Re: Kiss Kiss Hug Hug

1999-04-15 Thread Kelly Kessler

Sez Purcell

 Kentucky is much prettier than England this time of year, pally. 

Sez Neal
I'm not concerned about my status of "cool" when the arbiter is some guy in
living across the river from Cincy, Ohio, of all places. 

Brother, if you ain't been there, you don't know.


Re: Blue Mountain (Chicago show??)

1999-04-14 Thread Kelly Kessler

Blue Mountain has rescheduled their Hideout gig for June - I don't recall
the exact date, but I'll pass it along shortly.  Wasn't able to alert the
intrepid Ms. Ray prior to her most recent Chicago calendar.


Re: Kiss Kiss Hug Hug

1999-04-14 Thread Kelly Kessler

Sez Neal-

Oh shit, that whiny note was s'pozed to be offlist to Barry, I think. Damn.
Like you all wanted to read all that stuff.

Quitcher apologizing, Neal. It sounded like a country song to me.


Chicago: Honky Tonk Living Room

1999-04-08 Thread Kelly Kessler

Tomorrow night, April 8, is gonna be 
great. We've got Chris Mills and Red Meat at the Hideout for the Honky 
Tonk Living Room. In case you're not familiar with these characters, 
here's a little background:

On Red Meat: 
Meat is California's premiere honky-tonk band combining music stylesof 
Americana, country-swing, bluegrass, old style country, and gospelharmonies 
set off by the unique sounds of pedal steel, fiddle, andmandolin. Composed 
chiefly of expatriate Midwesterners, this crew hascountry roots that run 
pretty darned deep.
Red Meat's 13, which reached #18 on 
the Gavin Reports' Americana Chart,was produced by legendary L.A. 
guitarist/songwriter Dave Alvin (foundingmember of the Blasters/solo artist 
on Hightone Records). Red Meat chart hopper Broken Up and Blue is currently #1 
and One Woman Man peaked at #5 and on the Independent Country Singles* in these 
United States.

And as for Chris Mills: 
his sophmore Sugar Free release, Every Night Fight For Your Life,Chris Mills 
has assembled an impressive cast of friends and musicians. With help from 
themembers of Paul K and The Weathermen, Red Red Meat, Lambchop, Pinetop 
7,as well as Drag City chanteuse Edith Frost, Mills returns once again 
tothemes of love, loss and desperation with a stark sense of honesty 
Already known for the two fisted honesty of his 
previous work, Mills nowbrings musical muscle to the table. From the 
incendiary guitar work ofFire For You to the aching piano 
strains of Pontiac, Mills andfriends wrap brutal lyrical truth 
in striking sounds and textures.(I spoke to Chris today, and he 
tells me he'll be doing a sexy acoustic set with Deanna Varagona 
lending harmonies.)

This'll be a good'n - come on down if you can. 
9P.M., 1354 W. Wabansia, $6.

Re: Bringing music to town

1999-04-08 Thread Kelly Kessler

Hi, Diane-

Sounds like a great idea to me.  Three things off the top of my head:

1.)  Look for a tie-in with public radio.  Seems like Madison had 2 or three
such stations.  If somebody's broadcasting this kind of music, more folks
will find out about it and come.  If there aren't any shows like that on the
air, recruit one of your friends to host a show.  Or broadcast from your

2.) Hook up with other regional clubs.  I'm booking a bi-weekly series here
in Chicago at the Hideout, and I know the owners (who are great, BTW) are
actively seeking out clubs in Milwaukee, Madison, Champaign, Mpls, etc. to
encourage musicians to book their tours in this direction.

3.)  Be sure to book some acts the youngsters like - most likely, they're
the ones that will keep you afloat.
 Good luck!


Re: Chrissie Hynde in Salon

1999-04-06 Thread Kelly Kessler

Sez Mr. Purcell:

My former future wife...

This would make a great song.

(Am I slow on the uptake?  Is it already a great song and I don't even know
about it?)


Berlin/ Amsterdam query

1999-04-04 Thread Kelly Kessler

I'm headed to Berlin April 21-24, and to 
Amsterdam April 25-28. Anyone know of twang things going on in those 
towns? I'm interested in clubs and concerts, but I'd also love to hook up 
with some pickers and check out the scene in general. (That is, when I'm 
not swilling God's own beer, disremembering my college art history, and 
listening to free jazz.) Any pointers will be very much 


Re: suckage: Re: Waco Brothers

1999-03-31 Thread Kelly Kessler

Sez Will Miner:
 If we consider that Shania's 
records are ...
majorly backed by big money because they are the perfect room spray that 
can disinfect millions of homes ...

This is hilarious.


Scud Mountain Boys info needed

1999-03-31 Thread Kelly Kessler

Are the SMB's alive and kicking? If so, 
does anyone know how to contact them? One of Chicago's more respectable 
venues (in other words, nobody I'm affiliated with) wants to know. 


Re: SF Local - Buck Owens/Red Meat

1999-03-31 Thread Kelly Kessler

Notes early bird Owen:
Wednesday, May 19 at Bimbo's 365 Club in San Francisco -- Buck Owens and
Red Meat.  What an honor; I'm really, really excited!

Man, a dream show! Congrats!  I saw Buck with Dwight a few years back (no,
no one needs to write in reminding us what year that was) and it was a
thrill.  Why not book a second tour with this new lineup, Owen?


Re: The Blue Chip Radio Report 3/29/99

1999-03-30 Thread Kelly Kessler

snip The Blue Chip Song of the Week:  "Some Broken Hearts" by Bellamy
Brothers.  Writer:  Wayland Holyfield...The original country hat act, the
Bellamys come from left field with this
arrangement of the 1977 Don Williams hit (under the title "Some Broken
Never Mend").   This song has a reggae beat,  snip

[sigh]  Pud covers of songs you love by the pud factor: the price you pay
for listening to one kind of music for any length of time.


Re: Clip-Wacos Saturday night

1999-03-26 Thread Kelly Kessler

Sez some non-P2 reviewer:

 At a time when bands increasingly lean toward tepid
 vocals, languid playing, and gentle singer-songwriterish

Sez Mr. Purcell:
Oh, for fuck's sake, they do not.

Good to have your trenchant insights back on the list, Dave. This is


Re: Steve 'n' Del

1999-03-26 Thread Kelly Kessler

Sez Chris of the Chicago show:

Just Steve - everyone paying rapt attention
Steve plus Bluegrass - everyone paying rapt attention
Just Bluegrass - feels like intermission

Kinda felt sorry for they guy(s).

I saw the instore today, and besides enjoying it thoroughly, I came away
with new respect for Del's ego.   The crowd was totally into the McCourys -
no problem there - but he spends a great deal of time hanging around in the
back while Steve handles guitar chores and sings songs that could use IMO a
little high harmony.  Yeah, yeah, I know this is bringing Del's music and
*bluegrass as a whole* to new audiences, blah, blah, blah, but the man's a
front man, and I respect his equanimity in hanging back and letting the
others have the show for a whole tour.  Many others would be champing at the

For the record: I ain't knocking Mr. Earle.  I'm way big on that boy.  Just
musing, is all.

P.S. Favorite Steve Earle quote: On having trouble keeping his guitar tuned,
"This guitar is so new, it still thinks it's a tree."

Re: Help please ! (Tom House Joseph Spence)

1999-03-21 Thread Kelly Kessler

When I met Tom House a few years back, it was pre-Bloodshot, and he was a
damned interesting poet who preferred digging ditches and writing poems to
more respectable occupations.  His pal, Kurt Wagner, of Lambchop, is cut
from the same cloth- he's busted his butt for years scraping floors so he
could paint his paintings and play his songs his way.

I seem to remember that Tom's poems have been published - they'd be worth
looking for.

Re: African American violin players I worship

1999-03-12 Thread Kelly Kessler

I'm with you here, Dan, 100%.

2 Regina Carter: the queen is a monster. Check her out
on the String Trio of New York's Octagon and tell me you
know a stronger player. She also plays in Quartett Indigo
was featured on a Mark dresser Cd and has done
some smooth jazz records, but is happily
dumping that last habit of late.

I saw Regina play a Cassandra Wilson concert (my honey was playing, or I
wouldn't have been there) and every time she soloed I just kept saying,
"Damn, she's good!" and I kept getting happier and happier.  She's that
higher level of player. Delightful.

And LeRoy Jenkins  Billy Bang: more great bearers of the AACM flame.  That
organization has fostered  some of the most original and iconoclastic
players I've heard.  (It's also fostered some really self-indulgent ninnies,
musically speaking, but no need to dwell on that here.)


Re: dreaded artist of the decade (plus Rushmore)

1999-03-12 Thread Kelly Kessler

  Because after this disc, what can God do to top himself?

Well, if it's the righteous arm of Old-Testament-destruction Yahweh, 
he might start off by ridding the world of Diamond Rio and 
Blackhawk.  The rest can be saved on the Ark of Twang g.  

Oo, oo, oo, let him get Restless Heart too.  Please?

Re: SXSW off festival page updated...

1999-03-12 Thread Kelly Kessler

I hereby declare that I am in awe of Stacey's Web prowess, and impressed by
her tireless efforts to keep everyone (the world!) up to the minute on
what's going on in twangdom.

And, hey, Stacey, thanks belatedly for the P2 survey.  (I believe you were
offline when the results were posted.)

Chicago content: V-Roys, Danny Barnes

1999-03-12 Thread Kelly Kessler

Tonight, at the Hideout, The V-Roys w/ the Texas 
Rubies opening, show starts at 10:00.
And Monday, March 20, for those pining for 
Austin, Danny Barnes sitting, standing or supine (whichever he fancies) at 9 
P.M. Also at the Hideout.

Kelly K.
Whan that Aprill with hir shoures soote the 
droghte of Marche hath perced to the roote
And bathed 
every veyne in swich licour of which vertu engendred is the 

more off-SXSW

1999-03-11 Thread Kelly Kessler

The Hideout (the Chicago club that hosts the 
Honky Tonk Living Room) is having a party Saturday afternoon at Green Mesquite, 
and all music lovers are invited, no cover charge. Here's the 

2:00 Jon Langford, Kelly Hogan  Champ 
2:30 Devil In A Woodpile
3:00 The Blacks
3:30 Freakwater
4:00 Anna Fermin and Trigger 
4:30 Casolando
5:00 La Mano
5:30 Mt. Pilot

Stalin WAS: Tweedy quote/ (REAL LONG)

1999-03-09 Thread Kelly Kessler

Terry wonders:
nr(reading): Robert Harris' "Archangel" about the modern-day discovery of
Stalin's secret heir, living like a hermit in the woods near the White
Sea. Great novel. So, was J. Stalin worse than Hitler?

Stalin said something like, "One murder is a tragedy.  One million murders
is a statistic."  By dint of numbers and time spent in complete control, I'd
say Stalin was worse. But once dictators pass a certain threshold of being
an abomination, is it possible to quantify these things?


Re: instrumentally speaking (was Re: Tweedy quote/ (REAL LONG))

1999-03-09 Thread Kelly Kessler

Sez Carl:
 One problem I see with your logic, Jon, is that much of the rock side of's influences (especially the punk artists), for whatever
 reason, don't include many instrumentals.  Bands influenced by the
 Clash, the Sex Pistols, and the Velvet Ungerground tend to sing (or
 shout), because vocals are essential to their music.

Sez Jon:
That's my point.  Even hedged with all kinds of qualifications, I think
fair to say that in general, where vocals are essential, there's an
orientation toward communicating emotions, ideas, etc., and technique and,
well, skill - at least instrumental - are more than occasionally seen as,
best, irrelevant to that.

See, now, and I thought the whole *point* of punk was to *not* be able to
play well.  I am not being facetious here.  I thought the general punk
stance was "F**k this elitist, bourgeois, closed music system.  We're gonna
play even though we don't know how, and maybe that'll turn the world of
music on its ear, and even if it doesn't we'll have a good time with our
mates making a whole lot of noise.  Being all tied up in technique and
knowing how to play is for wankers.  Tear up everything."  Why have
instrumentals if it's important not to be one of those wankers who know how
to play?

Kelly, ready to have her simplistic understanding of punk adjusted
NPIMH "All I Am Is Loving You" by The Teardrop Explodes

Re: Coltrane book?

1999-03-06 Thread Kelly Kessler

Hey, Neal, I'm probably past your gift-buying deadline, and I'm not even
exactly on-topic, but the jazz gem I've been enjoying lately is "Reading
Jazz: A Gathering of Autobiography, Reportage, and Criticism from 1919 to
Now" ed. by Robert Gottlieb. It's a chunky monkey, weighing in at 1000+
pages, but the contemporaneous writing and autobiographical material brings
the stuff to life by stripping away the intervening years of revisionist
hooha.  This puppy offers years of reading pleasure.


Roger Miller/hamster dance

1999-03-06 Thread Kelly Kessler

This site - -is probably too 
fluffy (or furry) for the fluff site. I laugh just thinking about it. 
Twang content: I swear to God that's Roger Miller sped up or digitized or 
midi-ized or something. Can anybody set me straight?
Kelly K

Re: Swoop In Europe/New Bassist

1999-03-04 Thread Kelly Kessler

Congrats John need a background singer who plays shitty accordion?

Congrats, indeed, and have one of those fine fresh Teutonic brews for me.
Go, Swoop!


Re: Dan Mesh Mike Ireland

1999-02-28 Thread Kelly Kessler

isn't just strumming behind Mike here, he's a complete partner: Mike
Ireland AND Dan Mesh. Great stuff, I thought... --david cantwell

I'm really looking forward to this - thanks, David!

Kelly K

Re: Matt Cook needs a job in Austin

1999-02-28 Thread Kelly Kessler

I would rather not work with food.

--Matt Cook

We'd rather you didn't work with food, too, Matt.

Learning To Love Country (WAS:The Eradication Game)

1999-02-27 Thread Kelly Kessler

Lord help me, I'm about to agree with Jon Weisberger *and * stick up for
Billy Ray Cyrus - ain't life goofy?

There are a lot of themes in country, and some seem to export more readily
to rock and other genres: yer drinking songs, yer cheating songs, yer
trucking songs...But there's a solid tradition in country for the song
that's so over the top melodramatic it's maudlin and  -that's the point-.
For me the thing to do with those songs is just go there.  If you believe
the singer at all, give them the benefit of the doubt and go there with
them and see what happens.

Sometimes this is easy: George Jones w/ "He Stopped Loving Her Today".
Merle with "Always Wanting You".

Sometimes you're a little surprised: Lorrie Morgan w/ "A Picture of Me
(Without You).  Reba McEntire w/ "The Last One To Know".

Sometimes you just can't believe you're listening to it and it's working,
and here I'd include Billy Ray Cyrus.  I'm thinking of "Some Gave All" but
I'm sure there are others he's done that hit home.

My point here is that those big sappy weepers are a key part of country, a
*great* part of country, and there are singers who can surprise you with
what they bring to a weeper.

Of course, there's the "My Eyes Remained Perfectly Dry As I Reached For The
Volume Knob" category of singers (for me, Garth Brooks, Lee Greenwood, Kenny
Rogers, the Wilkinsons,  dozens more ...)

Side note: Dale Watson valiantly sings his weepers here in Chicago even as
the audience interest audibly and visibly dips.  More power to him - "Ball 
Chain" tears me up.

Kelly K

Dan Mesh Mike Ireland

1999-02-27 Thread Kelly Kessler

Who's Dan Mesh? Anybody up on 

He and Mike Ireland are playing the HonkyTonk 
Living Room 4/15 w/ Deanna Varagona.

Kelly K

New Game: Hermetically Sealed

1999-02-26 Thread Kelly Kessler

For those of us on this list who lack the basic 
bloodlust to annihilate, I propose the Hermetically Sealed game, 
wherein the offending band is not obliterated off the face of the earth but 
instead rendered incapable of influencing any other artist (this has been 
hinted at with discussions of Zeppelin  the Dead). Coming from the 
country side (and ducking behind my bulletproof monitor) I submit my first band 
for hermetic sealing: the Rolling Stones. To quote Mr. 
Simkins, please, please, PLEASE.

Kevlar Kessler

Re: Patti Bell and the Bell Rangers

1999-02-19 Thread Kelly Kessler

That's Katie Bell and the Bell Rangers.  They're Chicago-based, and hard
country by Chicago standards.  They share a lot of personnel with Cole Rain,
another good local outfit.  I like 'em.  Linda Ray likes 'em.  Anybody else
want to chime in here?
-Original Message-
To: passenger side [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, February 19, 1999 11:30 AM
Subject: Patti Bell and the Bell Rangers

Anyone know anything about Patti Bell and the Bell Rangers. Someone called
radio show and said I should check them out, and they also were curious as
any records, etc.

I was told that there is a song or two on a NIagra Niagra Soundtrack, but I
have not found that.

Re: Time line?

1999-02-18 Thread Kelly Kessler

John Magee wonders:
Who was the first artist?

Bill Monroe?
Bob Wills?
Johnny Cash?


My vote goes to that kamikaze of the acoustic guitar, Riley Puckett.

Re: Chicago content -- Hideout this weekend

1999-02-18 Thread Kelly Kessler

I wanted to make sure the Chicago contingent
noticed there will be an all-too-rare appearance of our town's old-time
string band homiez, the Volo Bogtrotters, at the Hideout this Saturday.
my uninformed yet vehement opinion, there is no better old-time band in
the land.

I am with Tom here about a million per cent.  I moved up here from Kentucky
with the snooty conviction that there ain't no way a bunch of Yankees could
play old time music worth a damn, and then those Volo boys cured me of that
notion and converted me to their Bogtrotting ways.  They are always a good
time.  'Course we regret the fact that Mr. Jim Nelson left the fold and
moved to St. Louis, but we're sure he's doing good things down there.

Also on the horizon at the Hideout: tonight, LeRoy Bach, Gina Forsyth, Cow
Lily; tomorrow Anna Fermin  Trigger Gospel, Lloyd Maines, Terri Hendrix;
March 12 the V-Roys; May 9 Blue Mountain.


Re: Playlist: Tennessee Saturday Night 2/6/9

1999-02-09 Thread Kelly Kessler

 Stay a Little Longer -- Pine Valley Cosmonauts with Neko Case and Bob
  Boyd -- Salutes the Majesty of Bob Wills -- Bloodshot

  I've been meaning to ask, who is this Bob Boyd fella?

He's the last active member of Chicago's local legend country band the
Sundowners. Dave Hoekstra (Doug Hoekstra's brother) did a loving profile of
the band in the last Journal of Country Music.

Re: Darby Tarlton *(was Re: James Hand / Jimmie Tarlton

1999-02-09 Thread Kelly Kessler

Darby's got a nephew, Ricky Whitley, who's a multi-instrumentalist and a
great songwriter. His "If I Were You, I'd Leave Me" ought to be in the
annals of country classics.  He's from Alabama, and puts in time up in
Nashville, down at the Florabama and I believe over in Muscle Shoals.  Catch
him if he comes to your town.

Kelly K.

feb 18 HTLR

1999-02-08 Thread Kelly Kessler

3 LeRoy Bachs been a 
busy man in the last few years, touring and recording with Wilco and 
Liz Phair. Hes also been seen around town handling the 
bass chores for old time stalwarts the Paulina 
Hollers, as well as the sprawling funk 
conglomerate Uptighty. Hell be bringing his honkytonkier tendencies 
to the Hideout Feb. 18. 
3 New Orleans favorite 
Gina Forsyth is a double threat. Shes a first-class 
Cajun fiddler whos accompanied many of the greats in her home state, and 
shes an award-winning singer/songwriter. Shes also nationally 
known for her fiddle work with the Burns 
Sisters. Shes represented 
on local label Waterbugs 
compilation American Impressionist Songwriters.
3 Cow Lily is a new contender 
on Chicagos alternative country scene. Led by Stephanie Turner, 
Cow Lily features her sweet, melodic lead vocals as well as strong contributions 
from Worth Wagers of the Moviegoers.

Re: feb 18 HTLR

1999-02-08 Thread Kelly Kessler

Many apologies for this mispost - it flew 
seemingly of its own will out of my Drafts folder and onto the 
Internet, and while I stood screaming at my computer and jabbed furiously at 
the keys, nothing would bring it back. 

I try never to send goobers and graphic 
doodads in my posts; particular apologies for those.


Re: songs of love and hate (was Re: Hank question)

1999-02-03 Thread Kelly Kessler

Personal breakup fave: "Will Your Lawyer Talk To God For You?" - Kitty Wells

Re: Feb 5 6 Opry Performances

1999-02-03 Thread Kelly Kessler

Hey, Jon, isn't Jim  Jesse's annual Gallatin thang this weekend too?

Query (obscure): New World Records

1999-01-31 Thread Kelly Kessler

Something I've been meaning to ask 

I own 2 records from the Anthology of 
American Music on New World Records that are just incredible. 
Country Music South and West was produced by Bill Ivey and features 
songs from the '20's-'40s by Rodgers, the Carters, McMichen, Harry Choates, Ted 
Daffan, etc. Going Down the Valley has Shortbuckle Roark, the 
Callahan Bros., Puckett, Macon  a bunch more.

My query: I remember that I heard several 
other records in this anthology of diferent genres. I also believe I 
learned that the entire anthology was available only to libraries and other 
institutions. Does anyone know the whereabouts of any of these records 
for purchase or dubbing? Any other info on the anthology? (I 
kinda think it was a bicentennial thing, as it came out in the late 

Much obliged,

Johnnie Johnson

1999-01-30 Thread Kelly Kessler

Thanks to all for the pointers. Johnson's on my list 


Re: She don't impress me much

1999-01-29 Thread Kelly Kessler

Sez Hanspeter Eggenberger:  But her music is the same fake country as the
music of Fart Brooks and Silly Ray Virus.

Hey, Hans, man, don't sugarcoat it.  Tell us what you really think.


Re: Buddy Guy (was Re: soul)

1999-01-29 Thread Kelly Kessler

Sez Carl Z:
Speaking of which, the local PBS station aired a tribute to Muddy Waters
this week which featured a number of luminaries guesting with a house
band featuring G. E. Smith (ugh), Johnnie Johnson  Charlie Musselwhite.
 The highlight was a very long appareance by Buddy Guy...

I saw some of that and what knocked me out flat was Johnnie Johnson's spare
and oh-so-tasty foil to Phoebe Snow.  Phoebe left me pretty cold.  Who can
tell me more about Johnnie Johnson?

Re: Columbia House has an Americana section in their new cd mag.

1999-01-25 Thread Kelly Kessler

Linda Ray writes:

my favorite of those I've seen recently is Sturm  Twang.  Did you make
up Ms. Kessler?

No, ma'am, I just stole it from David "Modern Twang" Goodman.  Like I say,
he's a great resource.


Re: 2 queries

1999-01-25 Thread Kelly Kessler

Sez bill f-w:

but linda, "wild and blue" was a HUGE hit for john anderson, and saying so
ain't snooty. and as much as i love the meke's version, it's not
either. rather, it's analagous to pointing out that nirvana, not tori amos,
first gave us "smells like teen spirit." bill f-w

Working on the timeline, here, I remember hearing Cathy Irwin singing "Wild
and Blue" in her pre- and early Freakwater days.  Maybe she and Janet BB
introduced the tune to the Mekons?

And John Anderson's got funky country soul eking out his pores.  He's a
good'n.  I thought I heard from a reputable source that he's got some kind
of distant family relations to Merle *and* Lefty.  Mighta been hyperbole,
but when he sings, I listen.

Except for (shudder) "Swingin'".  I can't go there.


NEA (WAS: Forward)

1999-01-19 Thread Kelly Kessler

NEA Extravaganza

O.K., y'all. I give up. What *is* the NEA, and does Jesse Helms know about


Paycheck update?

1999-01-18 Thread Kelly Kessler

Any news on Johnny Paycheck's wellbeing? 
Also, does anyone happen to know an address that get well wishes might be sent 


Re: Musical product vs. music (was: the Garthman, and now is long)

1999-01-14 Thread Kelly Kessler

yeah, but Garth is so icky...


With this, Elena has said it all, and no more needs to be said on the


Re: International Country Music Conference

1999-01-13 Thread Kelly Kessler

Jim, are you going to this?  If so, will you fill in the list about it?