vatnumber 0.8 is out

2011-01-18 Thread ced
vatnumber is a Python module to validate VAT numbers.
It can validate VAT formats for 35 countries and can use the European
VIES [1] service.

The changelog for this release:

* Add GB validation for the 9755 checksum introduced in November


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: __pycache__, one more good reason to stck with Python 2?

2011-01-18 Thread jmfauth
On Jan 18, 6:07 am, Terry Reedy wrote:
 This is the 21-year-old behavior now changed.

Yes, you summarized the situation very well. The way of
working has changed and probably more deeply that one
may think.

It is now practically impossible to launch a Python
application via a .pyc file. (For the fun, try to add
the parent directory of a cached file to the sys.path).

About the caches, I'am just fearing,  they will
become finally garbage collectors of orphan .pyc files,
Python has seed/seeded(?). The .pyc files may not be
very pleasant, but at least you can use them and you
have that feeling of their existence.
I my computer experience, once you start to cache/hide
something for simplicity, the problems start.

May be it a good move for Python, I do not feel very
comfortable with all this stuff.

Re: __pycache__, one more good reason to stck with Python 2?

2011-01-18 Thread Peter Otten
Carl Banks wrote:

 On Jan 17, 6:29 pm, Alice Bevan–McGregor wrote:
 find . -name \*.pyc -exec rm -f {} \;


 rm -rf __pycache__

 I do not see how this is more difficult, but I may be missing something.
 Well the former deletes all the pyc files in the directory tree
 whereas the latter only deletes the top level __pycache__, not the
 __pycache__ for subpackages.  To delete all the __pycache__s you'd
 have to do something like this:
 file . -name __pycache__ -prune -exec rm -rf {} \;
 or, better,
 file . -name __pycache__ -prune | xargs rm -rf
 Still not anything really difficult.  (I don't think a lot of people
 know about -prune; it tells find don't recursively descend.)

What's the advantage of 'find ... | xargs ...' over 'find ... -exec ...'?


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Octavian Rasnita

From: Adam Skutt
Subject: Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

On Jan 17, 3:08 pm, Octavian Rasnita wrote:

From: Adam Skutt
And we're not discussing those languages, we're discussing Python,
which has an explicit policy of batteries included. As such,
criticism of the standard library is perfectly acceptable under the
name Python, whether you like it or not. Besides, it's inevitable

Batteries included?

Python doesn't follow this policy at all. We can say that maybe PHP 
follows it, but not Python.

Well, this doesn't mean anything because Perl can also say that includes 
batteries, and PHP can say it also.

And if this is the wanted policy, why should it be cheap batteries 
included and not strong batteries included?

You'd have this same argument regardless of GUI toolkit you end up
picking, or even if you choose to not include one at all.  This would
be because none of them are universal solutions, all of them have
deficiencies (actual or perceived) that make them unsuitable for
certain applications.


You are perfectly right. Then why favor Tkinter and not WxPython. Why not 
strip the Python package and offer WxPython and Tkinter separately?



Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Octavian Rasnita

From: Alexander Kapps

On 17.01.2011 21:04, Octavian Rasnita wrote:

I say probably not considering the availability of 3rd party
downloads. What say you, Python community?

Available as 3rd party downloads:


and so on and so on and so on.

Remove them all just because they are available as 3rd party downloads?

No, they should not be removed because they don't cause any damage, very bad 
damage as Tkinter does.

The Batteries included of Python is just *great* and I vote for *more* 
not less batteries!

Well, in that case, why don't you agree to also include WxPython in the 
Python package?

And one more thing. Not all the Python programmers create desktop apps so 
a GUI lib is useless. Some of them use Python only for web programming or 
only for system administration.

Not all Python programmers do web programming, so please remove the 
useless HTML junk too.

Why do you call it html junk?

Almost every beginner wants to do GUIs or at least some graphic stuff. 
Removing the GUI module from the stdlib would be plain wrong IMHO. But I 
don't understand the whole issue anyway. It isn't that you need to fire up 
your torrent client and wait 48 hours for the Python download to complete. 
Why remove useful (to many, not most) stuff from the lib?

Yes it can be useful for some people, but why promote it instead of 
promoting a better library for beginners?



Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Octavian Rasnita

From: rusi
Lehman Beladys entropy law


The quality of ... systems will  decline unless they are rigorously
maintained and adapted to operational environment changes.

Yes. Pretty right. Tkinter - WxPython change would be a very good one.

Guido's 'benevolent dictatorship' has so far kept python the exception
- he give powerful batteries to start with

With the exception of Tkinter. :-))

- does not introduce junk
- is not afraid of backward incompatibility for the sake of clarity
and cleanliness (python3)

Well, on the long term this could be a very big disadvantage also. Of 
course, the beginners won't care, but the old users and the companies that 
would need to adapt the old code that might not work with newer versions of 
Python won't like this incompatibility.

Gui (and web) frameworks are two of his more visible failures

Well, Python has good GUI libs , at least WxPython, however it is not one of 
its included batteries. :-)

Yes, for web programming Python is not as great as Perl, but I don't think 
this has something to do with the core Python.



Re: __pycache__, one more good reason to stck with Python 2?

2011-01-18 Thread Stefan Behnel

Terry Reedy, 18.01.2011 04:39:

Saving module code to the
filesystem speeds startup, which most find slow as it is.

I've been using Jython recently, which, in addition to the huge JVM startup 
time, must also fire up the Jython runtime before actually doing anything 

I must say that I never found CPython's startup time to be slow, quite the 



Re: __pycache__, one more good reason to stck with Python 2?

2011-01-18 Thread Stefan Behnel

Peter Otten, 18.01.2011 10:04:

What's the advantage of 'find ... | xargs ...' over 'find ... -exec ...'?

The former runs in parallel, the latter runs sequentially.



Re: __pycache__, one more good reason to stck with Python 2?

2011-01-18 Thread Stefan Behnel

jmfauth, 18.01.2011 09:58:

About the caches, I'am just fearing,  they will
become finally garbage collectors of orphan .pyc files,
Python has seeded

I can't see how that is supposed to be any different than before. If you 
rename a file without deleting the .pyc file, you will end up with an 
orphaned .pyc file, right now and as it was for the last 21 years. The same 
applies to the new cache directory.



Re: Efficient python 2-d arrays?

2011-01-18 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Jan 17, 10:20 pm, Jake Biesinger wrote:
 Hi all,

 Using numpy, I can create large 2-dimensional arrays quite easily.

  import numpy
  mylist = numpy.zeros((1,2), dtype=numpy.int32)

 Unfortunately, my target audience may not have numpy so I'd prefer not to use 

 Similarly, a list-of-tuples using standard python syntax.

  mylist = [(0,0) for i in xrange(1)

 but this method uses way too much memory (4GB for 100 million items, 
 compared to 1.5GB for numpy method).

 Since I want to keep the two elements together during a sort, I *can't* use 

  mylist = [array.array('i',xrange(1)), 

 If I knew the size in advance, I could use ctypes arrays.

  from ctypes import *
  class myStruct(Structure):
      _fields_ = [('x',c_int),('y',c_int)]
  mylist_type = myStruct * 1
  mylist = mylist_type()

 but I don't know that size (and it can vary between 1 million-200 million), 
 so preallocating doesn't seem to be an option.

 Is there a python standard library way of creating *efficient* 2-dimensional 
 lists/arrays, still allowing me to sort and append?


Since you can't depend on your users installing the dependencies, is
it vital that your users run from source? You could bundle up your
application along with numpy and other dependencies using py2Exe or
similar. This also means you wouldn't have to require users to have
the right (or any) version of Python installed.

newby qn about functions

2011-01-18 Thread Cathy James
 #This has to be very simple, but I don't get it-please help

def *lower_case*(s):

#return s


#return s.lower()


s=*Testing Functions-lower case: 

*how can i use a return statement  to write a function that returns the
string Testing Functions-lower case: and the lowercase representation of
its string parameter If I uncomment the above, nothing outputs to
*Much appreciation as always.*

Python unicode utf-8 characters and MySQL unicode utf-8 characters

2011-01-18 Thread Grzegorz Śliwiński
Recently I tried to insert some unicode object in utf-8 encoding into
MySQL using MySQLdb, and got MySQL warnings on characters like:
βΠΥΠ i found somewhere in my data. I can't even read them. MySQL
seems to cut the whole string after that characters off, so I get
incomplete data.
After a little bit of digging I found out, that MySQL usually supports
utf-8 data but encoded into maximum three bytes. That's why I think it
would help I f I was able to replace all larger unicode characters
with replacement characters.

Is there any way, I could adjust python unicode utf-8 encoded strings
to be accepted by mysql utf-8 columns?

Re: newby qn about functions

2011-01-18 Thread Noah Hall
 how can i use a return statement  to write a function that returns the
 string Testing Functions-lower case: and the lowercase representation of
 its string parameter If I uncomment the above, nothing outputs to

def lower_case(s):
return Testing Functions-lower case: %s % (s.lower())

Testing Functions-lower case: hello
 d = lower_case(HeLLo)
Testing Functions-lower case: hello

If a function returns something and you want it printed, you need to
then tell Python to print the return. Please note that return and
print aren't the same things, return returns a given variable or
constant, and print simply prints a given variable or constant.

Re: [OT] Python like lanugages [was Re: After C++, what with Python?]

2011-01-18 Thread Tim Harig
On 2011-01-18, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Mon, 17 Jan 2011 19:41:54 +, Tim Harig wrote:

 One of the arguments for Python has always made is that you can optimize
 it by writing the most important parts in C.  Perhaps that is a crutch
 that has held the communty back from seeking higher performance
 solutions in the language itself.

 Are you aware of PyPy?

Yes I have heard of PyPy, RPython, and Cython.  If they were sufficient I
probably wouldn't have to look around.  These alternate Python projects
have made some small gains; but, they still have a long way to go.

 PyPy is now about double the speed of CPython for most things, and they 
 have set themselves the ambitious target of being faster than C.

Let me know when they reach that target.  When Java started there was hype
that the JIT would be able to run faster then native C because the JIT
could optimize at runtime based on the actual data that it encountered.
That never really panned out either.

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Adam Skutt
On Jan 18, 3:49 am, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
 From: Adam Skutt
 Subject: Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

 On Jan 17, 3:08 pm, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
  Batteries included?

  Python doesn't follow this policy at all. We can say that maybe PHP
  follows it, but not Python.

 Well, this doesn't mean anything because Perl can also say that includes
 batteries, and PHP can say it also.

It means that Python intentionally endeavorer to include some sort of
rich and useful standard library as part of the language, ergo
criticisms of the language may include criticisms of its library, like
it or not.  I'm not sure what makes you believe Perl or PHP are
relevant here.

 You are perfectly right. Then why favor Tkinter and not WxPython. Why not
 strip the Python package and offer WxPython and Tkinter separately?

As of now? There's no reason to remove what's there already as long as
carrying it as a dependency isn't creating problems for building and
distributing Python.

But I already mentioned an important reason earlier: the dependencies
of Tk are much, much smaller than the dependencies of WxWidgets
(though eventually this may change with the X11 port getting
complete).  Another is that the scope and scale of WxWidgets is
problematic: since it's a cross-platform C++ solution it provides a
lot of things that it needs, but that Pyhton doesn't especially need
or want.  It creates incompatibility issues because you end up with a
bunch of libraries that become useless when writing a GUI. This
problem is minimized with Tk when compared to WxWidgets, and most
other toolkits (certainly all the ones I've ever used).


Re: [OT] Python like lanugages [was Re: After C++, what with Python?]

2011-01-18 Thread Tim Harig
On 2011-01-18, Stefan Behnel wrote:
 Tim Harig, 17.01.2011 20:41:
 One of the arguments for Python has always made is that you can optimize
 it by writing the most important parts in C.  Perhaps that is a crutch
 that has held the communty back from seeking higher performance solutions
 in the language itself.

 The good news with Cython is that you no longer need to write the most 
 important parts in C. Instead, you type them statically and compile them. 
 You don't even need to sacrifice Python source compatibility for that. So 
 you get the best of Python at the speed of C (or 'c', as some would say ;).

Well not quite.  The fact that you still need a Python interpeter should
tell you that the end result is not really just C.  Effectively, you get
the same thing that you might get from writing C modules for your
performance sensitive loops.  Cython just makes it a little easier to
generate the C modules; but, there is still a lot of Python operating under
the hood.

 I prefer a single language as opposed to a creolization of two.

 With the possible exception of Lisp, I find it hard to think of a language 
 that's still alive and not the creolisation of (at least) two other 
 languages. They all inherited from each other, sometimes right from the 
 start (lessons learned) and always during their subsequent life time.

I am not talking about language influences.  Cython effectively requires
two separate languages that interoperate.  The end result is a mix
of two code written in two separate langauges.  That is not a single
language solution.

 I certainly don't need to require anybody who
 wants to use a program I have compiled to install an interpreter.

 You will be happy to hear that you can link Cython programs against 
 libpython (even statically) to build an executable that embeds the 
 interpreter for you. Besides, on most operating systems, installing a 

Which means that you effectively end up with a py2exe style frozen binary.
While that is a nice hack for solving some problems, it is hardly an
elegant solution.  It still effectively means that I have to package a
redundant Python installation with every binary that I distribute.  I 
just don't have to write installation routines that check for, and
potentially install, a compatable version of Python.

 interpreter for you. Besides, on most operating systems, installing a 
 dependency is done automatically, and Go code doesn't run natively on 
 Windows either, without first installing and running the compiler over it.

Go works like C.  If I compile my code on Windows, then I can give the
binary to another Windows user and they can execute it without having to
install any additional software (gcgo currently compiles everything using
static binaries.  Since the linker only includes the fuctions you actually
use, you don't end up with the bloat of embedding entire libraries.
I am not sure about gccgo.).  The same holds true for Linux, BSD, OS X,
and any other supported OS.  Every go program includes a runtime componet
that provides the garbage collection; but, all of that is included as 100%
processor native code.  That is quite a bit different from having to
include an interpreter to run non-native code.


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Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Mon, 17 Jan 2011 21:20:48 -0800 (PST)
Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 On Jan 17, 6:51 pm, nn wrote:
  ...But the api on this baffles me a bit:
   d = OrderedDict.fromkeys('abcde')
   d.move_to_end('b', last=False)
  I understand that end could potentially mean either end, but would
  move_to_end and move_to_beginning not have been clearer?
 The default (and normal usage) is to move an item to the last
 So, od.move_to_end(k) becomes a fast equivalent to v=d.pop(k)
 followed by d[k]=v.
 The less common usage of moving to the beginning is done with
 last=False.  This parallels the existing API for od.popitem():

Well I have to agree that moving to the beginning using move_to_end()
with a last argument looks completely bizarre and unexpected.
Parallels popitem() is not really convincing since popitem() doesn't
have end its name.

 Those were the design considerations.  Sorry you didn't like the

Design considerations? Where were they discussed?




Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Arndt Roger Schneider

Terry Reedy schrieb:

On 1/16/2011 11:20 PM, rantingrick wrote:

Ok, try this...

Ok, wxwidgets can look at least as good as tk. Agreed that wxpython 
might instead link to the excellent wxwidgets page.

Well, tosssing screenshots around doesn't prove wether
a framwork/toolkit is good or not;
It only displays the developers commitment to create
a work of art.

Lets examine one of your examples:

Overall impression:
The software was designed for windows; more or less
following the windows hci-guidelines,
The windows version is resonable good.

About the Aqua screenshots:

 1. Negative actions are located on the falling diagonale.
2-3. The select background and foreground inside the multi-column 
listbox have the wrong color--the used color originates from text fields.

 4. The multi-column listbox should have vertical gridlines.
5-6. Too much top and bottom padding inside the column header.
 7. The column texture is wrong --there is a visible line in the bottom.
 8. There are white boxess around the input fields.
 9. Header column label and lisstbox content are not aligned.
10. There is separator line between the status bar and the
brusshed dialog.
11. Last picture: there is a single page inside the tabet
12. Last picture: The text Select radio ... is trucated,
the dialog isn't large enough.
13. The Scheduler activation should come before
customizing the scheduler.
14. The dialog uses sunken group boxes for some sections,
these group should be 2% darker than their surrounding
15. The spacing rules from the aqua hci guidlines are
violated. The inner tabset should have 20px distance from
both sides, 20px from the bottom, 14px from top.
16. Second last picture: The button lables are truncated.
17. Tree: Uses the wrong folder symbols--from windows--,
select background and foreground are wrong, too.

- The Aqua hci-guidlines discourage group boxes,
  the same with the windows guidlines, too. Get rid
  off group boxes.

- second last picture: There should be more top
  padding for the checkbutton inside the white rectangle;
  best the same as left-padding.

- There no focus frames visilbe inside these screenshots,
  it would be interessting to see how those are realised.

- The icon buttons should be brushed, likewise shoud the
  column header have brushed background.

- Aqua hci guidelines: All dialogs should
  have a centered appearance.

Back to rantingrick 21st century toolkit/framwork:
Let's have a look at the numbers:
Worlwide pc market are 300 Million pcs per year,
this number includes desktops(2/3) and servers(1/3).
Your gui app is not relevant on servers.
Quite a good deal of the remaining pc's are sold in
countries with rampant ilict software copies;
Since there are no software cost for these copies
the people tend to install the big, bloated software
pieces from named computer companies
--you wont sell linux there, because it is more
  expensive than an ilict windows+office++.

~ 100 Million potential new desktop users for you.

Apple's projection for the ipad in 2011 are 65 Million pieces,
iphone and ipod touch will be roughly the same.
130 Million ios pieces.

~ 130 Million new ios users for you.

The android market is still unclear, but I do suppose
it will rival ios, lets say 100 Million in 2011.

~ 100 Million new android users for you.

Microsoft mobile and blueberry are wildcards;
no serious forecast is possible for these devices.
Lets assume:

~ 50 Million blueberry, windows mobile.

Total is: 380 Million potential new user for your application.

wxWidgets: 3600 LOC, python: 140 LOC
--these are very old numbers, but from the same time period.

wxWidgets on desktop, present for windows, Aqua and X11.
wxWidgets on ios, possible but unlikely, the thing is way to big
for any ios device.
wxWidgets on android not realistic.
wxWidgets on blueberry not possible.
wxWidgets on windows mobile; development is
silverlight with .net, so wxWidgets would have to be
ported to .net; not realistic.

python on desktop, present.
python on ios, possible --if not yet present.
python on android, present.
python on blueberry, possible.
python on windows mobile, present--but .net support deprecated by ms.

The smartphone and table market has only started, yet.
In 2011 the mobile market is already larger than the desktop pc,
almost 3 times largerv.

The desktop pc market is in decline; there is
however a shift toward pc-servers, instead.
It is anybodies guess how far the pc-desktop decline will go.
Every 21st century toolkit or framework must run on
mobile platforms!

wxWidgets was written ~1992, it is a copy of
mfc, which in turn is a copy of MacApp. MacApp
is also OSS, maintained through an industrie consortium.
Why do you 

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Octavian Rasnita

From: Arndt Roger Schneider

Overall impression:
The software was designed for windows; more or less
following the windows hci-guidelines,
The windows version is resonable good.

This is the most important thing, because most users use Windows. Those who 
have other preferences are not forced to choose Windows, so it's their 
choice, and if the interface doesn't look so nice, that's it.

Back to rantingrick 21st century toolkit/framwork:
Let's have a look at the numbers:
Worlwide pc market are 300 Million pcs per year,
this number includes desktops(2/3) and servers(1/3).
Your gui app is not relevant on servers.
Quite a good deal of the remaining pc's are sold in
countries with rampant ilict software copies;
Since there are no software cost for these copies

Python is an open source software and the programmers that use Python might 
also prefer to offer open source software for free so this is not important. 
And not legal is not a very correct term, because somebody from Iran or 
North Corea must respect the laws from his/her country and in her/his 
country some things might not be forbidden by law, so it may be perfectly 

~ 100 Million potential new desktop users for you.

Apple's projection for the ipad in 2011 are 65 Million pieces,
iphone and ipod touch will be roughly the same.
130 Million ios pieces.
The android market is still unclear, but I do suppose
it will rival ios, lets say 100 Million in 2011.

~ 100 Million new android users for you.

Microsoft mobile and blueberry are wildcards;
no serious forecast is possible for these devices.
Lets assume:

~ 50 Million blueberry, windows mobile.

Total is: 380 Million potential new user for your application.

wxWidgets: 3600 LOC, python: 140 LOC
--these are very old numbers, but from the same time period.

This is a bad comparison because the programs targetted to the mobile phones 
are in most cases very different than the programs that need to be used on 
the desktop.
Do you want to say that WxPython is not good just because it doesn't work 
well on mobile phones?
Those numbers show that only the mobile phones are important, because there 
are more mobile phones than computers.

Well, Python needs a better GUI lib for using them on desktop computers, not 
on mobile phones.

The desktop pc market is in decline; there is
however a shift toward pc-servers, instead.

What do you mean by declining? Are there fewer desktop PCs today than a year 

Looking into wxWidgets:
Interactivity: keyboard focus, shortcuts, function keys,
  active foreground, active background are obsolete.
  hovering tooltips obsolete, status bar to large, obsolete.
  scrolled dialogs, obsolete. OK, Cancel, Retry, Abort
  buttons, obsolete, file dialogs obsolete, old style printing
  obsolete, drag-and-drop obsolete...

Who says that they are obsolete?
A good GUI interface should offer keyboard accessibility. Otherwise it is 

Summary wxWidgets:
wxWidgets is large scale C++ library from the 20th century,
solemnly dedicated toward desktop computers.

Yes, Python should promote a good GUI lib for desktop computers, and not a 
poor GUI lib for desktop computers that might also work on other platforms.

wxWidgets is not suitable for a modern type
GUI ad thus clearly not the toolkit/framework
of the 21st century.

Why do you think that everything what's modern is better?



Re: __pycache__, one more good reason to stck with Python 2?

2011-01-18 Thread Ethan Furman

Carl Banks wrote:

On Jan 17, 10:17 am, jmfauth wrote:


If I get (stupidly, I agree) a .pyc file and want to test
it. Should I create manually a cache alongside my

Nope: according to PEP 3147 a standalone *.pyc should not be put in
same directory where the source file would have been, not in the
__pycache__ directory (it'll be considered stale otherwise).


According to PEP 3147 a standalone *.pyc *should* (not should not) be 
put in the same directory where the source file would have been.


Re: [OT] Python like lanugages [was Re: After C++, what with Python?]

2011-01-18 Thread Rui Maciel
Tim Harig wrote:

 You still don't see many
 companies doing large scale internal development using Python and you
 definately don't see any doing external developement using a language
 that gives the customers full access to the source code.

What you refered as full access to the source code only goes as far as 
the license which was imposed by the copyright holders lets it to go.  If 
you distribute the source code along with the binaries but you only 
license your code if the licencees accept that they may look at the source 
code but they can't touch it then distributing the source code is 
essentially meaningless.  There is a good reason why open source 
software is not the same thing as free software.

Rui Maciel

Re: [OT] Python like lanugages [was Re: After C++, what with Python?]

2011-01-18 Thread Tim Harig
On 2011-01-18, Rui Maciel wrote:
 Tim Harig wrote:

 You still don't see many
 companies doing large scale internal development using Python and you
 definately don't see any doing external developement using a language
 that gives the customers full access to the source code.

 What you refered as full access to the source code only goes as far as 
 the license which was imposed by the copyright holders lets it to go.  If 
 you distribute the source code along with the binaries but you only 
 license your code if the licencees accept that they may look at the source 
 code but they can't touch it then distributing the source code is 
 essentially meaningless.  There is a good reason why open source 
 software is not the same thing as free software.

That argument is not going to fly with where commericial interests are
concerned. The simple fact is that there is legality and then there is

People follow licenses like they follow
the speed limit: only when they think they might get caught and punished.
When people break the licenses, the only recourse is litigation; which
is expensive.  Even finding and proving license violations is difficult
where source is availible.  It is therefore in the corporate interest
to make breaking licenses as difficult, uneconomical, and tracible as
possible; and that is exactly what companies do.  Even companies that
don't really have any trade secrets to protect are protective about
their source keeping it locked out of public view.  Access to the source
generally means signing an NDA so that if the source is somehow leaked,
they know the most likely candidates for the origin [so as not to pun with
source] of the leak.

Whether or not you actually agree with that economic reality is
irrelevant.  Those who fund commerical projects do; and, any developement
tool which violates the security of the source is going to find itself
climbing an uphill battle in trying to gain market penetration with
commericial software producers.

Re: __pycache__, one more good reason to stck with Python 2?

2011-01-18 Thread Sherm Pendley
Peter Otten writes:

 Carl Banks wrote:

 Well the former deletes all the pyc files in the directory tree
 whereas the latter only deletes the top level __pycache__, not the
 __pycache__ for subpackages.  To delete all the __pycache__s you'd
 have to do something like this:
 file . -name __pycache__ -prune -exec rm -rf {} \;
 or, better,
 file . -name __pycache__ -prune | xargs rm -rf
 Still not anything really difficult.  (I don't think a lot of people
 know about -prune; it tells find don't recursively descend.)

 What's the advantage of 'find ... | xargs ...' over 'find ... -exec ...'?

Exec launches a new instance of 'rm' for each found file, while xargs
launches a single instance, and passes the list of found files as arg-

Probably not a big deal in this case, but if you're passing a long list
of files to a script that has a long startup time, it can make a big


Sherm Pendley
Cocoa Developer

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Arndt Roger Schneider

Octavian Rasnita schrieb:

From: Arndt Roger Schneider

At least keep the disclaimer:
 Well, tosssing screenshots around doesn't prove wether
 a framwork/toolkit is good or not;
 It only displays the developers commitment to create
 a work of art.

Overall impression:
The software was designed for windows; more or less
following the windows hci-guidelines,
The windows version is resonable good.

This is the most important thing, because most users use Windows. Those 
who have other preferences are not forced to choose Windows, so it's 
their choice, and if the interface doesn't look so nice, that's it.

See disclaimer.
Since you mentioned nice: I do not use such words
to charcterize a gui. I think the developers of said software
tried hard to make it nice and beauty, hence  the brushed
background and group-boxes --BTW: the windows Guidelines also
discourage using group-boxes for usability reasons (see Theo. Mandel
object oriented user interfaces).

Back to rantingrick 21st century toolkit/framwork:
Let's have a look at the numbers:
Worlwide pc market are 300 Million pcs per year,
this number includes desktops(2/3) and servers(1/3).
Your gui app is not relevant on servers.
Quite a good deal of the remaining pc's are sold in
countries with rampant ilict software copies;
Since there are no software cost for these copies

Python is an open source software and the programmers that use Python 
might also prefer to offer open source software for free so this is not 
important. And not legal is not a very correct term, because somebody 
from Iran or North Corea must respect the laws from his/her country and 
in her/his country some things might not be forbidden by law, so it may 
be perfectly legal.

Nice cropping,
the people tend to install the big, bloated software
pieces from named computer companies
--you wont sell linux there, because it is more
  expensive than an ilict windows+office++.

Illict as in unlicensed. Law has nothing to do with it.
And yes these unlicensed sofware has an negative
impact on the distribution of free open source software.

I wonder, what license do you use in your own work,
and what do you think about people which violate your license?

~ 100 Million potential new desktop users for you.

Apple's projection for the ipad in 2011 are 65 Million pieces,
iphone and ipod touch will be roughly the same.
130 Million ios pieces.
The android market is still unclear, but I do suppose
it will rival ios, lets say 100 Million in 2011.

~ 100 Million new android users for you.

Microsoft mobile and blueberry are wildcards;
no serious forecast is possible for these devices.
Lets assume:

~ 50 Million blueberry, windows mobile.

Total is: 380 Million potential new user for your application.

wxWidgets: 3600 LOC, python: 140 LOC
--these are very old numbers, but from the same time period.

This is a bad comparison because the programs targetted to the mobile 
phones are in most cases very different than the programs that need to 
be used on the desktop.

This is the marketplace for all gui applications,
and not a comparision.

Do you want to say that WxPython is not good just because it doesn't 
work well on mobile phones?

I do not comment on the quality of either wxWidgets
nor wxPython. Both exist for certain reasons.
The desktop pc was the sole target for all the
big C++ gui class liraries in 1992. Over time a large code
base evolved which makes it very difficult to get these class
libraries into new
markets--such as today with mobile devices.

Those numbers show that only the mobile phones are important, because 
there are more mobile phones than computers.

No, it doesn't. There are billions of mobile phones with
graphical user interfaces, still these phones weren't
relevant for gui applications.

Well, Python needs a better GUI lib for using them on desktop computers, 
not on mobile phones.

wxWidgets is suiteable for the desktop.

The desktop pc market is in decline; there is
however a shift toward pc-servers, instead.

What do you mean by declining? Are there fewer desktop PCs today than a 
year ago?

I am writing about graphical applications not computers.

Looking into wxWidgets:
Interactivity: keyboard focus, shortcuts, function keys,
  active foreground, active background are obsolete.
  hovering tooltips obsolete, status bar to large, obsolete.
  scrolled dialogs, obsolete. OK, Cancel, Retry, Abort
  buttons, obsolete, file dialogs obsolete, old style printing
  obsolete, drag-and-drop obsolete...

Who says that they are obsolete?
A good GUI interface should offer keyboard accessibility. Otherwise it 
is broken.

OK, I take keyboard focus back.

Summary wxWidgets:
wxWidgets is large scale C++ library from the 20th century,
solemnly dedicated toward desktop computers.

Yes, Python should promote a good GUI lib for desktop computers, and not 
a poor GUI lib for desktop computers that might also work on other 

Re: Efficient python 2-d arrays?

2011-01-18 Thread Robert Kern

On 1/17/11 7:32 PM, Jake Biesinger wrote:

On Monday, January 17, 2011 4:12:51 PM UTC-8, OAN wrote:


what about pytables? It's built for big data collections and it doesn't
clog up the memory.

I thought PyTables depends on NumPy?

It does.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick
On Jan 18, 6:46 am, Antoine Pitrou wrote:

 Design considerations? Where were they discussed?

They were never discussed with the bulk of this community and that is
part of what i want to change. We have a very small group of folks
making all the decisions and that is fine. However this small group of
privileged folks needs to gather input from the rest of us
(peasants) on the value of such changes before making rash decisions.

Currently we have a closed set of intellectual inbreeding that is
rotting the community gene pool. We need more diversity in this
milkshake to bring about and foster healthy ideas.  No wonder we get
these brain childs (farts) with inherited diseases from birth.

Re: __pycache__, one more good reason to stck with Python 2?

2011-01-18 Thread Peter Otten
Stefan Behnel wrote:

 Peter Otten, 18.01.2011 10:04:
 What's the advantage of 'find ... | xargs ...' over 'find ... -exec ...'?
 The former runs in parallel, the latter runs sequentially.

This may sometimes be relevant, but I doubt that it matters in this 
particular case.


Re: __pycache__, one more good reason to stck with Python 2?

2011-01-18 Thread Peter Otten
Sherm Pendley wrote:

 Peter Otten writes:
 Carl Banks wrote:

 Well the former deletes all the pyc files in the directory tree
 whereas the latter only deletes the top level __pycache__, not the
 __pycache__ for subpackages.  To delete all the __pycache__s you'd
 have to do something like this:
 file . -name __pycache__ -prune -exec rm -rf {} \;
 or, better,
 file . -name __pycache__ -prune | xargs rm -rf
 Still not anything really difficult.  (I don't think a lot of people
 know about -prune; it tells find don't recursively descend.)

 What's the advantage of 'find ... | xargs ...' over 'find ... -exec ...'?
 Exec launches a new instance of 'rm' for each found file, while xargs
 launches a single instance, and passes the list of found files as arg-
 Probably not a big deal in this case, but if you're passing a long list
 of files to a script that has a long startup time, it can make a big

You can avoid that:

$ touch {1..10}.txt
$ find . -exec python -c'import sys; print sys.argv' {} \;
['-c', '.']
['-c', './10.txt']
['-c', './1.txt']
['-c', './7.txt']
['-c', './8.txt']
['-c', './4.txt']
['-c', './6.txt']
['-c', './3.txt']
['-c', './5.txt']
['-c', './9.txt']
['-c', './2.txt']
$ find . -exec python -c'import sys; print sys.argv' {} \+
['-c', '.', './10.txt', './1.txt', './7.txt', './8.txt', './4.txt', 
'./6.txt', './3.txt', './5.txt', './9.txt', './2.txt']


Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread MRAB

On 18/01/2011 16:27, rantingrick wrote:

On Jan 18, 6:46 am, Antoine  wrote:

Design considerations? Where were they discussed?

They were never discussed with the bulk of this community and that is
part of what i want to change. We have a very small group of folks
making all the decisions and that is fine. However this small group of
privileged folks needs to gather input from the rest of us
(peasants) on the value of such changes before making rash decisions.

Currently we have a closed set of intellectual inbreeding that is
rotting the community gene pool. We need more diversity in this
milkshake to bring about and foster healthy ideas.  No wonder we get
these brain childs (farts) with inherited diseases from birth.

Decisions are made after open discussion (although we're not sure about
move to end :-)). You shouldn't complain about not being consulted if
you don't take the time to join in...

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick
On Jan 18, 7:09 am, Arndt Roger Schneider

 Summary wxWidgets:
 wxWidgets is large scale C++ library from the 20th century,
 solemnly dedicated toward desktop computers.
 wxWidgets originates from a time before templates
 were used in C++ and thus duplicates many of
 today's C++ features.
 wxWidgets is not suitable for a modern type
 GUI ad thus clearly not the toolkit/framework
 of the 21st century.

Alight i'll except that Rodger. Wx may be unusable for the mobile
market. And since the mobile market is exploding --and will continue
to explode-- then we need to consider this. However, does any GUI
library exist that can handle desktop, mobile, and accessibility and
do it all in a 21st century way? You slaughtered wx but failed to
provide any alternative, however i am listing to your advice contently
because it is very good advice. Read on...

We DO need to consider the mobile market in this decision. Maybe it is
time for us to actually get on the cutting edge of GUI's. Maybe we
should head an effort to create a REAL 21st century GUI that can
handle desktop, mobile, and accessibility, and do it all whilst
looking very sharp! Sure we rob from peter to pay paul. We will use
Tkinters awesome API and geometry managers, wxPythons feature
richness, and any other code we can steal to make this work!

Then we can advertise python as the best GUI language available. I
have nothing against seeing Python on more devices and this would no
doubt bring that dream into fruition. There is a huge hole in the
market at this very moment and we need to pounce on it like a hungry
tiger on wildebeest. Just think how wonderful it would be to switch
from mobile to desktop and still write beatiful Python code.


Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick
On Jan 18, 10:54 am, MRAB wrote:

 Decisions are made after open discussion (although we're not sure about
 move to end :-)). You shouldn't complain about not being consulted if
 you don't take the time to join in...

Well don't get wrong i want to join in --not that i have all the
solutions-- however python-dev is a dangerous place for the
uninitiated. And we can't have thousands and thousands of posts
clogging up the main pool because that would only serve to slow the
process to a grinding hault.

However, we need some way that the average Python programmer can speak
up and be heard when any subject that he/she is passionate about comes
before the council. These folks probably don't want to participate
in the highly competitive environment of Python dev. However they may
have very good ideas. I think we are doing this community a dis
service by not giving these voices an outlet.

We need either some way to vote outside of Python dev. i think it
would be much easier to just have a site where all proposals can be
viewed by anyone and they can offer input without clogging up Python
dev with noob questions or bad ideas. Then the council can review
these suggestions and make a more informed decision. Some might say
well that is what blogs and is for and i say wrong. I believe
more folks would get involved if they felt that the medium was real. is not that place (although it could be with some changes) and is not that place.

I am open to any ideas you may have.

Re: Python unicode utf-8 characters and MySQL unicode utf-8 characters

2011-01-18 Thread Kushal Kumaran
2011/1/18 Grzegorz Śliwiński
 Recently I tried to insert some unicode object in utf-8 encoding into
 MySQL using MySQLdb, and got MySQL warnings on characters like:
 βΠΥΠ i found somewhere in my data. I can't even read them. MySQL
 seems to cut the whole string after that characters off, so I get
 incomplete data.
 After a little bit of digging I found out, that MySQL usually supports
 utf-8 data but encoded into maximum three bytes. That's why I think it
 would help I f I was able to replace all larger unicode characters
 with replacement characters.

 Is there any way, I could adjust python unicode utf-8 encoded strings
 to be accepted by mysql utf-8 columns?

Did you pass the charset argument when creating your MySQLdb connection?


Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 09:10:48 -0800 (PST)
rantingrick wrote:
 Well don't get wrong i want to join in --not that i have all the

Take a look at


Re: [OT] Python like lanugages [was Re: After C++, what with Python?]

2011-01-18 Thread geremy condra
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 4:02 PM, Tim Harig wrote:

 Go is not an ideal language for high-performance code. Despite the
 occasional claims of others, Go is consistently outperformed by C,
 C++, and Java on a wide variety of benchmarks. Some claim that Ada and
 Haskell do as well, and my benchmarks (CPU bound, focused on speed of

 I much agree that Go doesn't beat C or C++.  I really doubt that it could
 with the runtime necessary to do garbage collction.  Nevertheless, I find
 that Go can be optimized to perform within tolerable limits of C given the
 boost it gives in development.

The question isn't whether you will use it; right or wrong, it seems
certain that you will. The question is whether it will see significant
uptake, and this is a big barrier for many.

 I really question that you get Java anywhere even close to C performance.
 Google reports they get within the same order of magnitude as C for
 their long-lived server processes where the JIT has had time to optimize
 its results.  For shorter term processes such as desktop applications,
 Java performance stinks -- even after you discount the JVM starup time.

I'm sorry, but you're wrong on this. Java's performance can be
excellent, particularly when it comes to mathematical functions. I
recall reading a pretty smug paper a few years ago describing how they
managed to beat C on a number of numerical benchmarks.

 Ada is capable of C++ like performance *if* you compile it to remove *all*
 of runtime checking.  Depending what checks you enable, it can run much

No idea, never used it.

 in line with the work of others. You can argue that it's good enough-
 it is, for most cases- but taking a 20% performance hit rules it out
 of a lot of systems work, and the C-Go gap in many cases is much
 larger than that.

 I don't work anything that involves and absolute need for performance.

Then don't argue about performance, it makes you look like a hack just
eager to shill for your language.

 I could probably accept penalty several times that of C for higher
 level functionality; but, sometimes the penalty for Python is just
 too much.  Many of my programs are very quick lived such that even
 loading an interpeter or VM can eclipse the actual runtime.  Given less
 developmental effort required, I also find that I have more time to look
 for ways to optimize Go.  There are many things (such as using alternate
 data structures rather then the build in slices and immutable strings)
 that can be used to accelerate Go when time permits and I suspect many
 more will be found as the language matures.

This is inconsistent with your argument about PyPy. See my earlier comment.

 Go is also not an ideal language for enterprise development. It
 provides no compatibility or support guarantees; in fact, the website
 describes it as 'an experiment' and recommends it for 'adventurous

 There is no doubt that it is a young project and there are a number of
 things that will need to be improved to be effective for some branches
 of programming; but, that isn't a language restriction.

It will nevertheless preclude its use in most enterprise software
development. That's most systems software.

  Frankly, I am
 rather impressed by the sheer number of third party packages that have
 already become available.  No go isn't going to replace some of the other
 top mainstream langauges today; but, I can easily see it starting to see
 some market penetration 5 years from now.

I suppose that for some small value of market penetration ('mom uses
it!') you're right. I don't see any evidence of major movement at this
moment though.

 users'. There are no independent experts in case something goes wrong,
 and if it goes belly up a year from now you will have a one year old
 piece of legacy infrastructure on your hands. Maybe you don't think
 that this will be the case; in any event, I would not want to try
 convincing a CFO of that.

 If I was trying to convince a CFO, I would ask if he really thought Google
 was likely to simply drop the time and effort that Google has already
 placed into the infrastructure.

Hahahaha. You mean like wave?

 Furthermore, few dying languages already
 have not one, but two, open source compilers available for use.

Two compilers by the same people. Not two active projects. Big difference.

 Database bindings are another weak link outside of the more common
 open source databases.  In both cases, Go readily capable of C library
 functions as a stop-gap until a native wrapper is available.  Yes it will
 be nice once community has filled in the gaps; but, I am rather impressed
 at what is already available in less then a years time.  There are a few
 libraries you may have missed here:

Sounds like a two-language solution, ie, the thing you criticized Python for.

 I will point out that Go's libraries are miles ahead of the standard C
 library and other minimalistic standard libraries.  Many things are
 possible with even the 

RE: newby qn about functions

2011-01-18 Thread Joe Goldthwaite
I'm not sure I understand the question completely but maybe the function
below does what you want.

def lower_case(s):

return “Testing Functions-lower case: ” + s.lower()

print lower_case(‘AbCdEfG’)

[] On Behalf Of
Cathy James
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 3:02 AM
Subject: newby qn about functions

#This has to be very simple, but I don't get it-please help
    #return s
    #return s.lower() 
Testing Functions-lower case:  
how can i use a return statement  to write a function that returns the
string Testing Functions-lower case: and the lowercase representation of
its string parameter If I uncomment the above, nothing outputs to
Much appreciation as always.


Re: UTF-8 question from Dive into Python 3

2011-01-18 Thread Raymond Hettinger
On Jan 17, 2:19 pm, carlo wrote:
 recently I had to study *seriously* Unicode and encodings for one
 project in Python but I left with a couple of doubts arised after
 reading the unicode chapter of Dive into Python 3 book by Mark

 1- Mark says:
 Also (and you’ll have to trust me on this, because I’m not going to
 show you the math), due to the exact nature of the bit twiddling,
 there are no byte-ordering issues. A document encoded in UTF-8 uses
 the exact same stream of bytes on any computer.
  . . .
 2- If that were true, can you point me to some documentation about the
 math that, as Mark says, demonstrates this?

I believe Mark was referring to the bit-twiddling described in
the Design section at .


Re: [OT] Python like lanugages [was Re: After C++, what with Python?]

2011-01-18 Thread Terry Reedy

On 1/18/2011 10:30 AM, Tim Harig wrote:

Whether or not you actually agree with that economic reality is
irrelevant.  Those who fund commerical projects do; and, any developement
tool which violates the security of the source is going to find itself
climbing an uphill battle in trying to gain market penetration with
commericial software producers.

Of course. When I submit or commit patches, I am doing it mostly for 
hobby, educational, and scientific users, and maybe website makers (who 
make site I can visit). If commercial users piggyback on top, ok. I do 
not know how many developers, if any, are after such market penetration.

Shedskin compiles a slowly growing subset of Python to native code. But 
I do not know that it has gotten any commercial support. Maybe Mark 
should sell it instead of giving it away for commercial use (if he does 

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Arndt Roger Schneider

rantingrick schrieb:

On Jan 18, 7:09 am, Arndt Roger Schneider

Summary wxWidgets:
wxWidgets is large scale C++ library from the 20th century,
solemnly dedicated toward desktop computers.
wxWidgets originates from a time before templates
were used in C++ and thus duplicates many of
today's C++ features.
wxWidgets is not suitable for a modern type
GUI ad thus clearly not the toolkit/framework
of the 21st century.

Alight i'll except that Rodger. Wx may be unusable for the mobile
market. And since the mobile market is exploding --and will continue
to explode-- then we need to consider this. However, does any GUI
library exist that can handle desktop, mobile, and accessibility and
do it all in a 21st century way? You slaughtered wx but failed to
provide any alternative, however i am listing to your advice contently
because it is very good advice. Read on...

Thanks! Again this is not about the quality of wxWidgets,
wxWidgets grew large because there was vested interest in it.
Its success is its undoing.

We DO need to consider the mobile market in this decision. Maybe it is
time for us to actually get on the cutting edge of GUI's. Maybe we
should head an effort to create a REAL 21st century GUI that can
handle desktop, mobile, and accessibility, and do it all whilst
looking very sharp! Sure we rob from peter to pay paul. We will use
Tkinters awesome API and geometry managers, wxPythons feature
richness, and any other code we can steal to make this work!

I am not sure whether this sarcasms or for real...,
so I'll take for genuine.

Tk is also doomed, and Tkinter isn't Tk.
You are right about keeping the separate geometry
managers, though.

For starters:

Swank publishes java/swing classes as tk
in jtcl, which is similar to what tkinter does for
python and tk.

It should be feasible to use swank with the
tkinter interface for jpython--without jtcl.
However, this doesn't make tkinter mobile,
neither is swing available on android.
When you look into the android developer
documents concerning the gui, then you can see
that the gui model is quite similar to tk.
So I suppose android can be reached by jpython
in a two stage process.

The other devices are more difficult to reach, though.
There is webkit on some, but not all. Webkit
is available for the desktop, ios and android--today without svg.

There are two ways to gain graphical independence:
First a basic implementation for each platform and
second through abstraction.

With abstraction I mean to base the gui on a common graphical
model present on all platforms and hence to implement the
toolkit on-top of it in python (not C, C++, java,javascript), python!
The single common graphical model is SVG.

Then we can advertise python as the best GUI language available. I
have nothing against seeing Python on more devices and this would no
doubt bring that dream into fruition. There is a huge hole in the
market at this very moment and we need to pounce on it like a hungry
tiger on wildebeest. Just think how wonderful it would be to switch
from mobile to desktop and still write beatiful Python code.

So be it.

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Adam Skutt
On Jan 18, 8:09 am, Arndt Roger Schneider
 Back to rantingrick 21st century toolkit/framwork:
 Let's have a look at the numbers:
 Worlwide pc market are 300 Million pcs per year,
 this number includes desktops(2/3) and servers(1/3).
 Your gui app is not relevant on servers.

You should tell this fact to just about every major enterprise
software manufacturer out there.  They all ship GUI tools intended to
be used on the server.  Some of them ship only GUI tools or CLI tools
that are worthless, making you use the GUI tools.

 The desktop pc market is in decline; there is
 however a shift toward pc-servers, instead.
 It is anybodies guess how far the pc-desktop decline will go.
 Every 21st century toolkit or framework must run on
 mobile platforms!

Until we have pixel-perfect touch sensors, toolkits for devices with
pointer interfaces (e.g., PCs) and toolkits for devices with touch
interfaces (e.g., phones and tablets) will necessarily be different.

You note this yourself: the UI paradigms that work well when you have
a pixel-perfect pointer do not work at all when you have a touch
screen, especially on a limited size and resolution display.

Even if you're provided a single toolkit, you still end up with two,
maybe three, different applications, each using different widgets
targeted for the device they run on.  And no one provides a single
toolkit: while Silverlight can run on the desktop, the web, and now on
Windows Phone, you can't use the same widgets everywhere; ditto with
Cocoa for OS X and Cocoa Touch for iTouch devices.

While some further unification is obviously possible, it's rather
doubtful we'll ever have unified widgets that are truly workable on
the web, on the desktop, and on a portable touch screen device.

 wxWidgets was written ~1992, it is a copy of
 mfc, which in turn is a copy of MacApp. MacApp
 is also OSS, maintained through an industrie consortium.
 Why do you not use the original framework?

Because it's not cross-platform, I'd imagine.  The entire point of
wxWidgets was to provide a cross-platform OOP UI toolkit.  It
closely copies MFC since MFC and XView were the two backends it

 Screen resolution:
    The time of 72ppi CRT monitors is over. A GUI
    framework/toolkit must be resolution independent,
    including all icons and indicators;
    it should use decluttering (newspeak:ZUI).

WPF is the only functional resolution-independent UI toolkit in
existence.  While I don't disagree with you in principal, practice is
pretty heavily divorced from principal here.  Principal doesn't help
me write GUI applications today.

 wxWidgets is not suitable for a modern type
 GUI ad thus clearly not the toolkit/framework
 of the 21st century.

None of the toolkits accessible from CPython are suitable for a 21st
century guy by your standard.  If we talk about IronPython,
Silverlight becomes the closest, but it isn't a panacea by any stretch
of the imagination.



Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Alexander Kapps

On 18.01.2011 09:58, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
 From: Alexander Kapps
 On 17.01.2011 21:04, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
 I say probably not considering the availability of 3rd party
 downloads. What say you, Python community?

 Available as 3rd party downloads:


 and so on and so on and so on.

 Remove them all just because they are available as 3rd party

 No, they should not be removed because they don't cause any damage,
 very bad damage as Tkinter does.

Tkinter causes damage? Very bad damage? What are you talking about?

 The Batteries included of Python is just *great* and I vote for
 *more* not less batteries!

 Well, in that case, why don't you agree to also include WxPython in
 the Python package?

Well, I don't like wx that much and others have already highlighted 
some of the problems with it. I think that adding redundancy is bad 
and I really want a GUI toolkit that makes it easy to quickly write 
a simple GUI, so I do not want wx to replace Tkinter. But yes, I 
wouldn't mind the inclusion of a large GUI package.

 And one more thing. Not all the Python programmers create desktop
 apps so a GUI lib is useless. Some of them use Python only for
 web programming or only for system administration.

 Not all Python programmers do web programming, so please remove
 the useless HTML junk too.

 Why do you call it html junk?

You said a GUI lib is useless because not all programmers write 
GUIs. so I say an HTML lib is useless because not all programmers 
write web stuff. Got it? Both are useful and I'm absolutely against 
any attempt to remove either from the stdlib. *That* would cause damage.

 Almost every beginner wants to do GUIs or at least some graphic
 stuff. Removing the GUI module from the stdlib would be plain
 wrong IMHO. But I don't understand the whole issue anyway. It
 isn't that you need to fire up your torrent client and wait 48
 hours for the Python download to complete. Why remove useful (to
 many, not most) stuff from the lib?

 Yes it can be useful for some people, but why promote it instead of
 promoting a better library for beginners?

Which one? That's the whole point. There currently is no better GUI 
lib than Tkinter which allows quick and easy GUI programming and 
still has a large widget set, is pythonic and so on. PyGUI might be 
in the future. If you care that much go on and help making it happen.

I have absolutely no problem with a better GUI lib, I just don't 
care much and those who seem to care enough to start a war over and 
over again seem to be unwilling to really do anything.



Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick

On Jan 18, 11:56 am, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 09:10:48 -0800 (PST)

 rantingrick wrote:

  Well don't get wrong i want to join in --not that i have all the

 Take a look at

Thanks for this link Antoine however i think you missed the point of
my post. What i would like to see is an forum where the noob to
average python programmer can voice his/her opinion about the
current state or future state of Pythons syntax, stdlib, goals and
dreams, etc, al the while not fearing attack from all sides. Currently
such a place is non-existent. I believe many folks would get involved
if this place existed however it does not exist. I also believe that
these same folks have no interest in debating in the highly
competitive environmental of python-dev, python-ideas. Heck, even is far too competitive! They just basically want a forum were
they can come in and give their two cents and leave. would be a good place for this to happen since after
all Usenet was created for like-minded people to collaborate in
lively discussion. However has a problem with criminals. We
need to bring these predators, bullies, and brow beaters under
control. I have seen many new voices come in and then get crucified by
these scoundrels causing them to quickly tuck tail and run for cover
--never to return again-- and nobody says a word And anyone who
dares to speak out is threatened with the kill-file. This group has
been handed over to the criminals who's only concern is chaos and
anarchy all the while making sure that they control the speech and
content herein.

Now don't get me wrong we have a lot of good people here but they are
too fearful to speak up. Sadly these folks don't realize that by
staying quiet they only embolden the criminals to do more dastardly
deeds. These criminals are cowards by nature, and when presented with
a united front they will themselves tuck tail and run for the hills
never to return.

I am not saying we cannot have lively discussion, or even use the
occasional sarcastic quip. No, what i am saying is that we need hear
all sides of the argument. Remember this is a community of many
different people wanting many different things. We must be willing to
first listen, and then compromise on all sides -- if we want to move

Ask not...

What is best for me?

Instead ask yourself...

What is best for the entire community?

So the moral is... either we need to take back (by force if
needed!) or we need to abandon and open a more friendly
environment for Python discussions. Either way if this forum is not
taken seriously by the elite then it will be yet another
catastrophic failure!

Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread nn
On Jan 18, 12:20 am, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 On Jan 17, 6:51 pm, nn wrote:

  ...But the api on this baffles me a bit:

   d = OrderedDict.fromkeys('abcde')
   d.move_to_end('b', last=False)


  I understand that end could potentially mean either end, but would
  move_to_end and move_to_beginning not have been clearer?

 The default (and normal usage) is to move an item to the last
 So, od.move_to_end(k) becomes a fast equivalent to v=d.pop(k)
 followed by d[k]=v.

 The less common usage of moving to the beginning is done with
 last=False.  This parallels the existing API for od.popitem():

  od = OrderedDict.fromkeys('abcdefghi')
  od.move_to_end('c')               # default case:  move to last
  od.popitem()                      # default case:  pop from last
 ('c', None)
  od.move_to_end('d', last=False)   # other case:    move to first
  od.popitem(last=False)            # other case:    pop from first

 ('d', None)

 The existing list.pop() API is similar (though it takes an index
 value instead of a boolean):

  mylist.pop()                      # default case:  pop from last
  mylist.pop(0)                     # other case:    pop from first

 Those were the design considerations.  Sorry you didn't like the


Ah that is where it came from! I didn't remember popitem used that API
too. If you use them together it has a nice symmetry. I guess it is
just that end is more confusing than pop in that context.

Considering the precedence of popitem I withdraw my objection. I still
think it looks a bit odd but it is not unreasonable either. Sometimes
ugly consistency trumps beautiful inconsistency; c'est la vie...

Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread Emile van Sebille

On 1/18/2011 9:10 AM rantingrick said...

On Jan 18, 10:54 am,  wrote:

Decisions are made after open discussion (although we're not sure about
move to end :-)). You shouldn't complain about not being consulted if
you don't take the time to join in...

Well don't get wrong i want to join in --not that i have all the
solutions-- however python-dev is a dangerous place for the
uninitiated. And we can't have thousands and thousands of posts
clogging up the main pool because that would only serve to slow the
process to a grinding hault.

However, we need some way that the average Python programmer can speak
up and be heard when any subject that he/she is passionate about comes
before the council. These folks probably don't want to participate
in the highly competitive environment of Python dev. However they may
have very good ideas. I think we are doing this community a dis
service by not giving these voices an outlet.

We need either some way to vote outside of Python dev. i think it
would be much easier to just have a site where all proposals can be
viewed by anyone and they can offer input without clogging up Python
dev with noob questions or bad ideas. Then the council can review
these suggestions and make a more informed decision. Some might say
well that is what blogs and is for and i say wrong. I believe
more folks would get involved if they felt that the medium was real. is not that place (although it could be with some changes) and is not that place.

I am open to any ideas you may have.

Brett Cannon used to (still does?) prepare twice monthly summaries of 
activity on python-dev which provided insight as to what was happening 
on that side of things.  I don't know if he or anyone else still does 
so, but if so, a copy to this list would at least let everyone know if 
something was happening that you might want to weigh in on.




Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick
On Jan 18, 12:25 pm, Arndt Roger Schneider
 rantingrick schrieb:
  On Jan 18, 7:09 am, Arndt Roger Schneider

  We DO need to consider the mobile market in this decision. Maybe it is
  time for us to actually get on the cutting edge of GUI's. Maybe we
  should head an effort to create a REAL 21st century GUI that can
  handle desktop, mobile, and accessibility, and do it all whilst
  looking very sharp! Sure we rob from peter to pay paul. We will use
  Tkinters awesome API and geometry managers, wxPythons feature
  richness, and any other code we can steal to make this work!

 I am not sure whether this sarcasms or for real...,
 so I'll take for genuine.

No this is real, albeit a bit fantastical. Thats probably why you
thought it was sarcasm :).

However, we need to start a revolution in the GUI world. Currently we
(as developers) are slaves to the OEM's and OS's. This must change. We
must unify GUI coding the same way OpenGL unified graphics coding.
Multiplicity is ruining any and all advancements in Graphical User
Interfaces. Sure multiplicity is great in emerging systems (language,
culture, GUI, etc, etc) However at some point  you must reign in this
multiplicity and harness the collective knowledge into an all
encompassing standard. OpenGUI is that standard.  It should be shipped
with every OS in the world. This is the only way we can have mobile,
desktop, and accessibility all combined into one beautiful package.
Then the contest come down to who can create the best abstraction API.

 Tk is also doomed, and Tkinter isn't Tk.
 You are right about keeping the separate geometry
 managers, though.

 For starters:

This looks like a very young project (beta) and i could not find a
widget set. However i will investigate more. Thanks

However we need to think beyond even a Python community scale. This
problem is inherent in every language community out there. We to unify
the GUI standard. And we are a decade behind in development. (yes i am
completely serious about all of this!).


Re: [OT] Python like lanugages [was Re: After C++, what with Python?]

2011-01-18 Thread Tim Harig
On 2011-01-18, geremy condra wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 4:02 PM, Tim Harig wrote:
 I really question that you get Java anywhere even close to C performance.
 Google reports they get within the same order of magnitude as C for
 their long-lived server processes where the JIT has had time to optimize
 its results.  For shorter term processes such as desktop applications,
 Java performance stinks -- even after you discount the JVM starup time.

 I'm sorry, but you're wrong on this. Java's performance can be
 excellent, particularly when it comes to mathematical functions. I
 recall reading a pretty smug paper a few years ago describing how they
 managed to beat C on a number of numerical benchmarks.

I have no doubt that Java *can* occasionally beat *some* C for *some*
benchmarks; but, overall, Java has a terrible reputation for performance.

I worked with a company a few years ago that tried replacing a C VNC
client with a Java one so that its technical support contractor's wouldn't
need to have the VNC client installed on the agent's workstations.
Several of the contracters had to upgrade their systems in order to
use the Java version because it slowed down the machines so much that
the agents could not perform their jobs effectively; and that is pretty
typical from what I have seen with Java overall.

Java performs very well with some select tasks.  For others, it does
exceedingly poor.  That kind of hit or miss is pretty typical for JIT
compilers in general.  That isn't usually the case for fully compiled
langauges where you are pretty much guaranteed to get decent, if not
always the absolute top, performance.

 Ada is capable of C++ like performance *if* you compile it to remove *all*
 of runtime checking.  Depending what checks you enable, it can run much

 No idea, never used it.

 in line with the work of others. You can argue that it's good enough-
 it is, for most cases- but taking a 20% performance hit rules it out
 of a lot of systems work, and the C-Go gap in many cases is much
 larger than that.

 I don't work anything that involves and absolute need for performance.

 Then don't argue about performance, it makes you look like a hack just
 eager to shill for your language.

What you don't seem to realize is there is often a performance level that
is good enough.  For many things, Python is good enough.  Many others,
where Python is insufficient, may still be acceptable to use Java.
Some things require the absolute best performance and will probably
always need C/C++ or equivilantly low level language.

 I could probably accept penalty several times that of C for higher
 level functionality; but, sometimes the penalty for Python is just
 too much.  Many of my programs are very quick lived such that even
 loading an interpeter or VM can eclipse the actual runtime.  Given less
 developmental effort required, I also find that I have more time to look
 for ways to optimize Go.  There are many things (such as using alternate
 data structures rather then the build in slices and immutable strings)
 that can be used to accelerate Go when time permits and I suspect many
 more will be found as the language matures.

 This is inconsistent with your argument about PyPy. See my earlier comment.

I can accept 2 to 3 times the overall performance of C for almost all of
the problems that I deal with.  When that multiple gets into the double
digits, it can start to cause some real headaches for some problems.  When
that number reaches the upper double digits, it is acceptable for even
fewer problems.

Python is great for those problems where performance isn't critical and I
make extensive use of it.  Different methods of mixing Python and C
(including manual, PyPy, SWIG, boost, etc) can extend Python's useful
range; but, I have not seen the kind of speed improvements that bring it to
less then an order of magnitude of C's speed overall.

Even assuming that PyPy does actually manage to reach within a magnitude
of C with the extra effort required to leverage two languages, why
would I bother when I can do it with one?  PyPy and similar methods
where great when there was no other mid level alternative that supported
Python like features.  Now it just seems like using Python as a hammer
for every problem whether or not it is the right tool for the job.

 Go is also not an ideal language for enterprise development. It
 provides no compatibility or support guarantees; in fact, the website
 describes it as 'an experiment' and recommends it for 'adventurous

 There is no doubt that it is a young project and there are a number of
 things that will need to be improved to be effective for some branches
 of programming; but, that isn't a language restriction.

 It will nevertheless preclude its use in most enterprise software
 development. That's most systems software.

So you conclude that because it is not quite ready for prime time yet that it
never will be?  I can 

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick
On Jan 18, 12:29 pm, Adam Skutt wrote:

 Until we have pixel-perfect touch sensors, toolkits for devices with
 pointer interfaces (e.g., PCs) and toolkits for devices with touch
 interfaces (e.g., phones and tablets) will necessarily be different.

 You note this yourself: the UI paradigms that work well when you have
 a pixel-perfect pointer do not work at all when you have a touch
 screen, especially on a limited size and resolution display.

 Even if you're provided a single toolkit, you still end up with two,
 maybe three, different applications, each using different widgets
 targeted for the device they run on.  And no one provides a single
 toolkit: while Silverlight can run on the desktop, the web, and now on
 Windows Phone, you can't use the same widgets everywhere; ditto with
 Cocoa for OS X and Cocoa Touch for iTouch devices.

 While some further unification is obviously possible, it's rather
 doubtful we'll ever have unified widgets that are truly workable on
 the web, on the desktop, and on a portable touch screen device.

Adam now you are making sense. Everything you said here is true. This
is why we must push for the OpenGUI standard. The entropy in GUIs has
exploded exponentially and rendered them all useless. We must unify
the collective knowledge base into a single system and shake up the
GUI world from top to bottom. Any other effort is just wasted energy.
Forget WxPython, Forget WxWidgets, Forget any and all GUI libraries
that exists, they are all moot at this point and we are -years-
DECADES behind in development and integration.

 See my reply to Rodger for more detail..

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread jmfauth

  If you think the site is bad, send me a ONE better screenshot, or link
  thereto, of wx on WinXP/Vista/7. I promise to look at it. Then urge
  Robin to update the page.

No wxWidgets, but real Python / wxPython applications, all updated on
Windows 7.

Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread Brian Curtin
On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 12:33, rantingrick wrote:

 On Jan 18, 11:56 am, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
  On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 09:10:48 -0800 (PST)
  rantingrick wrote:
   Well don't get wrong i want to join in --not that i have all the
  Take a look at

 Thanks for this link Antoine however i think you missed the point of
 my post. What i would like to see is an forum where the noob to
 average python programmer can voice his/her opinion about the
 current state or future state of Pythons syntax, stdlib, goals and
 dreams, etc, al the while not fearing attack from all sides. Currently
 such a place is non-existent. I believe many folks would get involved
 if this place existed however it does not exist.

I'm unaware of attack from all sides on python-dev, but the standards are
high, as they should be. The discussion is open to everyone, but it's not
generally about opinions, goals, dreams, etc. -- it's mostly about getting
work done.

python-ideas might be a list that would work for what you are looking for.
It's a list of possible ideas to implement in Python. Some are half-baked
ideas needing community help and input, some are fully thought out
implementations asking if the community thinks it's worthy of inclusion.

I'm not sure why this list, python-list, isn't a good venue for any of that.
A lot of the people who follow python-dev also follow this list, e.g.,
Raymond and Antoine who already commented on this.

I also believe that
 these same folks have no interest in debating in the highly
 competitive environmental of python-dev, python-ideas. Heck, even is far too competitive! They just basically want a forum were
 they can come in and give their two cents and leave.

Sorry, it's not that easy, for good reason. We're talking about a
programming language that has been around for quite a while, is used in many
places for many reasons by many people, and the numbers surrounding just
about every category are always rising. We're also talking about a group of
volunteers who spend their time working on Python. Drive-by commenting
likely serves little purpose other than noise.

If you want to bring something up, by all means bring it up, but you will
probably have to fight for it. We can't just have everyone throw two cent
suggestions in a hat and move along.

Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 10:33:45 -0800 (PST)
rantingrick wrote:
 On Jan 18, 11:56 am, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
  On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 09:10:48 -0800 (PST)
  rantingrick wrote:
   Well don't get wrong i want to join in --not that i have all the
  Take a look at
 Thanks for this link Antoine however i think you missed the point of
 my post.

You did say I want to join in.

 What i would like to see is an forum where the noob to
 average python programmer can voice his/her opinion about the
 current state or future state of Pythons syntax, stdlib, goals and
 dreams, etc, al the while not fearing attack from all sides.

Well the only way for that to happen is to put it up yourself. Or to
gather some people around you to put it up together.




Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Mark Roseman
If you guys spent 1/10th as much time articulating the problems you see 
with Tkinter (and being willing to listen when people offer solutions) 
as you do trying to convince everyone else you're right, you'd probably 
have ... well, anyway, no sense in being practical.

Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick
On Jan 18, 12:55 pm, Emile van Sebille wrote:
 On 1/18/2011 9:10 AM rantingrick said...

  On Jan 18, 10:54 am,  wrote:

  Decisions are made after open discussion (although we're not sure about
  move to end :-)). You shouldn't complain about not being consulted if
  you don't take the time to join in...

  Well don't get wrong i want to join in --not that i have all the
  solutions-- however python-dev is a dangerous place for the
  uninitiated. And we can't have thousands and thousands of posts
  clogging up the main pool because that would only serve to slow the
  process to a grinding hault.

  However, we need some way that the average Python programmer can speak
  up and be heard when any subject that he/she is passionate about comes
  before the council. These folks probably don't want to participate
  in the highly competitive environment of Python dev. However they may
  have very good ideas. I think we are doing this community a dis
  service by not giving these voices an outlet.

  We need either some way to vote outside of Python dev. i think it
  would be much easier to just have a site where all proposals can be
  viewed by anyone and they can offer input without clogging up Python
  dev with noob questions or bad ideas. Then the council can review
  these suggestions and make a more informed decision. Some might say
  well that is what blogs and is for and i say wrong. I believe
  more folks would get involved if they felt that the medium was real. is not that place (although it could be with some changes) and is not that place.

  I am open to any ideas you may have.

 Brett Cannon used to (still does?) prepare twice monthly summaries of
 activity on python-dev which provided insight as to what was happening
 on that side of things.  I don't know if he or anyone else still does
 so, but if so, a copy to this list would at least let everyone know if
 something was happening that you might want to weigh in on.



That is dated 2002? :D

Thanks for offering a suggestion it was very welcome however i need to
emphasize that what i am proposing is sort of community discussion
suggestion box. Like a Python Suggestions group or something. Where
any and all suggestions, rants, complaints, ideas, etc, are welcome
from anyone without fear of reprisals.

However, in order for this to succeed the elite must take the time
to actually read it. Maybe we could have some trusted proof readers
who could sift out the spam and useless stuff and then send a modified
version to the senate for congressional reviewing. Of course at that
point the senate can further narrow down the list before sending over
to the white house. This is the only way (short of sending out
warnings in the python releases) that you can actually get a feel for
what Joe and Jane Python programmer are happy with.


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick
On Jan 18, 1:17 pm, Mark Roseman wrote:
 If you guys spent 1/10th as much time articulating the problems you see
 with Tkinter (and being willing to listen when people offer solutions)
 as you do trying to convince everyone else you're right, you'd probably
 have ... well, anyway, no sense in being practical.

Well mark why don't you offer some facts on the merits of Tkinter
versus WxPython (or libray X) instead of just contributing nothing.
Heck you did not even interject an opinion? This is just argumentative
speech Mark, i would really like some soild input from you since you
(like myself) are neck deep in Tkinter code.

Re: [OT] Python like lanugages [was Re: After C++, what with Python?]

2011-01-18 Thread geremy condra
On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 11:05 AM, Tim Harig wrote:
 Even assuming that PyPy does actually manage to reach within a magnitude
 of C with the extra effort required to leverage two languages, why
 would I bother when I can do it with one?  PyPy and similar methods
 where great when there was no other mid level alternative that supported
 Python like features.  Now it just seems like using Python as a hammer
 for every problem whether or not it is the right tool for the job.

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about regarding PyPy. You
could at least have googled it before speaking about it.

 Go is also not an ideal language for enterprise development. It
 provides no compatibility or support guarantees; in fact, the website
 describes it as 'an experiment' and recommends it for 'adventurous

 There is no doubt that it is a young project and there are a number of
 things that will need to be improved to be effective for some branches
 of programming; but, that isn't a language restriction.

 It will nevertheless preclude its use in most enterprise software
 development. That's most systems software.

 So you conclude that because it is not quite ready for prime time yet that it
 never will be?  I can remember when people said C++ would never amount to
 anything either.

We're a year past the initial announcement that it was ready. It's
still 'an experiment'. It doesn't have a ratified standard, committee,
or governing body. The company that developed it seems to have no
interest in enterprise support. They haven't done any serious
marketing for it since the initial release. Five years is, to put it
mildly, an overly enthusiastic timeline for the development of
broad-based industry support under those conditions.

 Database bindings are another weak link outside of the more common
 open source databases.  In both cases, Go readily capable of C library
 functions as a stop-gap until a native wrapper is available.  Yes it will
 be nice once community has filled in the gaps; but, I am rather impressed
 at what is already available in less then a years time.  There are a few
 libraries you may have missed here:

 Sounds like a two-language solution, ie, the thing you criticized Python for.

 Not quite.

 1. My arguments for dual language solutions where never directed at Python
        proper.   They were directed at PyPy.  I am rather amazed at
        the number of things that can be accomplished in Python without
        having to bind to C.

Again, you don't know what you're talking about WRT PyPy.

 2. There is a difference in binding to a solution that is already written
        in another language so as to not reinvent a wheel and implementing
        a *new* library in another language to be used exclusively
        with Python.

Even if that binding is done for performance reasons?

Geremy Condra

Re: [OT] Python like lanugages [was Re: After C++, what with Python?]

2011-01-18 Thread Tim Harig
On 2011-01-18, Terry Reedy wrote:
 On 1/18/2011 10:30 AM, Tim Harig wrote:

 Whether or not you actually agree with that economic reality is
 irrelevant.  Those who fund commerical projects do; and, any developement
 tool which violates the security of the source is going to find itself
 climbing an uphill battle in trying to gain market penetration with
 commericial software producers.

 Of course. When I submit or commit patches, I am doing it mostly for 
 hobby, educational, and scientific users, and maybe website makers (who 
 make site I can visit). If commercial users piggyback on top, ok. I do 
 not know how many developers, if any, are after such market penetration.

You kind of over-extended the intentions of my comment.  It does not apply
to open source software in general.  I agree that open source authors are
not interested in the quantitative value of market penetration.  However, I
am betting that most authors of developement tools would like to be able to
use their tools on the job.  

I am sure that more software developers would love to develop using
Python as part of their job.  For some this is a reality; but, many more
are stuck using their employer's choice of language.  One of the factors
that employers consider, when they choose a language, if they produce
retail software is that the process of compiling will sufficiently
obfiscate their code.

Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread Brian Curtin
On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 13:22, rantingrick wrote:

 Thanks for offering a suggestion it was very welcome however i need to
 emphasize that what i am proposing is sort of community discussion
 suggestion box. Like a Python Suggestions group or something. Where
 any and all suggestions, rants, complaints, ideas, etc, are welcome
 from anyone without fear of reprisals.

What is it with all of this talk of fear? Is there some group of people who
were shamed out of python-dev that I wasn't aware of? It's not a hostile
mailing list, and I'm not sure why you keep saying that it is...

I understand maybe I don't feel that way because I've been reading it for a
while, but even thinking back to when I was new around there, I never felt
any amount of fear. Sure, I've talked to people who had things shot down and
they took it harshly, but they realized it was just part of the game and it
wasn't personal and they weren't kicked out of the group or anything.

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Arndt Roger Schneider

rantingrick schrieb:

On Jan 18, 12:25 pm, Arndt Roger Schneider

rantingrick schrieb:

On Jan 18, 7:09 am, Arndt Roger Schneider

We DO need to consider the mobile market in this decision. Maybe it is
time for us to actually get on the cutting edge of GUI's. Maybe we
should head an effort to create a REAL 21st century GUI that can
handle desktop, mobile, and accessibility, and do it all whilst
looking very sharp! Sure we rob from peter to pay paul. We will use
Tkinters awesome API and geometry managers, wxPythons feature
richness, and any other code we can steal to make this work!

I am not sure whether this sarcasms or for real...,
so I'll take for genuine.

No this is real, albeit a bit fantastical. Thats probably why you
thought it was sarcasm :).

However, we need to start a revolution in the GUI world. Currently we
(as developers) are slaves to the OEM's and OS's. This must change. We
must unify GUI coding the same way OpenGL unified graphics coding.
Multiplicity is ruining any and all advancements in Graphical User
Interfaces. Sure multiplicity is great in emerging systems (language,
culture, GUI, etc, etc) However at some point  you must reign in this
multiplicity and harness the collective knowledge into an all
encompassing standard. OpenGUI is that standard.  It should be shipped
with every OS in the world. This is the only way we can have mobile,
desktop, and accessibility all combined into one beautiful package.
Then the contest come down to who can create the best abstraction API.

There has been no advancement in GUI-Design. Today it looks and
behaves just the way Bill Atkinson designed it.
Technical revolutions are made by disruptive thoughts,
which are never collective.
...The problem with gui-design:It requires an graphical artist,
a well versed writer, a software architect and a programmer.
The first two job description are the important ones.

...No OS-vender is going to allow that, it equals
lost control.

Tk is also doomed, and Tkinter isn't Tk.
You are right about keeping the separate geometry
managers, though.

For starters:

This looks like a very young project (beta) and i could not find a
widget set. However i will investigate more. Thanks


However we need to think beyond even a Python community scale. This
problem is inherent in every language community out there. We to unify
the GUI standard. And we are a decade behind in development. (yes i am
completely serious about all of this!).

Then we did find common ground.

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Octavian Rasnita
From: Alexander Kapps
 Tkinter causes damage? Very bad damage? What are you talking about?

I am talking about the fact that Python promotes Tkinter, and many beginners 
will start using it, and they will start creating applications with it, and 
they will learn to use it better than WxPython, and they will start believing 
that Tkinter is better because it is easier to use than WxPython, so they will 
start convincing others that Tkinter is the best, and they will start finding 
many reasons that show that Tkinter is better. And after this, they will say 
that they don't care about the real problems generated by GUIs like Tk.
And a very big problem is that the applications that use Tk/GTK are not 
accessible for screen readers, so those applications will be just blank for 
people with visual impairments which need to use a screen reader.

Those applications won't be less nice, or just a little harder to use. They 
won't be accessible at all and they will help the discrimination of the blind 
people, and not because of technical problems, because those problems can be 
solved with a better interface like Wx, which is not perfectly accessible 
either, but it is much better. That discrimination appears just because some 
people say that they don't care.

 Well, I don't like wx that much and others have already highlighted 
 some of the problems with it. I think that adding redundancy is bad 

It is a redundancy for you, but have you imagined that for some people the 
display is the redundant part of the computer?

 You said a GUI lib is useless because not all programmers write 
 GUIs. so I say an HTML lib is useless because not all programmers 
 write web stuff. Got it? Both are useful and I'm absolutely against 
 any attempt to remove either from the stdlib. *That* would cause damage.

I didn't say that a GUI lib is useless. The GUIS that create discrimination by 
offering access only for some users (when there are other GUIS that can offer 
access to everyone) create damage and they should be avoided, and for avoiding 
them, the beginners need to understand this. But Python promotes that bad GUI 
lib by including it in the default package instead of promoting a better lib.

 Which one? That's the whole point. There currently is no better GUI 
 lib than Tkinter which allows quick and easy GUI programming and 

Are you a beginner? A good programmer is not interested only to create an 
application with 10 lines of code, no matter the results.
The application need to have a good quality and to be accessible by everyone if 
the technology allows it.
Why do we like the portable GUIS and don't really like the native interfaces 
that don't work on other platforms?
Because we want our programs to be usable by as many people as possible. Well, 
some platforms render the output as sound and Tkinter are not portable on 
those platforms (screen readers).

 I have absolutely no problem with a better GUI lib, I just don't care

Well, I was sure that you are one of those who don't care...



Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Octavian Rasnita
From: Mark Roseman
 If you guys spent 1/10th as much time articulating the problems you see 
 with Tkinter (and being willing to listen when people offer solutions) 
 as you do trying to convince everyone else you're right, you'd probably 
 have ... well, anyway, no sense in being practical.

The problem: The beginners use the first GUI lib they find in the default 
Python package and they learn how to create applications which are not 
accessible for screen readers (at all), while there are better solutions.

Is there any other solution for the problem that Python promotes this bad GUI 
than removing it from the default package?

Not only Python does this. For the reason that it is more simple and we don't 
care about the problems it generates, ActiveState does the same and it does 
the same with ActivePerl, but it doesn't mean that it is something good.



Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Adam Skutt
On Jan 18, 2:11 pm, rantingrick wrote:
 Adam now you are making sense. Everything you said here is true.

 is why we must push for the OpenGUI standard.

Funny, I write considerable detail about why such a thing is a
pipedream and useless even if it came to fruition, and you somehow
believe I'm in support of such an absurd idea.  If you believe what I
said is true, then you cannot seriously support any sort of OpenGUI
standard, and I advise you to google that term before you use it
again.  Tell me, are you a political science major?

Heck, to be totally honest, I've never been 100% convinced that cross-
platform GUI APIs were even such a good idea.  I certainly use them,
but only in situations that are very simple or where I'm OK with
accepting the fact my application will not be truly a first-class
application[1][2].  Even minor differences in presentation can have
large ramifications on how applications should function and therefore
be written.

 The entropy in GUIs has
 exploded exponentially and rendered them all useless.

Only if you have no clue what you're talking about whatsoever.  You
perceive them as useless because you're apparently incapable of
understanding the simplest GUI precepts, nevermind APIs, which is why
you've gone from Pure Python GUI to wxWidgets to this OpenGUI bullshit
you're now espousing.  Desperately clinging to a position doesn't make
you look intelligent.

Plus, I'm not sure what entropy you're talking about, but I'm not
seeing it.  MS continues to innovate, Apple continues to innovate,
some portions of the Linux community do innovative things.  Though
most people just want to put something together and call it a day, and
the functionality provided by a lot of toolkits is beyond adequate for


[1] Or solely on Linux where all of the native toolkits have cross-
platform support.
[2] To say nothing about the explosion of web applications in the
world today...

Re: [OT] Python like lanugages [was Re: After C++, what with Python?]

2011-01-18 Thread Tim Harig
On 2011-01-18, geremy condra wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 11:05 AM, Tim Harig wrote:
 Even assuming that PyPy does actually manage to reach within a magnitude
 of C with the extra effort required to leverage two languages, why
 would I bother when I can do it with one?  PyPy and similar methods
 where great when there was no other mid level alternative that supported
 Python like features.  Now it just seems like using Python as a hammer
 for every problem whether or not it is the right tool for the job.

 You clearly have no idea what you're talking about regarding PyPy. You
 could at least have googled it before speaking about it.

No, I have watched several such projects over the years.  Pysco, Unladen
Swallow, Cython, PyPy, Shedskin, etc.  Source to source translators, JITs,
and C language integration all just add to complexity.  You can't do this,
you can't do that, you have to learn a new way of doing something else,
ad nauseum.

So when something new that provided Python like capabilities without many
of Python's drawbacks came along, I jumped on it.  It provides a much
cleaner solution to the problem without kludges.  I will use Python for
what it does well and cleanly.  For the rest, there are now better tools.
Once again, its about the right tool for the right job.

 Again, you don't know what you're talking about WRT PyPy.

Nor do I really want to.  I have found a much simpler solution
to the problem.  I would recommend it to many others that like the
Python language but who occassionaly struggle with its implementation

I would say that I am sorry that it doesn't work for you; but, you seem
to prefer Java and Pypy anyway so we are both happy.

 2. There is a difference in binding to a solution that is already written
        in another language so as to not reinvent a wheel and implementing
        a *new* library in another language to be used exclusively
        with Python.

 Even if that binding is done for performance reasons?

Yep, that is pretty much the summation of my dual language argument.
I don't expect a pure Python implementation of curses since there is a
perfectly good C library available to bind to.  Why reinvent the wheel.

Resorting to writing packages in another language or compiling Python
code into another source language is a kludge necessary because of
the performance characteristics of the language.  I suppose that is
an acceptable kludge when that is your only alternative.  For me it no
longer is.

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Adam Skutt
On Jan 18, 3:20 pm, Arndt Roger Schneider
 There has been no advancement in GUI-Design. Today it looks and
 behaves just the way Bill Atkinson designed it.

That doesn't even begin to equate to a lack of advancement.  It's also
not true in the least.

 Technical revolutions are made by disruptive thoughts,
 which are never collective.

Revolutions are statistical anomalies, so it's best not to depend on
them for progress.  It's not even apparent what revolution is
necessary here.

 ...The problem with gui-design:It requires an graphical artist,
 a well versed writer, a software architect and a programmer.
 The first two job description are the important ones.

 ...No OS-vender is going to allow that, it equals
 lost control.

You need to go look at the people Apple, MS, Google, et al. hire; this
statement is just patently false too.  Plus, after a certainly level
of functionality, the OS vendor does become rather irrelevant.
Otherwise, the web would have never taken off an application platform:
the HTML standard provides the smallest widget set of just about
anything discussed,
though it's painting / layout capabilities are both simultaneously far
advanced and far worse.  Yet, it is likely the way of the future for a
large portion of us, like it or not.


Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread MRAB

On 18/01/2011 19:22, rantingrick wrote:

On Jan 18, 12:55 pm, Emile van  wrote:

On 1/18/2011 9:10 AM rantingrick said...

On Jan 18, 10:54 am,

Decisions are made after open discussion (although we're not sure about
move to end :-)). You shouldn't complain about not being consulted if
you don't take the time to join in...

Well don't get wrong i want to join in --not that i have all the
solutions-- however python-dev is a dangerous place for the
uninitiated. And we can't have thousands and thousands of posts
clogging up the main pool because that would only serve to slow the
process to a grinding hault.

However, we need some way that the average Python programmer can speak
up and be heard when any subject that he/she is passionate about comes
before the council. These folks probably don't want to participate
in the highly competitive environment of Python dev. However they may
have very good ideas. I think we are doing this community a dis
service by not giving these voices an outlet.

We need either some way to vote outside of Python dev. i think it
would be much easier to just have a site where all proposals can be
viewed by anyone and they can offer input without clogging up Python
dev with noob questions or bad ideas. Then the council can review
these suggestions and make a more informed decision. Some might say
well that is what blogs and is for and i say wrong. I believe
more folks would get involved if they felt that the medium was real. is not that place (although it could be with some changes) and is not that place.

I am open to any ideas you may have.

Brett Cannon used to (still does?) prepare twice monthly summaries of
activity on python-dev which provided insight as to what was happening
on that side of things.  I don't know if he or anyone else still does
so, but if so, a copy to this list would at least let everyone know if
something was happening that you might want to weigh in on.



That is dated 2002? :D

Thanks for offering a suggestion it was very welcome however i need to
emphasize that what i am proposing is sort of community discussion
suggestion box. Like a Python Suggestions group or something. Where
any and all suggestions, rants, complaints, ideas, etc, are welcome
from anyone without fear of reprisals.

However, in order for this to succeed the elite must take the time
to actually read it. Maybe we could have some trusted proof readers
who could sift out the spam and useless stuff and then send a modified
version to the senate for congressional reviewing. Of course at that
point the senate can further narrow down the list before sending over
to the white house. This is the only way (short of sending out
warnings in the python releases) that you can actually get a feel for
what Joe and Jane Python programmer are happy with.

The Python community are volunteers. Nothing gets done until someone
volunteers to do it. The suggestion box is your idea. Why don't you
set it up and report back?

Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread Terry Reedy

On 1/18/2011 11:27 AM, rantingrick wrote:

On Jan 18, 6:46 am, Antoine  wrote:

Design considerations? Where were they discussed?

I far as I know, nowhere until that post in this thread.

They were never discussed with the bulk of this community and that is
part of what i want to change. We have a very small group of folks
making all the decisions and that is fine. However this small group of
privileged folks needs to gather input from the rest of us
(peasants) on the value of such changes before making rash decisions.

When proposed features are listed on the tracker, as I think this one 
should have been, anyone who registers can comment. Real names are 
strongly preferred (and required for elevated tracker and repository 

Currently we have a closed set of intellectual inbreeding that is
rotting the community gene pool.

Do you actually believe this nonsense, or are you just ranting for effect?

In 2010, 20 people were granted commit access. We have 2 more new and 
active people this month. The active subset of these 22 comprise a 
substantial fraction of active developers. Without a constant influx of 
new people, the Python project would slowly die as people left to do 
other things.

One way to demonstrate the needed technical and social skills for commit 
access is to participate on the tracker with comments, reviews, and patches.

 We need more diversity in this

milkshake to bring about and foster healthy ideas.

Python leaders already know we need more diversity of knowledge and 
skills to target Python at diverse platforms with diverse batteries. 
Last summer Guido said that we should be a bit more liberal with commit 
access. Right now, Brett Cannon is working under a PSF grant to greatly 
improve the developer docs so new developers can more easily get up to 
speed. One of the stated goals of moving the repository from svn to hg 
(a non-trivial project) is to make it easier for more people to 
contribute, with or without 'commit privileges'.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: __pycache__, one more good reason to stck with Python 2?

2011-01-18 Thread Dan Stromberg
On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 8:27 AM, Peter Otten wrote:
 Stefan Behnel wrote:

 Peter Otten, 18.01.2011 10:04:
 What's the advantage of 'find ... | xargs ...' over 'find ... -exec ...'?

 The former runs in parallel, the latter runs sequentially.

 This may sometimes be relevant, but I doubt that it matters in this
 particular case.

I don't think xargs is ever parallel, but GNU parallel is supposed to
be a parallel tool with options and usage similar to those/that of

xargs' main advantages are:
1) Simpler quoting (correctness), especially if you use (GNU) find
-print0 with xargs -0
2) Far fewer exec's, which usually means much better performance

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Alexander Kapps

On 18.01.2011 21:23, Octavian Rasnita wrote:

From: Alexander

Tkinter causes damage? Very bad damage? What are you talking about?

I am talking about the fact that Python promotes Tkinter, and many beginners 
will start using it, and they will start creating applications with it, and 
they will learn to use it better than WxPython, and they will start believing 
that Tkinter is better because it is easier to use than WxPython, so they will 
start convincing others that Tkinter is the best, and they will start finding 
many reasons that show that Tkinter is better. And after this, they will say 
that they don't care about the real problems generated by GUIs like Tk.
And a very big problem is that the applications that use Tk/GTK are not 
accessible for screen readers, so those applications will be just blank for 
people with visual impairments which need to use a screen reader.

Those applications won't be less nice, or just a little harder to use. They 
won't be accessible at all and they will help the discrimination of the blind 
people, and not because of technical problems, because those problems can be 
solved with a better interface like Wx, which is not perfectly accessible 
either, but it is much better. That discrimination appears just because some 
people say that they don't care.

Well, I don't like wx that much and others have already highlighted
some of the problems with it. I think that adding redundancy is bad

It is a redundancy for you, but have you imagined that for some people the 
display is the redundant part of the computer?

I was talking about redundancy as in duplication of already existing 
parts. However, for some people, networking is superfluous. That's 
not a reason to remove the networking modules from the stdlib.

Anyway, If you think duplicating functionality is a good approach 
here, go on, I don't mind. Just remember to stop somewhen and don't 
include 10 GUI toolkits and 20 HTML parsers just because some people 
don't like the already existing ones.

You said a GUI lib is useless because not all programmers write
GUIs. so I say an HTML lib is useless because not all programmers
write web stuff. Got it? Both are useful and I'm absolutely against
any attempt to remove either from the stdlib. *That* would cause damage.

I didn't say that a GUI lib is useless. The GUIS that create discrimination by 
offering access only for some users (when there are other GUIS that can offer 
access to everyone) create damage and they should be avoided, and for avoiding 
them, the beginners need to understand this. But Python promotes that bad GUI 
lib by including it in the default package instead of promoting a better lib.

Please read your previous post. Anyway *which* GUI offers access to 

Which one? That's the whole point. There currently is no better GUI
lib than Tkinter which allows quick and easy GUI programming and

Are you a beginner? A good programmer is not interested only to create an 
application with 10 lines of code, no matter the results.

I'm neither a beginner, nor really a professional programmer. I 
occasionally do paid coding and that often includes small tools and 
helper utilities and one thing I can tell you: In approx 90% of 
those cases, people want a GUI. It hasn't to be fancy, they just 
don't want no command line tools.

Tkinter is just great for quickly hacking together a GUI or for 
prototyping if somebody wants something more advanced.

The application need to have a good quality and to be accessible by everyone if 
the technology allows it.
Why do we like the portable GUIS and don't really like the native interfaces 
that don't work on other platforms?
Because we want our programs to be usable by as many people as possible. Well, some 
platforms render the output as sound and Tkinter are not portable on those 
platforms (screen readers).

I have absolutely no problem with a better GUI lib, I just don't care

Well, I was sure that you are one of those who don't care...

You make that sound as if I should feel guilty now.

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Arndt Roger Schneider

Adam Skutt schrieb:

On Jan 18, 8:09 am, Arndt Roger Schneider

Back to rantingrick 21st century toolkit/framwork:
Let's have a look at the numbers:
Worlwide pc market are 300 Million pcs per year,
this number includes desktops(2/3) and servers(1/3).
Your gui app is not relevant on servers.

You should tell this fact to just about every major enterprise
software manufacturer out there.  They all ship GUI tools intended to
be used on the server.  Some of them ship only GUI tools or CLI tools
that are worthless, making you use the GUI tools.

The desktop pc market is in decline; there is
however a shift toward pc-servers, instead.
It is anybodies guess how far the pc-desktop decline will go.
Every 21st century toolkit or framework must run on
mobile platforms!

Until we have pixel-perfect touch sensors, toolkits for devices with
pointer interfaces (e.g., PCs) and toolkits for devices with touch
interfaces (e.g., phones and tablets) will necessarily be different.

You note this yourself: the UI paradigms that work well when you have
a pixel-perfect pointer do not work at all when you have a touch
screen, especially on a limited size and resolution display.

Yes I did and that's how it is.

Even if you're provided a single toolkit, you still end up with two,
maybe three, different applications, each using different widgets
targeted for the device they run on.  And no one provides a single
toolkit: while Silverlight can run on the desktop, the web, and now on
Windows Phone, you can't use the same widgets everywhere; ditto with
Cocoa for OS X and Cocoa Touch for iTouch devices.

While some further unification is obviously possible, it's rather
doubtful we'll ever have unified widgets that are truly workable on
the web, on the desktop, and on a portable touch screen device.

Think about all the programmers earning their butter and bread :-).
Forget toolkits and widgets for awhile.
What remains are specific types of human/computer interactions,
a visual representation on a screen and a predefined behaviour
for said human action.

E.g. a button is:
A function gets asychnronously performed in response to
a finger/mouse click and release inside a certain screen area.

--A widget is essentially a logical abstraction.

wxWidgets was written ~1992, it is a copy of
mfc, which in turn is a copy of MacApp. MacApp
is also OSS, maintained through an industrie consortium.
Why do you not use the original framework?

Because it's not cross-platform, I'd imagine.  The entire point of
wxWidgets was to provide a cross-platform OOP UI toolkit.  It
closely copies MFC since MFC and XView were the two backends it

MacApp is/was cross-platform, Apple pulled the plug
on the non-mac platforms; the industrie
consortium took charge of the other platforms.

Screen resolution:
  The time of 72ppi CRT monitors is over. A GUI
  framework/toolkit must be resolution independent,
  including all icons and indicators;
  it should use decluttering (newspeak:ZUI).

WPF is the only functional resolution-independent UI toolkit in
existence.  While I don't disagree with you in principal, practice is
pretty heavily divorced from principal here.  Principal doesn't help
me write GUI applications today.

wxWidgets is not suitable for a modern type
GUI ad thus clearly not the toolkit/framework
of the 21st century.

None of the toolkits accessible from CPython are suitable for a 21st
century guy by your standard.  If we talk about IronPython,
Silverlight becomes the closest, but it isn't a panacea by any stretch
of the imagination.


According to Microsoft neither is silverlight.

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Terry Reedy

On 1/18/2011 3:23 PM, Octavian Rasnita wrote:

I am talking about the fact that Python promotes Tkinter

Python uses tkinter as the only choice available for the stdlib.
Others choices not in the stdlib are available for those who want 
something better.

TK are not accessible for screen readers,

I did not know that. You could ask on the tracker that that fact be 
added to the docs. I would consider it reason to consider another choice 
if there ever were to be a suitable one offered.

I'm absolutely
against any attempt to remove either from the stdlib. *That* would
cause damage.

I agree. Besides IDLE and turtle, there are tools in the Tools directory 
that depend on tkinter.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: [OT] Python like lanugages [was Re: After C++, what with Python?]

2011-01-18 Thread Zach
Cobra seems to similar to python. Or it at least compares itself to python.

Re: [OT] Python like lanugages [was Re: After C++, what with Python?]

2011-01-18 Thread Zach
Anyone have thoughts on Cobra?
On Jan 18, 2011 4:20 PM, Zach wrote:
 Cobra seems to similar to python. Or it at least compares itself to

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Terry Reedy

On 1/18/2011 2:12 PM, jmfauth wrote:

If you think the site is bad, send me a ONE better screenshot, or link
thereto, of wx on WinXP/Vista/7. I promise to look at it. Then urge
Robin to update the page.

No wxWidgets, but real Python / wxPython applications, all updated on
Windows 7.

Yes wxWidgets, underneath wxPython. And yes, look very nice.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Terry Reedy

On 1/18/2011 3:29 PM, Octavian Rasnita wrote:

Is there any other solution for the problem that Python promotes this
bad GUI than removing it from the default package?

I am generally for better accessibility, but I consider the notion that 
if everyone cannot have something, then no one should, to be rather 

Not only Python does this. For the reason that it is more simple and
we don't care about the problems it generates, ActiveState does the
same and it does the same with ActivePerl, but it doesn't mean that
it is something good.

So persuade them or someone to make it better, or is ActiveState 
actively opposed to that?

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Efficient python 2-d arrays?

2011-01-18 Thread Jake Biesinger
 Since you can't depend on your users installing the dependencies, is
 it vital that your users run from source? You could bundle up your
 application along with numpy and other dependencies using py2Exe or
 similar. This also means you wouldn't have to require users to have
 the right (or any) version of Python installed.

It's a good suggestion, though I am far from familiar with the process.

I've just finished implementing another alternative-- I'm doing a merge sort, 
where the array chunks are zipped together and then sorted using python's 
builtin sort then unzipped back to their original arrays. This seems fast 
enough and the reduced memory requirement for 2 arrays vs 1 list-of-tuples is 
substantial (1.5 GB vs 4GB).

Thanks for the great suggestions!

Re: Efficient python 2-d arrays?

2011-01-18 Thread Jake Biesinger
 Without using third party libraries, no not really.  numpy has it
 covered so there's not really a lot of demand for it.  If your users
 are loading 1.5 GB arrays into memory, it's probably not unreasonable
 to expect them to have numpy installed.

My users are biologists, and I can't expect them to have numpy (and the barrier 
to entry for this group is particularly high).

Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2011-01-18, MRAB wrote:
 On 18/01/2011 19:22, rantingrick wrote:

 Thanks for offering a suggestion it was very welcome however i need to
 emphasize that what i am proposing is sort of community discussion
 suggestion box. Like a Python Suggestions group or something. Where
 any and all suggestions, rants, complaints, ideas, etc, are welcome
 from anyone without fear of reprisals.

 However, in order for this to succeed the elite must take the time
 to actually read it. Maybe we could have some trusted proof readers
 who could sift out the spam and useless stuff and then send a modified
 version to the senate for congressional reviewing. Of course at that
 point the senate can further narrow down the list before sending over
 to the white house. This is the only way (short of sending out
 warnings in the python releases) that you can actually get a feel for
 what Joe and Jane Python programmer are happy with.

 The Python community are volunteers. Nothing gets done until someone
 volunteers to do it. The suggestion box is your idea. Why don't you
 set it up and report back?

He goes by the name of ranting rick, and you're suggesting that
instead of talking he rolls up his sleeves and does something.

I suspect you're barking into the wind...

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! Yes, but will I
  at   see the EASTER BUNNY in
  gmail.comskintight leather at an
   IRON MAIDEN concert?

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Adam Skutt
On Jan 18, 4:45 pm, Arndt Roger Schneider
 Adam Skutt schrieb:
  Until we have pixel-perfect touch sensors, toolkits for devices with
  pointer interfaces (e.g., PCs) and toolkits for devices with touch
  interfaces (e.g., phones and tablets) will necessarily be different.

  You note this yourself: the UI paradigms that work well when you have
  a pixel-perfect pointer do not work at all when you have a touch
  screen, especially on a limited size and resolution display.

 Yes I did and that's how it is.

And then you go and advocate a single toolkit!  Do you not see the
inherent contradiction there?  While it's certainly not impossible,
the case is hardly obvious for one GUI toolkit for all possible UIs.
You certainly have not presented it, and rantingrick never will.

 Think about all the programmers earning their butter and bread :-).
 Forget toolkits and widgets for awhile.
 What remains are specific types of human/computer interactions,
 a visual representation on a screen and a predefined behaviour
 for said human action.

Also known as toolkits and widgets.  Talking about such things are

 E.g. a button is:
 A function gets asychnronously performed in response to
 a finger/mouse click and release inside a certain screen area.

No, that is not the definition of a 'button', not even when we choose
to ignore how it is rendered, which you cannot ignore even if you wish
to pretend you can.  Otherwise, I could always treat hyperlinks and
buttons as equivalent and even interchangeable.  Unfortunately, they
are no such things.

 --A widget is essentially a logical abstraction.

No, as much as we try we cannot divorce presentation from behavior

  Because it's not cross-platform, I'd imagine.  The entire point of
  wxWidgets was to provide a cross-platform OOP UI toolkit.  It
  closely copies MFC since MFC and XView were the two backends it

 MacApp is/was cross-platform, Apple pulled the plug
 on the non-mac platforms; the industrie
 consortium took charge of the other platforms.

MacApp didn't even see the start of cross-platform development until
1996, four years after wxWidgets.  It was not cross-platform from the
start and only became cross-platform when all of Apple's other cross-
platform endeavours failed.


Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick
On Jan 18, 3:05 pm, MRAB wrote:

 The Python community are volunteers. Nothing gets done until someone
 volunteers to do it. The suggestion box is your idea. Why don't you
 set it up and report back?

Agreed, i would gladly accept you nominating me as the Suggestion Box
president. However we need to decide where the best place to put the
suggestion box will be. Sure i could open a website called however i doubt anybody that *needs* to find
it ever would. Heck i would feel lucky if a few trolls dropped by
and asked for the GIL to be removed. ;-)

In light of that, the only place --and i would argue the best place--
is the official website with a nice link on the home page although i
don't expect that will happen. In that case becomes the winner
by default.

Why? Well imagine you are a new python user. Where would you look for
help after downloading the installer? Of course you might go back to
check out a bit more. The next logical step would be python
help and then So either we add a suggestions area to the
official site OR make this group more accessible to the average user.
If it were my choice, i would just make this group more accessible to
newcomers and be done with it. Much eaiser, much less work, and more
results will be produced.

How can we make more accessible you ask? Well a good start
would be for some of the well known elites to make a public
announcement. If we could convince Guido to make a speech that would
be wonderful however i know he cannot do everything.

In this statement we must stress that a new age of community has
dawned -- an age of freedom. That all pythoneers are created equal and
in the image of Guido. No, not of his physical image, but of his
vision, his wisdom, and his compassion. That we will admonish those
that wish to belittle the most feeble among us and elevate those who
would carry the torch of community at the very expense of their own
selfless vanity. That we are moving forward as a collective group
united in vision, in spirit, and in solidarity for the future
evolution of Python -- and for the greater good of all programming

Once we get back on track i believe it will take some time but
eventually the masses will return and rejoin our efforts. New users
will mold into he community and we shall all reape the benefits.
Hopefully with enough good will and collaboration we can do great
things and save Python from an untimely demise. However we must act
quickly, because the time is ticking away...


Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick
On Jan 18, 3:07 pm, Terry Reedy wrote:
 On 1/18/2011 11:27 AM, rantingrick wrote:

 When proposed features are listed on the tracker, as I think this one
 should have been, anyone who registers can comment. Real names are
 strongly preferred (and required for elevated tracker and repository

Agreed. However you cannot expect the ordinary python programmers to
follow the tracker. They are not a political as we. However they do
have a voice and we must listen. How can we call ourselves a community
when there exists no means by which the real users can express

  Currently we have a closed set of intellectual inbreeding that is
  rotting the community gene pool.

 Do you actually believe this nonsense, or are you just ranting for effect?

This was a strong statement and it was meant to be strong. On on the
face of it some might take it as an insult to the intelligence of our
leaders -- i can assure you that is not the case! Of course we have
good people at the top, however they are not hearing the voices
screaming from below. They are making decisions in a vacuum. This
cannot produce positive results for very much longer. I fear we have
already begun the downward spiral as a community. We must get a grip
and pull ourselves together before inertia rips us apart at the seams.

 One way to demonstrate the needed technical and social skills for commit
 access is to participate on the tracker with comments, reviews, and patches.

We cannot even discuss the tracker until we fix this abomination
called  We need to focus on We need to get it back on
track. And i want everyone to participate even the outright bullies
and predators (if they can tone done the rhetoric and be nice again!).
We as a community are existing in a vacuum. Likewise Python dev is
existing in a vacuum. However both of us are in parallel universes. We
must combine the head with the tail or we have nothing but component
parts. Can a car function without wheels? Can a plane function without
it's wings? No, an we are just component parts idle in some
intellectual factory collecting dust!

   We need more diversity in this

  milkshake to bring about and foster healthy ideas.

 Python leaders already know we need more diversity of knowledge and
 skills to target Python at diverse platforms with diverse batteries.
 Last summer Guido said that we should be a bit more liberal with commit
 access. Right now, Brett Cannon is working under a PSF grant to greatly
 improve the developer docs so new developers can more easily get up to
 speed. One of the stated goals of moving the repository from svn to hg
 (a non-trivial project) is to make it easier for more people to
 contribute, with or without 'commit privileges'.

This is a great advancement! Keep them coming!

Swampy Module installation

2011-01-18 Thread Michael Rauh
I am new to python, and attempting to install the learning module
Unfortunately, I am attempting to do this on windows vista, which does
not appear to be cooperating. Once I click on the install link, it
puts the file on the computer, and even if I place the file into the
source folder for python, it still says that there is no module
swampy. How can I get python to recognize the module as being there,
and to run the suite? I admit, I may be placing it in the wrong
directory, as I have so far been unable to change the working
directory. Online the command os.chdir is said to change the
directory, but it keeps giving an error, and saying that os is not
recognized. Variations on this code do not seem to work either.

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick
On Jan 18, 4:57 pm, Adam Skutt wrote:
 On Jan 18, 4:45 pm, Arndt Roger Schneider

  E.g. a button is:
  A function gets asychnronously performed in response to
  a finger/mouse click and release inside a certain screen area.

 No, that is not the definition of a 'button', not even when we choose
 to ignore how it is rendered, which you cannot ignore even if you wish
 to pretend you can.  Otherwise, I could always treat hyperlinks and
 buttons as equivalent and even interchangeable.  Unfortunately, they
 are no such things.

What! YES it is Adam! And you just exposed yourself as an
argumentative moron!

A hyperlink and a button are EXACTLY the same thing functionality
wise. The fact that they look different has nothing to do with the
argument. Would you say that a Ford Escort and a Dodge Viper do not
function in basically the same way. Sure one looks much prettier and
goes much faster however they both have four wheels, and engine, a
drivetrain, an outer shell, burn gasoline, and are basically people
movers. In other words they are both cars! *slap*

  --A widget is essentially a logical abstraction.

 No, as much as we try we cannot divorce presentation from behavior

More argumentative crap. Adam you are incapable of compromise or
reason... or maybe both. Try more facts next time.

Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread Terry Reedy

On 1/18/2011 6:22 PM, rantingrick wrote:

This was a strong statement and it was meant to be strong.

However, it was falso.

We cannot even discuss the tracker until we fix this abomination

I have nothing directly to do with c.l.p and care nothing for it. I read 
the gmane.comp.python.general mirror of python-list, which filters out 
some of the worse of the input from c.l.p. I mostly focus on getting 
real work done on the tracker and repository and am only temporarily 
spending this much time here as a diversion.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread Ethan Furman

Grant Edwards wrote:

On 2011-01-18, MRAB wrote:

On 18/01/2011 19:22, rantingrick wrote:


The Python community are volunteers. Nothing gets done until someone
volunteers to do it. The suggestion box is your idea. Why don't you
set it up and report back?

He goes by the name of ranting rick, and you're suggesting that
instead of talking he rolls up his sleeves and does something.

I suspect you're barking into the wind...

To borrow from Dilbert*, perhaps rr is more of an idea rat.




Re: issubclass(dict, Mapping)

2011-01-18 Thread Aahz
In article ieu9bk$mt0$, kj 

standard OOP semantics

...some experts might say a C++ program is not object-oriented without
inheritance and virtual functions.  As one of the early Smalltalk
implementors myself, I can say they are full of themselves.  --zconcept
Aahz (   *

The volume of a pizza of thickness 'a' and radius 'z' is
given by pi*z*z*a

Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick

And were the hell is Steve Holden? Why has he not weighed in on these
(or any) discussions. He (Steve Holden) is second in command to the
entire community. Yet we have yet to hear a peep from this fella. What
gives Steve?

And if Steve is too busy, who is next in the chain of command? Who is
going to take responsibility for this catastrophe we call Is
there no one is man enough to step up for this community? Are all of
our leaders just sticking their heads in the sand hoping for this to
solve itself?

I would really like for some heavy weights to get involved here.

Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick
On Jan 18, 5:44 pm, Terry Reedy wrote:

 I have nothing directly to do with c.l.p and care nothing for it. I read
 the gmane.comp.python.general mirror of python-list, which filters out
 some of the worse of the input from c.l.p. I mostly focus on getting
 real work done on the tracker and repository and am only temporarily
 spending this much time here as a diversion.

Well first of all i want to commend you for your valiant efforts. You
are one the most helpful folks (anoung others) around and i believe
you are a virtuous soul. However, you really should not just write off like you have. Many new users (and old hats) still hang around
here. Sure there is a lot of spam, and some trolling. However, we CAN
take back IF some heavy weights will get on board. Please don't
allow to become the habitat of vermin due to neglect. Why
should we move to the sub burbs just because these fowl creatures are
polluting our city? We need to run them out of town.

Re: Swampy Module installation

2011-01-18 Thread Ben Finney
Michael Rauh writes:

 I am new to python, and attempting to install the learning module
 Unfortunately, I am attempting to do this on windows vista, which does
 not appear to be cooperating.

I'm not familiar with the specifics of that OS, but you should read the
Python on Windows FAQ URL:
thoroughly to see if that gets you further.

 \   “… one of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was |
  `\that, lacking zero, they had no way to indicate successful |
_o__)  termination of their C programs.” —Robert Firth |
Ben Finney

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Adam Skutt
On Jan 18, 6:36 pm, rantingrick wrote:
On Jan 18, 4:57 pm, Adam Skutt wrote:
 On Jan 18, 4:45 pm, Arndt Roger Schneider
   E.g. a button is:
   A function gets asychnronously performed in response to
   a finger/mouse click and release inside a certain screen area.
  No, that is not the definition of a 'button', not even when we choose
  to ignore how it is rendered, which you cannot ignore even if you wish
  to pretend you can.  Otherwise, I could always treat hyperlinks and
  buttons as equivalent and even interchangeable.  Unfortunately, they
  are no such things.

 What! YES it is Adam! And you just exposed yourself as an
 argumentative moron!

 A hyperlink and a button are EXACTLY the same thing functionality

:active, :visited:, :hover, and the concept of onhover all would
like to have a word with you.  They have different presentation which
yields to different functionality: if it's important to tell a user
Hey, you've been there before, then a button is entirely unsuitable,
while a hyperlink is designed precisely for that situation.
Hyperlinks change their presentation to indicate mouse focus
(nevermind the mouse cursor itself normally), buttons don't
necessarily do either[1].  Hyperlinks can certainly decay to become
button-like, but buttons cannot do everything hyperlinks can do.

Checkboxes and radio buttons are a much better rebuttal, as they
usually present almost the same API and expect the same model on
part of the application programmer.  It's the almost that kills us:
radio buttons only behave in the desired way when part of a button
group, forcing us to be cognizant of the fact we're creating radio
buttons (since we must create button groups as well).  Checkboxes
support tri-state functionality, and sometimes radiobuttons do as
well.  Pushbuttons do no such thing[2].

It'd be nice to be able to support the abstract notion of a button
and get what I wanted, but that requires guessing at intent and
computers are notoriously lousy at that.

 The fact that they look different has nothing to do with the

Actually it does, but they not only look different, they /behave/
differently.  Both in terms of how a user interacts with them, and in
terms of how we interact with them in code.

 More argumentative crap. Adam you are incapable of compromise or
 reason... or maybe both. Try more facts next time.

I'm not the one suggesting that the only difference between a
hyperlink and a button is how they are rendered, FFS man, have you
ever even used a modern GUI?  Are you posting from tin?


[1] Even when they do, it's not intended to be controlled by the
application.  Native button widgets have no real built-in support for
user-controlled styling on mouse focus, you'd have to do the drawing
yourself (at which point you might as well write a custom widget).
[2] I'm ignoring the UI problems with radio buttons and checkboxes, of
course.  Point is, even among things where the differences are subtle,
the differences have inescapable ramifications on the code I write.

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick
On Jan 18, 6:23 pm, Adam Skutt wrote:

 I'm not the one suggesting that the only difference between a
 hyperlink and a button is how they are rendered, FFS man, have you
 ever even used a modern GUI?

Yes i have logged many hours building GUI's... and from the comments
you've made so far... obviously more that you have! But your defiance
intrigues me. You still argue in the face of undeniable fact.

Ok, i will lower the bar a bit this time. They (the buttons) are
exactly the same thing except for a few superficial differences. Both
buttons wait for activity (either by pointer, or touch) and then
execute a linked block of code. The fact that hyper-link displays a
visual clue that it has been activated before is just superficial.
Heck a button displays a visual clue that it is a button and you are
not arguing that point?  And this moronic argument of :onhover
:visited, and :active is completely unfounded as buttons have
mouse events such as Enter and Leave, just to name a few.

Adam, it is now evident that your view of the world is, at best, a
superficial one. You are shallow and incapable of any coherent
abstract reasoning abilities. I genuinely hope this is due to some
emotional distress you are suffering and not a chronic condition,
because if not, you need to give some deep mediative thoughts to how
you are perceiving the world around you to heal your mind of this
improper processing. Being argumentative just for the sake of being
argumentative is a never ending cycle of foolishness. Now, at some
point earlier you had begin to display some coherency and insights. I
sure hope that behavior will return soon..?

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Corey Richardson
On 01/18/2011 07:53 PM, rantingrick wrote:
 On Jan 18, 6:23 pm, Adam Skutt wrote:
 Adam, it is now evident that your view of the world is, at best, a
 superficial one. You are shallow and incapable of any coherent
 abstract reasoning abilities. I genuinely hope this is due to some
 emotional distress you are suffering and not a chronic condition,
 because if not, you need to give some deep mediative thoughts to how
 you are perceiving the world around you to heal your mind of this
 improper processing. Being argumentative just for the sake of being
 argumentative is a never ending cycle of foolishness. Now, at some
 point earlier you had begin to display some coherency and insights. I
 sure hope that behavior will return soon..?

Because insulting others is completely how things get done. As to the
button/hyperlink, they may both share some common functionality and even
a common ancestor, they are different beings, otherwise they wouldn't be
two separate things. It may even be that a hyperlink is a type of
button, but that doesn't make a button a hyperlink. (Plant/tree,
rectangle/square type deal).

I for one am quite pleased with Tkinter up to this point. It allowed me
to come in with extremely minimal GUI experience, and make something
that worked with minimal effort. It was simple to understand, no
concepts of slots and signals to learn. A project I'm working on
requires PyQt, so I use PyQt. Is the fact that it's not in the stdlib a
detriment? No. I think Tkinter _should_ be in the stdlib because it's
simple. If something else were to take it's place I would hope that it
is as easy to learn/use as Tkinter is.

But I think this whole thread has gotten off topic. Why should Tkinter
be replaced? Why was it added there in the first place? What should
replace it, and why? Instead of arguing about little piddly details like
the difference between a button and a hyperlink, just stick to the task
at hand that you yourself presented.

My two cents,

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick
On Jan 18, 2:37 pm, Adam Skutt wrote:
 On Jan 18, 2:11 pm, rantingrick wrote:

  The entropy in GUIs has
  exploded exponentially and rendered them all useless.

 Only if you have no clue what you're talking about whatsoever.  You
 perceive them as useless because you're apparently incapable of
 understanding the simplest GUI precepts, nevermind APIs, which is why
 you've gone from Pure Python GUI to wxWidgets to this OpenGUI bullshit
 you're now espousing.  Desperately clinging to a position doesn't make
 you look intelligent.

 Plus, I'm not sure what entropy you're talking about, but I'm not
 seeing it.  MS continues to innovate, Apple continues to innovate,
 some portions of the Linux community do innovative things.  Though
 most people just want to put something together and call it a day, and
 the functionality provided by a lot of toolkits is beyond adequate for

Adam, i am speaking specifically about how multiplicity is ruining
everything. The multiplicity is entropy incarnate.  And selfishness
is the heathen prodigy of multiplicity.  What we have today is a zig
saw puzzle of GUI libraries. Not one of them can solve all the GUI
problems we have before us because of selfishness and lack of true
cooperation between the diverse parties. And to add insult to injury
none of the pieces where ever made so that they could mate correctly.
We have been the victims of you own selfishness and vanity begotten
directly from our fostering of multiplicity. Once you understand what
i am talking about, you will see how it applies to almost every system
we humans have ever created. And more disturbingly, how difficult it
will be to undo this backward facing inertia we have set in motion.
Years, decades, centuries have been lost due to nothing more than
selfishness. When will we see the light?

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Patty

- Original Message - 
From: Corey Richardson

Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

On 01/18/2011 07:53 PM, rantingrick wrote:

On Jan 18, 6:23 pm, Adam Skutt wrote:


Adam, it is now evident that your view of the world is, at best, a
superficial one. You are shallow and incapable of any coherent
abstract reasoning abilities. I genuinely hope this is due to some
emotional distress you are suffering and not a chronic condition,
because if not, you need to give some deep mediative thoughts to how
you are perceiving the world around you to heal your mind of this
improper processing. Being argumentative just for the sake of being
argumentative is a never ending cycle of foolishness. Now, at some
point earlier you had begin to display some coherency and insights. I
sure hope that behavior will return soon..?

Because insulting others is completely how things get done. As to the
button/hyperlink, they may both share some common functionality and even
a common ancestor, they are different beings, otherwise they wouldn't be
two separate things. It may even be that a hyperlink is a type of
button, but that doesn't make a button a hyperlink. (Plant/tree,
rectangle/square type deal).

I for one am quite pleased with Tkinter up to this point. It allowed me
to come in with extremely minimal GUI experience, and make something
that worked with minimal effort. It was simple to understand, no
concepts of slots and signals to learn. A project I'm working on
requires PyQt, so I use PyQt. Is the fact that it's not in the stdlib a
detriment? No. I think Tkinter _should_ be in the stdlib because it's
simple. If something else were to take it's place I would hope that it
is as easy to learn/use as Tkinter is.

But I think this whole thread has gotten off topic. Why should Tkinter
be replaced? Why was it added there in the first place? What should
replace it, and why? Instead of arguing about little piddly details like
the difference between a button and a hyperlink, just stick to the task
at hand that you yourself presented.

My two cents,

I agree with Corey - I also had very little experience with creating a GUI 
and using Tkinter combined with PIL plus a little help from various docs 
and getting a couple questions answered, I was pleased to find that it 
required very few actual lines of code to create a basic small window and 
display text and pictures that  I am happy with and I am sure I can use this 
small module as a base to expand on if I want to.




Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick
On Jan 18, 7:19 pm, Corey Richardson wrote:

 I for one am quite pleased with Tkinter up to this point. It allowed me
 to come in with extremely minimal GUI experience, and make something
 that worked with minimal effort. It was simple to understand, no
 concepts of slots and signals to learn.

I agree. I have written tons of code with Tkinter and i love both the
simplistic API and the geometry managers to name a few pros.

 If something else were to take it's place (Tkinter) I would hope that it
 is as easy to learn/use as Tkinter is.

I completely agree! And we should expect it to be even better!

 But I think this whole thread has gotten off topic. Why should Tkinter
 be replaced?

Well there are many good reasons and most are not apparent to those
with minimal to average Tkinter experience. My main beef with Tkinter
is that it is limited --both widget wise and extensible wise-- and
that we must recognize that web and mobile platforms are getting
bigger every day. We cannot ignore this fact. The GUI landscape is
changing fast and whilst desktop support will be needed for many years
to come, mobile and web must be addressed and addressed quickly!

 Why was it added there in the first place?

Well from what i understand (and feel free to correct me anyone) Guido
wanted a GUI both for batteries included and for ease of introductory
GUI programming. So he choose Tkinter because it would be both easy to
integrate and easy to use. And i totally agree with these ideas.
However that was circa 1990's and we are now in 2011. I think Tkinter
(whilst still quite useful) is well pasted it's prime. We must
consider keeping Pythons stdlib up to date. And doing that might mean
we need to make some very tough decisions. Guido brought about
Python3000 and i think he's on the right track, however more must be
done. Change while painful is always necessary. Change with the times
or get left behind.

 What should
 replace it, and why?

Well that seems to be the burning question. Now, after considering all
the options i can't see anything that truly moves us forward to were
we should be. I do think wx would be a move forward however only a
very *small* move in the larger scope of things. We need to think
bigger, we need to think of mobile and web interfaces if we want
Python to compete in the next 10 years. So when considering anything
we must consider all three.

 Instead of arguing about little piddly details like
 the difference between a button and a hyperlink, just stick to the task
 at hand that you yourself presented.

You are absolutely correct Corey. Thanks for getting us back on topic!


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Nick Stinemates
You make it very hard for me to take what you say seriously. I lurk on this
list and I have created a filter where emails from you go in to Spam.

Good luck.


On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 5:23 PM, rantingrick wrote:

 On Jan 18, 2:37 pm, Adam Skutt wrote:
  On Jan 18, 2:11 pm, rantingrick wrote:

   The entropy in GUIs has
   exploded exponentially and rendered them all useless.
  Only if you have no clue what you're talking about whatsoever.  You
  perceive them as useless because you're apparently incapable of
  understanding the simplest GUI precepts, nevermind APIs, which is why
  you've gone from Pure Python GUI to wxWidgets to this OpenGUI bullshit
  you're now espousing.  Desperately clinging to a position doesn't make
  you look intelligent.
  Plus, I'm not sure what entropy you're talking about, but I'm not
  seeing it.  MS continues to innovate, Apple continues to innovate,
  some portions of the Linux community do innovative things.  Though
  most people just want to put something together and call it a day, and
  the functionality provided by a lot of toolkits is beyond adequate for

 Adam, i am speaking specifically about how multiplicity is ruining
 everything. The multiplicity is entropy incarnate.  And selfishness
 is the heathen prodigy of multiplicity.  What we have today is a zig
 saw puzzle of GUI libraries. Not one of them can solve all the GUI
 problems we have before us because of selfishness and lack of true
 cooperation between the diverse parties. And to add insult to injury
 none of the pieces where ever made so that they could mate correctly.
 We have been the victims of you own selfishness and vanity begotten
 directly from our fostering of multiplicity. Once you understand what
 i am talking about, you will see how it applies to almost every system
 we humans have ever created. And more disturbingly, how difficult it
 will be to undo this backward facing inertia we have set in motion.
 Years, decades, centuries have been lost due to nothing more than
 selfishness. When will we see the light?


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick
On Jan 18, 7:39 pm, Patty wrote:
 I agree with Corey - I also had very little experience with creating a GUI
 and using Tkinter combined with PIL plus a little help from various docs
 and getting a couple questions answered, I was pleased to find that it
 required very few actual lines of code to create a basic small window and
 display text and pictures that  I am happy with and I am sure I can use this
 small module as a base to expand on if I want to.

Hello Patty and welcome to the debate,

I am happy to see the simplicity of Tkinter has helped moved you into
the joys of GUI programming. I remember my initial days with Tkinter
and i remember the delight in achieving my first small GUI utilities.

Like you, i love the simplistic nature of Tkinter and if TclTk had as
large a widget base and maturity as wxWidgets then we would be closer
to the 21st century GUI library that Python desperately needs. However
as i know --and you will find out over time-- Tkinter is greatly
lacking in very important widgets. Widgets that are part of every
major GUI app you could imagine.

If all you do is create utilities for yourself or small apps you can
get by with Tkinter just fine. However if you try to go any further
you will then realize the limits of TclTk --and not Tkinter-- are
really the culprits behind the scenes.

But again, all this is moot because as this debate has evolved so too
has my understanding of where we need to be focusing or efforts -- and
*desktop only* is not going to cut it for the future of Python's std-
GUI-lib. We need to take a step back and see the larger picture.
Currently we have our heads stuck in the vacuum of python land,
however this GUI problem is much, much larger!

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Corey Richardson
On 01/18/2011 08:41 PM, rantingrick wrote:
 On Jan 18, 7:19 pm, Corey Richardson wrote:
 I for one am quite pleased with Tkinter up to this point. It allowed me
 to come in with extremely minimal GUI experience, and make something
 that worked with minimal effort. It was simple to understand, no
 concepts of slots and signals to learn.
 I agree. I have written tons of code with Tkinter and i love both the
 simplistic API and the geometry managers to name a few pros.
 If something else were to take it's place (Tkinter) I would hope that it
 is as easy to learn/use as Tkinter is.
 I completely agree! And we should expect it to be even better!

What out there is there that meets those requirements?
 But I think this whole thread has gotten off topic. Why should Tkinter
 be replaced?
 Well there are many good reasons and most are not apparent to those
 with minimal to average Tkinter experience. My main beef with Tkinter
 is that it is limited --both widget wise and extensible wise-- and
 that we must recognize that web and mobile platforms are getting
 bigger every day. We cannot ignore this fact. The GUI landscape is
 changing fast and whilst desktop support will be needed for many years
 to come, mobile and web must be addressed and addressed quickly!

Mobile and web certainly have their place, but it Python the place for
it? Sure, Python can be used as the back-end of web sites, but not up
front like Java or Flash (aside from Jython). Especially mobile. Python
was not intended for a mobile platform not should it be made to fit that
niche. Python has its place, but your cell phone is not it.
 What should
 replace it, and why?
 Well that seems to be the burning question. Now, after considering all
 the options i can't see anything that truly moves us forward to were
 we should be. I do think wx would be a move forward however only a
 very *small* move in the larger scope of things. We need to think
 bigger, we need to think of mobile and web interfaces if we want
 Python to compete in the next 10 years. So when considering anything
 we must consider all three.

From that, it appears we need to:
1. Replace Tkinter with something more modern and feature-complete, but
just as easy to use.
2. Add a web framework/web-GUI

As a web interface are you thinking something like Java's Swing or
something like Django?

Given the above, what do you guys (python-list, not just rantingrick)
think fills the spot the best?

Would these items inclusion in the stdlib entail unnecessary cruft added
on to the size of the stdlib, are they completely cross-platform (as far
as Python itself is)?

Let's try not to get off track like this thing has been since it was
started. Either get things done or shut up ;-). I think this is almost
ready to split into a real thread, not just a giant cyclic argument
that this thread has been.


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick
On Jan 18, 7:59 pm, Corey Richardson wrote:
 On 01/18/2011 08:41 PM, rantingrick wrote:

 From that, it appears we need to:

 1. Replace Tkinter with something more modern and feature-complete, but
 just as easy to use.
 2. Add a web framework/web-GUI

That would be a HUGE step in the correct direction. It would not solve
all our problems however its a start. Like i mentioned earlier with
Tkinter it is fact that sooner or later you will come up against the
glass ceiling. At that point your only alternative is to toss away
everything you have learned/written and re-learn another GUI library
like wxPython. This is what bothers me most about Tkinter. It just
sums to wasted time and energy. If we had a simplistic wxGUI in the
stdlib, when you hit the ceiling and need to go further you could then
scale nicely to the feature richness of wxPython as a 3rd party
download -- WITHOUT relearning/rewriting everything!

 Given the above, what do you guys (python-list, not just rantingrick)
 think fills the spot the best?

Well i hope some heavy weights weigh in however i must tell you that
it don't happen very often.


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Corey Richardson
On 01/18/2011 09:16 PM, rantingrick wrote:
 On Jan 18, 7:59 pm, Corey Richardson wrote:
 On 01/18/2011 08:41 PM, rantingrick wrote:
 From that, it appears we need to:

 1. Replace Tkinter with something more modern and feature-complete, but
 just as easy to use.
 2. Add a web framework/web-GUI
 That would be a HUGE step in the correct direction. It would not solve
 all our problems however its a start. Like i mentioned earlier with
 Tkinter it is fact that sooner or later you will come up against the
 glass ceiling. At that point your only alternative is to toss away
 everything you have learned/written and re-learn another GUI library
 like wxPython. This is what bothers me most about Tkinter. It just
 sums to wasted time and energy. If we had a simplistic wxGUI in the
 stdlib, when you hit the ceiling and need to go further you could then
 scale nicely to the feature richness of wxPython as a 3rd party
 download -- WITHOUT relearning/rewriting everything!

You mentioned having a segment of wxPython in the stdlib earlier. If
this actually feasible from a legal standpoint, and would the
maintainers of wxPython be willing to put it in the stdlib? Not to
mention the wonderful people over at python-dev.

Why would you add in only a part of wxPython, instead of all of it? Is
the work to cut it down really an advantage over the size of the full
toolkit? From what I just checked, the source tarball is 40MB. Can that
much really be added to the Python stdlib? What other alternatives are
there, besides wxPython, that are perhaps a bit smaller.

 Given the above, what do you guys (python-list, not just rantingrick)
 think fills the spot the best?
 Well i hope some heavy weights weigh in however i must tell you that
 it don't happen very often.


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread Adam Skutt
On Jan 18, 8:59 pm, Corey Richardson wrote:

  I completely agree! And we should expect it to be even better!

 What out there is there that meets those requirements?

Nothing, and I somewhat doubt there ever will be.  Tk is somewhat of
an anomaly at this point.  Most of the trend in GUI toolkits is to
become more HTML/JS/CSS like in nature, which isn't something I
personally agree with.  I certainly don't think   it makes life any
easier for the programmer, especially starting out.  It might make
certain types of applications (e.g., CRUD) easier, but that's not a
laudable goal in the least.

 Mobile and web certainly have their place, but it Python the place for
 it? Sure, Python can be used as the back-end of web sites, but not up
 front like Java or Flash (aside from Jython). Especially mobile. Python
 was not intended for a mobile platform not should it be made to fit that
 niche. Python has its place, but your cell phone is not it.

I don't think that's true per se, but I don't think it's relevant.  A
single GUI toolkit for traditional computers, for web, and mobile is a
difficult task, one that no one has accomplished.  MS has gotten
closest, and I'd hesitate to call Silverlight a success. Plus,
Silverlight is plugin-based rich applications (ala Flash), not HTML/
CSS/Javascript which is what most people mean/want for the web.

Adding HTML/CSS/Javascript to the mix takes the problem from bad to
awful, in my opinion.  I'm sure the various Pyjamas users might take
issue with that, but what works best inside a web browser (with its
various enforced limitations) isn't what works best inside a client-
side application (be it web delivered or not).

 As a web interface are you thinking something like Java's Swing or
 something like Django?

You pretty clearly need both.  There are times when web pages are what
I want, there are times when they are inadequate and I need more
functionality.  You certainly don't want either Swing or Django,

 Given the above, what do you guys (python-list, not just rantingrick)
 think fills the spot the best?

Nothing, but I'm not even convinced the spot needs to be filled.
Certainly no one's made an actual case for why, much less how.
Regardless, if it's really what you want, you'd have to write it
yourself.  Personally, while Silverlight has some interesting ideas,
I'd recommend not using it as a base, especially if Python is your
target language.

 Would these items inclusion in the stdlib entail unnecessary cruft added
 on to the size of the stdlib, are they completely cross-platform (as far
 as Python itself is)?

Depends on exactly what you do, but you'd likely end up no bigger
than .NET or Java.  I'll leave it to others to decide whether that's a
good or bad thing.

 Let's try not to get off track like this thing has been since it was

That was and rantingrick's goal from the get go and still is his goal.
Otherwise, he wouldn't have changed his position three times now and
be overdue for a fourth.  Otherwise, he would have answered my / your
question about why bother putting a minimized version of wxWidgets in
the standard library by now as opposed to the whole damn thing.  He
dodges technical questions because he lacks even the most elementary
understanding.  He'll do the same to you and only offer absurd
platitudes and insults in return, as opposed to actual working
technical solutions.  Hell, he can't even offer up a consistent
problem to solve, and he's honestly over do for changing it


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick
On Jan 18, 8:27 pm, Corey Richardson wrote:

 You mentioned having a segment of wxPython in the stdlib earlier. If
 this actually feasible from a legal standpoint, and would the
 maintainers of wxPython be willing to put it in the stdlib? Not to
 mention the wonderful people over at python-dev.

This might come as a shock to you, but it really doesn't matter what
the wxPython folks think about the inclusion of wxPython into the
stdlib. If they are against it (or simply don't care) then they can
continue to focus their efforts on the full version. No harm done,
really. As far as python-dev is concerned -- it does matter! However
if the community wants change, and makes enough noise, they will have
no choice either. ;)

 Why would you add in only a part of wxPython, instead of all of it?

see my next answer for detail...

 the work to cut it down really an advantage over the size of the full
 toolkit? From what I just checked, the source tarball is 40MB. Can that
 much really be added to the Python stdlib?

40MB is far too big. Much of wxPython is thousands of widgets that
have no buisness in the stdlib. We only want a very limited set (much
like what Tkinter is composed of now) and then for the people who want
to create professional GUI's they can download the full 40MB. The
great advantage here is scalability. Tkinter cannot do this. And
anybody who alludes to this is a liar.

  What other alternatives are
 there, besides wxPython, that are perhaps a bit smaller.

Well i am open to any and all alternatives. However no many have been
brought forward. My dream would be to have something completely python
based, although i realize that the work involved is far too enormous.
So we must build from something that already exists. Nothing is really
perfect. WxPython IS NOT perfect however it is a step forward.

As far as alternative here is a list...

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-18 Thread rantingrick
On Jan 18, 8:43 pm, Adam Skutt wrote:

 That was and rantingrick's goal from the get go and still is his goal.
 Otherwise, he wouldn't have changed his position three times now and
 be overdue for a fourth.  Otherwise, he would have answered my / your
 question about why bother putting a minimized version of wxWidgets in
 the standard library by now as opposed to the whole damn thing.  

You know Adam i was just begining to like you again ;). I HAVE
answered that question a many, many times and if you actually take the
time to read my posts AND comprhend them you would have found that
answer by now. psst! Just recently i answered it again. And no, i will
not quote myself for your convince. Get off your lazy butt and find it

[...snip: Character assassination ...]


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