Re: HTML graphics in email

2002-11-17 Thread Spiritus ex Machina
On Sun, 17 Nov 2002 at 21:09:35 -0800, E McCann observed:
At 06:18 PM 11/17/2002, Robert Gray typed thusly:
I set Eudora not to download HTML.  Any message with HTML graphics is
usually crap anyway.

Not to mention annoying... one list my wife's on has ONE member that
insists on sending stuff with fancy backgrounds (can't read what's in the
email over it,) banners, animated graphics, and occasionally MIDI (ugh!) -
found a good 10 meg of it after a few weeks.

You think that's bad? Where my wife works, one of the senior VPs sends out
corporate-wide email like that. The techies don't see it because they
mostly use text-only mail clients in *nix, but the non-techies running
Office2000/XP get illegible messages and the mail servers are all
overloaded with the crap. When I was there I spent countless hours trying
to teach the virtues of plain-text internal messages and PDF files on the
corporate intranet, but to no avail. Touchy-feely admin types just don't
get it that email is for communication, not artistic expression. Mind you,
most of them could also use a course in effective writing, but that's a
subject for an altogether different thread (and forum, for that matter).

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Re: Top vs. Bottom Posting

2002-11-15 Thread Spiritus ex Machina
the Eudora Thing extension, which colours depth of quoting...

   this is shown in yellow

Oh joy, yellow text on a white background!   ;-)

Of course, by the time it gets to Yellow, everybody following the thread
has already read it four times, so it's probably only of archive interest

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Re: Top vs. Bottom Posting

2002-11-15 Thread Spiritus ex Machina
To All Of Us:

Am I the only one that is finding all these comments about top -VS-
bottom filling up their email inbox a little silly.

Possibly, given that the exchange is continuing.  ;-)

Have we gotten to the
point of the Point and Click mentality and unable to resolve text manualy
as needed in our replies to messages. Cut and Paste might take longer but
it will get past all the shortfalls of the different email programs

I think that everyone has hir (-PC meld of 'his'  'her'; retains
subject/object number consistency) own comfort level between functionality
and ease-of-use. At some point, the technology makes it too onerous to do
the detailed editing and expediency takes over. I miss the simple,
plain-text, keyboard-centric interface of *nix Pine. Anyone know of a Mac

I have found that either the responses that intermingle with comments
after the original text or the complete prior message and then a response to
the message works the best.

Overall, I prefer responses intermingled with text. To me it's just as
difficult to make back-references from post-responses to message body as it
is to make forward-references from pre-responses. I also like to see the
copious use of vertical whitespace - after munging a message through two or
three email clients, it's sometimes difficult to determine where the
citation leaves off and the response begins.

Why don't we take a vote and have a standard
way agreed upon. Comments?

The techno-libertarian in me cries out in anguish! Lets not try to
legislate an unenforcable standard. Allow peer pressure to do the job.

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Re: Monitor problem and PPC 6500/250

2002-11-13 Thread Spiritus ex Machina
I wish I know the answer to that, John. All I know, first from reading it
on the list and later from substantial direct experience, is that one of
the syptoms of a dead PRAM battery is the inability to recognize the video
or to progress past the initial 'boing'. I've been spending the past
several weeks spending a couple of hours a day, replacing PRAM batteries in
the old LC-class computers at my son's school. There was quite a discussion
earlier this year on one of the LEM lists about this topic, including
speculation about the effects of leaving an instant-on system unplugged.
I would speculate that the system keeps some sort of its video board
configuration in PRAM and if that's lost, it can't decide how to display
the Welcome to Macintosh message or even the Happy Mac, so it just hangs.
Perhaps if the power is cycled rapidly, some capicitor retains a charge
long enough for the POST to identify the video board configuration and
permits startup to proceed.


Question, how would a dead PRAM battery affect the video?  I do understand
that the date/time would get lost with a dead battery, the system goes back
to default, but the video?  I am not trying to be a smart ass with this
question, I am looking for new infomation to put in the old memory bank!
Thanks !! - John

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Re: Monitor problem and PPC 6500/250

2002-11-13 Thread Spiritus ex Machina
Quadra 605, Performa 475, LC 475 - all are 68LC040-based; same (almost)
main board, different skins. I've worked on all of them this past month.
This is being composed on a chipped (68040/33) Q605; my test bench machine
is a 68040/25 P475.


Scott Holder observed:
A lot of older Macs, including some Quadras to make this on topic (605 is
one of them), just don't start up with a dead/missing PRAM battery.

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Re: Top vs. Bottom Posting

2002-11-13 Thread Spiritus ex Machina
I find that both methods have their uses. Top posting can let you respond
to the whole thought more readily, without leaving newcomers to the
discussion completely out of the loop. Interlineated posting (bottom
posting) lets you respond point-for-point, something that is particularly
useful in multi-topic messages such as meeting minutes. Either kind of
response requires judicious editing on the part of the respondant. Such
editing can be finicky and time-consuming, characteristics that are not
congenial to the shoot-from-the-hip nature of email lists. The far extreme
seems to be lack of quoting of any sort; this leaves even the direct
participants in the thread sometimes at a loss as to what a given posting
refers to.

There seems to be a mix of early experience, available technology, and
contemporary culture influencing the methods of response here. I would
suggest that the guidelines, coupled with both more tolerance on the part
of readers and more attention to detail on the part of respondants, will be
the way to address the issue.

Thanks for providing the guidelines, Listmom. Hope your end-of-month
holiday leaves you refressed.


On Wed, 13 Nov 2002 at 18:43:52 -0500, Dan Knight observed:
One of my pet peeves -- and something a lot of you have probably received
a note about -- is people who quote the entire original message right
down through the footer. The header. The ads. Everything.
After reading it all, I did some statistical analysis, put down my foot,
and created a new rule for the lists. Well, guideline, if you want to be
-- Our Guidelines

Bottom posting is not only the oldest established method of replying on
the Internet, it is also the most logical. It demonstrates that the
sender is in a dialogue. It makes it easy for new subscribers to follow
the conversation. It's just logical.

Because of this, we recommend bottom posting as the normal way of
replying on our lists.

This should also eliminate most of the problems with excessive quoting.

However, we are not passing a hard and fast rule against top posting.

Of course, that's not the kind of discussion we see within a list. On a
list, top posting should be the exception, not the rule. Something like
this is a bunch of bunk or the nanny declares this thread DEAD are
appropriate as top posts; most replies are not.

Remember that this is a guideline. We won't kick you off the list for not
following it, but we believe bottom posting is the better way.

Dan the listmom

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Re(2): Top vs. Bottom Posting

2002-11-13 Thread Spiritus ex Machina
On Wed, 13 Nov 2002 at 18:43:52 -0500, Dan Knight remarked:
-- Our Research

Remember the issue of quoting the entire original message? Well it turns
out that almost everyone who does that is a top poster. They use the
default setting on their email client, they don't take the time to quote
selectively, and they fill digests with massive quantities of
unnecessarily quoted content.

I am frequently, but not exclusively, a top quoter, not for any of the
reasons (or effects) cited, but because I generally prefer to respond to a
cohesive message with a cohesive reply. The interlineated mode of response
not only chops up the original writer's thought, but also disrupts the
development of my own presentation. Thus, I prefer to use top quoting in
response to single-topic messages and to use interlineated quoting or
separate messages to respond to multi-topic messages (such as meeting

Having said that, I will also note that the technology involved
significantly affects the mode of response. The mail client I am currently
using, Eudora Pro 3.0, is rather deficient in its options for response
composition. I must hand craft the citation line. I have no choice in line
width or delimiter in quoted text. When I enter the reply mode the entire
message is selected; a careless keystroke will delete the entire response.
I'm using it because it came 'free' in a bunch of other stuff I collected
in a yard sale and because it works fairly briskly on my Quadra 605
(68040/33; 36MB RAM; DSL). I'd be interested in opinions about other mail
clients suitable for this platform.

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Re: Monitor problem and PPC 6500/250

2002-11-12 Thread Spiritus ex Machina
It's got nothing to do with the noisy fan, but I'd be willing to bet that
you've got a dead PRAM battery. What you need to do to confirm this, before
cracking the case, is to simply try turning the system on for a few
momemnts, then off and on quickly at the power source. If the Pram battery
is dead, the system should start up more or less normally. If it does,
check the system date and time. If the date is 1956 and the time is
~8:30PM, you've definitely got a dead PRAM battery. If the battery is the
standard, 1/2-AA, 3.6-volt, lithium batteries, it has a shelf life of about
ten years and a service life of 3 to 4 years. I'm not sure what the
lifetime(s) are for the cubical, 4.5-volt batteries. Look for a battery
manufacture date stamped on the battery somewhere to finally confirm its
death from old age.

As for the fan, what sort of noisy? Whining, rattling, ascending and
descending scales? First thing I would do is check for dust and

Good luck,


I don't know if this is the correct forum (list) for this, so don't
hesitate to steer me to the right one.

I was first called in to solve a noisy fan problem on a PPC 6500/250.
The teacher said the fan was bad.

 1. I got startup chord after punching Power button. Monitor stayed
dark. I got an amber preStart glow but no green ON. Not Contrast or
Brightness problem.

2. At this point teacher said, Oh yeah, sometimes it won't come on at
all. Othertimes it does work. But the fan is always noisy. I tried for
Shut Down Beep by punching Power. No Beep and no shutdown. Can shut
down only by turning power source off.

3. I checked out fan noise by disconnecting fan; noise disappeared. I
hooked up a known good monitor to check other problem. Still amber but
no green.

4. Tried to start up the computer with Norton Utilities. Still nothing.

At this point my repair CD suggests replacing the Video-Out Card. Why
would it be the Video Out Card instead of the Audio-Monitor Connection
Subassembly? Next after that suggestion is this suggestion: Pull all
DRAM DIMMs; replacing them one-by-one and trying Startup on each
replacement.. Couldn't I do that before replacing either of the other
two parts?

Can someone suggest something here? Is one of the three latter steps
more logical than the other two?


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Re: Freeware MPG Player for P475/Q605

2002-11-10 Thread Spiritus ex Machina
SIGH!  Thanks, Scott. Thanks, pickle. Fram rate is ~30, but I will try to
track down Sparkle. Originating app doesn't have much flexibility. May have
to take mid-tower peecee with monitor into school.  :-(

Thanks for your input, anyways.


On Sun, 10 Nov 2002 at 09:50:40 -0500, the pickle suggested:
At 03:01 -0500 on 10/11/02, Scott Holder wrote:

At 01:49 AM 11/10/2002 -0600, you wrote:

I'm looking for a freeware MPG player for Performa 475 running 7.1 or a
Quadra 605 running 8.1.

Any suggestions about how to get these files displayed?

You probably won't. Those machines aren't particularly well-suited for
video playing, especially anything terribly new. You might could get 5
frames a second at something small.

Try Sparkle, if you can still find a copy.


the pickle

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Freeware MPG Player for P475/Q605

2002-11-09 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

I'm looking for a freeware MPG player for Performa 475 running 7.1 or a
Quadra 605 running 8.1. I need this for installation Monday on some systems
at my son's school. I need it to play some MPG files generated on a Win98
PC. The files play back on the PC and on the Red Hat 7.2 GNU/Linux box
that's acting as the store-and-forward file server, but the QuickTime (2.5)
Movie Player (2.5.1) on the target Mac(s) fails with a message saying that
the file is not a movie file.

Any suggestions about how to get these files displayed?

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Re: Can a Performa 475 drive an AppleColor Monitor?

2002-10-24 Thread Spiritus ex Machina
As I was forcefully informed, it's not a DB-15.  ;-)

The IIgs provides both composite video through an RCA socket and some sort
of RGB monitor support through the DB-15 (sic) socket.

As my original post said, I was trying to find out if the AppleColor RGB
Monitor from a IIgs could be driven from an LC475/P475/Q605 mobo.


At 07:24 +0100 on 24/10/02, Jim Pendarvis wrote:

Interesting, because the two computers have completely different (and
incompatible without extra hardware) video subsystems...

Apparently not. ;-)

Both the IIgs and the Macs use DB-15 Video connectors. I know the Apple
IIe, IIc and earlier used a composite video connector. The IIgs might have
one of those as well, but I don't have one handy to check just now.

The IIgs does have composite video.

...and the mystery DB-15 video-out port does what, looks pretty? :)

the pickle

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A Rose By Any Other Name ...

2002-10-24 Thread Spiritus ex Machina
Scott and Pickle,

Some months ago (May or June, I think) we had a back-and-forth on one of
the LEM lists about D-connector nomenclature. As I remember the course of
the discussion, someone pointed out that the Dx-nn nomenclature specifies
the hardware characteristics. 'D' indicates the shell shape. The 'x' is an
alpha character that specifies the width of the connector: 'DB' is the size
we usually associate with 25 pins; 'DE' is the usual 9-pin size; I don't
remember them all. The 'nn' is the pin count, not the size (there was some
speculation about how to name a Sun video connector). Commonplace usage is
to prepend 'DB' to the pin count, but this is not technically correct.

Having said that, I still eschew the pedantry and call them all
DB-whatever.  ;-)


As I was forcefully informed, it's not a DB-15.  ;-)

The IIgs provides both composite video through an RCA socket and some sort
of RGB monitor support through the DB-15 (sic) socket.

As my original post said, I was trying to find out if the AppleColor RGB
Monitor from a IIgs could be driven from an LC475/P475/Q605 mobo.


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Re: Can a Performa 475 drive an AppleColor Monitor?

2002-10-20 Thread Spiritus ex Machina
Thanks, pickle. I was afraid that was the case. I picked up an Apple IIgs
with monitor, keyboard, mouse, 3,5 and 5.25 external drives, and 3 ft**3 of
game software on floppies at a yard sale. Also salvaged a Performa 475
eleswhere. I sort of like the look of the IIgs, so I thought I'd try a hack
to put the 475 mobo in the IIgs case - plenty of room, IIgs power supply is
beefier than P475, and P475 case can provide back-panel insert. Of course
the AppleColor monitor is need to maintain the look. Oh well ...

Anyone out there interested in a LOT of really low-density 3.5  5.25
floppies?  :-(


On Sun, 20 Oct 2002 at 18:50:58 -0400, the pickled replied:
At 22:54 -0500 on 18/10/02, Spiritus ex Machina wrote:

475 main board and an AppleColor RGB Monitor (Model A2M6014) that I would

The A2 in the model number gives that away as an Apple II monitor, which can't
work with a Mac.

the pickle

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Re: Performa or Something Else?

2002-10-05 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

On 10/5/02, R.A. Cantrell wrote:
on 10/5/02 3:52 AM, E McCann at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Don't recall what was involved with the external video kit - Video-
 wise on the system, I've got cable (coax) in, S-video, and the three
 RCA jacks.

 It fills the upper wide slot on the  backplate and lets you hook up a
 second monitor  (mirror only) I have one if you want to  swap for it.
All the best,
R.A. Cantrell

My 630CD has three RCA jacks and a DIN-8 (S-video?) port above the serial
and ADB ports, but no coax. Without the video kit, how are these ports used?

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Re: Performa or Something Else?

2002-10-04 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

On the other hand it's an SOB getting into the rest of the case - like if
you want to clean the dust bunnies from the floppy drive or put in a bigger
hard drive.  :-(

Definitely check the PRAM battery before you do anything else. If the
battery is a Tadiran (purple-pink with black markings) it will have a date
stamped on it. If the date is over about six years ago or if the battery
voltage is below about 2.8 volts, the battery should be replaced.

Suitable replacements can be found at RadioShack or Batteries Plus.


The motherboard of the 630 is one of the easiest to get to.

Take off the back panel, and you'll see two screws on the sides and a
little handle. Undo the two screws, unclip the handle, and give it a
pull. The motherboard will slide out.

Scott Holder

-Original Message-

Thanks for your response.
I tried to open the computer case - unsuccessfully.  Any suggestions? If
I get it opened, where would I find the pram battery?  (Rookies do ask
dumb questions, don't they?) Thanx. ==

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Re: Performa or Something Else?

2002-10-04 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

Replacement batteries are immediately available from RadioShack or
Batteries Plus. Many are sold on eBay, but watch out for bargain
out-of-date or end-of-shelf-life offerings.

Replacement CPUs are available from my favorite eBay merchant,
olde-mac-milt. Write to him directly from one of his auction pages.
[Disclaimer: I have no relationship with olde-mac-milt other than that of
being a very satisfied customer.]


I followed your directions and it came right out!  Thanks!
So now where can I get a replacement?

- Original Message -
From: Scott Holder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: Performa or Something Else?

 The motherboard of the 630 is one of the easiest to get to.

 Take off the back panel, and you'll see two screws on the sides and a
 little handle. Undo the two screws, unclip the handle, and give it a
 pull. The motherboard will slide out.

 Scott Holder

  Spiritus ex Machina
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Re: Performa or Something Else?

2002-10-04 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

A couple of observations, R.A.:

Don't worry about a battery till you get
the machine to  boot. Do you get a boot chime when you hit the button?

I'm not sure about the 630CD, but some Macs won't start up properly or
recognize and light up the display if the PRAM battery is shot. Can anyone
provide more details?

I don't know
what you paid for the 630 or what you paid the tech to tell you the Mobo was
dead, but don't pay a lot for anything to do with a 630. The p-ream battery
for one is going to be about $12 and that is about as much as a 630 is
worth. So, you have to be a little judicious to avoid getting caught up in a
good-money-after-bad  situation.

I agree with your comment about getting caught up in a good-money-after-bad
situation, but disagree with your evaluation of the worth of the 630CD.
In a purely dollars-and-cents market situation, you could be right, but for
a new computer user, the worth is in the ability to do basic word
processing, to send and receive email, and to browse the web. For this
purpose, the 630CD (loaded with OS 7.x, AppleWorks 5, Eudora, and Netscape)
is perfect and well worth several $25 upgrades (CPU, memory, comm slot
modem or ethernet board) to make it maximally performant within its design
specs. It's definitely less expensive than Dude, you're getting a Dull!

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Re: Performa or Something Else?

2002-10-04 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

You can contact Olde Mac Milt through eBay or you can send email to him
directly at:

I recommend that you look for some of his auctions on eBay and read the
voluminous material he provides there before writing him directly; it will
save you both a lot of time. By the way, when he sent me some of the
upgrade parts for my 630CD he included detailed instructions for completely
disassembling the 630CD case. Really a super eBay dealer.


Thanks for the advice.
How can I contact olde-mac-milt?  Thru EBay?

- Original Message -
From: Spiritus ex Machina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: Performa or Something Else?

 Whether or not you choose to swap out the CPU, you should definitely max
 out the RAM. Adding RAM is the fastest, cheapest, and easiest way to boost
 the performance of system. Check with olde-mac-milt and he will see to it
 that you get the correct RAM stick for the 630CD (I know this because he
 provided the CPU and RAM upgrades for MY 630CD).


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Re: Performa or Something Else?

2002-10-04 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

CPU - Central Processing Unit - Used for all general-purpose processing in
a system

FPU - Floating Point Unit - Used for special handling of floating-point
arithmetic instructions

Some CPUs have an FPU built in (e.g., 68040), some do not (e.g., 68LC040).
In the latter case, the floating-point computations must be emulated in
software (much slower) or a separate FPU must be provided in some fashion.
Some Mac mainboards have an FPU socket, some Mac add-on boards have an FPU
socket. Easiest is to use a CPU with a built-in FPU whenever possible.


Yes, the chips has 68LC040 in the middle of the other numbers.
But I'm not familiar with FPU (sorry).
If I wanted to upgrade, how would I do that?  (That's probably in the FAQs,

  Spiritus ex Machina
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Re: Performa or Something Else?

2002-10-04 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

The $12 I put into a battery
got me started and I didn't stop till every port on the back of the 6300 had
something sticking out of it.
All the best,
R.A. Cantrell


Lessee - microphone, speakers, comm slot (Ethernet), display, ADB, printer
(LocalTalk/AppleTalk), modem (local printer), ...

I've still got the SCSI port, the PDA slot, and 3 RCA sockets. Better get
to work.

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Re: Quadra 630 internet...

2002-09-28 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

The easiest way to get the hardware you need (a PDS ethernet card) is to
contact olde-mac-milt on eBay. He'll be able to set you up with exactly the
right card for your system.

FWIW: I have no connection with Olde-Mac-Milt except that of being a very
satisfied customer.



I am new to the list, and I've come here hoping to get some help
getting my friend online with my old Quadra 630.
Also is there any way to hook up ethernet to this mac (like serial to
ethernet or something or apple talk to ethernet...) her housemates
are planning on all sharing a broadband connection and I have no idea
how I'll get her hooked into a PC network.



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Re: Quadra 630 internet...

2002-09-28 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

 I am new to the list, and I've come here hoping to get some help
 getting my friend online with my old Quadra 630.
 Also is there any way to hook up ethernet to this mac (like serial to
 ethernet or something or apple talk to ethernet...) her housemates
 are planning on all sharing a broadband connection and I have no idea
 how I'll get her hooked into a PC network.

 The easiest way to get the hardware you need (a PDS ethernet card) is to
 contact olde-mac-milt on eBay. He'll be able to set you up with exactly the
 right card for your system.

The Quadra 630 can also use a Comm Slot Ethernet card, or Comm Slot modem
and this would leave your PDS slot free for something else.

DOH!  Of course, that's what I meant to say. That's how I've got my
Performa 630CD set up. Thanks for pointing out the more flexible way to set
things up, John.

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Re: LC 475 or monitor dead

2002-09-04 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

Same thing happened to my LC 475 this past week, only it wasn't over the 
summer, just overnight. Replaced the PRAM battery and everything came 
back just fine. RadioShack has the correct PRAM battery for ~$12; Radio 
Shack part number is 23-026; Tadiran model number is TL-2150/S. This is 
a 3.6v 1/2 AA battery - 3.0v won't do.

Good luck.

Fred Wonderdog wrote:
 The LC475 in our classroom worked fine on the last day of school. I t was
 disconnected from the power outlet and sat idle over the summer, and today when
 we tried to start it up the Mac chime was heard, but the monitor (an apple color
 monitor - 13-14 inch?) stayed black. If we turn the monitor itself off, there is
 a small flash of light, but when on it is just dark.
 We tried some obvious things - checking brightness control and the connection to
 the computer. I also tried hooking up a Viewsonic VGA with a Mac adaptor, also
 stayed dark, although I am not sure of the correct settings on the adaptor for
 this combination.
 Any ideas what has ocurred? We don't have another Apple monitor to check with.
 Our other Macs are iMacs or Performas with built in monitors.

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Browser for an LC 475

2002-09-03 Thread Spiritus ex Machina


Slowly I'm getting my LC 475 on the Net. The system has a full 68040 CPU,
36M RAM, 1M VRAM, an Apple Multiple Scan 15 Display, and a DaynaPort
Ethernet adapter. It's running OS 8.1. It's connected to the Internet via
DSL on a LAN shared by several systems (Wintel  Linux; this is the first
Mac on the LAN). I've established email with a scavenged copy of Eudora Pro
3.0. Now I want to add a browser.

Given the configuration described, what is an appropriate browser? I've
installed iCab Pre2.81. It seems to work OK, if a bit slowly, but some
screens don't display correctly if I run in full HTML enforcement mode. If
I'm going to have to disable full enforcement to get pages to display
properly, should I go ahead and install Netscape? If so, what version is
suitable for my configuration?


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Re: Browser for an LC 475

2002-09-03 Thread Spiritus ex Machina


Thanks to Erik, Tina, and Dean (off-line) for their useful advice.
Particular thanks to Tina for that Really Useful Link. I've installed the
version of Netscape that Tina provided the link for and it's exactly what I
was looking for. The LC 475 has become a really nice little web surfer and
mail client.


On 09/03/2002, Spiritus ex Machina wrote:

Slowly I'm getting my LC 475 on the Net. The system has a full 68040 CPU,
36M RAM, 1M VRAM, an Apple Multiple Scan 15 Display, and a DaynaPort
Ethernet adapter. It's running OS 8.1. It's connected to the Internet via
DSL on a LAN shared by several systems (Wintel  Linux; this is the first
Mac on the LAN). I've established email with a scavenged copy of Eudora Pro
3.0. Now I want to add a browser.

Given the configuration described, what is an appropriate browser? I've
installed iCab Pre2.81. It seems to work OK, if a bit slowly, but some
screens don't display correctly if I run in full HTML enforcement mode. If
I'm going to have to disable full enforcement to get pages to display
properly, should I go ahead and install Netscape? If so, what version is
suitable for my configuration?

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Re: Office Suite for LC 475

2002-08-27 Thread Spiritus ex Machina


Thanks for your insight and opinions, both on list and off. I've decided 
to go with AppleWorks 5.0, from an eBay seller with what sounds like a 
legitimate secondary market copy. Thoughtful input and discussion is 
what really makes this list worthwhile.


Spiritus ex Machina wrote:
 I'm looking for a basic office suite to install on my LC 475 (full 68040 
 processor, 36M  memory, 1M VRAM, 88MB available HD space, AppleCD 600e, 
 MacOS 8.1). I decided to check out eBay for (potential) bargains. 
 ClarisWorks 4.0 and AppleWorks 5.0 seem to be generally available for 
 between $12 and $25 and both would appear to be able to function on my 
 machine. Price and platform are obviously not going to be major 
 TIA for your comments.

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Re: 630 Excel problems

2002-07-29 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

Try removing the graphic, converting it to a more Mac-friendly format, 
and pasting it back in later, after you've worked out the other kinks in 
the spreadsheet.

I would definitely consider the graphic(s) to be the very first 
'feature' to eliminate.


 Yeah, I did try to .csv and .txt formats.  And they do in fact work for
 bringing in the basic spreadsheet.  Unforunately, you lose all formatting
 information.  The spreadsheet in question is basically a form so it needs
 to be in its original formatting.  That being said, it is a simple form.
 I'll have to try removing the graphic.  I didn't think of it until you
 mentioned it, but it might be a sore spot.  Still the graphic does get
 displayed in that milisecond when the whole spreadsheet is on the screen
 before the type-1 error raises its ugly head.
 So I suppose that the next move would be to remove features one by one
 until the spreadsheet imports correctly.  It would be interesting to see
 which of the features are causing the crash.

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Re: AOL Usage (was: new thread, not sure what)

2002-07-27 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

AOL usage cost has nothing to do with which version of the client you 
use. The Free Hours bait-and-switch dates back to the days when there 
was a per-minute charge for using the service. The latest come-on I 
received offered 1025 hours within forty-five days of initial sign-on; 
that's just 55 hours less than the total number of hours (24*45=1080) 
available in that period. I don't think I could stay awake that long!

If you've already got an AOL account, you're online with them already 
and there's no particular advantage to using 7.0. Since you're able to 
communicate with the list, you abviously have a transport provider and 
and ISP (netzero). Stick with a clean and lean mail client and web 
browser, not the bloated AOL interface.

Happy surfing.


catalina_eddie wrote:
 Still, I think it's about time to fire up the modem, jury rig a phone
 connection, and get the mac online. Any favorite cheap ISPs for Mac out
 there?. My AOL 7.0, free fer a jillion hours till you forget to cancel, disk
 just froze up the machine. I see I can download AOL 2.7, but I don't think I
 can get any free hours with that.
 Don Erdmann, Vancouver, USA

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Re: 630 Excel problems

2002-07-27 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

The post hadn't wandered off. I was just unwilling to reply because of 
my unfamiliarity with the Mac family of MS Office products. Windows, on 
the other hand, ...

Two questions:

1) Have you tried using one of the non-speadsheet import/export formats 
such as comma-separated valuse (*.csv) or tab-seperated values (*.txt)? 
This would let the Mac version of Excel create the spreadsheet in native 
format, rather than trying to translate an existing format.

2) Have you tried importing a version without the graphic? This would 
eliminate the need for Mac Excel to convert non-spreadsheet data.

Just my two cents worth.


First off, I assume that this version of excel does not have trouble
with other spreadsheets.  What version of Excel was the spreadsheet
originally saved in?  If it was a more recent version that the one you
are running, it may simply be that your Excel is choking newer stuff
that it does not understand.  As far as your version is concerned, it
is trying to understand a spreadsheet from the future.  Try
re-exporting from the PC version to Excel 4.0 format, or to some
interchange format, like SYLK.  That should lose any 'future'

 First off, I'd really like to thank you for replying.  I was beginning to
 wonder if the post had gone to the great beyond.
 As to your questions.  Excel 5.0 works okay with spreadsheets that I
 create on it.  It also works okay with old Mac Excel 4.0 spreadsheets that
 I created before.  The problem seems to occur when importing from a PC.
 The creating spreadsheet on the PC is Excel 2000.  I have used the
 Save-As command to save the spreadsheet in every format that the
 spreadsheet supports (including Excel 4.0 and 5.0/95) and nothing seems to
 I know that type-1 is a type of memory error, so that was the reason I was
 playing with memory allocations on the Mac.  The spreadsheet isn't huge.
 It contains only one worksheet.  That worksheet is configured for
 landscape printing.  It includes the company logo as a graphic at the top.
 Otherwise, its actually a very simple spreadsheet.
 I'm at a loss as to how to get this old 630 to read this spreadsheet.  I
 want to be able to keep the 630 because its the only Mac in the office.
 But, I have to be able to import work.  Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Which E-Machines card am I looking at?

2002-07-24 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

Most cards will have some sort of external interface connector of some 
sort. What does this one look like? D-shell or RJ or other? Male or 
femail? Pin count? This will all help us identify the card.

You might also poke around at:



or even just:

Good luck,

philphil wrote:
 I found this card in a Quadra 650, but I have no idea which E-machine card
 it is.
 The following is printed on the circuit board:
 PCB P/N 029-01329-01
 This sticker is on the circuit board:
 P/N 030-01489--3
 S/n 7636 (Hand-written)
 There is some EPROM in a socket with the following sticker:
 E-Machines 017-01570-01
 It is a long card (12 inches) Can anyone offer input as to how to determine
 what card this is, and where to get the documentations?
 Thanks for looking.
 Phil Wong

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Re: Vintage Macs, Vintage Printers - only a little OT

2002-07-18 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

Good topic, Bruce. I'm new to vitage Macs and vintage Apple printers, so 
I'm looking for advice along those lines, too.

Vintage Mac printers use a serial interface and most PC printers use a 
parallel interface (although USB is becoming common). If the 'PC' 
printer had a serial interface, I would suppose an appropriate serial 
interface cable and printer driver could be produced, although there's 
no certainty that they have been for any particular model printer. I 
remember when we used to have to build custom serial cables for 
PC-to-printer connections, based on the brand of PC and the brand of 
printer. Standards can be a nice thing.

I would suspect that even the level of OS release on your Mac would make 
a difference as to which printer you can use. I picked up a Stylewriter 
II that I have yet to get to work on any of my vintage Macs, ranging 
from Mac Plus to LC-475, with OS from 7.x to 8.x. The printer self-tests 
fine, but doesn't respond to the printer - various error messages 
appear, depending upon which system I use. Some day I'll find the right 
combination of system, OS, and cable that will let me use it.

Fellow at my local Computer Renaissance says that the Canon bubble-jet 
printers have the same engine as the StyleWriters; only the interface 
circuitry is different. In fact, Canon actually was the manufacturer of 
the StyleWriters.


 Now just in the past few weeks I have seen a slew of cheap old Mac printers
 in thrift shops  pawn shops, and wonder if it's time to move on.  But I'm
 so printer inexperienced! Can someone take a few moments to expound on the
 relative merits of such printers as Personal LaserWriters (could have had
 one for $5 yesterday), Color Stylewriters, old Canons and Epsons, etc. etc.
 Also, this may sound ignorant but I'm confused about whether a PC printer
 such as DeskJet or Canon can be hooked up to a Mac provided you have the
 correct cable and drivers, or are printers strictly Mac or PC?
 Bruce (in Orlando)

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Re: Vintage Macs, Vintage Printers - only a little OT

2002-07-18 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

I dunno about the economics there. My local Computer Renaissance wants 
$25 for a brand new, Canon-branded, BC-02 ink cartridge for my 
StyleWriter II ($25 through eBay) and my Canon BJ-200ex ($7.50 at a 
local thrift shop). When I went to replace the toner cartridge on my 
Lexmark Winriter 200, I was quoted $150 (the Winriter is gathering dust 
under one of my work tables).

The idea that we can buy a whole new printer more cheaply than the ink 
or toner to refill an old one really gripes me. The last thing we (as an 
over-consuming society) need to do is populate landfills with once-used 
computer components.  :-(

As Ken Daggett, over on the Compact Macs list says: Use it up, wear it 
out, make it do, or do without.


Jim Arnott wrote:
 PLW.. Your greatest expense will be paper. Inkjets... everytime you buy 
 ink, you pay the equivilent of a new printer. (Anecdote: A local PC shop 
 tells their customers when they come looking for ink to go to WalMart 
 and get a new printer. Saves the customer about $10.)
 Go back and get that laser.

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Re: Vintage Macs, Vintage Printers - only a little OT

2002-07-18 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

I would love to be able to service all my own gear. Apple provides 
detailed tear-down and reassembly documentation for its products; does 
anyone know if Canon does, too?


byard pidgeon wrote:
 Right, the fuser and pickup parts are cheap, but unless the person is able
 to install the parts, the cost will go WAY up...and unless a person does
 this kind of take apart and put back together on a regular basis, it's
 pretty daunting the first time.
 on 07/18/2002 05:06 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If the laser printer is based upon a Canon marking engine, a fuser roller
will cost about $10 (less for a clone) and a pickup roller will cost about $6
(less for a clone).

There's a reason why completely remanufactured fusers for CX and SX marking
engines can be had for $49 ... 99.44 percent of the parts are usable as-is,
or can very easily be remanufactured, and the remaining 0.66 percent don't
cost very much.

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Rescued LC 475 CPU Chip ID

2002-07-15 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

I recently rescured an LC475 box on its way to the recycler. Its 
provenance is unknown. It has 4M+16M memory, 512K VRAM, and the standard 
manual-inject HD floppy and 160M hard drive. What I'm not sure about is 
the CPU. Stock LC475s are supposed to have a 25MHz 68LC040 CPU (no FPU). 
The chip in this box is labeled XC68040RC25M. MacCheck says that it 
has a 68040 processor at 25MHz with a built-in 040 co-processor. So, my 
question is whether this a 68LC040 in a clever disguise or a real 68040.

Any advice?

   Spiritus ex Machina
   No matter how paranoid you are, it isn't paranoid enough.

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Re: Rescued LC 475 CPU Chip ID

2002-07-15 Thread Spiritus ex Machina

Thanks for the information about 040s and the speedometer link. I'll be 
checking it out as soon as I can get the system on the net.


Dana Sibera wrote:
 On Tuesday, July 16, 2002, at 07:46  AM, Dana Sibera wrote:
The one sure test is to download a benchmark prog such as speedometer -
 Just for completeness, a version of speedometer can be got from:
 be well :)
 unnaturally hosted on a Q605,

   Spiritus ex Machina
   No matter how paranoid you are, it isn't paranoid enough.

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