[pygtk] yet another gtk.Notebook question

2007-05-06 Thread N. Volbers
After having solved my first problem, I now have another one:

When I retrieve a drag-drop event, I would like to know, which notebook
tab was dropped. In the C API, the example looks like this:

 static void
 on_drop_zone_drag_data_received (GtkWidget*widget,
  GdkDragContext   *context,
  gint  x,
  gint  y,
  GtkSelectionData *selection_data,
  guint info,
  guint time,
  gpointer  user_data)
   GtkWidget *notebook;
   GtkWidget **child;

   notebook = gtk_drag_get_source_widget (context);
   child = (void*) selection_data->data;

   process_widget (*child);
   gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (notebook), *child);

However, the pygtk equivalent only accepts the arguments context, x, y,

How can I get the child widget as shown above?

pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] gtk.Notebook dnd to other widgets [SOLVED]

2007-05-06 Thread N. Volbers
Gian Mario Tagliaretti schrieb:
> 2007/5/6, N. Volbers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I found the problem! The documentation is wrong. If you look at the
>> original API documentation of gtk+, it will say that the target is
>> "GTK_NOTEBOOK_TAB" and not (like it says in the pygtk documentation)
>> "gtk.NOTEBOOK_TAB".
> gtk.NOTEBOOK_TAB is the python equivalent of the C's GTK_NOTEBOOK_TAB,
> it should not even work if you use the latter.
> cheers

The target is a string, not a constant, i.e. the target is something like

  ("GTK_NOTEBOOK_TAB", ... )

Actually, there is not even a gtk.NOTEBOOK_TAB.  Using the above string
works fine.


pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] gtk.Notebook dnd to other widgets [SOLVED]

2007-05-06 Thread N. Volbers
Niklas Volbers schrieb:
> Hi everyone!
> I am using the reorderable and detachable properties of gtk.Notebook tabs 
> (pygtk 2.10).
> Now I wanted to implement dragging a notebook tab to an event box, but 
> somehow my event box will not respond to the dnd event from the notebook tab. 
> I am not sure if I set up the target properly and I could not find any 
> example on the net.
> The attached example illustrates my problem.
> Best regards,
> Niklas.
> ___
> SMS schreiben mit WEB.DE FreeMail - einfach, schnell und
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> ___
> pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
> http://www.daa.com.au/mailman/listinfo/pygtk
> Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

I found the problem! The documentation is wrong. If you look at the
original API documentation of gtk+, it will say that the target is
"GTK_NOTEBOOK_TAB" and not (like it says in the pygtk documentation)

Should I file a bug report or is this mail sufficient?

Best regards,

pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Close button in notebook tab

2007-05-05 Thread N. Volbers
Sylvain Saleur schrieb:
> Hi!
> I managed to create a custom tab with a close button. My problem is that
> when I click on a non-focused tab's close button,  it close the focused
> tab...
> Do you have any suggestion?
> I look forward to hearing from you.
> Bests.
> Sylvain Saleur
> Code: (sorry, the comments are in french... The code come from this
> post: http://www.daa.com.au/pipermail/pygtk/2006-April/012216.html )
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
> #  notebook.py
> import pygtk
> pygtk.require('2.0')
> import gtk
> class NotebookExample:
>def add_icon_to_button(self,button):
>"Fonction pour ajouter un bouton fermer"
>#création d'une boite horizontale
>iconBox = gtk.HBox(False, 0) #Création d'une image vide
>image = gtk.Image()
>#On récupère l'icone du bouton "fermer"
>#On enlève le relief au bouton (donné en attribut)
>#On récupère les propriétés du bouton
>settings = gtk.Widget.get_settings(button)
>#On affecte à w et h les dimensions
>(w,h) =
> gtk.icon_size_lookup_for_settings(settings,gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
>#On modifie ces dimensions
>gtk.Widget.set_size_request(button, w + 4, h + 4)
>#On met l'image dans la boite
>iconBox.pack_start(image, True, False, 0)
>#On ajoute la boite dans le bouton
>def create_custom_tab(self,text, notebook):
>"Crée une tab customisée avec un label et un bouton fermer"
>#On crée une eventbox
>eventBox = gtk.EventBox()
>#On crée une boite horizontale
>tabBox = gtk.HBox(False, 2)
>#On crée un label "text" (text donné en attribut)
>tabLabel = gtk.Label(text)
>#On crée un bouton
>#On lui affecte la méthode remove_book
>tabButton.connect('clicked',self.remove_book, notebook)
>#On ajoute l'image au bouton en utilisant la méthode
> add_icon_to_button
>   eventBox.show()
>#On attache label et bouton à la boite
>tabBox.pack_start(tabLabel, False) 
> tabBox.pack_start(tabButton, False)
>#On ajoute la boite à l'eventbox
>return eventBox
>  def remove_book(self, button, notebook):
>"Fonction de suppression de page"
>#On récupère la page courante
>page = notebook.get_current_page()
>#On la supprime
># On actualise le widget
>def delete(self, widget, event=None):
>return False
>def __init__(self):
>window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
>window.connect("delete_event", self.delete)
>#On crée un nouveau notebook
>notebook = gtk.Notebook()
># On ajoute quelques pages
>for i in range(5):
>page_number = i + 1
>frame = gtk.Frame("Frame %d" % page_number)
>frame.set_size_request(100, 75)
>label = gtk.Label("Dans la Frame %d" % page_number)
>   eventBox = self.create_custom_tab("Tab %d" %
> page_number, notebook)
>notebook.append_page(frame, eventBox)
># Page que nous verrons à l'ouverture (page 4)
> def main():
>return 0
> if __name__ == "__main__":
> ___
> pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
> http://www.daa.com.au/mailman/listinfo/pygtk
> Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

You can use notebook.remove(widget) to remove the proper notebook tab.
Of course, then the callback needs to know, which widget it should
remove. I suggest passing the frame to the create_custom_tab method:

eventBox = self.create_custom_tab("Tab %d" % page_number, notebook,

Then, in create_custom_tab, you add the frame to the connect method:

tabButton.connect('clicked',self.remove_book, notebook, frame)

And finally, in the remove_book method, you know exactly which tab to


pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] adding a close button to a notebook

2006-10-22 Thread N. Volbers

Tony Nelson schrieb:

At 8:36 AM +0200 10/20/06, N. Volbers wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am using a notebook for a sort of tabbed interface a la Firefox. 
Currently, there is a close button for each tab, positioned in the tab 
widget. However, I would like to have just a single close button at the 
very right of the notebook (again, just like Firefox does). Is there a 
way to add a widget inside the notebook tab box?

I use something like this:

class NotebookTabLabel(gtk.HBox):
'''Notebook tab label with close button.
def __init__(self, on_close, owner_):
gtk.HBox.__init__(self, False, 0)

label = self.label = gtk.Label()

label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)

close_image = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)

image_w, image_h = gtk.icon_size_lookup(gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)

close_btn = gtk.Button()

close_btn.connect('clicked', on_close, owner_)
close_btn.set_size_request(image_w+2, image_h+2)
self.pack_start(close_btn, False, False)


tl = NotebookTabLabel(
lambda *args: self.owner.on_tab_close_doc(*args),
self )

I hacked this down from something fancier, but I think it's still all there.

Thanks for your reply!

The example you provide is very useful, even though it is not exactly 
what I had in mind. I was looking for a single close button that belongs 
to the notebook, and not a button for each tab. Yet your solution works 
well for me, so unless someone suggests something different, I will use 
your approach.

Best regards,


pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] adding a close button to a notebook

2006-10-20 Thread N. Volbers

Hello everyone,

I am using a notebook for a sort of tabbed interface a la Firefox. 
Currently, there is a close button for each tab, positioned in the tab 
widget. However, I would like to have just a single close button at the 
very right of the notebook (again, just like Firefox does). Is there a 
way to add a widget inside the notebook tab box?

Best regards,


pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] passing data to actions invoked by popup

2006-04-01 Thread N. Volbers

Nikos Kouremenos wrote:

On 4/1/06, N. Volbers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Nikos,

Nikos Kouremenos wrote:


menu.popup() normally accepts additonal data. but PyGTK devs wrapped
it bad so in PyGTK world it doesn't. I have reported this in BT.

your ugly solution is what I also do. well not global but class
variable which is the same 'bad'

I filed a bug report.

gimme link, as it's dup of mine which has status "no one is working on
it, please patch us"

and this is not 1st april joke (that already exists one)
Nikos Kouremenos

Bug #336804

Hmmm, I had searched for a similar existing bug before submission, but I 
must have missed it! Too bad.  So please mark it as duplicate of yours.


pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] passing data to actions invoked by popup

2006-04-01 Thread N. Volbers

Hello Nikos,

Nikos Kouremenos wrote:

menu.popup() normally accepts additonal data. but PyGTK devs wrapped
it bad so in PyGTK world it doesn't. I have reported this in BT.

your ugly solution is what I also do. well not global but class
variable which is the same 'bad'


I filed a bug report.

Niklas Volbers.
pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] passing data to actions invoked by popup

2006-03-30 Thread N. Volbers

Hello everyone,

in my applications I have different tool widgets, very similar to the 
dockable tools in gimp, and they all have a button at the top-right that 
opens up a popup menu when pressed. This popup allows to add other 
tools, so for this reason, the popup is always the same.

Unfortunately, this means that since every popup is the same, the 
corresponding actions are always the same as well. There seems to be no 
way to know from which tool instance the popup was called. So my 
question is: Is there any way to add certain extra information when 
popping up a menu, so that when an action is triggered, this extra 
information is passed on to the callback ?

My current solution is rather ugly: Before calling menu.popup, I set a 
global variable to hold this extra information, so that the callback can 
retrieve it.

Niklas Volbers.

pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] two treeview problems, this time with attachment

2006-02-20 Thread N. Volbers

Hello everyone on the list,

I have two questions regarding the treeview widget:

(1) (see attached sample script) Using a CellRendererCombo it is
possible to manipulate the model data by choosing a value from the
combo. Clicking on 'apply' in the sample script will dump the values in
the model to stdout. My problem occurs, if you try to modify a value by
selecting a value in the combo, and then you immediately click on apply
without leaving the combo. In this case the 'edited' signal of the
treeview is not emitted and the selected value in the combo is not set
in the model! However, at least for myself I would prefer this kind of
behaviour. Is there any way to force the treeview to finish any pending
edit operations?

(2) For some columns, I would like to have a button appear if you enter
the row, e.g. a little button with three dots indicating that if you
click on the button you will get a fancy dialog. I guess it would be
possible to write such a thing using a GenericCellRenderer, but I would
be very happy if anybody could point out existing code to me?

With best regards,

Niklas Volbers.

import gtk

model = gtk.ListStore(str)
for i in range(4):

cell_model = gtk.ListStore(str)
for i in range(10):

treeview = gtk.TreeView(model)
cell = gtk.CellRendererCombo()
cell.set_property('model', cell_model)

def on_edited(cell,path,new_text,model,index):
cell.connect('edited', on_edited, model, 0)
cell.set_property('editable', True)

column = gtk.TreeViewColumn('a',cell)
column.set_attributes(cell, text=0)

button = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_APPLY)
def on_clicked(sender):#
print "model values: "
iter = model.get_iter_first()
while iter is not None:
print "  %s" % model[iter][0]
iter = model.iter_next(iter)
button.connect('clicked', on_clicked)

vbox = gtk.VBox()

win = gtk.Window()
win.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit)
pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] two treeview problems

2006-02-20 Thread N. Volbers

Hello everyone on the list,

I have two questions regarding the treeview widget:

(1) (see attached sample script) Using a CellRendererCombo it is 
possible to manipulate the model data by choosing a value from the 
combo. Clicking on 'apply' in the sample script will dump the values in 
the model to stdout. My problem occurs, if you try to modify a value by 
selecting a value in the combo, and then you immediately click on apply 
without leaving the combo. In this case the 'edited' signal of the 
treeview is not emitted and the selected value in the combo is not set 
in the model! However, at least for myself I would prefer this kind of 
behaviour. Is there any way to force the treeview to finish any pending 
edit operations?

(2) For some columns, I would like to have a button appear if you enter 
the row, e.g. a little button with three dots indicating that if you 
click on the button you will get a fancy dialog. I guess it would be 
possible to write such a thing using a GenericCellRenderer, but I would 
be very happy if anybody could point out existing code to me?

With best regards,

Niklas Volbers.

pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] ruler widget deprecated?

2006-01-30 Thread N. Volbers

Hello everyone,

I intended to add rulers to my matplotlib canvas widget, but then I have 
read in the reference that the ruler widget (and hruler, vruler) is 
deprecated and will be moved to another package. To which package? 
Should I use it at all or is there an alternative implementation?



pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] SpinButton and a value of None

2005-11-28 Thread N. Volbers

Graham Ashton schrieb:

On Thursday 24 November, N. Volbers wrote:


My second problem arises due to the fact that it should be possible  to 
specify no value at all.


Am I missing something obvious? I would appreciate any suggestions
on this.

If you want a single widget that allows you to specify "a positive
integer or nothing" I think you'll need to look elsewhere.

You may be building a better UI if you add a checkbox to cover the
case where you don't want to specify an integer; i.e. ticking the box
de-sensitises the spin button and signifies "None".


OK, this is what I wanted to know. I guess I will implement it that way.


Niklas Volbers.

pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] SpinButton and a value of None

2005-11-24 Thread N. Volbers

Hello everyone,

I replaced some gtk.Entry widgets by the more appropriate gtk.SpinButton 
widgets.  'More appropriate' means that the user needs to enter an 
integer number > 0 and a spin button seemed predetermined for this.

My first problem, which I finally solved, was that I have to set both a 
maximum and a minimum limit, so instead of specifying just


I have to use something like

  widget.set_range(min=0, max=sys.maxint)

My second problem arises due to the fact that it should be possible  to 
specify no value at all.  This was easy for an entry widget: If the 
length of the text equals to zero, then I knew the text field was empty 
and I would set my internal value to None.  However I could not find a 
way to let the user delete the contents of a spin button.  Whenever I 
delete its contents it gets replaced by the last valid value again.

Am I missing something obvious? I would appreciate any suggestions on this.


Niklas Volbers.

pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] How to package the GTK envirement and the pyGTK with application?

2005-11-20 Thread N. Volbers

batfree schrieb:

I need my application to run on Windows without GTK,pyGTK ,python.How
can I package these into a standalone application?Can any one help me?
pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/


There is an useful application py2exe, which puts the runtime libraries 
into the executable.  I haven't yet tried it myself, so I don't know 
what pitfalls there may be.

Take care,


pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] question about graphs

2005-09-12 Thread N. Volbers

nephish schrieb:

hello there,
i have an app here at work that i am working on, and i want to do some 
simple (keyword - simple) graphs. Nothing really fancy. Where would be 
the best place to look for how to do this ?

i use debian linux, and python 2.3
pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

matplotlib has a very nice and easy functional interface: 

You might also want to take a look at the python gnuplot interface: 

Best regards,


pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] underscore in treeviewcolum title

2005-09-04 Thread N. Volbers

Gian Mario Tagliaretti schrieb:

2005/9/4, N. Volbers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hello list,

when I try to set the title of a TreeViewColumn to a name like 'a_name',
then the underscore will be interpreted (as accelerator?) such that it
will appear as 'aname' with an underscore under the 'n'.  How can I turn
off that behavior or how can I insert a true underscore?  I tried '\_'
but this did not work either.

try to put 2 underscore 'a__name'


...so simple... !

Thanks a lot,


pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] underscore in treeviewcolum title

2005-09-04 Thread N. Volbers

Hello list,

when I try to set the title of a TreeViewColumn to a name like 'a_name', 
then the underscore will be interpreted (as accelerator?) such that it 
will appear as 'aname' with an underscore under the 'n'.  How can I turn 
off that behavior or how can I insert a true underscore?  I tried '\_' 
but this did not work either.


Niklas Volbers.

pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Undo and Redo

2005-09-04 Thread N. Volbers

Jens Geiregat schrieb:


I would like to add undo and redo buttons to my program. The problem
is I do not have any idea how to implement the undo and redo-actions.
Are there some (easy) examples on this subject? Or other (small)
pygtk-programs that support undo and redo?

Hello Jens,

your question is a very interesting one! I had the same problem about a
year ago when I started writing my application in python.  As a starting
point, I would advise you to look at the following three sources:

1. Skencil, a vector drawing program: http://www.nongnu.org/skencil/ by
Bernhard Herzog.

Look at "Documentation" and then at the "Developer's Guide".  This is a
very nice introduction to an undo mechanism that basically works like
this:  If you call an undoable function, then it must return an
undo-tuple which contains the name of a function f and the appropriate
arguments x,y,..., so that f(x,y,...) will undo the last action.  This
will also enable you to offer a "redo" mechanism for free!

The only problem I had with this approach was that you waste the
possibility to use the return value!

2. SloppyPlot, a plotting program, written by myself :-),

It includes an Undo library (Sloppy.Lib.Undo) which works similar to the
one found in Skencil, with the difference, that the undo information is
appended to an undo list, which is passed to the function as keyword

def my_function(arg1, arg2, undolist=[]):
   undolist.append( ...undo information... )

The benefit of this approach is, that you can still return any value you
like.  Also, you can decide not to use the undo mechanism by simply not
passing any undolist to the function.  In this case, the undo
information is appended to the [] list and is basically discarded!  If
you need more information, feel free to contact me.

3. Yet another approach is used by gazpacho (google for link), where for
every action there is a wrapper with a do and an undo function.

Hope this helps,


pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] refreshing a treeview

2005-06-22 Thread N. Volbers

Prash schrieb:

You could try the widget.queue_redraw as Niklas suggested in the
'treeview signals' thread. It may work .. I'll try it when I'm home

On 6/22/05, Alexei Gilchrist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi,  how do I refresh a treeview? I have a function which changes the scale of 
font of the items (setting the scale property of the cellrenderer) but the 
of the rows is then all wrong relative to the font size. If I collapse and open 
node the height is then correct, but this is obviously a pain to do and can't 
be done
for the root nodes.



BTW: The function call is TreeView.queue_draw().

This is the older thread I was talking about:


I have to admit I never filed a bug -- shame on me.


pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Treeview signals

2005-06-21 Thread N. Volbers


Prash wrote:

What signal is emitted when a user clicks on a row? I've tried a few
like row_activated but it emits a signal only when "return" is

If you mean "double click on a row", try 'row-activated'.  If you really 
want to catch basic mouse clicks, try 'button-pressed-event'.  You can 
then determine the position from the event:

x = int(event.x)
y = int(event.y)

Of course you usually want to know where you clicked, so you use 
something along the lines given here:

path, col, cellx, celly = widget.get_path_at_pos(x, y)
except TypeError:
# blank region selected (no row)
# example what to do if user clicked on a valid cell:
# If user clicked on a row, then select it.
selection = widget.get_selection()
if selection.count_selected_rows() == 0:
widget.set_cursor( path, col, 0)

I think this code snippet has been taken from an example on popup menus 
in the FAQ.

Another problem is I'm using a button called "Expand" to expand
everything using treeview.expand_all() but it shows the expanded tree
only if I use alt+tab back and forth terminal and GUI - it appears
there is some refresh problem. Any ideas?

I remember me asking a similar question and I think this problem was 
solved in some gtk release.  What gtk+ version are you using?  If you 
don't want to update your gtk+, you can issue a redraw.  I am not 100% 
sure, but I think you use widget.queue_draw() for this.

pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Popup-menus

2005-06-21 Thread N. Volbers

Eric Jardim schrieb:

Hi, all...
What do you know about this "popup-menu" event of the gtk.Widget class?
Why it is not activated when someone right-click the widget? 
Anyway, it still can be stimulated by a method calling, isn't it? 
Why do people have to do catch the button_press_event, what is a

little low level?
Looking at Qt, the QWidget class has a "QWidget::contextMenuEvent"
method that you just override and do what you want.
Why does GTK does not has something similar?
What do you have to say about all this?

[Eric Jardim]

Having thought a little about your question I realize that these two 
events are different, also from a user's point of view:

- You can right click on a widget.  Often this is a treeview widget. 
Then you might have a modifier key pressed down so that e.g. you select 
the item that you clicked on as well before calling the popup menu.

- You can push the key on your keyboard that has the little popup menu 
sign.  When you do this, there is no way to change the selection that 
the popup menu is referring to.

So basically these really are two different actions.

You can easily set up button_press_event to call the same method as the 
"popup-menu" event.  This way you can have the same popup code for both 
a mouse click and for the popup key on your keyboard.

Niklas Volbers.
pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Plugs and Sockets - newbie questions

2005-05-23 Thread N. Volbers

Sebastien Aubry schrieb:


The documentation about Plugs and Sockets did not allow me to find out 
whether they can be used to embed anything:

- can they only be used to embed PyGtk widgets into another PyGtk window?
- or can I embed anything using plugs and sockets ?

You can embed any X window object into a gtk.Socket _if_ and only if you 
have the window's xwindow id.  Take a look at the example in the pygtk 
tutorial!  To embed an xterm:

1) start the xterm

2) execute "xwininfo". The mouse cursor will change to a crosshair. 
Select the xterm. The window information is displayed, e.g.

xwininfo: Window id: 0x1ae "xterm"

  Absolute upper-left X:  5
  Absolute upper-left Y:  649
  Relative upper-left X:  5
  Relative upper-left Y:  21
  Width: 484
  Height: 316
  Depth: 24
  Visual Class: TrueColor
  Border width: 0
  Class: InputOutput
  Colormap: 0x20 (installed)
  Bit Gravity State: NorthWestGravity
  Window Gravity State: NorthWestGravity
  Backing Store State: NotUseful
  Save Under State: no
  Map State: IsViewable
  Override Redirect State: no
  Corners:  +5+649  -791+649  -791-59  +5-59
  -geometry 80x24+0-54

3) Now call socket.py with the given window id. A hex number on the 
command line would be misinterpreted by socket.py, so you need to 
convert the hex number beforehand, e.g. by calling long(windowid) in the 
python shell.

>>> long(0x1ae)

Now on the command line

$ python socket.py 27262990

Finished! The xterm is now reparented.

So in principle, you can steal any window as long as you have its window 
id.  Unfortunately I don't really know how to get this id from a Tkinter 
widget (the xwininfo method is not so thrilling).

The next thing you will notice is that you can't type anything in the 
embedded xterm window.  I believe this is only because the parent window 
steals the keyboard focus.  I have used the plug/socket mechanism myself 
to embed a gnuplot window and I know that keyboard and mouse interaction 
worked for that.



A simple example of embedding an xterm (or a Tkinter window) as a widget 
inside a PyGtk window would be appreciated.


Sébastien Aubry

pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Wrapping Gtksheet

2005-05-21 Thread N. Volbers

N. Volbers schrieb:

Christian Robottom Reis schrieb:

On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 12:07:16PM +, Philippe Collet wrote:

First reason is because of the futur implementations that can be done 
in the program i want to realize, it seems a better idea to integrate 
gtksheet now instead of integrating gtkgrid for the moment and soon 

Lorenzo raises an important question in this aspect: what do you need in
GtkSheet that GtkTreeView doesn't give you already? If you can answer
that question I can help guide your efforts.

Take care,
Christian Robottom Reis | http://async.com.br/~kiko/ | [+55 16] 3376 0125
pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

You cannot mark only rows, not columns, with GtkTreeView (AFAIK).


Oops, sorry, I meant: You can only mark rows, not columns ;-)


pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Wrapping Gtksheet

2005-05-21 Thread N. Volbers

Christian Robottom Reis schrieb:

On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 12:07:16PM +, Philippe Collet wrote:

First reason is because of the futur implementations that can be done in 
the program i want to realize, it seems a better idea to integrate gtksheet 
now instead of integrating gtkgrid for the moment and soon gtksheet.

Lorenzo raises an important question in this aspect: what do you need in
GtkSheet that GtkTreeView doesn't give you already? If you can answer
that question I can help guide your efforts.

Take care,
Christian Robottom Reis | http://async.com.br/~kiko/ | [+55 16] 3376 0125
pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

You cannot mark only rows, not columns, with GtkTreeView (AFAIK).


pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Wrapping Gtksheet

2005-05-18 Thread N. Volbers
I just wanted to let you know that I would be willing to help with this.
I am in dire need of a GtkGrid/PyGrid-like solution, and I would love to 
see this included in the standard gtk+ library.  As I am not a very good 
C programmer (even though I understand C code pretty good), I could 
assist in documentation and testing, especially for the python part, so 
if you need any help, please let me know.

Rafael Villar Burke schrieb:
Christian Robottom Reis wrote:
On Wed, May 18, 2005 at 12:07:00PM +, Philippe Collet wrote:

I'm a beginner in the wrapping process.
I'm trying to create a wrapper to use gtksheet with pygtk.
Philippe, it's great having some more people wrapping libraries like 
crazy!. But remember that there's ongoing work to add introspection 
capabilities to gobject, and it would make bindings mostly automatic.

First question would be: why not work on GtkGrid, which /has/ a wrapper
and will probably be less work to adapt?

This is indeed a great suggestion. Philippe, would you dare to have a 
look to GtkGrid? It could eventually get into gtk+ itself and the 
problem would be solved at its root.
If you're willing to hack on it here you have some additional information:

GtkGrid design document and comments thread on gtk+ mailing list: 

Some more comments on gnome-db ML about inclusion in gtk+:
Gtk+ team meeting where gtkgrid is mentioned:
Isn't it a nice and promising project to work on? ;)
pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/
pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Select a specific cell on a TreeView

2005-05-16 Thread N. Volbers
Mauricio Tellez schrieb:
Hi, I have a TreeView with 3 columns all the columns has a
CellRendererText. What I want is that when the user click a specific
cell, said row 2, column 1, only that cell get highlighted, not the
entire row 2. Is posible to do this? How? Thanks in advance.
No, this is not possible AFAIK.
You would need to have a grid/sheet widget, which does not exist in the 
current GTK+ library.  There is a bug report on bugzilla about this, but 
I don't know if anyone is tackling this problem.

Howevery, you could try a workaround by changing the background color of 
the specific cell when the cell is clicked.

pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] dockable toolbar windows a la GIMP

2005-04-27 Thread N. Volbers
Hello everyone,
I am looking for a pygtk equivalent of the window handling a la GIMP, 
i.e. the ability to group windows together by dragging them on docking 
areas or group windows into a notebook.  Are there any ready solutions :-) ?

I have started my own implementation of this (except for the drag'n drop 
yet). Now I have noticed, that in GIMP, when you group more than two 
windows underneath each other, they will be separated, so that you can 
change the size of each.  How could one implement that?  VPaned only 
supports two subwidgets. Of course, one could add one vpaned into 
another, but this seems awkward.

Thanks for your help,
pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] gtk.dsextras ?

2005-04-16 Thread N. Volbers
Hello everyone,
today I tried to build pygrid, which are the python bindings to gtkGrid. 
I receive an error, complaining that gtk.dsextras is not found. However, 
there is a file 'dsextras.py' in the site-packages/gtk-2.0 directory.

Is this file deprecated or why is it not included ? What do I have to do 
to fix this?

I am using pygtk 2.6.1 with gtk 2.6.4.
pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] how to redirect logging handlers?

2005-03-27 Thread N. Volbers
Hello everyone,
my app makes extensive use of the python 'logging' module.
For easier development I would like to have a window with a treeview 
that should contain one entry for every log message sent.
Is there any way to add a Handler so that the message is somehow sent to 
my treeview?

Best regards,
pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/