Re: [Puppet Users] Circular RPM dependencies...

2011-08-23 Thread Jakov Sosic
On 08/22/2011 06:29 PM, Mike Lococo wrote:

 This is a long-standing bug, and one that I consider fairly major but
 has been hard to get puppetlabs focused on.
 - The circular deps bug was reported 2 years ago.
 - A few months later a patch is submitted to batch rpm transactions.
   This solves the circular-deps issue and also has significant
   performance benefits during puppet runs with many package installs.
 This comes up periodically and inevitably someone proposes that the
 architecturally correct solution is for RedHat not to employ circular
 deps, which shuts down discussion of a potential solution for another
 3-6 months:

I could incorporate that patch into RPM's... ensure = purged is
obviously not a good idea after all (although it works).

I have another question about packages...

What if I define something like this:

package {'httpd': ensure = absent, }
package {'mod_ssl': ensure = latest, }

It is obvious that httpd is a dependency of mod_ssl. What will happen in
this case?!

I'm asking because I have a template for all my machines with minimal
package requirements, and I do that with lots of ensure=absent.

But if some package requires some of the absent pacakges, what happens

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[Puppet Users] Re: Multiple swap spaces

2011-08-23 Thread jcbollinger

On Aug 22, 11:46 am, Stefan Schulte
 On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 08:19:35AM -0700, jcbollinger wrote:

  On Aug 21, 2:56 pm, Brian Troutwine wrote:


 Problem is that mount conflates the name of the
   resource with it's mount path; I'm defining the same thing two ways each
   time. I _could_ write out my own fstab as a file resource, but that 
   defeats the purpose of even having a mount type. Am I missing something? 
   it possible to have multiple swap spaces with puppet?

  I'm guessing that this is not supported, but here's a long shot: try
  altering your second variation to use the 'path' property instead of
  'name' (even though the docs say it's deprecated).  Even if that
  works, I recommend filing a ticket: I see no inherent reason why
  Puppet shouldn't be able to handle this.

 This wouldnt work because you have two lines in fstab that match each
 mount resource (one in sync, the other one is not (because device is
 wrong). And I dont see a way out of it.

Well it's a question of the definition of match, now isn't it?  Unix
permits different file systems to be mounted on the same (logical)
mount point, as the OP's example demonstrates.  Unix -- some flavors,
at least -- also permit the same device to be mounted on multiple
mount points.  But it is not meaningful or useful to define the same
device mounted more than once on the same mount point, so there *is* a
unique key for fstab entries and mounted file systems.

On a more abstract level, if it's meaningful to the system to have two
fstab entries with some particular properties in common, then Puppet's
resource model both can and should support that.  That's not to say
that the current version of Puppet supports it -- I strongly suspect
it doesn't.  But some future version certainly could and should, hence
my recommendation to file a ticket.


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[Puppet Users] Re: Multiple swap spaces

2011-08-23 Thread jcbollinger

On Aug 22, 12:12 pm, Stefan Schulte

 Whenever you have the wrong device for a mount in your fstab you end up
 with mounts in mounts. For me this would happens a lot for nfs mounts where
 some machines are configured with hostname:/share and others with

 If puppet identifies a mount with name AND device I will end up with two
 lines in fstab for the same share. Pretty ugly.

Again, Puppet needs to model the application space.  I grant, however,
that there may be corners that are not cost-effective (in time and
resources) to model.  Multiple swap spaces are not one of them.
Puppet could address this issue by being either smart or configurable
about whether multiple fstab entries referring to the same mount point
are allowed.

Configurable would mean at least one new property on the resource.
Smart might anything, but might involve, for example, allowing
multiple mounts only on mount points that are not absolute.


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[Puppet Users] Re: Breaking operations on errors

2011-08-23 Thread jcbollinger

On Aug 22, 9:28 am, Brian Troutwine wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 10:11 AM, jcbollinger 

  On Aug 19, 7:30 pm, Brian Troutwine wrote:
   Hello, all.

   Let's say I am building a super-weapon robot to destroy the world, save
   the people on a whitelist, and am using puppet to manage the
   of this robot.

   $ cat files/do_not_kill.txt

   The robot will only being its rampage when /root/have_a_good_time exists.
   puppet configuration, in part, looks like so:

   file { '/root/have_a_good_time':
       ensure = present,
        require = File['/root/do_not_kill.txt'],


   file { '/root/do_not_kill.txt':
       ensure = present,
       source = puppet:///files/donut_kill.txt,


   Those with sharp eyes will note that the inclusion of the whitelist will
   fail miserably: the source is wrong. But then,

   # puppet agent --test

   Uh oh. The enabler of the killer robot will be put into place because,
   despite the error, execution continued and we're all dead, me especially.
   How do I signal that I want to break execution on errors or, at least,
   continue on with the sub-tree of actions which the erroring resource is
   root of?

  You left out the MUWAHAHAAHHH!!!  Did you perhaps also leave out the
  output from 'puppet agent'?

  The behavior you request is what Puppet normally provides: if applying
  a resource fails then other resources that depend on it do not get
  applied.  How about posting the output from 'puppet agent --test --
  debug' with your manifest?  Also, make sure that the agent is actually
  getting the catalog with those resources.

 How do I ensure this last bit?

The last catalog received from the server is cached on the client in
YAML form.  Look on the client in /var/lib/puppet.  It is fairly
readable for simple manifests, but you would probably want a YAML
browser for complex ones.


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[Puppet Users] Re: exported resources and templating

2011-08-23 Thread puppetlurker
Hmmm.  I upgraded, but when running a test I get:

`gem_original_require': no such file to load -- puppet/rails/resources

# puppet help hostname
err: no such file to load -- puppet/rails/resources

There are:


but no resources.  I'm think I'm up to date with ruby:
 ruby -v
ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [x86_64-linux]

Is there an updated puppet gem that I am missing?

Thanks again.

On Aug 22, 10:45 am, Nan Liu wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 6:11 AM, puppetlurker

  I'm having an issue with my implementation of exported resources.  I
  have a memcache server pool, and want to update the /etc/php.d/
  memcache.ini with the ips of all the servers. Previously, I hard coded
  the $memcacheservers array in the node manifest and the template
  collected and populated the template.

  Now that I'm moving to exported resouces, how do I get it to set an
  array in a way I can access it from a different scope?  I tried moving
  the file { /etc/php.d/memcache.ini: content = template(memcache/
  memcache.ini.erb) to the resource function (I understand exported
  resources shoulld not define other resources), but it only populates
  the first server collected, and complains about a duplicate resource
  if I have more than 1 exported server.

  I've tried defining the resource without the content the first time,
  then override the define with the content, but that only picks up the
  2nd server.  I've tried accessing the variable that gets populated
  after the Memcache::Servers | | but it doesn't get populated in
  this scope.  I've tried looking up the
  scope.lookupvar('memcached::servers::memcacheservers') but the
  exported resource is a define not a class and I couldn't get it to
  work.  I've tried just using a script to populate the file with the
  proper contents, but there is no way to ensure it is filled with all
  the servers,  for example the script is executed out of order,
  replaced 3 times if there are 3 servers, and may contain 1, 2, or 3
  servers after a puppet run.

  Any suggestions?

 I was looking at a similar issue where I need to export data, not
 resource, and be able to lookup the data. It just happens that Dan has
 published a prototype along the line of what you are looking 



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[Puppet Users] Re: exported resources and templating

2011-08-23 Thread puppetlurker
Nevermind, I found it:

On Aug 23, 9:21 am, jcbollinger wrote:
 On Aug 22, 8:11 am, puppetlurker wrote:


  I'm having an issue with my implementation of exported resources.  I
  have a memcache server pool, and want to update the /etc/php.d/
  memcache.ini with the ips of all the servers. Previously, I hard coded
  the $memcacheservers array in the node manifest and the template
  collected and populated the template.

  Now that I'm moving to exported resouces, how do I get it to set an
  array in a way I can access it from a different scope?  I tried moving
  the file { /etc/php.d/memcache.ini: content = template(memcache/
  memcache.ini.erb) to the resource function (I understand exported
  resources shoulld not define other resources), but it only populates
  the first server collected, and complains about a duplicate resource
  if I have more than 1 exported server.

  I've tried defining the resource without the content the first time,
  then override the define with the content, but that only picks up the
  2nd server.  I've tried accessing the variable that gets populated
  after the Memcache::Servers | | but it doesn't get populated in
  this scope.  I've tried looking up the
  scope.lookupvar('memcached::servers::memcacheservers') but the
  exported resource is a define not a class and I couldn't get it to
  work.  I've tried just using a script to populate the file with the
  proper contents, but there is no way to ensure it is filled with all
  the servers,  for example the script is executed out of order,
  replaced 3 times if there are 3 servers, and may contain 1, 2, or 3
  servers after a puppet run.

  Any suggestions?

 The way to do this with exported resources is for each node to export
 a resource containing its own information only.  The trick is choosing
 the resource to use for this.

 The simplest case would be if /etc/php.d/memcache.ini supports some
 kind of 'include' directive, especially if it understands globs.  Then
 each server can export its own (distinctly-named) file intended for
 inclusion, and the node(s) that collect them need only to put the
 appropriate 'include' directive(s) into the main memcache.ini.

 Alternatively, there is a module available that provides for building
 files from fragments.  Your server could export fragment resources of
 the type defined by that module, and the node(s) that collect them
 would use them to build the memcache.ini file.

 Remember: an exported resource is one that you make available for
 other nodes to include in their catalogs, as if they were declared in
 those nodes' own manifests.  All the normal rules apply in the context
 where they are collected.  In particular, name and title uniqueness is
 still required, but for exported resources you may get lost resource
 data instead of Puppet errors when there are name collisions.


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[Puppet Users] Allow node to request a class/module?

2011-08-23 Thread jblaine
We have a need for nodes to specify a class to be included in their catalog.

What's the best (?) way to do this?  Best I can tell, we'd have to customize
the Facter facts reported by the node to the master.

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[Puppet Users] Re: err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: execution expired

2011-08-23 Thread jblaine
Sadly, Steven, I ran into this same exact problem in Puppet.  Your solution 
won't be found in
changing to a different server setup (webrick to Passenger, for instance). 
 I've tested both
with a large number of files and they both fall on their face.  Puppet 
simply is not capable
of serving large trees of files the way it is designed.  The only solution I 
have found is to
make native OS packages to distribute and install (instead of simply 
transferring the
tree of files).

Coming from a CFengine backround (and perhaps going right back to it, the 
verdict is still
out), this was a major disappointment to find while evaluating Puppet.

It takes CFengine 2.1.x only 1-2 minutes to transfer 14,000 files totalling 
147MB.  Puppet took
many hours and memory growth was enormous.

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Re: [Puppet Users] property file provider

2011-08-23 Thread David Kavanagh
I did get this working. In a nutshell, I modified to_line like this;
  def self.to_line(hash)
return super unless hash[:record_type] == :parsed

which handles the other line types. To handle wrapping values in
quotes, I changed the type like this;
  newproperty(:value) do
munge do |value|

so, that line where value.to_s is wrapped with quotes seems to work nicely.

My other problem now is that aside from handling these variations

# comment lines

I also need to handle this;

key=value #optional comment

I could add to the regex for the line matching (in record_line
:parsed). Then, I'm not sure how to get that into to_line for output.


On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 8:48 PM, David Kavanagh wrote:
 Thanks, I'll try to work through your suggestions. I took this from
 the nova_config stuff on github, so that was my example.


 On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 7:36 PM, Stefan Schulte wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 06:33:27PM -0400, David Kavanagh wrote:
 I'm working on a type/provider for the eucalyptus.conf file. What I
 have generally works for modifying properties. I have a couple of
 issues and not being very experienced with Ruby and custom providers,
 I wonder if anyone can help?
 The code is included below. The key/value constructs in the file look like:


 1. I'm not getting the quotes surrounding the value, which I think I
 can figure out myself.
 2. I get all blanks and comments replaced by =, which is more of a 


 require 'puppet/provider/parsedfile'

 eucaconf = /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf

   :parent = Puppet::Provider::ParsedFile,
   :default_target = eucaconf,
   :filetype = :flat
 ) do

   confine :exists = eucaconf
   text_line :comment, :match = /^#/;
   text_line :blank, :match = /^\s*$/;

   record_line :parsed,
     :fields = %w{line},
     :match = /(.*)/ ,
     :post_parse = proc { |hash|
       Puppet.debug(eucalyptus config line:#{hash[:line]} has been parsed)
       if hash[:line] =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*$/
       elsif hash[:line] =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*$/
         raise Puppet::Error, Invalid line: #{hash[:line]}

 instead of the post_parse hook you can probably just change your regex
  :fields   = %w{name value},
  :optional = %w{value},
  :match    = /^\s*(.*?)(?:\s*=\s*(\S+))?\s*$/

 This matches line like



  foo = bar

   def self.to_line(hash)

 If you just overwrite the to_line method you have to take care of the
 different record_types (you defined :comment, :text and :parsed).
 So you have to do

    def self.to_line(hash)
      return super unless hash[:record_type] == :parsed
      if hash[:value] == :absent

 Nevertheless the right thing to do is to pass a block to the
 record_line method:

  record_line :parsed,
    :fields  = ...,
    :match   = ...,
    :to_line = proc { |hash|
      if hash[:value] == :absent

 Hope that helps.


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[Puppet Users] Resource Defaults and Virtual Resources

2011-08-23 Thread Vincent

I am trying to set a defaults groups before realize virtual resource
The default value is not used,
is it possible to define the default groups at this level ?

User { groups = 'ops' }

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Re: [Puppet Users] property file provider

2011-08-23 Thread Stefan Schulte
On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 10:32:54AM -0400, David Kavanagh wrote:
 I did get this working. In a nutshell, I modified to_line like this;
   def self.to_line(hash)
 return super unless hash[:record_type] == :parsed

As I said, I wouldn't to that. Just pass a :to_line = proc {...} to your
record_line call because you will then just overwrite the to_line method
of that particular record_type.

 which handles the other line types. To handle wrapping values in
 quotes, I changed the type like this;
   newproperty(:value) do
 munge do |value|
 so, that line where value.to_s is wrapped with quotes seems to work nicely.

Hm, in my opinion using a regex that gets the value as an unqoted string
and put the quotes back to the string in the to_line method looks saner
than munging the value.

 My other problem now is that aside from handling these variations
 # comment lines
 I also need to handle this;
 key=value #optional comment
 I could add to the regex for the line matching (in record_line
 :parsed). Then, I'm not sure how to get that into to_line for output.

You have to store the inlinecomment in the record hash and then put it
back in the to_line hook. So this should work
(to test the regex I recommend

record_line :parsed,
  :fields   = %w{name value comment},
  :optional = %w{value comment},
  :regex= /^\s*(.*?)(?:\s*=\s*(.*?))?(?:\s*#\s*(.*))?\s*$/,
  :to_line  = proc { |hash|
str = hash[:name]
str += =\#{hash[:value]}\ if hash[:value] != :absent
str +=  # #{hash[:comment]} if hash[:comment] != :absent

 On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 8:48 PM, David Kavanagh wrote:
  Thanks, I'll try to work through your suggestions. I took this from
  the nova_config stuff on github, so that was my example.
  On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 7:36 PM, Stefan Schulte wrote:
  On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 06:33:27PM -0400, David Kavanagh wrote:
  I'm working on a type/provider for the eucalyptus.conf file. What I
  have generally works for modifying properties. I have a couple of
  issues and not being very experienced with Ruby and custom providers,
  I wonder if anyone can help?
  The code is included below. The key/value constructs in the file look 
  1. I'm not getting the quotes surrounding the value, which I think I
  can figure out myself.
  2. I get all blanks and comments replaced by =, which is more of a 
  require 'puppet/provider/parsedfile'
  eucaconf = /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf
    :parent = Puppet::Provider::ParsedFile,
    :default_target = eucaconf,
    :filetype = :flat
  ) do
    confine :exists = eucaconf
    text_line :comment, :match = /^#/;
    text_line :blank, :match = /^\s*$/;
    record_line :parsed,
      :fields = %w{line},
      :match = /(.*)/ ,
      :post_parse = proc { |hash|
        Puppet.debug(eucalyptus config line:#{hash[:line]} has been 
        if hash[:line] =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*$/
        elsif hash[:line] =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*$/
          raise Puppet::Error, Invalid line: #{hash[:line]}
  instead of the post_parse hook you can probably just change your regex
   :fields   = %w{name value},
   :optional = %w{value},
   :match    = /^\s*(.*?)(?:\s*=\s*(\S+))?\s*$/
  This matches line like
   foo = bar
    def self.to_line(hash)
  If you just overwrite the to_line method you have to take care of the
  different record_types (you defined :comment, :text and :parsed).
  So you have to do
     def self.to_line(hash)
       return super unless hash[:record_type] == :parsed
       if hash[:value] == :absent
  Nevertheless the right thing to do is to pass a block to the
  record_line method:
   record_line :parsed,
     :fields  = ...,
     :match   = ...,
     :to_line = proc { |hash|
       if hash[:value] == :absent
  Hope that helps.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Resource Defaults and Virtual Resources

2011-08-23 Thread Nan Liu
On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 7:34 AM, Vincent wrote:

 I am trying to set a defaults groups before realize virtual resource
 The default value is not used,
 is it possible to define the default groups at this level ?

 User { groups = 'ops' }

The resource default should occur before declaration of virtual
resource instead of the realize function.

User { groups = 'ops' }
@user { 'vincent':

You can use the other realize syntax to override values (however if
the virtual resource @user { 'vincent': } declared a groups attribute
it will be replaced with 'ops'):

User | title='vincent' | {
  groups = 'ops',



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Re: [Puppet Users] Allow node to request a class/module?

2011-08-23 Thread Daniel Pittman
On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 07:26, jblaine wrote:

 We have a need for nodes to specify a class to be included in their catalog.
 What's the best (?) way to do this?  Best I can tell, we'd have to customize
 the Facter facts reported by the node to the master.

You got it in one: report whatever property of the machine that you
want to support, and then on the master use that data to make your
decision.  Facts are the most obvious way, but if you have some
external system you can report into and query from that manually.

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[Puppet Users] Difference between include and require

2011-08-23 Thread Douglas Garstang
Can someone please succinctly explain to me the difference between include
and require?

The documentation implies that simply putting 'require class' at the top
of a different class automatically means that class is fully implemented
as a dependency. However, it doesn't seem to work that way. Also, I'm not
seeing a situation where the use of include seems to be automatically
resolving dependancies. This is puppet 0.25.5.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Difference between include and require

2011-08-23 Thread David Kavanagh
It seems there's a problem including a class multiple times. By
stating that one class requires another, you formalize the dependency,
but don't actually have an include. What you do then is to include the
class in your main implementation which uses that class. That way, if
you have several classes that depend on one other class, it is
included once at the top level, but used many places (where it is
Is that as clear as I think it is?


On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 1:51 PM, Douglas Garstang wrote:
 Can someone please succinctly explain to me the difference between include
 and require?
 The documentation implies that simply putting 'require class' at the top
 of a different class automatically means that class is fully implemented
 as a dependency. However, it doesn't seem to work that way. Also, I'm not
 seeing a situation where the use of include seems to be automatically
 resolving dependancies. This is puppet 0.25.5.

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[Puppet Users] Parameterized classes vs defined-types

2011-08-23 Thread Digant C Kasundra
Out of curiosity, how are people using parameterized classes in a way that is 
distinct from defined-types?

Digant C Kasundra
Infrastructure Systems Software Developer, ITS:IDG, Stanford University

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[Puppet Users] 2.7.1 slowness?

2011-08-23 Thread Digant C Kasundra
Is anyone else noticing slowness with 2.7.1?  When I run puppet on my 2.6.8 
box, it takes 11 seconds.  On my second box with exactly the same catalog, it 
takes 35 seconds.

Digant C Kasundra
Infrastructure Systems Software Developer, ITS:IDG, Stanford University

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[Puppet Users] Re: Dynamic lookup of $var

2011-08-23 Thread jblaine
Same here, Chuck.  Updated the issue.

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Re: [Puppet Users] property file provider

2011-08-23 Thread David Kavanagh
Hi Stefan,
I have it working using your suggestions (I took out my hacks). I
adjusted the match regex to match the quotes in the value portion.
Otherwise, I kept getting more quotes added in each time the file was
The only glitch now is that it always thinks there's a comment, so
even if there isn't a comment after the value, it adds a # at the
end of line.


On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 11:45 AM, Stefan Schulte wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 10:32:54AM -0400, David Kavanagh wrote:
 I did get this working. In a nutshell, I modified to_line like this;
   def self.to_line(hash)
     return super unless hash[:record_type] == :parsed

 As I said, I wouldn't to that. Just pass a :to_line = proc {...} to your
 record_line call because you will then just overwrite the to_line method
 of that particular record_type.

 which handles the other line types. To handle wrapping values in
 quotes, I changed the type like this;
   newproperty(:value) do
     munge do |value|

 so, that line where value.to_s is wrapped with quotes seems to work nicely.

 Hm, in my opinion using a regex that gets the value as an unqoted string
 and put the quotes back to the string in the to_line method looks saner
 than munging the value.

 My other problem now is that aside from handling these variations

 # comment lines

 I also need to handle this;

 key=value #optional comment

 I could add to the regex for the line matching (in record_line
 :parsed). Then, I'm not sure how to get that into to_line for output.

 You have to store the inlinecomment in the record hash and then put it
 back in the to_line hook. So this should work
 (to test the regex I recommend

 record_line :parsed,
  :fields   = %w{name value comment},
  :optional = %w{value comment},
  :regex    = /^\s*(.*?)(?:\s*=\s*(.*?))?(?:\s*#\s*(.*))?\s*$/,
  :to_line  = proc { |hash|
    str = hash[:name]
    str += =\#{hash[:value]}\ if hash[:value] != :absent
    str +=  # #{hash[:comment]} if hash[:comment] != :absent


 On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 8:48 PM, David Kavanagh wrote:
  Thanks, I'll try to work through your suggestions. I took this from
  the nova_config stuff on github, so that was my example.
  On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 7:36 PM, Stefan Schulte wrote:
  On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 06:33:27PM -0400, David Kavanagh wrote:
  I'm working on a type/provider for the eucalyptus.conf file. What I
  have generally works for modifying properties. I have a couple of
  issues and not being very experienced with Ruby and custom providers,
  I wonder if anyone can help?
  The code is included below. The key/value constructs in the file look 
  1. I'm not getting the quotes surrounding the value, which I think I
  can figure out myself.
  2. I get all blanks and comments replaced by =, which is more of a 
  require 'puppet/provider/parsedfile'
  eucaconf = /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf
    :parent = Puppet::Provider::ParsedFile,
    :default_target = eucaconf,
    :filetype = :flat
  ) do
    confine :exists = eucaconf
    text_line :comment, :match = /^#/;
    text_line :blank, :match = /^\s*$/;
    record_line :parsed,
      :fields = %w{line},
      :match = /(.*)/ ,
      :post_parse = proc { |hash|
        Puppet.debug(eucalyptus config line:#{hash[:line]} has been 
        if hash[:line] =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*$/
        elsif hash[:line] =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*$/
          raise Puppet::Error, Invalid line: #{hash[:line]}
  instead of the post_parse hook you can probably just change your regex
   :fields   = %w{name value},
   :optional = %w{value},
   :match    = /^\s*(.*?)(?:\s*=\s*(\S+))?\s*$/
  This matches line like
   foo = bar
    def self.to_line(hash)
  If you just overwrite the to_line method you have to take care of the
  different record_types (you defined :comment, :text and :parsed).
  So you have to do
     def self.to_line(hash)
       return super unless hash[:record_type] == :parsed
       if hash[:value] == :absent
  Nevertheless the right thing to do is to pass a block to the
  record_line method:
   record_line :parsed,
     :fields  = ...,
     :match   = ...,
     :to_line = proc { |hash|
       if hash[:value] == :absent
  Hope that helps.


Re: [Puppet Users] property file provider

2011-08-23 Thread David Kavanagh
for reference, here's how the regex matches the trailing comment;

On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 4:17 PM, David Kavanagh wrote:
 Hi Stefan,
 I have it working using your suggestions (I took out my hacks). I
 adjusted the match regex to match the quotes in the value portion.
 Otherwise, I kept getting more quotes added in each time the file was
 The only glitch now is that it always thinks there's a comment, so
 even if there isn't a comment after the value, it adds a # at the
 end of line.


 On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 11:45 AM, Stefan Schulte wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 10:32:54AM -0400, David Kavanagh wrote:
 I did get this working. In a nutshell, I modified to_line like this;
   def self.to_line(hash)
     return super unless hash[:record_type] == :parsed

 As I said, I wouldn't to that. Just pass a :to_line = proc {...} to your
 record_line call because you will then just overwrite the to_line method
 of that particular record_type.

 which handles the other line types. To handle wrapping values in
 quotes, I changed the type like this;
   newproperty(:value) do
     munge do |value|

 so, that line where value.to_s is wrapped with quotes seems to work nicely.

 Hm, in my opinion using a regex that gets the value as an unqoted string
 and put the quotes back to the string in the to_line method looks saner
 than munging the value.

 My other problem now is that aside from handling these variations

 # comment lines

 I also need to handle this;

 key=value #optional comment

 I could add to the regex for the line matching (in record_line
 :parsed). Then, I'm not sure how to get that into to_line for output.

 You have to store the inlinecomment in the record hash and then put it
 back in the to_line hook. So this should work
 (to test the regex I recommend

 record_line :parsed,
  :fields   = %w{name value comment},
  :optional = %w{value comment},
  :regex    = /^\s*(.*?)(?:\s*=\s*(.*?))?(?:\s*#\s*(.*))?\s*$/,
  :to_line  = proc { |hash|
    str = hash[:name]
    str += =\#{hash[:value]}\ if hash[:value] != :absent
    str +=  # #{hash[:comment]} if hash[:comment] != :absent


 On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 8:48 PM, David Kavanagh wrote:
  Thanks, I'll try to work through your suggestions. I took this from
  the nova_config stuff on github, so that was my example.
  On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 7:36 PM, Stefan Schulte wrote:
  On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 06:33:27PM -0400, David Kavanagh wrote:
  I'm working on a type/provider for the eucalyptus.conf file. What I
  have generally works for modifying properties. I have a couple of
  issues and not being very experienced with Ruby and custom providers,
  I wonder if anyone can help?
  The code is included below. The key/value constructs in the file look 
  1. I'm not getting the quotes surrounding the value, which I think I
  can figure out myself.
  2. I get all blanks and comments replaced by =, which is more of a 
  require 'puppet/provider/parsedfile'
  eucaconf = /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf
    :parent = Puppet::Provider::ParsedFile,
    :default_target = eucaconf,
    :filetype = :flat
  ) do
    confine :exists = eucaconf
    text_line :comment, :match = /^#/;
    text_line :blank, :match = /^\s*$/;
    record_line :parsed,
      :fields = %w{line},
      :match = /(.*)/ ,
      :post_parse = proc { |hash|
        Puppet.debug(eucalyptus config line:#{hash[:line]} has been 
        if hash[:line] =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*$/
        elsif hash[:line] =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*$/
          raise Puppet::Error, Invalid line: #{hash[:line]}
  instead of the post_parse hook you can probably just change your regex
   :fields   = %w{name value},
   :optional = %w{value},
   :match    = /^\s*(.*?)(?:\s*=\s*(\S+))?\s*$/
  This matches line like
   foo = bar
    def self.to_line(hash)
  If you just overwrite the to_line method you have to take care of the
  different record_types (you defined :comment, :text and :parsed).
  So you have to do
     def self.to_line(hash)
       return super unless hash[:record_type] == :parsed
       if hash[:value] == :absent
  Nevertheless the right thing to do is to pass a block to the
  record_line method:
   record_line :parsed,
     :fields  = ...,
     :match   = ...,
     :to_line = proc { 

Re: [Puppet Users] property file provider

2011-08-23 Thread David Kavanagh
I understand regular expressions. been doing them a long time in
various languages. But, how are the fields determined from this regex?


On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 4:19 PM, David Kavanagh wrote:
 for reference, here's how the regex matches the trailing comment;

 On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 4:17 PM, David Kavanagh wrote:
 Hi Stefan,
 I have it working using your suggestions (I took out my hacks). I
 adjusted the match regex to match the quotes in the value portion.
 Otherwise, I kept getting more quotes added in each time the file was
 The only glitch now is that it always thinks there's a comment, so
 even if there isn't a comment after the value, it adds a # at the
 end of line.


 On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 11:45 AM, Stefan Schulte wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 10:32:54AM -0400, David Kavanagh wrote:
 I did get this working. In a nutshell, I modified to_line like this;
   def self.to_line(hash)
     return super unless hash[:record_type] == :parsed

 As I said, I wouldn't to that. Just pass a :to_line = proc {...} to your
 record_line call because you will then just overwrite the to_line method
 of that particular record_type.

 which handles the other line types. To handle wrapping values in
 quotes, I changed the type like this;
   newproperty(:value) do
     munge do |value|

 so, that line where value.to_s is wrapped with quotes seems to work nicely.

 Hm, in my opinion using a regex that gets the value as an unqoted string
 and put the quotes back to the string in the to_line method looks saner
 than munging the value.

 My other problem now is that aside from handling these variations

 # comment lines

 I also need to handle this;

 key=value #optional comment

 I could add to the regex for the line matching (in record_line
 :parsed). Then, I'm not sure how to get that into to_line for output.

 You have to store the inlinecomment in the record hash and then put it
 back in the to_line hook. So this should work
 (to test the regex I recommend

 record_line :parsed,
  :fields   = %w{name value comment},
  :optional = %w{value comment},
  :regex    = /^\s*(.*?)(?:\s*=\s*(.*?))?(?:\s*#\s*(.*))?\s*$/,
  :to_line  = proc { |hash|
    str = hash[:name]
    str += =\#{hash[:value]}\ if hash[:value] != :absent
    str +=  # #{hash[:comment]} if hash[:comment] != :absent


 On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 8:48 PM, David Kavanagh 
  Thanks, I'll try to work through your suggestions. I took this from
  the nova_config stuff on github, so that was my example.
  On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 7:36 PM, Stefan Schulte wrote:
  On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 06:33:27PM -0400, David Kavanagh wrote:
  I'm working on a type/provider for the eucalyptus.conf file. What I
  have generally works for modifying properties. I have a couple of
  issues and not being very experienced with Ruby and custom providers,
  I wonder if anyone can help?
  The code is included below. The key/value constructs in the file look 
  1. I'm not getting the quotes surrounding the value, which I think I
  can figure out myself.
  2. I get all blanks and comments replaced by =, which is more of a 
  require 'puppet/provider/parsedfile'
  eucaconf = /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf
    :parent = Puppet::Provider::ParsedFile,
    :default_target = eucaconf,
    :filetype = :flat
  ) do
    confine :exists = eucaconf
    text_line :comment, :match = /^#/;
    text_line :blank, :match = /^\s*$/;
    record_line :parsed,
      :fields = %w{line},
      :match = /(.*)/ ,
      :post_parse = proc { |hash|
        Puppet.debug(eucalyptus config line:#{hash[:line]} has been 
        if hash[:line] =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*$/
        elsif hash[:line] =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*$/
          raise Puppet::Error, Invalid line: #{hash[:line]}
  instead of the post_parse hook you can probably just change your regex
   :fields   = %w{name value},
   :optional = %w{value},
   :match    = /^\s*(.*?)(?:\s*=\s*(\S+))?\s*$/
  This matches line like
   foo = bar
    def self.to_line(hash)
  If you just overwrite the to_line method you have to take care of the
  different record_types (you defined :comment, :text and :parsed).
  So you have to do
     def self.to_line(hash)
       return super unless hash[:record_type] == :parsed
       if hash[:value] == :absent

[Puppet Users] Host timeouts.

2011-08-23 Thread Charlie Wyse
When I try to use mcollective to restart some jboss servers that take
a bit of time we get a timeout fail shown below.  We are using the mc-
shellcmd plugin which does have a timeout of 300 listed in the rb but
we move that around and it seems to do no good.  Is there a default
timeout variable we can set to possibly give us more time for our slow
moving jboss implementation?

What I see:
Finished processing 0 / 2 hosts in 5007.88 ms

No response from:

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Re: [Puppet Users] property file provider

2011-08-23 Thread Stefan Schulte
On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 04:19:40PM -0400, David Kavanagh wrote:
 for reference, here's how the regex matches the trailing comment;

Yes, rubular shows all fields but the last field is in fact nil and not an
empty string. Try to replace

  str +=  # #{hash[:comment]} if hash[:comment] != :absent


  str +=  # #{hash[:comment]} unless hash[:comment].nil?

Does this work?


Description: PGP signature

Re: [Puppet Users] property file provider

2011-08-23 Thread David Kavanagh
Like a charm!
What designates the fields in the regex? I'm having trouble finding
documentation on that part.


On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Stefan Schulte wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 04:19:40PM -0400, David Kavanagh wrote:
 for reference, here's how the regex matches the trailing comment;

 Yes, rubular shows all fields but the last field is in fact nil and not an
 empty string. Try to replace

  str +=  # #{hash[:comment]} if hash[:comment] != :absent


  str +=  # #{hash[:comment]} unless hash[:comment].nil?

 Does this work?


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Re: [Puppet Users] property file provider

2011-08-23 Thread Stefan Schulte
On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 04:27:30PM -0400, David Kavanagh wrote:
 I understand regular expressions. been doing them a long time in
 various languages. But, how are the fields determined from this regex?

You have to put everything you want to capture in parentheses, so

  /^Hello (.*)$/.match('Hello World').captures == ['World']

However if you want to just define a block and you don't
want to capture it you can use (?: and ) instead of ( and ).

I used that in the regex like in


This means there is an optional equal sign with stuff after it as
indicated by the quotation mark after the block marked with the
outer parentheses (?: and ). But I dont want to capture the whole
block so I just capture what is after the equal sign
(the inner parentheses).

Does this answers your question?


Description: PGP signature

[Puppet Users] Re: Host timeouts.

2011-08-23 Thread Charlie Wyse
Oops, sorry, I moved this message over to mcollective users google

On Aug 23, 1:55 pm, Charlie Wyse wrote:
 When I try to use mcollective to restart some jboss servers that take
 a bit of time we get a timeout fail shown below.  We are using the mc-
 shellcmd plugin which does have a timeout of 300 listed in the rb but
 we move that around and it seems to do no good.  Is there a default
 timeout variable we can set to possibly give us more time for our slow
 moving jboss implementation?

 What I see:
 Finished processing 0 / 2 hosts in 5007.88 ms

 No response from:

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Puppet Users group.
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Re: [Puppet Users] property file provider

2011-08-23 Thread David Kavanagh
yes, That's actually does. I wasn't finding much to read about this.


On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 5:12 PM, Stefan Schulte wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 04:27:30PM -0400, David Kavanagh wrote:
 I understand regular expressions. been doing them a long time in
 various languages. But, how are the fields determined from this regex?


 You have to put everything you want to capture in parentheses, so

  /^Hello (.*)$/.match('Hello World').captures == ['World']

 However if you want to just define a block and you don't
 want to capture it you can use (?: and ) instead of ( and ).

 I used that in the regex like in


 This means there is an optional equal sign with stuff after it as
 indicated by the quotation mark after the block marked with the
 outer parentheses (?: and ). But I dont want to capture the whole
 block so I just capture what is after the equal sign
 (the inner parentheses).

 Does this answers your question?


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Re: [Puppet Users] Difference between include and require

2011-08-23 Thread Douglas Garstang
Yes... that's what I had

On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 10:53 AM, David Kavanagh dkavan...@gmail.comwrote:

 It seems there's a problem including a class multiple times. By
 stating that one class requires another, you formalize the dependency,
 but don't actually have an include. What you do then is to include the
 class in your main implementation which uses that class. That way, if
 you have several classes that depend on one other class, it is
 included once at the top level, but used many places (where it is
 Is that as clear as I think it is?


 On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 1:51 PM, Douglas Garstang wrote:
  Can someone please succinctly explain to me the difference between
  and require?
  The documentation implies that simply putting 'require class' at the
  of a different class automatically means that class is fully
  as a dependency. However, it doesn't seem to work that way. Also, I'm not
  seeing a situation where the use of include seems to be automatically
  resolving dependancies. This is puppet 0.25.5.
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Douglas Garstang
Cell: +1-805-340-5627

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Re: [Puppet Users] property file provider

2011-08-23 Thread Stefan Schulte
On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 05:47:07PM -0400, David Kavanagh wrote:
 yes, That's actually does. I wasn't finding much to read about this.



Description: PGP signature

[Puppet Users] Re: facter identifies Oracle Linux 6.1 as 'RedHat'

2011-08-23 Thread Avi Miller

On Aug 23, 8:58 am, Jeffrey wrote:
 Noticed today that facter-1.6.0 is reporting Oracle Linux 6.1 as

I've added an issue for this on the Puppet Labs site[1] and submitted
a patch via GitHub to determine OracleLinux properly from 5 Update 6
and 6. This adds OracleLinux as an operatingsystem.



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