[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Fishbone, MusicIP (MusicMagic) Mixer, and playlists

2007-01-11 Thread Diana

Hi Siduhe - thanks for your continuing interest!  Here are some answers
to your Qs, and some results:

I have the music and playlist folders on the same drive (in the PC -
not networked or external) that SS and MIP run on.  They're in two
separate folders - C:\Our Music, and C:\Our Playlists.  (I've just had
a thought - are SS or MIP twitchy about folder names with spaces in
them?  Time for another test!)

Both folders are in the MIP 'Watch Folders' preferences (no other
folders are referenced there).  

I emptied the playlist folder, as you suggested...

Now the experiments:

I placed the above paths in the appropriate Music Folder and Playlist
Folder settings in SS, and then stopped SS, deleted the Cache, and
restarted SS, which did the automatic rescan.  Result: No duplicates; 
but many tracks and whole albums that MIP showed as mixable were not
marked (mm) in SS.

I then removed the path from the Music Folder setting in SS, leaving it
blank.  Did a 'Clear and Rescan'.  Result:  all albums and tracks now
correctly displayed in SS (no dulplicates;  all mixable).

Next, I created and saved a test playlist containing one track, into
the empty playlists folder.  Did a 'Clear and Rescan'.  Result:  no
duplicates, not even of the single track in the test playlist.  Bingo!

Well, a bit.  Your suggestion for playlists is successful, and I can
now go back to Fishbone Tan (Great!)

There is still an issue about setting the music folder in SS, which you
say works for you and others, and clearly doesn't for me.  Wouldn't it
be nice to understand why?!  But we also need to get a life.  Many
thanks for all your help - and for converting me to MIP!  I hope the
record of this bit of troubleshooting will help others.

Best wishes



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Fishbone, MusicIP (MusicMagic) Mixer, and playlists

2007-01-11 Thread Diana

Siduhe  Thanks for the further research;  you're right - the bug
report is very similar to what's happening on my system.  I'll have a
go at the logging procedure you suggest at the weekend.

I've removed my playlist folder form MIP Watched Folders as you

Many thanks, and best wishes.



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP and adding new music

2007-01-04 Thread Diana

After much archaeology on the forum archives, I have manged to get
MusicIP working with SS/SB.  (Thanks for detailed explanations by
Siduhe and others in several threads).  I'm finding MIP's playlists

But I'd be grateful for some advice about adding new music.  I've set
SS to allow MusicIP to manage the music files (by having server basic
settings with 'Use MusicMagic' checked and music folder location

So when I come to add new music, I assume I put the files into the
appropriate directories on the drive, and first ask MusicIP to rescan
its library.

What next?  Do I need to make SS do a rescan?  Or will it just update
itself from MusicIP automatically?  (In the server MusicMagic settings,
there's a MusicMagic Reload interval (currently set to 60 sec) that says
SlimServer will 'automatically reload your MusicMagic Database again'.)

(Sorry if this seems a stupid question, but I'm struggling to
understand the relationship between the SS library/cache, the MusicIP
library and the file structure and tags of the actual FLAC files on the
drive, and how they are all now working together.)



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: MusicIP and adding new music

2007-01-04 Thread Diana

Wow!  Great!  But that sounds suspiciously easy.  We are talking about
SS and MIP here.  So your 'um or something' worries me!  Have you
actually *seen* this happen?  ;-)

Best wishes



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: MusicIP and adding new music

2007-01-04 Thread Diana

Siduhe  Thanks for yet another really helpful bit of advice (I got a
lot of help from your posts to this forum about MM/MIP).  I'll
certainly make the change you suggest to the settings;  but its good to
know that a 'clear and rescan' is still there as a failsafe.

On a point that seemed to come up a lot in the threads I read about the
right order for starting MIP and SS - I've done as MeSue suggested in 


She said...

MeSue;109072 Wrote: 
 The only thing special I've had to do is add -slim -slimappend to the
 command line parameters in my startup shortcut for MusicIP Mixer. It
 has always worked.

Seems to work fine for me - SS service starts automatically;  I just
start the MIP GUI with these parameters and the programs see each
other.  (Has some one done some work with SS6.5.1 to improve this

Many thanks, and best wishes.



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: MusicIP and adding new music

2007-01-04 Thread Diana

I did think of trying this solution, and I'm glad to hear it works and
is straightforward to do.  For the time being, I'm going to use the MIP
GUI, to get a better idea of what the software does.

I haven't yet worked out whether it's possible to set up a mix with the
GUI and then pass it to Slim, or whether Slim can only work with MIP
from the SS web interface and the SB player.  Do you know?

(And, BTW, is it possible to (a) delete an ordinary playlist with the
remote;  (b) delete a playlist that's been marked 'mm' from the web
interface (as the 'mm' seems to go where [x] used to be)? I can't for
the life of me work out how do to either of these!)

Best wishes.



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: MusicIP and adding new music

2007-01-04 Thread Diana

snarlydwarf;167047 Wrote: 
 ...I still use a music folder...

Snarlydwarf  I tried checking 'Use MusicMagic' and having a web
interface entry for a music folder too.  The library stats showed
double values for everything - songs, albums and artists.  Removing the
pointer to the music files and doing a 'clear and rescan' sorted the
numbers out.  Have you noticed this problem?



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: MusicIP and adding new music

2007-01-04 Thread Diana

Snarlydwarf  I've been experimenting with this, and you're right on
several counts.

If I set SS to use MusicMagic and also set a music folder, the scan
takes 40 minutes;  if I don't have a music folder set in SS, it takes
17 minutes.

If I set only 'use MM', the song count is 3364.  If I also set a music
folder, the song count is twice that.  

But I have always used an UNC path to the networked music drive in SS
(\\drive-alias\public\musicfolder);  whereas MIP only lets you select
an assigned drive name (Y:\musicfolder).  When I use the same assigned
drive name format in SS as in MIP, the song count matches:  3363.

And one final idiosyncrasy I've discovered (probably everyone else knew
this already!):  when I've got SS and MIP agreeing about the number of
songs (as per my last paragraph) MIP reports 752 Artists;  but the SS
library stats on the home page report only 444.  (SS agrees with MIP on
number of albums and of songs).  However, when I browse in SS through,
say, All Artists to All Albums to All Songs, SS displays the number of
artists on that page as 752.

What I think is happening here is that whenever SS is looking at All
Songs, it counts how many artist names there are, including all
multiple instances (i.e. individual tokens);  but whenever it is
summarising a higher level (albums; artists) it counts only how many
*different* artists there are (i.e. types rather than tokens).  MIP
only reports tokens.

This may be boringly obvious to most people;  but it comes as a great
relief to my orderly mind to understand the discrepancies between what
I had assumed would be counts of the same things.  To see the
unaccountable discrepancies was an irritating puzzle!

Best wishes



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: MusicIP and adding new music

2007-01-04 Thread Diana

Diana;167058 Wrote: 
 ...I haven't yet worked out whether it's possible to set up a mix with
 the GUI and then pass it to Slim, or whether Slim can only work with
 MIP from the SS web interface and the SB player.  Do you know?

Siduhe  I have now!  You just press 'SEND TO' in the MIP GUI.  Doh!



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: More AlienBBC problems

2007-01-02 Thread Diana

kwijibo;166474 Wrote: 
 ...Anyone help? I got this to listen to Radio 4 and I can't access it at
 the moment...Paul

Paul  If you're in the UK, you could try tuning slimserver to


On the server Home page, got to Tune in URL (last item in the Internet
Radio section).  Paste the URL into the box and click Tune In;  then
press Play on your player.

(This may not work if you're outside UK - just try it and see.)



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Alien BBC poor radio 4 FM performance

2006-12-27 Thread Diana

DickSpittle;165048 Wrote: 
 ...It all works beautifully... except, for Radio 4 FM listen now,  which
 suffers from annoying clicks and pops and short drop outs.

Try tuning SS directly to


This is a WMA stream for BBC Radio 4 (FM) which seems to work very well
(at least in the UK).  Refer to bpa's very helpful posts in 


I'm not sure whether the streams referred to now work outside the UK. 
(Anyone had any luck?)

Best wishes



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Alien BBC poor radio 4 FM performance

2006-12-27 Thread Diana

The BBC URLs in the thread I just cited resolve into mms streams. 
Squeezenetwork does not accept the http:// URLs, but it does work with
the mms streams, which, for Radio 2, Radio 3 and Radio 4 are as

BBC Radio 2:  

BBC Radio 3:

BBC Radio 4:

Have fun!



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Lazy Search Music Plugin v2.3 Released

2006-11-11 Thread Diana

I've been ripping a lot of CDs to FLAC, and rescanning the library. 
After I installed LSv2.3 the rescans seemed not to terminate - the web
page persisted in reporting the scan still in progress, even after
closing, say IE, and opening SS in Firefox.  But Windows Taskmanager
showed no activity for scanner.exe or slim.exe, and only system idle
use of CPU.  

Whichever browser I was using would then hang, still saying the
rescan was in progress;  and then Windows would hang, locking up the
machine completely.  Only option was to power down the PC.

I've now reverted to Lazy Search v2.2 (the 3/10/06 build).  Rescan
seemed to work fine again just now, with no system crash (though still
needed a hard refresh of the web page to get rid of the 'still
scanning' message and reveal the stats report about the library

I'm using an SB3 with 

SS 6.5.1 - 10541 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252
Perl Version: 5.8.8 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt 

on a Dell Dimension 5150 running Win XP Pro.  Music library is on a
network drive.

Has anyone else experienced this sort of issue;  and is there an

BTW, all the time I've been running SS, whatever version, the web
interface has never seemed to update automatically to tell me when a
rescan has ended - I always have to force a hard refresh of the window.
How I'd love an indicator showing rescan progress, or at least a
reliable 'Finished' message!  Any ideas about how I might fix this?



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Lazy Search Music Plugin v2.3 Released

2006-11-11 Thread Diana

Diana;154013 Wrote: 
 I've been ripping a lot of CDs to FLAC, and rescanning the library. 
 After I installed LSv2.3 the rescans seemed not to terminate...  I've
 now reverted to Lazy Search v2.2 (the 3/10/06 build).  Rescan seemed to
 work fine again...

Stuart  Many apologies - I don't think this is a Lazy Search issue,
as SS has stalled again while rescanning.  I now suspect there's a
corrupted file in the library somewhere.  I'll take this up in another
forum if need be.  Apologies again for my mistake.  

Best wishes



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to stutter

2006-10-13 Thread Diana

bpa  In the interests of science, I did some further tests:

Removed the SB from the network, then, using shared folders on the
PC and a laptop (PC cabled to network;  laptop wirless to network)...

1. Copied a c. 7 Mb file from PC to laptop.  Netstat showed 4912

2.  Copied the same file back from laptop to PC.  Netstat on laptop
showed 1 retransmit

Should I be worried about the PC network card?



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to stutter

2006-10-12 Thread Diana

bpa / triode  Update:  I just put the SB back in its place downstairs
(PC  router are upstairs).  SB picked up the wireless network

But I got odd results with the Network Test plugin.  For the first
time ever, I could not get 100% above 1000kbps;  and even at 1000kbps,
there was some fluctuation down to 97%.  I tried again a bit later, and
got 100% at 2000kbps, with slight fluctuations.

Never gone below 100% at 2500 before.  I am now seriously suspicious
about the router, which may have been getting hotter than usual during
my experiments tonight.



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to stutter

2006-10-11 Thread Diana

bpa;145124 Wrote: 
 ...I suggest
 1. Using Softsqueeze or AlienBBC mplayer test to set up a RealAudio
 session between PC and BBC (i.e. no WIfi). Check TCP stats at start and
 2. With no other internet traffic to/from PC. Play an audio file on SB
 and look at TCP stats at the beginning and end of song - this will give
 TCP stats mainly for the Wifi link.

bpa  Here are the results:

1. mplayer/RealAudio - 7 resets; no retransmists (in about 5 mins)

2. Audio file on SB - 8 resets; 3891 retransmits (in about 4 mins)

Does this tell you anything usesful?

I'm beginning to have doubts about my Linksys WAG54G modem/wireless
router.  SB reports wireless signal strength 80-85% (in the Information
section);  but the wireless network has stopped several times since I
installed the SB (it did stop occasionally before, but it seems to
happen more now).  And quite often the SB - which I leave plugged in
all the time - does not find the wireless network when the PC powers up
in the morning until I switch the SB off and on again (sometimes more
than once).

I've changed the wireless router to channel 11 (it was on 1), which
seemed to help a bit.  But searches of linksys forums suggest a number
of owners are unenthusiastic about the WAG54G's wireless.

Have you - or has anyone else - had any experience of problems with
Linksys WAG54G?  And are there any recommendations for a modem/wireless
router powerful and reliable enought for SB (using Win XP Pro)?



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to stutter

2006-10-10 Thread Diana

bpa;144409 Wrote: 
 The significant ones in terms of quality would be connection resets
 and packets retransmitted.
 A connection is reset usually after timeouts and basically
 unrecoverable error in communications.
 If a packet is lost due to error, network load etc, then it has to be
 The Reset and Retransmitted counters should not change frequently.  You
 might do a comparison between listening using a Media player and
 listening using SB/mplayer.

bpa  thought I'd update you on my test results.I tried the BBC
with WinAMP and with SS.  

In a period of 60sec with WinAMP, resets went from 217 to 219;
retransmits didn't change from 503.

In a period of 60sec with SB, resets went from 172 to 233;  retransmits
from 2472 to 5900.

I'm not entirely sure what, if anything, to say to my ISP.



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to stutter

2006-10-10 Thread Diana

bpa;145058 Wrote: 
 Interesting results but to interpret them correctly I need to know:
 1. What version of Slimserver are you running ?
 2. The SB uses wireless to the router ?
 3. The PC uses wireless or wired to the router ?


SS = 6.3.1 8468
SB uses wireless to router
PC is wired to router



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to stutter

2006-10-10 Thread Diana

I forgot to say that with 'listen again' streams from AlienBBC Radio4
retransmits are c. 9/sec as compared with 50+/sec with live streams.



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to stutter

2006-10-10 Thread Diana

bpa  Thanks for your helpful reply.  As it's a bit late now, I'll try
the tests you suggest tomorrow.



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to stutter

2006-10-08 Thread Diana

bpa  Thanks for this.  I tried the URLs (using Radio Tune In):  the
buffer filled up, but the stream did not start (I waited 15 mins at
first!).  But putting a URL in Firefox starts Media Player, and the
stream plays beautifully.  And I can play them fine in WinAmp.  Any
idea why SS/SB won't play them?



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to stutter

2006-10-08 Thread Diana

bpa  You're a star!  The last URL works with the built-in windows
media turned off.  I'm going to leave it running for a while to see how
it holds up.  Do you have similar URL information for the other BBC
channels?  Thanks ever so much for all your help with this.



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to stutter

2006-10-08 Thread Diana

bpa  Sadly, the URLs you sent are showing the same phenomena as the
AlienBBC ones.  The live streams work fine with media players on the PC
itself - they play for hours;  but mplayer shows buffer depletion with
RealPlayer streams;  and the wma streams playing through SS/SB also
fall over after no more than about 15 mins.

If the problem for SS/SB is packet loss due to network congestion,
is it a stupid question to wonder why, say, WinAMP on the PC keeps
going?  I guess (and it is a naive guess) that the problem is something
to do with the extra layer of processing by SS and its wireless
communication to the SB???

(But if this thread feels as though it's turning into an individual
tutorial on radio streaming, rather than an on-topic exchange about 3rd
Party Plugins, please feel free to call a halt!)

Thanks and best wishes.



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to stutter

2006-10-08 Thread Diana

bpa;144367 Wrote: 
 ...In your situation, I think you should monitor your network connectons
 for errors and resets... If you have significant number of errors, talk
 to your ISP.

bpa  Thanks for your advice.  I'm afraid I really am a novice at
this, so I hope it won't try your patience after all the help you've
given me if I ask you to advise how I can monitor the network
connections for errors and resets.  Does Windows log this somewhere; 
or do I need to use a particular program?

Thanks again for all your help.  If I discover the kind of network
issue you describe, I'll certainly talk to my ISP.

Very best wishes.



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to stutter

2006-10-08 Thread Diana

Thanks.  Will do as you suggest.  Very best wishes



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to stutter

2006-10-07 Thread Diana

bpa  'Choppy' covers a few things.  First, listening to BBC4FM, there
are little pops and clicks in the stream - tiny breaks that clip off a
consonant or a syllable in a word;  but not enough to interfere
seriously with intelligibility.

Then there are much rarer breaks of a few seconds, when the stream
stops and restarts - this might happen once or twice in half an hour,
and then not at all for ages.  But eventually, the stream just stops,
and does not restart spontaneously.  Pressing 'play' restarts the
stream, as if from scratch.  Such losses of connection happen at
unpredictable intervals:  4m35s; 22m04s; 6m44s; 11m46s; 7m12s;

The above issues seem to apply only to AlienBBC live streams. 
'Listen Again' seems much better.  And other internet radio (e.g.
ClassicFM-London,UK) seems fine, as does wireless playing of my own MP3

After you raised the matter of signal strength, I had a look at the
wireless signal in the Player section of 'Information' on the SB.  I
found that this was very sensitive to position and orientation of the
SB (in the conservatory downstairs) and of the wireless modem/router
aerial (3m-4m directly above in my office upstairs).  Altering these
even slightly could change the reported wireless signal strength from
around 65% to nearer 90% (so I went for the latter!).

I'm very grateful for all the thought and time you have put into
this.  Perhaps I just need to experiment for a while, and not take up
any more of your time.  (I may finish up just moving a digital radio
into the conservatory!)

Very best wishes.



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to stutter

2006-10-07 Thread Diana

bpa  I've done the test as you suggested with mplayer direct, and it
performed just as you described, as the  buffer gradually depleted. 
This was with BBC Radio 4 at about midnight (so very off-peak!).  As I
understand what you said, this is a characteristic of local network
servers, and I guess I am therefore stuck with it.  So using my digital
radio looks like the best bet!  Thanks very much for the painstaking
diagnostics on this - I'm glad to have a convincing account of the
phenomena, even if it's not a fix.

Very best wishes.



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to stutter

2006-10-06 Thread Diana

bpa;143428 Wrote: 
 ...However before doing that _ I would suggest doing a network test and
 find out what the data rate to your player are as I suspect your choppy
 BBC may be due to something else.

bpa  Thanks for your help, and all the time you're spending on
helping a newbie!  I ran the 'server  network health' in SS while
playing an AlienBBC steam.  (If you had something else in mind by
'network test' I'd be grateful if you could explain a bit more.)

The reports all looked good, apart from persistent low buffer
fullness (avg 0.24;  max 3.9-ish).  And player signal strength was: 
max 88.00;  min 66.00;  avg 81.48.

The stream stopped completely sometimes - but no particular pattern:
30min, 140min, 5min, 10min.  Pressing 'play' re-established connection.

Does this indicate the sort of network issue you suspected?



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to stutter

2006-10-06 Thread Diana

Triode;143598 Wrote: 
 Re Network test - Easiest way is to navigate via the player (remote
 control) interface to Plugins - Network Test.
 When in this screen find the highest data rate which shows 100% - this
 is the fastest rate that the server is able to send to the player at. 
 What do you see?

Triode  Thanks for this.  I'm running SS6.3.1, so didn't have the
plugin;  but after installing it, I ran the test for about 15 mins, at
which point the wireless network went down - something that doesn't
normally happen (???).  But just before it did, the test was showing
3000kbps at avg 99% and 2500kbps at avg 100%.



Diana's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7463
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28257

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to stutter

2006-10-05 Thread Diana

bpa;143218 Wrote: 
 Under Player Settings/Audio - there is the Bit rate Limiting setting
 which will force streams from the Slimserver not to exceed the limit.
 bpa  Sorry for being thick about this (not very technical, I fear),
 but are you saying that setting the bit rate limiting to a lower value
 (e.g. 192 kbps, say) will help make the BBC stream (now being converted
 to MP3) less choppy?
 Supposing this works for BBC radio, will it mess up the quality of
 normal MP3 files being played on the SB?
 bpa / marthaF  Thanks, both, for confirmation of correct directory
 for lame.exe
 Best wishes



Diana's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7463
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28257

plugins mailing list

[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to stutter

2006-10-04 Thread Diana

A test and possible cure would be to use MP3 instead of FLAC. Make sure
lame is installed. Go to Server Setting/Filetype and uncheck RTSP-WAV
and RTSP-FLAC and press change. This should only leave RTSP-MP3 as
the only RTSP option checked.  Now try to listen to BBC.

bpa  More very helpful advice!  I too had this problem, and changing
to MP3 has helped.  BTW, I installed lame.exe in C:\Program
Files\SlimServer\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread rather than just
...\server\Bin as the Wiki suggests.  Is this OK?



Diana's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7463
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28257

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