Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Beginnings of a Windows Phone 7 app - quick question

2011-02-22 Thread 7Illusions

Hi! I've actually developed an Squeezebox Controller App for WP7,
Squeeze Remote. Its on Marketplace for the price of 1.99$. The current
version is 1.2 and 1.3 is at Microsoft for testing. Version 1.4 which
supports most of the applications and Syncing is tested by me right

Also, both the official Spotify plugin and Triodes 3rd party one are
supported. The official is not limited to Squeezebox Touch or Radio. I
run the official on my Squeezebox Boom without any issues.

I'm currently looking into using the Phone as a player.. Seems like it
might take a while, but it's definetly possible. :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Beginnings of a Windows Phone 7 app - quick question

2011-02-22 Thread 7Illusions

Paul_B;613148 Wrote: 
> @7Illusions
> After seeing your post I looked for your app on Marketplace, I also
> came across "Squeezebox Control" by Anton van Zuylen. Although this is
> more expensive than you app it offers a free trial which your app
> doesn't which is a real shame as I would like to see how it runs before
> purchasing
> Paul
Hi Paul!

The reason I don't have trialmode implemented is that I havn't really
figured out where I shall implement it. I don't really wanna break the
experience of the app. One solution that I've been thinking about is to
disable functionality to save settings. That would require an setup each
startup, but that kind of breaks the experience a bit.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Beginnings of a Windows Phone 7 app - quick question

2011-02-23 Thread 7Illusions

The website is still not created, lack of time, but screenshots can be
found at Just search for squeeze remote. Will
upload screenshots here in a few hours.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Beginnings of a Windows Phone 7 app - quick question

2011-02-23 Thread 7Illusions


|Filename: Pic5.jpg |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Beginnings of a Windows Phone 7 app - quick question

2011-02-25 Thread 7Illusions

Thanks Chris. Basically what I've tested so far
ran into problems when using security on squeezebox server though. The
Uri doesn't  work as it is supposed too. :(
Will have a look at it when the updates I'm working on has passes
certification. Was hoping for version 1.3 to be released already nut
Microsoft are slower then they usually are. I'm currently at final
testing for v.1.4 :). (Will have syncing and trialmode)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2014-03-18 Thread 7Illusions

Sorry for my LAAATTE response.
I've been as busy as a man can be, by my own free will though, with
several projects AND work.
I don't know if you are aware of it, but I've been working on something
called MediaBrowser. (
Just the other day we released a beta of the next server where we
actually support Squeezebox via DLNA. :)

Anyhow, now I'm back and I got some good news for Synology owners.
They've finally fixed there problems! Just upgrade DMS to version 5 on
your NAS and it should start to work just fine.

As for lyrics, not sure when it will happen, but hopefully it will.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2014-04-09 Thread 7Illusions

andypandyswe wrote: 
> I just upgraded my Synology DSM to 5.0-4458 after reading your post.
> I've filled in:
> Friendly Name: (dont know what this is exactly so I've left it as is:
> SqueezeboxServer
> IP Address:
> port number 9002 (I've checked in settings of squeezebox server)
> and as far as I know I don't use a username/password when connecting
> from my squeezebox players so I've left this empty.
> When i press save I get:
> Verifying Connection
> The server commited a protocol violation. Section=ResponsHeader
> Detail=CR must be followed by RF
> This is the same message I got Before the upgrade to 5.0...
> Have they really fixed it? If so, what am I doing wrong???

If you get: The server commited a protocol violation.
Section=ResponsHeader Detail=CR must be followed by RF
Then there's still something wrong with your nas or Server installation

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2014-04-09 Thread 7Illusions

iemslie wrote: 
> I'm having problems too. Just updated NAS to DSM5, installed trial and
> entered details including user/password. All I have is a black screen
> with the Squeeze Remote graphic at the top right and bottom left and
> headers 'main menu' and 'bio'.
> I cannot swipe to access options and nothing appears to be updating.
> Hmm.
> Anyone have any ideas? PerhapsDSM5 does not provide a fix after all?
> Running LMS 7.7.3-032 on Synology  DSM 5.0-4458 Update 1.
> Cheers

If you have no player connected to the server, then you will see what
you describe.
Make sure that the player is turned on and that it is connected to LMS
as mediasource

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-02-05 Thread 7Illusions

I've just released a Win8 version od SqueezeRemote a couple of days

I've received reports that the app does not connect and therefor I
didn't want to tell anyone about it just yet until I'd verified it
against a RT-tablet. (Mine is out on a tour kindof)
But if you wanna give it a go, here's the link:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-02-10 Thread 7Illusions

wewen wrote: 
> I gave your app a try. Good first release.
> Got some thoughts:
> 1. How do you sync?
> 2. No albumart on my machine
> 3. No icons for apps example spotify
> 4. Quick switch between mysqueezebox and lms should be inplemented
> 5. Favourites does not show unless you play a radio
> I use a win64 system with a core I5.
> Looking forward to continued development :)
> Edit: Btw it does connect to mysqueezebox atleast for me


Thanks for testing.

As for your questions / problems

1.  By bringing down the TopApp-bar (RightClick or Swipe from Top)
and clicking the settingsbutton (I know, bad Icon but I'm working on
you will be brought to the NowPlaying screen. In there you have the
possibility to select other players and to sync them by pressing the
on/off toggle button. (The Sync header is missing in current version)

2 - 3. A new version is in testing at Microsoft which should hopefully
solve this issue.

4. On my todo list.

5. The favorites should be loaded upon player selection. This will be
changed in an upcoming version

As this is a very early version alot of functionality is missing but I'm
working on this app daily and will release atleast one update a week to
bring it up to par with my WP version functionality wise.
All code is rewritten from the WP version to improve performance and the
goal is to use this as a base for the upcoming Refresh of the WP as

As for the connectivity issues, this has proven to be mostly Synology
NAS that returns a responseheader which is not RFC compliant and in
WinRT this is not possible to override without writing your own HTTP
implentation over Sockets which will have to wait a Little while.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-02-11 Thread 7Illusions

A new version should now be available in store.
Albums and artist caching
Option to Clear All cached data
Option to clear cached albums and artists (under charms menu, general)
Improved album loading
Minor bugfixes
Random mix

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-02-12 Thread 7Illusions

Yet Another update was released today.

Bugfix for cached Artists
Automatic refresh of cached data when new albums or artists has been
added to the library.
Added support for Playlists.

For you guys & girls using the app, please let me know of ideas for
improvements or if you find any bugs.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-02-12 Thread 7Illusions

Thanks for the feedback.

I'll see if I can get a new version out before the weekend with some
My main concern at the moment is actually performance, my server broke
down while writing the app and I still have to recover my music
collection. Right now I just have about 100 albums which is easy to
handle, but how does the app work when reaching 1000+? (There's a little
performance bug in Win8 at some special occasions which might need to be

Regarding translation, that would be great. The app is prepared for this
already by using resource files, but it might be a good idea to wait
until I have all the basic functionality in place. (Faster releases with
only English)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-02-13 Thread 7Illusions

A new update is now available in store.

Fixes the album.
New layout on start screen for easier access to selected player
Trial period extended to 30 days.

Please keep sending feedback, both performance and feature requests. The
ones suggested already is on my todo list.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-02-14 Thread 7Illusions

And now another update passed certification and should be available for
Make sure to get the latest version, there was 2 released today. The
newest one is


Another fix for albums and artists
Improved scrolling.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-02-18 Thread 7Illusions

Thanks to your eminent feedback I've managed to reproduce the issues and
resolve quite a few of them.
A new version is now available in store and I'm working on a major
update to add more features.

Thanks and keep the feedback coming.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-02-21 Thread 7Illusions

There's now an update available in store.
It should solve previous issues with crashes and also implements a new
main menu.
I'm working on further updates all the time to add features and fix bugs
so just keep the feedback coming and the app will continue to improve.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-04-12 Thread 7Illusions

Thanks for the feedback and sorry for my late response.

A new version was released a few Days ago which improves image
It now feels stable and fluid enough to start working on new features.
I'll try to have a new version available within a couble of weeks with
the requested features.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-05-02 Thread 7Illusions

Since yesterday, a new version is available in store. 
Now returns the 500 newest albums

Next version will hopefully include a better way to switch players and a
better playlist solution.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-06-06 Thread 7Illusions

As of today, a new version is available for download.
Basically it's just bug fixes, but the crashes and album art not showing
should now be solved.
Will start working on a functionality update soon which will change the
UI a bit on terms of syncing/switching players so that it should be
easier to find and some more features.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-08-08 Thread 7Illusions

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.
Regarding the artist image, I removed that for a while since on large
collections it made the UI very sluggish and sometimes crashed. It will
find its way back soon once I've got a less memory consuming solution in

regarding your other feature requests/bugs I'll try to fix this as soon
as possible, hopefully before the end of next week.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-08-08 Thread 7Illusions

After a very hectic summer I've finally found the time to release a new

It includes som performance Changes to the artist view, a new mainscreen
with now playing info, option to switch players more easily and some
other stuff.
Let me know what you Think of it and meanwhile I'll keep on working on

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-08-08 Thread 7Illusions

Well, the problem is not the app itself, it works with the Logitech
The problem is within Synologys build of LMS where they've screwed up
the HTTP Header.
A Http Header should end with a CRLF, but Synology for some reason only
returns a CR.
This is the only software on Synology devices that does this that I've
come across and I'm hoping that they will fix it. The other softwares
such as the DLNA client returns a correct Header.

Previously, this header-error didn't matter but since Windows 8 and the
WinRT API's for Windows Store unsafe header-parsing is no longer allowed
as it's a potential security flaw.
Writing my own HTTP transport via sockets would take forever and for
Synology to fix their screwup would take 5 min so I kind of hope they'll
fix it.

The more people that post complaints to Synology, the faster this fix
will happen.
Complain on their forum, fill in a support request, call them etc..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-08-08 Thread 7Illusions

gwlevans wrote: 
> Hi,
> I changed the IP address of my server and now I cannot connect the
> client to it. 
> Could you please tell me how to change the server address or reset to
> default so I can set it up again? I don't seem to be able to uninstall
> it. I just get the option to install (it's already installed) from
> windows store.
> Thanks,
> Gareth


Just start the app, wait for the Connection failed notification, bring
out the charms menu (swipe from right or mouse in upper right corner)
click settings and then Connections and you are good to go. :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-08-09 Thread 7Illusions

Yet another update was released in Store today.
Includes some UI cleanup, Artist sorting, Apps cleanup.

Somehow the Microsoft certification passed in a blink, took 4 hours from
submission to release. :D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-08-09 Thread 7Illusions

It's the default one you want. ��
just bring it out and click on settings.
(The same goes for all other modernUI apps)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-08-12 Thread 7Illusions

gwlevans wrote: 
> Thanks,
> It was a problem with my user profile, I created a new local user and
> all is working fine now. One problem I have found is searching with
> Triodes spotify plugin. Once you have searched for an item it will then
> only let you select that search item when I try and search again rather
> than prompt me for a new search term.
> Thanks,
> Gareth

Thanks, I've corrected this error and an update is now available in
store. :)

Just keep the ideas/error reports coming, it will only make the app
better. :D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-08-14 Thread 7Illusions

seren wrote: 
> So would that mean that it will work when I use SSODS instead, which
> uses a logitech tar?

To be honest, I don't know.
I don't own a Synology, but it would be great if you would like to try
and let me know. :)
Also, pushing on the Synology team to update their software. ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-08-14 Thread 7Illusions

Wigster wrote: 
> Hi,
> I quite like the artist background in the latest version. But where is
> it coming from? It seems to appear for some random artists, but then not
> appear for much more mainstream ones? Is this a question of pattern
> matching or mainstream artists protect their rights?
> Also, the seek/progress bar for radio shows played with the BBC iPlayer
> is a little broken. It usually is maximally to the right, as if it
> didn't know how long the show is. This means that it is impossible to
> skip forward. In general, the information that appears when it's dragged
> is the number of seconds from the start. This is not so useful for
> longer tracks (say 1750 s is not very informative without some algebra
> in the head). Could you change this to a mm:ss format? 
> Also, is there any chance of making the seek bar a little more touch
> friendly, maybe like Xbox Video has it?
> On the podcasts, it seems that once the episode list for a particular
> podcast is loaded, it will not be reloaded until the App is quit and
> restarted. Could you add some way of forcing a rescan of the episode
> list?
> But otherwise great work! Thanks.

Background image is from Last.FM, I've also noticed that the image faíls
once in a while and I'm currently trying to figure out why. The image
exists, it's just that it fails to load it.

The seekbar will be changed to display the information in hh:mm format.
Regarding iPlayer and podcasts, I'll see what I can do to fix that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-08-23 Thread 7Illusions

MusicMad wrote: 
> 24hrs ago I'd never heard of Squeeze Remote but our purchase of a
> Windows Surface RT Tablet (basic model) meant I had to find a way to
> access my music.
> Source: QNAP419PII (Flac) - extensive (39,000+ tracks) collection
> running via ethernet to a Squeezebox Touch.  I can access this library
> via PCs, Smartphones, and an iPad ... in addition to the SB Touch and SB
> Duet Controller.  So I don't really need more access but that doesn't
> stop me ...
> So I bought Squeeze Remote and some hours later I finally got access :).
> There was nothing in the download which suggested how I should connect
> this interface to my QNAP library and the only UI was the menu option
> "Settings / Connections" from the RHS of the screen.  A posting above
> suggests that you should drag down from above ... this has no effect
> whatsoever.
> After trying numerous times - and failing - to change the settings for
> jive.squeezenetwork,com under the Logitech Media Server option to
> something that represented my QNAP settings I finally opted to Add and
> start afresh and more by luck than judgement finally succeeded.
> Now I know I'm somewhat thick when it comes to PCs (I've been using them
> for only 25 years so I'm still a Newbie) but unless I missed something
> very obvious, how else is someone for whom the music - not the PC
> technology - is the prize, to know what you should do.  Just how many
> other buyers, having spent their few �/$/Eur given up ... especially
> as the amount is (happily) minimal?
> I'm sorry to be critical as I support the efforts to bring this App to
> the market (since MS obviously feel that nobody wants to install LMS !)
> but I do find ... in my ageing years ... this technology baffling!
> As for the interface: I'll give it a day or two to get used to it but
> the thought of scrolling (swiping from the right) through hundreds of
> pages to get to titles beginning with letter S or T, etc. is not
> encouraging.  Is there an alphabet jump somewhere that I'm missing?


That sounds strange, there's supposed to be a tutorial being shown att
first startup...
I'll have a look at this during the weekend.

Regarding scrolling,
just pinch on the screen and it will zoom out to a alphabetical view.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-08-23 Thread 7Illusions

The crash happens due to a problem in the UI control provided by MS in
combination with your somewhat HUGE collection of albums. ;)
I'll try to address this issue later on by adding a conditional layout
if the collection is larger than x.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-10-14 Thread 7Illusions

bakker_be wrote: 
> Hi, I've been using the trial version of your app for some time now on 2
> different Win8 PC's. It's just expired and since I rather like it I've
> bought it. On one of the PC's it's now not working, as in not starting
> up. Windows proposes me to go to the store in order to resolve the
> issue, were I can see that I own the app, and that's it.

Try uninstalling the app and the reintalling it.Seems to be an issue
with Store for Win8.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-12-08 Thread 7Illusions

MusicMad wrote: 
> I've been using the Squeeze Remote for 3 months or so now on our M/S
> Windows 8 Surface RT.  First and foremost, I'm glad the app exists,
> otherwise the Surface would be mostly unused!  I had hoped for the same
> functionality as we have on the iPad (Squeezepad).
> I have a number of issues with the app but before I raise any query
> thereon, may I ask: how do I know which version is running - and whether
> or not there is an update?  I'm used to looking at Help/About but I
> can't find anything on the UI which indicates whether the version I have
> is the latest.
> Any help?
> Cheers.
> Set-up:
> QNAP NAS streamed CAT6 to Logitech Touch
> Library 40,700 tracks - FLAC (lossless)


You are most likely running the latest version since I haven't released
an update in quite a while.
I've been working on the Media browser project (,
making the Win8 app, and been way to busy with that and work to focus on
this app.

As for the good news, I'm gonna start working on a new version today and
if you have ideas of improvements or issues, just drop me an email or
post it here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Beginnings of a Windows Phone 7 app - quick question

2011-03-10 Thread 7Illusions

Version 1.5 is now submitted to marketplace and I'm hoping that it will
be available on Saturday. Had lots o good feedback and have added all
the things that people asked for and some more.

Random mix, browse by year, New Music, Turn players on/off, Favorites,
Clear Playlist and more.

Thanks for the feedback people!!

|Filename: Pic6.jpg |


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Squeeze Remote for Windows Phone 7

2011-03-26 Thread 7Illusions


I'm glad to announce that today version 1.6 of Squeeze Remote was
released to Microsoft Marketplace. Squeeze Remote now supports both
SqueezeboxServer and
New in v1.6 other that support is mostly performance
improvements. (Startup time should now be a equivalent to iPeng).
Also added jumplists in local media browsing.

Squeeze Remote supports trialmode, the limitation is that you can't
save your server settings or local media cache. This results in a long
startup time since everytime you enter your configuration, Albums,
Artists, Playlists and genre info are downloaded to your phone and
stored locally.
For the record once data is stored locally,I compared iPeng(running on
iPhone4) vs SqueezeRemote (running on Omnia7 w/o NoDo update) today,
with 1432 albums SqueezeRemote started up 0.5 seconds faster each time.

link to Marketplace:

Go check it out and please, give me some feedback of what you think.

Version 1.6
• Support for added
• Even faster startup.

Community Feedback changes - 
• Jumplists added to Artists, Albums, Playlists and Genres for faster
• For thoose of you having issues with the volumeslider, just tap on
top or bottom of slider do increase or decrease volume by 5


• Plugin support such as Spotify, ShoutCast, iPlayer, MediaFly,
SoundEffects, Facebook and more
• Browse playlists, artists, albums, genres
• Player Syncing
• AlwaysOnTop PlayerControl
• Browse songs in playlists
• Browse songs in selected album
• Add album, song or playlist to be played instantly, next or last in
• Save and delete playlists
• Browse medialibrary by Recently Added music, Years
• Create Random Mix by tracks, albums, artists, year
• Runs under lockscreen
• and alot more..


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Squeeze Remote for Windows Phone 7

2011-03-31 Thread 7Illusions

Glad you like it.
I sure hope you go for a WP7 handset, it's definetly the best phone
I've ever owned.

Pics of for SqueezeRemote provided:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Squeeze Remote for Windows Phone 7

2011-04-11 Thread 7Illusions

Thanks for the input!

Regarding the volume slider, if you tap the top or bottom of the
slider, the volume is increased/decreased by 5.

If you have any ideas of improvements,  post it here or send me an
email and I'll try to implement it.

A new version is currently at Microsoft for testing. It will have a new
startscreen layout and browse by Folders is added. Otherwise it's mostly
performance improvements.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Squeeze Remote for Windows Phone 7

2011-04-22 Thread 7Illusions

Thanks for the ideas, especially the coverflow/artist part.
Regarding large collections, i consider my self to have quite a large
one(~1400 albums), and application starts in roughly 4 seconds with all
data loaded(first startup is a lot longer though ).
Just give it a go, trialmode is enabled, so it won't cost you anything.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Squeeze Remote for Windows Phone 7

2011-04-29 Thread 7Illusions

updated info, we're now on version 1.8. 

To thoose of you that provided feedback, thanks a lot.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Squeeze Remote for Windows Phone 7

2011-05-05 Thread 7Illusions

Updated main info.
Latest version is v1.9


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotify plugin disappeared from 3rd party list

2011-05-20 Thread 7Illusions

Just a little bit offtopic, but regarding the Official Spotify Plugin,
what I've noticed is that if you have Triodes 3rd party plugin
installed and SpotifyDeamon is running, you can actually use the
Official Spotify plugin to select what you wan't to play and
SpotifyDeamon will handle the musicstream. (At least this works
flawless on my Boom)
That's probably the reason to why you could use the app until you
restarted your server, Triodes Spotiyd.exe was running in the
background handling the stream.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-05-20 Thread 7Illusions

nieldm;631202 Wrote: 
> Hello,
> Maybe someone can help me. I am have integrated my Squeeze-environment
> with my Crestron installation at home, all working very nicely
> including the Spotify plugin (working on a Sheevaplug) with the
> exception of the Artwork, which isn't showing on my touchpanels in the
> way it does for the other Squeezebox modules (Rhapsody, BBC etc).
> When I look at the URL in the Crestron debugger I see it is
> "incomplete" in that I see, for example:
> spotifyimage/6fcefcdf1033a487ec21803d73e5a9e4d0c878e0/cover.jpg
> which is clearly my problem. How do Spotify URLs work? Is there
> some way I can get a complete URL returned?
> Any help much appreciated!
> Many thanks
> Marc

Whats missing in your URL is the following: http://yourserver:port/ +
the URL in question eg.

Don't know how to fix that though, but maybe you do.. :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Squeeze Remote for Windows Phone 7

2011-05-27 Thread 7Illusions

hendrikmd;633177 Wrote: 
> Hi,
> one feature I love an my wifes Android phone using Squeeze Commander is
> the dowload feature for offline listening (aka using the phone as mp3
> player).
> Will it be possible to implement something like that?
> I know that the security model of wp7 is different, meaning that you do
> not have a shared filesystem. But I read that the multimedia
> functionality can be used from any app, so it should be possible
> somehow.

In the current version of Windows Phone this is not possible,
developers don't have access to the media library except for photos.
Hopefully this will change with v7.5. If so, that feature will be added
as soon as possible.

By the way, Squeeze Remote v1.13 will be available on the Marketplace
within 24 hours. It  has a major remake of the NowPlaying screen and
works like the ZunePlayer in Windows Phone. (Drag Albumart Left/right
to change track) also has some performance improvements.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Squeeze Remote for Windows Phone 7

2011-06-04 Thread 7Illusions

johnoc;634724 Wrote: 
> I purchased it, great job!!  Question, I've never setup a Lyrics
> plug-in, is one needed to get lyrics in your app?  If so, which one do
> you use??

There is no need for a plugin. For the moment the lyrics are quite
unstable since I haven't found a good lyrics api yet. Currently using and it's not as stable as I want it to be. I'M currently
looking for a better solution.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Squeeze Remote for Windows Phone 7

2011-06-04 Thread 7Illusions

SamS;634730 Wrote: 
> Can you use a dynamic DNS address for SBS with this app?

That should work just fine. Just download the trial from marketplace
and give it a go. The trial has full functionality but can only be
started 10 times.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Squeeze Remote for Windows Phone 7

2011-10-10 Thread 7Illusions

Giunti;662208 Wrote: 
> First of all, congratulations to 7illusions for its great Squeeze Remote
> app. I purchased it immediately after a short period of using the trial
> version.
> What I don't like so far, however, is that any subfolders to my
> favorites of Internet Radio stations created in the Squeeze Center GUI
> won't show in Squeeze Remote on my HTC 7 Trophy. When touching the
> respective favorite you immediately get the play button by which you
> can start whatever station is top of the unvisible list. No influence
> possible.
> It would be great to receive any remedial response.
> Thanx in advance.

Hi, glad you like it. 
I'll start looking into this issue asap.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Squeeze Remote for Windows Phone 7

2011-11-19 Thread 7Illusions

Unfortunatley the latest update of SqueezeRemote has a build error that
breaks the main menu. After som investigation, I've realized that an
missed checkin into the TFS (Version Control System) caused the crash.
I don't really understand how this could get passed testing, but
anyhow, a new version has beem submitted to Microsoft for testing and
meanwhile I have removed the app from marketplace.
As soon as the new version has been released I will publish it on
marketplace and I will also let you know on this site, on twitter and
via email to thoose that I have email adresses to.

I'm truly sorry for this, and I'm hoping that this will be resolved

Kind regards


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Squeeze Remote for Windows Phone 7

2011-11-20 Thread 7Illusions

SqueezeRemote v2.9 is now available in marketplace. :)
Sorry for the inconvinience.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Squeeze Remote for Windows Phone 7

2011-11-22 Thread 7Illusions

Yes, unfortunatley everone gets it.
I've had a minor meltdown in my Source Control Server (TFS) which by
some reason went back to a previous version of the artist page.

I think that I've got it all working now, I've spent many many hours
looking through the server and all issues should now be resolved.
A new version will be submitted to marketplace as soon as I've tested


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