Changing account on waiting outgoing message sends it twice

2004-04-23 Thread Christian Roth


(reposting this bug for PowerMail 5 beta)

ok, so this is my pet-peeve bug, and I'll keep bringing it up again until
it is fixed, so... :-)

I am having the following problem with a single mail getting sent twice:

To reproduce:

1. Create a new email using account "A".
2. Schedule it for sending using the "Send" button.
3. Double click the waiting(!) message to open it again, then change the
account to be used for sending to "B" using the Account popup top right.
4. Confirm the dialog that pops up on that change of a waiting message
with "Save as draft". Account gets updated to "B".
5. Now, schedule it again for sending using the "Send" button.

What this effectively did was changing the outgoing account of a message
that was already scheduled for sending to a different one - a common

6. Choose "Connect to server" to collect waiting messages and send the
one scheduled for sending.

The message gets sent TWICE, once using account "A" (the original
account), and once using account "B", the one it has been changed to.

I reported this issue for the first time on April 30, 2003. It was
confirmed by Paul in May 2003 and Juergen Schindler, Barbara Needham and
Zach Selland in November 2003, the latter of whom discovered a workaround
by first setting the waiting message's status to "draft" prior to opening
it to change its account.

Jerôme, could you please have a look at this again, as it is a possibly
dangerous bug (a person receiving a business email from your private
account, e.g.)? Thank you!

Regards, Christian.

Re: PM5 and AOL

2004-04-23 Thread Richard Hart

You wrote:

>Thanks.  The setup worked.  Question, however...  Do you have to be
>logged on to AOL (via AOL) for the IMAP setup to work?

Nope. It works fine even if you're not connected to AOL. By the way, AOL
is beta testing a Web interace to check AOL mail from, say, a public
library or a travelers' terminal in the Singapore airpot.

Richard Hart

create task and/or meeting in iCal... AS

2004-04-23 Thread Marlyse Comte

The following script I use in Apples Address Book to create a todo/phone
in iCal with a selected person (I have a similar script to create a timed
meeting too). This is very handy, also because it creates a link to the
Address Book for the phone number and name and I use it with alarms. 

Now I often receive an email where I need to follow up in so-and-so many
days and I would like to do something similar right out of PM into iCal,
i.e. have an AS that allows me to select an addressee (in the received
email, in the From line or ReplyTo line) and create a ToDo in iCal to
remind me about emailing then-and-then plus including the email as
attendee so I can simply select it to email when it is time to do so.
(Hope this makes sense).

Can somebody tell me how I would need to adjust the following AS to be
able to use it as described in PM?

Thanks in advance for any tip and info.

using terms from application "Address Book"
on action property
return "phone"
end action property

on action title for p with e
set theName to (first name of p) & " " & (last name of p)
return "Schedule call to " & theName
end action title

on should enable action for p with e
return true
end should enable action

on perform action for p with e
set theName to (first name of p) & " " & (last name of p)
scheduleCall((id of p), theName)
end perform action

end using terms from

on scheduleCall(id, name)
tell application "iCal"
set callist to my get_cal_titles() (*get cal titles*)
set selectedcals to (choose from list callist) as Unicode text 
menu with cal titles*)
set thecal to first calendar whose title is selectedcals 
selected cal in iCal*)

set theItem to (make new todo at end of todos of thecal)
set summary of theItem to "Call " & name
set url of theItem to "addressbook://" & id

activate theItem
show theItem
end tell
end scheduleCall

on get_cal_titles() (*gets a list of strings of calendar titles*)
set list_of_cals to {}
tell application "iCal"
repeat with aCal in calendars
set list_of_cals to list_of_cals & (title of aCal as 
end repeat
end tell
return list_of_cals
end get_cal_titles

Re: PM5 and AOL

2004-04-23 Thread Anthony Sanna

>All your questions should be answered on this page:

Thanks.  The setup worked.  Question, however...  Do you have to be
logged on to AOL (via AOL) for the IMAP setup to work?  Until it died in
the last days of OS9, I used Claris E-Mailer, which simply fetched your
AOL-mail in the same way you'd access any other e-mail account.

Anthony R. Sanna
SACO Foods, Inc.
6120 University Avenue
Middleton, WI  53562


Re: text wrapping

2004-04-23 Thread Max Gossell

At Fri, 23 Apr 2004 09:45:15 -0400 (CET), C. A. Niemiec

>>1) why are most mail wrapped but some not?
>Short answer: somewhere in the process, it happens... :)

Thanks for enlightening me..!!  :-)

Max G

(And thanks for the rest of your comments as well, btw. I take it I
better forget puzzle my head any further in this matter...)

Re: text wrapping

2004-04-23 Thread C. A. Niemiec

>1) why are most mail wrapped but some not?

Short answer: somewhere in the process, it happens... :)

Long answer: keep reading...

>2) where is the wrapping made;
>a) sending mail client?
>b) sending mail server?
>c) receiving mail client?
>d) receiving mail server?

Could be all of the above, though IIRC I do not think PowerMail wraps
incoming. This list/list software wraps it. Some webmail programs wrap it
(I get some Yahoo e-mails that are set to 60 or such). 

Don't some mail clients automatically perform wrapping cleanup as can be
done manually or with BBEdit/TextSoap/etc.? Haven't tried that many
clients nor enough to know for sure.

And here's a chunk of such discussion from last November ;)  :

either specify, or turn off "Word Wrap" as default - for both incoming
AND outgoing mail.
>>>Not possible, there is no such concept in RFC 822 e-mail; see Wayne
>>>Brissette for details. :)
>>I'm not sure what you mean "not possible".  Every email client I've ever 
>>used before has an option for settings a specific number of text characters 
>>before the program wraps down to the next line for new outbound 
>>messages.  And most of them had a selection that allowed the user 
>>to turn this function off entirely.  
>>It is unbearably annoying to type specific lines of text with proper
>>just to see it come out the other end with the sentences all broken up into 
>>smaller sections for no good reason at all.  And were not talking about 
>>endless strings of text without a "return" anywhere to be found.  Most
>>I type are around 110 characters maximum.  
>>Not to mention it plays havoc with extra long links that the email client 
>>can't read as wrapped to the next line.  That really bites.  :-)  
>Since Ben thinks I'm the expert. ;-)
>Here is the story on line "wraps". The Internet spec for mail (now RFC
>2822 : ), recommends 78 characters
>per line. 
>Here is the direct quote:
>2.1.1. Line Length Limits
>   There are two limits that this standard places on the number of
>   characters in a line. Each line of characters MUST be no more than
>   998 characters, and SHOULD be no more than 78 characters, excluding
>   the CRLF.
>   The 998 character limit is due to limitations in many implementations
>   which send, receive, or store Internet Message Format messages that
>   simply cannot handle more than 998 characters on a line. Receiving
>   implementations would do well to handle an arbitrarily large number
>   of characters in a line for robustness sake. However, there are so
>   many implementations which (in compliance with the transport
>   requirements of [RFC2821]) do not accept messages containing more
>   than 1000 character including the CR and LF per line, it is important
>   for implementations not to create such messages.
>   The more conservative 78 character recommendation is to accommodate
>   the many implementations of user interfaces that display these
>   messages which may truncate, or disastrously wrap, the display of
>   more than 78 characters per line, in spite of the fact that such
>   implementations are non-conformant to the intent of this
>   specification (and that of [RFC2821] if they actually cause
>   information to be lost). Again, even though this limitation is put on
>   messages, it is encumbant upon implementations which display messages
>   to handle an arbitrarily large number of characters in a line
>   (certainly at least up to the 998 character limit) for the sake of
>   robustness.
>Now, there is even more to the story than this. The relays that a message
>go through (depending on the age of the equipment) may also put a hard
>wrap at 78 characters. So, when you send your 110 character text it may
>mean your text shows up on the other end looking very odd. There are ways
>that can avoid this such as sending the message as a MIME formatted
>message, but that means the message isn't pure text (which can be a good
>thing at times, although personally I'm more of a purest and like my mail
>as text). 
>Anyhow, the bottom line is PowerMail takes the safest route and
>automatically places messages at 78 characters as it is sent out. It
>seems like a pain, but really it is the best route when dealing with
>email, since the lost of a single word can make a huge difference in how
>things interpreted. A quote from Mark Twain comes to mind --  
>The difference between the almost right word & the right word is really a
>large matter--it's the difference between the lightning bug and the
>- Letter to George Bainton, 10/15/1888 
>Anyhow, I realize this isn't what you and some others want, but in the
>overall scheme of things it really is the safest method today. 


Re: AppleScript Changes in PM5

2004-04-23 Thread PowerMail Engineering

Nick Quinn wrote:

>does that mean that the fixes will re-break?

"set storage to" will still work, of course.

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   "My message database holds close to 200.000 messages. The find function
in PowerMail 4.2 returns results like lightning. Absolutely fabulous!
Even when searching on common words with results in the thousands or
ten thousands, it's blazingly fast. The "Power" in "PowerMail" is
completely meaningful. Thank you CTM-development!"
  Jan M.J. Storms, PowerMail user

 Download a demo version from

Re: Incoming mail filter problem in PM 5.0 Beta

2004-04-23 Thread PowerMail Engineering

Christian Roth wrote:

>I'm having a problem with the following incoming mail filter setting
>which worked flawlessly in 4.x:
>  Execute AppleScript "Handle Confirm message"
>The "Handle Confirm message" AppleScript script reads as follows:
>tell application "PowerMail 5.0b12"
>   set theMessages to current messages
>   repeat with msg in theMessages
>   set replyMsg to (reply to msg without replying to all)
>   end repeat
>end tell

Reply, forward and redirect did not work from a script called from an
incoming filter; it will be fixed.

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   "I have used nearly all of the better-known email clients and PowerMail
now has something that really makes it a stand out item to me. SPEED."
  Daniel M. East, President of the The Mid-Atlantic Macintosh User Groups

 Download a demo version from

Customization Icons

2004-04-23 Thread Max Gossell

Now we have the possibility to customize our toolbars, but as long as we
really just have one extra icon (Add to Address Book) that differs from
the default set it's a pretty useless feature. I mean -- how fun is it in
the long run to just re-arrange the order of the icons...?

We need more icons for toolbar customization. I for one could use...

"Label as.." (working in the same manner as the Connect Again icon)
"Mark as Read/Unread" (Toggle on/off)
"Recent Mail"
"Show/Hide Full Header" (Toggle on/off)
"View Unread/All" (Toggle on/off)

...and I'm sure there are needs for others as well.

Max G

Re(2): AppleScript Changes in PM5

2004-04-23 Thread smelik


1. In which folder do you need to have attachments so that you can delete
them automatically with the message? (I now have them elsewhere, and need
to delete message and attachment separately).

2. What improvement does PM 5 bring to IMAP? Any experiences?

All the best


11:49 am Friday, April 23, 2004 PowerMail PowerMail Engineering sent the
following message:

>Marcus Jarrett wrote:
>>>move msg to message container ""
>>For the moment, change this line to:
>>set msg's storage to message container ""
>>I'm pretty sure that the broken move command is a bug, and that your
>>script should work in the final version
>Yes, it's a bug that will be fixed in the final version. Thanks for the
>Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering
>   "I have found no other POP client that can do so much with such ease
>and efficiency, no matter how large the dataset."
>  PowerMail user comment on
> Download a demo version from

Re: AppleScript Changes in PM5

2004-04-23 Thread Nick Quinn's list address


Thus spoke PowerMail Engineering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Friday, 23 April
2004 at 6:49 PM +1000:

>>I'm pretty sure that the broken move command is a bug, and that your
>>script should work in the final version
>Yes, it's a bug that will be fixed in the final version. Thanks for the

does that mean that the fixes will re-break?


Nick Quinn
Sunshine Beach Software in OZ

Re: AppleScript Changes in PM5

2004-04-23 Thread PowerMail Engineering

Marcus Jarrett wrote:

>>move msg to message container ""
>For the moment, change this line to:
>set msg's storage to message container ""
>I'm pretty sure that the broken move command is a bug, and that your
>script should work in the final version

Yes, it's a bug that will be fixed in the final version. Thanks for the

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   "I have found no other POP client that can do so much with such ease
and efficiency, no matter how large the dataset."
  PowerMail user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: IMAP Connection

2004-04-23 Thread Michael Fan

I couldn't figure out a way to do this with PowerMail. Apple's Mail
program can do it, however. 

>I am using an IMAP connection.
>When I send a message it is copied to the "Out" tray on my computer. It
>does not appear in my "Sent Items" folder on the server. I cannot move
>the copy to the server folder.
>I would like to configure PowerMail so that outgoing messages are
>retained on the server but I can't figure out how to do it.
>Can anyone help?

Re: Text Encoding

2004-04-23 Thread PowerMail Engineering

Max Gossell wrote:

>In the sample text below, each line except the first one starts with a "

>" (square). Is this a text encoding thing? I can't get rid of it no
>matter what text encoding I try.

It's an incorrectly encoded line feed (probably encoded in quote
printable, that's why PM does not remove it as it normally does).
I'll try to fix that in the final 5.0.

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   "PowerMail's Foxtrot search is still VERY fast and quite useable.
I have close to 30,000 messages stored in my PowerMail message
database - going back to 1995 or so - and PowerMail is still fast
and responsive. Searching through the bodies of ALL of these messages
for a keyword takes about 1 SECOND which is pretty incredible!"
  PowerMail user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: Text Encoding

2004-04-23 Thread david.gordon

Max Gossell wrote on Fri 23 Apr 2004 at 08:55 +0200

>In the sample text below, each line except the first one starts with a "
>" (square).

not here they don't... (sorry, I know that doesn't really help but even
the square you may have added isn't showing up)


Re: AppleScript Changes in PM5

2004-04-23 Thread Marcus Jarrett

On Friday, 23 April 2004, Scott at HobbyLink Japan, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
thoughtfully composed the following:

>>>move msg to message container ""
>>For the moment, change this line to:
>>set msg's storage to message container ""
>That worked perfectly, Marcus!  Thanks so much for the info!

Your welcome. Actually, I got the idea from Christian, so I'm just
conveying the info.

Marcus Jarrett, Adelaide, South Australia.

Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.

-Timothy Leary

Text Encoding

2004-04-23 Thread Max Gossell

In the sample text below, each line except the first one starts with a "

" (square). Is this a text encoding thing? I can't get rid of it no
matter what text encoding I try.

It's no big deal in this sample, really, as the squares are just in the
beginning och each line, but I have had mails with these squares
everywhere inside a text, which make it sometimes close to unreadable.

Max G

---sample text---

Hej Max!

Tack för din e-post!

Vi har slutat att erbjuda en VDSL tjänst till nya kunder. De kunder som har

denna tjänst idag, kommer givetvis få behålla den.

Med vänlig hälsning

Kundtjänst/ Andreas


Om du redan är kund hos Bredbandsbolaget

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till Sveriges bästa bredbandsleverantör i Internet Worlds stora jämförelse

av bredbandsoperatörer? Läs gärna mer om detta:


---end sample text---

Re: AppleScript Changes in PM5

2004-04-23 Thread Scott at HobbyLink Japan

>>move msg to message container ""
>For the moment, change this line to:
>set msg's storage to message container ""

That worked perfectly, Marcus!  Thanks so much for the info!


Scott T. Hards
HobbyLink Japan (

Re: files that HTML messages create

2004-04-23 Thread PowerMail Engineering

Andy Fragen wrote.

>Does that mean that I can't use [Spam rating] as a condition for anything

Yes. But keep in mind that the spam filter assistant will reflect and act
only on the first filter using [spam rating].

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   "Counting in dollars and cents, CTM would have to start to charge me
their fee each week before I'd seriously consider changing over to -- that's how much PowerMail's filter and other features
saves me just in mail administration time compared to"
  Max Gossell, PowerMail user

 Download a demo version from

text wrapping

2004-04-23 Thread Max Gossell

This question may be more general than specific to PM, but I'd be glad if
somebody could explain to me anyhow.

Almost all mail I receive is text wrapped. Only once in a blue moon I get
an un-wrapped mail (with "floating" text). Now, I understand why a text
must be wrapped when quoted, but can't see the reason for it in a first,
original mail.


1) why are most mail wrapped but some not?

2) where is the wrapping made;
a) sending mail client?
b) sending mail server?
c) receiving mail client?
d) receiving mail server?

Max G

Re: PowerMail Wish - In/Out trays

2004-04-23 Thread Max Gossell

Thanks Andy,

Works great!  :-)

Max G

At Thu, 22 Apr 2004 10:28:59 -0700 (CET), Andy Fragen

>*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
>Done. The 'count messages' portion comes from someone else's script and I
>don't know who to give the credit to.
>property preMsg : "You currently have: " & return
>property postcC : " Message folders"
>property postfC : " Message Filters"
>property postclC : " Text Clippings"
>property postsigC : " Signatures"
>property postMsgs : " Messages"
>property ret : return
>property bttnList : {"Thanks", "Put on Clipboard"}
>property defBttn : "Put on Clipboard"
>to concatenateData(cCnt, fCnt, clCnt, sigCnt, ctMsg)
>   return (preMsg & ctMsg & postMsgs & ret & cCnt & postcC & ret & fCnt &
>postfC & ret & clCnt & postclC & ret & sigCnt & postsigC)
>end concatenateData
>to displayTotals(statsTxt)
>   set the dialogBttn to the button returned of (display dialog statsTxt
>buttons bttnList default button 2)
>   if the dialogBttn is the defBttn then
>   set the clipboard to the statsTxt
>   beep
>   end if
>end displayTotals
>tell application "PowerMail 5.0b12"
>   set the containerCnt to count message container
>   repeat with i from 1 to containerCnt
>   set subContainerCnt to count message containers of message 
> container i
>   set containerCnt to containerCnt + subContainerCnt
>   end repeat
>   set the filterCnt to count filters
>   set the clipCnt to count text clippings
>   set the sigCnt to count text signatures
>   set ctMsg to 0
>   repeat with acontainer in every message container
>   set ctMsg to ctMsg + (my count_messages(acontainer))
>   end repeat
>   set the statsTxt to my concatenateData(containerCnt, filterCnt, clipCnt,
>sigCnt, ctMsg)
>   my displayTotals(the statsTxt)
>end tell
>-- The above will count your PowerMail; message folders, filters, text
>-- and the text signatures and display the information in a dialog.
>-- The dialog will give you an option to put the entire results
>-- onto the clipboard.
>(* this recursive function receives a message container (folder). It first
>   calls itself for every sub-container of the input container, summing up
>   the number of messages stored in them, and last, adds the number of
>   messages in the input container itself.
>to count_messages(input_container)
>   tell application "PowerMail 5.0b12"
>   set c to 0
>   repeat with bcontainer in every message container in 
> input_container
>   set c to c + (my count_messages(bcontainer))
>   end repeat
>   set c to c + (number of messages in input_container)
>   return c
>   end tell
>end count_messages
>Andy Fragen
>On Thu, Apr 22, 2004, Max Gossell said:
>>Ehh -- would it be possible to add "total messages in database" to this

Re: PM 5 icons and some observations

2004-04-23 Thread david.gordon

Gerald F. Carroll wrote on Thu 22 Apr 2004 at 16:59 -0500

>The HAND on mine works no matter where i grab the border with it. 

Yes it does. My point was that it shouldn't be a hand at all but a double
headed arrow. And that the wee arrow thing is annoying as it keeps
catching my eye especially when reading a message.

>The icons will take remembering again, i only wish they were a little
>darker. They seem sort of washed out.

That's a fair point. I have mine set to "small" size with text so I don't
have to keep wondering about the fly ;) None of the folder graphics have
changed though. The "In Tray" and "Out Tray" now look odd and dated.


Re: powermail-discuss Digest #1724 - 02/02/04

2004-04-23 Thread Richard Hart

In my response, I changed the subject of this thread to "Message from
Hell". The trick worked.


Re: AppleScript Changes in PM5

2004-04-23 Thread Marcus Jarrett

On Friday, 23 April 2004, Scott at HobbyLink Japan, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
thoughtfully composed the following:

>move msg to message container ""

For the moment, change this line to:

set msg's storage to message container ""

I'm pretty sure that the broken move command is a bug, and that your
script should work in the final version, unless they decide to toss the
command, because the above revision works fine anyway.


Marcus Jarrett, Adelaide, South Australia.

Why do you censor your adult movies? If you can show some people sitting
around a table enjoying a meal, then why can't you show people enjoying
other things?

-SBS (Aus TV) Hotline Comment

AppleScript Changes in PM5

2004-04-23 Thread Scott at HobbyLink Japan

I think this was covered a few days ago, but I foolishly failed to save
the messages.  Any help would be welcome.

My two most-used PM scripts have stopped working under PM5.  They are
scripts I wrote to move things into the trash and into a storage mailbox
I've set up.  I then trigger these scripts with Key Xing.   (I know that
cmd-backspace works for deleting, but I've used cmd-D for years and would
like to keep it that way).

Anyhow, the scripts are structured like:

tell application "PowerMail 5.0b12"
set theMessages to current messages
repeat with msg in theMessages
move msg to message container ""
end repeat
close window
end tell
How do I need to rework this under PM5?


Scott T. Hards
HobbyLink Japan (

Re: powermail-discuss Digest #1724 - 02/02/04

2004-04-23 Thread Barbara Needham

Andy Fragen on 4/22/04 said

>In the prefs, unselect view HTML. From the 3 pane view there will be a
>little globe icon at the bottom. If you click on this icon the HTML
>message will open in your browser.
>Complex email doesn't play well with PM's old HTML viewer.

No particular reason to have viewed this email, though; they are bogus e-
mails being sent out under Paypal's name, not by paypal.

Barbara Needham

Re: PM 5 icons and some observations

2004-04-23 Thread Nick Quinn's list address


Thus spoke david.gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thursday, 22 April 2004
at 7:49 PM +1000:

> I'll probably turn off the icons - just like I did in PM 4.

I tried, then lost the "view only" entry box, oops


Nick Quinn
Sunshine Beach Software in OZ

Re: Etiquette

2004-04-23 Thread Graham B

On or about Thu, 22 Apr 2004 14:44:13 -0500, harryo spake thus -

>>Excuse me is this now a french mailing list?

>It's only English by default. Since PowerMail is used worldwide I would
>hope we would show a bit more tolerance when these posts occasionally

>Um, you forgot to add the little smiley face at the end of your question.
>It looks like this :) A colon followed by a right parenthesis.
>Richard Hart

Very nice corrections,  remember that even the English speakers don't all
speak American!
I actually like the fact that sometimes there are messages in other
languages on this list, and the fact that answers also sometimes are
supplied likewise.

An off subject question about POPmonitor, which I heard about from this
list, and which I use regularly to stop my daily spam allocation.
It runs like a dog under OS X, but hums along nicely in Classic.
I haven't been able to find any source of info about this issue, has
anyone else had similar experiences, or is it just me? I'm using the
latest version (2.1.3)

10.3.3 on a B/W G3 350MHz


Graham Bradshaw

Re: powermail-discuss Digest #1724 - 02/02/04

2004-04-23 Thread Andy Fragen

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
In the prefs, unselect view HTML. From the 3 pane view there will be a
little globe icon at the bottom. If you click on this icon the HTML
message will open in your browser.

Complex email doesn't play well with PM's old HTML viewer.

Andy Fragen

On Thu, Apr 22, 2004, Bill Stecher said:

>Help! using PM 4.2.1, and OS 9.2.2, I received an email from PayPal Visa,
>which freezes the program when I single-click on it, so that I can't
>trash it. This outfit has sent me a fraudulent notice every day for six
>weeks notifying me that my acccount will terminate if i don't resubmit my
>credit info. That's merely annoying; the dead email makes me furious. Any
>Bill Stecher

Re: PM 5 icons and some observations

2004-04-23 Thread Gerald F. Carroll

The HAND on mine works no matter where i grab the border with it. 

The icons will take remembering again, i only wish they were a little
darker. They seem sort of washed out. When you are composing a letter
they are much better.


>In three pane mode...
>There are two funny wee arrow things for resizing the window ratios. They
>are horid. I keep trying to clean them off my screen. I find the one
>between the folder list and my message pane a real pain.
>And anyway, when I mouse over it my mouse becomes a hand. I would expect
>it to become a double arrow <-|-> as the only way to move the borders in
>up/down or left/right. You can't 'grab' the border and move it _anywhere_.
>The arrows on the border aren't really required - are they.
>I must say I'm not that impressed by the new icons in the toolbars. Take
>for example the "Mark as Spam". Is that a fly? What has a fly got to do
>with spam? And "Mark as Good" doesn't follow the theme (or vis versa).
>I'm not sure "Reply", "Forward" or "Redirect" are clear either. I'll
>probably turn off the icons - just like I did in PM 4.
>I was actually expecting more from PM 5. So far I haven't found anything
>really different from PM 4. I already have SpamSieve and that worked
>seamlessly once set up. I haven't found that "wow" that I felt when
>FoxTrot searching was introduced. I guess I'm committed now and I will
>pay for the upgrade but I don't think its good value. It doesn't feel
>like a full version upgrade to me so far.

The faster the computer
The more impatient the user.