Re: [pygame] New website

2016-12-17 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 17 December 2016 at 20:40, Alex Z. <> wrote:

> More important: I think it would be cool to do a real brainstorming about
> creative ideas together, as everyone has an own vision and arguments for
> how the site should be and mail is such a slow medium.
> Maybe we can do a Skype call, Google hangout or whatever soon so as many
> people as possible really get involved.
> However we would need a moderator to structure the call and protocol the
> answers. I would suggest Thomas, as he has the most experience with pygames
> history and maintaining its resources.

I should make it clear that I have very little experience with maintaining
Pygame. I turned up earlier this year to pester people into making a
release. But I'm happy to co-ordinate getting this work off the ground. :-)

I have my reservations about a video chat: it's hard to include everyone,
especially as we're spread across widely spaced time zones. Although email
is slower, the asynchronous communications give everyone a chance to weigh
in. But if people agree that a video chat would be helpful, I'll try to
arrange that.

So far, I think the proposals for the static information part of the site
are Nikola (a static site generator oriented around blogs) and Sphinx
(oriented around docs). Both are written in Python. Does anyone want to
make the case for any other system?

Summarising ideas on the game feed part:
- Maybe it could also be static, so you make a pull request to submit a game
- Others said please don't do that, because it's too difficult for game
  - [I agree with both groups. I wonder if we could make a web form which
turns the input into a git commit plus pull request...]
- Alternatively, we could populate it with data from other sources; either
mechanisms for software generally (PyPI, Openhub), or specific to games
(Steam,, gamejolt)
  - [My thoughts: the general sources don't seem a great fit; it's rare to
upload screenshots to these, and even if developers did, we would have to
scrape them from free text. Pulling from game stores would mean games have
to clear a much higher bar of quality and polish than many of the current
entries on the feed. That is up for discussion, but I like the current
amateur-friendly feel of the feed. If you just want polished games to play,
it wouldn't matter that they're in Python]


Re: [pygame] Pygame 1.9.2 released!

2016-12-17 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 17 December 2016 at 07:54, DiliupG <> wrote:

> so does this mean we are stuck forever with 1.9.something and the old sdl
> library? :(

Well, if you want SDL2, you can use pygame_sdl2. ;-)

At the moment, I don't see any advantage to porting the pygame codebase to
SDL2, when pygame_sdl2 already exists. It seems like development energy
would be better spent improving compatibility, adding features to
pygame_sdl2, and helping the two projects to share code. If there's some
advantage to making another SDL2 port, we could look at that, but it sounds
like a lot of work, so a compelling reason would be needed.

In terms of version numbers, I could see the SDL1.2 based pygame making
releases like 1.10, 1.11, and so on. We'd probably avoid making 2.x because
of the potential for confusion.


Re: [pygame] New website

2016-12-16 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 16 December 2016 at 10:12, Radomir Dopieralski <>

> As for the tools, I wonder if we could just use Sphinx like all the
> PyGame documentation does, and not get extra tools involved.

I've made websites with Sphinx before (, and my experience was
that it's not a great tool for that task - it's designed around docs, and
you have to do a fair bit to suppress docs-oriented features and checks
that don't make sense for a website, such as having all the pages in a
strict order for conversion to PDF.

That said, Nikola (and, I think, most static site generators) are really
designed around a blog, which isn't exactly what we want either.

> As for the list of games, I wonder if we could just make people commit
> their entries into a github repository, together with an image and
> description?  I mean, this is interface for people who are making games
> already -- so we don't necessarily have to make it super-easy and open
> to spammers. Github has their own anti-spam measures, we could take
> advantage of that. This way we avoid the need for a custom database and
> app hosting. We can just generate static html for the game list daily,
> or from a github hook.

I did wonder about that. It's not ideal, because pull requests have to be
merged, but it is an attractive option for simplicity. Maybe if it was a
separate repo, we could give out push access very freely so that there were
many people who could merge pull requests.

> What do we want to do with the wiki? Do we want to "migrate" it to some
> other engine, or just leave it as it is for now? Maybe put it into
> github wiki too?

I would move it into the version-controlled static site. I think wikis were
popular at one point a few years back, but they don't actually work that
well. Part of the problem is that people can be reluctant to edit a wiki in
case they're wrong. Making changes through pull requests makes those people
more willing to have a go, because they know someone else will check it.
And it provides some protection against bad edits.

If we decide we really need a wiki, I'd probably go for the Github wiki,
but let's try with just the version controlled site first.


PS Does anyone know who owns the pygame organisation on Github? It's
claimed but not in use.

Re: [pygame] Pygame 1.9.2 released!

2016-12-16 Thread Thomas Kluyver
There's an issue about that:

The current thinking is that we might bless pygame_sdl2 as the recommended
SDL2 version of pygame, and try to share code where it's practical.

On 16 December 2016 at 17:16, Jake b <> wrote:

> I thought 2.0 was for when  pygame uses SDL 2.0
> On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 12:58 PM, DiliupG <> wrote:
>> congratulations on this! LONG OVERDUE!
>> next Pygame 2.0
>> Lets's skip the 1.9.3, 1.9.4, 1.9.agony-of-waiting, and jump straight to
>> the future!
>> Congratulations to all involved once again!
>> :)
>> On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 7:32 PM, Thomas Kluyver <> wrote:
>>> We're pleased to announce the release of Pygame 1.9.2, available now
>>> from PyPI and Bitbucket. You can (probably) install it with:
>>> pip install pygame
>>> The highlights of this version include Python 3 support, and pre-built
>>> wheel packages available on PyPI for major platforms, allowing convenient
>>> installation with pip. I'm not sure of all the other changes, but there's
>>> lots more detail in the WHATSNEW file in the source tree, or the commit
>>> history.
>>> If you run into problems, please check for and report issues at:
>>> We're already aware of an issue with the mixer_music_test crashing on
>>> Linux when installed from a wheel (issue 317).
>>> Thanks,
>>> Thomas
>> --
>> Kalasuri Diliup Gabadamudalige
>> **
>> This e-mail is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If you
>> are not the intended recipient or have received it in error, please delete
>> it and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by
>> return e-mail. Any unauthorized reading, reproducing, printing or further
>> dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited and may
>> be unlawful. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely,
>> secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any
>> errors or omissions.
>> **
> --
> Jake

[pygame] New website

2016-12-15 Thread Thomas Kluyver
Hi all,

I know several people on this mailing list have proposed overhauling the
Pygame website in the past. Now's your chance!

The current Pygame website contains outdated information, relies on a (not
so) secret sign up link for people who want to submit games, and as we
can't currently contact René, we don't have access to change it. Peter
Shinners, who registered the domain, is on board with building a
new site and making it

The first steps are assembling a team of people who're interested in
working on the website, and working out what technologies we'll use for the
new site. I think the best way to tackle it is as two separate components:
the static information and the game feed. I've copied in more details about
what I think we need at the bottom of this email.

If you're interested in helping to build this, or you have ideas about how
best to do it, please reply to this email!



General info:


   Designs, mockups and prototypes are welcome, but please don’t spend a
   lot of time building anything yet; we might go for another option.

   Assembling a team to build and maintain the site is an important part of
   this. An average architecture with several people happy to maintain it is
   better than a genius architecture with one quarrelsome maintainer.

   I’d like to preserve the informal, playful feel of the old green &
   yellow site, so bright colours and cartoonish graphics are acceptable (but
   not required, if you want to go a different way).

Part 1: Information


   Information about the project, how to install it, links to documentation
   & support forums, etc. Including content from the wiki on the old site.
   (Craven: Based on analytics for a different site, I recommend putting the
   following on the home page, in this order, quick links: Example code,
   installation instructions, API docs, projects that use Pygame.)

   This part should be served as static HTML: solid free hosting is
   available for static sites, and we don’t want to worry about the security
   of a dynamic web application.

   The HTML should be generated from content and templates stored in public
   version control, to allow easy collaboration.

   Tools: there are many static site generators. Jekyll has a head start as
   it’s built into Github pages, but we’d consider other options. We’d like
   building and deploying the site to be automated, and it should be easy for
   contributors to build the site locally to check their changes. We have a
   slight preference for Python-based tools because contributors are likely to
   already have Python.

Part 2: Game feed


   An up-to-date list of recent games, with screenshots and links. Game
   developers should be able to add their own games to the feed.

   It must not be possible for user-submitted content to hijack the site
   (e.g. by injecting script tags)

   We need to keep spam minimal, without making too much work for either
   developers submitting their games, or the site maintainers. E.g. we might
   use CAPTCHAs and nofollow links.

   If the game feed breaks, the information site should still be available.

   One obvious way to do this is with a small web app and a database to
   hold the content. That’s possible, but it would need hosting and
   maintenance. Are there other ways? What external services could we use? Get

[pygame] Pygame 1.9.2 released!

2016-12-13 Thread Thomas Kluyver
We're pleased to announce the release of Pygame 1.9.2, available now from
PyPI and Bitbucket. You can (probably) install it with:

pip install pygame

The highlights of this version include Python 3 support, and pre-built
wheel packages available on PyPI for major platforms, allowing convenient
installation with pip. I'm not sure of all the other changes, but there's
lots more detail in the WHATSNEW file in the source tree, or the commit

If you run into problems, please check for and report issues at:

We're already aware of an issue with the mixer_music_test crashing on Linux
when installed from a wheel (issue 317).


Re: [pygame] Pygame 1.9.2 release candidate

2016-12-09 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 9 December 2016 at 18:16, Wout B <> wrote:

> >it really bugs me that pygame.display.set_mode() with pygame.FULLSCREEN
> blanks both of my monitors.

Is there an issue about this on
? If not, would you like to file one with relevant details. In particular:

- What behaviour do you expect? The docs say it creates a display surface,
and I'd expect that to start off blank.
- Is this a regression relative to a version of pygame you were using
before? If something has been broken recently, it's more important to fix
that before a release than something that's a longstanding annoyance.


Re: [pygame] Pygame 1.9.2 release candidate

2016-12-09 Thread Thomas Kluyver
So far, no-one's reported any issues with the release candidate. If we
don't hear of any problems, we'll make a final release in a couple more

On 6 December 2016 at 06:40, DiliupG <> wrote:

> no problems so far. Thanks all.
> :)
> On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 4:17 AM, Thomas Kluyver <> wrote:
>> On 5 December 2016 at 20:00, Jorge <> wrote:
>>> And then tested a couple of games. pygame seems to work fine.
>> Thanks Jorge :-)
> --
> Kalasuri Diliup Gabadamudalige
> **
> This e-mail is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If you are
> not the intended recipient or have received it in error, please delete it
> and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by return
> e-mail. Any unauthorized reading, reproducing, printing or further
> dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited and may
> be unlawful. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely,
> secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any
> errors or omissions.
> **

Re: [pygame] Pygame 1.9.2 release candidate

2016-12-05 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 5 December 2016 at 20:00, Jorge  wrote:

> And then tested a couple of games. pygame seems to work fine.

Thanks Jorge :-)

[pygame] Pygame 1.9.2 release candidate

2016-12-05 Thread Thomas Kluyver
Pygame is inching closer to a new release, and we've just put a release
candidate on PyPI:

We now have pre-built wheels for Linux, Mac (>=10.9) and Windows. Please
give it a go and let us know of any problems you run into. You can install
it by running:

pip install --pre pygame

(the --pre flag, to install a pre-release, may not be necessary in this
case, but it won't hurt).

We're already aware of some issues on Mac with Pygame inside virtualenvs
(and other non-framework Python builds):


Re: [pygame] Pygame with Sierra

2016-10-28 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 28 October 2016 at 21:16, Andrew Merrill <> wrote:

> A few things still don’t work:
> · does not work, as it relies on
> libsmpeg.dylib which isn’t available
> · pygame.font.SysFont and pygame.font.get_fonts don’t work, and
> produce a dialog asking about installing X11

Can you mention these on the issue I linked above? The font one might
actually be best on its own issue, if you can supply some more details. All
this stuff could do with attention from Mac-using developers, because it's
not moving very quickly at the moment (not that any other part is moving
quickly ;-).


Re: [pygame] Pygame with Sierra

2016-10-28 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 28 October 2016 at 11:50, Jeffrey Danowitz  wrote:

> So can I just uninstall the pip pygame version and python will just take
> the other (from conda) version automatically? Or do I need to do some link
> manually for that after the removal?

You may need to uninstall both and reinstall it with conda.

Re: [pygame] Pygame with Sierra

2016-10-28 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 28 October 2016 at 02:42, Jeffrey Danowitz <> wrote:

> Anyway, when I actually do pygame.version.ver I get 1.9.2b6 - the one from
> pip, and this is from the anaconda python. So apparently the newer version
> was linked.

The version from pip seems to have some issues with png loading:

So you may want to use the conda version for now, even if it's a bit older.


Re: [pygame] Distributing games for Windows - Pynsist

2016-10-25 Thread Thomas Kluyver
Hi Jorge,

On 25 October 2016 at 00:00, Jorge Maldonado Ventura <> wrote:

> Here is what I got, but I want to distribute just one executable file; can
> I do that with your program?
> ~/Code/Repos/bullet_dodger_stable/build/nsis $ ls -l
> total 49272
> drwxr-xr-x 2 jorge jorge 4096 Oct 24 18:57 assets
> -rw-r--r-- 1 jorge jorge 2344 Oct 24 19:05 Bullet_dodger_1.6.10.exe
> -rw-r--r-- 1 jorge jorge 1293 Oct 24 19:05 Bullet_dodger.launch.pyw
> -rw-r--r-- 1 jorge jorge  790 Oct 24 18:56 bullet.ico
> -rw-r--r-- 1 jorge jorge 6344 Oct 24 19:05 installer.nsi
> -rw-r--r-- 1 jorge jorge34570 Oct 24 18:52 LICENSE
> drwxr-xr-x 4 jorge jorge 4096 Oct 24 19:05 pkgs
> drwxr-xr-x 2 jorge jorge 4096 Oct 24 19:05 Python
> -rw-r--r-- 1 jorge jorge 29269656 Oct 24 19:00 python-3.5.2.exe
> -rw-r--r-- 1 jorge jorge 2360 Oct 24 18:48 windowsversion.nsh
"Bullet_dodger_1.6.10.exe" is the only file you need to distribute; the
others were involved in building that. However, it is an installer - so
when the user double clicks it, they will get a standard installation
wizard to set up your game. Pynsist does not make an exe that runs your
game directly.


Re: [pygame] Distributing games for Windows - Pynsist

2016-10-24 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 24 October 2016 at 22:33, Yann Thorimbert <>

> This sounds nice, I will try soon. Until now, I've always used py2exe in
> order to provide "standalone" windows version of my python-pygame scripts.
> What are the pros and cons, in your opinion, to use py2exe or a method like
> pynsist ?

The main pros & cons for Pynsist are:

Pros: Code that works in development is more likely to work for users - it
runs more 'normally' than a frozen exe. Plus building installers from Linux
is nice if, like me, you don't use Windows much.
Cons: You get an installer, not just an exe to launch. (Not a con under all
circumstances, but it is less flexible)

There's a bit more comparison in the FAQs:


[pygame] Distributing games for Windows - Pynsist

2016-10-24 Thread Thomas Kluyver
I've mentioned this on the list before, but some changes since then have
made it easier to use with Pygame.

Pynsist ( ) is an open source tool to build
Windows installers for Python applications. It's based on the popular NSIS
installer system, which makes it possible to build installers even on Linux
or Mac systems.

Pynsist can now download wheels from PyPI to include in an installer. Since
pygame has (beta) Windows wheels, it's much easier to include Pygame in an
installer than last time I posted here. Here's an example of building an
installer for the 'aliens' example game:

I'm happy to answer questions about it here, on Github, and on
Stackoverflow (tag: pynsist).


Re: [pygame] Installing pygame with pip

2016-09-28 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 28 September 2016 at 16:10, Jorge Maldonado Ventura <> wrote:

> Yes, it works with the --pre flag. Anyone can now test my game with pip:
> sudo pip3 install --pre bullet_dodger
Great! I'll give it a try later on.

By the way, using sudo with pip is generally frowned on these days, because
it can disrupt system stuff. It's better to either create environments
(with virtualenv/conda) to install into, or use 'pip install --user' to
install packages into a per-user location.

>  I'll update the installation instructions from the README of my project,
> thank you very much, Thomas Kluyver. That --pre won't be neccessary in the
> future for my project when 1.9.2 release is available.
Yep, that's right. Hopefully the OSX thing can get resolved soon and a
release can happen.

Re: [pygame] Installing pygame with pip

2016-09-28 Thread Thomas Kluyver
Have you tried with the --pre flag?

Normally, pip will ignore beta versions unless you specify --pre to allow
pre-releases. It seems there is some special case if it can only find
pre-releases - pygame has never been installable from PyPI before, so pip
doesn't find any earlier version to use and decides to accept the
pre-release. But maybe this only happens when you install something
directly, not when it's looking for a dependency.

On 28 September 2016 at 15:58, Martin Kühne  wrote:

> What version do you get when you install pygame from pip?

Re: [pygame] Installing pygame with pip

2016-09-28 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 28 September 2016 at 15:40, Martin Kühne <> wrote:

> For me, it's spelled 'Pygame', not 'pygame'. And pip offers v1.9.2b8
> of that one.

The version it offers will depend on your platform for now, though this
won't be the case when there's a proper 1.9.2 release out. Windows users
will see 1.9.2b1. Mac users should not rely on it until some issues are

If pip doesn't see it, try upgrading pip and/or installing with the --pre

pip install --pre pygame


Re: [pygame][website] A different approach to a new website

2016-09-27 Thread Thomas Kluyver
There's a really frustrating disconnect over pygame, and especially the
website: there are lots of people who are clearly have the time and ability
to improve things, but they are not the ones with access to the website.
The people who do have access evidently have very little time to devote to
either working on it themselves, or to facilitate other people working on
it. The domain name does matter - you can launch alternative sites, but as
long as exists, we're going to care about what's on it.

I have been trying to persuade René to publish the code of the existing
website (
) so other people can work on it, but so far the only bit available are
some database models, which we can't do much with. I think it's fallen into
the classic trap of "I'll release this when I've cleaned it up", meaning it
never gets released at all.

I think the new 'hifi' front page is an interesting experiment in novel
site layout, but as things stand I think it is less fit for purpose than
the conventional if antiquated site it replaced. With a lot of thought and
effort, I think it could be the basis of something good, but it seems
unlikely that it will get that reworking in the near future.

René, if you're reading this: what would it take to connect the website
with the people with time and enthusiasm to work on it? If you're willing
to give me SSH access to the server it's on - or even just send me a
tarball of the directory it runs from now - I'll try to figure out how it
fits together and how we can allow people to make changes.


On 27 September 2016 at 19:58, Al Sweigart <> wrote:

> It's been a while since I've looked at the state of Pygame, and although
> I'd say Pygame is dying, it's (Monty Python voice) "not dead yet." And I'm
> still not convinced the alternatives are much better than Pygame.
> But it really will take a committed person to take the lead on this.
> Unfortunately, without the Pygame name and domain behind such
> new leadership, then Pygame will indeed slowly keep sinking. If you fork
> with a new name, it'll end up as just yet another Pygame alternative.
> I will say that the old site wasn't perfect but is far better
> than the current site. The current site is a huge step backwards in
> usability.
> On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 11:46 AM, Patrick Mullen <>
> wrote:
>> Pygame is dead. Still a very capable library, but it isn't really going
>> anywhere from what I can see, and I have little faith that the website will
>> go anywhere no matter who tries to help out. You posted yourself all of the
>> failed efforts in this area, what makes you think you will succeed? I
>> recommend making a wider python-related game development website that does
>> not focus only on pygame. There are many other options out there - pysdl2,
>> pygame2, python-sfml, pyopengl, pyglet, and more that I have played with in
>> the past but cannot remember right now. Having a project repository focused
>> around python, and with information about various libraries, but NOT
>> focused on a specific library would be the best approach forward in my
>> opinion. A good example of what I would like to see is It
>> highlights cool mostly game related things being done with haxe, and you
>> can find out about new libraries. There are various good blogs in the
>> python world that focus on web development, but not many that highlight
>> games. And each python game library has it's own little corner (in pygame's
>> case, a very old and broken corner that new visitors walk or run away from
>> very quickly) without much crossover.
>> On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 5:18 AM, DiliupG <> wrote:
>>> Why don't you start working on the site and open it in a separate place
>>> and call it pygame 2016 something? Else we will end up going round and
>>> round with these long dialogs with nothing really happening. It could be
>>> or something similar.
>>> Diliup Gabadamudalige
>>> On 21 Sep 2016 4:08 p.m., "Alex Z." <> wrote:
>>>> > These kinds of proposals would be much more successful if Alex were
>>>> able to come to the mailing list with a fully functioning demo using live
>>>> data that could be commented on and iterated on by the community.
>>>> See this: > - a complete redesign that never got launched (11-2009):
>>>> google-groups/rUC5CrroA3U/TzWTWL5cFOU

Re: [pygame][website] A different approach to a new website

2016-09-19 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 19 September 2016 at 10:39, Martin Kühne <> wrote:

> This might sound a bit condescending, but explaining how to
> get along with an open source project in a general sense is not
> something that pygame needs to deliver.

Pygame's website shouldn't need to explain it in a lot of detail, but it
should definitely give developers some information on where to get started.
It's an attractive project for people new to Python who may not be familiar
with package managers.

We are pretty close to having 'pip install pygame' working on the three
major platforms - it should already work today for Linux and Windows, but
there are still a couple of hiccups to be sorted out on OSX.


Re: [pygame] pygame sprint this weekend, physically at EuroPython

2016-07-23 Thread Thomas Kluyver
> the lofi website.

Any chance of getting the website sources up in a repository so other
people can help to improve it?

Hope it goes well!

On 22 July 2016 at 12:31, René Dudfield <> wrote:

> Hello,
> as mentioned on the pygame website, there is a pygame sprint this weekend
> at EuroPython. Probably joining the micropython/microbit sprint in some
> ways. Or at least hanging out in the same room. Because robots.
> If anyone is around and wants to join in, here is a page which can be used
> to
> I'll hang around on irc, and the pygame bitbucket if anyone wants to join
> in virtually.
> Apart from micropython related things (making it into a controller for
> pygame?) I'll probably work on the 1.9.2 release related topics, and the
> lofi website.
> cheers,

Re: [pygame] Help testing windows builds?

2016-07-17 Thread Thomas Kluyver
René has just pushed some Mac wheels to PyPI as well, so anyone on OSX
10.11 can also try 'pip install --pre pygame'. There are wheels for Python
3.5 and 2.7.

On 16 July 2016 at 15:44, Paul Vincent Craven <> wrote:

> For some reason my configuration is messed up and I can't run sdist right
> now. I'll have to look into it when I've got a bit more time.
> Paul Vincent Craven
> On Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 12:31 AM, Thomas Kluyver <> wrote:
>> If you're on windows, yes, you can try a beta version by running:
>> pip install --pre pygame
>> Paul, any chance of getting an sdist uploaded too? Clone the source and
>> run python sdist. That would let people try it on other platforms
>> too.
>> Thomas
>> On 16 Jul 2016 6:17 a.m., "DiliupG" <> wrote:
>>> This is so exciting watch. Are we able to download a new version of
>>> Pygame now? When? From where?
>>> Diliup Gabadamudalige
>>> On 16 Jul 2016 4:51 a.m., "Paul Vincent Craven" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Ok, files are uploading. First one of the six is up now. Rest should be
>>>> in a few minutes.
>>>> Paul Vincent Craven
>>>> On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 3:28 PM, Thomas Kluyver <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Paul :-)
>>>>> I've just pushed a commit to set the version number to 1.9.2b1. This
>>>>> is now building on Appveyor:
>>>>> Once that has finished - probably in about 5 minutes - could you
>>>>> download the 6 wheels that produces, make an sdist from the source, and
>>>>> upload the lot with twine? I can assemble the 7 files and email them to 
>>>>> you
>>>>> if you prefer.
>>>>> Thomas
>>>>> On 15 July 2016 at 21:09, Paul Vincent Craven <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I'm happy to upload new files. Shoot an e-mail to the list when you
>>>>>> have a distribution ready.
>>>>>> I'd give access to you Thomas to upload, but I get a second login
>>>>>> screen when I try, and it doesn't accept my login when I enter it. So I
>>>>>> might have upload permission, but not admin permission?
>>>>>> Paul Vincent Craven
>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 2:51 PM, Thomas Kluyver <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> It looks like Paul Craven has the upload rights for pygame on
>>>>>>> testpypi. Paul, would you be willing to upload some fresh files? Or to 
>>>>>>> give
>>>>>>> me upload access?
>>>>>>> Alternatively, we could declare the current state 'beta 1' and
>>>>>>> upload it as a prerelease on PyPI. That would need René or Paul to do 
>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>> Thomas
>>>>>>> On 15 July 2016 at 20:32, Florian Krause <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> In the meantime, it would be very helpful to upload the working
>>>>>>>> Windows build to test-PyPi.
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 7:16 PM, Thomas Kluyver <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 15 July 2016 at 17:43, Florian Krause <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> That's great! Is there an eta for when the files will be released
>>>>>>>>>> at PyPi?
>>>>>>>>> At the moment, the crucial thing that's holding up a release is
>>>>>>>>> testing and fixing some issues on Mac. Anyone who might be able to 
>>>>>>>>> help
>>>>>>>>> with that, see:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Thomas
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> - Homepage of Florian Krause

Re: [pygame] Help testing windows builds?

2016-07-16 Thread Thomas Kluyver
You can do it inside a virtualenv to isolate it from your existing
installation. Weird quirks: hopefully not, but that's what we hope to find
out. :)
On 16 Jul 2016 7:44 a.m., "DiliupG" <> wrote:

> Doing this will update my existing Pygame right? and cause all sorts of
> weird quirks right? :) :)
> On Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 11:01 AM, Thomas Kluyver <> wrote:
>> If you're on windows, yes, you can try a beta version by running:
>> pip install --pre pygame
>> Paul, any chance of getting an sdist uploaded too? Clone the source and
>> run python sdist. That would let people try it on other platforms
>> too.
>> Thomas
>> On 16 Jul 2016 6:17 a.m., "DiliupG" <> wrote:
>>> This is so exciting watch. Are we able to download a new version of
>>> Pygame now? When? From where?
>>> Diliup Gabadamudalige
>>> On 16 Jul 2016 4:51 a.m., "Paul Vincent Craven" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Ok, files are uploading. First one of the six is up now. Rest should be
>>>> in a few minutes.
>>>> Paul Vincent Craven
>>>> On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 3:28 PM, Thomas Kluyver <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Paul :-)
>>>>> I've just pushed a commit to set the version number to 1.9.2b1. This
>>>>> is now building on Appveyor:
>>>>> Once that has finished - probably in about 5 minutes - could you
>>>>> download the 6 wheels that produces, make an sdist from the source, and
>>>>> upload the lot with twine? I can assemble the 7 files and email them to 
>>>>> you
>>>>> if you prefer.
>>>>> Thomas
>>>>> On 15 July 2016 at 21:09, Paul Vincent Craven <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I'm happy to upload new files. Shoot an e-mail to the list when you
>>>>>> have a distribution ready.
>>>>>> I'd give access to you Thomas to upload, but I get a second login
>>>>>> screen when I try, and it doesn't accept my login when I enter it. So I
>>>>>> might have upload permission, but not admin permission?
>>>>>> Paul Vincent Craven
>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 2:51 PM, Thomas Kluyver <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> It looks like Paul Craven has the upload rights for pygame on
>>>>>>> testpypi. Paul, would you be willing to upload some fresh files? Or to 
>>>>>>> give
>>>>>>> me upload access?
>>>>>>> Alternatively, we could declare the current state 'beta 1' and
>>>>>>> upload it as a prerelease on PyPI. That would need René or Paul to do 
>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>> Thomas
>>>>>>> On 15 July 2016 at 20:32, Florian Krause <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> In the meantime, it would be very helpful to upload the working
>>>>>>>> Windows build to test-PyPi.
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 7:16 PM, Thomas Kluyver <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 15 July 2016 at 17:43, Florian Krause <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> That's great! Is there an eta for when the files will be released
>>>>>>>>>> at PyPi?
>>>>>>>>> At the moment, the crucial thing that's holding up a release is
>>>>>>>>> testing and fixing some issues on Mac. Anyone who might be able to 
>>>>>>>>> help
>>>>>>>>> with that, see:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Thomas
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> - Homepage of Florian Krause
> --
> Diliup Gabadamudalige
> **
> This e-mail is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If you are
> not the intended recipient or have received it in error, please delete it
> and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by return
> e-mail. Any unauthorized reading, reproducing, printing or further
> dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited and may
> be unlawful. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely,
> secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any
> errors or omissions.
> **

Re: [pygame] Help testing windows builds?

2016-07-15 Thread Thomas Kluyver
If you're on windows, yes, you can try a beta version by running:

pip install --pre pygame

Paul, any chance of getting an sdist uploaded too? Clone the source and run
python sdist. That would let people try it on other platforms too.

On 16 Jul 2016 6:17 a.m., "DiliupG" <> wrote:

> This is so exciting watch. Are we able to download a new version of Pygame
> now? When? From where?
> Diliup Gabadamudalige
> On 16 Jul 2016 4:51 a.m., "Paul Vincent Craven" <>
> wrote:
>> Ok, files are uploading. First one of the six is up now. Rest should be
>> in a few minutes.
>> Paul Vincent Craven
>> On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 3:28 PM, Thomas Kluyver <> wrote:
>>> Thanks Paul :-)
>>> I've just pushed a commit to set the version number to 1.9.2b1. This is
>>> now building on Appveyor:
>>> Once that has finished - probably in about 5 minutes - could you
>>> download the 6 wheels that produces, make an sdist from the source, and
>>> upload the lot with twine? I can assemble the 7 files and email them to you
>>> if you prefer.
>>> Thomas
>>> On 15 July 2016 at 21:09, Paul Vincent Craven <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I'm happy to upload new files. Shoot an e-mail to the list when you
>>>> have a distribution ready.
>>>> I'd give access to you Thomas to upload, but I get a second login
>>>> screen when I try, and it doesn't accept my login when I enter it. So I
>>>> might have upload permission, but not admin permission?
>>>> Paul Vincent Craven
>>>> On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 2:51 PM, Thomas Kluyver <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> It looks like Paul Craven has the upload rights for pygame on
>>>>> testpypi. Paul, would you be willing to upload some fresh files? Or to 
>>>>> give
>>>>> me upload access?
>>>>> Alternatively, we could declare the current state 'beta 1' and upload
>>>>> it as a prerelease on PyPI. That would need René or Paul to do it.
>>>>> Thomas
>>>>> On 15 July 2016 at 20:32, Florian Krause <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> In the meantime, it would be very helpful to upload the working
>>>>>> Windows build to test-PyPi.
>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 7:16 PM, Thomas Kluyver <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 15 July 2016 at 17:43, Florian Krause <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> That's great! Is there an eta for when the files will be released
>>>>>>>> at PyPi?
>>>>>>> At the moment, the crucial thing that's holding up a release is
>>>>>>> testing and fixing some issues on Mac. Anyone who might be able to help
>>>>>>> with that, see:
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Thomas
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> - Homepage of Florian Krause

Re: [pygame] Help testing windows builds?

2016-07-15 Thread Thomas Kluyver
Thanks Paul :-)

I've just pushed a commit to set the version number to 1.9.2b1. This is now
building on Appveyor:

Once that has finished - probably in about 5 minutes - could you download
the 6 wheels that produces, make an sdist from the source, and upload the
lot with twine? I can assemble the 7 files and email them to you if you


On 15 July 2016 at 21:09, Paul Vincent Craven <> wrote:

> I'm happy to upload new files. Shoot an e-mail to the list when you have a
> distribution ready.
> I'd give access to you Thomas to upload, but I get a second login screen
> when I try, and it doesn't accept my login when I enter it. So I might have
> upload permission, but not admin permission?
> Paul Vincent Craven
> On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 2:51 PM, Thomas Kluyver <> wrote:
>> It looks like Paul Craven has the upload rights for pygame on testpypi.
>> Paul, would you be willing to upload some fresh files? Or to give me upload
>> access?
>> Alternatively, we could declare the current state 'beta 1' and upload it
>> as a prerelease on PyPI. That would need René or Paul to do it.
>> Thomas
>> On 15 July 2016 at 20:32, Florian Krause <>
>> wrote:
>>> In the meantime, it would be very helpful to upload the working Windows
>>> build to test-PyPi.
>>> On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 7:16 PM, Thomas Kluyver <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 15 July 2016 at 17:43, Florian Krause <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> That's great! Is there an eta for when the files will be released at
>>>>> PyPi?
>>>> At the moment, the crucial thing that's holding up a release is testing
>>>> and fixing some issues on Mac. Anyone who might be able to help with that,
>>>> see:
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Thomas
>>> --
>>> - Homepage of Florian Krause

Re: [pygame] Help testing windows builds?

2016-07-15 Thread Thomas Kluyver
It looks like Paul Craven has the upload rights for pygame on testpypi.
Paul, would you be willing to upload some fresh files? Or to give me upload

Alternatively, we could declare the current state 'beta 1' and upload it as
a prerelease on PyPI. That would need René or Paul to do it.


On 15 July 2016 at 20:32, Florian Krause <>

> In the meantime, it would be very helpful to upload the working Windows
> build to test-PyPi.
> On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 7:16 PM, Thomas Kluyver <> wrote:
>> On 15 July 2016 at 17:43, Florian Krause <>
>> wrote:
>>> That's great! Is there an eta for when the files will be released at
>>> PyPi?
>> At the moment, the crucial thing that's holding up a release is testing
>> and fixing some issues on Mac. Anyone who might be able to help with that,
>> see:
>> Thanks,
>> Thomas
> --
> - Homepage of Florian Krause

Re: [pygame] Help testing windows builds?

2016-07-15 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 15 July 2016 at 17:43, Florian Krause <>

> That's great! Is there an eta for when the files will be released at PyPi?

At the moment, the crucial thing that's holding up a release is testing and
fixing some issues on Mac. Anyone who might be able to help with that, see:


Re: [pygame] Help testing windows builds?

2016-06-18 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 18 June 2016 at 10:16, René Dudfield <> wrote:

> Thanks to Paul, Leonard, Thomas (and others I've forgot... sorry!) there
> are automated windows wheels.

I know it's not immediately obvious how to get and install pygame from that
page. So here's a quick guide:

1. Pick the version of Python you can test. We're building Pygame for
Python 3.5, 3.4 and 2.7, and for 32 and 64 bit Python (you need to get the
build matching your Python bitness - you may have 32-bit Python even if
Windows is 64-bit).
2. In the relevant build, click the artifacts tab and download the .whl
3. Install it from the command prompt by running: pip install

These steps are only necessary for testing the unreleased version. When
pygame 1.9.2 is released, you'll be able to 'pip install pygame' and get it
from PyPI.

Thanks in advance for your help!


Re: [pygame] Re: Freezing Pygame projects in Windows

2016-05-08 Thread Thomas Kluyver
Hi Scott,

On 8 May 2016 at 06:00, scottmeup <> wrote:

> I was hoping to obfuscate my code a little this time, do you know if this
> is
> a possibility?

Pynsist doesn't have any particular support for obfuscation. But you could
run some tool beforehand that strips out comments and docstrings, renames
variables, etc.


Re: [pygame] Freezing Pygame projects in Windows

2016-05-07 Thread Thomas Kluyver
I have a tool called Pynsist that can build an installer directly, without
going through a freeze tool:

There's an example for using it with pygame:

This isn't exactly what you're asking, but it may be an alternative
approach - I've designed Pynsist to avoid some of the most common issues
with freeze tools like PyInstaller.


On 7 May 2016 at 08:18, scottmeup <> wrote:

> Hey All,
> Sorry if this has been asked & answered, I couldn't find anything specific
> by searching so far so hopefully not :)
> I'm trying to freeze a project made with pygame / SimpleGUICS2Pygame. Every
> tool I've tried apart from pygame2exe results in an executable that stops
> responding. Most of them print a pygame parachute segmentation fault.
> I've had success freezing with pygame2exe but I'd like to be able to use a
> different freezing tool for a few reasons, and I'm a little bit too green
> to
> work out how to make the changes made in pygame2exe work with other tools.
> I might be mistaken but from what I've read I think the problem may have
> something to do with the font settings?
> Could someone point me in the right direction of something I can do to make
> pyinstaller & other tools create working executables for pygame?
> Thanks in advance!
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the pygame-users mailing list archive at

Re: [pygame] Where to store the code for a project?

2016-01-24 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 24 January 2016 at 13:34, Ryan Westlund <> wrote:

> I am looking at github but it's making me worry that whoever tries to
> download my code will have to have git installed and know how to use it in
> order to download and play my game.

Every Github project gets automatic links like this to download the latest
version of the code, without having to use git at all:

You can also upload 'releases' of a project, e.g. if you want to create an
installer that bundles pygame with your application. Again, people don't
need to know git to use it.

I think the other major code hosting sites like Bitbucket and Gitlab have
similar features. Github is the most popular at present, though.


Re: [pygame] Closing issue 211 with big-endian CPU test

2015-10-23 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 23 October 2015 at 07:33, René Dudfield <> wrote:

> I guess we should incorporate the Debian changes, but I wanted to check
> with Thomas if what I did was ok? (see revs 14-19).

Fine by me. I just copied the packaging from Debian/Ubuntu originally
anyway, so bringing in the updates is probably useful.

> They use an interesting method to do a hg clone. I'm not sure how to
> actually use this though... (see get-orig-source-hg in rules). In rev 19 I
> changed that to get the latest rev from hg. But I guess they want to
> specify a specific version.

AFAIK, the builders never actually run that target (and even if they did,
they don't have outside network access). Unlike everything else in
debian/rules, it's there for human packagers to run to get the data and
then upload it. Debian packaging can be pretty ugly at times.

Since you already have a machine running a custom webhook when there are
new commits, perhaps it's best to use that to upload directly to Launchpad
for PPA builds, bypassing Launchpad's code import and recipe builds:

You'd need to work out how to get from a source tree to a Debian source
package locally, though. I'm sure GPG signatures are involved somehow.

Best wishes,

Re: [pygame] Closing issue 211 with big-endian CPU test

2015-10-22 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 22 October 2015 at 13:07, René Dudfield <> wrote:

> Launchpad builds many different architectures, including on powerpc.

PPA builds are only on amd64 and i386 by default. The checkboxes for other
architectures are greyed out in the PPA admin page. I guess you can get an
admin to approve powerpc builds, because some other PPA have powerpc
builds, but I have no idea who to contact about that.


Re: [pygame] build bot badges on README

2015-09-11 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 11 September 2015 at 16:44, René Dudfield <> wrote:

> Does anyone know of an existing build image badge for launchpad?

I don't know of a badge image, and builds are currently disabled because
they were failing and there didn't seem to be any movement on fixing the


Re: [pygame] What's next for Pygame project?

2015-07-12 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 11 July 2015 at 19:20, Lenard Lindstrom wrote:

 I need someone to take over official Windows support from me, since I am
 stuck on Windows XP. I have the MinGW based dependency build chain working
 again for 32bit Windows, but did not get everything to build for 64bit
 Windows. So no official 64bit prebuilt libraries yet on the Bitbucket
 download page.

Have you looked into using appveyor for testing and/or building Windows
packages? I know there are some other Python projects that compile on
Windows using appveyor. I can hunt down some guides/examples if you're
interested in this.

 * Catch up on the Bitbucket pull requests

 The 5 member limit for a Bitbucket project team is a nuisance.

I think (having just looked at BB docs) that this limit is only for private
repositories - you should be able to have as many users as you want on a
public repository. If there's a problem with that, it might be worth
pinging Bitbucket to see if they can fix it: it might be a bug, or it might
be a soft limit that they'll raise for an open source project that needs
more users.


Re: [pygame] emulating /replacing py2exe for pygame projects using python 3 and abore

2014-10-29 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 29 October 2014 08:14, NuMedia wrote:

 Can i emulate py2exe for python version 3 and above i also use pygame any
 suggestions for a basic staring script would be greatly appreciated

I'm involved with two projects that do similar things, and work on Python 3:

cx_Freeze ( ) works in quite a similar
way, to produce an executable for your application, along with a set of
associated files.

Pynsist ( ) is more different: it
produces a Windows installer that unpacks the Python files onto the target
user's computer. It's quite new, but there is a pygame example:


Re: [pygame] UNSUBSCRIBE

2014-09-22 Thread Thomas Kluyver
It sounds like there's a problem with unsubscription. Does anyone know who
runs the list server?


On 21 September 2014 20:17, Tony Cappellini wrote:

 I've tried this two times, once manually, once by clicking the link that
 you mentioned.
 Both times the server said the command was unrecognized.

 I've been trying to unsub from this list for a long time. Still can't get
 there from here.

 On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Thomas Kluyver wrote:

 He was probably attempting to unsubscribe from this list.

 Anyone who wants to unsubscribe: you need to email
 with the text 'unsubscribe pygame-users'. Clicking the unsubscribe link at should create an email like this.


 On 21 September 2014 12:29, diliup gabadamudalige

 hi Ryan,
 What does UNSUBSCRIBE mean?

 On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 12:07 AM, Ryan Hope wrote:


 Diliup Gabadamudalige

 This e-mail is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If you
 are not the intended recipient or have received it in error, please delete
 it and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by
 return e-mail. Any unauthorized reading, reproducing, printing or further
 dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited and may
 be unlawful. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely,
 secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any
 errors or omissions.


Re: [pygame] UNSUBSCRIBE

2014-09-21 Thread Thomas Kluyver
He was probably attempting to unsubscribe from this list.

Anyone who wants to unsubscribe: you need to email with
the text 'unsubscribe pygame-users'. Clicking the unsubscribe link at should create an email like this.


On 21 September 2014 12:29, diliup gabadamudalige wrote:

 hi Ryan,
 What does UNSUBSCRIBE mean?

 On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 12:07 AM, Ryan Hope wrote:


 Diliup Gabadamudalige

 This e-mail is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If you are
 not the intended recipient or have received it in error, please delete it
 and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by return
 e-mail. Any unauthorized reading, reproducing, printing or further
 dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited and may
 be unlawful. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely,
 secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any
 errors or omissions.


Re: [pygame] Potential Malware in Pygame 1.9.2a0.win32-py3.2

2014-09-03 Thread Thomas Kluyver

It seems very likely that it was a false positive. Nobody else reported
that issue, and I scanned the same file on virustotal, which checks with
lots of different scanners, and none of them found anything. It's
impossible to be 100% certain without understanding exactly what was going
on on Jeffrey's computer, but I wouldn't worry about using it.

Of course, on windows it's a good idea to have an up to date virus scanner
installed anyway, as a general precaution.

On 3 Sep 2014 03:56, Little Bird

 Jeffrey Kleykamp wrote
  I just downloaded and installed
  and my webroot secure anywhere caught some malware in it. I have no idea
  this is real or what. Here's the log,
  Automated Cleanup Engine
  Starting Cleanup at 29/06/2014 - 21:35:57 GMT
  Starting Routine Removing
  5958229000E66EC43402003B3C2E0700DECDFB7E - MD5:
  Deleting File c:\python32\lib\site-packages\pygame\fastevent.pyd
  Automated Cleanup Engine
  Starting Cleanup at 29/06/2014 - 21:36:05 GMT
  Starting Routine Removing
  9715EE78004EFB243081002B48A504004E3053AE - MD5:
  Deleting File c:\python32\lib\site-packages\pygame\rwobject.pyd
  Automated Cleanup Engine
  Starting Cleanup at 29/06/2014 - 21:36:13 GMT
  Starting Routine Removing
  84FADE1C0046001620F7009522A6E30019BD6E14 - MD5:
  Deleting File c:\python32\lib\site-packages\pygame\surflock.pyd
Jeffrey Kleykamp


 I believe that I may be using the exact version of Pygame that Jeffrey
 Kleykamp has encountered a potential virus in.

 Is there anyway to confirm that this was a false positive? Has anyone else
 encountered this problem?

 This has me really worried. T_T

 I'm new to using mailing lists, so I'm treating it like a forum. If that is
 incorrect than please mention it as I do not wish to offend.

 Thank you for your time.
 Little Bird

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the pygame-users mailing list archive at

Re: [pygame] Complete strategy/narrative game

2014-07-02 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 1 July 2014 20:35, wrote:

 and here's a Linux version

This download was really slow, so I've made a torrent of it - I guessed you
wouldn't object, but I'll take it down if you ask.

Now to investigate the game itself...


Re: [pygame] Potential Malware in Pygame 1.9.2a0.win32-py3.2

2014-06-30 Thread Thomas Kluyver
I extracted fastevent.pyd, the first file you saw a problem with (md5
cb274a3f1a83260d82957409855ca077), and checked it with virustotal. Still

Another possibility is that you have a virus elsewhere on the system which
is infecting those files as they get installed.


On 30 June 2014 10:01, Jeffrey Kleykamp wrote:

 The file itself doesn't trip any alarms for me either. After installing
 and doing 'import pygame' I get the warning. The md5sum is the same for my


 On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 12:53 PM, Thomas Kluyver wrote:

 Did you download this from the pygame website? I've just downloaded that
 same file and checked it with virustotal (which scans with a load of
 different AV engines), and it was all clear:

 So I'd suspect it's a false positive, although it's possible that someone
 is doing a MITM attack to give you a modified download. Check the md5sum of
 the file you downloaded - it should be:


 On 30 June 2014 07:44, Jeffrey Kleykamp

 It also said it was Win32 Malware Gen.

 Who made the msi?

 On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 1:49 AM, diliup gabadamudalige wrote:

 this could be potentially dangerous! does anyone else have more info? i
 am using this version.

 On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 3:13 AM, Jeffrey Kleykamp wrote:

 I just downloaded and installed
 and my webroot secure anywhere caught some malware in it. I have no
 idea if this is real or what. Here's the log,

 Automated Cleanup Engine
 Starting Cleanup at 29/06/2014 - 21:35:57 GMT

 Starting Routine Removing
 5958229000E66EC43402003B3C2E0700DECDFB7E - MD5:
 Deleting File c:\python32\lib\site-packages\pygame\fastevent.pyd

 Automated Cleanup Engine
 Starting Cleanup at 29/06/2014 - 21:36:05 GMT

 Starting Routine Removing
 9715EE78004EFB243081002B48A504004E3053AE - MD5:
 Deleting File c:\python32\lib\site-packages\pygame\rwobject.pyd

 Automated Cleanup Engine
 Starting Cleanup at 29/06/2014 - 21:36:13 GMT

 Starting Routine Removing
 84FADE1C0046001620F7009522A6E30019BD6E14 - MD5:
 Deleting File c:\python32\lib\site-packages\pygame\surflock.pyd


   Jeffrey Kleykamp

 Diliup Gabadamudalige

 This e-mail is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If you
 are not the intended recipient or have received it in error, please delete
 it and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by
 return e-mail. Any unauthorized reading, reproducing, printing or further
 dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited and may
 be unlawful. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely,
 secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any
 errors or omissions.



   Jeffrey Kleykamp


   Jeffrey Kleykamp

[pygame] New tool for building Windows installers

2014-04-26 Thread Thomas Kluyver
Hi all,

I'd like to invite people to test out Pynsist, my new open source tool to
build Windows installers for Python applications.

For instance, this is all I had to write to make an installer for the
'Aliens' example included in pygame:

Using a pygame installer downloaded from Christoph Gohlke's site, I can
even build the installer on Linux and have it work on Windows.

Pynsist never tries to make an exe of your application, unlike freeze tools
such as cx_Freeze and Pyinstaller. Instead, it installs your code along
with a copy of Python, and creates start menu shortcuts to launch your
Python code directly. This produces bigger installers (but not huge -
Aliens is 27MB), but it is less brittle. Freeze tools often have problems
with packages that don't expect to be frozen, or break when a new version
of Python comes out; Pynsist avoids these issues.

Pynsist supports Python 3.3+ and Python 2.7.

To install and use Pynsist, see the documenation:


Re: [pygame] preview of new pygame website... HiFi part

2014-04-08 Thread Thomas Ibbotson
FWIW, I really like the design. I like the feel of everything being there
and navigating around it. I much prefer that to paginated websites, which I
feel I can get lost in. For me, more is definitely more. However, I agree
that so much information could be daunting to casual browsers and I think
it's the right thing to have a 'LoFi' version.

I don't have anything constructive, I just wanted to say that I liked it,
because there were a lot of people saying they didn't!

On 8 April 2014 18:48, Jake b wrote:

 Phone versions:
 Android 4.4.2
 Chrome 34.0.*
 firefox 29 (beta and stable)

 For highlighting game updates, maybe use the widget steam has (I think
 it's called: carousel, ex:  ) It cycles
 through large images + links.

 I had a thought about the data density:

 If using a steam widget to feature the 5 most recent (or manually featured
 games). Then continue more in the column, like it currently does.

 If using the a slideshow / steam widget above: you could remove the news
 section. If there's recent news, insert items into the steam-slideshow
 widgit. (Clicking it will navigate to the full-news page)

 The same thing could work for videos. (If new ones aren't submitted real
 frequently, yet it'd still be nice to have on the front.)

 Maybe news and videos will be frequent enough always using a column is

 On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 10:51 AM, René Dudfield wrote:

 Thanks for the notes Jake.

 Perhaps if I play a subtle highlighting animation on page load, and
 highlight the arrow keys as the Left/Right buttons are that might help
 people notice them.

 btw, your phone is an android?


 On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 5:26 PM, Jake b wrote:

 Minor notes .

 I didn't realize the top menu at first. Might be too subtle.

 I tested it on my phone, chrome and Firefox.

 + doesn't work with swipe gesture.
 + arrow buttons: About 10% of the time the site scrolls 2 columns.

 While swipe works on ffx, but is giving false positives. If I scroll up
 / down. Ex displacement of 10px x, 300px y, it pages.


Re: [pygame] preview of new pygame website... HiFi part

2014-04-06 Thread Thomas Kluyver
It's certainly a very unusual design. I could imagine horizontal scrolling
working, but I think having both horizontal and vertical scrolling is a bad
idea - it's too easy to get lost, and I feel like I want to zoom out to get
a full overview of the site. It also makes it tricky to use the site with
your hand on the mouse, because the scroll wheel only moves you up and down
(the arrow buttons at the top are clickable, but I don't want to have to
move the mouse up there to move sideways).


On 5 April 2014 06:36, René Dudfield wrote:


 here's a preview of the HiFi part of the new pygame website...

 What do you think?

Re: [pygame] install problem

2013-06-14 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 14 June 2013 22:23, wrote:

 How do I unsubscribe to the pygame mailing list again? Who do I email? - send the text unsubscribe pygame-users

There's a handy link on the website:


Re: [pygame] Distributing a Pygame game on Linux

2013-05-14 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 14 May 2013 21:34, Russell Jones wrote:

 You may need to use ldd on the libraries you find by running ldd on the

cx_Freeze is actually running ldd internally to do precisely this [1]. It's
just some of the later heuristics that seemingly exclude some of the
required libraries. If you've got time to work out what's going wrong, we
should be able to fix it in cx_Freeze. The source isn't very large if you
want to have a look at it, although it's a bit short on comments.



Re: [pygame] Distributing a Pygame game on Linux

2013-05-13 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 13 May 2013 00:32, Kevin Locoh wrote:

 Oh sorry, I'd completely missed your message. Actually, it works on my
 computer with Ubuntu, but I had understood that cx_Freeze doesn't include
 every C extension library, in my case the SDL, which makes the tarball
 quite dependent of the distro: the game frozen with cx_Freeze would
 probably crash with a module not found message on another platform. Am I
 mistaken anywhere? I somehow hope so, it'd much easier for me to keep
 cx_Freeze which already works with Python 3.

It's supposed to include all the libraries that the program needs to run,
but not standard system libraries like libc. It might not be detecting SDL
as a dependency, or it might be misclassifying it as a system library.
Either way, you can force it to include a library with the include_files
option (see docs at [1]).

If there's a simple way to get it working, you can contribute a hook for
pygame to include files that the automatic detection misses.


Best wishes,

Re: [pygame] Distributing a Pygame game on Linux

2013-05-13 Thread Thomas Kluyver
Seems to be working here, though I'm also using Ubuntu, so that's not such
a challenge.

Best wishes,

On 13 May 2013 23:49, Kevin Locoh wrote:

 Thanks for the tip, I've looked into the doc and made a few searchs, and
 in the end I've managed to include all dependencies using the
 bin_path_includes property (I set the value to /usr/lib).
 include_files seems to be rather dedicated to data files (e.g mostly the
 images, sounds and fonts used in the game). Anybody would mind trying my
 Linux build (a Post Compo release of my Ludum Dare entry)?

 Thanks again in anycase, it was really helpful!

 Le lundi 13 mai 2013 11:02:51 UTC+2, Thomas Kluyver a écrit :

 On 13 May 2013 00:32, Kevin Locoh wrote:

 Oh sorry, I'd completely missed your message. Actually, it works on my
 computer with Ubuntu, but I had understood that cx_Freeze doesn't include
 every C extension library, in my case the SDL, which makes the tarball
 quite dependent of the distro: the game frozen with cx_Freeze would
 probably crash with a module not found message on another platform. Am I
 mistaken anywhere? I somehow hope so, it'd much easier for me to keep
 cx_Freeze which already works with Python 3.

 It's supposed to include all the libraries that the program needs to run,
 but not standard system libraries like libc. It might not be detecting SDL
 as a dependency, or it might be misclassifying it as a system library.
 Either way, you can force it to include a library with the include_files
 option (see docs at [1]).

 If there's a simple way to get it working, you can contribute a hook for
 pygame to include files that the automatic detection misses.


 Best wishes,

Re: [pygame] Distributing a Pygame game on Linux

2013-05-12 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 12 May 2013 19:24, Kevin Locoh wrote:

 I've been wondering how to best distribute a game made with Pygame on
 Linux. On Windows, cx_Freeze works very well, and I assume it would be just
 the same on Mac OS. But on Linux, it's perfectly useless because of the
 various distros I'd have to build the game for.

I'm a contributor to cx_Freeze, and I'm curious why it doesn't work for
you. You should be able to create a tarball that includes all of the
required libraries. Distros prefer all the dependencies packaged
separately, but if you want to distribute it yourself, making one big
package should work.

cx_Freeze does roughly the same job as PyInstaller, but it's compatible
with Python 3 (and PyInstaller isn't, last time I checked).


Re: [pygame] hello and looking to help out

2013-03-27 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 27 March 2013 18:47, Vinícius Naves Castanheira

 Does it require a bitbucket account?

It's easiest if you have one, and accounts are free. If you have an
objection to it, you can contribute by sending patches to the mailing list
and asking someone to commit for you.


Re: [pygame] import pygame.font failing

2013-03-01 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 1 March 2013 01:04, Vinícius Naves Castanheira

 Is this a more updated website for pygame than

I think it was prepared as a prototype to replace, but there's
not much agreement on what to do with Apparently there's a
replacement site for in the works, but it's been in the works
for a long time.


Re: [pygame] unsubscribe pygame-users

2013-03-01 Thread Thomas Kluyver
Please, don't everyone start doing this.

To unsubscribe, you need to send the text 'unsubscribe pygame-users' in the
body of a message to , NOT the list address.


On 1 March 2013 14:20, Jakob Schilling wrote:

 2013/2/28 Xavier Ho

 unsubscribe pygame-users

 unsubscribe pygame-users

Re: [pygame] unsubscribe pygame-users

2013-03-01 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 1 March 2013 16:32, Julian wrote:

 I really think this confusion would be prevented if this page was reworded:

 The list of commands to send to is right after the
 sentence You can email the list at, which seems
 at a glance to imply that you're supposed to send the commands to that
 address. You only learn the actual address you're supposed to send the
 commands to if you hover the mouse over the links on the commands listed.

I agree, that is somewhat confusing. It would also be good to have a web
interface, so you could just 'click here to subscribe/unsubscribe', like
most mailing lists.


Re: [pygame] import pygame.font failing

2013-02-28 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 28 February 2013 12:12, Kai Childheart wrote:

 Even still I sudo yum'd the thing from the Fedora repository do I really
 need to compile from source? The last thing I compiled from source didn't
 work with anything and I had to rm -rf the lot.

The Fedora package is probably for Python 2 - I know that the Ubuntu
package python-pygame is, for example.


Re: [pygame] Start of an OpenGL accelerated Pygame

2013-02-22 Thread Thomas Kluyver
Just a heads up - pygame reloaded is already importable as pygame2. It's
also a wrapper around SDL 2.0, although I don't know how it differs from
your code:

On 22 February 2013 21:40, Paul Vincent Craven p...@cravenfamily.comwrote:

 Hi, this is a very early start of a Pygame that runs on SDL 2.0 with full
 OpenGL hardware acceleration:

 Paul Vincent Craven

Re: [pygame] PyGame website

2012-12-29 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 29 December 2012 12:09, René Dudfield wrote:

 as I mentioned a couple of times already, I've been working on a new

Excellent. Is there a repository anywhere so that people can help you with
it? How far is it from being ready to replace the current site?

 There has also been work on integrating the buildbots to use travis-ci and
 some other build hosts, to go along with the current build page at:

'Current' seems a bit of a stretch when it hasn't run in over a year. ;-)

Besides Travis, I've also used Shining Panda ( ), which has a free plan for open source
projects, and Launchpad recipe builds. I can lend a hand with setting that
sort of thing up, if you'd like.

Best wishes,

Re: [pygame] PyGame website

2012-12-28 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 27 December 2012 17:36, Peter Shinners wrote:

 The web server and hosting has been managed by, which was an
 lucky and amazing choice for the project back in early 2003. Seul has been
 awesome, but the downside is that everything is custom. The admins have
 been amazing at adding extra ssh accounts for us, but that still feel like
 it may not scale or be as flexible as other hosting options these days?

 After I stopped managing the website, Phil Hassey and Rene Dudfield took
 over. If a new website is getting put together, it feels like a good time
 to point the domain to that.

A couple of people have had a go at putting together a new site, but there
was some concern about how easily all of the existing content could be
transferred to a new site. That led me to suggest incrementally upgrading
the existing site, but none of the current admins have offered any opinion
on that. Either way, we're not helped by 'Site Swing', a seemingly
unmaintained PHP CMS that I think might be the only site still

Perhaps a new site is the way to go. Let's try to think of some

- It should support both posts linked to a specific time (like a blog), and
static pages (About, etc.)
- We shouldn't break (most) existing links that people are using - so we
probably need to make redirects.
- We want to keep the colourful, lighthearted style of the current (at least, I think so), but make various improvements to the
- Several people should be able to update it easily

- Use something mainstream, so that there's lots of support out there.
- Website logic in Python, so that the Python coders who're interested can
easily improve it.

I know at least one of the previous attempts at a new site used Wordpress,
which seems like a good bet for many of these things (it's not Python, but
it is very mainstream). Would be happy to host a wordpress site?
Or is someone else prepared to host it?

Best wishes,

Re: [pygame] PyGame website

2012-12-01 Thread Thomas Kluyver
Does anyone know who runs the website?


On 29 November 2012 17:53, Thomas Kluyver wrote:

 On 29 November 2012 17:49, Radomir Dopieralski

 Before you start discussing what to actually do, do you have any plans
 of how to get access to the website?

 Well, I was hoping that someone who already has access might see this as a
 good idea. That's the only reasonable way to go about it. I don't know who
 does maintain the site, though.


Re: [pygame] PyGame website

2012-12-01 Thread Thomas Kluyver
Looking back over the mailing list, René Dudfield's replies in mid-October
suggest he is involved with the website.

René, is that correct? Can you give us any more info about this? It seems
like there are several people who are prepared to help improve the site.


On 1 December 2012 13:10, Radomir Dopieralski wrote:

 On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Thomas Kluyver wrote:
  Does anyone know who runs the website?

 Here's what I know.

 According to whois, the domain is registered to Contact Privacy Inc.
 Customer 0118713523, and the server is hosted by Hetzner Online AG,
 which is a big hosting provider. The website itself contains no
 contact information or address, which may or may not be against the
 law, depending on the country. The only person who I know has access
 to the website is not responding to e-mail or other contact attempts
 from multiple people since 3 months, although I can see he is active
 online. The people on the mailing list and IRC channel either have no
 idea or simply don't care. Yes, this is frustrating. No, I don't know
 what else could be done, apart from just making a separate website,
 which may actually be for the best, even though I'm a great fan of
 gradual improvement.

 If anybody has any better information or ideas, I'd love to hear them.
 Sorry if this all sounds negative, I'm sure this situation didn't
 arise because of malice or bad will. But it still hurts to see people
 wanting to help and being unable to do it.
 Radomir Dopieralski,

Re: [pygame] PyGame website

2012-11-29 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 29 November 2012 17:37, Santiago Romero wrote:

 What about  but questions are not (Result for 3+5 + textbox, What's
 your favourite scripting language? + textbox) instead of captchas?

That's the sort of thing I had in mind. Technically, they are still
captchas, just text-based rather than image-based. We use them on the
IPython wiki ( ), and while it doesn't
stop all spam, it cuts it to a manageable level.


Re: [pygame] PyGame website

2012-11-29 Thread Thomas Kluyver
On 29 November 2012 17:49, Radomir Dopieralski wrote:

 Before you start discussing what to actually do, do you have any plans
 of how to get access to the website?

Well, I was hoping that someone who already has access might see this as a
good idea. That's the only reasonable way to go about it. I don't know who
does maintain the site, though.


[pygame] Re: PyGame Windows Key Behaviour

2011-02-01 Thread Thomas Pummer
Thanks, it's scrolling fine now on different machines.


On 1 Feb., 09:58, Brian Fisher wrote:
 Hey Thomas,
    Ian Mallet's guess was correct and his solution will fix it.

 You are moving the paddle based on key down events coming in, It looks like
 you were counting on:
 to provide you with key down events every frame, but it doesn't work out
 that way. I added prints to your code to see how the objects were moving,
 and both paddles move by the same amount each time they move, but sometimes
 the player paddle moves only 2 out of 3 frames (i.e. the player paddle moves
 slower), hence the speed difference you were seeing.

 What you want is to move the paddle when the appropriate key is held down -
 namely when you've had a down event without an up event yet. key_pressed()
 is a shortcut way to get that info.

 On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 11:51 PM, Thomas wrote:
  Hi there, thanks for fast responses

  @ Julian: Equal means exakt the same function with the same
  playerspeed variable - but under other conditions:
  it compares the position of the cpuplayer and the ball and rearranges
  the cpuplayer
  def move_player_a(ball_y):
     global a_y
     if a_y + 31  ball_y and a_y  0:
         a_y += seconds * playerspeed * -1
     elif a_y + 31  ball_y and a_y + 95  360:
         a_y += seconds * playerspeed * 1

  i will have to take a look at framerates
  thanks for that hint

  @ Ian: i will also check pygame.key.get_pressed(). thx

  @ Brian: The complete code is here
  code was growing with my pygame knowledgement, so it isn't as nice as
  i would like to have it ;)
  but as additional info, pictures where used as background and as bars

[pygame] PyGame Windows Key Behaviour

2011-01-31 Thread Thomas
Hi there!

I've written a small demo pong game. There are 2 players, one is cpu
controlled. To sync there movement i use

clock = pygame.time.Clock()

and in the while loop:

milli = clock.tick()
seconds = milli/1000.

on checking the events it's:

if event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_DOWN:
b_y += seconds * playerspeed

cpu changes his position with an equal function, until it reaches the
height of the ball

under winXP cpu and player can move with an equal speed
under win7 the player is significant slower than the cpu. it seems
that a player only can move 2/3 the distance than the cpu player is
able to

Do you have any hint's what can be done to fix this?

with kind regards

[pygame] Re: PyGame Windows Key Behaviour

2011-01-31 Thread Thomas
Hi there, thanks for fast responses

@ Julian: Equal means exakt the same function with the same
playerspeed variable - but under other conditions:
it compares the position of the cpuplayer and the ball and rearranges
the cpuplayer
def move_player_a(ball_y):
global a_y
if a_y + 31  ball_y and a_y  0:
a_y += seconds * playerspeed * -1
elif a_y + 31  ball_y and a_y + 95  360:
a_y += seconds * playerspeed * 1

i will have to take a look at framerates
thanks for that hint

@ Ian: i will also check pygame.key.get_pressed(). thx

@ Brian: The complete code is here
code was growing with my pygame knowledgement, so it isn't as nice as
i would like to have it ;)
but as additional info, pictures where used as background and as bars

[pygame] google's native client

2010-05-26 Thread thomas

another pygame on the web post... :)

has anyone looked into google's native client? i am not sure but it seems
like sdl and python got ported to it already? to me it looks like a very
promising technology. more promising than moonlight.

so... how feasible would it be to get pygame running on it?

the possibility to embed pygame games into websites simply would be


Re: [pygame] newbie

2010-03-30 Thread Thomas Ibbotson
On 30 March 2010 02:23, Russell Cumins wrote:
 Or like me you can run Ubuntu(Or your distro of choice) inside a VM like
 Virtual Box. Saves monkeying around looking for Win versions of things like
 grep, wget etc etc.

cygwin + puttycyg FTW!


Re: [pygame] newbie

2010-03-30 Thread Thomas Ibbotson
On 29 March 2010 21:40, James Paige wrote:
 grep is a unix command for searching files. All us cool Linux kids know
 it :)

and love it...

 But the Windows equivalent would just be to search in the pygame
 examples folder for any files that contain the word SLK_

and the google equivalent would be to use google code search:


Re: [pygame] Python 2.5.4 or 2.6

2010-03-25 Thread Thomas Ibbotson
On 25 March 2010 18:48, wrote:
 I do like 3.1 for learning, if something goes wrong in 2.5.4 it cuts out and
 all your work is lost, 3.1, if something doesn't add up you can close the
 program but it doesn't close your .py files so you can save then go back and
 check what's wrong. As far as i'm aware 3.1 doesn't have a compiler so it's
 just a matter of editing (find  replace)your code to 2.5.4.

Are you referring to a particular editor here? Python is just a
programming language, you can edit .py in any editor you like, many of
which will look after auto-saving your work in case of crashes. I
doubt the python interpreter itself would destroy your files...

Re: [pygame] Merry Christmas - Christmas Avenger flew under the radar - give it a chance

2010-02-18 Thread Thomas Ibbotson
On 14 February 2010 05:28, Nathan Franck wrote:
 I'm the maker of the game, and I think it deserves a bit of merit.
 It's a gift I gave last Christmas, and it just got swept under the
 rug. Give it a chance!

Hey Nathan,

Great game! I've attached a patch to make it work on Linux. The file
also needs ^M characters stripping on Linux to make it work as well.

diff --git a/Merry b/Merry
index 27ce80a..3855c0d 100755
--- a/Merry	
+++ b/Merry	
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 ##Load Modules
 import pygame
@@ -812,13 +813,13 @@ class achvmts:
 cloudsspeed = [.3, -.3]
 fade = 0
 ticking = 0
 for a in range(len(imgs)):
 imgs[a].set_colorkey([255, 0, 255])

Re: [pygame] Is PyGame dying?

2010-01-27 Thread Thomas Ibbotson
2010/1/27 Olof Bjarnason
 2010/1/27 Jon

 Personally I think PyGame is a wonderful API for building any sort of
 complex animation that is secondary to pure 3D.

 For example, building beautiful animated menus, or sub-games, or simply
 handling I/O, it fits like a glove.

 Sure, me too, but do you agree there is a certain uncertainty
 concerning PyGame's future?
If you look on the website you'll notice that
pygame2.0.0-alpha3 was released recently.

 Is someone working on Python3, for example?

Yes pygame2/pgreloaded has Python 3.1 support.


Re: [pygame] Make a sprite fall with realistic gravity?

2009-12-03 Thread Thomas Ibbotson
2009/12/3 Bill Coderre

 Now we have laptops and GUIs, and Alan and conspirators have been inventing
 new programming systems with Squeak (a newer version of Smalltalk) as their
 assembly language core. Etoys is one of them, and if you haven't tried it,
 you should.[1]

 [1] -- you simply must download and try Etoys.

When I visit that web page I just get the page source

[pygame] pySpy 1.1

2009-12-02 Thread Thomas Ibbotson

I've released an alpha version of pySpy on launchpad ( It has a whole new type of gameplay in it. I
would appreciate any feedback anyone has.


Re: [pygame] BUG: Different events when I enable OpenGL

2009-11-21 Thread Thomas Hansen
I see, I'll let the libsdl folks know, and see what they think about
that.  The get_mouse thing might work for teh stylus, but not for
multi-touch :(

Is there a way to inject code, or attach handlers to the actual
underlying system window (instead of teh SDL abstraction) from python?
 SDL must handle the windows mesage somewhere, but I dont know if that
is accessible at all through python.  i tried using win32 hooks, but I
cant inject python code (the code has to be in a dll).  I dont really
want to change the code in C/C++, because it would require user to
compile a custom version.



On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 2:50 AM, René Dudfield wrote:

 opengl uses a slighty different video and event driver.  So that
 explains the different behaviour.

 probably have a better chance of it getting fixed if you report your
 bug here:

 I'm guessing that the stylus uses a different method of updating the
 mouse position... and the opengl method of getting events is not

 Maybe a work around would be to use pygame.mouse.get_pos()  ?


 On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 6:27 AM, Thomas  Hansen 
 If I enable OpenGL on my display, teh evebnt system starts behaving
  The following code prints all the events I am interrested in if i do
 enable OpenGL.  If I enable it however, events from the touchscreen
 and stylus
 are not reaching the event queue.

 Note that this also happens for the simulated mouse events that
 generates for these input devices. When I dont enable OpenGL, and just
 get the
 normal mouse events (no fancy windows touchwindow, or using
 everything is fine.  If I enable OpenGL however, mouse events are not
 when I use touch or stylus (although they move/controll the system

 I am using pygame 1.9.1 with Python 2.6.2 on Windows 7.

 import pygame
 import ctypes

 #if I uncomment this line, the window does not produce teh same events
 #without it it works just fine!!
 #display_flag = pygame.OPENGL

 pygame.display.set_mode((320, 240) display_flag)

 hwnd = ctypes.windll.user32.FindWindowA(None, pymt)
 ctypes.windll.user32.RegisterTouchWindow(hwnd, 0)

 while True:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.SYSWMEVENT:
            print event

[pygame] BUG: Different events when I enable OpenGL

2009-11-20 Thread Thomas Hansen
If I enable OpenGL on my display, teh evebnt system starts behaving
 The following code prints all the events I am interrested in if i do
enable OpenGL.  If I enable it however, events from the touchscreen
and stylus
are not reaching the event queue.

Note that this also happens for the simulated mouse events that
generates for these input devices. When I dont enable OpenGL, and just
get the
normal mouse events (no fancy windows touchwindow, or using
everything is fine.  If I enable OpenGL however, mouse events are not
when I use touch or stylus (although they move/controll the system

I am using pygame 1.9.1 with Python 2.6.2 on Windows 7.

import pygame
import ctypes

#if I uncomment this line, the window does not produce teh same events
#without it it works just fine!!
#display_flag = pygame.OPENGL

pygame.display.set_mode((320, 240) display_flag)

hwnd = ctypes.windll.user32.FindWindowA(None, pymt)
ctypes.windll.user32.RegisterTouchWindow(hwnd, 0)

while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.SYSWMEVENT:
print event

[pygame] pySpy

2009-11-12 Thread Thomas Ibbotson

Hi everyone,

I've finally released a game that I've been working on called pySpy. 
It's an 'I Spy' game based on a game I liked to play on pub quiz 
machines in the UK. I'd appreciate any feedback (especially code review, 
this is my first complete pygame game) and if anyone wants to join in 
development they would be more than welcome. The development source code 
is hosted on launchpad (, as well as the bug 
tracker. I've also created a sourceforge project which has the current 
release candidate tarball ( 
It would be great if anyone would like to create some new levels for the 
game, so I can play it without knowing all the answers! I haven't put 
the details of how to create levels anywhere just yet, but I intend to 
update the website with these details soon.


[pygame] BUG: Windows - Pygame 1.9.1 with Python 2.6.4 doesn't install correctly

2009-11-10 Thread Thomas Ibbotson
I'm using the pygame-1.9.1.win32-py2.6.msi installer with a fresh 
install of Python2.6. Pygame is not installed correctly, and creates 
C:\Lib and C:\Include directories. I can manually move these into my 
Python26 folder to fix this. I don't have an APPDATA environment 
variable set, perhaps this is being assumed to exist and as it is not 
set it is being installed in C:\?


Re: [pygame] BUG: Windows - Pygame 1.9.1 with Python 2.6.4 doesn't install correctly

2009-11-10 Thread Thomas Ibbotson

René Dudfield wrote:

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 3:33 PM, Thomas Ibbotson wrote:

I'm using the pygame-1.9.1.win32-py2.6.msi installer with a fresh install of
Python2.6. Pygame is not installed correctly, and creates C:\Lib and
C:\Include directories. I can manually move these into my Python26 folder to
fix this. I don't have an APPDATA environment variable set, perhaps this is
being assumed to exist and as it is not set it is being installed in C:\?



which version of windows are you using?

Also, which user did you install it under?

I'm using Windows XP Professional SP3. I tried to install it both under 
'All Users' and 'Just for me', neither worked. The user account I was 
using was not an administrator account on the system.

It also turns out the APPDATA environment variable is set, I just can't 
see it in the Control Panel-System-Advanced-Environment variables 
list, but it is in the os.environ dictionary in python.


Re: [pygame] BUG: Windows - Pygame 1.9.1 with Python 2.6.4 doesn't install correctly

2009-11-10 Thread Thomas Ibbotson

Thomas Ibbotson wrote:

René Dudfield wrote:

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 3:33 PM, Thomas Ibbotson wrote:
I'm using the pygame-1.9.1.win32-py2.6.msi installer with a fresh 
install of

Python2.6. Pygame is not installed correctly, and creates C:\Lib and
C:\Include directories. I can manually move these into my Python26 
folder to
fix this. I don't have an APPDATA environment variable set, perhaps 
this is
being assumed to exist and as it is not set it is being installed in 



which version of windows are you using?

Also, which user did you install it under?

I'm using Windows XP Professional SP3. I tried to install it both 
under 'All Users' and 'Just for me', neither worked. The user account 
I was using was not an administrator account on the system.

It also turns out the APPDATA environment variable is set, I just 
can't see it in the Control Panel-System-Advanced-Environment 
variables list, but it is in the os.environ dictionary in python.

Update: I just managed to run the installer as an administrator and the 
installation worked correctly. I thought that .msi installers got round 
the issue of having to be an administrator to install things?


Re: [pygame] BUG: Windows - Pygame 1.9.1 with Python 2.6.4 doesn't install correctly

2009-11-10 Thread Thomas Ibbotson

René Dudfield wrote:

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 4:48 PM, Thomas Ibbotson wrote:

Thomas Ibbotson wrote:

René Dudfield wrote:

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 3:33 PM, Thomas Ibbotson wrote:

I'm using the pygame-1.9.1.win32-py2.6.msi installer with a fresh
install of
Python2.6. Pygame is not installed correctly, and creates C:\Lib and
C:\Include directories. I can manually move these into my Python26
folder to
fix this. I don't have an APPDATA environment variable set, perhaps this
being assumed to exist and as it is not set it is being installed in




which version of windows are you using?

Also, which user did you install it under?


I'm using Windows XP Professional SP3. I tried to install it both under
'All Users' and 'Just for me', neither worked. The user account I was using
was not an administrator account on the system.

It also turns out the APPDATA environment variable is set, I just can't
see it in the Control Panel-System-Advanced-Environment variables list,
but it is in the os.environ dictionary in python.


Update: I just managed to run the installer as an administrator and the
installation worked correctly. I thought that .msi installers got round the
issue of having to be an administrator to install things?


yeah, it's usually all worked out for me in the past.  This is the
first I've heard of this problem...  we pretty much use the default
msi installer builder from python with a couple of extensions... so it
should be working ok.

Do you remember which user you installed python under?

I can't find an msi related bug at (only looked very quickly).

Do you have PYTHONPATH set?  Maybe it is set to  or C:\ ?

Ok, I've reinstalled python, both using the administrator account and 
the unpriveleged user account. In both cases pygame doesn't install 
correctly as an unpriveleged user, but does using the administrator account.

I don't have PYTHONPATH set.


Re: [pygame] BUG: Windows - Pygame 1.9.1 with Python 2.6.4 doesn't install correctly

2009-11-10 Thread Thomas Ibbotson

René Dudfield wrote:

one more question... are you on 32bit windows?

Yes it is 32-bit windows.

I guess another question would be, if it works for other packages?

eg, does the numpy msi work for you ok?

There only appears to be an amd64 numpy msi. I've had a look for other 
python packages that use msi's but haven't found any yet (I looked at 
wxpython, pyOpenGL, PIL and then gave up). FWIW the PIL installer works 
fine as an unpriveleged user.


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