Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 22 Jan 2006 17:15:21 -0500, val bykoski wrote:

 The existing (formal) language, being helpful, was created 
 hundreds years ago and of course needs an update.

How does this follow? Why does something need to be updated *just* because
it was created hundreds of years ago? Isn't it more likely that having
passed the test of time, something that old is going to be better than
some untested, untried new invention?



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-22 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Paul Rubin wrote:

 signal processing, for example.  Perhaps it could be improved by being
 more explicit about what the reader needs to know, and giving
 references to other books where the prerequisites can be found.

There are lots of good explanations, graphs, diagrams and such things
in the margins (I'm a few pages further in the book now) but the main
course seems to be mathematical formulas. The author should reverse the
roles these presentations play, move the archaic math jargon to the
margin, or better to a separate latech document, suitable for those
unwilling to join the rest of humanity.

A separate Python library would be handy too, and if not in the main
text it could still be useful for those who lack training in obscure
scientific dialects and want to understand things without any agreed
upon beforehand gibberish that is mainly meant to exclude those not in
the guild.

 I also don't think presenting the math in Python would make things any
 easier conceptually.  The math in Sussman and Wisdom's Structure and
 Interpretation of Classical Mechanics is all presented in Scheme, but
 it's still the same math that's normally presented as equations, and
 you have to think just as hard to understand it.

The problem for me is that I recognize many of the used concepts, but
they seem to be deliberately put in cryptic greek letters and
undecipherable gibberish. It would not be necessary to present the math
in Python, any reasonably consistent kind of pseudocode (but not Scheme
or math notation) would made things a lot more clear to me.

Something on a related subject with a presentation I like a bit better
(but it has its problems too, while your book has more of these nice
explanations and stuff, although in the margin):

The authors of this book also seems to think we cannot do without
obscure math notation, something which I disagree with very much, but
at least they provide some pseudo code and some computer code,
unfortunately in C but still better than nothing. The text of the book
is not downloadable, but the algorithms source codes are.

All of the books writers seem to have not caught up with the idea of
hyperlinks and continue to dwell in neolithical paper dreams :-)

If they only woke up and let someone like me write some Visual Python
code to illustrate the algorithms or even let me just write Python
implementations of the algorithms to accompany the books, I'd probably
have work for years to come.

 Math is a beautiful subject, and is not at all secret or inaccessible.
 Try to broaden your horizons a bit ;-).

I hope you're not trying to outexpertize me. You seem to be thinking
that you know more about math than me, probably because you have a
formal education in the subject?

If so, you're proving my point, and thank you very much.



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-22 Thread val bykoski
Anton Vredegoor wrote:
 Paul Rubin wrote():


 All of the books writers seem to have not caught up with the idea of
 hyperlinks and continue to dwell in neolithical paper dreams :-)
 If they only woke up and let someone like me write some Visual Python
 code to illustrate the algorithms or even let me just write Python
 implementations of the algorithms to accompany the books, I'd probably
 have work for years to come.
Math is a beautiful subject, and is not at all secret or inaccessible.
Try to broaden your horizons a bit ;-).
 I hope you're not trying to outexpertize me. You seem to be thinking
 that you know more about math than me, probably because you have a
 formal education in the subject?
 If so, you're proving my point, and thank you very much.

Well, to me it is not a matter of formal education, or math, or Python.
There should be a *fresh thought/idea* how to handle the unknown 
reality.  The existing (formal) language, being helpful, was created 
hundreds years ago and of course needs an update.  But again, the point 
is not a new tool, even very flexible like Python.  I think the *direct* 
sensor/data-driven techniques based on parsing/understanding 
observations (images, fields, etc) might be a step in promising 
direction.  Any thoughts?

respectful-ly y'rs,

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-21 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Paul Rubin wrote:

 The first few pages are a review of probability theory but I think
 they assume you've seen it before.  The book's subject matter is more
 mathematical by nature than what most programmers deal with from day
 to day, and as such, the book is not for everyone.

And so the cycle repeats itself. We teach our students the world is all
about money, and sure enough, the world is all about money. If we would
continue to keep the interesting things away from most of the people,
by hiding it behind mathematical jargon we end up believing that
functional programming is connected to having a math degree and more
such self serving and self fullfilling prophecies.

An excellent book would break with this jargon advertising


but I'll give it one more try


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-21 Thread David H Wild
   Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But the real question is why it is that American publishers believe
 their readers are so lazy and ignorant that they require special
 translations of British books. I don't know anyone who has said I'm
 glad that I read the American edition of [Harry Potter/Discworld/pick
 your own example], it was much better than the British edition. Not
 even American fans.

Something which irritates me, along with many other British people, is a
book written in UK English, but which uses US spelling for the American
market. If people can understand the words, then the slight differences in
spelling shouldn't be a problem.

David Wild using RISC OS on broadband

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-21 Thread Paul Rubin
Anton Vredegoor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 And so the cycle repeats itself. We teach our students the world is all
 about money, and sure enough, the world is all about money. If we would
 continue to keep the interesting things away from most of the people,
 by hiding it behind mathematical jargon we end up believing that
 functional programming is connected to having a math degree and more
 such self serving and self fullfilling prophecies.

I don't think a math degree is needed to read that book, but you do
need to know some basic calculus and probability.  Maybe also some
abstract algebra since error correcting codes generally involve finite
field arithmetic.  The book doesn't cover those subjects starting from
scratch.  I don't think it can reasonably be expected to do so.  But
it's less math-intensive than most books I've looked at about digital
signal processing, for example.  Perhaps it could be improved by being
more explicit about what the reader needs to know, and giving
references to other books where the prerequisites can be found.

I also don't think presenting the math in Python would make things any
easier conceptually.  The math in Sussman and Wisdom's Structure and
Interpretation of Classical Mechanics is all presented in Scheme, but
it's still the same math that's normally presented as equations, and
you have to think just as hard to understand it.

Math is a beautiful subject, and is not at all secret or inaccessible.  
Try to broaden your horizons a bit ;-).

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-21 Thread Tom Anderson
Slow and to the pointless, but ...

On Wed, 18 Jan 2006, Terry Hancock wrote:

 On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 12:15:25 -0500
 Tim Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 More Britishisms are surviving in the Scholastic editions as the 
 series goes on, but as the list for Half-Blood Prince shows the editors 
 still make an amazing number of seemingly pointless changes: like:

UK:Harry smiled vaguely back
US:Harry smiled back vaguely

 I know you are pointing out the triviality of this, since both US and UK 
 English allow either placement -- but is it really preferred style in 
 the UK to put the adverb right before the verb?

For the meaning which i assume is meant here, no, i wouldn't have said so.

 In US English, the end of the clause (or the beginning) is probably more 

Same in British English (or at least, English English).

As Dave Hansen pointed out, Harry smiled vaguely back, means that the 
direction Harry was smiling was vaguely back - might have been a bit to 
the side or something.

 This actually gets back on topic ( ;-) ), because it might affect the 
 localization of a Python interactive fiction module I'm working on -- 
 it's a GUI to generate sentences that are comprehensible to the IF 

My guess would be that you're going to need something far more powerful 
than a localisation engine for this.

 Sally, gently put flower in basket


 Sally, put flower in basket gently

That example isn't as bad as the Rowling one (although the lack of 
articles is a bit odd); i think i'd only use the latter form if i wanted 
to put particular emphasis on the 'gently', particularly if it was as a 
modified repetition of a previous sentence:

Instructor: Sally, put a flower in the basket.
[Sally roughly puts the flower in the basket, crushing it]
Instructor: Sally, put a flower in the basket *gently*.

Your second construction isn't the equivalent of the Rowling sentence, 
though, where the adverb goes right after the verb; that would make it 
Sally, put gently the flower in the basket, which would be completely 
awful. Or maybe it would be Sally, put the flower gently in the basket, 
which would be fine, although a bit dated - has an admittedly euphonious 
1950s BBC English feel to it.


It's the 21st century, man - we rue _minutes_. -- Benjamin Rosenbaum

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-21 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 21:01:53 +, Tom Anderson wrote:

 As Dave Hansen pointed out, Harry smiled vaguely back, means that the 
 direction Harry was smiling was vaguely back - might have been a bit to 
 the side or something.

That's an extremely artificial interpretation of the sentence, even if it
is grammatically possible. Who talks about smiling in a physical
direction? Does anyone ever say He smiled forward or She smiled
north-by-north-east or She smiled to the side?

The only thing even close to what you're talking about is He smiled out
of the corner (or side) of his mouth -- not the same thing at all.

Smiled vaguely back is a clumsy construction, and any decent editor
should change it to smiled back vaguely regardless of whether they are
from the US or UK. But clumsy or not, you're really pushing the envelope
to get the interpretation that he smiled in a direction which was
vaguely back.

Yes, the sentence He smiled vaguely back is grammatically ambiguous, but
semantically can have only one meaning: he returned a smile, but his smile
was vague. 

He vaguely smiled back suffers the same fate. It too can imply that the
smile was vague, or that the smile was only vaguely in return. Both
interpretations are grammatically possible, but the second is semantically
dubious. A good editor from any country is supposed to weed out clumsy,
confusing sentences like that, and replace them with the grammatically
unambiguous equivalent he smiled back vaguely. This isn't a localisation
issue, it is a command of language issue.



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-20 Thread Juho Schultz
Bengt Richter wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 14:12:24 +0200, Juho Schultz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Last month I spent about an hour trying to explain why
a*2.5e-8 = x
raises a SyntaxError and why it should be written
x = a*2.5e-8
The guy who wrote the 1st line has MSc in Physics from Cambridge (UK).
In mathematics, there is no difference between the two lines.
 ISTM probable that his original equation was really saying
 assert a*2.5e-8 == x
 which is not very different from
 assert x == a*2.5e-8
 Did you mention that = is not == in python?
 I too would resist the idea that
 assert a*2.5e-8 == x
 should be written as
 x = a*2.5e-8
 Bengt Richter

He tried to assing 2.5e-8 times value of variable a to variable x.
It had nothing to do with testing equality or asserting.
It is just that he had absolutely no programming skills at all.
However, he is learning quite fast.

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-20 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Terry Hancock wrote:

 On 19 Jan 2006 13:57:06 +0100
 Anton Vredegoor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Some time ago I tried to 'sell' Python to a mathematician.
  The crucial point was that it was not (in standard Python)
  possible to have a matrix A and a matrix B and then do for
  A = A * B
  and have a matrix multiplication performed.

 Um, why not? I'm trying to think what would be the stumbling
 block. I don't use matrix multiplies much, but I have
 implemented 3D vector math so that * is the dot product
 and % is the cross product, which is pretty trivial to

Of course ! And to think that I even have used this trick a few times,
for example to implement set operations using long integers. I feel

In my defense I can only explain what happened. Four years ago (when I
knew a lot less of Python) I tried to use Numeric to do A*B for
matrices, but that resulted in something else than expected.

So I redefined the star operator by subclassing a *numeric python*
object but then it didn't work (the subclassing IIRC). Then it turned
out there was a Matrix module for Numeric that did exacly what was
asked, but by that time I was trying to understand Numeric by reading
the docs and 'selling Python' at the same time, which didn't work too
well ...

The main reason for that was that it was necessary to convince someone
not having any Python knowledge to install Python *and* some module
that I didn't know about and then that module needed *another* install
which I didn't know about, and the docs for Numeric were separate from
Python. Just too much at once.

I believe if I just had implemented matrix multiplication myself at the
time in plain Python I wouldn't have overcomplicated the matter in such
a way that I couldn't convince anyone else anymore :-)

So I got lost in Numerics complexities and that made me forget the
basic option.

By now I have used Numeric enough to make it likely that I could
explain its use to someone.

But even when I cured myself of this deficiency, the memory of failure
stayed in my head.

Witness a classic freudian fixation phenomenon in a Python learning
curve :-)

In order to prevent such mental damage for future Python programmers, I
propose to add a simple matrix multiplication module to the standard

 The only obstacle I've run into is that you can't
 (easily) define *new* operators and precedence levels.

 There *is* a trick for doing this that was posted on
 the list some time back, which involved overloading an
 operator to apply an operator:

 It would've allowed you to do something like this:

 a |dot| b
 a |cross| b

 or perhaps

 a dot b
 a cross b

 I don't remember where this is posted. The trick was in
 overloading the , , or | to interact specially with
 operator objects.

That's very nice. Thanks to you for mentioning this and to Jorge, who
provided the link to activestate for this recipe in another message.



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 03:20:04 -0800, Anton Vredegoor wrote:

 The old trick of 'but there are some things
 that cannot be expressed in any other way than by using formulas'
 doesn't get one many optimization points in my world.

Alas, your world is not as precise and accurate as the world of
mathematics. It isn't always about optimization: if you want
*correctness*, then sometimes you can't optimize for ease of
comprehension. As they say: Easy to understand, or correct: pick one.



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 14:12:24 +0200, Juho Schultz wrote:

 Because the intended audience is probably reads formulas better than
 they read Python. The 1st sentence of the Introduction: This book is 
 aimed at senior undergraduates and graduate students in Engineering, 
 Science, Mathematics and Computing.
 Last month I spent about an hour trying to explain why
 a*2.5e-8 = x
 raises a SyntaxError and why it should be written
 x = a*2.5e-8
 The guy who wrote the 1st line has MSc in Physics from Cambridge (UK).
 In mathematics, there is no difference between the two lines.

An hour???

No disrespect intended, but either you are really bad at explaining, or he
is really bad at listening. Thinking of some of the MSc's I've known,
especially those from Oxbridge, I'm guessing the second.

The interpreter does not have human intelligence, and requires a fixed
format. Equals sign does not represent equality, it represents
assignment, and the left hand side of the assignment must be a name, end
of story. Yes, it sucks that you can't write Python code in mathematics,
just like it sucks that you can't write English in French or Lisp in C.
Get over it.



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-20 Thread Paul Rubin
Anton Vredegoor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Returning to the original book, why did they write a lot of it (at
 least the first few pages until I gave up, after having trouble
 understanding formulas about concepts I have no such trouble with when
 framed in less jargonized from) in unintelligible mathemathical
 notation when there's Python?

The first few pages are a review of probability theory but I think
they assume you've seen it before.  The book's subject matter is more
mathematical by nature than what most programmers deal with from day
to day, and as such, the book is not for everyone.

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 15:04:51 +0100, Mikael Olofsson wrote:

 One question here is: Are US English and UK English different languages 
 or not? If they are, a translation is in place. If they are not, the 
 text should have been left as is. I guess the answer is:
 -Well, sort of...

That's the sort of question which you should be asking a linguist. I'm
told that linguists do NOT consider US English and UK English different
languages, but merely different variants of English.

And of course, standard UK English and standard US English are hardly
spoken by anyone in the UK or US respectively. Both countries have dozens
of different dialects and variants.

But the real question is why it is that American publishers believe their
readers are so lazy and ignorant that they require special translations
of British books. I don't know anyone who has said I'm glad that I read
the American edition of [Harry Potter/Discworld/pick your own example], it
was much better than the British edition. Not even American fans.



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-20 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-01-21, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 One question here is: Are US English and UK English different languages 
 or not? If they are, a translation is in place. If they are not, the 
 text should have been left as is. I guess the answer is:
 -Well, sort of...

 That's the sort of question which you should be asking a
 linguist. I'm told that linguists do NOT consider US English
 and UK English different languages, but merely different
 variants of English.

 And of course, standard UK English and standard US English
 are hardly spoken by anyone in the UK or US respectively. Both
 countries have dozens of different dialects and variants.

 But the real question is why it is that American publishers
 believe their readers are so lazy and ignorant that they
 require special translations of British books. I don't know
 anyone who has said I'm glad that I read the American edition
 of [Harry Potter/Discworld/pick your own example], it was much
 better than the British edition. Not even American fans.

The next thing you know, there are going to be American
translations of Jane Austin where a girl says to her sister 
dude, he is such a hottie! and she replies oh my god, for

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Intra-mural sports
  at   results are filtering
   visi.comthrough th' plumbing...

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-20 Thread Steve Holden
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 14:12:24 +0200, Juho Schultz wrote:
Because the intended audience is probably reads formulas better than
they read Python. The 1st sentence of the Introduction: This book is 
aimed at senior undergraduates and graduate students in Engineering, 
Science, Mathematics and Computing.

Last month I spent about an hour trying to explain why
a*2.5e-8 = x
raises a SyntaxError and why it should be written
x = a*2.5e-8
The guy who wrote the 1st line has MSc in Physics from Cambridge (UK).
In mathematics, there is no difference between the two lines.
 An hour???
 No disrespect intended, but either you are really bad at explaining, or he
 is really bad at listening. Thinking of some of the MSc's I've known,
 especially those from Oxbridge, I'm guessing the second.
 The interpreter does not have human intelligence, and requires a fixed
 format. Equals sign does not represent equality, it represents
 assignment, and the left hand side of the assignment must be a name, end
 of story. Yes, it sucks that you can't write Python code in mathematics,
 just like it sucks that you can't write English in French or Lisp in C.
 Get over it.
... and if that fails, try repeated application of the clue stick until 
enlightenment or unconsciousness ensues.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-20 Thread Paul Rubin
Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 The next thing you know, there are going to be American
 translations of Jane Austin where a girl says to her sister 
 dude, he is such a hottie! and she replies oh my god, for

I actually heard that the US film version of Pride and Prejudice
finished with a treacly happy-ending scene (unlike other countries'
versions, and the book).  I haven't confirmed this.

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-20 Thread Steve Holden
Grant Edwards wrote:
 On 2006-01-21, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
But the real question is why it is that American publishers
believe their readers are so lazy and ignorant that they
require special translations of British books. I don't know
anyone who has said I'm glad that I read the American edition
of [Harry Potter/Discworld/pick your own example], it was much
better than the British edition. Not even American fans.
 The next thing you know, there are going to be American
 translations of Jane Austin where a girl says to her sister 
 dude, he is such a hottie! and she replies oh my god, for
Like, gag me with a spoon, dude.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-20 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-01-21, Paul Rubin http wrote:

 The next thing you know, there are going to be American
 translations of Jane Austen where a girl says to her sister 
 dude, he is such a hottie! and she replies oh my god, for

 I actually heard that the US film version of Pride and Prejudice
 finished with a treacly happy-ending scene (unlike other countries'
 versions, and the book).  I haven't confirmed this.

It does. The movie ends with a scene that reminded me very much
of the end of John Hughes' Sixteen Candles[1] where the
couple (Elizibeth and Darcy) are sitting there at night in a
romantic setting looking at each other all googly-eyed saying
sweet things and then there's a nice long kiss.  Very un-Austen
I thought.  

IMO, it should have ended with the scene where Mr. Bennett said
to Mrs. Bennet that should any more young men come to propose
to his daughters to show them in.  Not really directly out of
the book, but it had the right feel to it.  I suppose if you
want to be more true to the book, you'd have to have a narrator
do a sort of general summing-up like Austen does in the last
chapter, but it would have been awkward to introduce a narrator
at that point.

[1] Not that I'm dissing Sixteen Candles.  I actally like that
movie quite a bit, but it's not pretending to be Jane Austen.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  I am a jelly donut. I
  at   am a jelly donut.

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Steve Holden
Roger Upole wrote:
 Alex Martelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I mean, when you read He sat on the chair do you need
to look up the dictionary to discover that chairs can
have arm rests or not, they can be made of wood or
steel or uphostered springs, be on legs or coasters,
fixed or movable? If it mattered, a good author will
tell you, and if it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

But if in their dialects of English chair strongly implies a hard,
straight-backed, no-arms sitting-device, they won't elaborate, even if
it DOES matter, exactly because it's already implied in the word they
used.  Not sure if this is true of any dialect of English, today, but it
might be in Italian (for sedia, the exact translation of chair).

So, you've just learned that He chose to sit in a chair rather than a
sofa; depending on subtle nuances of the English dialect used (varying
with time and space), this may have very different implications in
defining the character and mood of this individual...

 Hmm, and what if your context for chair was that unless you were
 to confess, you would be placed in a comfy one ?  And furthermore,
 what if you were told that while in this chair thing, you would be seeing
 the sketch about the penguin on the telly ?  Lets see, sketch means
 a rough line drawing, and the only telly I know of is Telly Savalas,
 but I'm fairly sure I know what a penguin is.
 So while in this chair I am to be shown a crudely drawn picture
 of a bald man with a fat flightless bird perched upon his overlarge head.
 Torture indeed .
No, not the comfy chair!
Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Paul Rubin wrote:

 For an absolutely amazing translation feat, try Michael Kandel's
 Polish-to-English translation of Stanislaw Lem's The Cyberiad.

Returning to the original book, why did they write a lot of it (at
least the first few pages until I gave up, after having trouble
understanding formulas about concepts I have no such trouble with when
framed in less jargonized from) in unintelligible mathemathical
notation when there's Python?

I prefer a nice Python function over some strange latech symbols. If
not Python there's always pseudo code or good old natural language.
Don't tell me those math formulas are what it 'really' is, or even that
it's more precise that way. The old trick of 'but there are some things
that cannot be expressed in any other way than by using formulas'
doesn't get one many optimization points in my world.



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Juho Schultz
Anton Vredegoor wrote:
 Returning to the original book, why did they write a lot of it (at
 least the first few pages until I gave up, after having trouble
 understanding formulas about concepts I have no such trouble with when
 framed in less jargonized from) in unintelligible mathemathical
 notation when there's Python?

Because the intended audience is probably reads formulas better than
they read Python. The 1st sentence of the Introduction: This book is 
aimed at senior undergraduates and graduate students in Engineering, 
Science, Mathematics and Computing.

Last month I spent about an hour trying to explain why
a*2.5e-8 = x
raises a SyntaxError and why it should be written
x = a*2.5e-8
The guy who wrote the 1st line has MSc in Physics from Cambridge (UK).
In mathematics, there is no difference between the two lines.

 I prefer a nice Python function over some strange latech symbols. If
 not Python there's always pseudo code or good old natural language.
 Don't tell me those math formulas are what it 'really' is, or even that
 it's more precise that way. The old trick of 'but there are some things
 that cannot be expressed in any other way than by using formulas'
 doesn't get one many optimization points in my world.

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Nicola Musatti

Tim Peters wrote:
 [Paul Rubin]
  I wouldn't have figured out that a car park was a parking lot.  I
  might have thought it was a park where you go to look at scenery from
  inside your car.  Sort of a cross between a normal park and a drive-in

 [Grant Edwards[
  That's a joke, right?

 Probably not, if Paul's American.  For example, here in the states we
 have Python Parks, where you go to look at scenery from inside your

They're actually one and the same thing:

Nicola Musatti

P.S. The way Google can find anything you look for, no matter how far
out, is sort of scary.


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Juho Schultz wrote:

 Last month I spent about an hour trying to explain why
 a*2.5e-8 = x
 raises a SyntaxError and why it should be written
 x = a*2.5e-8
 The guy who wrote the 1st line has MSc in Physics from Cambridge (UK).
 In mathematics, there is no difference between the two lines.

Some time ago I tried to 'sell' Python to a mathematician. The crucial
point was that it was not (in standard Python) possible to have a matrix
A and a matrix B and then do for example:

A = A * B

and have a matrix multiplication performed. Since the whole conversation
started because there was a need to use this notation for a standard
mathematics course this didn't result in adopting Python for it.

Meanwhile there has been some progress in Python use there, and of
course there are specialized Python packages that enable this kind of
notation, but it remains true that there *is* an abyss between computer
science and mathematics. Mathematics should change ;-) 

But that doesn't mean that I wouldn't like standard Python to have A*B 
for matrices.

The problem is that so called 'conventional' mathematical notations
leave many options for interpretation, depending on the context and on
mutual understanding between mathematicians, excluding
non-mathematicians very effectively.

A (Python) interpreter has no such problems and will allow precise
inspection of what is meant by a piece of code. It has additional
advantages in that it can function as a kind of mathematical
spellchecker for people like me who often miscode things.

Some mathematicians I know can write formulas page after page, while I,
if I were to write (or read) a page of formulas there would be at least
one mistake throwing me of course for the rest of the document, so that
I would need to go back again and again. 

Does that make me a bad mathematician or does it signify that
mathematical notation should change? For me the answer is clear, but
that could be because I can't read the stuff without the documentation,
and the documentation (mathematics) is considered to be known to
everyone (with a math education of course) but I doubt if that is really
the case and, even if it were the case it doesn't imply that being
explicit (in giving the procedures in computer and human readable form
at the same time, for example in Python) wouldn't be even better.


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Mikael Olofsson
Terry Hancock wrote:
Tim Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   UK:Harry smiled vaguely back
   US:Harry smiled back vaguely

Terry Hancock wrote:
 I know you are pointing out the triviality of this, since
 both US and UK English allow either placement -- but is it
 really preferred style in the UK to put the adverb right
 before the verb?  In US English, the end of the clause
 (or the beginning) is probably more common.

I appreciate your desire to put the thread on (Python) topic, but as I 
see this discussion, it really has to do with respect for the author, 
but also respect for the reader. The UK version is most likely the way 
the author intended it to be. Then that is the way the text should be, 
regardless if it is preferred style or not, under the assumption that 
English is English is English.

One question here is: Are US English and UK English different languages 
or not? If they are, a translation is in place. If they are not, the 
text should have been left as is. I guess the answer is:
-Well, sort of...
And that is probably the reason why opinions differ here, and also the 
reason why the American publisher has made some changes, but left most 
parts unchanged.

A related important question is: Does the US version communicate the 
same thing (meaning aswell as feeling) to the American reader as the UK 
version communicates to the British reader? That should always be the 
objective for any translator. It also means that if the author in the UK 
version uses non-standard UK English, then the US version should use 
non-standard US English.


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Mikael Olofsson wrote:

 A related important question is: Does the US version communicate the
 same thing (meaning aswell as feeling) to the American reader as the UK
 version communicates to the British reader? That should always be the
 objective for any translator.

fwiw, the Swedish Dan Brown translator fixed lots of glitches and 
without even checking with Brown; the sheer number of trivial errors made it ob-
vious to him that it wasn't some clever literary device; Brown had just been 

now, does a cleaned-up Brown communicate the same meaning/feeling to a Swede
(or other european) as an inaccurate Brown does to an American ?

has Brown's works been translated to British English, btw ?



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Ben
Hi Paul,

Dr MacKay was my information studies lecturer and 4th year degree
project mentor at university, about 5 years ago, and I think that this
book is basically the course notes we used then!

He is an excellent lecturer, and if the book is as good as the course,
it should be very interesting, particularly the error correcting stuff.

Very off topic I know, but it's always interesting when two areas of
interest collide (my time at university, and my love of python!)


Paul Rubin wrote:
 I came across this while looking up some data compression info today.

 David J.C. MacKay
 Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms

 Full text online:

 It's a really excellent book, on the level of SICP but about
 information theory, probability, error correcting codes, etc.  Very
 readable, and geeky (in a good way) at the same time.  The writing
 style is perhaps along the lines of Numerical Recipes, though the
 format is more conventional.

 The whole text is online as a pdf, which is very nice.  The printed
 version is somewhat expensive, but according to the following analysis
 it's a better bargain than Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone:


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Kent Johnson
Mikael Olofsson wrote:

 One question here is: Are US English and UK English different languages 
 or not? If they are, a translation is in place. If they are not, the 
 text should have been left as is. I guess the answer is:
 -Well, sort of...
 And that is probably the reason why opinions differ here, and also the 
 reason why the American publisher has made some changes, but left most 
 parts unchanged.

The company I work for sells computer-based training courses. We 
consider UK English to be a separate localization and sell some courses 
in both US and UK versions.


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Dave Hansen
On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 15:04:51 +0100 in comp.lang.python, Mikael
Olofsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Terry Hancock wrote:
Tim Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   UK:Harry smiled vaguely back
   US:Harry smiled back vaguely

Terry Hancock wrote:
 I know you are pointing out the triviality of this, since
 both US and UK English allow either placement -- but is it
 really preferred style in the UK to put the adverb right
 before the verb?  In US English, the end of the clause
 (or the beginning) is probably more common.

Indeed, the UK version (stripped of context) means something
completely different than the US (vaguely modifies back rather
than smiled.).  At least, to this American.

I appreciate your desire to put the thread on (Python) topic, but as I 
see this discussion, it really has to do with respect for the author, 
but also respect for the reader. The UK version is most likely the way 
the author intended it to be. Then that is the way the text should be, 
regardless if it is preferred style or not, under the assumption that 
English is English is English.

I've not read any of the books, but from the critiques I've read,
Rowling's skills as a writer in no way match (and indeed, often
interfere with) her gifts as a storyteller.

Sometimes a writer needs an editor.


Change is inevitable, progress is not.

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Terry Hancock
On 19 Jan 2006 13:57:06 +0100
Anton Vredegoor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Some time ago I tried to 'sell' Python to a mathematician.
 The crucial point was that it was not (in standard Python)
 possible to have a matrix A and a matrix B and then do for
 A = A * B
 and have a matrix multiplication performed.

Um, why not? I'm trying to think what would be the stumbling
block. I don't use matrix multiplies much, but I have
implemented 3D vector math so that * is the dot product
and % is the cross product, which is pretty trivial to

The only obstacle I've run into is that you can't
(easily) define *new* operators and precedence levels.

There *is* a trick for doing this that was posted on
the list some time back, which involved overloading an
operator to apply an operator:

It would've allowed you to do something like this:

a |dot| b
a |cross| b

or perhaps

a dot b
a cross b

I don't remember where this is posted. The trick was in
overloading the , , or | to interact specially with
operator objects.

Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Jorge Godoy
Terry Hancock [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I don't remember where this is posted. The trick was in
 overloading the , , or | to interact specially with
 operator objects.


Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
- Qualquer coisa dita em latim soa profundo.
- Anything said in Latin sounds smart.

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Terry Hancock
On Wed, 18 Jan 2006 18:31:35 -0800
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) wrote:

 Terry Hancock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Nothing at all. But I still prefer tales of people who
   have hacked their  DVD players to be multi-region :-)
  It isn't illegal in Canada anyway.  And yes, it would be
  possible for me to pay a very high price to get a
  region-free player in the USA, but I'm certainly not
  going to. 
 Me neither!  I got mine for about $50 from a well-rated
 web merchant, as I recall -- is that what you mean by a
 very high price?

My information may be out of date, but while I certainly
feel there is nothing wrong with such a purchase, I think it
may in fact be illegal.  It doesn't sound like the seller is
paying the royalty fees required to provide for all regions
(they would be guilty of patent infringement, AFAIK).

In many cases, these are actually after-market
modifications, which may be illegal.

Of course, you should rest assured that it is not *you* who
is breaking the law in this case. As with pirated tapes
and DVDs, it is the distributor, not the purchaser who can
be prosecuted.

There is also the point, that if the seller is not in the
USA, they may be outside the jurisdiction of such laws, yet
it may still be legal to import the products.

But, IANAL, and this is one of the stickiest areas of the
law, so I should hesitate even to speculate what the truth
is here.

It is also possible that the aforementioned royalty fees
have been reduced since I last checked into this stuff.

None of which changes my opinion that region coding is an
evil conspiracy or that the DMCA is just plain wrong.

Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread David H Wild
   Mikael Olofsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One question here is: Are US English and UK English different languages 
 or not?

A few years ago I was in a French bookshop in London. On the counter was a
leaflet advertising recent translations; some were from the English and
others from the American. :-))

David Wild using RISC OS on broadband

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-01-19, David H Wild [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Mikael Olofsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One question here is: Are US English and UK English different languages 
 or not?

 A few years ago I was in a French bookshop in London. On the counter was a
 leaflet advertising recent translations; some were from the English and
 others from the American. :-))

I guess I'm bilingual after all!  

What the hell, though perhaps not fluent enough to be confused
with a native, I can get by in Australian as well.  I'm going
to start claiming I'm trilingual.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  .. I don't understand
  at   the HUMOR of the THREE

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Bengt Richter
On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 14:12:24 +0200, Juho Schultz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Anton Vredegoor wrote:
 Returning to the original book, why did they write a lot of it (at
 least the first few pages until I gave up, after having trouble
 understanding formulas about concepts I have no such trouble with when
 framed in less jargonized from) in unintelligible mathemathical
 notation when there's Python?

Because the intended audience is probably reads formulas better than
they read Python. The 1st sentence of the Introduction: This book is 
aimed at senior undergraduates and graduate students in Engineering, 
Science, Mathematics and Computing.

Last month I spent about an hour trying to explain why
a*2.5e-8 = x
raises a SyntaxError and why it should be written
x = a*2.5e-8
The guy who wrote the 1st line has MSc in Physics from Cambridge (UK).
In mathematics, there is no difference between the two lines.

ISTM probable that his original equation was really saying
assert a*2.5e-8 == x
which is not very different from
assert x == a*2.5e-8

Did you mention that = is not == in python?
I too would resist the idea that
assert a*2.5e-8 == x
should be written as
x = a*2.5e-8

Bengt Richter

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread Steve Holden
Terry Hancock wrote:
 On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 13:28:15 +
 Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Grant Edwards wrote:

Very interesting.  And rather sad that editors think the
average Amermican reader too dim-witted to figure out
(in context, even) that a car park is a parking lot
and a dustbin is a trash can.

They know that the average American could work it out.
They also know  that the average American doesn't like to
do anything remotely like hard  thinking, hence they make
these changes so the books don't read like  foreign
 I'll pass on the snobbery.
I don't know what snobbery is involved: the same is true of the average 
English reader, but the book was written in English.

 The real reason is that it was an expensively promoted
 book. Customizing it for an American audience was a way to
 suck money out of that flow into the pockets of the
 American publisher. In order to justify that expense, they
 have to have something to show for their efforts.
 Or if you want to put it another way, if you pay somebody
 to fiddle with the prose, fiddle they will.
If you say so. Stranger things have happened.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-01-18, Paul Rubin  wrote:
 Terry Hancock [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Very interesting.  And rather sad that editors think the
   average Amermican reader too dim-witted to figure out
   (in context, even) that a car park is a parking lot
   and a dustbin is a trash can.
 The real reason is that it was an expensively promoted
 book. Customizing it for an American audience was a way to
 suck money out of that flow into the pockets of the
 American publisher. In order to justify that expense, they
 have to have something to show for their efforts.

 I wouldn't have figured out that a car park was a parking lot.  I
 might have thought it was a park where you go to look at scenery from
 inside your car.  Sort of a cross between a normal park and a drive-in


That's a joke, right?

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Have my two-tone,
  at   1958 Nash METRO brought

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread Tim Peters
[Paul Rubin]
 I wouldn't have figured out that a car park was a parking lot.  I
 might have thought it was a park where you go to look at scenery from
 inside your car.  Sort of a cross between a normal park and a drive-in

[Grant Edwards[

 That's a joke, right?

Probably not, if Paul's American.  For example, here in the states we
have Python Parks, where you go to look at scenery from inside your

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread Alex Martelli
Rocco Moretti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alex Martelli wrote:
  Terry Hancock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 due to the Evil Conspiracy of region-coding, I couldn't
 watch the British DVD even if I were to import it (Well,
 yeah I could, but it would be painful, and probably illegal,
  I have a region-free DVD player here in CA --
 N.B.: CA, in addition to being the postal abbreviation for the US state
 of California, is also the the two-letter country code for Canada. In an
 international forum such as this, confusion may result, especially as
 Legal in California and Legal in Canada are slightly different.

You're right - guess I'm going native!-)  I did mean California.


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread Rocco Moretti
Alex Martelli wrote:
 Terry Hancock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
due to the Evil Conspiracy of region-coding, I couldn't
watch the British DVD even if I were to import it (Well,
yeah I could, but it would be painful, and probably illegal,
 I have a region-free DVD player here in CA --

N.B.: CA, in addition to being the postal abbreviation for the US state 
of California, is also the the two-letter country code for Canada. In an 
international forum such as this, confusion may result, especially as 
Legal in California and Legal in Canada are slightly different.

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread Christopher Subich
Tim Peters wrote:
 Probably not, if Paul's American.  For example, here in the states we
 have Python Parks, where you go to look at scenery from inside your

As an American residing in Canada, I'll say that Python Parks are only 
fun if they spring for hydro -- otherwise it's kind of dark.

Parse that, non-Canadians. :)

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread Terry Hancock
On Wed, 18 Jan 2006 07:58:10 +
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Terry Hancock wrote:
  On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 13:28:15 +
  Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 They know that the average American could work it out.
 They also know  that the average American doesn't like
 to do anything remotely like hard  thinking, hence they
 make these changes so the books don't read like 
 foreign literature.
  I'll pass on the snobbery.
 I don't know what snobbery is involved: the same is true
 of the average  English reader, but the book was written
 in English.

My apologies, then, I thought you were making a
nationalist remark. I'll agree that people in general
are lazy. ;-)

Getting overly sensitive, I guess:  Once your country goes
and violates international conventions and UN sanctions,
invades foreign countries who haven't attacked it, and
starts taking political prisoners, spies on
its own citizens, punishes dissent against the ruling party,
and starts torturing people, everybody thinks they have a
right to criticize you on every nitpicking little thing!

I wish I was kidding about all of that.

Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread Steve Holden
Terry Hancock wrote:
 On Wed, 18 Jan 2006 07:58:10 +
 Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Terry Hancock wrote:

On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 13:28:15 +
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

They know that the average American could work it out.
They also know  that the average American doesn't like

to do anything remotely like hard  thinking, hence they
make these changes so the books don't read like 
foreign literature.

I'll pass on the snobbery.

I don't know what snobbery is involved: the same is true
of the average  English reader, but the book was written
in English.
 My apologies, then, I thought you were making a
 nationalist remark. I'll agree that people in general
 are lazy. ;-)
 Getting overly sensitive, I guess:  Once your country goes
 and violates international conventions and UN sanctions,
 invades foreign countries who haven't attacked it, and
 starts taking political prisoners, spies on
 its own citizens, punishes dissent against the ruling party,
 and starts torturing people, everybody thinks they have a
 right to criticize you on every nitpicking little thing!
 I wish I was kidding about all of that.
So the only thing you (the USA) lack is the hundreds of years of 
experience at those activities that Britain has. Sometimes I wonder 
whose name governments *do* govern in.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-01-18, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Getting overly sensitive, I guess:  Once your country goes
 and violates international conventions and UN sanctions,
 invades foreign countries who haven't attacked it, and
 starts taking political prisoners, spies on
 its own citizens, punishes dissent against the ruling party,
 and starts torturing people, everybody thinks they have a
 right to criticize you on every nitpicking little thing!
 I wish I was kidding about all of that.

 So the only thing you (the USA) lack is the hundreds of years
 of experience at those activities that Britain has.

Just wait.  

I hear that Cheney is having a tower built alongside the
Potomac river. As soon as they figure out what the GS rating
for royal executioner is going to be, they can start
scheduling the public beheadings.  The only question left is
how much Fox News will pay for exclusive broadcast rights.

 Sometimes I wonder whose name governments *do* govern in.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Catsup and Mustard
  at   all over the place! It's
   visi.comthe Human Hamburger!

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread Terry Hancock
On Wed, 18 Jan 2006 07:55:50 +
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alex Martelli wrote:
  Terry Hancock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 due to the Evil Conspiracy of region-coding, I couldn't
 watch the British DVD even if I were to import it (Well,
 yeah I could, but it would be painful, and probably
  I have a region-free DVD player here in CA --
  considering that I brought with me a hundred or more
  DVDs from the old country, and I get as many more here
  in shops or via netflix, I really couldn't do without. 
  I legally ordered it on the web and it was legally
  delivered.  What's illegal about it?!
 Nothing at all. But I still prefer tales of people who
 have hacked their  DVD players to be multi-region :-)

It isn't illegal in Canada anyway.  And yes, it would be
possible for me to pay a very high price to get a
region-free player in the USA, but I'm certainly not going

IMHO, region coding is an immoral abuse of the economy
-- the corporation that produces the video benefits from
cost-savings resulting from the globalization of the labor
market, but then uses cryptography to prevent the consumer
from benefitting from the same globalization.

If it were just a matter of breaking cryptography, though,
that wouldn't be such a big deal: they write it, we break
it. Tough cookies.

But the US has made that illegal -- even when it is a
practical necessity to exercise fair use rights on
legally-purchased media.  I am disgusted by that.

Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread Roger Upole

Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Terry Hancock [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Very interesting.  And rather sad that editors think the
   average Amermican reader too dim-witted to figure out
   (in context, even) that a car park is a parking lot
   and a dustbin is a trash can.
 The real reason is that it was an expensively promoted
 book. Customizing it for an American audience was a way to
 suck money out of that flow into the pockets of the
 American publisher. In order to justify that expense, they
 have to have something to show for their efforts.

 I wouldn't have figured out that a car park was a parking lot.  I
 might have thought it was a park where you go to look at scenery from
 inside your car.  Sort of a cross between a normal park and a drive-in

Just as another isolated data point, the first time I saw the
expression car park, I went and looked it up.  Even
though from the context the meaning seemed obvious,
I was left with some doubts as to whether it might have
some more specific connotations.  For instance, it could
have referred to a metered lot, or to a parking garage
with time tickets, or even some kind of valet parking.

Often, assuming that the obvious literal meaning
is correct can have hilarious (or disastrous!) results.


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News== The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 100,000 
---= East/West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread Terry Hancock
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 12:15:25 -0500
Tim Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You should enjoy:
 and especially the links near the bottom to
 try-to-be-exhaustive listings of all differences between
 the Bloomsbury (UK) and Scholastic (US) editions.  More
 Britishisms are surviving in the Scholastic editions as
 the series goes on, but as the list for Half-Blood Prince
 shows the editors still make an amazing number of
 seemingly pointless changes:
UK:Harry smiled vaguely back
US:Harry smiled back vaguely

I know you are pointing out the triviality of this, since
both US and UK English allow either placement -- but is it
really preferred style in the UK to put the adverb right
before the verb?  In US English, the end of the clause
(or the beginning) is probably more common.

This actually gets back on topic ( ;-) ), because it might
affect the localization of a Python interactive fiction
module I'm working on -- it's a GUI to generate sentences
that are comprehensible to the IF engine.  My base locale
(which would be en or maybe en_US) uses the order:

subj verb dobj prep iobj advb
(subject) (verb) (direct object) (preposition) (indirect
object) (adverb).

The order is forced by the GUI, for usability reasons, but
I'm planning to make it part of the localization. (For
example I currently imagine the Japanese locale would use:
subj dobj prep advb verb with preposition glossed as
particle, which is usually pretty accurate).

Using a meaningful adverb at all is kind of unusual, but it
mates fairly well with new fuzzy logic concepts inside in
the IF engine.  I stuck the adverb at the end as the most
natural sounding place to my ear.

Should the locale en_UK use instead:

subj advb verb dobj prep iobj



Sally, gently put flower in basket


Sally, put flower in basket gently

 Non-English translations have real challenges, and because
 this series is more popular than the Python Reference
 Manual these days, there's a lot of fascinating info to be
 found.  For example, I think the Japanese translator
 deserves a Major Award for their heroic attempt to
 translate Ron's Uranus pun:

That's a terrific site, BTW, thanks for posting it.


Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread Alex Martelli
Terry Hancock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Nothing at all. But I still prefer tales of people who
  have hacked their  DVD players to be multi-region :-)
 It isn't illegal in Canada anyway.  And yes, it would be
 possible for me to pay a very high price to get a
 region-free player in the USA, but I'm certainly not going

Me neither!  I got mine for about $50 from a well-rated web merchant, as
I recall -- is that what you mean by a very high price?


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Roger Upole wrote:

I wouldn't have figured out that a car park was a parking lot.  I
might have thought it was a park where you go to look at scenery from
inside your car.  Sort of a cross between a normal park and a drive-in
 Just as another isolated data point, the first time I saw the
 expression car park, I went and looked it up.  Even
 though from the context the meaning seemed obvious,
 I was left with some doubts as to whether it might have
 some more specific connotations.  For instance, it could
 have referred to a metered lot, or to a parking garage
 with time tickets, or even some kind of valet parking.

But a car park can be any one of those things, or 
something else such as an unmetered lot.



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread Roger Upole

Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Roger Upole wrote:

I wouldn't have figured out that a car park was a parking lot.  I
might have thought it was a park where you go to look at scenery from
inside your car.  Sort of a cross between a normal park and a drive-in

 Just as another isolated data point, the first time I saw the
 expression car park, I went and looked it up.  Even
 though from the context the meaning seemed obvious,
 I was left with some doubts as to whether it might have
 some more specific connotations.  For instance, it could
 have referred to a metered lot, or to a parking garage
 with time tickets, or even some kind of valet parking.

 But a car park can be any one of those things, or something else such as an 
 unmetered lot.


And this is exactly my point.  Without already knowing
that it's used as a general term, one doesn't know just
what the expression implies (or doesn't imply).


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News== The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ 
= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Roger Upole wrote:

I wouldn't have figured out that a car park was a parking lot.  I
might have thought it was a park where you go to look at scenery from
inside your car.  Sort of a cross between a normal park and a drive-in

Just as another isolated data point, the first time I saw the
expression car park, I went and looked it up.  Even
though from the context the meaning seemed obvious,
I was left with some doubts as to whether it might have
some more specific connotations.  For instance, it could
have referred to a metered lot, or to a parking garage
with time tickets, or even some kind of valet parking.

But a car park can be any one of those things, or something else such as an 
unmetered lot.

 And this is exactly my point.  Without already knowing
 that it's used as a general term, one doesn't know just
 what the expression implies (or doesn't imply).

And you won't get that from the dictionary, only from 
context. And having got the context, you don't need the 
dictionary definition to know whether it is paid or 
unpaid or even whether it matters.

I mean, when you read He sat on the chair do you need 
to look up the dictionary to discover that chairs can 
have arm rests or not, they can be made of wood or 
steel or uphostered springs, be on legs or coasters, 
fixed or movable? If it mattered, a good author will 
tell you, and if it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

I cheer your willingness to look unfamiliar words in 
the dictionary, no sarcasm implied, but the dictionary 
rarely gives you either context or connotations (see 
the difference between describing somebody as wearing 
sensible shoes and practical shoes).



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Terry Hancock wrote:
 I find that bizarre.  There is no mythological
 basis for a Sourceror's Stone, but the Philosopher's
 Stone, was of course the mythical Alchemists' goal of a
 catalyst for converting lead into gold (it had other
 properties, IIRC).

As an American, I was somewhat mystified by the Americani[zs]ed
version of the title.  Learning the real title was illuminating, since,
as you point out, philosopher's stone actually has mythological
meaning--even here in the USA.


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread Alex Martelli
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I mean, when you read He sat on the chair do you need 
 to look up the dictionary to discover that chairs can 
 have arm rests or not, they can be made of wood or 
 steel or uphostered springs, be on legs or coasters, 
 fixed or movable? If it mattered, a good author will 
 tell you, and if it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

But if in their dialects of English chair strongly implies a hard,
straight-backed, no-arms sitting-device, they won't elaborate, even if
it DOES matter, exactly because it's already implied in the word they
used.  Not sure if this is true of any dialect of English, today, but it
might be in Italian (for sedia, the exact translation of chair).

So, you've just learned that He chose to sit in a chair rather than a
sofa; depending on subtle nuances of the English dialect used (varying
with time and space), this may have very different implications in
defining the character and mood of this individual...


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-18 Thread Roger Upole

Alex Martelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I mean, when you read He sat on the chair do you need
 to look up the dictionary to discover that chairs can
 have arm rests or not, they can be made of wood or
 steel or uphostered springs, be on legs or coasters,
 fixed or movable? If it mattered, a good author will
 tell you, and if it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

 But if in their dialects of English chair strongly implies a hard,
 straight-backed, no-arms sitting-device, they won't elaborate, even if
 it DOES matter, exactly because it's already implied in the word they
 used.  Not sure if this is true of any dialect of English, today, but it
 might be in Italian (for sedia, the exact translation of chair).

 So, you've just learned that He chose to sit in a chair rather than a
 sofa; depending on subtle nuances of the English dialect used (varying
 with time and space), this may have very different implications in
 defining the character and mood of this individual...


Hmm, and what if your context for chair was that unless you were
to confess, you would be placed in a comfy one ?  And furthermore,
what if you were told that while in this chair thing, you would be seeing
the sketch about the penguin on the telly ?  Lets see, sketch means
a rough line drawing, and the only telly I know of is Telly Savalas,
but I'm fairly sure I know what a penguin is.
So while in this chair I am to be shown a crudely drawn picture
of a bald man with a fat flightless bird perched upon his overlarge head.
Torture indeed .

  (who has obviously had too much coffee)

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Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-17 Thread Terry Hancock
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 15:31:58 -
Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That made me smile on a Monday morning (not an
 insignificant accomplishment).  I noticed in the one
 footnote that the H.P. book had been translated into
 American.  I've always wondered about that.  I noticed
 several spots in the H.P. books where the dialog seemed
 wrong: the kids were using American rather than British
 English.  I thought it rather jarring.

translated into American, I'm sure refers to the American
version of the book, which is titled Harry Potter and the
Sourceror's Stone.

I find that bizarre.  There is no mythological
basis for a Sourceror's Stone, but the Philosopher's
Stone, was of course the mythical Alchemists' goal of a 
catalyst for converting lead into gold (it had other
properties, IIRC).

Apparently the publisher was of the opinion that American
children just aren't cultured enough to know about that,
even though I knew the reference when I was 12.  I am
really, really insulted by that.

They even went so far as to shoot two versions of every
scene in the movie that referred to the stone so that it
would agree with the book. AFAICT, you cannot purchase
the original movie or book within the United States, and
due to the Evil Conspiracy of region-coding, I couldn't
watch the British DVD even if I were to import it (Well,
yeah I could, but it would be painful, and probably illegal,
do to that other Evil Conspiracy, the DMCA -- don't let
your country pass a law like this).

Now I don't suppose I should really get my nose all out
of joint over this sort of thing, but it's symbolic of
a lot of things that are wrong with the world right now.

Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-17 Thread Steve Holden
Grant Edwards wrote:
 On 2006-01-16, Tim Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[Grant Edwards]

That made me smile on a Monday morning (not an insignificant
accomplishment).  I noticed in the one footnote that the H.P.
book had been translated into American.  I've always wondered
about that.  I noticed several spots in the H.P. books where
the dialog seemed wrong: the kids were using American rather
than British English.  I thought it rather jarring.

You should enjoy:
 Very interesting.  And rather sad that editors think the
 average Amermican reader too dim-witted to figure out (in
 context, even) that a car park is a parking lot and a
 dustbin is a trash can.
They know that the average American could work it out. They also know 
that the average American doesn't like to do anything remotely like hard 
thinking, hence they make these changes so the books don't read like 
foreign literature.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-17 Thread Max Erickson
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 Grant Edwards wrote:
 On 2006-01-16, Tim Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[Grant Edwards]

That made me smile on a Monday morning (not an insignificant
accomplishment).  I noticed in the one footnote that the H.P.
book had been translated into American.  I've always wondered
about that.  I noticed several spots in the H.P. books where
the dialog seemed wrong: the kids were using American rather
than British English.  I thought it rather jarring.

You should enjoy:
 Very interesting.  And rather sad that editors think the
 average Amermican reader too dim-witted to figure out (in
 context, even) that a car park is a parking lot and a
 dustbin is a trash can.
 They know that the average American could work it out. They also know 
 that the average American doesn't like to do anything remotely like
 hard thinking, hence they make these changes so the books don't read
 like foreign literature.

A rather less cynical interpretation is that they are attempting to make
a children's book accessible to as many children as possible, i.e., the
youngest readers as is practical. I don't mean to disparage the book by
calling it a children's book, I have read and enjoyed several of them,
but the target audience for the books is clearly kids. 



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-17 Thread Terry Hancock
On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 13:28:15 +
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Grant Edwards wrote:
  Very interesting.  And rather sad that editors think the
  average Amermican reader too dim-witted to figure out
  (in context, even) that a car park is a parking lot
  and a dustbin is a trash can.
 They know that the average American could work it out.
 They also know  that the average American doesn't like to
 do anything remotely like hard  thinking, hence they make
 these changes so the books don't read like  foreign

I'll pass on the snobbery.

The real reason is that it was an expensively promoted
book. Customizing it for an American audience was a way to
suck money out of that flow into the pockets of the
American publisher. In order to justify that expense, they
have to have something to show for their efforts.

Or if you want to put it another way, if you pay somebody
to fiddle with the prose, fiddle they will.

Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-17 Thread Paul Rubin
Terry Hancock [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Very interesting.  And rather sad that editors think the
   average Amermican reader too dim-witted to figure out
   (in context, even) that a car park is a parking lot
   and a dustbin is a trash can.
 The real reason is that it was an expensively promoted
 book. Customizing it for an American audience was a way to
 suck money out of that flow into the pockets of the
 American publisher. In order to justify that expense, they
 have to have something to show for their efforts.

I wouldn't have figured out that a car park was a parking lot.  I
might have thought it was a park where you go to look at scenery from
inside your car.  Sort of a cross between a normal park and a drive-in

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-17 Thread Alex Martelli
Terry Hancock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 due to the Evil Conspiracy of region-coding, I couldn't
 watch the British DVD even if I were to import it (Well,
 yeah I could, but it would be painful, and probably illegal,

I have a region-free DVD player here in CA -- considering that I brought
with me a hundred or more DVDs from the old country, and I get as many
more here in shops or via netflix, I really couldn't do without.  I
legally ordered it on the web and it was legally delivered.  What's
illegal about it?!


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-17 Thread Steve Holden
Alex Martelli wrote:
 Terry Hancock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
due to the Evil Conspiracy of region-coding, I couldn't
watch the British DVD even if I were to import it (Well,
yeah I could, but it would be painful, and probably illegal,
 I have a region-free DVD player here in CA -- considering that I brought
 with me a hundred or more DVDs from the old country, and I get as many
 more here in shops or via netflix, I really couldn't do without.  I
 legally ordered it on the web and it was legally delivered.  What's
 illegal about it?!
Nothing at all. But I still prefer tales of people who have hacked their 
DVD players to be multi-region :-)

Interestingly, when I made the converse move from America to Europe 
several retailers were anxious to assure me that their products, while 
single region, could easily be hacked into multi-region players using 
information available from web sites which they would deny having told 
me about.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-16 Thread Paul Rubin
I came across this while looking up some data compression info today.

David J.C. MacKay
Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms

Full text online:

It's a really excellent book, on the level of SICP but about
information theory, probability, error correcting codes, etc.  Very
readable, and geeky (in a good way) at the same time.  The writing
style is perhaps along the lines of Numerical Recipes, though the
format is more conventional.

The whole text is online as a pdf, which is very nice.  The printed
version is somewhat expensive, but according to the following analysis
it's a better bargain than Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone:

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-16 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-01-16, Paul Rubin  wrote:
 I came across this while looking up some data compression info today.

 David J.C. MacKay
 Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms

 Full text online:

 It's a really excellent book, on the level of SICP but about
 information theory, probability, error correcting codes, etc.  Very
 readable, and geeky (in a good way) at the same time.  The writing
 style is perhaps along the lines of Numerical Recipes, though the
 format is more conventional.

 The whole text is online as a pdf, which is very nice.  The printed
 version is somewhat expensive, but according to the following analysis
 it's a better bargain than Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone:

That made me smile on a Monday morning (not an insignificant
accomplishment).  I noticed in the one footnote that the H.P.
book had been translated into American.  I've always wondered
about that.  I noticed several spots in the H.P. books where
the dialog seemed wrong: the kids were using American rather
than British English.  I thought it rather jarring.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Don't SANFORIZE me!!

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-16 Thread Andrew Swallow
Grant Edwards wrote:
 That made me smile on a Monday morning (not an insignificant
 accomplishment).  I noticed in the one footnote that the H.P.
 book had been translated into American.  I've always wondered
 about that.  I noticed several spots in the H.P. books where
 the dialog seemed wrong: the kids were using American rather
 than British English.  I thought it rather jarring.
In a bid for a US Government contract I had to rewrite British documents 
to use the official American terms and words.  Bill to be paid by the US 
tax payer.

Andrew Swallow

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-16 Thread Paul Rubin
Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 That made me smile on a Monday morning (not an insignificant
 accomplishment).  I noticed in the one footnote that the H.P.
 book had been translated into American.  I've always wondered
 about that.  I noticed several spots in the H.P. books where
 the dialog seemed wrong: the kids were using American rather
 than British English.  I thought it rather jarring.

The US edition even changed the title from Philosopher's Stone to
Sorcerer's Stone.  American schoolkids weren't expected to know what
a philosopher was (or anyway what the Philosopher's Stone was).

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-16 Thread Tim Peters
[Paul Rubin]
 David J.C. MacKay
 Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms

 Full text online:
 The printed version is somewhat expensive, but according to the
 following analysis it's a better bargain than Harry Potter and the
 Philosopher's Stone:

[Grant Edwards]
 That made me smile on a Monday morning (not an insignificant
 accomplishment).  I noticed in the one footnote that the H.P.
 book had been translated into American.  I've always wondered
 about that.  I noticed several spots in the H.P. books where
 the dialog seemed wrong: the kids were using American rather
 than British English.  I thought it rather jarring.

You should enjoy:

and especially the links near the bottom to try-to-be-exhaustive
listings of all differences between the Bloomsbury (UK) and Scholastic
(US) editions.  More Britishisms are surviving in the Scholastic
editions as the series goes on, but as the list for Half-Blood Prince
shows the editors still make an amazing number of seemingly pointless


   UK:Harry smiled vaguely back
   US:Harry smiled back vaguely

Non-English translations have real challenges, and because this series
is more popular than the Python Reference Manual these days, there's a
lot of fascinating info to be found.  For example, I think the
Japanese translator deserves a Major Award for their heroic attempt to
translate Ron's Uranus pun:


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-16 Thread Paul Rubin
Tim Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 For example, I think the
 Japanese translator deserves a Major Award for their heroic attempt to
 translate Ron's Uranus pun:

Gad, I'm surprised that was in the original.  

For an absolutely amazing translation feat, try Michael Kandel's
Polish-to-English translation of Stanislaw Lem's The Cyberiad.

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-16 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-01-16, Tim Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [Grant Edwards]
 That made me smile on a Monday morning (not an insignificant
 accomplishment).  I noticed in the one footnote that the H.P.
 book had been translated into American.  I've always wondered
 about that.  I noticed several spots in the H.P. books where
 the dialog seemed wrong: the kids were using American rather
 than British English.  I thought it rather jarring.

 You should enjoy:

Very interesting.  And rather sad that editors think the
average Amermican reader too dim-witted to figure out (in
context, even) that a car park is a parking lot and a
dustbin is a trash can.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  It don't mean a
  at   THING if you ain't got
   visi.comthat SWING!!

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-16 Thread Luc The Perverse
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 That made me smile on a Monday morning (not an insignificant
 accomplishment).  I noticed in the one footnote that the H.P.
 book had been translated into American.  I've always wondered
 about that.  I noticed several spots in the H.P. books where
 the dialog seemed wrong: the kids were using American rather
 than British English.  I thought it rather jarring.

 The US edition even changed the title from Philosopher's Stone to
 Sorcerer's Stone.  American schoolkids weren't expected to know what
 a philosopher was (or anyway what the Philosopher's Stone was).

Which is downright annoying.

Children are capable of learning a word - and causing discongruence in 
semantics causes a serious problem when making a movie




Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-16 Thread Xavier Morel
Tim Peters wrote:
 Non-English translations have real challenges, and because this series
 is more popular than the Python Reference Manual these days, there's a
 lot of fascinating info to be found.  For example, I think the
 Japanese translator deserves a Major Award for their heroic attempt to
 translate Ron's Uranus pun:

The translations of Pratchett's works are also quite amazing feats. I 
think that when they were looking for a polish translator one of the 
people they auditioned told them something along the lines of You can't 
even think like this in polish.