[PHP] Re: online editor

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

online editor? you got 1mb free? no? buy a floppy. install ultraedit, it's
the best editor around imho.


  Chris Lee

R. Lindeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 can someone help get a online editor


 R. Lindeman

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[PHP] Re: Passing through Array's to another script

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

foreach( $array_name as $pos = $val )
input type=hidden name='array_name[$pos]' value='$val'

or use sessions.


  Chris Lee

Gkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I want to pass through an array with content to another script. The array
 correctly filled with data. To do this I use the following code:
  FORM METHOD='post' ACTION='script.php?xtabel = ? print($xtabel); ?'

 The content of the array is not recognised in the script.php. What is the
 best way to do this?

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[PHP] Re: sessions

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

take a look at my session.egn file.



  Chris Lee

Anthony [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I need some help with sessions.  I read the sections in the manual and
 searched for tutorials, but I still can't get a straight forward example
 of how sessions work.  I need to pass variables to a page that will load
 in a new browser window.  I used session_register, but when I look in
 the $HTTP_SESSION_VARS, it doesn't exist.  I tried using start_session
 and still no luck.  Once I get the session vars registered, how do I
 access them.  I am able to pass the session id as a var, I'm going it
 like page.php?sid=$sid_var.  Is there a better way, do I need to do
 this at all?  I'm confused as hell and can't find a working example
 anywhere. Help!

 - Anthony

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[PHP] Re: Cookie Retrieval

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

I know this isnt answering your question, but skip cookies and goto
sessions, easier to work with.

now the answer to your question, you need to set the domain and path on your

setcookie('name', 'value', $exp, '/', $SERVER_NAME);


  Chris Lee

Steve Osborne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
001701c1829d$90a519a0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:001701c1829d$90a519a0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Can someone tell me if there is a bit of code I need to put on pages so I
 can retrieve a cookie.
 The cookie was set with the following code:

 //(D) Set Cookie
$encoded_login = encode_string($login);
if ( $remember == yes ){
 // set login to expire in 1000 days
 $time = (time() + ( 24 * 3600 * 365 ));
 SetCookie ( poccd_session, $encoded_login, $time);
 SetCookie ( poccd_session, $encoded_login );

 I am trying to retrieve it with the following code (for testing purposes
 only, right now):

  header(location: index.php);
  print(The cookie plan didn't work.);

 Any suggestions would be appreciated.

 Steve Osborne
 Database Programmer
 Chinook Multimedia Inc.

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[PHP] Re: php sessions limit

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

its irrelevant. now there is a file system dependancy. in linux is inodes,
not enough and you'll have some problems, win2k I dont know.


  Chris Lee

Aaustin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 This may sound strange. but ...
 Is there a  limit to the number of sessions one can/should have using the
 same identity details at one time. ie if beta testing a website with the
 same password details etc. or is it irrelevant.



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[PHP] Re: Single character input on command line

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

take them from the arguments list


I know its not what you asked, its just what I answered.


  Chris Lee

August Zajonc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Interested in getting a single character at a time on the command line

 ie, I'd like to type 2 and be able to trap that keystroke right away and
 on it.

 Before spending a lot of time tracking down possibilites (readline
 input_buffer, reading the stdin pipe) thought I'd ask if anyone's done
 already and has an elegant way I'm missing.


 - August

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[PHP] Re: http referer problems

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

break it down.

if ( $ef != 'nm' )
echo a : $efbr;
echo b : $ef br;
'http://www.globalhealth.org/news/article.php3?id=1526' )
echo c : $HTTP_REFERERbr;
echo d : $HTTP_REFERERbr;

now you can see where the bug is.


  Chris Lee

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 For some reason, the following if  statement isn't working.  Maybe I
 had enough coffee to drink or maybe I've had too much - what am I missing?

 if ($efa != nm || $HTTP_REFERER !=
 http://www.globalhealth.org/news/article.php3?id=1526;){do this);}

 Thank you, Shawna

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[PHP] Re: Logout problem

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

  Header(WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm='$SERVER_NAME' );
  Header(HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized);

is the proper http auth hearders, change the realm and you'll have to


  Chris Lee

J.F.Kishor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 hello all,

I have designed a web page using php, as a security measure I have
  kept it password protected. I have used Apache authentication, using
  htpasswd file. Now I want to keep a logout in this web page, I tried to
  send a header request http/1.0 401 Unauthorized to force it to
  reauthenticate when the logout link is clicked in the form, but this dose
  not work.

  I tried using session_destroy() even that does not work.

  To get the authenticated users name I have used GetEnv(REMOTE_USER) in
  all the form and with that username I'am handling mysql and other
  I don't know where exactly the REMOTE_USER gets stored.

  So please help me out in this problem. I want to remove the
  window's authentication cache.

  Please give me some ideas and suggestion to remove the user name and make
  the page fresh for the other user to log in.

  If possible please send me a sample script.

 Nilgiri Networks

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[PHP] Re: Header redirecting with POST

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

2k is alot of data to be sending using GET or POST, just leave it on the
server in a session variable.

redirect server 2000 bytes - client
GET client 2000 bytes - server

or via sessions

redirect server 50 bytes - client
GET client 50 bytes - server


  Chris Lee

Jim Lucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
001b01c18363$cd008990$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:001b01c18363$cd008990$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 is it possible to use header() to redirect and have it act as a post

 I know about this method
 header(Location: http://www.yahoo.com/?variable=value;);
 but this is the GET method
 I don't want to have to know every single (variable|value) combination
 will be sent to a page

 Sadly though, GET has a size limit on the amount of data you can send
 throught the URL, 2kb.  I want to be able to send larger amounts with a
 header() redirect.

 Any ideas on how to send the data in a POST with header(); woud be

 Thanks Jim Lucas

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[PHP] Re: need some help

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

I'll try and answer your questions as will the rest off the forum Im sure,
just post away.


  Chris Lee

Melva Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I am looking for a mentor to help me along with
 using php and mysql

 i am a designer for over 9 years now..and will
 in return help you with anything pertaining to
 layout and design

 i have alot of dumb questions pertianing to
 php and mysql dba can someone help me
 i would appreciate any help I can get


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[PHP] Re: max # of characters for links to work in emails?

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

a good guess would be every email client does it differnetly. unfort Id have
to say try it yourself. Id imagine its long enough that you shouldnt have to
worry about it, but I could be wrong.


  Chris Lee

Tom Churm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 i'm working on an eCard project and somehow need to find out what the
 reasonable limit is on characters for urls in email bodies (normal text,
 not mime).

 i know that some mail clients will cut off urls that are too long or
 else throw a line break in the middle of them--thus rendering them
 'unclickable'.  and this is exactly what i wanna avoid.

 anyone have any advice to offer in this area?

 muchos gracias,


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[PHP] Re: Using @file

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

haha, I bet it cant resolve, and I doubt it works on other machines :)


see the diff? ditch the comma and put a period in insted :) trust me it
happens to the best of us.


  Chris Lee

Jeff Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
I am using this line in part of my code but am getting an error that looks
like below:

$serverDetails =

2: php_network_getaddresses: gethostbyname failed
(c:\inetpub\wwwroot\yabbse\Sources\Admin.php ln 43)

What would be causing this error?  It works on some machines but not others?


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[PHP] Re: Rational Rose plugin for generating php code ?

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

configure --help

ie. nope, nothing there.


  Chris Lee

Arne Brune Olsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
Does anyone know if there is a module for rational rose for generating php
code from UML diagrams ?


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[PHP] Re: What is the best way to reorder table columns...temp tables?

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

man that is nasty, but imho because of the constant in and out of php

=$daterange'link /a

I came across this same problem, I hate the long urls, their ugly, so I
wrote a simple session class to carry my prefs across a page.




 a href='$PHP_SELF?order_by=people_namecarry_keep='order by name/a
 a href='$PHP_SELF?order_by=people_emailcarry_keep='order by email
 a href='$PHP_SELF?order_by_dir=1carry_keep='up/a
 a href='$PHP_SELF?order_by_dir=0carry_keep='down/a

 a href='$PHP_SELF?position=$prevcarry_keep='back/a
 a href='$PHP_SELF?position=0carry_keep='home/a
 a href='$PHP_SELF?position=$nextcarry_keep='next/a


  Chris Lee

J. Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm trying to update a report generator I have, using php and mysql.
 The setup is essentially listing employees and production data.

 What I did when I created it was for the column headers, made them links
 to requery the database..sample link follows (inside an anchor tag):
 reports.php?userid=?php echo $userid; ?date_start=?php echo
 $date_start; ?date_end=?php echo $date_end;
 ?orderby=trans_per_req%20descgroupby=?php echo $groupby;
 ?type=otherdaterange=?php echo $daterange; ?

 As you can see that is very ugly, and inefficient.

 I was thinking that one way to get around passing so many parameters was
 after the initial query, have that inserted into a temporary table.  Then
 all that would need to be passed with the query string would be an ORDER
 clause, at which time I would do a SELECT * FROM TEMP_TABLE ORDER BY

 One thing im not sure about, is if temporary tables are unique to each
 That is to say if two people were running reports at the same time with
 parameters, would that work?  If so, how long before the connection dies?
 it is at the end of script execution, that wouldn't be much help.

 Does anyone have any better ideas as well?  I thought about using a
 array, but was told that that would be a bad idea to keep a large array
 in memory.



 (hope this makes some sense)

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[PHP] Re: PHP and plugin detection

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

it has to be done via javascript.

javascript = clientside
php = serverside

if the plugins are on the clientside then javascript is needed. and no,
sorry, I dont know how.


  Chris Lee

Daniel Reichenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 is there any way to detect the plugins a user has installed in his
 browser with PHP? I want to write a page where users get a plugin
 depending on their installation. If none of the required plugins
 is available an error page should be viewed.

 If it's not possible using PHP, can it be done with JavaScript?


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[PHP] Re: Still need help with miscount

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

need more info buddy. does this query work at the mysql command prompt? show
us an example, show us 10 records and accual query being exec and what the
returned result is and what you think it should be.


  Chris Lee

Fîk ì?çìsâî [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

i still need help with this query:

$t = 7;
$shot_counts = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM statistik WHERE
shooter='$shooter_login' AND (shot_one = '$t' OR shot_two = '$t' OR
shot_three = '$t' OR shot_four = '$t' OR shot_five = '$t');

It doesn´t return the correct count. I have tried to tweak the syntax
around, excluding one or more columns to count etc. But it still gives the
wrong count. What´s wrong?

- Daniel

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[PHP] Re: Text file busy

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

try php.ca or any of the other mirrors when php.net is down.

I bet you got that file your running open in an editor eh? close the file in
the editor then run the file, no problems.


  Chris Lee

Boaz Yahav [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

I'm trying to run a php file in CGI mode and I get : Text file busy
I'm running many other files like that for years and this is the 1st
time I see such a message.

php.net seems to be down for me, any idea?


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[PHP] Re: including outside pages

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

include() will not handel ssl. include() on a remote site obv. will not
transer access to the variables to the remote site.

your best bet is to encode your session, session_encode(), and either store
it in a common mysql table that both servers have access to (best method) or
to pass it in the url to the ssl site, if this is done then you have to
treat your session data as if it were cookie data, dont trust it.


  Chris Lee

Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 hello all,

 Two questions

 1) Is it possible to pass a session to another server?  I'm creating a
 secure order form for a shopping cart but the ssl service of my provider
 on a different server.  Is there anyway to carry a users session over to
 this box?

 2) If it is not possible to carry a session...is there anyway I could
 include this page on the ssl server into my main server from my host?  If
 could do an include I could continue the session and use it's stored

 Thank you for the help.


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[PHP] Re: Header error while creating an Image

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

you dont have output buffering on, check php.ini or add it manually to an


  Chris Lee

J.F.Kishor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I'am trying to create an image using php image functions
 it gives a warning and outputs a image with GIF87a format, why does
 this happen, could some help me out in this problem.

 This is the script
 Header(Content-type: image/gif);
 $string=implode($argv, );
 $im = imagecreatefromgif(images/Next.gif);
 $orange = ImageColorAllocate($im, 220, 210, 60);
 $px = (imagesx($im)-7.5*strlen($string))/2;

 Warning alerted is

 Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by
 (output started at /home/kuruvi1/kishor/public_html/GD/creatingIMG.php:2)
 /home/kuruvi1/kishor/public_html/GD/creatingIMG.php on line 4

 Junk output is

 GIF87a9CU_11EraalUYIAAf11__O99 @ ` @\*6Z@6#%,9I# AA CIACA E#YU ( @
 a#,EX(R X#Y*(B H#I3  EC A []

 Thanks for sparing time for this mail

 with regards


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[PHP] Re: MySQL Native Function in PHP Query Not Working?

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

that command doesnt even work from the mysql command prompt for me, Ive
never used LAST_INSERT_ID(), but it dont work for me. try it on your mysql
command prompt.


  Chris Lee

Ise [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Can someone explain to me why the below SQL query when executed with the
 mysql functions does not work? (it returns nothing)


 If I replace the MySQL function LAST_INSERT_ID() with a integer, it
 fine so its not the query.  Further, I was returned results on the above
 query when I ran it directly from a MySQL client.  Does PHP not support
 certain MySQL native functions?


 Michael Caplan
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[PHP] Re: PHP module for modem???

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

configure --help

in other words, no. but there is nothing from stopping you from writing a
module :) im sure there are others out there that would like such a feature,
ie for fax's


  Chris Lee

Scott Fletcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Is there any module or software that I can use and compile it with PHP
 for working with hte modem???
 For example, I have cURL but it is a seperate software and can be
 compile with PHP for certain things like FTP, Internet socket, etc.  So,
 there ever one for the modem?


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Re: [PHP] php htpasswd

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee


 function bad_passwd()
  echo You have entered an invalid password.br\n;

 if ( isset($PHP_AUTH_USER) AND isset($PHP_AUTH_PW) AND $peop_r =
fetch_db_value('people_manager', WHERE username = '$PHP_AUTH_USER' AND
password = '$PHP_AUTH_PW' ) )
  $SessionID = $peop_r['peopleID'];
  Header(WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm='$SERVER_NAME' );
  Header(HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized);



  Chris Lee

Jtjohnston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

  not sure i follow...you open it with php do whatever you need and close
  it...its just a text file...

 It's not just a text file delimited by a colon. You can indeed just type:


 but it should be:


 When I perled, I knew how to database a text file delimited by :
 Now that I'm saved :) I'm learning MySQL, but I don't want to MySQL my
 htpasswd.users file.
 I don't even know if I can?

 Can I anyone? How would I?

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[PHP] Re: while...if statements???

2001-12-18 Thread Chris Lee

because the while() statement works like this

- do something while x is true. if x is not true dont do anything.
- do something while conent is in the db. if there is no conent in the db
dont do anything.

your if() statement is never run if there is no content.

$return = mysql_fetch_row($result);
if ( isset($return['pet_name']) )
echo $return['pet_name'] .br;
} while( $return = mysql_fetch_row($result) );
echo  No Pets br;

its ugly but it works. I dont like ugly, so I wrote my own db wrappers.


foreach( $db-select_array('', 'petinfo', '') as $pos = $val )
echo $val['pet_name'] .br;
if ( !isset($val['pet_name']) )
echo  No Pets br;

I like that more. but whatever.


  Chris Lee

Jay Fitzgerald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Does anyone know why this isn't working?? What I am trying to do is
 photos from a database based on each month. This part works fine when I
 it to the current month of December (today) as that is when I uploaded the

 However, when I manually set the date to a month that has no photos in it,
 I want it to echo the No Animals string belowThis is only working
 half-way...meaning that it will display a blank page with nothing on it
 instead of actually echoing the No Animals string

 Can anyone please help?? Is there really a way to have a while...if

 $connection = mysql_connect($hostname, $user, $pass) or die (Unable to
 $query = SELECT petname, petDesc, petpicture FROM petinfo WHERE petmonth
 $result = mysql_db_query($database, $query, $connection) or die (Error in
 query: $query.  . mysql_error());

 while (list($pet_name, $pet_Desc, $pet_picture) =
 if ($pet_picture == )
 echo No Animals have been posted for $date at this moment. Please check
 back soon.;

 FONT FACE=\Arial, Helvetica\BPet of the month/B/FONTBR



 FONT FACE=\Arial, Helvetica\ SIZE=\-1\$pet_DescBR

 To adopt $pet_name please visit the Ouachita Parish Animal Shelter.BR
 The adoption fee is \$50.00 which includes Spade, Neutering and 7-N-1

 Sorry, we can not hold $pet_name for you (First come first serve



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[PHP] Re: [PHP-DB] Re: while...if statements???

2001-12-19 Thread Chris Lee

personal pref. Once I knew php and mysql better I wrote my own wrappers, I found using 
them easier. But there is no reason why someone couldnt do fine without one. writing a 
set of wrappers allowed me to better optimize my queries and write code faster without 
having to worry about everything else.

have you tried the PEAR db wrappers? PEAR came out after I wrote mine, therfore I 
never used them, you?

  Chris Lee

- Original Message - 
From: matt stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 1:16 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Re: while...if statements???

 and i always thought the best tactic was to go ugly early.
 seriously, this isn't really that ugly a solution, most textbooks tend to
 tell you to use this method to start with as its a bit simpler to understand
 for beginners - an if...else statement to see if an initial row is returned,
 then you can happily use a do...while on that first row, and it'll carry on
 outputting the following rows if there are any more.
 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 18 December 2001 20:49
 Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: while...if statements???
 because the while() statement works like this
 - do something while x is true. if x is not true dont do anything.
 - do something while conent is in the db. if there is no conent in the db
 dont do anything.
 your if() statement is never run if there is no content.
 $return = mysql_fetch_row($result);
 if ( isset($return['pet_name']) )
 echo $return['pet_name'] .br;
 } while( $return = mysql_fetch_row($result) );
 echo  No Pets br;
 its ugly but it works. I dont like ugly, so I wrote my own db wrappers.
 foreach( $db-select_array('', 'petinfo', '') as $pos = $val )
 echo $val['pet_name'] .br;
 if ( !isset($val['pet_name']) )
 echo  No Pets br;
 I like that more. but whatever.
   Chris Lee
 Jay Fitzgerald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Does anyone know why this isn't working?? What I am trying to do is
  photos from a database based on each month. This part works fine when I
  it to the current month of December (today) as that is when I uploaded the
  However, when I manually set the date to a month that has no photos in it,
  I want it to echo the No Animals string belowThis is only working
  half-way...meaning that it will display a blank page with nothing on it
  instead of actually echoing the No Animals string
  Can anyone please help?? Is there really a way to have a while...if
  $connection = mysql_connect($hostname, $user, $pass) or die (Unable to
  $query = SELECT petname, petDesc, petpicture FROM petinfo WHERE petmonth
  $result = mysql_db_query($database, $query, $connection) or die (Error in
  query: $query.  . mysql_error());
  while (list($pet_name, $pet_Desc, $pet_picture) =
  if ($pet_picture == )
  echo No Animals have been posted for $date at this moment. Please check
  back soon.;
  FONT FACE=\Arial, Helvetica\BPet of the month/B/FONTBR
  FONT FACE=\Arial, Helvetica\ SIZE=\-1\$pet_DescBR
  To adopt $pet_name please visit the Ouachita Parish Animal Shelter.BR
  The adoption fee is \$50.00 which includes Spade, Neutering and 7-N-1
  Sorry, we can not hold $pet_name for you (First come first serve
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[PHP] Re: session destroy ??

2001-12-19 Thread Chris Lee

// destroy the session
 $p = session_get_cookie_params();
// destory the cookie
 setcookie(session_name(), '' , 0, $p['path'], $p['domain']);

// redirect without the SID for trans-sid users
 header(Location: http://$SERVER_NAME;);

works for me. yes its stupid, but a session has to be started beore it can
be destroyed.


  Chris Lee

Olivier Masudi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 In my online store i use session.

 I use a script to check that a user dont make 2 order during the same
 session using the back button for that i put his sessionid in the db and
 check it before processing the order.

 My probleme is how can i give a new session_id to the person when he goes
 back to the home page of my site so he can do a new order ?

 I try session_destroy , session_unset
 but the person have still the same session_id


 I always use the same string into session_name(abcdef) for all the user.
 Is it a problem?

 Thanks for your help

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Re: [PHP] sessions var

2001-12-19 Thread Chris Lee

as long as your start the session on the new page everything will work. are
your clients not using cookies? and you have trans-sid enabled? you'll need
to pass the SID to the new page then obv.


  Chris Lee

William Sanchez Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I need some help with sessions. I need to pass variables to a page that
 in a new browser window (window.open(,myWindow,) and form ...
 I used session_register and I tried using start_session
 and still no luck.  Once I get the session vars registered, how do I
 access them from the new window opened...

 thanks in advantage...


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[PHP] Re: php telnet

2001-12-19 Thread Chris Lee

if I nc to my server on port 23 I get the same thing. ie there is nothing
wrong. your going to have to emulate the telnet protocal now, thats just the
connect string.


  Chris Lee

Kancha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 The following code generated garbase output. what is wrong ??

   $sp = fsockopen(localhost, 23);
 echo error;
   socket_set_blocking($sp, FALSE);

   function getLine(){
 global $sp;

 $op = fgets($sp, 1024);
   $op = fgets($sp, 1024);
 return $op;

   echo getLine();

 The output was as follows:

 [root@ispms html]# php telnet.php
 X-Powered-By: PHP/4.1.0
 Content-type: text/html

 ÿý?ÿý ÿý#ÿý'[root@ispms html]#

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[PHP] Re: inscription

2001-12-19 Thread Chris Lee

thanks for the inscription. here's mine.


  Chris Lee

Sim/Haouhach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

Lynda Haouhach
Ingénieur système

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[PHP] Re: JavaScript php question - mainly JS though so slightly OT but hep needed!!! :o)

2001-12-19 Thread Chris Lee

thats exactly how you do it.

foreach( $array as $pos = $val )
a href='javascript:windowpopup('page.php?id=$pos')'$val /abr


  Chris Lee

Martin Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 How could I write the function windowPopup(XX) where XX is a variable that
 can change from link to link, for a popup info window to load a php file
 with the variable XX in the url?

 So the link would look like:
 a href=javascript:windowPopup(XX);Link Text/a

 and I want that link to open the page info.php?patch=XX in a new popup

 Do I do it something like this, or is there a faster/better way??

 Cheers  Merry X-Mas!


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[PHP] Re: undefined function: ftp_connect()

2001-12-20 Thread Chris Lee

run phpinfo() is ftp support in there? if not run configure like you
normally do and scroll up to the ftp section, are there any errors in there?
if so what are they?


  Chris Lee

Sam Schenkman-Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I've compiled php 4.0.6 on Darwin as CGI. --with-ftp shows up in the php
 configuration display but I still get this message:

 undefined function: ftp_connect()

 I've read a couple past articles with people having this problem but I did
 not spot a solution.

 Any suggestions?

 Thanks, Sam

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[PHP] Re: page has expired

2001-12-21 Thread Chris Lee

this has been covered before on the newsgroup, never the less.

this is because php sends the no-cache header when using sessions. try it.
sniff the line and run the same page with sessions and then without
sessions, you can see the different headers. you can get around this by
sending a cache header.

header('Cache-Control: public');

done. only problem is the browser will go anal about caching. sometimes when
you hit F5 to refresh, it will only grab the cached copy. and on a side note
this is a nasty header to send with dynamically generated images, if this
header is sent on a dynamic image the browser will cache this file to death,
only downloading a new image when you clear your cache and restart your
browser, so dont use this on any dynamic stock charts haha.


  Chris Lee

Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I was wondering whenever I use sessions on a page and then I use the
 back button on the browser, I get Warning page has expired.  Is there
 anyway to avoid this?



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[PHP] Re: sessions and authentication

2001-12-21 Thread Chris Lee

insted of

if ( $isloggedin )
user logged in


if ( $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['isloggedin'] )
user is logged in


  Chris Lee

Steve Maroney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Hey guys,

 I know this has been brought up several times but can't find it in the
 archives of this list.

 I have some PHP 4 scripts that check the value of a logged in variable.
 if the user authenticates him/her self, then the logged in variable gets
 set and registered with the session.  How can I stop some evil person from
 passing that variable to my script using GET or POST methods ?

 I tried:
  $HTTP_POST_VARS[user_authenticated] = ;
  $HTTP_GET_VARS[user_authenticated] = ;


 but that didn't do me any good. Please advise.

 Thank you,
 Steve Maroney

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[PHP] Re: Standard output (printf) question...

2001-12-21 Thread Chris Lee

look at the output bufering functions.



  Chris Lee

Paul H. Breslin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm trying to create a function that will generate output that could go to
 either a file or to the current browser directly. To do this I have

 function GenerateOutput($out)
 fwrite($out, Some stuff);

 and to call it I tried:

 $stdout = fopen(php://stdout, w);

 But for some reason nothing shows in the browser when I do this.

 I can't seem to find information about what output stream printf is
 writing to. Do we have access to this stream?

 Can anyone provide a hint as to why the above doesn't work?

 Paul H. Breslinhttp://Canadian-Artist.com

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[PHP] Re: Cookie Can't Display Name on other page

2001-12-21 Thread Chris Lee

wow sessions and cookie on the same page? why dont you just use one or the
other? I pref sessions. never the less.

your not setting the exp, path, or domain in your setcookie() you must do
all those.

setcookie('name', 'chris lee', time()+84700, '/',


  Chris Lee

Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Dear all
 Here is the Code for my Login.php page

 // *** Start the session
 // *** Validate request to log in to this site.
 $KT_LoginAction = $PHP_SELF;
 if ($QUERY_STRING!=) $KT_LoginAction .= ?.$QUERY_STRING;
 if (isset($KT_valUsername)) {
   $KT_rsUser_Source=SELECT Username, Password ;
   if ($KT_fldUserAuthorization != ) $KT_rsUser_Source .= , .
   $KT_rsUser_Source .=  FROM login WHERE Username=' . $KT_valUsername .
 AND Password=' . $password . ';
   $KT_rsUser=$Mysql_nedcorhk-Execute($KT_rsUser_Source) or
   if ($KT_rsUser-RecordCount()==1) {
 // username and password match - this is a valid user
 if ($KT_fldUserAuthorization != ) {
 } else {
 if (isset($accessdenied)  false) {
   $KT_redirectLoginSuccess = $accessdenied;
  $KT_login_failed = false;
 header (Location: $KT_redirectLoginSuccess);
   $KT_login_failed = true;
   header (Location: $KT_redirectLoginFailed);
 titleLogin Page/title
 meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
 script language=JavaScript
 function MM_findObj(n, d) { file://v4.0
   var p,i,x;  if(!d) d=document;
 if((p=n.indexOf(?))0parent.frames.length) {
 d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}
   if(!(x=d[n])d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!xid.forms.length;i++)
   if(!x  document.getElementById) x=document.getElementById(n); return

 function MM_validateForm() { file://v4.0
   var i,p,q,nm,test,num,min,max,errors='',args=MM_validateForm.arguments;
   for (i=0; i(args.length-2); i+=3) { test=args[i+2];
 if (val) { nm=val.name; if ((val=val.value)!=) {
   if (test.indexOf('isEmail')!=-1) { p=val.indexOf('@');
 if (p1 || p==(val.length-1)) errors+='- '+nm+' must contain an
 e-mail address.\n';
   } else if (test!='R') {
 if (isNaN(val)) errors+='- '+nm+' must contain a number.\n';
 if (test.indexOf('inRange') != -1) { p=test.indexOf(':');
   min=test.substring(8,p); max=test.substring(p+1);
   if (valmin || maxval) errors+='- '+nm+' must contain a number
 between '+min+' and '+max+'.\n';
 } } } else if (test.charAt(0) == 'R') errors += '- '+nm+' is
 required.\n'; }
   } if (errors) alert('The following error(s) occurred:\n'+errors);
   document.MM_returnValue = (errors == '');
 body bgcolor=#E8E9E0 text=#00 link=#FF vlink=#FF
 div align=center
   pbfont size=+3uNedcor Internal WebSite/u/font/b/p
   pbPlease Provide your Username and Password for the Internal
 print (Diagnostic Informationbr);
 print (Session Name :  . session_name() . br\n);
 print (Session ID :  . session_id() . br\n);
   form action=?php echo $KT_LoginAction? name=LOGIN method=post
 table width=75% border=0
 td width=49%
   div align=rightbUsername/b/div
 td width=51%
   input type=text name=user
 td width=49%
   div align=rightbPassword/b/div
 td width=51%
   input type=password name=password
   input type=submit name=Submit value=Submit
   input type=reset name=Submit2 value=Reset


 I had use the setcookie function in the script which is
 ?setcookie(username,$user);?, then in the Main.php page, i set another
 script ?echo $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[username];?.
 Then the strange things happen, the Main.php won't show the name from
 cookie! actually the $user you saw in setcookie is the input box where the
 user input their username to login!!
 Another way i had tried is , if i set the coo

[PHP] Re: PHP called recursively?

2001-12-21 Thread Chris Lee

if he wants to burn a cd why dont you just copy the php dir onto a cd? why
do you have to parse everything? as an admin I would rather the entire dir
then the content of the executed script. plus on your side parseing every
url recursivly and getting all the images etc, what a hasle, just copy the
dir ..


  Chris Lee

Thomas Karcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi PHP users,

 I have a couple of PHP scripts that generate dynamic content for a
 Now the admin of this website should be able to burn a CD of its pages, so
 wrote another PHP script which calls the CGI PHP executable to get the
 content and write it down, like this:

 $content = `/usr/lib/httpd/cgi-bin/php4

 But with this line, the server seems to call many many instances of PHP
 and I don't get the content I want ...
 The server engine for PHP is CGI. I tried to call my PHP4 with another
 path, e. g. $content = `/tmp/php4 ...` , but it's useless.
 I changed the foo.php4 - and really easy scripts don't work at all, e.
 scripts that only contain phpinfo() or die() or something like that.

 Does anybody know why so many PHP instances are called?

 Yes, another possibility for my problem is to do it with
 fopen(http://localserver/...), but this is not very good I think because I
 have loops in my script, so for every loop an HTTP request is called ...
 very heavy for the webserver ...

 Thanks a lot,

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[PHP] Re: some body flood mypage how can I prevent them ?

2001-12-21 Thread Chris Lee

hehe, not exactly a php question but whatever.

you have a firewall correct? if you dont, lie and say you do because no one
should be caught dead without one, and add the person to your block list.


  Chris Lee

Alawi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
some body flood mypage how can I prevent them ?

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Re: [PHP] file uploading = dumping into ram?

2002-01-03 Thread Chris Lee

set your max upload file size smaller then. default is 2mb max. I find that
too small, I re-set mine to 5mb. I have 2g of ram on our server, 5mb isnt a
worry to me. Id rather that then the slow speed of writing the file to the


  Chris Lee

David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 hi all,

 I wes doing some file upload stuff with php when i noticed that as the
file is being uploaded, the entire file is stored in ram until it\'s

 obviously, we know the problems associated with this(use up a lot of ram
for large files), i\'m just wondering, is this going to be fixed soon in the
next release of php?

 i think those people using php to upload large files will be very happy if
it\'s fixed :)

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[PHP] Re: Form Validation class

2002-01-03 Thread Chris Lee

Ive seen em on zend.com, I wrote my own. I would recommend you take a look
at the ones on zend.com and modify it to taste.


  Chris Lee

Daniel Harik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hello guys,

 at moment i'm reading Hack Proofing your web apps book, but it makes
 me scared, i have seen a class from newbienetwork.net(can't find it
 now), that validates
 user input, things like telephone number, state, country , email, and
 also can check if only letters or numbers are in text field, my
 question is this are there classes of this kind around? I would really
 need it.

 Thank You very much

 Best regards,
  Daniel  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[PHP] Re: writing files

2001-09-25 Thread Chris Lee

'/images/image1.png' is 'root/images/image1.png'
'images/image1.png' is 'webroot/images/image1.png'

you are using the first, unless your something wierd on your first box, like
chroot, or safe_mode, or something else Ive never used, I dont know why the
first server is acting the way it is.


  Chris Lee

Jeb Scarbrough [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 When I run the code below it writes the image to the webroot/images
 directory on a Solaris machine running iPlanet and php4.04pl1.  When I run
 the exactly same code on a Solaris machine running iPlanet and php4.08 it
 tries to write the file to root/images/image1.png.  Why would one
 to the webroot and one write to the file system root?  Is there
 configuration directive I can put in the php.ini to resolve?  What am I
 missing here?


 $key = /images/image1.png;
 $value = http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx?type=PNG;;
 if(file_exists($key)) {
 $diff =  time() - filemtime($key);
 if($diff = 3600) {
 $im = ImageCreateFromPNG($value);
 $isCreated = imagepng($im, $key, '80');

 Jeb Scarbrough

 Internet Security Systems, Inc.
 6303 Barfield Road
 Atlanta, Georgia 30328
 Phone: 404-236-3292
 Fax: 404-236-2626

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[PHP] Re: dates only in the future

2001-09-25 Thread Chris Lee

If the user submits the page and that date is wrong then dont save the data,
check the data serverside. if you want the date checked before the client
presses submit, your looking at doing somehting client side, javascript. php
is server side only, just check the data to see if it is valid at the
server, if it isnt, just send the user back with a nasty message and tell
them to smarten up :)

if ( time()  mktime(1, 1, 1, $month, $day, $year) )
echo Bad !!;
echo Good, now I'll save the data;


  Chris Lee

Kristjan Kanarik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
Good afternoon,

I'm looking for a function which enables me to allow user only to enter
those dates which are still to come. In my head I have three select
things... one for day, one for month and one for year. In order to prevent
the user from submitting the form with the date which is in past, I need
probably Javascript. Am I correct?

I rather prefer to keep my site Javascript free and therefore it would be
great if somebody has already written such a function and would be ready to
share it with me/others. If not, any ideas how to start... 

TIA  happy coding,
Kristjan Kanarik

P.S. Please put [EMAIL PROTECTED] to CC: line since I'm only on the digest.

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[PHP] Re: Test.php does not show that it was configured with sybase on Linux 7.1

2001-09-25 Thread Chris Lee

you installed sybase after you installed php ? yup you need to re-install,
how would php know about something that was never on the system when you
compiled php ? if you installed sybase then php and php doesnt see it, well,
php does that, its anoying.

configure --with-sybase=/usr/local/sybase

change that to where ever your sybase dir is.


  Chris Lee

Caleb Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi all,

 I have installed sybase on my Linux 7.1 machine and after
 creating my first php-4.0.4pl1-9 page, sybase is not listed under
 ./configure section,,,

 do i need to recompile again???

 pls help

 Caleb Carvalho
 Enterprise Testing and Performance Management Solutions
 Mercury Interactive
 410 Frimley Business Park
 Frimley, Surrey.  GU16 7ST
 United Kingdom
 Telephone :  +44 (0)1276 808300

 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

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[PHP] Re: Counter

2001-09-25 Thread Chris Lee

there are tutorials all over the inet.

  $file_name = '/tmp/counter.txt';
  $counter = fread(fopen($file_name, 'r'), 4096);

  echo $counter;

  fwrite(fopen($file_name, 'w+'), ++$counter);


  Chris Lee

Mark Lo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I would like to know how to write a web page counter in PHP or

 Thank You

 Mark Lo

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[PHP] Re: Socket help

2001-09-25 Thread Chris Lee

your server has to open a connection to a remote host to see if there are
messages ? like email ? if this is so then use cron once every so often to
check if there are new messages. if the remote host makes a connection to
your server the use tcp_wrappers to call your php script.

the second script can NOT use the first apps socket, sockets arent shared
like that.

yes, sending and recienveing should be ok, any data backed up will just be
stored in buffers.


  Chris Lee

Stefano Baronio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hello list,
 I need to receive/send sms through an IPSec connection
 using the socket (pfsocket) function of php.
 I hope there's someone out there that can help me solving
 some questions.

 Here is what I thought to do:
 REC_SCRIPT that open the socket connection and listen on
 arriving messages (msg will be stored in mysql)
 SEND_SCRIPT that is launched from a html form and use that
 socket to send the message and store it in myslq.

 1. Can the REC_SCRIPT stay alive listening on the persistent
 socket connection ?
 2. There's a way to launch it automagically when I start
 apache ?
 3. Can the SEND_SCRIPT use the socket conn. opened by the
 first script ?
 4. In case of receive/send in the same time, will all be ok

 Thank you very much for any help

 Stefano Baronio


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[PHP] Re: 2D array from file

2001-09-26 Thread Chris Lee

have you thought of just using


its alot easier.


  Chris Lee

John Frenzel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have created a 2D array, then written it into a tet file. The file is
 written such that all the secondary array elements (the rows) are seperate
 lines, with the columns tab-delimited. Now I'd like to read this file
 into a 2D array. I thought this should work:

 $array_file = file (array.dat);
 for ($k=0; $k = 63; $k++)
 $array[$k] = explode( \t, $array_file[$k] );

 I know that $array[$k] is a valid variable, and that explode returns an
 array, so I'm not clear why this isn't working. If I use $array = explode(
 \t, $array_file[$k] ); I get the line without any trouble. What am I


 --- John Frenzel

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[PHP] Re: session var being lost between pages

2001-10-01 Thread Chris Lee

echo $PHPSESSID on every page, is it the same on every page ?

I usually recommend that you create the register variables too.

else {
  $userid = '';
  $userpassword = '';

if $PHPSESSID is set then session_start() will find it and use it, if your
trying to override HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['PHPSESSID'] with
HTTP_GET_VARS['PHPSESSID'] I would also check if it is not thedefault
allready, change the code to relect that then


all small things, nothing big looks wrong. try it and see.


  Chris Lee

Jean-Christian Imbeault [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Ok, newbie I am but ... I seem to be losing my session vars when I load up
 different php page.

 My set-up:

 1- main page starts session and logs user in

 if (isset($PHPSESSID))

 $PHPSESSID = session_id();

 if(!isset($userid)) {
 else {
session_register(userid, userpassword);

 Once the user is logged in I have no problem accessin the vars $userid and

 On the page I even have an A HREF link to second php page and the vars
 accessible there also.

 However this other page has a form. When the user submits the form, a
 php page is loaded. On this third page the vars no longer have any values.

 Why is this? How can I access the vars from this third page?



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[PHP] Re: HTTP Authentication / Logging Out

2001-10-01 Thread Chris Lee

php is serverside, PHP_AUTH_USER is set by the client, therfore when you
unset() the serverside instance of PHP_AUTH_USER the client doesnt know
about this and keeps sending the username/pass. the only way I know of is to
re-send the http auth headers and change the domain. this works for me.

Header(WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm='someother-domain' );
Header(HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized);


  Chris Lee

Eric J Schwinder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
 I used a pretty basic system to check HTTP authentication values against
 database values, but I can't seem to find a way to allow the user to log
 out.  I tried:


 but Internet Explorer hangs on to that value until all browser windows are
 closed.  Is there any way around that?


 Eric J Schwinder

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[PHP] Re: search result page, need some ideas on how to do [PREV] 1 2 3 4 [NEXT] stuff..

2001-10-05 Thread Chris Lee

there are tutorials posted all over the inet, and all over this news group.
take a look around.

Ive left out the details and stuck with the basics, modify as needed, you'll
need to :)

  if (!isset($HOW_MANY))
$HOW_MANY = 10;
  if (!isset($position))
$position = 0;

  $prev = $position - $HOW_MANY;
  $next = $position + $HOW_MANY;

  $query = SELECT * FROM table LIMIT $position, $HOW_MANY;

  $search_a = $position;
  $search_b = $next;
  $search_c = @$product-product_count;

  if ($search_b  $search_c)
$search_b = $search_c;

  Displaying $search_a - $search_b of $search_c Orders

  if ($prev = 0)
a href='$PHP_SELF?position=$prev'$IMG src='image/back.gif'/a
  a href='$PHP_SELF?position=0'$IMG src='image/home.gif'/a
  if ( $next  $search_c )
a href='$PHP_SELF?position=$next'$IMG src='image/next.gif'/a


  Chris Lee

Nicklas Bondesson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 all ideas are very welcomed !!


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[PHP] Re: accessing localtime array directly

2001-10-05 Thread Chris Lee

there are functions like current() next() etc but they wont help you in this
case. I just wrote my own.

function index($array, $index)
  return @$array[$index];

$now = index(localtime(), 7);


  Chris Lee

John A. Grant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 In Perl I have done this:

 Is there an equivalent syntax for PHP or do I just do:

 I don't need it - I'm just curious about the syntax.

 John A. Grant  * I speak only for myself *  (remove 'z' to reply)
 Radiation Geophysics, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa
 If you followup, please do NOT e-mail me a copy: I will read it here

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[PHP] Re: help with exec()...

2001-10-05 Thread Chris Lee

with exec() I wouldnt assume that all the PATH info is there, just to be
sure, use hardcoded paths.

exec(/usr/bin/mysqldump  /tmp/somesql.txt, $return);


  Chris Lee

Christian Dechery [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm running with some trouble with exec(), system() and it's friends...

 I have a MySQL backup script that somewhere have something like

 $cmd=mysqldump ..  somefile.sql;

 if( !fopen(somefile.sql,r) ) { print error message };

 $cmd is correct... I've copy-pasted it tons of times in the command shell
 and it worked... created the 'somefile.sql' and all. But none of the
 functions (exec, system..) works. When I use system it outputs me some
 header for mysqldump and that's all...

 I've also checked the directory with getcwd()... it is in the right dir to
 execute the mysqldump...

 I'm running PHP 4.06 in Apache 1.3.12 in a Win98 machine...

 what might be?

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[PHP] Re: Fancy thing.

2001-10-05 Thread Chris Lee

why is this amazing ?


  Chris Lee

Andrey Hristov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 After getting the PHP source from the CVS and compiling I tested with
 phpinfo(). The result was amazing :
 a href=http://www.php.net/;img
 src=/master/test.php?=PHPE9568F34-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42 border=0
 align=right alt=PHP Logo/ah1PHP Version 4.0.8-dev/h1

 Andrey Hristov
 IcyGEN Corporation

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[PHP] Re: next and previous links

2001-10-05 Thread Chris Lee

this question is common, accually so common that someone asked this same
question earlier today, read the previous posts before asking. phpbuilder
also has a tutorial, look around the web before posting too.

  if (!isset($HOW_MANY))
$HOW_MANY = 10;
  if (!isset($position))
$position = 0;

  $prev = $position - $HOW_MANY;
  $next = $position + $HOW_MANY;

  $query = SELECT * FROM table LIMIT $position, $HOW_MANY;

  $search_a = $position;
  $search_b = $next;
  $search_c = @$product-product_count;

  if ($search_b  $search_c)
$search_b = $search_c;

  Displaying $search_a - $search_b of $search_c Orders

  if ($prev = 0)
a href='$PHP_SELF?position=$prev'$IMG src='image/back.gif'/a
  a href='$PHP_SELF?position=0'$IMG src='image/home.gif'/a
  if ( $next  $search_c )
a href='$PHP_SELF?position=$next'$IMG src='image/next.gif'/a


  Chris Lee

Mick Fitzpatrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 After several days of reading various articles on the web I've 'finally'
 a basic database working. The database is for a massive collection of my
 vinyl records. Therefore I would like to limit the results to about 20 per
 page and move forward/backward with 'next' and 'previous' links.

 I'd like to stress at this stage that I'm new to PHP and don't really know
 and 'tech speak' related to it ... however I like to think I'm a quick
 learner :-)

 Below I've pasted a copy of the script I fashioned ... I suppose it's full
 of mistakes but it does work!

 Any assistance will be appreciated

 TIA ... Mick



 table border=1 width=100% cellspacing=0TRTHfont
 face=Arialartists/THTHfont face=Arialaside/THTHfont
 face=Arialbside/THTHfont face=Ariallabel/THTHfont
 face=Arialnumber/THTHfont face=Arialprice/THTHfont
 face=Arialorigin/THTHfont face=Arialformat/THTHfont


 mysql_connect (xxx, xc, xx);
 mysql_select_db (xx);

 if ($artists == )
 {$artists = '%';}

 if ($aside == )
 {$aside = '%';}

 if ($bside == )
 {$bside = '%';}

 if ($label == )
 {$label = '%';}

 if ($number == )
 {$number = '%';}

 $result = mysql_query (SELECT * FROM example WHERE artists LIKE
 AND aside LIKE '$aside%' AND bside LIKE '$bside%' AND label LIKE '$label%'
 AND number LIKE '$number%' ORDER BY artists ASC);

 if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

 do {

 if ($test==0){

 echo(tr valign=top bgcolor=$rowcolor/TDTDfont size=1 face=Arial
 $row[artists] . /TDTDfont size=1 face=Arial . $row[aside] .
 /TDTDfont size=1 face=Arial . $row[bside] . /TDTDfont
 face=Arial . $row[label] . /TDTDfont size=1 face=Arial .
 $row[number] . /TDTDfont size=1 face=Arial . $row[price] .
 /TDTDfont size=1 face=Arial . $row[origin] . /TDTDfont
 size=1 face=Arial . $row[format] . /TDTDfont size=1 face=Arial
 $row[info] . /TD/TR);

 } while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result));

 } else {print font face=ArialSorry, no records were found!;}



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[PHP] Re: Searching for a word in a string

2001-10-19 Thread Chris Lee


if ( strstr($string, $search) )
echo TRUE;
echo FALSE;


  Chris Lee

Brandon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 How can I search for a certain word in a string?


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[PHP] Re: session ID does not delete itself

2001-10-19 Thread Chris Lee

in php.ini

session.gc_probability= 1   ; percentual probability that the
; 'garbage collection' process is
; on every session initialization
session.gc_maxlifetime= 604800  ; after this number of seconds, stored
; data will be seen as 'garbage' and
; cleaned up by the gc process

I have my php.ini set to everytime php is run it looks for session files 7
days (604800 seconds) old, if there are any files at all, there is a 1%
chance php will delete them. this is called garbage collection.

so to simply answer your question: no. they are not deleted when the user
quits their browser. the cookie however can be set to a lifetime of 0, which
means when the browser quits the cookie is considered expired and the
browser on the next launch will delete the cookie.


  Chris Lee

Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


 I have been experimenting with PHP4 using sessions and one of my books
 says that session ID's are created in the /tmp directory so I take a look
 in there and I find are about 10 sessions that have not been deleted dated
 earliest to about being week old

 ie.  sess_5b30ccebb1d098c37a5e46efd7708fef

 I have been experimenting with user authentication with sessions and just
 plain starting a session when a user accesses the site.

 Well, the site is still experimental and each time I logged myself out.

 But I thought sessions were supposed to wipe themselves out from the /tmp
 directory immediately after leaving the website.

 Appreciate if someone could shed the light on this issue for me.



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Re: [PHP] How to protect MySQL password

2001-10-23 Thread Chris Lee

I use proftpd, I can setup a chroot for the user that logs in, chroot them
to their vhosts dir, move the mysql passwd file out of that dir. now anyone
that ftp's in can not read the passwd. as for telnet (shell) access, its
rare a user needs that anyhow, if you feel your customers do need that, well
its your choice to offer them the security risk or not. I just tell our
customers, sorry, nope, to big of a security risk., I have yet to have one
complain so badly they switch hosting services.


  Chris Lee

Kurt Lieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 On Tuesday 23 October 2001 11:20, Matt Williams wrote:
  Move it outside the document root
  or put a .htaccess file inside the dir to deny access. This will still
  allow system access but will prevent other fopen.

 Either solution still allows anyone with shell access to the machine to
 your password.  Not an ideal solution for shared hosting environments, but
 you're running your own server, it's a great solution.

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[PHP] Re: Strange include

2001-11-01 Thread Chris Lee

this '/' method looks kinda neet, but some vars get messed, ie $PHP_SELF,
just be carefull using it.

  $INC = explode('/', $REQUEST_URI);
  $INC = implode('/', $INC);

  Chris Lee

Oòkó‰öårzòËèkó [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Sveiki, php-general,

   I have a file index.php . I include file menu.php in index.php ( I
 write include('menu.php'); in index.php ) . I want to do like this:

   index.php/menu.php . That means, that index.php has to include menu.php

   index.php/second.php . That means, that index.php has to include
   second.php .

   I think that you already know what I'm talkking about. So how could
 I do it?

 Thank you

  2001.11.02, penktadienis
  Marius Pertravèius
  iCQ: #125733984

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[PHP] Re: Destroying Ssessions

2001-11-01 Thread Chris Lee

destroying session vars never worked for me either. it hasnt for quite some
time. now why its important you destoy them other then cleanup, I dont know
your reasons. Im going to guess.

- you store username/passwd in sessions and because httpd runs as nobody,
anyone on the server can read them. ans: chroot telnet, telnet, ftp, it
should be done anyhow. dont store passwd's in plain text, encypt them and
compare the encryped passwd to the storeed encrypted passwd on the server,
if correct, great. you should do it this way anyhow.
- your finatical about cleanlyness and code perfect. ans: so am I. I rip
hair out and call it a day. dont stress it.
- you think you *have* to do this just to get sessions working: ans: wrong
- you think these files will stay on the server forever and fill your HD.
ans: wrong, check php.ini for session_gc (garbage collection)

email me any questions.


  Chris Lee

Richard Baskett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Unusual that I didnt even get one response, so I shall try again! :)

 Ok why does this not work?

 $sess = 0;

 etc etc etc etc etc etc..

 After all that is executed I take a look at the session file and what do I
 see?  All the session variables still there... and the file still there
 also!  How can I get rid of them?


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[PHP] Re: Is there a way not to pop up the default login window?

2001-11-01 Thread Chris Lee

if your using mod_auth then mod_auth will be called not mod_php. if you want
mod_php to be called, dont use .htaccess (they are apart of mod_auth).


  Chris Lee

Zhu George-Czz010 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 If we are using the default Apache/PHP authentication, it will always
pop up the default login window for login user ID /password.   Is there a
method to redirect to a customized PHP login page instead of the default pop
up window?

 Thanks ahead.

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[PHP] Re: print on printer

2001-11-01 Thread Chris Lee


javascript = client side
php = server side

unless you want to print on a printer on the server, your goign to need to
use javascript. not only are you asking in the wrong forum, real answer is
'I dont know' sorry cant help ya bud.


  Chris Lee

Luz Lopez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi All

 I have a php that access to database and show the values in the browser,
 I need add hte option of print on printer, but that only print the table
 with values.

 Somebody can help me?

 Thanks in Advanced,


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[PHP] Re: Crating program for access parallel

2001-11-01 Thread Chris Lee

why? if your thinking the db may give the wrong answer, postgres does a bery
good job of this. if your super worried, well use mysql, they lock the table
when a field is being inserted, updated, or deleted. if you want todo this
for some other strange reason, do it the easy way.

- if file 'busy.tmp' doesnt exist
- - write a file 'busy
- - do something
- - delete the file
- else
- - bugger off


  Chris Lee

Luz Lopez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi all

 I am creating a program PHP that will be access int the web for many
 persons, this aplication will be permit to insert registry on a data base
 Postgresql, When a person this inserting a registry I need to block that
 table so that another user cannot to access the data base. Exists some
 in php to do this?

 I want to Know how can I save  information on a Data Bse that will
 be access
 for many persons at the same time.

 Thanks in advanced for yuor advices !!!


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[PHP] Re: Secure transfer

2001-11-01 Thread Chris Lee

you dont need any unctions in php todo this. you need to install openssl and
compile it into apache.

port 80 = http (non-secure)
port 443 = https (secure)

http://www.somesite.com/index.php unsecure
https://www.somesite.com/index.php same page, now everything is secure

have fun.


  Chris Lee

Orv î?÷inklÏ ²ørÏkîskî [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi php'ers

I'm about to build a site that allows payment with credit card.
Of cause the card number, expiration date etc. should be secured
when transfered. How do I do that?
I've been looking at the OpenSSL functions in php, but they seem to
be unsatisfying.

 Kind regards,
 Morten Winkler

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[PHP] Re: Distributed Data Base

2001-11-01 Thread Chris Lee

I dont worry about it. why are you?


  Chris Lee

Luis Corea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I want to Know how can I save  information on a Data Bse that will be
 for many persons at the same time.

 I use Postgressql


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[PHP] Re: date problem

2001-11-01 Thread Chris Lee

date() shoudl give you the time in your timezone, gmdate() should give you
the time in the GMT timezone. I would check your server and make sure the
timezone is correctly set.


  Chris Lee

Steve Tsai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:none...
 For reference:
 OS: OpenBSD 2.9
 Web Server: Apache1.3.19
 PHP Version: 4.0.6

 My problem is that date() and all the other time functions return GMT
 of localtime.  system(date) returns the correct localtime.  Those
 used to return localtime since GMT.  The problem seems to have started
 daylight savings time changed.  I hope someone has an idea of what's wrong
 and how to fix it.  As for now, I'm adding time() - 3600 * 8 to all my
 scripts right now.


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[PHP] Re: mysql php prob...

2001-11-01 Thread Chris Lee

put the mysql_db_query in an if() statement, more likley then not your
select statement isnt returning any results.


  Chris Lee

Sc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 i keep getting an error of: Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid
 result resource in /datascripts/insertdata.php on line 17...

 Line 17 is: $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($test);

 and here is the rest of it (not all of it though):

 for ($p = 1; $p = 24; $p++) {
 $test = mysql_db_query(melbourne, SELECT * FROM 'Port$p' WHERE
 $row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($test);
 $yindata = $row['switchin'];
 $youtdata = $row['switchout'];
 $dinPort = '$inPort$p' - $yindata;
 $doutPort = '$outPort$p'  - $youtdata;

 Can anyone help me overcome this prob? i've prob missed something without
 thinking but i cant seem to get it...



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[PHP] Re: is there a commandline php.exe interpreter?

2001-11-01 Thread Chris Lee

sure there is, get it at php.net goto download section and choose the cgi
version. there you are. php.exe


  Chris Lee

John A. Grant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I've installed ActivePerl, which gives me a way to run .pl files,
 i.e. :
 c:\ perl someprogram.pl

 Does the Win32 php installation give me a command-line
 interpreter like that?

 Here's why I'm asking. I have a set of pages that I want to convert
 to php, but I will also need to drop those pages onto a CD too.
 I suppose I could view each page from the server and 'save as
 HTML' locally, but I was thinking that I might be able to run a php
 interpreter on the *.php pages and generate corresponding *.html
 pages in batch mode as follows:
 c:\ php index.php  index.html
 c:\ php about.php  about.html

 Then I would have to run a batch search/replace program on the
 *.html files to change all links to *.php pages to link to the
 newly-generated *.html pages.

 Is there anything like that in the win32 install package or
 just configure a web server? I started to install it, but it looked
 like it was going to just install server stuff, so I cancelled it.

 John A. Grant  * I speak only for myself *  (remove 'z' to reply)
 Radiation Geophysics, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa
 If you followup, please do NOT e-mail me a copy: I will read it here

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[PHP] SQL question. how relevent are the search results ?

2001-11-16 Thread Chris Lee

if I give the user a search and he enters 'cat dog' I am going to want to
find all the results that have the word 'cat' or 'dog' in them, but I want
all the results that have 'cat' and 'dog' at the beginning of the results
because these would be more relevent. now how I see it is this, it aint

$result = select * from product where product_feature like '%cat%' and
product_feature like '%dog%'
foreach( $result as $pos = $val )
$name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
$result = select * from product where product_feature like '%cat%' or
product_feature like '%dog%'
foreach( $result as $pos = $val )
$name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
foreach( $name as $pos = $val )
echo $val br;

this will put the 'AND' before the 'OR'. but its not nice, would be nice if
I could do this with one simple query. this is only with two keywords. with
three its gets exponentially nasty.

'cat dog mouse'

$result = select * from product where product_feature like '%cat%' and
product_feature like '%dog%' and product_feature like '%mouse%'
foreach( $result as $pos = $val )
$name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
$result = select * from product where product_feature like '%cat%' and
product_feature like '%dog%'
foreach( $result as $pos = $val )
$name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
$result = select * from product where product_feature like '%cat%' and
product_feature like '%mouse%'
foreach( $result as $pos = $val )
$name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
$result = select * from product where product_feature like '%dog%' and
product_feature like '%mouse%'
foreach( $result as $pos = $val )
$name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
$result = select * from product where product_feature like '%cat%' or
product_feature like '%dog%' or product_feature like '%mouse%'
foreach( $result as $pos = $val )
$name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
foreach( $name as $pos = $val )
echo $val br;

ouch, this is just nasty, not good. there must be a better way. accually
writing code to take a dynamic number of keywords is guna be ugly.

any SQL idea's ? yes I know this is a php forum, but its related.


  Chris Lee

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[PHP] Re: SQL question. how relevent are the search results ?

2001-11-16 Thread Chris Lee

ok. im answering my own question here. answer is this sucks. I wrote some
nasty ruff code just to get the job done. but it invoves alot of sql queries
and alot o recursion.


 function search_string($field, $keyword, $join = 'OR')
  if (!is_array($keyword))
   $keyword = explode(' ', $keyword);

  if (!is_array($field) OR !is_array($keyword))
   return ;

  foreach($field as $f_pos = $f_val)
   foreach($keyword as $k_pos = $k_val)
if ($k_val)
 $query[] = $f_val LIKE '%$k_val%';
   $return[] = implode( $join , $query);

  if (isset($return))
   return 'WHERE ( ('. implode(') OR (', $return) .') )';

 function relevent_query($search, $keyword, $first = 1 )
  $keyword = explode(' ', $keyword);
  $tmp_key = $keyword;

  static $query;
  if ( $first )
   $tmp = implode(' ', $tmp_key);
   $query[strlen($tmp)][$tmp] = search_string($search, $tmp, 'AND');

  if ( count($tmp_key) = 1 )
   $tmp = array();
   foreach( $query as $pos = $val )
foreach( $val as $q_pos = $q_val )
 $tmp[] = $q_val;
   return $tmp;

  for( $count = 0; $count = count($tmp_key); $count++ )
   $tmp_key = $keyword;
   $tmp = implode(' ', $tmp_key);
   $query[strlen($tmp)][$tmp] = search_string($search, $tmp, 'AND');
   relevent_query($search, implode(' ', $tmp_key), $first + 1);
  $tmp = array();
  foreach( $query as $pos = $val )
   foreach( $val as $q_pos = $q_val )
$tmp[] = $q_val;
  return $tmp;

 $search[] = 'search_query';
 $search[] = 'search_engine';

 $keyword = 'ab cc ba';

 foreach( relevent_query($search, $keyword) as $pos = $val )
  foreach( $db-select_array('', 'search', $val) as $db_pos = $db_val )
   $id[$db_val['search_id']] = $db_val['search_query'];

 foreach( $db-select_array('', 'search', '') as $pos = $val )
  $search_query[$val['search_id']] = $val['search_query'];
  $search_engine[$val['search_id']] = $val['search_engine'];

 foreach( $id as $pos = $val )
  echo {$search_engine[$pos]} : {$search_query[$pos]} br;

that does these queries

WHERE ( (search_query LIKE '%ab%' AND search_query LIKE '%cc%' AND
search_query LIKE '%ba%') OR (search_engine LIKE '%ab%' AND search_engine
LIKE '%cc%' AND search_engine LIKE '%ba%') )
WHERE ( (search_query LIKE '%cc%' AND search_query LIKE '%ba%') OR
(search_engine LIKE '%cc%' AND search_engine LIKE '%ba%') )
WHERE ( (search_query LIKE '%ab%' AND search_query LIKE '%ba%') OR
(search_engine LIKE '%ab%' AND search_engine LIKE '%ba%') )
WHERE ( (search_query LIKE '%ab%' AND search_query LIKE '%cc%') OR
(search_engine LIKE '%ab%' AND search_engine LIKE '%cc%') )
WHERE ( (search_query LIKE '%ba%') OR (search_engine LIKE '%ba%') )
WHERE ( (search_query LIKE '%cc%') OR (search_engine LIKE '%cc%') )
WHERE ( (search_query LIKE '%ab%') OR (search_engine LIKE '%ab%') )

nasty eh? any better idea's. I hope so ..


  Chris Lee

Chris Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 if I give the user a search and he enters 'cat dog' I am going to want to
 find all the results that have the word 'cat' or 'dog' in them, but I want
 all the results that have 'cat' and 'dog' at the beginning of the results
 because these would be more relevent. now how I see it is this, it aint

 $result = select * from product where product_feature like '%cat%' and
 product_feature like '%dog%'
 foreach( $result as $pos = $val )
 $name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
 $result = select * from product where product_feature like '%cat%' or
 product_feature like '%dog%'
 foreach( $result as $pos = $val )
 $name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
 foreach( $name as $pos = $val )
 echo $val br;

 this will put the 'AND' before the 'OR'. but its not nice, would be nice
 I could do this with one simple query. this is only with two keywords.
 three its gets exponentially nasty.

 'cat dog mouse'

 $result = select * from product where product_feature like '%cat%' and
 product_feature like '%dog%' and product_feature like '%mouse%'
 foreach( $result as $pos = $val )
 $name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
 $result = select * from product where product_feature like '%cat%' and
 product_feature like '%dog%'
 foreach( $result as $pos = $val )
 $name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
 $result = select * from product where product_feature like '%cat%' and
 product_feature like '%mouse%'
 foreach( $result as $pos = $val )
 $name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
 $result = select * from product where product_feature like '%dog%' and
 product_feature like '%mouse%'
 foreach( $result as $pos = $val )
 $name[$val['product_id']] = $val['product_name']
 $result = select * from product where product_feature like '%cat%' or
 product_feature like '%dog%' or product_feature like '%mouse%'
 foreach( $result as $po

RE: [PHP] How to create and run background process at Win2K

2001-11-18 Thread Chris Lee

Dear John,

Actually I need to generate an report which need an half an hour to
The MS Proxy Server time out for the long process, so I want to create the
report by following method:

apache/mod_php - call cgi/php - email notify end user when completed.

Chris Lee

 -Original Message-
 From: John Monfort [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 11:38 AM
 To: Chris Lee
 Subject: Re: [PHP] How to create and run background process at Win2K
 You can run the application as a SERVICE.
 Would that do the trick?
 __John Monfort_
  P E P I E  D E S I G N S
 The world is waiting, are you ready?
 On Mon, 19 Nov 2001, Chris Lee wrote:
  It is possible to create/run background process at Win2K / Apache
  environment? If yes, how?
  Chris Lee
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[PHP] Re: diferent data on diferent columns...

2001-11-19 Thread Chris Lee

echo td.$row[id].td\n;//id for the firt record ex:1
echo td.$row[name].td\n;//id for the second record ex: 2


echo td.$row[0].td\n;//id for the firt record ex:1
echo td.$row[1].td\n;//id for the second record ex: 2

is that what you mean?


  Chris Lee

Romeo Manzur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi, I wonder how could I do a script for print direfent data on
 diferents columns from a table...
 I mean this
 $result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM xxx);
 while(($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
 echo table
 echo tr
 echo td.$row[id].td\n;//id for the firt record ex:1
 echo td.$row[id].td\n;//id for the second record ex: 2
 echo /tr\n;
 echo /table\n;

 if I do this it prints the same record value...

 please I need help...

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[PHP] Re: Download File Problem - text not appearing on downloaded file

2001-11-19 Thread Chris Lee

I dont know if Im pointing out the obvious or if you orgot to post more

  header(Content-type: application/octet-stream);
  header(Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=file.txt);
  // get file data rom db or wherever
  echo $data;


  Chris Lee

Joe Van Meer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi there. I managed to get the prompt for a file download when a user
 on a text link. The file downloads properly to the client machine, howevr,
 when I open up the file there is no content. What do I have to add to the
 following code to get the content sent back to the user?

 Thx Joe :)


 header(Content-type: application/octet-stream);
 header(Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=file.txt);


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[PHP] Re: OOP support

2001-11-19 Thread Chris Lee

this is fine as any of a place to ask OOP questions :)


  Chris Lee

Roko Roic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I don't know if this is the right place to ask this (there is no
 group on news.php.net), but where is the right place to look for support
 OOP PHP programming.

 Any newsgroups, mailing lists?

 Maybe opening a group in this hierarchy named php.oop?? Where is the right
 place to ask for group opening?

 I believe there are a lot of us OOProgrammers using PHP in an OOP manner
 would like to share ideas, solutions and troublshooting.


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[PHP] Re: Simple(?) Question

2001-12-05 Thread Chris Lee

do a header re-direct.

header(Location: http://domain.com/page.php;);

include any variables you want, inc session vars if needed.


  Chris Lee

Andrew Forgue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

Is there a way to post to a script without any user interventions... e.g
The user posts to a script, and the script posts back to the original one.


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[PHP] Re: session question: session.auto_start vs. session_register.

2001-12-05 Thread Chris Lee

session.auto_start is only usefull when not using classes as session
variables. because a class must be defined before it can be created (or
brought back to life from a session) it must be defined, this cant be done
with session.auto_start. I dont use session.auto_start. I find the ability
to use class's as session variables much more handy.


  Chris Lee

Kurt Lieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I am working on an open source e-commerce package and have hit a wall with

 If I have session.auto_start turned on, I get the following error message:

 Fatal error: The script tried to execute a method or access a property of
 incomplete object. Please ensure that the class definition shoppingcart of
 the object you are trying to operate on was loaded _before_ the session
 started in  path to my file on line 12

 If I turn session.auto_start off, the error disappears.

 So, the error message tells me that I can't use the class unless I've
 it before the session gets started.  However, session.auto_start (as far
as I
 know) starts a session immediately, before even waiting for a script to be
 fully parsed  executed.  So, the two seem mutually exclusive. (but then
 usefullness of session.auto_start would seem extremely limited)

 Is there a way

 I think there's some glaring errors in my understanding here.  Can someone
 help me fill in the holes?


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[PHP] Re: Recursive Threading with PHP and MySQL.

2001-12-05 Thread Chris Lee

recursion is something that can be fun and practical at times, other times
its a bad coder trying to do something they think is clever. use it wisly.

function power($num, $power = 1)
if ($num != 2)
$power = power(($num/2), $power+1);
return $power;
echo power(16);

this example is purposely coded bad to show you how recursion can mess up
with bad error checking. this example will work. change to power(30) and
you'll get a segfault because $num will allways equal anything but 2. this
gives you a starting point on recursion.


  Chris Lee

Alawi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
I want to know how can i do that Recursive loop to get categories as example
can any body help me by give my tutorial or any thing to understand this

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[PHP] Re: serialize object session_auto_start

2001-12-05 Thread Chris Lee

to be blunt. then dont use session.auto_start. classes must be defined
before variables can be created based on that class, obviously. the proper
order has to be.

- class definition
- session initialized


  Chris Lee

Matthieu Brunet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm trying to save an object in the session, with the serialize and
 uunserialize fonction.
 But i got an error message wich say me that i must define the class before
 the session start.
 But my session start automaticly. So I can't include my class before the
 session start.
 I'm looking for a workaround.


 Matthieu Brunet - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Réseau-Photo S.A. - http://www.reseau-photo.com
 15, rue du Général Campredon - 34000 Montpellier
 Tél. : 04 67 58 07 08 - Fax : 04 67 58 03 04
 Icq : 119683958

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[PHP] Re: folver view options

2001-12-05 Thread Chris Lee

wrong newsgroup.


  Chris Lee

Caspar Kennerdale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have just installed mandrake

 something that is annoying me with KDE is that the default view within the
 file manager is with icons.

 Is is possible to have the tree or detailed view as the default.

 I briefly looked at the prefences and could find it anywhere


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[PHP] Re: automatic forward URL to other URL

2001-12-05 Thread Chris Lee

header(Location: www.domain2.com);


  Chris Lee

Manu Verhaegen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
001301c17c93$53be4620$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:001301c17c93$53be4620$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
I want automatic forward URL (www.mydomain.com) to (www.mydomain2.com)

If i type in my brower www.mydomain.com the i will see www.mydomain2.com


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[PHP] possible switch() bug in 4.0.6 ?

2001-08-02 Thread Chris Lee

4.0.6 apxs
warning = E_ALL;

  case 'date':
   echo 'date';
  case 'people':
   echo 'people';
  case 'keyword':
   echo 'keyword';
   echo 'default';

Warning:  Undefined variable:  search in
/home/httpd/vhosts/mediawaveonline/test2.php on line 4
Warning:  Undefined variable:  search in
/home/httpd/vhosts/mediawaveonline/test2.php on line 7
Warning:  Undefined variable:  search in
/home/httpd/vhosts/mediawaveonline/test2.php on line 10

if you ask me, I should get a warning on line 2 where the switch is, not on
4, 7, 10 where the case statements are.

php 4.0.5 cgi does not do this.


  Chris Lee

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[PHP] Re: How to add an excel file directly to MySQL database using PHP?

2001-08-03 Thread Chris Lee

I dont mean to be picky but .. .. allows you to import comma separated
files .. dunno about .csv ..

csv = comma seperated values

so yes mysql can import csv using the LOAD DATA func or user writen php func
:) sorry about pointing that out.


  Chris Lee

James Holloway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 phpMyAdmin allows you to import comma separated files into your mysql
 (dunno about .csv but certainly .txt files)..


 Also read up on this:


 as you may eventually need to set up something to enable a client to
 data like this..


 Yeong Cn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  How can I add an excel file with *.xls extension
  directly into MySQL database..is it possible to do or
  I need to convert it into *.csv format or *.txt format
  Get 250 color business cards for FREE!

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[PHP] Re: [php] undefined offset?

2001-08-03 Thread Chris Lee

  $test[0] = 0;
  $test[1] = 1;
  echo $test[8];

you never defined test[8] thats why its undeined. more likley then not check
in your php.ini file, i bet you have

  warning = ~E_WARNINGS E_ALL;
in your linux box and
  warning = E_ALL;
in your win box.

I like all warnings and errors showing, personal opinion.


  Chris Lee

Johnny Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Can somebody explain to me the undefined offset warning?

 Warning: Undefined offset: 8 in D:\filepath\CalendarClass.php on line 387

 It was working fine on linux, but when i moved to iis 5.0 running php i
 this error.

 Johnny Nguyen

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[PHP] Re: Am I being Hacked ???

2001-08-07 Thread Chris Lee

check your status code at

on a side note, your post was in the wrong newsgroup, try a orum related to
http not php.


  Chris Lee

Mark Lo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 My apache log files contains the following log info sending from my
 desktop to my server which hosted at remote data center, I am wondering,
 I being hacked ??  Is there something wrong in my apache server ?? - - [07/Aug/2001:22:04:52 +0800] - 408 - - - - - - [07/Aug/2001:22:04:55 +0800] - 408 - - - - - - [07/Aug/2001:22:04:56 +0800] - 408 - - - - - - [07/Aug/2001:22:04:56 +0800] - 408 - - - -



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[PHP] Re: cropping a string

2001-08-13 Thread Chris Lee

 function truncate($string, $size)
  $new_string = substr($string, 0, $size);

  $new_string = explode(' ', $new_string);
  $new_string = implode(' ', $new_string);

  return $new_string;

this function can defn be improved apon.  all this does is trims the string
to the spec length and takes the last word (or pastial word) off.

you might want to take a look at wordwrap() too, probably not what your
looking for though.


  Chris Lee

Tom Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 hi all

 I was wondering if anyone had found a solution to the problem of cropping
 string to a certain length...however a certain length based upon the
 size of it. By this I don't mean after n characters, or even after m
 (have a function for this already)... what I'm looking for is function
 will take a string and crop it down to a length dependant upon its size,
 it would treat a w different to a l (apologies to those reading this on a
 monospaced client). I'm guessing such a function would take type of font
 (say, serif ot times) and the desired length in standard characters and
 then compare the string, translating each character into a length
 comparative with the standard character.

 I appreciate tha because of the nature of the medium that it becomes
 difficult to control how things appear on browsers, and that it would be
 nigh on impossible to make an *exact* function, all I'm looking for is
 something rough and ready which is better then counting chars.

 TIA, Tom

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[PHP] Re: large external script to include in many pages

2001-08-13 Thread Chris Lee

putting something like script src=../myscript.js isnt really going to
speed things up at all. the browser will still have to open myscript.js and
read all 600 lines from there. if you ask me on GET / HTTP/1.1 call is
faster then two. I would just include_once('../myscript.html'); in the file
you want it to be in. maybe Ive missunderstood. correct me if so.


  Chris Lee

Web Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Henrik Hansen wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Web Manager) wrote:
I am testing a new DHTML code for navigation menus. I plan to use it
throughout my web pages made with PHP. The script is about 600 lines
Beside making a :
define (script1,  .
and calling the script1 name in my PHP pages...
this will be very, very long, is there a another way to create a kind
variable ($myscript == 600 lines of the DHTML) that I could simply
out in all my pages. Something like a script src=../myscript.js
  I would go with the script tag if I were you.
  Henrik Hansen


 well, I can't... I have HTML code (image tags) in the DHTML script and
 this can not be in a .js file...

 Thanks for your input!
 Marc Andre Paquin

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[PHP] variable arguments wish list

2001-09-04 Thread Chris Lee

I the Sears Christmas catologe is out, Im going to make a christmas wish

I wish I could just do this

function test()
somefunc(func_get_args(), 'one more arg');

but I cant, I have todo this, ouch

function test()
$args = func_get_args();
eval(somefunc( '. implode(', ', $args) .', 'one more arg' ); ;

thats just nasty. and dont try putting the func_get_args() in the implode, I
get a warning saying dont even try it. plus it would still be ugly.


  Chris Lee

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Re: [PHP] Previous / Next Buttons

2001-09-06 Thread Chris Lee

I just use LIMIT its alot better, alot less CPU intensive.

if (!isset($pos))
$pos = 0

SELECT * FROM product LIMIT 0, $pos

if ( !((SELECT count(*) FROM product)  $pos) )
a href='$PHP_SELF?pos=$pos'Next/a

you get the idea.

  Chris Lee

Jeff Oien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Hi, what's the simplest way to provide previous/next buttons that
  through individual records of a database?  This is for a photo gallery,
so I
  want to do one record at a time until I'm out of records, then I want
  next button to disappear.  I've been fiddling with it for a while now,
  haven't been very successful.  Anyone have any snippets, or ideas for
  Thanks in advance.

 I'll show you what I did but realize I'm an advanced beginner/intermediate
 programmer. This may not be the most efficient way to do it but seems to
 be the simplest code compared to other ways of doing it that I've seen.
 sure if I will explain this well enough either. And this is for a fairly
 database. With a larger one it may be too inefficient.

 First count how many records are in the database for the album and put
 it in $count.

 Then loop through all the records in the album, place the id for each
 in an array and find out where in the array the current record is.
 is fed to this script which tells it which picture to display:

 $x = 0;
 while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
 $photo_id1 = $row['photoid'];
 $array[$x] =  $photo_id1;
 if ($photo_id1 == $photo_id) {
 $position = $x;

 In another sql query for retrieving the specific image (have to compensate
 array[] starting at zero but record count starting at 1):

 $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
 $photo_id = $row['photoid'];
 if ($position == 0) {
 $photo_pos = $position + 1;
 echo pShowing $photo_pos of $count lt;lt; Previous; //no link
 else {
 $photo_pos = $position + 1;
 $previous_pos = $photo_pos - 2;
 $previous = $array[$previous_pos];
 echo pShowing $photo_pos of $count a
 href=\display.php?photo_id=$previous\lt;lt; Previous/a;
 if ($count == $photo_pos) {
 echo  | Next gt;gt;; //no link
 elseif ($photo_pos  $count) {
 $next_pos = $photo_pos;
 $next = $array[$next_pos];
 echo  | a
 href=\display.php?photo_id=$next\Next gt;gt;/a;

 Comments from more experienced programmers welcome. I don't want to lead
 Jeff Oien

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[PHP] Re: SESSIONS! - please help

2001-09-06 Thread Chris Lee

this allways buggers people up

$count = array();

should be

$count = array();

you have to set the var first before registering it. you should also check
if the var is allready registerd ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS[]) if so, dont
re-register it, this can cause session to segfault apache every so often.


this is my session file I use, take a look at what I mean.

also your using php4 so try foreach() its alot nicer, just looks better.

foreach($count as $key = $value)
while (list($key, $value) = each ($count))


  Chris Lee

Christian Haines [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 hi all,

 LINUX 7.0

 i am still having problems with sessions. the following does nothing but
 should appear to do something! it is just a simple experiment to test that
 sessions work. session_test.php calls session_proc.php to perform one of
 three functions.

 i would really appreciate any help as this is driving me nuts. i have also
 tested this on other systems to no avail.

 many thanks in advance,

 - session_test.php --

 reset ($count);
 while (list($key, $value) = each ($count)) {
 echo Key: $key; Value: $value

 reset ($value);
 while (list($key2, $value2) = each ($value)) {
 echo --- Key: $key2; Value: $value2 br\n;

 print brnbsp;br.count($count).

 form name=test method=post action=session_proc.php
 input name=increment type=submit value=incrementinput name=reset
 type=submit value=resetinput name=decrement type=submit value=decrement


 - session_proc.php --

 $count = array();

 $count[0] = 9;
 $count[1] = 11;
 $count[2] = 12;


 $count[0] = 4;
 $count[1] = 6;
 $count[2] = 1;

 header(location: session_test.php);

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[PHP] Re: Mailing, which is faster

2001-09-06 Thread Chris Lee

benchamrking is a common question with a common answer, try it yourself,
depending on your situation/hardware/software this will very greatly from
machine to machine.


  Chris Lee

Niklas lampén [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Which is faster (and/or smarter), using function mail() or doing it by


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[PHP] Re: multi updates

2001-09-06 Thread Chris Lee

where's the form, maybe the problem is there. your update query has no where
statment, this isnt syntaxicaly incorrect, its just rare that you need to
update every single element in the database to the same value. everything
else looks ok, what exactly is the error/warning ? you dont accually need
the $conn in mysql_query() and die() is just nasty, I like a little bit more
friendly user errors. I also like to shorten things by putting the
mysql_query in the if() statement

if ( !mysql_query($sql) )


  Chris Lee

Gary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have a form that has name (unique in the table), team, pick, and
 message. The below is updating all the rows with the same updates. where
 have I screwed up?

 $sql = UPDATE cappers SET team= \$team\, pick = \$pick\, message =

 //Get Results
 $sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die(Couldn't Query Database);

 if(!$sql_result) {


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[PHP] Re: this newsgroup via newsgroup program?

2001-09-06 Thread Chris Lee

I use Outlook Express and Im posting this via news.php.net into php.general


  Chris Lee

Chris Hayes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 from http://www.php.net/support.php i get the
 impression that i can subscribe to this group via
 news.php.net. Indeed i can collect a zillion
 newsgroups via that server but i cannot find
 php.general. Neither on news.xs4all.nl.
 I am using 'Agent'.

 --  C.Hayes  Droevendaal 35  6708 PB Wageningen
 the Netherlands  --

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[PHP] Re: Releasing Your Code

2001-09-06 Thread Chris Lee


bsd licence, im not to picky, as the url sujests their examples, do what you
wish with them, give me credit if you eel its worth it, if you feel not
worth it, dont give me credit, I dont care.

comments? some have comments, you can figure it out, the code is free, the
documentation is not.

I like classes

I didnt clean any hack jobs up, their still in there, if you want to clean
them up, please email me the cleaned up version so I dont have todo it.

good feedback, the code is free, dont complain when it free, if I was
charging then complain, else if you dont like it, write your own.

my examples are allways updated, they're just symbloic links to the accual
files I use.

because its code src, not bin, you can change it however you want, have fun,
people shouldnt be so anal about their code or others code.


  Chris Lee

James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
02d801c13719$caae1180$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:02d801c13719$caae1180$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Multiple part question to all:

 1) Have you released full or partial code to any of your projects?

 2) What kind of program was it (web mail, groupware, bulletin board,
 template etc)?

 3) Why did you (not) release it?

 4) What kind of license did you use?  GPL?  LGPL?  BSD?  Your own mini
 No license?

 5) Code Questions:
 a) What did you do before release?  What kind of quality checks did you do
 to the PHP code?

 b) What about commenting?

 c) Code grouping and logic? (Like grouping like functions and classes

 d) What about any hack jobs you did?  Did you clean them up totally or
 polish them a little or just release as is?  Thats probably the only good
 thing about closed source development, you could write a love letter to
 SO or an essay on the Thirty Years War in relation to the fall of the Holy
 Roman Empire and noone would know

 6) What kind of feedback have you gotten?  Good (People
 you)?  Bad (People calling you a jerk and hoping your first born falls in
 well and they make a horrible TV movie about it?)?  All just complaints
 about the quality of it?  Good suggestions (I think it would be better if
 here you...)?  Any wild suggestions (I think your web mail application
 should also do taxes for each employee, in addition to doing our internal
 message board)?

 7) What kind of input do you accept from the user?  Code

 8) Do you still do your own updates to it or is it abandonware?

 a) What kind of updates?  Security fixes?  Bug fixes?  Minor feature
 upgrades?  Major feature upgrades?  Complete overhauls?

 9) How customized is your PHP app to the end user?
 all over?  Can they insert their own name to make it more customizable and
 look like their own?  Is it just a library backend?

 10) What is the setup of the PHP app like?
 Is it like Okay, untar it and there it is or Okay, untar it, edit the
 config file and you are done or Untar it and do our little web based
 configurator to finish or Untar it, recompile your kernel, recompile
 Apache, PHP and MySQL, sell your immortal soul to your neighbor for $1.50
 and walk on your hands for 2 weeks?

 11) MySQL Question:  When having people install your PHP app and it needs
 its own MySQL database with custom table structure, what is the best
 instructions to tell idiots how to do it?

 - k

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[PHP] Re: Problem: lost session id when htaccess'ing.

2001-09-18 Thread Chris Lee

- you have cookie support on or off ?
- you using any header redirects ? (you have to manually add the SID to

send some src and a link. lets see whats going on.


  Chris Lee

Lic. Rodolfo Gonzalez Gonzalez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 I have a problem with sessions: I have php with sessions autostarting,
 compiled with transid support. I have a homepage with a link to another
 page protected via Apache's htaccess. Well, the href's in the homepage get
 the correct SID=md5 session id, then I click the link, I give login and
 password, Apache checks and accepts the data, but then in the next page I
 get a new session_id value!! (as if the SID passed in the URL were being
 lost!). I guess this is not normal. What can I do?.

 Many thanks in advanced.

 P.S. apache-1.3.20, custom mod_mysql_auth, php-4.0.8-dev (latest snapshot,
 4.0.6 had a bug in the imap code, and I haven't returned to 4.0.5 yet).

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Re: [PHP] What is PHP's equivalent?

2001-09-18 Thread Chris Lee

correct me if Im wrong, but I wanted to add a note saying that php supports
loading .COM and .NET only if the server is windows based.


  Chris Lee

Sterling Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 On Mon, 17 Sep 2001, Eric Lebetsamer wrote:

  What is PHP's equivalent to ASP/COM or JSP/EJB?  Basically, I want to
get an
  idea of what methods there are of having multi tier development in PHP.
  information or links are appreciated.

 Not that PHP needs an equivalent, but... PHP supports loading of
 COM, .NET and Java objects into its source code, you can also write
 PHP extensions in C (much faster than COM, .NET or EJB).


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[PHP] Re: Getting data over https?

2001-09-18 Thread Chris Lee

php doesnt support https url-wrappers. grab the data with an external app
maybe, it'll be ugly.

exec('lynx -source https://www.pilotmedia.fi/  /tmp/somefile.txt');
fopen('/tmp/somefile.txt', 'r');


  Chris Lee

Ville Mattila [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
Hi there,

Is there a way to get data over https-protocol as can be done with
file(http://www.pilotmedia.fi/;) -function with normal http-protocol? Or
some other way?

- Ville

Ville Mattila
Ikaalinen, Finland

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[PHP] Re: how can i show my table 5 record by five record ?

2001-09-18 Thread Chris Lee

I dont understand, so Im going to make up a question and then answer it.

how do I make a table five elements wide dynamically ?

foreach( $db-select_array('', 'product', '') as $pos = $val )
  if ( !(@$counter++ % 5) )

there you go every five products you get a new line.


  Chris Lee

Alawi Albaity [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 how can i show my record to user to view it five
 record by fifve record by click link

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Re: [PHP] Handling sessions between servers?

2001-09-18 Thread Chris Lee

using mysql is an excelent choice, if your not using a db Ive seen people
pass the data raw

a href='http://www.mediawaveonline.com/index.php?session_data=;.
base64_encode(session_encode()) .'mediawaveonline.com/a



its ugly, but it works.

  Chris Lee

Josh Hoover [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 You can use NFS shares, but I've read that it is too slow for most
 situations.  My suggestion would be to use a database and use a custom PHP
 session handler.  A really good tutorial (including working code) on how
 write custom PHP session handlers utilizing a database can be found at the
 following URL:


 I've tested this code and it worked fine utilzing MySQL.  You can apply
 same concepts to just about any datasource you want.

 Josh Hoover
 KnowledgeStorm, Inc.

 Searching for a new IT solution for your company? Need to improve your
 product marketing?
 Visit KnowledgeStorm at www.knowledgestorm.com to learn how we can
 the process for you.
 KnowledgeStorm - Your IT Search Starts Here

  From: Michael Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Is it possible to handle sessions with PHP between separate
  web servers?  We
  have 2 Apache servers and would like to share session data
  between them.  If
  we keep the session data on an NFS mounted drive -- will this
  work?  Would it
  be better to write custom session handlers to store session
  data in a database
  accessible from both servers?  It seems like this should be
  possible, but I'm
  not quite sure how to go about doing it.  Also, this is on 2 separate
  platforms.  One is RedHat Linux 7.1 and the other server is
  on AIX 4.3.3.
  Thanks in advance for any replies,

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[PHP] Re: Sockets

2001-09-19 Thread Chris Lee

is this even a php related question? post some code and an example site and
we'll see what we can do.


  Chris Lee

Jonathan Hilgeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I run a web application that opens a socket using cURL and sends data to a
 payment gateway and then receives confirmations, etc... Sometimes, a
 clicks multiple times and I have the program check to see if a transaction
 is already in process, and if so, it redirects them to a page where they
 check to see whether the transaction has gone through. So now I have 1
 thread/request going, doing the processing, and returning the data, and a
 second thread where the visitor can check to see if thread 1 has come back
 from processing or not. Normally, this works okay.

 SOMETIMES, thread 1 does not come back with data from the gateway, as if
 connection had timed out. Sometimes the gateway has processed the
 transaction, and sometimes not. So I would like to know if there's a
 or something that will allow me to either log socket communication, or to
 monitor the sockets, etc... Can anyone help me out with this?

 - Jonathan

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[PHP] Re: Modularity--Optimizing Includes and Libs

2001-09-19 Thread Chris Lee

ok, everytime a page is called php loads all the file that are requested,
php then compiles the whole thing, and only runs what you tell it to
(obviously). if you have a library with 100 huge functions yet you dont use
not one of those functions other then loading time to load that huge file,
the performance will not sufer because you dont call any of those huge
functions. try it.

function sleep_some()

run this, obviously because I dont ever call that unction, the function is
never called, therfore my app doesnt take 10 seconds to run. now if you had
10 include files 100k each and never called anything in there, well ya its
going to take a little while, thats alot of code to be loading. if you have
a simple C app that loads 10 huge shared libraries that it doesnt do
anything with, well ya, same deal, it'll take awhile longer then without.
the obvious question is why are you loading 10 100k libraries that your not
going to use ? only put relevant data in your libraries and only call
relevant libraries and you wont have a problem.


  Chris Lee

Bora Paksoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I have a question regarding includes and writing
 library modules in PHP.

 In one of the replies to my previous e-mail,I was told
 that PHP parses/compiles pages everytime a new request
 comes in. So, does this mean we have to minimize the
 amount of code per page (which also means to minimize
 number of includes) to improve response time? I mean,
 usually in many programming languages, it is a common
 practice to gather shared functions in a library and
 include/import them from individual scripts. But, in
 case of PHP, given that this library will also be
 parsed/compiled per every request, is this a bad
 practice? What is the alternative to this? Replicate
 functions that are used in scripts in every page?


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[PHP] Re: session screw up - any experience/hints for me?

2001-09-19 Thread Chris Lee

more likley then not what your seeing is the browser cache the results of
page 1. If I am understanding this correctly. post link and link.src and
I'll have a look. without code, there isnt anything more then guess.

  header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
  header('Last-Modified: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') .' GMT');
  header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
  header('Pragma: no-cache');

should tell most browsers not to cache.


  Chris Lee

Wolfram Kriesing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 i am saving data in the session
 lets say every page relates to specific session data, like:
 page 1 sets sess_x=1,
 page 2 sets sess_x=2
 but if i use the history.back or the browsers back-button i can go from
 2 back to page 1 WITHOUT updating the session
 so what i finally have is page 2 where sess_x=1 and that screws up the
 logic at some point, since the session could not be updated because the
 the user sees came from the browser cache, which didnt necessitate an
 interaction with the server, so the server thinks that the user sees
 another page

 how can i handle this stuff? or prevent it from happening?
 or is my way of session handling weird?

 thanks in advance


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[PHP] Re: calling javascript function from a form image

2001-09-21 Thread Chris Lee

this isnt reallt a php question but I'll answer it anyhow because Ive been
stuck with netscapes incompatabilities before. do this.

input type=image border=0 name=sub src=genre.png

if that doesnt work you'll have todo this.

function set_category()
  alert(category set);
input type='hidden' name='sub' value=''
img src=genre.png onclick=set_category()

or if you want the hand to show up over the image. change the img tag to

a href='javascript: set_category()'img src=genre.png/a


  Chris Lee

Neil Freeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I have a form which contains an:
 input type=image

 When the user clicks this image I want a javascript function to be
 called. I have added an onclick event to this input line (see code
 below) which works great in IE and all is well. Netscape doesn't
 recognise this onclick event though for the image so how do you call a
 javascript function here? Normally I'd wrap an img with a/a tags
 but I don't think a form will like this.

 Has anyone a solution?

 Here is my code


 function set_category() {
  alert(category set);

 body bgcolor=#FF text=#00


 if ($submit_form)  //if this equals true then the form has been
  echo scriptalert(\form submitted\);/script;
  echo scriptalert(\not submitted\);/script;


 form name=formMoviesSearch method=post action=imagesubmit.htm

 input type=image border=0 name=sub src=genre.png
 input type=hidden name=submit_form value=true





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Re: [PHP] super global variable

2001-05-15 Thread Chris Lee

this is something I never needed todo, but it works.

// www.miningsurplus.com/counter.php


if (!isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['counter']))
$counter = 0;

echo $counter;

// www.mediawaveonline.com/counter.php


if (!isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['counter']))
$counter = 0;

echo $counter;

these two files are on the same server, just under different domains. because I am 
using the same session_id() they share the same value.


 Chris Lee

Sigitas Paulavicius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
9drd9l$jpp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9drd9l$jpp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
Is it possible to declare some kind of super global variable in PHP, which
would be avaliable to all later PHP scripts/processes?

I suppose I could use a database or filesystem. But in this case of mine I
need to store and retrieve some values very fast and consuming as little
resourses as possible. These values would actually be used to determine if a
connection to database is required.

Any advice or comment would be really helpfull.


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Re: [PHP] pulling data out of a string

2001-05-15 Thread Chris Lee

this will remove the www plus the top level domain

 $site = 'www.somesite.home.com';
 $site = str_replace('www.', '', $site);
 $site = explode('.', $site);
 $site = array_pop($site); 
 $site = implode('.', $site);

  // somesite.home

this will remove the first host and the top level domain.

 $site = 'www.somesite.home.com';
 $site = explode('.', $site);
 $site = array_pop($site); 
 $site = array_shift($site); 
 $site = implode('.', $site);

  // somesite.home


 Chris Lee

Richard Kurth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 I am trying to figure out how to pull data out of a string. This is
 driving me crazy. I figure an if statement of some sort would work but
 I'm not sure how to structure it.

I know how to get what I want if it is just
$fullhostname = www.domain.net;
$exp = explode(., $fullhostname);

$host = $exp[0];
$domain = $exp[1];
$tld = $exp[2];

 But what if it looks like this
$fullhostname = www.mysit.dom.net;
I need
$host= www
$domain = mysit.dom
$tld = net

or this
$fullhostname = mysite.domain.net;
$host =
$domain = mysite.domain
$tld = net

Or even worse this
$fullhostname = mysit.dom.net;

$host =
$domain = mysit.dom
$tld = net

Best regards,

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