Re: Signal delivery in POE and time warp.

2003-09-02 Thread Peter Chen
On Friday, Aug 29, 2003, at 01:05 US/Eastern, Rocco Caputo wrote:

On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 05:27:22PM -0400, Dmitri Tikhonov wrote:
I was looking at POE::Kernel again to try to figure out this problem, 
then I re-visited this thread.  It hit me that because of semantic
differences between alarm() and delay(), POE::Kernel would have to use
_two_ time scales instead of one it uses right now (system time).  In 
event loop, delay() wants correct time increments independent of 
time.  I wrote a proof-of-concept time() subroutine to be used in
POE::Kernel that simply read number of seconds from /proc/uptime.  No
matter what I did with system time, children were reaped at 
moments.  Fine.
Sounds good, but also full of problems.  It will require a lot of
maintenance to support different monotonic timer functions for each
operating system.
Maybe the better thing to do is to use a standard API such as 
POSIX::times as a default.  This solves the problem uniformly for 
platforms that have *proper* implementations of POSIX.  This is 
probably preferable to using a non-portable Linux specific interface 
such as /proc/uptime.  In cases where a monatomic increasing 
POSIX::times does not exist, support can be added for a platform 
specific monatomic timer.

Now let's consider alarms.  Alarms that are called with time = time() 
+ 5 are
not truly alarms -- they're delays (of course, because of the way 
alarm is
set, the argument specifies actual time).  Alarms that specify a 
future time
point independent of current time must use system time to operate.  
An alarm
is expected to be triggered when the clock strikes, thus it is 
supposed to
wait for system time to catch up to it.  I don't see how delays can be
implemented using alarms or vice versa (ideas?).
I have none.  It's useful to define recurring delays in terms of
$some_time + $some_seconds, because that avoids time drift.
  sub do_timer_thing {
# do some code here
$kernel-alarm( do_timer_thing = $heap-{next_time} += 5 );
That does something every 5 seconds, without clock drift.

It also uses alarm semantics rather than delay semantics, which means
it's susceptible to time shifts.  Assuming different ST_ALARM and
ST_DELAY events, you can't make a delay that doesn't succumb to clock
Implementation of the two scales, it seems, would require two time 
fields in
event struct: ST_ALARM and ST_DELAY (instead of ST_TIME).  Depending 
on which
one is set, the appropriate time scale should be used.  I am not sure 
other consequences this would bring both inside and outside of 
but this approach might be worth a try?
Is there any particular advantage of replacing ST_TIME w/ ST_ALARM?  
ST_TIME uses the old system time based semantic.  Isn't what we are 
trying to do here simply to add a delay based semantic?  How about 
keeping ST_TIME and adding ST_DELAY?


Re: Signal delivery in POE and time warp.

2003-09-02 Thread Peter Chen
On Friday, Aug 29, 2003, at 14:29 US/Eastern, Dmitri Tikhonov wrote:

It also uses alarm semantics rather than delay semantics, which means
it's susceptible to time shifts.  Assuming different ST_ALARM and
ST_DELAY events, you can't make a delay that doesn't succumb to clock
I am not familiar with this issue.  Why would there be a clock drift?
Aren't we to measure monotonic time using clock cycles?  And if there
is a clock drift, how bad is it?  How long would a delay have to be to
experience this drift?
I believe Rocco is speaking of clock drifts between the system timer or 
kernel clock and real time.  Take a look at for an explanation.

Wouldn't it be nice if such monotonic clock source was in ANSI C?  What
would you say if I wrote an experimental module for monotonic clock 
for Linux for now, based on uptime), and it would be an option to
POE::Kernel to either use Time::HiRes::time() or Monotonic::time()?
This would be very useful for solving my problem, because my daemon 
cares about delays.  Dual time scale implementation of POE::Kernel can
wait (or be somewhere on a branch).
If you take a look at the postings dated back in April, you will find 
that such API already exists, it's POSIX::times.  There is no need to 
reinvent the wheel.


Re: Signal delivery in POE and time warp.

2003-09-02 Thread Peter Chen
Dmitri Tikhonov wrote:

On Mon, 1 Sep 2003, Peter Chen wrote:


wait (or be somewhere on a branch).

If you take a look at the postings dated back in April, you will find
that such API already exists, it's POSIX::times.  There is no need to
reinvent the wheel.

Yeah, that's what I'd do.  You have to convert the value differently
based on your OS (128 ticks per second for FreeBSD?)
 - Dmitri.

I believe you can use the constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC for that.


Re: Signal delivery in POE and time warp.

2003-09-02 Thread Peter Chen
sungo wrote:

Peter Chen wrote:

Is there any particular advantage of replacing ST_TIME w/ ST_ALARM?  
ST_TIME uses the old system time based semantic.  Isn't what we are 
trying to do here simply to add a delay based semantic?  How about 
keeping ST_TIME and adding ST_DELAY?

so, let me get this straight... we're proposing a rewrite of POE's 
internal timing mechanisms so that people who don't run ntp won't get 
screwed when they manually adjust the time on their system once a 
year? does this seem a little silly to anyone else? we're talking 
about adding lots of complexity for very little gain. at least in my 
mind. i say we tag the documentation with a big DONT DO THAT and move on. 
The issue is actually much more severe.  If you reread the postings back 
in April, you will find that the initial discovery came from a POE based 
daemon failing to respond to any request after the system time was 
adjusted.  Subsequent investigation revealed that POE's internal timing 
mechanism is vulnerable to system time adjustements (whether it is done 
manually or by NTP).  Depending on the actual adjustment, one of the 
symptoms is that sigchild will cease to be delivered.  One implication 
is that any daemon that uses POE::Wheel::Run becomes unreliable.

I believe Rocco understands this, and this is why he was looking into 
using POSIX::times.  The only catch is that his development platform is 
FreeBSD and FreeBSD seems to have a strange implementation of 
POSIX::times which is not monotonically increasing.

IMHO, the goal is not so much to rewrite POE's internal timing mechanism 
per se, instead the proposal is to supplement it with a delay based 
semantic in addition to the exisitng system time based semantic.  This 
delay based semantic would allow sigchild to be delivered regardless 
of system time changes.


Re: Signal delivery in POE and time warp.

2003-09-02 Thread Peter Chen
On Tuesday, Sep 2, 2003, at 17:28 US/Eastern, Rocco Caputo wrote:

I have heard conflicting stories about whether the time shift is
significant.  Jeff Bisbee posted that systems based on UTC don't see
shifts in time() when DST/Standard arrive.  Matt Cashner is convinced
that NTP prevents the problem from occurring.  It's an area I admit
knowing very little about, and I'm loath to bring down my development
machine to simulate Daylight Savings/Standard time shifts, manually, or
by tricking NTP.  I've made some small changes, of perhaps five minutes
either way, and discovered that times() does not behave as claimed.
Perhaps I can ask the question slightly differently.  Is it acceptable 
for POE to fail to deliver sigchild because of a system time change?

Here is a simple way of illustrating this, start a process using 
POE::Wheel::Run, then immediately set the system time backwards for two 
hours.  I have observed that in this case sigchild will not be 
delivered until two hours later.  This is somewhat of a nasty surprise, 
wouldn't you say?


Re: POE useragent and https

2002-11-08 Thread Peter Chen
On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 15:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was trying to make it work with HTTPS, and after a few rounds
 gave up on it. If turning non-blocking connects off does not help,
 fork a process and run LWP or LWP::PUA in it. Or try PoCoCl::HTTP.
 There may be a different way to create or handle sockets that
 could improve things a bit, but otherwise I don't think it's an LWP
 or LWP::PUA or PoCoCl::UA problem. The underlying SSL libraries
 just don't like non-blocking sockets at all. You can try filing bugs
 against them.

Interesting, in fact, I have done that.  I have a component that runs in
POE::Wheel::Run that calls LWP, and use Cache::Cache to pass back the
response.  I consider it a kludge though.

The curious part is, if the problem is the underlying SSL library.  Then
how does PoCoCL::HTTP work with it at all?  You see the conflict in this
logic.  After all, the same SSL libray is used.

 But the other thing is, the way LWP and LWP::PUA are designed it's
 pretty much impossible to make them truly POE-friendly. For
 example, an FTP request will block for the entire duration of the
 connection establishment phase. So a future version of PoCoCl::UA
 should do away with the LWP dependency entirely.

To do away w/ LWP totally may not be so easy.  One reason is that it has
become somewhat of a standard.  People expect the same API's for the
request, response, and UserAgent.  I wonder whether it's possible to
change the low level code so a fix similar to what PoCoCl::HTTP uses can
be adapted.


Re: POE useragent and https

2002-11-07 Thread Peter Chen
On Thu, 2002-11-07 at 21:47, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 11:05:28AM -0800, Lenny Rachitsky wrote:
  Has anyone gotten POE::Component::Client::UserAgent to work with
  SSL/HTTPS pages? I've disabled nonblocking, and Net::SSL is being
  used, but I still get a failure after a few bytes are read. Is there
  anything else I can do, or am I out of luck?
  Any help at all would be very much appreciated.
 We discussed this in IRC, and I spent a long look at the bowels of LWP
 to no avail.  Maybe someone else can figure it out, but I'm totally at
 a loss.
 POE::Component::Client::HTTP works, however.

Perhaps we can build on each other's experience.  Several of us have
looked into this problem.  

Is POE::Component::Client::UserAgent still based on LWP::ParallelUA?  I
recall a few months ago, we got in touch with the authors, and one of
them was working on a fix.


FYI - Mandrake rpm, perl-POE-0.23-1mdk

2002-10-04 Thread Peter Chen

FYI, I have contributed perl-POE-0.23 rpm to Mandrake.  It's released.




Name: perl-POE Relocations: (not relocateable)
Version : 0.23  Vendor: MandrakeSoft
Release : 1mdk  Build Date: Thu Oct  3 14:58:20 2002
Install date: (not installed)   Build Host:
Group   : Development/Perl  Source RPM: (none)
Size: 305856   License: GPL or Artistic
Packager: Lenny Cartier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Summary : POE module for perl
Description :
POE module for perl.  POE is a mature framework for creating
multitasking programs in Perl.  It has been in active development
since 1998.  It has been used in mission-critical systems such as
internetworked financial markets, file systems, commerce and
application servers.


* Wed Oct 23 2002 Lenny Cartier [EMAIL PROTECTED] 0.23-1mdk

- for Peter Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] :
- 0.23


---End Message---

Re: PoCo-Server-TCP, socket shutdown, and SOAP

2002-09-10 Thread Peter Chen

On Mon, 2002-09-09 at 15:42, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 Here's a way to close files above $^F.  It's not pretty, not tested,
 and may not be very portable.  The code would go into Wheel::Run, just
 before the function is called in the child process.
# Assuming 255 open handles max.
use POSIX qw(close);
for my $fd ($^F+1..255) {
 It should probably be made optional but on by default, probably
 controlled by a CloseOnExec option.

I tried this, and it works, no more file descriptor leaks. :-)

However, it did not solve the problem of hanging TCP connections as I
hoped.  I even turned on TRACE_DEFAULT.  POE::Kernel is deleting the
file descriptor in _internal_select:

  !!! deleting fileno (5) ...

Yet the socket still did not shutdown.  I am scratching my head
wondering whether this is caused by some interaction with other modules.

The fail-safe approach seems to be shutdown($socket,2) in my code,
which means I am stuck w/ locally patching PoCo::TCP::Server to keep
$socket on $heap, *sigh*.


Re: POE::Wheel::Run and missing CloseEvent

2002-09-09 Thread Peter Chen

On Sun, 2002-09-08 at 14:14, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 Please try
 (temporary URL on my dial-up machine), or you can use it as the base
 for your own test case.
 I still can't reproduce the problem here, even with that running for
 almost 15 minutes (6300 child processes).  Maybe it's something
 specific to your runtime environment?

Thank you.  I shall try this.


Re: PoCo-Server-TCP, socket shutdown, and SOAP

2002-09-09 Thread Peter Chen

On Mon, 2002-09-09 at 12:07, Rocco Caputo wrote: 
 If DESTROY is being called, it's almost certain that the socket is
 being destroyed from POE's point of view.  Sockets still won't close
 if something outside POE has copies of them.  That includes child
 processes, so this may be related to the Wheel::Run issues in the
 other thread.

Eureka!  Thank you for pointing this out.  Now it all makes sense.  

In order to handle individual requests, my daemon forks child processes
(which are Perl functions run by POE::Wheel::Run), these child processes
held on to the sockets of all connections at the time.  That's why the
clients were hanging until all those children exit, *sigh*.

Now I just have to figure out how to close all file descriptors  $^F in
the child process as you suggested.


Re: PoCo-Server-TCP buffer flushing; possible option() deprecation

2002-09-03 Thread Peter Chen

On Fri, 2002-08-30 at 18:19, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 I opted against using option() for this right now.  Moving trace to
 _trace (and the others) is a public interface changes that will take
 months to implement.  Moving the component options to option() would
 also take a long time.  Rather than wait for all that, I added a
 shutdown_on_error value to the heap.
 That's also bad, but I don't think it's as bad.  Changes have been
 committed to cvs; let me know how it works.

Is there some way of setting this option within 
PoCO::Server::TCP-new() method?

The current code as of Revision 1.26 requires $HEAP-{shutdown_on_error}
to be set in a connection handler session.  The only mean would be to
set this option in one of the Client* state handlers (most likely
ClientError).  Would it be cleaner to have this available directly from
new()?  For example,

 Alias = $alias,
 Port  = $port,
 Address   = $address,
 Error = $error,
 Shutdown_on_Error = 0,
 ClientError   = $client_error,
 ClientInput   = $client_input,

So it's more declarative?


Re: Cygwin bug.

2002-09-03 Thread Peter Chen

On Sat, 2002-08-31 at 18:24, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 I just received a similar problem report and suggested a solution that
 might also work for you.  Namely, sockets should have their
 close-on-exec flags set to true so they don't bleed into child
 If this sample code works for you, I'd like to consider setting the
 close-on-exec for sockets in SocketFactory.  Please let me know.

I second that.  In several instances, my SOAP server couldn't be
restarted because one of the child process unintentionally held on to
the socket.  I was looking for a way to set the option.  The problem was
that the current PoCo::Server::TCP interface does not expose the
underlying socket.

Setting the option directly in POE::Wheel::SocketFactory will solve the
problem nicely.


Re: POE::Wheel::Run and missing CloseEvent

2002-08-29 Thread Peter Chen

On Thu, 2002-08-29 at 13:40, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 I haven't, but I don't use POE::Wheel::Run as much as you do.  Is it
 possible that occasionally the SIGCHLD is being delivered before the
 STDOUT/STDERR pipes close, so the wheel is being destroyed before it
 can emit a CloseEvent?

I did check for that.  As you have guessed, some of my applications make
heavy use of this, so I am explicit about the conditions in which a
Wheel::Run is considered done and can be deleted.  In this particular
instance, I only delete a wheel when both sigchild and CloseEvent are
received.  As I mentioned before, 99% of the time this works perfectly. 
Yet I have a few reproducible cases where a CloseEvent is never emitted.

Even though presently I have a workaround, at some point, I will have to
track this down.  This reminds me of another idea that we were bouncing
around, having a component to manage the states for Wheel::Run.


POE::Wheel::Run and missing CloseEvent

2002-08-26 Thread Peter Chen

Does POE::Wheel::Run always emit a CloseEvent?

I have encountered a strange situation where POE::Wheel::Run seems to
omit emitting a CloseEvent.  This happens when I do a rpm -Uvv
--percent with a bunch of rpm's.  Most of the time this works just
fine, but occasionally the CloseEvent never appears.  This of course
turns up as a sporadic bug, since I am using both sigchild and
CloseEvent to indicate that the process has completed and there is no
more output.

Has anybody else seen this?  TIA.


Re: PoCo-SOAP and PoCo-Server-TCP buffer flushing

2002-08-21 Thread Peter Chen

On Tue, 2002-08-20 at 16:34, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 15, 2002 at 04:27:26PM -0400, Peter Chen wrote:
  Thank you for confirming this, and fixing it.  Please let me know when
  you have a release, and I will roll out another RPM.
 I seem to have fixed it, but I don't remember when.  The fix isn't the
 same as your code, but it seems equivalent.  Could you test it to make
 sure that it fixes your SOAP server and doesn't break anything else?

Will do.

Is there going to be another release?  I probably ought to make another
rpm with the fix.  Mandrake has accepted quite a few of the POE related
rpm's that I contributed.  So far there are perl-POE,
perl-POE-Component-Logger, perl-Log-Dispatch, perl-Log-Dispatch-Config,


Re: PoCo-SOAP and PoCo-Server-TCP buffer flushing

2002-08-21 Thread Peter Chen

On Wed, 2002-08-21 at 13:52, Peter Chen wrote:
 On Tue, 2002-08-20 at 16:34, Rocco Caputo wrote:
  I seem to have fixed it, but I don't remember when.  The fix isn't the
  same as your code, but it seems equivalent.  Could you test it to make
  sure that it fixes your SOAP server and doesn't break anything else?
 Will do.

I just tested this with some of the simplest cases.  After 6 clients
connecting to the PoCo::SOAP server concurrently making a total of 2000
requests, every thing seems to work.  The next step is to test this in a
bigger application.

I do have a question regarding the change in PoCo::Server::TCP (revision
1.24 from CVS server) though.  It appears that if it gets a read error 0
(the client stops writing to the socket), it will shut down the handler
session.  I am not sure whether this is the desired behavior.

I can imagine situations where the user may want to have more control
over when the handler session is shutdown.  For example, what happens
when a read error 0 is received by the server before the server
completes handling the request?  In several instances, upon ClientInput,
I use POE::Wheel::Run to handle some long running commands.  If the
server shuts down the handler session upon a read error 0, it will never
have a chance to send back a response.

If this a behavior that we wish to preserve for backward compatibility,
perhaps it can be achieved by adding an additional option to indicate
whether the handler session should automatically shutdown upon a read


Re: Happy Birthday, POE!

2002-08-16 Thread Peter Chen

On Fri, 2002-08-16 at 15:42, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 August 15, 2002 marked the fourth anniversary of POE's first public
 release.  As lead designer and developer of the project, I would like
 to thank the hundreds of people who have helped make POE as great as
 it is today.  Unfortunately, I cannot thank you individually.
 Thank you, everybody!
 -- Rocco Caputo / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / /

If you have a wish list on Amazon or some site of the sort, I will be
happy to send you/POE a birthday gift.

POE has been good to me. :-)


Re: PoCo::SOAP and non-POE-safe SOAP requests

2002-07-30 Thread Peter Chen

On Sat, 2002-07-27 at 07:49, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 The only reason I can think of to use POE_safe might be if you want
 to support older versions of Perl.  Otherwise the attributes sound

Yes, I am leaning toward using attributes as well.

 You could do this a third way: PoCo::SOAP can emit events which are
 handled by other sessions.  The other sessions can decide whether to
 block or not.  I think PoCo::Server::HTTP does this.

That's true.  One catch is that most likely a large number of functions
that PoCo::SOAP needs to dispatch to are not POE aware.  In this case,
the only safe way to handle them may be using Wheel::Run.


PoCo::TCP::Server, socket shutdown, and SOAP::Lite

2002-07-25 Thread Peter Chen

How does one shutdown a socket created by PoCo::TCP::Server?

I am noticing some SOAP::Lite client hangs.  Netstat shows that the
server is at a close wait state, and the client is at fin wait state.

Saving the socket passed into the the handler session in $heap-{socket}
and later calling shutdown($heap-{socket}, 1) in the ClientFlushed
state solved the problem for me.  It seems that just deleting the
Wheel::ReadWrite is not sufficient to shutdown the socket.  Also the
assumption seems to be that the client will disconnect first.

This is somewhat of a problem with SOAP::Lite.  Apparently (based on my
observation, not the code) a SOAP::Lite client will wait for a response
until it detects a read EOF.  This means the server must do
shutdown($socket, 1) first.

I am not sure whether my deduction is completely accurate though.  It
surprises me that such cases haven't come up, which makes me wonder
whether I am missing something here.

Perhaps others with more experience with POE and socket programming can
shed some light on the subject.  Thanks in advance.


FYI - POE 0.22 rpm for Mandrake on

2002-07-12 Thread Peter Chen

FYI, POE 0.22 rpm for Mandrake has made it to


Re: ANN: POE 0.22 released

2002-07-09 Thread Peter Chen

On Thu, 2002-07-04 at 01:28, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 Version 0.22 of the POE networking and multitasking framework has been
 released.  This is mainly a bugfix and minor feature update from 0.21.

Thank you.  Incidentally, I have uploaded perl-POE-0.22 rpm to Mandrake
contrib.  Hopefully, it will show up soon on


Re: Sigchild handler and its return

2002-06-26 Thread Peter Chen

On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 21:41, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 You are correct.  Children of a session will always receive
 notification of a signal even though the parent session has handled

Thank you.

I see.  In that case, I guess the paradigm is for every session to keep
track of the pid's it is interested in, and ignores the rest?


Re: Sigchild handler and its return

2002-06-26 Thread Peter Chen

On Wed, 2002-06-26 at 11:08, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 The paradigm has recently shifted regarding POE::Wheel::Run.  Its new
 CloseEvent should now be a reliable and convenient way to tell when a
 child has gone away.

So far I have been conservative by checking both CloseEvent and the
arrival of SIGCHLD (mainly for the exit status).  

I have two concerns:

1. Event sequence.

It's not clear to me whether it's possible for SIGCHLD to arrive after

2. Exit status.

In many cases, CloseEvent alone is insufficient.  It only tells one that
the child process has no more output, but one does not know whether the
child has exited abnormally.  For example, it's possible that the child
process was killed, in which case, one would need to know that the
output might be incomplete.

I separate theses exits into five categories: success, failure, error,
timeout, and abort.

success - exit code 0, no signal, no coredump.
failure - non-zero exit code, may have a signal, or a coredump.
error   - the child process never started, check ErrorEvent.
timeout - child killed by the system, because it timed out.
abort   - child killed by the system based on a user request.

To make my life easier, since one of my application makes use of
POE::Wheel::Run extensively, I wrote a module to encapsulate these

At one point I was also concerned whether there would be a problem
deleting a wheel before its child process is reaped by waitpid.  Based
on a quick look in POE::Kernel::_invoke_state, it looks as if the child
process will be reaped regardless of whether the wheel still exists.


Re: Sigchild handler and its return

2002-06-26 Thread Peter Chen

On Wed, 2002-06-26 at 13:05, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 This is an excellent point.  If you've come up with a better interface
 for child processes, we can do some harsh revising.  I'd really like
 to see Wheel::Run redone as a component anyway.  Then it can manage
 its own signal handlers.

We do seem to be heading that way.  I like it.  In addition to what's
available in the Wheel::Run interface, I may suggest the following for

1. StdoutCloseEvent
2. StderrCloseEvent.  Both can be detected through ErrorEvent already. 
These are more convenient, and more explicit.
3. SigchldEvent, a more explicit interface for sigchld handler, which is
of particular importance for this component.  It will be nice to only
receive this event for child processes generated by this component, and
use the return value from the handler to decide whether the signal
should be propagated.

4. CompleteEvent, receives same arguments as sigchld handler.  Instead
of the developers keeping track of whether both CloseEvent and SIGCHLD
have been received, they can use CompleteEvent.

5. KillEvent, analogous to wheel-kill, takes a signal number or name as
the argument.

6. Timeout, specifies the number of seconds to timeout, upon which
TimeoutEvent is dispatched.  Undef or 0 means there is no timeout.

7. TimeoutEvent.  See above.

These will cover most of the functionalities that I added in my
WheelState module.

There are a few convenience functions, that may be handy:

1. exit_status, returns the exit status of the child process.
2. exit_code, returns $exit_status  8
3. exit_signal, returns $exit_status  127
4. exit_coredump, returns $exit_status  128

All 4 return undef if the child process hasn't exited.

I suspect some CPAN modules may have already defined this, but I haven't
found one.


Re: POE 0.20 released to CPAN, web

2002-06-11 Thread Peter Chen

On Sat, 2002-06-08 at 02:15, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 Version 0.20 of the POE networking and multitasking framework has been
 released.  Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible.

That's great.

I have submitted the corresponding RPM to Mandrake.  It should show up
within the week.

I noticed a couple peculiarities while making the rpm:

1. CHANGES file is empty.

It's touched in lib/, but that doesn't seem to explain
why it's empty. 

2. NEEDS file has no mention of Storable module which seems to be
inconsistent with lib/


  POE::Filter::Reference wants FreezeThaw
  POE::Filter::Reference wants Compress::Zlib


  Optional modules for marshaling/serializing data. = [
-default   = 0,
'Storable' = '',
'Compress::Zlib' = '',

Finally in POE::Filter::Reference,

  If SERIALIZER is omitted or undef, the Reference filter will try to
  use Storable.  If storable isn't found, it will try FreezeThaw.  And
  finally, if FreezeThaw is not found, it will die.

This seems to indicate that POE::Filter::Reference wants either Storable
or FreezeThaw.

In all cases, thank you, Rocco.


RPM's appearing on

2002-06-06 Thread Peter Chen

It seems that the typical Mandrake process for contributing a package to
the time it appears on takes 2-3 days.  The first POE
related rpm, perl-Filter-1.28 has appeared on

Now I have the process down.  We are ready to roll when POE-0.20 is


beginning of POE RPM's

2002-06-04 Thread Peter Chen

FYI - I have started uploading source RPM's to Mandrake following its
process (yeah, there are a few steps).  The first one is perl-Filter
which includes Filter::Util::Call that POE needs.

My plan is to upload POE-0.19, and other POE related modules in this
couple weeks, and eventually POE-0.20 when it's released.


Re: beginning of POE RPM's

2002-06-04 Thread Peter Chen

On Tue, 2002-06-04 at 12:43, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 12:36:24PM -0400, Peter Chen wrote:
  FYI - I have started uploading source RPM's to Mandrake following its
  process (yeah, there are a few steps).  The first one is perl-Filter
  which includes Filter::Util::Call that POE needs.
 Thank you, Pete.

You are welcome.  I figure instead of maintaining my own rpm's, I may as
well go the distance, so other people may benefit from them.  Also, I
tried to stay away from vendor specific features in the rpm specfiles,
so other distributions may use these too, for example, RedHat.



2002-06-03 Thread Peter Chen

On Sat, 2002-06-01 at 11:24, Al Tobey wrote:
 try out /usr/lib/rpm/cpanflute or /usr/lib/rpm/cpanflute2

Yeah, cpanflute and cpanflute2 are wonderful tools.  

 This should work for most any CPAN module.
 The world is a happy place ...

There are some minor vendor specific idiosyncrasy though.

cpanflute* generate %file list using find.  Mandrake RPM Howto
specifically discourages this.

  Note that you should never use find to build a list of files to
  include but explicitely list all files (this'll show up bugs in new

There are also convention differences.  For example, Mandrake tends to
use %real_name for the name fo the module, whereas PLD uses %module. 
Also Mandrake's rpm macros include definitions of paths to binaries such
as make, perl as %{__make} and %{__perl}.

Another is that some times the specfiles generated need to be tweaked
because of bugs in MakeMaker.  For example, some makefile variables need
to be explicitly overridden.  With perl modules, the frequent offenders

There is a thread about this in May on the rpm mailing list.

The moral of the story is that while it's straight-forward to generate a
rpm specfile for a CPAN module, it does take additional effort and
understanding to make it conform to a specific distribution's
conventions (if one so desires).


Re: Pattern for converting procedures to events

2002-05-31 Thread Peter Chen

On Tue, 2002-05-28 at 18:11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I cannot give final POE code since I'm not quite sure about the syntax that
 would be used to specify place types. The net could be described similar to
 the small sum test (just list all the transitions together with their arcs,
 the arcs' expressions and the guard and code expressions). For the example
 above this could be
 stepN = {
   arc_in = {
 placeN-1 = {
   type = 'single',   # just check one token at a time
   expression = sub { shift; }
 # just consumes one token, enabled as soon as there is one token
 # (that means one work-packet

 This is not really more than just writing the steps. But these would occur in
 the correct order, and you could even execute several of these concurrently.

Is this ready for public consumption?  I downloaded the first snapshot
and took a peak.  The code is well organized.  I like what I see.  It
seems to be a very promising tool for describing and coding a state
machine.  It would make my tutorial as simple as writing down the steps
as you mentioned.

The only barrier is the initial learning curve of CPN.  Then again,
having a clearly defined procedure to convert a state machine into code
makes it well worth the effort.


Re: Pattern for converting procedures to events

2002-05-28 Thread Peter Chen

On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 19:03, Matt Cashner wrote:
 are you familiar with POE::Component::SubWrapper? if not, you might want
 to become so. it seems like it would be a great win for you.

Thank you for pointing this out.  I did.  

What I find is that it requires many intermediate states in cases where
a procedure includes many steps, which makes it tedious.  For example,
if the procedure has 4 steps, then one would need 4 corresponding
callback events.  Before you know it, the session is cluttered with many
of these intermediate events.

This is another issue that troubles me at times.  There seems to be a
tendency for events to proliferate.  And all events handled by a session
are exposed externally.  There are many internal states of a session
that one may not wish to expose.  Consequently, I often find myself
thinking of ways to reduce the number of events.


Re: Pattern for converting procedures to events

2002-05-28 Thread Peter Chen

On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 13:05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 (event-listener) - [step1] - (step2 args) - [step2] ... - [step n]

 using my coloured Petri net implementation you could either use the graph
 editor or write a simple hash describing the net. So it either gives you
 a good graphical presentation of complex nets or a short and easy to write/read
 code presentation.

Do you have some POE code that may demonstrate this?  

I reread the introductory CPN paper a couple times.  I must admit that I
do not understand CPN well enough.


Re: best practices for handling responses/postbacks

2002-05-28 Thread Peter Chen

On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 13:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, May 24, 2002 at 10:34:36AM -0400, Peter Chen wrote:
  On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 00:02, Rocco Caputo wrote:
   Postbacks are cumbersome for message passing in larger programs.
  I also notice that postbacks decrease the transparency of the messages
  being passed.  When posts are used, it's straight forward to tell what
  messages are passed back to the sender.  Postbacks on the other hand
  mask this information.
 I wouldn't agree to this. They enable the posting session to have
 local communication ends. They don't need to know about the receiving sessions
 interface (except the sender-supplied arguments). I would consider this as
 a good thing. The bad side is that they are not powerful enough. You can
 use them in good ways, but they don't automatically steer developers in this

It's not clear to me which approach has a clear advantage.  That's why I
asked the question. :-)  In practice, I tend to use postbacks more often
because I do not need to keep track of the sender as you described. 
However, in some ways, postbacks are somewhat awkward.  

  Another idiosynchrocy about postbacks that often caught beginners is the
  arguments (in fact, this was a bug in the example program fragment I
  included, *sigh*).  In the event handler, $_[ARG0] is [@state_args] and
  $_[ARG1] is [@event_args] instead.  This is very different from simple

If I were to use postbacks:

  $postback = $session-postback(got_response);
  $kernel-post(worker, work_request, $postback);

The event handler for got_response may look like

  sub got_response {
my ($state_args, $event_args) = @_[ARG0, ARG1];
# ...

But that means, I can no longer write 

  $kernel-post(got_response, @result);

So, I often end up with

  $callback = sub { $kernel-post($session, got_response, @_); };
  $kernel-post{worker, work_request, $callback);


Re: Pattern for converting procedures to events

2002-05-24 Thread Peter Chen

On Thu, 2002-05-23 at 21:19, Matt Cashner wrote:
 when you get done with this, would you be agreeable to it being included
 in poed? (poed is the languishing project to rewrite the poe docs.) all
 (well most) of our docs are under the bsd license. let me know what you
 think :)

I am honored. :-)  Yes.  Let me know how to submit this, and I shall.


Re: best practices for handling responses/postbacks

2002-05-24 Thread Peter Chen

On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 00:02, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 Postbacks are cumbersome for message passing in larger programs.

I also notice that postbacks decrease the transparency of the messages
being passed.  When posts are used, it's straight forward to tell what
messages are passed back to the sender.  Postbacks on the other hand
mask this information.

Another idiosynchrocy about postbacks that often caught beginners is the
arguments (in fact, this was a bug in the example program fragment I
included, *sigh*).  In the event handler, $_[ARG0] is [@state_args] and
$_[ARG1] is [@event_args] instead.  This is very different from simple

 Since the creation of postbacks, two changes have occurred to make
 them nearly obsolete for inter-session (and session/component)

I take it that this means in most cases, using simple posts is

 This issue haunts my every waking moment. :) Seriously, a long time
 ago several people said POE needed a consistent messaging system.  As
 I've used it more, it's become painfully clear they were right.

A consistent messaging system will certainly make learning POE easier.
 I have rough designs for a few ways to pass messages between
 components.  None of them feels quite right, so we still don't have a
 standard.  If I were to write a messaging manifesto summarizing them,
 would people be interested in discussing them towards the goal of
 creating one tidy system?

Absolutely.  IMHO, at a minimum, it will provide a platform for
discussion, and opportunities for developers to rethink their messaging
passing mechanisms.


Re: Pattern for converting procedures to events

2002-05-24 Thread Peter Chen

On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 00:47, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 I think after writing about two of those, I'd go slightly mad and
 create a function that built these for me.  If it turned out that I
 was doing this a lot, I would probably assume it's a generic pattern
 and write a new type of Session to do it.

As you may have gathered from some of my recent postings, I am putting
together some docs on learning POE, so in the future my coworkers may
take over the maintenance of some of my POE code.

Most of the developers I work with are much more accustomed to
procedural programming.  Event driven programming presents a substantial
paradigm shift and consequently a steep learning curve.  This makes it
harder for them to adopt POE.

Ideally, I would provide them with guide lines (e.g., message passing
mechanism) and frequently used patterns in the form of howto's and faq's
(many references to POE cookbook).  Converting procedures to events
turns out to be one of the first and most common patterns, because
procedures are what they are used to.

It will be convenient to have a dedicated type of Session to handle
this.  In its absence, a clear and well defined pattern will suffice.

I can see that your sample code is much clearer and intuitive than
mine.  I was never quite satisfied with having nested postbacks.  I find
it confusing to many people.  Also, the fact that they look
chronologically reversed is also counter intuitive.

Thank you very mcuh.


Re: POE::Wheel::Run EOF again

2002-05-23 Thread Peter Chen

On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 18:41, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 Do you specifically need to know when STDOUT is closed, or is it more
 important to know that the child is done sending information at all?

The later would be sufficient, even though it would be nice to have
finer grain control.

For example, I am reading the STDOUT of /bin/rpm -qa.  What I need to
know is when to emit an event to tally the output received.  In this
instance, I do not care about STDERR.  However, I can imagine some
applications that do.

 If it's the latter, I have just committed a new version of Wheel::Run
 that includes a CloseEvent.  The CloseEvent will be fired when the
 child process has closed its last output filehandle.

I understand.  I suspect in many applications, this is sufficient.  It's
much cleaner than counting the number of read errors.  

Thank you.


Re: Recognizing end of file on POE::Wheel::Run

2002-05-23 Thread Peter Chen

On Thu, 2002-05-23 at 14:15, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 It is slightly inaccurate.
 CloseEvent indicates when the child process has closed its STDOUT and
 STDERR handles.  STDIN may still be available for input.

Thank you for the clarification.  I see my misunderstanding regarding
how STDIN is handled.  

In all cases, the new facilities that you have put in place should
resolve my issues nicely.  Thanks again.


best practices for handling responses/postbacks

2002-05-23 Thread Peter Chen

I would like to solicit your insight on the best practices in handling
responses/postbacks.  Specifically, I am wondering what are the pro's
and con's of using a response event vs. a response postback.  For

  $kernel-post($worker_session, $work_request_event,


  $postback = $session-postback($work_response_event);
  $kernel-post($worker_session, $work_request_event,

In the various components I have surveyed (PoCoCl::DNS, PoCoCl::HTTP,
PoCoCl::Ping, PoCoCl::UA, PoCoCL::POP3, PoCo::SubWrapper), both styles
are used.

A couple advantages of using postbacks that I can think of are

1. The ability to include state arguments.
2. More generalized, i.e., it works with functions outside of POE.  

I am certain that many of you have more profound insights in the
matter.  TIA.


Pattern for converting procedures to events

2002-05-23 Thread Peter Chen

I am working on a tutorial explaining how to poeize a procedural
program, in the hope of making it easier for my coworkers to pick up

Since I have not worked with POE for that long, I am wondering whether
there is an easier and more elegant way of doing this.  This is what I
have so far, starting with the most basic.  I would appreciate your

Given the following function foo: 

  sub foo { 
step1() or return (undef, 'step1 failed'); 
step2() or return (undef, 'step2 failed'); 
step3() or return (undef, 'step3 failed'); 

What's the easiest way to poeize this into the following form: 

  $kernel-post($session, 'foo', $response_postback); 

Assume event foo, step1, ... step4 map to state poe_foo, poe_step1, ...

  sub poe_foo { 
my($kernel, $session, $response) = _[ KERNEL, SESSION, ARG0 ]; 

my $postback3 = $session-postback('step4', $response,  $response); 
my $postback2 = $session-postback('step3', $postback3, $response); 
my $postback1 = $session-postback('step2', $postback2, $response); 
$kernel-yield('step1', $postback1, $response); 

  sub poe_step1 { 
my($kernel, $session, $success_cbk, $failure_cbk) = 
my $result = step1; 
$result? $success_cbk-($result) : 
  $failure_cbk-(undef, 'step1 failed'); 


Re: POE::Wheel::Run EOF again

2002-05-22 Thread Peter Chen

On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 00:33, Chris Fedde wrote:
 I saw behavior like this with 0.18 on FreeBSD 4.5 and Solaris 2.8.
 After 0.19 the sigchld consistently arrives after two error events
 marking failed nonblocking read on stderr and stdout.  

Unfortunately, I don't share the same experience.  I observe the
following sequence

read error with error number 0
2nd read error with error number 0

Apparently, the first read error comes from STDERR, and the second one
is STDOUT.  My current kludge is to count the number of read errors. 
When two of them are received, one can be assured that both STDERR and
STDOUT are flushed.  This approach was suggested on the mailing list
last December as well.

 To my knowledge
 there is still no way to map the error events back to file handles.

Let me make sure I understand this.  Do you mean there is no way to know
which file handle caused the read error?


Re: POE::Wheel::Run EOF again

2002-05-21 Thread Peter Chen

On Tue, 2002-05-21 at 18:58, Chris Fedde wrote:
 I have not had time to clean it up yet.  But my test code now behaves
 predictably:  All the output arrives before sigchld.  I can't tell
 which file handles the errors are on. But all the data has been read
 before the sigchld which was the big deal for me.

Is this algorithmic, i.e., the code ensures that STDOUT is flushed
before delivering sigchld?  If it's not, how do we know this behavior is

I am wondering whether the observed behavior is system dependent.  I am
seeing a different behavior on my test system (PII-350, Mandrake 8.1,
perl 5.6.1, POE 0.19).  While doing a /bin/rpm -qa, which should
return 804 lines, sigchld is consistently delievered before all 804
lines are received.  The number of lines missing ranges widely up to

We all care about having all the data read.  However, counting on
sigchld being delivered after STDOUT is flushed does not appear to be


Re: POE and daemonization

2002-05-03 Thread Peter Chen

On Thu, 2002-05-02 at 14:51, Tavin Cole wrote:
 what is the advantage of self-daemonizing programs over solutions like
 nohup and daemontools?  

First of all, thank you for pointing out daemontools.  

I guess daemontools takes care of daemonization.  Most of the Linux
distributions I have worked with, e.g., RedHat, Mandrake, for some
reason does not include daemontools.  My understanding is that the
convention for rc scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d is to have the daemons
daemonize themselves. 

 i often find them to be a royal PITA when you
 actually want to run them under daemontools and they don't provide a
 command-line switch to disable detaching..

Good point.  I shall include such a command-line switch. :-)  Thanks


POE and daemonization

2002-05-01 Thread Peter Chen

What is the convention for handling daemonization in a POE application?

In particular, what I am wondering is whether typically one daemonizes
before $poe_kernel-run() or do the daemonization in one of the
application manager sessions.

For example, I am considering using what I call a StoreKeeper session
to handle application initialization with AppConfig, start up other
helper sessions, etc.  Following that paradigm, some where in the
_start event handler of StoreKeeper, it probably should also
daemonize (using Net::Server::Daemonize).

Another approach is to only enter POE's event loop when the daemon is
fully initialized (validated command arguments, read configuration
files) and daemonized.

Is there a better way?  Thanks in advance.


Re: POE and daemonization

2002-05-01 Thread Peter Chen

On Wed, 2002-05-01 at 03:05, Andrew A. Chen wrote:
 I am unsure how kosher this solution is, but it's functional as far as I 
 know.  I jacked the daemonize() routine out of perlfaq and called it just 
 before $poe_kernel-run();  See below.
 exit 0;

Yes, I found references to the function you included.

Net::Server::Daemonize seems to take a more rigorous approach.

What I am tripping over is whether it makes sense to daemonize within
POE's event loop instead, and whether that would cause any adverse

For example, let's say I like to use POE::Component::Logger and I would
like to keep the logging API consistent.  In this case, it seems to
require me to enter POE's event loop as soon as possible, and having a
session do the initialization work and possibly log errors.


Re: Pocol::UserAgent and https

2002-04-23 Thread Peter Chen

On Mon, 2002-04-22 at 21:25, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 There's a good reason for this, I think.  At least, it's a half-good
 reason.  Net::SSLeay requires sockets to be in blocking mode.  I'm not
 sure why, but it probably has something to do with the underlying

Yes, I noticed that.  In Net::HTTPS distributed with libwww-5.64.  There
are such comments:

  package Net::HTTPS;

  # $Id:,v 1.2 2001/11/17 02:05:31 gisle Exp $

  $VERSION = 0.01;

  # The underlying SSLeay classes fails to work if the socket is
  # placed in non-blocking mode.  This override of the blocking
  # method makes sure it stays the way it was created.
  sub blocking { }  # noop

Here is another posting in which Gisle pointed out that nonblocking mode
is disabled for SSL.

http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg03265.html

Interestingly enough, open_ssl itself seems to allow non-blocking mode. 
There is an example using select and nonblocking sockets in pages
279-282 of Eric Rescorla's SSL and TLS book (ISBN 0-201-61598-3).

 Perhaps PoCo::UserAgent can create the socket in blocking mode?  I'm
 not sure what sort of effect that will have on multitasking within

Yeah, it seems to work better w/ SSL when I change the
$object-nonblock(1) to nonblock(0).

  sub spawn
my $class = @_ ? shift : 'POE::Component::Client::UserAgent';
$class = ref $class || $class;
my $object = $class - SUPER::new;
bless $object, $class;
$object - nonblock (0);

The question as you pointed out is whether this will have some adverse
effects.  For example, is it possible to block during reading and
writing after select indicates that it's ready to be read or written? 
If it does block, would setting timeout (to something much shorter than
180 seconds) for PoCoCl::UserAgent help?


Re: POE SOAP server and asynchronous calls

2002-04-23 Thread Peter Chen

On Mon, 2002-04-22 at 21:41, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 05:01:44PM -0400, Peter Chen wrote:
 This may be fine depending on what handle($input) does.  I wouldn't
 worry about breaking up handle() if it's quick, for instance.

This thread actually ties into the other thread about PoCoCl::UserAgent.
:-)  In my case, most SOAP requests can be handled quickly, returning
values of variables, etc.  I have made them synchronous calls using
$poe_kernel-call().  However, there are a couple instances where it
needs to make a https connection to retrieve some data.  This is where
PoCoCl::UserAgent comes into the picture.

Since the SOAP clients are CGI's that display returned information, to
improve the responsiveness, I decided to circumvent the issue by
returning a fault code right away indicating that the client should
check back again, while an https connection would be initiated by the
SOAP server.  Combining this with client pull (using refresh), the
result was reasonable. 

 However, since SOAP works over HTTP, I'm led to believe that it's a
 synchronous RPC protocol.  

Yes, and this is where I find a steep learning curve, how to reframe the
synchronous procedural programming that I was used to in an asynchronous
event driven environment.

 The application seems to lend itself to
 either the first or third solution (blocking handle() or forking).

I am beginning to notice that there are more and more cases, where
forking is necessary.  For example, if I want to play it safe, I would
probably fork and make the https connection using LWP, so I don't have
to worry about it blocking other POE processing.  Of course, all the
time, Java folks would probably use threads w/o even thinking twice,

Thanks for your response.  It was helpful.


Re: Pocol::UserAgent and https

2002-04-23 Thread Peter Chen

On Tue, 2002-04-23 at 13:58, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 It can take a long time to build a TCP socket and even longer to
 determine the socket can't be built.  Connecting in non-blocking mode
 will let other things happen while TCP works out the details.  Once
 the socket is built, it can be made to block again.

So I take it that what you are saying is that connect could block for
a long time.

 I've used POE::Wheel::SocketFactory to create plain sockets without
 blocking.  Once the connection succeeds, I've made it secure by
 turning blocking back on and tie()'ing a modified Net::SSLeay::Handle
 class to the socket.
 See  It requires
 POE 0.19.

Thank you.  I did take a look, very nifty.  This probably cuts down most
of the hangs.  I wonder whether there is a way to incorporate this into


Pocol::UserAgent and https

2002-04-22 Thread Peter Chen

Has anybody tested https with Pocol::UserAgent?  When I turn on
LWP::Debug by

use LWP::Debug qw(+);

It shows that it's always using a IO::Socket::INET instead of Net::SSL. 

- (undef, [undef],  LWP::Parallel::Protocol::https=HASH(0x84c1ef4),
180, 1)

This of course causes problems later.


Re: Pocol::UserAgent and https

2002-04-22 Thread Peter Chen

After digging deeper, I found out the issue stems from

In LWP::Prallel::Protocol::http::connect, it explictly creates
IO::Socket::INET when it's in nonblocking mode, this overrides the
original https protocol, and effectively disable any https support in
nonblocking mode.

Consequently, PoCoCl::UserAgent does not support https either.


POE SOAP server and asynchronous calls

2002-04-18 Thread Peter Chen

I have been working with Fletch's POE::Component::SOAP.  It's wonderful
to be able to get a SOAP server up and running with very little code.

I am tripping over some conceptual issues with the synchronouse calls. 
Perhaps some of you who are more familiar with POE paradigm can
enlighten me.

Currently PoCo::SOAP makes a synchronous SOAP::Server::handle call to
deal with the SOAP requests.  I am wondering how to make it more POE
compliant, perhaps some how breaking this up in a fashion similar to
PoCo::SubWrapper.  It's not obvious to me how to go about this.

Here is an extract of the function that handles incoming requests. 

sub got_req {
my( $self, $heap, $input, $wheel_id ) = _[ OBJECT, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1

$input .= '/SOAP-ENV:Envelope';

my $response = $self-{_dispatch}-handle( $input );

$self-{_wheel}-put( $response );

It seems that it may be necessary to move 

 $self-{_wheel}-put( $response );

to another state, got_resp, after the result of the SOAP call is
available.  I am somewhat at loss regarding the next step.

Thanks in advance.
