Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-02-22 Thread trautigan

trautigan;612735 Wrote: 
> Here's the log with the IP address masked out. This time the connection
> between the server and the squeezebox dropped as a result of this
> problem.
> > 

  >   > [11-02-19 23:07:13.3667] Slim::Formats::XML::gotErrorViaHTTP (341) 
Error: getting http://192.nnn.nnn.nnn:9001/playlists.json
  > Timed out waiting for data
  > [11-02-19 23:07:13.4754] Slim::Buttons::XMLBrowser::gotError (200) Error: 
While retrieving [http://192.nnn.nnn.nnn:9001/playlists.json]: [Timed out 
waiting for data]
  > [11-02-19 23:07:48.8439] Slim::Formats::Playlists::M3U::write (220) Error: 
Couldn't retrieve objectForUrl: [spotify:track:5QKjojuLLPncfpvUvqrWKF] - 
  > [11-02-19 23:07:48.8539] Slim::Formats::Playlists::M3U::write (220) Error: 
Couldn't retrieve objectForUrl: [spotify:track:30ZQiFBotYcZT30Hxpcuyq] - 
  > [11-02-19 23:08:00.6350] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__ (167) 
error fetching track data: Error reading headers: Server closed connection 
without sending any data back at 
/Net/HTTP/ line 306.
  > ...propagated at /Net/HTTP/ 
line 32.
  > [11-02-19 23:08:00.6393] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__ (167) 
error fetching track data: Error reading headers: Server closed connection 
without sending any data back at 
/Net/HTTP/ line 306.
  > ...propagated at /Net/HTTP/ 
line 32.
  > [11-02-19 23:08:00.6443] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__ (167) 
error fetching track data: Error reading headers: Server closed connection 
without sending any data back at 
/Net/HTTP/ line 306.
  > ...propagated at /Net/HTTP/ 
line 32.
  > [11-02-19 23:08:04.8144] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__ (167) 
error fetching track data: Error reading headers: Server closed connection 
without sending any data back at 
/Net/HTTP/ line 306.
  > ...propagated at /Net/HTTP/ 
line 32.
  > [11-02-19 23:08:06.2430] Plugins::Spotify::Image::_gotError (116) error: 
Error reading headers: Server closed connection without sending any data back 
at /Net/HTTP/ line 306.
  > ...propagated at /Net/HTTP/ 
line 32.
  > [11-02-20 22:33:32.7848] Slim::Formats::XML::gotErrorViaHTTP (341) Error: 
getting http://192.nnn.nnn.nnn:9001/playlists.json
  > Timed out waiting for data
  > [11-02-20 22:33:32.8596] Slim::Buttons::XMLBrowser::gotError (200) Error: 
While retrieving [http://192.nnn.nnn.nnn:9001/playlists.json]: [Timed out 
waiting for data]
  > [11-02-20 22:34:43.0928] Plugins::Spotify::ParserBase::parse (42) 
single-playlist: timeout
  > [11-02-20 22:34:43.0944] Plugins::Spotify::ParserBase::parse (50) retrying 
 retries left 2
  > [11-02-20 22:35:13.6339] Plugins::Spotify::ParserBase::parse (42) 
single-playlist: timeout
  > [11-02-20 22:35:13.6351] Plugins::Spotify::ParserBase::parse (50) retrying 
 retries left 1
  > [11-02-20 22:35:44.6801] Plugins::Spotify::ParserBase::parse (42) 
single-playlist: timeout
  > [11-02-20 22:35:44.6827] Plugins::Spotify::ParserBase::parse (60) json 
response error - restarting helper
  > [11-02-20 22:37:22.2252] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (320) Found 
12139 files in E:\My EMusic
  > [11-02-20 22:44:17.1127] 
Slim::Networking::Discovery::Players::_players_error (146) Unable to get 
players: Timed out waiting for data
  > [11-02-20 22:46:06.7609] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (383) request 
not dispatchable! 

> > 

So, is this an HTTP Error 341? 
Anyway, it would be great if there was a problem with Spotify access
that the plugin handed back to the SB server in an elegant way, rather
than somehow dropping the connection to the requesting client.

Or is that an unreasonable wish?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-22 Thread stan323

I just posted a ticket about this.  I've been looking around but
starting to feel like I am the only one having this problem...

When I use group control to sync my squeezebox boom, mac with
squeezeplay installed, and iphone with playback iPeng constantly
crashes.  Somehow I have gotten it to work a few times, but mostly it
just freezes up whenever I play a track.

This is happening despite the fact that I don't have any problem when
it is just my phone and squeezeplay synched, or my phone and the boom
synched.  I do not have any problems when controlling all three devices
unsynched either.  

Does anyone have any idea what is going on here?!  

iphone 3GS 2.4
mac OSX 10.6.4
iPeng 1.3.1


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-22 Thread michel

pippin;612830 Wrote: 
> Yes.
> Or you are having an issue with your flash disc on the iPod.

IMHO this is unlikely as crashes happen with at least 2 devices.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-22 Thread pippin

stan323;612974 Wrote: 
> I just posted a ticket about this.  I've been looking around but
> starting to feel like I am the only one having this problem...
> When I use group control to sync my squeezebox boom, mac with
> squeezeplay installed, and iphone with playback iPeng constantly
> crashes.  Somehow I have gotten it to work a few times, but mostly it
> just freezes up whenever I play a track.
> This is happening despite the fact that I don't have any problem when
> it is just my phone and squeezeplay synched, or my phone and the boom
> synched.  I do not have any problems when controlling all three devices
> unsynched either.  
> Does anyone have any idea what is going on here?!  
> iphone 3GS 2.4
> mac OSX 10.6.4
> iPeng 1.3.1

I never tried this. Will give it some testing mileage.
What file format are you using? Could it be it's something that needs
to be transcoded for the Boom, e.g. AAC?


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Softsqueeze synchronization fails after first track

2011-02-22 Thread markbw999

I have exactly the same problem. The only diffence in my situation is
I'm running Windows 7.

Anyone got any suggestions? I have tried playing with the delayed start
parameters on the player sync admin settings but to no effect.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SqueezeIR Support Thread

2011-02-22 Thread aka68

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Are you interested in IR-over-IP?

- Yes, I'd like to have IRoIP.
- No, I don't care.

eversonl;612865 Wrote: 
> aka68 did you get any further with running this on qnap?
> I have all the files and the applet installed but it doesnt seem to be
> reading my xml file

it did work eventually; it was a rather silly step to do, i.e. you need
to be connected to squeezeserver on qnap rather than mysqueezenetwork.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Softsqueeze synchronization fails after first track

2011-02-22 Thread aubuti

In general, sync with software players like SoftSqueeze, SqueezePlay,
and squeezeslave is a hit-or-miss affair. If it worked well for you
before, consider yourself lucky. For the software players there are too
many variables such as soundcard drivers, network and OS latencies, and
other things that are beyond the control of SBS. I know that's not the
answer you wanted to hear, but that's the way it has always been. On
the other hand, sync between hardware players is generally rock solid.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-02-22 Thread JackOfAll


I just noticed that when albums are added to the playlist from your
plugin they no longer display track number, artist & album following a
restart of the server. Tracks added via the Logi plugin do display
these fields following a restart.

2 images attached. 

cj1.png shows the same album added to the playlist. Firstly from your
plugin, second time from the Logi plugin.

cj2.png shows the playlist display after a SBS restart.

|Filename: cj2.jpg  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Beginnings of a Windows Phone 7 app - quick question

2011-02-22 Thread 7Illusions

Hi! I've actually developed an Squeezebox Controller App for WP7,
Squeeze Remote. Its on Marketplace for the price of 1.99$. The current
version is 1.2 and 1.3 is at Microsoft for testing. Version 1.4 which
supports most of the applications and Syncing is tested by me right

Also, both the official Spotify plugin and Triodes 3rd party one are
supported. The official is not limited to Squeezebox Touch or Radio. I
run the official on my Squeezebox Boom without any issues.

I'm currently looking into using the Phone as a player.. Seems like it
might take a while, but it's definetly possible. :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Slimnas + Freenas Problems

2011-02-22 Thread smckay

Hi Michael,

I got this up and running by using an old HDD for FreeNAS.

Ideally I want to run my FreeNAS on a USB stick.

Do you think it was free space on the USB drive or the Swap size that
meant it worked straight away on a 120gb hdd?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LastFM (not LastFM Radio) N/W

2011-02-22 Thread dcinbe

The only things I can suggest are:
- Go to the application on and make sure that
under "Scrobbling" it is enabled and you have your account
selected for your specific music system(s)
- On your squeezebox device, go to Settings->Advanced->
audioscrobbler and make sure your account is there selected as

Scrobbling works for me, but I do have a paid account and I'm not using on Squeezebox Server, but on


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2011-02-22 Thread VirusKiller

I've noticed jerky scrolling of the iPlayer programme information on
both my Booms which *may* started with the release before last.  I
currently using v1.1.13 from the official plugin repository and
SqueezeBox Server v7.5.3.  I recently updated from 7.5.2 as well, so
this could be the culprit.  I've not changed any scrolling settings for
a while.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LastFM (not LastFM Radio) N/W

2011-02-22 Thread dcinbe

Btw, there's a similar thread here:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-22 Thread stan323

pippin;612985 Wrote: 
> I never tried this. Will give it some testing mileage.
> What file format are you using? Could it be it's something that needs
> to be transcoded for the Boom, e.g. AAC?
> Although that doesn't really explain why it works if you sync with the
> Boom alone.

Much of my music is in AAC, Apple Lossless.  But it is also happening
with Mp3s.  If their is something I should try, please let me know.

thanks for the reply!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Developer with interest of improving Squeezebox ?

2011-02-22 Thread erland

JJZolx;612948 Wrote: 
> What is going to be done in Java?  Are you planning on creating a new
> client-side interface ala Moose, or is that a server-side component?  I
> didn't see anything mentioned in the other thread.
Client and server in Java, possibly also native clients for
Android/iPad and Windows depending on interest. Java was selected
mainly for the multi platform support and because most of the current
contributors had experience in the language. We also need a rich client
to accomplish what we want related to library management. SBS and perl
plugins will still be used for streaming, player management and some
parts of the browse/search menus in the Squeezebox interfaces. 

As mentioned we are currently very early in the process so we haven't
really decided on everything yet, so a lot can still change before we
are ready to show something in public. Due to this, I'm also not ready
to go into any details in a public forum at this stage, mainly because
I'd like to avoid spending a lot of time in discussions with people
outside the contributor group before we at least have some kind of
architecture/design and prototype which we are satisfied with.

Since all contributors only work on their spare time, it's probably
going to take some time before we have something which is ready for
alpha testing. This is also the reason why I posted this thread, to try
to get more active contributors.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
helped you and you like to encourage future presence on this forum
and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
appreciated' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-22 Thread stan323

pippin;612985 Wrote: 
> I never tried this. Will give it some testing mileage.
> What file format are you using? Could it be it's something that needs
> to be transcoded for the Boom, e.g. AAC?
> Although that doesn't really explain why it works if you sync with the
> Boom alone.

OK, did some cursory testing with codec in mind.  It appears that I
gave some inaccurate information the first time around.  Codecs are
definitely a determining factor in this problem.

What I can do:  

-With an Mp3: Anything.  Any combination including all three devices at
once.  I can switch to other mp3s and mess with the playlist. 
Everything plays, no crashing. 

-With the Squeezebox and my phone synched: Mp3 or AAC (Apple Lossless)
files.  No problems here at all.

-With the Squeezeplay and my phone synched: only Mp3; switching to AAC
(Apple Lossless) causes the album art to show, the track timing to run,
but no sound to come out of either device.  When I close iPeng, the
music starts playing on Squeezeplay.  When I open iPeng again, the
music stops and iPeng eventually crashes.  To fix this I need to clear
the playlist before it crashes.  Then it crashes again.  Reopen and
play an Mp3.  

-With all three devices synched the behavior is the same as when I just
have the Squeezeplay and the phone synched.  

-Lastly, the Squeezebox and Squeezeplay play nice together with AAC or

So, there is a clear solution: don't use AAC if I want my phone and
Squeezeplay to work together.  

But I encode much of my music on an external hard drive in FLAC, and
then store it on my computer in AAC so I can get it onto my iphone. 
This way I have my library backed up, I have high quality music, and I
can still use idevices and share music with my flacphobic friends.

My questions now are...

1)  Why is this happening/Is this expected?

2)  Is their a potential fix?

3)  Would it be different if I was using FLAC for my lossless music?

I can see that you are very dedicated to answering the many questions
you receive, and to improving the product based on user feedback. 
Thank you!  And thank you for an excellent product... even if it is
giving me a bit of trouble at the moment.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-02-22 Thread trautigan

For the last 24 hours Spotify has been constantly rebuffering making it
totally useless through the Logitech plugin. 

The service works absolutely fine when played direct.

Any clues?

Server 7.5.3
latest version of plugins...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-22 Thread pippin

1) it's definitely not expected.
If you play an AAC file synced between iPeng and SqueezePlay, could you
"hold" the cover in iPeng to get the NowPlaying context menu and look at
the file type in "More Info"? I would need the info for both iPeng and
SqueezePlay, in SqueezePlay you can get it by going to the current
playlist and "holding" the current track.

2. I don't have a fix but at least the crashes should be fixable.
Here's what I suspect: iPeng can play AAC natively, Boom can not, I
don't know about SqueezePlay. I guess that for some reason your server
transcodes to PCM/WAV (instead of FLAC) when you sync with SqueezePlay.
iPeng can't play WAV.
OR SqueezePlay fir some reason enforces transcoding to mp3 and your
server doesn't have lame installed (see Settings->Player
Settings->Audio, I believe).

Edit: I believe FLAC should always work.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-22 Thread stan323

In playing with the playback function so much in the past 24 hrs, I also
noticed something that may be of interest to iPeng users.  It seems that
when I have my phone and other devices synched there is initially a gap
with playback.  After skipping a song or two from my phone it often
disappears, and sounds to be perfectly in sync.  If I then change
tracks from my computer it reappears.  

Does this match what others are experiencing?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-22 Thread stan323

pippin;613081 Wrote: 
> 1) it's definitely not expected.
> If you play an AAC file synced between iPeng and SqueezePlay, could you
> "hold" the cover in iPeng to get the NowPlaying context menu and look at
> the file type in "More Info"? I would need the info for both iPeng and
> SqueezePlay, in SqueezePlay you can get it by going to the current
> playlist and "holding" the current track.

Just did that upon crash while iPeng and Squeezeplay were synched. 
Here is what they say:


File Format: Apple Lossless
Bitrate: 587kbps VBR (Converted to 705kbps FLAC)
Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
File Length: 11,296,332


File Format: Apple Lossless
Bitrate: 587kbps VBR (Converted to 705kbps FLAC)
Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
File Length: 11,296,332


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-22 Thread stan323

Alright, I just reproduced the problem exactly with a FLAC file.

Same behavior with iPeng and Squeezeplay synched.  Album art shows,
track timer moving, no sound.  

With Squeezebox and iPeng, no problems.

With Squeezebox and Squeezeplay no problems.

When I went to more info, the file type said FLAC for Squeezeplay and
iPeng.  The only other area of note seemed to be that this time under
Bitrate it just gave the number and VBR, no mention of "converted".


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-02-22 Thread trautigan

trautigan;613079 Wrote: 
> For the last 24 hours Spotify has been constantly rebuffering making it
> totally useless through the Logitech plugin. 
> The service works absolutely fine when played direct.
> Any clues?
> +++
> WIN 7, Platform Arch 586,
> Classic
> Server 7.5.3 r31792
> Spotfy plugins - latest

I've reduced the stream to 120 - I'll post back if that helps.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SqueezeIR Support Thread

2011-02-22 Thread eversonl

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Are you interested in IR-over-IP?

- Yes, I'd like to have IRoIP.
- No, I don't care.

Yes, I managed to get mine working last night.
I have volume controls working but not power, so I need to play with
the codes a little more I think.  Thanks


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-22 Thread pippin

stan323;613082 Wrote: 
> In playing with the playback function so much in the past 24 hrs, I also
> noticed something that may be of interest to iPeng users.  It seems that
> when I have my phone and other devices synched there is initially a gap
> with playback.  After skipping a song or two from my phone it often
> disappears, and sounds to be perfectly in sync.  If I then change
> tracks from my computer it reappears.  
> Does this match what others are experiencing?

Generally, syncing with iPeng's playback is not supposed to be
supported. It can work well if the streams start in sync or if iPeng is
the "faster" player but it doesn't actively stay in sync.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-22 Thread garym

pippin;613104 Wrote: 
> Generally, syncing with iPeng's playback is not supposed to be
> supported. It can work well if the streams start in sync or if iPeng is
> the "faster" player but it doesn't actively stay in sync.

Yep, I've not been able to get my ipeng exactly in sync with my other
players. All running off SbS, and other players are all ethernet
connected.  I can get it "close" but not close enough to not be
annoying! Still a great feature though!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-22 Thread stan323

pippin;613104 Wrote: 
> Generally, syncing with iPeng's playback is not supposed to be
> supported. It can work well if the streams start in sync or if iPeng is
> the "faster" player but it doesn't actively stay in sync.

Didn't mean to imply that they were actively synching, just noticed
that skipping a couple tracks had a positive effect, and was curious if
others have found this to be the case.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-22 Thread Sinergie

pippin;611944 Wrote: 
> iPeng _is_ the client here :)
> iPeng tells the server - MySB or SBS - which language it wants and
> that's what the server is supposed to send. The server doesn't always
> do that (e.g. for but that's a different story...

So in other words i'm getting screwed by Apple since my iPod language
setting is overruling the MySB or SBS language settings.

PS. Everything on MySB and SBS is in English except the time&date
screen on my Squeezebox when connected to SBS while it's set to English
in the settings, weird stuff (but not your problem ;))


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iplayer icon doesn't appear on remote

2011-02-22 Thread The gentleman

This was the first time I installed the Iplayer, so I don't know.

The gentleman

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-02-22 Thread dennis013

Hi. I am new to this board. I've had some issues with squeezebox but
i've always managed to fix them myself.
Today i signed up for spotify premium, but i cannot get it to stream on
my Duet or Boom.
I use windows home server with squeezebox server 7.5.3 and the third
party spotify plugin.

The problem is that everything seems to work, but there is no sound. I
can see the spotify plugin working correctly on the web interface and
the duet interface. In the webinterface i see the timer running and the
squeezebox interface displays 'connecting'. But no sounds comes from the
Spotify works normally though.

I see more user reporting this problem and they post a log. This is
mine file, i hope this is sufficient to discover the problem.


[22:25:05.443] logged_in:45 logged in
[22:25:06.488] process_status:1039 process status
[22:25:06.550] metadata_updated:69 new meta
[22:25:06.550] main:427 new connection
[22:25:06.550] main:464 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[22:25:06.550] process_status:1039 process status
[22:25:06.816] container_loaded:82 playlist container loaded
[22:25:09.171] main:427 new connection
[22:25:09.171] main:464 req: prefetch res:
spotify:track:3Xa18KQj1a4JD1H2p7RyXM par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
[22:25:09.171] main:680 prefetching track: No error
[22:25:09.234] metadata_updated:69 new meta


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SqueezeIR Support Thread

2011-02-22 Thread indifference_engine

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Are you interested in IR-over-IP?

- Yes, I'd like to have IRoIP.
- No, I don't care.

aka68;612993 Wrote: 
> it did work eventually; it was a rather silly step to do, i.e. you need
> to be connected to squeezeserver on qnap rather than mysqueezenetwork.
Sorry for ignoring you.  I did look at your xml and it was fine.  You
do need to be connected to your local server for the initial install
and to update the Controller with a new configuration.  Once you have
done that though it is cached on the Controller so you can connect to
whatever you want thereafter.  In my defence the installation
intructions do say as much although I must admit they are a little
rambling!  Anyway, glad it's working for you and welcome to the world
of SqueezeIR.


2xReceiver, 2xController, 1xSB3, 2xSqueezeSlave, SBS 7.5.3
Inventor of SqueezeIR applet for the Controller

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SqueezeIR Support Thread

2011-02-22 Thread indifference_engine

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Are you interested in IR-over-IP?

- Yes, I'd like to have IRoIP.
- No, I don't care.

eversonl;613097 Wrote: 
> Yes, I managed to get mine working last night.
> I have volume controls working but not power, so I need to play with
> the codes a little more I think.  Thanks
What are you trying to control?  I'm willing to help if you get stuck.


2xReceiver, 2xController, 1xSB3, 2xSqueezeSlave, SBS 7.5.3
Inventor of SqueezeIR applet for the Controller

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Beginnings of a Windows Phone 7 app - quick question

2011-02-22 Thread Paul_B


After seeing your post I looked for your app on Marketplace, I also
came across "Squeezebox Control" by Anton van Zuylen. Although this is
more expensive than you app it offers a free trial which your app
doesn't which is a real shame as I would like to see how it runs before




Squeeze Server 7.5 for Windows Home Server on Custom Intel Atom MoBo 
SB3 (x1), SBB (Squeezebox Boom) x1, SBR (Squeezebox Radio with battery)
x1, SBT (Squeezebox Touch)
RIP - dBpowerAMP R13 to FLAC
ID3 Tags - MP3Tag v2.41

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-22 Thread pippin

Sinergie;613115 Wrote: 
> So in other words i'm getting screwed by Apple since my iPod language
> setting is overruling the MySB or SBS language settings.
No, you are getting screwed by me and Logitech.
You can't reliably find out which language the sever is set to on the
interface I use. The logic is that the client decides what language is
to be used, the server language setting is only for the web interface.
You'll find that you can change the language on e.g. a SB Touch
independent from the server. Not 100% sure about the older SBs.
So much for Logitech.

And I decided that it's too confusing, complicated (I could not use
Apple's localization logic) and probably not really compliant with
Apple's user interface guidelines to have a separate language setting.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-02-22 Thread Triode

dennis013;613136 Wrote: 
> [22:25:05.443] logged_in:45 logged in
> [22:25:06.488] process_status:1039 process status
> [22:25:06.550] metadata_updated:69 new meta
> [22:25:06.550] main:427 new connection
> [22:25:06.550] main:464 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot:
> HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
> [22:25:06.550] process_status:1039 process status
> [22:25:06.816] container_loaded:82 playlist container loaded
> [22:25:09.171] main:427 new connection
> [22:25:09.171] main:464 req: prefetch res:
> spotify:track:3Xa18KQj1a4JD1H2p7RyXM par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
> (null)
> [22:25:09.171] main:680 prefetching track: No error
> [22:25:09.234] metadata_updated:69 new meta

This is likely to be a firewall problem - check that the helper app
spotifyd.exe is allowed to receive incoming connections


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2011-02-22 Thread Triode

On which player?  If this is for live text on classic players then it is
a known feature as the new smooth scrolling in 7.5.3 does not support
the scrolling method used by iplayer.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Public Radio Fan

2011-02-22 Thread ChrisNY

Thanks for the replies.  As I started to think about it more I realized
the solutions you've presented are excellent alternatives.  I also
realize I haven't used the Mediafly app nearly as much as I should.  I
tend to use it/maintain it for a while and then it goes off of my



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Using Ipeng on Iphone and Cannot Access SBS

2011-02-22 Thread Audiofile

Have only one SB product, the SB Touch. Just downloaded iPeng and on
iPhone I can access my favorite stations through, but cannot
seem to access SBS for my music.  Tried inputting server addy too, but
nada.  Suggestions?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Beginnings of a Windows Phone 7 app - quick question

2011-02-22 Thread 7Illusions

Paul_B;613148 Wrote: 
> @7Illusions
> After seeing your post I looked for your app on Marketplace, I also
> came across "Squeezebox Control" by Anton van Zuylen. Although this is
> more expensive than you app it offers a free trial which your app
> doesn't which is a real shame as I would like to see how it runs before
> purchasing
> Paul
Hi Paul!

The reason I don't have trialmode implemented is that I havn't really
figured out where I shall implement it. I don't really wanna break the
experience of the app. One solution that I've been thinking about is to
disable functionality to save settings. That would require an setup each
startup, but that kind of breaks the experience a bit.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Using Ipeng on Iphone and Cannot Access SBS

2011-02-22 Thread pippin

If you can't see your library, is your SB Touch probably connected to
I understand you don't have the Albums, Artists,... menus of your local
What do you see on the MultiPlayer screen (swipe right on NowPlaying,
see Help->Quick Tutorials->NowPlaying).
If your server doesn't show up there, your iPhone is probably not
connected to your home network (over WiFi) or on a "guest network"
which only gives you Internet access.
Your iPhone needs to be on the same network as your Server to see it.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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