Re: Addresses

2003-05-14 Thread Anthony Sanna

You find it in PowerMail's preferences. Not the preferences in Address
Book. PowerMail takes care of it all for you -- you don't have to do
anything with Address Book.

Ahah!  Thanks.  

Right now I have an address book that I made forever-ago in FileMaker. 
I've got names and e-mail addresses (nothing else) in PowerMails's
Address Book (which is a little weak), and an app I've never used called
Address Book vCard Creator.  Sooo..

If I'm understanding the process, I should be able to export the
FileMaker data via Address Book vCard Creator, which is Apple's format
(or is it a universal format?), and then import the FM data into Apple
Address Book. and then export/import from PowerMail to Address Book again.

Does this sound correct?  Will there be a problem with duplicate names? 
Given that I have 733 records (many defunct) in my FM Address Book, and
will need to do a lot of sort, edit, and delete work, is Apple's Address
Book a good product, one that will be around for a while?  I've been
using FileMaker for about 15 years, at least.

Anthony R. Sanna
SACO Foods, Inc.
6120 University Avenue
Middleton, WI  53562


Re: Addresses

2003-05-14 Thread Max Gossell

At 2003-05-14, 14:16 CET, Anthony Sanna [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sure -- see Preferences/Address Book

That's the trouble -- it isn't under address book but under
synchronization. At least in mine.

OK so far  but where do you find synchronization?  My Address Book
prefs and menu don't have such a selection.

You find it in PowerMail's preferences. Not the preferences in Address
Book. PowerMail takes care of it all for you -- you don't have to do
anything with Address Book.

Max G

Re: Addresses

2003-05-14 Thread Wayne Brissette

Anthony Sanna [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 stated:

OK so far  but where do you find synchronization?  My Address Book
prefs and menu don't have such a selection.

Look in Preferences (in the PowerMail menu). There is a synchronization
icon, click that and you'll see the options.


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Re: Addresses

2003-05-14 Thread Anthony Sanna

Sure -- see Preferences/Address Book

That's the trouble -- it isn't under address book but under
synchronization. At least in mine.

OK so far  but where do you find synchronization?  My Address Book
prefs and menu don't have such a selection.

Anthony R. Sanna
SACO Foods, Inc.
6120 University Avenue
Middleton, WI  53562


Re: Fwd: Serious problem with PM 3.1.3 under OS X 10.2.5 redescribed

2003-05-14 Thread Zach Selland

On Wed, May 14, 2003, Michael Byström [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Now I can progress with my migration and belief in PM have been restored.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Certainly, glad to be of help! I'd still be wary of that Database error
7, but maybe the low-level rebuild fixed that after all. Be sure to keep
us updated if problems persist.


Zach Selland
Taylor Design Group
Portland, OR

Re: Fwd: Serious problem with PM 3.1.3 under OS X 10.2.5 redescribed

2003-05-14 Thread Michael Bystr

Zach Selland sa:

This may sound super-obvious and basic, but I know that other experienced
users have run into this as well, so I thought I'd mention it. Powermail
has a view unread only option that you can set folder by folder. You
may want to go through and check the folders where mail is disappearing
and make sure that view all is checked for that folder (under the view
Brilliant suggestion! What do you know. View all was not on! A newbie 
mistake, thank you god!
I'd say this still is a bug though , but an interface design one. Or is 
there some visual indication in the window itself that I'm overlooking? 
Is this different in PM4?

What I'd like is the window message saying 0 out of 2764 messages or 
25 out of 2764 messages. This is what my DBs say when listing content 
and many others, so I took it for granted.
Now is say only 0 messages, which I have to regard as misleading. 
Remember what I saud about users being a real source of interface 
feedback? Now I was the user and I didn't operate as the designers had 

Another thing, it sounds like your windows preferences might have become
corrupted. This might explain why the database reports that it is fine
but you are still having problems. Try checking the last 2 options in
Powermail first aid and see if it fixes anything.
I'm going to keep an eye on this as well. 

Now I can progress with my migration and belief in PM have been restored.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

(Sending a copy to support)

Re: Fwd: Serious problem with PM 3.1.3 under OS X 10.2.5 redescribed

2003-05-14 Thread Marlyse Comte

good description of the problem etc.!


For those of you still wanting to understand my current problem, this is 
a reworked description of what I just sent to CTM Support...[snip]...

Re: Major problems with PM 3.1.3, help!

2003-05-14 Thread Marlyse Comte

I do hope you can solve your problem. Having so many messages import just
fine but then suddenly disappear is truly something I haven't heard
before, so yes, not a commonly known issue (not saying it has not
happened to anyone else, just never heard of it before). You might want
to import the data and before doing anything with it in PM export it as
PM Exchange and then re-import (or open? not sure what the dialogs will
be) it. This might clean out any hidden errors scripted into the database
during import. You might want to try also with some not imported messages
if changing label then folder will trigger the same behavior, at least
you would know if it only affects imported databases or any email treated
in this specific sequence.

Good luck,

-original message follows-

Marlyse, thanks for your suggestions.

Marlyse Comte said:
you so sure it is not your harddrive etc. - well SOMETHING is different
then what the general user comes accross, as it is not a general problem
you are describing.

I suppose you meant that this is not a *known* problem? While I regard
you and other individuals on this list as Powermail gurus, I wouldn't ask
or expect from any of you to know the details about any conceivable
problem, unless you read the source code for both OS X and PM at bedtime.

I design databases. I can assure you that it is a humbling experience to
see that certain users can find holes in your design that you didn't even
know existed. From this I learnt that users finding these holes are not
nitwits, but great sources of wisdom that can improve my product. So
while it's most likely too late to fix v. 3.1.3, I'm pretty sure, if even
with intuition, that I've stumbled on a bug. If it have not been fixed,
inadvertently or with intent, chances are that it remains in the code of
v4. Is it not?

To get back to my specific problem, I must say that these facts should
*never* come together in a reasonably bug free database product:

€Powermail is seemingly finding my database healthy as verification goes
through without remarks.
€Importing mail, changing the label of these and moving these to a new
folder is causes Database error 7.
€A low level rebuild seemingly works out well and verification is again
€Messages disappear from one folder, first the 2200 imported messages,
then the newly collected and also every outgoing message moved there by
the filter function. A veritable black hole.
€A new low level rebuild doesn't bring back any messages at all.
€ Disc checks reports that the disc is healthy and no other apps are
experiencing problems.

It could be many different things, configuration,
export path, export options, older software version... if you can nail
that down you are a big step closer.
I think that this will be hard to nail down on my own, but I'll try some
other options for export/import. Maybe I need to wash the data through
another app prior to importing to PM. Or maybe not. I need to backup a
lot of folders anyway, so I'll see what I can do.
I do think that's even of there are errors in the imported content,
Powermail shoud be able to either fix or at least state a warning.
Normally, content shouldn't affect operation very much and if it can,
import procedure should filter out characters that can cause havoc.

everybody is trying to help you, but don't expect us to know the answer.
I'm not, but I was hoping that this problem could be taken seriously and
not as some kind of freak occurrence. I'm very thankful for the
experience you share of course.
Keep in mind, that I followed a path laid out by CTM. Of course I'm
surprised that some of my experienced problems would be totally unheard
Granted, I'm using PM 3.1.3 under a OS version that wasn't known when it
was developed, but someone from CTM (I lost the name with data) said it
could be used under OS X 10.2.5, which is why I tried. I'd like to
believe this person know what he/she was talking about.

Nevertheless I may try the v4.1 demo, but I'm not sure what a successful
import without a fully functioning app can tell me as collecting mail
post registering may be needed to trigger the bug that may reenter the
loss of mail messages. I'd constantly be worrying that I'm losing
I'd need a log function that keeps track of changes to folders. Are there
scripts for PM that can perform this or are there perhaps beta versions
with debug functionality left in that I can use? CTM?

Re: export?

2003-05-14 Thread Jonathan Greene

Worked like a champ!

Noticed that export does not carry the attachments over to the new format,
in this case Entourage...

On 5/14/03 9:59 AM, Mirko Kranenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You will have many more options to export to if you select a folder first,
 and then select the export command. No greater versatility than PowerMail
 in this respect!
 By doing an export to PowerMail Exchange (the only option) what can I
 import mail into?
 One can choose to go back toward safety or forward to
 growth.  Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must
 be overcome again and again.
--  Abraham Maslow

Re: Fwd: Serious problem with PM 3.1.3 under OS X 10.2.5 redescribed

2003-05-14 Thread Zach Selland

Hi Michael,
This may sound super-obvious and basic, but I know that other experienced
users have run into this as well, so I thought I'd mention it. Powermail
has a view unread only option that you can set folder by folder. You
may want to go through and check the folders where mail is disappearing
and make sure that view all is checked for that folder (under the view

Another thing, it sounds like your windows preferences might have become
corrupted. This might explain why the database reports that it is fine
but you are still having problems. Try checking the last 2 options in
Powermail first aid and see if it fixes anything.

Good luck!


Zach Selland
Taylor Design Group
Portland, OR

On Wed, May 14, 2003, Michael Byström [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I then close the app and reopen a day or so later. Then *only* the 30
messages collected previously by PM is there. I do a new rebuild. No
messages except those collected by PM. I do notice that the outgoing
messages that's supposed to be in there are gone.
I send some messages to PowerMail Talk and other places. A filter I have
made move all outgoing Powermail Talk to the Powermail Talk folder. Post
sending, the messages are gone. After an hour of use only 17 remain of
the 30 or so in there (the 2200 imported ones are missing of course).
After still some hours *no messages remain* in the PowerMail talk folder.
They are all gone!!! After this, this particular folder is behaving like
a black hole. Anything moved there seem to go up in smoke. This is not
the case with a handful of other folders, including the 10 000+ messages

Fwd: Serious problem with PM 3.1.3 under OS X 10.2.5 redescribed

2003-05-14 Thread Michael Bystr

For those of you still wanting to understand my current problem, this is
a reworked description of what I just sent to CTM Support:


I have a serious problem with Powermail 3.1.3 under Mac OS X 10.2.5, on
my Powerbook G3 with 128 MB RAM, and 4GB drive (900 MB free). Disc is OK
and I can't find any logical or physical errors in the file tree or other
errors with either fsck or Drive 10. The PM files and folders owner and
permissionsa re set to all access for my (administrative) user and read
only for all others.

To migrate I'm moving messages from my old client Emailer 2.0v3 into
Eudora mailbox format with the Shapiro script Export - Eudora, that is
mentioned in the PowerMail online help. It works well in Classic, which
is run under 9.2.2 US, swedish settings, and Applescript 1.8.3.  Scrutiny
in a text editor shows no irregularities in the resulting files, at least
not at a glance.

Also, importing these Eudora mailboxes goes very well, except in one case
which I'll get back to later, and all messages turn up in the resulting
folder (I do them one at a time).
In one folder I import 10300 messages in rounds because I want to set the
labels to the same label as in my older Email client. When I do this in
the imported folder: select all messages, change the label and then move
these to the existing folder, I get Database Error 7, a low level error
occurred. The display shows as if only one message have been moved away
from the import folder. But if I close and reopen the browser, I can see
that all messages have been moved to where I wanted them. Post this the
browser do not display properly, that is the visual feedback is not
happening, unless I close and reopen after every operation, so I realize
I may need a rebuild or something.

L O W   L E V E L   R E B U I L D
So I do a low level rebuild (the only way I know of to fix DB problems in
PM) and everything seem to work out, including the verification of the
DB. All the messages are where I wanted them the first time I rebuild, so
I believe that the errors have been overcome.

S E R I O U S   P R O B L E M
The serious problems starts with one of the folders, the Powermail Talk
folder, that I've already created as a sub folder. I get new fresh
imported Powermail folder on the first level I take the ca 2200 messages
there without changing the labels and move them to the already existing
folder and I'm then meshing the messages collected with PM with the
imported messages. So far so good. All the messages are there, where I
want them an no errors reported in the process.

M E S S A G E S   D I S A P P E A R
I then close the app and reopen a day or so later. Then *only* the 30
messages collected previously by PM is there. I do a new rebuild. No
messages except those collected by PM. I do notice that the outgoing
messages that's supposed to be in there are gone.
I send some messages to PowerMail Talk and other places. A filter I have
made move all outgoing Powermail Talk to the Powermail Talk folder. Post
sending, the messages are gone. After an hour of use only 17 remain of
the 30 or so in there (the 2200 imported ones are missing of course).
After still some hours *no messages remain* in the PowerMail talk folder.
They are all gone!!! After this, this particular folder is behaving like
a black hole. Anything moved there seem to go up in smoke. This is not
the case with a handful of other folders, including the 10 000+ messages

A new rebuild and verification makes no difference. I check my disc. No
errors whatsoever. No other apps display problems. I'm a bit stunned and
am now back at using Emailer again for my Email. That was not what I had
in mind.

I need to know this as soon as possible:

€ Can you please help me analyze this problem?
€ What can cause this strange behavior described?
€ If the method I'm using for migration is not the best, can you please
suggest a viable alternative** considering I have 95 000+ messages in 274
folders. I need to move about 30 000 of these at least as I need them
under my fingertips.
€ What can I do to prevent the problems described from reoccurring?
€ Are there any other way to repair a PM DB beside low level rebuilds?
€ Why can messages disappear when doing a rebuild? This never happens in
Emailer, when I rebuild. On the contrary, messages come back when

** When I tried 2 years ago to migrate by first importing into Outlook
4.5, messages showed up intact there with all extended ASCII characters
correct. I then successfully imported those messages from Outlook into
Powermail 3.0.9 under OS X 10.0.2. All the extended characters were
wrong. I mailed Sales ( I didn't know about Support then) about this
problem the 9th of May 2001. Beside a confirming message, they never got
back to me.
Is this still a problem with taking the route over Outlook? The problem
must be PM's, no? After all everything looked correct in Outlook. Or are

Re: Major problems with PM 3.1.3, help!

2003-05-14 Thread Michael Bystr

Marlyse, thanks for your suggestions.

Marlyse Comte said:
you so sure it is not your harddrive etc. - well SOMETHING is different
then what the general user comes accross, as it is not a general problem
you are describing.

I suppose you meant that this is not a *known* problem? While I regard
you and other individuals on this list as Powermail gurus, I wouldn't ask
or expect from any of you to know the details about any conceivable
problem, unless you read the source code for both OS X and PM at bedtime.

I design databases. I can assure you that it is a humbling experience to
see that certain users can find holes in your design that you didn't even
know existed. From this I learnt that users finding these holes are not
nitwits, but great sources of wisdom that can improve my product. So
while it's most likely too late to fix v. 3.1.3, I'm pretty sure, if even
with intuition, that I've stumbled on a bug. If it have not been fixed,
inadvertently or with intent, chances are that it remains in the code of
v4. Is it not?

To get back to my specific problem, I must say that these facts should
*never* come together in a reasonably bug free database product:

€Powermail is seemingly finding my database healthy as verification goes
through without remarks.
€Importing mail, changing the label of these and moving these to a new
folder is causes Database error 7.
€A low level rebuild seemingly works out well and verification is again
€Messages disappear from one folder, first the 2200 imported messages,
then the newly collected and also every outgoing message moved there by
the filter function. A veritable black hole.
€A new low level rebuild doesn't bring back any messages at all.
€ Disc checks reports that the disc is healthy and no other apps are
experiencing problems.

It could be many different things, configuration,
export path, export options, older software version... if you can nail
that down you are a big step closer.
I think that this will be hard to nail down on my own, but I'll try some
other options for export/import. Maybe I need to wash the data through
another app prior to importing to PM. Or maybe not. I need to backup a
lot of folders anyway, so I'll see what I can do.
I do think that's even of there are errors in the imported content,
Powermail shoud be able to either fix or at least state a warning.
Normally, content shouldn't affect operation very much and if it can,
import procedure should filter out characters that can cause havoc.

everybody is trying to help you, but don't expect us to know the answer.
I'm not, but I was hoping that this problem could be taken seriously and
not as some kind of freak occurrence. I'm very thankful for the
experience you share of course.
Keep in mind, that I followed a path laid out by CTM. Of course I'm
surprised that some of my experienced problems would be totally unheard
Granted, I'm using PM 3.1.3 under a OS version that wasn't known when it
was developed, but someone from CTM (I lost the name with data) said it
could be used under OS X 10.2.5, which is why I tried. I'd like to
believe this person know what he/she was talking about.

Nevertheless I may try the v4.1 demo, but I'm not sure what a successful
import without a fully functioning app can tell me as collecting mail
post registering may be needed to trigger the bug that may reenter the
loss of mail messages. I'd constantly be worrying that I'm losing
I'd need a log function that keeps track of changes to folders. Are there
scripts for PM that can perform this or are there perhaps beta versions
with debug functionality left in that I can use? CTM?

Re: Addresses

2003-05-14 Thread Max Gossell

At 2003-05-14, 8:30 CET, Barbara Needham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Max Gossell on 5/14/03 said

Sure -- see Preferences/Address Book

That's the trouble -- it isn't under address book but under
synchronization. At least in mine.
Barbara Needham

Oh yes of course - you are right. I was too fast for my own good when I
suggested Preferences/Address Book earlier. I use this feature and am
very happy indeed with it. It may take some trials with different
settings before you get it to behave exactly as you want. So you might
want to backup your Address Bood data before you start out, especially if
you play around with the delete  options.

NB: If you check Open contacts in Apple Address Book by default Address
Book will open i.e. when you choose Add to address book. Keep this in
mind when you use the synchronization settings. If Address Book is your
main place for storing addresses, you won't need to check that many sync
options this way. 

Max G 

Re: I just can't take this sending email problem any longer!

2003-05-14 Thread Barbara Needham

Greg Saylor on 5/14/03 said


There is something with Powermail which I just cannot take any longer...
I keep having messages pile up in my Out Tray and they don't send.. I
have to keep going into that debugging mode and disable the spooler (or
whatever it is) and then manually go back in and change the message
status to Waiting...

Clearly Powermail is BROKEN with regard to this...  I would like to know
when is this going to be fixed?... If the answer is never then I simply
must switch email programs because this is a daily aggravation for me...
An email that can't send email without jumping through hoops is rediculous..

Sorry if I sound angry, but I am tired of screwing around with this..

I don't think it is PowerMail itself which is giving you this problem.
Yes, some of us have occasional hangups, where we have to change the
message make to draft and re-send, but a problem of this magnitude
suggests that something is wrong with your setup; whether your PowerMail
got corrupted, whether you need to do PowerMail first aid, whether you
need to do some kind of disk first aid, whether your isp's smtp server is
acting up
There could be so many causes.

If you write to power mail support and mark URGENT I am sure they will
get back to you.

But it can't be just an uncorrupted copy of PowerMail itself or the rest
of us would be seeing this sort of problem as well.

Also I forget which PowerMail are you using and which Mac OS?

Barbara Needham

Re: Addresses

2003-05-14 Thread Barbara Needham

Max Gossell on 5/14/03 said

Sure -- see Preferences/Address Book

That's the trouble -- it isn't under address book but under
synchronization. At least in mine.
Barbara Needham

Re: Addresses

2003-05-14 Thread Freddels

On 5/14/03, at 10:52 AM, Anthony Sanna wrote:

Is PowerMail able to use Apple's Address Book?



Re(2): I just can't take this sending email problem any longer!

2003-05-14 Thread Freddels

On 5/14/03, at 9:47 AM, Joe Farias wrote:

I don't have this too often, but I have experienced it at times. It would
help if the OUT tray would be hightlighted (Bold) when there were waiting
pieces in the folder, like the other folders.

My Out Tray is Bold when there is email being sent (at least for the few
seconds that it sits there waiting to go).


667 TiBook G4
OS X 10.2.5
768 MB Ram
PM 4.1.2

Re: Addresses

2003-05-14 Thread Max Gossell

Sure -- see Preferences/Address Book

Max G

At 2003-05-14, 9:52 CET, Anthony Sanna [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is PowerMail able to use Apple's Address Book?

Anthony R. Sanna
SACO Foods, Inc.
6120 University Avenue
Middleton, WI  53562


Re: Addresses

2003-05-14 Thread Barbara Needham

Anthony Sanna on 5/14/03 said

Is PowerMail able to use Apple's Address Book?

I don't really use this feature, but in preferences, look under
Synchronization and you will find several different choices, one of which
is open contacts in Apple Address book. 

What I do use is the synchronize with Apple address book. 

Barbara Needham


2003-05-14 Thread Anthony Sanna

Is PowerMail able to use Apple's Address Book?

Anthony R. Sanna
SACO Foods, Inc.
6120 University Avenue
Middleton, WI  53562


Re(2): I just can't take this sending email problem any longer!

2003-05-14 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 5/14/03 9:47 AM Joe Farias wrote:

It would
help if the OUT tray would be hightlighted (Bold) when there were waiting
pieces in the folder, like the other folders. This was a helpful function
in emailer.

PowerMail has always done just that for me

Leonard Morgenstern

People like me like me.
--An example of why direct computer translation won't ever work.

Re: export?

2003-05-14 Thread Mirko Kranenburg

You will have many more options to export to if you select a folder first,
and then select the export command. No greater versatility than PowerMail
in this respect!

 By doing an export to PowerMail Exchange (the only option) what can I
 import mail into?

 One can choose to go back toward safety or forward to
 growth.  Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must
 be overcome again and again.
--  Abraham Maslow

Mirko Kranenburg


Re: I just can't take this sending email problem any longer!

2003-05-14 Thread Joe Farias

I don't have this too often, but I have experienced it at times. It would
help if the OUT tray would be hightlighted (Bold) when there were waiting
pieces in the folder, like the other folders. This was a helpful function
in emailer.

and then manually go back in and change the message
status to Waiting

Joe Farias

Re: I just can't take this sending email problem any longer!

2003-05-14 Thread Marlyse Comte

Have you mentioned this problem before and written to CTM? You say they
don't send but then you talk about the spooler. So they begin to send but
never leave?



There is something with Powermail which I just cannot take any longer...
I keep having messages pile up in my Out Tray and they don't send.. I
have to keep going into that debugging mode and disable the spooler (or
whatever it is) and then manually go back in and change the message
status to Waiting...

Clearly Powermail is BROKEN with regard to this...  I would like to know
when is this going to be fixed?... If the answer is never then I simply
must switch email programs because this is a daily aggravation for me...
An email that can't send email without jumping through hoops is rediculous..

Sorry if I sound angry, but I am tired of screwing around with this..

- Greg

Re: I just can't take this sending email problem any longer!

2003-05-14 Thread Romuald Brunet

Le mercredi 14 mai 2003, Greg Saylor s'exclama :


There is something with Powermail which I just cannot take any longer...
I keep having messages pile up in my Out Tray and they don't send.. I
have to keep going into that debugging mode and disable the spooler (or
whatever it is) and then manually go back in and change the message
status to Waiting...

I know it does not really help but it works fine here.

Try to look at setup-mail schedulings and locations

You should have a default scheduling, in the schedulings tab look at the
send mail to smtp server, if the immediately option is not checked then
you found your bug.

Romuald Brunet, ICQ 33033393,

Signature forthcom^W

Re: I just can't take this sending email problem any longer!

2003-05-14 Thread Mirko Kranenburg


I see that you use PM 4.1.1. Maybe the most recent version (4.1.2) solves
it for you? Don't know, just hoping!



 There is something with Powermail which I just cannot take any longer...
 I keep having messages pile up in my Out Tray and they don't send.. I
 have to keep going into that debugging mode and disable the spooler (or
 whatever it is) and then manually go back in and change the message
 status to Waiting...

 Clearly Powermail is BROKEN with regard to this...  I would like to know
 when is this going to be fixed?... If the answer is never then I simply
 must switch email programs because this is a daily aggravation for me...
 An email that can't send email without jumping through hoops is

 Sorry if I sound angry, but I am tired of screwing around with this..

 - Greg

Mirko Kranenburg


I just can't take this sending email problem any longer!

2003-05-14 Thread Greg Saylor


There is something with Powermail which I just cannot take any longer...
I keep having messages pile up in my Out Tray and they don't send.. I
have to keep going into that debugging mode and disable the spooler (or
whatever it is) and then manually go back in and change the message
status to Waiting...

Clearly Powermail is BROKEN with regard to this...  I would like to know
when is this going to be fixed?... If the answer is never then I simply
must switch email programs because this is a daily aggravation for me...
An email that can't send email without jumping through hoops is rediculous..

Sorry if I sound angry, but I am tired of screwing around with this..

- Greg

Groups losing addresses

2003-05-14 Thread Jaede Miloslavich

I imported 1299 addresses from Claris Emailer, including Groups.  The
groups did not import correctly - each group only had one name in each. 
So, I dragged and dropped the addresses directly into the groups from
Emailer.  All seemed fine for about a two weeks.  Now, those groups no
longer have the names inside the groups, but are outside the groups and
are now listed as individual addresses.  And, even more upsetting, the
new groups I have made since the import have done the same thing.

I am on a Powerbook with 10.2.5 with the latest version of PowerMail.

What is happening here?
