Re: Copy functio in imaplib

2005-02-22 Thread Max M
Raghul wrote:
What is message_set in the python documentation for copy in imaplib? Is
they referring message set  to the particular mail message in my inbox
or something else.
copy(   message_set, new_mailbox)
Copy message_set messages onto end of new_mailbox.
A sequence of numbers encoded as a string. In one of the forms:
'1,2,3,4' or '1:4'
The numbers can be either message sequence numbers or uids.
hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Re: functions and named keyword arguments

2005-02-22 Thread Fuzzyman

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
  Sorry if this is a duplicate - I use the google interface and
  it screws up (not showing stuff you've posted *or* not posting it).
  Before you ask it's because at work I have no NNTP and *heavily*
  restricted http.

 It is - so I requote my answer :)

 Im not sure if I understand you fully, but if what you are after is
how to
 pass named parameters analog to positional args, do it as dict:

 def foo(name=None):
 print name

 foo(**{name: Fuzzy})

Brilliant - that's exactly what I was looking for thanks.



 Diez B. Roggisch


Execute a list

2005-02-22 Thread Groleo Marius
How can i execute a string in python?
For example if I have the variable s, defined below
s = 'print hello'
How can I execute the code that s keeps inside, considering that the
code is correct?

Re: display VARCHAR(mysql) and special chars in html

2005-02-22 Thread Radovan Garabik
Jonas Meurer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 my script selects a comment saved as VARCHAR in MySQL and displays it
 inside an html page.
 the problem is, that the comment contains several special characters, as
 mysterious utf-8 hyphens, german umlauts, etc.
 i could write a function to parse the comment and substitute special
 chars with the relevant html code, but maybe this already exists in some

just make the page in utf-8, and you'll save you a lot of troubles

 if not, it'll be hard work, as i've to consider many special chars, and
 at least iso-8859-1* and utf-8 as charmaps.

if you insist...
a = u'\u010c'
a.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')

| Radovan Garabk |
| __..--^^^--..__garabik @ |
Antivirus alert: file .signature infected by signature virus.
Hi! I'm a signature virus! Copy me into your signature file to help me spread!

Re: NOOB coding help....

2005-02-22 Thread Igorati
Thank you, that does help quit a bit. I am working on the corrections now.
To the first poster... don't know what that meant. I thought I made my
case understandable. Thank you again. I will work on that. I was
attempting to open wade_stoddard... b/c that was my file I was working
with, and I was told I had to open it in order to save information to
another file so I could recall that information. Thank you again for the
help Steven.


use python / qt with cygwin

2005-02-22 Thread denis

Do you know if it is possible to use python + qt bindings in cygwin ?
I've looked inside kde / cygwin. There is a package named qt-gcc-3 but
I did'nt find the qt bindings for python :/ Is there a way to do that
? Or am I obliged to use tkinter to make user interfaces when I'm with
python / cygwin ?


Re: which parser to use

2005-02-22 Thread Jean Brouwers

Check out SimpleParse/mxTextTools.  Just an outstanding E/BNF driven
parser, very highly recommended.

/Jean Brouwers

PS) See also

There are descriptions of other Python-based parsers on this site


 I'm building something that requires parsing a rather complex
 language. I'd like to do the whole application, including the
 lex/parse phase, in Python (for development/debug speed), and only
 move parts of it to a compiled language if execution speed absolutely
 dictates. So, what i'm looking for in a Python parser is:
 1) reliability (don't want to debug a parser)
 1) flexibility (i do a lot of refactoring)
 2) E/BNF friendliness (working from a spec)
 3) speed (moderate speed will do; glacial won't)
 Does anyone have any familiarity with some of the several Python
 parsers out there? Any pointers to comparisons (as opposed to surveys)
 of _several_ of the Python parsers would be much appereciated. (I've
 seen the YAPPS/Spark comparison.) If none of the Python parsers really
 fit the bill, any thoughts on ANTLR, Spirit, etc?
 Thanks in advance,


Re: NOOB coding help....

2005-02-22 Thread Igorati
#This program will ask for a user to imput numbers. The numbers will then
be calculated
#to find the statistical mean, mode, and median. Finallly the user will be
#if he would like to print out the answers.
numbers = [ ] 
print 'Enter numbers to add to the list. (Enter 0 to quit.)'
def getint():
 return int(raw_input('Number? '))

numbers = sorted(iter(getint, 0))

[2, 3, 5, 7]
def variable_median(x):
 return sorted(x)[len(x)//2]
def variable_mode(x):
 counts = {}
 for item in x:
 counts[x] = counts.get(x, 0) + 1
 return sorted(counts, key=counts.__getitem__, reverse=True)[0]

s = variableMean(numbers)
y = variableMedian(numbers)
t = variableMode (numbers)

import pickle
pickle.dump((s, y, t), file('avg.pickle', 'w'))

print 'Thank you! Would you like to see the results after calculating'
print 'The mode, median, and mean? (Please enter Yes or No)'
print 'Please enter Yes or No:'

if raw_input == yes:

f = open(,r) =
print 'The Mean average is:', mean
print 'The Median is:', meadian
print 'The Mode is:', mode

I got the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\Lib\New Folder\, line 9, in ?
numbers = sorted(iter(getint, 0))
  File C:\Python24\Lib\New Folder\, line 7, in
return int(raw_input('Number? '))
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable

and this one for my if statement:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\Lib\New Folder\, line 39, in ?
if raw_input == Yes:
NameError: name 'Yes' is not defined

I cannot understand how I can define yes so that when they type yes the
data is printed out. Also if they type no how do I make the program do
nothing. Or is that just infered.


Re: python2.4 generator expression python2.3 list expression

2005-02-22 Thread TZOTZIOY
On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 10:55:05 -0800, rumours say that Bryan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
might have written:

is to reset the rightmost (less significant) '1' bit of a number (ie
change it to '0').

i tried c = c - 1 but i'm not getting the least significant or
rightmost bit reset to zero.  am i misunderstanding something?

2  1  # 2 = 0x10; reset right most would be 0x10


 The difference between the original reset the rightmost '1' bit, and your 
 interpretation: reset the rightmost bit is the '1'.
 The rightmost bit that is set is reset. So 0x10 - 0, and 0x1010 - 0x1000.

thanks duncan... you're right, i did intrepret this as reset the rightmost 
instead of reset the rightmost '1' bit.  and i must have read what christos 
wrote 100 times!!!

Don't worry, Bryan, I'm probably more to blame, since I have this tendency to
interject parenthesized sub-sentences all over my paragraphs, that probably
confuse more than clarify things ( self.remind(prose is not code) :).

Perhaps I should crosspost my replies (esp. the ones with nested parentheses) to
comp.lang.lisp ...
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving. (from RFC1958)
I really should keep that in mind when talking with people, actually...

pydoc documentation

2005-02-22 Thread Liat Koski
Hellow all,

I need to use pydoc mosule in order to get documentation to programs i made
I can't find a good source explaning how to use this module
I work on linux OS but this documentation can be made also on my windows OS
If anyone knows how to use it, and maybe has some source code he wrote using 
this module,
I'll be glade to use this help

Thanks in advanced


Re: Mixing Txinter and Pygame

2005-02-22 Thread Eric Brunel
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 13:17:37 +1300, Tim Knauf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi everyone, I'm glad to have found this list.
I've written a small script for my own use which, amongst other things,
captures mouse click information from a window containing an image. I
used Pygame to manage the image window, as it was the easiest way to
implement the functionality I needed. The surrounding interface windows
(there are two) are constructed with Tkinter.
Despite their unholy union, Pygame and Tkinter seem, generally, to
cooperate. I'm using this main loop to update one, then the other:
while 1:
gameLoop() # This function pumps the Pygame events and checks for
mouse and keyboard events
mainwin.update() # mainwin is an instance of Application class,
which is a child of Tkinter.frame
I have my interface set up so that when *any* of the windows' close
boxes are clicked, this function will be called:
# This portion of the Pygame loop calls doquit() when it gets a 'QUIT'
def gameLoop():
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
# Etc.
# And this portion of the Tkinter interface sets the
WM_DELETE_WINDOW protocol to call doquit()
def createWidgets(self):
self.title(Region Management)
self.protocol(WM_DELETE_WINDOW, doquit)
# Etc.
# A temporary file is removed, and both Pygame and Tkinter are
instructed to quit
def doquit():
if os.access('recalc.tmp', os.F_OK):
Perhaps you've begun to see where I might be having problems. You see,
if I close the script by closing the Pygame window, I get this exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\Development\Python\sludge helpers\addScreenRegion
helper.pyw, line 363, in ?
  File C:\Python24\lib\lib-tk\, line 859, in update'update')
TclError: can't invoke update command:  application has been destroyed
Conversely, if I close the application by closing a Tkinter window, I
get this exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\Development\Python\sludge helpers\addScreenRegion
helper.pyw, line 361, in ?
  File D:\Development\Python\sludge helpers\addScreenRegion
helper.pyw, line 203, in gameLoop
error: video system not initialized
Obviously, Pygame doesn't like Tkinter telling it to quit (when it's
trying to do something from its internal loop) and vice versa. Is there
a simple way that I can avoid getting these exceptions on exit, or have
I taken the wrong approach? Everything else appears to work fine. Please
do excuse me if this seems a silly question, as I'm fairly new to Python
and Pygame, and a total novice when it comes to Tkinter.
Well, since these are just exceptions, a simple try... except block would 
be fine, and you can even figure out the reason for the exception. Here is what 
I'd do:
- when you create your Tkinter main window, initialize an attribute that you'll 
use to see if the application has quit, e.g mainwin.hasQuit = False
- rewrite doquit this way:
def doquit():
if os.access('recalc.tmp', os.F_OK):
mainwin.hasQuit = True
- rewrite your custom event loop this way:
while 1:
except TclError:
  if not mainwin.hasQuit:
And: (1) your problem should go away; (2) the real exceptions you may get 
from Tkinter windows should not passed unnoticed.
On a side note, has anyone else found the Tkinter documentation awfully
obscure? I've found Python a joy to learn about, and Pygame's tutorials
are a lot of fun. I can't say the same for Tkinter, and found myself
having to do many Google searches before I uncovered information I could
put to use. Has anyone found any high-quality (online) documentation
that proves me wrong? :^)
Incomplete, but very useful:
But the best reference documentation you'll ever find is the tcl/tk man pages, 
on-line here:
It unfortunately requires to know how to convert the tcl/tk syntax to Python/Tkinter syntax, but it 
is actually quite easy (mainly read option=value when the tcl/tk documentation says 
-option value)
 - Eric Brunel -

executea string

2005-02-22 Thread Groleo Marius
I have the folowing code:
 code.append('funtion (c, e,s)')
 print \n.join(code) + '\n'

The problem is when i call append.
The variables s, c, e are not replaced with their value, so in the end
i get the result:

funtion( c, e, s);

The result that i want is :

 .''`.   # touch universe
: :'  :  # chmod +rwx universe
`. `'` # ./universe
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fix a system

Re: Test for structure

2005-02-22 Thread Martin Miller
At the end of his last post, Steve Bethard wrote:
 That said, I find that in most cases, the better option is to use
 in the original function though.  For example:

  def f(arg):
  args = aslist(arg)
  f(['spam', 'eggs', 'ham'])

 could probably be more easily written as:

  def f(*args):
  f('spam', 'eggs', 'ham')

 Of course this won't work if you have multiple list arguments.

Very interesting, but it also doesn't let you specify a default
argument value...however this gave me the idea that it would be
possible to use the *args idea to greatly simplify the proposed
aslist() function -- when one was needed to allow default argument
values and/or for handling multiple list arguments. Namely:

def aslist(*args):
return list(args)

def f(arg=None):
args = aslist(arg)

f(['spam', 'eggs', 'ham'])

This seems fairly lean and mean, with no if, isinstance, hasattr, or
try/excepts required -- although aslist() might need a check for the
single argument of None case, depending on whether it should return []
or something besides [None] in that situation.



Re: python2.4 generator expression python2.3 list expression

2005-02-22 Thread Duncan Booth
Dan Sommers wrote:

 Seems to work, is there a better way to do this?
 for c in range( 128 ):
 even_odd = 0
 print '%3d' % c,
 while c:
 c = c - 1
 even_odd = not even_odd
 print int( even_odd )
 Okay, so your inner loop is only counting to 8, but IMO this is a good
 example of how to use a better algorithm instead of optimizing the code
 of a naïve one.  My inner loop only iterates over 1-bits.

Here's yet another way to achieve the same results. This version doesn't 
iterate over any bits at all:

 import operator
 parity = [ False ]
 for i in range(7):
parity += map(operator.not_, parity)

And if you want the same output:

 for even_odd in parity:
print int(even_odd)

Re: Execute a list

2005-02-22 Thread Martin Miller
Here is how to execute code in a string, similar to what was shown in
your example:

 s = 'print hello'
 exec s

Hope this helps.


Re: subclassing Decimal

2005-02-22 Thread Nick Coghlan
That's beautiful }:
Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

Re: Execute a list

2005-02-22 Thread Swaroop C H
Groleo Marius wrote:
How can i execute a string in python?
How can I execute the code that s keeps inside, considering that the
code is correct?
Use the exec statement : `exec s`
Details at
Swaroop C H

Open Course on Software System Design and Implementation

2005-02-22 Thread Amir Michail

I will be teaching a course on software system design and

Like last year, the course will be open meaning that anyone can
participate in online discussions -- not only UNSW students.

You can find a mind map of topics covered last year here: (Java required)

There is a significant python component.

Feel free to register and participate in the online discussions.



pydoc documentation

2005-02-22 Thread Liat Koski

 Hellow all,
 I need to use pydoc mosule in order to get documentation to programs i made
 I can't find a good source explaning how to use this module
 I work on linux OS but this documentation can be made also on my windows OS
 If anyone knows how to use it, and maybe has some source code he wrote using 
 this module,
 I'll be glade to use this help
 Thanks in advanced

Re: Problem with the sort() function

2005-02-22 Thread Nick Coghlan
clementine wrote:
I have an array of arrays in the form of 
list = [[3,'fork',0.3,1],[2,'fork,0.1,2],[3,'exec',0.2,2]]

The in-built sort(),list.sort() sorts on the first element, if the first
elts are equal then it sorts on the second elt and so on...But i really
dont want to search on the second elt if the first elts are equal...the
1-D lists shud be left in the same position i.e. i want the sorted list to
be [[2,'fork',0.1,2],[3,'fork,0.3,1],[3,'exec',0.2,2]] and not
Try this:
Py from operator import itemgetter
Py list = [[3,'fork',0.3,1],[2,'fork',0.1,2],[3,'exec',0.2,2]]
Py list.sort(key=itemgetter(0))
Py list
[[2, 'fork', 0.10001, 2], [3, 'fork', 0.2, 1], [3, '
exec', 0.20001, 2]]
If the 'key' argument isn't accepted (i.e. you aren't using Python 2.4), you'll 
need to do the decoration manually:

def mysort(iterable, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False):
return a sorted copy of its input
if sys.version_info = (2,4):
return sorted(iterable, cmp, key, reverse)
seq = list(iterable)
if reverse:
seq.reverse()# preserve stability
if key is not None:
seq = [(key(elem), i, elem) for i, elem in enumerate(seq)]
if key is not None:
seq = [elem for (key, i, elem) in seq]
if reverse:
return seq
list = mysort([[3,'fork',0.3,1],[2,'fork',0.1,2],[3,'exec',0.2,2]],
   key=lambda x: x[0])
(Taken from Raymond's code in:
Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

Re: NOOB coding help....

2005-02-22 Thread Brian van den Broek
Igorati said unto the world upon 2005-02-22 03:51:
#This program will ask for a user to imput numbers. The numbers will then
be calculated
#to find the statistical mean, mode, and median. Finallly the user will be
#if he would like to print out the answers.
numbers = [ ] 
print 'Enter numbers to add to the list. (Enter 0 to quit.)'
def getint():
 return int(raw_input('Number? '))

numbers = sorted(iter(getint, 0))
[2, 3, 5, 7]
def variable_median(x):
 return sorted(x)[len(x)//2]
def variable_mode(x):
 counts = {}
 for item in x:
 counts[x] = counts.get(x, 0) + 1
 return sorted(counts, key=counts.__getitem__, reverse=True)[0]

s = variableMean(numbers)
y = variableMedian(numbers)
t = variableMode (numbers)
import pickle
pickle.dump((s, y, t), file('avg.pickle', 'w'))
print 'Thank you! Would you like to see the results after calculating'
print 'The mode, median, and mean? (Please enter Yes or No)'
print 'Please enter Yes or No:'
if raw_input == yes:
f = open(,r) =
print 'The Mean average is:', mean
print 'The Median is:', meadian
print 'The Mode is:', mode
I got the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\Lib\New Folder\, line 9, in ?
numbers = sorted(iter(getint, 0))
  File C:\Python24\Lib\New Folder\, line 7, in
return int(raw_input('Number? '))
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
and this one for my if statement:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\Lib\New Folder\, line 39, in ?
if raw_input == Yes:
NameError: name 'Yes' is not defined
I cannot understand how I can define yes so that when they type yes the
data is printed out. Also if they type no how do I make the program do
nothing. Or is that just infered.
have you tried examining the objects you are trying to put together to 
see why they might not fit?

For instance, look what happens when you run this, entering 42 at the 

ri = raw_input('Gimme!')
print type(ri)
print type(int(ri))
print ri == 42
print ri == '42'
Does looking at the output of that help?
Brian vdB

Memory Based File Objects

2005-02-22 Thread michael
Hi there,

I am using the Python Image package to do some Image conversion. I
have a pgm Image and this must be converted to a 1 Bits / Sample
Tiff Image. There for I am using (lala.tiff). *hm* A Tiff
Image opt. consists of several pages so I am thinking about using the
pytiff package as well. The existing code is like that

parser = ImageFile.Parser ()
parser.feed (imagecontent)
image = parser.close ()# Now we have the Image

image = image.convert (1)# reduce to 1 Bits per sample (lala.tif)# Store as Tiff

After everey File has been processed I am using the tiffcp command
to append all the files to a single tiff-file containing each image as
a separate page.

eg. tiffcp fileone.tiff filetwo.tiff filethree.tiff allinone.tiff

Performance is an issue here and therefore I am evaluating the pytiff
package. Cause this package can reduce to 1 Bits per Sample and
append to tifffiles.

So the code would be like this (fileobject, format=tif)
tifffile = pytiff.TiffFileReader (fileobject)

# do some stuff

allinone = pytiff.TiffFileWriter (allinone.tiff)
allinone.append (fifffile)

Of course I dont wanna write the in between File to disk with () I do wann to to use a memory file object. The Image
Documentation says that file object just has to implement seek, tell
and write. Does anybody have an example how to do that or maybe a
snipplet for an In Memory File Object with an unknown size.

Kind Regards


Re: Accessing files installed with distutils

2005-02-22 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Frans Englich wrote:
This is silly. How do I access data files I've installed with distutils? In a 
portable, generic way, I want to find out what is the following path on most 

Assuming your module is also in site-packages/foo, I would use:
import os
filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'bar.txt')

Re: executea string

2005-02-22 Thread Arjen Dijkstra
Groleo Marius wrote:
I have the folowing code:
 code.append('funtion (c, e,s)')
 print \n.join(code) + '\n'
The problem is when i call append.
The variables s, c, e are not replaced with their value, so in the end
i get the result:
funtion( c, e, s);
The result that i want is :

I don't know exactly what you want, but try this:
 code.append('funtion (%s, %s,%s)' % (c, e, s))
 print \n.join(code) + '\n'
funtion (2, 3,12)

Re: pydoc documentation

2005-02-22 Thread Michele Simionato
$ pydoc -g



Re: how can I make this script shorter?

2005-02-22 Thread TZOTZIOY
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 00:34:39 -0800, rumours say that Lowell Kirsh
[EMAIL PROTECTED] might have written:

I have a script which I use to find all duplicates of files within a 
given directory and all its subdirectories. It seems like it's longer 
than it needs to be but I can't figure out how to shorten it. Perhaps 
there are some python features or libraries I'm not taking advantage of.

The way it works is that it puts references to all the files in a 
dictionary with file size being the key. The dictionary can hold 
multiple values per key. Then it looks at each key and all the 
associated files (which are the same size). Then it uses filecmp to see 
if they are actually byte-for-byte copies.

It's not 100% complete but it's pretty close.

I can't advise on code length; my script is 361 lines, but the
algorithm is slightly more complex to speed things up (and it also optionally
hardlinks identical files on POSIX and NTFS filesystems).  If in your case there
are lots of files of several MiB each, that often match on size, you could avoid
lots of comparisons if you did match based on some hash (md5 or sha).

You could also compare first on the hash of the first few kiB (I check 8 kiB) to
see if you need to read the whole file or not.


for every file:
  if other files exist with the same size:
calculate hash for first few kiB
if file has same initial hash with other files:
  calculate full hash
  return all files with same full hash

Something like that.
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving. (from RFC1958)
I really should keep that in mind when talking with people, actually...

Re: Memory Based File Objects

2005-02-22 Thread Fuzzyman
Quick reply... check out the StringIO module




Re: Memory Based File Objects

2005-02-22 Thread TZOTZIOY
On 22 Feb 2005 02:06:52 -0800, rumours say that [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(michael) might have written:

snip of unimportant image manipulation

The Image
Documentation says that file object just has to implement seek, tell
and write. Does anybody have an example how to do that or maybe a
snipplet for an In Memory File Object with an unknown size.

You probably need the StringIO (or cStringIO) module.  Check the module
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving. (from RFC1958)
I really should keep that in mind when talking with people, actually...

Re: How to write a ping client

2005-02-22 Thread Harlin
whoa... this is not in the standard library, is it? I never knew this
was out there. Thanks!

Please use your powers for good (the one about halting production on
teenage sex comedies :)


Re: Test for structure

2005-02-22 Thread Martin Miller
Ooops. I left out an * on a statement in the new aslist() function. I
should have written:

def aslist(*args):
   return list(*args) # corrected

def f(arg):
args = aslist(arg)



Re: recommended way of generating HTML from Python

2005-02-22 Thread paul koelle
Michele Simionato wrote:
 Also, one could argue that the designer should
not get in touch with the HTML, but just play with the CSS.
Finally, you can achieve separation between logic and presentation just
putting the routines generating the HTML pages in a separate module, no need to 
a different language.
Yea, why can't we start using xHTML like any other GUI toolkit, its just 
a tree of widgets. The layout is completely up to CSS... One could write 
 Form classes with automatic generation of client(javascript) and 
server side(python) validators ;)


Re: Test for structure

2005-02-22 Thread Martin Miller
Nope, that isn't right either, in the sense that it handles all the
cases properly, including single string vs list of strings'. Guess
this overly simplistic aslist() does not work after. I should have been
more suspicious and cautious before posting. Sorry.



Delivery reports about your e-mail

2005-02-22 Thread The Post Office
Your message was undeliverable due to the following reason:

Your message was not delivered because the destination server was
not reachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time
a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura-
tion parameters.

Most likely there is a network problem that prevented delivery, but
it is also possible that the computer is turned off, or does not
have a mail system running right now.

Your message was not delivered within 8 days:
Host is not responding.

The following recipients could not receive this message:

Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
if you feel this message to be in error.


how can I make this script shorter?

2005-02-22 Thread John Machin

Lowell Kirsh wrote:
 I have a script which I use to find all duplicates of files within a
 given directory and all its subdirectories. It seems like it's longer

 than it needs to be but I can't figure out how to shorten it. Perhaps

 there are some python features or libraries I'm not taking advantage

 The way it works is that it puts references to all the files in a
 dictionary with file size being the key. The dictionary can hold
 multiple values per key. Then it looks at each key and all the
 associated files (which are the same size). Then it uses filecmp to
 if they are actually byte-for-byte copies.

 It's not 100% complete but it's pretty close.


To answer the question in the message subject: 1,$d

And that's not just the completely po-faced literal answer that the
question was begging for: why write something when it's already been
done? Try searching this newsgroup; there was a discussion on this very
topic only a week ago, during which the effbot provided the URL of an
existing python file duplicate detector. There seems to be a discussion
every so often ...

However if you persist in DIY, read the discussions in this newsgroup,
search the net (people have implemented this functionality in other
languages); think about some general principles -- like should you use
a hash (e.g. SHA-n where n is a suitably large number). If there are N
files all of the same size, you have two options (a) do O(N**2) file
comparisons or (b) do N hash calcs followed by O(N**2) hash
comparisons; then deciding on your
need/whim/costs-of-false-negatives/positives you can stop there or you
can do the file comparisons on the ones which match on hashes. You do
however need to consider that calculating the hash involves reading the
whole file, whereas comparing two files can stop when a difference is
detected. Also, do you understand and are you happy with using the
(default) shallow option of filecmp.cmp()?


Re: UTF-8 / German, Scandinavian letters - is it really this difficult?? Linux Windows XP

2005-02-22 Thread Serge Orlov
Mike Dee wrote:
 [snip wrestling with byte strings]

In addition to Martin reply I just want to add two notes:
1. Interactive console in python 2.3 has a bug that was fixed
in 2.4, so you can't enter unicode strings at the prompt:



in 2.3 you need to use decode method to get unicode strings:
 import sys

2. Suse ships buggy build of python so title doesn't work
properly, see discussion

 print aoumlautxyz.title()

You will need to call setlocale to help you:

 import locale
 print aoumlautxyz.title()



imaplib.error: command COPY illegal in state AUTH

2005-02-22 Thread Raghul
I am getting this error while copying n number of messages to the
folder using imaplib.What to do to copy n number of folders in mail

 The error i got is

imaplib.error: command COPY illegal in state AUTH

I am executing the lines

for i in alluids:
print i
print alluids
copymsg(obj,res,alluids[n],'INBOX') #copy to folder
deletemsg(ss,alluids[n])  # delete from folder


RE: pydoc documentation- referred to Michele answer

2005-02-22 Thread Liat Koski
Hellow Michele,
This systax is working only with bulid in modules, like 'sys' for example
But not for personal programs.
Am i wrong??
Can you please send me some syntax example you have? cause i'm getting syntax 
error that i don't know how to solve


-Original Message-
From: Michele Simionato [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: pydoc documentation

$ pydoc -g



Re: python2.4 generator expression python2.3 list expression

2005-02-22 Thread Dan Sommers
On 22 Feb 2005 09:14:50 GMT,
Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here's yet another way to achieve the same results. This version doesn't 
 iterate over any bits at all:

 import operator
 parity = [ False ]
 for i in range(7):
 parity += map(operator.not_, parity)

Very clever!  :-)

Picking a nit, that version iterates over *two* sets of bits.  The for
loop over each possible bit in the input values.  The map function
over the parity bits accumulated up to that point.  And the +=
operator over those same bits again.  Make that *three* sets of bits.

I stand humbled.


Dan Sommers
c = 1

Re: Problem with the sort() function

2005-02-22 Thread Sion Arrowsmith
clementine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanx Nick...I forgot to mention im using python 2.2 and along with a host
of other things it doesnt seem to have the enumarate built in function
:(:(:( it possible to replace it by something else? I dont think
simulating it will be feasible

Here's one I prepared earlier:

if sys.version_info  (2,3):
def enumerate(l):
return zip(range(len(l)), l)

which will suck somewhat on large lists compared to being able to
do it with iterators.

  ___  |  Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other
  \X/  |-- Arthur C. Clarke
   her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump bump bump

Sequence of empty lists

2005-02-22 Thread JP. Baker
I give up (and have prepared myself for replies telling
me which search strings to use on Google etc)!

How *should* I create a sequence of N empty lists (buckets)?

I obviously can't use

a = [[]]*N

and I have found various solutions and am currently using

a = map(lambda x: [], range(N))

but can't help feeling that I have missed something obvious.

John P Baker

Re: NOOB coding help....

2005-02-22 Thread bruno modulix
Igorati wrote:
#This program will ask for a user to imput numbers. The numbers will then
be calculated
#to find the statistical mean, mode, and median. Finallly the user will be
#if he would like to print out the answers.

numbers = [ ] 
print 'Enter numbers to add to the list. (Enter 0 to quit.)'
so 0 is not a valid value ?
Since you only want numbers, any alpha char could be used to exit...
def getint():
 return int(raw_input('Number? '))
What happens if the user type foo ?
numbers = sorted(iter(getint, 0))
[2, 3, 5, 7]
def variable_median(x):
 return sorted(x)[len(x)//2]
def variable_mode(x):
 counts = {}
 for item in x:
 counts[x] = counts.get(x, 0) + 1
 return sorted(counts, key=counts.__getitem__, reverse=True)[0]

s = variableMean(numbers)
y = variableMedian(numbers)
t = variableMode (numbers)
import pickle
pickle.dump((s, y, t), file('avg.pickle', 'w'))
Take care of removing hard-coded filenames... (this is ok for testing 
but should not be released like this)

print 'Thank you! Would you like to see the results after calculating'
print 'The mode, median, and mean? (Please enter Yes or No)'
print 'Please enter Yes or No:'
if raw_input == yes:
First, raw_input() is a function, you need to use the () operator to 
*call* (execute) the function.

Then, raw_input() returns a string. A string is something between 
quotes. Yes is a symbol (a variable name, function name or like), not a 
string. And since this symbol is not defined, you have an exception.

What you want to do is to compare the string returned by the raw_input() 
function to the literral string Yes. What you're doing in fact is 
comparing two symbols, one being defined, the other one being undefined...

  if raw_input() == Yes:
f = open(,r)
Same remark as above about hard-coded file names... =
Notice that the dot is an operator. Here you trying to access the 
attribute 'py' of an (actually inexistant) object named 'avg'. What you 
want is to bind the data returned by to a variable.

  data =

print 'The Mean average is:', mean
print 'The Median is:', meadian
print 'The Mode is:', mode
At this time, mean, meadian and mode are undefined symbols. Since you 
used the pickle module to persist your data, you should use it to 
unserialize'em too. The pickle module is well documented, so you may 
want to read the manual.

I got the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\Lib\New Folder\, line 9, in ?
numbers = sorted(iter(getint, 0))
  File C:\Python24\Lib\New Folder\, line 7, in
return int(raw_input('Number? '))
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
Can't tell you since I'm running python 2.3.x here (sorted() is new in 2.4)
and this one for my if statement:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\Lib\New Folder\, line 39, in ?
if raw_input == Yes:
NameError: name 'Yes' is not defined
See above.
I cannot understand how I can define yes so that when they type yes the
data is printed out. 
Yes = 'yes' ?-)
Also if they type no how do I make the program do
nothing. Or is that just infered.
May I suggest that you :
- subscribe to the 'tutor' mailing-list (it's a ml for absolute beginners)
- do some tutorials (there's one with the doc, and many others freely 
available on the net)
- use the interactive python shell to test bits of your code ?

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for 
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: UTF-8 / German, Scandinavian letters - is it really this difficult?? Linux Windows XP

2005-02-22 Thread Mariano Draghi
Hace mucho tiempo en una galaxia muy, muy lejana, Mike Dee escribió:
   A very very basic UTF-8 question that's driving me nuts:
If I have this in the beginning of my Python script in Linux:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
should I - or should I not - be able to use non-ASCII characters 
in strings and in Tk GUI button labels and GUI window titles and in 
raw_input data without Python returning wrong case in manipulated 
strings and/or gibberished characters in Tk GUI title? 
I'd recommend reading The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer 
Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No 
Excuses!), by Joel Spolsky:

It's not based on Python (nor any other language either...), but I find 
it *very* useful.


Re: which parser to use

2005-02-22 Thread Miki Tebeka
Hello E,

 I'm building something that requires parsing a rather complex
 language. I'd like to do the whole application, including the
 lex/parse phase, in Python (for development/debug speed), and only
 move parts of it to a compiled language if execution speed absolutely
 dictates. So, what i'm looking for in a Python parser is:
 1) reliability (don't want to debug a parser)
 1) flexibility (i do a lot of refactoring)
 2) E/BNF friendliness (working from a spec)
 3) speed (moderate speed will do; glacial won't)
 Does anyone have any familiarity with some of the several Python
 parsers out there? Any pointers to comparisons (as opposed to surveys)
 of _several_ of the Python parsers would be much appereciated. (I've
 seen the YAPPS/Spark comparison.) If none of the Python parsers really
 fit the bill, any thoughts on ANTLR, Spirit, etc?
I'm very happy with PLY (
I was used in several small parsers here and it's easy to maintain, works
in acceptable speed and IMO the code is very readable.
Also I find the documentation very good.


The only difference between children and adults is the price of the toys

Re: Sequence of empty lists

2005-02-22 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

seq = [[] for i in xrange(10)]


Diez B. Roggisch

Re: pydoc documentation- referred to Michele answer

2005-02-22 Thread Michele Simionato
It works for any module in your path, including your
current directory. Supposer you have


do the following:

$ cd /home/myname
$ pydoc -g

open the browser and you will see the documentation
for just below the documentation for
the builtin modules.

   Michele Simionato


Creating Button arrays with different commands using Tkinter

2005-02-22 Thread Harlin
I have an array of Appnames. Let's say they are 'Monkeys', 'Cats',

I would like create a button array with these:

---Start Code---
# Constructing and displaying buttons
for a in Appnames:
   Button(root, text=a, command=lambda:self.OpenFile(a)).pack()

# Somewhere else I have this function defined within the class...
def OpenFile(self, AppName):
   fh = open(AppName+.txt, 'r').read()
   do something with fh

---End Code---

When I do this, whatever the last value a was is what the each button's
command option is. Does anyone know what I can do to differentiate each
button so that it has its own separate argument for self.OpenFile?




Re: UTF-8 / German, Scandinavian letters - is it really this difficult?? Linux Windows XP

2005-02-22 Thread Fuzzyman

Mike Dee wrote:
 A very very basic UTF-8 question that's driving me nuts:

 If I have this in the beginning of my Python script in Linux:

 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

 should I - or should I not - be able to use non-ASCII characters
 in strings and in Tk GUI button labels and GUI window titles and in
 raw_input data without Python returning wrong case in manipulated
 strings and/or gibberished characters in Tk GUI title?


Yet another reply... :-)

My understanding is that the encoding declaration (as above) only
applies to the source code - and will not make your string literals
into unicode objects, nor set the default encoding for the interpreter.

This will mean string literals in your source code will be encoded as
UTF8 - if you handle them with normal string operations you might get
funny results.




serial port server cnhd38

2005-02-22 Thread per . bergstrom
To whom it may concern,
The serial port server 'cnhd38' has been terminated (on who's
initiative, I don't know).
It affects the users of the (at least) following nodes:
cnhd36, cnhd44, cnhd45, cnhd46, cnhd47.
The new terminal server to use is called 'msp-t01'. The port
numbers that are of interest for the nodes mentioned above are
as follows:
port 17: this port is shared between:
  cnhd44/etm4 serial port (via riscwatch), currently connected here.
  cnhd36/console port
port 18: this port goes to cnhd44/console port
port 19: this port goes to cnhd45/console port
port 20: this port goes to cnhd47/console port
port 21: this port goes to cnhd46/console port
To connect to a port, just enter the following command:
telnet msp-t01 prefixportnumber
... an extra enter should give you the prompt.
prefix is always 20
portnumber is the port number...
example, connect to cnhd47/console port:
telnet msp-t01 2020

Re: How to write a ping client

2005-02-22 Thread Peter Hansen
Harlin wrote:
whoa... this is not in the standard library, is it? I never knew this
was out there. Thanks!
You mean, Google?

Re: UTF-8 / German, Scandinavian letters - is it really this difficult?? Linux Windows XP

2005-02-22 Thread Max M
Fuzzyman wrote:
Mike Dee wrote:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

This will mean string literals in your source code will be encoded as
UTF8 - if you handle them with normal string operations you might get
funny results.
It means that you don't have to explicitely set the encoding on strings.
If your coding isn't set you must write:
ust = 'æøå'.decode('utf-8')
If it is set, you can just write:
ust = u'æøå'
And this string will automatically be utf-8 encoded:
st = 'æøå'
So you should be able to convert it to unicode without giving an encoding:
ust = unicode(st)
hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Re: executea string

2005-02-22 Thread Cyril BAZIN
   code.append('funtion (c, e,s)')
   print \n.join(code) + '\n'


You could try this: 

from string import Template
code = 
code.append(Template('function ($c, $e, $s)').substitute(vars()))
print \n.join(code) + '\n'

For more informations about templates, see:
Note that is new in version 2.4...


searching pdf files for certain info

2005-02-22 Thread rbt
Not really a Python question... but here goes: Is there a way to read 
the content of a PDF file and decode it with Python? I'd like to read 
PDF's, decode them, and then search the data for certain strings.

Thanks, rbt

Re: searching pdf files for certain info

2005-02-22 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
rbt wrote:

 Not really a Python question... but here goes: Is there a way to read
 the content of a PDF file and decode it with Python? I'd like to read
 PDF's, decode them, and then search the data for certain strings.

There is a commercial tool pdflib availabla, that might help. It has  a free
evaluation version, and python bindings.

If it's only about text, maybe pdf2text helps.

Diez B. Roggisch

Re: Sequence of empty lists

2005-02-22 Thread Paul Rubin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (JP. Baker) writes:
 How *should* I create a sequence of N empty lists (buckets)?

a = [[] for i in xrange(N)]

'modal dialogs' with Tkinter

2005-02-22 Thread Sean McIlroy
I'd like to have a function f such that, when f is invoked, a Tk
window w is presented in which a number of variables can be modified,
and f returns the values that are indicated by the relevant
menus/checkbuttons/etc at the time w gets closed. I've tried various
ways of doing this, without success. Any assistance would be greatly

Sean McIlroy

Re: Problem with the sort() function

2005-02-22 Thread Fuzzyman

Sion Arrowsmith wrote:
 clementine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanx Nick...I forgot to mention im using python 2.2 and along with
a host
 of other things it doesnt seem to have the enumarate built in
 :(:(:( it possible to replace it by something else? I dont
 simulating it will be feasible

 Here's one I prepared earlier:

 if sys.version_info  (2,3):
 def enumerate(l):
 return zip(range(len(l)), l)

 which will suck somewhat on large lists compared to being able to
 do it with iterators.

Iterators are available in python 2.2
class enumerate:
def __init__(self, inlist):
self.inlist = inlist
self.index = 0

def next(self):
if self.index = len(self.inlist): raise StopIteration
thisone = self.inlist[self.index]
self.index += 1
return self.index-1, thisone

def __iter__(self):
return self



   ___  |  Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the
   \X/  |-- Arthur C. Clarke
her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump
bump bump


Re: Flow chart (function tree) cross references

2005-02-22 Thread Toby Dickenson
On Tuesday 22 February 2005 13:27, qwweeeit wrote:

 Does someone knows something about function tree generation and cross

for trees of *module* dependencies:

Toby Dickenson

problem with PythonCard - wxPython - - class point - __getitem__

2005-02-22 Thread It's me
I've built a Python application using PythonCard 1.9 and Python 2.3 running
under Windows XP.   Everything works except that when I use the keyboard
instead of the mouse to do certain operations in a data entry field (like
Shift-Home), the
program stops at line 1014 of wx-2.5.3-msw.ansi\wx\

def __getitem__(self, index):
x = self.Get()[index]
except IndexError:
raise IndexError, tuple index %d out of range of %d
return x

I downloaded the current version of wxPython ( and tried again.
Same problem except that they've removed the exception handler and simply go

def __getitem__(self, index):return self.Get()[index]

at line 1012.   The debugging shows that someone is calling this routine
repeatedly with index greater then the left of self.Get().   That's the best
I can do.

Any help?

(I can report to the wxPython list if nobody knows how to get around this)



Re: 'modal dialogs' with Tkinter

2005-02-22 Thread Eric Brunel
On 22 Feb 2005 06:03:14 -0800, Sean McIlroy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'd like to have a function f such that, when f is invoked, a Tk
window w is presented in which a number of variables can be modified,
and f returns the values that are indicated by the relevant
menus/checkbuttons/etc at the time w gets closed. I've tried various
ways of doing this, without success. Any assistance would be greatly
Here are the necessary ritual incantations to create a modal dialog with 
dlg = Toplevel()
# ... build the window ...
## Set the focus on dialog window (needed on Windows)
## Make sure events only go to our dialog
## Make sure dialog stays on top of its parent window (if needed)
## Display the window and wait for it to close
The callbacks for your OK, Cancel or whatever buttons you want to use 
should then call dlg.destroy(). This will terminate the wait_window call and continue the execution 
of the code after it.
 - Eric Brunel -

Re: UTF-8 / German, Scandinavian letters - is it really this difficult?? Linux Windows XP

2005-02-22 Thread Duncan Booth
Max M wrote:

 And this string will automatically be utf-8 encoded:
 st = 'æøå'
 So you should be able to convert it to unicode without giving an
 ust = unicode(st)

Strings have no knowledge of their encoding. As you describe the string 
will be utf-8 encoded, but you still have to tell it that when you decode 

Flow chart (function tree) cross references

2005-02-22 Thread qwweeeit
Hi all,
I am developing in Python (as a GUI I choosed Qt).
To increase my expertise, besides reading manuals  tutorials, I am
studying a big program developed in the language of my choice, and
related with my project (to develop a card game).
For that reason I choosed PySol (also if the GUI part uses Tkinter and
not Qt).
PySol is made up from almost 100 python modules and for that reason
you need a mean to organize that. I developed some very small programs
to merge all together in one big listing, keeping the line numbering
of the individual modules (with an identification mark).
The line numbering is in hex to be able to use only 3 char (in hex you
can accomodate 4095 lines instead of only 999 in decimal).
As an example X03F means line 63 (0x3F in hex) of the program
identified by 'X'.

Does someone knows something about function tree generation and cross
I have decided to develop these functionalities in python, but if
someone can help...

Re: searching pdf files for certain info

2005-02-22 Thread Andreas Lobinger
rbt wrote:
Not really a Python question... but here goes: Is there a way to read 
the content of a PDF file and decode it with Python? I'd like to read 
PDF's, decode them, and then search the data for certain strings.
First of all,
still applies here.
If you can deal with a very basic implementation of a pdf-lib you
might be interested in
In the CVS (or the current snapshot) you can find in
ppg/Doc/text_extract.txt an example for text extraction.
  import pdffile
  import pages
  import zlib
  pf = pdffile.pdffile('../pdf-testset1/a.pdf')
  pp = pages.pages(pf)
  c = zlib.decompress(pf[pp.pagelist[0]['/Contents']].stream)
  op = pdftool.parse_content(c)
  sop = [x[1] for x in op if x[0] in [', Tj]]
  for a in sop:
print a[0]
Wishing a happy day

Re: UTF-8 / German, Scandinavian letters - is it really this difficult?? Linux Windows XP

2005-02-22 Thread Fuzzyman

Max M wrote:
 Fuzzyman wrote:
  Mike Dee wrote:

 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

  This will mean string literals in your source code will be encoded
  UTF8 - if you handle them with normal string operations you might
  funny results.

 It means that you don't have to explicitely set the encoding on

 If your coding isn't set you must write:

 ust = 'æøå'.decode('utf-8')

Which is now deprecated isn't it ? (including encoded string literals
in source without declaring an encoiding).

 If it is set, you can just write:

 ust = u'æøå'

 And this string will automatically be utf-8 encoded:

 st = 'æøå'

 So you should be able to convert it to unicode without giving an

 ust = unicode(st)

So all your non unicode string literals will be utf-8 encoded. Normal
string operations will handle them with the default encoding, which is
likely to be something else. A likely source of confusion, unless you
handle everything as unicode.

But then I suppose if you have any non-ascii characters in your source
code you *must* be explicit about what encoding they are in, or you are
asking for trouble.




 hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
 IT's Mad Science


Re: searching pdf files for certain info

2005-02-22 Thread rbt
Andreas Lobinger wrote:
rbt wrote:
Not really a Python question... but here goes: Is there a way to read 
the content of a PDF file and decode it with Python? I'd like to read 
PDF's, decode them, and then search the data for certain strings.

First of all, 

still applies here.
If you can deal with a very basic implementation of a pdf-lib you
might be interested in
In the CVS (or the current snapshot) you can find in
ppg/Doc/text_extract.txt an example for text extraction.
  import pdffile
  import pages
  import zlib
  pf = pdffile.pdffile('../pdf-testset1/a.pdf')
  pp = pages.pages(pf)
  c = zlib.decompress(pf[pp.pagelist[0]['/Contents']].stream)
  op = pdftool.parse_content(c)
  sop = [x[1] for x in op if x[0] in [', Tj]]
  for a in sop:
print a[0]
Wishing a happy day
Thanks guys... what if I convert it to PS via printing it to a file or 
something? Would that make it easier to work with?

Re: UTF-8 / German, Scandinavian letters - is it really this difficult?? Linux Windows XP

2005-02-22 Thread Paul Boddie
Mike Dee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 A very very basic UTF-8 question that's driving me nuts:
 If I have this in the beginning of my Python script in Linux:
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
 should I - or should I not - be able to use non-ASCII characters 
 in strings

For string literals, with the coding declaration, Python will accept
that the bytes sitting in your source file inside the string literal
didn't get there by accident - ie. that you meant to put the bytes
[0xC3, 0xA6, 0xC3, 0xB8, 0xC3, 0xA5] into a string when you entered
æøå in a UTF-8-enabled text editor. (Apologies if you don't see the
three Scandinavian characters properly there in your preferred

For Unicode literals (eg. uæøå in that same UTF-8-enabled text
editor), Python will not only accept the above but also use the
coding declaration to produce a Unicode object which unambiguously
represents the sequence of characters - ie. something that can be
used/processed to expose the intended characters in your program at
run-time without any confusion about which characters are being

and in Tk GUI button labels and GUI window titles and in 
 raw_input data without Python returning wrong case in manipulated 
 strings and/or gibberished characters in Tk GUI title?

This is the challenging part. Having just experimented with using both
string literals and Unicode literals with Tkinter on a Fedora Core 3
system, with a program edited in a UTF-8 environment and with a
ubiquitous UTF-8-based locale, it's actually possible to write
non-ASCII characters into those literals and to get Tkinter to display
them as I intended, but I've struck lucky with that particular
combination - a not entirely unintended consequence of the Red Hat
people going all out for UTF-8 everywhere (see below for more on

Consider this snippet (with that coding declaration at the top):

  button1[text] = æøå
  button2[text] = uæøå

In an environment with UTF-8-enabled editors, my program running in a
UTF-8 locale, and with Tk supporting treating things as UTF-8 (I would
imagine), I see what I intended. But what if I choose to edit my
program in an editor employing a different encoding? Let's say I enter
the program in an editor employing the mac-iceland encoding, even
declaring it in the coding declaration at the top of the file.
Running the program now yields a very strange label for the first
button, but a correct label for the second one.

What happens is that with a non-UTF-8 source file, running in a UTF-8
locale with the same Tk as before, the text for the first button
consists of a sequence of bytes that Tk then interprets incorrectly
(probably as ISO-8859-1 as a sort of failsafe mode when it doesn't
think the text is encoded using UTF-8), whereas the text for the
second button is encoded from the unambiguous Unicode representation
and is not misunderstood by Tk.

Now, one might argue that I should change the locale to suit the
encoding of the text file, but it soon becomes very impractical to
take this approach. Besides, I don't think mac-iceland (an admittedly
bizarre example) forms part of a supported locale on the system I have
access to.

 With non-ASCII characters I mean ( ISO-8859-1 ??) stuff like the 
 German / Swedish / Finnish / etc umlauted letter A  (= a diaresis; 
 that is an 'A' with two dots above it, or an O with two dots above.)
 In Linux in the Tk(?) GUI of my 'program' I get an uppercase A 
 with a tilde above - followed by a general currency symbol ['spider']. 
 That is, two wrong characters where a small umlauted letter a 
 should be.

That sort of demonstrates that the bytes used to represent your
character are produced by a UTF-8 encoding of that character. Sadly,
Tk then chooses to interpret them as ISO-8859-1, I guess. One thing to
verify is whether Tk is aware of anything other than ISO-8859-1 on
your system; another thing is to use Unicode objects and literal to at
least avoid the guessing games.

 But in Windows XP exactly the *same* code (The initiating #!/usr/bin
 /env python and all..) works just fine in the Tk GUI - non-ascii 
 characters showing just as they should. (The code in both cases is 
 without any u' prefixes in strings.)

It's pretty much a rule with internationalised applications in Python
that Unicode is the way to go, even if it seems hard at first. This
means that you should use Unicode literals in your programs should the
need arise - I can't say it does very often in my case.

 I have UTF-8 set as the encoding of my Suse 9.2 / KDE localization, I 
 have saved my 'source code' in UTF-8 format and I have tried to read
 *a lot* of information about Unicode and I have heard it said many 
 times that Python handles unicode very well -- so why can it be so 
 bl**dy difficult to get an umlauted (two-dotted) letter a to be 
 properly handled by Python 2.3? In Windows I have Python 2.4 - but the 
 following case-insanity 

Re: Problem with the sort() function

2005-02-22 Thread Scott David Daniels
Nick Coghlan wrote:
def mysort(iterable, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False):
return a sorted copy of its input
if sys.version_info = (2,4):
return sorted(iterable, cmp, key, reverse)
seq = list(iterable)
if reverse:
seq.reverse()# preserve stability
if key is not None:
seq = [(key(elem), i, elem) for i, elem in enumerate(seq)]
if key is not None:
seq = [elem for (key, i, elem) in seq]
if reverse:
return seq
You'd be better off defining things once (and using the standard name)
rather than doing a test every time your function is called.
Something like:
import sys
if sys.version_info  (2, 3):
def enumerate(iterable): # iterators not yet invented
return zip(range(len(iterable)), iterable)
if sys.version_info  (2, 4):
def sorted(iterable, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False):
return a sorted copy of its input
seq = list(iterable)
if reverse:
seq.reverse()# preserve stability
if key is not None:
seq = [(key(elem), i, elem) for i, elem
   in enumerate(seq)]
if key is not None:
seq = [elem for (key, i, elem) in seq]
if reverse:
return seq
If you like your names better, you can use:
if sys.version_info = (2, 4):
mysort = sorted
def mysort(iterable, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False):
or even (if you can't be bothered to look up when features happened):
test = enumerate
except NameError:
def enumerate(iterable):
test = sorted
except NameError:
def sorted(iterable, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False):
--Scott David Daniels

Re: Copy functio in imaplib

2005-02-22 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2005-02-22, Raghul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What is message_set in the python documentation for copy in imaplib?

It's a list of message numbers.  The ones returned by a
SEARCH command.

 Is they referring message set to the particular mail message
 in my inbox or something else.


Have you read the IMAP RFC?

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Are you mentally here
  at   at Pizza Hut??

Re: searching pdf files for certain info

2005-02-22 Thread rbt
Andreas Lobinger wrote:
rbt wrote:
Thanks guys... what if I convert it to PS via printing it to a file or 
something? Would that make it easier to work with?

Not really...
The classical PS Drivers (f.e. Acroread4-Unix print- ps) simply
define the pdf graphics and text operators as PS commands and
copy the pdf content directly.
Wishing a happy day
I downloaded ghostscript for Win32 and added it to my PATH 
(C:\gs\gs8.15\lib AND C:\gs\gs8.15\bin). I found that ps2ascii works 
well on PDF files and it's entirely free.

ps2ascii PDF_file.pdf  ASCII_file.txt
However, bundling a 9+ MB package with a 5K script and convincing users 
to install it is another matter altogether.

Re: imaplib.error: command COPY illegal in state AUTH

2005-02-22 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2005-02-22, Raghul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am getting this error while copying n number of messages to the
 folder using imaplib.What to do to copy n number of folders in mail

  The error i got is

 imaplib.error: command COPY illegal in state AUTH

That means you haven't logged in yet.

Will you PLEASE keep your IMAP questions in a single thread?

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  PARDON me, am I
  at   speaking ENGLISH?

Re: pydoc documentation- referred to Michele answer

2005-02-22 Thread Scott David Daniels
Liat Koski wrote:
Hellow Michele,
This systax is working only with bulid in modules, like 'sys' for example
But not for personal programs.
Am i wrong??
Can you please send me some syntax example you have? cause i'm getting syntax 
error that i don't know how to solve
Consider this:  You are the one with a problem.  You need to convince us
that you want a solution badly enough to try to find one, and you should
want to help us in our quest to answer your problem quickly.
I believe you have a problem.  I have no clue what your problem is.  You
are asking for syntax that works without showing syntax that doesn't
work, along with the _complete_ error messages that you get when you try
your syntax.  You seem to be asking for help without assisting your
rescuers.  You should be trying to make it easy for them.
Google for smart questions.
--Scott David Daniels

Re: 'modal dialogs' with Tkinter

2005-02-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Sean McIlroy wrote:

 I'd like to have a function f such that, when f is invoked, a Tk
 window w is presented in which a number of variables can be modified,
 and f returns the values that are indicated by the relevant
 menus/checkbuttons/etc at the time w gets closed. I've tried various
 ways of doing this, without success. Any assistance would be greatly

does the approach described here work for you?

(note that the tkSimpleDialog module is included in Python's standard library)

if it doesn't work, what doesn't work as required/expected?



Re: searching pdf files for certain info

2005-02-22 Thread Tom Willis
I tried that for something not python related and I was getting
sporadic spaces everywhere.

I am assuming this is not the case in your experience?

On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 10:45:09 -0500, rbt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Andreas Lobinger wrote:
  rbt wrote:
  Thanks guys... what if I convert it to PS via printing it to a file or
  something? Would that make it easier to work with?
  Not really...
  The classical PS Drivers (f.e. Acroread4-Unix print- ps) simply
  define the pdf graphics and text operators as PS commands and
  copy the pdf content directly.
  Wishing a happy day
 I downloaded ghostscript for Win32 and added it to my PATH
 (C:\gs\gs8.15\lib AND C:\gs\gs8.15\bin). I found that ps2ascii works
 well on PDF files and it's entirely free.
 ps2ascii PDF_file.pdf  ASCII_file.txt
 However, bundling a 9+ MB package with a 5K script and convincing users
 to install it is another matter altogether.

Thomas G. Willis

Re: Creating Button arrays with different commands using Tkinter

2005-02-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Harlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

I have an array of Appnames. Let's say they are 'Monkeys', 'Cats',

 I would like create a button array with these:

 ---Start Code---
 # Constructing and displaying buttons
 for a in Appnames:
   Button(root, text=a, command=lambda:self.OpenFile(a)).pack()

 # Somewhere else I have this function defined within the class...
 def OpenFile(self, AppName):
   fh = open(AppName+.txt, 'r').read()
   do something with fh

 ---End Code---

 When I do this, whatever the last value a was is what the each button's
 command option is.

that's how lexical scoping works: you're passing in the value a has
when you click the button, not the value it had when you created the

 Does anyone know what I can do to differentiate each
 button so that it has its own separate argument for self.OpenFile?

bind to the object instead of binding to the name:

for a in Appnames:
Button(root, text=a, command=lambda a=a: self.OpenFile(a)).pack()



Re: Problem with the sort() function

2005-02-22 Thread Duncan Booth
Scott David Daniels wrote:

  if sys.version_info  (2, 4):
  def sorted(iterable, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False):
  return a sorted copy of its input
  seq = list(iterable)
  if reverse:
  seq.reverse()# preserve stability
  if key is not None:
  seq = [(key(elem), i, elem) for i, elem
 in enumerate(seq)]
  if key is not None:
  seq = [elem for (key, i, elem) in seq]
  if reverse:
  return seq

I think you may have some unintended indentation on the 'seq.sort' line 
otherwise this only sorts when a key is specified.

Also, you probably want:

if key is not None:
if reverse:
   seq = [(key(elem), -i, elem) for i, elem
in enumerate(seq)]
   seq = [(key(elem), i, elem) for i, elem
in enumerate(seq)]

to handle the case where both key and reverse are given.

Problem with minidom and special chars in HTML

2005-02-22 Thread Horst Gutmann
Hi :-)
I currently have quite a big problem with minidom and special chars (for 
example uuml;)  in HTML.

Let's say I have following input file:
?xml version=1.0?
And following python script:
from xml.dom import minidom
if __name__ == '__main__':
doc = minidom.parse('test2.html')
f = open('test3.html','w+')
test3.html only has a blank line where should be the uuml; It is simply 

Any idea how I could solve this problem?
MfG, Horst

Re: Python UPS / FedEx Shipping Module

2005-02-22 Thread Aahz
Gabriel Cooper  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've made UPS and FedEx shipping rate request modules in python using 
XML. Is there an interest in putting this on the web?

Yes!  My company has some similar software, and I may be able to get
permission to combine our work.

The joy of coding Python should be in seeing short, concise, readable
classes that express a lot of action in a small amount of clear code -- 
not in reams of trivial code that bores the reader to death.  --GvR

Re: searching pdf files for certain info

2005-02-22 Thread rbt
Tom Willis wrote:
I tried that for something not python related and I was getting
sporadic spaces everywhere.
I am assuming this is not the case in your experience?
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 10:45:09 -0500, rbt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Andreas Lobinger wrote:
rbt wrote:

Thanks guys... what if I convert it to PS via printing it to a file or
something? Would that make it easier to work with?

Not really...
The classical PS Drivers (f.e. Acroread4-Unix print- ps) simply
define the pdf graphics and text operators as PS commands and
copy the pdf content directly.
Wishing a happy day
I downloaded ghostscript for Win32 and added it to my PATH
(C:\gs\gs8.15\lib AND C:\gs\gs8.15\bin). I found that ps2ascii works
well on PDF files and it's entirely free.
ps2ascii PDF_file.pdf  ASCII_file.txt
However, bundling a 9+ MB package with a 5K script and convincing users
to install it is another matter altogether.

For my purpose, it works fine. I'm searching for certain strings that 
might be in the document... all I need is a readable file. Layout, fonts 
and/or presentation is unimportant to me.

Sizers VS window size

2005-02-22 Thread Deltones

I'm trying to understand one of the wiki wxPython tutorial, and I must
admit I`m a bit baffled by sizers. If I run the following relevant
piece of code, I get the result I expect, i.e a 800x600 window being
opened (sorry for the formatting):

objFrame = MainWindow(None, -1, Small Editor, (800, 600))

def __init__(self, parent, id, title, custom_size):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, title, size =
  style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE |

However, if I add this part from the tutorial, I get a much smaller
window. Why is there an interference with the result I want when
adding the sizer code?

Here's the code:

# Sizer section to understand
self.sizer2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
self.buttons = []

for nI in range(0, 6):
self.buttons.append(wx.Button(self, ID_BUTTON + nI, Button  +
self.sizer2.Add(self.buttons[nI], 1, wx.EXPAND)

self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
self.sizer.Add(self.control, 1, wx.EXPAND)
self.sizer.Add(self.sizer2, 0, wx.EXPAND)

# End of sizer section



Re: UTF-8 / German, Scandinavian letters - is it really this difficult?? Linux Windows XP

2005-02-22 Thread Serge Orlov
Paul Boddie wrote:
 One side-effect of the big push to UTF-8 amongst the Linux
 distribution vendors/maintainers is the evasion of issues such as
 filesystem encodings and real Unicode at the system level. In
 Python, when you have a Unicode object, you are dealing with
 sequences of characters, whereas in many system and library APIs out
 there you either get back a sequence of anonymous bytes or a sequence
 of UTF-8 bytes that people are pretending is Unicode, right up until
 the point where someone recompiles the software to use UTF-16
 thus causing havoc. Anyone who has needed to expose filesystems
 created by Linux distributions before the UTF-8 big push to later
 distributions can attest to the fact that the see no evil brass
 monkey is wearing a T-shirt with UTF-8 written on it.

Unfortunately the monkey is painted in the air with a stick, so
not everyone can see it. Python can't. Given a random linux system
how can you tell if the monkey has pushed it already or not?



Re: Problem with minidom and special chars in HTML

2005-02-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Horst Gutmann wrote:

 I currently have quite a big problem with minidom and special chars (for 
 example uuml;)  in HTML.

 Let's say I have following input file:
 ?xml version=1.0?
 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN;

  test3.html only has a blank line where should be the uuml; It is simply

 Any idea how I could solve this problem?

umm.  doesn't that doctype point to an SGML DTD?  even if minidom did fetch
external DTD's (I don't think it does), it would probably choke on that DTD.

running your documents through tidy -asxml -numeric before parsing them as
XML might be a good idea... (command-line binaries, library) (python bindings)



Re: Sizers VS window size

2005-02-22 Thread Brian Victor
Deltones wrote:
 However, if I add this part from the tutorial, I get a much smaller
 window. Why is there an interference with the result I want when
 adding the sizer code?

As noted in the the docs for Fit(): Tell the sizer to resize the window
to match the sizer's minimal size.  Take this call out and the size
should be as you expect.


Re: display VARCHAR(mysql) and special chars in html

2005-02-22 Thread Jonas Meurer
On 22/02/2005 Radovan Garabik wrote:
  i could write a function to parse the comment and substitute special
  chars with the relevant html code, but maybe this already exists in some
 just make the page in utf-8, and you'll save you a lot of troubles

ok, how do i do this? simply add a second line with this:?
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

i use utf8 locales on my machine anyway.

  if not, it'll be hard work, as i've to consider many special chars, and
  at least iso-8859-1* and utf-8 as charmaps.
 if you insist...
 a = u'\u010c'
 a.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')

this fails as the comment contained several chars that couldn't be

i've changed my plans, and now will transform the comments to html
before saving them in mysql. this way, the comment never contains
special chars except they weren't filtered out when safed in mysql.

do any filters exist, to transform plain text to html? otherwise i might
use third-party products, as text2html.

what do you think?


Comm. between Python and PHP

2005-02-22 Thread Nils Emil P.Larsen

I'm building a daemon in Python. It will measure and control some
physical devices on a serial bus. Since it is a daemon, it will never
terminate and I can't interfere with the regulation of the devices by
using command line parameters. I want to control the regulation by
using a Internet browser.

What is the easiest way to make my threaded Python daemon communicate
with a PHP-script running from Apache2 on localhost?

Thank you so far!

Nils Emil P. Larsen
My reply-address is valid.
Min svar-adresse er gyldig.  Redning af døde BIOS'er

Re: Comm. between Python and PHP

2005-02-22 Thread Peter Hansen
Nils Emil P. Larsen wrote:
I'm building a daemon in Python. It will measure and control some
physical devices on a serial bus. Since it is a daemon, it will never
terminate and I can't interfere with the regulation of the devices by
using command line parameters. I want to control the regulation by
using a Internet browser.
What is the easiest way to make my threaded Python daemon communicate
with a PHP-script running from Apache2 on localhost?
Easiest of course depends on lots of things, and mostly on
specifics that you haven't told us, and your personal preference.
Two obvious possibilities that come to mind are write a file
somewhere from PHP and poll for updates from Python, and
use sockets (TCP) or use UDP.
Maybe if you can describe more about what you need (e.g. what
form will this control take?) some even simpler suggestions
will come to mind.

Re: Problem with minidom and special chars in HTML

2005-02-22 Thread Horst Gutmann
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
umm.  doesn't that doctype point to an SGML DTD?  even if minidom did fetch
external DTD's (I don't think it does), it would probably choke on that DTD.
running your documents through tidy -asxml -numeric before parsing them as
XML might be a good idea... (command-line binaries, library) (python bindings)

Thanks, but the problem is, that I can't use the numeric representations 
of these special chars. I will probably simply play findreplace before 
feeding the document into minidom and change the output back afterwards :-)

MfG, Horst

Re: 'modal dialogs' with Tkinter

2005-02-22 Thread Birdman
You could try using: EasyGUI

 EasyGUI is different from other GUIs in that EasyGUI is NOT
event-driven. It allows you to program in a traditional linear fashion,
and to put up dialogs for simple input and output when you need to. If
you have not yet learned the event-driven paradigm for GUI programming,
EasyGUI will allow you to be productive with very basic tasks
immediately. Later, if you wish to make the transition to an
event-driven GUI paradigm, you can do so with a more powerful GUI
package such as anygui, PythonCard, Tkinter, wxPython, etc.

It works for me and is easy to modify to your needs.


Re: Problem with the sort() function

2005-02-22 Thread Steven Bethard
Fuzzyman wrote:
Iterators are available in python 2.2
class enumerate:
def __init__(self, inlist):
self.inlist = inlist
self.index = 0
def next(self):
if self.index = len(self.inlist): raise StopIteration
thisone = self.inlist[self.index]
self.index += 1
return self.index-1, thisone
def __iter__(self):
return self
A simpler version that works with any iterable (not just sequences):
py class enumerate(object):
... def __init__(self, iterable):
... self._next = iter(iterable).next
... self._index = -1
... def __iter__(self):
... return self
... def next(self):
... self._index += 1
... return self._index, self._next()
py enumerate('abcde')
__main__.enumerate object at 0x011627F0
py list(enumerate('abcde'))
[(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'd'), (4, 'e')]

Re: Problem with the sort() function

2005-02-22 Thread Steven Bethard
Scott David Daniels wrote:
or even (if you can't be bothered to look up when features happened):
test = enumerate
except NameError:
def enumerate(iterable):
test = sorted
except NameError:
def sorted(iterable, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False):
Ridiculously minor nit, but there's no reason to assign to test:
except NameError:
def enumerate(iterable):
except NameError:
def sorted(iterable, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False):
Just evaluating the expression 'enumerate' or 'sorted' should raise the 
NameError if they don't exist.


a wrapper to invoke functions using argument

2005-02-22 Thread les_ander
support I have a library of function, called, in which
there are 2 functions 'f1' and 'f2' (1 arguments in either one);

Now I want to write a wrapper that will invoke f1 or f2 using the
command line argument. So for example, I want to write a function and invoke it as

python f1 arg1

So this is straight forward, but I don't know how to evaluate a
any help would be much appreciate it.


Re: Problem with minidom and special chars in HTML

2005-02-22 Thread Jarek Zgoda
Horst Gutmann napisa(a):
I currently have quite a big problem with minidom and special chars (for 
example uuml;)  in HTML.

Let's say I have following input file:
?xml version=1.0?
HTML4 is not an XML application. Even if minidom will fetch this DTD and 
be able to parse character entities, it may not be able to parse the 

Any idea how I could solve this problem?
Don't use minidom or convert HTML4 to XHTML and change declaration of 

Jarek Zgoda |

PythonCard and Py2Exe

2005-02-22 Thread PipedreamerGrey
I'm trying to create a standalone version (.exe) of PythonCard's Custdb
sample using Py2Exe version 0.5.0.  Everytime I attempt to compile the
program, I get an error during compilation.  This is the exact code I'm
using in the setup file:

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe

setup( name = custdb,
   console = [],
   data_files = [ (., [custdb.ini,,, customerdata.csv]) ]

This is the error message I get when I run custdb.exe:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 202, in ?
app = model.Application(CustDbStack)
  File PythonCard\model.pyc, line 337, in __init__
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 48, in getResource
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 86, in __init__
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 91, in __init__
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 91, in __init__
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 96, in __init__
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 139, in enforceSpec
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 30, in loadComponentModule
ImportError: cannot import module 'radiogroup

When I add radiogroup to the imports at the top of, I get
this error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 18, in ?
ImportError: cannot import name radiogroup

This is line 18 in

from PythonCard import dialog, model, radiogroup


Re: Mixing Txinter and Pygame

2005-02-22 Thread Tim Knauf
Eric Brunel wrote:
Well, since these are just exceptions, a simple try... except block 
would be fine, and you can even figure out the reason for the 
exception. Here is what I'd do:
- when you create your Tkinter main window, initialize an attribute 
that you'll use to see if the application has quit, e.g 
mainwin.hasQuit = False
- rewrite doquit this way:
def doquit():
if os.access('recalc.tmp', os.F_OK):
mainwin.hasQuit = True
- rewrite your custom event loop this way:
while 1:
except TclError:
  if not mainwin.hasQuit:

And: (1) your problem should go away; (2) the real exceptions you 
may get from Tkinter windows should not passed unnoticed.

I adapted your suggestion slightly, and my final event loop looks like this:
while not mainwin.hasQuit:
   except pygame.error:
   if not mainwin.hasQuit:
   except Tkinter.TclError:
   if not mainwin.hasQuit:
That seems to work perfectly. Thanks, Eric!
Incomplete, but very useful:
But the best reference documentation you'll ever find is the tcl/tk 
man pages, on-line here:
It unfortunately requires to know how to convert the tcl/tk syntax to 
Python/Tkinter syntax, but it is actually quite easy (mainly read 
option=value when the tcl/tk documentation says -option value)
Ah, yes, I had managed to find the pages in my travels, 
and they proved quite helpful. Good to know about the man pages, too. 
(When I'm starting on a language feature, though, I usually find I learn 
a lot more from worked examples than from straight command information. 
I have friends who are just the opposite, so I suppose it's just a 
learning styles thing.)

wxPython seems to be highly regarded. I might experiment with that for 
my next project, and see which framework I like the best. Thanks again.

how to interrupt time.sleep ?

2005-02-22 Thread BOOGIEMAN
I have line  time.sleep(60)  in my code

How do I cancel waiting 60 seconds if I want to continue with program 
imediately  ? Like Press some button if you don't want to wait

If it can't be canceled what's the other solution to 
wait certain time/or press any button to continue problem ?

Grid issues

2005-02-22 Thread scottmallory
I am new to Python...and I am having some difficulty updating a grid
(wx.grid.PyGridTableBase). Everything works just fine (adding
/deleting/ resizing rows, cols) except updating individual cells.

I am using the grids to display data from a database (which is working
fine), I am trying to use the SetValue (as well as[r][c] =
string and others ) method but it does not seem to work. I am at a

Here is the call to the UpdateRowData function:

self.frame.grid_4.GetTable().UpdateRowData(ndata, ndata[0][0],

frame id wxFrame
ndata is a list
ndata[0][0] is the row number to update
len(ndata[0]) is the number of columns for the table

Here is the class for your review.

Any help would be most appreciated.

class DataTable(wx.grid.PyGridTableBase):

def __init__(self, headers=(['h','h','h']),
self.headers = headers = data

def GetNumberRows(self):#  Called from
return len(

def GetNumberCols(self):#  Called from
return len(self.headers)

def GetColLabelValue(self, col):#  Called from
return self.headers[col]

def GetValue(self, row, col):# Called from
# Get Value is for updating the Table on screen
except KeyError:

def IsEmptyCell(self, row, col): # Called from
#print empty Cell, row, col
if[row][col] != :
return True
return False
return False

#- END __INIT__ Calls

#def RemoveData(self,rowNum):
#msg = wx.grid.GridTableMessage(self,

def AddData(self, ndata):
#print Add Data
for i in ndata:

msg1 = wx.grid.GridTableMessage(
self,wx.grid.GRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_ROWS_APPENDED, len(ndata) )
msg2 = wx.grid.GridTableMessage(

for msg in [ msg1, msg2]:

def UpdateRowData(self, ndata, row, col):
num = self.GetNumberRows()

if row = num:
for i in range(col):
#print ndata[i]
sr = ndata[0][i]
print i, sr
self.SetValue(row, i, str(sr))
#self.SetCellValue(row, i, str(sr))  ?
for i in ndata:

msg1 = wx.grid.GridTableMessage(
self,wx.grid.GRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_ROWS_APPENDED, len(ndata) )

msg = wx.grid.GridTableMessage(

def SetValue(self, row, col, value):
try:[row][col] = value

msg = wx.grid.GridTableMessage(
except IndexError:
print FAIL
#-- End DataTable Class


PythonCard and Py2Exe

2005-02-22 Thread PipedreamerGrey
I'm trying to create a standalone version (.exe) of PythonCard's Custdb
sample using Py2Exe version 0.5.0.  Everytime I attempt to compile the
program, I get an error during compilation.  This is the exact code I'm
using in the setup file:

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
setup( name = custdb,
   console = [],
   data_files = [ (., [custdb.ini,,, customerdata.csv]) ]

This is the error message I get when I run custdb.exe:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 202, in ?
app = model.Application(CustDbStack)
  File PythonCard\model.pyc, line 337, in __init__
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 48, in getResource
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 86, in __init__
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 91, in __init__
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 91, in __init__
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 96, in __init__
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 139, in enforceSpec
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 30, in loadComponentModule
ImportError: cannot import module 'radiogroup

When I add radiogroup to the imports at the top of, I get
this error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 18, in ?
ImportError: cannot import name radiogroup

This is line 18 in from PythonCard import dialog, model,


Py2Exe Import Error

2005-02-22 Thread PipedreamerGrey
I'm trying to create a standalone version (.exe) of PythonCard's Custdb
sample using Py2Exe version 0.5.0.  Everytime I attempt to compile the
program, I get an error during compilation.  This is the exact code I'm
using in the setup file:

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
setup( name = custdb,
   console = [],
   data_files = [ (., [custdb.ini,,, customerdata.csv]) ]

This is the error message I get when I run custdb.exe:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 202, in ?
app = model.Application(CustDbStack)
  File PythonCard\model.pyc, line 337, in __init__
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 48, in getResource
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 86, in __init__
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 91, in __init__
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 91, in __init__
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 96, in __init__
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 139, in enforceSpec
  File PythonCard\resource.pyc, line 30, in loadComponentModule
ImportError: cannot import module 'radiogroup

When I add radiogroup to the imports at the top of, I get
this error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 18, in ?
ImportError: cannot import name radiogroup

This is line 18 in from PythonCard import dialog, model,


Re: intersection of 2 list of pairs

2005-02-22 Thread bearophileHUGS
The use of frozenset can okay when sub-sequences are longer, but for
this problem it's slow, and anyway there are situations of repeated
data like this that have to be considered:

frozenset( ('a', 'a') )

For Py2.4 the faster and better solution seems Peter Otten one.
James Stroud solution is O(n^2) and it can become slow for long

Bear hugs,


Re: how to interrupt time.sleep ?

2005-02-22 Thread Peter Hansen
I have line  time.sleep(60)  in my code
How do I cancel waiting 60 seconds if I want to continue with program 
imediately? Like Press some button if you don't want to wait
You cannot.
If it can't be canceled what's the other solution to 
wait certain time/or press any button to continue problem ?
Generally you can just use a much shorter sleep time, and a loop
that checks for the condition which interests you.
while True:
if userWantsToContinue():
time.sleep(0.25)# wait a short time
The implementation of userWantsToContinue() depends of course on
what you want it to do.  If you need help with that, be sure to
indicate what platform you're on so the answers can be meaningful
if the solution (as is likely in this case) is not platform-

Re: display VARCHAR(mysql) and special chars in html

2005-02-22 Thread Steve Holden
Jonas Meurer wrote:
On 22/02/2005 Radovan Garabik wrote:
i could write a function to parse the comment and substitute special
chars with the relevant html code, but maybe this already exists in some
just make the page in utf-8, and you'll save you a lot of troubles

ok, how do i do this? simply add a second line with this:?
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
i use utf8 locales on my machine anyway.

if not, it'll be hard work, as i've to consider many special chars, and
at least iso-8859-1* and utf-8 as charmaps.
if you insist...
a = u'\u010c'
a.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')

this fails as the comment contained several chars that couldn't be
i've changed my plans, and now will transform the comments to html
before saving them in mysql. this way, the comment never contains
special chars except they weren't filtered out when safed in mysql.
do any filters exist, to transform plain text to html? otherwise i might
use third-party products, as text2html.
what do you think?
I think you should store your data with a known encoding, then encode it 
as necessary for transmission. That way you can provide it in the forms 
most relevant to different clients.


Re: How to write a ping client

2005-02-22 Thread Martin Bless
On 21 Feb 2005 18:35:06 -0800, Harlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is there a way to write a ping client? I would like to be able to write
a small ping client so that I dont have to do os.system('ping args')

I once followed the same line and used a py module by Jeremy Hylton if
I remember correctly. 

But only to find that on the Linux machine I wasn't allowed as non
root to ping from my script. So I went back to the os.system() call.

mb - Martin


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