Re: [Pharo-users] Depending on something already in the image

2015-09-21 Thread stepharo
This is because the configurationOfGTInspector is not well done (it 
probably uses groups) but groups are evil :)
May be damien you should depend on one of the group of GTInspector (if 
Normally we should getting Unit GTInspectorCore and a bundle GTInspector 
that may use by people to load


Le 21/9/15 05:17, Damien Cassou a écrit :


my project depends on GTSpotter and GTInspector which are already in
Pharo. How do I describe these dependencies in my ConfigurationOf so
that Metacello does no load them? I did

 configuration: 'GTInspector'
   [ spec
 version: #stable;
 '' ]

but Metacello loaded many things (including Roassal2)

Re: [Pharo-users] externalizing Magritte descriptions and partial forms

2015-09-21 Thread Stephan Eggermont

On 21-09-15 02:46, Peter Uhnák wrote:

So far so simple... however what I don't understand:

1. What if I want to have different descriptions for the same attribute?
For example in some views the email is required and in others it is not.

asMagritteMorph is just the quick and dirty variant for straightforward 

2. Must the description be part of the object?

Yes. Single responsibility principle applied.

Maybe I am still not fully committed to the having massive protocols
with tons of extension methods instead of externalizing the code to
separate adapters and whatnot.

Ahum, that is exactly what Magritte does, while reusing the smalltalk 
tools. For very large domain models (more than several hundred domain 
classes), you'll be able to do better using a dynamic object model, and 
then you'll have to develop browsers, editors and inspectors for that.

3. What if I want only partial rendering?
For example in one view I want to be able to edit only name and age,
and in another one all three.
Since #asMagritteMorph collects everything I don't see how I can customize this.

asMagritteMorph provides the default. On Object it is defined as

self magritteDescription  asMorphOn: self

^ self basicMagritteDescription

^ MAPragmaBuilder for: self

which collects all descriptions and puts them in the container described by

"Return the default description container."

^ MAPriorityContainer new
label: self class label;

The nice thing about a MA(Priority)Container is that it supports a
large part of the collection protocol, so you can just do

	^(self magritteDescription select: [:each | each label = 'Name']) 
asMorphOn: self

So you'd  define all possible descriptions you want on the domain object 
itself, possibly using extension methods, and override #asMagritteMorph 
to only return the default descriptions. For complex dependencies with 
extensions, use a smarter MAPragmaBuilder subclass that makes decisions 
based on which extensions are loaded.

You also want to take a look at reference. In the Seaside generation 
that is used like

^ self value isNil ifFalse: [
(self magritteDescription reference asComponentOn: self value)
setParent: self;
yourself ]

so that provides an extension point for nested objects. I don't see it 
used in Magritte-Morph

Also, is there maintained Magritte-Spec? I've seen something by Sean,
but it's from 2013 with a single-ish commit.

I don't know if it needs more. Nothing changed in the spec interface 
since then, did there?


Re: [Pharo-users] Adding a #development version of a Git project in the catalog

2015-09-21 Thread Yuriy Tymchuk

Can you simply define symbolic version as a normal one? I think that you need a 
baseline with a code of your symbolic version, then you reference this baseline 
with the #development version and in v1_0_0 you override repository to 
“…pharo-jenkins:v1.0.0/src”. I think that for me that was the main reason why I 
was doing pre-release. Because you cannot define any changes in symbolic 
versions, my baseline is a separate class, and ‘ConfigurationOf’ requires 
semantic versioning.


> On 21 Sep 2015, at 07:38, Damien Cassou  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a BaselineOfJenkins on github and I would like to add a
> ConfigurationOfJenkins in the catalog. For the #stable versio, I wrote:
> stable: spec
>  spec for: #common version: '1.0.0'
> v1_0_0: spec
>  spec
>for: #'common'
>do: [
>  spec
>baseline: 'Jenkins'
>with: [ spec repository: 
> 'github://DamienCassou/pharo-jenkins:v1.0.0/src' ];
>import: 'Jenkins' ]
> But I don't know what to do for the #development version. I tried this
> but Metacello does not want it:
> development: spec
>  spec
>for: #'common'
>do: [ 
>  spec
>baseline: 'Jenkins'
>with: [ spec repository: 
> 'github://DamienCassou/pharo-jenkins:master/src' ];
>import: 'Jenkins' ]
> On
> Yuriy talks about a pre-release, but this requires changing the
> #development description for each release.
> -- 
> Damien Cassou
> "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
> losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

Re: [Pharo-users] Zn / Connection closed while waiting for data

2015-09-21 Thread Volkert

On 20.09.2015 17:13, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

On 20 Sep 2015, at 14:47, Volkert  wrote:

here mine. is the same version

Then I (currently) am out of ideas.

I am assuming you did all your tests from machines with the same network 
connection, maybe you could try from another place, or from some server locate 
somewhere else ?
I have test it from an other place with the same machine and it works 

$ ./pharo --version
3.9-7 #1 Thu Apr  2 00:51:45 CEST 2015 gcc 4.6.3 [Production ITHB VM]
NBCoInterpreter NativeBoost-CogPlugin-EstebanLorenzano.21 uuid: 
4d9b9bdf-2dfa-4c0b-99eb-5b110dadc697 Apr  2 2015
NBCogit NativeBoost-CogPlugin-EstebanLorenzano.21 uuid: 
4d9b9bdf-2dfa-4c0b-99eb-5b110dadc697 Apr  2 2015 Commit: 
32d18ba0f2db9bee7f3bdbf16bdb24fe4801cfc5 Date: 2015-03-24 11:08:14 +0100 By: Esteban 
Lorenzano  Jenkins build #14904
Linux pharo-linux 3.2.0-31-generic-pae #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 7 16:39:45 UTC 
2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
plugin path: /home/volkert/Pharo/latest/pharo-vm/ [default: 

On 20.09.2015 14:03, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

I am not sure we have to go that deep (yet).

It is a public URL/site, we access it with the same client software (standard 
4.0 with the included Zn), it works for most/everyone, on multiple platforms, 
but not for Volkert.

Maybe a VM difference ?

Mine on Ubuntu was

$ ./pharo/bin/pharo --version
3.9-7 #1 Thu Apr  2 00:51:45 CEST 2015 gcc 4.6.3 [Production ITHB VM]
NBCoInterpreter NativeBoost-CogPlugin-EstebanLorenzano.21 uuid: 
4d9b9bdf-2dfa-4c0b-99eb-5b110dadc697 Apr  2 2015
NBCogit NativeBoost-CogPlugin-EstebanLorenzano.21 uuid: 
4d9b9bdf-2dfa-4c0b-99eb-5b110dadc697 Apr  2 2015 Commit: 
32d18ba0f2db9bee7f3bdbf16bdb24fe4801cfc5 Date: 2015-03-24 11:08:14 +0100 By: Esteban 
Lorenzano  Jenkins build #14904
Linux pharo-linux 3.2.0-31-generic-pae #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 7 16:39:45 UTC 
2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
plugin path: /home/t3/pharo/bin/pharo-vm/ [default: 

On 20 Sep 2015, at 13:53, Ben Coman  wrote:

You might also try tcpflow
cheers -ben

On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 7:43 PM, Ben Coman  wrote:

Maybe something shows up comparing telnet tests [1]...

$ telnet 80
GET /zn/numbers.txt HTTP/1.1

$ telnet 80
GET /mbostock/raw/4063318/dji.csv HTTP/1.1

btw, what user-agent does Zinc use?


cheers -ben

On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 6:22 PM, Volkert

same behavior ... :-(

On 20.09.2015 11:55, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

The response is chunked, but that should be no problem.

You could try the following:

ZnDefaultCharacterEncoder value: ZnNullEncoder new during: [
'' asUrl retrieveContents ].

On 20 Sep 2015, at 11:37, Volkert 


On 20.09.2015 11:20, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

Any proxying involved ?

On 20 Sep 2015, at 11:16, Volkert 

$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS \n \l

$ uname -a
Linux jupiter 3.16.0-49-generic #65~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 9
10:03:23 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ ./pharo Pharo.image printVersion
[version] 4.0 #40621

./pharo Pharo.image eval "'' asUrl


$ ./pharo Pharo.image eval
"'' asUrl retrieveContents"
 Startup Error: ConnectionClosed: Connection closed while waiting
for data.
[ ConnectionClosed signal: 'Connection closed while waiting for data.'
] in Socket>>waitForDataFor: in Block: [ ConnectionClosed signal:
'Connection closed whil...etc...
read := encoder
readInto: buffer
startingAt: 1
count: buffer size
fromStream: readStream ] in ZnStringEntity>>readFrom: in Block: [
ZnEntity class>>readFrom:usingType:andLength:
[ entity := self readEntityFromStream ] in ZnEntityReader>>readEntity
in Block: [ entity := self readEntityFromStream ]
p psValueAt: index put: anObject.
aBlock value ] in
ZnDefaultCharacterEncoder(DynamicVariable)>>value:during: in Block: [ ...

Re: [Pharo-users] Depending on something already in the image

2015-09-21 Thread Stephan Eggermont

On 21-09-15 08:58, stepharo wrote:

This is because the configurationOfGTInspector is not well done (it
probably uses groups) but groups are evil :)

Groups might be evil, but many configurations is worse :)
You are depending on the wrong configurations. In Pharo 5
you need to depend on ConfigurationOfGTSpotter and 


Re: [Pharo-users] Problem Loading Roassal 2 development in Pharo 4

2015-09-21 Thread Alexandre Bergel

I have create the last version before the braking change:

Gofer it
smalltalkhubUser: 'ObjectProfile' project: 'Roassal2';
configurationOf: 'Roassal2';
loadVersion: '1.15’.

In Pharo 4 this loads well. But the examples are not browsable…

Let me know how it goes


> On Sep 21, 2015, at 5:35 PM, Johan Fabry  wrote:
> I understand the problem, but could you update the development version so 
> that it loads the latest version that does work in Pharo 4? Switching to 
> Pharo 5 is not an option for me right now, and I fear the stable version of 
> Roassal2 is much too old to be useful for me.
>> On Sep 21, 2015, at 16:38, Alexandre Bergel  wrote:
>> Doru is right. Roassal2 depends on GT-Inspector to visualize views and the 
>> example finding. 
>> Currently, GT-Inspector does not load in Pharo 4. Apparently due to Rubric.
>> Apparently, time is to move to Pharo 5.
>> Alexandre
>>> On Sep 21, 2015, at 4:25 PM, Tudor Girba  wrote:
>>> I do not think this is possible. The development of Roassal2 happens in 
>>> Pharo 5.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Doru
>>> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 9:15 PM, Johan Fabry  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I cannot load Roassal2 development in Pharo 4, it’s missing the 
>>> GTExampleFinder class (full message below). I can proceed through and still 
>>> get a reasonably working version though (I guess without some examples, 
>>> have not tried it as I don’t need them)
>>> Would it be possible to fix the development version so that it loads in 
>>> Pharo 4?
>>> This package depends on the following classes:
>>> GTExampleFinder
>>> You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these 
>>> definitions:
>>> RTExampleFinder
>>> gtExampleInstance
>>> class:selector:method:to:
>>> newExample
>>> ---> Save our in-boxes! <---
>>> Johan Fabry   -
>>> PLEIAD and RyCh labs  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University 
>>> of Chile
>>> -- 
>>> "Every thing has its own flow"
>> -- 
>> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
>> Alexandre Bergel
>> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
> ---> Save our in-boxes! <---
> Johan Fabry   -
> PLEIAD and RyCh labs  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of 
> Chile

Alexandre Bergel

Re: [Pharo-users] Exploring Pier

2015-09-21 Thread Hernán Morales Durand
I don't know the answer but I am really interested to read it.


2015-09-21 18:44 GMT-03:00 Jimmie Houchin :

> Hello,
> I am interested in learning to use Pier. I browsed the mailing list to
> learn about current status and documentation. It seems to be pretty quiet
> on the mailing lists.
> There seems to be some activity on Smalltalkhub on Pier3.
> I am interested to see how well supported Pier is (is going to be).
> And if Pier is still active in the community. Is there any current
> documentation and where?
> Thanks for any help and opinions regarding Pier and its current and future
> situation.
> Jimmie

Re: [Pharo-users] Rectangle center rounding

2015-09-21 Thread Alexandre Bergel


> On Sep 21, 2015, at 6:24 PM, Peter Uhnák  wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 11:07 PM, Alexandre Bergel
>  wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Any program on that front?
> There was no progress on this and I don't think that from our (me and
> Jan) perspective this is even direction we should go.
> (Jan is probably enjoying summer so I don't know when or even if he
> will work on this.)
> As far as I'm concerned I'm moving towards integer coordinates
> (because it's nicer)
> and trying to make things behave in Roassal...
> ... such as my work on RTDraggableSnapToGrid some time ago.
> [[[
> v := RTView new.
> s := RTBox new size: 25; color: (Color blue alpha: 0.3).
> es := s elementsOn: (1 to: 10).
> v addAll: es.
> RTGridLayout on: es.
> es @ RTDraggableSnapToGrid.
> v
> ]]]
> Peter

Alexandre Bergel

Re: [Pharo-users] Mathex first release is out.

2015-09-21 Thread Damien Cassou

Julien Delplanque  writes:

> - Greek letters are defined as globals: Alpha, Beta, ...

instead of "polluting" the global namespace, you might want to let your
users write:

   #alpha asMathex

>  * Have a preview of the compiled LaTeX code using pdflatex

you launch pdflatex from Pharo? Does it work on Windows? How do you know
when pdflatex is finished compiling? How do you get the exit status of

Pillar wanted the same. But we only managed to let Pillar generate a
bash script that must be executed to launch pdflatex.

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

Re: [Pharo-users] Zn / Connection closed while waiting for data

2015-09-21 Thread Andrei Chis
Somehow I replied only to Sven.
Forwarded the email.

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 2:46 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe  wrote:

> > On 21 Sep 2015, at 13:45, Andrei Chis 
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Sven,
> >
> > Switching from ZdcSocketStream to SocketStream fixes the problem.
> Thanks Andrei & Volkert for testing. At least you have a workaround now.
> > If you want I can give you access to a virtual box installation within
> the network.
> > The easier solution would be through
> OK, I'll keep that in mind. But first, when I find the time, I have to
> compare ZdcSocketStream to ZdcSecureSocketStream, since some patches were
> applied to the latter to solve similar issues. This is all quite tricky
> stuff.
> Sven
> > Cheers,
> > Andrei
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 12:07 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe 
> wrote:
> >
> > > On 21 Sep 2015, at 11:45, Andrei Chis 
> wrote:
> > >
> > > So adding #beOneShot on some networks that are behind proxies, fails
> the request.
> >
> > Well, I was already afraid that (possibly transparent) proxies were
> involved.
> >
> > The problem is, it is simply impossible for me to debug this remotely.
> >
> > One things that you could try is switching the socket stream
> implementation used by Zn,
> >
> >   ZnNetworkingUtils default socketStreamClass: SocketStream.
> >
> > to no longer use ZdcSocketStream.
> >
> > Sven
> >
> > PS: Note that this is global setting
> >
> >
> >

Re: [Pharo-users] DesktopManager in Pharo 5 - Video

2015-09-21 Thread Damien Cassou

Torsten Bergmann  writes:


great!! Good job.

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

Re: [Pharo-users] externalizing Magritte descriptions and partial forms

2015-09-21 Thread Stephan Eggermont

On 21-09-15 12:09, Peter Uhnák wrote:

Thank you Stephan, I think the image is becoming much clearer.

However I still don't understand how SRP applies here:

 ^(self magritteDescription select: [:each | each label = 'Name'])
asMorphOn: self

Surely this is responsibility of the tool that needs it, no?

No. It is a domain model. The person class is an information 
holder/structurer (Object Design, Roles, Responsibilities, and 
Collaborations), describing all possible uses, the user selects the one 
it needs.

If the morph you need depends on the context in which it is shown,
you might want to add a

Person>>asMagritteMorphFrom: aDomainContext
	^(aDomainContext magritteDescriptionFor: self magritteDescription) 
asMorphOn: self

and do the selection on the other side

Otherwise the Person class would have to describe every single
possible scenario.

Not the scenario, but the possible combinations yes.

Or maybe the tool would puts this into an extension protocol, which
while visually places the code to Person class is actually separated
(because it's part of another repository).

For optional parts that works well, especially using MAObject subclasses 
with the dictionary based properties.

In any case I can always use asMagritteMorph morph asSpecAdapter in
the meantime and maybe stitch together a Spec version once I am
comfortable with Magritte.

That sounds like the right order.

Re: [Pharo-users] Zn / Connection closed while waiting for data

2015-09-21 Thread Volkert

Switching the socket implementation works ...

$./pharo Pharo.image eval "ZnNetworkingUtils default socketStreamClass: 
SocketStream. '' asUrl 

'Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj Close

The dedault implementation not ...

$ ./pharo Pharo.image eval 
"'' asUrl 
retrieveContents" Startup Error: ConnectionClosed: Connection closed 
while waiting for data.
[ ConnectionClosed signal: 'Connection closed while waiting for data.' ] 
in Socket>>waitForDataFor: in Block: [ ConnectionClosed signal: 
'Connection closed whil...etc...

read := encoder
readInto: buffer
startingAt: 1
count: buffer size
fromStream: readStream ] in ZnStringEntity>>readFrom: in Block: [ ...
ZnEntity class>>readFrom:usingType:andLength:
[ entity := self readEntityFromStream ] in ZnEntityReader>>readEntity in 
Block: [ entity := self readEntityFromStream ]

p psValueAt: index put: anObject.
aBlock value ] in 
ZnDefaultCharacterEncoder(DynamicVariable)>>value:during: in Block: [ ...

ZnDefaultCharacterEncoder class(DynamicVariable class)>>value:during:
ZnResponse class(ZnMessage class)>>readFrom:
[ self executeRequestResponse ] in ZnClient>>getConnectionAndExecute in 
Block: [ self executeRequestResponse ]

Got startup errors:
ConnectionClosed: Connection closed while waiting for data.


On 21.09.2015 12:07, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

On 21 Sep 2015, at 11:45, Andrei Chis  wrote:

So adding #beOneShot on some networks that are behind proxies, fails the 

Well, I was already afraid that (possibly transparent) proxies were involved.

The problem is, it is simply impossible for me to debug this remotely.

One things that you could try is switching the socket stream implementation 
used by Zn,

   ZnNetworkingUtils default socketStreamClass: SocketStream.

to no longer use ZdcSocketStream.


PS: Note that this is global setting

Re: [Pharo-users] externalizing Magritte descriptions and partial forms

2015-09-21 Thread Peter Uhnák
Thank you Stephan, I think the image is becoming much clearer.

However I still don't understand how SRP applies here:

> Person>>asNameMagritteMorph
> ^(self magritteDescription select: [:each | each label = 'Name'])
> asMorphOn: self

Surely this is responsibility of the tool that needs it, no?
Otherwise the Person class would have to describe every single
possible scenario.

Or maybe the tool would puts this into an extension protocol, which
while visually places the code to Person class is actually separated
(because it's part of another repository).

>> Also, is there maintained Magritte-Spec? I've seen something by Sean,
>> but it's from 2013 with a single-ish commit.
> I don't know if it needs more. Nothing changed in the spec interface since
> then, did there?

The Magritte-Spec seems to be just an experiment (with three classes)
and it breaks Magritte-Morphic.
Also I know I have changed Spec interface in the last year alone and
as far as I can tell there was a lot work done in before.

In any case I can always use asMagritteMorph morph asSpecAdapter in
the meantime and maybe stitch together a Spec version once I am
comfortable with Magritte.



Re: [Pharo-users] externalizing Magritte descriptions and partial forms

2015-09-21 Thread Damien Cassou

Peter Uhnák  writes:

> ~~~
> Person>>descriptionEmail
> ^ MAStringDescription new
> label: 'Email';
> accessor: #email;
> beRequired;
> yourself
> ~~~

to complement Stephan's answer, you can add properties to your
description that you use to filter them when building the morphs. For


^ MAStringDescription new
label: 'Email';
accessor: #email;
shouldBeShownInTheBasicView: true;

Then, when building the morph, you can #select: on
'shouldBeShownInTheBasicView' value.

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Jenkins: query Jenkins servers from Pharo

2015-09-21 Thread Damien Cassou

just to let you know I extracted some code from the Launcher to query
Jenkins servers from Pharo.

With this project, you can write code like:

| pillar zipArtifact | 

pillar := JenkinsServer pharoContributions jobs detect: [ :job | job name = 
'Pillar' ].

zipArtifact := pillar lastSuccessfulBuild runs anyOne artifacts detect: [ 
:artifact | artifact name = '' ]

ZnClient new url: zipArtifact url; downloadTo: ''

The (very simple) code is on github:

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

Re: [Pharo-users] DesktopManager in Pharo 5 - Video

2015-09-21 Thread Mariano Martinez Peck super cool that I want to use 5.0 grr

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 11:38 AM, Alexandre Bergel 

> +1
> Alexandre
> > On Sep 21, 2015, at 11:15 AM, Tudor Girba  wrote:
> >
> > The Spotter integration is really cool.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Doru
> >
> > On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Torsten Bergmann 
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> > "Every thing has its own flow"
> --
> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
> Alexandre Bergel
> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.


Re: [Pharo-users] RTStyledLabel

2015-09-21 Thread Alexandre Bergel
Just tried it. 



> On Sep 19, 2015, at 11:24 AM, Peter Uhnák  wrote:
> Hi,
> I've added RTStyledLabel which supports TextEmphasis.
> RTGeneralExample>>styledLabel
> ~~
> | v shape el all |
> v := RTView new.
> (shape := RTStyledLabel new) color: Color black.
> #(normal italic bold underlined struckOut) do: [ :each |
> el := shape
> emphasis: (TextEmphasis perform: each);
> elementOn: each.
> v add: el ].
> all := shape
> emphasis: { TextEmphasis bold. TextEmphasis italic. TextEmphasis 
> underlined};
> elementOn: 'bold + italic + underlined'.
> v add: all.
> RTVerticalLineLayout on: v elements.
> v open
> ~
> <2015-09-19_16:23:34.png>
> ​
> Peter

Alexandre Bergel

[Pharo-users] Dr Geo: A point needs to be animated over a preexisting object?

2015-09-21 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas


Here comes again. Sorry I send it from a wrong address.

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Dr Geo: A point needs to be animated over a preexisting object?
Date:   Mon, 21 Sep 2015 20:09:29 -0500
From:   Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
To: Any question about pharo is welcome 


Some of my students are exploring modeling as a tool to understand 
physical phenomena. In particular they're working on uniform movement. 
The idea is to take data from a lab experiment on uniform movement and 
plot it on a geometrical program and then use animation to reproduce the 
lab movement inside the plotting to see if they can get the analitycal 
expression which models the movement. The bridge between experimental 
data and the analytical expression is animation as a way to validate, 
reconstruct models. We're considering geogebra and DrGeo for this. I'm 
more familiar with smalltalk that with javascript, but the question 
we're facing is how to animate a point following a vector direction but 
going beyond it.

Considering the following figure:

So the idea is that A, B, C and D are points in a position versus time 
graph taken from the real lab experiment. "p" is a point which will 
follow the trajectory of the vector "u", which has the same direction of 
the segment that goes from A to B (it can be even overlapped) and is 
animated describing the red trajectory going for p to p' (which has the 
same x value of D, but a different y value). A way to do it will be put 
and invisible line that passing from A to B (and beyond) and make the 
point "p" move on it, but we're wondering if there is a way to just give 
vector direction and magnitude and make the point move, without creating 
an explicit line before.

Seems that nor geogebra or DrGeo can deal with animating a free object 
following a (vectorial described) trajectory.

Is this possible?



Re: [Pharo-users] Mathex first release is out.

2015-09-21 Thread Ben Coman
I don't have a use right now, but this is really cool. Thanks for the
cheers -ben

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 1:44 AM, Julien Delplanque  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm sending this mail for those who are eventually interested in the Mathex
> package
> I announced in a precedent mail
> (
> Mathex has now its first release: 0.1 (the latest release will always be in
> the same state
> as master branch, new features will be on bleed till there is no new
> release. So basically,
> releases are not really usefull except for announcing them :) ).
> Here is a list of changes/additional features since the last mail:
> =
> - Greek letters are defined as globals: Alpha, Beta, ...
> - Additional packages for more latex commands
> (
> - GT-Inspector extensions to:
> * explore the tree formed by Mathex objects
> * see the LaTeX code generated by a Mathex object
> * Have a preview of the compiled LaTeX code using pdflatex
> - The possibility to define custom commands made of Mathex objects
> composition using
> blocks (see:
> - Documentation available on the wiki (more to come)
> - A code rewriter and its GUI (not documented yet and still experimental)
> that allows you
> to write "Mathex Smalltalk" ie Smalltalk code where #asMathex message is
> sent to all literals automatically.
> This make the code lighter because in spite of  '(1 asMathex + 2 asMathex)
> equal: 3 asMathex.', you can write:
> '(1 + 2) equal: 3' and get Mathex objects that are able to generate LaTeX.
> - The possibility to create Mathex objects using symbols. For example:
> '#vdash asMathex' returns a MVdash object.
> - Added messages to do things like:
> '$a asMathex ==> $b asMathex' and get the latex code 'a \Rightarrow b'.
> - Some refactoring
> And probably things I forgot
> Some links:
> ===
> Mathex github repository:
> Mathex 0.1 release:
> (you can just
> follow instructions in this mail or in the README to get it).
> Mathex wiki:
> Install Mathex package:
> ==
> Metacello new
> baseline: 'Mathex';
> repository: 'github://juliendelplanque/mathex/repository';
> load.
> Install Mathex extensions (after Mathex package installation):
> MLoader loadArrows. "Load Mathex-Arrows"
> MLoader loadBinaryOperators. "Load Mathex-BinaryOperators"
> MLoader loadLoglike. "Load Mathex-Loglike"
> MLoader loadMisc. "Load Mathex-Misc"
> MLoader loadRelations. "Load Mathex-Relations"
> Install GT-Inspector extensions (after Mathex package installation):
> MLoader loadGTInspectorExtensions.
> Add a preview of the LaTeX code compiled in GT-Inspector (only for linux
> users from now, sorry for others)
> ==
> See:
> Comments, help and critics are welcome.
> Regards,
> Julien

[Pharo-users] Displaying custom Magritte view on FAMIX model

2015-09-21 Thread Peter Uhnák

I would like to build custom magritte view for a FAMIX model, however
it seems that Fame/Metanool are somehow interfering with it..

Imagine a simple model (a class with an attribute):
cls := FAMIXClass new name: 'Something'.

(attr := FAMIXAttribute new)
name: 'myAttribute';
declaredType: (FAMIXClass new name: 'OtherThing').

cls addAttribute: attr.

now I can open the magritte description
attr mooseDescription asMagritteDescription asMagritteMorph openInWindow.
However this is a meta description, which I don't want...

So second option was to build it manually; I extract descriptions that
I am interested in
container := MAContainer new addAll: ({
attr mooseDescription at: 'name'.
attr mooseDescription at: 'declaredType'.
} collect: #asMagritteDescription).

(container asMorphOn: attr) openInWindow.

However the problem with this is, that the declaredType is presented
as TextField, which is not very useful.

So I'm kind of lost...

basically what I want to do is to have a MAContainer that contains
both the Attribute's name and #declaredType's name.

Is this possible?


Re: [Pharo-users] DesktopManager in Pharo 5 - Video

2015-09-21 Thread Tudor Girba
The Spotter integration is really cool.


On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Torsten Bergmann  wrote:



"Every thing has its own flow"

Re: [Pharo-users] Adding a #development version of a Git project in the catalog

2015-09-21 Thread Dale Henrichs

On 09/21/2015 06:31 AM, Damien Cassou wrote:

Yuriy Tymchuk  writes:

Can you simply define symbolic version as a normal one?

when I tried I got an error message. Metacello was trying to parse
'development' as a semantic version number
You can implement #versionNumberClass in your configuration or baseline 
to switch version number parser to MetacelloVersionNumber which is less 

^ MetacelloVersionNumber

Re: [Pharo-users] Adding a #development version of a Git project in the catalog

2015-09-21 Thread Damien Cassou

Yuriy Tymchuk  writes:

> Can you simply define symbolic version as a normal one?

when I tried I got an error message. Metacello was trying to parse
'development' as a semantic version number.

> I think that you need a baseline with a code of your symbolic version,
> then you reference this baseline with the #development version and in
> v1_0_0 you override repository to “…pharo-jenkins:v1.0.0/src”. I think
> that for me that was the main reason why I was doing pre-release.
> Because you cannot define any changes in symbolic versions, my
> baseline is a separate class, and ‘ConfigurationOf’ requires semantic
> versioning.

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

[Pharo-users] DesktopManager in Pharo 5 - Video

2015-09-21 Thread Torsten Bergmann

Re: [Pharo-users] DesktopManager in Pharo 5 - Video

2015-09-21 Thread Alexandre Bergel


> On Sep 21, 2015, at 11:15 AM, Tudor Girba  wrote:
> The Spotter integration is really cool.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Torsten Bergmann  wrote:
> -- 
> "Every thing has its own flow"

Alexandre Bergel

Re: [Pharo-users] Zn / Connection closed while waiting for data

2015-09-21 Thread Andrei Chis
When executing " '' asUrl
retrieveContents " on the same machine I also get a "Connection closed
while waiting for data" depending on what network I am.

On the current network, which is behind a proxy server, the following
script fails with "Connection closed while waiting for data"

ZnClient new
url: '';

However, this script works:

ZnClient new
url: '';

So adding #beOneShot on some networks that are behind proxies, fails the

Tested on:
Latest update: #50334
current stable vm
os x yosemite 10.10.3


On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 9:20 AM, Volkert 

> On 20.09.2015 17:13, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>> On 20 Sep 2015, at 14:47, Volkert 
>>> wrote:
>>> here mine. is the same version
>> Then I (currently) am out of ideas.
>> I am assuming you did all your tests from machines with the same network
>> connection, maybe you could try from another place, or from some server
>> locate somewhere else ?
> I have test it from an other place with the same machine and it works 
> strange.
> $ ./pharo --version
>>> 3.9-7 #1 Thu Apr  2 00:51:45 CEST 2015 gcc 4.6.3 [Production ITHB VM]
>>> NBCoInterpreter NativeBoost-CogPlugin-EstebanLorenzano.21 uuid:
>>> 4d9b9bdf-2dfa-4c0b-99eb-5b110dadc697 Apr  2 2015
>>> NBCogit NativeBoost-CogPlugin-EstebanLorenzano.21 uuid:
>>> 4d9b9bdf-2dfa-4c0b-99eb-5b110dadc697 Apr  2 2015
>>> Commit:
>>> 32d18ba0f2db9bee7f3bdbf16bdb24fe4801cfc5 Date: 2015-03-24 11:08:14 +0100
>>> By: Esteban Lorenzano  Jenkins build #14904
>>> Linux pharo-linux 3.2.0-31-generic-pae #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 7 16:39:45
>>> UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
>>> plugin path: /home/volkert/Pharo/latest/pharo-vm/ [default:
>>> /home/volkert/Pharo/latest/pharo
>>> On 20.09.2015 14:03, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
 I am not sure we have to go that deep (yet).

 It is a public URL/site, we access it with the same client software
 (standard 4.0 with the included Zn), it works for most/everyone, on
 multiple platforms, but not for Volkert.

 Maybe a VM difference ?

 Mine on Ubuntu was

 $ ./pharo/bin/pharo --version
 3.9-7 #1 Thu Apr  2 00:51:45 CEST 2015 gcc 4.6.3 [Production ITHB VM]
 NBCoInterpreter NativeBoost-CogPlugin-EstebanLorenzano.21 uuid:
 4d9b9bdf-2dfa-4c0b-99eb-5b110dadc697 Apr  2 2015
 NBCogit NativeBoost-CogPlugin-EstebanLorenzano.21 uuid:
 4d9b9bdf-2dfa-4c0b-99eb-5b110dadc697 Apr  2 2015 Commit:
 32d18ba0f2db9bee7f3bdbf16bdb24fe4801cfc5 Date: 2015-03-24 11:08:14 +0100
 By: Esteban Lorenzano  Jenkins build #14904
 Linux pharo-linux 3.2.0-31-generic-pae #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 7
 16:39:45 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
 plugin path: /home/t3/pharo/bin/pharo-vm/ [default:

 On 20 Sep 2015, at 13:53, Ben Coman  wrote:
> You might also try tcpflow
> cheers -ben
> On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 7:43 PM, Ben Coman 
> wrote:
>> Maybe something shows up comparing telnet tests [1]...
>> $ telnet 80
>> GET /zn/numbers.txt HTTP/1.1
>> Host:
>> $ telnet 80
>> GET /mbostock/raw/4063318/dji.csv HTTP/1.1
>> Host:
>> btw, what user-agent does Zinc use?
>> [1]
>> cheers -ben
>> On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 6:22 PM, Volkert
>>  wrote:
>>> same behavior ... :-(
>>> On 20.09.2015 11:55, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
 The response is chunked, but that should be no problem.

 You could try the following:

 ZnDefaultCharacterEncoder value: ZnNullEncoder new during: [
 '' asUrl
 retrieveContents ].

 On 20 Sep 2015, at 11:37, Volkert 
> wrote:
> No
> On 20.09.2015 11:20, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>> Any proxying involved ?
>> On 20 Sep 2015, at 11:16, Volkert <
>>> wrote:
>>> $ cat /etc/issue
>>> Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS \n \l
>>> $ uname -a
>>> Linux jupiter 

Re: [Pharo-users] Depending on something already in the image

2015-09-21 Thread Tudor Girba

GTInspector is well done :).

If you only want what is in Pharo, you depend on GTInspectorCore.


On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 8:58 AM, stepharo  wrote:

> This is because the configurationOfGTInspector is not well done (it
> probably uses groups) but groups are evil :)
> May be damien you should depend on one of the group of GTInspector (if
> any).
> Normally we should getting Unit GTInspectorCore and a bundle GTInspector
> that may use by people to load
> everything.
> Le 21/9/15 05:17, Damien Cassou a écrit :
> Hi,
>> my project depends on GTSpotter and GTInspector which are already in
>> Pharo. How do I describe these dependencies in my ConfigurationOf so
>> that Metacello does no load them? I did
>>  spec
>>  configuration: 'GTInspector'
>>  with:
>>[ spec
>>  version: #stable;
>>  repository:
>>  '' ]
>> but Metacello loaded many things (including Roassal2)


"Every thing has its own flow"

Re: [Pharo-users] Zn / Connection closed while waiting for data

2015-09-21 Thread Sven Van Caekenberghe

> On 21 Sep 2015, at 11:45, Andrei Chis  wrote:
> So adding #beOneShot on some networks that are behind proxies, fails the 
> request.

Well, I was already afraid that (possibly transparent) proxies were involved.

The problem is, it is simply impossible for me to debug this remotely.

One things that you could try is switching the socket stream implementation 
used by Zn,

  ZnNetworkingUtils default socketStreamClass: SocketStream.

to no longer use ZdcSocketStream.


PS: Note that this is global setting

Re: [Pharo-users] A keyboard controlled code editor, how difficult would that be?

2015-09-21 Thread
On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 9:32 PM, Peter Uhnák  wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 9:05 PM, Andrew Glynn  wrote:
> > I'm not sure that those developers will ever be happy with Smallltalk.
> > Unless you can do everything in VI and compile on the command line, they
> > feel there's something wrong.
> Perhaps you need to widen your perspective.
> Just because there are fundamentalists on one side doesn't mean that
> you have to became fundamentalist on the other side to balance it
> out...
> Pharo is full of shortcuts, because they are very useful. (And if you
> are not using them you are only hurting yourself.)
> The point is not to take everything to extreme, but to see what's
> valuable and explore.

The main issue is that the shortcuts aren't consistent across platforms (or
sometimes just conflict or do not work).
Like in Pharo 5/Windows, some things are okay with Ctl-key, and not Alt-key
(they were in the past). And some Alt-key works in specific contexts.
Or in Linux, some things are giving problems.

I like the new $r command | $r control | ... scheme. Much cleaner. What is
not nice is that GTInspector isn't picking up the new combos as it displays
the KM class and not the shortcut.

Back to keyboard, the TilingWindowManager (working back on that atm) has
I am a vim and tmux user, and Ctl-W hjkl is really useful, as is
Ctl-PgUp/PgDown, Or Ctl-z etc.
One of the features I am going to add is that Ctl-W hjkl window selection
as it is too good to pass.

I am mousing a lot in Pharo (even if I know about the shortcuts). It is
nice to be able to search around by point and click.

Now, we need to rationalize some wordings, especially "Users of X",
"References to X". Confuses people.

With such keyboard movements, the desktop manager, a good TWM, and spotter,
that's a great thing. Playground needs to be integrated closer with
spotter. I want to launch a playground from there, using what I typed as a
command (yes, I know there were discussions for/against that one. Still, I
find myself retyping into Playground what  typed into Spotter. Frustrating.)

There is a lot of power in Pharo keybindings, we need to streamline this.
What an awesome tool we have here!

Excited by Pharo more than ever.


> Peter

Re: [Pharo-users] Problem Loading Roassal 2 development in Pharo 4

2015-09-21 Thread Johan Fabry

I understand the problem, but could you update the development version so that 
it loads the latest version that does work in Pharo 4? Switching to Pharo 5 is 
not an option for me right now, and I fear the stable version of Roassal2 is 
much too old to be useful for me.

> On Sep 21, 2015, at 16:38, Alexandre Bergel  wrote:
> Doru is right. Roassal2 depends on GT-Inspector to visualize views and the 
> example finding. 
> Currently, GT-Inspector does not load in Pharo 4. Apparently due to Rubric.
> Apparently, time is to move to Pharo 5.
> Alexandre
>> On Sep 21, 2015, at 4:25 PM, Tudor Girba  wrote:
>> I do not think this is possible. The development of Roassal2 happens in 
>> Pharo 5.
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 9:15 PM, Johan Fabry  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I cannot load Roassal2 development in Pharo 4, it’s missing the 
>> GTExampleFinder class (full message below). I can proceed through and still 
>> get a reasonably working version though (I guess without some examples, have 
>> not tried it as I don’t need them)
>> Would it be possible to fix the development version so that it loads in 
>> Pharo 4?
>> This package depends on the following classes:
>>  GTExampleFinder
>> You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these 
>> definitions:
>>  RTExampleFinder
>>  gtExampleInstance
>>  class:selector:method:to:
>>  newExample
>> ---> Save our in-boxes! <---
>> Johan Fabry   -
>> PLEIAD and RyCh labs  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of 
>> Chile
>> -- 
>> "Every thing has its own flow"
> -- 
> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
> Alexandre Bergel
> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.

---> Save our in-boxes! <---

Johan Fabry   -
PLEIAD and RyCh labs  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of 

Re: [Pharo-users] Problem Loading Roassal 2 development in Pharo 4

2015-09-21 Thread Tudor Girba
I do not think this is possible. The development of Roassal2 happens in
Pharo 5.


On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 9:15 PM, Johan Fabry  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I cannot load Roassal2 development in Pharo 4, it’s missing the
> GTExampleFinder class (full message below). I can proceed through and still
> get a reasonably working version though (I guess without some examples,
> have not tried it as I don’t need them)
> Would it be possible to fix the development version so that it loads in
> Pharo 4?
> This package depends on the following classes:
>   GTExampleFinder
> You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these
> definitions:
>   RTExampleFinder
>   gtExampleInstance
>   class:selector:method:to:
>   newExample
> ---> Save our in-boxes! <---
> Johan Fabry   -
> PLEIAD and RyCh labs  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University
> of Chile


"Every thing has its own flow"

[Pharo-users] How to read the first line of content from a Playground?

2015-09-21 Thread
In the old workspace it was possible to ask for the first line of contents
(to show it in a list).

With a playground it seems harder... Lots of entries in there.

Is there any short way to get that done?


Re: [Pharo-users] Depending on something already in the image

2015-09-21 Thread Damien Cassou

Stephan Eggermont  writes:

> Groups might be evil, but many configurations is worse :)
> You are depending on the wrong configurations. In Pharo 5
> you need to depend on ConfigurationOfGTSpotter and 
> ConfigurationOfGTInspectorCore

thank you.

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

Re: [Pharo-users] Problem Loading Roassal 2 development in Pharo 4

2015-09-21 Thread Stephan Eggermont

On 21-09-15 21:15, Johan Fabry wrote:

Hi all,

I cannot load Roassal2 development in Pharo 4, it’s missing the GTExampleFinder 
class (full message below). I can proceed through and still get a reasonably 
working version though (I guess without some examples, have not tried it as I 
don’t need them)

Would it be possible to fix the development version so that it loads in Pharo 4?

This package depends on the following classes:
You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these 

In pharo-dev I wrote:

Can anyone explain ConfigurationOfRoassal2?
Where does that work?

stable: spec

spec for: #'common' version: '1.11'.
spec for: #'pharo4.x' version: '1.13'.
spec for: #'pharo3.x' version: '1.6'.

development: spec

spec for: #'common' version: '1.4-baseline'.
spec for: #'pharo4.x' version: '1.5-baseline'.

Re: [Pharo-users] A keyboard controlled code editor, how difficult would that be?

2015-09-21 Thread Peter Uhnák
On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 8:57 PM, Stephan Eggermont  wrote:
> When experienced (non-smalltalk) developers come to Pharo, they often
> complain about the (perceived) lack of keyboard control. Spotter has made it
> easy to open new browsers and inspectors, but navigating between all the
> open windows is still mostly done with the mouse.

At least in Nautilus the problem is more related to inability to break
focus out of code pane... because the shortcuts are there, but can't
be used when the focus is on code pane.

> What would happen if we create an state-full interface, showing code as
> cards, and explicitly switch between navigating and editing?
> Drag some methods to the code panel, click on it and start editing.
> Esc switches between navigation and editing, when navigating switches enter
> between the collapsed and expanded view of a card. The arrow keys select
> other cards, and using shift a card can be moved.

This is really cool. Because even on my 24" screen I can comfortably
have only couple (4) of system browser opened at once (and I am
interested only in the method).

It would be interesting to integrate it with MessageBrowser and
Spotter, so I could (with shift+enter or something) open your card
instead of Nautilus.
For example I have scoped view of my package and I ctrl+b+n on a
selector and it opens cards with the senders.


Re: [Pharo-users] A keyboard controlled code editor, how difficult would that be?

2015-09-21 Thread Thierry Goubier

Le 21/09/2015 20:57, Stephan Eggermont a écrit :

When experienced (non-smalltalk) developers come to Pharo, they often
complain about the (perceived) lack of keyboard control. Spotter has
made it easy to open new browsers and inspectors, but navigating between
all the open windows is still mostly done with the mouse.

What would happen if we create an state-full interface, showing code as
cards, and explicitly switch between navigating and editing?

Drag some methods to the code panel, click on it and start editing.
Esc switches between navigation and editing, when navigating switches
enter between the collapsed and expanded view of a card. The arrow keys
select other cards, and using shift a card can be moved.

Interesting. Shows a different side of the code as well, not only 
keyboard navigation, IMO.


How much code do we need for that? Well, the prototype fits in 6 columns
on an UHD screen.

Gofer it
   smalltalkhubUser: 'StephanEggermont' project: 'Documentation';
   configurationOf: 'NewUI';

CodePanel new openInWindowLabeled: 'CodePanel'

What needs fixing: navigating over empty columns.


Re: [Pharo-users] A keyboard controlled code editor, how difficult would that be?

2015-09-21 Thread Peter Uhnák
On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 9:05 PM, Andrew Glynn  wrote:
> I'm not sure that those developers will ever be happy with Smallltalk.
> Unless you can do everything in VI and compile on the command line, they
> feel there's something wrong.

Perhaps you need to widen your perspective.
Just because there are fundamentalists on one side doesn't mean that
you have to became fundamentalist on the other side to balance it

Pharo is full of shortcuts, because they are very useful. (And if you
are not using them you are only hurting yourself.)
The point is not to take everything to extreme, but to see what's
valuable and explore.


Re: [Pharo-users] Problem Loading Roassal 2 development in Pharo 4

2015-09-21 Thread Peter Uhnák
> I do not think this is possible. The development of Roassal2 happens in Pharo 
> 5.

It's missing GTExampleFinder even in Pharo5, because the development
happens in Moose ;)
(Unless Pharo 5 has been updated in the meantime and the problem fixed itself.)

In any case, this just breaks Roassal examples, so if you continue
with the installation it should work (in theory).


Re: [Pharo-users] Problem Loading Roassal 2 development in Pharo 4

2015-09-21 Thread Alexandre Bergel
Doru is right. Roassal2 depends on GT-Inspector to visualize views and the 
example finding. 
Currently, GT-Inspector does not load in Pharo 4. Apparently due to Rubric.

Apparently, time is to move to Pharo 5.


> On Sep 21, 2015, at 4:25 PM, Tudor Girba  wrote:
> I do not think this is possible. The development of Roassal2 happens in Pharo 
> 5.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 9:15 PM, Johan Fabry  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I cannot load Roassal2 development in Pharo 4, it’s missing the 
> GTExampleFinder class (full message below). I can proceed through and still 
> get a reasonably working version though (I guess without some examples, have 
> not tried it as I don’t need them)
> Would it be possible to fix the development version so that it loads in Pharo 
> 4?
> This package depends on the following classes:
>   GTExampleFinder
> You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these 
> definitions:
>   RTExampleFinder
>   gtExampleInstance
>   class:selector:method:to:
>   newExample
> ---> Save our in-boxes! <---
> Johan Fabry   -
> PLEIAD and RyCh labs  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of 
> Chile
> -- 
> "Every thing has its own flow"

Alexandre Bergel

Re: [Pharo-users] Adding a #development version of a Git project in the catalog

2015-09-21 Thread Dale Henrichs

On 09/21/2015 10:46 AM, Dale Henrichs wrote:

On 09/21/2015 06:31 AM, Damien Cassou wrote:

Yuriy Tymchuk  writes:

Can you simply define symbolic version as a normal one?

when I tried I got an error message. Metacello was trying to parse
'development' as a semantic version number
You can implement #versionNumberClass in your configuration or 
baseline to switch version number parser to MetacelloVersionNumber 
which is less picky:)

^ MetacelloVersionNumber
So using MetacelloVersionNumber does look like you can define the 
following version:

versionDev: spec
for: #'common'
do: [
baseline: 'Jenkins'
  with: [ spec repository: 
'github://DamienCassou/pharo-jenkins:master/src' ];

import: 'Jenkins' ]

and then use a standard symbolic version definition:

development: spec
  spec for: #'common' version: 'dev'


[Pharo-users] A keyboard controlled code editor, how difficult would that be?

2015-09-21 Thread Stephan Eggermont
When experienced (non-smalltalk) developers come to Pharo, they often 
complain about the (perceived) lack of keyboard control. Spotter has 
made it easy to open new browsers and inspectors, but navigating between 
all the open windows is still mostly done with the mouse.

What would happen if we create an state-full interface, showing code as 
cards, and explicitly switch between navigating and editing?

Drag some methods to the code panel, click on it and start editing.
Esc switches between navigation and editing, when navigating switches 
enter between the collapsed and expanded view of a card. The arrow keys 
select other cards, and using shift a card can be moved.

How much code do we need for that? Well, the prototype fits in 6 columns 
on an UHD screen.

Gofer it
  smalltalkhubUser: 'StephanEggermont' project: 'Documentation';
  configurationOf: 'NewUI';

CodePanel new openInWindowLabeled: 'CodePanel'

What needs fixing: navigating over empty columns.


Re: [Pharo-users] A keyboard controlled code editor, how difficult would that be?

2015-09-21 Thread Alexandre Bergel

This is impressive!


> On Sep 21, 2015, at 3:57 PM, Stephan Eggermont  wrote:
> When experienced (non-smalltalk) developers come to Pharo, they often 
> complain about the (perceived) lack of keyboard control. Spotter has made it 
> easy to open new browsers and inspectors, but navigating between all the open 
> windows is still mostly done with the mouse.
> What would happen if we create an state-full interface, showing code as 
> cards, and explicitly switch between navigating and editing?
> Drag some methods to the code panel, click on it and start editing.
> Esc switches between navigation and editing, when navigating switches enter 
> between the collapsed and expanded view of a card. The arrow keys select 
> other cards, and using shift a card can be moved.
> How much code do we need for that? Well, the prototype fits in 6 columns on 
> an UHD screen.
> Gofer it
>  smalltalkhubUser: 'StephanEggermont' project: 'Documentation';
>  configurationOf: 'NewUI';
>  load.
> CodePanel new openInWindowLabeled: 'CodePanel'
> What needs fixing: navigating over empty columns.
> Stephan

Alexandre Bergel

[Pharo-users] Problem Loading Roassal 2 development in Pharo 4

2015-09-21 Thread Johan Fabry
Hi all,

I cannot load Roassal2 development in Pharo 4, it’s missing the GTExampleFinder 
class (full message below). I can proceed through and still get a reasonably 
working version though (I guess without some examples, have not tried it as I 
don’t need them)

Would it be possible to fix the development version so that it loads in Pharo 

This package depends on the following classes:
You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these 

---> Save our in-boxes! <---

Johan Fabry   -
PLEIAD and RyCh labs  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of 

Re: [Pharo-users] A keyboard controlled code editor, how difficult would that be?

2015-09-21 Thread Andrew Glynn
I'm not sure that those developers will ever be happy with Smallltalk.  Unless 
you can do everything in VI and compile on the command line, they feel there's 
something wrong.

On September 21, 2015 08:57:21 PM Stephan Eggermont wrote:
> When experienced (non-smalltalk) developers come to Pharo, they often
> complain about the (perceived) lack of keyboard control. Spotter has
> made it easy to open new browsers and inspectors, but navigating between
> all the open windows is still mostly done with the mouse.
> What would happen if we create an state-full interface, showing code as
> cards, and explicitly switch between navigating and editing?
> Drag some methods to the code panel, click on it and start editing.
> Esc switches between navigation and editing, when navigating switches
> enter between the collapsed and expanded view of a card. The arrow keys
> select other cards, and using shift a card can be moved.
> How much code do we need for that? Well, the prototype fits in 6 columns
> on an UHD screen.
> Gofer it
>smalltalkhubUser: 'StephanEggermont' project: 'Documentation';
>configurationOf: 'NewUI';
> CodePanel new openInWindowLabeled: 'CodePanel'
> What needs fixing: navigating over empty columns.
> Stephan

Re: [Pharo-users] How to read the first line of content from a Playground?

2015-09-21 Thread Esteban Lorenzano

> On 21 Sep 2015, at 21:54, wrote:
> In the old workspace it was possible to ask for the first line of contents 
> (to show it in a list).

the first line of contents of what? can you share a snippet so I can understand 
your problem?


> With a playground it seems harder... Lots of entries in there.
> Is there any short way to get that done?
> Phil

Re: [Pharo-users] Rectangle center rounding

2015-09-21 Thread Peter Uhnák
On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 11:07 PM, Alexandre Bergel
> Hi!
> Any program on that front?

There was no progress on this and I don't think that from our (me and
Jan) perspective this is even direction we should go.
(Jan is probably enjoying summer so I don't know when or even if he
will work on this.)

As far as I'm concerned I'm moving towards integer coordinates
(because it's nicer)
and trying to make things behave in Roassal...
... such as my work on RTDraggableSnapToGrid some time ago.

v := RTView new.

s := RTBox new size: 25; color: (Color blue alpha: 0.3).
es := s elementsOn: (1 to: 10).
v addAll: es.
RTGridLayout on: es.

es @ RTDraggableSnapToGrid.



Re: [Pharo-users] A keyboard controlled code editor, how difficult would that be?

2015-09-21 Thread Stephan Eggermont

On 21-09-15 21:05, Andrew Glynn wrote:

I'm not sure that those developers will ever be happy with Smallltalk.  Unless
you can do everything in VI and compile on the command line, they feel there's
something wrong.

To me the prototype confirms that we could create an interface that is 
mostly keyboard controlled and still makes reasonable use of the large 
amount of screen real estate that a modern desktop offers.

I was inspired by the old user interface of MindManager that supported 
editing and navigating a mindmap totally with the keyboard, switching 
between navigation and editing mode. On a large screen, we'll be able to 
provide enough hints on what keys do what, to make the interface 


[Pharo-users] Exploring Pier

2015-09-21 Thread Jimmie Houchin


I am interested in learning to use Pier. I browsed the mailing list to 
learn about current status and documentation. It seems to be pretty 
quiet on the mailing lists.

There seems to be some activity on Smalltalkhub on Pier3.

I am interested to see how well supported Pier is (is going to be).

And if Pier is still active in the community. Is there any current 
documentation and where?

Thanks for any help and opinions regarding Pier and its current and 
future situation.


Re: [Pharo-users] A keyboard controlled code editor, how difficult would that be?

2015-09-21 Thread Stephan Eggermont

On 21-09-15 21:25, Peter Uhnák wrote:

This is really cool. Because even on my 24" screen I can comfortably
have only couple (4) of system browser opened at once (and I am
interested only in the method).

The code card trick with expanded and compact view could easily be 
integrated in Nautilus.

It would be interesting to integrate it with MessageBrowser and
Spotter, so I could (with shift+enter or something) open your card
instead of Nautilus.
For example I have scoped view of my package and I ctrl+b+n on a
selector and it opens cards with the senders.

I'll need to think through the navigation one might want,i.e.
From the navigation point of a card (esc  out of editing),
- create a new card
- replace the current card
- delete the current card

When creating or replacing
- use spotter
- new package, class, or method
- senders or implementers
- playground



Re: [Pharo-users] Rectangle center rounding

2015-09-21 Thread Alexandre Bergel

Any program on that front? 


> On Jul 23, 2015, at 10:32 AM, Jan Blizničenko  wrote:
> As far as I looked, only two rounding methods are center and aboveCenter
> (which has no senders in my image by the way and I do not even see purpose
> of it)... all other (like leftCenter) are getting value from mentioned self
> center.
> So, the easiest way seems to subclass Rectangle and make something like
> Precise/Float/NotRounded/I'mNotVeryGoodAtNaming Rectangle
> which will have just these two methods different, so there will be also this
> PreciseRectangle which is not rounding down, but original one stays
> unchanged.
> However, the rounding seems to me like an extension/addition/subtype of
> general rectangle and I think that it should not be default behavior of
> something called just Rectangle, it should be more like Rectangle (not
> rounded) with subclass IntegerRectangle or something like that. I know,
> there are many senders right now which are dependent on the rounding, but I
> just think it should not be like that, or should it?
> Jan
> abergel wrote
>> Maybe we can introduce a new rectangle class.
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Alexandre Bergel

Re: [Pharo-users] A keyboard controlled code editor, how difficult would that be?

2015-09-21 Thread Stephan Eggermont

On 21-09-15 21:05, Alexandre Bergel wrote:


This is impressive!


Thanks. It is really nice to be able to try out some ideas that have 
been long at the back of my mind.
