Re: [Python-Dev] Proposed: add support for UNC paths to all functions in ntpath

2009-05-01 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 I've taken the liberty of explicitly CCing Martin just incase he missed
 the thread with all the noise regarding PEP383.
 If there are no objections from Martin

It's fine with me - I just won't have time to look into the details of
that change.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 383 and GUI libraries

2009-05-01 Thread Michael Foord

Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:

Would it be possible for Python unicode objects to have a flag
indicating whether the 'python-escape' error handler was present?  That
would serve the same purpose as my failed_decode flag above, and would
basically allow me to use the Python APIs directory and make all this
work-around code disappear.

Failing that, I can't see any way to use the os.listdir() in its
unicode-oriented mode to satisfy Tahoe's requirements.

If you take the above code and then add the fact that you want to use
the failed_decode flag when *encoding* the d argument to os.listdir(),
then you get this code: [2].

Oh, I just realized that I *could* use the PEP 383 os.listdir(), like

def listdir(d):
fse = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
if fse == 'utf-8b':
fse = 'utf-8'
ns = []
for fn in os.listdir(d):
bytes = fn.encode(fse, 'python-escape')
ns.append(FName(bytes.decode(fse, 'strict')))
except UnicodeDecodeError:
ns.append(FName(fn.decode('utf-8', 'python-escape'),
return ns

(And I guess I could define listdir() like this only on the
non-unicode-safe platforms, as above.)

However, that strikes me as even more horrible than the previous
listdir() work-around, in part because it means decoding, re-encoding,
and re-decoding every name, so I think I would stick with the previous

The current unicode mode would skip the filenames you are interested 
(those that fail to decode correctly) - so you would have been forced to 
use the bytes mode. If you need access to the original bytes then you 
should continue to do this. PEP-383 is entirely neutral for your use 
case as far as I can see.


Oh, one more note: for Tahoe's purposes you can, in all of the code
above, replace .decode('utf-8', 'python-replace') with
.decode('windows-1252') and it works just as well.  While UTF-8b seems
like a really cool hack, and it would produce more legible results if
utf-8-encoded strings were partially corrupted, I guess I should just
use 'windows-1252' which is already implemented in Python 2 (as well as
in all other software in the world).

I guess this means that PEP 383, which I have approved of and liked so
far in this discussion, would actually not help Tahoe at all and would
in fact harm Tahoe -- I would have to remember to detect and work-around
the automatic 'utf-8b' filesystem encoding when porting Tahoe to Python

If anyone else has a concrete, real use case which would be helped by
PEP 383, I would like to hear about it.  Perhaps Tahoe can learn
something from it.

Oh, if this PEP could be extended to add a flag to each unicode object
indicating whether it was created with the python-escape handler or not,
then it would be useful to me.



Python-Dev mailing list


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 383 and GUI libraries

2009-05-01 Thread R. David Murray

On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 at 23:44, Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:

Would it be possible for Python unicode objects to have a flag
indicating whether the 'python-escape' error handler was present?  That

Unless I'm misunderstanding something, couldn't you implement what you
need by looking in a given string for the half surrogates?  If you find
one, you have a string python-escape modified, if you don't, it didn't.

What does Tahoe do on Windows when it gets a filename that is not valid
Unicode?  You might not even have to conditionalize the above code
on platform (ie: instead you have a generalized is_valid_unicode test
function that you always use).

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 383: Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces

2009-05-01 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
James Y Knight writes:

  in python. It seems like the most common reason why people want to use  
  SJIS is to make old pre-unicode apps work right in WINE -- in which  
  case it doesn't actually affect unix python at all.

Mounting external drives, especially USB memory sticks which tend to
be FAT-initialized by the manufacturers, is another common case.

But I don't understand why PEP 383 needs to care at all.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 383 and GUI libraries

2009-05-01 Thread Zooko O'Whielacronx
Following-up to my own post to correct a major error:

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 11:44 PM, Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:

 My use case (Tahoe-LAFS [1]) requires that I am *able* to read arbitrary
 binary names from the filesystem and store them so that I can regenerate
 the same byte string later, but it also requires that I *know* whether
 what I got was a valid string in the expected encoding (which might be
 utf-8) or whether it was not and I need to fall back to storing the

Okay, I am wrong about this.  Having a flag to remember whether I had to
fall back to the utf-8b trick is one method to implement my requirement,
but my actual requirement is this:

Requirement: either the unicode string or the bytes are faithfully
transmitted from one system to another.

That is: if you read a filename from the filesystem, and transmit that
filename to another system and use it, then there are two cases:

Requirement 1: the byte string was valid in the encoding of source
system, in which case the unicode name is faithfully transmitted
(i.e. the bytes that finally land on the target system are the result of

Requirement 2: the byte string was not valid in the encoding of source
system, in which case the bytes are faithfully transmitted (i.e. the
bytes that finally land on the target system are the same as the bytes
that originated in the source system).

Now I finally understand how fiendishly clever MvL's PEP 383
generalization of Markus Kuhn's utf-8b trick is!  The only thing
necessary to achieve both of those requirements above is that the
'python-escape' error handler is used on the target system .encode() as
well as on the source system .decode()!

Well, I'm going to have to let this sink in and maybe write some code to
see if I really understand it.

But if this is right, then I can do away with some of the mechanism that
I've built up, and instead:

Backport PEP 383 to Python 2.

And, document the PEP 383 trick in some generic, widely respected format
such as an Internet Draft so that I can explain to other users of the
Tahoe data (many of whom use other languages than Python) what they have
to do if they find invalid utf-8 in the data.  Oh good, I just realized
that Tahoe emits only utf-8, so all I have to do is point them to the
utf-8b documents (such as they are) and explain that to read filenames
produced by Tahoe they have to implement utf-8b.  That's really good
that they don't have to implement MvL's generalization of that trick to
other encodings, since utf-8b is already understood by some folks.

Okay, I find it surprisingly easy to make subtle errors in this encoding
stuff, so please let me know if you spot one.  Is it true that
srcbytes.encode(srcencoding, 'python-escape').decode('utf-8',
'python-escape') will always produce srcbytes ?  That is my Requirement


Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Oddity PEP 0 key

2009-05-01 Thread MRAB

I've just noticed an oddity in the key in PEP 0. Most letters are used
more than once. Wouldn't it be clearer if different letters were used
for Accepted and Active instead of them both being 'A', for example?

- A - Accepted proposal
- R - Rejected proposal
   W - Withdrawn proposal
- D - Deferred proposal
   F - Final proposal
- A - Active proposal
- D - Draft proposal
- R - Replaced proposal
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 383 and GUI libraries

2009-05-01 Thread MRAB

Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:

Following-up to my own post to correct a major error:

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 11:44 PM, Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:


My use case (Tahoe-LAFS [1]) requires that I am *able* to read arbitrary
binary names from the filesystem and store them so that I can regenerate
the same byte string later, but it also requires that I *know* whether
what I got was a valid string in the expected encoding (which might be
utf-8) or whether it was not and I need to fall back to storing the

Okay, I am wrong about this.  Having a flag to remember whether I had to
fall back to the utf-8b trick is one method to implement my requirement,
but my actual requirement is this:

Requirement: either the unicode string or the bytes are faithfully
transmitted from one system to another.

That is: if you read a filename from the filesystem, and transmit that
filename to another system and use it, then there are two cases:

Requirement 1: the byte string was valid in the encoding of source
system, in which case the unicode name is faithfully transmitted
(i.e. the bytes that finally land on the target system are the result of

Requirement 2: the byte string was not valid in the encoding of source
system, in which case the bytes are faithfully transmitted (i.e. the
bytes that finally land on the target system are the same as the bytes
that originated in the source system).

Now I finally understand how fiendishly clever MvL's PEP 383
generalization of Markus Kuhn's utf-8b trick is!  The only thing
necessary to achieve both of those requirements above is that the
'python-escape' error handler is used on the target system .encode() as
well as on the source system .decode()!

Well, I'm going to have to let this sink in and maybe write some code to
see if I really understand it.

But if this is right, then I can do away with some of the mechanism that
I've built up, and instead:

Backport PEP 383 to Python 2.

And, document the PEP 383 trick in some generic, widely respected format
such as an Internet Draft so that I can explain to other users of the
Tahoe data (many of whom use other languages than Python) what they have
to do if they find invalid utf-8 in the data.  Oh good, I just realized
that Tahoe emits only utf-8, so all I have to do is point them to the
utf-8b documents (such as they are) and explain that to read filenames
produced by Tahoe they have to implement utf-8b.  That's really good
that they don't have to implement MvL's generalization of that trick to
other encodings, since utf-8b is already understood by some folks.

Okay, I find it surprisingly easy to make subtle errors in this encoding
stuff, so please let me know if you spot one.  Is it true that
srcbytes.encode(srcencoding, 'python-escape').decode('utf-8',
'python-escape') will always produce srcbytes ?  That is my Requirement

No, but srcbytes.encode('utf-8', 'python-escape').decode('utf-8',
'python-escape') == srcbytes. The encodings on both ends need to be the

For example:




Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#7, line 1, in module
  File C:\Python26\lib\encodings\, line 16, in decode
return codecs.utf_8_decode(input, errors, True)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x80 in position 0: 
unexpected code byte

But under this PEP:

 b'x80'.decode('utf-8', 'python-escape')
 u'\xdc80'.encode('utf-8', 'python-escape')
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Summary of Python tracker Issues

2009-05-01 Thread Python tracker

ACTIVITY SUMMARY (04/24/09 - 05/01/09)
Python tracker at

To view or respond to any of the issues listed below, click on the issue 
number.  Do NOT respond to this message.

 2190 open (+34) / 15527 closed (+29) / 17717 total (+63)

Open issues with patches:   861

Average duration of open issues: 645 days.
Median duration of open issues: 394 days.

Open Issues Breakdown
   open  2156 (+33)
pending33 ( +1)

Issues Created Or Reopened (63)

os.path.walk fails to descend into a directory whose name ends w 04/24/09
CLOSED  linuxelf

readline update  04/24/09  jrevans1

The word error used instead of failure   04/25/09
CLOSED  kurtmckee   

Deprecate PyOS_ascii_formatd 04/25/09
CLOSED  eric.smith  

Clean up float parsing code for nans and infs04/25/09
CLOSED  marketdickinson 

support.EnvironmentVarGuard broken   04/25/09
CLOSED  doerwalter  

Test issue   04/25/09
CLOSED  ajaksu2 

RegOpenKeyEx key failed on Vista 64Bit with return 2 04/25/09  makursi 

Thread State and the Global Interpreter Lock section of the do 04/25/09  exarkun 

add py3k warnings to commands04/25/09
CLOSED  dsm001  

Move test outside of urlparse module 04/25/09  Merwok  

Possible normalization error in urlparse.urlunparse  04/25/09  Merwok  

internal error on write while reading04/25/09  dsm001  

rlcompleter should be enabled automatically  04/25/09  cben

Deprecate obsolete functions in unittest 04/25/09  michael.foord   

IDLE/Win Installer: drop -n switch for 2.7/3.1; install 3.1 as i 04/26/09  kbk 

Minor unittest doc patch 04/26/09
CLOSED  michael.foord   
   patch, patch, easy, needs review

Idle 3.01 - invalid syntec error 04/26/09
CLOSED  r2d2floyd   

Full example for emulating a container type  04/27/09
CLOSED  yaneurabeya 

Re: [Python-Dev] .pth files are evil

2009-05-01 Thread Chris Withers

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

If the package really requires adding one or more directories on sys.path (e.g.
because it has not yet been structured to support dotted-name import), a path
configuration file named package.pth can be placed in either the site-python or
site-packages directory.
A typical installation should have no or very few .pth files or something is
wrong, and if you need to play with the search order, something is very wrong.

I'll say! I think .pth files are absolute evil and I wish they could 
just be banned.

+1 on anything that makes them closer to going away or reduces the 
possibility of yet another similar feature from hurting the 
comprehensibility of a python setup.


Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 382: little help for stupid people?

2009-05-01 Thread Chris Withers

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

The much more common use case is that of wanting to have a base package
installation which optional add-ons that live in the same logical
package namespace.

The PEP provides a way to solve this use case by giving both developers
and users a standard at hand which they can follow without having to
rely on some non-standard helpers and across Python implementations.

My proposal tries to solve this without adding yet another .pth
file like mechanism - hopefully in the spirit of the original Python
package idea.

Okay, I need to issue a plea for a little help.

I think I kinda get what this PEP is about now, and as someone who wants 
 to ship a base package with several add-ons that live in the same 
logical package namespace, I'm very interested.

However, despite trying to follow this thread *and* having tried to read 
the PEP a couple of times, I still don't know how I'd go about doing this.

I did give some examples from what I'd be looking to do much earlier.

I'll ask again in the vague hope of you or someone else explaining 
things to me like I'm a 5 year old - something I'm mentally equipped to 
be well ;-)

In either of the proposals on the table, what code would I write and 
where to have a base package with a set of add-on packages?

Simple examples would be greatly appreciated, and might bring things 
into focus for some of the less mentally able bystanders - like myself!



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 382: Namespace Packages

2009-05-01 Thread Chris Withers

P.J. Eby wrote:

At 06:15 PM 4/15/2009 +0200, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

The much more common use case is that of wanting to have a base package
installation which optional add-ons that live in the same logical
package namespace.

Please see the large number of Zope and PEAK distributions on PyPI as 
minimal examples that disprove this being the common use case.  

If you mean the common use case as opposed to having code in the of the namespace package, I think you'll find that's 
because people (especially me!) don't know how to do this, not because 
we don't want to!

Chris - who would actually like to know how to do this, with or without 
the PEP, and how to indicate interdependencies in situations like this 
to setuptools...

Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 382: Namespace Packages

2009-05-01 Thread Chris Withers

P.J. Eby wrote:
It's unclear, however, who is using base packages besides mx.* and ll.*, 
although I'd guess from the PyPI listings that perhaps Django is.  (It 
seems that base packages are more likely to use a 'base-extension' 
naming pattern, vs. the 'namespace.project' pattern used by pure 

I'll stress it again in case you missed it the first time: I think the 
main reason people use pure namespace versus base namespace packages 
is because hardly anyone know how to do the latter, not because there is 
no desire to do so!

I, for one, have been trying to figure out how to do base namespace 
packages for years...


Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 382: little help for stupid people?

2009-05-01 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 In either of the proposals on the table, what code would I write and
 where to have a base package with a set of add-on packages?

I don't quite understand the question. Why would you want to write code
(except for the code that actually is in the packages)?

PEP 382 is completely declarative - no need to write code.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 382: little help for stupid people?

2009-05-01 Thread Chris Withers

Martin v. Löwis wrote:

In either of the proposals on the table, what code would I write and
where to have a base package with a set of add-on packages?

I don't quite understand the question. Why would you want to write code
(except for the code that actually is in the packages)?

PEP 382 is completely declarative - no need to write code.

code is anything I need to write to make this work...

So, what do I need to do?


Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] headers api for email package

2009-05-01 Thread Chris Withers
Where you just want a damned valid email and stop making my life 

Message['Subject']='Some text'

Yes.  In which case I propose we guess the encoding as 1) ascii, 2) 
utf-8, 3) wtf?

Well, we're talking about Python 3 here right? In which case the above 
involves only unicode, so why do we need to guess anything? Just use 
utf-8 and be done with it...

However, it's not supposed to be used by mail composers, who are
expected to know the encoding.  It's for mail gateways that are
transforming something and don't know the encoding.  I'm not
sure what this means for the email module, which certainly
will be used in a mail gatewaysmaybe it's the responsibility
of the application code to explicitly say 'unknown encoding'?

Indeed, surely this happens when you have bytes and need to do something 
with it? That's not what my example above is about...

Where you care about what encoding is used:

Message['Subject']=Header('Some text',encoding='utf-8')

Yes.'s covered by this.

If you have bytes, for whatever reason:

Message['Subject']=b'some bytes'.decode('utf-8')

...because only you know what encoding those bytes use!

So you're saying that __setitem__() should not accept raw bytes?

Indeed :-)


Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Email-SIG] headers api for email package

2009-05-01 Thread Chris Withers

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

  Yes for unstructured headers like Subject.  For structured headers...  

Well, suppose we get really radical here.  *People* see email as
(rich-)text.  So ... message['Subject'] returns an object, partly to
be consistent with more complex headers' APIs, but partly to remind us
that nothing in email is as simple as it seems.  Now,
str(message['Subject']) is really for presentation to the user, right?
OK, so let's make it a presentation function!  Decode the MIME-words,
optionally unfold folded lines, optionally compress spaces, etc.  This
by default returns the subject field as a single, possibly quite long,
line.  Then a higher-level API can rewrap it, add fonts etc, for fancy
presentation.  This also suggests that we don't the field tag (ie,
Subject) to be part of this value.

Of course a *really* smart higher-level API would access structured
headers based on their structure, not on the one-size-fits-all str()

All sounds good to me.

Then MTAs see email as a string of octets.  So guess what:


gives wire format.  Yow!  I think I'm just joking.  Right?

Why? That also sounds fine to me and feels right...

   Where you just want a damned valid email and stop making my life  

-1  I mean, yeah, Brother, I feel your pain but it just isn't that
easy.  If that were feasible, it would be *criminal* to have a
.set_header() method at all!  In fact,

Don't agree...

   Message['Subject']='Some text'

is going to (a) need to take *only* unicodes, or (b) raise Exceptions
at the slightest provocation when handed bytes.

It should only take unicodes and bitch profusely about anything else.

And things only get worse if you try to provide this interface for say
From (let alone Content-Type).  Is it really worth doing the
mapping interface if it's only usable with free-form headers (ie, only
Subject among the commonly used headers)?

Sure, for other headers it might *not* accept unicodes...

How do you distinguish raw bytes from encoded bytes?
__setitem__() shouldn't accept bytes at all. 

Right on :-)


Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 382: little help for stupid people?

2009-05-01 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 In either of the proposals on the table, what code would I write and
 where to have a base package with a set of add-on packages?

 I don't quite understand the question. Why would you want to write code
 (except for the code that actually is in the packages)?

 PEP 382 is completely declarative - no need to write code.
 code is anything I need to write to make this work...
 So, what do I need to do?

Ok, so create three tar files:

1. base.tar, containing


2. addon1.tar, containing

   simplistix/addon1.pth (containing a single *)

3. addon2.tar, containing


Unpack each of them anywhere on sys.path, in any order.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 382: Namespace Packages

2009-05-01 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 It's unclear, however, who is using base packages besides mx.* and
 ll.*, although I'd guess from the PyPI listings that perhaps Django
 is.  (It seems that base packages are more likely to use a
 'base-extension' naming pattern, vs. the 'namespace.project' pattern
 used by pure packages.)
 I'll stress it again in case you missed it the first time: I think the
 main reason people use pure namespace versus base namespace packages
 is because hardly anyone know how to do the latter, not because there is
 no desire to do so!
 I, for one, have been trying to figure out how to do base namespace
 packages for years...

You mean, without PEP 382?

That won't be possible, unless you can coordinate all addon packages.
Base packages are a feature solely of PEP 382.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 382: Namespace Packages

2009-05-01 Thread P.J. Eby

At 05:35 PM 5/1/2009 +0100, Chris Withers wrote:

P.J. Eby wrote:
It's unclear, however, who is using base packages besides mx.* and 
ll.*, although I'd guess from the PyPI listings that perhaps Django 
is.  (It seems that base packages are more likely to use a 
'base-extension' naming pattern, vs. the 'namespace.project' 
pattern used by pure packages.)

I'll stress it again in case you missed it the first time: I think 
the main reason people use pure namespace versus base namespace 
packages is because hardly anyone know how to do the latter, not 
because there is no desire to do so!

I didn't say there's *no* desire, however IIRC the only person who 
*ever* asked on distutils-sig how to do a base package with 
setuptools was the author of the ll.* packages.  And in the case of 
at least the zope.* peak.* and osaf.* namespace packages it was 
specifically *not* the intention to have a base __init__.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 382: Namespace Packages

2009-05-01 Thread P.J. Eby

At 07:41 PM 5/1/2009 +0200, Martin v. Löwis wrote:

 It's unclear, however, who is using base packages besides mx.* and
 ll.*, although I'd guess from the PyPI listings that perhaps Django
 is.  (It seems that base packages are more likely to use a
 'base-extension' naming pattern, vs. the 'namespace.project' pattern
 used by pure packages.)

 I'll stress it again in case you missed it the first time: I think the
 main reason people use pure namespace versus base namespace packages
 is because hardly anyone know how to do the latter, not because there is
 no desire to do so!

 I, for one, have been trying to figure out how to do base namespace
 packages for years...

You mean, without PEP 382?

That won't be possible, unless you can coordinate all addon packages.
Base packages are a feature solely of PEP 382.

Actually, if you are using only the distutils, you can do this by 
listing only modules in the addon projects; this is how the ll.* 
tools are doing it.  That only works if the packages are all being 
installed in the same directory, though, not as eggs.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 382: Namespace Packages

2009-05-01 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 Actually, if you are using only the distutils, you can do this by
 listing only modules in the addon projects; this is how the ll.* tools
 are doing it.  That only works if the packages are all being installed
 in the same directory, though, not as eggs.

Right: if all portions install into the same directory, you can have
base packages already.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Oddity PEP 0 key

2009-05-01 Thread Benjamin Peterson
2009/5/1 MRAB
 I've just noticed an oddity in the key in PEP 0. Most letters are used
 more than once. Wouldn't it be clearer if different letters were used
 for Accepted and Active instead of them both being 'A', for example?

 - A - Accepted proposal
 - R - Rejected proposal
   W - Withdrawn proposal
 - D - Deferred proposal
   F - Final proposal
 - A - Active proposal
 - D - Draft proposal
 - R - Replaced proposal

Yes, that makes more sense. Would you like to submit a patch against
the PEP 0 generator? (It's in peps/pep0)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 383 and GUI libraries

2009-05-01 Thread Terry Reedy

Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:

Following-up to my own post to correct a major error:

Is it true that
srcbytes.encode(srcencoding, 'python-escape').decode('utf-8',
'python-escape') will always produce srcbytes ?  That is my Requirement

If you start with bytes, decode with utf-8b to unicode (possibly 
'invalid'), and encode the result back to bytes with utf-8b, you should 
get the original bytes, regardless of what they were.  That is the point 
of PEP 383 -- to reliably roundtrip file 'names' that start as bytes and 
must end as the same bytes but which may not otherwise have a unicode 

If you start with invalid unicode text, encode to bytes with utf-8b, and 
decode back to unicode, you might instead get a different and valid 
unicode text.  An example was given in the discussion.  I believe this 
would be hard to avoid.  An any case, it does not matter for the use 
case of starting with bytes that one wants to temporarily but surely 
work with as text.

Terry Jan Reedy

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Oddity PEP 0 key

2009-05-01 Thread MRAB

Benjamin Peterson wrote:

2009/5/1 MRAB

I've just noticed an oddity in the key in PEP 0. Most letters are used
more than once. Wouldn't it be clearer if different letters were used
for Accepted and Active instead of them both being 'A', for example?

- A - Accepted proposal
- R - Rejected proposal
  W - Withdrawn proposal
- D - Deferred proposal
  F - Final proposal
- A - Active proposal
- D - Draft proposal
- R - Replaced proposal

Yes, that makes more sense. Would you like to submit a patch against
the PEP 0 generator? (It's in peps/pep0)

I'm still trying to think which letters to use!
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Oddity PEP 0 key

2009-05-01 Thread Michael Foord

MRAB wrote:

Benjamin Peterson wrote:

2009/5/1 MRAB

I've just noticed an oddity in the key in PEP 0. Most letters are used
more than once. Wouldn't it be clearer if different letters were used
for Accepted and Active instead of them both being 'A', for 

- A - Accepted proposal
- R - Rejected proposal
  W - Withdrawn proposal
- D - Deferred proposal
  F - Final proposal
- A - Active proposal
- D - Draft proposal
- R - Replaced proposal

Yes, that makes more sense. Would you like to submit a patch against
the PEP 0 generator? (It's in peps/pep0)

I'm still trying to think which letters to use!

P for Proposal (to replace Active Proposal)? Every active PEP is a 


Python-Dev mailing list


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Oddity PEP 0 key

2009-05-01 Thread Barry Warsaw

On May 1, 2009, at 5:55 PM, Michael Foord wrote:

P for Proposal (to replace Active Proposal)? Every active PEP is a  


Maybe even s/Active/Proposed/g ?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 383 and GUI libraries

2009-05-01 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 01May2009 18:38, Martin v. L?wis wrote:
|  Okay, I am wrong about this.  Having a flag to remember whether I had to
|  fall back to the utf-8b trick is one method to implement my requirement,
|  but my actual requirement is this:
|  Requirement: either the unicode string or the bytes are faithfully
|  transmitted from one system to another.
| I don't understand this requirement very well, in particular not
| the faithfully part.
|  That is: if you read a filename from the filesystem, and transmit that
|  filename to another system and use it, then there are two cases:
| What do you mean by use it? Things like opening files? How does
| that work? In general, a file name valid on one system is invalid
| on a different system - or, at least, refers to a different file
| over there. This is independent of encodings.

I think he's doing a file transfer of some kind and needs to preserve
the names. Or I would guess the two systems are not both UNIX or there
is some subtlety not yet mentioned, or he'd just use tar or some other
byte-level UNIX tool.

|  Requirement 1: the byte string was valid in the encoding of source
|  system, in which case the unicode name is faithfully transmitted
|  (i.e. the bytes that finally land on the target system are the result of
|  sourcebytes.decode(source_sys_encoding).encode(target_sys_encoding).
| In all your descriptions, I'm puzzled as to where exactly you get
| the source bytes from. If you use the PEP 383 interfaces, you will
| start with character strings, not byte strings, always.

But if both system do present POSIX layers, it's bytes underneath and
the system tools will natively use bytes. He wants to ensure that he can
read using python, using listdir, and elsewhere when he writing using
python, preserve the bytes layer. I think.

In fact it sounds like he may be translating valid unicode and carefully not
altering byte names that don't decode. That in turn implies that the codec
may be different on the two systems.

|  Okay, I find it surprisingly easy to make subtle errors in this encoding
|  stuff, so please let me know if you spot one.  Is it true that
|  srcbytes.encode(srcencoding, 'python-escape').decode('utf-8',
|  'python-escape') will always produce srcbytes ? 
| I think you mixed up bytes and unicode here: if srcbytes is indeed
| a bytes object, then you can't apply .encode to it.

I think he has encode/decode swapped (I did too back in the uber-thread;
if your mapping is one-to-one the distinction is almost arbitrary).

However, his assertion/hope is true only if srcencoding == 'utf-8'.
The PEP itself says that it works if the decode and encode use the same
Cameron Simpson DoD#743

How do you know I'm Mad? asked Alice.
You must be, said the Cat, or you wouldn't have come here.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Oddity PEP 0 key

2009-05-01 Thread MRAB

Michael Foord wrote:

MRAB wrote:

Benjamin Peterson wrote:

2009/5/1 MRAB

I've just noticed an oddity in the key in PEP 0. Most letters are used
more than once. Wouldn't it be clearer if different letters were used
for Accepted and Active instead of them both being 'A', for 

- A - Accepted proposal
- R - Rejected proposal
  W - Withdrawn proposal
- D - Deferred proposal
  F - Final proposal
- A - Active proposal
- D - Draft proposal
- R - Replaced proposal

Yes, that makes more sense. Would you like to submit a patch against
the PEP 0 generator? (It's in peps/pep0)

I'm still trying to think which letters to use!

P for Proposal (to replace Active Proposal)? Every active PEP is a 

The full list is:

S - Standards Track PEP
I - Informational PEP
P - Process PEP

A - Accepted proposal
R - Rejected proposal
W - Withdrawn proposal
D - Deferred proposal
F - Final proposal
A - Active proposal
D - Draft proposal
R - Replaced proposal

using one letter from each set.

From looking more closely at the code:

Only 'Informational' or 'Process' PEPs can be 'Active'.

'Draft' and 'Active' are shown as a single space instead of 'D' or 'A'.


S - Standards Track PEP
I - Informational PEP
P - Process PEP

A - Accepted proposal
R - Rejected proposal
W - Withdrawn proposal
D - Deferred proposal
F - Final proposal
[A - Active proposal # blank, so can be omitted from key]
[D - Draft proposal  # blank, so can be omitted from key]
R - Replaced proposal

leaving just 'Rejected' and 'Replaced' to be disambiguated.
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] svn down?

2009-05-01 Thread Eric Smith

When checking in, I get:

Transmitting file data .svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Can't create directory 
'/data/repos/projects/db/transactions/72186-1.txn': Read-only file system

With 'svn up', I get:

svn: Can't find a temporary directory: Internal error

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] svn down?

2009-05-01 Thread Benjamin Peterson
2009/5/1 Eric Smith
 When checking in, I get:

 Transmitting file data .svn: Commit failed (details follow):
 svn: Can't create directory
 '/data/repos/projects/db/transactions/72186-1.txn': Read-only file system

 With 'svn up', I get:

 svn: Can't find a temporary directory: Internal error

I get that, too. In addition, I can't ssh to dinsdale.

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] yield from?

2009-05-01 Thread Benjamin Peterson
What's the status of yield from? There's still a small window open for
a patch to be checked into 3.1's branch. I haven't been following the
python-ideas threads, so I'm not sure if it's ready yet.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 383 and GUI libraries

2009-05-01 Thread Zooko O'Whielacronx

Being new to the use of gmail, I accidentally sent the following only
to MvL and not to the list.  He promptly replied with a helpful
counterexample showing that my design can suffer collisions.  :-)



On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Martin v. Löwis wrote:

 Requirement: either the unicode string or the bytes are faithfully
 transmitted from one system to another.

 I don't understand this requirement very well, in particular not
 the faithfully part.

 That is: if you read a filename from the filesystem, and transmit that
 filename to another system and use it, then there are two cases:

 What do you mean by use it? Things like opening files? How does
 that work? In general, a file name valid on one system is invalid
 on a different system - or, at least, refers to a different file
 over there. This is independent of encodings.

Tahoe is a backup and filesharing program, so you might for example,
execute tahoe cp -r Motörhead tahoe: to copy all the contents of
your Motörhead directory to your Tahoe filesystem.  Later you or a
friend, might execute tahoe cp -r tahoe:Motörhead . to copy
everything from that directory within your Tahoe filesystem to your
local filesystem.  So in this case the flow of information is
local_system_1 - Tahoe - local_system_2.

The Requirement 1 is that for each filename encountered which is a
valid encoding in local_system_1, then the resulting (unicode) name is
transmitted through the Tahoe filesystem and then written out into
local_system_2 in the expected way (i.e. just by using the Python
unicode APIs and passing the unicode object to them).

Requirement 2 is that for each filename encountered which is not a
valid encoding in local_system_1, then the original bytes are
transmitted through the Tahoe filesystem and then, if the target
system is a byte-oriented system such as Linux, the original bytes are
written into the target filesystem.  (If the target is not Linux then
mojibake! but we don't have to go into that now.)

Does that make sense?

 In all your descriptions, I'm puzzled as to where exactly you get
 the source bytes from. If you use the PEP 383 interfaces, you will
 start with character strings, not byte strings, always.

On Mac and Windows, we use the Python unicode APIs e.g.
os.listdir(uMotörhead).  On Linux and Solaris, we use the Python
bytestring APIs e.g.

 Okay, I find it surprisingly easy to make subtle errors in this encoding
 stuff, so please let me know if you spot one.  Is it true that
 srcbytes.encode(srcencoding, 'python-escape').decode('utf-8',
 'python-escape') will always produce srcbytes ?

 I think you mixed up bytes and unicode here: if srcbytes is indeed
 a bytes object, then you can't apply .encode to it.

Yep, I reversed the order of encode() and decode().  However, my whole
statement was utterly wrong and shows that I still didn't fully get it
yet.  I have flip-flopped again and currently think that PEP 383 is
useless for this use case and that my original plan [1] is still the
way to go.  Please let me know if you spot a flaw in my plan or a
ridiculousity in my requirements, or if you see a way that PEP 383 can
help me.

Thank you very much.



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] yield from?

2009-05-01 Thread Guido van Rossum
Alas, I haven't been following it either recently. Too bad, really,
because before I left (now three weeks ago) it was already pretty
close. We could perhaps even check in Greg's patch (which I tried and
looked like a solid implementation of his proposal at the time) and
finagle it for b2. One problem though is that Greg's code is based on

On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 6:27 PM, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
 What's the status of yield from? There's still a small window open for
 a patch to be checked into 3.1's branch. I haven't been following the
 python-ideas threads, so I'm not sure if it's ready yet.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 383 and GUI libraries

2009-05-01 Thread James Y Knight

On May 1, 2009, at 9:42 PM, Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:

Yep, I reversed the order of encode() and decode().  However, my whole
statement was utterly wrong and shows that I still didn't fully get it
yet.  I have flip-flopped again and currently think that PEP 383 is
useless for this use case and that my original plan [1] is still the
way to go.  Please let me know if you spot a flaw in my plan or a
ridiculousity in my requirements, or if you see a way that PEP 383 can
help me.

If I were designing a new system such as this, I'd probably just go  
for utf8b *always*. That is, set the filesystem encoding to utf-8b.  
The end. All files always keep the same bytes transferring between  
unix systems. Thus, for the 99% of the world that uses either windows  
or a utf-8 locale, they get useful filenames inside tahoe. The other  
1% of the world that uses something like latin-1, EUC_JP, etc. on  
their local system sees mojibake filenames in tahoe, but will see the  
same filename that they put in when they take it back out.

Gnome already uses only utf-8 for filename displays for a few years  
now, for example, so this isn't exactly an unheard-of position to  

But if you don't do that, then, I still don't see what purpose your  
requirements serve. If I have two systems: one with a UTF-8 locale,  
and one with a Latin-1 locale, why should transmitting filenames from  
system 1 to system 2 through tahoe preserve the raw bytes, but doing  
the reverse *not* preserve the raw bytes? (all byte-sequences are  
valid in latin-1, remember, so they'll all decode into unicode without  
error, and then be reencoded in utf-8...). This seems rather a useless  
behavior to me.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Oddity PEP 0 key

2009-05-01 Thread Alexander Belopolsky
 leaving just 'Rejected' and 'Replaced' to be disambiguated.

'X' or 'Z' for Rejected?  Looks like a perfect start for a bikeshed
discussion. :-)
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Oddity PEP 0 key

2009-05-01 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Barry Warsaw writes:
  On May 1, 2009, at 5:55 PM, Michael Foord wrote:
   P for Proposal (to replace Active Proposal)? Every active PEP is a  
  Maybe even s/Active/Proposed/g ?

Shouldn't that be


duck /
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Oddity PEP 0 key

2009-05-01 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Alexander Belopolsky writes:
   leaving just 'Rejected' and 'Replaced' to be disambiguated.
  'X' or 'Z' for Rejected?  Looks like a perfect start for a bikeshed
  discussion. :-)

The Japanese contingent suggests O (UPPERCASE LATIN LETTER O) for
accepted and X for rejected.  (Actually these should be U+25EF and
U+00D7, respectively.)
Python-Dev mailing list