Re: [ql-users] Qlay question - floppies

2002-05-05 Thread P Witte

Al Feng writes:

 QLTOOLS is used to move files into directories (via DOS) that are then
 read by QLAY.

(The more friendly) QxlWin Explorer for Windoze by Frederic van der
Plancke can also extract files from files in a format suitable for 
Qlay and Q-emulator.


Re: [ql-users] Zzz

2002-05-05 Thread P Witte

Marcel Kilgus writes:

  What's system asleep? The button frame is still called the same in
  I have no idea. In Thierry's ACP one configuration item asks you to
  supply the name for system asleep. Perhaps its local to ACP.

 Aha, ACP 4 doesn't have that option.

Not surprised. It was FI2 v3.31 ;) -- (Dont know how to do sheepish grin
smiley) It says:

Name of system asleep Qpcac II button = system asleep (default value)

In fact, if I

EXEP 'button_sleep'

in Job 0, I get a button saying System and in the jobs list theres now a job
called System asleep.

  Since information is so sparse perhaps you could supply the rest of the
  German list.

 Here's the thing list as it is:

 Button Extensions
 Button Frame

 So most stuff is the same. I suspect the French list to be a lot
 more different, though.

  Are the S*Basic keyword names also affected, ie its not BT_SCHLAF, I

 No, fortunately not.

Thank you for the info. I hope the documentary archivists out there are
taking notes too ;) Still waiting for the French translations. Perhaps
theyll have more time now after the elections ;)


Re: [ql-users] Zzz

2002-05-04 Thread P Witte

Dilwyn Jones writes:

 Is there a standard way to put a job to sleep? I notice that jobs
 like Qpac

 First did you mean BUTTON_SLEEP?

Yes. Sorry.

 the BUTTON_SLEEP program puts any reasonably behaved job to sleep, by
 locking the job's windows, removing them from the display and then

Exactly. This is the clever bit. How is that done?

 creating a button for the display. When the button is woken, the
 windows are restored and unlocked.

Because I want to control my own button I dont want to use the BUTTON_SLEEP
utility but the locking and removal bit, without apparently upsetting the
windows in any way is what Im after.

 No idea about the state of documentation for this though.

I guess it down to RTFB.


Re: [ql-users] Zzz

2002-05-04 Thread P Witte

Christopher Cave writes:

 The QPTR examples (? by Tony Tebby) that were distributed with C68 had a
 function menu_button that just unset a main window definition and placed a
 suitably named button in the frame. Waking was just the reverse. The QPAC2
 code was not used.

Thanks, Ive seen that. In the end, thats probably the only way to go..


Re: [ql-users] Zzz

2002-05-04 Thread P Witte

Marcel Kilgus writes:

 Just dug out one of the assembler PE programs I wrote (in 1993! Man,
 time moves on). It does just use the QPAC2 thing for this job, quite
 simple actually. However, and that's the unfortunate part, the name of
 the thing got actually translated. Back then my program did try both
 Button_Schlaf (German) and button_sleep. I suspect there'll also
 be a French alternative.

Could someone provide the French translations too, please. Any other
languages? American, perhaps ;)

 Most people however seem to use their own routines for putting jobs to
 sleep (i.e. don't rely on the thing). Thus I don't suspect there's any
 deep hack involved. I've never done this myself, though, maybe others
 can elaborate on this (Wolfgang?).

Im aware of the the method of closing windows, applying to the button frame
for room to open a button-sized window, etc. I just wondered if there was a
standard way of hiding active windows like the BUTTON_SLEEP utility

  What other language-dependent bits are there in Qpac2? (eg system
  button frame, etc)

 What's system asleep? The button frame is still called the same in

I have no idea. In Thierry's ACP one configuration item asks you to supply
the name for system asleep. Perhaps its local to ACP.

 German. Mostly the names of the different applications are translated,
 e.g. Files is Dateien, Channels is Kanäle etc.

  Is there any published info on these matters?

 No clue.

Since information is so sparse perhaps you could supply the rest of the
German list. Are the S*Basic keyword names also affected, ie its not
BT_SCHLAF, I hope?


Re: [ql-users] recursive delete

2002-04-26 Thread P Witte

Michael Grunditz writes:

 How do I do a recursive delete in qdos ?

With extreme care!! Requires TK2.


1 REMark  Example: CLS: DELETE_DIRECTORY 'ram2_', 'topdir', 1
2 :
11 REMark S*BASIC PROCedure to delete an
12 REMark entire directory tree
13 REMark   Requires tk2 or equivalent
14 REMark  P Witte 1998
15 REMark Use at own risk! No warranties!
16 REMark Parameters:
17 REMark  dev$ = device; eg win1_, ram2_
18 REMark  dir$ = directory; eg temp_
19 REMark  tree:  0: files in this dir only
20 REMark   0: all sub-dirs and files
21 :
1000 DEFine PROCedure DELETE_DIRECTORY(dev$, dir$, tree)
1010 LOCal c%, t%, pos, ch%(18), n$(36)
1020 n$ = dir$: c% = 0
1030 REPeat dir_loop
1040  ch%(c%) = FOP_DIR(dev$  n$)
1050  IF ch%(c%)  0: Action 'Error', ch%(c%)
1060  pos = -64
1070  REPeat file_loop
1080   pos = pos + 64
1090   IF pos = FLEN(#ch%(c%)) THEN
1100n$ = FNAME$(#ch%(c%)): CLOSE#ch%(c%)
1110IF tree: Action 'Deleting', 1
1120c% = c% - 1: IF c%  0: EXIT dir_loop
1130pos = INT(FPOS(#ch%(c%)) / 64) * 64
1140   ELSE
1150GET#ch%(c%)\ pos + 14; n$
1160IF LEN(n$)  0 THEN
1170 BGET#ch%(c%)\ pos + 5; t%
1180 IF t% = 255 THEN
1190  IF tree THEN
1200   Action 'Checking', 2
1210   c% = c% + 1: EXIT file_loop
1220  END IF
1230 ELSE
1240  Action 'Deleting', 0
1250 END IF
1260END IF
1270   END IF
1280  END REPeat file_loop
1290 END REPeat dir_loop
1300 END DEFine
1310 :
2000 DEFine PROCedure Action(tx$, type)
2010 IF CODE(INKEY$(#0; 0)) = 27: CLOSE: ERT -1
2020 IF type THEN
2030  PRINT \ tx$! dev$; n$! '-'
2040  IF type  0: CLOSE: ERT type
2050  IF type = 1: DELETE dev$  n$
2060 ELSE
2070  PRINT tx$! n$
2080  DELETE dev$  n$
2090 END IF
2100 END DEFine
2110 :

Re: [ql-users] c68 question

2002-04-23 Thread P Witte

Richard Zidlicky writes:

  But if all this could be built into the EX command in a future version
of SMSQ/E, then it would be a different matter entirely...

 this would not improve much, it would still be only accessible from basic
 and not c68 programs. In SBasic you already have ways to build command
 line strings very flexibly anyway..

It could be written as an extension Thing - accessable for all. Of course,
for SB the 32k string length limit would still have to apply for it to be
transparent to existing code.

I think, on the whole, it would be more sensible for programs that expect
an unknown - possibly vast - quantity of items as in my original example, 
to be more elegantly written with that in mind..


Re: [ql-users] The Next Step...

2002-04-21 Thread P Witte

Timothy Swenson writes:

 Unfortunately neither Turbo itself not its output is very clean: It is
 neither ROMable not Thingable ;(

 Given Simon's Assembly background I would think that the output from TURBO
 would be fairly clean (but I've never looked at it and I really don't know

Yes, one would have thought so..


Re: [ql-users] The Next Step...

2002-04-20 Thread P Witte

Dexter writes:

 Well, I now have some semblance of a platform to do programming on - a QXL
 and SMSQ.

 I'm looking to catch up with you people who never left, and this means
 spending yet more cash on software! (So far, this venture has cost me a
 small fortune, my wife is getting worried!)

 I would like to get back into things programming in SBASIC. I would like
 to be able to compile my results for speed reasons, and would like to take
 advantage of the current standards in menus and pointers. I don't mind if
 it's free or commercial software - but I would prefer something that is
 easy to use and reliable over something that's more powerful but

 What tools and utilities do you find useful? Which have the best written

 Advice please!


 PS: I am moving my mailing list sub back to my other email address,
 because this mailbox is slower than an unexpanded QL. Once the list
 maintainer notices my subscription email ;)

QLiberator (commercial), EasyPTR (commercial), QD (commercial) or The Editor
(PD). To build ad hoc extensions (keywords) for SBasic you need Qmac
(Quanta, free?). One of the most essential Qdos/Smsq utilities, though not a
programming tool, is Qpac2 (commercial). The first two will require a lot of
perseverance to master! But once through the eye of the needle youll see
that they are great for what they do. Turbo (PD) is also excellent for some
things, but I find its limitations debilitating (barely PE-compatible; cant
pass variables by reference which is particularly limiting for array
operations; pedantic as a maiden aunt)


Re: [ql-users] THING questions

2002-04-20 Thread P Witte

I Wrote:

 Wolfgang Lenerz writes:

   1 - What is a Forced Free?
  TH_FRFRE is an OS supplied piece of code - don't touch it.
  TH_FREE is the code the thing writer supplies for a forced free (i.e.
  the job ownning the thing is removed).

 Not quite. TH_FREE is called for freeing the Thing normally, ie detatching
 a User from the Thing. However TH_FFREE - the Force Free routine, is
 needed when the Thing is to be removed in its entirety, eg when a job
 owning the memory space the Thing resides in is removed.You would have to
 supply such a routine if, for example, such a Thing contained a task
 to one of the Task lists.

 This routine is called when sms.zthg (Zap Thing) is executed.

Ah yes. There is ambiguity here. I didnt live long in the sin of unjustified
self-satisfaction: The moment my mail was irrevocably dispatched doubt
descended like a brick, so Ive now gone and checked the manual ;)

You are right AFA TH_FRFRE is concerned and I was wrong to mix up TH_FFREE
with TH_REMOV :(  The FREE-type routines relate to the Usage blocks while
REMOV relates to the actual Thing. Zap is another term for force-remove.
(But force-removal implies force-freeing.)

The documentation is rather grainy (and perhaps in some cases wrong?) You
really need a debugger to understand it. The concepts of Freeing, Removing
and Zapping are not always easily untangled.

I dont want to speculate in public on what I think I mean to avoid causing
general confusion (and personal embarrassment) I have written a number of
different Things in the past and thought I had it figured (Im sure I did!) I
would however welcome some clarification by a pundit.

Ditto re the wee matter I raised a month ago, or so, about parameter passing
to Extension Things. Some light on that subject too would be much


[ql-users] c68 question

2002-04-20 Thread P Witte

Is there a way to get a c68 program to accept a commandline 
(or part of a command line) from a file/pipe.

I want to achieve something like:

EX cprog ; -options parameters filelist_file

rather than

EX cprog ; -options parameters file1 file2 .. fileN

Or is all this entirely up to cprog?


Re: [ql-users] The Next Step...

2002-04-20 Thread P Witte

Phoebus Dokos writes:

QLib_run! The thing is that Turbo being around for so long (from the time
of Supercharge) it has an impressive amount of code templates that do the
trick. And George updates it extremely often. What was the last time
Q-Liberator was updated? Additionally being restrictive in some aspects I
believe that is a feature. By being very strict programmers are forced to
write clean programs (Not that dirty tricks aren't possible of course...

Unfortunately neither Turbo itself not its output is very clean: It is
neither ROMable not Thingable ;(
Howver, my biggest gripe with Tubo had to do with DP and the DP
philophosy. Im ready to forget and forgive now that George has taken over.
Im convinced hell do a good job and besides, Turbo is the future - Not much
happening with QLib is there?


Re: [ql-users] Wee_Haa... Got a QXL!

2002-04-20 Thread P Witte

ZN writes:

 where X: is an unused drive letter  K. Keep in mind that the letter to
 mapping seems to be hard-coded. So, D will be win2_ etc. if you already
 have a D and can't put a file on it (for instance if it's a CD
 ROM), tough luck :-(

 But the CDROM drive letter can be changed! Mine are always M and N to cater
for this kind of thing.


Re: [ql-users] c68 question

2002-04-20 Thread P Witte

Peter S Tillier writes:

  Is there a way to get a c68 program to accept a commandline
  (or part of a command line) from a file/pipe.
  I want to achieve something like:
  EX cprog ; -options parameters filelist_file
  rather than
  EX cprog ; -options parameters file1 file2 .. fileN
  Or is all this entirely up to cprog?


 You can always do this using the shell - see Phoebus' message a few
threads earlier.  I always use the shell for redirections, the SuperBasic
syntax is just too much for me tocope with (although it can be done I

Perhaps I should have mentioned: I want to call cprog from within another
program, so Shell is not an option. Thanks anyway.


Re: [ql-users] c68 question

2002-04-20 Thread P Witte

Timothy Swenson writes:

 Is there a way to get a c68 program to accept a commandline
 (or part of a command line) from a file/pipe.
 I want to achieve something like:
1  EX cprog ; -options parameters filelist_file
 rather than
 2 EX cprog ; -options parameters file1 file2 .. fileN
 Or is all this entirely up to cprog?

 I'm pretty sure C68 supports file redirection.  Since the filelist_file
 would be coming in on STDIN and not as an argument list, it is up to the
 program to process it correctly.  With some programming skill, you could
 get the program to accept data either way.  Using an option like -f
 filelist_file would work.  This would have the user tell the program to
 use a file list file (and not list any files in the command line.

 If a program will work in Unix, then it should work in C68.  It's very
 like in how it handles itself.

But is the command line the same as stdin? I tried the syntax in (1) above
and also:

3 EX cprog, file_list, #1; -options parameters 

with file_list containing

file1 file2..fileN

to no avail. (2) works as expected. Both (1) and (3) are recognised by c68
(as if you give a wrong file name you get a not found error)

4 EX cprog, file_list, #1; -options parameters -f file_list

returns cannot open -f file_list - ie it thinks -f file_list is one of the
list of files.. -f as one of the options makes the program take parameters
to be the file_list filename! Ie it will happily except a list of parameters
from the file, but not a list of files.

Any further ideas?


Re: [ql-users] Easyptr MAWDRAW

2002-04-20 Thread P Witte

Dilwyn Jones writes:

 I'm having a spot of bother with Application Window menus in Easyptr -
 can anyone help?

 If I set up a simple menu in app window 1 based on an array like DIM
 array$(36,200) and call it with

 MDRAW #0,flp1_mymenu_menu
 MAWDRAW #0,1,array$

 all seems well. Even if I split the array, it seems to work:

 MAWDRAW #0,1,array$(0 to 10)

 What doesn't seem to work though is when it stops being a 2
 dimensional array:

 MAWDRAW #0,1,array$(0 to 0)

 This is used to display and select a list of filenames on a disk and
 the problem happens when there is only one file on a disk (see my
 MakeDirs and SystemSet program file menus). I am currently using a
 workaround based on:

 MAWDRAW #0,1,array$(0 to 0+(number_of_files=1))
 IF number_of_files = 1 THEN
   REMark set status of second item in list to unavailable
   stat% = MSTAT%(#0,65536*2+1,-1)

I use a similar workaround ;)

mawsetup#cm, 1, qseld$(c0% to qcount% + (qcount% = c0%))
mstat#cm, 1, qstat%(c0% to qcount% + (qcount% = c0%))

Same problem with the other MAWDRAW/SETUP parameters and MSTAT.

The only fix is for someone to update the package. Is that going anywhere?
My offer of the loan a fine pair of Sheffield thumb screws was never called


Re: [ql-users] THING questions

2002-04-19 Thread P Witte

Wolfgang Lenerz writes:

  1 - What is a Forced Free?

 TH_FRFRE is an OS supplied piece of code - don't touch it.
 TH_FREE is the code the thing writer supplies for a forced free (i.e.
 the job ownning the thing is removed).

Not quite. TH_FREE is called for freeing the Thing normally, ie detatching
a User from the Thing. However TH_FFREE - the Force Free routine, is
needed when the Thing is to be removed in its entirety, eg when a job
owning the memory space the Thing resides in is removed.You would have to
supply such a routine if, for example, such a Thing contained a task linked
to one of the Task lists. 

This routine is called when sms.zthg (Zap Thing) is executed.


Re: [ql-users] Psion Chess

2002-04-17 Thread P Witte

Wolfgang Uhlig writes:

 I have a version of Psion Chess, which works even right from the hard-disk
 under QPC. I triied it only in a window of 512x256 in QL-Colour mode, this
works fine and
 I can even play it when reading my e-mails, to name one of the
 Really don't remember where I ever got it, it seems to be from Ergon.

 But I don't know whether there is still a copyright or not?

I have an original, fully paid up version, but havnt been able to play it
for years (due to the hardware being mothballed) Various disk-versions never
worked for me. Is there a way of obtaining a copy?


Re: [ql-users] lost qpac settings

2002-04-17 Thread P Witte

Phoebus Dokos replies to Michael Grunditz:

Can PROG_USE contain more places than one ? or is there any other $PATH
like variable ?

There are two extensions that create devices called PTH (path) and DEV
(device) which will do the trick... albeit not as good of elegant as DOS or
Un*x (I personally prefer the DOS style of paths... really easy to use...
and one of the few things that don't require you to reboot the system every
time you change it!)

IIRC The Shell (in the C68 Distro.) can accept a path statement as well...

If you have the ENV_BIN utility you can also, at a pinch, use

SETENV DISK=win1_utils_disk_

EX GETENV$(DISK)  qwirc_obj

There is scope for improvement of this idea, I think...

I never found much use for PROG_USE  al. However, recently Ive started
using the following scheme which I find quite practical (I picked up the
general idea from someone in the Quanta mag):

At boot time I set PROG_USE to win1_x_. Win1_x_ contains a bunch of
one-liners or short scripts written in SBasic that point to the various
(sub)directories where my utilities are kept. A few simple examples follow:

Thus the script in win1_x_qlib might simply be

EX win1_bas_qlib_exe

To invoke QLiberator (the compatible compiler) I just type

DO qlib

Another (stupid) example is DO shutdown:

c = item_select(Shut down?, Yes to Shutdown, No to abandon, Yes, No)
if c = 1: beep 2, 2: del_defb: qpc_exit

Or how about DO pws:

PWSDIR$ = 'win1_pws_'
PRINT#0;'Loading ProWesS..'
EW PWSDIR$  prg_loader; PWSDIR$  startup

Saves loadsa typing and memorising!

Note that you shouldnt use line numbers unless you want to replace whatever
program you were editing at the time! Without line numbers the script acts
as a batch of immediate commands as typed in at the keyboard - and similar
limitations apply.


Re: [ql-users] Software wanted :-)

2002-04-17 Thread P Witte

Marcel Kilgus writes:

 Phoebus Dokos wrote: 
  As for Matchpoint I don't have an unprotected version
 I have one if there's any interest.



Re: [ql-users] Thierry's CD ROM extensions and QDOS

2002-04-17 Thread P Witte

Phoebus Dokos writes:

 has anyone tried yet to use Thierry's ATAPI/CD ROM extensions under QDOS?
 Does it require the THING_rext extension?

I havent tried it in Qdos, but it would need the Thing system to run. 
This is included in Hot_rext. Thing_rext is for accessing the Thing 
system, it doesnt implement it itself.


Re: [ql-users] CF Hot Removable adapters

2002-04-15 Thread P Witte

Tony Firshmanwrites:

 I recall there is a way to use a file name explicitly in a TT toolkit
 command and avoid OPEN/CLOSE, but I can't find it in his 'manual'.

copy_length = FLEN(\ dv$  file$) * loop


Re: [ql-users] EasyPtr

2002-04-09 Thread P Witte

Dilwyn Jones writes:

 take on this task. I myself would be willing to do something for the
 (English) manual, if wanted.

 A note of caution: when I last spoke to him he said he had no English
 manual for it!

I definitely have a comprehensive English manual! If Albin doesnt have one
anymore, Ill be able to help out. It requires a bit of de-Germanisation and
perhaps some streamlining (and any new features would have to be added ;))
Fear not! The Brits can have it in the only foreign language they
understand: English!


Re: [ql-users] EasyPtr

2002-04-09 Thread P Witte

Wolfgang Uhlig writes:

  As far as I know, Marcel will try to get in contact with Albin in order
to get him to correct
 and improve some things. But even so, if there is a possibility to do
things, I am willing to
 contribute in any way I can. Concerning the german comments, if there are
problems of
 understanding I could help.

Perhaps Marcel knows differently, but I have the definite impression that
Albin is not intending to do any more work on EasyPTR. I would of course
love to help, but knowing my limitations, it would be foolish of me to step
in where even the wise would hesitate to enter ;)

BTW Welcome to the group!


Re: [ql-users] EasyPtr

2002-04-09 Thread P Witte

Wolfgang Lenerz writes:

  Seriously now, between what I saw Wolfgang and Marcel achieving with
  and EasyPTR respectively... I agree that at least ONE PTR toolkit
  should be in one's arsenal :-)

 Oh but Marcel had the idea, not me.
 It's just a question of what you're used to. I never used EasyPtr,
 and found QPTR easy once I understood the concepts behind the

Youre quite right. The only wee difference is that of designing graphical
objects intellectually or visually ;)


Re: [ql-users] Clive Sinclair working for the French??

2002-04-09 Thread P Witte

ZN writes:

 computing in a better way, with Citroen you get to preach that there are
 better ways to drive around on 4 (and actually, even 3 - some will work
 without one rear) wheels!

Dont I know! Once, driving with a friend in his ancient Citroen D model in
Africa somewhere, I saw this single wheel overtaking us on the left. We only
realised it was ours later, when we stopped to take a look at it!


[ql-users] EasyPtr

2002-04-08 Thread P Witte


You all know the super EasyPTR suit of programs and utilities from Albin
Hessler? In response to my query, Albin writes that he would be happy
to supply the source code to a person or persons willing to update and
upgrade them! Most of this code is written in assembler with comments
in German. I dont know what arrangement is envisioned, as this is still a
commecial program (available from JMS). If you are interested, please
get in touch with Albin yourself (If you dont already have his email
address you can mail me privately for it, or to pass on a message). I
really hope that there is someone with the time, inclination and ability to
take on this task. I myself would be willing to do something for the
(English) manual, if wanted.

If the QL is to survive we need a steady supply of new programs. To
realise that, we need good tools! EasyPTR is such a tool. We cannot afford
to let it become obsolete!

If you already know what EasyPTR is and the issues involved, please skip to
my sig right now ;)

EasyPTR is a suit of tools to help build Pointer Environment-enabled (PE)
programs. EasyMenu lets you interactively create the program screens, with
pop-up and pull-down menus, buttons, sprites and other components. The
alternative is to write Window Definitions in assembler, or more clumsily
but a wee bit more simply, with the Qptr toolkit by TT. The objects thus
created can be manipulated from S*Basic, C and assembler, thanks to
libraries of functions for these languages. Run-time libraries are available
for inclusion in your programs - free for free programs, and for a miniscule
unit fee for commercial ones. EasySprite allows the easy creation of
sprites, blobs and patterns, while other programs and toolkits help with
managing the various objects and components in various ways. In other
words: EasyPTR is an essential utility for producing PE programs for the
QL accross all platforms!

However, EasyPTR is getting a bit long in the tooth. There are a few bugs
that need sorting out and, although the output is compatible with all
Qdos/Smsq versions there are issues with  some  EasyPtr components on later
versions of Smsq/E. Finally, when PE has been upgraded to handle the new
colour modes, EasyPTR will require and extensive revamp to cope with them
too. This could be a major undertaking.

No self-respecting Tinkerer should be without EasyPTR!


Re: [ql-users] DIANOUX

2002-04-06 Thread P Witte

 On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 11:25:46PM +0100, P Witte wrote:
  This is the third virus Ive had from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  the last couple of months. So far I have escaped, but sooner or later
  someones going to take a hit.
 to be more precise, someone using the unfortunate email program.
 Should I post a list of alternative email programs? There is
 probably at least 400 really usable email programs around, many
 of them free, a good fraction of this even work on several platforms.
 None of them can promise perfect security but the impact with *every*
 other mailer has been not even a fraction of the problem you encounter
 with Outlook every time its miserable design fails.
 Btw don't think this is a problem that will go away with improved
 anti-virus SW or the 1EXP46-th build of Outlook, a real solution
 would require Microsoft to cut back on unneeded dangerous features
 and that probably won't happen until the doomsday.
 Demon's Turnpike has been 100% OK since I started using it 5 years ago.
 There are no security flaws in it - well none the hackers know about.

I dont want to get into any more religious wars, so Id like
to take the opportunity to put some logic into this
discussion. I have valid reasons for doing what I do. Here
are a few: When I started out with the internet I decided it
was time to go for at least one interface that was common to
most of the rest of computing humanity. A few quirky
computer systems are enough of a handicap. I dont want to
become a complete nerd unnecessarily. Hence Windoze, and the
only free, working email program at the time outside the
workplace. I asked for advice - on this list too IIRC - and
none of these clever hindsights were forthcoming at the
time. Yes, Ive tried Netscape, M$IE Mail, Lotus Notes and
Pandora, and couldnt get away fast enough from any of them.
I archive all my correspondence: A good many thousand mails
are locked into a proprietary archiving system; the only way
out is deeper into M$'s clutches. Believe me, I tried
getting out after the first hundreds of mails or so but gave
up after days of BST. Most of that stuff is now lost or
inaccessible for easy reference. Finally, those who moan
about Lookout Express should consider how they would feel
about changing their system after using it for many (on the
whole, happy) years. Taking such drastic action is a last
resort! Although I only deploy a virus checker on suspicion
of infection, or after engaging in unsafe practices, I have
only once in five years actually been infected, and that I
discovered without the aid of one. I caught it off the
internet, not via email.

If there are any timorous newbies on this list Im sure they
must be grateful for all sage advice and may even rejoice in
a list of 400 email programs, but dont issue that sort of
thing at me, if you please. Thank you. Im not saying that I
cant change, or that I dont need advice, including basic
advice, it is just that this particular issue keeps being
regurgitated, and the incessant sniping  from some quarters
is slowly fraying my cool. Yes, doors have even been banged
and multiple exclamation marks have been bandied about when
people have raised their legitimate concerns - denied by
others sitting on their own smug solutions, some of which I
dare say, would not bare too close scrutiny wrt insight,
suitability or performance, but have rather to do with
opportunity, taste and  habit - exactly as in my own case. I
believe everyone is entitled to make their own choices
provided they behave reasonably and responsibly, and ensure
they do not cause unnecessary distress to others. Someone
was obviously not paying attention, which is why I allowed
myself to grumble recently. Not, mind you, by presuming to
lecture him on his choice of mail client, but by suggesting
he be temporarily disconnected from this list until he had
taken appropriate remedial action.

Now I too have lectured at length. I hope at least some of
you found the humorous in it. However, I also hope you
detected the steely core of my resolve not to be pushed
around. In matters of race, gender, religion, sexual
orientation and choice of email client I expect to be
respected as an equal and not subjected to 
re-education campaigns and other forms of harassment.


[ql-users] filter dodger

2002-04-06 Thread P Witte

was Re: [ql-users] DIANOUX [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bill Waugh writes:

 No need for tantrums lads, I think I started  this merely by mentioning
 I had received a virus twice from the same source, would you rather I had
 kept quiet and let it spread further.
 The bandwidth expended by those like myself who commented on the fact that
 virus was infecting the list is nothing compared to that expended by those
 who now choose to complain about it at great length  ( Per ).

I submitted a reasoned explanation about why I objected to being sniped at
(again) for a legitimate complaint and warning to other users. (When I sent
my mail had hadnt seen yours.) In the interest of avoiding a posting of a
list of some 400 email programs I felt this very small sacrifice in
bandwidth to be very well worth it ;) You were under no obligation to read
- which I notice you didnt do anyway.

 The good Doctor healed himself, what more can we ask, job done, nuff said,

The good doctor was diagnosed by others. Only then could he heal himself!

 no replies wanted.

If you really were interested in bandwidth conservation you couldnt have
done better than to keep out of it yourself: You can hardly expect no
replies when you put my name to your grumble, can you?


Re: [ql-users] DIANOUX

2002-04-04 Thread P Witte

DIANOUX writes:

 I am absolutely sorry for the virus you received, my panda antivirus
 did'nt detect it. Now it's updated and cured (...)
 I'm very impressed by the number of reactions I received from all !
 Medicine is ever one step after the illness: in a first time, medicine is
 just contemplative; then, sometimes active.

 Well, good luck for all !

With such a gracious response Im all forgivness ;) I was in a bit of a flap
because as I was responding to that mail my system went down like a stone.
Panic stations!! Fortunately, like drinking some dodgy scrumpy on the train
when it hits a tunnel, the two events were not linked, though one naturally
suspects the worst in these situations.. I had only kicked the power lead.


Re: [ql-users] Digicam software

2002-04-03 Thread P Witte

Dilwyn Jones writes:

 Is there anyone out there who has a Kodak DC camera and using a QPC2?
 Simon Goodwin in now well advanced with his Digicam software for the
 QL, and already has it working on a variety of platforms including
 Q40, so there is a good chance it would work with QPC2 as well, but
 Simon is immune to Windows as he puts it (i.e. doesn't use WIndows
 or QPC2) and would like to hear from someone witha  suitable camera
 prepared to test it on QPC2. As I don't think Simon is on this list,
 I'll pass on any suitable offers to him.

 Simon says that Digicam is almost ready for release now if only he
 could get it tested on QPC2.

I tested an early version and gave SNG full feedback on the problems I


  Couldnt get your software working with QPC2, though.

 It's frustrating to get a report so brief. What did you try?

Using Kodak DC210, QPC2v2.03SMSQ/E v2.99 on Windoze 2000 with ser1 set to

# LRESPRed chexor_code.dat
# removed all the LFs from the SuperBasic file, and loaded it
# set HERMES=0 (ie I used ser1)
# Switched on DC210, took a couple of snaps and then set dial to Connect

Result: Bad command

# CLOSEd the serial port, which was left open
# Double checked camera, cable, program settings and tried again, to no
# avail.

# Tested same port/cable/settings from Windoze

Result: no problem

I then decided to complete setting up my Q60 to test it there before having
a closer look.

Im almost done with that, so I had another go. Turns out that using just
'ser1' on SMSQ/E opens a port called SER1HTR by default. The T stands for
translate, so setting port$ = 'ser1hdr' (D for direct) solves the problem
and everything works fine, even at 115200 baud!



Apologies for those waiting for replies to private mails. There have been
technical problems. The backlog could be cleared quite soon (Inshallah!)


[ql-users] DIANOUX

2002-04-03 Thread P Witte


This is the third virus Ive had from [EMAIL PROTECTED]  within
the last couple of months. So far I have escaped, but sooner or later
someones going to take a hit. Cant he be switched off until he gets himself


[ql-users] testing

2002-03-18 Thread P Witte


Re: [ql-users] The future of SMSQ/E

2002-03-13 Thread P Witte

Marcel Kilgus writes:

 Arnould Nazarian wrote:
  This is only to stress again on the point that the routines seem to be
  foreseen for proportional printing on screen: that is why characters can
  be placed with pixel accuracy both in QDOS and the PE. So it should be
  feasible, and the main hassle would be with old QLers using old software
  that would not work as expected.

 It's not only old software, every software that tries to calculate the
 size of a string in any way (e.g. something as simple as the button
 frame) would fail (look ugly). So the system would need to distinguish
 between the old and new fonts, new system routines would be needed
 that calculate the width of a character/string and probably much more.

I think the Psion Series 3's OPL had a good approach to this, as it
implemented fixed fonts parallel to graphics fonts. You could use PRINT,
LEN, AT, etc or gPRINT, gLEN, gAT. gLEN would return the pixel length of a
string, for example. You get the idea. Best of both worlds leaving the old
world intact. OPL is very much like S*Basic in many ways.


Re: [ql-users] The future of SMSQ/E

2002-03-13 Thread P Witte

Marcel Kilgus writes:

 After the Hove show some of us went to a pub and discussed a bit about

I like your proposals. Anything that simplifies the process of
program-creation as well as enhances the usability and aesthetics must be A
Good Thing. Amen.

 Next question, what should be included in the system palette? My
 preliminary list is the following:

 Window paper

Might it be an idea to build a layer on top of that, a la Colourways/Themes?


Re: [ql-users] Membranes

2002-03-11 Thread P Witte

Al Feng writes:

 For example, I own a fairly early QXL card -- nice, but it wasn't
 stressed (mentioned? ... oops!?!) that the screen image was reduced
 (i.e., equivalent, at best, of a 10 when viewed on a standard 14 VGA

Sounds odd. Is this a problem with early QXLs or can anyone help Al here?

 monitor) ... nor was it mentioned that TURBO wouldn't compile on it with

Current versions of Turbo shuold compile under SMSQ/E. Available off
Dilwyn's website. Have you tried recently?

 the silly (IMO) comment that Sbasic was just as fast ... perhaps, but I
 still don't know how to stack multiple SuperBASIC programs in SMSQ, and I

What do you mean 'stack'? You can start any number of  new copies of SBASIC
by typing SBASIC at the console, or just use EX myprog_bas.

 do know how to make QRAM (or, derivative) stack multiple, executable
 programs ...

Its automatic! Just EX myprog_exe, and then another, and another, and use
CTRL C to switch between them. Or better still, put them on a hotkey. QRAM
doesnt work anymore under SMSQ/E. Use QPAC2 instead (but this is entirely
optional. All the functionality of the Pointer Environment (PE) is built in
to SMSQ/E.)

 I *know* (for example) that SMSQ/E is BETTER, but I doubt that I could be
 convinced to buy it, now, without first seeing what it can/cannot do
 compared to the plain-jane variant because what the enhanced version of
 the OS can do still might not be what I want as a perceivable

Of course, if you only ever monotask Quill, there is little point in going
for SMSQ/E, but apart from that there is no comparison. SMSQ/E will do any
and everything QDOS will do, only better, and with less bugs. Youll never
want to revert once you get to grips with it. Some programs may no longer
work, but that is 'couse they never really worked in the first place, except
that on the ol' QL it didnt show up! For most of these programs there will
be modern equivalents or debugged and spruced up versions, probably freely
available off the web or from one of the many libraries.


Re: [ql-users] Repackage tosforql

2002-03-09 Thread P Witte

Michael Grunditz writes:

 I need help to unpack the tostoql.lzh file , because I cant do it..(?).

lzh decompressors for Windoze are available on the internet, I believe.
 If anyone needs qdos-gcc for AIX , I have fiddled with the source and
 now it compiles fine.

Sounds like something for the ql-developers list too. Are you on it?
Unfortunately, my C-competency doesnt go much further than typing 'make' ;)


Re: [ql-users] Hove Workshop

2002-02-24 Thread P Witte

Tony Firshman writes:

 Definitely not! In the eighties I tried to get a bed on the express
 Paris and London. After half an hour of charades with the sleeper
 I had to give up. It turned out that the magic word was 'couchette'. Like
 Doctor Foster, I 'never went there again'. ;((
 Haven't you heard of Eurostar (8-)#
 I have travelled dozens of times with them and have not a bad thing to
 say about the experience - quite the reverse.
 (Painswick is quite near Gloucester)
 I used to enjoy the ZX-fairs in London, though. Those were heady days!
 Yes they were.  In one show there were more QL stands than any other
 single computer.  Mind you, you never saw the traders arriving and
 clearing away rose bush remains (8-)#

I dont know anything about that, but I hope you dont mind me
retailing this repackaged version of a little gem of a story
(and firmly de-railing the thread back On Track (See
excesses further down the line) ;)

Perhaps you havnt yet heard the one about some QL-programmers who were
persuaded by some IBM  Microsoft engineers to take them to a ZX Micro Fair,
back in the late '80s, in a concept-sharing excercise, and to see whats
moving in your great, british computing tradition. They were to go by
train. Unfortunately Company expences policy, yknow.., sorry old man.
meant theyd all be paying for themselves.

The three dossers each bought a ticket, while the
three qlers only bought one ticket between them. As they heard the
ticket-collector coming along the three qlers all quickly piled into the
loo, and when he knocked on the door calling Ticket, please! one of them
pushed their ticket underneath the door to be clipped. The dossers were
mighty impressed by this ploy.

Needles to say they were quite impressed by the QL show too; after all they
had never realised you could actually have a black computer, nor a mass
storage device called a 'microdrive'! (sadly, they still didnt quite seem to
get the point about multitasking..)

On the way back the dossers, having learnt all there was to know, as they
thought, only bought one ticket between them. The qlers, however, didnt buy
any ticket at all.

Sure enough, the ticket-collector came round again and the three dossers
crammed into the first loo, while the qlers piled into the loo opposite.
Just before the last qler scrambled in he knocked on the dossers' door,
calling in a gruff voice: Ticket, please!..


Re: [ql-users] Hove Workshop

2002-02-22 Thread P Witte

Tony Firshman writes:

 Im sure someone is carefully planning these shows to include me out ;)
 Let us know when you are free and we will see if we can arrange a show
 for you (8-)#

I might have half a hour available sometime in May ;)

 Maybe Paris in October?

Definitely not! In the eighties I tried to get a bed on the express between
Paris and London. After half an hour of charades with the sleeper attendant
I had to give up. It turned out that the magic word was 'couchette'. Like
Doctor Foster, I 'never went there again'. ;((

I used to enjoy the ZX-fairs in London, though. Those were heady days!


Re: [ql-users] IDE switch

2002-02-22 Thread P Witte

ZN writes:

 However, all I want is an extra connector on the cable and a switch to
  toggle power to either the one device or the other, ie nothing worth
  $39 + pp and a big box.

 You may not want it, but it's the only correct way to do it. Switching the
 power supply will eventually do damage to either of the devices and/or the
 Qubide (probably the latter) if it works at all. IDE devices are not
 hot-swap, in other words, input signals should not be present when the
 device is not powered up. Before you point it out: yes, there were a
 of products that actually did this (usually 5.25 removable drive bays).
 Ask yourself why you can't buy them any more...

 It is possible to only implement a simple select switch but not just by
 adding a connector to the cable - two pins need to be switched and pulled
 up to 5V when out of coircuit for both devices that are switch selectable.
 Even so, it would not work unless the system is powered down (merely
 resetting may not be enough) and the software detected new devices.

Not interested in hot-swap in this instance. The selection was to be made at
switch-on time, as I find I rarely use the CD-ROM in qdos/Smsq and rarely
use CF in Linux, so depending on what I intened to do, Id choose one or the
other on switching on the machine. The alternative, as I see it is to get
hold of an ISA riser and a second IDE card. Much more flexible too - but at
a price.

However, your answer was the one I was looking for: It is not enough just to
switch off the power as other signals on the IDE cable will upset the
devices somehow. Thanks for that.


Re: [ql-users] OT: Re: PIC/SCR Compression

2002-02-21 Thread P Witte

ZN writes:

 Another thing occurs to me, given the recent discussions on game toolkits.
 The PE used to handle programs in mode 8 and 4 so that all windows of the
 same mode would be displayed together. When the cursor would get over an
 area used by a burried window that is in a mode different than the current
 mode of the screen, the cursor would show 4 or 8. If that window was
 picked, the mode was changed and all the windows using a different mode
 I wonder if this concept is still used, or indeed, if it could be
 In particular, give programs the ability to declare a 'user' mode.  The
 point would be to use this for programs that need control of the screen
 hardware but do not necessairly use the drivers. The standard mode change,
 screen clear and restore behaviour would be used to prevent such a
 'hardware direct' program from corrupting the display by writing out of
 turn, and other programs from getting to run with the wrong mode selected.
 A program that would declare user mode would in fact also declare which
 hardware mode it is using, but the 'user' flag would insure that it gets
 exclusive use of the display when picked (as if it implied a guardian
 window the size of the whole screen), no matter if other programs may be
 using a compatible hardware mode and could in theory be displayed as
 burried windows. Along with handling games, this would enable programs to
 support hardware modes that are not yet supported in the screen driver.

Why not just use iow.xtop? It simply works as a referee. You can still write
to the screen any way you please.


Re: PIC/SCR Compression (Was:Re: [ql-users] DISP_COLOUR)

2002-02-21 Thread P Witte

ZN writes:

 However... there will be a place for an Analog Devices DSP on board. It
 will connect to the digital audio interface header on the GF so it's
 ports can use the audio chip as an AD and DA converter (for MP3 and such
 :-) ), but since it's host port will also be available as a peripheral,

Sounds like the right sort of idea!

 given some clever programming, it could certainly do a lot of graphics
 related stuff (DCT/IDCT for Jpeg, vector and matrix operations for 3D...).
 Again, puting the chip on there is easy, the programming is the real
 stumbling block.

As IBM tought us a long time ago, if you add the possibility of expansion,
however dodgy, someone will try to exploit it. Rather to my surprise, I find
this happening with the Qx0 too, so I think it is a good idea to add
possibilities even though they are not fully implemented..


Re: Re: [ql-users] Hove Workshop

2002-02-21 Thread P Witte

Im sure someone is carefully planning these shows to include me out ;)


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 9:22 AM
Subject: RE: Re: [ql-users] Hove Workshop

 I was intending to get to this show - would have been my first one -
 but I'll be in Yorkshire that weekend now.  I will get to one, one day!


  -Original Message-
  From: qbranch
  Sent: 20 February 2002 23:24
  To: ql-users
  Cc: qbranch
  Subject: Re: [ql-users] Hove Workshop
  Those of you who are coming to the Hove show  and want
  somewhere to stay
  might try :
  The Ship Hotel, Hove, 01273 734936 (twin rooms £55.00)
  The Kingsway 330, 01273413402 (£25.00 per person)
  Both had rooms available when I checked today.
  Roy Wood
  Q Branch, 20 Locks Hill Portslade. Sussex. BN41 2LB. UK
  Tel : +44 (0)1273 386030 Fax : +44 (0)1273 430501 (New number!)
  Mobile +44(0)7836 745501
  Web :

 Visit our website at

 This message contains confidential information and is intended only
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 should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.  Please
 notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this
 e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system.

 E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free
 as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed,
 arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses.  The sender therefore
 does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents
 of this message which arise as a result of e-mail transmission.  If
 verification is required please request a hard-copy version.  This
 message is provided for informational purposes and should not be
 construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any securities or
 related financial instruments.

Re: [ql-users] IDE switch

2002-02-19 Thread P Witte

Tony Firshman writes:

 between the one device or the other (at switch-on time), to make it do

 As Nasta hasn't popped up to give the correct reply, I will throw an oar
 Qubide (on my system at least) detects drives only at power up.
 Surely if one wants to swap the slave, then it needs to be the same


[ql-users] IDE switch

2002-02-18 Thread P Witte

Id like to connect both a CD-ROM and a CF-reader to my Q60 (in addition to
the main hard disk) - but not necessarily both at the same time. However, I
dont like having my beautiful machine lying around with half its guts
hanging out so I can easily swap things around when i need to.

1) Would it be possible to use an IDE cable with one master and two parallel
slave connectors and an (externally mounted) switch to switch the power
between the one device or the other (at switch-on time), to make it do what
Im trying to achieve?

2) Can anyone on this list make up such a cable and switch  for me?


Re: [ql-users] Things (was Super Sprite Generator 4.0)

2002-02-18 Thread P Witte

Norman Dunbar writes:

  Which is the downfall of Things - the very vagueness
  of what it can be means a lot of programmers don't have the knowledge
  or documentation to implement things.

 Hee Hee - there a 'series' of articles in QL Toady all about writing
 From the Thing Master himself,
 morning Jochen, but unfortunately he hasn't had time to finish it yet.

The one thing about Things that still baffles me is extension Thing
parameter handling - seen from the inside of the Thing, that is. Does the
Thing thing automatically parse the parameters, or is that left to the
extension code to handle. If the latter is the case, why bother with all the
complexity in the first place? Can someone give some pointers in a few
paragraphs, please?


Re: [ql-users] CF Cards and Hot-swapable readers.

2002-02-08 Thread P Witte

Nasta writes:
 So a small (mobile ?) QL-compatible system with only solid state devices
 would be feasable ?

 Yes, that's what I'm using now, although since it's a regular Aurora,
 Qubide and SGC it's not exactly small... but one out of two :-)

I know youve sort of answered this before, but the one thing that gives me
cause for concern is the long-term reliablity of CF media. And how are we
going to notice - apart from in the most unpleasant way - that its natural
life is reaching its close?


[ql-users] More Qwirc

2002-02-05 Thread P Witte

The QPC version of my QL Winchester Information and Rename Console, Qwirc,
is now available at Dilwyn Jones' Other Software page (Thanks Dilwyn!) and
also on Marcel Kilgus' site (Thanks
Marcel!) On the latter you can also view a screen shot. Although it may also
run on other SMSQ/E systems, it wont currently be of much use as I have not
yet gotten round to implement the platform-specific bits.



Re: [ql-users] Talking of web sites .....

2002-02-03 Thread P Witte

Norman Dunbar writes:

 My web site has yet again been updated, but I'm not too happy with the
 colours/format/tables etc. So her is a little competition for all you
 budding webmasters out there :

 Go to and download the
 file holding all the data.
 Extract it and change the qdos.css cascading style sheet to make the site
 much better.

 Send me the qdos.css file (privately) and I'll set up a web page showing
 the results and we can have a vote of which is the most asthetically

 If nobody replies, then I'll have to do it myself :o)

 The prize, you creation will be used on-line and you'll get credited for

 Look on it as a bit of fun ..

To hell with the colours/format/tables etc Its just great! ;) Still some
way to go before it is complete, but you can hardly do all that on your
own... If only there were a suitable QL browser for this kind of thing - it
neednt be html: m68k instruction set, S*BASIC keywords, system variables,
hard disk format, etc, etc.. all online where and when you need it.. drool

This is another valuable Qdos/SMSQ resource! Check it out!


Re: [ql-users] Launch of new web site

2002-02-03 Thread P Witte

Marcel Kilgus writes:

 After all those printer issues I'm proud to announce the launch of my
 completely new web appearance. It's address is
 and it contains all the latest news about QPC. The new pages are
 easier to maintain and therefore there is a good chance that I really
 will keep them up-to-date (beside the fact that I like how they turned
 out which was not true for my old page).

 To all web masters out there linking to my site, please update your
 links, I did remove the old page. Thank you.

 Reactions welcome, Marcel

Very nice! And all that reading must have done some good: your english is
excellent ;) I also applaud your troubleshooting section. Users should make
this their first port of call before troubling you. Perhaps some more issues
could be ported from the Versions section, with the advice to users to get
the latest update for their version. You may deliberately have left out
information of how to obtain updates?

All in all a great resource for QPC users. Adds value when theres not much
left to do with QPC itself ;)


PS I sent this mail earlier but it did not arrive on this list. Instead I
got a message with the same heading in return containing what I suspect was
a virus! New_napster_site.mp3.pif

Re: [ql-users] BMP2SCR Windows

2002-02-01 Thread P Witte

Phoebus Dokos writes:

 SCR files
 Mode 32 and 33 selectable (or both with auto renaming of the filenames)
 (Many thanks to Claus Graf, Wolfgang Lenerz, Duncan Neithercut for the
 testing, and Malcolm for the original source code and the input on Mode 32
 and 33, Also thanks Jerome Grimbert for initaliasing the discussion)
 PIC files are now possible in both modes (32 and 33) - Thanks to Dilwyn
 Jones and Jerome Grimbert for the Info :-)

You forgot me! I clamoured for bmp2pic last May ;)

 Batch convert is finally available.

 Also speed has increased ten fold over the previous version (I quit
 using the Select Case... )

 Next version will include support for modes 4 and 8

 Whoever wants it, please send me a private email... Careful this is a
 Windows application.,,,

Me! Me!


Re: [ql-users] Qwirc

2002-01-25 Thread P Witte

Phoebus R. Dokos writes:

Per's utility is A MUST for every one using QPC 2. It's
extremely user  friendly, really fast and easy to use and
has helped me a lot especially with the absurd sizes of files I use :-) .

The installation program puts many commercial programs
to shame... It's been a while since I saw such an installation
program on SMSQ/E (only ProWesS is comparable). A
few problems with weird setups (see: MINE) were ironed
out by Per in seconds :-)

A gross exaggeration! blush But very kind of you to say so all the same ;)
I hardly dare to send you the latest version with, hopefully, all the
beginner's bugs ironed out and the latest 'semi-automatic' installation
program. If you (and the handful of other intrepid testers) are satisfied
with it (ie I hear no complaints) I will post it to Dilwyn for inclusion on
his Other Software page. I shall then safely be able to tell him that theres
no need to waste time TESTING it, but save time by USING it!

I recommend it!

Ive used a functional equivalent for some years now, and have found it very
useful to manage my on-line and off-line virtual partitions, so I agree with

Im not sure of the current status, but if later versions of SMSQ/E for QXL
implement WIN_DRIVE/WIN_DRIVE$() it may work there too. Anyone give it a go?


[ql-users] Qwirc

2002-01-20 Thread P Witte

Public utility announcement:

Qwirc is a hard disk management utility for - only for QPC2 at present - to
mount and unmount files and to set or rename the the hard disk (as
seen from SMSQ/E). It runs under the Pointer Environment, so should be less
of a hassle to get to grips with than my previous offerings ;) The zipped
package is about 40k.

Until Dilwyn gets back and I can persuade him to put it up on his Other
Software page ;) it is only obtainable via email directly from me.

It costs nothing, so dont be shy.


Re: [ql-users] ISO-9660 CD-ROM file utility

2002-01-15 Thread P Witte

Thierry Godefroy writes:

 I'm afraid my last message about the new QCDEZE utility got
 unoticed among all the heavy trafic (over 400 messages in
 2002 (i.e. in 15 days) already in ql-users, wow !) the list
 is experimenting now...

 Did anyone tried it ?
 Any feedback ?

 QDOS/SMS forever !

Not yet! Major works are under way so my Q60 is not operational at present.
Will feed you back asap. Hope all the rest of you are trying it out in the
mean time, though ;))


Re: [ql-users] Patching SMSQ Mouse routines

2002-01-14 Thread P Witte

Wolfgang Lenerz writes: 

 On 13 Jan 2002, at 13:33, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
  Any ideas how I could do this 'legally' in such a background job?
 This is how I did it for az job that blzanks the screen if no 
 keyborad/mouse activity after a certain time:

   MOVE.L(A3),A3 ; point to channel def block for 
 channel #0
   MOVE.L4(A3),A3; point to device driver linkage 
 label5MOVE.W$2E(A3),D4  ; D4 = pointer position

I believe Dilwyn asked for a 'legal' way ;)


Re: [ql-users] Future of QL - Part 1E121 (I had to increment it ! ;-)

2002-01-14 Thread P Witte

Wolfgang Lenerz writes:

   NOT AT ALL !!!   This is perfectly documented: the documentation for
   IOSS (see the QDOS/SMS reference manual) DOES says that A0 must stay
   unchanged or at least be restored if the device driver did not
   its own device in the name during an open call, and it also says that
   this is because A0 is reused after by the other device drivers.
 Actually, I'm not sure about that. I've checked witht the reference
 manual, and it does NOT say that you should preserve A0 if (in a
 simple device driver) you fail to decode the device name (see QRM,
 section 6.4).

The actual words are:  (QRM 6.4 10/08/95)

NOTE: A0 should not be amended by the open routine. D0 must be set to the
appropriate error code. (And my notes add: A6 should also be restored
before exit.)

Which is the same as saying that A0 should be preserved in the event of the
device not being recognised, otherwise the pointer to the channel defintion
block must be returned instead.


Re: [ql-users] Compact Flash Adapters.

2002-01-13 Thread P Witte

Phoebus R. Dokos writes:

I tried my CF adapter with my A7000 and it works
like a dream :-)... Another extra ;-) Booted RISC
OS 3.x like a charm and then copied my entire
hard drive to a (on loan 1 Gb Microdrive)... then
started the machine w/o the HDD... No problems
:-) Actually since my A7000 has a 850 Meg (yuck.
,... small ! :-) older IDE HD the CF felt a little faster
than the hdd

CF media have a limited life span. Is it feasible (safe and cheap) to use
them instead of hard disks in a typical QL setting?


Re: [ql-users] Q40/Q60/??? Ultra IO card

2002-01-13 Thread P Witte

Dave Dexter writes:

 How do people actually use their machines these days? What's in demand?

I use my 'QL' as an all-rounder - apart from Internet, scanning, CD-burning,
networking and DTP. Database, accounting, letter writing, programming
(S*Basic, assembler, php) and general mucking about are all done on
my QLs. The PC also acts as a general 'server' for the QL side of things,
such as backups and getting documents and data into my system. Ideally Id
like to network between QLs (this is a real pain at present) and possibly
between QLs and other systems (anyone tried Samba on the Q60 yet? ;) My main
QL currently is QPC (for practical reasons) but I also have Q60, uQLx,
QLX2, Aurora, QVME (QL hardware 'emulator' for Atari) Futura (ditto) and
liquorice QL systems. Im presently playing with setting up a network between
a W2k PC, Linux PC and Q60 Linux, however time's short and the going is

Apart from networking, my needs are mainly software related; better
programming tools, better file system sigh better window manager, and of
course, better documentation sigh A larger pond of QL users would also be


Re: [ql-users] 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

2002-01-13 Thread P Witte

Dexter writes:

 The QL is withering. Those few who are left do not have the resources, or
 the inclination, to invest energy in it. I can think of maybe ten people
 who are actively giving energy to the QL scene. Not for profit. Not for
 personal gain. Because they love it.

 Tony. Nasta. Peter. Thierry. Others whodeserve to have their name here,
 but who I haven't talked with much yet.

Youd be surprised how many of us trying, but not succeeding quite so well as
those you mention.. Besides, you seem to have forgotten most of the
softies - where would we be without them? Furthermore, this list is not
representative of the whole QL-ing community.


Re: [ql-users] Future of QL - Part: ERROR, arithmetic overflow !

2002-01-13 Thread P Witte

Marcel Kilgus writes:

 I tried (by exploiting the Atari kernel whose fast memory support
 already prohibits slave blocks in fast memory), but couldn't get it to
 work. Not much joy in debugging there, so I trashed it.

There should be a SCSI driver in there somewhere too. Is that transferable
to other SMSQ/Es?


Re: [ql-users] Patching SMSQ Mouse routines

2002-01-13 Thread P Witte

Dilwyn Jones writes:

 What I wanted to do was a simple background job looking to see if the
 mouse or keyboard had been used for a given number of minutes. If not,
 start a job to do something else. Trouble was, every time I used RDPT
 and the job got buried by another job, it 'suspended' and no useful
 data came.

 Any ideas how I could do this 'legally' in such a background job?

This is why Ive been nagging Marcel (and got it in the end ;) to
re-implement con_0x0 under SMSQ/E with GD2: con_0x0 doesnt get burried but
still allows you to read the pointer ;) Good luck!


Re: [ql-users] Patching SMSQ Mouse routines

2002-01-13 Thread P Witte

Dilwyn Jones writes:

 What I wanted to do was a simple background job looking to see if the
 mouse or keyboard had been used for a given number of minutes. If not,
 start a job to do something else. Trouble was, every time I used RDPT
 and the job got buried by another job, it 'suspended' and no useful
 data came.

 Any ideas how I could do this 'legally' in such a background job?

This is one of the reasons why Ive been nagging Marcel (and got it in the
end ;) to re-implement con_0x0 under SMSQ/E with GD2: con_0x0 doesnt get
burried but still allows you to read the pointer ;) Good luck!


Re: [ql-users] Patching SMSQ Mouse routines

2002-01-09 Thread P Witte

Phoebus R. Dokos writes:

Hmmm another undocumented feature... nothing
 in the SMS reference manual
 :-) Or at least I didn't see it. Thanks Richard

No, but it is in the Qptr manual - a must for writing PE programs! Is it
still available (Jochen)?


Below is a small S*Basic program to document the (PE) scr/con Channel
Block (cdb). Requires TK2 and the chans toolkit by SNG (DIY TK C) or
similar. For documentation RTFC, otherwise just LRUN.

100 ch=0:p%=1:prt%=0: rem ch is Qdos channel no to inspect
110 tab0=0:tab1=9:tab2=18
120 IF prt%=0  THEN
130  lines%=CHAN_W%(#p%;78)/CHAN_W%(#p%;88)-1
140  CLS#p%
150 ELSE
160  tab0=6:tab1=tab1+14:tab2=tab2+14
170  INPUT'Hardcopy BREAK to quit'!x$
180  lines%=66
190  p%=FOPEN('prt')
200 END IF
210 cline%=2
220 DoIt
230 IF prt%:BPUT#3;12:CLOSE#p%:p%=1
240 :
250 DEFine PROCedure DoIt
260 primary%=CHAN_B%(#ch;65)128
270 managed%=CHAN_B%(#ch;65)1
280 PRINT#p%;TO tab0;'Channel#';HEX$(ch,32)!'is a ';
290 IF NOT managed%:PRINT#p%;'un';
300 PRINT#p%;'managed ';
320 CHAN 4,0,'chn_len','length channel block'
330 CHAN 4,4,'chn_drvr','addr driver linkage'
340 CHAN 4,8,'chn_ownr','owner of channel'
350 CHAN 4,12,'chn_rflg','½ chan closed flag'
360 CHAN 2,16,'chn_tag','tag'
370 CHAN 1,18,'chn_stat','$ff wait,$80 (a1,a6)'
380 CHAN 1,19,'chn_actn','IO action'
390 CHAN 4,20,'chn_jbwt','job waiting for IO'
400 CHAN 2,24,'sd_xhits','x hit size'
410 CHAN 2,26,'sd_yhits','y hit size'
420 CHAN 2,28,'sd_xhito','x hit origen SC'
430 CHAN 2,30,'sd_yhito','y hit origen SC'
440 CHAN 2,32,'sd_xouts','x outline size'
450 CHAN 2,34,'sd_youts','y outline size'
460 CHAN 2,36,'sd_xouto','x outline origen SC'
470 CHAN 2,38,'sd_youto','y outline origen SC'
480 IF primary% THEN
490  CHAN 4,40,'sd_prwlb','primary link list ¾'
500 ELSE
510  CHAN 4,40,'sd_pprwn','pointer to primary'
520 END IF
530 CHAN 4,44,'sd_prwlt','primary link list ¿'
540 CHAN 4,48,'sd_sewll','½ secondary link list'
550 CHAN 4,52,'sd_wsave','window save area base'
560 CHAN 4,56,'sd_wssiz','size of window save'
570 CHAN 4,60,'sd_wwdef','½ working definition'
580 CHAN 1,64,'sd_wlstt','lock status'
590 CHAN 1,65,'sd_prwin','primary/managed'
600 CHAN 1,66,'sd_wmode','mode 0/8'
610 CHAN 1,67,'sd_mysav','save area mine flag'
620 CHAN 1,68,'sd_wmove','move/query flag'
630 CHAN 1,69,'?','spare?'
640 CHAN 2,70,'?','spare?'
650 CHAN 2,72,'sd_xmin','window top LHS'
660 CHAN 2,74,'sd_ymin','window top LHS'
670 CHAN 2,76,'sd_xsize','size in pixels'
680 CHAN 2,78,'sd_ysize','size in pixels'
690 CHAN 2,80,'sd_bordw','border width'
700 CHAN 2,82,'sd_xpos','cursor position'
710 CHAN 2,84,'sd_ypos','cursor position'
720 CHAN 2,86,'sd_xinc','cursor increment'
730 CHAN 2,88,'sd_yinc','cursor increment'
740 CHAN 4,90,'sd_font','first font address'
750 CHAN 4,94,'sd_font','second font address'
760 CHAN 4,98,'sd_srcb','screen base'
770 CHAN 4,102,'sd_pmask','paper colour mask'
780 CHAN 4,106,'sd_smask','strip colour mask'
790 CHAN 4,110,'sd_imask','ink colour mask'
800 CHAN 1,114,'sd_cattr','char attributes'
810 CHAN 1,115,'sd_curf','cursor flag 0=off'
820 CHAN 1,116,'sd_pcolr','paper colour byte'
830 CHAN 1,117,'sd_scolr','strip colour byte'
840 CHAN 1,118,'sd_icolr','ink colour byte'
850 CHAN 1,119,'sd_bcolr','border colour byte'
860 CHAN 1,120,'sd_nlsta','newline status'
870 CHAN 1,121,'sd_fmod','fill mode 1=on'
880 CHAN 6,122,'sd_yorg','graphics orig (QL)'
890 CHAN 6,128,'sd_xorg','graphics orig (QL)'
900 CHAN 6,134,'sd_scal','graphics scale (QL)'
910 CHAN 4,140,'sd_fbuf','½ fill buffer'
920 CHAN 4,144,'sd_fuse','½UD fill vectors(QL)'
930 CHAN 2,148,'sd_linel','line len in bytes'
940 IF CHAN_L(#ch;152)=0:PRINT#p%;'End for SCReen':STOP
950 PRINT#p%;TO tab0;'CONsole. Queue details follow':cline%=cline%+1
960 CHAN 1,152,'q_eoff','MSB set if eof'
970 CHAN 4,152,'q_nextq','link to next queue'
980 CHAN 4,156,'q_end','½ end of queue'
990 CHAN 4,160,'q_nextin','½ put next byte here'
1000 CHAN 4,164,'q_nxtout','½ get next byte here'
1010 IF NOT prt% THEN
1020  PRINT#p%:st=CHAN_L(#ch;164):en=CHAN_L(#ch;156)
1030  FOR i=st TO en:PRINT#p%;CHR$(PEEK(i));
1040 END IF
1050 END DEFine
1060 :
1070 DEFine PROCedure CHAN(l,ad,t1$,t2$)
1080 IF cline%lines% THEN
1090  cline%=2
1100  IF NOT prt% THEN
1110   PRINT#p%;'Press any key to
1120  ELSE
1130   BPUT#p%;12
1140  END IF
1150 END IF
1160 cline%=cline%+1
1170 IF prt% THEN
1180  IF ad24 THEN
1190   ad1$=HEX$(ad,8)
1200  ELSE
1210   IF ad=24 AND ad72 THEN
1230IF (ad-48)0:ad1$='-'ad1$
1240   ELSE
1260   END IF
1270  END IF
1280  IF ad1$(1)'-':ad1$=' 'ad1$
1290  ad$=HEX$(ABS(ad),8)
1300  IF ad0:ad$='-'ad$:tab0=5:ELSE :tab0=6
1310  PRINT#p%;TO tab0;ad1$!ad$;'  ';
1320 END IF
1330 IF l=1:PRINT#p%;t1$;TO tab1;BIN$(CHAN_B%(#ch;ad),8);TO

Re: [ql-users] US QL differences...

2002-01-03 Thread P Witte

Dexter writes:

 I've been sat like a hawk on Ebay waiting for a QL to come up for auction.

Try the Qbox-USA BBS on 810-254-9878, 24 hours (as advertised in QL-Today)


Re: Re: [ql-users] Happy New Year (and with a BITTER lesson to be lea rned) Love Live QLs

2002-01-03 Thread P Witte

Dave Walker writes:

 My experience is that as long as you ahve at least 128Mb of memory then
Win2K outperformas any of the Win9x variants.

I agree (apart from booting and shutdown which are annoyingly slow) It is
also much more stable than any other variant of windoze Ive tried. W95OSR2
cant be bought for love or money so its down to W98SE or Me (but I couldnt
even install Me on one of my machines..) Pity QPC cant do proper sounds on
W2k/NT, but otherwise its as 'great.' as these things go.. Besides memory is
dirt cheap at the moment, and if you only use windoze for QPC a 20Gig HD
youll still have more than 19+Gig or so for QPC ;)


Re: [ql-users] Easyptr 3

2001-12-24 Thread P Witte

Dilwyn Jones writes:

 OK, this won't mean a thing to those not conversant with Easyptr, QPTR
 etc, but it's as well to get these facts about our programming tools
 out in the open to be aired in case other QL programmers encounter the
 same problems. I just hope I can persuade the author to address this
 little problem with Easyptr (and upgrade it to better handle GD2
 facilities perhaps!)

An upgrade to Easyptr would be highly desirable and I for one would be more
than happy to fork out some real dosh for it. Any one programming for PE,
whether in S*Basic, C or assembler, should consider adding this great tool
to their kit. Highly recommended!

Merry Christmas, and all that!


[ql-users] Boot Camp

2001-12-10 Thread P Witte

Warning!! Windoze and Linux haters should skip this mail as it may
contain objectionable material!!

Some people will consider it blatantly out of order, but considering
the trouble Ive saved myself I cant resist passing it on to the one or
two who may find it of some use.

Qdos-lovers will agree that Windoze makes an excellent platform for
our favourite OS. Windoze users may agree with me that
Win2000 is the stablest and ablest M$ OS yet (W98SE also
deserves an honourable mention). With M$ getting greedier and
more arrogant by the day, I fear these will be my last Windoze
upgrades. After this it has got to be Linux to save the planet! QPC3
is state of the art as far as Qdos/Smsqe goes, but uQLx, offering an
Open solution,  may one day catch up, especially if the number of
users increase as the enlightened abandon M$ in droves.

I have always wanted to have all three OSes to hand; Qdos, Windoze and
Linux. This is not a problem. It is easy enough to set up a PC to dual
boot W9x and Linux, but it is not entirely straightforward with
W2k/Linux as W2k wants to rule the roost by itself (one always
assumed). Not only that but W2k is not always able to run older
programs or hardware so it is sometimes necessary to have both W2k and
W98. Suggestions I found on the internet to create a triple boot
arrangement are quite involved and not all are equally satisfactory.
However, in the end I decided to take a risk and that turned out to
work surprisingly well, and best of all is quite simple to achieve:

1) Install W98
2) The easiest is now to run something like PartitionMagic and create
all the partitions required
3) Install Linux (default RedHat installation with lilo, the boot
4) Install W2k as a dual boot with W98

Thats it! On a fast machine the basic install takes just three hours
if all goes to plan. Contrary to dire warnings that W2k overwrites the
MBR and generally makes a nuisance of itself, it actually leaves lilo
alone. When booting, lilo offers linux or dos. If you choose dos you
get to the W2k boot loader so you then can choose between W2k and W98
(at this point is would be possible to add the boot menu to W98 to
boot into Msdos or W31x or QPC1 or QXL, if you insist ;)

Youre now ready to configure your systems and install the required QL

Name and address withheld

Re: [ql-users] PE Mouse Status

2001-11-30 Thread P Witte

Malcolm Lear writes:

 Thanks for all the info Per, this is exactly what I was after. Do
 know why d1.l is
 labeled x,y pointer coordinates on both input and output?

As input it is used to compare with the current pointer position to
determine whether the pointer has moved. As output it contains the
current pointer position. I believe you can also use it to get an idea
of how fast the pointer is moving. Just save a copy of the input
coordinates, call iop.rptr with bit 3 set in the termination vector,
and subtract the x or y portion from the resultant d1.

Please correct me if anyone knows better, or you get different

Re: [ql-users] PE Mouse Status

2001-11-29 Thread P Witte

Wolfgang Lenerz writes:

 On 22 Nov 2001, at 0:38, P Witte wrote:

  Im not sure how much of the documentation ought to be reproduce
  as it probably is copywrited material. Any thoughts on that,
 No problem if you rephrase it.

Ah! Thats probably why it costs money ;)

Its been a long time, so my comments are postfixed with a ?

IOP.RPTR - Read pointer

Trap#3  d0 = $71

input:  d1.l x,y pointer coordinates
  d2.btermination vector
  a0  channel ID
  a1  - pointer record

output : d1.lx,y pointer coordinates
a0   preserved (unless error?)

error:  NO  channel not open

x,y coordinates relative to screen.

Termination vector:

Setting one or more bits determines what will terminate the iop.rptr
call :

bit 0 - key or button stroke in window / window resize
 1 - key or button pressed (reacts to auto repeat)
 2 - key or button up in window
 3 - pointer moved from given coordinates in window
 4 - pointer moved out of window
 5 - pointer in window
 6 - reserved (edge of screen?)
 7 - special window request

Setting bits 4 and 5 will cause immediate termination even if the
window is locked.
Setting bit 7 is special: Timeout should be -1, and bits 2 to 6
should be zeroed. The sprite shown depends on the setting of bits 0
and 1:
bit 0 - move window
 1 - change size
 none - empty window
 both - no sprite shown?

The pointer record is somewhere to store $18 bytes of information
resulting from the call:

00.l ID of window enclosing pointer
04.wsub-window enclosing pointer
(or -1 = outside window?)
06.wx-pixel coordinate of pointer within (sub-)window
08.wy-pixel coordinate of pointer within (sub-)window
0a.b0 = no keystroke;  0 = keycode
0b.b0 = no key down;  0 = space or button depressed
0c.l  event vector, all zero except the ls byte, which is
the termination vector
10.w x 4  containing (sub-)window definition: size xy and
origen xy.

As you see, theres a lot more. To describe the workings would be more
like an article than an email.

You can also read the pointer through the window manager (wman) using
wm.rptr, vector $30. This vectored utility is the one to use if youre
using a window definition under wman, but if anyone figured out how to
do that without the manual they dont need my help ;)

Sorry it took so long to reply. Ive been away. HTH anyway.


Re: [ql-users] PE Mouse Status

2001-11-21 Thread P Witte

Malcolm Lear writes:

 Has anyone got any info on the low level mouse interface in the PE.
 assume it must be a
 documented Trap which returns both absolute pointer position and the
 relative position since
 the last call. I also need to determine the mouse button status. Any
 help would be greatly
 appreciated. I seem to remember that the info was available on the
 using KEYROW(24?).

QPTR, the pointer toolkit bible is essential for PE programming. I
hope noone will use features such as the PE linkage block Wolfgang was
asking about for published programs as it is not documented there, and
thus may be liable to change!

Im not sure how much of the documentation ought to be reproduce here
as it probably is copywrited material. Any thoughts on that, anyone?

The call you require is iop.rptr, trap#3, d0=$71. It is quite a
complex trap that will do all the things youre asking for (though in
its own way ;) The S*Basic equivalents, both in the Qptr toolkit
(RPTR) and various other implementations (eg EasyPTR's RDPT), are
rather oversimplyfied, unfortunately. However, they may do what you
want. If you dont have, or dont want to use, the Qptr toolkit you can
still use the trap by writing your own keyword to implement the
functionality youre interested in (Youll still want the documentation,

Ive seen somewhere that if the trap is called with bit #6 set in the
termination vector (lsb d2) it should return if the pointer is moved
to the edge of the screen, but I havent got this to work. Anyone got
an update on that?

A minor undocumented point on iop.rptr. My notes say a0 (channel ID)
is smashed if the call fails.

One improvement I would like to see: When making a window request
call (bit #7 set in termination vector) you currently only have a
choice of displaying one of three of the internal sprites (move,
change size, empty window). Why not allow a user defined sprite
option as well? Would be useful for other window resizing or moving


Re: [ql-users] Looking for PSION CHESS under SMSQ/E

2001-10-30 Thread P Witte

Urs König writes:

 Finding some spare time those days to use my QL, I've been
 wondering if anybody has a (patched) PSION CHESS which
 runs fine under later (QD-)OS like SMSQ(/E) on non
 QL-Hardware like QXL or QPC?

Versions are available that run from disk on QLs and 100% compatibles
(including speed :(  but I havent encountered any that will run on
anything else. The program bypasses most of Qdos and runs mainly on
the bare metal. I suspect that a major rewrite would be required.
Tough without the source code. More or less same for Scrabble.


Re: [ql-users] more noise

2001-10-26 Thread P Witte

Roy Wood writes:

 Seems Ive got read-only status :( Please let me know if this
 message does *not* appear on the list ;)
 If it did not appear how could we know ?

Youll know by the cheeky wink on the smiley ;)


Re: [ql-users] OFF TOPIC - The True Meaning of Acronyms

2001-08-27 Thread P Witte

 Hmmm, the price of your QLToady subscription has just doubled  ;-)

Joker, Obstreperous Nerd, Editor Supreme! 

(Please Excuse Repetitions/Rudeness)
(Plugging Endless Rubbish?)

Re: [ql-users] OFF TOPIC - The True Meaning of Acronyms

2001-08-25 Thread P Witte


Quirky, dubious, obsolete system
Quite Decidedly Os Supreme!


Some Modifications for Serious QLs/Emulators
Scant Modifications, Some Queer Extensions
Sad, Masochistic Suckers Queue 'Ere


QL Lives!


Singular Individual Nationally Celebrated Largely on Account of
Invention and Research


Top Echelon Binary Bashing Yuppie

 JONES (Jan or Dilwyn)

Jan's Outstanding Notes Explain Superbasic
Jovial On-line Nerd Exuding Sincerity (Devil Is Living in Wales, You


Queer Users  And Nerds Tell All
QL Users Are NT-Aversionists
QL Users Are Now Terrifically Advanced


[ql-users] Spam

2001-07-25 Thread P Witte

Ive always been blessed with very little spam. Every now and again I
get a rash, which I ignore, and it eventually goes away again.

Im having a spam rash now, the first in this series starting on Jul 4.
Looking at my internet history the only unusual visit made in the last
three weeks was when I had visitors, on Jul 2, who used Hotmail and
Yahoomail to read their email. Am I just being paranoid or is there a
connection? Can I zap these guys somehow?


Re: [ql-users] Re: SMSQ/E HDD

2001-07-22 Thread P Witte

Richard Zidlicky writes:

 On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 11:57:17PM +0200, Marcel Kilgus wrote:
  Richard Zidlicky wrote:
   uhmm, I assume you set the drive asleep using some of the sleep
   commands. Don't do this! Life expectancy of drives is measured
   in spinup cycles, not hours of idle operation. Modern drives
will have
   much better spinup behaviour than older ones but that doesn't
   change much.
  IBM designs their desktop drives to withstand at least 4
  start/stop cycles. This is 11 years with 10 start/stops every day.
  fact they have to be spun down at least once a day or you get
  with the bearing (in opposite to the server series which shouldn't
  spun down more often than about once a week).

 so it got better.. well don't forget every powercycle is 1 spinup,
 each time you hit reset may be the equivalent of another one
 on drive).

 Even if I had 10 sart/stops a day guaranteed I wouldn't use the
 automatic sleep when idle but rather spindown explicitly when
 I know I won't use the drive for a really long time or before
 shutting down.

 Older ( 8GB ) drives will porbably have much smaller life
 with frequent spinups.

I would probably have followed a similar policy. However, I do it for
the silence. Admittedly it is not ideal. A 128 Mb flash disk would be
nice ;)


Re: [ql-users] Re: SMSQ/E HDD

2001-07-19 Thread P Witte

Marcel Kilgus writes:

  I have a question regarding the SMSQ/E Hard disk driver on my Q60.

 Search the SMSQ/E file (using Wined, Filed or some other hexeditor)
 for the hex values

 26 2b 01 cc e5 8b 08 2d 00 03 fb 07

 There should only be 2(!) occurrences (however, I don't have an
 for Qx0 file to verify this).

 Exchange both occurrences of the e5 byte with e7. This should
 double the timeout to 8 seconds.

Just the sort of solution I was looking for! Thank you!

However, the search string didnt show up in smsq/e 2.98 for Q40/60. A
two-byte-truncated version did show up twice, at $1646e and $164de,
but patching those had no effect on the timing. Anything else I can


[ql-users] Re: SMSQ/E HDD

2001-07-18 Thread P Witte

Hi all,

I have a question regarding the SMSQ/E Hard disk driver on my Q60.
The issue is outlined in the correspondence quoted below. Any idea,

  When my hard disk has stopped, and some access attempt
   wakes it up again, it doesnt quite manage to spin up before
   the file system beeps.
  The file system beeps? Never heard that before.

 The fact that something beeps when the IOSS is unable to complete an
 operation is obviously as new to you as to me, then. In fact I have
 heard it before, namely in the demo version of QPC2: When you try to
 save a file (writing to media has been disabled in the demo) you get
 a buzz instead. I presume what this means is that although the
 filesystem has accepted the transaction (the file is apparently
 visible until the end of the session) it has not been commited to
 the media! The problem is, that it is too late to return an error at
 this stage as the call has already returned, so it buzzes instead to
 alert the user to the condition.

 Ok, so back to my situation: When my drive has stopped, any
 io-access to the drive starts it up again. Great! However, the
 drive does not manage
 to spin up in the time allotted before the IOSS gives up with
 failure. Another  second would have done the trick. Is there
 a way of changing this (a poke, if nothing else)?


Re: [ql-users] qxltool and multipartitions

2001-07-15 Thread P Witte

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 11:55 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] qxltool and multipartitions

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Timothy
 Swenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
 Another thing is that the Syquest drive not makes a funny noise
after I
 put a disk in, then it spits the disk out.  Can computer hardware
 This is a common problem with the Syquest drives. Sometimes they
seem to
 take a complete dislike to some disks. The strange thing is a disk
 rejected by one drive will be quite happy in another - even if it
 not formatted or written to by it before.

On the other hand, inserting one funny disk into a perfectly healthy
drive can make that drive start to produce more funny disks quite
spontaneously until no drive will read any disk any more (if you let
it get that far). Great idea; shame about the implementation.


Re: [ql-users] NEXT in FOR-loop

2001-06-19 Thread P Witte

 Only guessing because I can't try this until I get home, but when n
 reaches the value 2.  (the nearest it'll get to 3.00
 0.01 is not represented exactly internally [that would need an
 number of bits]), then PRINT n  will round up to 3, whereas INT(n)
 return the correct answer (2) which needs no rounding and therefore
 prints as 2.

 Print returns 3 because of rounding of the QL float precision of 9
 to 7 digits available for printing. INT operates directly from QL
 format and will therefore give the right result: 2. This will again
 rounded to 7 digitsby print but obviously 2.000 = 2.00 so
 will change.

SMSQ/E, and I think Qdos also, operates with (at least) four
different rounding schemes:

1) PRINT 2.99prints 3(6 decimals)
This affects the display only, not the maths

2) x$ = x: PRINT x$prints 2.99, but
x = 2.999: x$ = x: PRINT x$prints 3! (7 d)
This rounding takes place during conversion to ascii

 x = 2.9: PRINT xprints the expected 2.9 (5 d)
3) PRINT INT(x)prints 2
4) x% = x: PRINT x% prints 3

 x = -2.9: PRINT x  prints the expected -2.9
3) PRINT INT(x)prints -3
4) x% = x: PRINT x% prints -3

Thus INT truncates to next _smaller_ integer, coercion rounds to
_nearest_ integer. (For integers, method 4 is thus more precise.)


Re: [ql-users] QPC2

2001-06-13 Thread P Witte

Ian Pizer writes:

  With Windows mode, QPCII v2 Final will still not  load. I get : The
 program has performed an illegal operation
  Details QPC2 caused an invalid fault in module QPC.exe at
  etc.  Perhaps that gives a clue?

 Jerome mentions QPC2v2final Updated could there be an even more
 version than mine?
 I set 16MB for memory. Win1_  there is 4932kB free. Maybe not
enough? I
 tried changing 16 to 32 but win1_
 remained with 16MB.

 I have W98 SE set 800,600 and 24 bit colour (QPC set 800,600 which
 for QL colours but no other colours
 when colour commands used).

If youve tried the other suggestions and still no joy, how about

# the file system?
# whats in your boot file? (none of my business, I know, but a lot of
things zap QPC)
# directX?
# corrupt executive or disk?

QPC2v2f/SMSQ/2.98 hicolor work fine for me on w95/w98/w2k in most
modes, normally 1kx768.

Great when it works, though. Good luck!


Re: [ql-users] QPC2

2001-06-05 Thread P Witte

Marcel Kilgus writes:

 Per wrote:
  Oh good. Where does one get it?

 You've never aquired any updates before? By mail, Jochen's BBS,
 web-page or whatever you prefer, I don't know.

No, I ask because I could not find it at the usual place, Jochen's
BBS. But youre very welcome to mail it to me.

Cant say I noticed the announcement of the update?


Re: [ql-users] QPC2

2001-05-31 Thread P Witte

Claude Mourier 00 writes:

 Is there any way to work with a three buttons mouse on a PC (I found
 the third button as Escape very convenient on native QDOS/SMS
machines) ?

Presumably you mean using a 3-button mouse in QPC2? Because that would
be nice. And the scroll wheel while were at it ;)


Re: [ql-users] HTML- Mail was QL Emulators CD

2001-05-31 Thread P Witte

Martin Wheatley writes:

 Marcus wrote
  It's just that you answered an HTML mail and therefore it
  HTML, too, I suppose.

 And Malcolm replied
  Also, to send HTML you must have MIME enabled ... otherwise it is
  rejected.  Dis-enable MIME when sending plain text.
  If you are using Outlook Excess, it is buried somewhere in the
menus :-(

 Marcus is right Malcolm.  It's not that simple
 Whatever defaults you set up in OE (and to be fair most Windows
 mail progs) apply only to NEW e-mails
 If you hit the Reply button then it creates a copy of the original
 message complete with all the original message's formatting and it
 is that you are typing into.  Hence the occasional HTML messages
 from people who are normally not set up for HTML

In LookOut its normally easy enough to see the format of the message
youre replying to. However, to make your settings foolproof, ie safe
from oneself, at least in later versions of OE :

Under Tools/Options/Send, untick Reply to messages using same format
as they were sent.

On the same page under Mail sending format select the Plain Text
radio button, and while youre there check the settings under the
International Settings button and select Western European (ISO).

Finally, in the address book (Tools/Address Book), under the ql-user
Name tab, tick the Send E-Mail using plain text only button,

repeat the latter step for all your nerdy acquaintances,

and Bobs yer aunts live-in lover!


PS  I can still think of a couple more excuses for bungling up after
this, but I think I better save them for my own use ;)

Re: [ql-users] QPC2

2001-05-31 Thread P Witte

Marcel Kilgus writes:

 Command MOUSE_STUFF defines which character is generated when
 the third button. So for ESC that would be


Thanks for documenting that. However, it does not appear to work for
my Logitec wheelmouse on W2k; no character is registered.


Re: [ql-users] sb2htm

2001-05-30 Thread P Witte

Malcolm Cadman writes:

Yes, yes; anOTHER *2htm! I really got to work this one through my
system. Im having the whole house htmlised next. Wall2wall. After
that, no one can be sure. The pets have all fled; the wife is
terrified! (Shes waiting for the dreaded call: Honey, I just
the kids!) However, none of that need worry you one little bit. All
_you_ have to do is  to try it out and enjoy!

 Umm ... sounds useful, I will incorporate it into my armoury !

Which bit exactly is it you find useful for the old armoury, Malcolm?

 I am already forever converting text files to html, with a rather
 piece of software of my RISC OS system.

If you find your tastes run to this sort of thing ;) theres also an
asm2html (not asm2htm) on the web that does i86 source code to html.
Its written in perl. I havent tried it yet, so dont know how it does.


Re: [ql-users] Re: UK General Election

2001-05-23 Thread P Witte

Malcolm Cadman writes:

 ... a mite cynical, yet agree with some of it.  My difficulty with
 politicians is that they are no longer allowing democracy to take

Oh, democracy is working alright: One dollar = One vote; its business
as usual.

The problem with the system is that anyone setting out to change it
either gets eliminated or assimilated.

A bit like the computer industry, perhaps?


Re: [ql-users] another float question

2001-05-19 Thread P Witte

ZN writes:

...on the QL the implied 1, IIRC, is not removed, so the
 mantissa is really a mantissa, not a fraction.

I buy that explanation ;)


Re: [ql-users] float

2001-05-18 Thread P Witte

Richard Zidlicky writes:

 Also very nice source of desaster are div and mod routines wrt
 values and overflow. Those are often used in direct disk access



SMSQ/E and Minerva say:

  7 div  3 ,  7 mod  3 =  2 ,  1
 -7 div  3 , -7 mod  3 = -3 ,  2
  7 div -3 ,  7 mod -3 = -3 , -2
 -7 div -3 , -7 mod -3 =  2 , -1

 Prospero Pascal says:

  7 div  3 ,  7 mod  3 =  2 ,  1
 -7 div  3 , -7 mod  3 = -2 ,  1
  7 div -3 ,  7 mod -3 = -2 ,  error
 -7 div -3 , -7 mod -3 =  2 ,  error

C68 Release 3.05 using the div_t structure says:

  7 div  3 ,  7 mod  3 =  2 ,  1
 -7 div  3 , -7 mod  3 = -2 , -1
  7 div -3 ,  7 mod -3 = -1 , -4 ?!
 -7 div -3 , -7 mod -3 =  2 , -1

Using school maths I get:

  7 div  3 ,  7 mod  3 =  2 ,  1
 -7 div  3 , -7 mod  3 = -2 , -1
  7 div -3 ,  7 mod -3 = -2 ,  1
 -7 div -3 , -7 mod -3 =  2 , -1

 Who says we're hard up for choice!


[ql-users] float

2001-05-16 Thread P Witte

There seem to be some problems with floating point numbers on SMSQ/E

First of all, entering numbers between 2E308 and 9E308 crash Sbasic!

PRINT 2E308: rem Bang!

Numbers   -9E308 and 9E308 get an Invalid syntax error, which is ok.
But, notice the range has changed!
SMSQ/E allows  -1E308 to +1E308  while the old JS did  +/-1E610, or

Loading up old SuperBasic programs with out-of-range numbers
(according to SMSQ) generates a Mistake. Good! However, you
can Qload such a file without so much as a murmur of the catastrophy
about to ensue: The moment you access the line in any way.. you
guessed it!*  Not quite so good.

Ive no idea what happens when a compiled program like that hits SMSQ.

Some more testing has shown that overflow-handling under SBASIC doesnt
seem to work either! Eg the overflow is silently accepted; the error
is only reported on the following use of a float:

100 x=1e308
110 i=0
120 rep
130 i=i+1:print i
140 x=x+x::rem Should overflow immediately
150 endrep

This will first print 1, then stop with an overflow error on line 130
in round two! If you then try to print x..*

Can someone confirm that this is not just a local phenomenon, please.


* Bang!

Re: [ql-users] bmp2pic

2001-05-14 Thread P Witte

  If theres anything out there that will convert bmp or png to QL
  format I must have missed it! Can anyone help?

 If you have a Q40 you can use pqiv, load the png image and save as
 (Q40 display layout).

Thanks for that, but I dont have a Qx0 yet. Im one of the untold
masses clamouring for a

 .. Q60 * Motorola 68060 / 80 MHz * 80 MB RAM * 30 GB Hard Disk

:)  but that is proving a mite difficult at present..


Re: [ql-users] Transparent background

2001-05-13 Thread P Witte

Phoebus Dokos writes:

 Use OVER#channel,0

 Yep but OVER has a very annoying property. Once you use AT and place
 text at the same position as your previous PRINT statement. ;-)

I think thats a wonderful property! It rubs your text out again,
restoring the background. (But if its not what you want, I agree, it
could get thoroughly annoying ;)

 Looks like I'll have to screen background saving code after all as
well as
 graphical font print routines :-(

You could also try PE sprites, pattern and/or blobs.


Re: [ql-users] bmp2pic

2001-05-11 Thread P Witte

Malcolm Lear writes:

 Sorry I think I misunderstood you. I assumed you wanted a program to
 convert bitmaps to
 QPC hicolour. It would be quite a feat to convert down from 24 bit
to 3.

Not at all. That was just the ticket! However it doesnt quite work for
me. Looks like the picture is just out of sync.. Must have a closer
look. Anyway, thanks!


[ql-users] bmp2pic

2001-05-10 Thread P Witte

If theres anything out there that will convert bmp or png to QL pic
format I must have missed it! Can anyone help?


Re: [ql-users] New Hyper Browse release

2001-03-26 Thread P Witte

Bill Waugh writes:

   On Thu, 12 Mar 1981, Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:
Things have changed since then ;)

Most people on this list have access to a PC, are another machine
(UnixBox) which already has Intrernet progs, else they wouldn't be
on this list. I, for myself, use a PC. Somebody on this list
suggested that a Browser under QDOS/SMSQ/E doesn't make
much sqense, since the people already on this list wiould be better
of using their native browser, rather than yours under QPC under
   IIRC that person said, that a Browser under QDOS/SMSQ/E makes much
  I meant makes _not_ much sense, of course.

Id sure be interested in a fast, tight and intelligent browser for the QL.
But Id like to see a working version first ;)


Re: [ql-users] QLiberator problems - any ideas ?

2001-03-25 Thread P Witte

FranoisVan Emelen writes:

 Easysource_exe and Easysprite_exe (Easyptr package) won't run in high
 colour mode.
 Datadesign locks in high colour mode when asking info about the opened
 ddf-file (F3 followed by a).

Youre right :(  And EZmenu totters. All in all, my QL now crashes more than
100 times more frequently than W2k - were ahead again! I dont mind too much,
because Im sure itll get sorted out eventually - its been like this with
every major development, from AH (and its unspeakable predecessors) to JS;
from "JM"  thru the A, B and C drivers for the Atari, etc.

It would be worrying if essential programs such as Qlib, EZptr and others
were no longer being upgraded. What is the status on ezptr? Is there any
news on Qlib?


Re: [ql-users] Lightning

2001-03-20 Thread P Witte

Dave Westbury writes:

 EG load the maths_ext and try:


 where (a) not defined. No excuse for that behaviour regardless.

While we're having this bug-fest, how about (SMSQ/E 2.98 colour 24, QPC2v2)

rep ll: if inkey$(#c; 1)  "": exit ll

The logic may be all wrong, but hardly a hanging offence when a warning
would have done as well! You may need to run it a few times. It corrupts
memory and eventually crashes SMSQ. Perhaps others can confirm that its
not just a faithfully replicated QDOS bug ;)

I already mentioned the con_0x0 bug some weeks ago. Much more spectacular
that one, although much less "wrong" - in fact entirely the opposite IMHO. I
really hope that this is not "fixed" by throwing an error OR or something.
It is far more useful as it was 2.98, eg to read the pointer position and
such like before opening the real working window.


Re: [ql-users] coulours on SMSQ

2001-03-16 Thread P Witte

Dave Westbury writes:

 Now that rings a bell. In early coding days I wrote some array handling
 commands (which, given a channel, filled arrays directly from a MIDI data
 They worked well under SMSQ but failed when I qliberated the program. I
just put
 it down to different data structures in Qlib'd programs, perhaps it

Probably not. Arrays are treated identically to the parser in Qlib :)   (Not
so in Turbo :(   So array handling keywords that work correctly under
S*Basic should also work with Qlib. You can skip most of the a6-rel stuff
once you know youre working inside a Qlib job, which speeds things up a
bit. And so it seems you partially can from SBAS.

 O/T Qliberator
 I wonder what the status of Qlib sources are, wasn't it going to be
updated to
 deal with SMSQ some time ago? Although SBASIC is as quick as compiled, you

I cant say Ive hit too many limitations using Qlib with SMSQ/E. The first
time I tried to compile something more substantial written for SBAS, I got
lots of compile, runtime, and whats worse: "phantom" errors (not a source
code logic problem, no obvious clues to whats going on) which almost made
me give up trying. But after tidying a few lable-less EXITs, un-initialised
variables, and obvious things like that it went surprisingly well. Avoiding
kind of SBAS "luxury",  is no problem to me. You cant compile hex and
binary literals,  and there are a few quirky incompatibilities, such as

PRINT ("abc")(2)

which are neither understood, nor flagged by Qlib. (As a matter of fact
theres a bug in SMSQ/E, so this is not always handled properly there either,

a$='abc': PRINT ('x'a$)(4)
Lable-less loop controls, apart from the opening clause REPeat, are not
flagged at compile-time,
though they generate a run-time error in simple programs. (But may lead to
"phantom" errors in larger/more complex ones??)

 circulate EasyPtr extensions separately to your programs. Writing a new
 using TPTR and Turbo would be OK but I wouldn't like to completely rewrite
 old EasyPtr programs to use it :-(

If the location and format of Turbo arrays were known, and the parser could
be told to shut up about array parameters passed to m/c procedures, then
extention toolkits could test for Turbo and take the appropriate action.
Unless the header or storage format are very different, even patching some
non supported toolkits might be possible. Just a thought.


Re: [ql-users] QPC2v2 again

2001-02-09 Thread P Witte

Marcel Kilgus writes:

 P Witte wrote:
  10 a = 0
  20 OPEN#1;'con_0x0'
  30 PAUSE#1; 200
  it zaps QPC.

 Cannot reproduce that. OS? Memory settings?

I did mention you had to EX it? The cut-of value is at 2x2; 1x1 and 0x0 both
kill QPC2v2.

M$ Windoze 2000 5.00.2195
AMD Athlon 700MHz
130,544Mb RAM
Plenty of free memory
QPC2v2 is set to 16Mb with about 11 free after boot


Re: [ql-users]GD2 again

2001-02-08 Thread P Witte

Timothy Swenson writes:

 Isn't there a way to check to see if a Keyword is available?  In DJTK
there is
 the CHECK command, that looks to see if a PROC/FN is available.  I'm
 this will work for the GD2 commands, like PALETTE_QL.  Have not tried it
 myself, but it's worth a look.  Get DJTK from Dilwyn's page on the Other
 Sofware page.

Its probably the surest way, though somewhat gawky, dont you find? The Thing
list is probably the one to use in these situations, but then there doesnt
appear to be a GD2 Thing or anything related. An alternative might be to
read the mode, though that is a rather indirect way of doing things, and not
necessarily unambiguous with regard to the presence of the keyword in
question. The keyword is directly related to certain capabilities of the OS,
and it is those capabilities that I really want to test for. Are there no
new keys in the sys vars to indicate the presence of GD2, like in the
display mask (sys_mdsp) ? (Apparently not.)

Just tested: Called  iow.papp  on a pre-colour SMSQ/E (this is the key for
the first of the new traps). It didnt return NI, as might be expected, but
BP (or is this a genuine BP error from some undocumented trrap?). Still, a
utility or keyword to test for this might be a possible solution. Anyone
know anything to the contrary?


Yes, I do! I wrote a SB keyword as described above. It worked as expected in
various pre-colour versions of SMSQ/E, and on 2.98 in hi-colour mode - but
not in 2.98 QL-colour mode - there the trap seems to work - ie no errors -
although it isnt implemented! :((  Do we call this a "feature" or what?

Other suggestions?


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