[political-research] Re: Moving to a Web OS

2007-06-06 Thread Sean McBride
Correction: The transition from desktop to Webtop is one of the most
important revolutions in computing history.

Addendum: Who controls the Webtop controls the world.

Re: [political-research] Moving to a Web OS

2007-06-06 Thread Sean McBride
The WebOS is rapidly and spontaneously evolving as we speak, with Google 
leading the pack.  Microsoft is probably out of the running, despite the best 
efforts of Ray Ozzie -- the Microsoft culture is too wedded to the desktop 
model to powerfully innovate in this field.  Google will probably control the 
Webtop world and become the most important company on the planet (if it isn't 
already).  The transition from Webtop to desktop is one of the most important 
revolutions in computing history.  (Nova Spivack, btw, is probably one of the 
ten best minds on the net overall -- the global intelligence thing is in his 
blood.  This stuff is infinitely more interesting, creative and productive than 
the primitive and infantile bickering that dominates Mideast politics.)

Albert Underwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
This debate has been raging for years, but no one seems to want to try it out.  
Microsoft, Sun are the big arguers.

Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader:
 Moving to a Web OS via Minding the Planet by Nova on Jun 05, 2007

 John Markoff published an interesting article today in the New York Times 
about the shift in software and operating systems from the desktop to the Web, 
in which I am quoted. The article focuses on the rivalry and different styles 
between Microsoft and Apple's next-generation projects that attempt to tie 
desktop operating systems and the Internet together more closely. I have been 
tracking this trend for a while now -- a trend towards the evolution of what I 
call a "WebOS." 
  In my view the coming WebOS will not live  only on the desktop, rather it 
will be a web service that lives "in the cloud." Desktops will become views 
into it, rather than the center of it. The desktop PC era is almost over. We 
are entering a new era of mobility and plurality -- our digital lives will be 
spread across multiple devices, most of which will be mobile. We will require 
access to everything, no matter what device we are on. 
  When a user logs onto any device -- be it a laptop or a mobile device -- they 
will connect to their account in the WebOS. The local device will synch with 
their WebOS account to get their latest desktop layout, their preferences, and 
any new notifications or changes.
  End-User access to the WebOS will be primarily through browser-based 
applications written in scripting languages, or running on server-side apps 
written in Java, C# or Ruby, rather than native desktop apps. Cases where 
native desktop code may still be needed will include high-end graphics and 
audio  processing, or numerical calculations, that require a lot of 
computation. But for most consumers, such high-end needs are rare, except in 
the cases of gaming and multimedia. With the increase in mobile broadband and 
improvements in user-interface technologies, it will become less necessary to 
have native desktop code for such experiences -- more and more of this will 
move to the Web. When native computation is needed it will take place via 
embedding and running scripts in the local browser to leverage local resources, 
rather than installing and running software locally on a permanent basis. Most 
applications will actually be hybrids, combining local and remote services in a
 seamless interface.
  Once connected, the WebOS will provide users with a single point of access to 
their data, their relationships, their preferences, and their applications, 
anywhere, anytime, on any device. It will also begin to unify, or at least 
integrate, the data and functionality of  different online and desktop 
applications in what will appear to the end-user to be "one place." Even though 
we may have accounts, data and relationships in many different services around 
the Web, our WebOS will provide us with a unified, centralized way to access 
this information. It will reduce the fragmentation in our digital lives and 
help to improve our productivity.
  Imagine being able to go to one place on the Web to access all your email, 
documents, photos, videos, contacts and social relationships, RSS, data 
records, bookmarks, notes, and any other kind of knowledge or information. 
Imagine also that in this place you could also access all your "applications" 
-- which themselves would be modular widgets or bits of functionality provided 
by various different web services and app developers around the Web. Imagine 
that in this place it would be easy to create new data types, populate them 
with data, and share them with others. Imagine that it would be just  as easy 
to create new applications that could use that data, and share them too.
  Think of the WebOS as the ultimate personal mashup. It would not matter 
anymore where information was actually stored -- it could live in the cloud on 
the Net so it was available 24/7, and it could also be cached onto local 
devices like phones and l

Re: [political-research] Moving to a Web OS

2007-06-06 Thread Albert Underwood
This debate has been raging for years, but no one seems to want to try it out.  
Microsoft, Sun are the big arguers.

Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   
 Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader:
 Moving to a Web OS via Minding the Planet by Nova on Jun 05, 2007

 John Markoff published an interesting article today in the New York Times 
about the shift in software and operating systems from the desktop to the Web, 
in which I am quoted. The article focuses on the rivalry and different styles 
between Microsoft and Apple's next-generation projects that attempt to tie 
desktop operating systems and the Internet together more closely. I have been 
tracking this trend for a while now -- a trend towards the evolution of what I 
call a "WebOS." 
  In my view the coming WebOS will not live only on the desktop, rather it will 
be a web service that lives "in the cloud." Desktops will become views into it, 
rather than the center of it. The desktop PC era is almost over. We are 
entering a new era of mobility and plurality -- our digital lives will be 
spread across multiple devices, most of which will be mobile. We will require 
access to everything, no matter what device we are on. 
  When a user logs onto any device -- be it a laptop or a mobile device -- they 
will connect to their account in the WebOS. The local device will synch with 
their WebOS account to get their latest desktop layout, their preferences, and 
any new notifications or changes.
  End-User access to the WebOS will be primarily through browser-based 
applications written in scripting languages, or running on server-side apps 
written in Java, C# or Ruby, rather than native desktop apps. Cases where 
native desktop code may still be needed will include high-end graphics and 
audio processing, or numerical calculations, that require a lot of computation. 
But for most consumers, such high-end needs are rare, except in the cases of 
gaming and multimedia. With the increase in mobile broadband and improvements 
in user-interface technologies, it will become less necessary to have native 
desktop code for such experiences -- more and more of this will move to the 
Web. When native computation is needed it will take place via embedding and 
running scripts in the local browser to leverage local resources, rather than 
installing and running software locally on a permanent basis. Most applications 
will actually be hybrids, combining local and remote services in a
 seamless interface.
  Once connected, the WebOS will provide users with a single point of access to 
their data, their relationships, their preferences, and their applications, 
anywhere, anytime, on any device. It will also begin to unify, or at least 
integrate, the data and functionality of different online and desktop 
applications in what will appear to the end-user to be "one place." Even though 
we may have accounts, data and relationships in many different services around 
the Web, our WebOS will provide us with a unified, centralized way to access 
this information. It will reduce the fragmentation in our digital lives and 
help to improve our productivity.
  Imagine being able to go to one place on the Web to access all your email, 
documents, photos, videos, contacts and social relationships, RSS, data 
records, bookmarks, notes, and any other kind of knowledge or information. 
Imagine also that in this place you could also access all your "applications" 
-- which themselves would be modular widgets or bits of functionality provided 
by various different web services and app developers around the Web. Imagine 
that in this place it would be easy to create new data types, populate them 
with data, and share them with others. Imagine that it would be just as easy to 
create new applications that could use that data, and share them too.
  Think of the WebOS as the ultimate personal mashup. It would not matter 
anymore where information was actually stored -- it could live in the cloud on 
the Net so it was available 24/7, and it could also be cached onto local 
devices like phones and laptops so that it was available locally or offline 
when needed. You could start to mix and mash your data in all sorts of new ways 
-- you could for example see the connections between different kinds of things, 
or you could generate reports that might show for example, photos and videos by 
people you work with, or blog posts by your friends, or files related to 
meetings you are scheduled for, etc.
  Because all information and application functionality would start to be 
integrated on a meta-level in the WebOS, new efficiencies in search, navigation 
and discovery would become possible. But to accomplish this there would need to 
be an easier and more flexible way to represent the data itself -- a more open, 
extensible, remixable data model. Enter RDF, SPARQL, OWL and the Semantic Web. 
I believe these technologies provide a data framewo

[political-research] The Libby lobby's pardon campaign

2007-06-06 Thread Sean McBride
 Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: The Libby lobby's
pardon campaign via Salon by Sidney Blumenthal on Jun 07, 2007 Having
never expressed remorse for his crime, Scooter Libby instead enlisted
his neoconservative friends to win him reduced prison time.
Things you can do from here:
- Visit the original item on Salon
- Subscribe to Salon using Google Reader
- Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your
favorite sites 

[political-research] Republican candidates mull use of nukes to strike Teheran

2007-06-06 Thread Sean McBride
 Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Republican candidates
mull use of nukes to strike Teheran via JPost.com Front Page Top
Stories on Jun 07, 2007 Giuliani: Iran nukes is unacceptable; says he
follows Bush policy for ME; Obama calls for
Palestinian 'soul-searching' to end hostilities.
Things you can do from here:
- Visit the original item on JPost.com Front Page Top Stories
- Subscribe to JPost.com Front Page Top Stories using Google Reader
- Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your
favorite sites 

[political-research] Neocon II: Lie Hard With A Vengeance

2007-06-06 Thread Sean McBride
 Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: *Neocon* II: Lie Hard
With A Vengeance via Google Blog Search: neocon OR "neo-cons" OR
neoconservative OR "neo-conservative" OR neoconservatives
OR "neo-conservatives" OR neoconservatism OR "neo-conservatism" by
unknown on Jun 06, 2007 Despite the walloping defeat of the Republicans
in the 2006 midterm elections, the clowns are once again spilling out
of the Volkswagen. Lately the neocons seem to be all over the public
airwaves, and not as the targets of purgative ...
Things you can do from here:
- Visit the original item on Google Blog Search: neocon OR "neo-cons"
OR neoconservative OR "neo-conservative" OR neoconservatives
OR "neo-conservatives" OR neoconservatism OR "neo-conservatism"
- Subscribe to Google Blog Search: neocon OR "neo-cons" OR
neoconservative OR "neo-conservative" OR neoconservatives
OR "neo-conservatives" OR neoconservatism OR "neo-conservatism" using
Google Reader
- Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your
favorite sites 

Re: [political-research] Keeping It Real

2007-06-06 Thread Albert Underwood
I don't care who he 'is'; he is his writing on this forum. If you have a 
problem with his writing, attack the ideas, not the person.

The most dangerous times in American history have shown that writers often use 
pseudonyms to avoid persecution, harassment, and death.  His name isn't 
important. It isn't even relevant.

Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

sean himself is (allegedly) chip berlet, covertly  posing as an anti-neocon 
using this group as disinfo and gathering names and  intel.  for those who 
weren't aware.
- Original Message - 
   To: political-research@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 1:33PM
   Subject: Re: [political-research] KeepingIt Real

The strongest signal that is coming through your posts is thatyou are 
easily upset by criticism of Israel and the Israel lobby. Apparently you 
strongly support Jewish ethnic nationalism, but strongly opposeevery other 
form of ethnic nationalism.  How do you explain theself-contradiction and 
the double standards?

The neoconservatives whohave dominated the Bush 43 administration, and who 
are most responsible forthe Iraq War, are dominated by militant Jewish 
ethnic nationalists likeElliott Abrams and Douglas Feith.  Have either 
Berlet or you everaddressed this issue?

Also, the repetitive use of "loons" and synonymsfor "loons" is the 
preferred rhetorical style of most neocons ("moonbat" is afavorite term of 
abuse).  See Little Green Footballs, FrontPage Magazineand Atlas Shrugs for 
numerous examples.

If you believe the 9/11official story, you will be a minority of one in 
this group.  For mostus, that debate was concluded long ago -- the official 
story was totallyrouted.  How any skeptical and independent mind could 
believe theofficial story for an instant is beyond me.

Michael Pugliese<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 6/6/07, Sean 
McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
> These are just a few political commentators and  analysts who are making 
> stronger contributions to understanding contemporary  American politics 
> than Berlet. Most of them have been accused of  anti-Semitism at one time 
> or another, simply because they refuse to bow down  before AIPAC, Likud 
> and the neocons. I hardly agree with them on everything,  and they hardly 
> agree with one another on everything, but most of them are  *keeping it 
> real*:
> Alex Jones
> Cindy Sheehan:  Twin Towers' Collapse Looked Like Controlled Demolition
> Anti-war  icon supports move for new investigation into 9/11
> Paul Joseph  Watson
> Prison Planet
> Thursday, May 31,  2007

Just out of curiosity, I took a look at this  Prison Planet website. I
had a suspicion that it was another rightwing  outlet that mixes 9/11
conspiracy theory with other wacko ideas. I was  right:

--It links to the Vdare anti-immigrant website.

--It  charges "globalists" with a global warming conspiracy. "Globalists"
are  the same forces that the militias in the 1990s harped on. You know.
The  UN, the Bilderberg, black helicopters and all that.

etc.,  etc.

The website is in the inspiration of one Alex Jones, who has  written
that communists in the West are funded by big corporations.  That's news
to me. Maybe I can hit up General Motors to help defray the  costs  of

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>  Ari Berman, good writer

> Barrie Zwicker, 9-11  conspiranoid.

> Bill Berkowitz, good writer, knew him when I lived  in Oakland, ca. He 
> works at the Data Center, a leftist library.

>  Billmon, ok blog.

> Cenc Uygar, lame Air America host. Confuses  different sectors of the 
> Right. They are all not neo-cons.

> Chris  Hedges, decent journalist...though, methinks the fascistoid 
> potential  of the Xtian Right to take over the political culture is 
> overblown. They  have been a sector of the Right, embattled for a long 
> time now.

>  Christopher Ketcham
> Daniel Hopsicker, another 9-11  conspiranoid.

> David Brock, good muckraker. Though Media Matters  is a bit too 
> Democratic Party loyalist for my taste.

> David Ray  Griffin,
aargh, http://www.publiceye.org/conspire/Post911/dubious_claims.html

>  Douglas Herman, who?
Edward Herman, though is a Milosevic  apologist,
>  Eric Alterman,
>  Eric Margolis, another fan of Milosevic, ecch.

> Frank Ri

Re: [political-research] If You Think Bush Is Evil Now, Wait Until He Nukes Iran

2007-06-06 Thread Albert Underwood
Pugliese wrote:
>>The neocons think that by bombing Iran the US will provoke Iran to arm the  
>>Shiite militias in Iraq with armor-piercing rocket-propelled grenades and 
>>with  surface-to-air missiles and unleash the militias against US troops. >>

He thinks Iran will react with only a feeble, local response?  Expect the 
aircraft carriers in the IO to disappear if nukes are used against Iran.

Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I 
wonder if Michael Pugliese would be interested in addressing any of the points 
in this latest essay by Paul Craig Roberts.  It strikes me as dead on the mark.

The neocons are the main lobby pushing for a war against Iran.  Curiously, 
Berlet and Michael don't seem to be very interested in discussing the neocons.  
In fact, they barely acknowledge their existence.  Why?

Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 - Original Message -  From: Robert Busser  
 To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 11:59 AM
 Subject: [work_democracy] If You Think Bush Is Evil Now, Wait Until  He Nukes 


 If You Think Bush  Is Evil Now, Wait Until He Nukes  Iran  Paul Craig Roberts
Lew  Rockwell.com
Wednesday June 6, 2007 
 The war in Iraq is lost. This fact is widely recognized by American military  
officers and has been recently expressed forcefully by Lt. Gen. Ricardo 
Sanchez,  the commander of US forces in Iraq during the first year of the 
attempted  occupation. Winning is no longer an option. Our best hope, Gen. 
Sanchez says, is  "to stave off defeat," and that requires more intelligence 
and leadership than  Gen. Sanchez sees in the entirety of our national 
political leadership: "I am  absolutely convinced that America has a crisis in 
leadership at this time."
 More evidence that the war is lost arrived June 4 with headlines reporting:  
"U.S.-led soldiers control only about a third of Baghdad, the military said on  
Monday." After five years of war the US controls  one-third of one city and  
nothing else.
 A host of US commanding generals have said that the Iraq war is destroying  
the US military. A year ago Colin Powell said that the US Army is "about  
broken." Lt. Gen. Clyde Vaughn says Bush has "piecemealed our force to death."  
Gen. Barry McCafrey testified to the US Senate that "the Army will unravel."
 Col. Andy Bacevich, America’s foremost writer on military affairs, documents  
in the current issue of The American Conservative that Bush’s insane war has  
depleted and exhausted the US Army and Marine Corps:
 "Only a third of the regular Army’s brigades qualify as combat-ready. In the  
reserve components, none meet that standard. When the last of the units reaches 
 Baghdad as part of the president’s strategy of escalation, the US will be left 
 without a ready-to-deploy land force reserve."
 "The stress of repeated combat tours is sapping the Army’s lifeblood.  
Especially  worrying is the accelerating exodus of experienced leaders. The  
service is currently short 3,000 commissioned officers. By next year, the 
number  is projected to grow to 3,500. The Guard and reserves are in even worse 
shape.  There the shortage amounts to 7,500 officers. Young West Pointers are 
bailing  out of the Army at a rate not seen in three decades. In an effort to 
staunch the  losses, that service has begun offering a $20,000 bonus to newly 
promoted  captains who agree to stay on for an additional three years. 
Meanwhile, as more  and more officers want out, fewer and fewer want in: ROTC 
scholarships go  unfilled for a lack of qualified applicants."
 Bush has taken every desperate measure. Enlistment ages have been pushed up  
from 35 to 42. The percentage of high school dropouts and the number of 
recruits  scoring at the bottom end of tests have spiked. The US military is 
forced to  recruit among drug users and convicted criminals. Bacevich reports 
that  wavers  "issued to convicted felons jumped by 30 percent." Combat tours 
have been  extended from 12 to 15 months, and the same troops are being 
deployed again and  again.
 There is no equipment for training. Bacevich reports that "some $212 billion  
worth has been destroyed, damaged, or just plain worn out." What remains is in  
Iraq and Afghanistan.
 Under these circumstances, "staying the course" means total defeat. Even the  
neoconservative warmongers, who deceived Americans with the promise of a  
"cakewalk war" that would be over in six weeks, believe that the war is lost.  
But they have not given up. They have a last desperate plan: Bomb Iran. Vice  
President Dick Cheney is spear-heading the neocon plan, and Norman Podhoretz is 
 the plan’s leading propagandist with his numerous pleas published in the Wall  
Street Journal and Commentary to bomb Iran. Podhoretz, like every  
neoconservative, is a total Islamophobe. Podhoretz has written that Islam must  
 be deracinated and the religion destroyed, a

Re: [political-research] Keeping It Real

2007-06-06 Thread Sean McBride
The strongest signal that is coming through your posts is that you are easily 
upset by criticism of Israel and the Israel lobby.  Apparently you strongly 
support Jewish ethnic nationalism, but strongly oppose every other form of 
ethnic nationalism.  How do you explain the self-contradiction and the double 

The neoconservatives who have dominated the Bush 43 administration, and who are 
most responsible for the Iraq War, are dominated by militant Jewish ethnic 
nationalists like Elliott Abrams and Douglas Feith.  Have either Berlet or you 
ever addressed this issue?

Also, the repetitive use of "loons" and synonyms for "loons" is the preferred 
rhetorical style of most neocons ("moonbat" is a favorite term of abuse).  See 
Little Green Footballs, FrontPage Magazine and Atlas Shrugs for numerous 

If you believe the 9/11 official story, you will be a minority of one in this 
group.  For most us, that debate was concluded long ago -- the official story 
was totally routed.  How any skeptical and independent mind could believe the 
official story for an instant is beyond me.

Michael Pugliese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  On 
6/6/07, Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >These are just a few political commentators and analysts who are making 
 > stronger contributions to understanding contemporary American politics than 
 > Berlet.  Most of them have been accused of anti-Semitism at one time or 
 > another, simply because they refuse to bow down before AIPAC, Likud and the 
 > neocons.  I hardly agree with them on everything, and they hardly agree with 
 > one another on everything, but most of them are *keeping it real*:
 > Alex Jones
 > Cindy Sheehan: Twin Towers' Collapse Looked Like Controlled Demolition
 > Anti-war icon supports move for new investigation into 9/11
 > Paul Joseph Watson
 > Prison Planet
 > Thursday, May 31, 2007
 Just out of curiosity, I took a look at this Prison Planet website. I
 had a suspicion that it was another rightwing outlet that mixes 9/11
 conspiracy theory with other wacko ideas. I was right:
 --It links to the Vdare anti-immigrant website.
 --It charges "globalists" with a global warming conspiracy. "Globalists"
 are the same forces that the militias in the 1990s harped on. You know.
 The UN, the Bilderberg, black helicopters and all that.
 etc., etc.
 The website is in the inspiration of one Alex Jones, who has written
 that communists in the West are funded by big corporations. That's news
 to me. Maybe I can hit up General Motors to help defray the costs of
 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text before replying to a message.
 Send list submissions to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Set your options at: http://lists.econ.utah.edu/mailman/listinfo/marxism
 > Ari Berman, good writer
 > Barrie Zwicker, 9-11 conspiranoid.
 > Bill Berkowitz, good writer, knew him when I lived in Oakland, ca. He works 
 > at the Data Center, a leftist library.
 > Billmon, ok blog.
 > Cenc Uygar, lame Air America host. Confuses different sectors of the Right. 
 > They are all not neo-cons.
 > Chris Hedges, decent journalist...though, methinks the fascistoid potential 
 > of the Xtian Right to take over the political culture is overblown. They 
 > have been a sector of the Right, embattled for a long time now.
 > Christopher Ketcham
 > Daniel Hopsicker, another 9-11 conspiranoid.
 > David Brock, good muckraker. Though Media Matters is a bit too Democratic 
 > Party loyalist for my taste.
 > David Ray Griffin,
 aargh, http://www.publiceye.org/conspire/Post911/dubious_claims.html
 > Douglas Herman, who?
Edward Herman, though is a Milosevic apologist,
 > Eric Alterman,
 > Eric Margolis, another fan of Milosevic, ecch.
 > Frank Rich, o.k.
 > Greg Mitchell, sometimes he makes posts on his E&P column that get debunked 
 > by bloggers.
 > James Bamford, o.k.
 > James Fallows, liberal weenie.
 > James Petras, lunatic on Israel and ZOG,
 > James Wolcott, soured on him after he defended friend of Saddam Hussein and 
 > the Syrian Ba'athists, George Galloway.
 > Jeff Cohen, o.k.
 > Jeff Huber
 > Jeffrey Blankfort, another lunatic. See the comments I sent here before.
 > Jeffrey Steinberg, EFFIN' LaRoucheite!
 > Jim Lobe, o.k.
 > John Mearsheimer, o.k. but see,
 > Joseph Cannon, who?
 > Joseph Galloway, who?
 > Joshua Micah Marshall, TPM Muckraker is great.
 > Juan Cole, good.
 > Justin  Raimondo, when he's good he's good, when he isn't he is horrible.
 > Kathleen Christison, see the comments I sent ear

Re: [political-research] Keeping It Real

2007-06-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
sean himself is (allegedly) chip berlet, covertly posing as an anti-neocon 
using this group as disinfo and gathering names and intel.  for those who 
weren't aware.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Sean McBride 
  To: political-research@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 1:33 PM
  Subject: Re: [political-research] Keeping It Real

  The strongest signal that is coming through your posts is that you are easily 
upset by criticism of Israel and the Israel lobby.  Apparently you strongly 
support Jewish ethnic nationalism, but strongly oppose every other form of 
ethnic nationalism.  How do you explain the self-contradiction and the double 

  The neoconservatives who have dominated the Bush 43 administration, and who 
are most responsible for the Iraq War, are dominated by militant Jewish ethnic 
nationalists like Elliott Abrams and Douglas Feith.  Have either Berlet or you 
ever addressed this issue?

  Also, the repetitive use of "loons" and synonyms for "loons" is the preferred 
rhetorical style of most neocons ("moonbat" is a favorite term of abuse).  See 
Little Green Footballs, FrontPage Magazine and Atlas Shrugs for numerous 

  If you believe the 9/11 official story, you will be a minority of one in this 
group.  For most us, that debate was concluded long ago -- the official story 
was totally routed.  How any skeptical and independent mind could believe the 
official story for an instant is beyond me.

  Michael Pugliese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 6/6/07, Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> These are just a few political commentators and analysts who are making 
stronger contributions to understanding contemporary American politics than 
Berlet. Most of them have been accused of anti-Semitism at one time or another, 
simply because they refuse to bow down before AIPAC, Likud and the neocons. I 
hardly agree with them on everything, and they hardly agree with one another on 
everything, but most of them are *keeping it real*:
> Alex Jones
> Cindy Sheehan: Twin Towers' Collapse Looked Like Controlled Demolition
> Anti-war icon supports move for new investigation into 9/11
> Paul Joseph Watson
> Prison Planet
> Thursday, May 31, 2007

Just out of curiosity, I took a look at this Prison Planet website. I
had a suspicion that it was another rightwing outlet that mixes 9/11
conspiracy theory with other wacko ideas. I was right:

--It links to the Vdare anti-immigrant website.

--It charges "globalists" with a global warming conspiracy. "Globalists"
are the same forces that the militias in the 1990s harped on. You know.
The UN, the Bilderberg, black helicopters and all that.

etc., etc.

The website is in the inspiration of one Alex Jones, who has written
that communists in the West are funded by big corporations. That's news
to me. Maybe I can hit up General Motors to help defray the costs of

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Send list submissions to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Set your options at: http://lists.econ.utah.edu/mailman/listinfo/marxism

> Ari Berman, good writer

> Barrie Zwicker, 9-11 conspiranoid.

> Bill Berkowitz, good writer, knew him when I lived in Oakland, ca. He 
works at the Data Center, a leftist library.

> Billmon, ok blog.

> Cenc Uygar, lame Air America host. Confuses different sectors of the 
Right. They are all not neo-cons.

> Chris Hedges, decent journalist...though, methinks the fascistoid 
potential of the Xtian Right to take over the political culture is overblown. 
They have been a sector of the Right, embattled for a long time now.

> Christopher Ketcham
> Daniel Hopsicker, another 9-11 conspiranoid.

> David Brock, good muckraker. Though Media Matters is a bit too Democratic 
Party loyalist for my taste.

> David Ray Griffin,
aargh, http://www.publiceye.org/conspire/Post911/dubious_claims.html

> Douglas Herman, who?
Edward Herman, though is a Milosevic apologist,
> Eric Alterman,
> Eric Margolis, another fan of Milosevic, ecch.

> Frank Rich, o.k.
> Greg Mitchell, sometimes he makes posts on his E&P column that get 
debunked by bloggers.

> James Bamford, o.k.

> James Fallows, liberal weenie.

> James Petras, lunatic on Israel and ZOG,
> James Wolcott, soured on him after he defended friend of Saddam Hussein 
and the Syrian Ba'athists, George Galloway.

> Jeff Cohen, o.k.

> Jeff Huber
> Jeffrey Blankfort, another lunatic. See the comments I sent here before.

[political-research] Defining Antisemitism

2007-06-06 Thread LeaNder
Dear list members, you hereby witness that I grant Sean the right to ban
me without further discussions, in case I should ever promise again to
leave this time for good, and then stick my nose in here again.

But before the following gets lost and in spite of a quite obvious
breech of fair use conventions, I would like to pass on one of Sean's
gems to you. Since I feel I should not keep it to myself:

With a little attention you will immediately recognize the voice of the
master of political research:

"Actually, I didn't see much effort to *define* anti-Semitism in this
post.  I would define anti-Semitism as hostility to Jews and Jewish
culture in general, and a transference of that hostility to all
individual Jews.  What is NOT anti-Semitism: principled disagreements
with specific Jews, Jewish organizations, Jewish factions, Jewish
ideologies or Jewish policies.  Given the incredible (and often
self-contradictory) complexity of the Jewish world, one would have to be
brain-dead not to be in strong disagreement with quite a few Jews on
quite a few Jewish issues.  If one allows those disagreements to
escalate into a hatred of all Jews, then one is an anti-Semite. 
Unfortunately, most people around the world, Jews and non-Jews alike,
are unable to make subtle distinctions on these matters.  But we are
under no obligation to dumb down to accommodate their cognitive

Re: [political-research] False flag terror: Follow-up

2007-06-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
berlet was also instrumental in side-swiping mike ruppert on pacifica radio in 
the early days before ruppert flaked out.  he did the same to professor david 
ray griffin, if i recall.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Sean McBride 
  To: political-research@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 11:41 AM
  Subject: Re: [political-research] False flag terror: Follow-up

  I agree with and laud the agenda presented here, but Berlet has barely 
registered as a tiny blip in my consciousness during the Bush 43 administration 
(other than a bizarre episode in which I was accused of being Chip Berlet!).  I 
can think of dozens (probably hundreds) of writers and researchers who have 
done much more interesting work than Berlet in digging into 9/11, the 
neoconservatives, the Israel lobby and related issues.  Jim Lobe's essays on 
the neocons have set the standard for discussing what has been the most 
significant factor in American politics for the last six or seven years: 
neoconservatism, its manipulation of Christian Zionists and its influence on 
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney in instigating the disastrous Iraq War and the 
Clash of Civilizations.  If Berlet has contributed any research or analysis of 
value on this subject, I haven't seen it.  I don't think he's connecting 
effectively with the Internet audience out there, who have no idea what he 
really stands for.

  Does Berlet really think that the LaRouche crowd is a bigger problem than the 
Commentary crowd?  If he does, he's gotten far out of sync with most thinking 
people.   The Commentary crowd has been in control of the American political 
system under Bush 43.  By comparison, the LaRouchies are mere gadflies.

  Neoconservatism is an especially hot potato: neocons are pro-Israel militants 
with close ties to Likud who often rely on the anti-Semitism smear to try to 
silence their political opponents.  I wonder if Berlet, like Stephen Walt and 
John Mearsheimer, has the force of mind to push his way through that noisy 
barrage of intimidating abuse.  I doubt it.  Sometimes, in fact, he gives the 
impression that he is aligned with neocon interests.

  Has Berlet ever tried to take on Little Green Footballs, Atlas Shrugs, 
Israpundit, FrontPage Magazine and dozens of other neocon ops on the net which 
specialize in gutter hate speech?  If not, why not?  What about hate speech in 
neocon mainstream media outlets like Fox News?  David Brock and Media Matters 
for America have been much more courageous and effective on this front than 
Berlet.  Some invisible force seems to be holding Berlet back from exploring 
certain sensitive subjects and acquiring an authentic voice.

  Michael Pugliese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 6/6/07, Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Defending the
establishment status quo ..

Oh really? Chip Berlet sure would be surprised to hear he is a
establishment status quo'ist.
Eyes Right! (paper)
Challenging the Right Wing Backlash
Chip Berlet (Editor)
Released 1995-01-01
Berlet shows how to counter right-wing corporate, religious, and
political agendas, and defend democracy and diversity.
http://www.publiceye.org/ yup, sure looks like a neo-con org. to me. Snort.
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Re: [political-research] If You Think Bush Is Evil Now, Wait Until He Nukes Iran

2007-06-06 Thread Sean McBride
I wonder if Michael Pugliese would be interested in addressing any of the 
points in this latest essay by Paul Craig Roberts.  It strikes me as dead on 
the mark.

The neocons are the main lobby pushing for a war against Iran.  Curiously, 
Berlet and Michael don't seem to be very interested in discussing the neocons.  
In fact, they barely acknowledge their existence.  Why?

Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

 - Original Message -  From: Robert Busser  
 To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 11:59 AM
 Subject: [work_democracy] If You Think Bush Is Evil Now, Wait Until  He Nukes 


 If You Think Bush  Is Evil Now, Wait Until He Nukes Iran  Paul Craig Roberts
Lew  Rockwell.com
Wednesday June 6, 2007 
 The war in Iraq is lost. This fact is widely recognized by American military  
officers and has been recently expressed forcefully by Lt. Gen. Ricardo 
Sanchez,  the commander of US forces in Iraq during the first year of the 
attempted  occupation. Winning is no longer an option. Our best hope, Gen. 
Sanchez says, is  "to stave off defeat," and that requires more intelligence 
and leadership than  Gen. Sanchez sees in the entirety of our national 
political leadership: "I am  absolutely convinced that America has a crisis in 
leadership at this time."
 More evidence that the war is lost arrived June 4 with headlines reporting:  
"U.S.-led soldiers control only about a third of Baghdad, the military said on  
Monday." After five years of war the US controls one-third of one city and  
nothing else.
 A host of US commanding generals have said that the Iraq war is destroying  
the US military. A year ago Colin Powell said that the US Army is "about  
broken." Lt. Gen. Clyde Vaughn says Bush has "piecemealed our force to death."  
Gen. Barry McCafrey testified to the US Senate that "the Army will unravel."
 Col. Andy Bacevich, America’s foremost writer on military affairs, documents  
in the current issue of The American Conservative that Bush’s insane war has  
depleted and exhausted the US Army and Marine Corps:
 "Only a third of the regular Army’s brigades qualify as combat-ready. In the  
reserve components, none meet that standard. When the last of the units reaches 
 Baghdad as part of the president’s strategy of escalation, the US will be left 
 without a ready-to-deploy land force reserve."
 "The stress of repeated combat tours is sapping the Army’s lifeblood.  
Especially worrying is the accelerating exodus of experienced leaders. The  
service is currently short 3,000 commissioned officers. By next year, the 
number  is projected to grow to 3,500. The Guard and reserves are in even worse 
shape.  There the shortage amounts to 7,500 officers. Young West Pointers are 
bailing  out of the Army at a rate not seen in three decades. In an effort to 
staunch the  losses, that service has begun offering a $20,000 bonus to newly 
promoted  captains who agree to stay on for an additional three years. 
Meanwhile, as more  and more officers want out, fewer and fewer want in: ROTC 
scholarships go  unfilled for a lack of qualified applicants."
 Bush has taken every desperate measure. Enlistment ages have been pushed up  
from 35 to 42. The percentage of high school dropouts and the number of 
recruits  scoring at the bottom end of tests have spiked. The US military is 
forced to  recruit among drug users and convicted criminals. Bacevich reports 
that wavers  "issued to convicted felons jumped by 30 percent." Combat tours 
have been  extended from 12 to 15 months, and the same troops are being 
deployed again and  again.
 There is no equipment for training. Bacevich reports that "some $212 billion  
worth has been destroyed, damaged, or just plain worn out." What remains is in  
Iraq and Afghanistan.
 Under these circumstances, "staying the course" means total defeat. Even the  
neoconservative warmongers, who deceived Americans with the promise of a  
"cakewalk war" that would be over in six weeks, believe that the war is lost.  
But they have not given up. They have a last desperate plan: Bomb Iran. Vice  
President Dick Cheney is spear-heading the neocon plan, and Norman Podhoretz is 
 the plan’s leading propagandist with his numerous pleas published in the Wall  
Street Journal and Commentary to bomb Iran. Podhoretz, like every  
neoconservative, is a total Islamophobe. Podhoretz has written that Islam must  
be deracinated and the religion destroyed, a genocide for the Muslim people.
 The neocons think that by bombing Iran the US will provoke Iran to arm the  
Shiite militias in Iraq with armor-piercing rocket-propelled grenades and with  
surface-to-air missiles and unleash the militias against US troops. These  
weapons would neutralize US tanks and helicopter gunships and destroy the US  
military edge, leaving divided and isolated US forces subject to being cut off  
from supplies and retreat routes. With America

[political-research] If You Think Bush Is Evil Now, Wait Until He Nukes Iran

2007-06-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Busser 
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 11:59 AM
Subject: [work_democracy] If You Think Bush Is Evil Now, Wait Until He Nukes 

If You Think Bush Is Evil Now, Wait Until He Nukes Iran 
Paul Craig Roberts
Lew Rockwell.com
Wednesday June 6, 2007 

The war in Iraq is lost. This fact is widely recognized by American military 
officers and has been recently expressed forcefully by Lt. Gen. Ricardo 
Sanchez, the commander of US forces in Iraq during the first year of the 
attempted occupation. Winning is no longer an option. Our best hope, Gen. 
Sanchez says, is "to stave off defeat," and that requires more intelligence and 
leadership than Gen. Sanchez sees in the entirety of our national political 
leadership: "I am absolutely convinced that America has a crisis in leadership 
at this time."

More evidence that the war is lost arrived June 4 with headlines reporting: 
"U.S.-led soldiers control only about a third of Baghdad, the military said on 
Monday." After five years of war the US controls one-third of one city and 
nothing else.

A host of US commanding generals have said that the Iraq war is destroying the 
US military. A year ago Colin Powell said that the US Army is "about broken." 
Lt. Gen. Clyde Vaughn says Bush has "piecemealed our force to death." Gen. 
Barry McCafrey testified to the US Senate that "the Army will unravel."

Col. Andy Bacevich, America's foremost writer on military affairs, documents in 
the current issue of The American Conservative that Bush's insane war has 
depleted and exhausted the US Army and Marine Corps:

"Only a third of the regular Army's brigades qualify as combat-ready. In the 
reserve components, none meet that standard. When the last of the units reaches 
Baghdad as part of the president's strategy of escalation, the US will be left 
without a ready-to-deploy land force reserve."

"The stress of repeated combat tours is sapping the Army's lifeblood. 
Especially worrying is the accelerating exodus of experienced leaders. The 
service is currently short 3,000 commissioned officers. By next year, the 
number is projected to grow to 3,500. The Guard and reserves are in even worse 
shape. There the shortage amounts to 7,500 officers. Young West Pointers are 
bailing out of the Army at a rate not seen in three decades. In an effort to 
staunch the losses, that service has begun offering a $20,000 bonus to newly 
promoted captains who agree to stay on for an additional three years. 
Meanwhile, as more and more officers want out, fewer and fewer want in: ROTC 
scholarships go unfilled for a lack of qualified applicants."

Bush has taken every desperate measure. Enlistment ages have been pushed up 
from 35 to 42. The percentage of high school dropouts and the number of 
recruits scoring at the bottom end of tests have spiked. The US military is 
forced to recruit among drug users and convicted criminals. Bacevich reports 
that wavers "issued to convicted felons jumped by 30 percent." Combat tours 
have been extended from 12 to 15 months, and the same troops are being deployed 
again and again.

There is no equipment for training. Bacevich reports that "some $212 billion 
worth has been destroyed, damaged, or just plain worn out." What remains is in 
Iraq and Afghanistan.

Under these circumstances, "staying the course" means total defeat. Even the 
neoconservative warmongers, who deceived Americans with the promise of a 
"cakewalk war" that would be over in six weeks, believe that the war is lost. 
But they have not given up. They have a last desperate plan: Bomb Iran. Vice 
President Dick Cheney is spear-heading the neocon plan, and Norman Podhoretz is 
the plan's leading propagandist with his numerous pleas published in the Wall 
Street Journal and Commentary to bomb Iran. Podhoretz, like every 
neoconservative, is a total Islamophobe. Podhoretz has written that Islam must 
be deracinated and the religion destroyed, a genocide for the Muslim people.

The neocons think that by bombing Iran the US will provoke Iran to arm the 
Shiite militias in Iraq with armor-piercing rocket-propelled grenades and with 
surface-to-air missiles and unleash the militias against US troops. These 
weapons would neutralize US tanks and helicopter gunships and destroy the US 
military edge, leaving divided and isolated US forces subject to being cut off 
from supplies and retreat routes. With America on the verge of losing most of 
its troops in Iraq, the cry would go up to "save the troops" by nuking Iran.

Five years of unsuccessful war in Iraq and Afghanistan and Israel's recent 
military defeat in Lebanon have convinced the neocons that America and Israel 
cannot establish hegemony over the Middle East with conventional forces alone. 
The neocons have changed US war doctrine, which now permits the US to 
preemptively strike with nuclear weapons a non-nuclear power. Neocons are 
forever heard saying, "what's the u

[political-research] Wednesday, June 5, 2007

2007-06-06 Thread Sean McBride
 Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Wednesday, June 5, 2007
via xymphora by Andrew on Jun 06, 2007
Wednesday, June 5, 2007:

- Latest map of the current state of land thievery in the West Bank.
It's all part of a Plan: "What remains is an area of habitation
remarkably close to territory set aside for the Palestinian population
in Israeli security proposals dating back to postwar 1967."
- The amusing letters of support for Scooter reveal the Washington
neocon nexus. Not a huge surprise that it is bipartisan - Democrat and
Republican - but Jewish (or at least trying to connect, in a public
way, to Jewish power centers). From the point of view of Jewish
Zionism, Democrats and Republicans are just tools to the greater cause
of Israeli imperialism. Whether you fall into one party or another has
less to do with your right-left views and more to do with where you
will be useful in building the Zionist Empire. Thus, Scooter's friends
cover the entire gamut from ultra-conservative to liberal, and he is
perceived as being non-partisan, at least considered by the usual
Democrat-Republican axis. This also explains how the neocons started
off as Democrats but slid over in the 80s to being Republican. They
just followed the trends of power. Scooter's non-partisanship also ties
back to the greater issue of how Israeli colonialism has destroyed the
great traditions of the American Jewish left.
- The comment by 'David' to the Philip Weiss posting is an eye-opener,
quoting Feith's letter (emphasis in red): "We are not social friends,
but, when he worked for the Vice President, I was the Under Secretary
of Defense for Policy and we spent several hours together in meetings
every week day, more or less, and occasionally on weekends too." As
'David' notes, this is the Office of Special Plans meeting with the
White House Iraq Group. They were 'stovepiping', packaging Feith's
lies, fresh from the Pentagon oven, for White House use in the
propaganda war leading to the attack on Iraq.
- When it was revealed that 70% of the total intelligence community
budget is now spent on private contractors, people were able to do the
math to determine that the total American intelligence budget is much
higher than was formerly believed. For all that money, they still
haven't got a clue . . .
- More on Palast's 'war for no oil' thesis. This thesis is silly (but
has the singular advantage of paying some attention to the facts). The
net effect of the 'war for oil', 'war for control of oil', and 'war for
no oil' theses is that they wipe each other out, leading us closer to
the truth.
Things you can do from here:
- Visit the original item on xymphora
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favorite sites 

[political-research] As Asian-Americans Soul-Search Over Va.-Tech Shootings, Liberal Jews Must Soul-Search Over Neocons and Iraq

2007-06-06 Thread Sean McBride
 Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: As Asian-Americans
Soul-Search Over Va.-Tech Shootings, Liberal Jews Must Soul-Search Over
Neocons and Iraq via Mondoweiss by Philip Weiss on Jun 06, 2007
A couple weeks ago I watched an Asian-American panel on C-Span talking
about responses in their community to the Virginia Tech shootings. The
main feeling was, shame; they worried that non-Asian Americans would
blame the Asian community for the murders. I heard the same
word, "shame," from two Korean-American friends. But in the end, no one
blames Asian-American culture for a kid going crazy in Blacksburg. We
all know that Cho is not representative.

I think that is the true thrust of my post yesterday on Scooter Libby:
Where is the liberal Jewish soul-searching on Iraq? When will the
liberal Jewish community dissociate itself from Libby and Feith and
Wurmser, and Kristol and Abrams-- and say, We understand that they were
acting as nationalist Jews in pushing for the Iraq war; we denounce
that sort of thinking, it must be discredited. Then discredit it by
openly addressing the Israeli occupation. Until that soul-searching
takes place, the "connected" liberal Jewish community, by which I mean
the political insiders and public intellectuals, can rightly be accused
of some degree of complicity in this horrible war. For by failing to
perform that post-mortem, they are failing their jobs, as journalists
and intellectuals, to explain to American how this debacle took place.

Let me be clear. I am not singling out rightwing Jews as the agents of
the Iraq tragedy. That responsiblity can be widely shared, with Bush
and Cheney and other American-nationalist militarists, as well as with
the credulous press and the chauvinist element of the American populace
that supported the war. But the Libby letters I wrote about yesterday
underline a crucial fact of this war: that Jewish nationalists who
opposed the peace process in Israel played a key part in producing the
ideas that gave us the Iraq debacle. This is simply indisputable. They
called for an Iraq war for years, and then they were all over the White
House, notably Perle, Feith, Abrams, and Cheney's Middle East adviser
David Wurmser. I imagine that Cheney met a lot of them during his and
his wife's sojourn at the American Enterprise Institute before 2000. I
say "imagine" because the journalism has not been done on Cheney's
ideological education.

My challenge is to the liberal Jewish community because it has given
cover to these crazed ideologues in a number of ways. First, a lot of
liberals drank the neocon Koolaid on Iraq, and gained prominence for
doing so: Thomas Friedman, Kenneth Pollack, The New Yorker Magazine.
They endorsed the neocon view that the way to respond to the 9/11
attacks was to smash something in the Arab world. As I have noted here
before, Friedman and Paul Berman (as well as neolib Lawrence Kaplan and
neocon Bill Kristol in their book) said going after Iraq was necessary
because Saddam subsidized suicide bombers in Israel--as though Israeli
interests and American interests were congruent. More important, in
justifying the war, Friedman and Berman and Pollack all overlooked the
Israeli occupation of Arab lands. Pollack never mentions it in his
500-page war manifesto, a manifesto which presumes to inform us how the
Arab "street" will respond to an invasion of Iraq.

Thus neocon support for a militaristic response to the Arab world
gained wide adherence in the liberal Jewish community. And today the
failure to anatomize the neocon madness for what it was, rightwing
nationalist Jewish thinking, suggests that the liberal Jewish community
is still infected by these ideas, still accepts them, or is in outright
denial of its acceptance. Even as the horrors multiply in Iraq.

I understand why that accounting is not taking place: fears of
antisemitism. People will blame the Jews. Leander hints as much in his
comment yesterday on my post about necon social connections:

[Yours] is such a mad line of thought that on the net - at least
considering the propagandists - it easily merges with the larger
extreme right wing conspiracy lore: freemasons, jesuits, jews and
somewhere secretly in the back a black pope pulling strings. I wouldn't
touch any of this stuff, if it wasn't written by someone with superior
knowledge of European and especially Russian history.

Leander is imposing a literacy test. You have to know European history
before you can offer an opinion about important social and ideological
connections in Washington today. That doesn't stop the New Republic
when it comes to Mormons! And imagine for a moment that there were
Muslims all over the Bush Administration, and the U.S. then blundered
tragically in the Middle East. Would those Muslims escape scrutiny from
all but those writers who had studied the history of the Caliphate?
Absurd. Journalists would try to anatomize Muslim thought (as Paul
Berman does, to his great credit, in a piece on Islamic 

[political-research] Kristol Disses Bush Big Time

2007-06-06 Thread Sean McBride
[The neocons have always held Bush 43 in contempt, and are quite
confident that their gang is much more powerful than the Bush gang.
They have exploited Bush 43, and will now toss him away like a used
kleenex. The Bush 41 inner circle understood what was going on all
along and what was coming, but hapless Junior didn't get it. As usual,
Jim Lobe is directly on the beam.]

Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Kristol Disses Bush Big
Time via LobeLog.com by admin on Jun 06, 2007
In a truly remarkable statement published in the online version of his
'Weekly Standard' Wednesday morning, William Kristol essentially
slapped George W. Bush with his glove, accusing him of disloyalty,
indecency, and cowardice with respect to the president's failure so far
to issue a pardon for I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Dick Cheney's former
chief of staff who, as of Tuesday, is looking at a 30-month prison term
for perjury and obstruction of justice in connection with the Valerie
Plame affair.

While Kristol, who certainly ranks among the top five most-influential
neo-conservatives in the movement, has occasionally been critical of
Bush's performance, he has reserved his harsher attacks for convenient
subordinates (Powell/Rumsfeld/Tenet/Rice/Gates/etc), presumably to
remain in the Decider's good graces. But this latest assault on the
president himself is unprecedented both in severity and in directness.
(Compare, for example, the more politic attack of the
no-less-neo-conservative editorial writers of the Wall Street Journal
Wednesday or even of the National Review Online Tuesday).

"Will Bush pardon Libby? Apparently not--even if it means a man who
worked closely with him and sought tirelessly to do what was right for
the country goes to prison," Kristol wrote. ''Bush spokeswoman Dana
Perino, noting that the appeals process was underway, said, 'Given that
and in keeping with what we have said in the past, the president has
not intervened so far in any other criminal matter and is going to
decline to do so now.'"

"So much for loyalty, or decency, or courage," Kristol went on. "For
President Bush, loyalty is apparently a one-way street; decency is
something he's for as long as he doesn't have to take any risks in its
behalf; and courage - well, that's nowhere to be seen. Many of us used
to respect President Bush. Can one respect him still?"

This sounds like a make-or-break attack on Bush's manhood - an attempt
at intimidation, even -- and that carries serious risks, such as being
declared persona non grata at the White House for a considerable period
of time, possibly even until the end of the term before which Kristol
and his ideological confreres clearly hope that Bush will order a
military attack against suspected Iranian nuclear sites if the
diplomatic track fails to produce results before then.

It would be uncharacteristic of Kristol to take such a risk simply on
the basis of his frustration or anger at the moment; this is not
someone liable to either commit crimes or criticisms of passion. So the
statement suggests that Kristol actually does believe that Bush can be
bullied into pardoning Libby. If so, what is the basis for that belief?
Did he consult with White House insiders (in Cheney's office or the NSC
perhaps, or even Cheney himself) as to what was the best tack to take?

Coupled with Helene Cooper's article in Saturday's NYT (link to
previous post), Kristol's glove-slapping Bush certainly adds to the
sense that hawks are increasingly desperate about the president's
direction and Cheney's ability to affect it.

Things you can do from here:
- Visit the original item on LobeLog.com
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favorite sites 

Re: [political-research] Keeping It Real

2007-06-06 Thread Michael Pugliese
On 6/6/07, Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>These are just a few political commentators and analysts who are making 
> stronger contributions to understanding contemporary American politics than 
> Berlet.  Most of them have been accused of anti-Semitism at one time or 
> another, simply because they refuse to bow down before AIPAC, Likud and the 
> neocons.  I hardly agree with them on everything, and they hardly agree with 
> one another on everything, but most of them are *keeping it real*:
> Alex Jones
> Cindy Sheehan: Twin Towers' Collapse Looked Like Controlled Demolition
> Anti-war icon supports move for new investigation into 9/11
> Paul Joseph Watson
> Prison Planet
> Thursday, May 31, 2007

Just out of curiosity, I took a look at this Prison Planet website. I
had a suspicion that it was another rightwing outlet that mixes 9/11
conspiracy theory with other wacko ideas. I was right:

--It links to the Vdare anti-immigrant website.

--It charges "globalists" with a global warming conspiracy. "Globalists"
are the same forces that the militias in the 1990s harped on. You know.
The UN, the Bilderberg, black helicopters and all that.

etc., etc.

The website is in the inspiration of one Alex Jones, who has written
that communists in the West are funded by big corporations. That's news
to me. Maybe I can hit up General Motors to help defray the costs of

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> Ari Berman, good writer

> Barrie Zwicker, 9-11 conspiranoid.

> Bill Berkowitz, good writer, knew him when I lived in Oakland, ca. He works 
> at the Data Center, a leftist library.

> Billmon, ok blog.

> Cenc Uygar, lame Air America host. Confuses different sectors of the Right. 
> They are all not neo-cons.

> Chris Hedges, decent journalist...though, methinks the fascistoid potential 
> of the Xtian Right to take over the political culture is overblown. They have 
> been a sector of the Right, embattled for a long time now.

> Christopher Ketcham
> Daniel Hopsicker, another 9-11 conspiranoid.

> David Brock, good muckraker. Though Media Matters is a bit too Democratic 
> Party loyalist for my taste.

> David Ray Griffin,
aargh, http://www.publiceye.org/conspire/Post911/dubious_claims.html

> Douglas Herman, who?
   Edward Herman, though is a Milosevic apologist,
> Eric Alterman,
> Eric Margolis, another fan of Milosevic, ecch.

> Frank Rich, o.k.
> Greg Mitchell, sometimes he makes posts on his E&P column that get debunked 
> by bloggers.

> James Bamford, o.k.

> James Fallows, liberal weenie.

> James Petras, lunatic on Israel and ZOG,
> James Wolcott, soured on him after he defended friend of Saddam Hussein and 
> the Syrian Ba'athists, George Galloway.

> Jeff Cohen, o.k.

> Jeff Huber
> Jeffrey Blankfort, another lunatic. See the comments I sent here before.

> Jeffrey Steinberg, EFFIN' LaRoucheite!

> Jim Lobe, o.k.
> John Mearsheimer, o.k. but see,
> Joseph Cannon, who?

> Joseph Galloway, who?

> Joshua Micah Marshall, TPM Muckraker is great.

> Juan Cole, good.

> Justin  Raimondo, when he's good he's good, when he isn't he is horrible.

> Kathleen Christison, see the comments I sent earlier via Doug Henwood's list 
> on the Counterpunch anthology on anti-semitism.

> Kevin Phillips, very good. Though he uses that crappy LaRoucheite book on the 
> Bush family.

> Kurt Nimmo, AARGH!

> Michael Lind, good.

> Michael Rivero, is full of sheeit,
A blog, focused on him, whatdidn'treallyhappen has lots of howlers from Mikey.

> Michael Ruppert, jeesh,
> Norman Finkelstein,
  Marxist critique of N.F.,
 Finkelstein's Follies: The Dangers of Vulgar Anti-Zionism

> Patrick Lang, good.

> Paul Craig Roberts, THREE CHEERS FOR racist, nativist anti-immigrant nuttery 
> from Roberts and his vDARE pals.Loved Pinochet too the supply side pig.

> Paul Joseph Watson, see Jones above.

> Paul Krugman, good.

> Philip Weiss see comment on Raimondo.

> Ray McGovern, why did he speak on a tour with Maoist loons from the RCP?

> Robert Dreyfuss, good writer but, he writes for the racist, nativist The 
> American Conservative as does Weiss. Pb. of his book blurbed by EIR, the 
> LaRouche rag, aargh.

> Robert Fisk, ("I can totally understand why these Afghan's tried to kill 
> me!.")
good but, when heis bad, oy vey sez this gentile. The Nation book
review pointed out 

[political-research] Keeping It Real

2007-06-06 Thread Sean McBride
These are just a few political commentators and analysts who are making 
stronger contributions to understanding contemporary American politics than 
Berlet.  Most of them have been accused of anti-Semitism at one time or 
another, simply because they refuse to bow down before AIPAC, Likud and the 
neocons.  I hardly agree with them on everything, and they hardly agree with 
one another on everything, but most of them are *keeping it real*:

Alex Jones
Ari Berman
Barrie Zwicker
Bill Berkowitz
Cenc Uygar
Chris Hedges
Christopher Ketcham
Daniel Hopsicker
David Brock
David Ray Griffin
Douglas Herman
Eric Alterman
Eric Margolis
Frank Rich
Greg Mitchell
James Bamford
James Fallows
James Petras
James Wolcott
Jeff Cohen
Jeff Huber
Jeffrey Blankfort
Jeffrey Steinberg
Jim Lobe
John Mearsheimer
Joseph Cannon
Joseph Galloway
Joshua Micah Marshall
Juan Cole
Justin Raimondo
Kathleen Christison
Kevin Phillips
Kurt Nimmo
Michael Lind
Michael Rivero
Michael Ruppert
Norman Finkelstein
Patrick Lang
Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Joseph Watson
Paul Krugman
Philip Weiss
Ray McGovern
Robert Dreyfuss
Robert Fisk
Robert Parry
Robert Scheer
Scott McConnell
Scott Ritter
Seymour Hersh
Sibel Edmonds
Sidney Blumenthal
Stephen Walt
Steven Clemons
Steven Sniegoski
Thom Hartmann
Tom Barry
Wayne Madsen
Webster Tarpley
William Odom

Michael Pugliese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  On 
6/6/07, Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Defending the
 establishment status quo ..
 Oh really? Chip Berlet sure would be surprised to hear he is a
 establishment status quo'ist.
   Eyes Right! (paper)
 Challenging the Right Wing Backlash
 Chip Berlet (Editor)
 Released 1995-01-01
 Berlet shows how to counter right-wing corporate, religious, and
 political agendas, and defend democracy and diversity.
   http://www.publiceye.org/ yup, sure looks like a neo-con org. to me. Snort.
 Program Priorities
 Civil Liberties
 Economic Justice
 LGBT Equity
 Racial Justice
 Reproductive Justice
 The Christian Right
 * Introduction: the U.S. Political Right
   o Why is the Right so powerful?
   o Why We Need to Understand the Political Right
 * How is the Right Organized?
   o Christian Right and Theocracy
   o Coalition and Competition: an Overview
   o Conservatives
   o Xenophobic Right
 + Patriot Movement & Militias
 + Ultra Right
 * The Right's Agenda & Attacks
   o Criminal Justice
   o Democracy
   o Economic Justice
   o Environmental Policy
   o Peace, Foreign Policy, & Defense
   o Immigrant Rights
   o Labor, Workers, and Unions
   o Public Education
   o Reproductive Rights
   o Sovereignty & Indigenous Treaty Rights
 * Understanding Bigotry & Oppression
   o Dynamics of Oppression
 + Apocalyptic Dualism
 + Stereotyping, Prejudice, & Bigotry
 + Conspiracism
 + Demonization
 + Scapegoating
 + Supremacy & Domination
   o Ethnocentrism & Religious Bigotry
 + Antisemitism & Judeophobia
 + Arabophobia
 + Islamophobia
   o Hate & Ethnoviolence
   o Heterosexism & Homophobia
   o Racism & Xenophobia
   o Sexism & Reproductive Rights
 * The State and Political Repression
   o Free Expression & Censorship
   o Civil Liberties
   o Government Misconduct
   o Surveillance & Spying
 * Tools for Resisting the Right
   o Building Equality
   o Defending Democracy & Diversity
   o Links
   o Media & Propaganda
 * Resources for Studying the Right
   o Policy-Making & Funding
   o Research, Investigation, & Logic
   o Social Movement Theory
 + Ideology, Frames and Narratives
 + Right-Wing Populism & Producerism
   o Studying the US Political Right
 + Bibliographies
 + Chart of Sectors
 + Directories
 * Totalitarian Groups
   o Lyndon LaRouche Network
   o Newmanites & Lenora Fulani
 Michael Pugliese

Re: [political-research] False flag terror: Follow-up

2007-06-06 Thread Sean McBride
I agree with and laud the agenda presented here, but Berlet has barely 
registered as a tiny blip in my consciousness during the Bush 43 administration 
(other than a bizarre episode in which I was accused of being Chip Berlet!).  I 
can think of dozens (probably hundreds) of writers and researchers who have 
done much more interesting work than Berlet in digging into 9/11, the 
neoconservatives, the Israel lobby and related issues.  Jim Lobe's essays on 
the neocons have set the standard for discussing what has been the most 
significant factor in American politics for the last six or seven years: 
neoconservatism, its manipulation of Christian Zionists and its influence on 
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney in instigating the disastrous Iraq War and the 
Clash of Civilizations.  If Berlet has contributed any research or analysis of 
value on this subject, I haven't seen it.  I don't think he's connecting 
effectively with the Internet audience out there, who have no idea what he 
 stands for.

Does Berlet really think that the LaRouche crowd is a bigger problem than the 
Commentary crowd?  If he does, he's gotten far out of sync with most thinking 
people.   The Commentary crowd has been in control of the American political 
system under Bush 43.  By comparison, the LaRouchies are mere gadflies.

Neoconservatism is an especially hot potato: neocons are pro-Israel militants 
with close ties to Likud who often rely on the anti-Semitism smear to try to 
silence their political opponents.  I wonder if Berlet, like Stephen Walt and 
John Mearsheimer, has the force of mind to push his way through that noisy 
barrage of intimidating abuse.  I doubt it.  Sometimes, in fact, he gives the 
impression that he is aligned with neocon interests.

Has Berlet ever tried to take on Little Green Footballs, Atlas Shrugs, 
Israpundit, FrontPage Magazine and dozens of other neocon ops on the net which 
specialize in gutter hate speech?  If not, why not?  What about hate speech in 
neocon mainstream media outlets like Fox News?  David Brock and Media Matters 
for America have been much more courageous and effective on this front than 
Berlet.  Some invisible force seems to be holding Berlet back from exploring 
certain sensitive subjects and acquiring an authentic voice.

Michael Pugliese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  On 
6/6/07, Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Defending the
 establishment status quo ..
 Oh really? Chip Berlet sure would be surprised to hear he is a
 establishment status quo'ist.
   Eyes Right! (paper)
 Challenging the Right Wing Backlash
 Chip Berlet (Editor)
 Released 1995-01-01
 Berlet shows how to counter right-wing corporate, religious, and
 political agendas, and defend democracy and diversity.
   http://www.publiceye.org/ yup, sure looks like a neo-con org. to me. Snort.
 Program Priorities
 Civil Liberties
 Economic Justice
 LGBT Equity
 Racial Justice
 Reproductive Justice
 The Christian Right
 * Introduction: the U.S. Political Right
   o Why is the Right so powerful?
   o Why We Need to Understand the Political Right
 * How is the Right Organized?
   o Christian Right and Theocracy
   o Coalition and Competition: an Overview
   o Conservatives
   o Xenophobic Right
 + Patriot Movement & Militias
 + Ultra Right
 * The Right's Agenda & Attacks
   o Criminal Justice
   o Democracy
   o Economic Justice
   o Environmental Policy
   o Peace, Foreign Policy, & Defense
   o Immigrant Rights
   o Labor, Workers, and Unions
   o Public Education
   o Reproductive Rights
   o Sovereignty & Indigenous Treaty Rights
 * Understanding Bigotry & Oppression
   o Dynamics of Oppression
 + Apocalyptic Dualism
 + Stereotyping, Prejudice, & Bigotry
 + Conspiracism
 + Demonization
 + Scapegoating
 + Supremacy & Domination
   o Ethnocentrism & Religious Bigotry
 + Antisemitism & Judeophobia
 + Arabophobia
 + Islamophobia
   o Hate & Ethnoviolence
   o Heterosexism & Homophobia
   o Racism & Xenophobia
   o Sexism & Reproductive Rights
 * The State and Political Repression
   o Free Expression & Censorship
   o Civil Liberties
   o Government Misconduct
   o Surveillance & Spying
 * Tools for Resisting the Right
   o Building Equality
   o Defending Democracy & Diversity
   o Links
   o Media & Propaganda
 * Resources for Studying the Right
   o Policy-Making & Funding
   o Research, Investigation, & Logic
   o Social Movement Theory

Re: [political-research] False flag terror: Follow-up

2007-06-06 Thread Michael Pugliese
On 6/6/07, Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Defending the
establishment status quo ..

   Oh really? Chip Berlet sure would be surprised to hear he is a
establishment status quo'ist.
  Eyes Right! (paper)
Challenging the Right Wing Backlash
Chip Berlet (Editor)
Released 1995-01-01
Berlet shows how to counter right-wing corporate, religious, and
political agendas, and defend democracy and diversity.
  http://www.publiceye.org/ yup, sure looks like a neo-con org. to me. Snort.
Program Priorities
Civil Liberties
Economic Justice
LGBT Equity
Racial Justice
Reproductive Justice
The Christian Right

* Introduction: the U.S. Political Right
  o Why is the Right so powerful?
  o Why We Need to Understand the Political Right
* How is the Right Organized?
  o Christian Right and Theocracy
  o Coalition and Competition: an Overview
  o Conservatives
  o Xenophobic Right
+ Patriot Movement & Militias
+ Ultra Right
* The Right's Agenda & Attacks
  o Criminal Justice
  o Democracy
  o Economic Justice
  o Environmental Policy
  o Peace, Foreign Policy, & Defense
  o Immigrant Rights
  o Labor, Workers, and Unions
  o Public Education
  o Reproductive Rights
  o Sovereignty & Indigenous Treaty Rights
* Understanding Bigotry & Oppression
  o Dynamics of Oppression
+ Apocalyptic Dualism
+ Stereotyping, Prejudice, & Bigotry
+ Conspiracism
+ Demonization
+ Scapegoating
+ Supremacy & Domination
  o Ethnocentrism & Religious Bigotry
+ Antisemitism & Judeophobia
+ Arabophobia
+ Islamophobia
  o Hate & Ethnoviolence
  o Heterosexism & Homophobia
  o Racism & Xenophobia
  o Sexism & Reproductive Rights
* The State and Political Repression
  o Free Expression & Censorship
  o Civil Liberties
  o Government Misconduct
  o Surveillance & Spying
* Tools for Resisting the Right
  o Building Equality
  o Defending Democracy & Diversity
  o Links
  o Media & Propaganda
* Resources for Studying the Right
  o Policy-Making & Funding
  o Research, Investigation, & Logic
  o Social Movement Theory
+ Ideology, Frames and Narratives
+ Right-Wing Populism & Producerism
  o Studying the US Political Right
+ Bibliographies
+ Chart of Sectors
+ Directories
* Totalitarian Groups
  o Lyndon LaRouche Network
  o Newmanites & Lenora Fulani

Michael Pugliese

[political-research] Reporter Arrested For Asking Questions About Rudy Giuliani's WTC "Collapse" Foreknowledge at GOP Debate in New Hampshire

2007-06-06 Thread Sean McBride
[Nice work: this gives the impression that Giuliani has something to
hide about 9/11 and that his supporters will use fascist and
anti-democratic methods to keep the truth hidden. The mainstream media
should be asking Giuliani about his contradictory statements concerning
WTC7 until they get a straight answer. But wait: the neocon-controlled
MSM are themselves dedicated to censoring every honest question about
9/11 and to promoting Fox News-style fascism in America. Giuliani is
their boy. We've got World War III/IV to get on with, using 9/11 as the

Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Reporter Arrested For
Asking Questions About Rudy Giuliani's WTC "Collapse" Foreknowledge at
GOP Debate in New Hampshire via 911Blogger.com - Paying Attention to
9/11 Related Alternative News by stallion4 on Jun 06, 2007

Reporter Arrested on Orders of Giuliani Press Secretary -
Charged with Criminal Trespass Despite Protest of CNN Staff and
Official Event Press Credentials at GOP Debate in New Hampshire

Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones / Jones Report | June 5, 2007

Manchester, NH - Freelance reporter Matt Lepacek, reporting for
Infowars.com, was arrested for asking a question to one of Giuliani's
staff members in a press conference. The press secretary identified the
New York based reporter as having previously asked Giuliani about his
prior knowledge of WTC building collapses and ordered New Hampshire
state police to arrest him.

Jason Bermas, reporting for Infowars and America: Freedom to Fascism,
confirmed Lepacek had official CNN press credentials for the Republican
debate. However, his camera was seized by staff members who shut off
the camera, according to Luke Rudkowski, also a freelance Infowars
reporter on the scene. He said police physically assaulted both
reporters after Rudkowski objected that they were official members of
the press and that nothing illegal had taken place. Police reportedly
damaged the Infowars-owned camera in the process.

(more after the break..)
Vote ResultScore: 10.0, Votes: 15
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Re: [political-research] False flag terror: Follow-up

2007-06-06 Thread Michael Pugliese
   More on the October Surprise. This blogger has written a great book
on the militia movement. Blog entries of note by him, Bush, the Nazis
and America":
Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4. Rush, Newspeak and Fascism: An Exegesis
  >...Here are the relevant excerpts from Gary Sick's definitive
text on the case, October Surprise: America's Hostages in Iran and the
Election of Ronald Reagan (Random House, 1991), pp. 116-123:

One of the most mystifying events of the entire election year
took place in late September or early October 1980. The basic facts
are not in dispute. [Future National Security Adviser] Richard Allen,
together with Robert McFarlane and Laurence Silberman, met at the
L'Enfant Plaza Hotel in Washington, D.C., with a Middle Easterner who
offered to arrange the release of the American hostages directly to
the Republicans. Beyond that rudimentary description, however, there
is nothing but disagreement. Even people who admit attending the same
meeting cannot agree on exact dates, times, or places.

... Allen has said that he was initially contacted by Robert
McFarlane, then a senior aide to Senator John Tower of Texas. Tower
was a longtime friend of vice-presidential candidate George Bush and
he was at that time the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed
Services Committee. McFarlane, a retired Marine Corps colonel, had
been the executive assistant of the National Security Council under
Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft in the Nixon and Ford
administrations, and he was a strong supporter of the Reagan
presidential candidacy.

... According to Allen, Silberman, and McFarlane, they had a
relatively brief meeting in late September with a man who appeared to
be of Middle Eastern origin. This man, who claimed to be in contact
with representatives of the Iranian government, made a presentation in
which he offered to arrange the release of the American hostages
directly to the Republican campaign. This offer was rejected out of
hand, according to the three American participants, and the meeting
was terminated abruptly. Allen and Silberman later insisted that the
man made no mention of military equipment or the possibility of an
arms-for-hostages swap.

... Silberman said he told the man his offer was totally
unacceptable since "We have one President at a time."

However, as Sick goes on to detail, there are numerous problems
with their account.

The unidentified Middle Easterner likely was a self-described
international arms merchant name Hushang Lavi, who claimed that he was
the man at the meeting. He says Lavi fits the physical description the
Americans gave, and he furthermore had substantial evidence of being
involved in the meeting (some of which actually surfaced independently
through a third party after his death). Lavi claimed that he
represented two officials of the Iranian government, and was offering
the hostages in exchange for a pledge of F-14 parts -- the same parts,
you may recall, that played such a key role in the Iran-Contra
scandal. But Sick reports that Lavi claimed the refusal was not the
noble one described by Larry Silberman:

According to Lavi, his offer was rejected, but his
recollection differed from those of the Americans. Lavi said the three
Americans refused his offer on the grounds that they were "in touch
with the Iranians themselves" and did not need his assistance. Both
Allen and Silberman later insisted adamantly in interviews that the
man they met was not Lavi.

Much of Sick's book, in fact, details that Lavi's characterization
was substantially the case -- that is, the Reagan camp in fact was in
close contact with other Iranians who controlled the hostages and were
capable of releasing them.

The source for one of the key pieces of substantiation for Lavi's
participation in the meeting was Ari Ben-Menashe, who had been a top
agent and official in the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad from 1977
to 1987, and was directly involved in Iranian affairs. Ben-Menashe
later went on to write a book detailing some of the key aspects of the
October Surprise affair in a book titled Profits of War, which was
dismissed as fantasy by American and Israeli officials, but whose
chief components were later substantially corroborated.

According to Sick, Ben-Menashe largely confirmed Lavi's
participation, but with a twist:

According to Ben-Menashe, the L'Enfant Plaza meeting was the
result of an effort by Israeli intelligence to hasten the end of the
hostage crisis.

The Israelis, Ben-Menashe said, were becoming increasingly
uncomfortable about their involvement in U.S. domestic politics
resulting from the Casey-Karubbi meetings in Madrid. ... So they
attempted, without success, to short-circuit the entire problem by
arranging a swap that would put an end to hostage issue before the
election. Lavi, he said, was working for Israel whe

Re: [political-research] False flag terror: Follow-up

2007-06-06 Thread Michael Pugliese
On 6/5/07, Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> quoted:At that time, his
attackers tended to be guys like Steve Emerson, whom I never trusted.

   Chip Berlet, who doesn't agree w/Emerson, about much of anything.
See the article below for detail on Ari Ben-Menashe and the October
Surprise. I believe the Reagan campaign did have back door channel
negotiations w/ the Iranians to screw over the Carter admin. But, many
of the sources for the allegations were very dubious. LaRoucheites and
other far right nuts.
 >...May/June 1993 | Contents


by Chip Berlet
Berlet is an analyst at Political Research Associates in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, where he studies authoritarianism, bigotry, and the far

For an investigative journalist, reporting on official misconduct
involving covert operations, intelligence-gathering, and national
security issues is like competing in a potato-sack race in a
minefield. All officials tend to be suspicious of the motives of nosy
journalists; government spokespersons frequently deny first and
dissemble later; meanwhile, actual spies tend to keep their mouths
shut. As a result, sources for such stories frequently come from a
murky netherworld of ex-intelligence agents, retired military
officers, and self-anointed investigators. Some offer valuable
information along with frustrating fantasies; some are well-meaning
but confused; others are professional or amateur charlatans. A few are
brilliant paranoid crackpots. Some people just plain lie.

Over the past three years, this reporter has interviewed or read the
relevant writings of more than fifty investigative reporters and
researchers spanning the political spectrum. Most of them thought one
should not minimize the continuing reality of illegal and unethical
conduct by government and private intelligence operatives. But even
those who agreed that tough reporting on these subjects help defend
constitutional safeguards added that they have grown very weary of
hearing the same unproved or debunked conspiratorial stories over and
over again.

"A lot of stories with conspiratorial themes have gone a great
distance with very few credible witnesses," says Michael Kelly of The
New York Times. "Some reporters use a much lower standard of evidence
with these stories. They are tempted to take what they can get, and
overlook the fact that the source has been convicted twice for perjury
and on alternate Tuesdays he thinks he is Napoleon Bonaparte."

If many of the key sources for conspiracy stories are unreliable, why
are so many journalists tempted to use them? One reason is that, in an
age of official denials, many journalists give unofficial sources the
benefit of the doubt. Another is that, in some cases, the tales these
sources tell provide a fairly clear-cut explanation of what may
otherwise be a confusing welter of conceivably related events. In
short, they provide a story line. A third reason is that they can
usually supply details that seem to substantiate their version of
events. When the details provided by two or three such sources mesh,
the theory gains in credibility and the story built on it may gain
wider attention in the media. Meanwhile, talk radio shows, interviews
on small FM stations, even messages posted on computerized information
networks contribute to keeping the theories alive -- and building an
audience that wants to hear more.

The following look at a selection of individuals and groups that have
served as sources for recent conspiracy stories may help to point up
the problems they can pose for journalists in both the print and
broadcast media.

Several spooky sources contributed to the October Surprise story line,
according to which the 1980 Reagan-Bush presidential campaign made a
deal with the Iranians to delay the release of American hostages until
after the November elections, to help assume the defeat of Jimmy
Carter. A key figure in that story, and one whose usefulness as a
source has been attacked and defended in these pages, was former
Israeli intelligence operative Ari Ben-Menashe (see "The October
Surprise: Enter the Press, CFJ, March, 1992 / April, 1992, and
"October Surprise: Unger v. Weinberg," Letters, May, 1992 / June,

One journalist who took Ben-Menashe's allegations more seriously than
most was Craig Unger, author of an October 1991 Esquire article titled
"October Surprise." Following several attacks on the Surprise theory,
Unger wrote a long, interesting article called "The Trouble With Ari,"
which appeared in The Village Voice in July 1992. There, more clearly
than in his Esquire piece Unger explains the dilemma source of this
kind poses for the journalist. After reminding readers that some of
Ben-Menashe's claims can be corroborated and that he was "the guy who
started talking about the clandestine American arms pipeline to Iraq's
Saddam Hussein . . . long before the story started breaking in the
press this sp