Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Wave Input plugin v1.00

2011-02-01 Thread cliver

Hi all, I've just tried this plugin as it sound exactly what I want.
I want to use it to stream the output from a tuner card.
I have installed WavInput from the SBS plugins tab and all seems to
have gone ok. 
It is streaming the feed that I require to my touch but at a very low
I have been through windows setings and set relevant volumes to max.
I notice in some of the posts on this thread some mention of a WavInput
setup app/screen but I can't get/find access to this anywhere.
I'm on SBS 7.5.3. Can anyone point me in the right direction please?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Wave Input plugin v1.00

2011-02-01 Thread cliver

Many thanks for fast reply.

andynormancx;607338 Wrote: 
> The Wave Input plugin doesn't have any setup screens anymore. Those are
> probably what you saw referred to.

Ok thanks, so setup is automatic, no tweaking required?

andynormancx;607338 Wrote: 
> Are you sure the tuner card is output a line level signal ?

I'm not feeding the output of the tuner card into my soundcard. At the
moment I'm using Windows media Centre to play the station I want to
listen to and trying to stream "what I'm listening to".

andynormancx;607338 Wrote: 
> Which version of Windows are you using ?

Windows 7.

My soundcard is a Hauppage WinTV-HVR-1200.

The stream is playing ok, I may have to tweak my network to improve
latency etc but its getting to SB touch. My only problem is the very
low volume level.
I can get a resonable listening level but the gain on my amp is set so
high I'll blow the speakers if I change source without forst lowering
the volume (failing that I'll really p**s the neigbours off).
To be honest I wasn't expecting it to work straight away becvause I'm
not feeding a player into the line in of my soundcard but just
streaming what the soundacrd is playing.
I thought I might have to tweak things to get it working but as it
worked straight away, albeit low volume, I'm a bit confused.

I guess I should ask up front here. Is this the plugin to do what I


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-01 Thread cliver

Dominic;92050 Wrote: 
> (Freeview is a digital terrestrial service carrying TV and radio
> channels)
> Anyone looking at controlling something like the Hauppauge DVB-T cards?
> Would the Tuner plugin be a suitable starting point?
> Thanks chaps
> Dom

I know this old now but did you get any joy Dom?
I'm looking for something similar and struggling.
Tuner plugin and TunerPlay plugin don't seem to be supported/available
I've tried WavInput but struggling to get it working.
If anyone knows of a workable solution to streaming the output from a
tuner card (Hauppage WinTV-HVR-1200 in my case) I would love to hear of


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Wave Input plugin v1.00

2011-02-01 Thread cliver

Thanks bpa

bpa;607369 Wrote: 
> I don't know about W7 but XP for tuner cards often there used to be two
> volume controls from Windows Control Panel that could be adjusted.
> - master level
> - device specific line level.

Much the same in W7 All set at max level. 

bpa;607369 Wrote: 
> WaveInput just takes audio as delivered by Windows. Windows does all the
> volume and other audio controls.

OK thanks. In that case I suspect I'm not picking up the correct

bpa;607369 Wrote: 
> By changing the WaveInput source device you can use WaveInput to pick-up
> tuner audio directly although some the tuner cards need additional
> control to enable audio first.

... Could yopu explain how I can do this please? I don't have any
WaveInput UI available.

bpa;607369 Wrote: 
> If you want your tuner card to be on a a different PC to the SBS server
> - you can often use VLC to stream the audio as a http/mp3 stream
> although this has greater latency.
It's on the same PC and will probably stay there.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Wave Input plugin v1.00

2011-02-01 Thread cliver

bpa;607378 Wrote: 
> No UI needed.  Device selection is done via the URL you have created and
> put in your favorites.
> To find the device numbering use the wavin2cmd.exe -l at a Command
> prompt.  You will need to have changed directory to the SBS plugin
> directory which has wavin2cmd.exe .
> See the wiki entry

The command wavin2cmd.exe -l returns "Stereo Mix
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-01 Thread cliver

Cheers phil, sadly I'm on windows 7 :-(


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-01 Thread cliver

florca;607405 Wrote: 
> It may seem like sewing a shirt onto a button, but getting a working
> solution for DVB broadcast radio onto the Squeezeboxes was my main
> reason for moving from a Windows-based to a Linux server. No previous
> Linux experience but certainly no regrets - runs on older, lower-spec
> (and power) hardware and runs reliably for months at a time with no
> attention at all. Fully understand that this may be too drastic a
> solution - but worth thinking about?
> Brgds
> Phil

Can I introduced you to my wife ;-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-01 Thread cliver

bpa;607403 Wrote: 
> How much development experience have you ?  Any 'C' and DirectShow on
> Windows ?
> If not then it is possible to remotely control VLC from a plugin - I
> believe it uses Lua.

I did do some programming a long, long time ago. Some in C. But I'm so
far behind the drag curve now.
May have a look at picking it up again though. Is there any good
resource for as beginner to learn from?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-01 Thread cliver

bpa;607423 Wrote: 
> I need to go back and check what I did for Windows but I think I have a
> small app which did the tuning and it would be a case of testing and
> see if it can be made to work for your board. 
> VLC is still needed for playing so you should test it first.

Just downloaded VLC, will try it tommorow. Thanks again.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-02 Thread cliver

I have VLC up and running and playing D-TV channels from my card fine.
However I can't seem to get a stream working to my SB.
I have VLC and SBS on the same machine.
When I set up VLC to stream a D-TV radio channel ...
Under Destinations...
1. I'm using port 2000, is that ok?
2. Do I need to define a path as its on the same server? the default is
3. What transcoding options would be best (or non)?
Under Options
1. Do I need to stream all elementary streams?

On the SB... 
I am tuning to url http://IP_Address_of_PC:2000?

Am I doing something stupid ;-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-02 Thread cliver

Moving forward one step at a time.
I now have a stream set up amd SB touch is streaming it in according to
display, however no audio is output.

I'm now using port 8080.
I have a path defined as /radiostream.mp3
using mp3 audio transcoding
My generated output stream looks like this
:no-sout-rtp-sap :no-sout-standard-sap :ttl=1 :sout-keep

It must be my transcoding settings I think??
Any ideas what they shoul be set to. Or is there something I'm missing?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-02 Thread cliver

Many thanks bpa. I'm not at home at the mo but will have a bash


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-02 Thread cliver

bpa;607745 Wrote: 
> Just in case the problem are coming from the tuner card - you can test
> the "sout" parameters by using as a source a file or PC audio.  If you
> get SBS playing a http stream with audio from a file, then if it stops
> working after you change the source to the tuner card - you can
> concentrate checking what is wrong with the connection between source
> selection and destination.

I assumed that as I can play the feeds from the tuner card in vlc ok
that side of things was ok.
Good idea to try streaming a local file though. It will tell me when I
get  the stream right.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-03 Thread cliver

Well Well, just revisited this problem.
Found I could stream a local mp3 no problem.
Tried to record from capture card to an mp3 file but it didn't work.
Looked at the setup again and found I had an extra 0 in the frequency.
An eye test is called for methinks ;-)
Deleted this spurious zero and bingo stream now working well.
Thanks all especialy bpa for your patience and help.

Regards to all


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-03 Thread cliver

OK One last question...
Now that I can set up my streams ok. How the heck do I save the
settings so that I can set the stream off easily again.
I want to set up several so that I can stream different programs at
different times, and possible two or three at a time.
I have tried saving the streaming instance to a playlist but when I
open the playlist it just plays the station localy and I have to set
the streaming up again.
I have searched the vlc wiki and online documentation which shows me
how to get a stream going but not how to save the settings.
I'm guessing this is simple but I'll be blowed if I can find a way??
Any pointers appreciated.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-03 Thread cliver

Thanks for comming bck to me.

bpa;607888 Wrote: 
> Not sure what you mean ?
Sorry I'll try to be more explicit. My terminology probably isn't

bpa;607888 Wrote: 
> Do you mean
> - what is the VLC command line with all the options that will create a
> stream ?

I was looking for a way to do this through the gui but now I am
thinking it will have to be through the commnd line, am I right?
In which case I guess a batch file for each station will fire off an
instance of VLC streaming the relevant station.

bpa;607888 Wrote: 
> - what needs to be entered into SBS Favorites assuming a VLC stream is
> already running onthe PC ?
No, I'm happy with this.

bpa;607888 Wrote: 
> What do you mean "I have tried saving the streaming instance to a
> playlist" ? What does this playlist look like ?

In the playlist window I get an item which shows a little graphic of a
capture card titled Streaming and showing the duration the stream has
been running. It's this that I use to start and stop the stream. I was
hoping to be able to save this so that when I start up VLC I can just
click on the saved item to start the stream running but if I save the
current playlist to a file, "streamingradio.xspf" for instance, when I
run the playlist it plays the station localy with no stream running.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-03 Thread cliver

Many thanks bpa, I'm trying to put together a batch file now :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-03 Thread cliver

My bat file works ok as follows

CD c:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\
vlc dvb-t://frequency=65020 :dvb-bandwidth=8 :dvb-caching=300
:no-sout-rtp-sap :no-sout-standard-sap :ttl=1 :sout-keep

The only thing wrong is that it sets of a VLC GUI running the stream
ans sits there waiting for it to complete.

Is there a command line option to stop the gui running so that the bat
file will continue and exit leaving the stream running as a process in
the background?
I have searched the wiki and forums both here and on VLC site but can't
find it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-03 Thread cliver

The -I dummy and -intf dummy both bring up another dos window wich also
hangs there.
The dummy options don't seem to make any difference odly?
The help isn't giving me any clues either :-(
If I could get the command line window to close without waithing for
VLC to terminate it would be a step in the right direction.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-03 Thread cliver

bpa;607995 Wrote: 
> I think there are two issues.
> 1. GUI interface showing when VLC running
> 2. Dos box showing when VLC is running.
> The first issue is handled by VLC command line option
> The second issue is more tricky. You can't close the DOS box window and
> have VLC still running if the window was opened to make VLC run.  The
> trick is to start VLC but with the option not to have a window or else
> minimise the window.   I think you can do the same by either using
> something like the hstart program (
>  ) or running a
> desktop short cut with "cmd.exe /c" followed by your VLC command (which
> is what the Tuner plugin uses) .  In both cases you need to make sure
> your vlc doesn't open up any GUI windows.

I still can't get the VLC command line to stop throwing up a gui. From
what I have read -I dummy seems to work for others but surely it is
meant to do as it is doing in my case, i.e. show a dummy DOS shell to
run VLC through?

Also having trouble with the cmd.exe in a shortcut...
Am I supposed to put the cmd.exe /c vlc etc all in the target
on the properties>shortcut tab?
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c vlc dvb-t://frequency=65020
:dvb-bandwidth=8 :dvb-caching=300 :program=14720
:no-sout-rtp-sap :no-sout-standard-sap :ttl=1 :sout-keep
If so it won't take the string length and truncates it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-04 Thread cliver

This is bringing back nightmare memories of the old dos days :-0
On reflection I think I'll change my requirements somewhat.
I was trying to set up a bat file to prompt me for the station I wanted
to stream, run a vlc command line with the relevant perameters then
close down as it's job is done.
This is obviously not as simple as you would think.
I'm thinking this would be a useful add on to the VLC GUI; an option to
save a stream setup and re-run it from within the GUI.
Is that a reasonable suggestion and should I submit it as a feature
request on the VLC forum?
I may look at a java solution to this but in the meantime at least I
can create a bat file for each station I want to stream, run the
relevant one and close it manualy once the VLC window has come up and
the stream is running. I'm going off the idea of not having a VLC
window open as it would make it harder to close the stream down if I
want to change stations.
Although I guess I could put a vlc -quit as the first line of each bat
file to kill any instances running first.
Or I could go and buy an old tranny radio for each room ;-)
Oh the halcion days of listening to pirate radio on an old crackly mono
tranny with a single earpiece under the bedcovers :-)

Many thanks for all your help bpa, it has been invaluable.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-04 Thread cliver

Lua looks interesting. I'll have a read up on it but it may well provide
what I want.

I saw some posts on your tunerplay plugin but I notice it's not
available in your plugins on sbs?
I would like to have a look at it if thats possible?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-04 Thread cliver

Coderholick post looks interesting, I'll study it in detail. 
Shme it's a routine to open streams not start one :-)
I'm having trouble getting my mind around lua. As the poster says the
documentation isn't great.
Should lua scripts appear as extensions in VLC (Tools>Plugins &
Extensions) and at the bottom of the view menu? 
I'm seeing one called allocine-fr which has a lua script in 
c:/program files (x86)/VideoLAN/VLC/lua/extensions.
I have put a copy of the script from the coderholicks link in the same
folder but can't see it anywere in VLC?
Do I need to put the path into Preferences>Advanced Settings> ? 

I'll have a look at your script as well, thanks for the link.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-04 Thread cliver

bpa;608296 Wrote: 
> Lua book 1st edition can be found here
> I haven't studied VLC & Lua so I am not sure what can be done but I
> think this has a summary of the capabilities

Thanks, I'm on a steep learning curve here so lots of reading. 

bpa;608296 Wrote: 
> How about changing the VLC default so that it default to output to your
> stream whenever it is requested to play something.

I didn't know you could do this. I'll look into it, thanks for the

All in all looking at the ways forward here I think the best solution
is to get your TunerPlay plugin so that it works with my DVB-T card if
possible and use that.
I think that will be the cleanest solution.
I am going to read up your thread on the Tuner Play plugin and see if I
can make sence of it.
I'm sure I'll have loads of questions though so brace yourself ;-)



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-04 Thread cliver

bpa;608316 Wrote: 
> I'm not sure but it is worth checking.
> OK - Don't do any work on it - if you want to try it out,  I'll make a
> few mods based on what is working for your DVB card so that at least
> you don't get stuck at the basics.

I your sure I'll hang slack until I hear from you.
Again, your help is much appreciated.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-06 Thread cliver

Just a quick though bpa. I can't find the answer to this on the forum.
How does TunerPlay handle multiple SB devices trying to stream from the
same tuner (same channel/frequency)?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-06 Thread cliver

Excellent. Fast work bpa, thanks,
I'll have a bash tomorrow and let you know as soon as I have news.
Thanks again :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-07 Thread cliver

After a bit of confusion (on my part ;-) I got the plugin to load

One thing I noticed while doing it though is that I can't seem to
restart SBS without restarting PC. The Start Server button on SBS
cvontrol panel does nothing and running sbs.exe says it is restarting
but doesn't. A restart and all is fine. Any idea why?

On the plugin I have tried it "as is" and created a favourite with the
vlc://84200&dvbprogram=18560&Title=BBC Radio 2&Subtitle=Easy

When I set it playing from the webui it plays audio localy on the
server for as few seconds then goes silent. 
The audio is comming from the "wrong" station as per the program
perameter though.
On the webui and on the SB Touch it shows as playing but there is no
I am attaching a log file for your interest.
I think it is just a matter of tweaking the vlc command lines to get
the stream going properly.
I will experiment with it and let you know how I get on.


|Filename: serverlogVLCPlay1.txt|


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-07 Thread cliver

bpa;608990 Wrote: 
> Not sure about the startup issue - the plugin shouldn't affect it.
> Sorry, I made a typo in the syntax of vlc url to be used.  Following
> normal http URL - after the main URL the first param separator is "?"
> and subsequent ones are "&" so your url to be tested should be
> vlc://84200?dvbprogram=18560&Title=BBC Radio 2&Subtitle=Easy
> Listening
> edit:
> Also to get full command that is being run enable plugin.vlcplay
> logging to DEBUG

Well spotted :-)
Edited url and bingo it works.
I'll have a mess to make sure it's working as expected but it looks ok
at first glance. Nice one :-)

I have enabled plugin.VLCPlay logging to debug btw?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-07 Thread cliver

Set up several favourites with different freq/station perameters and all
tune and play perfectly.
I'm having the odd buffering problem but that's my wireless network
getting congested. I am cabling my SB in over the next week or so to
get rid of that problem.
One minor thing I have noticed is that I am not getting the subtitle
parameter diplayed. Not a big worry though.
Also one question for the future...
I intend to get a few SB Radios to extend the system around the house
with a view to listening to either my music library or a radio station
using this plugin.
How will the plugin handle other SB's when 1. trying to open the same
favourite item and 2. trying to open an alternative favourite? Given
that I have only one tuner.

I can't belive how easy this has been (for me). At the risk of spouting
on and on; Thanks again for all your help on this, much appreciated.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-07 Thread cliver

bpa;609011 Wrote: 
> Strange about the vlcplay logging - perhaps it wasn't persistent between
> SBS restarts ?

Just checked,it's still on now.

bpa;609011 Wrote: 
> My worry about dvb was the sampling frequency of the source since the
> conf file fixed the output at 44.1kHz - I wasn't sure whether source
> was a different frequency e.g. 32kHz and vlc didn't resample.  You'll
> notice if this is a problem as audio will be either too fast or too
> slow.

Sounds just fine to my ears.

bpa;609012 Wrote: 
> In FileTypes you could disable using VLC/Flac and so compress to MP3 -
> less bandwidth. 

I'll leave it until I've cabled the SB Touch. If that works I'llleave
it. The difference in sound quality is quite noticeable, so I'd like to
keep it as is if I can.

bpa;609011 Wrote: 
> Assuming there is no bug, subtitle is really "Artist" and will only show
> in the MoreInfo menu and on Web display. You can get it on SB display if
> you are using one of 3rd party screen saver.

I get Artist tag displayed on my touch so should it display through
Not worried about it just interested.

bpa;609011 Wrote: 
> I think either 2nd instance will find vlc already in use and may just
> end up playing silence or stopping.  Another possibility is 2nd
> instance will change the dvb parameters and you will get two vlc
> streams tuned to same channel.  This may be a dvb driver issue. Does
> the driver support playing many different streams from same
> freq/program - a bit like you can play many http streams off one
> network interface.  The only definitive answer is to try it and see -
> nothing will get broken and at worst a PC reboot may be needed.

As I only have one sb touch at the moment I'll have a play as and when
I can afford to expand the system ;-)

bpa;609011 Wrote: 
> You can sync player if you want same stream out of both.

See previous response.

bpa;609011 Wrote: 
> You did the hard work getting the vlc streaming. Many users give up
> trying to get the right combination to stream.

I can assure you my bit was easy, I enjoy playing ;-)

Are you going to publish this plugin formaly?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-07 Thread cliver

Just had an issue.
It stopped playing for some reason.
I tried pausing and playing the favourite again but it wouldn't play.
Tried from both player and web gui. Tried different favourite/url still
no good.
Re started server pc but still wouldn't play.
I then tried my old batch file to set VLC streaming a radio channel and
it didn't start up VLC but reported "VLC has just crashed do you want to
send a report?".
I sent the report and cleared down and now it seems to be running again

Log file attached.

|Filename: SBserver[2]7Feb11.log.bak.txt|


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-07 Thread cliver

Will do. :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-08 Thread cliver

It's just happened again.
The stream just stopped for no aparent reason.
Restarting it doesn't work.
I cleared the playlist in SBS Webui.
Still couldn't get it to go.
Looked in task manager but couldn't see any process that looked like it
was vlc owned.
It must be vlc though because the only way to clear it that I can find
so far is to try and run vlc directly. It crashes and asks you to send
a report off. After that it seems to be ok again.
This seems to happen after several hours of running the stream.
Any ideas?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-09 Thread cliver

Yes I have media centre installed. It is a dell pc and that is the
"preffered player" factory installed for use with the DVB card.

I'll try process explorer thanks for the tip.
Also will try running vlc as you ask and get back to you.
In paralell I'm running in cable to my SB touch over the next few days
to see if the wireless is causing glitches. I know it's producing quite
high latency.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-09 Thread cliver

I can see all the processes you describe in Process explorer now.
I'm not going to change anything until it stalls again so that I can
see what is hanging around process wize after the event.
I'll bet it won't happen again ;-)
I have a couple of processes that look as if they belong to wmc,
wmpnetwk.exe and ehrecvr.exe.
I'll look at my startup settings to see if I can loose them after the
next stream crash.
Again thanks for your help. I'm learning fast here :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-09 Thread cliver

It happened again but I couldn't see any of the processes you mentioned
above still running.
Got it all running again and I have now removed WMP and MCE.
I don't use them anyway, although I did use it for tuner card before I
had VLC installed.
Will run the stream for a bit and see what happens.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-09 Thread cliver

Failed again, same situation without WMC installed.
I have run the command line from a command window having changed dst
perameter as you said.
I also removed --I dummy etc to run it in the gui.
vlc runs ok with the stream showing in the playlist but when I try to
view the debug logging interface I get an error
logger interface: using logger
logger interface error: error opening logfile 'vlc-log.txt'
main interface error: no suitable interface module
main interface error: interface "logger" initialization failed

What am I doing wrong?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-09 Thread cliver

bpa;609761 Wrote: 
> I forgot Windows / Linux difference for the destination. There is no
> /dev/null on Windows - it is nul or nul: I think.  Perhaps that is the
> problem.

OK thanks I'll try that when next at pc.

bpa;609761 Wrote: 
> I have a memory that VLC logging was picky for some reason so try to
> enable logging to a file from the GUI interface and then playing the
> stream to a nul device (to throw it away) from the GUI as before.  I
> think the logging interface in the GUI is turned in Preferences but you
> need to got to "Advanced" to get a menu with Logging.

Again will do.

bpa;609761 Wrote: 
> Is vlc stopping after a period of time ?
> If so is it consistent (e.g. always about 2hr 34 mins) ?
> or perhaps does it stop at a similar time (e.g. on the hour, half hour)
> ?

To be honest not sure of exact timings. I'll have to start a log.
It seems to be ok for abouth 1.5 to 2 hours or so. I'm not always there
when it stops as sometimes I set it running and pop out at some point
and it's failed when I get back.
I'll try to log each time I set it running and when it fails.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-10 Thread cliver

OK I have the logging working now :)
I just want to be clear what I am trying to do now...

I am trying to run the same command line from custom-convert.conf which
I see as

[vlcholder.bat] -I dummy --dummy-quiet --no-video --no-sout-video
dvb-t:// :dvb-frequency=$TUNERFREQ$ :dvb-bandwidth=8 :dvb-caching=300
| [flac] -cs --totally-silent --endian=little --channels=2 --sign=signed
--bps=16 --sample-rate=44100 --compression-level-0 -

Which I translate to use in the gui to

vlc dvb-t:// :dvb-frequency=842000 :dvb-bandwidth=8 :dvb-caching=300
| [flac] -cs --totally-silent --endian=little --channels=2 --sign=signed
--bps=16 --sample-rate=44100 --compression-level-0 -

where I have substituted your frequency and program variables for
actual values and replaced the dst=- with dst=null.

If I have this right I am expecting vlc to tune in the program and play
it to null, i.e. dump the output and play silence?
If this is so how will I know when and if it stops?
Would I not be better allowing it to play localy?
I'm assuming the idea is to see if vlc can play from the tuner card
without streaming the output to eliminate (or otherwise) vlc player
from the problem?

Sorry if I'm being a bit verbose here but I like to get things clear in
my mind.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-10 Thread cliver

Hi bpa,

I think I'm getting there but I need a couple of things clearing up
that I can't explain through the wiki or google.

I've figured out that custo-convert.conf is split into three command
lines one for wav streams, one for mp3 and one for flac streams aka...

vlc wav * * # R [vlcholder.bat] -I dummy --dummy-quiet --no-video
--no-sout-video dvb-t:// :dvb-frequency=$TUNERFREQ$ :dvb-bandwidth=8
:dvb-caching=300 :program=$TUNERPROG$  

vlc mp3 * *# RB:{BITRATE=-B %B} [vlcholder.bat] -I dummy
--dummy-quiet --no-video --no-sout-video dvb-t://
:dvb-frequency=$TUNERFREQ$ :dvb-bandwidth=8 :dvb-caching=300
| [lame] --silent -s 44.1 -r -x -q $QUALITY$ -b $BITRATE$ - -

vlc flc * * # R [vlcholder.bat] -I dummy --dummy-quiet --no-video
--no-sout-video dvb-t:// :dvb-frequency=$TUNERFREQ$ :dvb-bandwidth=8
:dvb-caching=300 :program=$TUNERPROG$  
| [flac] -cs --totally-silent --endian=little --channels=2 --sign=signed
--bps=16 --sample-rate=44100 --compression-level-0 -

Am I right so far?

I think in my instance socketwrapper is spawning flac.exe I am using
the vlc flc command line above. Is this correct?

In any event which ever command line is run can yoy explain the first
part of each command line please?
i.e. vlc flc * *  # R [vlcholder.bat] 
What do the sections flc * *, # R and [vlcholder.bat] do?

If there is somewhere in the wiki that will help me understand this
I'll gladly research but I can't find it in the command line help or
the streaming help.

Hope you can help.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-10 Thread cliver

Thanks for that bpa, explains a lot, I'll go through it in detail :-)

On the issues from the previous post; I have logging running but I
can't seem to gete it to output anything other than basic events to the
log file.
When I open the debug logging interface in the gui (view>add
interface>debug logging) I get error messages which don't apear in the
log file?
In tools>preferences>advanced>logging there is a verbosity setting but
it doesn't seem to make any difference. Is there a setting I should use
or I understand the default of -1 uses the setting set by --verbose...
Does this mean if I put --verbose in the comand line it will output
verbose logging or do I have to give it a perameter?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-11 Thread cliver

I still can't get the logging to show anything more than basic start and
stop actions.
However if I add the debug logging interface in the gui I get errors
displayed but can't copy them out.

Interestingly if I simply Open Capture Device through the gui with
debug logging interface open and the following..

dvb-t://frequency=84200 :dvb-bandwidth=8 :dvb-caching=300

This plays bbc radio 2 as expected but in the debug logging screen I
get the following errors...
libdvbpsi error : TS discontinuity  for PID 18
I get about 22 of these for different
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-11 Thread cliver

I have been messing with various stream formats.
Can you, or anyone tell me why

1. This works

dvb-t://frequency=84200 :dvb-bandwidth=8 :dvb-caching=300
:no-sout-rtp-sap :no-sout-standard-sap :ttl=1 :sout-keep

SBS play

I have had this running fine for several hours.

2. This Doesn't work...

dvb-t://frequency=84200 :dvb-bandwidth=8 :dvb-caching=300
:no-sout-rtp-sap :no-sout-standard-sap :ttl=1 :sout-keep

SBS play 
or (changing wav to flac in

All I have changes is the format. vlc streams it ok but sbs can't read
>From what I can see this is more or less the format used when I use
TunerPlay plugin isn't it?

I can get an mp3 stream running perfectly for hours through the gui but
I can't get a pcm/wav stream to work at all??


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-11 Thread cliver

Thanks for all this bpa..
Just tried setting vorbosity to 3 (I tried -1, 0, 1, 2, 5 and 10
It seems you have to have the debug logging window open in the gui at
the same time or no data get written to the log file.
Now getting plenty of data in log file from a short run using the mp3
stream from my earlier post. There are a lot of error messages and this
stream seems to work fine ?-). In fact it is too big to post @1.3M from
about 10 seconds runtime.
Anyway it works now :-)

It sounds from your desription as if VLC is missing the first few
packets as it throws a series of PID errors then settles down and
streams nicely (using mp3).
I updated the hauppage card driver not long ago through dell suport as
the hauppage driver didn't work. 
Will look to see if an update is available but I doubt it.
Signal seems fine once it starts streaming and listening localy.
I have 8GB RAM so hope it isn't memory. Looking at Process explorer all
looks ok.
I'll look at beta vlc versions to see if anything relevant has been

Now.. any idea why I can't get a wav stream to work through the gui as
in my last post?? I don't see whay the mp23 one works but the wav one


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-12 Thread cliver

bpa;610378 Wrote: 
> You can open the logger window without a GUI by using the "-I dummy
> --extraintf logger" option this may only become useful if the vlc only
> crashes without a GUI.

Thanks bpa. I am trying to get everything working through the gui
first. i.e. Get logging working as required and get the same stream
going as is started when I use the your plugin. As you say we can then
see if it fails and if so what is logged as a result. Then if it helps
I can get the same stream going to a null device to get sb out of the
I'm getting there with the logging. I just need to get the stream going
as it does using your plugin.

bpa;610378 Wrote: 
> The main point of having a log file is to see whether VLC produces an
> error messages before locking up and to see if a useful error message
> is shown whenever you try to run vlc and it fails to play.  So I think
> the verbosity level of 1 is probably adequate and probably only the
> last 100 lines of the log file may be all that is necessary to post.

I'll try this first now that I have logging going as expected and come
back to you.

bpa;610378 Wrote: 
> Sometimes the PC vendors drivers are a bit out date compared to the card
> vendor - Hauppauge show driver 1.47.29239 as being the latest.It is
> unlikely to be RAM but 8Gb implies a 64bit system which might be
> something to consider as causing s/w bugs.  However if the
> "discontinuity" message disappear - I wouldn't worry about it.

Yes the problem I had was that the latest one on the hauppage site
didn't work at all, I couldn't play anything through the card. I called
Dell ts and they said I should use theirs. I did and it all worked
That said, the one on hauppage is newer so I may try it. I can roll
back if it all goes belly up.

bpa;610378 Wrote: 
> Regarding wav - it is not normal to stream wav.   You need to use PCM in
> another wrapper and not just http as a player cannot decode in mid
> stream.  The player doesn't know the format: no of channels, sample
> rate and bits/sample as they are only sent once in wav header. - so it
> is better to send wav raw as a file to the nul device.

Ok I understand this, I think. What is throwing me is the command lines
in your custom-convert.conf file.
They are all using "acodec=s16l" which is wav is it not?
This is what I am trying to achieve in order to emulate the stream
setup by the plugin through the gui.
I think I need a bit more explanation of this (sorry I'm a bit dim :-)
Is your plugin streaming over http? of not what and why?
Again many thanks for all your help.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-12 Thread cliver

cliver;610569 Wrote: 
> If i set logging up through the gui tools>preferences etc...
> and then run vlc through your plugin will/should the logging still
> happen?

Just tried it and got nothing in the log file :-(
I'm obviously missing something. 
Can you give me some more detail on what I should edit in the
custom-config file please? I'm obviously not getting it right.
The other alternative is to be able to set up the same stream from the
gui. Then I know I can get logging going.

btw it seems to be run time related. Haven't timed it explicitly but it
fails every time after approx 1.5 hours.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-12 Thread cliver

bpa;610630 Wrote: 
> You get ahead of me each time I start to write a long reply.

Sorry. I keep posting as I have new info/questions so you have the
latest to go on.

I'll shut up for a while and keep playing ;-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-12 Thread cliver

bpa;610640 Wrote: 
> Don't stop posting as sometimes taking time to write things down can
> clarify things, just don't expect a reply to every post.
> I'll boot up Windows later this eve and see I can get a failure using
> my custom-convert.conf.test file.  If that works I'll then try my
> Analogue tuner card to play an FM stream which would be close to your
> setup.

Thanks bpa, you're right I tend to use posts as a log. It helps me keep
track of what I'm doing and, I hope, keeps you and anyone else watching
this thread up to speed on what's going on.

I still haven't got any logging going on when I run vlc from the
I am attaching my amended custom convert file. Does it look right?

You'll be pleased to know I am off out shortly so you can have some
peace for a while ;-)

|Filename: custom-convert - Copy.txt|


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-13 Thread cliver

bpa;610701 Wrote: 
> I got my Windows up again to retest VLCplay.  I noticed I was using vlc
> 0.9.6 so I upgraded to VLC 1.1.7 and the VLCplay plugin broke.  It
> looks like some of the transcoding option which I have been using no
> longer work with vlc 1.1. which might explain some of the problem you
> are having.
> I'll see if I can figure the new options to get it to go.

I guess that's good news in a way but more work for you.
Surprised it's not backaward compatible.
Still that's life :-)

I can now run the following and get logging going ok

vlc --extraintf logger dvb-t://frequency=84200 :dvb-bandwidth=8
:dvb-caching=300 :program=18560
:no-sout-rtp-sap :no-sout-standard-sap :ttl=1 :sout-keep

This gives me a live logging window and writes to my log file as well.

But when I put the same in your custom-convert.conf file I don't get
any logging screen or output to the log file.
_*If*_ you get chance could you cast an eye over the file I attached to
my last post to see what I am doing wrong please.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-14 Thread cliver

Thanks bpa, I'll have a go and get back to you.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-14 Thread cliver

The stream is still running by the looks of it.
However it has thrown up 4 errors in the logging screen.

libdvbpsi error : Bad CRC_32 <0xdb4b39eb>!!!
libdvbpsi error  Bad CRC_32> <0xce8984aa>!!!
libdvbpsi error  Bad CRC_32> <0x7e85d94f>!!!
libdvbpsi error  Bad CRC_32> <0x3d9ce4c7>!!!

Not sure at what time these occured but it was over 1 hour of run time.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-14 Thread cliver

Just ran it with -vv to increase verbosity and get a constant stream of
errors as in the attached.

|Filename: VLCLog.txt   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-15 Thread cliver

Thanks bpa. I'm running it again now. If the errors occur again I'll
check that the stream is still running as you describe. If it is I'll
leave it all day and see what happens.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-15 Thread cliver

Just had one bad CRC_32 error as before. Stream is still running
acording to stats.
I'm leaving it running for a few more hours to see if anything else

This would seem to indicate that these errors aren't the source of the
However, the timing of them seems to coincide with the length of time
that the stream runs before failing using sbs.
I also don't know how DVB-t should behave but I would imagine any
system designed for ota transmission should be designed to cope with
signal dropouts. This is the behaviour that VLC is demonstrating as it
seems quite happy to carry on.
Is it possible that the problem is with sbs not dealing effectivly with
the errors/drop outs and closing the playing stream down when it sees
these errors?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-15 Thread cliver

Thanks bpa, I'll do some stress testing and see how it handles it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-15 Thread cliver

Just done some short term stress testing.
Removed cable for a few seconds and replaced.
Inserted a coupler which I used to attenuate signal to point of break
Removed and inserted cable quickly several times.
Removed cable for 40 mins ands then replaced.
In every case it threw  a load of pid errors (among others) but
re-syncronised within a couple of seconds and played perfectly.
I'm goping to disconect and leave it for several hours just to see what
happens but it looks like VLC is handling it fine.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-15 Thread cliver

Interestingly I have just tried the same tests while streaming using the
mp3 streaming solution and I broke it straight away.
Removed and replaced a couple of times in quick succession was ok but
when I removed it for about 30 seconds it didn't resync.
VLC was still streaming but sbs couldn't play it. Although it showed as
playing on the sb touch panel.
I tried stopping and restarting sbs but it won't restart for some
Even if I kill both sbs processes and restart it it comes up stopped.
I'l restart pc after posting this as this is my only way of restarting
sbs. Will have to research that problem further.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-15 Thread cliver

Just done the same thing streaming to another VLC player on another pc.
It seems to resync every time without problem. It certainly isn't as
easy to break as streaming to SBS is.
I think there seems to be a problem with the way sbs is handling
What do you think?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-16 Thread cliver

Good point bpa thanks. I was trying to set up a stream to another device
so that we coulkd eliminate or incriminate sbs.
Would it work if I change the dst from nul in the command line you put
up to something else for me to stream it to another machine running

"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --extraintf=logger --no-video
--no-sout-video dshow://  :dshow-vdev="Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II
Capture" :dshow-tuner-channel=10600 :dshow-tuner-input=2
:dshow-amtuner-mode=2 :dshow-audio-channels=2
:dshow-audio-samplerate=44100 :dshow-audio-bitspersample=16


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-16 Thread cliver

bpa;611485 Wrote: 
> IIRC The main issue is that VLCPlay stops after a time and cannot be
> started again using the play button.  Do you need a SBS restart or a PC
> restart to be able to use DVB card ?

I can't restart SBS once I have stopped it from the taskbar for some
reason, I haven't looked into why as yet but for now I have to restart

bpa;611485 Wrote: 
> When this happens is there a VLC "cone" in the taskbar ?  Can you open
> this "cone" (use right click "open " and then press "cancel" if offered
> play) ?

>From memory no VLC cone in task bar but I'll run it again and check.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-16 Thread cliver

bpa;611493 Wrote: 
> What is the startup setting for SBS ? 
> - manual
> - automatically at startup 
> - automatically at login

Automaticaly at startup.

I see where you are comming from :-)

BTW If this is getting too time consuming for you I understand if you
want to drop it, either temporarily or permanently.
I'm happy to carry on and help testing or anything else because this
has the makings of a craking plugin (and I'm learning and enjoying
I am using my mp3 streaming solution at the moment and it is fine, if a
little clumsy. So I am reasonably happy.
In other words I'm happy to let you drive this at your pace as, when
and if you want to work on it.
Your efforts are greatly appreciated so far.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-16 Thread cliver

bpa;611508 Wrote: 
> I'll stick with a bit longer. 
> One intermittent SBS startup problem I've had when testing plugins is
> persistence of TCP port 3483 connections.  It means when SBS restarts
> it find port 3483 already in use and so SBS stop. Rebooting PC clears
> the connection. In the past there were other ones involving database or
> security s/w.
> The starting point would be to enable logging for "server" and
> "database.mysql" to DEBUG level and make sure it is persistent at
> startup (i.e. check the box "Save logging settings for use at next
> application restart" BEFORE clicking Apply).  
> Do the VLCPlay test until failure. Stop SBS - note time so that you
> look at right log entries. Start SBS.  Assuming SBS doesn't stay
> running - look in log file to see which part of "Initialisation" failed
> or any other messages.

Ok thanks bpa, I'll give this a go and get back to you.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-17 Thread cliver

Not sure I have anything useful to report but hgeres what I have done so

I have run it a couple of times but the first time the loging didn't
seem to be working  properly. I couldn't get the debug settings you
requested to stay persistent. They seemed to turn off without my doing
anything at all.
Seems to be ok now though so ran it again.

It runs for 1h:45m almost to the second and fails.

13:15 - Started stream using VLCPlay
15:00 - Stream stopped
SB Touch shows Stopped
SqueezeSvr.exe shows no child processes
Log shows some errors (see attached)

15:55 - Re Started Stream on SB Webui
SqueezeSvr.exe shows child processesd as expected
SB Webui shows stream playing
SB Touch UI shows connecting but stream won't play
Paused Stream
SqueezeSvr.exe child processes die
Checked Log - no further entries
Ran VLC.exe
It Crashed and asked to send error report Y.
It then opened VLC Gui ok
Closed VLC Gui

Re Started Stream using VLCPlay - It runs ok
Paused Stream
Clear Playlist
Checked Log - No further entries

Stopped SBS - ok
Started SBS - it fails to start
Ran SBS exe - IOt failed to start
Checked Log - No further entries

Re Start PC - all back to normal
Checked log - apart from startup of sbs no further entries
Checked logging settings - They have now reset to default

Attached log file has comments placed where I did something to show
what was going on at the time.

It seems that logging settings reset every time I re boot. How can I
get them to stay as set until I decide to change them? I am ticking the
Save logging settings for use at next application restart box.

Have I got the right logging settings?
1. (database.mysql) - MySQL Initialization & Process Information 
2. (server) - General Server Information

I ask because there are several sql and server options.

I don't think the fact that I casn't re start SBS from the UI has
anything to do with the problem. I don't need to re start SBS to get
the service running again.
It seems to be VLC that is hanging up somewhere as it fails to restart.

I have posted a question elsewhere to see if the SBS restart issue is
known about.

|Filename: server just after fail.log   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-18 Thread cliver

Just out of interest I have just ran VLCPlay from SqueezePlay running on
the server PC and it just crashed the same way after 1Hour 43 minutes.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] (UK) Freeview radio channels

2011-02-19 Thread cliver

Hi bpa,
I have just been messing around with WAV Input.
When I tried it before I got sound from whatever I was playing on the
server pc but it was muffled.
I have been messing with the settings of my soundcard.
It's a Realtek HD with 5.1 speakers.
I noticed with it set up for 5.1 I get stereo source playback through
the centre speaker only on the pc.
I tried setting it to Stereo and both the speakers on my pc play
correctly and Wav Input works fine now.
So I have yet another alternative :-)
The only possible drawback is that I have to have the same station
playing on the pc as is streaming but it's an option that may be a
workable solution if we can't get VLCPlay going.
Have a good weekend


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Community Firmware for Squeezebox Radio/Touch/Controller and LMS 8

2021-06-15 Thread cliver

Hi all,
I'm running SB Media server 8.1.2 in the current Daphile RT version.
I have just got hold of a used SB Radio to use in the office.
I have factory reset and set it up and it seems to be working fine.
However I am getting an error/info message in Player information
> You seem to be using a Squeezebox with an outdated firmware, not
> recognising this version of Logitech Media Server. Please consider using
> the comunity firmware plugin, or patching the devices firmware.
It has a link to more information but the page it loads is blank.
So, considering that it is working, sahould I update the Radios
I guess it would be best if I do?
If so how should I proceed?
Use the community firmware plugin? I'm not clear how that works with
Or can I manually patch the firmware? If so where do I download the
correct file and how do I flash it?

Many thanks.

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.8.0 - 1395395852 @ Fri Apr 18 13:29:51
EDT 2014
Operating system: Vortexbox 2.3 (Fedora20 Heisenbug)
Squeezebox Touch: Firmware: 7.7.1-r9561
Squeezeplay 7.5.3 - r0
2 x RPI3 piCorePlayer 3.01

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Community Firmware for Squeezebox Radio/Touch/Controller and LMS 8

2021-07-08 Thread cliver

cliver wrote: 
> Hi all,
> I'm running SB Media server 8.1.2 in the current Daphile RT version.
> I have just got hold of a used SB Radio to use in the office.
> I have factory reset and set it up and it seems to be working fine.
> However I am getting an error/info message in Player information
> It has a link to more information but the page it loads is blank.
> So, considering that it is working, sahould I update the Radios
> firmware?
> I guess it would be best if I do?
> If so how should I proceed?
> Use the community firmware plugin? I'm not clear how that works with
> Daphile?
> Or can I manually patch the firmware? If so where do I download the
> correct file and how do I flash it?
> Many thanks.
> Clive

I managed to fix this. I used the Material Skin interface and the page
came up with instructions on how to install the applet. I now don't get
the error.
My next issue is that I have the community firmware plugin installed but
I am not getting the update on my SB Radios. If I look on the radio in
Settings>Advanced>Software Update I only see the current 7.7.3 r16676
version with the option to reinstall it.
I have the server set to Check for updates daily.
Am I missing something?
Is there a way I can manually install the community firmware on the

I am also having trouble with wifi disconnecting constantly. Does the
comunity formware fix this or will I need to install the wlanpoke fix as

Logitech Media Server Version: 8.1.2-git648d7bd@Daphile
Squeezebox Touch: Firmware: 7.7.1-r9561
Squeezeplay 7.5.3 - r0
Sqwueezebox Radio: Firmware: 7.7.2-r9663

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Community Firmware for Squeezebox Radio/Touch/Controller and LMS 8

2021-07-08 Thread cliver

P Nelson wrote: 
> I believe it can take up to 24 hours for the community firmware to show
> up after the plugin is activated.  
> If the Wifi is dropping frequently due to some mesh network
> interference, the Community firmware will not solve the problem.  You
> will need the wlanpoke.  Look in the Radio forum, a person just recently
> posted simplified instructions.  Installing wlanpoke in on my to do
> list.

Many thanks. The plugin has been active for several weeks now.
I'll look at wlanpoke once I solve the firmware update issue.

Sent from my SM-G986B using Tapatalk

Logitech Media Server Version: 8.1.2-git648d7bd@Daphile
Squeezebox Touch: Firmware: 7.7.1-r9561
Squeezeplay 7.5.3 - r0
Sqwueezebox Radio: Firmware: 7.7.2-r9663

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Community Firmware for Squeezebox Radio/Touch/Controller and LMS 8

2021-07-08 Thread cliver

slartibartfast wrote: 
> It has always shown up immediately for me. Maybe restarting the devices
> would force it.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using TapatalkEverything has been restarted several 
> times.

Sent from my SM-G986B using Tapatalk

Logitech Media Server Version: 8.1.2-git648d7bd@Daphile
Squeezebox Touch: Firmware: 7.7.1-r9561
Squeezeplay 7.5.3 - r0
Sqwueezebox Radio: Firmware: 7.7.2-r9663

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Community Firmware for Squeezebox Radio/Touch/Controller and LMS 8

2021-07-08 Thread cliver

slartibartfast wrote: 
> You have ticked the box in the community firmware plug-in settings
> haven't you?[image:
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using TapatalkThanks everyone. I hadn't seen this 
> checkbook [emoji849]. Let's see what
happens now [emoji854].
Just to be sure... When it says to do a factory reset, is it referring
to the player, server or both. I assume it's the player?

Sent from my SM-G986B using Tapatalk

Logitech Media Server Version: 8.1.2-git648d7bd@Daphile
Squeezebox Touch: Firmware: 7.7.1-r9561
Squeezeplay 7.5.3 - r0
Sqwueezebox Radio: Firmware: 7.7.2-r9663

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Community Firmware for Squeezebox Radio/Touch/Controller and LMS 8

2021-07-09 Thread cliver

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Yes the factory reset refers to the player.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

All done now thanks. Both SB Radios now on Community firmware and
wlanpoke installed. One of the radios is destined to be a mobile one so
wifi needed the other is wired so not a problem. Looking forward to
seeing how the wifi one behaves :)

Logitech Media Server Version: 8.1.2-git648d7bd@Daphile
Squeezebox Touch: Firmware: 7.7.1-r9561
Squeezeplay 7.5.3 - r0
Sqwueezebox Radio: Firmware: 7.7.2-r9663

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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Community Firmware for Squeezebox Radio/Touch/Controller and LMS 8

2021-07-18 Thread cliver

Hi Paul, sorry just seen your posts. If you look about 4 posts above
your first one you will see  I had exactly the same problem. 
Not sure it's an issue. Though I'm sure someone more knowledgeable than
me will jump in.

Sent from my SM-G986B using Tapatalk

Logitech Media Server Version: 8.1.2-git648d7bd@Daphile
Squeezebox Touch: Firmware: 7.7.1-r9561
Squeezeplay 7.5.3 - r0
Sqwueezebox Radio: Firmware: 7.7.2-r9663

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