subject line? what subject line?

1999-04-24 Thread Nina Melechen

When I sent the following message yesterday, it had a nifty little subject line of 
(All-purpose-quotation Of The Decade)", which appears to have been stripped, at least 
on the 
digest.  Just so everybody knows what I was really nominating Steve Earle for.

Nina Melechen
In today's digest:

Well, I'll stand in front of Rob Miller's fantastic 
jukebox there in his
living room, in my best pair of overalls, with a 
haybale, and a feather
boa drinking  RC Cola, munching on a moon pie, and tell 
him Jr's right,

and a whole bunch of references in the last couple of 
digests, and even more in the past

So: I nominate Steve Earle for his AOTD

Nina Melechen

No Subject

1999-04-09 Thread Shane Rhyne


We think we've stopped whatever it was that was blowing up my mailbox.
(At least, it hasn't crashed since Tuesday, so that's a good sign.)

We haven't yet figured out what the source of the offending e-mail has
been, but we've ruled out P2 and the Fluff Channel as suspects at this

To be safe though, I'm resubbing to P2 with one of those yahoo accounts.

Please note my new P2 address-- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've got to get back to work right now, but I'll jump back into the P2
pool when I get a free moment or two.

Take care,

Shane Rhyne
Knoxville, TN

Tennessee Saturday Night -- Saturdays, 6 to 9 PM
The Fringe -- Saturdays, 9 to Midnight
Get your free address at

No Subject

1999-04-09 Thread techpius

please tell me how to UNSUBSCIBE

You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
Get completely free e-mail from Juno at
or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]

No Subject

1999-04-09 Thread Jezzy Larue

Boy Howdy! If I’d a known I would cause this kind of commotion with my
little ol’ post I might have actually thought about what I was writing
before I wrote it! I must apologize if I was too harsh with my words-I
think you all are a great bunch of people! I guess I get a little giddy
when I have enough money to actually buy music and it was in my state
of giddy that I wrote. 

If you don’t mind I would like to defend myself a bit because I
apparently offended a few among us and did so very unintentionally. To
Mr. Yates: Maybe the two of us do not share the same definition of
dissing, but I would have to disagree with your statement . I have
heard a lot of dissing of Wilco.   

To Jon, who said:
How do you get from this: 
   A sprinkle of Pink Floyd , just enough to mellow out the strong 
   flavor of Beatles, and finish it off with big dollop of eighties
  to this: 
   there are new and uncharted territories yet to be discovered and 
   Jeff Tweedy and Wilco are just the guys to prove it. 
  in the space of a single paragraph?

I am afraid I did not communicate well here. Being that "there is
nothing new under the sun," we can both probably agree that all
musicians derive certain aspects of their sound from their musical
influences. Those attributes that are adopted from the aforementioned
influences combine with one another in the influenced, and, if this
happens to take place in an individual who knows what to do with it, a
new and exciting sound is born-musical genetics if you will?  The
uncharted territory that I was speaking of was the way in which Wilco
produces a new (in my opinion) sound from those influences.

remember i am a Wilco sympathizer and applaud the new production. 
(although Summerteeth IS starting to bore me). But it is funny to talk
 this being ground breaking when the High Llamas and a few other bands
 already been copying Brian Wilson for years and when the concept
itself is 
 very retro.

Sorry, I am not quite of your stature when it comes to musical
knowledge, I have never heard of the High Llamas ( although I will
check them out if ever I encounter them) so I can not agree or disagree
on your point. I will ,however, say this: Jeff Tweedy has called this
album a pop album, and for a pop album, I think it kicks ass.
Definitely not Nick Lowe! But up against the trash that has come to be
known as pop music; Matchbox Twenty or N’Sync, Wilco is doing fine!
What I wouldn’t give to be able to hear that kind of pop when I turned
on my car stereo! 

I might be a  minority here but I think it would be a good day for
music if Wilco got  a push from their label and went to that next
level, I think American pop music needs it .  

Thank you for  inciting me to think more about my subject. No offense
intended. Peace on Earth. Good will toward men.


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No Subject

1999-03-12 Thread Doug Niman

unsubscribe POSTCARD2

Re: Changing Subject Lines

1999-03-03 Thread Jennifer Sperandeo
Title: Re: Changing Subject Lines

I guess this isn't so much about who's a good band as who I like these days, but here goes: the Pinetops from Winston Salem - I think that Jeffery Dean Foster (who is NOT JD Foster. he's a youngin') is a vivid, intuitive songwriter and the band that he assembled for his record Above Ground and Vertical is the tops - they're doing what might be called Uncle Tupelo but really they reind me of about 5 of my favorite bands all at once ...I think Beaver Nelson is the male Lucinda Williams - don't fuck up and miss him if you're gonna be in Austin...I love the Yay-hoos and think using Chip Robinson as the frontman is brilliant even if they're calling it the Backsliders...I like the emo-roots of Lou Ford...The new Hazeldine record (as yet without a home due to Unigram hell) is brilliant! Its the ulitmate Chick's Roadtrip Record...Pete Krebs from PORTLAND is the real deal (another great band performing great songs) Sweet Ona Rose coming from Cavity Search Records soon...Little Sue from PORTLAND has the vocal talents of Iris Dement, the spirit of Loretta Lynn and the relevance of Edith Frost or Freakwater...Fernando from PORTLAND is gonna shock you all with his new album (nothing you'd expect if you've heard his other stuff) rootsy psychedelic roots rock - you heard me right...isolated scenes come up with the most interesting stuff - big city clusterfucks don't seem to matter as much to their participants...or something...xoxo
To: passenger side [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Changing Subject Lines
Date: Mon, Mar 1, 1999, 6:23 PM

On Mon, 1 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please divulge, Ms. Jdiva, the names of the really good stuff that's
 tickling your ear. I'm always one for your passionate opinion and I must
 confess to being a cynic at this point, not just regarding Tupelo
 knockoffs but the the whole alt-country (whatever that means) scene as
 well. Sad to say, but I have so little patience for CDs by guys with
 acoustic guitars or bands of post-college boys with a few twangy
 instruments and band names plucked from the twang cliche machine,
 countless of which are piled up in my office at this moment in time.
 Earnestness is one thing, finding something fresh to say is another.
 It's gotta be really something special at this point to make me want
 to write about it and/or listen to it a million times. The Damnations
 and Pete Krebs are the two that currently tend to fall into that

I'm kinda with our LA rock critic on this one. Most alt-country albums
are undistinguished, cliche-ridden mediocrities (the new albums from the
Damnations and Krebs being two very big exceptions). I suppose you could
say the same about any other genre you care to name, but the volume of
twang-rock poo seems to be increasing to a dangerously high level.
Anyway, I'm also interested in hearing what's got the Austin twang-rock
queen so hot at the moment.--don

re: Changing Subject Lines

1999-03-03 Thread Jennifer Sperandeo
Title: re: Changing Subject Lines

This should read:

...Fernando from PORTLAND is gonna shock you all with his new album (nothing you'd expect if you've heard his other stuff) rootsy psychedelic rock en espanol - you heard me right...

Changing Subject Lines

1999-03-01 Thread Jerry Curry

On Mon, 1 Mar 1999, Tar Hut Records wrote:

 I guess they can't all be Tupelo, eh?

You know Jeffyou've hit the nail on the head 
(in a perverse way) for me.  Seems like
many alt-acts want to be like Tupe!  Trouble for me is, 
I didn't really like UT all that much to begin with.


Jerry who is digging a larger and larger hole for
homself with each  every post.

Re: Changing Subject Lines

1999-03-01 Thread Ndubb

 I wouldn't dream of casting a politically incporrect pallor
 over any baby bands by identifying them by name, but trust me...there's some
 really good punk-tinged-country-rock going on out there. 

Please divulge, Ms. Jdiva, the names of the really good stuff that's tickling
your ear. I'm always one for your passionate opinion and I must confess to
being a cynic at this point, not just regarding Tupelo knockoffs but the the
whole alt-country (whatever that means) scene as well. Sad to say, but I have
so little patience for CDs by guys with acoustic guitars or bands of post-
college boys with a few twangy instruments and band names plucked from the
twang cliche machine, countless of which are piled up in my office at this
moment in time. Earnestness is one thing, finding something fresh to say is
another. It's gotta be really something special at this point to make me want
to write about it and/or listen to it a million times. The Damnations and Pete
Krebs are the two that currently tend to fall into that category. 

What was my point here?

Neal Weiss
np - Sleater-Kinney 

Re: Changing Subject Lines

1999-03-01 Thread Don Yates

On Mon, 1 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please divulge, Ms. Jdiva, the names of the really good stuff that's
 tickling your ear. I'm always one for your passionate opinion and I must
 confess to being a cynic at this point, not just regarding Tupelo
 knockoffs but the the whole alt-country (whatever that means) scene as
 well. Sad to say, but I have so little patience for CDs by guys with
 acoustic guitars or bands of post-college boys with a few twangy
 instruments and band names plucked from the twang cliche machine,
 countless of which are piled up in my office at this moment in time.
 Earnestness is one thing, finding something fresh to say is another.
 It's gotta be really something special at this point to make me want
 to write about it and/or listen to it a million times. The Damnations
 and Pete Krebs are the two that currently tend to fall into that

I'm kinda with our LA rock critic on this one.  Most alt-country albums
are undistinguished, cliche-ridden mediocrities (the new albums from the
Damnations and Krebs being two very big exceptions).  I suppose you could
say the same about any other genre you care to name, but the volume of
twang-rock poo seems to be increasing to a dangerously high level.
Anyway, I'm also interested in hearing what's got the Austin twang-rock
queen so hot at the moment.--don

Re: Changing Subject Lines

1999-03-01 Thread lance davis

Earnestness is one thing, finding something fresh to say is
another. It's gotta be really something special at this point to make me
to write about it and/or listen to it a million times.

np (again)--Steve, Del, and Iris. 20 down. 999, 980 to go . . .

Re: Changing Subject Lines

1999-03-01 Thread John Flippo

 Most alt-country albums are undistinguished, cliche-ridden mediocrities
(the new albums from the Damnations and Krebs being two very big

I bought the new Hadacol cd a few weeks ago and haven't been able to stop
playing it. Definitely my favorite of the year so far. Wondering if anyone
has seen them live yet?

John Flippo

Re: Changing Subject Lines

1999-03-01 Thread Terry A. Smith

 whole alt-country (whatever that means) scene as well. Sad to say, but I have
 so little patience for CDs by guys with acoustic guitars or bands of post-
 college boys with a few twangy instruments and band names plucked from the
 twang cliche machine, countless of which are piled up in my office at this
 moment in time. Earnestness is one thing, finding something fresh to say is
 another. It's gotta be really something special at this point to make me want
 to write about it and/or listen to it a million times. The Damnations and Pete
 Krebs are the two that currently tend to fall into that category. 
 Neal Weiss
Geez, Neal, if folks like you don't listen to those piles of twang
hopefuls, and then sift out all the crap, then we're gonna have to do all
the dirty work. C'mon, we depend on you guys to sacrifice your ears to the
common weal, to save all the rest of us schmucks from wasting untold
fortunes on Twang Devil, and Barbed Heart, and Cowboy Ear, and Dudley
Doright and the Mounties, and, aw, you know what I mean. So, buck up, son
and get back to work. There's another dozen pieces of twang shit to listen
to, in order to find that one diamond. -- Terry Smith (now, who the hell
is Pete Krebs?)

Re: Changing Subject Lines/Hadacol

1999-03-01 Thread rooney

John said:

I bought the new Hadacol cd a few weeks ago and haven't been able to stop
playing it. Definitely my favorite of the year so far. Wondering if anyone
has seen them live yet?

Yes.  Marie and I saw them here in Nashville weekend before last.  We loved
them.  Really nice guys, too.  Small crowd though, which sucked since they
drove all the way down here just for this show.  I would definately
recommend them live.


No Subject

1999-01-25 Thread Seth Jameson

unsuscribe postcard2

Seth Jameson
Program Administrator
MIT International Science  Technology Initiative
MISTI-China Program
E38-600, 292 Main St.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Tel: (617) 258-7331
Fax: (617) 258-8048

No Subject

1999-01-21 Thread ILANDHEART

Dear Joyce:

Elena Skye forwarded you info to me.  What genre is Mike Ireland in and then
perhaps I can direct you to some gigs in England.

Dianna Griffin
Island Heart Artist Mgt. 
New York, NY USA
Tel: 212-714-3815

No Subject

1999-01-15 Thread Budrocket

Read Dreaming Out Loud for a blow by blow account of his 
obsession for control, to the point where he was making so much moeny and 
had everyone at the label in a strangle hold, there was very little left 
(moeny or time) for the other artists on the label.
Gotta great story about that, heard from someone I know that 
was signed to Capital at the time, but isn't anymore. Names have been 
changed to protect their parents...

Mr. X told me that the guy Garth maneuvered into 
Jimmy Bowen's place knew absolutely ZERO about music. There was a 
marketing meeting at Capital that the New Guy sat in on. They were 
discussing a project where they took old Patsy Cline recordings  paired up 
current country singers to duet with her, like Hank Jr's Tear 
In My Beer. They were having some trouble with one of the artists 
being able to clear his or her schedule in time to make the recording date, 
 the New Guy reportedly said, well why doesn't someone call Patsy 
 ask her to intervene?.

Blind Leading The Stooopid Rockets

* * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * 
Buddy Woodward - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
THE GHOST ROCKETS - Maximum Rhythm  
* * * * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * * 
* * 

(no subject)

1999-01-15 Thread LindaRay64

I didn't realize it was Thursday yesterday so I didn't get a  Reader so this
will be missing some outlying dates but if there's anything you need to know
for the weekend I'll post it tonight.  It's been a weird couple of weeks.
Worst blizzard in 30 years is, um, disorienting and extremely time consuming,
especially any effort to leave the house and go somewhere.  Garbage hasn't
been collected in almost three weeks, but the snow makes everything sparkly in
the streetlights and you can kind of tell where people get the idea of putting
droopy marshmallow frosting on gingerbread houses.  The snow melts a little,
then slides a little then freezes in that place and more snow comes.  Well. .
.I digress.

So I started a new job the Monday after the blizzard--same as the old job but
a new project which I just love everything about--people, the building, the
office, the work, but especially the people.  Haven't liked a job so much in
ten years.  Then I had this amazing party that lasted 8.5 hours and I wouldn't
have wanted it to end a minute sooner.  Thought I should say that since Mel
posted something I wrote kind of out of context which made it sound a little
like I couldn't wait for the Postcarders and P2ers to go home which was not
the case.  This crowd knows how to just keep on makin' the best time!  So it
took a day or so to recover from that (although I still can't figure out how
to get the furniture back where it was before!) plus all of which I've had an
awful cold this week.

That's how come I didn't know it was Thursday yesterday and didn't get a
Reader.  So, without further ado, here's the Chicago calendar--


Special days copped from Heather's Li'l Country Calendar, available for $12
from The Record Roundup, 2034 W. Montrose

*= new or revised since last time

1/15:  Don Caballero at Fireside Bowl
1/15:  Number One Cup at 15th Street in Denver
1/15:  Birthday of Martin Luther King and Captain Beefheart
1/15:  The Tarts (and three other bands) at Double Door
1/15-16:  Flaco Jimenez y Su Conjunto w/Alejandro Escovedo at FitzGeralds
1/16:  Casolando, Trigger Gospel at Double Door
1/16:  The Mary Janes at Martyrs
1/17:  Steve Earle's birthday
*1/19:  Peter Himmelman at Schubas
1/19:  Number One Cup at Bernies in Columbus OH
1/19:  RELS:  Re-ish:  Solomon Burke, Johnny Cash, Ray Charles, Lisa Germano,
John Hiatt, Curtis Mayfield, Tom Paxton, More New Orleans Party Classics
1/19:  Birthday of Dolly Parton (yay!) and Phil Everly
1/20:  Number One Cup at Euclid in Cleveland
*1/21:  Casolando, 6-8 p.m. at the Chicago Cultural Center, Opening Reception
for El Alma del Pueblo art exhibit
*1/21:  Heather's Li'l Country Calendar comes to life in the Honky Tonk Living
Room at the Hideout with Jon Langford,  Robbie Fulks, Kelly Hogan, Moonshine
Willy, the Texas Rubies, Chris Ligon, Say Zuzu, Anna Fermin, Freakwater, Brett
Sparks, Anastasia Davies, Lennie Dietsch, Herbie Joe Reith (no Scott Ligon).
Plus late set with songs by Gina Black, Steve Dawson  Diane Christiansen,
Nora  O'Connor. Plus opening set by Lone Star State.  Emcees: Neal Pollack
and Honky Tonk Man. 
1/21:  Old 97s at Lounge Ax, Devil in a Woodpile opens
1/21:  Chris Mills at Hopcats Brewery
1/21:  Lead Belly's birthday
1/22:  Old 97s at Lounge Ax, Kelly Hogan opens
*1/23:  Robin Zander's birthday (unaccountably omitted from Heather's Li'l
Country Calendar)
1/21:  Number One Cup at Ottobar in Baltimore
1/22:  Number One Cup at Khyber/Nick in Philadelphia
1/22:  Jon Langford, Andrew Bird and Diane Izzo at Metro
1/23: Warren Zevon and Amy Rigby at Park West
1/23:  Number One Cup at Mercury Lounge in NYC
1/24:  Number One Cup at Maxwell's in Hoboken
1/25:  Number One Cup at Century in Providence RI
1/25:  Etta James' birthday
1/26:  Number One Cup at Middle East in Boston
1/26: Here Be Monsters at Schubas
1/26:  RELS: Re-ish-John Fahey, Four Tops, Kenny 
1/28:  Chris Mills at Hopcats Brewery
1/29:  Robbie Fulks at FitzGeralds
1/28:  NDRadio:  Kelly Hogan on WNUR's Airplay program
1/28:  Jon Langford w/John Rice and Kelly Hogan, accoustic in the cafe of the
Chicago Cultural Center, Michigan Ave at Randolph, 6:30-8:30
1/29:  Pete Seeger at People's Church, 941 W. Lawrence
*1/30:  Sam Prekop, Town Country at the Empty Bottle
1/29:  Menthol at Metro
1/30:  Dolly Varden at Schubas
1/30: Number One Cup at Bug Jar in Rochester
1/30:  Lonnie Brooks at FitzGeralds
1/30:  Sloan at Metro
1/30: Sinead Lohan at Double Door
1/30:  Koko Taylor at House of Blues
1/31:  Johnny Rotten's birthday (also a full moon)
2/1:  Number One Cup at Black in D.C.
2/2:  RELS:  Built to Spill, Cesar Rosas; Re-ish--ABBA, Johnny Cash, Miles
Davis, Roy Orbison, Sugarhill Gang/Grandmaster Flash
2/2:  Number One Cup at Local 506 in Chapel Hill
2/3:  Number One Cup at New Brookland in Columbia SC
*2/4: The Riptones in the Honky Tonk Living Room at the Hideout
2/4:  Number One Cup at the 40 Watt in Athens
*2/5:  Flat Earth Records Showcaseat Schubas featuring:  John P.