[Puppet Users] upgrading

2011-01-10 Thread Spacelee
I want to upgrade from puppet 0.24.8 to the latest puppet, and do I need to
modify my puppet code to fit for 0.26?

and another thing, I want to have multi-puppet server node, and 1 as the
master, and the others as the slave.
master serves for the most time, but when master is down, slave becomes the

How to implement this? does 0.24.8 support it?
*Space Lee*

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[Puppet Users] Updating a symlink

2011-01-10 Thread Keith Edmunds
I have just updated a 'file' directive that defines a symlink. The name of
the symlink hasn't changed, but the target has. However, that change is
not being propagated to clients.

Bug? Expected behaviour? PEBKAC?

Puppet master: 24.8
Puppet client: 24.8


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Re: [Puppet Users] Updating a symlink

2011-01-10 Thread Keith Edmunds
 Bug? Expected behaviour? PEBKAC?

PEBKAC. Sorry for the noise.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Problem loading custom modules

2011-01-10 Thread Jonathan Gazeley

On 07/01/11 14:54, luke.bigum wrote:

I created the tree /etc/puppet/modules/ntp/manifests/ and created an
init.pp with this content:

class ntp {
  package { ntp: ensure =  installed }
  service { ntpd: ensure =  stopped }


Hi Jonathan,

How do you know the client isn't doing what you told it if there are
no error messages? What classes are on your client? Run this for a

cat /var/lib/puppet/classes.txt

A more comprehensive check is to list all the resources that can
execute on your client with:

puppetd --test --noop --evaltrace

Does the ntp stuff appear in that list? If it does then you've
probably got the ntp package already installed and the ntp service
already stopped, so Puppet doesn't have to do anything :)

Thanks for your response. Sorry, I realised I made a mistake in my 
message. There *was* an error message, as follows:

# /usr/sbin/puppetd --server puppet.resnet.bris.ac.uk --test --evaltrace

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
Could not parse for environment production: No file(s) found for import 
of 'ntp' at /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:6

warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run

To reiterate, my 'ntp' class is defined in 
/etc/puppet/modules/ntp/manifests/init.pp and I have defined modulepath 
in my puppet.conf. The ntp module is imported in site.pp and included in 

So it looks like my puppetmaster isn't correctly picking up my 
modulepath. Any ideas?

Also, is there a way to get more verbose logging on the puppetmaster? 
Currently I only have masterhttp.log, but I would like to enable debug 
logging to see everything the puppetmaster is doing.

Many thanks,

Jonathan Gazeley
Systems Support Specialist
ResNet | Wireless  VPN Team
IT Services
University of Bristol

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Re: [Puppet Users] pushing files with host based variables?

2011-01-10 Thread Bruce Richardson
On Sun, Jan 09, 2011 at 10:42:19AM -0800, trey85stang wrote:  unique_host.domain.com
 Is there a way to manage this with puppet?  What I would like to do is
 be able to check that those 3 entries exist... if not replace the file
 and generate the custom content that needs to be in the file?

If you use host resources, as already recommended, Puppet will create
the entries if they do not exist.  If you only want those entries
present, tell Puppet to purge all host entries not specified in the
puppet configuration for that host.  

host { 'host1.domain.com':
ip = '',
ensure = 'present'

host { 'host2.domain.com':
ip = '',
ensure = 'present'

host { 'unique_host.domain.com':
ip = '',
ensure = 'present'

resources { 'host': purge = true }

Stop thinking custom scripts; start thinking resources.  Most Puppet
configuration consists of specifying which resources you do or don't
want present in which circumstances.  Most of the rest of it is about
defining which resources depend on which others (e.g. this running
application depends on that configuration file).  You describe how a
system should look and Puppet does what is necessary to make it so.


I object to intellect without discipline.  I object to power without
constructive purpose. -- Spock

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[Puppet Users] is it possible to access resource definitions from ERB templates?

2011-01-10 Thread Nick
Puppet's template() function has the potential to be a rather excellent way to
generate configuration files, so I wondered if it would be able to generate
something non-trivial, like a set of Shorewall configuration files.

I should note, I have seen the Shorewall example from the puppet patterns
pages, and others based on it [1].  These work by generating lots of fragments
of files in /var/lib/puppet/modules/shorewall, with names prefixed by some index
number, and finally sorting and concatenating them together, interleaved with
various headers and footers.  This isn't ideal when, like the zones file, there
can be sections defined in some hierarchy.  It also seems to be extremely slow
to run (at least for me - it takes long enough to make some tea *and* drink it).

But having tried to implement a version which uses a template (in v0.25.4), I
can't see a way to do it without resorting to some variation of file
concatenation, because the structure of resources defined in a puppet manifest
is not fully exposed to the templates (that I can see).

What I would like to do in general, for example, is to define some resources in
a class like this:

  define somesystem::section {
 # This is a placeholder, it doesn't do anything
 # besides represent a section in the generated config file

  define somesystem::item($name) {
 # ditto

  class somesystem::defaults {
 # this could define any default configuration data, e.g.:

 section {common:
item {base: name = /etc/somesystem}

  node mynode {

class somesystem::my_config inherits somesystem::defaults {
  # This can extend (or override) the default config data

  section {animals:
item {dog: name = 'fido'};
item {cat: name = 'fluffy'};

  section {vegetables:
item {potato: name = 'spud'};

Then, using a template like this example:

 config !-- boilerplate --

   %# (note that the resources would ideally be iterated
in the order they appear in the manifest, by default) %

   % scope.class.resources('section').each do |section|  -%
   Section id=%= section.title %
 % section.resources('item').each do |item| -%
 item type=%= item.title %%= item.name %/item
 % end -%
   % end %


...we might generate something like this:

 config !-- boilerplate --

   Section id=common
 item type=base/var/somesystem/item

   Section id=animals
 item type=dogfido/item
 item type=catfluffy/item

   Section id=vegetables
 item type=dogfido/item
 item type=catfluffy/item


I would guess there is a way to access the manifest's syntax tree from within
the template via the .scope method, but it doesn't seem to be fully supported or
encouraged. [4]

On the other hand, if Puppet had some sort of DOM accessible to templates, this
could be made to work, and Puppet would have a very general and powerful way to
generate all sorts of content from resources defined in manifests.

I'd like to ask:

 - Does this seem a worthy and achievable aim in general?
 - Is there some way I could achieve this now, preferably in 0.25.x?

I would guess that the only way is to write a Provider, or to somehow implement
a (client-side?) ERB template which uses the YAML in
/var/lib/puppet/state/localconfig.yaml as context, neither of which I know how
to do currently.  Advice and pointers would be very welcome.



1. These shorewall modules all seem to be essentially the same:

2. The above depend on this, or something equivalent:

3. plugins loaded into memory on the server (e.g., functions) do not
correctly work in environments [on 0.25.x]

4. A similar idea to mine is discussed here:

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: can a class require an other class?

2011-01-10 Thread Felix Frank

On 01/07/2011 07:49 PM, dingus9 wrote:
 I would like to see a dedicated group for this too. I have a few
 opinions on the matter of language syntax and semantics.
 My main frustration is the matter of slightly different methods for
 declaring defines, nodes and classes.
 Take these four examples a node, a define and the two class include/
 initialize methods.
 # A node
 node uniquehostname {
 #do stuff
 # a define
 mydefine {'uniqueName':
 #do some stuff that can be run multiple times
 param = 'val',
 #Comments around 'uniqueclassname' may be used or ommited here
 class {uniqueclassname:
 param = 'val', #note comments on 'param' would mess it up here...
 #but comments are required here for 'module::class' syntax, else it
 throws a syntax error
 class {'module::uniqueclassname':
 param = 'val',
 #and finally
 include uniqueclassname
 I would like to see all syntax for instantiating a class define or
 node be the same... an example:
 node {'unquehostname': }
 mydefine {'uniquedefinename': }
 myclass {'module::classname': }
 or if you prefer a more explicit syntax:
 node {'unquehostname': }
 mydefine {'uniquedefinename': }
 class {'module::classname': }


you're confusing me. You keep writing about comments where (hopefully)
you mean quotes!

Please note that node { } is always a declaration. Such is class {
}. If I read you right, you'd like instanciation to work using
class { name: }. But how can the parser tell that you aren't creating
a new class by the name of current_scope::name?

Furthermore, it would be downright confusing to be required to write
node { 'dbserver1':
  include defaults
  include mail::server
  include mysql::server
Because declaring a node/class/define is conceptually different from
instanciating a class or define. Both types of block should not look alike.

I find it desirable to allow the negligience of quotes. It's OK when I
have to quote
node my.fqdn.server.com and need not quote
node projecta-db1.

Quoting parameter names is a Bad Idea. But for those that like typing
absolutely unnecessary quote characters in almost each single line of
each single manifest, it may as well be allowed as far as I'm concerned,
but it should not be a requirement.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Problem loading custom modules

2011-01-10 Thread Felix Frank
 To reiterate, my 'ntp' class is defined in
 /etc/puppet/modules/ntp/manifests/init.pp and I have defined modulepath
 in my puppet.conf. The ntp module is imported in site.pp and included in

Are the permissions adequate for your puppetmaster process?

 So it looks like my puppetmaster isn't correctly picking up my
 modulepath. Any ideas?

Are you pasting those paths and settings? Some typos tend to evade the
eye after just so many hours; you may want to paste excerpts from your
manifest, configs and filesystem listings somehwere.

 Also, is there a way to get more verbose logging on the puppetmaster?
 Currently I only have masterhttp.log, but I would like to enable debug
 logging to see everything the puppetmaster is doing.

I like to do this on occasion:
$ puppet master --masterport 8141 --no-daemonize --debug --verbose
--color false --pidfile=/var/run/puppet/master.debug.pid

That way, you get a second puppetmaster on another port, and can query
it from your clients using
$ puppetd --test --noop --masterport 8141


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[Puppet Users] Puppetmaster 2.6.x on Ubuntu Lucid

2011-01-10 Thread Adam Ryczkowski
I like the idea of parametrized classes very much, and I would like to
use them. Unfortunately Ubuntu Lucid ships with puppet 2.5.4, which
doesn't support it. Does anybody here can tell me, how can I get 2.6.x
version of puppet and puppetmaster on Ubuntu?

I tried to install puppet from sources, but I failed miserably: The
internal installer does little more then copying the ruby scripts. It
doesn't create users, directories nor permissions necessary to run
puppetmaster, and error messages that are generated on such failed
install are cryptic.

I am aware of http://packages.debian.org/lenny-backports/puppet, but
itsn't strictly Ubuntu and there are missing dependencies, so right
now I can't install it (I used to be able to do it few weeks ago, when
they had puppet 2.6.2).

I am also aware of https://launchpad.net/~mathiaz/+archive/puppet-backports
but mathiaz doesn't provide puppetmaster.

Can anyone suggest me any hints on how to do it? Maybe there is
someone, who actually managed to run puppetmaster on Ubuntu 10.4 and
who would share how did he achieve it?

Thank you in advance,
Adam Ryczkowski

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppetmaster 2.6.x on Ubuntu Lucid

2011-01-10 Thread Martijn Grendelman

On 10-01-11 14:34, Adam Ryczkowski wrote:
 I like the idea of parametrized classes very much, and I would like to
 use them. Unfortunately Ubuntu Lucid ships with puppet 2.5.4, which
 doesn't support it. Does anybody here can tell me, how can I get 2.6.x
 version of puppet and puppetmaster on Ubuntu?
 I tried to install puppet from sources, but I failed miserably: The
 internal installer does little more then copying the ruby scripts. It
 doesn't create users, directories nor permissions necessary to run
 puppetmaster, and error messages that are generated on such failed
 install are cryptic.
 I am aware of http://packages.debian.org/lenny-backports/puppet, but
 itsn't strictly Ubuntu and there are missing dependencies, so right
 now I can't install it (I used to be able to do it few weeks ago, when
 they had puppet 2.6.2).
 I am also aware of https://launchpad.net/~mathiaz/+archive/puppet-backports
 but mathiaz doesn't provide puppetmaster.
 Can anyone suggest me any hints on how to do it? Maybe there is
 someone, who actually managed to run puppetmaster on Ubuntu 10.4 and
 who would share how did he achieve it?

We always create our own backport of the official Ubunutu packages from
the latest release.


Just download/unpack the source and build it with your favourite
build-tool (pbuilder or similar). It currently builds even on Hardy
without modifications.

Best regards,

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Problem loading custom modules

2011-01-10 Thread Jonathan Gazeley

On 10/01/11 13:34, Felix Frank wrote:

To reiterate, my 'ntp' class is defined in
/etc/puppet/modules/ntp/manifests/init.pp and I have defined modulepath
in my puppet.conf. The ntp module is imported in site.pp and included in

Are the permissions adequate for your puppetmaster process?

Thanks for your reply. The tree /etc/puppet/modules has been chowned 
and chmodded to be the same as the other things in /etc/puppet. SELinux 
is disabled.

So it looks like my puppetmaster isn't correctly picking up my
modulepath. Any ideas?

Are you pasting those paths and settings? Some typos tend to evade the
eye after just so many hours; you may want to paste excerpts from your
manifest, configs and filesystem listings somehwere.

I have pasted these excerpts for verification. The modulepath 
directive is in puppet.conf as follows. Which subsection should it be in 
- main, puppetd or puppetmasterd? Currently it's in all three, just to 
be sure.

modulepath = /etc/puppet/modules

In site.pp:

import nodes
import ntp

In nodes.pp:

node 'espresso.resnet.bris.ac.uk' {
   include ntp

Also, is there a way to get more verbose logging on the puppetmaster?
Currently I only have masterhttp.log, but I would like to enable debug
logging to see everything the puppetmaster is doing.

I like to do this on occasion:
$ puppet master --masterport 8141 --no-daemonize --debug --verbose
--color false --pidfile=/var/run/puppet/master.debug.pid

That way, you get a second puppetmaster on another port, and can query
it from your clients using
$ puppetd --test --noop --masterport 8141

Thank you, that's an excellent idea.




Jonathan Gazeley
Systems Support Specialist
ResNet | Wireless  VPN Team
IT Services
University of Bristol

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppetmaster 2.6.x on Ubuntu Lucid

2011-01-10 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 10-01-11 14:47, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
 ... Ubunutu packages ...

Damn. I STILL can't type 'Ubuntu' properly. Just use Debian, it's easier :-)


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Problem loading custom modules

2011-01-10 Thread Felix Frank
 node 'espresso.resnet.bris.ac.uk' {
include ntp

To get anything going, try to rename class ntp to ntp::ntp and include
it as that. You can strip down to more straight-forward naming once that

BTW, I don't see how your 'import nodes' ever worked. But apparently
it does.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppetmaster 2.6.x on Ubuntu Lucid

2011-01-10 Thread Mark Stanislav
Hi adam,

 I am also aware of https://launchpad.net/~mathiaz/+archive/puppet-backports
 but mathiaz doesn't provide puppetmaster.

I am using his PPA for a deployment right now with success. In this context, 
using Apache + Passenger is the way to go for the Puppetmaster role.

Take a look at http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/1/wiki/Using_Passenger


 Can anyone suggest me any hints on how to do it? Maybe there is
 someone, who actually managed to run puppetmaster on Ubuntu 10.4 and
 who would share how did he achieve it?
 Thank you in advance,
 Adam Ryczkowski
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[Puppet Users] Not authorized to call puppetmaster.getconfig

2011-01-10 Thread Pieter Baele

For more then 90 hosts, 1 host is always giving the error below.
The strange thing: the reports says everything is fine and all
necessary changes are still done

There is nothing special about this host...
Description:Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.5 (Tikanga)
Codename:   Tikanga

puppet version 2.6.4, facter 1.5.8

Jan 10 15:46:37 puppetm puppet-master[2476]: Puppet Server (Rack):
Internal Server Error: Unhandled Exception: Host
puppetclient.replaced.domain(x.x.x.x) not authorized to call
Jan 10 15:46:37 puppetm puppet-master[2476]: Backtrace:
Jan 10 15:46:37 puppetm puppet-master[2476]:  
Jan 10 15:46:37 puppetm puppet-master[2476]:  
Jan 10 15:46:37 puppetm puppet-master[2476]:  
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/network/http/rack.rb:51:in `call'
Jan 10 15:46:37 puppetm puppet-master[2476]:  
Jan 10 15:46:37 puppetm puppet-master[2476]:  
Jan 10 15:46:37 puppetm puppet-master[2476]:  
Jan 10 15:46:37 puppetm puppet-master[2476]:  
Jan 10 15:46:37 puppetm puppet-master[2476]:  
Jan 10 15:46:37 puppetm puppet-master[2476]:  
Jan 10 15:46:37 puppetm puppet-master[2476]:  
Jan 10 15:46:37 puppetm puppet-master[2476]:  
Jan 10 15:46:38 puppetm puppet-master[2476]:  
Jan 10 15:46:38 puppetm puppet-master[2476]:  
Jan 10 15:46:38 puppetm puppet-master[2476]:  
Jan 10 15:46:38 puppetm puppet-master[2476]:  
Jan 10 15:46:38 puppetm puppet-master[2476]:  
Jan 10 15:47:29 puppetm puppet-master[2476]: Compiled catalog for
puppetclient.replaced.domain in environment production in 0.03 seconds

Yours sincerely
Pieter Baele

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[Puppet Users] sysctl type not available

2011-01-10 Thread Arnau Bria
Hi all,

from http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/1/wiki/Puppet_Modules

wanted to take a look at sysctl type but it's not available.


Anyone could give it a look?


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Re: [Puppet Users] sysctl type not available

2011-01-10 Thread Peter Meier
 from http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/1/wiki/Puppet_Modules
 wanted to take a look at sysctl type but it's not available.
 Anyone could give it a look?

As far as I remember this one:

was originally based on that one.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Problem loading custom modules

2011-01-10 Thread Jonathan Gazeley

On 10/01/11 13:59, Felix Frank wrote:

node 'espresso.resnet.bris.ac.uk' {
include ntp

To get anything going, try to rename class ntp to ntp::ntp and include
it as that. You can strip down to more straight-forward naming once that

Hmm, no luck using ntp::ntp instead of ntp. The problem seems to be in 
importing rather than including. I tried using ntp, ntp::ntp, and the 
full path /etc/puppet/modules/ntp/manifests/init.pp.

It always fails with:

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
Could not parse for environment production: No file(s) found for import 
of 'ntp' at /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:6

It's as if it can't figure out the module path, which I have specified 
in the [main] section of my puppet.conf. I have triple-checked that 
there is no typo, and that the permissions are OK.

BTW, I don't see how your 'import nodes' ever worked. But apparently
it does.

I don't know where I got that from - it was either in the default 
configuration from the EPEL repository, or I saw it on a mailing list / 
forum. It seems to work because nodes.pp is in the same dir as site.pp.



Jonathan Gazeley
Systems Support Specialist
ResNet | Wireless  VPN Team
IT Services
University of Bristol

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Re: [Puppet Users] sysctl type not available

2011-01-10 Thread Arnau Bria
On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 16:41:02 +0100
Peter Meier wrote:

 As far as I remember this one:
 was originally based on that one.

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[Puppet Users] Could not find user kbarber

2011-01-10 Thread Arnau Bria

looking for more modules:

* puppet-iptables
* puppet-archive
* puppet-bugzilla
* puppet-sshd

give an error about kbarber user... was him deleted by error? 



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[Puppet Users] Re: pushing files with host based variables?

2011-01-10 Thread trey85stang
Thanks for the reply,

It looks like I would need an entry for every host if I were to take
that route?  My environment would require 6000*3 entries...  That
doesn't seem logical.

Am I understanding this correctly?

On Jan 10, 4:35 am, Bruce Richardson itsbr...@workshy.org wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 09, 2011 at 10:42:19AM -0800, trey85stang wrote:    host1.domain.com    host2.domain.com  unique_host.domain.com

  Is there a way to manage this with puppet?  What I would like to do is
  be able to check that those 3 entries exist... if not replace the file
  and generate the custom content that needs to be in the file?

 If you use host resources, as already recommended, Puppet will create
 the entries if they do not exist.  If you only want those entries
 present, tell Puppet to purge all host entries not specified in the
 puppet configuration for that host.  

     host { 'host1.domain.com':
         ip = '',
         ensure = 'present'

     host { 'host2.domain.com':
         ip = '',
         ensure = 'present'

     host { 'unique_host.domain.com':
         ip = '',
         ensure = 'present'

     resources { 'host': purge = true }

 Stop thinking custom scripts; start thinking resources.  Most Puppet
 configuration consists of specifying which resources you do or don't
 want present in which circumstances.  Most of the rest of it is about
 defining which resources depend on which others (e.g. this running
 application depends on that configuration file).  You describe how a
 system should look and Puppet does what is necessary to make it so.


 I object to intellect without discipline.  I object to power without
 constructive purpose. -- Spock

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[Puppet Users] Re: Problem loading custom modules

2011-01-10 Thread luke.bigum
 Hmm, no luck using ntp::ntp instead of ntp. The problem seems to be in
 importing rather than including. I tried using ntp, ntp::ntp, and the
 full path /etc/puppet/modules/ntp/manifests/init.pp.

 It always fails with:

 err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
 Could not parse for environment production: No file(s) found for import
 of 'ntp' at /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:6

Hi Jonathan,

You shouldn't need to import your ntp module as Puppet should auto
load it if the pathing is all correct, which it looks like it is.
Remote the 'import ntp' line from your site.pp:

In site.pp:

import nodes.pp

In nodes.pp:

node 'espresso.resnet.bris.ac.uk' {
include ntp

Then run the evaltrace on your node to see if your module and
resources are there. Like Felix, an import of nodes seems is strange
to me - maybe Puppet will implicitly add a .pp extension for files in
the CWD? You should not need to explicitly import your module
manifests, using include and Puppet with a correct modulepath should
find it.


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[Puppet Users] Re: pushing files with host based variables?

2011-01-10 Thread trey85stang
Actually,  upon more reading on my own,  this is where stored configs
will come into play?  Ill approach more reading on that subject.

On Jan 10, 9:56 am, trey85stang trey85st...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for the reply,

 It looks like I would need an entry for every host if I were to take
 that route?  My environment would require 6000*3 entries...  That
 doesn't seem logical.

 Am I understanding this correctly?

 On Jan 10, 4:35 am, Bruce Richardson itsbr...@workshy.org wrote:

  On Sun, Jan 09, 2011 at 10:42:19AM -0800, trey85stang wrote:    host1.domain.com    host2.domain.com  unique_host.domain.com

   Is there a way to manage this with puppet?  What I would like to do is
   be able to check that those 3 entries exist... if not replace the file
   and generate the custom content that needs to be in the file?

  If you use host resources, as already recommended, Puppet will create
  the entries if they do not exist.  If you only want those entries
  present, tell Puppet to purge all host entries not specified in the
  puppet configuration for that host.  

      host { 'host1.domain.com':
          ip = '',
          ensure = 'present'

      host { 'host2.domain.com':
          ip = '',
          ensure = 'present'

      host { 'unique_host.domain.com':
          ip = '',
          ensure = 'present'

      resources { 'host': purge = true }

  Stop thinking custom scripts; start thinking resources.  Most Puppet
  configuration consists of specifying which resources you do or don't
  want present in which circumstances.  Most of the rest of it is about
  defining which resources depend on which others (e.g. this running
  application depends on that configuration file).  You describe how a
  system should look and Puppet does what is necessary to make it so.


  I object to intellect without discipline.  I object to power without
  constructive purpose. -- Spock

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[Puppet Users] Re: pushing files with host based variables?

2011-01-10 Thread trey85stang
Upon further reading,  it looks like what I want would be better
accomplished with using stored configs?

On Jan 10, 9:56 am, trey85stang trey85st...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for the reply,

 It looks like I would need an entry for every host if I were to take
 that route?  My environment would require 6000*3 entries...  That
 doesn't seem logical.

 Am I understanding this correctly?

 On Jan 10, 4:35 am, Bruce Richardson itsbr...@workshy.org wrote:

  On Sun, Jan 09, 2011 at 10:42:19AM -0800, trey85stang wrote:    host1.domain.com    host2.domain.com  unique_host.domain.com

   Is there a way to manage this with puppet?  What I would like to do is
   be able to check that those 3 entries exist... if not replace the file
   and generate the custom content that needs to be in the file?

  If you use host resources, as already recommended, Puppet will create
  the entries if they do not exist.  If you only want those entries
  present, tell Puppet to purge all host entries not specified in the
  puppet configuration for that host.  

      host { 'host1.domain.com':
          ip = '',
          ensure = 'present'

      host { 'host2.domain.com':
          ip = '',
          ensure = 'present'

      host { 'unique_host.domain.com':
          ip = '',
          ensure = 'present'

      resources { 'host': purge = true }

  Stop thinking custom scripts; start thinking resources.  Most Puppet
  configuration consists of specifying which resources you do or don't
  want present in which circumstances.  Most of the rest of it is about
  defining which resources depend on which others (e.g. this running
  application depends on that configuration file).  You describe how a
  system should look and Puppet does what is necessary to make it so.


  I object to intellect without discipline.  I object to power without
  constructive purpose. -- Spock

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Problem loading custom modules

2011-01-10 Thread Jonathan Gazeley

On 10/01/11 16:00, luke.bigum wrote:

Hi Jonathan,

You shouldn't need to import your ntp module as Puppet should auto
load it if the pathing is all correct, which it looks like it is.

OK, good to know.

Remote the 'import ntp' line from your site.pp:

I've removed this line.

In site.pp:

import nodes.pp

Got that.

In nodes.pp:

node 'espresso.resnet.bris.ac.uk' {
 include ntp

Got that too.

Unfortunately puppetmaster can't find the ntp class. Running the 
puppetmasterd in debug mode, it prints this:

err: Could not find class ntp at /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp:3 on 
node espresso.resnet.bris.ac.uk

Line 3 in nodes.pp is the include ntp line.

So it still seems as if the modulepath declaration isn't work properly. 
Puppet doesn't print any debug messages at startup about bad permissions 
etc, and I've verified that the path is typed correctly.

Can I confirm that the modulepath declaration should be in the [main] 
section of puppet.conf? I've it in all sections without luck, though.

Thanks for your help,

Then run the evaltrace on your node to see if your module and
resources are there. Like Felix, an import of nodes seems is strange
to me - maybe Puppet will implicitly add a .pp extension for files in
the CWD? You should not need to explicitly import your module
manifests, using include and Puppet with a correct modulepath should
find it.



Jonathan Gazeley
Systems Support Specialist
ResNet | Wireless  VPN Team
IT Services
University of Bristol

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: pushing files with host based variables?

2011-01-10 Thread Bruce Richardson
On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 07:56:49AM -0800, trey85stang wrote:
 Thanks for the reply,
 It looks like I would need an entry for every host if I were to take
 that route?  My environment would require 6000*3 entries...  That
 doesn't seem logical.
 Am I understanding this correctly?

No, you're still learning.  Here's how to do it (well, one way to do

class role::basic_host {

host { 'localhost':
ip = '',
host_aliases = 'localhost.localdomain',
        ensure = 'present'

host { $fqdn:
ip = $primary_ipaddress,
host_aliases = $hostname,
        ensure = 'present'

    host { 'host1.domain.com':
        ip = '',
        ensure = 'present'
    host { 'host2.domain.com':
        ip = '',
        ensure = 'present'
    host { 'unique_host.domain.com':
        ip = '',
        ensure = 'present'
    resources { 'host': purge = true }

node host1 {
$primary_ipaddress = ''
include role::basic_host

node host2 {
$primary_ipaddress = ''
include role::basic_host

node host3 {
$primary_ipaddress = ''
include role::basic_host
include some::other::class

You see?  No need to define each host resource separately for each node
(nodes are what puppet-configured hosts/computers are called in Puppet).
What you do is you use classes to group together a linked set of
resources, then you include the appropriate classes in your nodes.

Notice that I added a couple of other important entries to the list of
host resources (you wouldn't want to be without those, and the purge =
true line would otherwise remove them)).  Note also that I don't need
to specify the values of $fqdn and $hostname, because these are facts
which puppet can find out for itself (I do specify $primary_ipaddress in
this example, because a host may have more than one address, not all of
which will be associated with the primary hostname).

Keep asking about anything which doesn't make sense yet.

The ice-caps are melting, tra-la-la-la.  All the world is drowning,
tra-la-la-la-la.  -- Tiny Tim.

Description: Digital signature

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: pushing files with host based variables?

2011-01-10 Thread Bruce Richardson
On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 08:11:02AM -0800, trey85stang wrote:
 Upon further reading,  it looks like what I want would be better
 accomplished with using stored configs?

No.  That's for something else.  Since you have 6000 nodes in your
environment, you probably want to look at External Nodes, which would
scale better for you than describing all 6000 nodes in a text file.



I object to intellect without discipline.  I object to power without
constructive purpose. -- Spock

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[Puppet Users] Could not request certificate: No route to host?

2011-01-10 Thread James Lee
Hi, I'm getting this message Could not request certificate: No route
to host - connect(2) when I'm trying to connect my pclient to

I checked my hostnames for both the pclient and the pmaster:
[r...@pclient etc]# hostname -f

[r...@pmaster etc]# hostname -f

I tried requesting for certificate:
[r...@pclient etc]# puppetd --server pmaster.domain --no-daemonize --
waitforcert 60 --verbose

and all I get is the error message saying no route to host. What seems
to be the problem? I saw a related discussion but I think I have the
right server name.

I'm running Puppet 0.25.5 retrieved from the EPEL package, and the OS
is CentOS 5.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Could not request certificate: No route to host?

2011-01-10 Thread Felix Frank
On 01/10/2011 05:27 PM, James Lee wrote:
 Hi, I'm getting this message Could not request certificate: No route
 to host - connect(2) when I'm trying to connect my pclient to
 I checked my hostnames for both the pclient and the pmaster:
 [r...@pclient etc]# hostname -f
 [r...@pmaster etc]# hostname -f
 I tried requesting for certificate:
 [r...@pclient etc]# puppetd --server pmaster.domain --no-daemonize --
 waitforcert 60 --verbose
 and all I get is the error message saying no route to host. What seems
 to be the problem? I saw a related discussion but I think I have the
 right server name.
 I'm running Puppet 0.25.5 retrieved from the EPEL package, and the OS
 is CentOS 5.

The master considering itself to be pmaster.domain is alright.

But you want ping pmaster.domain to work for your client. If it
doesn't, this thing won't fly.

If in doubt, add an entry to /etc/hosts. Otherwise you may want to take
a look at your DNS.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Problem loading custom modules

2011-01-10 Thread Felix Frank
On 01/10/2011 05:30 PM, Jonathan Gazeley wrote:
 On 10/01/11 16:20, Felix Frank wrote:
 Hauling out the big guns boils down to (for me):

 strace -e trace=file -f puppet master --no-daemonize ... 21 | grep ntp

 That should eventually spit a few stat or open attempts that fail, when
 the master tries to import the ntp module.
 Thank you. Using strace shows that while the permissions were set
 correctly on my /etc/puppet/modules tree, the directories didn't have
 the X flag to allow browsing.

I find your understanding of set correctly disturbing ;p

That's why I originally asked for pastes of configs, manifests *and*
filesystem listings (not to the list preferably, use pastebin services).

But it worked out, you just had to do a bit more walking.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Could not request certificate: No route to host?

2011-01-10 Thread Mark Stanislav
Any firewall (client or server) perhaps not explicitly allowing the proper 
traffic for 8140 to the master?


On Jan 10, 2011, at 11:27 AM, James Lee wrote:

 Hi, I'm getting this message Could not request certificate: No route
 to host - connect(2) when I'm trying to connect my pclient to
 I checked my hostnames for both the pclient and the pmaster:
 [r...@pclient etc]# hostname -f
 [r...@pmaster etc]# hostname -f
 I tried requesting for certificate:
 [r...@pclient etc]# puppetd --server pmaster.domain --no-daemonize --
 waitforcert 60 --verbose
 and all I get is the error message saying no route to host. What seems
 to be the problem? I saw a related discussion but I think I have the
 right server name.
 I'm running Puppet 0.25.5 retrieved from the EPEL package, and the OS
 is CentOS 5.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 Puppet Users group.
 To post to this group, send email to puppet-us...@googlegroups.com.
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[Puppet Users] Re: Could not request certificate: No route to host?

2011-01-10 Thread James Lee
Both the client and the server are allowing port 8140 for tcp and

On Jan 10, 11:33 am, Mark Stanislav mark.stanis...@gmail.com wrote:
 Any firewall (client or server) perhaps not explicitly allowing the proper 
 traffic for 8140 to the master?


 On Jan 10, 2011, at 11:27 AM, James Lee wrote:

  Hi, I'm getting this message Could not request certificate: No route
  to host - connect(2) when I'm trying to connect my pclient to

  I checked my hostnames for both the pclient and the pmaster:
  [r...@pclient etc]# hostname -f

  [r...@pmaster etc]# hostname -f

  I tried requesting for certificate:
  [r...@pclient etc]# puppetd --server pmaster.domain --no-daemonize --
  waitforcert 60 --verbose

  and all I get is the error message saying no route to host. What seems
  to be the problem? I saw a related discussion but I think I have the
  right server name.

  I'm running Puppet 0.25.5 retrieved from the EPEL package, and the OS
  is CentOS 5.


  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
  Puppet Users group.
  To post to this group, send email to puppet-us...@googlegroups.com.
  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
  For more options, visit this group 

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[Puppet Users] Re: Could not request certificate: No route to host?

2011-01-10 Thread James Lee
Hi Felix,
I tried ping pmaster.domain and it doesn't work (Destination Host
Unreachable). I added an entry to /etc/hosts and it's still reacting
the same. What might be wrong with my DNS?

On Jan 10, 11:30 am, Felix Frank felix.fr...@alumni.tu-berlin.de
 On 01/10/2011 05:27 PM, James Lee wrote:

  Hi, I'm getting this message Could not request certificate: No route
  to host - connect(2) when I'm trying to connect my pclient to

  I checked my hostnames for both the pclient and the pmaster:
  [r...@pclient etc]# hostname -f

  [r...@pmaster etc]# hostname -f

  I tried requesting for certificate:
  [r...@pclient etc]# puppetd --server pmaster.domain --no-daemonize --
  waitforcert 60 --verbose

  and all I get is the error message saying no route to host. What seems
  to be the problem? I saw a related discussion but I think I have the
  right server name.

  I'm running Puppet 0.25.5 retrieved from the EPEL package, and the OS
  is CentOS 5.

 The master considering itself to be pmaster.domain is alright.

 But you want ping pmaster.domain to work for your client. If it
 doesn't, this thing won't fly.

 If in doubt, add an entry to /etc/hosts. Otherwise you may want to take
 a look at your DNS.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Could not request certificate: No route to host?

2011-01-10 Thread Felix Frank
On 01/10/2011 05:41 PM, James Lee wrote:
 Hi Felix,
 I tried ping pmaster.domain and it doesn't work (Destination Host
 Unreachable). I added an entry to /etc/hosts and it's still reacting
 the same. What might be wrong with my DNS?

Your master is not available network-wise. This can have any number of
reasons (IP not bound, routing issues etcpp.)

Impossible to debug from here without much more info. Are you
responsible for network infrastructure? If not, get someone who is and
make him debug this for you.


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[Puppet Users] Re: Could not request certificate: No route to host?

2011-01-10 Thread James Lee
Thanks for the tip, I think I will figure it out :)

On Jan 10, 11:52 am, Felix Frank felix.fr...@alumni.tu-berlin.de
 On 01/10/2011 05:41 PM, James Lee wrote:

  Hi Felix,
  I tried ping pmaster.domain and it doesn't work (Destination Host
  Unreachable). I added an entry to /etc/hosts and it's still reacting
  the same. What might be wrong with my DNS?

 Your master is not available network-wise. This can have any number of
 reasons (IP not bound, routing issues etcpp.)

 Impossible to debug from here without much more info. Are you
 responsible for network infrastructure? If not, get someone who is and
 make him debug this for you.


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[Puppet Users] Could not call puppetca.getcert HTTP-error: 500

2011-01-10 Thread Butt3r

Puppet client is receiving the 500 error when trying to talk to the
puppetmaster server.

Apache error log on the server shows -

Could not prepare for execution: Got 1 failure(s) while initializing:
change from absent to file failed: Could not set 'file on ensure:
Permission denied - /var/lib/puppet/log/masterhttp.log

Permissions on this file are open and the file is owned by the puppet

Any Ideas on this?

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[Puppet Users] Re: Could not call puppetca.getcert HTTP-error: 500

2011-01-10 Thread Butt3r
looks like this error was caused by owner permissions not set to
puppet on the /etc/puppet/rack/config.ru file.

On Jan 10, 1:00 pm, Butt3r buttermyto...@lavabit.com wrote:

 Puppet client is receiving the 500 error when trying to talk to the
 puppetmaster server.

 Apache error log on the server shows -

 Could not prepare for execution: Got 1 failure(s) while initializing:
 change from absent to file failed: Could not set 'file on ensure:
 Permission denied - /var/lib/puppet/log/masterhttp.log

 Permissions on this file are open and the file is owned by the puppet

 Any Ideas on this?

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Re: [Puppet Users] upgrading

2011-01-10 Thread Patrick

On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:30 AM, Spacelee wrote:

 I want to upgrade from puppet 0.24.8 to the latest puppet, and do I need to 
 modify my puppet code to fit for 0.26?
 and another thing, I want to have multi-puppet server node, and 1 as the 
 master, and the others as the slave. 
 master serves for the most time, but when master is down, slave becomes the 
 How to implement this? does 0.24.8 support it? 

Puppet has no concept of slave.  Just master and client.  If you want, you 
can setup more than one master and use tricks with DNS or a proxy to send 
clients to both (or more than 2) masters.  Either of those can be used to give 
you load-balncing as well as high availability.

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Re: [Puppet Users] importing classes to the dashboard

2011-01-10 Thread Patrick

On Jan 10, 2011, at 8:01 AM, Adriana wrote:

 I would like to know if it is possible to automatically import the
 puppet classes to the dashboard in order to manage them from the gui.
 I didn't find exact instructions to make the puppet clients report
 directly to the dashboard instead of importing the reports every time
 through the command rake RAILS_ENV=production reports:import .
 Does anyone has the exact instructions?
 Thanks for the help.

What OS?
Are you already using Passenger?

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RE: [Puppet Users] Re: Could not request certificate: No route to host?

2011-01-10 Thread Michael.Itchue
Hi James,

 Since you are getting a Destination Host Unreachable  from the ping command, 
do a netstat -nr command
and verify that you have a default route for your primary NIC. If not, then add 
one with the route command.

Good Luck,


-Original Message-
From: puppet-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:puppet-us...@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of James Lee
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:42 AM
To: Puppet Users
Subject: [Puppet Users] Re: Could not request certificate: No route to host?

Hi Felix,
I tried ping pmaster.domain and it doesn't work (Destination Host 
Unreachable). I added an entry to /etc/hosts and it's still reacting the same. 
What might be wrong with my DNS?

On Jan 10, 11:30 am, Felix Frank felix.fr...@alumni.tu-berlin.de
 On 01/10/2011 05:27 PM, James Lee wrote:

  Hi, I'm getting this message Could not request certificate: No 
  route to host - connect(2) when I'm trying to connect my pclient to 

  I checked my hostnames for both the pclient and the pmaster:
  [r...@pclient etc]# hostname -f

  [r...@pmaster etc]# hostname -f

  I tried requesting for certificate:
  [r...@pclient etc]# puppetd --server pmaster.domain --no-daemonize 
  -- waitforcert 60 --verbose

  and all I get is the error message saying no route to host. What 
  seems to be the problem? I saw a related discussion but I think I 
  have the right server name.

  I'm running Puppet 0.25.5 retrieved from the EPEL package, and the 
  OS is CentOS 5.

 The master considering itself to be pmaster.domain is alright.

 But you want ping pmaster.domain to work for your client. If it 
 doesn't, this thing won't fly.

 If in doubt, add an entry to /etc/hosts. Otherwise you may want to 
 take a look at your DNS.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: pushing files with host based variables?

2011-01-10 Thread Bruce Richardson
On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 11:19:03AM -0800, trey85stang wrote:
 Bruce,  I think what you are saying is clicking now.
 Now does puppet allow any variable substitution?

I do urge you to stop thinking in terms of scripts.  It doesn't map well
onto the way that Puppet works.  If you mean How do I apply the same
changes to multiple nodes, with different values for each host?, then
one answer is to put the common actions into a class and set different
variable values in each node declaration.  Alternatively, put them into
a define and pass different parameters each time you call it.  You can
also use defines to repeate the same actions/changes with multiple
values within a single context (e.g. a node).  You should be able to
find examples in the online documentation.


I must admit that the existence of Disneyland (which I know is real)
proves that we are not living in Judea in AD 50. -- Philip K. Dick

Description: Digital signature

[Puppet Users] Re: pushing files with host based variables?

2011-01-10 Thread trey85stang
Sorry for going back to scripts,  I keep reading and reading that if
you think in terms of scripts you're only going to confuse yourself
been writing automation/admin scripts for way too long.  I think you
all have giving me a lot more to read up on so I will be doing that.

I'll do some more reading and come back to this when I get a little
further.  So I will be looking at classes/define/repeat to see what I
can come up with.

On Jan 10, 1:46 pm, Bruce Richardson itsbr...@workshy.org wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 11:19:03AM -0800, trey85stang wrote:
  Bruce,  I think what you are saying is clicking now.

  Now does puppet allow any variable substitution?

 I do urge you to stop thinking in terms of scripts.  It doesn't map well
 onto the way that Puppet works.  If you mean How do I apply the same
 changes to multiple nodes, with different values for each host?, then
 one answer is to put the common actions into a class and set different
 variable values in each node declaration.  Alternatively, put them into
 a define and pass different parameters each time you call it.  You can
 also use defines to repeate the same actions/changes with multiple
 values within a single context (e.g. a node).  You should be able to
 find examples in the online documentation.


 I must admit that the existence of Disneyland (which I know is real)
 proves that we are not living in Judea in AD 50. -- Philip K. Dick


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[Puppet Users] Re: pushing files with host based variables?

2011-01-10 Thread trey85stang
Forgot to mention I appreciate everyone's help!

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[Puppet Users] Problem with multiple requires in Ruby DSL

2011-01-10 Thread Ben Lavender
I'm loving playing around with the DSL.  There are some problems (ie
5237), but now that it's Ruby, I can fix them! woo!

However, I'm stumped on this one, which may or may not be related to
the DSL.  When trying to have a resource have a simple dependency on
two things at once, it simply fails, and I'm stumped as to why.  The
error message is:

Parameter require failed: No title provided and [ Exec[git-/usr/local/
resque-runner], Rvm_install[1.9.2-p136]] is not a valid resource

My definition looks like this:

define :bundle_install, :rvm do
  rvm_exec bundle...@name},
   :command = bundle install --without production,
   :ruby = @rvm,
   :path = /bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin,

   # this alone works:
   #:require = rvm_install...@rvm}],

   # this alone also works:
   #:require = exec[git...@name}],

  # this fails:
  :require = [ exec[git...@name}], rvm_install...@rvm}]],

   :cwd = @name,
   :creates = #...@name}/.bundle/config

Am I missing something, or should I open a ticket?


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[Puppet Users] Certificate Validation problems.

2011-01-10 Thread Butt3r

Experiencing some issues with certs, I cannot see what I am doing
wrong, if anyone would look over this I would be appreciative.

 I am running passenger and apache2.

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

daemon_controller (0.2.5)
facter (1.5.8)
fastthread (1.0.7)
file-tail (1.0.5)
passenger (2.2.11)
puppet (2.6.4)
rack (1.0.1)
rake (0.8.7)
spruz (0.2.2)

apache2 -v
Server version: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
Server built:   Nov 18 2010 21:20:56

r...@puppetmaster:/etc/puppet# cat puppet.conf
ssl_client_header = SSL_CLIENT_S_DN
ssl_client_verify_header = SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY

r...@puppetmaster:/etc/puppet# cat /etc/puppet/rack/
config.ru  public/
r...@puppetmaster:/etc/puppet# cat /etc/puppet/rack/config.ru
# a config.ru, for use with every rack-compatible webserver.
# SSL needs to be handled outside this, though.

# if puppet is not in your RUBYLIB:
# $:.unshift('/opt/puppet/lib')

$0 = master

# if you want debugging:
# ARGV  --debug

ARGV  --rack
require 'puppet/application/master'
# we're usually running inside a Rack::Builder.new {} block,
# therefore we need to call run *here*.
run Puppet::Application[:master].run


# you probably want to tune these settings
PassengerHighPerformance on
PassengerMaxPoolSize 12
PassengerPoolIdleTime 1500
# PassengerMaxRequests 1000
PassengerStatThrottleRate 120
RackAutoDetect Off
RailsAutoDetect Off

Listen 8140
NameVirtualHost puppet.server.com:8140

VirtualHost puppet.server.com:8140
SSLEngine on
SSLProtocol -ALL +SSLv3 +TLSv1

SSLCertificateFile /etc/puppet/ssl/certs/puppetmaster.pem
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/puppet/ssl/private_keys/
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem
SSLCACertificateFile /etc/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem
# If Apache complains about invalid signatures on the CRL, you
can try disabling
# CRL checking by commenting the next line, but this is not
SSLCARevocationFile /etc/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crl.pem
SSLVerifyClient optional
SSLVerifyDepth 1
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars

DocumentRoot /etc/puppet/rack/public/
RackBaseURI /
Directory /etc/puppet/rack/
Options None
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all

After I run -

puppetd --test --debug --server servername.com

This works to push me the cert to sign on the server. Once I sign it I
run this command again and get this error -

warning: Certificate validation failed: considering using the certname
configuration option
err: Could not retrieve catalog: Certificates were not trusted:
Hostname was not match with server certificate.
warning: Not using cache on failed catalog.

I have gone through and deleted the /etc/puppet/ssl directory from the
server and attempted to regenerate the keys a few times. I also
removed the .puppet/ssl/ directory from the client side and tried to
regen the keys for it as well. No matter what I try I keep failing.

If I try to run puppetd from the server I gert this error -
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: hostname was not
match with the server certificate
warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run

Any tips?


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Re: [Puppet Users] Problem with multiple requires in Ruby DSL

2011-01-10 Thread Stefan Schulte
On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 12:27:13PM -0800, Ben Lavender wrote:
 I'm loving playing around with the DSL.  There are some problems (ie
 5237), but now that it's Ruby, I can fix them! woo!
 However, I'm stumped on this one, which may or may not be related to
 the DSL.  When trying to have a resource have a simple dependency on
 two things at once, it simply fails, and I'm stumped as to why.  The
 error message is:
 Parameter require failed: No title provided and [ Exec[git-/usr/local/
 resque-runner], Rvm_install[1.9.2-p136]] is not a valid resource
 My definition looks like this:
 define :bundle_install, :rvm do
   rvm_exec bundle...@name},
:command = bundle install --without production,
:ruby = @rvm,
:path = /bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin,
# this alone works:
#:require = rvm_install...@rvm}],
# this alone also works:
#:require = exec[git...@name}],
   # this fails:
   :require = [ exec[git...@name}], rvm_install...@rvm}]],
:cwd = @name,
:creates = #...@name}/.bundle/config
 Am I missing something, or should I open a ticket?
Never tried the dsl but I guess require wants an array, not a string
that looks like an array. So I think
:require = [ exec[git...@name}], rvm_install...@rvm}]]
will work.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [Puppet Users] Exactly how do people replace include with parametrised classes?

2011-01-10 Thread Peter Meier
Hash: SHA1

 dont you find having to specify the relationships of httpd::ssl and
 httpd here to be wrong?
 Isn't the fact that the httpd module is designed to have this
 ordering requirement an implementation detail and not a usage
 Surely people who just want to use the httpd module do not need to
 know this implementation detail?  They should just be able to say use
 the module without understanding or knowing the ordering of

 It's also not very DRY.

Yep, I also recently started thinking about various new introduced
problems I see with parametrized classes. For example, how could I do
the following in the future with parametrized classes:

class apache {}
define apache::vhost(){
  include ::apache

so the user only needs to define:

apache::vhost{'example.com': }

and everything else is pulled in automatically.

This gives a very nice interface, is easy to use and if this way of
writing puppet code wouldn't be anymore possible my infrastracture code
would get *very* overloaded and ugly.

And as R.I.Pienaar outlined later, we learned in the past to deal with
the current scoping problems, but still producing more or less nice
code. Although, I agree that parametrized classes provide a much nicer
interface and I'm very happy they got introduced, I'm already seeing
some problems with them:

class apache($version = 'latest') {}
define apache::vhost(){
  class{'apache': }

This will raise problems if we define a second vhost. With the current
scoping issues and my rule of thumb (First define all variables, then
include classes) I had no problem with writing:

$apache_version = '2.2.18'
apache::vhost{'example.com': }
apache::vhost{'cdn.example.com': }

But how would I do that now?

A possible solution would be to put the variables in a config class:

class apache::config($version='latest'){}
class apache {
ensure = ${apache::config::version},
define apache::vhost(){
  include ::apache

and then write:

class{'apache::config': version = '2.2.18' }
apache::vhost{'example.com': }
apache::vhost{'cdn.example.com': }

But how can I ensure that apache::config is loaded/included/applied when
we include ::apache?

I currently only see:

class apache {
  if !defined(Class['apache::config']){
class{'apache::config': }
ensure = ${apache::config::version},

But this raises other ordering problems and breaks another rule of thumb
of mine: Never use defined() as it can be seen as codesmell, for example
exactly due to the ordering problems it raises.
But this is the best solution I can currently come up with. Although, it
still smells in my opinion.


PS: Sorry, to come up with code examples, however I think I can express
the current *new* limitations with them the best way. I will try to
think about a non-code discussion contribution and maybe add it later to
the thread.
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[Puppet Users] Re: Custom providers

2011-01-10 Thread pl

 Puppet::Provider::Package defines the prefetch class method. This is
 called at the beginning of the puppet run to find matches between existing
 packages and the one you described in your manifest. Prefetch calls
 instances which should return an array of provider instances. One
 provider instance for each package with the appropiate property_hash
 {ensure = whatever-version}. If you dont know how to implement it try
 with returning an empty array like hpux.rb does.


I still have this problem that I can't run puppet as a daemon and
install packages as any other user. Trying to sudo inside the custom
provider fails if puppet is running as a daemon.

Is there no way around that?

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[Puppet Users] Puppet's direction in theory?

2011-01-10 Thread Robin Lee Powell

So, I started with puppet about two years ago (December 2008).  At
the time, I was under the impression that the list of Types would
grow a lot (i.e.
http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/stable/type.html ).  In fact,
the file type says:

  If you find that you are often copying files in from a central
  location, rather than using native resources, please contact
  Puppet Labs and we can hopefully work with you to develop a native
  resource to support what you are doing.

The thing is, that list hasn't actually changed all that much as far
as I can recall.

Instead, what seems to have happened is a lot of user-made modules
as the code re-use unit; using the native features of puppet
(i.e. lots of file{...} and exec{...}) to emulate new types,
essentially; see

I don't mean this as any kind of criticism, I'm just wondering if
this was on purpose?

The goal with puppet seemed to be a simple, declarative
configuration system, where as many things as possible were handled
with native types, and that doesn't seem to be how things have
actually gone, and I'm wondering if this represents an injection of
pragmatism or a deliberate decision.


http://singinst.org/ :  Our last, best hope for a fantastic future.
Lojban (http://www.lojban.org/): The language in which this parrot
is dead is ti poi spitaki cu morsi, but this sentence is false
is na nei.   My personal page: http://www.digitalkingdom.org/rlp/

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet's direction in theory?

2011-01-10 Thread Jesse Wolfe
It's my understanding that we'd like to have more of both!
People do write native (ruby) Types and Providers, and people do write them
in Puppet language.
We're working on some new features to make it easier to write Types in the
Puppet Language,
and we're working on some new features that make it easier to write Types
and Providers in ruby.
Eventually we'd like to decouple many of the bundled ruby-language Providers
from the Puppet core codebase, so they can be developed in parallel to the
I don't think there's a philosophical decision in play - sometimes it's
easier to express problems in the ruby, but often people already have
working Puppet code that they want to convert into a Type.

~Jesse Wolfe

On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 7:57 PM, Robin Lee Powell 
rlpow...@digitalkingdom.org wrote:

 So, I started with puppet about two years ago (December 2008).  At
 the time, I was under the impression that the list of Types would
 grow a lot (i.e.
 http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/stable/type.html ).  In fact,
 the file type says:

  If you find that you are often copying files in from a central
  location, rather than using native resources, please contact
  Puppet Labs and we can hopefully work with you to develop a native
  resource to support what you are doing.

 The thing is, that list hasn't actually changed all that much as far
 as I can recall.

 Instead, what seems to have happened is a lot of user-made modules
 as the code re-use unit; using the native features of puppet
 (i.e. lots of file{...} and exec{...}) to emulate new types,
 essentially; see

 I don't mean this as any kind of criticism, I'm just wondering if
 this was on purpose?

 The goal with puppet seemed to be a simple, declarative
 configuration system, where as many things as possible were handled
 with native types, and that doesn't seem to be how things have
 actually gone, and I'm wondering if this represents an injection of
 pragmatism or a deliberate decision.


 http://singinst.org/ :  Our last, best hope for a fantastic future.
 Lojban (http://www.lojban.org/): The language in which this parrot
 is dead is ti poi spitaki cu morsi, but this sentence is false
 is na nei.   My personal page: http://www.digitalkingdom.org/rlp/

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[Puppet Users] Best Practices/Style: add stuff to a file for each host?

2011-01-10 Thread Robin Lee Powell
(I'm going a bit more for philosophical discussion than practicality
here, maybe.  Do at least feel free to think in terms of what Puppet
*should* do rather than tha fastest way to solve this problem.)

There's a pattern I've run into a lot recently mhere a config file
needs to be built based on information from a number of puppet
managed hosts.  Assume here than I mean node in the puppet sense
when I say host.  *shrug*

Use cases:

  - backups, where each host has directories that need to be backed
up, and things need to be done on the individual backup client
hosts to handle that, and *also* stuff needs to be done on the
backup master

  - deploy configuration, where each host has a deploy role and it
makes most sense to talk about the deploy role in each host's
puppet config, but the file that manages the deployment is on
the deploy master host

  - VM configuration, where information about a VM needs to affect
data/configuration stored on the host that holds that VM

All the same general pattern of action-at-a-distance: configuration
on a number of hosts affecting the master config file on a single

Also, multi-part config files: in at least some of these cases, the
information from each host generates some configuration file output,
perhaps from a template, but all of those bits of config file need
to be merged together into one master config file.

These don't seem, to me, to be things puppet handles natively, and
(see my other posts) new types don't seem to be being added all that

So, my question is this: what's the right way to handle this sort of

Feel free to break the action-at-a-distance bit and the
multipart-config-file-merge bit into seperate pieces, if you like.

Thanks so much for your time!


http://singinst.org/ :  Our last, best hope for a fantastic future.
Lojban (http://www.lojban.org/): The language in which this parrot
is dead is ti poi spitaki cu morsi, but this sentence is false
is na nei.   My personal page: http://www.digitalkingdom.org/rlp/

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet's direction in theory?

2011-01-10 Thread Robin Lee Powell
On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 08:33:06PM -0800, Jesse Wolfe wrote:
 It's my understanding that we'd like to have more of both!

So what should people who have developed new types do to get them

 People do write native (ruby) Types and Providers, and people do
 write them in Puppet language.

Huh?  You can write a Type in Puppet?  How?  I'm only aware of
classes and defines, neither of which are that.

You go on to say several things that hinge on this question, so I
didn't actually respond to them.


http://singinst.org/ :  Our last, best hope for a fantastic future.
Lojban (http://www.lojban.org/): The language in which this parrot
is dead is ti poi spitaki cu morsi, but this sentence is false
is na nei.   My personal page: http://www.digitalkingdom.org/rlp/

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[Puppet Users] config_version - runs once at daemon startup, not every compile time

2011-01-10 Thread John Warburton
Hi All

For those that use, or want to use config_version, you might want to watch

My debugging (with webrick) shows that the puppet server only executes the
script defined in config_version at daemon startup, no matter how many
clients connect.


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[Puppet Users] Re: Considerations for puppet/cluster to manage 6000 hosts.

2011-01-10 Thread donavan
On Jan 8, 1:02 pm, trey85stang trey85st...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm trying to get an idea of what kind of backend setup I would need
 to run puppet to manage roughly 6000 hosts.

No one else has asked, but what's the geographic/network distribution
look like?

 I see puppet by iteself is limited to 10-20;  but with mongrel/apache
 that number shoots up but I am not sure by how much?

At puppet camp US I think responses were in the 300-1000 clients/
master range. A dual socket x86_64 whitebox should do at least a few
hundred clients. Masters seem to be CPU bound almost all the time.
Client run interval, catalog size, and storeconfigs are the biggest
factors that come to mind.

 2. Should I let a high availability apache frontend manage a puppet

Using a front end load balancer, Apache or hardware (F5 etc), works
fine. Depending on your DNS control there's also a pending feature to
support SRV records for clients to find masters.

 3. What is the best way to manage client signing and keeping the pem/
 files in sync across such a backend?

I'd suggest a single/central CA. The certificate signing/creation ties
easily in to the host provisioning (kickstart definition/ec2 setup/
etc) step. Signing on each master works fine, but hinders later
management. The CRL/inventory becomes worthless, for example.

Storeconfigs is a special issue. At puppet camp SF show of hands had
only two large (1000+) sites using store configs. Three or four more
wanted to, but couldnt take the performance hit, as I recall. An SQL
server is required, with postgres mysql  oracle supported IIRC. The
performance requirements for that machine shouldn't be too bad. The
dataset should be in the MB range, easy to keep in memory. Setting
thin_storeconfigs on the masters makes a very large difference in
compilation time. A (very) rough estimate for compilation times of 300
resources: 6s with full storeconfigs, 3-4s with 'thin' storeconfigs,
and 2s without.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet's direction in theory?

2011-01-10 Thread Jesse A Wolfe
 Huh?  You can write a Type in Puppet?  How?  I'm only aware of
 classes and defines, neither of which are that.

A define is a defined type - it really fills the same role as both a
type and a provider.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Custom providers

2011-01-10 Thread Stefan Schulte
On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 05:06:04PM -0800, pl wrote:
  Puppet::Provider::Package defines the prefetch class method. This is
  called at the beginning of the puppet run to find matches between existing
  packages and the one you described in your manifest. Prefetch calls
  instances which should return an array of provider instances. One
  provider instance for each package with the appropiate property_hash
  {ensure = whatever-version}. If you dont know how to implement it try
  with returning an empty array like hpux.rb does.
 I still have this problem that I can't run puppet as a daemon and
 install packages as any other user. Trying to sudo inside the custom
 provider fails if puppet is running as a daemon.
 Is there no way around that?

Yes there is. And you will probably dont want to use backticks.
You can browse the functions in puppet/lib/util.rb for alternatives.
There are different ways to run commands. If you have defined a command
like you already did:

commands :npm_cmd = /home/node/opt/bin/npm

This will mean that puppet will only use the provider if the command is
there and you will get a method for free that will run that command.


I'm not sure if this will have the output as a return value or just
success/failure. To parse output I find execpipe convenient. (You can
use command(:my_own_defined_command) to return your command as a string

execpipe(#{command(:npm_cmd)} list_or_whatever_argument) do |output|
  output.each_line do |line|
# do parsing here

To run all these as a different user you should (although I never tried
it) wrap them in

Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.asuser(username, group) do
  # do stuff here as different user

Just grep for SUIDManager in the sources and you will find examples. You
may have to use userids and groupids for that to work i dont know.

Hope this helps.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet's direction in theory?

2011-01-10 Thread Robin Lee Powell
On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 11:00:24PM -0800, Jesse A Wolfe wrote:
  Huh?  You can write a Type in Puppet?  How?  I'm only aware of
  classes and defines, neither of which are that.

 A define is a defined type - it really fills the same role as
 both a type and a provider.

Well, except for the part where it generally wraps a collection of
exec{...} and file{...} calls, which the Puppet documentation says
are to be avoided (I assume because they are procedural rather than

So if you're saying those are fine, then that's exactly the change I
was talking about.


http://singinst.org/ :  Our last, best hope for a fantastic future.
Lojban (http://www.lojban.org/): The language in which this parrot
is dead is ti poi spitaki cu morsi, but this sentence is false
is na nei.   My personal page: http://www.digitalkingdom.org/rlp/

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