Rolling Stone Network: Live - Asylum Street Spankers

1999-04-28 Thread JP Riedie

Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 00:40:52 -0500
From: Vickie Lucero [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: Propaganda Media
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Rolling Stone Network: Live-  The Asylum Street Spankers

 Music the way God intended it.
   Asylum Street Spankers

Mercury Lounge, New York, April 18, 1999

 It takes considerable balls for a band to face a packed New York City
club and play an entire show without a single mic or amp on stage. It
takes even bigger cajones to ask that crowd to sit down on the grubby,
cigarette-strewn floor for the length of two entire sets. But for the
Asylum Street Spankers, it was just business as usual.

The Spankers are a ten-member-strong collective of musicians from Austin,
Texas, that specializes in a hybrid mix of swing, jazz, country and
lounge. The band members, ranging in age from twenty to fifty-something,
include (among others): a portly old ukelele and guitar player in overalls
named Pops; an even older, skinny cat with a clarinet and cool beat poet's
rasp; a blond siren with a huge tattoo on her back and voice that moves
from Betty Boop to Bessie Smith in a heartbeat; a guy with a huckster
suit, shades, kazoo and Sammy Davis Jr. vocal chops named Mysterious John;
and a long-haired washboard-and-harmonica-playing loudmouth named Wammo.
Then there's their real gimmick: everything, including vocals, is
delivered completely sans amplification. "Music," proclaimed Mysterious
John, "the way God intended it."

That's assuming, of course, that God's got a stoner sense of humor bluer
than Cheech and Butthead in a barrel of skin mags. The Spankers do a lot
of things very well, but they excel at lowbrow bawdiness. Pops sang about
funny cigarettes and Whitehouse politics, wherein "you gotta go down to go
up." Wammo, who earlier had pointed out that his parents and family doctor
were in the house, invited audience participation during a sing-along
about his scrotum. Mysterious John hammed through a paean called "Fanny,"
which closed with the band leaping into the chorus of Spinal Tap's "Big
Bottom." And during the last song of the evening, "Shave 'Em Dry,"
Christina Marrs grabbed her crotch through her long black dress and
salaciously boasted, "I got fat from fucking!"

Juvenile? Hell yes, but the Spankers pull it off like vaudevillian pros
and back it up with serious musical talent. For every tribute to sex and
drugs, there was a straight-up tribute to giants like Benny Goodman, Al
Jolson, Django Reinhardt and Hank Williams. Several of the bandmembers
took turns on lead vocals, but the standouts were Marrs and clarinetist
Stanley "Cool Pops" Smith. Marrs stands out on one level as the lone
female in the bunch, but it's her extraordinary vocal range that stole the
show tonight. She would sing one song in twee sex-pot caricature, and belt
out the next in a full-bodied, sultry roar which made it perfectly clear
why the Spankers get along just fine without microphones. And when Smith
took the spotlight to blow a solo, sing-speak a verse or even just snap
his fingers to the beat of the stand-up bass and brushed snare drum, the
shenanigans ceased and the Spankers snapped into class. It was announced
that Smith would be leaving the group in the immediate future, and his
loss to the band will be a great one.

That's not to say Smith's departure will cripple the band. Not by a long
shot. As evidenced tonight, there's too much inventiveness in this group
to go around for it to hang together by any single talent. The opening
song, "It's a Sin to Tell a Lie," was all about Marrs' high, sweet voice
and ukulele, until Wammo cupped his hands over his nose and mouth and
began to scat like a warbled old 78 record being piped in straight from
either Mars or 1925 while the band kicked in behind him. Things would only
get weirder as the Spankers went on to play for two and a half more hours,
but after that opening flash of inspired, lunatic brilliance, the rest was
all gravy.

 (April 22, 1999)

RE: Asylum Street Spankers looking for musicians

1999-04-14 Thread Dave Purcell

I know I'm a little late in chiming in here, since I was out of the office here, but 
I couldn't help but add that this part:

 Would you please go find a life.  

... was pretty hysterical given that, for my money, Jon is the best 
bass player in this area, and regularly anchors the bottom end for 
three (occasionally four) top-notch bands.


Northern Ky Roots Music:

RE: Asylum Street Spankers looking for musicians

1999-04-13 Thread Jon Weisberger

 Interested musicians must be incredibly badass.  In fact, unless you have
 chops to burn, don't bother.

Gee, and here I thought that feeling would have to be the number one

Jon Weisberger  Kenton County, KY [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Asylum Street Spankers looking for musicians

1999-04-13 Thread JP Riedie

 Interested musicians must be incredibly badass.  In fact, unless you have
 chops to burn, don't bother.

Gee, and here I thought that feeling would have to be the number one

Would you please go find a life.  I have a band in crisis here and I
certainly don't need every middle-aged mediocrity's  two cents.  Unlike you
and your ilk, these are world-class players and all the "feeling" in the
world is not gonna allow a half-assed player to keep up with this band.

Though you might be more interesting if you spent your time doing something
other than taking swipes at every post that comes down the pike, you're not
nearly as clever as you think you are.

So, please tell me what purpose your post serves.  It certainly doesn't
help me or this great band.  What it does is illustrate your sullen
smugness and beg the question of why you don't have better things to do.

And if you or anyone out there takes issue with my tone, tough.  My post
set out some pretty stringent qualifications.  Unlike Weisberger I don't
have time to waste by qualifying everything I say for the consuption of
lameasses who can't handle a little direct communication.

I'm over here doing things rather than taking shots at people who do things.

Re: Asylum Street Spankers looking for musicians

1999-04-13 Thread cwilson

Someone's gonna have to say it, and better not-Jon than Jon:

JP, you completely misconstrued Weisberger's meaning here - it was an 
inside-joking reference to Jon's long, untiring **defence** of the importance of
chops in country (and other) music. In other words, he agrees with you 
completely. He was kidding, and he wasn't taking a shot at you but at various of
his P2 sparring partners (Roy Kasten, call home).

Fair enough you didn't get the context (request the P2 archive containing the 
Freakwater Chronicles for clarification), and by the sounds of it you're under 
stress right now. But it's boorish, to say the least, to refer to "you and your 
ilk" when clearly you don't know the first thing about what Jon's ilk might be.

I'm always amused when people declare themselves to be above basic social 
decency. The Superiority Fairy works in mysterious ways.

carl w.

 Interested musicians must be incredibly badass.  In fact, unless you have 
 chops to burn, don't bother.

Gee, and here I thought that feeling would have to be the number one 

 Would you please go find a life.  I have a band in crisis here and I 
 certainly don't need every middle-aged mediocrity's  two cents.  
 Unlike you and your ilk, these are world-class players and all the 
 "feeling" in the world is not gonna allow a half-assed player to keep 
 up with this band... (blah blah blah ad nauseum).

Re: Asylum Street Spankers looking for musicians

1999-04-13 Thread Don Yates

On Tue, 13 Apr 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 JP, you completely misconstrued Weisberger's meaning here 

He sure did, and managed to insert a pretty big foot in his mouth in the
process.  I love ya, ya hot-headed cajun, but jesus christ, you might 
wanna think twice before levelling a stream of personal insults at someone
over something that you obviously misunderstood.  And speaking to the
group in general now, please try to be civil when posting to P2 and
refrain from hurling insults at your fellow P2ers.  It usually only makes
*you* look bad, and not your intended target.--don

Re: Asylum Street Spankers looking for musicians

1999-04-13 Thread Christopher M Knaus

Hey there,

Carl to JP
JP, you completely misconstrued Weisberger's meaning here - it was an 
inside-joking reference to Jon's long, untiring **defence** of the 
importance of chops in country (and other) music.

Well, Weisberger's post looked like an insult to me too. 

Perhaps Jon W should be sure to add g's and in-jokes going on two years
old deserve a bit of explanation, ya think?

CK who's been around over two years
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Re: Asylum Street Spankers looking for musicians

1999-04-13 Thread JKellySC1

In a message dated 4/13/99 9:50:23 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Well, Weisberger's post looked like an insult to me too. 
 Perhaps Jon W should be sure to add g's and in-jokes going on two years
 old deserve a bit of explanation, ya think? 

Having been on the receiving (and delivering) end of a few barbs with the 
bluegrass nazi (no antisemitic offense, it's trendy), it gets old after a 
while. I can see JP's POV, and while he was legitimately offended at a 
questionable post he did see the error in his ways. But nevertheless, when 
more than one person is over it, maybe it's time to lighten up. JP made an 
honest request for some P2 help, and while I wanted to send him a private 
message of support, his apology post inspired me to make a more public 

I guess I will have to practice what I preach. 

np - Toni Price "Low Down And Up"

Asylum Street Spankers

1999-04-12 Thread Kelly Hogan

Hullo hullo folks --

Yes, those Spankers are mighty good, if you ask me.

I waitressed during their set at the Hideout last Friday and was blown away
by their collective musicianship and the fabulous pipes of Miss Christina.
She was also the most incredible saw player I've ever seen.  O.K., so I
haven't seen too many saw players, but she was articulate and oh so keen on
that blade.

She was cranky about it being her birthday and all, but about a thousand
people bought her bourbon and cokes -- and she loosened up just in time to
blow out the candles on the birthday cake that the Hideout provided.  

Go see 'em if you can -- the all-acoustic Luddite atmosphere is very
affecting -- goosepimply -- and they're dirtybirds too.  Still trying to
visualize nipples as big as thumbs.  Hm...

My two tiny cents, respectfully submitted --


PS, re: The Hideout -- 1354 W Wabansia  773-227-4433

All Chicagoans be aware, I am now bartending at "the house of love" every
Tuesday from 2PM-8PM.  Come play hooky with me and the Hanna Cylinder
Factory and Chicago City Garbage Truck Fleet regulars.  See you there.  KH

Re: Go see the Asylum Street Spankers-in Pittsburgh

1999-04-09 Thread Karl Mullen

Thurs April 15 -Fri April 16 at The Bloomfield Bridge Tavern, Liberty Ave

At 08:11 AM 4/9/99 -0400, you wrote:

On Fri, 9 Apr 1999, Bob Soron wrote:

 If I weren't seeing The World's Allegedly Best Living Songwriter Who
 Was So Bad I Couldn't Wait to Walk Out on Him (hi Deb#s) tomorrow

WHo is Bob/Deb referring to here??  This is too intriguing g . . . 


Re: Go see the Asylum Street Spankers

1999-04-09 Thread David Markovits

I strongly have to agree with Bob.

After seeing last nights show, I am just hooked.

Chicago Dave- without electricity as God meant him to be.

To: "passenger side" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Go see the Asylum Street Spankers
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 01:58:03 -0500

They are *really* good on this tour. They played Schuba's tonight, 
crowd generally respecting the fact that these people were playing
without amplification at all, and it was one of the best shows I've
seen in a long time. Christina Marrs must have one of the best voices
on this green Earth, and I was surprised that they started out with
"It's a Sin to Tell a Lie," but damned if she didn't hit all the 
If I weren't seeing The World's Allegedly Best Living Songwriter Who
Was So Bad I Couldn't Wait to Walk Out on Him (hi Deb#s) tomorrow
night, I'd be there at the Hideout for that show. (If any Chicagoans
go, it's Christina Marrs' birthday, so get her drunk.) JP posted the
tour schedule not long ago, and maybe he'll do it again. Too good to

PS to Chicagoans: If you see this in time and you can sink low enough
to tune in, they're on Mancow in the Morning at 8 AM.


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Re: Go see the Asylum Street Spankers

1999-04-09 Thread Bob Soron

At 8:11 AM -0400  on 4/9/99, James Gerard Roll wrote:

On Fri, 9 Apr 1999, Bob Soron wrote:

 If I weren't seeing The World's Allegedly Best Living Songwriter Who
 Was So Bad I Couldn't Wait to Walk Out on Him (hi Deb#s) tomorrow

WHo is Bob/Deb referring to here??  This is too intriguing g . . .

OK, just a small hint: His first name is Vic and a local paper
misspelled his last name as Chestnut. He opened for the Cowboy Junkies
a few years ago and in self-defense I lasted a lot longer than most of
the crowd. Until then, the Junkies had shown great taste in opening
acts, but Vic packed the theater's foyer and restrooms.


Re: Street Spankers

1999-04-01 Thread NancyApple

Street Spankers will be live on my radio show on Monday. Guess I'll have to 
ask them to be sure to not do any of their cussin songs here in the bible 