RE: [PHP] transactions

2004-03-29 Thread Pablo Gosse
Matthew Oatham wrote:
 Is there an elegant way to recover from DB errors in MySQL using PHP,
 i.e. transactions and rolling back - basically I have an insert
 statement then an update statement. if the insert succeeds the update
 is run but if the update fails I want to undo the insert!   
 Any suggestions, I guess I could get the last inserted row id and
 perform an sql delete but is there a more elegant way? 

Though I know there are many people out there who cringe at the thought
of using DB abstraction layers, I really like ADOdb and it has very nice
transaction support built in (as long as the underlying database
supports it, obviously).

$commit = false;

$query = 'select col1, col2 from table 1';
$rs = $conn-Execute($query) ? true : false;

$commit = $rs ? true : false;

$query = 'insert into table1 (col1, col2) values (col1, col2)';
$commit = $commit == true  $conn-Execute($query) ? true : false;

$query = 'insert into table2 (col1, col2) values (col1, col2)';
$commit = $commit == true  $conn-Execute($query) ? true : false;

$query = 'insert intod table3 (col1, col2) values (col1, col2)';
$commit = $commit == true  $conn-Execute($query) ? true : false;

$commit == true ? $conn-BeginTrans() : $conn-RollbackTrans();

None of the above will be committed since there is a syntax error in the
third query.



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[PHP] DB Abstraction Layers

2004-03-29 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi folks.  Given the last response by Justin to my comment about some
people's dislike for DB abstraction layers I'm electing to throw this
out into the general discussion as a new topic.

I have mixed feelings about abstraction layers.  At times I love them
(mostly) and at times I hate them.  I posted a problem to a postgresql
forum recently where I was having a query return different results from
the command line and from within PHP, and it turned out to be a bug in
ADOdb's debugging code which was the problem, incorrectly reporting the
query which had just run ('%,123' is not the same as '%, 123' but it
will drive you insane! ;o).  I hated it for a brief time then ;o)

The link below points to a page which contains a message from someone in
response to my post looking for help solving the above problem, someone
whom I consider to be quite, quite knowledgeable about databases and
whose opinion I very much respect, so I think it deserves a read.  It
makes some interesting points:

Anybody care to throw their hat into the ring for a debate on the pros
and cons of using DB abstraction layers such as ADOdb (which I really
like) against Pear::DB and PHP's DBX functions, for example??



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RE: [PHP] the problem in if

2004-03-24 Thread Pablo Gosse
German wrote:
 the problem consists of which I must list all the tables of a data
 base under SQL server, but I do not have idea of like doing it... 

Quick and dirty way:

Download ADOdb ( and use their
MetaTables() method



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RE: [PHP] SQL Injection check (mysql)

2004-03-23 Thread Pablo Gosse
 The idea is exactly not to do any queries dynamically generated based
 on user input! In the rare cases where this is needed you should not
 allow any unparsed input.  

A RARE case, in the world of web applications??? Hardly!

I agree that in an optimal situation queries will not be based on user
input, but in the world of the web this is a pipe dream.  In 99.99% of
the cases there will be some dynamic element to a query.  The only
safeguard is to validate the hell out of the data.


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RE: [PHP] SQL Injection check (mysql)

2004-03-23 Thread Pablo Gosse
PG A RARE case, in the world of web applications??? Hardly!
PG I agree that in an optimal situation queries will not be based on
PG user input, but in the world of the web this is a pipe dream.  In
PG 99.99% of the cases there will be some dynamic element to a query. 
PG The only safeguard is to validate the hell out of the data.

 I don't know which web applications you develop, but the ones I have
 be developing the last 10 years all user interaction was done thrue
 forms where users where asked specific question, and the input to
 these specific questions where used as input in prepared statements.
 Eg. select tuple1.table1, tuple1.table2, tuple3.table1 from table1,
 table2 where tuple1.table1 = tuple1.table2 and tuple1.table1=? and
 tuple3.table3? and so forth.  
 In any case the users input where to be used in queries defined by
 the design of the application! 
 I think you have misunderstod the concepts of making queries based on
 user input. It is not the users who should create the query, all to
 should do is provide the input to narrow down the queries.  

I have not misunderstood the concepts of making queries based on user

I think the issue here is we all need to clarify what we're referring to
as user input, because ultimately we are all saying the same thing.

1)  Hard coding a query into an application is good, if the situation
permits it;

2)  Letting a user select (or enter) a value(s) to be used in a query is
good, as long as you validate the hell out of said value(s);

3)  Letting a user arbitrarily enter unvalidated value(s) to be used in
a query is very very stupid and very very bad, and done far too often.

In a broader scope I would here consider to be user input ANY input
which is not hard coded into the application, and any input which is not
hard coded should be thoroughly examined before being used.

I've not misunderstood the concept, we're all saying the same thing,
just in different ways.


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RE: [PHP] Can i get all content for list box in $_POST

2004-03-23 Thread Pablo Gosse
Sheeraz fazal wrote:
 Hi All,
 I have a list box in a page (html select tag with multiple
 selection option). Items are added dynamically in list box, using
 javascript. Can i get all elements of listbox in my php code.  
 If i do $_POST['select_tag_name']. I get a variable not an array.
 Thus getting only one item. 

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[PHP] Bogus headers returned by firewalls

2004-03-22 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi folks.  Has anyone out there ever had any issues with a user's
personal firewall munging up the HTTP_REFERER for a page?

I've got a mailer script which is accessed from a few domains within our
network of sites, and sometimes users have been getting an error which
informs them the script has been illegally accessed from outside of our
domain.  The error occurs when the string '' is not found in the

However, after adding some checking I've found that for users who
encounter this error when on a valid form, there is no HTTP_REFERER in
the $_SERVER array and instead there is an HTTP_WEFERER:


I've googled this and this was the most informative piece I came up

It seems from this post and the links to the norton site within it that
it is the firewall that is munging up the headers and that there is no
way for me to avoid this.

Am I mistaken in thinking this?  Does anyone out there have any
knowledge as to whether this can be dealt with?

Cheers and TIA,


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RE: [PHP] SQL Injection check (mysql)

2004-03-22 Thread Pablo Gosse
 The reason is security. A prepared statement cannot comprimize the
 security of our database because all sql-statements are precompiled
 in the DBMS. An example using pear:  
 $res =  DB:connect('mysql://someuser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/thedb');
 $sth = $res-prepare('select * from sometable where id  ?');
 As the example demonstrates the request is hardcoded which means it
 cannot be manipulated by any user supplied input. A beneficial side
 effect is that all characters which need exscaping is automatically
 handled by the DBMS. E.g the string O'leary would not cause any

Huh?  How does this accommodate for a dynamically generated query which
is based upon user input?

For example,

$query  = 'select, a.location, p.editable ';
$query .= 'from cms_pages p, cms_areas a ';
$query .= 'where p.p_id = '.$p_id.' and p.a_id = a.a_id';

In this query the value against which p_id is tested would have to be
supplied by the user and as such would not be hard coded as in your
example above.

It is validated and its type set before it is inserted into the query,
so how does what you state above deal with this?

Cheers and TIA.


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RE: [PHP] What is the best way to backup a MySQL Database

2004-03-22 Thread Pablo Gosse
Elliot J. Balanza wrote:
 I've been trying to use MySQL dump with a php query (since we dont
 have like a mysql_dump function) but it's not working. 
 Can anyone please point me to a page so i can read a method to backup
 MySQL databases to an .sql file using php? 

Why can't you use mysqldump?  If you don't have command-line access, how
are you managing your DB (I would assume PHPMyAdmin or MySQL-Front)?  I
haven't used any of the PHPMyAdmin or PHPPGAdmin (or MySQL-Front) for
some time now, but there should be a way to back up your database within

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RE: [PHP] Passing by conditional IF statement...why?

2004-03-22 Thread Pablo Gosse
Ryan A wrote:
 I have this simple code in my php script:
 * * * * *
 $res = mysql_query(SELECT product_id, now()-1 FROM .$tc._prods
 where cno=$cno AND product_id='$product_id' LIMIT 1); 
  $r = mysql_fetch_row($res);
  $product_id2   = $r[0];
  $th_pres= $r[1];
 echo debug echo;
  }else {echo No results, sorry;}
 * * * * *
 its working great when the data actually exists but when there are no
 matches it still executes the if($res) part instead of displaying
 No results, sorry. Why is that? or am I using the syntax wrong?  

You need to test the number of records being returned.

By just using if ($res) you're simply ensuring that it is returning a
valid resource.

It is, but it's just that the resource has zero rows.

Change the test such that it check the number of results to be = 1 and
it should work.


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RE: [PHP] Character Question

2004-03-12 Thread Pablo Gosse
David Westbrooks wrote:
 I have articles held in a MySQL database for a law firm. When I pull
 the information from the DB and display it, words like that's are
 shown as that\'s. To take care of this problem I have done this:
 $newsart = eregi_replace(\\\',', $newsart);   
 Is there a better way to handle this to catch all irregular
 Thank you for your help in advance.
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[PHP] Parsing large log files with PHP

2004-02-24 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi folks.  Has anyone encountered any problems parsing large log files
with PHP?

I've got a log file that's about 1.2 gig that I need to parse.

Can PHP handle this or am I better of breaking this down into 12 100mb
chunks and processing it?

Any advice is appreciated.


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RE: [PHP] Parsing large log files with PHP

2004-02-24 Thread Pablo Gosse
What kind of a log file are we talking here? regardless what processing 
you need to do generally working on a 1.2GB file with out RAID and/or 
lots of memory is going to be slow.

Pablo Gosse wrote:

Hi folks.  Has anyone encountered any problems parsing large log files
with PHP?

I've got a log file that's about 1.2 gig that I need to parse.

Can PHP handle this or am I better of breaking this down into 12 100mb
chunks and processing it?

It's an Apache log file.

I'm going to have to parse this file outside of the web server, probably
on my desktop machine.  It's a Dell Precision with 1GB RAM running RH9
with Apache and PHP 4.2.2.

If I can get the log file broken down into 100MB chunks I assume this
would not be a problem?

I've not attempted to deal with the file yet as I didn't know how PHP
would react to a 1.2 gig file, and I'm in the final stages of a very
important project and cannot afford any downtime.

I assume PHP can handle 100MB chunks without choking.

Cheers and TIA.


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RE: [PHP] Parsing large log files with PHP

2004-02-24 Thread Pablo Gosse
IMHO bad idea to use a web script to process log files of these size 
(please ignore this comment if you are using the command line version).

Yes, this will be a script run from the command line.

There are several good open source tools for parsing the apache log 
files (analog, webalizer, awstats to name a few). These are very fast 
and designed to handle large files that are generated by heavy traffic 
sites. You might want to look into it. Some of these log tools can 
produce a 'machine readable' as well.

I'm not actually looking for stats in this case.  We had a very strange
occurrence yesterday wherein we had a few reports of porn links
appearing on one of our websites.  So basically I'm going to be looking
for all log entries relating to that one specific section of our site
(which won't be a huge number) and then I will just need to take a look
through them and see if there's anything strange there.

finally 100MB chunks wouldn't be a problem. even 1.2gb wouldn't be a 
problem if you had raid and at least 512MB of memory.

That's good.  I'm going to be doing this from my workstation so RAID
isn't an option so I guess I'll use split to break the file into 100MB

Thanks for your help.


Pablo Gosse wrote:

What kind of a log file are we talking here? regardless what processing

you need to do generally working on a 1.2GB file with out RAID and/or 
lots of memory is going to be slow.

Pablo Gosse wrote:


Hi folks.  Has anyone encountered any problems parsing large log files
with PHP?

I've got a log file that's about 1.2 gig that I need to parse.

Can PHP handle this or am I better of breaking this down into 12 100mb
chunks and processing it?


It's an Apache log file.

I'm going to have to parse this file outside of the web server,
on my desktop machine.  It's a Dell Precision with 1GB RAM running RH9
with Apache and PHP 4.2.2.

If I can get the log file broken down into 100MB chunks I assume this
would not be a problem?

I've not attempted to deal with the file yet as I didn't know how PHP
would react to a 1.2 gig file, and I'm in the final stages of a very
important project and cannot afford any downtime.

I assume PHP can handle 100MB chunks without choking.

Cheers and TIA.



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RE: [PHP] date functions

2004-02-24 Thread Pablo Gosse
You might already be fed up with my posts but I'm a complete PHP newbie
and find these groups are the best way to learn! Anyway I have the
database date in the format: -mm-dd hh:mm:ss e.g. 2004-02-24
07:57:59 but when in some situations I only want to show the user the
date in the format dd-mm- what is the correct / best php function to
use for this purpose ?

strtotime() in conjunction with date()

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[PHP] running php through cron

2004-02-21 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi folks.  I've got a quick question about security when running a php
script through a cron job.

I've got a cron job set up that executes every minute and looks for idle
users and pending content within a cms.

I know that if I wanted to execute the script with an exec() call from
within another php script I would need to chmod +x it.

I don't seem to need to do this with a cron job, as I use the following
command in the cron job, 

php /home/pablo/cmsutil/CMS_monitor.php

and the permissions on CMS_monitor.php are as follows:

-rw-rw-r--1 pablopablo3636 Feb 21 00:48 CMS_monitor.php

My question is under these permissions could someone else with an
account on this server execute this file?  I'm pretty sure they couldn't
but my knowledge of Linux isn't yet as extensive as I would like it to
be so I can't say for sure.

Can someone verify or correct me on this?

Cheers and TIA.


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RE: [PHP] running php through cron

2004-02-21 Thread Pablo Gosse
 php /home/pablo/cmsutil/CMS_monitor.php
 and the permissions on CMS_monitor.php are as follows:
 -rw-rw-r--1 pablopablo3636 Feb 21 00:48
 My question is under these permissions could someone else with an
 account on this server execute this file?  I'm pretty sure they
 but my knowledge of Linux isn't yet as extensive as I would like it to
 be so I can't say for sure.

If the script can be read (the r permission) it can be run through the
php cli like you are doing in cron.  If the cron command you have is
running under your username, and the script does not need to be viewable
by the web server, you can set the permissions to 600, which would be
-rw---.  This will allow you as the user to read (as well as execute
through php) and write to the file and not let anyone else (besides root
of course) to do anything with it.  Technically, if an executable can be
read it can be executed.  If it's a binary it can be copied by a user
and the copy can be run, if it's a script it can be passed to an
interpreter and run.

Thanks for the replies.  Very helpful.  The crontab running is my own so
if I change the permission on the file as Adam mentions above I'll be
fine (please let me know if this is not the case!).

Thanks again.


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RE: [PHP] sending reply, the continuing

2004-02-20 Thread Pablo Gosse
Lucas Gonze wrote:
 I have a situation where I want to send a cached result back then
 recalculate the cache.  This is necessary because it takes a long time
 to generate a page.  Is there a way for me to return what the browser
 needs, then terminate the connection without stopping my script?
 Thanks in advance.
 - Lucas

If by terminate the connection you mean stop sending back information to
the browser, then perhaps you should look into output control functions:



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RE: [PHP] PHP or MSIE Problem?

2004-02-20 Thread Pablo Gosse
Beau Hartshorne wrote:

as you (6.0.2800.1106) (different product ID though), and can't 
reproduce the problem on any of my Linux webservers, or the one Win2k 
machine I have running PHP/Apache.  I also hit your URL with IE, and 
 The problem only occurs in the second form. Did you try that one too?

Yes, both worked fine.

I was only able to reproduce the error on the second form, and then only
if I DID NOT check the checkbox.  Any other combination of the elements
worked fine.



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RE: [PHP] How check if URL is running ok before try open it?

2004-02-19 Thread Pablo Gosse
snipHello, I decided to make a pre-URL caller into my script, so when
try link to another URL, instead show these annoying http errors (when
URL off), I could direct him to more user friendly environment.

I checked FOPEN($url-name,'R') command, but in some cases it will pop up
fire-walls alerts for users who uses firewalls, when FOPEN is executed.

I would like to try more silent tricks for this task, and appreciate any

Create custom error handling pages which you would specify in your
apache configuration.

In your conf file you would need to add something like:

ErrorDocument 403 /path/to/403.php
ErrorDocument 404 /path/to/404.php

wherever you define the configuration directives for the site in

Hope that helps.


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[PHP] PHP Kerberos examples/tutorials

2004-02-15 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi folks.  I'm wondering if anyone out there can point me in the
direction of a good tutorial/article on how to implement authentication
using Kerberos in a PHP application running on Apache 2.0.

I've googled and searched the lists but I can't find any tutorials or
articles which fully explain this.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Cheers and TIA,


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RE: [PHP] uploaded files are corrupted

2004-02-11 Thread Pablo Gosse
 I have a script that allows the user to browse his/her local hard
 a file and email it as an attachment.  Text files come through OK but
 binary type file, e.g., JPEG or PDF arrive broken.  JPEG will show as
 X in my browser and Adobe will complain about the PDF.  I don't know

I recently encountered this issue and as far as I can tell it has
nothing to do with PHP.  In my case it was caused by some arcane problem
which occurred when installing the os and software (Apache, PHP,
PostgreSQL, etc.) straight from a RedHat cd instead of downloading and
compiling the source files.

Everything worked fine except POST method uploads.  Whenever I attempted
to upload a file it would not upload properly, and if I was using a
textarea to post a large chunk of code to a page for processing the code
would also get mangled somewhere after clicking the submit button and
before it was accessible via the $_POST array in the receiving script.

The only thing I was able to surmise was that the problem had something
to do with the vanilla install (as my sysadmin described it) of
Apache, PHP and PostgreSQL.  When I moved the project I was working on
to its permanent home (an actual Dell server with everything compiled
properly from the source) the problem disappeared altogether.

I also tested it on a number of other production machines here and it
worked fine on all of them.

If possible I would suggest you take your code to another machine and
test it out there as I would wager that the problem is within your
system, not your code or PHP settings.

I know this isn't an answer per se but I hope that is of some use and
will save wasted time in trying to figure out the problem.


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[PHP] problem identifying $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']

2004-02-05 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi all.  I've got a simple mailer script that I wrote a few years ago
that has been acting up over the past week.

The problem is with the following check I perform at the very top of the

if (!stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], {
  die(You can't access this script outside of our domain.);

The mailer is located in my personal webspace on the server
and the calling forms are all located on

For some reason some people (apparently around 10 over the past week)
are getting this error from two particular forms, but I know for certain
that these forms are within our domain.

Does anyone know why this would be happening other than someone making
an illegal copy of the form and posting it on another domain (which I
doubt is the case)?

As I wrote earlier this script is about three years old, so at the time
I didn't code using the $_SERVER and $_POST vars and just refered to
them variable names explicitly.  However, the PHP version on the machine
hasn't changed for a long time (4.1.2) so I can't see why this would
suddenly start happening now.

To be safe I've just converted all the $_SERVER and $_POST vars in the
script to use these references, so I'll be interested to see if the
error goes away but I doubt it will.

I was debating writing a simple regular expression to use instead of the
stristr check but I don't really think it will make a difference as the
only way the stristr check will fail is if the string '' is NOT
found in the referring page.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this problem?  Short of
removing the check altogether I can't really see another way around it.

Cheers and thanks much in advance,


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[PHP] Problem setting include_path for virtual servers

2004-02-03 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi folks.  I have two virtual servers running under Apache.  I want each
to have a different include_path so I've set the following in each conf

For Domain 1:

IfModule mod_php4.c
  php_value include_path .:/u0/vservers/

For Domain 2

IfModule mod_php4.c
  php_value include_path .:/u0/vservers/

However when I call the following file under either domain:

echo get_include_path();

I get this:


which is obviously not right, and I know for certain that the daemon has
been restarted.

Can anyone tell me why this might be happening, or what I need to do to
get the different include paths to be recognized?

Cheers and TIA,


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[PHP] PCRE vs. POSIX-extended for regular expressions

2004-01-26 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi all.  Quick quesiton about PCRE vs. POSIX-extended regular

How much of a difference is there between these two types of regular
expressions.  I know I've read that PCRE is faster, but is it that much
of a difference?

A while ago I had to write a bunch of regular expression patterns for an
application and I wrote them using the POSIX-extended functions, but now
I'm debating converting them to their PCRE equivalents, because a) it
says they are often faster, and b) I want the experience in both.

Any thoughts on this?

Cheers and TIA,

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RE: [PHP] Migrating from SSI and Perl

2003-12-26 Thread Pablo Gosse
My site, at the moment, uses SSI to call a Perl browser-sniffing script.

I would like to:
1. use php to call the Perl script.
2. then save the values the Perl script outputs as php variables.

Can this be done? If so, how?

Hi, Philip.  If you are not 100% stuck on using a perl script to sniff
the browser, you might want to use Phpsniff, a class available on

I've used it in many of my applications with excellent results.


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[PHP] Pear install problem

2003-12-14 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi all.  I'm trying to install PHPDocumentor ( and I'm
getting an error when using the pear install feature.

I've got the necessary files stored in /home/phpDocumentor-1.2.2 but
when I run pear install /home/phpDocumentor-1.2.2/package.xml I get the
following error:

Invalid checksum : 44835 calculated, 0 expected

I've been looking around on google but I haven't been able to find much
of any use.

Can anyone give me an idea as to what's causing this and how to fix it?

Cheers and TIA,


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2003-12-14 Thread Pablo Gosse
Was wondering what everyone's favortie IDE is for
coding in PHP.  I've got a big PHP project in the
works.  I'll be doing alot with it and am looking for
ways to boost my productivity.


If you're willing to purchase a commercial product I'd highly recommend
Zend's IDE.  I've been working on a large PHP development project for a
little over a year now and switched to the Zend IDE about three months
ago and it has really increased my productivity.

My $0.02 CDN ($0.0151483 USD).


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RE: [PHP] (0t) SSH cp (copy help)

2003-12-11 Thread Pablo Gosse
I'm on a win2k pro machine and need to copy a modified httpd.conf file
to my
linux box,
I dont really know much about SSH and just learned a bit with my pals

I am able to navigate around the directories, get a directory listing
and unable to copy files from my harddisk for some reason

Hey Ryan.  I'd suggest going to and downloading
either the commercial evaluation version or non-commercial version.  It
has the standard SSH terminal, but it also features an SSH File Transfer
client which will allow you to do what you want.


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RE: [PHP] restrict access to multiple pages

2003-12-09 Thread Pablo Gosse
Kelly Hallman wrote:
 On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Chris W. Parker wrote:
 Ok so I am working on the admin sectin of the e-commerce app I'm
 writing and I'm hoping there's a better way to do what I am currently
 doing. In an effort to prevent circumvention of the login page I've
 placed a check at the beginning of each page that basically does the
 In the case that this is part of a larger application, as it seems to
 you probably should have an include that you are doing on each hit
 handles the user identity/authentication.. Not just for your admin
 but a general container for all the user-related functions.
 On that page Within that include, let's call it loguser.php, you
 could write functions such as require_admin() or require_login() ..
 then, call those functions on the pages that require the user to be
 an admin or be logged in. The functions would determine if the
 logged-in user had adequate permission, and redirect them if not.
 That way, you can control this behavior from a central location--you
 don't want to have to go through each page of your app and change a
 Kelly Hallman
 // Ultrafancy

What I've done for the CMS I've been working on for a while is I have a
base class which is the core of the application, and all modules in the
CMS extend from this base class.  Part of this base class is a
check_login() method, and I simply call this in the constructor of each
module to verify login and access privelidges.

This method first verifies a basic login, and assuming the login passes
it then checks the user's credentials against a list of credentials
which are necessary to access the different functionalities in each
module, and away we go.

If the login test fails, the session is destroyed and the user is sent
back to the login page.  Otherwise if they are attempting to access
functionality to which they don't have access they get notified of this,
else they proceed as normal.


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RE: [PHP] display settings

2003-12-09 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hartley, Matt wrote:
 I am sort of new at this, I am wondering if it is possible to find
 the display settings of the user I know that 
 ?php echo $_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT]; ?
 will give you
 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
 is there one that will recover the display settings of the user?

Hi Matt.  I'm not sure if this will do what you want or not, but it's
worth a look.  It's provides a plethora of browser info.


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RE: [PHP] restrict access to multiple pages

2003-12-09 Thread Pablo Gosse
Kelly Hallman wrote:
 On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Chris W. Parker wrote:
 Ok so I am working on the admin sectin of the e-commerce app I'm
 writing and I'm hoping there's a better way to do what I am currently
 doing. In an effort to prevent circumvention of the login page I've
 placed a check at the beginning of each page that basically does the
 In the case that this is part of a larger application, as it seems to
 you probably should have an include that you are doing on each hit
 handles the user identity/authentication.. Not just for your admin
 but a general container for all the user-related functions.
 On that page Within that include, let's call it loguser.php, you
 could write functions such as require_admin() or require_login() ..
 then, call those functions on the pages that require the user to be
 an admin or be logged in. The functions would determine if the
 logged-in user had adequate permission, and redirect them if not.
 That way, you can control this behavior from a central location--you
 don't want to have to go through each page of your app and change a
 Kelly Hallman
 // Ultrafancy

What I've done for the CMS I've been working on for a while is I have a
base class which is the core of the application, and all modules in the
CMS extend from this base class.  Part of this base class is a
check_login() method, and I simply call this in the constructor of each
module to verify login and access privelidges.

This method first verifies a basic login, and assuming the login passes
it then checks the user's credentials against a list of credentials
which are necessary to access the different functionalities in each
module, and away we go.

If the login test fails, the session is destroyed and the user is sent
back to the login page.  Otherwise if they are attempting to access
functionality to which they don't have access they get notified of this,
else they proceed as normal.


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[PHP] Persistence of session files

2003-12-06 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi all.  I'm wondering if anyone can tell me how long temporary session
files stay on the server after the session has ended if
session_destroy() is not called.

I'm curious as part of the CMS I've been writing for the past year is a
class which dynamically generates and validates all forms in the CMS.
This class relies heavily on sessions so I've implemented a method which
is called upon the execution of every page within the CMS, and which
checks for expired forms and deletes them from the session.

This is proving to be very effective in minimizing the overall size of
the session while still having the user work with very large amounts of
session data.  However if the user just closes the browser instead of
logging out the final cleanup isn't called and there can be some large
session files left on the server.

What I'm curious about is how long these last before they are somehow
deleted?  Is there some way I can control this?

Cheers and TIA,


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RE: [PHP] PHP on a Domino Web Server

2003-12-05 Thread Pablo Gosse
Jonathan Villa wrote:
 Where can I find information on installing/configuring PHP for Domino?

It's called Google man.  Use it and love it.

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RE: [PHP] Maximum execution time

2003-12-05 Thread Pablo Gosse
John J Foerch wrote:
  Is there some way to turn off maximum execution time? 
 Preferably within the script itself? Thanks, John 


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[PHP] sendmail vs smpt

2003-12-02 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi all.  I'm curious as to the performance difference between scripts
that use sendmail vs. smtp for their mailing abilities.


I use the following class for delivering emails, ,
and since I don't have sendmail running on my local machine I'm using
the smtp server of the university where I work to deliver my messages.
However, it seems to be a bit sluggish.


I'm going to run a test of switching the mail handler from smtp to
sendmail once the application is in its permanent home in a few weeks,
but for now does anyone have any opinions on this, and is there any
advantage to using one over the other?

Thanks in advance,


[PHP] Kerberos authentication with PHP

2003-12-01 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi all.  I'd like to use Kerberos to authenticate users and I'm looking
for a decent tutorial on how to accomplish this.  I've Googled this and
have searched the archives but I can't find any decent links which point
to useful tutorials.

Anyone have one they'd like to share?

Cheers and TIA,


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RE: [PHP] Excel Table download it

2003-11-24 Thread Pablo Gosse
Jay Blanchard wrote:
 I want generate an excel table  download it as a file (not view in
 IE), what HTML mimetype should i use? [/snip] 
 header(Content-Type:  application/;
 header(Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\excel.xls\);
 header(Expires: 0);
 header(Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0);

header(Content-type: application/octet-stream);
header(Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=yourfile.xls);
header(Pragma: no-cache);
header(Expires: 0);

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[PHP] different PHP configs for multiple sites on same machine

2003-11-24 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi all.  Is it possible to have different php.ini settings for different
sites running on the same server (Apache)?


What I want to do exactly is change the include_path on a per-site
basis, without having to call ini_set in each page.


I have the following:






And I would like to be able to run an individual php.ini file for each.


I'm pretty new to administering Apache so I'm just wondering if this Is




[PHP] Changing php directives inside apache config file

2003-11-24 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi all.  I'm trying to alter the include_path for three different sites
running on the same machine, and I do not want to use ini_set in each

Here's what I've set up for each virtual host inside my httpd.conf file:

VirtualHost ###.###.##.###
IfModule mod_php4.c
php_value include_path
DocumentRoot /path/to/
ErrorLog /path/to/
CustomLog logs/ common
ErrorDocument 403 /403.php
ErrorDocument 404 /404.php

However even after restarting apache the include_path is not being set

Can anyone give me any advice as to where I'm going wrong?

Cheers and TIA,

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RE: [PHP] Changing php directives inside apache config file

2003-11-24 Thread Pablo Gosse
There's really no reason to wrap the 'php_value' in the IfModule 
statement.  Other than the, the syntax looks good...I know it's supposed

to work in the httpd.conf, but I've never tested that...I've always done

it in a .htaccess in the document root for the virtual.

I'm pretty much a newbie to administering Apache so could you provide an

I've set my .htaccess file up like this, and placed it in the root of
the site:

php4_include_path .:/usr/local/lib/php:/path/to/

but I'm still not seeing the changes taking effect.

Any ideas?

Cheers and TIA.


-Original Message-
From: John Nichel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 3:02 PM
To: Pablo Gosse
Subject: Re: [PHP] Changing php directives inside apache config file

Pablo Gosse wrote:

 Hi all.  I'm trying to alter the include_path for three different
 running on the same machine, and I do not want to use ini_set in each
 Here's what I've set up for each virtual host inside my httpd.conf
 VirtualHost ###.###.##.###
 IfModule mod_php4.c
 php_value include_path
 DocumentRoot /path/to/
 ErrorLog /path/to/
 CustomLog logs/ common
 ErrorDocument 403 /403.php
 ErrorDocument 404 /404.php
 However even after restarting apache the include_path is not being set
 Can anyone give me any advice as to where I'm going wrong?
 Cheers and TIA,

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RE: [PHP] Re: IE 6 mangling posted code

2003-11-20 Thread Pablo Gosse
David Strencsev wrote:
 You may play with these functions:

Thanks for your help manu and david.  I'm going to attempt converting
the html characters and see if that works, but something also makes me
think this might be a server configuration issue.

The reason I say this is that I've run into this error on my machine,
but when I try it on our academic web server it works fine, and when I
ran a test on my system administrator's machine it worked fine as well.

Now, some time ago I ran into a problem with the uploading of images on
my machine, in that during the upload process the image was somehow
being mangled and the uploaded copy was always a few K larger than the
original, and no longer a valid file.  I ran the test on my system
administrator's machine and it was fine.

These two things make me think it's something in the way my server is
configured.  I'm pretty new to Linux, so I have absolutely no idea what
it might be and will be posting to some Linux and Apache forums to see
if I can pinpoint it.

In the meantime I will try converting the characters before they're
displayed in the textarea for editing and before they're submitted to
the db.

Thanks again guys.


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[PHP] IE 6 mangling posted code

2003-11-19 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi all.  I'm not sure if this is a browser issue, or a php issue, but
while I'm leaning more towards the side of browser I'm not really
certain and I'm interested to see if anyone has had problems similar to

I've got a form by which html code is being submitted to a database.
When I submit the form for some reason the code is being mangled.  About
the last half of the code is pasted at the end of the correct code, thus
rendering it useless.

Please view the text files via the links below to see what I mean.

The code as it should be submitted is here:

The code as it is received after being posted is here:

As you can see, everything from just after the onmouseout handler on
line 10 to the end of the code is being replicated at the end of the

Again, this happens immediately after the data is posted.

Does anyone have any ideas here?


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RE: [PHP] Arrays and performance

2003-11-18 Thread Pablo Gosse
Raditha Dissanayake wrote:

[snip]The biggest XML job i have handled with PHP is parsing the ODP RDF
dump which is around 700MB. Obviously arrays are out of the question in
such a scenario, even though only one user will be accessing the script
At a given moment. the ODP dump has a couple of million records[/snip]

What was your solution for this, Raditha?  How did you handle the
parsing of such a large job?


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RE: [PHP] Random Function

2003-11-14 Thread Pablo Gosse
Teren wrote:
 Anyways, it works fine if I put 0 in for 1 on line 9 where it
 uses the rand(), but it include 0 and I can't have 0.

Why not just change the following:

   if($ran == $sh) {
 $add = no;


   if($ran == $sh || $ran == 0) {
 $add = no;

That way you're testing for $ran to be 0, and if so then you do not add


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RE: [PHP] Multiple values in a form option field

2003-11-13 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Thursday, November 13, Jeff wrote:

[snip]What I now need to do is store not only the userID but the email
address as well.  Is there a way using a form to store 2 values using
one drop down box?  So basically I want to store the userID and the
Email address to a variable in the form so that both may be written to
fields in the database later.[/snip]

Hi Jeff.  For this you'll need to use javascript and hidden form fields.
I've had to do this in a few places in my CMS and it's not too

The Javascript will be something like this:

script type=text/javascript
// x is the select list in question
function setEmail(x)
var users = new Array();
$count = 0;
foreach ($users as $id=$user)
echo 'users['.$count.'] = '.$id.';';

for (i=0;ix.length;i++)
if (x.options[i].selected) hiddenidfield.value =

One thing to make sure of is that you are looping through your results
in the same order both when you create the javascript array inside the
function, and also when creating the select list. 

Then in your form have a hidden input as follows:

input type=hidden name=id

And for the select list, use the onchange attribute to set the value of
the hidden input field (onchange=setEmail(this);).

You'll obviously need to update hiddenidfield.value with the proper
reference to this input in the elements collection for this form.

I'm writing this off the top of my head, so if there are any problems
let me know.  It should be pretty close though as I had to do just what
you asked a few times recently.


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RE: [PHP] form action=?

2003-11-12 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Wednesday, November 12, 2003 8:23 AM Alan and Chris wrote:

--- Alan ---
 can I put a function_name() in the form action=... place holder?

--- Chris ---
 I think you can do this with JavaScript, yes.

What is it that you hope to achieve by using a function instead of a
url?  You could, as chris writes, use
action=Javascript:dosomething();, but that has almost an identical
effect as calling said function in the onsubmit event handler.

The only difference would be that if you use the onsubmit handler and
the function does not return false, the action parameter of the form
will be called after the function executes.


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RE: [PHP] Calendar

2003-11-12 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Wednesday, November 12, 2003 10:50 AM, Steve wrote:

 I am looking for a simple easy to edit php calendar program. Does
 know where I can find one?

Pear is always a good place to start:


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RE: [PHP] help create community newbie guide to security

2003-11-12 Thread Pablo Gosse
[snip] It might be best to not try and definitely declare what counts as
foreign data, because it's a sort of everything else type of thing. If
it doesn't originate within the PHP script itself, it is foreign.[/snip]

What about data from a database which is retrieved within the PHP
script? Would you consider this type of data to be internal (since it is
being accessed within php) or external (since the database is external
to php)?


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RE: [PHP] $HTTP_Referer

2003-11-06 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Thursday, November 06, 2003 10:31 AM, Josephin wrote:

xy.html ---form.html--formmailer.php

want the $HTTP_Referer or  HTTP_URI, file only, (of xy.html)
--to be forwarded to form.html,
--to be converted in a variable,
--which is passed on to formmailer.php, which will use it as subject.

Hi Josephin.

Simply use $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] to populate a hidden field in your


input type=hidden name=referrer value=?php echo


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RE: [PHP] Sessions within new windows

2003-11-06 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Thursday, November 06, 2003 5:51 AM, Donald wrote:

 I no one has mentioned getting it to work on Windows XP. That is what
 am using, Windows XP Professional. Maybe the problem is confined to
 Here is the EXACT IE version that I am using:


Hi Donald.  I just tried this in XP Professional on IE 6.0 and it worked
fine, both via a javascript function and a standard link with the target
set to _blank.

Anyone else have any idea why this would be happening?


-Original Message-
From: olinux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 12:48 AM
To: Pablo Gosse; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] Sessions within new windows

 If, as Chris wrote, this is indeed a feature/bug of
 IE, then it must be
 configurable somewhere, though I'm lost as to where
 that might be.
 Does anyone have any ideas how this could be
 controlled via IE's

I've experienced a similar problem on a php based
system I use. I don't know what their code looks like.
I think its an IE issue though - windows update always
fixes the problem for me. 


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RE: [PHP] Having trouble with Uploading Files to Server...

2003-11-05 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Wednesday, November 05, 2003 8:03 AM, Dimitri wrote:

 I'm trying to allow users to upload files to my server. I have the
 appropriate code (I think) but I'm getting this error message. Can
 tell me why, and how to fix this?

 ess.gif): failed to open stream: Permission denied in
 /home/unit-dir/public_html/members/updatehomepage.php on line 36
 Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/php9PUwlg' to
 '/home/unit-dir/public_html/members/memberpix/dimitrihomeless.gif' in
 /home/unit-dir/public_html/members/updatehomepage.php on line 36
 Couldn't upload first image

Hi Dimitri.  Check the permissions on the directories you're working
with.  The user which php runs as (usually apache or nobody) needs to be
able to write to the directories to which you are trying to upload the
files (both the temp directory and the final location).


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RE: [PHP] Sessions within new windows

2003-11-05 Thread Pablo Gosse
That's strange, as I've been writing a CMS over the past year which
requires the user to have IE 5.5 or newer, and I have no problems with
pop-ups accessing session values under IE 6.0.

Perhaps it's an issue of how you're invoking the new windows?

Are you using a normal link with target=_blank or are you using
Javascript to launch the new window?


-Original Message-
From: Chris Shiflett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 8:42 AM
To: Donald Tyler; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP] Sessions within new windows

--- Donald Tyler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a site that has a members section. In the news area, when a
 clicks the link for an article, it pops open a new window a requests
 article via a PHP script.
 What's happening is that when the new window pops up, the script isn't
 getting the session info properly.


 P.S. Its Internet Explorer 6 I am using.

This is a feature/bug of IE 6. It might be something you can configure
somewhere, but I avoid IE like the plague, so I'm not sure about that.

Every other browser, to my knowledge, will work properly.

Hope that helps.


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RE: [PHP] Sessions within new windows

2003-11-05 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hmm, that's strange.

I use Javascript functions to control the few pop-up windows in the CMS,
but I just went in and changed some to standard href tags with the
_blank for the target attribute, as you have, and it still works with no

If, as Chris wrote, this is indeed a feature/bug of IE, then it must be
configurable somewhere, though I'm lost as to where that might be.

I just tested it out on a number of systems around here, both on a
Windoze 2000 box and on a RedHat box using a Terminal Services
connection, and it worked fine for me.

Does anyone have any ideas how this could be controlled via IE's


-Original Message-
From: Donald Tyler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 11:48 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Sessions within new windows

I am using a normal link. Here is the exact html code:

a href=View_Article.php?ID={ID} target=_blankimg
src=../Images/view.gif width=22 height=22 border=0/a

-Original Message-
From: Pablo Gosse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 11:17 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Sessions within new windows

That's strange, as I've been writing a CMS over the past year which
requires the user to have IE 5.5 or newer, and I have no problems with
pop-ups accessing session values under IE 6.0.

Perhaps it's an issue of how you're invoking the new windows?

Are you using a normal link with target=_blank or are you using
Javascript to launch the new window?


-Original Message-
From: Chris Shiflett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 8:42 AM
To: Donald Tyler; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP] Sessions within new windows

--- Donald Tyler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a site that has a members section. In the news area, when a
 clicks the link for an article, it pops open a new window a requests
 article via a PHP script.
 What's happening is that when the new window pops up, the script isn't
 getting the session info properly.


 P.S. Its Internet Explorer 6 I am using.

This is a feature/bug of IE 6. It might be something you can configure
somewhere, but I avoid IE like the plague, so I'm not sure about that.

Every other browser, to my knowledge, will work properly.

Hope that helps.


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RE: [PHP] Sessions within new windows

2003-11-05 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Wednesday, November 05, 2003 12:38 PM, Chris wrote:

 I would also be interested in this, as well as some sort of
 of this behavior. It could be that the person who described this
 was wrong. :-)

I think Chris is correct in thinking that the person who started the
previous thread on this subject described the behavior incorrectly.
I've been developing web applications with PHP/PostgreSQL for a few
years now, and I've never been able to duplicate the behaviors described
in the original thread.

From my experience over the past few years, here's how IE works with
sessions and new windows.

If you open a web application in Internet Explorer and a session is
activated, opening a new window either via a JavaScript link, an href
with the target attribute set to _blank or by hitting ctrl-n will cause
the new window to inherit the session of the opener.

However, if you have a window open in which a session is activated and
you open a new IE window via a desktop shortcut (basically create a
separate instance of the browser) this window will NOT inherit the
session of the already active window.

I tried to replicate the behaviors described in the previous thread with
IE 5.5 and 6.0 running on Win2K boxes and on Linux boxes connected via
TSS, and was unsuccessful.

Anyone else have any ideas as to why this would be happening? It seems a
very strange behavior to me.


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[PHP] Input Validation of $_SESSION values

2003-11-05 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi all.  A quick question as an extension to the threads about input
validation over the past weeks.

It's obviously best practice to rigorously check and validate all input
coming via $_GET or $_POST, but what about $_SESSION values?

Without proper checking of $_GET and $_POST, it is very easy for someone
to exploit an application.  But what are the potentials of this
happening with session values?

As an example, in my CMS when the user logs in a number of session
variables are registered, including a user id, group id and clearance
level, all of which are used extensively in queries.

Throughout the CMS I use a custom function to validate any ids coming
from $_GET or $_POST, but are those which come from $_SESSION equally
dangerous?  It would seem to me that they wouldn't be quite as
dangerous, but I can't really say for sure.

For example, if someone is attempting to retrieve a specific content
block within the CMS for editing, the following query is executed:

$query  = 'select c.* from cms_content c, cms_access x ';
$query .= 'where x.status = 1 and x.c_id = c.c_id and ';
$query .= 'x.p_id = '.$p_id.' and c.p_id = '.$p_id.' ';
$query .= 'and x.u_id = '.$_SESSION['u_id'].' and ';
$query .= 'x.g_id = '.$_SESSION['g_id'].' ';
$query .= $_SESSION['clearance']  2 ? 'and (c.release  now() and
(c.expires is null or c.expires  now()) and ((c.begin_suspend is null
and c.end_suspend is null) or (now() not between c.begin_suspend and
c.end_suspend))) ' : '';

What are the implications of not validating the $_SESSION['u_id'],
$_SESSION['g_id'] and $_SESSION['clearance'] values?

In this query, for example, the last ternary statement checks if the
clearance value for the current session is less than 2, and if so the
content can only be accessed if the conditions run against the timestamp
fields for that specific record are valid.

However, if someone were somehow able to hijack the value of
$_SESSION['clearance'] and set it to 3 or 4, then this check would be

How big of an issue is this?  I'd be very interested in some opinions
from those with more experience on the security side of things.


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[PHP] REPOST TO FIX MANGLED QUERY - Input validation of $_SESSION values

2003-11-05 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi all.  Sorry for the repost but the query got seriously mangled in the
previous post.

A quick question as an extension to the threads about input validation
over the past weeks.

It's obviously best practice to rigorously check and validate all input
coming via $_GET or $_POST, but what about $_SESSION values?

Without proper checking of $_GET and $_POST, it is very easy for someone
to exploit an application.  But what are the potentials of this
happening with session values?

As an example, in my CMS when the user logs in a number of session
variables are registered, including a user id, group id and clearance
level, all of which are used extensively in queries.

Throughout the CMS I use a custom function to validate any ids coming
from $_GET or $_POST, but are those which come from $_SESSION equally
dangerous?  It would seem to me that they wouldn't be quite as
dangerous, but I can't really say for sure.

For example, if someone is attempting to retrieve a specific content
block within the CMS for editing, the following query is executed:

$query  = 'select c.* from cms_content c, cms_access x ';

$query .= 'where x.status = 1 and x.c_id = c.c_id and ';

$query .= 'x.p_id = '.$p_id.' and c.p_id = '.$p_id.' ';

$query .= 'and x.u_id = '.$_SESSION['u_id'].' and ';

$query .= 'x.g_id = '.$_SESSION['g_id'].' ';

$query .= $_SESSION['clearance']  2 ? 'and (c.release  now() and
(c.expires is null or c.expires  now()) and ((c.begin_suspend is null
and c.end_suspend is null) or (now() not between c.begin_suspend and
c.end_suspend))) ' : '';

What are the implications of not validating the $_SESSION['u_id'],
$_SESSION['g_id'] and $_SESSION['clearance'] values?

In this query, for example, the last ternary statement checks if the
clearance value for the current session is less than 2, and if so the
content can only be accessed if the conditions run against the timestamp
fields for that specific record are valid.

However, if someone were somehow able to hijack the value of
$_SESSION['clearance'] and set it to 3 or 4, then this check would be

How big of an issue is this?  I'd be very interested in some opinions
from those with more experience on the security side of things.


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RE: [PHP] Re: Input Validation of $_SESSION values

2003-11-05 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Wednesday, November 05, 2003 5:43 PM, Lang wrote:

1. Have register_globals set to off in your php.ini
2. Check the values before you put them in the session.
You should be ok.
ie. if you just go
$_SESSION['g_id'] = $_GET['g_id']
on one page, then you still have the same security risks as using just 

If you are slightly more paranoid then you have to look at the way
variables are stored between one page and another. If you are using
(the default), can someone else edit the files on your server? Even if
use a custom session handler to store session variables, the main

Can something else change the session variables, other than my php

If the answer is yes, then you need to do more checking.

Hi, Lang.  Thanks for the reply.  Currently I do have register_globals
turned off, and the session values are all set with values pulled from a
database.  The $_POST values passed to the query which retrieves this
info are validated using regular expressions.

I just checked the PHP session files and they're stored in /tmp and
owned by apache.  Should I change this to another directory and lock
down the directory to make this a little more secure?

As to your last point, can something else change the session vars other
than my php scripts, answers to that question are exactly what I'm
looking for.

In all honesty I don't know enough about how one would go about
attempting to hack the values of a session other than through hacking
into the session files, so if anyone has any input on this please pass
it along.


Pablo Gosse wrote:

 Hi all.  A quick question as an extension to the threads about input
 validation over the past weeks.
 It's obviously best practice to rigorously check and validate all
 coming via $_GET or $_POST, but what about $_SESSION values?
 Without proper checking of $_GET and $_POST, it is very easy for
 to exploit an application.  But what are the potentials of this
 happening with session values?
 As an example, in my CMS when the user logs in a number of session
 variables are registered, including a user id, group id and clearance
 level, all of which are used extensively in queries.
 Throughout the CMS I use a custom function to validate any ids coming
 from $_GET or $_POST, but are those which come from $_SESSION equally
 dangerous?  It would seem to me that they wouldn't be quite as
 dangerous, but I can't really say for sure.
 For example, if someone is attempting to retrieve a specific content
 block within the CMS for editing, the following query is executed:
 $query  = 'select c.* from cms_content c, cms_access x ';
 $query .= 'where x.status = 1 and x.c_id = c.c_id and ';
 $query .= 'x.p_id = '.$p_id.' and c.p_id = '.$p_id.' ';
 $query .= 'and x.u_id = '.$_SESSION['u_id'].' and ';
 $query .= 'x.g_id = '.$_SESSION['g_id'].' ';
 $query .= $_SESSION['clearance']  2 ? 'and (c.release  now() and
 (c.expires is null or c.expires  now()) and ((c.begin_suspend is null
 and c.end_suspend is null) or (now() not between c.begin_suspend and
 c.end_suspend))) ' : '';
 What are the implications of not validating the $_SESSION['u_id'],
 $_SESSION['g_id'] and $_SESSION['clearance'] values?
 In this query, for example, the last ternary statement checks if the
 clearance value for the current session is less than 2, and if so the
 content can only be accessed if the conditions run against the
 fields for that specific record are valid.
 However, if someone were somehow able to hijack the value of
 $_SESSION['clearance'] and set it to 3 or 4, then this check would be
 How big of an issue is this?  I'd be very interested in some opinions
 from those with more experience on the security side of things.

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RE: [PHP] hard(?) syntax problem

2003-11-04 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Tuesday, November 04, 2003 8:12 AM Adam wrote:

 I want to access a value of an array by key, but the array is not a
 variable - it is a constant.

 How do I do it?
 I tried
 $value = PL_ORT[$key];
 , but this doesn't work (parse error)...
 I even tried 
 $value = {PL_ORT[$key]};

Hi Adam.

As per the manual, constants may only evaluate to scalar values.  Are
you sure what you're trying to do is even possible here?

If you try to define a constant as an array, as follows:


the following error results:

Warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values in
c:\phpdev\www\constant.php on line 2.

The valid types for use within constants are:

- boolean
- integer
- floating-point number (float)
- string 


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RE: [PHP] Retrieving my domain name

2003-11-04 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Tuesday, November 04, 2003 8:35 AM Shaun wrote:

 I want to generate an email with a link in it that links back to the
 domain name I am sending it from. How can I do this in PHP?

$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] will return of the domain under which the script
is called.


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RE: [PHP] Handling checkboxes that aren't checked!!!

2003-11-04 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Tuesday, November 04, 2003 12:45 PM Kevin wrote:

 How can I test for it without getting an error if it is not checked??

Hey Kevin.  Use isset($var) to test if a var has been set.

So you would need:

If (isset($_POST['checkboxname'])  $_POST['checkboxname'] == 'on')
echo 'Selected';
echo 'Not selected';


-Original Message-
From: KB [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 12:45 PM
Subject: [PHP] Handling checkboxes that aren't checked!!!


I have a page with a Form and a Checkbox.

I have a second page which wants to do something depending on if the
checkbox is selected or not.
If its selected there is no problem.  But if I tryand do anything if it
isn't selected then it says the variable is 'undefined'.  How can I test
it without getting an error if it is not checked??  Or is there a way of
ensuring it is either on or off.

if ($want_it == TRUE {
echo Selected; }
else {
echo Not Selected;}

Will give an undefined eror if the checbox is not selected, but works if
is selected.

I have been tearing my hair (what is left) out over the past week and I
could really do with some help.


Thanks in advance


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RE: [PHP] text input truncated

2003-11-04 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Tuesday, November 04, 2003 3:28 PM Jay wrote:

 echo forminput type=test size=25 value=$xyz/form;
 The text box shows up with Hello NOT Hello World. How do I get the
 entire variable?

Hi Jay.

You need to wrap the value attribute in quotes, or else it'll truncate
at the first space.

echo forminput type=text size=25 value=\$xyz\/form;

Oh, and you'd also misspelled the type value text as test (which
incidentally shows up as a text input anyways, since that's the default.


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RE: [PHP]eventKey

2003-10-29 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Wednesday, October 29, 2003 8:04 AM David wrote:

 One of my friends wants to create a page that shows current time by
 pressing space key or enter key.
 What is the best way to do this with PHP?

PHP is a server-side technology, and what you want to do is on the
client side.  Your friend will need to use Javascript to accomplish

Try for a good javascript forum.


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RE: [PHP] Query explanation

2003-10-29 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Wednesday, October 29, 2003 8:20 AM Robb Kerr wrote:

 I am attempting to hack a tutorial from the Zend site. I have found
 tutorial/project to be excellent, but I don't completely understand
 being done in the following Query statement.
 //query database, assemble data for selectors 
 $Query = SELECT s.ID, s.Name, a.Code  . 
  FROM areacode a, state s  . 
  WHERE a.State = s.ID  . 
  ORDER BY s.Name, a.Code; 

Hey Rob.  In plain english, what this query is doing is the following:

Selecting ID, Name and Code from the areacode and state tables, where
the State in the areacode table is equal to the ID in the state table.

You are correct in assuming that the s in s.Name and the a in
a.Code reference the table from which these fields are retrieved.

So from this, the a following the areacode table and the s
following the state table are basically shortcuts for referring to
these tables, as per your assumption.  You could leave it just as FROM
areacode, state and  reference the fields as state.ID and
areacode.Code, but this is much more cumbersome.

Not sure I understand what you're asking when you refer to being unable
to find the ID, Name and Code variables initiated in the preceding code.
Can you elaborate on that a little?


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RE: [PHP] Possible query problem

2003-10-28 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Tuesday, October 28, 2003 8:50 AM Frank Tudor wrote:

 $query=SELECT payment FROM payment WHERE
dln='.$_POST[dln].' = payment.dln='.$_POST[dln].' and

Okay, there seem to be a few problems here.

The first issue is:


Using this means you are referencing a table which you've identified as
users, however there is no such table in your query.  If the password
field is part of the payment table, then you would reference it as

However if the password field is part of a users table, then you need to
perform a join here, as you will be attempting to get the data from two

The second issue is here:

WHERE dln='.$_POST[dln].' = payment.dln='.$_POST[dln]

You're first comparind dln to $_POST['dln'], and then to payment.dln and
then to $_POST['dln'] again.

What fields is it you're trying to compare?  Each where clause in sql
must be joined with an and, or, like, etc.

So perhaps you were trying for something like this:

WHERE dln = '.$_POST[dln].' and payment.dln = '.$_POST[dln]

However, if this were the case you're essentially asking the same thing

So, based on your query, I suspect you're trying for something like

$query = 'select payment from payment where dln = \''.$_POST['dln'].'\'
and password = \''.$_POST['password'].'\'';

However, this again assumes that the password and dln fields are in the
same table.  If they're in separate tables then you'll need to perform a

Hope this helps.


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RE: [PHP] URL Variables

2003-10-28 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Tuesday, October 28, 2003 8:57 AM Jed R. Brubaker wrote:

 Is there a way to preserve URL variables and have a link simply add a
 variable to the end?

 I am tabulating data and I have URL variables defining which dataset
 view and in what way to view it. I would now like to set the SQL
 up with a limit and add some Previous, Next commands, and even
 numbers, but how should I go about setting up the link so that the
 existing URL variables are preserved?

$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] will give you the referring url with all vars
attached, so then all you'll need to do is append your new vars to the
of this.


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RE: [PHP] revised query problem (sorry)

2003-10-28 Thread Pablo Gosse

$query=SELECT payment 
FROM payment 
WHERE payment.dln='.$_POST[dln].' 
= users.dln='.$_POST[dln].' 
and payment.payment='.$_POST[payment].';


$query=SELECT payment 
FROM payment 
WHERE payment.dln='.$_POST[dln].' 
and payment.payment='.$_POST[payment].';

See the difference?

-Original Message-
From: Frank Tudor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 9:09 AM
To: 1PHP
Subject: [PHP] revised query problem (sorry)

$query=SELECT payment 
FROM payment 
WHERE payment.dln='.$_POST[dln].' 
= users.dln='.$_POST[dln].' 
and payment.payment='.$_POST[payment].';

Will this work?


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RE: [PHP] Menu populated based on previous menu

2003-10-28 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi Robb.  This is exactly what you'll need to do.

Something like the following, assuming you're populating an array with
user information:

script type=text/javascript
var users = new Array();
$count = 0;
while (!$users-EOF))
echo 'users['.$count.'] = '.$users-fields['username'].chr(10);

The users array will now be populated with the usernames returned from
your query.


-Original Message-
From: Robb Kerr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Menu populated based on previous menu

I've found some JavaScripts that will do what I require. Here's the
question before I get to deeply into hacking the scripts...

Can you embed PhP in JavaScript. In other words, the Java requires that
arrays be filled. The entries into these arrays need to come from my
database which is accessed via PhP. 

In Java line...
new Array()

can I embed the PhP...
?php echo $database['field']; ?

Robb Kerr
Digital IGUANA

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RE: [PHP] php sessions

2003-10-28 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi Rob.  That seems perfectly logical.  I've written a Content
Management System which (when it's finished in a couple of months ;o)
run the website at the university where I work.

I can presently open an instance of the CMS in IE, login as admin, then
open a new window and request another instance of the CMS, and login as
a less-privelidged user.

I can then use these two separate instances and work as two individual
users in the CMS at the same time.


-Original Message-
From: Rob Adams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] php sessions

I will test it, because it seems I don't understand this issue as much
as I
could.  But I can already tell you results I see right now:

I open a web browser (IE) and login to my application.  I open another
window (IE) and goto the web application, and it asks me to login.  This
all on the same computer.  (As I've explained all this before.)  Now,
perhaps I don't know what I'm talking about, and this is a different
If so, I'm pretty sure you'll certainly try to set me straight.  If not,
then it certainly seems relevant to the discussion, and that my one
(IE) is sending two different requests from two different windows on the
same computer.

  -- Rob

Chris Shiflett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 --- Rob Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Test it yourself.

 With all due respect, it seems you should be doing the testing.

  Login to a PHP app using a standard browser and session cookies
  and see for yourself. I understand the philosophy of the web
  server only seeing what the client sends it, but it looks like my
  client (IE6, right here) does send different requests per instance.

 Then show us these requests and point out how they are different.
Otherwise, I
 have to assume you have no idea what you're talking about.


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RE: [PHP] php sessions

2003-10-28 Thread Pablo Gosse

On Tuesday, October 28, 2003 2:13 PM CPT John W. Holmes wrote:

 It may depend upon how you open the second window, too. Control-N may
 the same cookies whereas starting a whole new instance may not.

This is the case with IE.  If I'm in my CMS and ctrl-N to get a new
window, I can operate under both windows using the same session.  If I
open a new instance of IE and go to a page in the CMS beyond the login
screen, it boots me back to the login screen.


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RE: [PHP] Session Timeout

2003-10-28 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Tuesday, October 28, 2003 6:46 PM wrote:

 Hi there, i am experiencing a session timeout problem with one of my
 projects. One of the users had left their machine for less than 15
 maybe a bit more and it logged them out when posting data. This isnt
 as they lost their data. I was wondering how i can dynamically set the
 session timeout to try and prevent this.

Use ini_set() to alter the max lifetime of a session.


where n is the number of seconds you want to pass before the session is
expired.   Default is 1440.


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RE: [PHP] Shortening a String

2003-10-28 Thread Pablo Gosse

On Tuesday, October 28, 2003 6:53 PM Jason Williard wrote:

 I would like to display part of the output of a query.  In many cases,
 the string returned by this query exceeds 200 characters.  Is there a
 way to cut it off after 200 characters?  Even better, is there a way
 cut it off at the next space after 200 characters?

This should do what you want.
substr($str,0,strpos($str,' ',200));


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RE: [PHP] Re: function help simple redirect

2003-10-27 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Monday, October 27, 2003 11:26 AM, Frank Tudor wrote:

 This one worked (kinda)
 I have no more errors but it doesn't do the redirect (hmmm)??
 $payment = 1;
 function payment(){
 global $payment;
 if ($payment == 0){
 header ('Location: http://ftudor/test/test_page.html');
 elseif ($payment == 1) {
 header ('Location: http://ftudor/test/test_page2.html');

You need to add payment(); to your php code.

The function is defined, but it's not going to do anything until you
call it.


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RE: [PHP] php temp table question (for mysql)

2003-10-27 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Larry Brown wrote:
Does anyone know whether the use of persistent connections with php will
allow a temp table created by a script to linger around and cause a
with the next execution of the script when it tries to create the temp
again?  Also if it does present a problem with the next script execution
trying to create the temp table again, if I drop the temp table at the
of the script will I still have problems if the script is run by two
in tandem?  For instance two people connect, both hit the script at
the same time.  One script creates the temp table and before it can drop
table the second script tries to create the table.  Will it see the
created by the other script?  Again the use of persistent connections
be a the heart of this I would think.

Perhapds you could add a check at the beginning of the script to see if
the table exists, and if the table does not exist then you create it.
If it does exist, you use the existing table.


-Original Message-
From: Larry Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 1:24 PM
To: PHP List
Subject: [PHP] php temp table question (for mysql)

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RE: [PHP] Idea for new operator

2003-10-26 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Sunday, October 26, 2003 5:40 PM Al wrote:

 Is it just me, or would everybody else like to see a case-insensitive
 string comparison operator introduced into PHP?

You could use the strcasecmp() function as well:

$var1 = Hello;
$var2 = hello;
if (strcasecmp($var1, $var2) == 0) {
echo '$var1 is equal to $var2 in a case-insensitive string


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RE: [PHP] w3c-compliant form-action parameters

2003-10-24 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi, Timo.  Why can't use use hidden fields instead of appending the
values to the url?  It would be the same to access them via
$_GET['para1'] $_GET['para2] (unless you were using post as your method,
in which case it would simply be $_POST['varname']) if they were on the
url or in hidden fields.

Why can't you make this switch?

Also, have you tried using the % entity for ampersand (%26 if memory
serves me correct) instead of amp; or the literal ampersand?

So instead of mypage.php?para1=val1para2=val2 you would use


-Original Message-
From: Timo Boettcher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 9:59 AM
Subject: [PHP] w3c-compliant form-action parameters


  I am trying to get my pages through the w3c-validator for html.
  It doesn't like my
  FORM action=mypage.php?para1=val1para2=val2
  Changing  to amp; got my page through the validator, but broke my
  app, which seems not to be getting any parameters over URL anymore.
  How can I fix that?

  PS.: Moving that information from the URL to hidden fields or
  cookies/sessions is not an option.


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RE: [PHP] Post form variables to a frame

2003-10-24 Thread Pablo Gosse
On Friday, October 24, 2003 8:28 PM Luis Lebron wrote
 I tried that but it did not work.

Can you post the html code you used?

Setting form action=foo.php target=frame should do the trick.

This is very standard, so if it's not working that's very strange.

Post the code so we can take a look.


-Original Message-
From: Evan Nemerson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:14 PM
To: Luis Lebron; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP] Post form variables to a frame

On Friday 24 October 2003 06:08 pm, Luis Lebron wrote:
 How can I post a form to the left frame of a frameset. I want to have
 user submit a form that opens a frameset. The left frame contains the
 results of a query based on the posted parameters.

Try setting the target attribute of the form element to the name of the

 What I want to create is a master detail page. Let's say a person is
 looking for a particular car. They would fill out a form. When the
form is
 submitted a frameset shows up with thumbnails and some information on
 car on the left frame. When the person clicks on the thumbnail, a
 picture and more information shows up on the right hand frame.

 My only problem is getting the form variables to the left frame.



Evan Nemerson

...the whole idea of revenge and punishment is a childish daydream.
speaking, there is no such thing as revenge. Revenge is an act which you
to commit when you are powerless and because you are powerless: as soon
the sense of impotence is removed, the desire evaporates also. 

-George Orwell

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RE: [PHP] Images being uploaded in ASCII format

2003-10-23 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi Tom.

 make sure you have ENCTYPE=multipart/form-data in the form tag

Thanks for the tip, but that's not the problem.  My code is below, and
as you can see there is nothing in the code that would be causing this.
It has to be something in the server, and while there have been a few
posts to these lists about this problem, never a resolution for the

Here's the code:

function handleupload()
if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']))
$realname = $_FILES['userfile']['name'];
echo 'br /'.$realname.' uploaded/font';
echo 'br /'.$realname.'could not be
echo 'br /Possible file upload attack: filename
titleFile Upload/title
if (isset($_POST['method'])  $_POST['method'] == 'upload')
form ENCTYPE=multipart/form-data method=POST action=?php echo
input type=hidden name=method value=upload
File:input type=file name=userfile size=35
input type=submit value=upload name=submit

This is very standard code, yet the images are uploaded in ascii format.

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?  How can I for the http
uploads to auto-detect?  I've looked through the entire php.ini and
httpd.conf files and I can't seem to find anything, and as I mentioned
above none of the previous posts on this topic have been resolved.


Thanks much in advance,

Thursday, October 23, 2003, 4:05:13 AM, you wrote:
PG Hi all.  I'd like to take a brief sentence to introduce myself
PG My name is Pablo Gosse, and I've just recently joined the
PG list.  I've been using PHP since early 2000, and work as webmaster
PG at the University of Northern British Columbia.

PG I'm running into a problem with file uploads being handled in ascii
PG rather than binary format.

PG I've been writing a CMS for the past few months and the wysiwyg
PG we're integrating has a very nice image manager built in
PG (  However, the uploads are being transferred in
PG format instead of binary (or auto-detect) which is mangling all the
PG images.

PG I've done a lot of research into this but can't seem to pin down the
PG problem.  I've looked through both my php.ini and httpd.conf and
PG seem to find anything there that would remedy this problem.

PG Does anyone have any advice as to where I should be looking to fix
PG problem?

PG Thanks much in advance.

PG Cheers,
PG Pablo

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RE: [PHP] Images being uploaded in ASCII format

2003-10-23 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi Raditha.  Thanks very much for your reply.  I've not been having much
luck with this one.

This is how the images should appear:

And here is how they appear after being uploaded:

The results to me seem the same as if an image were FTPed in ascii mode
instead of binary mode (or auto-detect which would ultimately set the
mode to binary).

I just downloaded the XVI32 hex editor, but what should I be looking for
when I open the files and examine the contents?

Some other particulars to this situation:

I've tried uploading the same images through the demo site on the
company from which we purchased our editor ( and they
upload fine, making me certain it's a system setting on my system
causing the problem.

My system is as follows:

Dell Precision 340 Workstation
RedHat 9.0
Apache 2.0
PHP 4.2.2

Thanks with your help, Raditha.  Greatly appreciated.


-Original Message-
From: Raditha Dissanayake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Images being uploaded in ASCII format

Hi Pablo,

Could you explain what exactly you mean by transferred in ASCII mode? do

you find that cr/lf combinations are translated (there by corrupting 
your image) or some other corruption takes place?

Have you opened the files with a hex editor to see the contents? I am 
sorry if you have mentioned these before, i don't have the older 
messages in this thread.

Pablo Gosse wrote:

Hi Tom.


make sure you have ENCTYPE=multipart/form-data in the form tag

Thanks for the tip, but that's not the problem.  My code is below, and
as you can see there is nothing in the code that would be causing this.
It has to be something in the server, and while there have been a few
posts to these lists about this problem, never a resolution for the

Here's the code:

function handleupload()
   if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']))
   $realname = $_FILES['userfile']['name'];
   echo 'br /'.$realname.' uploaded/font';
   echo 'br /'.$realname.'could not be
   echo 'br /Possible file upload attack: filename
titleFile Upload/title
if (isset($_POST['method'])  $_POST['method'] == 'upload')
form ENCTYPE=multipart/form-data method=POST action=?php echo
input type=hidden name=method value=upload
File:input type=file name=userfile size=35
input type=submit value=upload name=submit

This is very standard code, yet the images are uploaded in ascii

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?  How can I for the
uploads to auto-detect?  I've looked through the entire php.ini and
httpd.conf files and I can't seem to find anything, and as I mentioned
above none of the previous posts on this topic have been resolved.


Thanks much in advance,

Thursday, October 23, 2003, 4:05:13 AM, you wrote:
PG Hi all.  I'd like to take a brief sentence to introduce myself
PG My name is Pablo Gosse, and I've just recently joined the
PG list.  I've been using PHP since early 2000, and work as webmaster
PG at the University of Northern British Columbia.

PG I'm running into a problem with file uploads being handled in ascii
PG rather than binary format.

PG I've been writing a CMS for the past few months and the wysiwyg
PG we're integrating has a very nice image manager built in
PG (  However, the uploads are being transferred in
PG format instead of binary (or auto-detect) which is mangling all the
PG images.

PG I've done a lot of research into this but can't seem to pin down
PG problem.  I've looked through both my php.ini and httpd.conf and
PG seem to find anything there that would remedy this problem.

PG Does anyone have any advice as to where I should be looking to fix
PG problem?

PG Thanks much in advance.

PG Cheers,
PG Pablo


Raditha Dissanayake.  |  http://www.raditha/megaupload/
Lean and mean Secure FTP applet with  |  Mega Upload - PHP file uploader
Graphical User Inteface. Just 150 KB  |  with progress bar.

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RE: [PHP] Images being uploaded in ASCII format

2003-10-23 Thread Pablo Gosse
Thanks Raditha.  At least now I know I've been looking in the wrong

I'll look forward to the perl script to see if it sheds any more light
on this situation.

I'm currently running Windoze, but when I boot to Linux later I'll try
Khexedit to see what I can come up with.


-Original Message-
From: Raditha Dissanayake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Images being uploaded in ASCII format

Hi Pablo

Pablo Gosse wrote:

Hi Raditha.  Thanks very much for your reply.  I've not been having
luck with this one.


This is how the images should appear:

And here is how they appear after being uploaded:

1.gif and 1_uploaded.gif differ by much as 4Kb in length! and the first 
difference occurs at byte number 1276. (I used cmp)

The results to me seem the same as if an image were FTPed in ascii mode
instead of binary mode (or auto-detect which would ultimately set the
mode to binary).

Though the output might look like that it's misleading because you are 
using HTTP post.  Unfortunately PHP does not allow access to raw POST 
data, else this can be debugged by looking at that data. I will mail you

(offlist) a small perl script that you can use to write out the POST to 
a temp file and may be help you get to the bottom of this.

I just downloaded the XVI32 hex editor, but what should I be looking
when I open the files and examine the contents?

Khexedit might be installed by default.

all the best

Raditha Dissanayake.  |  http://www.raditha/megaupload/
Lean and mean Secure FTP applet with  |  Mega Upload - PHP file uploader
Graphical User Inteface. Just 150 KB  |  with progress bar.

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RE: [PHP] PHP not remembering sessions

2003-10-23 Thread Pablo Gosse
Strange, because I just set up the code exactly as posted below, under
Win2K and Apache 2.0, and it worked fine.


-Original Message-
From: Golawala, Moiz M (IndSys, GE Interlogix)
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 1:11 PM
To: Daniel Guerrier; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] PHP not remembering sessions

It seems that there is a problem with the session management on
windows/apache. I was surfing the web to find an answer, and I noticed
that there are couple of other people who have the same problem. But
alas, there were no answers posted to this problem. So someone, please
help me if you know why this is happening.


-Original Message-
From: Daniel Guerrier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 4:04 PM
To: Golawala, Moiz M (IndSys, GE Interlogix); [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP not remembering sessions


instead of

--- Golawala, Moiz M (IndSys, GE Interlogix)
 Hi All, 
 I have a problem with PHP not remembering sessions.
 for example:
 in page1.php:
 ? session_start();
 $_SESSION[var] = Please help; ?
   form action=sessionTest2.php method=post
   input type=text name=loopCount size=21,
   input type=submit value=Submit/td   
 in page2.php
 ? session_start();
 echo $_SESSION[var];
 echo $_POST[loopCount];
 what I see above is only data for loopCount. I am
 not able to see the Please help on page2
 I noticed that 2 cookies were created one for each
 session start. When I opened one of the cookies, I
 noticed that the data Please help was in the
 session cookie. Somehow php thinks a session is not
 already created and starts a new session on
 my php.ini file has:
 register_globals = off
 session.use_cookies = 1
 session.use_only_cookies = 1
 session.auto_start = 0
 session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
 Please can someone help me. I am not sure what I am
 doing wrong? Maybe it is some configuration that is
 causing this issue. Any help appreciated.
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[PHP] Images being uploaded in ASCII format

2003-10-22 Thread Pablo Gosse
Hi all.  I'd like to take a brief sentence to introduce myself first.
My name is Pablo Gosse, and I've just recently joined the php-general
list.  I've been using PHP since early 2000, and work as webmaster
at the University of Northern British Columbia.

I'm running into a problem with file uploads being handled in ascii
rather than binary format.

I've been writing a CMS for the past few months and the wysiwyg editor
we're integrating has a very nice image manager built in
(  However, the uploads are being transferred in ascii
format instead of binary (or auto-detect) which is mangling all the

I've done a lot of research into this but can't seem to pin down the
problem.  I've looked through both my php.ini and httpd.conf and can't
seem to find anything there that would remedy this problem.

Does anyone have any advice as to where I should be looking to fix this

Thanks much in advance.


Pablo Gosse
University of Northern British Columbia

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RE: [PHP] link question

2003-10-22 Thread Pablo Gosse
a href=path/to/file.php?var=?php echo $val; ?link/a

And on the receiving page access var via $_GET['var']

Of course, how you actually append the value in question to your link
will depend on your own code.

I use ADOdb for all my db work, so for me it would be something like

echo 'table';
while (!$rs-EOF)
echo 'tr
tdmore table cells.../td
echo '/table';


-Original Message-
From: Davy Campano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 1:30 PM
Subject: [PHP] link question

I have a php page that makes a table from data in a mySQL database.
What I want to do is make the first entry in the table be a Unique key
that is a link, that when you click on this key it opens another page
with some more information.  Basically I am trying to figure out how to
pass this key from this page to the next.  Thanks for any help!

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