LDAP based mailing lists?

2000-07-04 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Perhaps this would be better asked of the ezmlm list but ... without a
doubt one of the most useful features of my Netscape Messageing Server
based mail hub is it's integration with LDAP (which is the way of the
future of course ...) in particular it's "dynamic" mailing lists based

Is anyone working on something similar to this? Maybe there would be a
way to set up an account that used preline to run a prog that handled
the LDAP lookup?

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNIX System Administrator|Royal Military College of Canada
The Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/
Saving the World ... One CPU at a Time

Please excuse me if I am terse. I answer dozens of emails every day.

Re: Weird stats?

1999-05-19 Thread Mark E Drummond

Fred Lindberg wrote:
> All as it should be on a very lightly loaded system that does mainly
> local work.

Actually it does no local work. It is just a gateway which forwards
"legit" mail to our internal mailhub which the users access. But I'll
still take that as meaning the machine is operating fine. Thanks for all
your input. I really love using qmail but I need to make sure it
performs well because I have to justify it's use over sendmail. I
installed it when we purchased a new gateway machine and the biggest
issue for me was migrating our heavily hand-hacked sendmail.cf to the
latest version. No thanks! Of course, my boss had other concerns like
performance, support, etc.

- med

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

Opinions on a mail filter?

1999-08-20 Thread Mark E. Drummond

I have the following setup. Currently my mail is spooled on my mail hub
and I access it using IMAP. I am running qmail locally with delivery to
my ~/Maildir/. If I turn on mail fowarding on my mailhub to send mail to
my local machine (which is the goal here) all my mail gets stuck in
~/Maildir/. No problem there except that I am on a "few" mailing lists
and would like to filter incoming mail ala procmail.

I would like to change my setup a bit so that I have say ~/Mail/ which
would contain Maildir style mailboxes under it like so:


etc etc. Each of those subdirs would be a Maildir style mailbox created
with makemaildir.

So everything is set up except for the mail filter and I am wondering
which I should use. I have some experience with procmail but have not
managed to get it to work with qmail. Is there a filter that I can stick
in the pipe that will deliver to Maildir style folders?


tel;fax:(613) 542-8129
tel;home:(613) 384-4068
tel;work:(613) 541-6000 x 6060
org:Royal Military College of Canada;Computing Services
adr:;;4475 Bath Road;Amherstview;Ontario;K7N 1A3;CANADA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:UNIX System Administrator
fn:Mark Drummond

qmail-ldap on gateway

1999-08-24 Thread Mark E. Drummond

I run qmail on my MX host, relaying mail to my internal mailhub.
Can I use qmail-ldap to verify rcpt addresses against our Netscape
Directory Server?


Kingston Linux Users Group  http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/
KLUG Mailing List   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Qmail as external mailhub

1999-02-24 Thread Mark E Drummond

Hi all. I am setting up a test of qmail as a replacement for sendmail on
our new external mailhub/web server. Our structure is as follows:

We have an external mailhub which the world sees as the MX for our
domain, rmc.ca. All mail for rmc.ca is processed by the external
mailhub. Spam, relayed mail, unresolvable return domains etc are
bounced, and anything for rmc.ca, or any of the other defined relay
domains is passed on to our internal mailhub (Netscape Messaging Server)
for delivery into the users mailbox, usually accessed from there via

I now have qmail installed on the new machine as per the install
instructions and it is working. Now I must configure it to relay mail to
the internal mailhub. I have added the appropriate domains to my
"rcpthosts" file. Do I need to modify any other files? How do I tell
qmail to send this mail to the internal hub?

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

   The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't
suck is the day they start making vacuums

Header rewriting

1999-02-24 Thread Mark E Drummond

By putting my top domain in the defaulthost file on my external hub (MX
for the domain) will that automagically rewrite the _sender_ address on
outgoing email? Rewriting will not be necesary for 99% of my users but
there are a few who might be running thier own Unices and need to have
headers rewitten. Will it affect anything else?

Another question, I want all mail for my domain forwarded to my internal
hub _except_ for mail directed to the external hub itself. There is a
mailing list server on the external hub, so mail sent to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] must be managed locally.

Now lists.mydomain is an alias for the external hubs real name. But I
have the following in my smtproutes file:


Will this cause mail for the external hub to be forwarded to the
internal hub, which would then redirect the mail to the external hub ad
nauseum? Should I use explicit entries in smtphosts for each domain I
want to forward instead of the catch all ".rmc.ca:..."?


Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

   The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't
suck is the day they start making vacuums

Sending mail to /dev/null?

1999-02-24 Thread Mark E Drummond

How can I send mail from a certain site to bit heaven?

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

   The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't
suck is the day they start making vacuums

Forwarding MAILER-DAEMON messages

1999-02-24 Thread Mark E Drummond

How would I forward all messages for MAILER-DAEMON on my external hub
(running qmail) to my global postmaster account?

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

   The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't
suck is the day they start making vacuums

Remote addresses not getting processed

1999-02-24 Thread Mark E Drummond

Hi all. Qmail is delivering to local addresses from both local and
remote senders. But it is not delivering to remote addresses, whether
from a local or remote sender. Any ideas?

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

   The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't
suck is the day they start making vacuums

Remote mail still not working

1999-02-25 Thread Mark E Drummond

Howdy. OK, ingoring relaying et al for now, I still cannot get mail for
remote rcpts off my machine. Mail to local users, whether from local or
remote senders works just fine. But mail from a local user to a remote
rcpt just sits in the queue. _Nothing_ is logged, I have the fol in my

mail.*  /var/log/maillog

TAB separated (I double checked :-) and syslog has been restarted. My
current setup is basically the default setup after an install. All
daemons are running as their appropriate users. Nothing has been
bounced. The mail to remote rcpts is just sitting in the queue. I am on
a Solaris 7 box, the install went without a hitch. No errors.

I need to get this fixed ASAP or my boss will make me go back to
sendmail. (Ack!) Any ideas folks?

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

   The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't
suck is the day they start making vacuums

Re: Remote mail still not working

1999-02-25 Thread Mark E Drummond

Harald Hanche-Olsen wrote:
> - Mark E Drummond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> | Howdy. OK, ingoring relaying et al for now, I still cannot get mail
> | for remote rcpts off my machine. Mail to local users, whether from
> | local or remote senders works just fine. But mail from a local user
> | to a remote rcpt just sits in the queue. _Nothing_ is logged,
> | the fol in my syslog.conf:
> |
> |   mail.*  /var/log/maillog
> Well, you clearly need to get logging enabled.  Try this simple test:
> ; echo Testing | /var/qmail/bin/splogger

Got logging working. I guess Solaris doesn't like mail.*, I had to use
mail.info instead. Stupid admin trick. :-) Maybe now I will see what is
going on. I'll get back to you.

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

   The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't
suck is the day they start making vacuums

Re: Remote mail still not working

1999-02-25 Thread Mark E Drummond

Harald Hanche-Olsen wrote:
> Did you try the direct splogger test I suggested?

Yep, now it is working per my other email.

> But how do you run it in the foreground?  I meant to run simply

Actually I did `csh -cf '/var/qmail/rc'` without the &. However, all of
a sudden all the email that was waiting in the queue has been delivered!
Would qmail hold the mail while logging was not working?

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

   The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't
suck is the day they start making vacuums

Re: Remote mail still not working

1999-02-25 Thread Mark E Drummond

Harald Hanche-Olsen wrote:
> - Mark E Drummond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> | I'll get back to you.
> OK, I am going home now, it being late in these parts of the world.
> But I'll log in from home later, so if you have further questions I
> may still be able to answer them.
> - Harald

Thanks for your help. Anyway, I am back to the basic post-install
config, with _just_ my "locals" "me" and "rcpthosts" set to the local
machine FQDN. Like I said, the email in the queue has been delivered
(well, actually only about half of the messages, I guess the others need
to wait for the next queue processing?), and I have no idea what
happened to make that mail be delivered. Logging is working now that I
have the correct entry in syslog.conf. Now I get to break it by trying
to integrate it with tcp_wrappers ... :-)

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

   The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't
suck is the day they start making vacuums

Re: Remote mail still not working

1999-02-25 Thread Mark E Drummond

Mate Wierdl wrote:
> The obvious question now is: what command starts qmail for you?  Wold you
> mind copyying the approriate init file here?

Since I have just installed tcpserver, my /etc/init.d/qmail now has the
fol in it:

/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -c100 -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u51012 -g1005 0
smtp \ 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd &

I am now testing it to see if it accepts mail both ways.

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

   The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't
suck is the day they start making vacuums

ezmlm lists question

1999-02-26 Thread Mark E Drummond

I noticed that the only way to create a list with a name of the form
@ as opposed to -@ is to create the
list under the ~alias user.

Would this be a "normal" way of doing things or is there some reason not
to? I have been setting up lists to replace my majordomo server under a
"lists" user but I figured if I create them under ~alias then I can
continue using the exact same list names as before, and then my users
would not notice and change (except when trying to interact with the mlm
itself of course).

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

   The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't
suck is the day they start making vacuums

Re: ezmlm lists question

1999-02-26 Thread Mark E Drummond

Chris Johnson wrote:
> The list address would then be [EMAIL PROTECTED], but controlled by a regular
> user rather than the alias user.

Since there are no normal users on this machine, is there any reason not
to set up the lists under the alias user? I'm thinking security wise

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

   The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't
suck is the day they start making vacuums

ezmlm members list question

1999-02-26 Thread Mark E Drummond

In majordomo, the only info stored about a subscriber is his email
address. Can ezmlm store the users name as well? As in "Joe Blow"
Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

   The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't
suck is the day they start making vacuums

Thanks! (ezmlm & remote mail problems)

1999-03-01 Thread Mark E Drummond

Thanks for everyone's help. It looks like my new qmail mail gateway
w/ezmlm lists is ready for production. I just need to test relaying from
external sites and we will be good to go.


Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

   The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't
suck is the day they start making vacuums

Mail loop problem

1999-03-16 Thread Mark E Drummond

Hi folks. I put my new qmail based MX into production yesterday and it
is working great. However, I have one problem and I am not sure which
end I should look to for the answer.

My setup is an external gateway machine running qmail (our MX),
forwarding mail for our domain to our internal mailhub running Netscape
Messaging Server (NMS) which all our users access using IMAP.

The problem is that mail to a non-existant or mispelled address within
our domain gets sent to the internal hub, which checks it and does not
find a valid RCPT, and so it sends the email back to the MX. Now the MX,
instead of bouncing the email back to the sender, it returns it to the
internal hub, which then sends it back again to the MX.

An example, someone outside our domain ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) sends an
email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] The MX for mydomain.com checks the
RCPT and sees that it is destined for our domain so it relays the
message on to our internal hub. The hub, realising that unknownuser does
not exist should bounce the message. Only the message gets sent back to
the MX, which for some reason returns the message back to the hub
instead of returning it the original sender.

This is probably just a lack of understanding on my part (I'm relatively
new to postmaster duties) leading to a misconfiguration somewhere. My
question is, is this qmail's problem or NMS's problem?

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

Re: Mail loop problem

1999-03-16 Thread Mark E Drummond

Harald Hanche-Olsen wrote:
> - Mark E Drummond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> | My setup is an external gateway machine running qmail (our MX),
> | forwarding mail for our domain to our internal mailhub running
> | Netscape Messaging Server (NMS) which all our users access using
> | IMAP.
> |
> | The problem is that mail to a non-existant or mispelled address
> | within our domain gets sent to the internal hub, which checks it and
> | does not find a valid RCPT, and so it sends the email back to the
> | MX.
> That's your problem, as far as I can understand it.  Your NMS needs to
> be told that it, and it alone, is the final authority on what is a
> valid email address within your domain, and so it should produce a
> proper bounce message if it is not.

This is what I figured. Only I have no idea why NMS is sending bounces
to the MX. It does not send anything else to the MX, it delivers it
itself. H... I'll keep looking. Thanks!

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

Re: poor documentation example

1999-03-24 Thread Mark E Drummond

"Scott D. Yelich" wrote:
> How many people here had to ask or figure this out for
> themselves provided that they didn't have "cc" working?

I did. It was a quite fix but it was one which could have been avoided.
That's what autoconf & automake are for.

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

Re: Melissa Virus

1999-03-29 Thread Mark E Drummond

Here we have a serious problem folks. Sendmail had a "fix" out for
Melissa very shortly after it came out, and we are sitting pretty. I
made a big push here to move our org to qmail because qmail seemed to be
way superior. Now I am really ticked by my inability to write/use simple
rulesets to solve this problem.

If anyone knows how to insert a filter of some sort into the qmail
stream I'd love to hear about it, else I can see qmail getting the boot,
and I _really_ don't want to have to go back to sendmail!

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

Re: Melissa Virus

1999-03-29 Thread Mark E Drummond

Mark E Drummond wrote:
> Here we have a serious problem folks. Sendmail had a "fix" out for

For what it is worth, I am not even going to bother with this now. Not
much point really since an inline script would just increase load and
since the "fix" for sendmail is dependant on the Subject line of the
email. Not much of a fix really ...

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

.qmail- question

1999-01-06 Thread Mark E Drummond

Hi all,

I have a mailing list set up using the .qmail- feature. I have
email addresses listed one per line like I'm supposed to and it works
fine. My question is, can the lines of email addresses take any normal
SMTP form or does it have to be just the email address? i.e., could I
instead have lines of the form:

"Person's Name" 

instead of just:




Mark E Drummond   Royal Military College of Canada
Unix System Administrator   Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles   perl || die

Weird stats?

1999-05-18 Thread Mark E Drummond

I've installed qmailanalog on my mail gateway and ran zoverall against
the last 81 days of mail stats. What I came up with leads me to question
how well my machine is working. The hardware is a Sun Enterprise 250
with dual 300MHz UltraSPARC-II's, and 256MB of RAM running Solaris 7.
What I am wondering about is the apparently long processing time for
messages. According to these stats we are processing only ~2722 messages
per day (~1.9 per minute) at ~23K each. Yet the average message queue
time is 527 seconds?! Why would a message sit in the queue for so long
with such a light load? Here's the numbers:

Basic statistics

qtime is the time spent by a message in the queue.

ddelay is the latency for a successful delivery to one recipient---the
end of successful delivery, minus the time when the message was queued.

xdelay is the latency for a delivery attempt---the time when the attempt
finished, minus the time when it started. The average concurrency is the
total xdelay for all deliveries divided by the time span; this is a good
measure of how busy the mailer is.

Completed messages: 222628
Recipients for completed messages: 244706
Total delivery attempts for completed messages: 257266
Average delivery attempts per completed message: 1.15559
Bytes in completed messages: 5139085562
Bytes weighted by success: 5470767758
Average message qtime (s): 526.552

Total delivery attempts: 258538
  success: 234138
  failure: 10575
  deferral: 13825
Total ddelay (s): 22274235.431068
Average ddelay per success (s): 95.132936
Total xdelay (s): 553004.573188
Average xdelay per delivery attempt (s): 2.138968
Time span (days): 81.7779
Average concurrency: 0.0782671

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

Re: Error msg. from matchup

1999-05-18 Thread Mark E Drummond

Ralf Guenthner wrote:
> Hi
> Sorry if this is pretty basic...
> While doing
> "cat logneu | ./bin/matchup > log1" in /usr/local/qmailanalog
> I get the message:
> matchup: fatal: unable to write fd 5: file descriptor not open
> What's wrong? Is my ulimit too low??

You forgot to redirect fd 5 to a file. Do this:

cat logneu | ./bin/matchup >log1 5>log1.blah

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

Re: Weird stats?

1999-05-19 Thread Mark E Drummond

Fred Lindberg wrote:
> On Tue, 18 May 1999 11:22:11 -0400, Mark E Drummond wrote:
> >What I am wondering about is the apparently long processing time for
> >messages. According to these stats we are processing only ~2722 messages
> >per day (~1.9 per minute) at ~23K each. Yet the average message queue
> >time is 527 seconds?! Why would a message sit in the queue for so long
> >with such a light load? Here's the numbers:
> First, you have a very lightly loaded machine, and it's goofing off
> most of the time ;-) This explains the 1.9 messages/min. We've had
> qmail do 1000/min on simple hardware, admittedly with ideal recipients.
> The queue time includes deliveries that were repeatedly deferred (host
> unreachable, user over quota try later, etc) that then finally timed
> out their queue life time(something like 7 days). Thus, the average is
> not very useful.
> Average ddelay per success (s): 95.132936: This shows you that the
> delivery attempts that were successful took on average 95 s to
> complete. This does not count all the unsuccessful delivery attempts.
> Look at other stats in the package. The time taken to complete 50% or
> 80% of the deliveries or the average time for the first 50 or 80% is a
> much more useful measure.
> In summary, looks ok and the numbers are a reflection of the
> recipients, not your qmail installation.

I ran zddelay on the logs after posting this and yes, 82% of all
messages are being delivered in under 1 second, 91% in under 2 seconds,
but the last 1-2% are taking _huge_ amounts of time which it skewing the

Here's the run of zddelay:

Distribution of ddelays for successful deliveries

Meaning of each line: The first pct% of successful deliveries
all happened within doneby seconds. The average ddelay was avg.

   doneby avg  pct
 0.490.46  10
 0.490.46  11
 0.490.47  12
 0.490.47  13
 0.500.47  14
 0.500.47  15
 0.500.47  16
 0.500.47  17
 0.500.47  18
 0.500.48  19
 0.510.48  20
 0.510.48  21
 0.510.48  22
 0.510.48  23
 0.510.48  24
 0.520.48  25
 0.520.48  26
 0.520.49  27
 0.520.49  28
 0.520.49  29
 0.530.49  30
 0.530.49  31
 0.530.49  32
 0.530.49  33
 0.540.49  34
 0.540.50  35
 0.540.50  36
 0.540.50  37
 0.550.50  38
 0.550.50  39
 0.550.50  40
 0.550.50  41
 0.560.50  42
 0.560.51  43
 0.560.51  44
 0.570.51  45
 0.570.51  46
 0.570.51  47
 0.580.51  48
 0.580.52  49
 0.590.52  50
 0.590.52  51
 0.590.52  52
 0.600.52  53
 0.600.52  54
 0.610.53  55
 0.610.53  56
 0.620.53  57
 0.620.53  58
 0.620.53  59
 0.630.53  60
 0.640.54  61
 0.640.54  62
 0.650.54  63
 0.650.54  64
 0.660.55  65
 0.670.55  66
 0.680.55  67
 0.680.55  68
 0.690.56  69
 0.700.56  70
 0.710.56  71
 0.730.56  72
 0.740.57  73
 0.750.57  74
 0.770.57  75
 0.790.58  76
 0.810.58  77
 0.830.59  78
 0.860.59  79
 0.890.60  80
 0.930.60  81
 0.980.61  82
 1.030.61  83
 1.090.62  84
 1.160.63  85
 1.250.64  86
 1.340.65  87
 1.450.66  88
 1.590.67  89
 1.750.69  90
 1.920.71  91
 2.160.73  92
 2.470.76  93
 2.880.79  94
 3.490.83  95
 4.590.89  96
10.000.99  97
10.331.20  98
   100.18   97.06  99
608402.00  100.41  100

- med

Mark E Drummond  Royal Military College of Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles  perl || die

Re: Qmail and Email virus protection

1999-10-26 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Albert Hopkins wrote:
> Is there such a solution?  Is there a solution to have qmail detect
> viruses in incoming email messages?

Yes, though I don't know what it is ... ;-) Most purists like to pretend
that this is an end-user problem but realists know that end-users are
(99% of the time) dumbasses that would not know an infected email
message if the subject line said "DON'T EXECUTE THIS ATTACHEMNT, IT HAS
A VIRUS!!!". Do you think  they would execute it? Of course they would

At any rate it is possible to stick a script into the qmail "pipe" which
processes each message through a command line virus scanner. Now I had a
link to a company that was doing this somewhere 

Gang Warily

Re: Qmail and Email virus protection

1999-10-26 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Jason Haar wrote:
> A qmail-queue replacement is what you're looking for. I haven't seen anyone
> do one yet...

Not quite, it is actually just done with a script, with incoming mail
passed to the script for preprocessing. These guys are doing it with
qmail plus 3 differant virus checkers.


I don't have the details of their setup.

Gang Warily

Re: Oops, someone tried to send you a virus

1999-12-10 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Peter Cavender wrote:
> Go away and take your alarmist spam with you.  I hope your
> quarantined viruses get loose on your NT server.

Actually, if I remember right these guys are the ones who implemented an
email anti-virus system using a modified version of Qmail running on
UNIX boxen.

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/

Vitual domains?

1999-12-17 Thread Mark E. Drummond

I was just asked if qmail could do the fol, which I am sure it can, and
I am sure this is a vitual domains thing, but I lack self esteem and
need some reassurance ... ;-)

I want to have email coming in to [EMAIL PROTECTED] redirected to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ... possible?

Mark Drummond|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]|ICQ#19153754
Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/

Re: What MUA do you use?

2000-01-04 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Communicator. Spawning a browser to view some goofballs HTML mail, which
I receive a lot of, is a pain in the ass. Lacks some of the features I
was used to in mutt and pine, not nearly as configurable, doesn't do
pgp/gpg, I use a Verisign cert for now, but overall it has reduced my
headaches and I have learned to live with the mssing features. Strictly
IMAP from work and home.

Personally I would prefer mutt or pine, but Communicator is our
officially supported product, so it also helps to use the same tool my
lusers are using. ;-(

Mark Drummond|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]|ICQ#19153754
Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/

Re: What MUA do you use?

2000-01-26 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Bruno Wolff III wrote:
> You can use a mailcap definition to pipe html attachments through lynx.
> This works well for mutt. The html attachments look like plain text
> attachments.

Not adequate .. some of the html mail I receive is complex and does not
render in any decently readable fashion in lynx.

> Be carefull when using a browser to read email. People can tell when you
> read their email by looking to see when image links in the message are
> referenced. Scripting can also be used to do unfriendly things to you.

Bah! A'm not afaid! ;-)

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/

Re: What MUA do you use?

2000-01-26 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Jedi/Sector One wrote:
>   Right, and many Netscrap and Grootlook users are sending HTML mails
> (and even HTML + plain text) for a plain text content, or just ugly and
> useless colors or background.
>   Wotta stupid bandwidth starvation : the content is the same than a
> plain text message, but with twice its size.

Wrong-o! Want to send a nicely formatted proposal (with appropriate
highlights etc) to the department director so you can get funding for
that million dollar server upgrade project? Good luck doing it in plain
text. And tables?

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/

"Upgrade" causing "temporary failure"

2000-01-27 Thread Mark E. Drummond

I recently "upgraded" to the latest versions of ucspi-tcp and
daemontools on my qmail based MX. Although it seems to be operating just
fine, I get the following messages on the console:

supervise: fatal: unable to acquire qmail-send/supervise/lock: temporary
supervise: fatal: unable to acquire log/supervise/lock: temporary
supervise: fatal: unable to acquire qmail-smtpd/supervise/lock:
temporary failure
supervise: fatal: unable to acquire log/supervise/lock: temporary

Here is one of the directories in question:

ls -l /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-send/supervise
total 2
prw---   1 root other  0 Jan 27 23:34 control|
-rw---   1 root other  0 Jan 27 23:30 lock
prw---   1 root other  0 Jan 27 23:30 ok|
-rw-r--r--   1 root other 18 Jan 27 23:35 status

This is on Solaris 7. Compared against my Slackware Linux box,
everything looks the same. The 2 are set up identically.

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/

Re: What MUA do you use?

2000-01-27 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Chris Garrigues wrote:
> Sounds like a job for PDF.  It'll even look the same everywhere.

PDF is very nice, I'd love to see it as a defacto standard, if not PS,
but Acrobat costs $$$ and I refuse to spend $$$ on something when a
perfectly good (free) alternative is available. Not only do I work at a
cash strapped educational institution, it's a government cash strapped
educational instituion!  We have standardised (for better or worse) on
Netscape Communicator so there is generally no problem with the content
being rendered wrong.

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/

forwarding outbound mail to hub

2000-02-11 Thread Mark E. Drummond

If I want to forward all outbound mail from my machine to my mail hub
(because we only allow outbound mail from there) can I just put
":hub.mydomain.com" in my smtproutes?

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/
Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/

Re: forwarding outbound mail to hub

2000-02-11 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Charles Cazabon wrote:
I keep getting "sorry_could_not_establish_ an_smtp_connection".
Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/
Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/

Moving queued mail Was: forwarding outbound mail to hub

2000-02-12 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Charles Cazabon wrote:
> Mark E. Drummond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > «•ëk6›¢|+¢×ÿý‡¬ü‰z˜¶Ø§ÿû(®¼ÿr‹¥ÿùèÿ÷¬µ¦åŠÈÿjÿìšÚÿr‰çyËb
> Geez, I hate multipart/alternative and base64-encoded email.

Sorry about that everyone ... thought I was sending plain text by
default to the qmail list. A thousand lashes ...

Here is my current situation ... my machine is not _currently_ being
prevented from sending mail. I have a number of "critical" messages
sitting in my queue from my system monitoring software destined for my
pager ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and they are just sitting there.
One of my mission critical servers died early friday morning and I was
never notified!

All the non-critical stuff just goes to my email address,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] The non-critical messages _are_ being delivered, the
critical ones are not, and each attempt at sending them results in

Is there something wrong with pagenet.ca domain? Perhaps *@rmc.ca is
being blocked at their end (we recently had a student go on a spamming
campaign)? nslookup returns:

Non-authoritative answer:
pagenet.ca  preference = 0, mail exchanger = mail.pagenet.ca
pagenet.ca  preference = 20, mail exchanger = mail2.pagenet.ca

Authoritative answers can be found from:
pagenet.ca  nameserver = ns.gecems.com
pagenet.ca  nameserver = ns2.gecems.com
mail.pagenet.ca internet address =
mail2.pagenet.cainternet address =
ns.gecems.com   internet address =
ns2.gecems.com  internet address =

Re: Moving queued mail Was: forwarding outbound mail to hub

2000-02-12 Thread Mark E. Drummond

> Non-authoritative answer:
> pagenet.ca  preference = 0, mail exchanger = mail.pagenet.ca
> pagenet.ca  preference = 20, mail exchanger = mail2.pagenet.ca

Some further investigation: trying to telnet to port 25 on either MX 

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host

but from one of my other servers I have no problem.

Re: Moving queued mail Was: forwarding outbound mail to hub

2000-02-12 Thread Mark E. Drummond

> what does traceroute show you?
>  if it doesn't leave your machine then your routing tables are broken

That's the kicker ... I can traceroute to both machines from my
workstation, but I get "No Route" when trying to telnet to port 25. But
I can jump over to any of my servers and telnet to the remote port 25 no
problem. Now I am at a complete loss.

Wait a minute ... I am not at a complete loss ... I just tried
telnetting to port 25 on an MX at another company where I moonlight ...
no route to host. It looks like my Net Manager has indeed prevented me
from making outbound SMTP connections.

OK, so here I sit with 34 messages in my queue. How do I go about
telling my qmail, to a) send those queued messages to my mail hub and b)
send all future messages to my mail hub? (I assume both are solved the
same way).

Re: Moving queued mail Was: forwarding outbound mail to hub

2000-02-12 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Answered my own question. :my.mail.hub in smtproutes.

[SUMMARY] Re: problems after installing scan4virus

2000-02-26 Thread Mark E. Drummond

The problem ended up being that perl, as it comes with Slackware 7, does not
support setuid scripts.

Mark Drummond
Department of Computing Services
UNIX System Administrator

migrating virtuals from sendmail

2000-02-29 Thread Mark E. Drummond

I am moving a client from a sendmail box to a qmail box. I am not terribly
familiar with sendmail, but they host over 100 domains, and email for many/most
of those is handled by, I presume, sendmail's virtual domain capability.
Whoever set this thing up originally has a script which parses a pile of text
files (one per domain) which consist of virtual address:real address pairs and
does whatever sendmail needs done.

Now, I know I could set up virtual domains in qmail to handle this but the
amount of handraulic work involved is staggering. I'd like to hear suggestions
and experiences from the list. Is there an easier way? Any automation I can do?

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/
Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/

A complete log rolling & reporting system?

2000-02-29 Thread Mark E. Drummond

I am searching for log file nirvana. Like most eggheads/geeks/techs I like to
see stats, I especially like to see mail stats. At one point I had a complete
log rolling solution, but that was before upgrading to the latest daemontools
et al.

At the moment I have multilog maintaining 10 x 5MB log files (what I was using
before multilog) for qmail-send and qmail-smtpd, each. (iow, 20 x 5MB log files
in total).

I think I would prefer log files rotated and reported on monthly. Ultimately my
logging solution would rotate logs every month, save a user defined number of
log files, and process each months log file as it is rolled over sending the
stats to me. The old logs would be saved so I could do longer range reporting,
quarterly, semi-annually, annually etc.

Does anyone else have any cookbook solutions for this? I was looking at
qfilelog and I guess I could rotate logs monthly by HUP'ing it from cron.

If I have my system set up per "Life with qmail" with 4 separate "run" files,
one for send, one for smtpd and one for each of their loggers, what is a clean
way of replacing multilog in the logger run files with qfilelog and having a
new log file created every month?

exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog t s499 n10

Mark Drummond
Department of Computing Services
UNIX System Administrator

Effective anti spamming

2000-02-29 Thread Mark E. Drummond

I am currently using rblsmtpd to block spammers on the RBL. I may add ORBS as
well. Think I'll wait, gather some stats on how much is being blocked by RBL,
and then compare with RBL+ORBS.

Anyway, let's say, for arguments sake, that I am receiving boatloads of spam
from east asian IPs in the 200+ range (anyone else getting flodded from over
there?) and I want to block them. Assuming I can trust the domain name in the
headers, I can add it to badmailfrom, but that only blocks _that_ domain, and
not even subdomains of that domain. Or I could add the network address of the
sending IP to my /etc/tcp.smtp with a :deny. But my boss wants to be sure that
a) we are blocking mail from these spammers but b) we can still recieve mail
from the postmaster in that domain. I currently have a very large list of
domains in badmailfrom and network numbers in tcp.smtp. Is there some better
way around this? I realise there is not really any easy way around spam but ...

Mark Drummond
Department of Computing Services
UNIX System Administrator

Re: Encryption and t-shirts

2000-02-29 Thread Mark E. Drummond

On Fri, Feb 25, 2000 at 04:16:05PM -0500, Dave Kitabjian wrote:
>   "cr.yp.to"
>   Front: "Don't queue mail with sendmail"
>   Back: "Send mail with qmail"

I'll buy one of these ones ... Maybe put the 2 together? ;-)

Mark Drummond
Department of Computing Services
UNIX System Administrator

Re: Encryption and t-shirts

2000-02-29 Thread Mark E. Drummond

On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 01:27:31PM -0500, Dave Sill wrote:
> Here are a couple of djb's old .sig lines:
>   Sick of sendmail? Don't get mad; get qmail.
>   Secure, reliable, efficient. Pick three.

How about djb's "There are two kinds of interfaces ..." quote?

Mark Drummond
Department of Computing Services
UNIX System Administrator

Re: Effective anti spamming

2000-02-29 Thread Mark E. Drummond

On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 03:27:17PM -0500, Mark E. Drummond wrote:
> I am currently using rblsmtpd to block spammers on the RBL. I may add ORBS as
> well. Think I'll wait, gather some stats on how much is being blocked by RBL,
> and then compare with RBL+ORBS.

Based on a response I should specify that I am not blocking all of 200+, rather
I am blocking individual class C blocks, eg 2xx.xxx.xxx.:deny.

Mark Drummond
Department of Computing Services
UNIX System Administrator

Re: A complete log rolling & reporting system?

2000-02-29 Thread Mark E. Drummond

On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 03:38:21PM -0500, Dave Kitabjian wrote:
> *** newsyslog ***
> Maybe I'm lucky, or something. We use FreeBSD almost exclusively, and it 
> includes a fantatic tool called "newsyslog". I would think some of you 
> would have it too, since it's been around since 1987 and came out of MIT.

This is very interesting ... except for my personal workstation (a PC running
Slackware Linux 7) all my systems are Sun boxes running Solaris 2.6/7. Strange
that a tool like that would not be found in Solaris given it's roots. Solaris
has a newsyslog (/usr/lib/newsyslog) but it would seem to be relatively
impotent compared to the tool you are talking about. It has no config file,
rather it is hard coded to roll /var/adm/messages and /var/log/syslog only. Of
course it can be modified pretty easily.

Mark Drummond
Department of Computing Services
UNIX System Administrator

Re: A complete log rolling & reporting system? (off-topic)

2000-02-29 Thread Mark E. Drummond

On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 04:23:23PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I have the Linux program "logrotate" running under Solaris.  Original
>source is at

I've come across this before but never gave it a whirl. I'll have to take a
look at it. For now, I am logging with qfilelog, and rolling the logs on the
1st of every month with a modified version of the newsyslog that comes with
Solaris boxen. Next up, automagically processing those rolled logs with

Mark Drummond
Department of Computing Services
UNIX System Administrator

Re: Effective anti spamming

2000-02-29 Thread Mark E. Drummond

On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 07:06:28PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 23:20:06 +0100 , "Ruben van der Leij" writes:
> And it blocks many server that are not open relays,
> also.  Therein lies the problem.

Thanks to everyone for your opinions ... perhaps I will leave ORBS out for now
and just go with the other lists. I have some very vocal, at times abusive,
clients and I need not agravate them more than necessary! I wonder if the DUL
list would block a lot of the spam I am getting through open relays in east
Asia? They are all C class addresses, often used for dial up.

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/
Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/

Should this have been rejected?

2000-03-01 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Last night, someone somewhere attempted to send one of my users an email with
the W32/Fix trojan attached. Thanks to Jason's Scan4Virus script, it was picked
up and nixed at my mail gateway. Excellant (spoken with a Mr. Burns'esque
inflection) ... the hounds have been released.

However, The envelop sender was [EMAIL PROTECTED] rmc.ca is my domain, and of
course admin__ does not exist. Should this have been rejected? How can I tell
qmail to say that mail from rmc.ca should be from inside our network? I think I
am thinking about this the wrong way. I know qmail is supposed to verify the
sender domain, but is there some way I could prevetn this type of thing from
getting in? Had there been no virus, had it been just plain old spam, it would
have made it through because the domain, rmc.ca, is legit, but the sender was

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/
Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/

Re: problems after installing scan4virus

2000-02-23 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Dave Sill wrote:
> Bingo. Raise the limit.

'k, raised it to 500 and the out of memory errors are gone. Next
question ... now I get:

@400038b43283236535ec tcpserver: status: 1/40
@400038b4328323691234 tcpserver: pid 7436 from
@400038b4328323b482b4 tcpserver: ok 7436
signals.rmc.ca: sol4.rmc.ca:
@400038b4328404c104a4 X-Scan4Virus: cannot open
/var/spool/qmailscan/antivirus-qmail-queue-version.txt - did you
initialise the system by running
"/var/qmail/bin/antivirus-qmail-queue.pl -z"? - Permission denied
@400038b432840511c86c /bin/rm: cannot remove
`/var/spool/qmailscan/signals9513334987437': Permission denied
@400038b4328405156e04 /bin/rm: cannot remove
`/var/spool/qmailscan/working/new/signals9513334987437': Permission
@400038b4328608561244 tcpserver: end 7436 status 0
@400038b432860856932c tcpserver: status: 0/40

and every time I try running `/var/qmail/bin/antivirus-qmail-queue.pl
-z` I get:

/var/qmail/bin/antivirus-qmail-queue.pl -z
sh: find: No such file or directory

and here is the result in qmail-queue.log:

23/02/2000 14:20:13:7440: +++ starting debugging for process 7440
23/02/2000 14:20:13:7440: setting UID to EUID so subprocesses can access
files generated by this script
23/02/2000 14:20:13:7440: program name is
23/02/2000 14:20:13:7440: re-create the antivirus version file
23/02/2000 14:20:13:7440: scan_queue: detecting version of uvscan
23/02/2000 14:20:13:7440: no files to clean up!

`/var/qmail/bin/antivirus-qmail-queue.pl -g` seems to work just fine

the /var/spool/qmailscan dir and everything in it is chown qmailq:qmail.

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/
Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/

Virus scanner suggestions?

2000-02-21 Thread Mark E. Drummond

I have tried 3 times now, unsuccesfully, to get a price quote from NAI
for a UNIX (Solaris) based virus scanner. I need one for my MX to scan
emails with and 2 to scan my user home dirs on my fileservers which
serve out those homedirs via samba to Windows boxen. For some reason,
NAI does not want my business. Or rather, they keep trying to sell me
some big kit, most of which I do not need.

Any suggestions, experiences with other scanners?

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/
Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/

problems after installing scan4virus

2000-02-23 Thread Mark E. Drummond

I just installed scan4virus (plus the QMAILQUEUE patch, and Time-HiRes)
on my Slackware 7 (kernel 2.2.14) box with mcaffee's viruscanner. Now,
when my mail hub tries to send me my mail I get:

@400038b427ec28cacd6c tcpserver: status: 1/40
@400038b427ec2a95bdb4 tcpserver: pid 7050 from
@400038b427ec2bce784c tcpserver: ok 7050
signals.rmc.ca: sol4.rmc.ca:
@400038b427ed044f820c perl: error in loading shared libraries:
libc.so.6: failed to map segment from shared object: Cannot allocate
@400038b427ef10f623e4 tcpserver: end 7050 status 0
@400038b427ef10f6a0e4 tcpserver: status: 0/40
@400038b428b6120df89c tcpserver: status: 1/40
@400038b428b61211d0fc tcpserver: pid 7092 from
@400038b428b61249a5f4 tcpserver: ok 7092
signals.rmc.ca: sol4.rmc.ca:
@400038b428b70187e62c Out of memory!
@400038b428b70194694c Callback called exit at
/var/qmail/bin/antivirus-qmail-queue.pl line 157.
@400038b428b7019697e4 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/var/qmail/bin/antivirus-qmail-queue.pl line 157.

Perhaps this has something to do with the softlimit in my
/var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/run file?

QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
export QMAILQUEUE="/var/qmail/bin/antivirus-qmail-queue.pl"
exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 300 \
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -p -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb \
-u $QMAILDUID -g $NOFILESGID 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd

Any ideas?

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/
Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/

Re: problems after installing scan4virus

2000-02-23 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Just for the heck of it, I nixed everything, started from scratch and
made absolutely sure I followed the install instructions to a 't' ...
and I am still getting:

@400038b43d8c23bf449c X-Scan4Virus: cannot open
/var/spool/qmailscan/antivirus-qmail-queue-version.txt - did you
initialise the system by running
"/var/qmail/bin/antivirus-qmail-queue.pl -z"? - Permission denied
@400038b43d8c240f9b04 /bin/rm: cannot remove
`/var/spool/qmailscan/signals9513363227712': Permission denied
@400038b43d8c2412eaac /bin/rm: cannot remove
`/var/spool/qmailscan/working/new/signals9513363227712': Permission

every time someone tries to deliver mail to my smtpd.

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/
Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/

Re: problems after installing scan4virus

2000-02-23 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Jason Haar wrote:
> You did install it setuid qmailq like the docs said?


> You did run "/var/qmail/bin/antivirus-qmail-queue.pl -z" like it says?


> Are all the files under /var/spool/qmailscan/ owned by qmailq, group qmail
> like they should be?


> Is /var/spool/qmailscan/ writable by qmailq?


> Also, I surprised you didn't test it before going live!!! :-)

I didn't. I'm testing it on my PC, not my MX or mailhub. Eek, I can't
imagine having my ~2300 users storming into my office ... ;-)

To answer the email you sent me as well, yes, I think it was 0.17 that I
installed. I did follow the instructions, and they were quite clear, or
I thought so anyway. Everything seemed to go fine. Part of the problem
was my stupidity, when I installed the first time, well, my default
umask is 077, so that screwed the install.

I fixed all the permissions problems (which was causing the `rm`
commands to fail) and the issue with find (I just put the full path into
the script). But I am still getting the errors about:

X-Scan4Virus: cannot open
/var/spool/qmailscan/antivirus-qmail-queue-version.txt - did you
initialise the system by running
"/var/qmail/bin/antivirus-qmail-queue.pl -z"? - Permission denied

To answer the error ... yes I did run that command and it worked just
fine. I have reinstalled, from scratch, 3 times now, followed the
instructions exactly, and made sure to install with my umask set to 022.
But I still get that one error in my smtpd logs.

I will try out the stuff you sent me and get back to you.

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/
Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/


2000-02-23 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Anyone tell me what that message means? I just installed qmail on a
SPARC5 running solaris 7. This is the first time I have come across this

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/
Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/

rblsmtpd + multiple listings

2000-03-06 Thread Mark E. Drummond

I am a bit confused ... I am looking at Aaron Nabil's patch to allow rblsmtpd
to use multiple listing services ... but does rblsmtpd not already support
multiple services? Of course it does, I'm using the rbl and relays.mail-abuse
right now. Why the patch?

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/
Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/

Re: rblsmtpd + multiple listings

2000-03-06 Thread Mark E. Drummond

On Mon, Mar 06, 2000 at 09:39:41AM -0500, Russell Nelson wrote:
> rblsmtpd lets you invoke multiple instances of itself.  Aaron's patch
> allows you to avoid an extra exec() of the same program.

Ah! I see. I guess I'll keep an eye on the load and see what happens as I add
other listings. My MX is currently pretty lightly taxed ... a dual Sun E250
with 1GB of RAM running qmail+scan4virus(one virus scanner only)+rbl+relays and
currently only handling incoming mail for ~2300 people. Load is always < 0.3.

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/
Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/

Re: Effective anti spamming

2000-03-06 Thread Mark E. Drummond

On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 01:21:43PM -0800, Aaron L. Meehan wrote:
> RSS has blocked 2294 smtp connections.
> DUL has blocked 306 smtp connections.
> RBL has blocked 3767 smtp connections.

Using just rbl+rss since Feb 29 16:50:

rbl has blocked 415 connections.
rss has blocked 14894 connections. (!!)

I've just added DUL to my list.

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/
Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/

Scan4Virus SegFault

2000-03-06 Thread Mark E. Drummond

I have this in my logs:

952357783.899146 Segmentation Fault - core dumped
952357783.902286 X-Scan4Virus: corrupt scanner/resource problems - exit status

Mail seems to be working fine nonetheless. I've even nabbed 4-5 virus/trojan
ladden(sp) emails.

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/
Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/

Another error Was: Re: Scan4Virus SegFault

2000-03-06 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Here is another one:

2000-03-03 11:56:51.986824 X-Scan4Virus: Unable to close pipe to
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue (#4.3.0) - 
2000-03-03 11:56:52.083784 X-Scan4Virus: Unable to queue message (28416).
(#4.3.0) - Illegal seek

Any ideas?

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/
Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/

MX go boom!

2000-03-06 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Hi all. Last Friday my MX choked and I am trying to determine why (so I can
defend qmail because I am sure it will get blamed). I am a big qmail fan, but
my boss is not. Not that he does _not_ like qmail, just that he prefers to go
with the old standby's like sendmail, or commercial products like Netscape MS,
which we use internally on our mail hub. But he did allow me to go with qmail
when we got our new MX server in.

So anyway, my MX is a Sun E250, dual 300MHz UltraSPARC II's, 256MB of RAM (not
the 1GB I reported in another mailing, I was confusing my MX and my mail hub),
running qmail. At that time, it was scanning incoming mail for viruses using
Scan4Virus+Mcafee's uvscan, and was referencing both the RBL and RSS.

I was working from home last Friday when my boss sent me an email
telling me that the MX had run out of swap (256MB physical swap) and needed to
be rebooted. So I have gone searching my logs for telltale information but I
have found next to nothing. I noticed that "status" messages in my smtpd log
were up around 17/40 around the time of the reboot, but that is nothing
phenominal I don't think. It has been stable ever since (and was stable for the
87 days before that, but I only added Scan4Virus and RSS checking in the past
week or two).

OT: I have seen the occasional 40/40 ... should I be increasing some parameter
here? Any wild guesses about how many connections I should/could allow on this
hardware (with virus scanning + checking RSS, DUL and RBL)? Actully, since
March 1st 00:00 I have hit 40/40 14 times, with all those occuring in 2
distinct blocks.

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/
Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/

Does RSS et al block postmaster mail?

2000-03-10 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Will using RSS/DUL/RBL etc prevent someone from a blocked site from
sending mail to postmaster at a site using the RSS etc? This is
certainly a Bad Thing 

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gang Warily|http://signals.rmc.ca/
Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/

More virt domains questions

2000-03-20 Thread Mark E. Drummond

I am about to migrate a site from an old sendmail to qmail. The host
over 100 domains and also handle email for those domains. In almost
every case they are simply the MX for the domains in question and they
are forwarding the mail to other accounts not under their control.

In some cases all mail for adomain.com is directed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In other cases various addresses within anotherdomain.com are directed
to various other people. say [EMAIL PROTECTED] goes to

What is the easiest way of handling these 2 cases? I would guess that
the first case can easily be handled by vituraldomains pointing to
~alias, and .qmail files directing mail appropriately. But the second
case could involve 100s of addresses. What would the best case there?

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNIX System Administrator|Royal Military College of Canada
The Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/
Saving the World ... One CPU at a Time

Vir Domains problems

2000-03-21 Thread Mark E. Drummond

I have added example.com to control/rcpthosts, and set up
control/virtualdomains like so:


I have created ~alias/qmail-example.com-default, and
~alias/.qmail-example.com-info, each directed to other accounts. I've
restarted qmail. I've also set up DNS MX records accordingly.

When I send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], it bounces:

Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)

Mail to any other address, which should be picked up by the default
entry, also bounces.

If I add a ~alias/.qmail-default with my own address in it, _all_ mail,
virtualdomain or not, gets sent to me.


Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNIX System Administrator|Royal Military College of Canada
The Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/
Saving the World ... One CPU at a Time

Re: Vir Domains problems

2000-03-21 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Chris Johnson wrote:
> FAQ 4.6

Er, please excuse my idiocy but what FAQ are you refering to? Dan's FAQ
does not have section numbering ... http://cr.yp.to/qmail/faq.html.

Nonetheless, I did check Dan's FAQ when setting this up. That is why I
am stumped. The FAQ says, 

How do I set up a virtual domain? I'd like any mail for nowhere.mil,
including [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] and so on, to be
delivered to Bob. I've set up the MX already. 

Answer: Add nowhere.mil:bob to /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains, and
tell qmail to read virtualdomains. Add nowhere.mil to

Now mail for [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be delivered locally to
bob-whatever. Bob can set up ~bob/.qmail-default to catch all the
possible addresses, ~bob/.qmail-info to catch [EMAIL PROTECTED], etc.

Now, I added nowhere.mil (well, a real domain of course but let's stick
with the example) to control/virtualdomains
(nowhere.mil:alias-nowhere.mil). I "told" qmail to read virtualdomains.
I added nowhere.mil to control/rcpthosts. The MX records were changed
accordingly. I created ~alias/.qmail-nowhere.mil-default with
[EMAIL PROTECTED] as it's contents. Ergo, mail to *@nowhere.mil should go to

That is not happening. The mail is bouncing with the error quoted in my
first message. If I then create ~alias/.qmail-default with any email
address in it ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) then _all_ email  is forwarded to that
address, including all mail for nowhere.mil. Delete
~alias/.qmail-default and mail start bouncing again.

I expect, perhaps incorrectly, that the correct behaviour would be, in
the face of a message to say [EMAIL PROTECTED], to look for these files,
in this order:


Now, maybe it does not check all of those but that is irrelevant.
Obviously, assuming the setup I stated above, all mail to *@nowhere.mil
should be going to [EMAIL PROTECTED] It is not and that is what I was hoping
someone could help me out with.

Claimer: I've read the docs, the HOWTO, LWQ, the FAQ. What I need is
some extra eyes to locate what I am doing wrong, not scripture.

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNIX System Administrator|Royal Military College of Canada
The Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/
Saving the World ... One CPU at a Time

Re: Vir Domains problems

2000-03-21 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Racer X wrote:
> "FAQ 4.6" refers to Dan's FAQ, the one included in the tarball.
> The FAQs on the site and in the tarball are not in sync; look for the
> "How do I create aliases with dots?" question under "Routing incoming
> messages by user."

Thank you! (and Adam M ...)

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNIX System Administrator|Royal Military College of Canada
The Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/
Saving the World ... One CPU at a Time

"special" chacters in .qmail filenames

2000-04-01 Thread Mark E. Drummond

I am setting up a large number of virtual domains. I have been
diligently replacing the "." in my .qmail files with ":" but I was
wondering, are there any other characters that require special
treatment? What about "-" ? What if I have the following domain:


would the corrensponding .qmail file for user joe be


Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNIX System Administrator|Royal Military College of Canada
The Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/
Saving the World ... One CPU at a Time

qmail-mrtg & qfilelog

2000-05-05 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Is there some way to make qmail-mrtg work with qfilelog log files? I am
doing my logging monthly .. that is i have log data piped through
qfilelog into /var/log/qmail/sendlog and a /var/log/qmail/smtpd/smtpdlog
which grow for an entire month and then get rolled over, and are parsed
with matchup/zoverall and friends.

Is it possible to have the qmail-mrtg scripts read these two files?

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNIX System Administrator|Royal Military College of Canada
The Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/
Saving the World ... One CPU at a Time

Re: qmail-mrtg & qfilelog

2000-05-05 Thread Mark E. Drummond

"Mark E. Drummond" wrote:
> Is there some way to make qmail-mrtg work with qfilelog log files? I am
> doing my logging monthly .. that is i have log data piped through
> qfilelog into /var/log/qmail/sendlog and a /var/log/qmail/smtpd/smtpdlog
> which grow for an entire month and then get rolled over, and are parsed
> with matchup/zoverall and friends.
> Is it possible to have the qmail-mrtg scripts read these two files?

Cancel my last ... I have switched to multilog and I am modifying the
qmail-mrtg scripts to use multilog formatted log files. If anyone else
is interested in them I can provide them when finished.

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNIX System Administrator|Royal Military College of Canada
The Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/
Saving the World ... One CPU at a Time

Re: qmail-mrtg & qfilelog

2000-05-05 Thread Mark E. Drummond

"Mark E. Drummond" wrote:
> Cancel my last ... I have switched to multilog and I am modifying the
> qmail-mrtg scripts to use multilog formatted log files. If anyone else
> is interested in them I can provide them when finished.

Hmmm, while working on this I just noticed that there is a descrepancy
between the time returned by perl's `time` (or $^T) and the time
Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNIX System Administrator|Royal Military College of Canada
The Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/
Saving the World ... One CPU at a Time

Please excuse me if I am terse. I answer dozens of emails every day.

Re: qmail-mrtg & qfilelog - oops

2000-05-05 Thread Mark E. Drummond

"Mark E. Drummond" wrote:
> Cancel my last ... I have switched to multilog and I am modifying the
> qmail-mrtg scripts to use multilog formatted log files. If anyone else
> is interested in them I can provide them when finished.

Let's try that again.

Hmmm, while working on this I just noticed that there is a descrepancy
between the time returned by perl's `time` (or $^T) and the time on my
multilog logs. Here is an example:

bastion# tail /var/log/qmail/sendlog
957550606.725794 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
957550606.726275 end msg 175750
957550614.220152 new msg 175750
957550614.220404 info msg 175750: bytes 1102 from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 11557
uid 51015
957550614.467704 starting delivery 88634: msg 175750 to remote
957550614.467785 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
957550614.578268 delivery 88634: success:
957550614.608559 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
957550614.609030 end msg 175750
957550627.961157 status: exiting
bastion# perl test
957558159 : 957558159

the script "test" is just:

print time," : $^T\n";

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNIX System Administrator|Royal Military College of Canada
The Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/
Saving the World ... One CPU at a Time

Please excuse me if I am terse. I answer dozens of emails every day.

ref: qmail+mrtg+multilog mods

2000-06-08 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Hi all. A while back I mentioned modifying the qmailmrtg stuff to work
with multilog formatted files and some of you have asked me about them.
They are almost complete .. the mods seem pretty easy really, though I
am not much of a programmer. I think I have it working. The queue script
did not require any changing of course ... and the concurrency script
was easy to fix up. Just a change in the regexp that matches log files.
I am having some trouble with the message bandwidth script though ... it
seems to work when I run it by hand but not when run from cron.

Long story short I am almost done. Just so damn busy, the summer being
our big projects & upgrades time. I will attempt to just provides diffs,
but I have never made a diff before so I guess I have some man pages to
read. If anyone wants to give me a crash course in making diffs I'd
appreciate it. Crash courses are all I have time for these days ...

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNIX System Administrator|Royal Military College of Canada
The Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/
Saving the World ... One CPU at a Time

Please excuse me if I am terse. I answer dozens of emails every day.

Virt Domains: All work but one oddball ...

2000-06-09 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Doing some contract work for a local company that does web hosting. They
also handle DNS and act as MX for the hosted domains. I moved them from
an old Solaris 2.4 x86 box (a 486!) running sendmail 8.7 to a slightly
more capable SPARCstation 5 running Solaris 7 with qmail. After much
fiddling I finally saw, with the help of many qmail list denizens, the
light on virtualdomains and had them all set up.

But one particular hosted site is problematic. I will explain: bigco.com
hosts the web site for itco.com, handles their DNS, and acts as MX for
them. No mail for itco is kept locally, all mail is simply forwarded by
the MX to various other ISP-based email accounts. So mail for
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] So my rcpthosts has itco.com
in it, and my virtualdomains has the following mapping:


Then I have, in alias' directory, the following file:


which contains "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". All is fine.

But for some reason itco insists on using "subdomain/machine" names for
some of it's users. For example, while john's email address is
[EMAIL PROTECTED], jane's address is [EMAIL PROTECTED], and alice
and bob use [alice|bob]@sub2.itco.com. Now understand that sub1 and sub2
are not subdomains, nor are the real machines.

So I have ".itco.com" in my rcpthosts to catch all such "subdomains" and
in my virtualdomains I have:


with qmail files like so:


all containing the appropriate forwarding addresses. I think this should
all work, but when mail is delivered to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... it
bounces with a "no such mailbox" error:

Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)

Any ideas?

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNIX System Administrator|Royal Military College of Canada
The Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/
Saving the World ... One CPU at a Time

Please excuse me if I am terse. I answer dozens of emails every day.

Re: Virt Domains: All work but one oddball ...

2000-06-09 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Dave Kelly wrote:
> Mark, try a file like this in ~alias:
> .qmail-sub1:itco:com-jane:doe
> I think you need to substitute a ":" for ALL ".", including usernames...

Thanks much! I was wondering about that.

Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754|mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNIX System Administrator|Royal Military College of Canada
The Kingston Linux Users Group|http://signals.rmc.ca/klug/
Saving the World ... One CPU at a Time

Please excuse me if I am terse. I answer dozens of emails every day.