Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-29 Thread erland

A new version of Custom Browse (2.10) and TrackStat (2.10) is now
available, see Squeezebox Server/Settings/Plugins for details about
news. The big difference is that they both have support for the new
context menus on Controller/Touch/Radio in their respective menus.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2009-10-29 Thread danco

gharris999;478979 Wrote: 
> I'm sorry.  It may be a day or two before I can really test out the case
> you're presenting here.  Obviously, this is the sort of thing that ought
> to just work, so I promise we'll eventually get this ironed out.  Thanks
> for your patience.

Still possible I am doing something as silly as my typo that was
previously causing trouble. I will check further.

On my SB2, I can perform an action (Suspend) by pressing and holding
the Sleep button. Is there a similar action on the Squeezebox Radio?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2009-10-29 Thread Innocence

mvordeme;478928 Wrote: 
> I always connect everything to before shutdown
> (Hibernate to SqueezeNetwork)Hmm, and this is with SqueezeBox Server 7.4.x 
> and SqueezeBox Controller
firmware 7.4 r7915?

Could you please check if the player/receiver is indeed connected to (can be checked from SqueezeBox Server)?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Music IP becomes Amplified Music Service

2009-10-29 Thread Diana

GeeJay;478984 Wrote: 
> Since AMS is in the licensing business, perhaps Logitech would consider
> doing so and finally make MusicIP an integrated part of SBS?

I support this suggestion whole-heartedly.  I was dismayed to learn
that MusicIP is no longer being maintained.  I've been running MIP
headless with Squeezecenter for ages, and it is certainly my preferred
method for listening to my 12,000+ music collection.  Licensed
integration by Logitech would be just brilliant.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2009-10-29 Thread mvordeme

Yes it is. I always make sure by browsing my favourites (which for some
unknown reason are not synchronized). I remember that in the beginning,
it did not work. The first time I made it work I tried a few things, but
I don't remember exactly what and in which order. I believe I tried to
select the menu entry a second time and maybe I pressed the play button.
>From then on, it has been working. I will have to check the firmware
version when I am back at home, but it should be the official one that
comes with 7.4.1.

I have a different problem with my SBC, though. If I leave it connected
to itself (after I needed a "Walkman" around the house) when shutting it
down, and I try to re-boot it the next day, it gets stuck and boots over
and over again. I will then have to downgrade the firmware, after which
it upgrades itself again. So, I am not so sure about having better luck


'' ( | scaleo home server 2105 |
squeezebox server 7.4.1 | server power control
20091026.155305 | squeezebox boom & duet | rotel rsp-1066 |
rotel rmb-100 | phonar p-5

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - sound drop outs

2009-10-29 Thread aspendl828

Well, the fastest I can get giving 100% for the full 10 minutes was
2000kps. I get 98 - 99% all the way up to 5000kps.

I also tried Radio 2 on my wired Squeezebox+ and there were no drop
outs - I guess wireless connectivity is the problem after all.

Very frustrating though when FLAC and even Napster streaming seems to
work fine.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - sound drop outs

2009-10-29 Thread bpa

As a further test to check if it is wireless - you could install lame
and enable bit rate limiting for the problem player.

If there are no dropout then it is definitely bandwidth related.
If there are dropouts then it is another issue possibly processing or
some other network issues (e.g. double hop if PC server is also on

When you had no problem on wired player - what Radio 2 stream were you
playing ? Specifically what format MP3, AAC or WMA ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Screen Switcher, switching screensaver for Controller/Touch/Radio

2009-10-29 Thread bluegaspode

Just tried it out and really like it !

Now I can have the best of all my favourite screensafers (Clock,
Weather-Forecast + Alblum Flow to show off :) )

Just some minor remarks, all to the config-screen:
- is 'delay' the right word ? Wouldn't 'duration' be more appropiate ?
- if I configure a new screensafer in the order and then have the list
of screensafers, it still looks as if no screensafer was configured.
- I realize that you put your configuration-menu directly under the
screen settings. In the weather-screensafer I use the screensafer API to
register my config-menu and it appears under screensafers then.
Why did you decide to manually choose the position of the config-menu

Ah - and what needs to be done, that a screensafer isn't restartet
everytime the switcher switches ? Or in other words: what will you
change in your Album-Flow applet ?

Great work !


1x SB-Controller+Receiver (Duet), 1xSB-Boom. 1xSB-Radio
Server (7.4.1) running on Linkstation NAS (LS-CHL) (with Debian Lenny
instead of Stock-Firmware)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Music IP becomes Amplified Music Service

2009-10-29 Thread DigitalMitch

I think that the inevitable breaking of MusicIP will cause a lot of
upset on the forums (far more that my OP is likely to generate).

I am not sure whether this is a pure licensing issue or maintenance of
the MusicMagic Server software. Either way, I'd encouage Logitech to
think through the issue and solutions/alternatives before it happens.

How do we best lobby for that?


2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio
controlled by IR, SBC and iPeng on iPhone
7.4 running on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470)

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Error Handling for MusicIP + Umlauts:Corrupts Displays

2009-10-29 Thread DigitalMitch

If MusicIP generates a playlist containing an Artist with an Umlaut
(e.g. Björk or Hüsker Dü ). Then the file is not recognised by SBS as
per the following lines from the log:

[09-10-29 12:20:37.5893] Slim::Formats::readTags (159) File missing:
\\musicwhs\Music\FLAC\Artists B\Björk\Debut\03. Venus As A Boy.flac
[09-10-29 11:41:25.2676] Slim::Formats::readTags (159) File missing:
\\musicwhs\Music\FLAC\Artists H\Hüsker Dü\Candy Apple Grey\08. Eiffel
Tower High.flac

I think the issue has been around sometime and probably affects track
names as well and possibly other characters (but I haven't tested that
and can't read German well enough to understand the following thread

I guess that this is a MusicIP error and that is not much hope of that
being fixed (see

However the error handling in SBS appears to be lacking:-

SB3: shows blank in the playlist and "Problem. Can't open file for: "
before moving on to next track
SBS Gui: ignores in playlist
SBController: playlist becomes corrupted and ultimately blank.
SBRadio: playlits becomes corrupted and ultimately blank

SBRadio, possibly causes a persistent out of sync issue. [This has
happened whilst recreating this but I haven't isolated or got the impact

The controller and radio initally display the playlist (missing the
offending track), but when you scroll up and down then the album covers
get out of step with the text and scrolling becomes difficult (won't
respond, jumps around) before ultimately the current playlist is blank
(sometimes with less than half of each album cover showing on RHS of

Since it is not possible to see the offending track, anyone
experiencing this may be confused and os the SBS handling (Squeezeplay
?) should be improved. 

Any thoughts before I raise as a bug.


2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio
controlled by IR, SBC and iPeng on iPhone
7.4 running on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Music IP becomes Amplified Music Service

2009-10-29 Thread maggior

DigitalMitch;479099 Wrote: 
> I think that the inevitable breaking of MusicIP will cause a lot of
> upset on the forums (far more that my OP is likely to generate).
> I am not sure whether this is a pure licensing issue or maintenance of
> the MusicMagic Server software. Either way, I'd encouage Logitech to
> think through the issue and solutions/alternatives before it happens.
> How do we best lobby for that?

The best way would be to submit an enahcement in the bug tracking
system and put it up for a vote.  I'm sure anybody using MiP would vote
for it.

Right now, I'm sure the SB team a Logitech is primarily focused on
getting the SBT out the door, so I'm sure this would be a back-burner

I think if MiP was integrated, a lot more people would use it too! 
It's amazing that despite the hurdles you have to overcome to get it
working don't prevent a lot of people from using it.

I don't use it a lot, but it's brilliant when I do get around to using


Setup: 2 SB3s, 3 Booms, 1 duet, 1 receiver.  SuSE 11.0 Server running
SqueezeCenter 7.3.3, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave.  
Current library stats: 30,015 songs, 2,448 albums, 451 artists.
Kraftwerk's "The Catalog", Miles Davis' Amazon exclusive ~70 CD box
set, and U2's "The Unforgettable Fire" box are next in line to burden my
credit card :-).  Too many good releases in a short period of time.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-29 Thread vagskal

erland;479010 Wrote: 
> A new version of Custom Browse (2.10) and TrackStat (2.10) is now
> available, see Squeezebox Server/Settings/Plugins for details about
> news. The big difference is that they both have support for the new
> context menus on Controller/Touch/Radio in their respective menus.

Clicking on Settings for TrackStat in Squeezebox
Server/Settings/Plugins results in a page with this message: "404 Not

With the new version I also sometimes get error messages like these:


  [09-10-29 13:21:08.1112] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (320) Found 1 
files in I:\MP3\Min musik\Artister\Buena Vista Social Club\At Carnegie Hall 
(2008)\04 - La Engañadora.flac
  [09-10-29 13:21:13.7821] Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin::getCLIRating (4431) 
Track play not found
  [09-10-29 13:21:13.7827] Slim::Plugin::CLI::Plugin::cli_process (639) Request 
[trackstat] failed with error: Bad params!
  [09-10-29 13:21:14.0920] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (320) Found 1 
files in I:\MP3\Min musik\Artister\Buena Vista Social Club\At Carnegie Hall 
(2008)\05 - Buena Vista Social Club.flac
  [09-10-29 13:21:20.3817] Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin::getCLIRating (4431) 
Track play not found
  [09-10-29 13:21:20.3823] Slim::Plugin::CLI::Plugin::cli_process (639) Request 
[trackstat] failed with error: Bad params!
  [09-10-29 13:21:20.3959] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (320) Found 1 
files in I:\MP3\Min musik\Artister\Buena Vista Social Club\At Carnegie Hall 
(2008)\06 - Dos Gardenias.flac
  [09-10-29 13:21:20.5652] Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin::getCLIRating (4431) 
Track ist not found
  [09-10-29 13:21:20.5657] Slim::Plugin::CLI::Plugin::cli_process (639) Request 
[trackstat] failed with error: Bad params!
  [09-10-29 13:21:24.0807] Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin::getCLIRating (4431) 
Track ist not found
  [09-10-29 13:21:24.0813] Slim::Plugin::CLI::Plugin::cli_process (639) Request 
[trackstat] failed with error: Bad params!
  [09-10-29 13:21:24.0944] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (320) Found 1 
files in I:\MP3\Min musik\Artister\Buena Vista Social Club\At Carnegie Hall 
(2008)\07 - Quizás, Quizás.flac
  [09-10-29 13:21:24.2610] Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin::getCLIRating (4431) 
Track ist not found
  [09-10-29 13:21:24.2616] Slim::Plugin::CLI::Plugin::cli_process (639) Request 
[trackstat] failed with error: Bad params!
  [09-10-29 13:21:27.7641] Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin::getCLIRating (4431) 
Track ist not found
  [09-10-29 13:21:27.7647] Slim::Plugin::CLI::Plugin::cli_process (639) Request 
[trackstat] failed with error: Bad params!
  [09-10-29 13:21:27.7784] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (320) Found 1 
files in I:\MP3\Min musik\Artister\Buena Vista Social Club\At Carnegie Hall 
(2008)\08 - Veinte Años.flac
  [09-10-29 13:21:27.9500] Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin::getCLIRating (4431) 
Track ist not found
  [09-10-29 13:21:27.9505] Slim::Plugin::CLI::Plugin::cli_process (639) Request 
[trackstat] failed with error: Bad params!
  [09-10-29 13:21:31.7735] Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin::getCLIRating (4431) 
Track ist not found
  [09-10-29 13:21:31.7741] Slim::Plugin::CLI::Plugin::cli_process (639) Request 
[trackstat] failed with error: Bad params!


2 x SB3 (wired), Receiver (wireless), Boom (wireless), Controller, iPeng
on iPod Touch, muso on remote computer running Win XP | 7.4.2 on Win XP

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer fast forward

2009-10-29 Thread majones

majones;478137 Wrote: 
> BBCiPlayer will fast-forward on my Squeezebox Classic, but not on my
> Duet or Radio. Any thoughts as to why? I'm running Squeezebox Server
> 7.4.0.
Mea culpa. I had only recently received the Duet and Radio, and hadn't
realised that FF is done with the scroll wheel as opposed to
holding-down the >> key.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Moose 0.72

2009-10-29 Thread jasell

How do I get this to work with SBS 7.4.1?
With SC 7.3.3 I had no problem.

I followed the instruction to download the dll which was easy, but I
have problem to connect to Squeezecenter.db which I can't find.

I have SBS running on a NAS and not on my PC.


NAS: QNAP TS-209 II pro -fw 3.1 build 0708- (2x 1TB, RAID1)
Services: SC- 7.4.1 -,  SSOTS- 4.1-
Squeezebox:  2x Duet (controller+reciever), 2x Boom, 1x Classic
Other:  1x Popcorn A-110

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2009-10-29 Thread Harvey

I've been using SDT for awhile and it is great.  Thanks for all the hard
work you put into it Greg!

I have a script that displays caller ID on the squeezebox for a set
duration when the house phone rings using the 'show' CLI command. This
works great unless I enable SDT's optional data display such as sports
scores. In this case, it does display my message, but the scores/etc are
still cycled at the set intervals effectively erasing the message

My question is this:  Is there a way to immediately stop the display of
any scores/etc when displaying a message, and after that message clears,
to return to showing scores/etc?  The documentation for the 'show'
command indicates that it should temporarily disable any screensaver for
the duration of the message, but that apparently isn't working in this

Thanks in advance for any ideas...

- Harvey


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer fast forward

2009-10-29 Thread andynormancx

majones;479119 Wrote: 
> Mea culpa. I had only recently received the Duet and Radio, and hadn't
> realised that FF is done with the scroll wheel as opposed to
> holding-down the >> key.
You can use the >> key as well. Press and hold >> until the position
indicator pops up, then release >> and press and hold it again. You can
then fast forward quickly and it is often easier than spinning the


Yes, it will. Yes, all of them. Yes, SoftSqueeze as well. What ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Inguz and 7.4

2009-10-29 Thread a . skarpa

+1 for Logitech to support EQ and/or DRC.

However I try to find a workaround for having today's InguzEQ working
with 7.4.x.

Can someone try the following steps, modyfing \Program
Files\Squeezebox\server\Plugins\ ?

1) follow instruction of my post #21: substitute line 391:

OLD: my @rootdirs = Slim::Utils::PluginManager::pluginRootDirs();

NEW: my @rootdirs =
(note: the word E-N-A-B-L-E-D is written without spaces)

2) (new try) substitute lines from 742 to 747:



On 7.4.1 (official) these steps made the transcoding working for me.
BTW it works even better than 7.3.3, only one instance of socketwrapper
is present during playback.
Test signals and room correction work from my Squeezebox3 Classic, the
web interface works as it was in 7.3.3 (can't modify frequency bands,
but you can save settings, set number of bands, etc).

I hope this workaround works for you guys.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2009-10-29 Thread remblues

pippin;478748 Wrote: 
> That's what the "artistsort" tag should do.
> iPeng respects SC's sorting.

No wonder I wasn't aware of the "artistsort" tag - it appears that
MediaMonkey, which I've been using to rip & tag, doesn't recognize
"artistsort".  I tried tagging a couple of albums via iTunes and MP3tag,
rescanned my library, and "artistsort" was indeed recognized by
SC/iPeng. Sweet!

Unfortunately this seems to complicate things even more for me, since
there doesn't seem to be a single program that rips & tags in the way
I'd like.  (I don't like iTunes for several reasons.)  But this isn't a
iPeng/SC issue, so I'll seek help elsewhere on that.

Thanks to all who replied.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Music IP becomes Amplified Music Service

2009-10-29 Thread DigitalMitch


agree that this wouldbe backburner after SBT.

I'll try and draft an enhancemenmt request next week. I just submitted
my first one today, so I'll wait for some feedback on that before I do a

Any ideas on approach, i.e. what are we asking for?
1) MusicIP to be licensed from AMS and fully integrated into SBS (full
2) MusicIP server to be supported by Logitech and maintained in line
with SBS and OS changes
3) All future SBS builds to support old versions of Windows so MusicIp
still works.


2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio
controlled by IR, SBC and iPeng on iPhone
7.4 running on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Music IP becomes Amplified Music Service

2009-10-29 Thread audiomuze

DigitalMitch;479168 Wrote: 
> Okay, 
> agree that this wouldbe backburner after SBT.
> I'll try and draft an enhancemenmt request next week. I just submitted
> my first one today, so I'll wait for some feedback on that before I do a
> second.
> Any ideas on approach, i.e. what are we asking for?
> 1) MusicIP to be licensed from AMS and fully integrated into SBS (full
> version)
> 2) MusicIP server to be supported by Logitech and maintained in line
> with SBS and OS changes
> 3) All future SBS builds to support old versions of Windows so MusicIp
> still works.

Basically what you want to ask for is MyDJ integration into SBS.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Weblogger for 7.4x?

2009-10-29 Thread BigBirdy

Anyone know if weblogger will be updated for SBS 7.4.x? Current version
does not work with 7.4.1


Transporter, SB3 (2), Yamaha DSP-A1, Denon 5900 DVD, Musical Fidelity
Trivista DAC-21, Rega Planet, Adcom GFA-555, Panamax 1500, Klipsch
KLF-30 Mains, Klipsch KLF-C7 Center, Klipsch KSP-S6 Surround, Sound
Dynamics-THS15, AudioQuest, Kimbercable, Thecus N5200Pro 5x500GB,

Duet, Musical Fidelity (MF) X-DAC (v3), MF X10 (v3) MF X-PSU (v3), MF
X-Can (v3), Denon AVR-688, Panasonic DVD-RV30, Adcom ACE-515, Polk
Audio, Sound Dynamics, Monster Cable, Sennheiser HD-600.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Inguz and 7.4

2009-10-29 Thread miklorsmith

Sweet, I'll give that one a go tonight.

By my comments I do not mean to denigrate Hugh for his tireless and
excellent work, the work of members looking to get the functionality
back, nor Logitech for continuing to support open-source architecture
which benefits us all.

I only mean now seems like a good time to lift Hugh off the hook.  And,
I believe it's true he builds expiration dates into the Inguz builds. 
If this is the case, we have a limited time to use the software,
regardless of staying on an older platform or finding a good

On the subject of moving "frequency centers", I find this an extremely
important function.  Early in the Inguz development I chatted quite a
bit with Hugh and even had him over to my house for a listen (very nice
guy btw).  At the time, the variable-center function wasn't in the

Coming from the TacT preamp units and seeing huge benefit, I implored
him to upgrade the EQ function from a 'graphic' to 'parametric'.  The
reason is that a graphic EQ allows fiddling - bump here, cut there, stop
when it sounds 'good'.

While this is a useful function and far better than nothing, it doesn't
allow corrections to be applied exactly where they are needed.  When
measuring a room there are invariably bumps to be trimmed and holes to
be filled (within reason).  Without a parametric EQ, 'frequency centers'
cannot be correlated with places of need.

The two elements of a true parametric EQ not present in a graphic EQ
are 1) movable frequency centers, and 2) "Q", or width of the band in
terms of octaves.

Hugh agreed.  Applying the idea, he found moving frequency centers was
relatively easy and he fairly quickly applied that to the software. 
However, varying width of the band proved more difficult and that part
never made it to the software.

Nevertheless, his solution enables the measured approach of measuring
the room, applying corrections, listening, measuring, applying, etc. 
The end result is an intentional compromise of measured flatness and
audible preference.

The importance of this function to, well, everyone's better sound
cannot be overstated.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Switch Player: Where is controller icon (or how to make one?)

2009-10-29 Thread epoch1970


you successfully fixed the power off status of my players with release
0.2 of switchplayers. Thank you.

I used to have code that would send players to SN <-> SC and eventually
power on <-> off. It was good enough to have both use of alarms and
power management on the server.
Right now this doesn't work too well, especially because of this weird
power status. I get the "off" screensaver (WeatherDateTime) when SBS
says the player is on. Sometimes pressing power on the remote really
sets the player off. Sometimes the player "plays", but there is no sound
(or the amp is off.)

I was wondering if I could patch up things using the CLI. Can you
disclose what you did to make power status change work with
Switchplayers ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Switch Player: Where is controller icon (or how to make one?)

2009-10-29 Thread Triode

epoch1970;479232 Wrote: 
> I was wondering if I could patch up things using the CLI. Can you
> disclose what you did to make power status change work with
> Switchplayers ?

The change was an internal change to the plugin code to call the power
command in a different way.  If you are not familar with the perl code
then I don't think it will help you.  [power command now does the
equivalent of cli " power 0|1" rather than calling the internal
$client->power command directly]


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Screen Switcher, switching screensaver for Controller/Touch/Radio

2009-10-29 Thread erland

bluegaspode;479094 Wrote: 
> is 'delay' the right word ? Wouldn't 'duration' be more appropiate ?
Duration would be better, thanks!

bluegaspode;479094 Wrote: 
> - if I configure a new screensafer in the order and then have the list
> of screensafers, it still looks as if no screensafer was configured.
Yes, I know, I haven't had time to investigate how to refresh the
parent menu automatically. The list will be refreshed if you step left
out of the menu that shows the list and then right to enter it again.

bluegaspode;479094 Wrote: 
> - I realize that you put your configuration-menu directly under the
> screen settings. In the weather-screensafer I use the screensafer API to
> register my config-menu and it appears under screensafers then.
> Why did you decide to manually choose the position of the config-menu
> ?
I didn't know the possibility existed, will take a look. I think I took
inspiration from one of the existing builtin applets.

bluegaspode;479094 Wrote: 
> Ah - and what needs to be done, that a screensafer isn't restartet
> everytime the switcher switches ? Or in other words: what will you
> change in your Album-Flow applet ?
The plan is to make Album Flow continue where it left the last time.
Similar problem also exists in the Daylight Clock which shouldn't
re-read the image if it's activated soon after it was used last time.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Switch Player: Where is controller icon (or how to make one?)

2009-10-29 Thread epoch1970

Aha. I'll try getting the power status on my players when they are back
from mySB and do an extra "playerid power" to the same value. Perhaps
that can resync things.

Thanks for your quick answer.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-29 Thread erland

vagskal;479118 Wrote: 
> Clicking on Settings for TrackStat in Squeezebox Server/Settings/Plugins
> results in a page with this message: "404 Not Found:
> plugins/Extensions/settings/plugins/TrackStat/settings/basic.html"
Seems to work in my setup, I wonder if it could be related to this:


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - sound drop outs

2009-10-29 Thread agbagb

I recently went though a phase of maddening rebuffering in my synched
SB3s, using the Alien Real stream (Radios 3, 4, 7).  Although I guessed
at bandwidth issues, I'm not sure it was  

I could use the same router to push BBC streams direct to a couple of
laptops (ie, not using SC) and they would play fine, with no
interruption, while the SBs rebuffered away.  I then trimmed out all
extraneous bandwith use, and even shut down everything on the server
except SC. Still rebuffering.  I then shut down Controller - still
rebuffering;  I un-synched the SBs - still rebuffering (though manybe
less so).  I moved the SBs to within a few feet of the router -
still rebuffering.

I then moved over to the SC iPlayer plug-in, as well as Playlisting the
BBC direct WMA streams in SC.  Shifted the SBs back to their usual
locations.  Ran the server as normal.  Hooked up and "load-tested" a
couple of laptops into the bargain. Synched the SBs. Powered up
Controller, as both Controller and Player.

No rebuffering *at all* on the SBs using iPlayer plugin, or the WMA
streams: not in many hours of continuous streaming, for several days
now.  Switch back to the Alien Real stream - immediate rebuffering,
every few minutes.




SqueezeCenter Version: 7.3.3 - 27044 (was: 7.3.2 - 24695) under Vista.
2 x SB3s, wireless, usually in sync. (Firmware 127 [was 123] on both)
LinkSys WRT54GX2 / SRX 200 Router, WPA2.
Controller 7.3 r6038 (was:7.3 r3993)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Error Handling for MusicIP + Umlauts:Corrupts Displays

2009-10-29 Thread Wirrunna

I vaguely remember that there was quite a bit of discussion about Umlaut
(e.g. Björk or Hüsker Dü ) in artists and track names in the MIP
I think Moonbase was involved, it may be worthwhile contacting him via


A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-29 Thread vagskal

"erland" Wrote: 
> > > > Clicking on Settings for TrackStat in Squeezebox Server/Settings/Plugins
> > results in a page with this message: "404 Not Found:
> > plugins/Extensions/settings/plugins/TrackStat/settings/basic.html"
> > > > 
> Seems to work in my setup, I wonder if it could be related to this:

That could be it. It might have just coninceded with the SBS bug. I
will install  a new beta tomorrow.


2 x SB3 (wired), Receiver (wireless), Boom (wireless), Controller, iPeng
on iPod Touch, muso on remote computer running Win XP | 7.4.2 on Win XP

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-29 Thread dip

erland;479010 Wrote: 
> A new version of Custom Browse (2.10) and TrackStat (2.10) is now
> available, see Squeezebox Server/Settings/Plugins for details about
> news. The big difference is that they both have support for the new
> context menus on Controller/Touch/Radio in their respective menus.
With CustomBrowser 2.10 all my CustomBrowse menus don't work anymore in
the web interface. Only the menu items at the top level are shown. When
I click only any of the CustomBrowse top menu items for all items a
blank page is shown.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-29 Thread erland

dip;479274 Wrote: 
> With CustomBrowser 2.10 all my CustomBrowse menus don't work anymore in
> the web interface. Only the menu items at the top level are shown. When
> I click only any of the CustomBrowse top menu items for all items a
> blank page is shown.
Any errors in the log ?


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-29 Thread dip

erland;479295 Wrote: 
> Any errors in the log ?
Yes, each click leads to
[09-10-29 23:55:27.1134] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1165) Warning:
[23:55:27.1125] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::single(): Query returned more
than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is DEPRECATED for ->find
and ->single at /usr/share/perl5/Slim/Schema/ line 242


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Are you willing to pay for a Sirius Radio plug-in?

2009-10-29 Thread froth

Robert, I would also like to chime in that I would be happy to pay some
$$$ if this can get resolved as well.  In Canada and wish this worked.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Album Flow applet/screensaver for Radio/Touch/Controller

2009-10-29 Thread bluegaspode

In screensafer mode - do you have a chance to skip albums with no cover
I just looks ugly and these are not needed for the screensafer.


1x SB-Controller+Receiver (Duet), 1xSB-Boom. 1xSB-Radio
Server (7.4.1) running on Linkstation NAS (LS-CHL) (with Debian Lenny
instead of Stock-Firmware)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Inguz and 7.4

2009-10-29 Thread esbrewer

The most recent changes posted give me the following on a Mac running OS
10.6.1 and SBS 7.4.2 - r29030:

1.  Functional 9-band EQ
2.  Active Silverlight graph via web interface

Its interesting - the Silverlight thing hadn't worked for me for a very
long time for me using the most recent versions of Inguz.  Could be a
Mac thing - I don't know.

I do not have an active set of filters at present so I can't test that
until this weekend at the earliest.

Thanks much for getting us this far!


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.1 and SC 7.4
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Inguz and 7.4

2009-10-29 Thread esbrewer

Found that I did actually have some old (and irrelevant given changes to
my system) filters - and that function appears to be working as well.

Logs are all showing normal function.

Also, iPeng 1.2 support appears to be intact as well.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.1 and SC 7.4
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Beta: Weather-Screensafer for Controller/Radio/Touch

2009-10-29 Thread erland

bluegaspode;461873 Wrote: 
> In SqueezeBox-Server you first have to register my repository-URL:
> Then you are able to install the applet by going to
> "Settings/Advanced/Applet Installer" on the Touch/Radio/Controller. 
bluegaspode, you should consider adding your repository to the
repository wiki page:

The upper part contains repositories that will be added to official
list available in Applet Installer by default, this way users don't need
setup your repository manually.

At the bottom of the page there is a list of repositories with beta
versions of plugin/applets which won't be added to the official list but
they are available there on the wiki so users easily can find them.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Inguz and 7.4

2009-10-29 Thread Wirrunna

)p(;479028 Wrote: 
> What would be even better is a vst host plugin for squeezecenter. We can
> then insert our own drc, eq etc vst filters into the playback chain.
> peter

Peter, if you are saying that Squeezecenter should have a programmatic
line out and a corresponding line in (like my NAD amp has a pre out and
a main in for each channel) with a plugin that merely links the two
(again, like the wire between the sockets on the back of my NAD amp)
then I agree totally. This would enable plugins to be written for room
correction, simple tone controls etc or even enable commercial vendors
such as to modify their product to be installed
in the server thus eliminating a separate computer. Quite feasible in
this age of quad core cpus.
I suspect that Logitech are leaving this alone as they appear to be
moving towards "embedded" devices with minimum cpu power and a DSP
plugin could overload a low power server.


A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee.

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