Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Beds

2004-10-21 Thread Stacy Harim

They aren't.  I tried.
"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 5:21 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Beds
  In a message dated 10/21/2004 5:09:31 PM 
  Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
.get a queen size electric 
bed!!&do you know if a queen is covered 
under medicaid? i thought of asking but figured only hospital beds 
are.diane...really not sure, i have a twin 
  size, and got it from a quad that died...actually, i got my ceiling lift from 
  another quad that died tooguess i'm like the grim reaper of medical 
  equipment  -tony 

Re: [QUAD-L] Electoral College... (Sorry Sherry)

2004-10-21 Thread Sherry

Tod.. I for one, am for the elimination of the electoral college 
all together.However, that would take a constitutional amendment and radical 
changes in the status quo. In technicality, we are not given the 
right to vote for the President, only the electoral college 
{{The best to you,}} Sherry' To be willing to March into Hell for a 
Heavenly cause"

  - Original Message - 
  Tod E. 
  To: Quad List 
  Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:23 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Electoral College... 
  (Sorry Sherry)
  Hi All, 
  You know... I been curious... 
  In an election as close as this one reportedly is, what do you 
  think will happen if "Candidate A" gets the necessary 270 
  electoral votes but, no matter how many recounts are allowed, it 
  turns out (in every recount), that "Candidate B" actually won the 
  popular vote? 
  Do you think the system will change?  Be forced to change?  That 
  people will eventually let it die and begrudgingly 'accept' Candidate A 
  without organizing to change the system? 
  Is anyone here from Colorado? * I'm curious about the 
  proposition/measure on your ballot that will divide electoral 
  votes based on numbers/percentages of votes cast for the candidate...rather 
  than allowing a 49% -- 51% vote allow the 51% "winner" to take All 9 of 
  the state's electoral votes. 
  * What do you think about it applying to THIS election? 
  * What about that the CO State Contitution says that The Legislature 
  determines how votes are carried BUT this measure came to the ballot through 
  the Voter Initiative Process rather than through any true 
  Legislative Action by CO elected officials? 
  Is it OK if I stir up a hornets' nest here?  I can't participate 
  much... but I love watchin' them suckers go at it!  LOL 
  Best to All! Tod 
  ---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG 
  anti-virus system ( 6.0.749 
  / Virus Database: 501 - Release Date: 9/2/2004

Re: [QUAD-L] Electoral College... (Sorry Sherry)

2004-10-21 Thread Sherry

I for one, am for 
the elimination of the electoral college all together.
However, that would 
take a constitutional amendment and radical changes in the status 
In technicality, we 
are not given the right to vote for the President, only the electoral college 
{{The best to you,}} Sherry' To be willing to March into Hell for a 
Heavenly cause"

  - Original Message - 
  Tod E. 
  To: Quad List 
  Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:23 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Electoral College... 
  (Sorry Sherry)
  Hi All, 
  You know... I been curious... 
  In an election as close as this one reportedly is, what do you 
  think will happen if "Candidate A" gets the necessary 270 
  electoral votes but, no matter how many recounts are allowed, it 
  turns out (in every recount), that "Candidate B" actually won the 
  popular vote? 
  Do you think the system will change?  Be forced to change?  That 
  people will eventually let it die and begrudgingly 'accept' Candidate A 
  without organizing to change the system? 
  Is anyone here from Colorado? * I'm curious about the 
  proposition/measure on your ballot that will divide electoral 
  votes based on numbers/percentages of votes cast for the candidate...rather 
  than allowing a 49% -- 51% vote allow the 51% "winner" to take All 9 of 
  the state's electoral votes. 
  * What do you think about it applying to THIS election? 
  * What about that the CO State Contitution says that The Legislature 
  determines how votes are carried BUT this measure came to the ballot through 
  the Voter Initiative Process rather than through any true 
  Legislative Action by CO elected officials? 
  Is it OK if I stir up a hornets' nest here?  I can't participate 
  much... but I love watchin' them suckers go at it!  LOL 
  Best to All! Tod 
  ---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG 
  anti-virus system ( 6.0.749 
  / Virus Database: 501 - Release Date: 9/2/2004

Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right man for the right reason

2004-10-21 Thread Sherry

No I m 
Where does he say " 
I promise people like cr will get out of their chairs?"
You are using 
quotes that are not there...
AGAIN."  "
Where did he say that??
Please see my previous 
{{The best to you,}} Sherry' To be willing to March into Hell for a 
Heavenly cause"

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 10:35 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right 
  man for the right reason
  He is not 
  promising a cure...  REALLY!  JUST WHAT 
  "If we do the work that we can do in this country, the work that we 
  will do when John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve 
  will get up out of that wheelchair and walk again,"
  In a message dated 10/21/2004 7:02:26 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
Sorry, but no. 

"If we do the work that we can do in this country, the work that we will 
do when John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve will get up 
out of that wheelchair and walk again," Edwards said."
"IF we do the 
work in this country..."
Which means, the 
research work we, as a nation, are capable of.  The proper funding of 
all medical research,.  "IF"  
We= the nation, 

Do the 
" the work that 
we will do when John Kerry is President"
A continuation of 
that same thought, funding research, in this instance stem cell as CR 
advocated for.
"people like 
Christopher reeve will get out of that wheelchair and walk 
Yes..again note 
"IF WE DO the work this country is capable of"
He is not 
promising a cure...he is not saying if Kerry is elected quads will 
walk...Words have meaning.., can anyone, yes anyone, not understand 
this sentence?  He is saying, we as a nation can find cures, but only 
so long as research is allowed...
How many 
illnesses have been cured, by good ole US of A research?
The general 
public can identify with CR ..moreso than if  he said a quadriplegic 
will get out of their chairs and walk."  How many AB's know what being 
a quad is? yet, they can make the basic connection if CR is used as the 
example. Which is what Edwards did.
{{The best to you,}} Sherry' To be willing to March into Hell for a 
Heavenly cause"

  - Original Message - 
  To: Sherry ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:19 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the 
  right man for the right reason
  Looks like I was right."Will" in the context he used it. Yes I 
  was being a bit sarcastic. I may have paraphrased, but it was 
  accurate.BTW it is time to start up "the Apathetic" party.We could 
  really get out the vote.However, there is a little problem with global 
  terrorism that needs to be eradicated first.I have no faith in a 
  man who wants to run on his military record but refuses to release 
  it.Bush inherited a lot of trouble.Had we not gone into Iraq, the 
  O.F.F. Scandle might not have been uncovered.I'm not surprised 
  France got caught with their hand in the cookie jar, along with 
  Germany, Russia, China, and the head of the UN's O.F.F.These are the 
  people komrade kerry wants for allies.Of course what can one expect 
  from the ONLY US servicman honored in the Vietnam Communist 
  mueseum.  StuntmanSgt SAC USAF 1971-75(Yes when it comes 
  to Kerry it's personal)  > No,>> 
  > The Comment was "> Edwards said Reeve, who died Sunday, 
  "was a powerful voice for the need to do stem cell research and change 
  the lives of people like him.> > "If we do the work that we 
  can do in this country, the work that we will do when John Kerry is 
  president, people like Christopher Reeve will get up out of that 
  wheelchair and walk again," Edwards said."> > > 
  > WHICH, proves my point on the pertinent wording.  He did not 
  say " If Im elected, the lame shall walk" or anything close to 
  it.> > Now..I can respect most anyoneand their views. 
  They do not have to agree with mine to be credible in any 
  form.> >  But I will say this, I have gone face to 
  face, head to head many a time with Frist. And I can say, in him I see 
  pure evil and pure self motivation. AND fact is, he has more "power' 

Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right man for the right reason

2004-10-21 Thread Sherry

"It takes more than "doing the work".It takes long years 
of research with a whole lot of hope and a eureka 
 I think MOST people know that is a given.
However, 'doing the work" ..that means 
working at the 'step' at a time, one tiny increment at a 
time.  No where was it even implied otherwise.
How far does anything ..yes anything ..go 
without 'working' at it in some degree?
I can not see anywhere, or anyhow Kerry or 
Edwards implied otherwise.
" " the work that we will do when John Kerry 
is President"
Which is backing the research 
possibilities.   They are saying they will work for the research. As 
is continued from the statement " if we do the work we are capable of doing in 
this country"
Funding research...
WE...a composite of all entities combined. A 
force that we as a whole ( the united states) ..can do the work. 
Researchers, Drug companies, Doctors, 
physicists, and even individuals in just paying their taxes. 
Bush's platform restricts this research, as 
well as many other medical issues (AIDS being one)  from what I believe is 
pixilated logic.  But I digress.
Newspeak?   I am again sorry, it is not's  
So the bottom line 
in this all is you disagree with the one word " Will"  as in " will get out 
of their wheelchairs"
 Ok, I 
can  agree, " will"  may have been a misstatement.  We do not 
know as a true fact, 100 years or more from now, quads  WILL walk. 

 But nor did 
they know we WILL go to the moon.
But I think in the 
entire statement, in context, it was a perfectly logical 
The work has to be 
done, if there is to be any hope, and not just in SCI.
How many 
misstatements has Bush made?
To mince one word, 
I find a little odd, given the context. 
And, as I 
said...when the entire statement, is heard and read, no where is he promising 
that Quads will walk if they are elected.
Which goes back to 
reaffirmation, IMO, that it is indeed, ALL about keeping in context the 
pertinent wording ...on either side of the issue ..
{{The best to you,}} Sherry' To be willing to March into Hell for a 
Heavenly cause"

  - Original Message - 
  To: Sherry ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 10:13 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right 
  man for the right reason
  My problem is the last phrase.You are free to your 
  interpretation.It takes more than "doing the work".It takes long years 
  of research with a whole lot of hope and a eureka moment.I guess some 
  might view "Will" not as a promise. However he didn't say might, or could, 
  or any other word which would have been much more accurate.I'm not one 
  of those who needs to question the definition of "is".If the glass is half 
  full you still have a half a glass that is full of air.I view kerry 
  words empty as the air half. I refuse to learn 
  "newspeak".Stuntman> This is a multi-part message in MIME 
  format.> > > Sorry, but no. > "If we do the work 
  that we can do in this country, the work that we will do when John Kerry 
  is president, people like Christopher Reeve will get up out of that 
  wheelchair and walk again," Edwards said."> > "IF we do the work 
  in this country..."> > Which means, the research work we, as a 
  nation, are capable of.  The proper funding of all medical 
  research,.  "IF"  > > We= the nation, > 
  > Do the work..> > " the work that we will do when John 
  Kerry is President"> > A continuation of that same thought, 
  funding research, in this instance stem cell as CR advocated for.> 
  > "people like Christopher reeve will get out of that wheelchair and 
  walk again."> > Yes..again note "IF WE DO the work this 
  country is capable of"> > He is not promising a cure...he is not 
  saying if Kerry is elected quads will walk...Words have meaning.., 
  can anyone, yes anyone, not understand this sentence?  He is saying, 
  we as a nation can find cures, but only so long as research is 
  allowed...> > How many illnesses have been cured, by good ole US 
  of A research?> > > > The general public can 
  identify with CR ..moreso than if  he said a quadriplegic will get 
  out of their chairs and walk."  How many AB's know what being a quad 
  is? yet, they can make the basic connection if CR is used as the example. 
  Which is what Edwards did.> > > > > 
  > > > {{The best to you,}} Sherry> ' To be willing 
  to March into Hell for a Heavenly cause">   - Original 
  Message - >   From: Stuntman >   To: 
  >   Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:19 
  PM>   Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right man for the 
  right reason> > >   Looks like I was 
  right.>   "Will" in the context he used it. Yes I was being a 
  bit sarcastic. >   I may have paraphrased, but it was 
  accurate.>   BTW it is time to start up "the Apathetic" 
  party.>   We could really get out the 
  vote.>   However, there is a little problem with global

Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right man for the right reason

2004-10-21 Thread Oconnelldb

He is not promising 
"If we do the work that we can do in this country, the work that we 
will do when John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve will 
get up out of that wheelchair and walk again,"
In a message dated 10/21/2004 7:02:26 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 

  Sorry, but no. 
  "If we do the work that we can do in this country, the work that we will do 
  when John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve will get up out of 
  that wheelchair and walk again," Edwards said."
  "IF we do the work 
  in this country..."
  Which means, the 
  research work we, as a nation, are capable of.  The proper funding of all 
  medical research,.  "IF"  
  We= the nation, 
  Do the 
  " the work that we 
  will do when John Kerry is President"
  A continuation of 
  that same thought, funding research, in this instance stem cell as CR 
  advocated for.
  "people like 
  Christopher reeve will get out of that wheelchair and walk 
  Yes..again note "IF 
  WE DO the work this country is capable of"
  He is not promising 
  a cure...he is not saying if Kerry is elected quads will walk...Words have 
  meaning.., can anyone, yes anyone, not understand this sentence?  He 
  is saying, we as a nation can find cures, but only so long as research is 
  How many illnesses 
  have been cured, by good ole US of A research?
  The general public 
  can identify with CR ..moreso than if  he said a quadriplegic will get 
  out of their chairs and walk."  How many AB's know what being a quad is? 
  yet, they can make the basic connection if CR is used as the example. Which is 
  what Edwards did.
  {{The best to you,}} Sherry' To be willing to March into Hell for a 
  Heavenly cause"
- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:19 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the 
right man for the right reason

Looks like I was right."Will" in the context he used it. Yes I was 
being a bit sarcastic. I may have paraphrased, but it was 
accurate.BTW it is time to start up "the Apathetic" party.We could 
really get out the vote.However, there is a little problem with global 
terrorism that needs to be eradicated first.I have no faith in a man 
who wants to run on his military record but refuses to release 
it.Bush inherited a lot of trouble.Had we not gone into Iraq, the 
O.F.F. Scandle might not have been uncovered.I'm not surprised 
France got caught with their hand in the cookie jar, along with Germany, 
Russia, China, and the head of the UN's O.F.F.These are the people 
komrade kerry wants for allies.Of course what can one expect from the 
ONLY US servicman honored in the Vietnam Communist mueseum.  
StuntmanSgt SAC USAF 1971-75(Yes when it comes to Kerry it's 
personal)  > No,>> 
> The Comment was "> Edwards said Reeve, who died Sunday, "was 
a powerful voice for the need to do stem cell research and change the 
lives of people like him.> > "If we do the work that we can do 
in this country, the work that we will do when John Kerry is president, 
people like Christopher Reeve will get up out of that wheelchair and 
walk again," Edwards said."> > > > WHICH, proves 
my point on the pertinent wording.  He did not say " If Im elected, 
the lame shall walk" or anything close to it.> > Now..I can 
respect most anyoneand their views. They do not have to agree with 
mine to be credible in any form.> >  But I will say this, 
I have gone face to face, head to head many a time with Frist. And I can 
say, in him I see pure evil and pure self motivation. AND fact is, he 
has more "power' in our congress than Bush.   I once appeared 
in His office, ( well I better not go into that)  But he also tried 
to get me kicked out of a AMA conference in DC when I had put on the 
back of my chair " Frist, Do No Harm"> > I can be a bit of a 
spunky redhead ;) LOL> > > > > > 
{{The best to you,}} Sherry> ' To be willing to March into Hell for a 
Heavenly cause">   - Original Message - 
>   From: Stuntman >   To: Sherry 
>   Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:55 
PM>   Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right man for the 
right reason> > >   I see you missed Edwards 
shameless speach, I didn't.>   He made promises no mortal 
can keep.>   It is one thing to say you'll support 
research, it is a

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Beds

2004-10-21 Thread Oconnelldb

i could use a ceiling lift tony, you 
feeling ok?
In a message dated 10/21/2004 2:22:11 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
In a message dated 10/21/2004 5:09:31 PM Eastern 
  Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
.get a queen size electric 
bed!!&do you know if a queen is covered 
under medicaid? i thought of asking but figured only hospital beds 
are.diane...really not sure, i have a twin 
  size, and got it from a quad that died...actually, i got my ceiling lift from 
  another quad that died tooguess i'm like the grim reaper of medical 
  equipment  -tony 


Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right man for the right reason

2004-10-21 Thread Sherry

Sorry, but no. 

"If we do the work that we can do in this country, the work that we will do 
when John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve will get up out of 
that wheelchair and walk again," Edwards said."
"IF we do the work in 
this country..."
Which means, the 
research work we, as a nation, are capable of.  The proper funding of all 
medical research,.  "IF"  
We= the nation, 

Do the 
" the work that we 
will do when John Kerry is President"
A continuation of 
that same thought, funding research, in this instance stem cell as CR advocated 
"people like 
Christopher reeve will get out of that wheelchair and walk 
Yes..again note "IF 
WE DO the work this country is capable of"
He is not promising a 
cure...he is not saying if Kerry is elected quads will walk...Words have 
meaning.., can anyone, yes anyone, not understand this sentence?  He 
is saying, we as a nation can find cures, but only so long as research is 
This part of his 
statement, is only saying, that a continuation of the same sentiment.  
(thusly a comma) That only with research, are cure possible.  I shan't go 
into that stem search is the only hope..or the only way or the only cause...It 
is an example that medical research is needed as well as the work, we as a 
country can even effect a change.
Flying to the Moon 
was once considered impossible as well.
Had we not had never would have happened.   Back then, was it promised we 
actually would be able to do so? No.  (This reminds me of the CR 
superbowl commercial that was pulled because people actually thought he had been 
cured...I couldn't believe that mentality either)
How many illnesses 
have been cured, by good ole US of A research?
The general public 
can identify with CR ..moreso than if  he said a quadriplegic will get out 
of their chairs and walk."  How many AB's know what being a quad is? yet, 
they can make the basic connection if CR is used as the example. Which is what 
Edwards did.
{{The best to you,}} Sherry' To be willing to March into Hell for a 
Heavenly cause"

  - Original Message - 
  To: Sherry ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:19 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right 
  man for the right reason
  Looks like I was right."Will" in the context he used it. Yes I was 
  being a bit sarcastic. I may have paraphrased, but it was accurate.BTW 
  it is time to start up "the Apathetic" party.We could really get out the 
  vote.However, there is a little problem with global terrorism that needs 
  to be eradicated first.I have no faith in a man who wants to run on 
  his military record but refuses to release it.Bush inherited a lot of 
  trouble.Had we not gone into Iraq, the O.F.F. Scandle might not have been 
  uncovered.I'm not surprised France got caught with their hand in the 
  cookie jar, along with Germany, Russia, China, and the head of the UN's 
  O.F.F.These are the people komrade kerry wants for allies.Of course 
  what can one expect from the ONLY US servicman honored in the Vietnam 
  Communist mueseum.  StuntmanSgt SAC USAF 1971-75(Yes when it 
  comes to Kerry it's personal)  > No,>> 
  > The Comment was "> Edwards said Reeve, who died Sunday, "was a 
  powerful voice for the need to do stem cell research and change the lives 
  of people like him.> > "If we do the work that we can do in this 
  country, the work that we will do when John Kerry is president, people 
  like Christopher Reeve will get up out of that wheelchair and walk again," 
  Edwards said."> > > > WHICH, proves my point on 
  the pertinent wording.  He did not say " If Im elected, the lame 
  shall walk" or anything close to it.> > Now..I can respect most 
  anyoneand their views. They do not have to agree with mine to be 
  credible in any form.> >  But I will say this, I have gone 
  face to face, head to head many a time with Frist. And I can say, in him I 
  see pure evil and pure self motivation. AND fact is, he has more "power' 
  in our congress than Bush.   I once appeared in His office, ( 
  well I better not go into that)  But he also tried to get me kicked 
  out of a AMA conference in DC when I had put on the back of my chair " 
  Frist, Do No Harm"> > I can be a bit of a spunky redhead ;) 
  LOL> > > > > > {{The best to you,}} 
  Sherry> ' To be willing to March into Hell for a Heavenly 
  cause">   - Original Message - >   
  From: Stuntman >   To: Sherry >   Sent: 
  Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:55 PM>   Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
  vote for the right man for the right reason> > 
  >   I see you missed Edwards shameless speach, I 
  didn't.>   He made promises no mortal can 
  keep.>   It is one thing to say you'll support research, it 
  is another to >   promise a cure.>   
  Stuntman> >   > This is a multi-part message in 
  MIME format.>  

Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right man for the right reason

2004-10-21 Thread Sherry

Sorry, but no. 

"If we do the work that we can do in this country, the work that we will do 
when John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve will get up out of 
that wheelchair and walk again," Edwards said."
"IF we do the work in 
this country..."
Which means, the 
research work we, as a nation, are capable of.  The proper funding of all 
medical research,.  "IF"  
We= the nation, 

Do the 
" the work that we 
will do when John Kerry is President"
A continuation of 
that same thought, funding research, in this instance stem cell as CR advocated 
"people like 
Christopher reeve will get out of that wheelchair and walk 
Yes..again note "IF 
WE DO the work this country is capable of"
He is not promising a 
cure...he is not saying if Kerry is elected quads will walk...Words have 
meaning.., can anyone, yes anyone, not understand this sentence?  He 
is saying, we as a nation can find cures, but only so long as research is 
How many illnesses 
have been cured, by good ole US of A research?
The general public 
can identify with CR ..moreso than if  he said a quadriplegic will get out 
of their chairs and walk."  How many AB's know what being a quad is? yet, 
they can make the basic connection if CR is used as the example. Which is what 
Edwards did.
{{The best to you,}} Sherry' To be willing to March into Hell for a 
Heavenly cause"

  - Original Message - 
  To: Sherry ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:19 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right 
  man for the right reason
  Looks like I was right."Will" in the context he used it. Yes I was 
  being a bit sarcastic. I may have paraphrased, but it was accurate.BTW 
  it is time to start up "the Apathetic" party.We could really get out the 
  vote.However, there is a little problem with global terrorism that needs 
  to be eradicated first.I have no faith in a man who wants to run on 
  his military record but refuses to release it.Bush inherited a lot of 
  trouble.Had we not gone into Iraq, the O.F.F. Scandle might not have been 
  uncovered.I'm not surprised France got caught with their hand in the 
  cookie jar, along with Germany, Russia, China, and the head of the UN's 
  O.F.F.These are the people komrade kerry wants for allies.Of course 
  what can one expect from the ONLY US servicman honored in the Vietnam 
  Communist mueseum.  StuntmanSgt SAC USAF 1971-75(Yes when it 
  comes to Kerry it's personal)  > No,>> 
  > The Comment was "> Edwards said Reeve, who died Sunday, "was a 
  powerful voice for the need to do stem cell research and change the lives 
  of people like him.> > "If we do the work that we can do in this 
  country, the work that we will do when John Kerry is president, people 
  like Christopher Reeve will get up out of that wheelchair and walk again," 
  Edwards said."> > > > WHICH, proves my point on 
  the pertinent wording.  He did not say " If Im elected, the lame 
  shall walk" or anything close to it.> > Now..I can respect most 
  anyoneand their views. They do not have to agree with mine to be 
  credible in any form.> >  But I will say this, I have gone 
  face to face, head to head many a time with Frist. And I can say, in him I 
  see pure evil and pure self motivation. AND fact is, he has more "power' 
  in our congress than Bush.   I once appeared in His office, ( 
  well I better not go into that)  But he also tried to get me kicked 
  out of a AMA conference in DC when I had put on the back of my chair " 
  Frist, Do No Harm"> > I can be a bit of a spunky redhead ;) 
  LOL> > > > > > {{The best to you,}} 
  Sherry> ' To be willing to March into Hell for a Heavenly 
  cause">   - Original Message - >   
  From: Stuntman >   To: Sherry >   Sent: 
  Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:55 PM>   Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
  vote for the right man for the right reason> > 
  >   I see you missed Edwards shameless speach, I 
  didn't.>   He made promises no mortal can 
  keep.>   It is one thing to say you'll support research, it 
  is another to >   promise a cure.>   
  Stuntman> >   > This is a multi-part message in 
  MIME format.>   > >   > 
  >   > Ummm May I suggest you check some facts 
  there?>   > >   > One example..Kerry 
  himself did not promise or say " the lame shall >   
  walk">   > He promised to support stem cell 
  research.>   > What you are seeing and doing is what a 
  majority of people do to my >   surpirise...and 
  chagrin.>   > >   > Person A says 
  ..."XYZ">   > It gets reported in various forms of 
  media..>   > Some people leave out pertinent wording..such 
  as >   > I support stem cell research so the lame shall 
  someday walk.>   > >   > I say 
  that..and no doubt, somone will turn it to..>   > "Cripple 
  folks will walk if I'm elected president">   > (this as an 
  example)>   > >   > Again

Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right man for the right reason

2004-10-21 Thread Oconnelldb

i'm glad you clarified that sherry.  i 
think you just proved he said EXACTLY that.  of course chris was a little 
more than lame, like the rest of us.  what's the big difference you see in 
these two statements?  dave
"If we do the work that we can do in this country, the work that 
we will do when John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve will get 
up out of that wheelchair and walk again," Edwards said.
WHICH, proves my point on the pertinent wording.  He did 
not say " If Im elected, the lame shall walk" or anything close to 
In a message dated 10/21/2004 5:54:53 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 

  The Comment was " 

  Edwards said Reeve, who died Sunday, "was a powerful 
  voice for the need to do stem cell research and change the lives of people 
  like him.
  "If we do the work that we can do in this country, the work that we will do 
  when John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve will get up out of 
  that wheelchair and walk again," Edwards said."
  WHICH, proves my point on the pertinent wording.  He did not say " If 
  Im elected, the lame shall walk" or anything close to it.
  Now..I can respect most anyoneand their views. They do not have to 
  agree with mine to be credible in any form.
   But I will say this, I have gone face to face, head to head many a 
  time with Frist. And I can say, in him I see pure evil and pure self 
  motivation. AND fact is, he has more "power' in our congress than 
  Bush.   I once appeared in His office, ( well I better not go into 
  that)  But he also tried to get me kicked out of a AMA conference in DC 
  when I had put on the back of my chair " Frist, Do No Harm"
  I can be a bit of a spunky redhead ;) LOL
  {{The best to you,}} Sherry' To be willing to March into Hell for a 
  Heavenly cause"
- Original Message - 
To: Sherry 
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:55 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the 
right man for the right reason

I see you missed Edwards shameless speach, I didn't.He made 
promises no mortal can keep.It is one thing to say you'll support 
research, it is another to promise a cure.Stuntman> This 
is a multi-part message in MIME format.> > > Ummm May I 
suggest you check some facts there?> > One example..Kerry 
himself did not promise or say " the lame shall walk"> He 
promised to support stem cell research.> What you are seeing and 
doing is what a majority of people do to my surpirise...and 
chagrin.> > Person A says ..."XYZ"> It gets reported in 
various forms of media..> Some people leave out pertinent 
wording..such as > I support stem cell research so the lame shall 
someday walk.> > I say that..and no doubt, somone will turn it 
to..> "Cripple folks will walk if I'm elected president"> 
(this as an example)> > Again, I ask, that people simply take 
their civic duty responcibly and make an informed vote..> Not 
from skewed rhetoric.> :)> > > {{The best to 
you,}} Sherry> ' To be willing to March into Hell for a Heavenly 
cause">   - Original Message - >   
From: Stuntman >   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>   Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 9:35 
PM>   Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right man for the 
right reason> > >>   
The REAL brainwashers>>   
Republicans Say Democrats Influenced Voters [IA Dems campaigning inside 
>   polling building]>> 
>   Komrade kerry will promise everything including his 
soul to get elected>   John Kerry's photograph hangs in 
the War Protestors Hall of the War >   Remnants Museum in 
Ho Chi Minh City -- an indication of the value the >   
Vietnamese communists place on Kerry's support of their efforts during 
>   the Vietnam War.>> 
>   Kerry & Edwards have no shame and now promise the 
laim shall be healed.>   Think about 
it!>   Do the research.>   Where are 
kerry's military records?>   Why did he need a review to 
get an honorable discharge?>   He choose to run on his 
military record but won't release it.>   There is no ban on 
stem cell research.>   Bush is not bring back the 
draft.>   Bush is not privatizing SS.>   
Kerry keeps lying.>   WHY?> >   -- 
>   It's not the fall that hurts.>   Home 
Graphics portfolio>   
Domain space> 
> > >   --->   Outgoing mail 
is certified Virus Free.>   Checked by AVG anti-virus 
system (ht

Re: [QUAD-L] FW: A article

2004-10-21 Thread Oconnelldb

fortunately Jim, i think here on this 
list you are preaching to the choir.  i'm sure we all have that little 
spark of hope in the back of our minds but i think we are all savy enough here 
to realize there is not going to be a magic bullit in the near future.  
it's great to dream and we do indeed need to keep researching everything we can 
to find a way to get the nerves to regenerate, but i am sure we won't see any 
magic in the next 10 to 20 years.   by magic, i mean return to 
'normal'.  dave
In a message dated 10/21/2004 12:19:05 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
 An Edwards Outrage  By Charles 
  Krauthammer    After the second presidential debate, in 
  which John Kerry used theword "plan" 24 times, I said on television that 
  Kerry has a plan foreverything except curing psoriasis. I should have 
  known there is noparodying Kerry's pandering. It turned out days later 
  that the Kerrycampaign has a plan -- nay, a promise --  to cure 
  paralysis. What is theplan? Vote for Kerry.   This is 
  John Edwards on Monday at a rally in Newton, Iowa: "If we dothe work that 
  we can do in this country, the work that we will do whenJohn Kerry is 
  president, people like Christopher Reeve are going towalk, get up out of 
  that wheelchair and walk again."   In my 25 years in 
  Washington, I have never seen a more loathsomedisplay of demagoguery. Hope 
  is good. False hope is bad. Deliberately,for personal gain, raising false 
  hope in the catastrophically afflictedis despicable.   
  Where does one begin to deconstruct this outrage?   First, 
  the inability of the human spinal cord to regenerate is one ofthe great 
  mysteries of biology. The answer is not remotely around thecorner. It 
  could take a generation to unravel. To imply, as Edwards did,that it is 
  imminent if only you elect the right politicians 
  isscandalous.   Second, if the cure for spinal cord 
  injury comes, we have no ideawhere it will come from. There are many lines 
  of inquiry. Stem cellresearch is just one of many possibilities, and a 
  very speculative oneat that. For 30 years I have heard promises of miracle 
  cures forparalysis (including my own, suffered as a medical student). The 
  lastfad, fetal tissue transplants, was thought to be a sure thing. 
  Nothingcame of it.   As a doctor by training, I've known 
  better than to believe the hype --and have tried in my own counseling 
  of  people with new spinal cordinjuries to place the possibility of 
  cure in abeyance. I advise insteadto concentrate on making a life (and a 
  very good life it can be) withthe hand one is dealt. The greatest enemies 
  of this advice have been thesnake-oil salesmen promising a miracle around 
  the corner. I neverexpected a candidate for vice president to be one of 
  them.   Third, the implication that Christopher Reeve was 
  prevented fromgetting out of his wheelchair by the Bush stem cell policies 
  is atravesty.  George Bush is the first president to 
  approve federal funding for stemcell research. There are 22 lines of stem 
  cells now available, up fromone just two years ago. As Leon Kass, head of 
  the President's Council onBioethics, has written, there are 3,500 
  shipments of stem cells waitingfor anybody who wants 
  them.   Edwards and Kerry constantly talk of a Bush "ban" on 
  stem cellresearch. This is false. There is no ban. You want to study stem 
  cells?You get them from the companies that have the cells and apply to 
  theNational Institutes of Health for the federal 
  funding.   In his Aug. 7 radio address to the nation, Kerry 
  referred not once butfour times to the "ban" on stem cell research 
  instituted by Bush. At thetime, Reeve was alive, so not available for 
  posthumous exploitation. ButRonald Reagan was available, having recently 
  died of Alzheimer's.   So what does Kerry do? He begins his 
  radio address with thedisgraceful claim that the stem cell "ban" is 
  standing in the way of anAlzheimer's cure.   This is an 
  outright lie. The President's Council on Bioethics, onwhich I sit, had one 
  of the world's foremost experts on Alzheimer's,Dennis Selkoe from Harvard, 
  give us a lecture on the newest and mostpromising approaches to solving 
  the Alzheimer's mystery. Selkoe reportedremarkable progress in using 
  biochemicals to clear the "plaque" depositsin the brain that lead to 
  Alzheimer's. He ended his presentation withoutthe phrase "stem cells" 
  having passed his lips.   So much for the miracle cure. 
  Ronald D.G. McKay, a stem cellresearcher at NIH, has admitted publicly 
  that stem cells as anAlzheimer's cure are a fiction, but that "people need 
  a fairy tale."Kerry and Edwards certainly do. They are shamelessly 
  exploiting thisfairy tale, having no doubt been told by their pollsters 
  that stem cellsplay well politically for them.   
  Politicians have long promised a chicken in every pot. It is part ofthe 
  game. It is one thing to promise

Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right man for the right reason

2004-10-21 Thread Stuntman
Looks like I was right.
"Will" in the context he used it. Yes I was being a bit sarcastic. 
I may have paraphrased, but it was accurate.
BTW it is time to start up "the Apathetic" party.
We could really get out the vote.
However, there is a little problem with global terrorism that needs to 
be eradicated first.
I have no faith in a man who wants to run on his military record but 
refuses to release it.
Bush inherited a lot of trouble.
Had we not gone into Iraq, the O.F.F. Scandle might not have been 
I'm not surprised France got caught with their hand in the cookie jar, 
along with Germany, Russia, China, and the head of the UN's O.F.F.
These are the people komrade kerry wants for allies.
Of course what can one expect from the ONLY US servicman honored in the 
Vietnam Communist mueseum.  
Sgt SAC USAF 1971-75
(Yes when it comes to Kerry it's personal) 
> No,
> The Comment was "
> Edwards said Reeve, who died Sunday, "was a powerful voice for the 
need to do stem cell research and change the lives of people like him.
> "If we do the work that we can do in this country, the work that we 
will do when John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve 
will get up out of that wheelchair and walk again," Edwards said."
> WHICH, proves my point on the pertinent wording.  He did not say " If 
Im elected, the lame shall walk" or anything close to it.
> Now..I can respect most anyoneand their views. They do not have 
to agree with mine to be credible in any form.
>  But I will say this, I have gone face to face, head to head many a 
time with Frist. And I can say, in him I see pure evil and pure self 
motivation. AND fact is, he has more "power' in our congress than 
Bush.   I once appeared in His office, ( well I better not go into 
that)  But he also tried to get me kicked out of a AMA conference in DC 
when I had put on the back of my chair " Frist, Do No Harm"
> I can be a bit of a spunky redhead ;) LOL
> {{The best to you,}} Sherry
> ' To be willing to March into Hell for a Heavenly cause"
>   - Original Message - 
>   From: Stuntman 
>   To: Sherry 
>   Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:55 PM
>   Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right man for the right reason
>   I see you missed Edwards shameless speach, I didn't.
>   He made promises no mortal can keep.
>   It is one thing to say you'll support research, it is another to 
>   promise a cure.
>   Stuntman
>   > This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>   > 
>   > 
>   > Ummm May I suggest you check some facts there?
>   > 
>   > One example..Kerry himself did not promise or say " the lame 
>   walk"
>   > He promised to support stem cell research.
>   > What you are seeing and doing is what a majority of people do to 
>   surpirise...and chagrin.
>   > 
>   > Person A says ..."XYZ"
>   > It gets reported in various forms of media..
>   > Some people leave out pertinent wording..such as 
>   > I support stem cell research so the lame shall someday walk.
>   > 
>   > I say that..and no doubt, somone will turn it to..
>   > "Cripple folks will walk if I'm elected president"
>   > (this as an example)
>   > 
>   > Again, I ask, that people simply take their civic duty 
>   and make an informed vote..
>   > Not from skewed rhetoric.
>   > :)
>   > 
>   > 
>   > {{The best to you,}} Sherry
>   > ' To be willing to March into Hell for a Heavenly cause"
>   >   - Original Message - 
>   >   From: Stuntman 
>   >   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>   >   Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 9:35 PM
>   >   Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right man for the right 
>   > 
>   > 
>   >
>   >   The REAL brainwashers
>   >
>   >   Republicans Say Democrats Influenced Voters [IA Dems 
>   inside 
>   >   polling building]
>   >
>   > 
>   >   Komrade kerry will promise everything including his soul to get 
>   elected
>   >   John Kerry's photograph hangs in the War Protestors Hall of the 
>   >   Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City -- an indication of the 
>   the 
>   >   Vietnamese communists place on Kerry's support of their efforts 
>   during 
>   >   the Vietnam War.
>   >
>   > 
>   >   Kerry & Edwards have no shame and now promise the laim shall be 
>   healed.
>   >   Think about it!
>   >   Do the research.
>   >   Where are kerry's military records?
>   >   Why did he need a review to get an honorable discharge?
>   >   He choose to run on his military record but won't release it.
>   >   There is no ban on stem cell research.
>   >   Bush is not bring back the draft.
>   >   Bush is not privatizing SS.
>   >   Kerry keeps

Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right man for the right reason

2004-10-21 Thread Sherry

The Comment was "
Edwards said Reeve, who died Sunday, "was a powerful 
voice for the need to do stem cell research and change the lives of people like 
"If we do the work that we can do in this country, the work that we will do 
when John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve will get up out of 
that wheelchair and walk again," Edwards said."
WHICH, proves my point on the pertinent wording.  He did not say " If Im 
elected, the lame shall walk" or anything close to it.
Now..I can respect most anyoneand their views. They do not have to agree 
with mine to be credible in any form.
 But I will say this, I have gone face to face, head to head many a time 
with Frist. And I can say, in him I see pure evil and pure self motivation. AND 
fact is, he has more "power' in our congress than Bush.   I once 
appeared in His office, ( well I better not go into that)  But he also 
tried to get me kicked out of a AMA conference in DC when I had put on the back 
of my chair " Frist, Do No Harm"
I can be a bit of a spunky redhead ;) LOL
{{The best to you,}} Sherry' To be willing to March into Hell for a 
Heavenly cause"

  - Original Message - 
  To: Sherry 
  Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:55 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right 
  man for the right reason
  I see you missed Edwards shameless speach, I didn't.He made promises 
  no mortal can keep.It is one thing to say you'll support research, it is 
  another to promise a cure.Stuntman> This is a multi-part 
  message in MIME format.> > > Ummm May I suggest you check 
  some facts there?> > One example..Kerry himself did not promise 
  or say " the lame shall walk"> He promised to support stem cell 
  research.> What you are seeing and doing is what a majority of people 
  do to my surpirise...and chagrin.> > Person A says 
  ..."XYZ"> It gets reported in various forms of media..> Some 
  people leave out pertinent wording..such as > I support stem cell 
  research so the lame shall someday walk.> > I say that..and no 
  doubt, somone will turn it to..> "Cripple folks will walk if I'm 
  elected president"> (this as an example)> > Again, I ask, 
  that people simply take their civic duty responcibly and make an informed 
  vote..> Not from skewed rhetoric.> :)> > > 
  {{The best to you,}} Sherry> ' To be willing to March into Hell for a 
  Heavenly cause">   - Original Message - 
  >   From: Stuntman >   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  >   Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 9:35 
  PM>   Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right man for the 
  right reason> > >>   
  The REAL brainwashers>>   
  Republicans Say Democrats Influenced Voters [IA Dems campaigning inside 
  >   polling building]>> 
  >   Komrade kerry will promise everything including his soul 
  to get elected>   John Kerry's photograph hangs in the 
  War Protestors Hall of the War >   Remnants Museum in Ho Chi 
  Minh City -- an indication of the value the >   
  Vietnamese communists place on Kerry's support of their efforts during 
  >   the Vietnam War.>> 
  >   Kerry & Edwards have no shame and now promise the 
  laim shall be healed.>   Think about 
  it!>   Do the research.>   Where are kerry's 
  military records?>   Why did he need a review to get an 
  honorable discharge?>   He choose to run on his military 
  record but won't release it.>   There is no ban on stem cell 
  research.>   Bush is not bring back the 
  draft.>   Bush is not privatizing SS.>   
  Kerry keeps lying.>   WHY?> >   -- 
  >   It's not the fall that hurts.>   Home 
  Graphics portfolio>   
  Domain space> 
  > > >   --->   Outgoing mail 
  is certified Virus Free.>   Checked by AVG anti-virus system 
  Version: 6.0.749 / Virus Database: 501 - Release Date: 9/1/2004> 
  -- It's not the fall that hurts.Home page 
---Outgoing mail is 
  certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( 6.0.749 
  / Virus Database: 501 - Release Date: 

[QUAD-L] Electoral College... (Sorry Sherry)

2004-10-21 Thread Tod E. Santee

Hi All,
You know... I been curious...
In an election as close as this one reportedly is, what do you
think will happen if "Candidate A" gets the necessary 270 electoral
votes but, no matter how many recounts are allowed, it turns out
(in every recount), that "Candidate B" actually won the popular vote?
Do you think the system will change?  Be forced to change? 
That people will eventually let it die and begrudgingly 'accept' Candidate
A without organizing to change the system?
Is anyone here from Colorado?
* I'm curious about the proposition/measure on your ballot
that will divide electoral votes based on numbers/percentages of votes
cast for the candidate...rather than allowing a 49% -- 51% vote allow the
51% "winner" to take All 9 of the state's electoral votes.
* What do you think about it applying to THIS election?
* What about that the CO State Contitution says that The Legislature
determines how votes are carried BUT this measure came to the ballot through
the Voter Initiative Process rather than through any true Legislative
Action by CO elected officials?
Is it OK if I stir up a hornets' nest here?  I can't participate
much... but I love watchin' them suckers go at it!  LOL
Best to All!

Re: [QUAD-L] Flu Shot

2004-10-21 Thread Stacy Harim

Pretty much, that's why I am not getting one.  I think that people 
with repertory problems and elderly should go first. This is the first year in 5 
that I am forgoing to flu shot.
"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  From: QuadPirate 
  Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 4:40 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Flu Shot

Just wondering if I'm the only one disturbed about how the people 
in the capital gets a Flu shot with no questions asked?
I know these people shake a lot of hands but it seems to me they 
should have the to follow the same laws as the rest of.
Besides that the majority of hands they're shaking are each 
They should come out and tell the truth, it's not the hand shaking 
it's all the ass kissing lol!
Hoping to get a flu shot



  IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - 

Re: [QUAD-L] Flu Shot

2004-10-21 Thread Tod E. Santee

Oh, Mark...
This has been a banner year for you and me... we've agreed on more than
we've disagreed!
First, on the idea that it's something other than hand-shaking... yep...
I agree!
Second, is anyone else disturbed?  You bet'cha!
I don't shake a heck of a lot of hands on a normal day, but last night
after a regular 7:30 to 3:00pm shift of teaching 149 teens with poor hygeine,
I got to spend from 4:45 to 7:45pm shaking hands and talking face-to-face
with their snifflely parents at a Parent-Teacher Conference after distributing
less-than-stellar grades to most of them.
At the end of a normal day, I'm extremely tired... just figure what
that most obviously does to anyone's immune system (Strike
1).  I didn't have time to eat between cleaning up after kids and
prepping to meet parents (Strike 2).  Then parents come in with ALL
their kids from < 1 yr. to high school, all sniffling and wiping their
noses while wanting to shake hands. (Strike 3)  All of them told me
about having to rush from work to get there (Aren't we Out already) so
I know most didn't stop to eat or wash (Hey... Ump...!!) partly because
even through my own stuffy nose I could smell the "work" under the deodorant
and cologne (YO Buddy! They struck out and their STILL stealing bases?...
where's the Managers?)
Interestingly, to save time... my school decided to take teachers from
four buildings and cram them into sharing room and space in one building
so people can spread their "infectious happiness" about grades quicker
without walking so far... (Wait!!... Is he running from 2nd
to Home Plate?) so that puts us in much closer proximity to everyone (why
are both teams AND the fans all in one dugout?).  Not only is it My
Students coming in to use my room, but students from two other
teachers as well (Who the hell invited the Dodgers??!!)
And then had to get ready to set up for an early scheduled class(game)
with those same kids who didn't have time to do homework because their
parent were dragging them through the school all night... (Oh, I get it...
it's just a benefit game... not the real thing.  But where's the benefit?)
By the end of the night, I was ready to Yank Da'Bums outta there by
their Sox!
(Then I went home to my wife... way to tired to even think
about trying to score. ;~)   )
Today... I called the game early and went out to meet the pitcher before
going home.
Damn!  What a series.  Now... tryin to call the doc about
that shot again... line's been busy for 2 days.
Sure wishin' right now I'd gone into politics instead of teaching.  
I'm ready to trade their "High-Risk Hand-Shaking" (even ass-kissin')..
. that is,  only if they'd be willing to try out mine. 
QuadPirate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just wondering if I'm the only one disturbed about how the people in
the capital gets a Flu shot with no questions asked?
 I know these people shake a lot of hands but it seems to me they
should have the to follow the same laws as the rest of.  Besides that
the majority of hands they're shaking are each others!
 They should come out and tell the truth, it's not the hand shaking
it's all the ass kissing lol!
 Hoping to get a flu shot

Re: [QUAD-L] FW: A article

2004-10-21 Thread alan
Krauthammer has never believed a cure for SCI was possible.  

Chck out Dr. Young's comments on this column at



Posted by alanh77[at] using MR/2 ICE Newsreader #564

   Proudly using eComstation 1.1 and OS/2 Warp 4.5

   BBS - The Nerve Center Telnet FidoNet 261/1000

Re: [QUAD-L] Flu Shot

2004-10-21 Thread Billy

We in NJ are giving them to 
LOL I had to lie on the form in the local 
supermarket to prove I was "at risk". Of the 10 items listed, nowhere was SCI or 
neurological impairments listed. 
So, I gave myself Asthma (on the form). Wouldn't be 
surprised if the FLU shot police asked for it back.
Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do!

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 5:28 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Flu Shot
  In a message dated 10/21/2004 4:41:44 PM 
  Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Just wondering if I'm the only one disturbed about how 
the people in the capital gets a Flu shot with no questions asked?I know 
these people shake a lot of hands but it seems to me they should have the to 
follow the same laws as the rest of.Besides that the majority of hands 
they're shaking are each others!They should come out and tell the truth, 
it's not the hand shaking it's all the ass kissing lol!  
MarkHoping to get a flu 
  shotloli'm with ya Mark, i don't 
  consider hand-shaking THAT hazardous 

Re: [QUAD-L] thoughts on election

2004-10-21 Thread Sherry

I havent missed a 
vote, not a one, even for local coroner since I was 18.
And I'm an  
ole fart...;)
the 2000 election I 
think proved, very vote, indeed counts.
( now dont get me 
started on the electoral college ;) )
{{The best to you,}} Sherry' To be willing to March into Hell for a 
Heavenly cause"

  - Original Message - 
  To: David K. Kelmer 
  Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:20 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] thoughts on 
  David, your voice will be heard. Good 
  ww"David K. Kelmer" 
Hi WW,
I vote in every election.  National, state, city, and school 
bond.  I have voted both by absentee ballot and at the voting 
booth.  I will be voting at the booth for this election.
With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 28 Years PostTexas, USA 
andrea murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  How many of you really vote? I have already voted from my home. 

  Wheelchair Warrior
opinion and all others are always accepted and appreciated. You've got 
to remember that most voters made up their minds 3-4 months ago and 
are now going out to advocate on behalf of the person or persons 
they believe are the best for the job. I'm guessing that 30% of the 
voters are still undecided and will be influenced by those around 
them, TV ads, newspaper print, debates, and those who are willing to 
knock down doors. I can't wait until its over with so that we can 
all go on with our lives In a free country.WIn a message 
dated 10/14/04 12:50:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:<< Go 
Kerry.. my main issues are health care(primarily attendant care 
funding) and education for my daughter.. and I believe that both 
of those issues will have a higher priority with a democratic 
administration. And I wouldn't be appos! ! ed to voting republican 
if I believed that those priorities would receive more attention 
with them. I know from experience that they won't because I live in 
Fl and a subsistence level of help that was present during the 
Clinton administration has been intentionally and systematically 
eroded and eliminated since the republicans have been in office. my 
  Do you Yahoo!?Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! 
  Mail SpamGuard.
  Do you Yahoo!? - 
  Register online to vote today!
  ---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG 
  anti-virus system ( 6.0.749 
  / Virus Database: 501 - Release Date: 9/1/2004

[QUAD-L] Thoughts on election

2004-10-21 Thread wheelchair
My hat off to you, Old Man !

In a message dated 10/21/04 11:54:26 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< Hi WW,
I vote in every election.  National, state, city, and school bond.  I have 
voted both by absentee ballot and at the voting booth.  I will be voting at the 
booth for this election.

With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave >>

[QUAD-L] Flu Shot

2004-10-21 Thread wheelchair
Its all part of the benefit package.  I got my flu shot as soon as they were 
2 weeks later I developed a rash on my left arm, from my muscle down past my 
elbow almost to the wrist.  Boy did it itch and needed scratching.  I just 
passed it off as a reaction to the shot.
2-1/2 weeks later called the people who were in front of me in line and asked 
if they had a rash.  They said no.   Well it turns out to be poison ivy.  
Funny how it only got one side of me as I was in a crawling contest against a 
blind guy (I won) and he didn't get any. LOL.

In a message dated 10/21/04 3:41:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Just wondering if I'm the only one disturbed about how the people in the

capital gets a Flu shot with no questions asked?

Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right man for the right reason

2004-10-21 Thread Sherry

Ummm May I suggest 
you check some facts there?
One example..Kerry 
himself did not promise or say " the lame shall walk"
He promised to 
support stem cell research.
What you are seeing 
and doing is what a majority of people do to my surpirise...and 
Person A says 
It gets reported in 
various forms of media..
Some people leave 
out pertinent wording..such as 
I support stem cell 
research so the lame shall someday walk.
I say that..and no 
doubt, somone will turn it to..
"Cripple folks will 
walk if I'm elected president"
(this as an 
Again, I ask, that 
people simply take their civic duty responcibly and make an informed 
Not from skewed 
{{The best to you,}} Sherry' To be willing to March into Hell for a 
Heavenly cause"

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 9:35 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right 
  man for the right reason 
  REAL brainwashers 
  Say Democrats Influenced Voters [IA Dems campaigning inside polling 
  kerry will promise everything including his soul to get electedJohn 
  Kerry's photograph hangs in the War Protestors Hall of the War Remnants 
  Museum in Ho Chi Minh City -- an indication of the value the Vietnamese 
  communists place on Kerry's support of their efforts during the Vietnam 
  & Edwards have no shame and now promise the laim shall be healed.Think 
  about it!Do the research.Where are kerry's military records?Why 
  did he need a review to get an honorable discharge?He choose to run on his 
  military record but won't release it.There is no ban on stem cell 
  research.Bush is not bring back the draft.Bush is not privatizing 
  SS.Kerry keeps lying.WHY?-- It's not the fall that 
  hurts.Home page 
---Outgoing mail is 
  certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( 6.0.749 
  / Virus Database: 501 - Release Date: 

Re: [QUAD-L] Flu Shot

2004-10-21 Thread TonyPony1
In a message dated 10/21/2004 4:41:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Just wondering if I'm the only one disturbed about how the people in the capital gets a Flu shot with no questions asked?
 I know these people shake a lot of hands but it seems to me they should have the to follow the same laws as the rest of.
 Besides that the majority of hands they're shaking are each others!
 They should come out and tell the truth, it's not the hand shaking it's all the ass kissing lol!
 Hoping to get a flu shot

loli'm with ya Mark, i don't consider hand-shaking THAT hazardous

Re: [QUAD-L] vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote

2004-10-21 Thread Sherry

Not you  
I did say the 
thread..the entire  'arguements"  from both.
It happened that I 
hit reply on yours.
I am not going to 
play arm chair politician here.
What good would 
that do?
I do not any any 
form deny any one thier burns my behind when these choices are 
made on rhetoric..not facts.. This election is far more important, unlike any I 
have seen..but that is my opinion I suppose.
And admittedly...I 
saw this at the end of a very long day of 'political' communications. and no 
I can laugh and 
joke about both sides...that doesnt bother me on bit..
ALways wear your 
smile :)
ANd sorry...I didnt 
read that thread  as a joke at all..
And I admit...this 
one is my Fav...well worth the d/l time even if your on dial 
ROFL  ya gotta hear this
and here is one 
that will crack almost onyone up..
Click it's good to 
be in DC
{{The best to you,}} Sherry' To be willing to March into Hell for a 
Heavenly cause"
{{The best to you,}} Sherry' To be willing to March into Hell for a 
Heavenly cause"

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:51 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote vote vote vote 
  vote vote vote vote vote vote vote
I came back to 
read my quadlist email to see this, and I must say, I am woefully 
disheartened by this /these sentiments. (of the Kerry bashing in this topic) 

  So it is ok for someone to send bashing comments 
  or jokes about one candidate but not your candidate? I have seen bashing 
  comments and jokes about Bush on the Quad-list. If you are offended or 
  have to defend your candidate because of the joke I sent maybe you are 
  supporting the wrong candidate or maybe you think it is true and not a joke. 
  BTW I received the joke from a Kerry supporter with a sense of humor. 
  I thought this was a free country and freedom of 
  speech is one of our rights. Be careful who you vote for or this might be a 
  thing of the past. Many of our other rights we assume are protected are also 
  in jeopardy if the wrong candidates are elected that includes our local 
  I never said whom I voted for. I have already voted for the best candidates 
  because of what they stand for and what they will do for my 
  country, state, county and city. I will not vote for a candidate 
  just because they are the best on a few issues.
Vote for 
But make it an 
informed vote...on the things that really matter.


Subject: vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote 

POOR JOHN KERRYHe throws away someone else's medals.He 
drives someone else's SUV.He marries someone else's wife.And he 
inherits someone else's money.I think we should all vote for him to 
be president..
of someone else's 
  ---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG 
  anti-virus system ( 6.0.749 
  / Virus Database: 501 - Release Date: 

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Beds

2004-10-21 Thread TonyPony1
In a message dated 10/21/2004 5:09:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

.get a queen size electric bed!!&

 do you know if a queen is covered under medicaid? i thought of asking but figured only hospital beds are.

...really not sure, i have a twin size, and got it from a quad that died...actually, i got my ceiling lift from another quad that died tooguess i'm like the grim reaper of medical equipment  -tony

[QUAD-L] Re: Beds

2004-10-21 Thread DiannaL767

In a message dated 10/20/2004 9:54:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
.get a queen size electric bed!!&
do you know if a queen is covered under medicaid? i thought of asking but figured only hospital beds are.

Re: [QUAD-L] FW: A article

2004-10-21 Thread Billy

Statement by John O'Neill on "Nightline" While I have a tremendous 
amount of respect for Ted Koppel and ABC News I was appalled to learn that ABC 
News would go to the length of traveling to Vietnam to interview three Viet Cong 
communists in yet a third attempt by ABC to corroborate John Kerry's version of 
the events that took place on February 28th, 1969. I would only ask the 
American people: "Who do you trust more, three members of a communist regime 
that tortured and killed our American troops or a group of more than 280 highly 
decorated American veterans, who proudly served their country and are now 
responsible members of their respective communities?" The number of 
veterans who support John Kerry's accounts of his military service would not 
fill one Swift Boat. But instead of sitting down to interview some of the 280 
plus members of our Swift Boat organization, ABC News chose to travel to Vietnam 
taking extraordinary and highly suspect steps to find someone to corroborate 
John Kerry's story. ABC News Nightline has now dedicated three separate 
programs to this one incident while ignoring John Kerry's now discredited Senate 
testimony that he spent Christmas in Cambodia, his receiving a purple heart 
after all three of the officers required to approve such an issuance rejected 
his application, or his constantly changing account of the circumstances 
surrounding his remaining medal, a bronze star. Further, one has to 
wonder why ABC News will not address the serious questions as to why John Kerry 
only received an honorable discharge through the act of then President Carter, 
seven years after his discharge, and had to have all of his military citations 
reissued, on the same day, when he became a United States Senator in 1985. And, 
finally, why has Nightline found it of no interest to permit any POWs to come on 
their program to explain why they believe John Kerry betrayed their nation, 
caused them to be incarcerated for an additional two years and caused them 
tremendous additional hardship and suffering.-- John O'Neill 
Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what 
you can do!

  - Original Message - 
  Jim Lubin 

  Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 3:14 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] FW: A article
   An Edwards 
  Outrage  By Charles Krauthammer    
  After the second presidential debate, in which John Kerry used theword 
  "plan" 24 times, I said on television that Kerry has a plan foreverything 
  except curing psoriasis. I should have known there is noparodying Kerry's 
  pandering. It turned out days later that the Kerrycampaign has a plan -- 
  nay, a promise --  to cure paralysis. What is theplan? Vote for 
  Kerry.   This is John Edwards on Monday at a rally in 
  Newton, Iowa: "If we dothe work that we can do in this country, the work 
  that we will do whenJohn Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve 
  are going towalk, get up out of that wheelchair and walk 
  again."   In my 25 years in Washington, I have never seen a 
  more loathsomedisplay of demagoguery. Hope is good. False hope is bad. 
  Deliberately,for personal gain, raising false hope in the catastrophically 
  afflictedis despicable.   Where does one begin to 
  deconstruct this outrage?   First, the inability of the 
  human spinal cord to regenerate is one ofthe great mysteries of biology. 
  The answer is not remotely around thecorner. It could take a generation to 
  unravel. To imply, as Edwards did,that it is imminent if only you elect 
  the right politicians isscandalous.   Second, if the 
  cure for spinal cord injury comes, we have no ideawhere it will come from. 
  There are many lines of inquiry. Stem cellresearch is just one of many 
  possibilities, and a very speculative oneat that. For 30 years I have 
  heard promises of miracle cures forparalysis (including my own, suffered 
  as a medical student). The lastfad, fetal tissue transplants, was thought 
  to be a sure thing. Nothingcame of it.   As a doctor by 
  training, I've known better than to believe the hype --and have tried in 
  my own counseling of  people with new spinal cordinjuries to place 
  the possibility of cure in abeyance. I advise insteadto concentrate on 
  making a life (and a very good life it can be) withthe hand one is dealt. 
  The greatest enemies of this advice have been thesnake-oil salesmen 
  promising a miracle around the corner. I neverexpected a candidate for 
  vice president to be one of them.   Third, the implication 
  that Christopher Reeve was prevented fromgetting out of his wheelchair by 
  the Bush stem cell policies is atravesty.  George Bush 
  is the first president to approve federal funding for stemcell research. 
  There are 22 lines of stem cells now available, up fromone just two years 
  ago. As Leon Kass, head of the President's Council onBioethics, has 
  written, there are 3,500 shipments of st

[QUAD-L] Flu Shot

2004-10-21 Thread QuadPirate

Just wondering if I'm the only one disturbed about how the people in the capital gets a Flu shot with no questions asked?
I know these people shake a lot of hands but it seems to me they should have the to follow the same laws as the rest of.
Besides that the majority of hands they're shaking are each others!
They should come out and tell the truth, it's not the hand shaking it's all the ass kissing lol!
Hoping to get a flu shot

  IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here

Re: [QUAD-L] FW: A article

2004-10-21 Thread Billy

A very good article. These guys are selling 
inuendo, and a promise to do a 'better' job than the current 
administration.  Absent of any details on any of the promises (even if one 
is inclined to put their faith in the snake oil sales), one must rely on 
their past to give some indication of their ability to be honest and 
I offer the following - everyone should be 
informed as possible.  
Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what 
you can do!

  - Original Message - 
  Jim Lubin 

  Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 3:14 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] FW: A article
   An Edwards Outrage  By 
  Charles Krauthammer    After the second presidential 
  debate, in which John Kerry used theword "plan" 24 times, I said on 
  television that Kerry has a plan foreverything except curing psoriasis. I 
  should have known there is noparodying Kerry's pandering. It turned out 
  days later that the Kerrycampaign has a plan -- nay, a promise --  to 
  cure paralysis. What is theplan? Vote for Kerry.   This 
  is John Edwards on Monday at a rally in Newton, Iowa: "If we dothe work 
  that we can do in this country, the work that we will do whenJohn Kerry is 
  president, people like Christopher Reeve are going towalk, get up out of 
  that wheelchair and walk again."   In my 25 years in 
  Washington, I have never seen a more loathsomedisplay of demagoguery. Hope 
  is good. False hope is bad. Deliberately,for personal gain, raising false 
  hope in the catastrophically afflictedis despicable.   
  Where does one begin to deconstruct this outrage?   First, 
  the inability of the human spinal cord to regenerate is one ofthe great 
  mysteries of biology. The answer is not remotely around thecorner. It 
  could take a generation to unravel. To imply, as Edwards did,that it is 
  imminent if only you elect the right politicians 
  isscandalous.   Second, if the cure for spinal cord 
  injury comes, we have no ideawhere it will come from. There are many lines 
  of inquiry. Stem cellresearch is just one of many possibilities, and a 
  very speculative oneat that. For 30 years I have heard promises of miracle 
  cures forparalysis (including my own, suffered as a medical student). The 
  lastfad, fetal tissue transplants, was thought to be a sure thing. 
  Nothingcame of it.   As a doctor by training, I've known 
  better than to believe the hype --and have tried in my own counseling 
  of  people with new spinal cordinjuries to place the possibility of 
  cure in abeyance. I advise insteadto concentrate on making a life (and a 
  very good life it can be) withthe hand one is dealt. The greatest enemies 
  of this advice have been thesnake-oil salesmen promising a miracle around 
  the corner. I neverexpected a candidate for vice president to be one of 
  them.   Third, the implication that Christopher Reeve was 
  prevented fromgetting out of his wheelchair by the Bush stem cell policies 
  is atravesty.  George Bush is the first president to 
  approve federal funding for stemcell research. There are 22 lines of stem 
  cells now available, up fromone just two years ago. As Leon Kass, head of 
  the President's Council onBioethics, has written, there are 3,500 
  shipments of stem cells waitingfor anybody who wants 
  them.   Edwards and Kerry constantly talk of a Bush "ban" on 
  stem cellresearch. This is false. There is no ban. You want to study stem 
  cells?You get them from the companies that have the cells and apply to 
  theNational Institutes of Health for the federal 
  funding.   In his Aug. 7 radio address to the nation, Kerry 
  referred not once butfour times to the "ban" on stem cell research 
  instituted by Bush. At thetime, Reeve was alive, so not available for 
  posthumous exploitation. ButRonald Reagan was available, having recently 
  died of Alzheimer's.   So what does Kerry do? He begins his 
  radio address with thedisgraceful claim that the stem cell "ban" is 
  standing in the way of anAlzheimer's cure.   This is an 
  outright lie. The President's Council on Bioethics, onwhich I sit, had one 
  of the world's foremost experts on Alzheimer's,Dennis Selkoe from Harvard, 
  give us a lecture on the newest and mostpromising approaches to solving 
  the Alzheimer's mystery. Selkoe reportedremarkable progress in using 
  biochemicals to clear the "plaque" depositsin the brain that lead to 
  Alzheimer's. He ended his presentation withoutthe phrase "stem cells" 
  having passed his lips.   So much for the miracle cure. 
  Ronald D.G. McKay, a stem cellresearcher at NIH, has admitted publicly 
  that stem cells as anAlzheimer's cure are a fiction, but that "people need 
  a fairy tale."Kerry and Edwards certainly do. They are shamelessly 
  exploiting thisfairy tale, having no doubt been told by their pollsters 
  that stem cellsplay well politically for them. 

Re: [QUAD-L] Unidentified subject!

2004-10-21 Thread David K. Kelmer
Hi Jerre,
Was the full body scan a MRI?  I have noticed my pain has been getting worse in the past few years, but I know most of it is because after my right leg was removed in '89 my body has started to warp.  It must be that because I'm ONLY 51...still young at heart.  For the shape I'm in...I'm in good shape!
With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 28 Years PostTexas, USA Jerre Dowty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey guys!
I'm looking for someone who can tell me what is wrong with me.  For several months I have been having pain in my left knee and hip.  It has progressively become worse to the point it is not tolerable.  I am taking Hydrocodone 5mg/325 for the pain now.  The doctor thought maybe it was neuropathic and gave me some Lidoderm patches to try.  That didn't do anything for it.  So next he took x-rays of my knee and hip from every direction imaginable.  They showed nothing except poor bone density (big surprise..haha).  So next Monday 10/25 for another bone density test and a full body bone scan.  I have no pain when I am in bed, but when I am up in my chair it is really bad.  My left side is my weak side and I tend to lean that way when I'm in my chair.  I'm wondering if it could be connected to the way I sit in my chair.
Has anyone else had similar pain?  I am desperate for a diagnosis and treatment.  I don't like taking the pain pills everyday but I just can't handle the pain, and I have a pretty high tolerance for pain.  HELP!!!
all some people need is a hand
to hold and a heart to listen
Jerre K. Dowty
Lady Quad in Texas

Re: [QUAD-L] In Memory

2004-10-21 Thread David K. Kelmer
Hi Wheels,
Thank you, it's good to be back.  Only 900 messages to go and I'll be caught up...and I only use this Addy for 4 Groups!
I am truly sorry that you've lost both a friend and client.  C. Reeve was a real hero to many!
With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 28 Years PostTexas, USA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Welcome back Dave. I not only lost a friend but a client too.WIn a message dated 10/15/04 6:47:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:<< Christopher Reeve 1952 - 2004Rodney Dangerfield 1921 - 2004With Respect,Dave Kelmer >>

[QUAD-L] FW: A article

2004-10-21 Thread Jim Lubin

 An Edwards Outrage
 By Charles Krauthammer
   After the second presidential debate, in which John Kerry
used the
word "plan" 24 times, I said on television that Kerry has a
plan for
everything except curing psoriasis. I should have known there is no
parodying Kerry's pandering. It turned out days later that the 
campaign has a plan -- nay, a promise --  to cure paralysis. What is
plan? Vote for Kerry.
  This is John Edwards on Monday at a rally in Newton, Iowa:
"If we do
the work that we can do in this country, the work that we will do
John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going to
walk, get up out of that wheelchair and walk again."
  In my 25 years in Washington, I have never seen a more
display of demagoguery. Hope is good. False hope is bad.
for personal gain, raising false hope in the catastrophically
is despicable.
  Where does one begin to deconstruct this outrage?
  First, the inability of the human spinal cord to regenerate is one
the great mysteries of biology. The answer is not remotely around
corner. It could take a generation to unravel. To imply, as Edwards
that it is imminent if only you elect the right politicians is
  Second, if the cure for spinal cord injury comes, we have no
where it will come from. There are many lines of inquiry. Stem cell
research is just one of many possibilities, and a very speculative
at that. For 30 years I have heard promises of miracle cures for
paralysis (including my own, suffered as a medical student). The
fad, fetal tissue transplants, was thought to be a sure thing.
came of it.
  As a doctor by training, I've known better than to believe the
hype --
and have tried in my own counseling of  people with new spinal
injuries to place the possibility of cure in abeyance. I advise
to concentrate on making a life (and a very good life it can be)
the hand one is dealt. The greatest enemies of this advice have been
snake-oil salesmen promising a miracle around the corner. I never
expected a candidate for vice president to be one of them.
  Third, the implication that Christopher Reeve was prevented
getting out of his wheelchair by the Bush stem cell policies is a
 George Bush is the first president to approve federal funding for
cell research. There are 22 lines of stem cells now available, up
one just two years ago. As Leon Kass, head of the President's Council
Bioethics, has written, there are 3,500 shipments of stem cells
for anybody who wants them.
  Edwards and Kerry constantly talk of a Bush "ban" on
stem cell
research. This is false. There is no ban. You want to study stem
You get them from the companies that have the cells and apply to 
National Institutes of Health for the federal funding.
  In his Aug. 7 radio address to the nation, Kerry referred not once
four times to the "ban" on stem cell research instituted by
Bush. At the
time, Reeve was alive, so not available for posthumous exploitation.
Ronald Reagan was available, having recently died of Alzheimer's.
  So what does Kerry do? He begins his radio address with the
disgraceful claim that the stem cell "ban" is standing in the
way of an
Alzheimer's cure.
  This is an outright lie. The President's Council on Bioethics,
which I sit, had one of the world's foremost experts on 
Dennis Selkoe from Harvard, give us a lecture on the newest and 
promising approaches to solving the Alzheimer's mystery. Selkoe
remarkable progress in using biochemicals to clear the "plaque"
in the brain that lead to Alzheimer's. He ended his presentation
the phrase "stem cells" having passed his lips.
  So much for the miracle cure. Ronald D.G. McKay, a stem cell
researcher at NIH, has admitted publicly that stem cells as an
Alzheimer's cure are a fiction, but that "people need a fairy
Kerry and Edwards certainly do. They are shamelessly exploiting 
fairy tale, having no doubt been told by their pollsters that stem
play well politically for them.
  Politicians have long promised a chicken in every pot. It is part
the game. It is one thing to promise ethanol subsidies here, dairy
controls there. But to exploit the desperate hopes of desperate
with the promise of Christ-like cures is beyond the pale.
  There is no apologizing for Edwards's remark. It is too
There is absolutely nothing the man will not say to get elected. 
 Would you like to send this article to a friend? Go to
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Re: [QUAD-L] Fung Shui anyone?

2004-10-21 Thread David K. Kelmer

Hi Bobbie,
I believe living in harmony with nature will always give you 'good energy.'  A good level of positive energy does help with a healthy and happy life!
With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 28 Years PostTexas, USA   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,
   Is there anybody here who use's and or believes in the power of Fung Shui? Wednesday I had a Fung Shui consultant come to my Apartment because I lost my (mojo) motivation in writing the second draft of my autobiography. They spent 1 1/2 hours here, one made MANY suggestions while the other one wrote down the suggestions.
  For those of you who are unfamiliar with Fung Shui, it's basically living in harmony with nature. Also finding a "good energy" flow in your home to sleep well, stay healthy, be happy and productive. It's very common sense ancient Chinese way of living a happy safe life. Fung Shui means wind and water.
  A friend of mine, actually my Homeopathic Doctor, wanted to met a life partner. With in one month of doing simple change's in her home, she met the love of her life. 
  Just curious, Bobbie
 BTW~Donold Trump consults with Fung Shui Master's when designing building to decorating his home and office

Re: [QUAD-L] vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote

2004-10-21 Thread ToddC5Quad


  I came back to 
  read my quadlist email to see this, and I must say, I am woefully disheartened 
  by this /these sentiments. (of the Kerry bashing in this topic) 

So it is ok for someone to send bashing comments 
or jokes about one candidate but not your candidate? I have seen bashing 
comments and jokes about Bush on the Quad-list. If you are offended or have 
to defend your candidate because of the joke I sent maybe you are supporting the 
wrong candidate or maybe you think it is true and not a joke. BTW 
I received the joke from a Kerry supporter with a sense of humor. 


I thought this was a free country and freedom of 
speech is one of our rights. Be careful who you vote for or this might be a 
thing of the past. Many of our other rights we assume are protected are also in 
jeopardy if the wrong candidates are elected that includes our local candidates. 


I never said whom I voted for. I have already voted for the best candidates 
because of what they stand for and what they will do for my 
country, state, county and city. I will not vote for a candidate just 
because they are the best on a few issues.

  Vote for 
  But make it an 
  informed vote...on the things that really matter.

  Subject: vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote 
  POOR JOHN KERRYHe throws away someone else's medals.He 
  drives someone else's SUV.He marries someone else's wife.And he 
  inherits someone else's money.I think we should all vote for him to be 
  of someone else's 


Re: [QUAD-L] thoughts on election

2004-10-21 Thread andrea murray
David, your voice will be heard. Good job
ww"David K. Kelmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi WW,
I vote in every election.  National, state, city, and school bond.  I have voted both by absentee ballot and at the voting booth.  I will be voting at the booth for this election.
With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 28 Years PostTexas, USA andrea murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How many of you really vote? I have already voted from my home. 
Wheelchair Warrior
Your opinion and all others are always accepted and appreciated. You've got to remember that most voters made up their minds 3-4 months ago and are now going out to advocate on behalf of the person or persons they believe are the best for the job. I'm guessing that 30% of the voters are still undecided and will be influenced by those around them, TV ads, newspaper print, debates, and those who are willing to knock down doors. I can't wait until its over with so that we can all go on with our lives In a free country.WIn a message dated 10/14/04 12:50:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:<< Go Kerry.. my main issues are health care(primarily attendant care funding) and education for my daughter.. and I believe that both of those issues will have a higher priority with a democratic administration. And I wouldn't be appos!
 ! ed to
 voting republican if I believed that those priorities would receive more attention with them. I know from experience that they won't because I live in Fl and a subsistence level of help that was present during the Clinton administration has been intentionally and systematically eroded and eliminated since the republicans have been in office. my opinion>>

Do you Yahoo!?Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard.
		Do you Yahoo!? - Register online to vote today!

Re: [QUAD-L] thoughts on election

2004-10-21 Thread David K. Kelmer
Hi WW,
I vote in every election.  National, state, city, and school bond.  I have voted both by absentee ballot and at the voting booth.  I will be voting at the booth for this election.
With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 28 Years PostTexas, USA andrea murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How many of you really vote? I have already voted from my home. 
Wheelchair Warrior
Your opinion and all others are always accepted and appreciated. You've got to remember that most voters made up their minds 3-4 months ago and are now going out to advocate on behalf of the person or persons they believe are the best for the job. I'm guessing that 30% of the voters are still undecided and will be influenced by those around them, TV ads, newspaper print, debates, and those who are willing to knock down doors. I can't wait until its over with so that we can all go on with our lives In a free country.WIn a message dated 10/14/04 12:50:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:<< Go Kerry.. my main issues are health care(primarily attendant care funding) and education for my daughter.. and I believe that both of those issues will have a higher priority with a democratic administration. And I wouldn't be appos!
 ! ed to
 voting republican if I believed that those priorities would receive more attention with them. I know from experience that they won't because I live in Fl and a subsistence level of help that was present during the Clinton administration has been intentionally and systematically eroded and eliminated since the republicans have been in office. my opinion>>

Do you Yahoo!?Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard.

Re: [QUAD-L] beds

2004-10-21 Thread Bobbie299 is your answer. I have a full size crafitmatic with the hi/low (the bed goes up and down) and a massage. They also have optional heat. 
  BUT, DO NOT except the first quote for the price of the bed. They came down at least $500 with me AND a free TV & pillows

Re: [QUAD-L] To older brother's & sister's

2004-10-21 Thread Smurfonwheels

In a message dated 19/10/2004 18:07:13 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  Are you the oldest or the oldest brother or 
    I'm the oldest sister and ever since my accident, I feel 
  like I've lost my role as such.
    I was wondering if any more of you who are 
  the older sibling, if you feel this way also.
      just curious, 

I'm the baby of the family, always have been and always will be!  If 
anything my brother is tougher on my now as his gradually teaching me to look 
after myself emotionally and to stand up for what i believe in
Love Smurf xxx

Re: [QUAD-L] National Family Caregivers Month - November!

2004-10-21 Thread Smurfonwheels

In a message dated 19/10/2004 20:44:06 GMT Standard Time, 
  November is National FAMILY Caregivers month!  Personally,  I found 
  out by the magazine PARAPLEGIA NEWS which I just re-subbed to after 5 yrs of 
  "forgetting."  The only mag I know of where the ads are fantastic! 

Where do you get the Paraplegia News from Lori?  I've never heard of 
it before but it does sound interesting!
Love Smurf xxx

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Bush plays the game of being Christian

2004-10-21 Thread Smurfonwheels

In a message dated 19/10/2004 21:07:50 GMT Standard Time, 

  Hi Smurf,
  Regardless of who is elected President next month, here is an issue that 
  needs to be examined.  If, as the American Life League, Inc. 
  believes, an egg collected from a woman's body and then 
  combined with a man's sperm and frozen is human life, or, as others 
  believe, that the resulting frozen embryos are simply the seed 
  that when inserted into the woman's body grows into a human 
  life, the issue needs to be debated.  The voices now raised 
  on all sides in the stem-cell research issue cannot ignore 
  the useless destruction of hundreds of thousands of frozen cells 
  each year while so much attention gets paid to some 60 cell 
  lines.  Life, or potential life, either way these cells deserve a 
  better ending than what they're getting now.  

Hi CtrlAltDel,
When it comes to IVF I have completely different views,  I don't see 
that abortions are the same as IVF, completely different in fact!
Personally I think that IVF is a really good idea, extremely good idea 
(although I do believe that the man should have some say in weather his sperm is 
used or not - there's been huge controversary about it over here) especially 
when it comes to SCIs.  Although the fact that some of the cells are wasted 
is bad.  If embryos and cells are taken then they should all be used - end 
of story.  Letting them go to waste is the same as letting someone 
die.  Why do some of them get wasted though?
Love Smurf xxx

[QUAD-L] BIBLE -- Wrong

2004-10-21 Thread Tod E. Santee
Nope, wrong, incorrect, hoax   look for "Iraq and Eagle"

>>Koran (9:11) - For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a
fearsome Eagle. The wrath
of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while
some of the people
trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle
cleansed the lands of Allah;
and there was peace.

(Note the verse number!) Hmmm?! b

Re: [QUAD-L] Christopher Reeves / Go ahead yell at me now

2004-10-21 Thread Smurfonwheels

In a message dated 20/10/2004 21:43:35 GMT Standard Time, 
I think 
  the questions that surround the death of C. Reeve are there because none of us 
  really know just what kind of medical treatments he was receiving or what his 
  health problems really were

These are the things the docummentury tells you about.  The media 
painted his death as being black and white, thus leading to people wondering 
weather they are true are not.  Alot went on in CR life in the last 3 years 
of his life
Love Smurf xxx

Re: [QUAD-L] Christopher Reeves & his last documentury

2004-10-21 Thread Smurfonwheels

In a message dated 21/10/2004 02:41:43 GMT Standard Time, 
Smurf, I didn't see the docummentury 
  on Christopher's Reeve. How did he die? Wheelchair 

Are you from the UK as well Wheelchair Warrior?!   It didn't mention his 
death, although they did point out two points which, to me made it 
understandable as to why he died.  Allow me to explain:
1. in December CR was hospitalized due to a pressure wound, something that 
kept giving him problems up until his death.
2. CR had the surgery to allow his diaphram to be stimulated.  Earlier 
this year he was getting a lot of problems with the would where the wires for 
the stimulator came out the skin - the wound kept opening itself up then 
closing, then re opening etc.  The wound also got infected which they said 
ran the risk of causing damage to the wires.  
My theory being, every day he practised breathing using the 
stimulator.  What if, and this really is a what if, while practising using 
the stimulator there were complications due to the wires and the infection which 
caused the problems he had?  Also, we don't know if when the would got 
infected weather it caused any problems to his heart or anything hich weakened 
They are only small suggestions, but they are the small things that the 
media forgot to mention  when reporting his death.
Love Smurf xxx

Re: [QUAD-L] China!

2004-10-21 Thread Smurfonwheels

In a message dated 21/10/2004 13:44:47 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  Hello everybody, 
  Does anybody have information about China doing 
  stem cell?  
  Silas Shelburne 
  Quad 2 years

Nope sorry, although the documentury about CR it should that Israel is the 
best place for stem cell research.  They should people with the same injury 
Love Smurf xxx


2004-10-21 Thread Smurfonwheels

In a message dated 21/10/2004 14:04:00 GMT Standard Time, 

  There's a letter from CR wife, Dana posted at
  The nurses and dr knew him.  

Where abouts on the can we find it please?  I couldn't find it!
Love Smurf xxx

[QUAD-L] Going Upriver

2004-10-21 Thread River Wolfe
The movie Going Upriver is being distributed online, for free.  If any 
of you would like to see it, I can provide you with a copy that will 
play on Quicktime, on your computer only.  If you want to know more 
about this movie, or want to download it yourself visit this website:

PS:  Closed captioning is only available if you purchase the DVD for $15
Peace out
truth and justice,

[QUAD-L] The "L" Word, The "N" Word, The "D" Word, The "R" Word, The "C" Word

2004-10-21 Thread wheelchair
This year's election has brought out the very worst in America's base 
freedom.  Its seems for years we have fought to rid ourselves of labels and names and 
be respected for what we honestly believe.  But that may not be good enough 
for some people.  They continue to label us with those terms during the 
elections... to make themselves look or appear to look better.  For some, its a 
political honor, for others its a dishonor.  And it never seems to stop.
Let's all hope that these labels are placed back into the "nasty closet" 
after the election and that we go back to the old fashion labels that we've 
learned to hate.

When are we ever going to learn.

In a message dated 10/21/04 8:00:15 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< "And guys, if you exploit a girl, it will come back to get
you. That's called 'karma.' "
- Bill O'Reilly, "The O'Reilly Factor for Kids" >>

Re: [QUAD-L] China!

2004-10-21 Thread Liz

go to

  - Original Message - 
  Silas Shelburne 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 8:02 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] China!
  Does anybody have information about stem cell in 
  Thanks Silas Shelburne 
  Quad 2 


2004-10-21 Thread Liz

There's a letter from CR wife, Dana posted at
The nurses and dr knew him.  
Stop supposing crap about his death.

  - Original Message - 
  David K. Kelmer 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 4:42 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Christopher Reeves 
  / Go ahead yell at me now
  Hi Jim,
  I think the questions that surround the death of C. Reeve are there 
  because none of us really know just what kind of medical treatments he was 
  receiving or what his health problems really were.  We may never know, so 
  it is up to each of us to live each day of our lives to their fullest 
  regardless of our health problems!  
  With Love,
  CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 28 Years PostTexas, USA 
  Jim Lubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  At 08:25 AM 10/11/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Yes, if I would have unlimited 
  funds, I may have started therapy 3-4 hours per day, but look what he 
  missed out on. Even though he didn't have the 
funding problems most of us face, it seems to me that he wasn't receiving 
very good care with all the health problems he had. 
disAbility Resources: Transverse Myelitis 

[QUAD-L] o'reilly factor and L word

2004-10-21 Thread River Wolfe
"And guys, if you exploit a girl, it will come back to get
you. That's called 'karma.' "
- Bill O'Reilly, "The O'Reilly Factor for Kids"
IN the
annals of election year 2004, Oct. 13 will be remembered as
the day it rained lesbians in red America. That was when we
learned that Andrea Mackris, an associate producer on "The
O'Reilly Factor," had filed her sexual harassment law suit,
charging that her boss had an obsessive interest in
vibrators, phone sex and, most persistently, erotic
scenarios involving pairs of women. That night brought the
final presidential debate, in which John Kerry's
description of Mary Cheney as a lesbian so riled the
Bush-Cheney campaign, not to mention the easily aghast
Washington press corps, you'd have thought the vice
president's daughter was accused of enlisting in a
threesome with Bill O'Reilly.
What's followed ever since is an orgy of schadenfreude and
hypocrisy almost entertaining enough to take your mind off
Iraq (as the Bush-Cheney campaign hopes it will). It's the
kind of three-ring circus that makes me love this country.
Only in America could Mr. O'Reilly appear on "Live With
Regis and Kelly" to plug his new moralistic children's
advice book (sample dictum: "Healthy sex is a combination
of sensible behavior and sincere affection") just as old
and young alike were going online to search for the lewd monologues attributed to him
in Ms. Mackris's 22-page complaint. Everyone is now so busy
matching Mr. O'Reilly's alleged after-hours oratory - none
of which he or his lawyer immediately denied - with his
past condemnations of Janet Jackson, Ludacris, wet T-shirt
contests, Joycelyn Elders and the televised Madonna-Britney
smooch that the findings could fill another Starr report.
My own favorite example, hands down, is Mr. O'Reilly's
reverie about hooking up with "hot" Italian women during a
visit to the Vatican while his pregnant wife was marooned
at home in Plandome, Long Island.
The bad news for Fox is not only that its most bankable
cable star could end up in the third-tier broadcasting
oblivion of William Bennett but also that Fox News, handed
the kind of story it lives for, could not (or, more
precisely, would not) turn it into a mediathon, complete
with legal analysis from Greta, Gloria Allred and Jeanine
Pirro. So the network made do instead with the parallel
soap opera of Mary Cheney. The Focus on the Family politico
James Dobson quickly set the tone on "Hannity & Colmes" by
accusing Mr. Kerry of "outing" the vice president's
daughter - a charge duly echoed by others on the right,
led, inevitably, by The Wall Street Journal editorial page.
To try to prop up its fictional headline "Outing Mary
Cheney," The Journal argued that "Mr. and Mrs. Cheney have
not kept their daughter's lesbianism a secret but neither
have they shouted it to the sky." Huh? Though Dick Cheney
doesn't shout anything, he described his daughter as gay on
camera at an Iowa campaign appearance this summer. But
whatever Mr. and Mrs. Cheney may have to say about it, The
Journal never entertained the thought that Mary Cheney
herself has a voice in this matter. She has been openly gay
for years. Before the 2000 campaign, she held a job that
literally announced her homosexuality: gay and lesbian
liaison for Coors, a public marketing assignment that even
required her to travel the country with the winner of the
1999 International Mr. Leather competition. She later
joined the Republican Unity Coalition, a gay-rights
advocacy group formed as an alternative to the similarly
inclined Log Cabin Republicans.
From all the outcry over Mr. Kerry's invocation of Ms.
Cheney, with the attendant rhetoric about the evil of
exploiting a candidate's "child" in a campaign, you might
never guess that the child in question is not Chelsea
Clinton at age 12 but a 35-year-old woman (two years older
than Andrea Mackris). Or that she lives openly with her
partner, Heather Poe, whom she brought onstage after the
vice presidential debate. Or that she is the paid director
of vice presidential operations for the Bush campaign, and
that her mother is the author of a notorious potboiler
("Sisters," 1981) that drools over the prospect of lesbian
coupling with O'Reilly-like glee. (For choice excerpts from
Mrs. Cheney's fiction, go to ).
So you have to wonder what motivated the Bush-Cheney
brigade to go ballistic over Mr. Kerry's "outing" of Mary
Cheney after it had ignored not just John Edwards's
previous "outing" but also the earlier "outings" by Bush
campaign allies like the Concerned Women for America and
the Republican senatorial candidate Alan Keyes. Unlike the
Democrats, who spoke respectfully of gay sexual
orientation, these right-wing activists trashed the vice
president's daughter for sowing anti-family values. But as
Andrew Sullivan has pointed out, even when Mr. Keyes
attacked Mary Cheney in August for practicing "selfish
hedonism," the same Mrs. Cheney, who, "speaking as

Re: [QUAD-L] vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote Kerry

2004-10-21 Thread River Wolfe

On Oct 20, 2004, at 7:25 PM, River Wolfe wrote:

Go Sam 

Kerry in a landslide ;-) I know because I'm doing phonework and that's my unscientific poll;-)

On Oct 20, 2004, at 6:34 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Evaded duty in Vietnam.
He ran several of his fathers companies to the ground.
 Been busted for Drinking and driving.. partying alot.
Daddy is into OIL and subsequently are long time partners with the Saudi's where most of the hijackers came from.
IRAN AND N.KOREA ARE THE ONES WITH NUKES.Iran practiced a missile today.
Medicare costs rising along with prescriptions
Bush put us into a war that no matter what even though it's a mistake it will take 5-10yrs to get of. All for the Bush family business OIL. This country is screwed for years to come.

[QUAD-L] China!

2004-10-21 Thread Silas Shelburne

Hello everybody, 
Does anybody have information about China doing 
stem cell?  
Silas Shelburne 
Quad 2 years

Re: [QUAD-L] vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote

2004-10-21 Thread Sherry

I came back to read 
my quadlist email to see this, and I must say, I am woefully disheartened by 
this /these sentiments. (of the Kerry bashing in this topic) 
 I am a 
registered republican, who will for Bush.
I  did however 
vote for him last time, much to my chagrin.
Since then,  I 
have traveled to Dc, spoken publicly to congress  many a time, am a matter 
of record of the congressional library, and indeed, have met both 
rhetoric you may see in ads/ TV needs to be balanced with thought. Facts, not 
Vote for 
But make it an 
informed vote...on the things that really matter.
(ohhh I wanna 
blast, but do not see this as the forum to do so )  
{{The best to you,}} Sherry' To be willing to March into Hell for a 
Heavenly cause"
OddQuads Chatroom

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 6:06 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] vote vote vote vote 
  vote vote vote vote vote vote vote

Subject: vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote 

POOR JOHN KERRYHe throws away someone else's medals.He drives 
someone else's SUV.He marries someone else's wife.And he inherits 
someone else's money.I think we should all vote for him to be 
of someone else's 
  ---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG 
  anti-virus system ( 6.0.749 
  / Virus Database: 501 - Release Date: 

Re: [QUAD-L] vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote Kerry

2004-10-21 Thread Stacy Harim

Couldn't have said it better Sam, even better he's over there finishing 
what his Dad started.  Had his Dad finished what he started, it would have 
saved a lot of money.
"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 6:34 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote vote vote vote 
  vote vote vote vote vote vote vote Kerry
  Evaded duty in Vietnam.
  He ran several of his fathers companies to the ground. 
  Been busted for Drinking and driving.. partying alot.
  Daddy is into OIL and subsequently are long time partners with the 
  Saudi's where most of the hijackers came from.
  IRAN AND N.KOREA ARE THE ONES WITH NUKES.Iran practiced a missile 
  Medicare costs rising along with prescriptions
  Bush put us into a war that no matter what even though it's a mistake it 
  will take 5-10yrs to get of. All for the Bush family business OIL. This 
  country is screwed for years to come.

Re: [QUAD-L] beds

2004-10-21 Thread Stacy Harim

Those of you that have these nice beds, how do you afford them?  I 
talked to voc rehab and they aren't able to help because I already have a 
bed.  It's a twin hospital bed and when I get dressed, my legs like to flop 
off of the sides.  I'm so ready for a big girl bed.  Insurance won't 
buy a double either and truthfully I want to do away with the hospital bed all 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 5:56 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] beds
  "hospital" beds come in bigger sizes then twin. I got my mattress from's the best 
  mattress I've bad shoulder doesn't hurt while in bed. If it's 
  in pain while I'm up , which it is but I get my new chair tomorrow, anyways 
  once I lay down the pain goes away.and they sell beds.too.

[QUAD-L] The Bible and Iraq

2004-10-21 Thread Martin T. Brown

You have to read this --- ALL OF IT, the end is 
the best part. 

1. The 
garden of Eden was in Iraq. 
2. Mesopotamia, which is now 
Iraq, was the cradle of civilisation! 
3. Noah built the ark in 
Iraq. 4. The Tower of Babel 
was in Iraq. 5. Abraham was 
from Ur, which is in Southern Iraq! 
6. Isaac's wife Rebekah was 
from Nahor, which is in Iraq. 
7. Jacob met Rachel in Iraq. 
8. Jonah preached in Nineveh 
- which is in Iraq. 9. 
Assyria, which is in Iraq, conquered the ten tribes of Israel. 
10.    Amos cried out in Iraq! 
11.    Babylon, which is in Iraq, 
destroyed Jerusalem. 12.    Daniel 
was in the lion's den in Iraq! 13.    
The three Hebrew children were in the fire in Iraq. (Jesus had been in Iraq also 
as the fourth person in the fiery furnace!) 
14.    Belshazzar, the King of 
Babylon saw the "writing on the wall" in Iraq. 
15.    Nebuchadnezzar, King of 
Babylon, carried the Jews captive into Iraq. 
16.    Ezekiel preached in Iraq. 
17.    The wise men were from Iraq. 
18.    Peter preached in Iraq. 
19.    The "Empire of Man" described 
in Revelation is called Babylon, which was a city in Iraq! 
And you have probably seen this one: Israel is 
the nation most often mentioned in the Bible. 
But do you know which nation is second? It is 
Iraq! However, that is not the name that is used in the Bible. 
The names used in the Bible are Babylon, Land of 
Shinar, and Mesopotamia. The word Mesopotamia means 'between the two rivers,' 
more exactly between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. 
The name Iraq means 'country with deep 
roots.'  Indeed Iraq is a country with deep roots and is a very significant 
country in the Bible. 
No other nation, except Israel, has more history 
and prophecy associated with it than Iraq. 
And also ... This is something to think about! 
Since America is typically represented by an eagle, Saddam should have read up 
on his Muslim passages. The following verse is from the Koran, the Islamic 
Koran (9:11) - For it is written that a son of 
Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt 
throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in 
despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of 
Allah; and there was peace. 
(Note the verse number!) Hmmm?! 

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