Re: [pygtk] Cell renderer repository?

2008-10-01 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Wed, 1 Oct 2008 17:22:58 +0200
Alessandro Dentella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I'm wandering if there exist already such a renderer or a repository of
>   cell renderer ready to use. A second one I need is
>   Date/DateTimeRenderer. I guess I'm not the first one that need such a
>   beast... 

At one point, a long time ago, I did this by setting a custom data
function for a cell with (C func)

The custom data function would get the value from the tree model,
format it as needed, and then set the "text" attribute of that cell's
renderer. The renderer itself was a text renderer.

Looking that the pygtk reference manual, this can be accomplished with


Mitko Haralanov
Computer programmers do it byte by byte.
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Re: [pygtk] gtk.IconView random segfault

2008-07-09 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Wed, 09 Jul 2008 19:41:31 -0400
Felipe Reyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, with the locks everything works fine, but the locks added some
> overhead (about 10 secons when loading 2500 pictures), I suppose that
> this is normal, right?

I guess it is possible for the locking to add overhead since the entire
gtk uses one master lock.
Also, are you sure that it's the locks? Have you been able to load all
2500 images before without segfaults so you can measure the time?
The alternative would be to not use a separate thread for loading the

Mitko Haralanov
Everybody needs a little love sometime; stop hacking and fall in love!
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Re: [pygtk] gtk.IconView random segfault

2008-07-09 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Tue, 08 Jul 2008 19:57:23 -0400
Felipe Reyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I added a test case that shows (at least on my system) my trouble.
> somebody can give me a clue?

The issue is locking. Changing the code to this seems to have solved
the problem:

class FillListStore(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
gtk.gdk.threads_enter ()
for i in range(600):
a = random.randint(0, len(img)-1)
model.append ([gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(rootdir + 
img[a], 64, 64),
   str (i)])
gtk.gdk.threads_leave ()

thread = FillListStore()
gtk.gdk.threads_enter ()
gtk.gdk.threads_leave ()

Mitko Haralanov
67. Well, _my_ files were backed up.

--Top 100 things you don't want the sysadmin to say
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Re: [pygtk] Entry dir autocompletion

2008-07-01 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Tue, 01 Jul 2008 14:59:57 +0200
Timo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anyone with a working example?

Here you go:

import pygtk
import gtk
import gobject
import os
import dircache

def entry_changed (editable, *user_data):
comp = user_data[0]
text = editable.get_text ()
matches = []
if text:
path = os.path.dirname (text)
start = os.path.basename (text)
files = dircache.listdir (path)
for file in files:
if file.startswith (start):
if path == "/":
matches.append (path+file)
matches.append (path+os.sep+file)
model = comp.get_model ()
model.clear ()
for match in matches:
model.append ([match])

win = gtk.Window ()
entry = gtk.Entry ()
completion = gtk.EntryCompletion ()
entry.set_completion (completion)
liststore = gtk.ListStore (gobject.TYPE_STRING)
completion.set_model (liststore)
completion.set_text_column (0)
win.add (entry)
entry.connect ("changed", entry_changed, completion)
win.connect ("delete-event", gtk.main_quit)
win.show_all ()

gtk.main ()

Mitko Haralanov
printk("Penguin %d is stuck in the bottle.\n", i);
2.0.38 /usr/src/linux/arch/sparc/kernel/smp.c
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Re: [pygtk] Entry dir autocompletion

2008-06-30 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Sat, 28 Jun 2008 11:36:07 +0200
Timo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, I want autocompletion in my gtk.entry. I found a lot of info, but
> all for autocompletion of an existing list and stuff.
> What I want is that it completes the path that I'm typing. So if I type
> "/ho" it should complete with "/home/", and so on.
> How can this be done?

What I would do is connect a callback to the "changed" signal of the
gtk.Entry. This way the callback gets called on every character change.

In the callback construct the completion list based on the current
content of the Entry:

def entry_cb (editable, *user_data):
text = editable.get_text ()
path = os.path.dirname (text)
start = os.path.basename (text)
files = dircache.listdir (path)
matches = []
for file in files:
if file.startswith (start):
    matches.append (path+os.sep+file)

Mitko Haralanov
This is an unauthorized cybernetic announcement.
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[pygtk] Scrolling gtk.Viewport to a specific location

2008-06-16 Thread Mitko Haralanov
I have a gtk.ScrolledWindow, which has a gtk.VBox added with a
What I would like to do is be able to scroll the gtk.ScrolledWindow to
a specific location (one of the gtk.VBox children). I know how to do
the actual scrolling (using the h/vadjustments) but how do I determine
how much to scroll it by so the correct child is in view?

Thanks for the help?

Mitko Haralanov
 Professor: No fair! You changed the outcome by measuring it.
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[pygtk] Getting configure_event on widgets in notebook pages

2008-05-30 Thread Mitko Haralanov

My application uses a custom graphing widget (rtgraph) do display
multiple graphs. The graphs are packed in a GtkTable, which in turn is
added to a notebook page.

The notebook has several pages each with a separate graph.

The problem that I am facing is that the graphing widget uses a backing
store pixmap which gets created when the widget receives a
"configure_event". However, the only widget that receives a
configure_event is the one on the currently displayed notebook page.
If I start the graph updates, my application crashes due to the missing
backing store pixmap.
If on the other hand, I click on every one of the notebook pages, each
of the graphing widgets received their configure_event and all is good.

Is there a way that I can cause the configure_event to be sent without
requiring the user to click on each of the notebook pages?


Mitko Haralanov
65. What do you mean /home was on that disk?  I umounted it!

--Top 100 things you don't want the sysadmin to say
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Re: [pygtk] getting actual size of widget

2008-05-27 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Thu, 22 May 2008 14:49:12 -0700
Mitko Haralanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What I have is a main application window which contains a
> notebook. Each of the notebook pages contains a table. When the main
> window is resized, the notebook (and the tables on the pages) get
> resized. I would like to be able to find the actual width and height of
> the table in the GtkNotebook page.
> I have tried using GtkWidget.get_allocation() but that returns the same
> number regardless of how much I resize the main window.

OK, I did more digging around and it turned out that I wasn't really
understanding the situation correctly.

Here is what is actually going on:

When the main window is constructed, I used gdk.Window.move_resize() to
change the size and position of the main window to a user-specified
values. When this happens, the size of the GtkTable inside the
GtkNotebook changes from their default size.

However, the new size does not become "active" until gtk.main() is
called, which results in my inability to find a way to get the new size
before I have entered the main loop.

Unfortunately, as part of the main window construction, I insert a
bunch of widgets into the table, which is why I need the its size.

Can anyone give me some advice about how to go about getting the table

Mitko Haralanov
Real computer scientists don't comment their code.  The identifiers are
so long they can't afford the disk space.
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[pygtk] getting actual size of widget

2008-05-22 Thread Mitko Haralanov
I am trying to find a way to get the actual size (in pixels) of a
What I have is a main application window which contains a
notebook. Each of the notebook pages contains a table. When the main
window is resized, the notebook (and the tables on the pages) get
resized. I would like to be able to find the actual width and height of
the table in the GtkNotebook page.

I have tried using GtkWidget.get_allocation() but that returns the same
number regardless of how much I resize the main window.

Any advice is appreciated.
Thank you

Mitko Haralanov
56. Sorry, we deleted that package last week...

--Top 100 things you don't want the sysadmin to say
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Re: [pygtk] Checking version of PyGTK from withing Python

2008-05-19 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Mon, 19 May 2008 13:20:23 -0700
David Ripton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> $ python
>  [...]  
> ['check_version', 'gtk_version', 'pygtk_version', 'ver']
>  [...]  
> (2, 10, 4)
>  [...]  
> (2, 10, 1)
>  [...]  
> (2, 12, 1)

I am sorry but your reply is not very useful. Are those methods of a
module? Defined constants? I can't find them defined anywhere

Mitko Haralanov
 Niblonian: They travel from world to world making everyone stupid in 
   order to wipe out all thought in the universe. 
 Leela: Wipe out all thought? My God, they're like flying televisions. 
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[pygtk] Checking version of PyGTK from withing Python

2008-05-19 Thread Mitko Haralanov
Is there a way to check the version of PyGTK from within my Python

I know of pygtk.require() but that returns False for anything higher
then 2.0, even though I have pygtk-2.12 installed.

Mitko Haralanov
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Re: [pygtk] gobject.timeout_add timeout recalculation

2008-05-15 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Thu, 15 May 2008 18:48:22 -0500

> I believe it works like this:
> set wakeup for X milliseconds from now
> call your callback
> if it returned true:
> set wakeup for X milliseconds from now
> call your callback
> if it returned true:
> set wakeup for X milliseconds from now
> call your callback
> if it returned true:
> set wakeup for X milliseconds from now
> ...
> If X is 2500ms and your callback takes 2ms to execute, the interval between
> successive calls will actually be 2502ms.

Unfortunately, it is how it work. In fact, that how I would like it to
work. Here is what my testing shows:

t0: set wakeup for X milliseconds from now
t0+X: set wakeup for X milliseconds from now (t0+X+X)
call callback
if it returned true: noop
else: delete the timer

Here is an example:


import gtk
import gobject
import time

def callback (timeout):
  print "callback called at: %s"%time.time ()
  time.sleep (timeout)
  print "callback returning at: %s"%time.time ()
  return True

if __name__ == "__main__":
  gobject.timeout_add (20*1000, callback, 10)
  gtk.main ()

If you run this, you get:
callback called at: 1210897497.69
callback returning at: 1210897507.69
callback called at: 1210897517.69
callback returning at: 1210897527.69
callback called at: 1210897537.69
callback returning at: 1210897547.69
callback called at: 1210897557.69

Note that the time difference between the "callback returning at" and
"callback called at" is not 20 seconds but 10 seconds (20 second timeout
- 10 second callback runtime).

Mitko Haralanov
A programming language is low level when its programs require attention
to the irrelevant.
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[pygtk] gobject.timeout_add timeout recalculation

2008-05-15 Thread Mitko Haralanov
In my application, I am using gobject.timeout_add to trigger periodic
updates of the status of a number of machines.

However, I am having a bit of trouble understanding exactly how the
timeout is calculated. According to the documentation:

After each call to the timeout function, the time of the next
timeout is recalculated based on the current time and the 
given interval (it does not try to 'catch up' time lost in delays).

The "After each call to the timeout function,..." leads me to think
that the timer is reset when the timeout function returns. However, the
phrase "(it does not try to 'catch up' time lost in delays)." makes me
think that the timer is reset as soon as the timeout function thread is
started. (This also seems to be confirmed by tracing my code)

What I would like to happen is that the timeout gets recalculated when
my timeout function is done/returns. I guess, I could add a new timeout
from within my timeout function and have it [the timeout function]
return False (so the old timeout is destroyed) but I am thinking that
there has to be a better way to do this.

I appreciate any advice on the matter.
Mitko Haralanov
A Fortran compiler is the hobgoblin of little minis.
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[pygtk] Contant height of GtkProgressBar

2008-05-09 Thread Mitko Haralanov
In my application (GUI designed using Glade2), I have a progress bar
that is used by multiple parts of the app.

Some of the parts display text in the progress bar and others done. The
problem that I am having is that the height of the progress bar changes
when there is text displayed and when there isn't. This causes
re-drawing of the application and is really annoying.

Is there a way that I can prevent this from happening, either by
changing the font used by the progress bar or by having the widget
height be calculated in a permanent way?


Mitko Haralanov
A nasty looking dwarf throws a knife at you.
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Re: [pygtk] (FileChooserDialog) Save-Overwrite

2008-05-07 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Wed, 7 May 2008 15:42:36 -0700 (PDT)
Andrea Caminiti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> even if i got the job done, after making some mods, i need to ask: what does 
> the uri (on the example) do or stands for?

In this case, it's the filename. In your case, it shouldn't matter
whether you are using get_uri() or get_filename().

> and another question: the overwrite windows appears behind the 
> filechooserdialog.
> is there any way to set that window on top/in front of all windows??

Hmm... don't really know why that's happening.

Mitko Haralanov
9. SMIT makes it all so much easier..

--Top 100 things you don't want the sysadmin to say
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Re: [pygtk] (FileChooserDialog) Save-Overwrite

2008-05-07 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Wed, 7 May 2008 12:09:34 -0700 (PDT)
Andrea Caminiti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> when i try it, an select an existing file, no overwrite dialog was displayed. 
> when i check 
> the file the previous content was changed for the new one. any idea on what's 
> wrong? 
> any suggestions?

Try connection the dialog's "confirm-overwrite" signal before you run
the dialog. If you look at the pygtk documentation for gtk.FileChooser,
you'll see an example of how to use the "confirm-overwrite" signal.

Mitko Haralanov
 "Who would have though hell would really exist? And that it would be
in New Jersey?" -Leela 
"Actually..." - Fry
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Re: [pygtk] python-gtkhtml2 docs

2008-04-25 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Thu, 24 Apr 2008 13:09:40 -0700
Mitko Haralanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, does anyone know of any useful documentation, API, turorials,
> examples of python-gtkhtml2.
> I can't seem to find anything useful.

Alright, I've been able to find enough information to get a very simple
usage of the widget.

One thing that still puzzles me is the fact that according to
everything I read GtkHTML2 supports CSS and image loading. This either
doesn't hold true for the Python module or I just can't get it to work.
It seems that the request to load the css is being made and I can see
the data being written to the GtkHTML2 stream handler but nothing is
being done with the data because the stylesheet is not applied.

I would appreciate any help from anyone that has played with GtkHTML
and it's Python bindings.


Mitko Haralanov
"No bugs were harmed in the preparation of this patch.  
 It's just me fartarsing around."

- Andrew Morton
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[pygtk] python-gtkhtml2 docs

2008-04-24 Thread Mitko Haralanov
Hi, does anyone know of any useful documentation, API, turorials,
examples of python-gtkhtml2.

I can't seem to find anything useful.


Mitko Haralanov
panic("sun_82072_fd_inb: How did I get here?");
2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/include/asm-sparc/floppy.h
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Re: [pygtk] Getting widget visibility

2008-04-23 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Wed, 23 Apr 2008 13:23:22 -0400
John Ehresman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Try

That worked. Thank you.

Mitko Haralanov
43. If I knew it wasn't going to work, I would have tested it sooner.

--Top 100 things you don't want the sysadmin to say
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Re: [pygtk] Getting widget visibility

2008-04-23 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Wed, 23 Apr 2008 14:10:10 -0300
"Facundo Batista" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If you could provide an example that makes this to you, for us to try
> it, we could help you better.

Here you go:
import gtk
import pygtk

def toggle_func (widget, *user_data):
frame = user_data[0]
if frame.visible:
frame.hide ()
else: ()

window = gtk.Window ()
vbox = gtk.VBox ()
button = gtk.Button ("Toggle")

frame = gtk.Frame ("Test Frame")
label = gtk.Label ("Some Text")

frame.add (label)
vbox.pack_start (frame)
vbox.pack_start (button)

window.add (vbox)
button.connect ("clicked", toggle_func, frame)
window.connect ("delete-event", gtk.main_quit)
window.show_all ()
gtk.main ()

# ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 8, in toggle_func
if frame.visible:
AttributeError: 'gtk.Frame' object has no attribute 'visible'

Mitko Haralanov

Bart Simpson on chalkboard in episode 2F33
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Re: [pygtk] Getting widget visibility

2008-04-23 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Tue, 22 Apr 2008 21:31:35 -0700
John Finlay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It does inherit the visible property - what makes you think it doesn't?

The exception that my app threw when I tried to use it:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/monitor/", line 131, in start_updates
if syslog_frame.visible:
AttributeError: 'gtk.Frame' object has no attribute 'visible'

Mitko Haralanov
Usage: fortune -P [] -a [xsz] [Q: [file]] [rKe9] -v6[+] dataspec ...
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[pygtk] Getting widget visibility

2008-04-22 Thread Mitko Haralanov
What is the best way to get whether a widget is visible or not?

According to the documentation, gtk.Widget has the 'visible' property
which is Read-Write. However, gtk.Frame for example does not seem to
inherit that property of gtk.Widget.

Thanks for the help!

Mitko Haralanov

Bart Simpson on chalkboard in episode 7F21
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Re: [pygtk] Passing user data to callbacks with libglade

2008-04-10 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Thu, 10 Apr 2008 08:30:40 -0300
"Airton Arantes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Second the docs, there isn't as to pass an user data using
> signal_autoconnect method, see below:

Thank you for the reply (I somehow missed your previous one requesting

Here is a simple example that can illustrate what I am talking about:
with the PyGTK/GObject API once can do

window = gtk.Window (...)
button = gtk.Button ("test")
window.connect ("delete-event", handler, button)

the result of which is that the button widget will be passed to the
'handler' callback.

You see to be confirming my understanding that one can not
pass user data to the signal callback using signal_autoconnect. I was
also interested if there is any other way that it can be done but by
looking at the contect of the module it doesn't seem to be
the case.

If it is truly not possible to pass user data to signal callbacks with
Python's bindings for libglade, it seems to me that this is a pretty
big shortcoming of the module. I am not sure whether this can be done
with the C API but as far as the Python's API is concerned it seem to
limit it's usability somewhat.

I guess I could use GObject.connect instead of signal_autoconnect for
the callbacks that need data passed to them.
Mitko Haralanov
The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing
systems is a symptom of professional immaturity.
-- Edsger Dijkstra
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Re: [pygtk] Passing user date to callbacks with libglade

2008-04-08 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Thu, 3 Apr 2008 17:57:34 -0700
Mitko Haralanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I can't seem to figure out how to pass user data to callbacks connected
> with libglade's signal_autoconnect. The documentation does not mention
> anything about it and all my searching has not come up with anything.
> I'd appreciate it if someone could shed some light on the subject?

There's gotta be a way to pass user data to callback with libglade!
Anybody know how?

Mitko Haralanov
"The 'C' language can order structure members anyway it wants."

- Richard B. Johnson
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Re: [pygtk] Doc/tutorial on creating custom widgets

2008-04-04 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Fri, 4 Apr 2008 13:02:47 -0700
Mitko Haralanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If I understand the mechanics correctly, what I will have to do is make
> a custom "clicked" handler that gets the coordinates of the mouse when
> a click occurs, if they are within the frame of the checkbutton, act on
> the checkbutton, otherwise call the "clicked" callback.

For those that might be interested, here is what I came up with that
works as I want it to (well, almost). I do have to manually tweak the
pointer coordinates since I can't correctly compute the coordinates of
the checkbox (self.chk.get_parent_window() returns None). Also, I wish
I could have the CheckButton be only the check box instead of the check
box and the space allocated to the label, but I guess it's better then


import pygtk
import gtk
import gobject

class Size:
def __init__ (self, x=0, y=0, w=0, h=0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.width = w
self.height = h
self.x_end = self.x + self.width
self.y_end = self.y + self.height

def __repr__ (self):
return ""%(self.x, self.y, \
self.width, self.height)

def __str__ (self):
return self.__repr__ ()

class Button (gtk.Button):
def __init__ (self, label=None):
gtk.Button.__init__ (self)
self.label = label
self.callback = None
self.user_data = None
vbox = gtk.VBox ()
self.chk = gtk.CheckButton ("Select")
self.label = gtk.Label (self.label)

vbox.pack_start (self.label)
vbox.pack_start (self.chk, False)

self.add (vbox)

def widget_coords (self, widget):
allocation = widget.get_allocation ()
window = widget.get_parent_window ()
if not window:
# When 'widget' is self.chk, 'window' is
# None, so let's use the button
window = self.get_parent_window ()
x, y = window.get_root_origin ()
w, h = window.get_size ()
extents = window.get_frame_extents ()
coord = Size ()
coord.x = x + (extents.width-w)/2 + allocation.x
coord.y = y + (extents.height-h)-(extents.width-w)/2 + allocation.y
coord.width = allocation.width
coord.height = allocation.height
coord.x_end = coord.x + coord.width
coord.y_end = coord.y + coord.height
return coord

def do_realize (self):
gtk.Button.do_realize (self)

# try to get the coordinates of the checkbutton
self.chk_coord = self.widget_coords (self.chk)

self.add_events (gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | \
self.connect ("motion-notify-event", self.motion_notify_event)

def connect (self, signal, callback, *user_data):
if signal == "clicked":
self.callback = callback
self.user_data = user_data
gtk.Button.connect (self, signal, self.clicked_handler)
gtk.Button.connect (self, signal, callback, *user_data)

def clicked_handler (self, button, *user_data):
if self.pointer_x >= self.chk_coord.x and \
   self.pointer_x <= self.chk_coord.x_end and \
   self.pointer_y >= self.chk_coord.y and \
   self.pointer_y <= self.chk_coord.y_end:
self.chk.set_active (not self.chk.get_active ())
return False
return self.callback (button, *self.user_data)

def motion_notify_event(self, widget, event):
# if this is a hint, then let's get all the necessary
# information, if not it's all we need.
if event.is_hint:
self.pointer_x, self.pointer_y, state = event.window.get_pointer()
self.pointer_x = event.x
self.pointer_y = event.y
state = event.state

# Since I can't compute the coordinates of the checkbutton correctly
# I have to tweak the pointer coordinates
self.pointer_x += 5
self.pointer_y += 5
self.chk_coords = self.widget_coords (self.chk)
return False

def c (widget, *user_data):
print "c:", widget, user_data

if __name__ == "__main__":
gobject.type_register (Button)
window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
bcb = Button ("Checktext")
bcb.connect ("clicked", c)
window.connect("delete-event", gtk.main_quit)

Mitko Haralanov
Computer programmers do it byte by byte.
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Re: [pygtk] Doc/tutorial on creating custom widgets

2008-04-04 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Fri, 4 Apr 2008 11:40:23 +0100
Stephen Fairchild <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Checkbuttons or any other widget can be embedded into a button face as this 
> small piece of code demonstrates. Passing on the button clicks is a bit more 
> involved but in this simple example is not necessary.

Thank you very much for the example.

Of course, what I would like to have is a button which has an embedded
checkbutton where both "widgets" (the button and the checkbutton)
behave as normal. What I mean is that the button click and the
checkbutton can be interacted with separately.
So far, I can have a checkbutton embedded onto a button surface where
the button click does one of two things:
1. makes the checkbutton active/inactive (your example)
2. act as a normal button click and does not allow control of the

If I understand the mechanics correctly, what I will have to do is make
a custom "clicked" handler that gets the coordinates of the mouse when
a click occurs, if they are within the frame of the checkbutton, act on
the checkbutton, otherwise call the "clicked" callback.

I guess, there is a lot more that I need to learn...

Mitko Haralanov

Bart Simpson on chalkboard in episode 7G13
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[pygtk] Passing user date to callbacks with libglade

2008-04-03 Thread Mitko Haralanov
I can't seem to figure out how to pass user data to callbacks connected
with libglade's signal_autoconnect. The documentation does not mention
anything about it and all my searching has not come up with anything.

I'd appreciate it if someone could shed some light on the subject?

Mitko Haralanov
Remember: the biggest mistake to do is to overdesign. The road to hell
is paved with good intentions.

- Linus on linux-kernel
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[pygtk] Doc/tutorial on creating custom widgets

2008-04-03 Thread Mitko Haralanov
I am trying to create a custom widget that is basically a GtkButton but
along with the label it also has a checkbutton embedded into the button

To that end, I am trying to find some tutorials, docs, examples on how
to create custom widget. The only thing that I have been able to find
is this one page:

but it seems that the information on it is not enough to get me going.

Can anyone recommend any docs that could help me? Thanks for the help!

Mitko Haralanov
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Re: [pygtk] Increasing memory usage of GtkTreeView/GtkTreeModel

2008-03-20 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Thu, 20 Mar 2008 14:26:52 -0400
John Ehresman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Do you have a minimal test case?

I didn't but I wrote one and it doesn't seem to happen, which points to
a memory leak in my code, rather then GtkTreeView.

I have been trying to narrow down where it happens but I am so, so
stuck. Well, back to the drawing board.

Mitko Haralanov
Leela: You buy one pound of underwear and you're on their list forever.
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Re: [pygtk] Increasing memory usage of GtkTreeView/GtkTreeModel

2008-03-20 Thread Mitko Haralanov
On Tue, 18 Mar 2008 13:31:19 -0700
Mitko Haralanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am pretty sure that there is something I am missing because such a
> huge memory leak in GTK would have been caught. Any ideas?

Hi, I am still trying to figure out why the memory usage of my app
keeps climbing and I have not com up with anything. I would appreciate
any ideas?


Mitko Haralanov
Never trust an operating system.
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[pygtk] Increasing memory usage of GtkTreeView/GtkTreeModel

2008-03-18 Thread Mitko Haralanov
I have an application which has a GtkTreeView widget. Every so often
(usually two minute intervals), the application does a refresh of the
content of the TreeView.
The refresh code, gets the TreeModel by calling the get_model() method,
then does a model.clear(), and after that re-fills the model by calling
model.append() for every row.

What I am noticing is that the memory footprint of my application keeps
raising with every refresh cycle. It starts at 72K and after an hour or
so, it is at 230M.

I am pretty sure that there is something I am missing because such a
huge memory leak in GTK would have been caught. Any ideas?

Mitko Haralanov
 Leela: Bender, maybe you can interface with the Femputer and 
   reprogram it to let them go. 
 Bender: Maybe you can interface with my ass... by biting it.
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[pygtk] Dynamically adding glade widgets?

2008-02-27 Thread Mitko Haralanov
I used glade to design my GUI and in one of the dialogs I have a HBox
with only one cell. In that cell, I have a tree of widgets which form
the content of the cell.

What I want to have is a button, which the user can click and the
action would be that a new tree of widgets (identical to the original
one) would be packed at the end of the HBox.

Can this be done using some glade trick or do I have to build the tree
of widgets in the Python "clicked" signal handler?

Mitko Haralanov  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Software Engineer 650.934.8064
HSG InfiniBand Engineering

There are no games on this system.
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[pygtk] Apply button behavior with GtkDialog

2008-02-27 Thread Mitko Haralanov
In the application that I am working on, I have a GtkDialog with three
action buttons: Apply, Cancel, and OK. All three buttons return a
GTK_RESPONSE when clicked (I am using the GtkDialog's run method).

When the user presses the OK or CANCEL buttons everything is fine,
since on those button presses the dialog window gets closed. However,
the APPLY button is a different story.

On a click of the APPLY button, the dialog returns the
GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY response ID (which allows me to perform the actions
that are associated with that button), however after that none of the
buttons do anything. 
This makes sense since the run() method returned but the question that
I have is how do I make the GtkDialog responsive again? Calling the
dialogs' run() method doesn't work and I don't want to destoy and
re-create it.

Mitko Haralanov  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Software Engineer 650.934.8064
HSG InfiniBand Engineering

52. NO!  Not _that_ button!

--Top 100 things you don't want the sysadmin to say
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