructs easier to write.  This is
 an opinion, but for example an EXCEPTION framework for plpgsql would be
 easier to implement and use if it used the nested transactions rather
 than savepoint syntax:
 do some work...
 do other work...
 do alternate work with its own error checking...
 I realize this can be done with nested savepoints and that is what the
 spec requires,
 Lets look at what it can look like:
   SAVEPOINT nested;
   do some work...
   SAVEPOINT nested2;
   do other work...
   do alternate work with its own error checking...
   RELEASE nested2;
   RELEASE nested;
 Now, in what way is this more complicated?

Only in that you need to define a name for each savepoint in order to create
the hierarchy.  And that is my point, savepoints impose more work on the
user to create a logical hierarchy, not that they cannot be used for
hierarchical structures.

 I'm not 100% sure how the exceptions that you used above work. Do that
 always rollback the transaction thay are in? In one of the exceptions you
 did a rollback but not in the other. In my example I added a rollback in
 the first exception handler. Maybe you forgot it there?

That was just pseudo-code and wholly invented in my head, but based on an
earlier expample of possible EXCEPTION syntax.  The idea is that when a
subtransaction is in an aborted state due to an error the EXCEPTION clause
would implicitly roll back that subtransaction and open a new transaction
from its own block.  This EXCEPTION subtrans is only used in the case of an
error in the matching BEGIN NESTED block, and the two share the COMMIT
statement, syntacticly speaking.  Think of it as a try { ... } catch
[type] { ... } finally { commit } type structure.

 In any case. I don't see this as any harder then your example.

It's not harder, per se, but it does impose a more difficult to maintain
syntax, IMHO.

  Savepoints have more possibilities, you can invalidate older savepoints
  then the last (with subtransactions you can only commit/rollback the
 This implies that savepoints are flat.  It won't be that way under the
 covers, but it does give that impression, and flat savepoint space is
 definitely suited to a different class of problems than nested
 First, my claim above was wrong. As Gavin pointed out in another mail, if
 one have savepoints p1 and p2 and release p1 then also p2 is released.
 It's possible to implement both kinds of behaviour using Alvaros work, but
 the standard demands the simpler one where p2 is also released.
 Now, about the flatness. Savepoints are not flat. They are sort of flat in
 a savepoint level. But, for example when you call a function you get a new
 savepoint level. I actually don't want to call it flat at all. The example
 above does not overwrite the savepoints nested and nested2 that might
 exist before the call, since this is a higher savepoint level.

OK, savepoints are not REALLY flat, but they are not hierarchically nested
either.  They are cumulative.  They can be used, as you showed above, in a
hierarchy, but as I said, they are not by their nature nested.

 I'm not sure exactly what it is that defines a new savepoint level, but a
 function call does and maybe some other things.

As for savepoint levels in functions, that is a scoping issue imposed by the
functions themselves, not by the savepoint syntax.  It would be nonsensical
to rollback to a savepoint outside a function, just as it would be
nonsensical to rollback the outer transaction from within the function. 
Allowing either would cause undesired action at a distance and possibly
violate the A in ACID.  The way I see it, savepoint levels should be
specified by function calls, as you said, and by the transaction nesting

 BTW, I would imagine that savepoints will be implemented as nested
 transactions with detachable labels... the label can move from a
 transaction to one of its descendants, and that outer (sub)transaction
 will be implicitly COMMITed with its parent.
 Yes. That's my view as well.

Well, at least we agree on that ;)

 Alvaro found it 

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-13 Thread Mike Rylander
posted  mailed

Dennsnippetssklund wrote:

 On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Mike Rylander wrote:
 Nested transactions and savepoints serve two different purposes.  They
 have some overlap, but for the most part solve two distinct problems.
 Then show some examples that illustrait the difference. So far all
 examples shown that uses subtransactions could just as well have been
 written using savepoints.

After seeing some more snippets of the SQL2003 spec it seems that this is
true, and that there is more of a syntactic difference than functional.
This does not seem to be the case for Oracle (the other major
implementation that has been cited for SAVEPOINT syntax), as savepoints in
Oracle are not logically nested.  Note that I am going on the statements
from others on this list for this point...

 I don't agree that they have two different purposes.

They do, if only to make particular constructs easier to write.  This is an
opinion, but for example an EXCEPTION framework for plpgsql would be easier
to implement and use if it used the nested transactions rather than
savepoint syntax:

do some work...
do other work...
do alternate work with its own error checking...

I realize this can be done with nested savepoints and that is what the spec
requires, but in other major implementations of savepoints this nested
exception handling would be more difficult to write.  Again, simply my

 I don't think so, especially as there has been some talk of implementing
 savepoints as a subset of nested transactions.
 It is not a subset. It's the other way around. Nested transactions are a
 subset of savepoints

Perhaps I got my wires crossed a bit there.  And again, after looking at
some more of the SQL2003 spec this does seem to be the case.  I cry your
pardon! :)

 Savepoints have more possibilities, you can invalidate older savepoints
 then the last (with subtransactions you can only commit/rollback the

This implies that savepoints are flat.  It won't be that way under the
covers, but it does give that impression, and flat savepoint space is
definitely suited to a different class of problems than nested

 If you don't use that then it's exactly the same as 

I don't see this.  Nested transactions present a hierarchal interface to the
user, savepoints don't, especially considering that those familiar with
PL/SQL know that savepoints are not nested.  Now, savepoints can be used IN
a hierarchy, but they do not DEFINE one as nested transactions do.

I look at it this way: Let's have both, and where a user wants a flat
transaction space, as that may suit the needs of the problem, they will use
SAVEPOINT syntax; if the user would perfer an explicit hierarchy they can
use nested transactions.  Everyone wins!

 The only feature subtransactions have that savepoints doesn't is the
 lack of names. Every savepoint have a name. If we want an extension it
 could be to get the database to generate a fresh savepoint name. The
 client can of course also generate unique savepoint names if it want.

I don't think they can be compared like that, feature for feature.  Although
I agree with you that they provide extremely similar feature sets, the
present different interfaces to the user.  They may end up being backed by
the exact same code but the syntax and logical structure will surely
differ, and when a user wants labeled rollback point they will use
savepoints.  When s/he wants hierarchical rollback points they will use the
nested transactions syntax.

BTW, I would imagine that savepoints will be implemented as nested
transactions with detachable labels... the label can move from a
transaction to one of its descendants, and that outer (sub)transaction will
be implicitly COMMITed with its parent.

 That subtransactions do more than savepoints is just smoke an mirrors. So
 far there have been no example to validate that point of view, and I don't
 think there will be any. If anyone know of something that you can do with
 subtransactions and not with savepoints, please speak up.

You have opened my eyes to the fact that savepoints and nested transactions
can be used for most of the same problems, however I don't see this as a
one-or-the-other proposition.

Alvaro found it easier to implement nested transactions, he forged ahead and
did it.  Now, because of good design or simple luck, we should be able to
implement savepoints fairly easily.  To me this is the best we could have
hoped for, as it means that not only will be support the entire SQL2003
spec WRT savepoints, we actually get to present a richer 

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-11 Thread Josh Berkus
 Uh, I think it can:

Heh.  I half-knew that if I pointed this out that someone would correct me 
with a link to new code.   In my defense, I will point out that the mentioned 
PHP feature is less than 4 months old.

 Not a real language indeed.  :-)

grin  I hope you relize that that was said as someone who uses PHP for a lot 
of projects ...

-Josh Berkus
 Aglio Database Solutions
 San Francisco

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-11 Thread Josh Berkus

 Do we want to allow BEGIN NESTED to start a main transaction?  Oracle
 can use SAVEPOINTS all the time because it knows it is always in a
 transaction, but PostgreSQL is not always.  I don't see a downside to
 allowing it.  COMMIT will still commit the entire transaction, of

Hmmm.   I can see where this could cause trouble, allowing users and 
developers to be unclear about whether or not they are in an explicit 
transaction and thus leading to significant debugging issues.   So I'm not 
keen on, it, no.

What's the benefit?  Elein?

And before you start the function argument:  due to function autocommit, a 
function is automatically part of a main implict transaction.  So functions 
are a non-argument as they will *always* be using NESTED/SAVEPOINT.   This 
would only become a concern if we started supporting non-transactional stored 
procedures (ala Sybase) which nobody has even discussed working on.

-Josh Berkus
 Aglio Database Solutions
 San Francisco

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-11 Thread Josh Berkus

 I have a better question: do we allow SAVEPOINT (i.e. to establish a
 savepoint, i.e. to open a nested transaction) within an aborted
 transaction block?

My opinion?  No.   I would personally not want to allow it.

 My opinion is that we should disallow both SAVEPOINT and RELEASE when in
 an aborted transaction block.  Only ROLLBACK TO, ROLLBACK and COMMIT
 would be allowed.  

I agree.

 In this scenario, ROLLBACK TO would always return to
 a non-aborted transaction state, or the target savepoint would not
 exist and the state would remain the same.

This is also good.

From my perspective, as a builder of some *very* database-centric 
applications, if one has an abort contidition that proceeds to try to 
establish a Savepoint as if the abort didn't exist then one needs to do some 
debugging.  I'm sorry I missed the original discussion on this or I would 
have expressed this opinion earlier. 

For that matter:

select 0/0;  -- abort
savepoint;  -- commands will be ignored
select 1; -- commands will be ignored
release; -- commands will be ignored
release; -- abort main xact 'cause we didn't rollback
commit; -- abort message

Is the above more or less correct, Alvaro?

-Josh Berkus
 Aglio Database Solutions
 San Francisco

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-11 Thread Scott Marlowe
On Sun, 2004-07-11 at 16:01, Josh Berkus wrote:
  Uh, I think it can:
 Heh.  I half-knew that if I pointed this out that someone would correct me 
 with a link to new code.   In my defense, I will point out that the mentioned 
 PHP feature is less than 4 months old.

Actually, it's part of PHP since 4.2.0, which was released on 22 April
2002.  That's long enough most folks should know of it by now.


  Not a real language indeed.  :-)
 grin  I hope you relize that that was said as someone who uses PHP for a lot 
 of projects ...

I know you do, I'm just amazed at how many people will dog PHP when it's
not the same language they downloaded and tried 5 years ago :-(

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TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-11 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On Sun, Jul 11, 2004 at 03:15:46PM -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:

 For that matter:
   select 0/0;  -- abort
   savepoint;  -- commands will be ignored
   select 1; -- commands will be ignored
   release; -- commands will be ignored
   release; -- abort main xact 'cause we didn't rollback
 commit; -- abort message
 Is the above more or less correct, Alvaro?

Save a minor detail.  It would be

select 0/0;  -- abort
savepoint;  -- commands will be ignored
select 1; -- commands will be ignored
release; -- commands will be ignored
release; -- commands will be ignored
commit; -- abort message

Note that I'm trying to tell you something with the indenting; all those
commands are inside one and the same subtransaction.

And I'm not planning to do anonymous savepoint.  Do these buy us

Alvaro Herrera (alvherre[a]
Find a bug in a program, and fix it, and the program will work today.
Show the program how to find and fix a bug, and the program
will work forever (Oliver Silfridge)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-11 Thread Bruce Momjian
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 11, 2004 at 03:15:46PM -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:
  For that matter:
  select 0/0;  -- abort
  savepoint;  -- commands will be ignored
  select 1; -- commands will be ignored
  release; -- commands will be ignored
  release; -- abort main xact 'cause we didn't rollback
  commit; -- abort message
  Is the above more or less correct, Alvaro?
 Save a minor detail.  It would be
   select 0/0;  -- abort
   savepoint;  -- commands will be ignored
   select 1; -- commands will be ignored
   release; -- commands will be ignored
   release; -- commands will be ignored
 commit; -- abort message
 Note that I'm trying to tell you something with the indenting; all those
 commands are inside one and the same subtransaction.
 And I'm not planning to do anonymous savepoint.  Do these buy us

Don't bother if you can do named ones.

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-11 Thread Greg Sabino Mullane

Hash: SHA1
 To my current knowledge (and hopefully Andrew will speak up if I'm
 wrong) the DBD::Pg driver reports back a query exception, but not
The current production driver will report back the error, but not the
SQLSTATE. The next version (now in cvs) will report back the SQLSTATE.
It will probably go beta in a couple of weeks and eventually become
version 1.33.
- --
Greg Sabino Mullane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP Key: 0x14964AC8 200407102121

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Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Dennis Bjorklund
On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Mike Rylander wrote:

 Nested transactions and savepoints serve two different purposes.  They have
 some overlap, but for the most part solve two distinct problems.

Then show some examples that illustrait the difference. So far all 
examples shown that uses subtransactions could just as well have been 
written using savepoints.

I don't agree that they have two different purposes.

 I don't think so, especially as there has been some talk of implimenting
 savepoints as a subset of nested transactions.

It is not a subset. It's the other way around. Nested transactions are a
subset of savepoints

Savepoints have more possibilities, you can invalidate older savepoints 
then the last (with subtransactions you can only commit/rollback the 
last). If you don't use that then it's exactly the same as 

The only feature subtransactions have that savepoints doesn't is the
lack of names. Every savepoint have a name. If we want an extension it 
could be to get the database to generate a fresh savepoint name. The 
client can of course also generate unique savepoint names if it want.

That subtransactions do more than savepoints is just smoke an mirrors. So
far there have been no example to validate that point of view, and I don't
think there will be any. If anyone know of something that you can do with
subtransactions and not with savepoints, please speak up.

/Dennis Björklund

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Gavin Sherry
On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

 On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 11:28:23PM +0200, Dennis Bjorklund wrote:
  On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
   Yes, we free some things.  Granted it's not a lot, but we have stacks
   for several things that will be always be growing with savepoints,
  They will not always be growing for savepoints, you can free things when
  using savepoints just as with subtransactions.

 I still don't see when I can release a savepoint's state.

 You showed a particular case, where we can finish a released savepoint
 that is the innermost transaction.  However, as soon as there is another
 savepoint set after the released savepoint was set, we can't free the

 I mean this:

   ... work ...;
   savepoint foo;
   ... more work ...;
   savepoint bar;
   ... yet more ... ;
   release foo;

 At this time I can't release savepoint foo because the implementation
 (nested) requires me to keep it open as long as savepoint bar exists.
 If I released bar at a later time, I could close both, but not before.

According to ANSI 2003, savepoints should be considered in terms of
nesting. That is, the spec talks to nesting levels (4.35.2):

An SQL-transaction has one or more savepoint levels, exactly one of which
is the current savepoint level. The savepoint levels of an SQL-transaction
are nested, such that when a new savepoint level NSL is established, the
current savepoint level CSL ceases to be current and NSL becomes current.
When NSL is destroyed, CSL becomes current again.


If a rollback statement references a savepoint SS, then all changes
made to SQL-data or schema subsequent to the establishment of the
savepoint are canceled, all savepoints established since SS was
established are destroyed, and the SQL-transaction is restored to its
state as it was immediately following the execution of the savepoint

This is also relevant:

It is implementation-defined whether or not, or how, a rollback
statement that references a savepoint specifier affects diagnostics
area contents, the contents of SQL descriptor areas, and the status of
prepared statements.

So, releasing foo would release bar (16.5):

3) The savepoint identified by S and all savepoints established in the
current savepoint level subsequent to the establishment of S are

Also, the spec makes mention of savepoint behaviour in functions (10.4):

2) If, before the completion of the execution of the SQL routine body of
R, an attempt is made to execute an SQL-transaction statement that is not
a savepoint statement or a release savepoint statement, or is a rollback
statement that does not specify a savepoint clause, then an exception
condition is raised: SQL routine exception   prohibited SQL-statement

It also states that an SQL-invoked function lives in its own savepoint
level (4.27):

An SQL-invoked procedure may optionally be specified to require a new
savepoint level to be established when it is invoked and destroyed on
return from the executed routine body. The alternative of not taking a
savepoint can also be directly specified with OLD SAVEPOINT LEVEL. When an
SQL-invoked function is invoked a new savepoint level is always

We do not currently support SQL-invoked procedures (that is, routines
executed from SQL with CALL procname, which don't need to return a value
and which can accept IN OUT and OUT parameters) so we need only deal with
the SQL-invoked function case.

So, running back to 10.4:

12) If R is an SQL-invoked function or if R is an SQL-invoked procedure
and the descriptor of R includes an indication that a new savepoint level
is to be established when R is invoked, then the current savepoint level
is destroyed.

So, any savepoints created during the function are destroyed.

What isn't clearly discussed is what they mean by destroy. That is, the
1) ability to reference the savepoint, or 2) all modifications to SQL-data
made since the savepoint was created. I cannot see how it could be (2) can
be the case.

Section 16.5 discusses release savepoint statement whose function is to
'destroy a savepoint':

3) The savepoint identified by S and all savepoints established in the
current savepoint level subsequent to the establishment of S are

It makes no reference to have any effect like rollback.

So, I think that we can only release things once we rollback to a
savepoint or once we commit.

This is not to say we should follow this implementation. I've dug this up
to try and present one (reasonably) consistent perspective on it.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Dennis Bjorklund
On Sat, 10 Jul 2004, Gavin Sherry wrote:

 3) The savepoint identified by S and all savepoints established in the
 current savepoint level subsequent to the establishment of S are

So the standard savepoints are even more like the subtransactions that
alvaro have implemented then I realised before.

One can not just release an earlier savepoint and keep a later one. 

/Dennis Björklund

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Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Andreas Pflug
Simon Riggs wrote:
display one screen to user - book the flight
display another related screen - book the hotel
offer confirmation screen

No, SAVEPOINT is not some kind of intermediate commit, but a point where 
a rollback can rollback to.

HmmmI'm not sure what you mean by No. The SAVEPOINT is somewhere
you can ROLLBACK to, yes - exactly what I'm saying. 

I've not introduced any concept of intermediate commit...
Do you agree that my example is valid Oracle SQL? 

If you name that SAVEPOINT statements, yes. But the ordering of 
statements makes the second savepoint useless, because it's after all 
datamodifying statements; the first three are not covered by a savepoint 
at all, only the toplevel xaction. That's probably not what you wanted.

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TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Andreas Pflug
Bruce Momjian wrote:
Interesting Oracle doesn't support RELEASE or savepoint levels:
T271, SavepointsOracle supports this feature, except:
   * Oracle does not support RELEASE SAVEPOINT.

Yes, and IMHO it's just some housekeeping stuff, informing the backend 
that you'll never want to rollback to that savepoint any more. If there 
are no resources to release internally, a noop.

   * Oracle does not support savepoint levels.

The levels are created implicitely, because a rollback to savepoint1 
will rollback *all* work done since then. This effectively makes all 
subsequent savepoints children of the first. The effect of RELEASE 
SAVEPOINT would be to restrict the tree depth, by concentrating all 
released savepoints into their parents.

This is not a nested transaction.  It is autonomous meaning it can
commit independent of the outer transaction:
I like that too... in 7.6.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Oliver Jowett
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
On Sat, Jul 10, 2004 at 09:46:56AM +1200, Oliver Jowett wrote:
Alvaro Herrera wrote:

We can't actually release anything (commit the subtransactions), because
they may be savepoints established after that point, and they are
logically inside the previously established ones.  At RELEASE we can't
really release -- we just lose the name and thus the opportunity to
rollback to it.
The 2003 draft claims that RELEASE SAVEPOINT invalidates savepoints 
subsequent to the RELEASE:
(that should read subsequent to the released savepoint)
In our case, invalidating a savepoint does not mean we can release its
resources.  We can only do that if it's the latest defined savepoint.
I don't understand why this is true if the invalidation comes from a 
RELEASE statement. I understand the problems with savepoint name reuse 
invalidating an earlier savepoint -- we do have to keep the earlier txn 
open in that case.

Say I have:
  -- work 1
  -- work 2
  RELEASE SAVEPOINT s1-- Invalidates s1 and s2
Can't we translate that to:
  begin subtransaction s1
-- work 1
begin subtransaction s2
  -- work 2
  commit subtransaction s1   -- and implicitly s2
We don't need to keep subtransaction s2 open -- we will never need to 
roll it back as the RELEASE of s1 invalidates it.

What am I missing?
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Dennis Bjorklund
On Sat, 10 Jul 2004, Mike Rylander wrote:

 They do, if only to make particular constructs easier to write.  This is an
 opinion, but for example an EXCEPTION framework for plpgsql would be easier
 to implement and use if it used the nested transactions rather than
 savepoint syntax:
 do some work...
 do other work...
 do alternate work with its own error checking...
 I realize this can be done with nested savepoints and that is what the spec

Lets look at what it can look like:

  SAVEPOINT nested;
  do some work...
  SAVEPOINT nested2;
  do other work...
  do alternate work with its own error checking...
  RELEASE nested2;
  RELEASE nested;

Now, in what way is this more complicated?

I'm not 100% sure how the exceptions that you used above work. Do that
always rollback the transaction thay are in? In one of the exceptions you
did a rollback but not in the other. In my example I added a rollback in
the first exception handler. Maybe you forgot it there?

In any case. I don't see this as any harder then your example.

  Savepoints have more possibilities, you can invalidate older savepoints
  then the last (with subtransactions you can only commit/rollback the
 This implies that savepoints are flat.  It won't be that way under the
 covers, but it does give that impression, and flat savepoint space is
 definitely suited to a different class of problems than nested

First, my claim above was wrong. As Gavin pointed out in another mail, if
one have savepoints p1 and p2 and release p1 then also p2 is released.
It's possible to implement both kinds of behaviour using Alvaros work, but
the standard demands the simpler one where p2 is also released.

Now, about the flatness. Savepoints are not flat. They are sort of flat in
a savepoint level. But, for example when you call a function you get a new
savepoint level. I actually don't want to call it flat at all. The example
above does not overwrite the savepoints nested and nested2 that might
exist before the call, since this is a higher savepoint level.

I'm not sure exactly what it is that defines a new savepoint level, but a 
function call does and maybe some other things.

 BTW, I would imagine that savepoints will be implemented as nested
 transactions with detachable labels... the label can move from a
 transaction to one of its descendants, and that outer (sub)transaction will
 be implicitly COMMITed with its parent.

Yes. That's my view as well.

 Alvaro found it easier to implement nested transactions, he forged ahead and
 did it.  Now, because of good design or simple luck, we should be able to
 implement savepoints fairly easily.

I think the difference between them are so small that it's not a big deal
at all. In my view savepoints and nested transactions are almost the same
thing. The only difference being that the savepoints have names.  
Savepoints are nested. You can not have savepoints p1 and then p2 and try
to only rollback p1. Then you rollback p2 as well, why. Because they are

 spec WRT savepoints, we actually get to present a richer interface to the

If it's richer or not is the question. And then one have to compare that 
to the downside of adding a non standard interface.

I don't think it is richer at all, but I'd be happy to change my mind if
someone can show an example where nested transactions solve something that
you can't just as well solve with savepoints.

/Dennis Björklund

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Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Tom Lane
Dennis Bjorklund [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Mike Rylander wrote:
 Nested transactions and savepoints serve two different purposes.  They have
 some overlap, but for the most part solve two distinct problems.

 Then show some examples that illustrait the difference. So far all 
 examples shown that uses subtransactions could just as well have been 
 written using savepoints.

And vice versa.  It's a matter of convenience of notation, and I tend
to agree with Mike's comment that each wins in some cases.

 Savepoints have more possibilities, you can invalidate older savepoints 
 then the last 

Nonsense.  Invalidating an older savepoint must invalidate everything
after it as well.  The fact that the savepoint syntax allows you to
express conceptually-ridiculous operations (like that one) is not a
point in its favor IMHO.

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Dennis Bjorklund
On Sat, 10 Jul 2004, Tom Lane wrote:

 Nonsense.  Invalidating an older savepoint must invalidate everything
 after it as well.  The fact that the savepoint syntax allows you to
 express conceptually-ridiculous operations (like that one) is not a
 point in its favor IMHO.

Luckily the standard was written like that!

On the other hand, it's not hard to implement the other behaviour either
if that is what one wants (and we don't). It would only forget the name of
the earlier savepoint. The corresponding transaction in itself have to

/Dennis Björklund

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On Sat, Jul 10, 2004 at 06:22:00PM +0200, Dennis Bjorklund wrote:

 On the other hand, it's not hard to implement the other behaviour either
 if that is what one wants (and we don't). It would only forget the name of
 the earlier savepoint. The corresponding transaction in itself have to

That's why it's absurd.  Why allow an operation which isn't really an

Alvaro Herrera (alvherre[a]
God is real, unless declared as int

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 08:03:36PM +0100, Simon Riggs wrote:
 On Fri, 2004-07-09 at 16:47, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

  So this is another reason why we should use COMMIT to close a nested
  transaction: it may refer to a transaction that is already closed
  because the user got confused.

Sorry!  I wanted to say that we SHOULDN'T use commit to close a nested
transaction.  Rather we want to use a different command just so the
confusion does not close the outer transaction, which would not be what
the user wanted to do.

 Could we put two modes of operation in?
 i.e. if you use SAVEPOINTs/ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT, then you're not
 allowed to use nested transactions (and vice versa - so they are
 mutually exclusive)...

This may be a good idea.

Alvaro Herrera (alvherre[a]
Always assume the user will do much worse than the stupidest thing
you can imagine.(Julien PUYDT)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
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Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Dennis Bjorklund
On Sat, 10 Jul 2004, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

 That's why it's absurd.  Why allow an operation which isn't really an

Same reason why you allow an addition with 0. One can say that it's 
not really an operation either.

One can have many different semantics, here are 3 versions:

 1) You release savepoints in any order
 2) You release savepoints in reverse order
 3) You release any savepoints and later ones then the
one you released are automatically released.

I don't see any of these as absurd. The ansi spec uses number 3.

It might seem absurd to you, given the implementation you have made.

/Dennis Björklund

---(end of broadcast)---
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Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Josh Berkus

Are we perhaps getting away from the issues here?   The reason for this 
discussion was to determine the user-level syntax for Alvaro's nested 
transactions.   We can discuss all we want about how he should have maybe 
implemented some things differently, but we're supposed to start beta-testing 
in 5 days and the current tangentalism of this discussion is unlikely to 
produce such a result.

What we really have to determine is one of 4 options regarding the syntax for 
Alvaro's patch:

1) We adopt one of the two PostgreSQL-specific syntaxes suggested by Alvaro, 
based on SUBBEGIN or BEGIN NESTED.   This would probably be the easiest 
solution, but adds inconsistency with both the standard and other databases.

2) We adopt the syntax of the other databases to really push Nested 
Transactions (as opposed to Savepoints), namely MSSQL and SyBase.  This would 
aid thousands of DBAs wishing to migrate to PostgreSQL, but would also mean 
adopting a logically inconsistent syntax which is even further from the 
standard than Alvaro's proposal.

3) We adopt a slightly mutated form of the SQL3 SAVEPOINT syntax.   This would 
have the twin benefit of both allowing us to improve our standards compliance 
and make savepoints completely compliant in the next version, as well as 
helping those wishing to migrate from Oracle to PostgreSQL (currently our 
largest source of migrations).  Its disadvantage is the subtle differences 
between Alvaro's patch and the standard, which might not be obvious to users 
and lead to difficult to locate errors.   This option also comes in two 
a) we implement savepoint names, troubleshooting the namespace and scoping 
issues, which would really make this a different feature and delay beta 
testing, or
b) we do anonymous savepoints for now, which more-or-less exactly matches the 
current behavior of Alvaro's patch, and do complaint, named savepoints in the 
next version.

4) We hold back this patch until the next version.   There is some merit in 
this, due to the lack of consensus on functionality and Alvaro's 
dissapointing discovery that we will not be able to use savepoints in 
functions until next version.   However, it would also mean effectively 
dropping a major feature from 7.5 pretty much because we can't make up our 
minds, and because nobody gave Alvaro adequate feedback when it was more 

If you couldn't tell, I favor option 3) b)This syntax would look like:

BEGIN TRANSACTION;  --begin main
do stuff;
SAVEPOINT; -- begin nested transaction 1
do more stuff;
SAVEPOINT; -- begin nested transaction 2 inside NT 1
do stuff;
do some more stuff;
test conditions: if bad:
ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT;  -- rollback NT1, erasing NT2 in the 
if good:
RELEASE SAVEPOINT; -- commit NT1 and by implication NT2
do some more stuff
tests: if problem:
ROLLBACK; -- rollback entire transaction, including NT1 and NT2;
if good:
COMMIT; -- commit entire transaction, including NT1 and/or NT2
 if they were good, excluding them if they were rolled 

In other words:

If I'm not mistaken, the above matches the functionality already coded by 
Alvaro.   It begins but does not complete our compliance with SQL3 Savepoint 
syntax, putting us on the right road but making developers aware that there 
are some differences between our implementation and the standard.  Thus 
developers would be able to adopt the current syntax now, and the same 
applications would still run when we complete standards-compliant syntax 

HOWEVER, I do still find one major flaw in Alvaro's implementation that I 
can't seem to get other people on this list to take seriously, or maybe I'm 
just not understanding the answers.  One-half the point of Savepoints/Nested 
Transactions is the ability to recover from certain kinds of errors (like 
duplicate keys) inside a transaction and still commit the transaction after 
the abort condition has been rolled back.  
But the ability to detect an abort state *from the SQL command line* (or a 
database port connection) has not been addressed.   I've seen some comments 
about functions to find an abort state from libpq in the text, but I'm not 
even clear if this has been coded or is just theoretical.   Parsing the 
output of STDERR is *not* adequate.   We need to be able to query whether we 
are in an abort state, or we make NTs absolutely useless to any client 
application that has connections which cannot, or do not yet, incorporate new 
libpq functions, something which could take considerable time 

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On Sat, Jul 10, 2004 at 09:46:00PM +0200, Dennis Bjorklund wrote:

 One can have many different semantics, here are 3 versions:
  1) You release savepoints in any order
  2) You release savepoints in reverse order
  3) You release any savepoints and later ones then the
 one you released are automatically released.
 I don't see any of these as absurd. The ansi spec uses number 3.

Ah-ha, now I see what I failed to see previously: all later savepoints
are also released!  This makes a lot more sense.  So release is
exactly like commit nested, allowing several levels to be committed.

Alvaro Herrera (alvherre[a]
La fuerza no está en los medios físicos
sino que reside en una voluntad indomable (Gandhi)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Dennis Bjorklund
On Sat, 10 Jul 2004, Josh Berkus wrote:

 In other words:

Here it should be:


And just to clearify, this is an extension to the spec that we then have
to support for a long time. Adding this now and then replacing it with the
standard syntax is not very sexy. If we add this we should support 
it for ever.

/Dennis Björklund

---(end of broadcast)---
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  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
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Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Bruce Momjian
Josh Berkus wrote:
 If you couldn't tell, I favor option 3) b)This syntax would look like:
 BEGIN TRANSACTION;  --begin main
   do stuff;
   SAVEPOINT; -- begin nested transaction 1
   do more stuff;
   SAVEPOINT; -- begin nested transaction 2 inside NT 1
   do stuff;
   RELEASE SAVEPOINT; -- commit NT 2
   do some more stuff;
   test conditions: if bad:
   ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT;  -- rollback NT1, erasing NT2 in the 
   if good:
   RELEASE SAVEPOINT; -- commit NT1 and by implication NT2
   do some more stuff
   tests: if problem:
   ROLLBACK; -- rollback entire transaction, including NT1 and NT2;
   if good:
   COMMIT; -- commit entire transaction, including NT1 and/or NT2
if they were good, excluding them if they were rolled 

Well, Oracle doesn't suppor RELEASE, so we are matching the standard but
perhaps not allowing easy migration from Oracle.

 In other words:
 If I'm not mistaken, the above matches the functionality already coded by 
 Alvaro.   It begins but does not complete our compliance with SQL3 Savepoint 
 syntax, putting us on the right road but making developers aware that there 
 are some differences between our implementation and the standard.  Thus 
 developers would be able to adopt the current syntax now, and the same 
 applications would still run when we complete standards-compliant syntax 
 HOWEVER, I do still find one major flaw in Alvaro's implementation that I 
 can't seem to get other people on this list to take seriously, or maybe I'm 
 just not understanding the answers.  One-half the point of Savepoints/Nested 
 Transactions is the ability to recover from certain kinds of errors (like 
 duplicate keys) inside a transaction and still commit the transaction after 
 the abort condition has been rolled back.  
   But the ability to detect an abort state *from the SQL command line* (or a 
 database port connection) has not been addressed.   I've seen some comments 
 about functions to find an abort state from libpq in the text, but I'm not 
 even clear if this has been coded or is just theoretical.   Parsing the 
 output of STDERR is *not* adequate.   We need to be able to query whether we 
 are in an abort state, or we make NTs absolutely useless to any client 
 application that has connections which cannot, or do not yet, incorporate new 
 libpq functions, something which could take considerable time after the 7.5 
   Do we already have an ability to query the SQLSTATE from the command line?  
 If so, what numbers indicate an abort state, if any?   
   Without this issue being addressed, I will change my opinion and vote for 
 option (4) because clearly the NT patch will not be ready for prime-time.

Don't we see the error from libpq PQexec() return value and other
interfaces?  Are you saying how do we detect a failure from a psql

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Bruce Momjian
Dennis Bjorklund wrote:
 On Sat, 10 Jul 2004, Josh Berkus wrote:
  In other words:
 Here it should be:
 And just to clearify, this is an extension to the spec that we then have
 to support for a long time. Adding this now and then replacing it with the
 standard syntax is not very sexy. If we add this we should support 
 it for ever.

Just to clarify, this is to allow rolling back to the same savepoint
multiple times.  If we named savepoints, the new savepoint would be the
same name as the one we just rolled back.

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Josh Berkus
Dennis, Bruce,

 Just to clarify, this is to allow rolling back to the same savepoint
 multiple times.  If we named savepoints, the new savepoint would be the
 same name as the one we just rolled back.

Hmmm ... yeah, it would be nice to find a way around this so that we don't 
have non-standard behavior we have to work around once savepoint names are 
implemented.   Suggestions?

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Bruce Momjian
Bruce Momjian wrote:
 Dennis Bjorklund wrote:
  On Sat, 10 Jul 2004, Josh Berkus wrote:
   In other words:
  Here it should be:
  And just to clearify, this is an extension to the spec that we then have
  to support for a long time. Adding this now and then replacing it with the
  standard syntax is not very sexy. If we add this we should support 
  it for ever.
 Just to clarify, this is to allow rolling back to the same savepoint
 multiple times.  If we named savepoints, the new savepoint would be the
 same name as the one we just rolled back.

Sorry, I confused folks.  I should have corrected this line too:


It is not a non-standard behavior.  It is only an implementation detail
used internally that allows nested transactions to implement savepoints.

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Dennis Bjorklund
On Sat, 10 Jul 2004, Bruce Momjian wrote:

   Here it should be:
   And just to clearify, this is an extension to the spec that we then have
   to support for a long time. Adding this now and then replacing it with the
   standard syntax is not very sexy. If we add this we should support 
   it for ever.
 Sorry, I confused folks.  I should have corrected this line too:

Hmm, yes. Correct.

Luckily, we already had: SAVEPOINT == BEGIN NESTED so it all worked out 

 It is not a non-standard behavior.  It is only an implementation detail
 used internally that allows nested transactions to implement savepoints.

The non-standard part I was talking about was the savepoints without
names, and that is what we should support for ever if we introduce them. 

/Dennis Björklund

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Bruce Momjian

I just posted a clarification.  It isn't a problem.


Josh Berkus wrote:
 Dennis, Bruce,
  Just to clarify, this is to allow rolling back to the same savepoint
  multiple times.  If we named savepoints, the new savepoint would be the
  same name as the one we just rolled back.
 Hmmm ... yeah, it would be nice to find a way around this so that we don't 
 have non-standard behavior we have to work around once savepoint names are 
 implemented.   Suggestions?
 Josh Berkus
 Aglio Database Solutions
 San Francisco

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Josh Berkus

 Well, Oracle doesn't suppor RELEASE, so we are matching the standard but
 perhaps not allowing easy migration from Oracle.

Well, that's Oracle's problem.  Considering the amount of influence they had 
over the standard, there's no excuse for their syntax. Also, if someone 
converts and Oracle script which does not do  RELEASE, it's still ok with us; 
they just end up nesting multiple levels and not releasing until the main 
transaction is committed.

 Don't we see the error from libpq PQexec() return value and other

As far as I know, DBD::pg does not at this time; it detects an error but does 
not return the SQLSTATE, and I'm *sure* that PHP 4 does not.  I'm sure there 
are other interfaces in the same boat.   And nobody has answered the question 
of what SQLSTATE ranges indicate an abort state as opposed to something else 
-- I get the feeling that this is not at all defined.

 Are you saying how do we detect a failure from a psql

Right.  There are applications out there:  shell scripts, ODBC applications, 
etc., which are unlikely to *ever* have the ability to read states from 
libpq.  These applications need to have the ability to detect an abort *by 
query* ala T-SQL (e.g. the @@ERROR system variable), so that they can issue 
the proper ROLLBACKs.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Bruce Momjian
Josh Berkus wrote:
  Well, Oracle doesn't suppor RELEASE, so we are matching the standard but
  perhaps not allowing easy migration from Oracle.
 Well, that's Oracle's problem.  Considering the amount of influence they had 
 over the standard, there's no excuse for their syntax. Also, if someone 
 converts and Oracle script which does not do  RELEASE, it's still ok with us; 
 they just end up nesting multiple levels and not releasing until the main 
 transaction is committed.


  Don't we see the error from libpq PQexec() return value and other
 As far as I know, DBD::pg does not at this time; it detects an error but does 
 not return the SQLSTATE, and I'm *sure* that PHP 4 does not.  I'm sure there 
 are other interfaces in the same boat.   And nobody has answered the question 
 of what SQLSTATE ranges indicate an abort state as opposed to something else 
 -- I get the feeling that this is not at all defined.

They have no way of reporting a failed query back to the user?  How do
people program in those environments?  Right now any failed query aborts
the transaction so it seems it would be pretty easy.

  Are you saying how do we detect a failure from a psql
 Right.  There are applications out there:  shell scripts, ODBC applications, 
 etc., which are unlikely to *ever* have the ability to read states from 
 libpq.  These applications need to have the ability to detect an abort *by 
 query* ala T-SQL (e.g. the @@ERROR system variable), so that they can issue 
 the proper ROLLBACKs.

Well, that involves either creating a conditional capability in the
backend, or in psql, neither of which will happen for 7.5.  The best we
ROLLBACK) and just let the script keep going. I am thinking of cases
where you want to drop an object you aren't sure exists in a
transaction.  Anything more complicated like issuing a replacement query
will have to wait for 7.6.

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send unregister YourEmailAddressHere to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Josh Berkus

 They have no way of reporting a failed query back to the user?  How do
 people program in those environments?  Right now any failed query aborts
 the transaction so it seems it would be pretty easy.

Believe it or not, PHP4 doesn't.   This is one of the reasons why coders in 
other languages don't consider PHP a real programming language; the lack of 
exception handling.   However, given this limitation we can't really use NTs 
in PHP4 anyway, so it's sort of a moot point.  Sorry for bringing it up.

To my current knowledge (and hopefully Andrew will speak up if I'm wrong) the 
DBD::Pg driver reports back a query exception, but not the SQLSTATE.  This 
means that we can detect an abort (assuming all exceptions are aborts) but 
not what caused the abort, except by parsing the error message for text -- a 
hazardous approach at best.  But you would be right to point out that this is 
a problem with the DBD::Pg driver.

There are, however, other client applications where the problem is more 
ingrained.   I've done an application for ColdFusion recently, and discovered 
that CF is completely unable to detect even the limited error-reporting 
capability of ODBC.   This means that if CF can't query it, it doesn't exist.

 Well, that involves either creating a conditional capability in the
 backend, or in psql, neither of which will happen for 7.5.  The best we
 ROLLBACK) and just let the script keep going. I am thinking of cases
 where you want to drop an object you aren't sure exists in a
 transaction.  Anything more complicated like issuing a replacement query
 will have to wait for 7.6.

OK, I didn't realize that it was a difficult thing.   I think it should go on 
the TODO list but you are the judge of what's a quick fix and what's not.

(BTW, aside from this limitation, I am *not* in favor of COMMIT NESTED IGNORE 

-Josh Berkus
 Aglio Database Solutions
 San Francisco

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Josh Berkus

 The non-standard part I was talking about was the savepoints without
 names, and that is what we should support for ever if we introduce them. 

I don't have a problem with that idea.Anonymous Savepoints should be easy 
to support if we are supporting Named (spec) Savepoints.  And the two should 
even integrate easily -- a *lot* more easily than Savepoints and Nested Xacts 
with a different syntax would.   And, it's also a convenient shortcut for the 
most common case -- transactions with 1 level of nesting and only a couple of 
non-overlapping savepoints.

Of course, if Alvaro can knock out Named Savepoints in a week, then sure, 
let's go for it.  But I've not heard him saying he can.

However, this does bring up an important issue; if we implement anonymous 
savepoints, then should the current implementation accept savepoint names and 
just ignore them?If not, it makes porting and coding for the spec much 
more difficult; if so, ported applications could develop subtle erroneous 
behaviour through wrong rollbacks.

-Josh Berkus
 Aglio Database Solutions
 San Francisco

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Bruce Momjian
Josh Berkus wrote:
  The non-standard part I was talking about was the savepoints without
  names, and that is what we should support for ever if we introduce them. 
 I don't have a problem with that idea.Anonymous Savepoints should be easy 
 to support if we are supporting Named (spec) Savepoints.  And the two should 
 even integrate easily -- a *lot* more easily than Savepoints and Nested Xacts 
 with a different syntax would.   And, it's also a convenient shortcut for the 
 most common case -- transactions with 1 level of nesting and only a couple of 
 non-overlapping savepoints.
 Of course, if Alvaro can knock out Named Savepoints in a week, then sure, 
 let's go for it.  But I've not heard him saying he can.

It seems anonymous savepoints really don't buy us anything.  They don't
match the Oracle behavior, and don't do anything more than nested
transactions. I agree we want them, but I don't see the value they add
value right now.

 However, this does bring up an important issue; if we implement anonymous 
 savepoints, then should the current implementation accept savepoint names and 
 just ignore them?If not, it makes porting and coding for the spec much 
 more difficult; if so, ported applications could develop subtle erroneous 
 behaviour through wrong rollbacks.

I don't see how we can ignore the savepoint names without having our
code work unpredicatably.  We could check for the most recent savepoint
name and error out if they reference any other name than the most recent

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Bruce Momjian
Josh Berkus wrote:
  They have no way of reporting a failed query back to the user?  How do
  people program in those environments?  Right now any failed query aborts
  the transaction so it seems it would be pretty easy.
 Believe it or not, PHP4 doesn't.   This is one of the reasons why coders in 
 other languages don't consider PHP a real programming language; the lack of 
 exception handling.   However, given this limitation we can't really use NTs 
 in PHP4 anyway, so it's sort of a moot point.  Sorry for bringing it up.
 To my current knowledge (and hopefully Andrew will speak up if I'm wrong) the 
 DBD::Pg driver reports back a query exception, but not the SQLSTATE.  This 
 means that we can detect an abort (assuming all exceptions are aborts) but 
 not what caused the abort, except by parsing the error message for text -- a 
 hazardous approach at best.  But you would be right to point out that this is 
 a problem with the DBD::Pg driver.
 There are, however, other client applications where the problem is more 
 ingrained.   I've done an application for ColdFusion recently, and discovered 
 that CF is completely unable to detect even the limited error-reporting 
 capability of ODBC.   This means that if CF can't query it, it doesn't exist.

Well, I don't think we need exception handling to support failed
transactions.  Don't these function calls return some failure result

  Well, that involves either creating a conditional capability in the
  backend, or in psql, neither of which will happen for 7.5.  The best we
  ROLLBACK) and just let the script keep going. I am thinking of cases
  where you want to drop an object you aren't sure exists in a
  transaction.  Anything more complicated like issuing a replacement query
  will have to wait for 7.6.
 OK, I didn't realize that it was a difficult thing.   I think it should go on 
 the TODO list but you are the judge of what's a quick fix and what's not.

Adding something to psql or the backend like IF (ERROR) ... would be a
big job, I would think.

 (BTW, aside from this limitation, I am *not* in favor of COMMIT NESTED IGNORE 

The syntax was for support of script languages that don't have
conditional constructs, like psql scripts, where you want the subxact to
commit but if it fails, you don't want that to affect the outer
transaction.  Are you saying there are very few cases where you don't
care if the subxact commits or aborts?

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Peter Eisentraut
Josh Berkus wrote:
   But the ability to detect an abort state *from the SQL command line*
 (or a database port connection) has not been addressed.

This has existed since 7.4.  If some interfaces don't expose it, fix 
those interfaces.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Andreas Pflug
Bruce Momjian wrote:
The syntax was for support of script languages that don't have
conditional constructs, like psql scripts, where you want the subxact to
commit but if it fails, you don't want that to affect the outer
transaction.  Are you saying there are very few cases where you don't
care if the subxact commits or aborts?

Trying to enable nested transaction on something that has no 
conditionals seems strange to me. If you're writing an app so 
complicated you so you need NTs, you'd probably not code is as psql script.

BTW, do we have real world examples of apps that are waiting to be 
ported to pgsql, needing nested transactions? Looking at the coding 
constructions used in those apps could help deciding what semantics 
would help them.

Compiere comes to my mind, being oracle now, so they'd probably prefer 
named savepoints.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
 joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Peter Eisentraut
Bruce Momjian wrote:
 It seems anonymous savepoints really don't buy us anything.  They
 don't match the Oracle behavior, and don't do anything more than
 nested transactions. I agree we want them, but I don't see the value
 they add value right now.

The value they add is that they follow the SQL standard, which is a lot 
better sell than proprietary transaction management scheme.  Those 
people who think they can redefine the SQL standard for purely 
aesthetic reasons have paid the price over and over again.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send unregister YourEmailAddressHere to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Josh Berkus

 It seems anonymous savepoints really don't buy us anything.  They don't
 match the Oracle behavior, and don't do anything more than nested
 transactions. I agree we want them, but I don't see the value they add
 value right now.

Anonymous Savepoints == Nested Transactions

This issue is whether we're going to use a PostgreSQL-specific, non-standard, 
syntax for NTs, or use a syntax that puts us on the road to implementing 
spec-compliant savepoints.

Given that the functionality is exactly the same in either case, I don't see 
why you would want to implement syntax which is 100% Postgres-specific.

-Josh Berkus
 Aglio Database Solutions
 San Francisco

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Oliver Jowett
Josh Berkus wrote:
3) We adopt a slightly mutated form of the SQL3 SAVEPOINT syntax.   This would 
have the twin benefit of both allowing us to improve our standards compliance 
and make savepoints completely compliant in the next version, as well as 
helping those wishing to migrate from Oracle to PostgreSQL (currently our 
largest source of migrations).  Its disadvantage is the subtle differences 
between Alvaro's patch and the standard, which might not be obvious to users 
and lead to difficult to locate errors.   This option also comes in two 
	a) we implement savepoint names, troubleshooting the namespace and scoping 
issues, which would really make this a different feature and delay beta 
testing, or
	b) we do anonymous savepoints for now, which more-or-less exactly matches the 
current behavior of Alvaro's patch, and do complaint, named savepoints in the 
next version.
As Dennis has said, whatever we do now we should support for ever. If 
we end up with compliant SAVEPOINT (eventually in 7.6+) plus some 
nonstandard syntax (from 7.5), what is the nonstandard syntax you would 
prefer to see? I'd prefer a syntax that reflects the primitives actually 
in use i.e. BEGIN NESTED.

In other words:
As pointed out by others ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT is actually ROLLBACK 
NESTED + BEGIN NESTED. This means that if we only have savepoint syntax, 
there is no way to do a plain rollback of a nested transaction (you have 
to ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT foo; RELEASE SAVEPOINT foo which I find pretty 
ugly and nonobvious, and it gives you an extra empty subtransaction)

	But the ability to detect an abort state *from the SQL command line* (or a 
database port connection) has not been addressed.
There is a transaction state indicator in the V3 protocol's 
ReadyForQuery message. One of the states is in aborted transaction. 
It's been around since 7.4.

Whatever logic is needed for running different/conditional SQL based on 
transaction state then belongs on the client side, IMO.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Bruce Momjian
Peter Eisentraut wrote:
 Bruce Momjian wrote:
  It seems anonymous savepoints really don't buy us anything.  They
  don't match the Oracle behavior, and don't do anything more than
  nested transactions. I agree we want them, but I don't see the value
  they add value right now.
 The value they add is that they follow the SQL standard, which is a lot 
 better sell than proprietary transaction management scheme.  Those 
 people who think they can redefine the SQL standard for purely 
 aesthetic reasons have paid the price over and over again.

Uh, anonymous savepoints aren't in the standard, so we aren't any closer
to the standard with them or without them, and Oracle doesn't have them

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Bruce Momjian
Josh Berkus wrote:
  Well, that involves either creating a conditional capability in the
  backend, or in psql, neither of which will happen for 7.5.  The best we
  ROLLBACK) and just let the script keep going. I am thinking of cases
  where you want to drop an object you aren't sure exists in a
  transaction.  Anything more complicated like issuing a replacement query
  will have to wait for 7.6.
 OK, I didn't realize that it was a difficult thing.   I think it should go on 
 the TODO list but you are the judge of what's a quick fix and what's not.
 (BTW, aside from this limitation, I am *not* in favor of COMMIT NESTED IGNORE 

OK, no one likes that idea, so let's forget it.

Do we want to allow BEGIN NESTED to start a main transaction?  Oracle
can use SAVEPOINTS all the time because it knows it is always in a
transaction, but PostgreSQL is not always.  I don't see a downside to
allowing it.  COMMIT will still commit the entire transaction, of

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Scott Marlowe
On Sat, 2004-07-10 at 15:21, Josh Berkus wrote:
  They have no way of reporting a failed query back to the user?  How do
  people program in those environments?  Right now any failed query aborts
  the transaction so it seems it would be pretty easy.
 Believe it or not, PHP4 doesn't.   This is one of the reasons why coders in 
 other languages don't consider PHP a real programming language; the lack of 
 exception handling.   However, given this limitation we can't really use NTs 
 in PHP4 anyway, so it's sort of a moot point.  Sorry for bringing it up.

Uh, I think it can:

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On Sat, Jul 10, 2004 at 08:25:16PM -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:

 Do we want to allow BEGIN NESTED to start a main transaction?

I have a better question: do we allow SAVEPOINT (i.e. to establish a
savepoint, i.e. to open a nested transaction) within an aborted
transaction block?

This is allowed in nested transactions, so:

  select 0/0;   -- aborts
select 1;   -- the usual commands will be ignored till the end
commit; -- it really rolls back

But in savepoints it's not clear that we want to allow to establish a
savepoint, so do you prefer

  select 0/0;
  savepoint foo;-- commands will be ignored
  select 1; -- commands will be ignored
  release foo;  -- commands will be ignored
commit; -- it really rolls back


  select 0/0;
  savepoint foo;-- executes it
  select 1; -- commands will be ignored
  release foo;  -- executes it
commit; -- it really rolls back

There is not a lot of difference.  This was allowed in nested
transactions because we wanted the nesting be to OK when using it in a
possibly aborted transaction block, so the user would not commit a
transaction that could not have been created.  In savepoints it's a
nonissue because the command to end the outer xact is different.

My opinion is that we should disallow both SAVEPOINT and RELEASE when in
an aborted transaction block.  Only ROLLBACK TO, ROLLBACK and COMMIT
would be allowed.  In this scenario, ROLLBACK TO would always return to
a non-aborted transaction state, or the target savepoint would not
exist and the state would remain the same.

There are several places where the code could be made simpler with this.
Opinions please?

Alvaro Herrera (alvherre[a]
Siempre hay que alimentar a los dioses, aunque la tierra esté seca (Orual)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-10 Thread Dennis Bjorklund
On Sat, 10 Jul 2004, Bruce Momjian wrote:

 Oracle can use SAVEPOINTS all the time because it knows it is always in
 a transaction, but PostgreSQL is not always.

PostgreSQL is also alsways in a transaction. If some use autocommit and go


  RELEASE foo;

The first will work and that transaction will end. Then the next is in a
new transaction and will fail with an error saying that foo does not
exist. That's how it should be.

If people don't like or understand autocommit they should not use it.  
This is especially true in other cases where people do updates that really
must be in a single transaction.

Your idea is that if we use nested BEGIN/COMMIT one can always issue these
even if one does not know if one have done BEGIN before or not. To me this
is a problem with autocommit that is solved by not using autocommit. I 
don't think this is a problem we should solve.

/Dennis Björklund

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Zeugswetter Andreas SB SD

 My proposal would be:
 1. Begin main transaction: BEGIN { TRANSACTION | WORK }
 2. Commit main (all) transaction: COMMIT { TRANSACTION | WORK }
 3. Rollback main (all) transaction: ROLLBACK { TRANSACTION }
 4. Begin inner transaction: BEGIN NESTED { TRANSACTION | WORK }
 5. Commit inner transaction: COMMIT NESTED { TRANSACTION | WORK }
 6. Rollback inner transaction: ROLLBACK NESTED { TRANSACTION }
 1, 2 and 3 are not negotiable.  4, 5 and 6 are.

Hmm, 1-3 are at least negotiable for the abbreviated form 'BEGIN'
and 'END'. I think we could differentiate those. 
The standard only has 'BEGIN TRANSACTION' and 'COMMIT [WORK]'
and 'ROLLBACK [WORK]'. I agree that we are not allowed to change 
the semantics of those non abbreviated forms.

How about:
2. Commit main (all) transaction: COMMIT [ TRANSACTION | WORK ]
3. Rollback main (all) transaction: ROLLBACK [ TRANSACTION | WORK ]

4. BEGIN: starts eighter a main or a subtransaction (for plsql BEGIN SUB)
5. END: commits nested, maybe also abort a nested tx that is already 
in abort state (for plsql END SUB)
6. ROLLBACK SUB[TRANSACTION]: rolls subtx back


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send unregister YourEmailAddressHere to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Zeugswetter Andreas SB SD

 As far as implementing only savepoints, look at this:
 With savepoints, it looks pretty strange:

If you meant same as your nested example, it would be:

SAVEPOINT x;-- this implicitly commits previous subtxn x


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Andreas Pflug
Simon Riggs wrote:
ISTM - my summary would be
1. We seem to agree we should support SAVEPOINTs
2. We seem to agree that BEGIN/COMMIT should stay unchanged...

With savepoints, it looks pretty strange:


This isn't how you would use SAVEPOINTs...look at this...
			display one screen to user - book the flight
			display another related screen - book the hotel
			offer confirmation screen

No, SAVEPOINT is not some kind of intermediate commit, but a point where 
a rollback can rollback to.
Look at this oracle stuff when googling for SAVEPOINT ROLLBACK:

SAVEPOINT before_insert_programmers;
insert_programmers (p_deptno);
WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK TO before_insert_programmers;
There's no need for an intermediate commit, because the top level 
rollback would overrule it (if not, it would be an independent 
transaction, not nested).

I'd opt for BEGIN as a start of a subtransaction (no need for special 
semantics in plpgsql), the corresponding END simply changes the 
transaction context to the parent level.
BEGIN is an unnamed savepoint in this case, so if we have SAVEPOINT 
name we'd also have the corresponding ROLLBACK TO [SAVEPOINT] name. 
For the unnamed savepoint ROLLBACK INNER or ROLLBACK SUB could be used.
This would be an extension to oracle's usage, which seems quite 
reasonable to me.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Zeugswetter Andreas SB SD

 I'd opt for BEGIN as a start of a subtransaction (no need for special 
 semantics in plpgsql), the corresponding END simply changes the 
 transaction context to the parent level.

But 'BEGIN' in plpgsql does not start a [sub]transaction, it starts a 
statement block. Are we intending to change that ? I think not.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send unregister YourEmailAddressHere to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Andreas Pflug
Zeugswetter Andreas SB SD wrote:
I'd opt for BEGIN as a start of a subtransaction (no need for special 
semantics in plpgsql), the corresponding END simply changes the 
transaction context to the parent level.

But 'BEGIN' in plpgsql does not start a [sub]transaction, it starts a 
statement block. Are we intending to change that ? I think not.


There are two possibilities:
Either BEGIN *does* start a subtransaction, or BEGIN does not. I don't 
see how two nesting level hierarchies in a function should be 
handleable, i.e. having independent levels of statements blocks and 

BEGIN [whatever] suggests that there's also a statement closing that 
block of [whatever], but it's very legal for subtransactions to have no 
explicit end; the top level COMMIT does it all.

The SAVEPOINT semantic seems much more appropriate to describe statement 
block independent transactions in this case, so if both is implemented 
for SQL, savepoint only seems enough for plpgsql.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Zeugswetter Andreas SB SD

 But 'BEGIN' in plpgsql does not start a [sub]transaction, it starts a 
 statement block. Are we intending to change that ? I think not.
 There are two possibilities:
 Either BEGIN *does* start a subtransaction, or BEGIN does not. I don't 
 see how two nesting level hierarchies in a function should be 
 handleable, i.e. having independent levels of statements blocks and 
 BEGIN [whatever] suggests that there's also a statement closing that 
 block of [whatever], but it's very legal for subtransactions to have no 
 explicit end; the top level COMMIT does it all.

An 'END SUB' after a 'BEGIN SUB' in plpgsql could be required, and could
mean start/end block and subtx. I do not really see a downside.
But, it would imho only make sense if the 'END SUB' would commit sub
or abort sub iff subtx is in aborted state (see my prev posting)


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Thomas Swan
Andreas Pflug wrote:
Simon Riggs wrote:
ISTM - my summary would be
1. We seem to agree we should support SAVEPOINTs
2. We seem to agree that BEGIN/COMMIT should stay unchanged...

With savepoints, it looks pretty strange:



This isn't how you would use SAVEPOINTs...look at this...
display one screen to user - book the flight
display another related screen - book the hotel
offer confirmation screen

No, SAVEPOINT is not some kind of intermediate commit, but a point 
where a rollback can rollback to.
Look at this oracle stuff when googling for SAVEPOINT ROLLBACK:

SAVEPOINT before_insert_programmers;
insert_programmers (p_deptno);
WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK TO before_insert_programmers;
There's no need for an intermediate commit, because the top level 
rollback would overrule it (if not, it would be an independent 
transaction, not nested).

I'd opt for BEGIN as a start of a subtransaction (no need for special 
semantics in plpgsql), the corresponding END simply changes the 
transaction context to the parent level.
BEGIN is an unnamed savepoint in this case, so if we have SAVEPOINT 
name we'd also have the corresponding ROLLBACK TO [SAVEPOINT] 
name. For the unnamed savepoint ROLLBACK INNER or ROLLBACK SUB could 
be used.
This would be an extension to oracle's usage, which seems quite 
reasonable to me.

What happens when you use subtransactions?  I think there might be a 
visibility issue and how far do you unwind the depth of subtransactions 
or transactions?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 10:38:15AM -0500, Thomas Swan wrote:

 visibility issue and how far do you unwind the depth of subtransactions 
 or transactions?

What happens here is that the user will go nuts.  We will have a
prominent entry in the docs: using both nested transactions and
savepoints inside a transaction can cause confusion.  We recommend you
stick to one or the other.  Or something like that.

(What would really happen: when ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT X is executed,
nested transactions created after the SAVEPOINT will be closed.)

So this is another reason why we should use COMMIT to close a nested
transaction: it may refer to a transaction that is already closed
because the user got confused.

Alvaro Herrera (alvherre[a]
I can't go to a restaurant and order food because I keep looking at the
fonts on the menu.  Five minutes later I realize that it's also talking
about food (Donald Knuth)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Pavel Stehule
 An 'END SUB' after a 'BEGIN SUB' in plpgsql could be required, and could
 mean start/end block and subtx. I do not really see a downside.
 But, it would imho only make sense if the 'END SUB' would commit sub
 or abort sub iff subtx is in aborted state (see my prev posting)

is good idea use keywords begin sub and end sub? Programmers like me 
will be an problems with reading and writing SP, because begin sub and 
mostly end sub are keywords from visual basic with different sense. 

Pavel Stehule

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send unregister YourEmailAddressHere to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Bruce Momjian
Pavel Stehule wrote:
  An 'END SUB' after a 'BEGIN SUB' in plpgsql could be required, and could
  mean start/end block and subtx. I do not really see a downside.
  But, it would imho only make sense if the 'END SUB' would commit sub
  or abort sub iff subtx is in aborted state (see my prev posting)
 is good idea use keywords begin sub and end sub? Programmers like me 
 will be an problems with reading and writing SP, because begin sub and 
 mostly end sub are keywords from visual basic with different sense. 
 BEGIN SUBTRANSACTION and END SUBTRANSACTION is longer but more readable


  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Dennis Bjorklund
On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Bruce Momjian wrote:


Should I read this as pg will get its own implementation of sub
transactions and not implement the almost equivalent standard (sql99)
savepoint feature?

Will we in the future see savepoints as well? And when that happen, should
we then recommend that people use the standard feature and stay away from
the pg only feature?

Doesn't anyone but me think is all backwards?

/Dennis Björklund

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Simon Riggs
On Fri, 2004-07-09 at 11:45, Andreas Pflug wrote:
 Simon Riggs wrote:
 ISTM - my summary would be
 1. We seem to agree we should support SAVEPOINTs
 2. We seem to agree that BEGIN/COMMIT should stay unchanged...
 With savepoints, it looks pretty strange:
 This isn't how you would use SAVEPOINTs...look at this...
  display one screen to user - book the flight
  UPDATE ...
  display another related screen - book the hotel
  offer confirmation screen
 No, SAVEPOINT is not some kind of intermediate commit, but a point where 
 a rollback can rollback to.

HmmmI'm not sure what you mean by No. The SAVEPOINT is somewhere
you can ROLLBACK to, yes - exactly what I'm saying. 

I've not introduced any concept of intermediate commit...

Do you agree that my example is valid Oracle SQL? 

Best Regards, Simon Riggs

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 07:10:06PM +0200, Dennis Bjorklund wrote:
 On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Bruce Momjian wrote:
 Should I read this as pg will get its own implementation of sub
 transactions and not implement the almost equivalent standard (sql99)
 savepoint feature?

I think we should get both.  Clearly savepoints do not allow for a
snapshot to be released; nested xacts do.

OTOH savepoints are trivial to implement once nested xacts are in place.
They are only syntactic sugar.

Alvaro Herrera (alvherre[a]
Pensar que el espectro que vemos es ilusorio no lo despoja de espanto,
sólo le suma el nuevo terror de la locura (Perelandra, CSLewis)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Dennis Bjorklund
On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

 Clearly savepoints do not allow for a snapshot to be released; nested
 xacts do.

Why not?

 OTOH savepoints are trivial to implement once nested xacts are in place.
 They are only syntactic sugar.

Not only, but simple yes. I'm just opposed to having the non standard
syntax added for the little gain they give over just having standard

/Dennis Björklund

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Simon Riggs
On Fri, 2004-07-09 at 16:47, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 10:38:15AM -0500, Thomas Swan wrote:
  visibility issue and how far do you unwind the depth of subtransactions 
  or transactions?
 What happens here is that the user will go nuts.  We will have a
 prominent entry in the docs: using both nested transactions and
 savepoints inside a transaction can cause confusion.  We recommend you
 stick to one or the other.  Or something like that.
 (What would really happen: when ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT X is executed,
 nested transactions created after the SAVEPOINT will be closed.)
 So this is another reason why we should use COMMIT to close a nested
 transaction: it may refer to a transaction that is already closed
 because the user got confused.


Could we put two modes of operation in?
i.e. if you use SAVEPOINTs/ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT, then you're not
allowed to use nested transactions (and vice versa - so they are
mutually exclusive)...

Best Regards, Simon Riggs

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 09:07:58PM +0200, Dennis Bjorklund wrote:
 On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
  Clearly savepoints do not allow for a snapshot to be released; nested
  xacts do.
 Why not?

What is it?

Alvaro Herrera (alvherre[a]
Pensar que el espectro que vemos es ilusorio no lo despoja de espanto,
sólo le suma el nuevo terror de la locura (Perelandra, CSLewis)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Bruce Momjian
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 09:07:58PM +0200, Dennis Bjorklund wrote:
  On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
   Clearly savepoints do not allow for a snapshot to be released; nested
   xacts do.
  Why not?
 What is it?

Simon posted it.  It is called RELEASE:


  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 03:34:47PM -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:
 Alvaro Herrera wrote:
  On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 09:07:58PM +0200, Dennis Bjorklund wrote:
   On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
Clearly savepoints do not allow for a snapshot to be released; nested
xacts do.
   Why not?
  What is it?
 Simon posted it.  It is called RELEASE:

We can't actually release anything (commit the subtransactions), because
they may be savepoints established after that point, and they are
logically inside the previously established ones.  At RELEASE we can't
really release -- we just lose the name and thus the opportunity to
rollback to it.

Alvaro Herrera (alvherre[a]
Major Fambrough: You wish to see the frontier?
John Dunbar: Yes sir, before it's gone.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Oliver Jowett
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
We can't actually release anything (commit the subtransactions), because
they may be savepoints established after that point, and they are
logically inside the previously established ones.  At RELEASE we can't
really release -- we just lose the name and thus the opportunity to
rollback to it.
The 2003 draft claims that RELEASE SAVEPOINT invalidates savepoints 
subsequent to the RELEASE:

1) Let S be the savepoint name.
2) If S does not identify a savepoint established in the current 
savepoint level,then an exception condition is raised:savepoint 
exception  invalid specification.
3) The savepoint identified by S and all savepoints established in the 
current savepoint level subsequent to the establishment of S are destroyed.

So it sounds like we can commit the subtransaction on RELEASE.
Note that this is *not* the same when a savepoint name is reused; that 
just moves the name, but contained savepoints are still valid.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
 joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Mike Rylander
Dennis Bjorklund wrote:

 On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Bruce Momjian wrote:
 Should I read this as pg will get its own implementation of sub
 transactions and not implement the almost equivalent standard (sql99)
 savepoint feature?
 Will we in the future see savepoints as well?

I'm not a core developer, but that is what it looks like.

 And when that happen, should 
 we then recommend that people use the standard feature and stay away from
 the pg only feature?

Nested transactions and savepoints serve two different purposes.  They have
some overlap, but for the most part solve two distinct problems.

 Doesn't anyone but me think is all backwards?

I don't think so, especially as there has been some talk of implimenting
savepoints as a subset of nested transactions.


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Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Oliver Jowett
Oliver Jowett wrote:
The 2003 draft claims that RELEASE SAVEPOINT invalidates savepoints 
subsequent to the RELEASE:
subsequent to the released savepoint rather.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Bruce Momjian
Min Xu (Hsu) wrote:
 Dear all,
 I've being following the discussion of the nested transaction. I 
 apologize for that I can't help asking my questions as I get more 
 confused about what exactly are nested transactions, at least as far as 
 the concurrency control goes.
 It seems to me there are two different types of nested transactions, 
 both to improve the parallelism to a transaction, but they have 
 different semantics.
 The first type of nested transactions, I believe as described in this paper:
 has the semantics that the inner (or children) transactions are totally 
 hidden within a outer (or parent) transaction. Concurrency control makes 
 sure not only the entire (including children) parent transaction is 
 serial with other (parent) transaction, but also all child transactions 
 are serial inside the parent transaction. Clearly, this speedup the 
 execution of the parent transaction when child transactions are executed 
 in parallel. I think this semantics is also documented here:
 On the other hand, I believe another semantics of nested transactions is 
 that to allow child transactions to commit independently to the parent 
 transaction. The logger example in this link given by a previous  post 
 in this discussion
 is a good example on this semantics. As far as the concurrency control 
 goes, the parent transaction and the children transactions are treated 
 equally. I.e. if after a child transaction is finished and before its 
 parent transaction commits, a conflict with the child transaction will 
 not cause the parent transaction to rollback. Again, this allows more 
 parallelism to the the parent transaction.
 Am I on the right track understanding the serializability semantics 
 here? I'd appreciate it if someone can direct me some authorative text 
 on these issues.

You are actually talking about much more powerful nested transactions
than we have implemented currently.  The first allows for parallel
execution, which is certainly interesting.  The second allows
subtransactions to be committed/rolled back independent of the outer
transaction.  We don't support that either.

Our current implementation merely allows parts of a transaction to be
rolled back using ROLLBACK NESTED.

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 11:28:23PM +0200, Dennis Bjorklund wrote:
 On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
  Yes, we free some things.  Granted it's not a lot, but we have stacks
  for several things that will be always be growing with savepoints,
 They will not always be growing for savepoints, you can free things when 
 using savepoints just as with subtransactions.

I still don't see when I can release a savepoint's state.

You showed a particular case, where we can finish a released savepoint
that is the innermost transaction.  However, as soon as there is another
savepoint set after the released savepoint was set, we can't free the

I mean this:

  ... work ...;
  savepoint foo;
  ... more work ...;
  savepoint bar;
  ... yet more ... ;
  release foo;

At this time I can't release savepoint foo because the implementation
(nested) requires me to keep it open as long as savepoint bar exists.
If I released bar at a later time, I could close both, but not before.

Alvaro Herrera (alvherre[a]
¿Qué importan los años?  Lo que realmente importa es comprobar que
a fin de cuentas la mejor edad de la vida es estar vivo  (Mafalda)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On Sat, Jul 10, 2004 at 09:46:56AM +1200, Oliver Jowett wrote:
 Alvaro Herrera wrote:
 We can't actually release anything (commit the subtransactions), because
 they may be savepoints established after that point, and they are
 logically inside the previously established ones.  At RELEASE we can't
 really release -- we just lose the name and thus the opportunity to
 rollback to it.
 The 2003 draft claims that RELEASE SAVEPOINT invalidates savepoints 
 subsequent to the RELEASE:

In our case, invalidating a savepoint does not mean we can release its
resources.  We can only do that if it's the latest defined savepoint.

Alvaro Herrera (alvherre[a]
Cuando miro a alguien, más me atrae cómo cambia que quién es (J. Binoche)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-09 Thread Dennis Bjorklund
On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

 I mean this:
   ... work ...;
   savepoint foo;
   ... more work ...;
   savepoint bar;
   ... yet more ... ;
   release foo;
 At this time I can't release savepoint foo because the implementation
 (nested) requires me to keep it open as long as savepoint bar exists.
 If I released bar at a later time, I could close both, but not before.

Yes, and that is exactly what should be done, what is wrong with that 

If you do the same as above with nested transactions

   ... work ...;
   ... more work ...;
   ... yet more ... ;
and now you can only commit the last subbegin. Subtransactions does not 
give you anything more then savepoints in this example.

If anything there might be a possibility to do more with savepoints then 
nested transactions since as you say, you can release an earlier savepoint 
then the last. But that is something one can try to optimize later, if 
possible to optimize at all.

Subtransactions can _not_ free more things then savepoints can. It's just
an empty argument.

In fact, I still see no real advantage to subtransactions at all. We are
only playing the lock-in game when we introduce postgresql features that
do almost the same thing as standard features. 

/Dennis Björklund

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-08 Thread Josh Berkus
Alvaro, Hackers:

I've been giving this some thought.   Here's what I came up with:

We should NOT use the savepoint syntax.   Alvaro's Nested Transactions are not 
savepoints, they don't meet the spec, and they don't behave the same.  Using 
standard syntax for a non-standard feature will, in my opinion, cause more 
confusion than using extension syntax for what is, after all, a 
PostgreSQL-specific feature.

HOWEVER, other databases already have nested transactions.   We could do worse 
than to imitate their syntax; since the syntax we use is arbitrary, we might 
as well pick syntax which minimizes the pain of porting applications.   Of 
the other databases, the most important to imitate for this reason are of 
couse SQL Server and Oracle, since those to cover some 80% of DBAs.

However, Oracle does not support 

SQL Server uses:
Begin main transaction:   BEGIN { TRANSACTION | WORK }
Begin inner transaction:  BEGIN { TRANSACTION | WORK }
Commit inner transaction:  COMMIT { TRANSACTION | WORK }
Commit all transactions:  Not supported
Rollback inner transaction:  Not supported
Rollback all transanctions:  ROLLBACK { TRANSACTION | WORK }

Please note that, according to the above, MSSQL does not really support nested 
transactions; the inner transactions *cannot* be rolled back, making them 
useless.  There are numerous online discussions about this.

Sybase uses identical syntax, except that Sybase supports Savepoints via an 
extension of the BEGIN/COMMIT syntax:

Begin main transaction:   BEGIN { TRANSACTION | WORK }
Begin inner transaction:  BEGIN TRANSACTION _name_
Commit inner transaction:  COMMIT { TRANSACTION _name_ }
Commit all transactions:  Not supported
Rollback inner transaction:  ROLLBACK TRANSACTION _name_
Rollback all transanctions:  ROLLBACK { TRANSACTION | WORK }

This means that we CANNOT maintain compatibility with other databases without 
supporting SAVEPOINT syntax, which we are not yet ready to do.   As a result, 
I would propose the following syntax:

Begin main transaction:   BEGIN { TRANSACTION | WORK }
Begin inner transaction:  BEGIN { TRANSACTION | WORK }
Commit inner transaction:  COMMIT { TRANSACTION | WORK }
Commit all transactions:  COMMIT ALL
Rollback inner transaction:  ROLLBACK { TRANSACTION }
Rollback all transanctions:  ROLLBACK ALL

This would have the flaw of appearing to support SQL Server syntax, while 
actually having a different effect (that is, SQL Server programmers would 
assume that a ROLLBACK would abort everything, but it wouldn't).   If we 
wanted to maintain compatibility in this regard, for easy porting of SQL 
Server applications, we would:

Begin main transaction:   BEGIN { TRANSACTION | WORK }
Begin inner transaction:  BEGIN { TRANSACTION | WORK }
Commit inner transaction:  COMMIT { TRANSACTION | WORK }
Commit all transactions:  COMMIT ALL
Rollback inner transaction:  ROLLBACK NESTED
Rollback all transanctions:  ROLLBACK { TRANSACTION }

... but this puts us in the bad position of supporting somebody else's 
logically inconsistent syntax.Thoughts?

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-08 Thread Barry Lind
 My proposal would be:

 1. Begin main transaction: BEGIN { TRANSACTION | WORK }
 2. Commit main (all) transaction: COMMIT { TRANSACTION | WORK }
 3. Rollback main (all) transaction: ROLLBACK { TRANSACTION }

 4. Begin inner transaction: BEGIN NESTED { TRANSACTION | WORK }
 5. Commit inner transaction: COMMIT NESTED { TRANSACTION | WORK }
 6. Rollback inner transaction: ROLLBACK NESTED { TRANSACTION }

I agree with your 1,2 and 3, for the reasons you specify.
I don't like your proposal for 5, because using the keyword COMMIT 
implies something that really isn't true IMHO.  This is due to the fact 
as you point out subtransactions aren't really transactions.  So when 
you 'commit' a subtransaction you are not making the changes permanent 
like a regular transaction.  Instead you are saying these changes are OK 
and the real transaction gets to decide if these changes should be 
committed (or not).  It is only the real transaction that ever does a 
COMMIT (i.e. makes the changes permanent for others to see).  IMHO it is 
for these reasons that the standard SAVEPOINT syntax doesn't have a 
concept of committing a savepoint, only of rolling back to a savepoint.

Alvaro Herrera wrote:
On Thu, Jul 08, 2004 at 10:40:36AM -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:

This means that we CANNOT maintain compatibility with other databases without 
supporting SAVEPOINT syntax, which we are not yet ready to do.   As a result, 
I would propose the following syntax:

Begin main transaction:   BEGIN { TRANSACTION | WORK }
Begin inner transaction:  BEGIN { TRANSACTION | WORK }
Commit inner transaction:  COMMIT { TRANSACTION | WORK }
Commit all transactions:  COMMIT ALL
Rollback inner transaction:  ROLLBACK { TRANSACTION }
Rollback all transanctions:  ROLLBACK ALL

We can _not_ do this.  The reason is that COMMIT and ROLLBACK are
defined per spec to end the transaction.  So they have to end the
Keep in mind that a nested transaction _is not_ a transaction.  You
cannot commit it; it doesn't behave atomically w.r.t. other concurrent
transactions.  It is not a transaction in the SQL meaning of a
So, when I say it has to end the transaction it cannot just end the
current nested transaction.  It has to end the _real_ transaction.
My proposal would be:
1. Begin main transaction: BEGIN { TRANSACTION | WORK }
2. Commit main (all) transaction: COMMIT { TRANSACTION | WORK }
3. Rollback main (all) transaction: ROLLBACK { TRANSACTION }
4. Begin inner transaction: BEGIN NESTED { TRANSACTION | WORK }
5. Commit inner transaction: COMMIT NESTED { TRANSACTION | WORK }
6. Rollback inner transaction: ROLLBACK NESTED { TRANSACTION }
1, 2 and 3 are not negotiable.  4, 5 and 6 are.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-08 Thread Bruce Momjian
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 08, 2004 at 10:40:36AM -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:
  This means that we CANNOT maintain compatibility with other databases without 
  supporting SAVEPOINT syntax, which we are not yet ready to do.   As a result, 
  I would propose the following syntax:
  Begin main transaction:   BEGIN { TRANSACTION | WORK }
  Begin inner transaction:  BEGIN { TRANSACTION | WORK }
  Commit inner transaction:  COMMIT { TRANSACTION | WORK }
  Commit all transactions:  COMMIT ALL
  Rollback inner transaction:  ROLLBACK { TRANSACTION }
  Rollback all transanctions:  ROLLBACK ALL
 We can _not_ do this.  The reason is that COMMIT and ROLLBACK are
 defined per spec to end the transaction.  So they have to end the
 Keep in mind that a nested transaction _is not_ a transaction.  You
 cannot commit it; it doesn't behave atomically w.r.t. other concurrent
 transactions.  It is not a transaction in the SQL meaning of a
 So, when I say it has to end the transaction it cannot just end the
 current nested transaction.  It has to end the _real_ transaction.
 My proposal would be:
 1. Begin main transaction: BEGIN { TRANSACTION | WORK }
 2. Commit main (all) transaction: COMMIT { TRANSACTION | WORK }
 3. Rollback main (all) transaction: ROLLBACK { TRANSACTION }
 4. Begin inner transaction: BEGIN NESTED { TRANSACTION | WORK }
 5. Commit inner transaction: COMMIT NESTED { TRANSACTION | WORK }
 6. Rollback inner transaction: ROLLBACK NESTED { TRANSACTION }
 1, 2 and 3 are not negotiable.  4, 5 and 6 are.

Let me jump in on this.

The initial proposal from Alvaro was to do SUBBEGIN/SUBCOMMIT.  This has
the advantage of allowing BEGIN/COMMIT to commit the entire transaction,
and it is a keyword we can use in plpgsql that doesn't confuse

The disadvantages are:

o  adds prefix to keyword (SUB) which we don't do other places
o  doesn't work well with other xact synonyms like BEGIN/END or

Alvaro wants BEGIN/COMMIT to remain spec-compliant and commit the entire
transaction.  One idea was to do BEGIN NESTED/COMMIT NESTED, but does
that allow plpgsql to use it?  If not, it seems pretty useless.  Imagine:


or something like that.

As far as savepoints, yes, we should support them.  Josh is saying our
implementation isn't 100% spec compliant.  In what way does it differ?

As far as implementing only savepoints, look at this:


With savepoints, it looks pretty strange:


or with RELEASE:


Yea, I guess it works.  With nested transactions, the SQL mimics the
nested structure of many application languages, while savepoints look
like an add-on to SQL.

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-07 Thread Dennis Bjorklund
On Tue, 6 Jul 2004, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

 We can later implement savepoints, which will have SAVEPOINT foo and
 ROLLBACK TO foo as interface.  (Note that a subtransaction is slightly
 different from a savepoint, so we can't use ROLLBACK TO foo in
 subtransactions because that has a different meaning in savepoints).

What is the semantic difference?

In my eye the subtransactions and the savepoints are basically the 
same thing except the label that is used. If that is the only difference?
why are we implementing our own extension for subtransactions instead of 
implementing this standard feature.

Of course the label stuff is a little more complicated, but all the really
hard parts should be the same as what have already been done. The most 
naive implementation of the labels is to have a mapping from a label to 
the number of subcommit (for RELEASE SAVEPOINT) or subrolllbacks (for 

/Dennis Björklund

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-07 Thread Oliver Jowett
Dennis Bjorklund wrote:
On Tue, 6 Jul 2004, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

We can later implement savepoints, which will have SAVEPOINT foo and
ROLLBACK TO foo as interface.  (Note that a subtransaction is slightly
different from a savepoint, so we can't use ROLLBACK TO foo in
subtransactions because that has a different meaning in savepoints).

What is the semantic difference?
Savepoint ROLLBACK TO foo doesn't invalidate 'foo'. If SAVEPOINT foo 
is 'start new subtransaction foo', ROLLBACK TO foo must be 'roll back 
subtransaction foo and all children; start new subtransaction foo'.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-07 Thread Dennis Bjorklund
On Wed, 7 Jul 2004, Oliver Jowett wrote:

 Savepoint ROLLBACK TO foo doesn't invalidate 'foo'. If SAVEPOINT foo 
 is 'start new subtransaction foo', ROLLBACK TO foo must be 'roll back 
 subtransaction foo and all children; start new subtransaction foo'.

If that is all there is, I much rather see this standard interface then a
pg extension.

/Dennis Björklund

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-07 Thread Dennis Bjorklund
On Wed, 7 Jul 2004, Oliver Jowett wrote:

 So how do you propose supporting simple rollback of a subtransaction? It 
 seems like an extension regardless of how it's done.

If I understand you correctly what you want is a ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT
foo; followed by a RELEASE SAVEPOINT foo; 

/Dennis Björklund

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-07 Thread Oliver Jowett
Dennis Bjorklund wrote:
On Wed, 7 Jul 2004, Oliver Jowett wrote:

So how do you propose supporting simple rollback of a subtransaction? It 
seems like an extension regardless of how it's done.

If I understand you correctly what you want is a ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT
foo; followed by a RELEASE SAVEPOINT foo; 
Ugh.. nasty syntax and an extra empty transaction.
Also, how do you get an anonymous subtransaction? SAVEPOINT syntax would 
seem to always require a name.

One of the use cases for subtransactions was to avoid rollback of the 
entire transaction if there's an error in a single command -- you wrap 
each command in a subtransaction and roll it back if it fails. If we 
only have SAVEPOINT syntax this looks like:

  -- Success case
  SAVEPOINT s_12345
   INSERT INTO foo(...) VALUES (...)
  -- Error case
  SAVEPOINT s_12346
   INSERT INTO foo(...) VALUES (...)
  -- Repeat ad nauseam
This is pretty ugly. Given that the underlying mechanism is nested 
subtransactions, why should it be necessary to jump through those sort 
of hoops to gain access to them?

If you don't like adding extra commands, what about extending the 
standard transaction control commands (BEGIN NESTED etc) instead?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
 joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-07 Thread Dennis Bjorklund
On Wed, 7 Jul 2004, Oliver Jowett wrote:

  If I understand you correctly what you want is a ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT
  foo; followed by a RELEASE SAVEPOINT foo; 
 Ugh.. nasty syntax and an extra empty transaction.

If you translate it directly using only the primitives of the current 
subbegin/subabort, yes. But that is not the only way to implement it. And 
even if that was the first implementation due to not having time to make 
it better before 7.5, then I still prefer a standard syntax that can be 
improved then a non standard feature to be maintained for all future.

This is about the API to present to the user. The savepoint syntax is
standard, if we should invent our own way it should be for some real

 Also, how do you get an anonymous subtransaction? SAVEPOINT syntax would 
 seem to always require a name.

Yes, it does. But surely they can be nested so an inner use of name foo 
hides an outer use of name foo. I'm not pretending to know all about the 
standard savepoints, so I just assume they can be nested.

 One of the use cases for subtransactions was to avoid rollback of the 
 entire transaction if there's an error in a single command -- you wrap 
 each command in a subtransaction and roll it back if it fails. If we 
 only have SAVEPOINT syntax this looks like:
-- Success case
 INSERT INTO foo(...) VALUES (...)
-- Error case
 INSERT INTO foo(...) VALUES (...)
-- Repeat ad nauseam

 This is pretty ugly. Given that the underlying mechanism is nested 

So you do not want to use the standard syntax in order to save some tokens
in the source?

Also notice that the first and last statement is the same no matter if you
want to rollback or not. So it would be something like (with a nicer
savepoint name then yours):



   ... possible more work ...

   if (some_error)


I really don't see this as anything ugly with this. Maybe it doesn't fit 
the current implementation, then lets change the implementation and not 
just make an extension that fits a implementation.

 If you don't like adding extra commands, what about extending the 
 standard transaction control commands (BEGIN NESTED etc) instead?

I'd like to use the ansi standard and hopefully portable syntax. I don't
see any real gains by having our own syntax. If the goal is just to save 
some tokens I definetly see no reason. There might still be something more 
to subtransactions, but I really have not seen it.

At the very least if we add extensions I would like to have a clear and 
stated reason why it should be used instead of the standard feature. Every 
time we add some syntax it has to be maintained forever and we lock in 
users into postgresql. Something I don't like.

/Dennis Björklund

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-07 Thread Scott Marlowe
On Tue, 2004-07-06 at 23:36, Greg Stark wrote:
 Scott Marlowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Why not rollback all or commit all?
  I really really don't like subbegin and subcommit.  I get the feeling
  they'll cause more problems we haven't foreseen yet, but I can't put my
  finger on it.  
 Well I've already pointed out one problem. It makes it impossible to write
 generic code or reuse existing code and embed it within a transaction. Code
 meant to be a nested transaction within a larger transaction becomes
 non-interchangeable with code meant to be run on its own.

Would a rollback N / abort N where N is the number of levels to rollback
/ abort work?  

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-07 Thread Scott Marlowe
On Wed, 2004-07-07 at 00:16, Dennis Bjorklund wrote:
 On Tue, 6 Jul 2004, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
  We can later implement savepoints, which will have SAVEPOINT foo and
  ROLLBACK TO foo as interface.  (Note that a subtransaction is slightly
  different from a savepoint, so we can't use ROLLBACK TO foo in
  subtransactions because that has a different meaning in savepoints).
 What is the semantic difference?

One is in the SQL spec?

For that reason alone, we should probably eventually have the savepoint
syntax work.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-07 Thread Thomas Swan
Scott Marlowe wrote:
On Tue, 2004-07-06 at 23:36, Greg Stark wrote:

Scott Marlowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Why not rollback all or commit all?
I really really don't like subbegin and subcommit.  I get the feeling
they'll cause more problems we haven't foreseen yet, but I can't put my
finger on it.  

Well I've already pointed out one problem. It makes it impossible to write
generic code or reuse existing code and embed it within a transaction. Code
meant to be a nested transaction within a larger transaction becomes
non-interchangeable with code meant to be run on its own.

Would a rollback N / abort N where N is the number of levels to rollback
/ abort work?  


Only, if you know the number of levels you are deep in the transaction.  

ROLLBACK n and ROLLBACK ALL together would be good alternatives to 
unwind nested transaction.  Perhaps a function for 
pg_transaction_nested_level( ) or a pg_transaction_nested_level variable 
could help in this.

Again, these are just opinions.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
   (send unregister YourEmailAddressHere to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-06 Thread Dennis Bjorklund
On Mon, 5 Jul 2004, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

  begin/end because they are already in an explicit/implicit transaction
  by default...  How is the user/programmer to know when this is the case?
 I'm not sure I understand you.  Of course you can issue begin/end.  What
 you can't do is issue begin/end inside a function -- you always use
 subbegin/subcommit in that case.

I've not understood why we need new tokens for this case. Maybe you've 
explained it somewhere that I've missed. But surely the server know if you 
are in a transaction or not, and can differentiate on the first BEGIN and 
the next BEGIN.

/Dennis Björklund

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-06 Thread Bruce Momjian
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 03, 2004 at 02:32:44AM -0500, Thomas Swan wrote:
  Alvaro Herrera wrote:
  What I'd like to do is start the transaction block before the function
  is called if we are not in a transaction block.  This would mean that
  when the function calls BEGIN it won't be the first one -- it will
  actually start a subtransaction and will be able to end it without harm.
  I think this can be done automatically at the SPI level.
  Please tell me there is some sanity in this.   If I follow you
  correctly, at no point should anyone be able to issue an explicit
  begin/end because they are already in an explicit/implicit transaction
  by default...  How is the user/programmer to know when this is the case?
 I'm not sure I understand you.  Of course you can issue begin/end.  What
 you can't do is issue begin/end inside a function -- you always use
 subbegin/subcommit in that case.

And if you use SUBBEGIN/SUBCOMMIT in a function that isn't already call
inside from an explicit transaction, it will work because the call
itself is its own implicit transaction, right?

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-06 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On Tue, Jul 06, 2004 at 11:37:18AM -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:
 Alvaro Herrera wrote:
  On Sat, Jul 03, 2004 at 02:32:44AM -0500, Thomas Swan wrote:
   Alvaro Herrera wrote:
   What I'd like to do is start the transaction block before the function
   is called if we are not in a transaction block.  This would mean that
   when the function calls BEGIN it won't be the first one -- it will
   actually start a subtransaction and will be able to end it without harm.
   I think this can be done automatically at the SPI level.
   Please tell me there is some sanity in this.   If I follow you
   correctly, at no point should anyone be able to issue an explicit
   begin/end because they are already in an explicit/implicit transaction
   by default...  How is the user/programmer to know when this is the case?
  I'm not sure I understand you.  Of course you can issue begin/end.  What
  you can't do is issue begin/end inside a function -- you always use
  subbegin/subcommit in that case.
 And if you use SUBBEGIN/SUBCOMMIT in a function that isn't already call
 inside from an explicit transaction, it will work because the call
 itself is its own implicit transaction, right?

Right.  Note that this doesn't work with the current code -- in fact you
can cause a server crash easily.

Alvaro Herrera (alvherre[a]
Doing what he did amounts to sticking his fingers under the hood of the
implementation; if he gets his fingers burnt, it's his problem.  (Tom Lane)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-06 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On Tue, Jul 06, 2004 at 08:15:14AM +0200, Dennis Bjorklund wrote:
 On Mon, 5 Jul 2004, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
   begin/end because they are already in an explicit/implicit transaction
   by default...  How is the user/programmer to know when this is the case?
  I'm not sure I understand you.  Of course you can issue begin/end.  What
  you can't do is issue begin/end inside a function -- you always use
  subbegin/subcommit in that case.
 I've not understood why we need new tokens for this case. Maybe you've 
 explained it somewhere that I've missed. But surely the server know if you 
 are in a transaction or not, and can differentiate on the first BEGIN and 
 the next BEGIN.

I think the best argument for this is that we need a command to abort
the whole transaction tree, and another to commit the whole transaction
tree.  Those _have_ to be ROLLBACK (or ABORT) and COMMIT (or END),
because the spec says they work like that and it would be hell for an
interface like JDBC if they didn't.  So it's out of the picture to use
those commands to end a subtransaction.

Now, it's clear we need new commands to end a subtransaction.  Do we
also want a different command for begin?  I think so, just to be

Conclusion: we need a different syntax.  So we invent an extension.  

We could use BEGIN NESTED for starting a subtransaction, roll it back
with ROLLBACK NESTED or some such, and commit with COMMIT NESTED.  But I
like SUBBEGIN etc best, and no one had an opinion when I asked.  So the
current code has SUBBEGIN, SUBCOMMIT, SUBABORT.  If people prefer
another syntax, then we can have a vote or core hackers can choose -- I
don't care what the syntax is, but it has to be different from BEGIN,

We can later implement savepoints, which will have SAVEPOINT foo and
ROLLBACK TO foo as interface.  (Note that a subtransaction is slightly
different from a savepoint, so we can't use ROLLBACK TO foo in
subtransactions because that has a different meaning in savepoints).

Alvaro Herrera (alvherre[a]
La rebeldía es la virtud original del hombre (Arthur Schopenhauer)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-06 Thread Stephen Frost
* Alvaro Herrera ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 We could use BEGIN NESTED for starting a subtransaction, roll it back
 with ROLLBACK NESTED or some such, and commit with COMMIT NESTED.  But I
 like SUBBEGIN etc best, and no one had an opinion when I asked.  So the
 current code has SUBBEGIN, SUBCOMMIT, SUBABORT.  If people prefer

Just to be pedantic and talking about consistency- 


Description: Digital signature

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-06 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On Tue, Jul 06, 2004 at 12:49:46PM -0400, Stephen Frost wrote:
 * Alvaro Herrera ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  We could use BEGIN NESTED for starting a subtransaction, roll it back
  with ROLLBACK NESTED or some such, and commit with COMMIT NESTED.  But I
  like SUBBEGIN etc best, and no one had an opinion when I asked.  So the
  current code has SUBBEGIN, SUBCOMMIT, SUBABORT.  If people prefer
 Just to be pedantic and talking about consistency- 

Just because it's ugly and too long ... I think the standard spelling is
ROLLBACK, and ABORT is a Postgres extension.  Since nested xacts are a
Postgres extension, we might as well extend our own syntax :-)

Alvaro Herrera (alvherre[a]
La web junta la gente porque no importa que clase de mutante sexual seas,
tienes millones de posibles parejas. Pon buscar gente que tengan sexo con
ciervos incendiánse, y el computador dirá especifique el tipo de ciervo
(Jason Alexander)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-06 Thread Scott Marlowe
On Tue, 2004-07-06 at 10:25, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 06, 2004 at 08:15:14AM +0200, Dennis Bjorklund wrote:
  On Mon, 5 Jul 2004, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
begin/end because they are already in an explicit/implicit transaction
by default...  How is the user/programmer to know when this is the case?
   I'm not sure I understand you.  Of course you can issue begin/end.  What
   you can't do is issue begin/end inside a function -- you always use
   subbegin/subcommit in that case.
  I've not understood why we need new tokens for this case. Maybe you've 
  explained it somewhere that I've missed. But surely the server know if you 
  are in a transaction or not, and can differentiate on the first BEGIN and 
  the next BEGIN.
 I think the best argument for this is that we need a command to abort
 the whole transaction tree, and another to commit the whole transaction
 tree.  Those _have_ to be ROLLBACK (or ABORT) and COMMIT (or END),
 because the spec says they work like that and it would be hell for an
 interface like JDBC if they didn't.  So it's out of the picture to use
 those commands to end a subtransaction.

Why not rollback all or commit all?

I really really don't like subbegin and subcommit.  I get the feeling
they'll cause more problems we haven't foreseen yet, but I can't put my
finger on it.  They just don't feel like postgresql to me.  I'd rather
see extra syntax to handle exceptions, like rollback all or whatnot,
than subbegin et. al.

 Now, it's clear we need new commands to end a subtransaction.  Do we
 also want a different command for begin?  I think so, just to be

Sorry, but I respectfully disagree that it's clear.  

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send unregister YourEmailAddressHere to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-06 Thread Greg Stark

Scott Marlowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Why not rollback all or commit all?
 I really really don't like subbegin and subcommit.  I get the feeling
 they'll cause more problems we haven't foreseen yet, but I can't put my
 finger on it.  

Well I've already pointed out one problem. It makes it impossible to write
generic code or reuse existing code and embed it within a transaction. Code
meant to be a nested transaction within a larger transaction becomes
non-interchangeable with code meant to be run on its own.

I also have a different issue. The behaviour I'm expecting with most drivers
will be to start a transaction immediately, and run every query within a
subtransaction. This is what we've discussed previously with psql, but for the
same reasons previously discussed I expect drivers to adopt the same approach,
at least when not in autocommit mode. The goal would be to allow the
application to control what happens when a given query returns an error and
not force the application to roll the entire transaction back.

This means the user can't use BEGIN or END at all himself. Since the
driver would already have initiated a transaction itself. The *only*
user-visible commands would become these awkward (and frankly, silly-sounding)

I have an related question though. Will there be a out of band protocol method
for controlling transaction status? If the v3 protocol allows the transaction
status to be manipulated in binary messages that don't interact with user
queries then a driver would still be able to reliably start and end
transactions and nested transactions. If that were the case I guess I wouldn't
care since a driver could then implement an external API that hid the
irregularity of SUBfoo from the user and provided a consistent -begin()
-end(). The driver could emulate this by inserting SUBfoo commands into the
stream but then it would risk being subverted by user commands.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-05 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On Sat, Jul 03, 2004 at 02:32:44AM -0500, Thomas Swan wrote:
 Alvaro Herrera wrote:

 What I'd like to do is start the transaction block before the function
 is called if we are not in a transaction block.  This would mean that
 when the function calls BEGIN it won't be the first one -- it will
 actually start a subtransaction and will be able to end it without harm.
 I think this can be done automatically at the SPI level.

 Please tell me there is some sanity in this.   If I follow you
 correctly, at no point should anyone be able to issue an explicit
 begin/end because they are already in an explicit/implicit transaction
 by default...  How is the user/programmer to know when this is the case?

I'm not sure I understand you.  Of course you can issue begin/end.  What
you can't do is issue begin/end inside a function -- you always use
subbegin/subcommit in that case.

Alvaro Herrera (alvherre[a]
La espina, desde que nace, ya pincha (Proverbio africano)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-04 Thread Oliver Jowett
Greg Stark wrote:
Alvaro Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

If we change the syntax, say by using SUBCOMMIT/SUBABORT for
subtransactions, then using a simple ABORT would abort the whole
transaction tree.

This seems like a non-starter to me. That would make it impossible to write
SQL generic code that could be used from within a transaction or as a
top-level transaction.
I think it's vital that any use of the existing (pre-7.5) syntax for 
COMMIT/ROLLBACK/ABORT results in all transaction state being cleared, 
for compatibility with older applications.

Consider JDBC's Connection.commit() and Connection.rollback() methods. 
They need to deal in terms of the top-level transaction: connection 
pools and similar are going to issue rollback() and expect all 
transaction state to be cleaned up, regardless of what the pool's client 
has done with the connection. The connection pool code is unlikely to be 
aware of subtransactions -- JDBC has no equivalent concept (it has 
savepoints, but that's it).

If ROLLBACK always affects the top-level transaction, the JDBC driver's 
job is simple: Connection.rollback() always issues ROLLBACK. If you need 
some other syntax to get a top-level rollback, the driver's job gets 

  if we have at least a 7.5 server:
and older drivers which always issue ROLLBACK are going to break in 
nonobvious ways if their applications start using subtransactions.

This seems like a gratuitous incompatibility to introduce. I'd expect 
other clients that aren't aware of subtransactions to stumble on this too.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-03 Thread Greg Stark

Alvaro Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If we change the syntax, say by using SUBCOMMIT/SUBABORT for
 subtransactions, then using a simple ABORT would abort the whole
 transaction tree.

This seems like a non-starter to me. That would make it impossible to write
SQL generic code that could be used from within a transaction or as a
top-level transaction.

Consider for example if I have application code that normally handles
archiving old data (excuse the odd made-up pseudo-code syntax):

archive_table($tab, $date) {
INSERT INTO archive_$tab (select * from $tab where date  ?)
DELETE FROM $tab where date  ?
, $date, $date);

Then I later decide I sometimes want to do that along with other jobs together
in a transaction. I can't just do:

archive_table(tab1, date);
archive_table(tab2, date);

Because then the archive_table() function would get an error from trying to use
BEGIN when it would need a SUBBEGIN. And it would not be any better if I
change archive_tab to use SUBBEGIN because I might be using it directly

This seems like a irregularity in the API that makes sense only from an
implementation point of view. Top level transactions may be very different
from the implementation side, but from the user side they should really be
presented as being exactly the same as successive levels.

I do think a COMMIT ALL and ABORT ALL would be useful, but not for end-users.
I think they would be useful at a lower level. For example a web site could
issue an ABORT ALL at the end of generating the page to ensure any uncommitted
transactions fail and the connection is restored to a usable state for the
next page request.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-03 Thread Tom Lane
Greg Stark [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 This seems like a irregularity in the API that makes sense only from an
 implementation point of view.

You are attacking a straw man.  This does *not* make sense from an
implementation point of view --- it's easier to have just one command
(and in fact that is what is in CVS tip).  The proposal to use different
commands was advanced on the grounds that it's a more user-friendly API.

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-02 Thread Thomas Swan
Tom Lane wrote:
Mike Benoit [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

On Thu, 2004-07-01 at 18:38 -0400, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

If we change the syntax, say by using SUBCOMMIT/SUBABORT for
subtransactions, then using a simple ABORT would abort the whole
transaction tree.


But then we're back to the application having to know if its in a
regular transaction or a sub-transaction aren't we? To me that sounds
just as bad. 

Someone (I forget who at this late hour) gave several cogent arguments
that that's *exactly* what we want.  Please see the prior discussion...
Right at the moment I think we have a consensus that we should use
SUBBEGIN/SUBEND or some such keywords for subtransactions.  (I do not
say we've agreed to exactly those keywords, only that it's a good idea
to make them different from the outer-level BEGIN/END keywords.)

Either approach still needs some mechanism to clear the current stack of 
transactions and subtransactions.   That's why I was thinking ABORT ALL 
and ROLLBACK ALL would be sufficient to cover that and be clear enough 
to the user/programmer.

There was also some talk of offering commands based around the notion of
savepoints, but I'm not sure that we have a consensus on that yet.
			regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
 joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-02 Thread Merlin Moncure
 If we change the syntax, say by using SUBCOMMIT/SUBABORT for
 subtransactions, then using a simple ABORT would abort the whole
 transaction tree.

Question: with the new syntax, would issuing a BEGIN inside a already
started transaction result in an error?

My concern is about say, a pl/pgsql function that opened and closed a
transation.  This could result in different behaviors depending if
called from within a transaction, which is not true of the old syntax.  

Then again, since a statement is always transactionally wrapped, would
it be required to always issue SUBBEGIN if issued from within a
function?  This would address my concern.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Nested Transactions, Abort All

2004-07-02 Thread Alvaro Herrera
On Fri, Jul 02, 2004 at 01:14:25PM -0400, Merlin Moncure wrote:
  If we change the syntax, say by using SUBCOMMIT/SUBABORT for
  subtransactions, then using a simple ABORT would abort the whole
  transaction tree.
 Question: with the new syntax, would issuing a BEGIN inside a already
 started transaction result in an error?


 My concern is about say, a pl/pgsql function that opened and closed a
 transation.  This could result in different behaviors depending if
 called from within a transaction, which is not true of the old syntax.  
 Then again, since a statement is always transactionally wrapped, would
 it be required to always issue SUBBEGIN if issued from within a
 function?  This would address my concern.

Yes, I was thinking about this because the current code behaves wrong if
a BEGIN is issued and not inside a transaction block.  So we'd need to
do something special in SPI -- not sure exactly what, but the effect
would be that the function can't issue BEGIN at all and can only issue

Alvaro Herrera (alvherre[a]
A male gynecologist is like an auto mechanic who never owned a car.
(Carrie Snow)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

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