[qubes-users] Re: Trying to download a large file (3 gigs) in a VM results in failure each time

2019-06-10 Thread Otto Kratik
On Monday, June 10, 2019 at 3:06:04 PM UTC-4, atrain...@gmail.com wrote:
> So I'm trying to download my windows ISO through Qubes so I can add it to my 
> Qubes but half way through the download, it keeps failing, regardless if I 
> use my personal or disposable VM.  What's going on?

The initial default maximum storage size for AppVM's is only set at 2 
gigabytes, I believe, so trying to download anything larger will cause an 
insufficient space failure.

Change the storage size maximum value in the VM's settings, either from Qubes 
Manager or the cascading Q-menu for that AppVM.

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[qubes-users] Full proper backup of Dom0 possible?

2019-06-10 Thread Otto Kratik
For both Template and AppVM's it's easy enough to backup and restore the entire 
thing as needed using the built-in tools from Qubes Manager, Qmenu or command 
line. Anything goes wrong, just restore a backup.

But for dom0, all that seems to get backed up is the /home directory, meaning 
that any changes to other system areas such as /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/ for 
example would not get restored in the event of a reversion to a previously made 
backup after a fresh system install.

Is there any way to make a full proper backup of Dom0 that would include 
absolutely everything outside of the other VM's on the system, obviously? So 
that after performing a fresh system install and then restoring all backups 
(dom0, templates, appvms) you would end up with a complete byte-for-byte 
replica of the previous system that existed?

This could be done with external tools like DD of course, but that produces a 
gigantic image of the entire hard drive rather than just the needed parts, and 
also doesn't allow one to fully restore *just* dome0 while leaving the other 
templates/VMs alone, if desired.

Does such a versatile option exist?

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Qubes: Unable to connect to VPN

2019-03-05 Thread Otto Kratik
On Friday, March 1, 2019 at 9:07:57 PM UTC-5, unman wrote:
> Call it with --down   to have a script run when the tunnel closes.
> If you check the man page, there are a variety of different options for
> running scripts/commands at different events, but I suspect that will
> fit the bill.


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[qubes-users] Re: Qubes: Unable to connect to VPN

2019-03-01 Thread Otto Kratik
On Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at 2:53:22 PM UTC-5, Jon deps wrote:

> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/vpn/
> I believe it would be helpful  if you indicate  which method  you have 
> used to create the VPNper the URL  there 
> perhaps it is more obvious to others 

Thanks for your reply - sorry I somehow missed seeing it earlier. I managed to 
sort of figure out what is going on and sort of fix it.

I am using the super-simple method of just invoking "openvpn whatever.ovpn" 
from  terminal within an AppVM itself, rather than creating a dedicated proxy 
or gateway as suggested in the docs. What is happening is the following..

Initially before connecting to the vpn, the file /etc/resolv.conf contains the 
default Qubes sys-net dns entries, namely:


When the vpn connects, it uses update-resolv-conf to overwrite the contents of 
that file. It places some comment-text near the top and changes the nameserver 
entries to its own, which is good and wanted of course. No complaints.

When terminating the vpn connection by any means available (I tried several 
different ones), openvpn again automatically updates that /etc/resolv.conf 
file, but *only* to remove the entries it placed there, nothing more. The 
comment-text is left intact and the nameserver entries are simply deleted, 
resulting in a more or less empty and useless file and no DNS resolution 
whatsoever. The script does not seem to store and remember the previous entries 
that were there before (sys-net defaults) and replace them when finished. It 
just erases everything and leaves it like that.

Thus after disconnecting the vpn I have to go back into that file and manually 
re-add the sys-net entries to regain DNS resolution functionality. Ultimately 
I'm just going to write a short bash script that puts the needed entries back 
after disconnection, which I'll run at termination every time.

I don't know enough about openvpn to instruct it to "always run this extra 
script upon disconnection", though I'm sure there must be a relatively easy way 
to do so.

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes: Unable to connect to VPN

2019-02-14 Thread Otto Kratik
Just reviving a thread of mine from a few months ago with a related follow-up 

When trying to connect to a VPN using openvpn from a Debian-9 AppVM within 
Qubes, I could connect but instantly lost DNS resolution which rendered the 
connection unusable.

Installing he package 'resolvconf' and adding the following lines to the .ovpn 
script supplied by the VPN provider:

script-security 2
up /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf
down /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf

...solved the issue and I was able to achieve full connectivity through the VPN.

Now, when trying to *disconnect* from that VPN using Ctrl-C from command line 
(or any other method) I am able to end the connection, but the DNS assignment 
does not appear to automatically reverse/undo and revert to the default
DNS servers provided by sys-net within Qubes, namely And as a 
result I once again cannot connect to any websites due to lack of functioning 
DNS lookup.

Having done a bit of research I've tried using commands like:

sudo ifconfig tun0 down
sudo ip link delete tun0

..but in both cases I get a response that 'tun0 does not exist' or something 

Is there any extra step needed to completely drop the VPN connection and revert 
to using normal sys-net connectivity, without requiring a restart of the AppVM 

If I manually examine /etc/resolv.conf within the AppVM it still shows the 
default sys-net DNS entries as expected, so there must be some additional
command needed to fully end the connection and revert to normal.

What am I missing?

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes: Unable to connect to VPN

2018-11-20 Thread Otto Kratik
On Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at 3:56:22 PM UTC-5, 22...@tutamail.com wrote:
> Interesting Otto...can you elaborate on the files you changed? I had this 
> working at one time but then broke...I never managed to get it working.
> What files did you change? The config files?
> Any specifics for a newbie would be appreciated and likely appreciated by 
> others.
> Thanks,
> 22Rip

In my case I had to change the config file supplied by the VPN provider itself, 
which ends with the extension ".ovpn"

In that file, just before the certificate info section which starts with:


..I had to add the lines:

script-security 2
up /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf
down /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf

That change, in combination with the package 'resolvconf' being installed in 
the template that the AppVM is based on (Debian 9, which did not have it 
installed by default), caused the VPN connection to work properly with 
functioning DNS lookup.

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes: Unable to connect to VPN

2018-11-20 Thread Otto Kratik
Further update: I decided to try a completely different VPN provider's config 
file, and to my surprise that one worked fine using the old simple method of 
calling openvpn from the AppVM.

Examining both files and looking for the difference between the two, it appears 
the broken one did not ever invoke resolvconf include the following lines:

script-security 2
up /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf
down /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf

Adding those lines to the non-functioning file and running it resulted in 

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes: Unable to connect to VPN

2018-11-20 Thread Otto Kratik
On Monday, November 19, 2018 at 3:55:19 PM UTC-5, Chris Laprise wrote:
> Qubes 4 networking is re-written and functions somewhat differently than 
> Qubes 3.x.

So it seems. After spending several days trying to get a VPN connection up and 
working via every possible method conceivable, I have been met with complete 
and utter failure and have finally given up.

The results are always the same. Whether I connect manually with Openvpn, use 
qubes-vpn-support, qubes-tunnel, try from an AppVM, NetVM, ProxyVM, edit 
/etc/resolv.conf or any number of other files or scripts, it makes no 
difference. The VPN output reports successful connection (Initialization 
sequence completed) and I can ping any numerical IP address I specify without 
issue. But DNS resolution does not work, and nothing I try fixes it.

Booting up Qubes 3.2, the same VPN connection works flawlessly and DNS is 
trouble-free. So I've decided to solve my problem in the simplest (and only) 
way available: by going back to Qubes 3.2.

I appreciate all your attempts to help me with this. Thank you.

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes: Unable to connect to VPN

2018-11-19 Thread Otto Kratik
On Monday, November 19, 2018 at 12:27:40 PM UTC-5, Chris Laprise wrote:
> It could be as simple as editing your /etc/resolv.conf so it contains 
> your VPN provider's DNS server (or other DNS server that you prefer) 
> instead of the Qubes internal routing addresses.

I'll give this a try, thanks. What mystifies me though is that I still have 
Qubes 3.2 installed on an older laptop and can confirm that on that version, 
none of these extra config steps are needed. I can activate and deactivate the 
VPN connection at will on the fly from an AppVM terminal, and it works 
flawlessly every time. Run openvpn and my IP address changes to the provider as 
expected. Hit ctrl-c to terminate the connection, and it goes back to my 
regular ISP-provided address as expected. Ideally I'd actually like to have 
this ability it switch it on and off as many times as desired during any given 
session, but maybe that's no longer possible in Qubes 4.

Also, I tried the instructions here:


..and they did not work. Everything seems to go okay, but after 
copying/installing/linking everything as directed and then shutting down and 
restarting the ProxyVM, it pops up the message "Ready to start link", and then 
just repeatedly does that every 10 seconds or so. The link never actually goes 
up. Problem isn't with the provider's .ovpn config file, since it works fine on 
Qubes 3.2 as well as another mainstream Linux distro, with no issues at all.

Not sure if it's significant, but the service "vpn-handler-openvpn" does not 
appear in the dropdown list of available services in the ProxyVM's settings 
screen, even though the template on which it is based (Debian 9) most 
definitely has Openvpn installed on it. I typed that service name in manually 
and it accepted it, but it also accepts any garbage text entered as well, so no 
idea whether it's actually functioning properly or not.

I was also admittedly a bit confused about whether I needed to separately 
install the qubes-tunnel package first, but the instructions didn't seem to 
explicitly require it so I did not. Other than that, I followed them to the 
letter but cannot get the link up.

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes: Unable to connect to VPN

2018-11-19 Thread Otto Kratik
On Monday, November 19, 2018 at 1:09:33 AM UTC-5, Chris Laprise wrote:
> The Qubes VPN doc has two methods for correct openvpn configuration:
> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/vpn/
> A better method is located here:
> https://github.com/tasket/Qubes-vpn-support/
> The difference is more failsafe checks and much smoother setup & operation.

Thanks for your reply. I'm entirely willing to consider using these better, 
more secure and effective methods in the long run. My first objective however 
is to determine why the simple method I used in Qubes 3.2 (running Openvpn from 
AppVM) does not successfully work the same way in Qubes 4.0.

> I would also try pinging known IP addresses (after connecting) to see if
> you can get a response. If you can, then the problem is likely with the
> DNS routing and dnat in the firewall. 

I've just tested this. After connecting to the VPN from within the AppVM, I can 
successfully ping known IP addresses from the terminal. However attempts to 
connect to websites in the browser fail and time out.

What is my next step? How do I check or fix DNS routing and dnat in the 

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[qubes-users] Qubes: Unable to connect to VPN

2018-11-18 Thread Otto Kratik
I realize it's possible to create a dedicated ProxyVM and use NetworkConfig to 
route VPN traffic, but that's not what I'm asking about. 

In Qubes 3.2 from any standard Debian AppVM connected to Sys-Net I am able to 
simply do from terminal:

sudo openvpn --config 

..and it connects, and from then on all traffic from that AppVM is correctly 
routed through the VPN, as evidenced by testing IP address from web browser etc.

In Qubes 4, this does not seem to work. The same command from AppVM terminal 
works fine and reports successful connection to the VPN, but from that point 
all attempts to connect to any website or other remote host fail completely and 
just time out. As soon as I terminate the VPN by pressing ctrl-c from terminal, 
net connectivity resumes as normal.

What has changed in Qubes 4, and what do I need to do different to make it work?

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 4: Windows 7 HVM loses internet connection after installing Qubes Windows Tools

2018-11-13 Thread Otto Kratik
On Monday, November 12, 2018 at 11:44:08 PM UTC-5, Ivan Mitev wrote:
> Oh, I see. I've updated the issue to add a mention about the gateway. 
> Actually the issue was originally meant to document the problems with 
> QWT on R4 but it slowly evolved into a step-by-step guide.
> The ip output by `qvm-prefs vmname visible_gateway` ; if you don't have 
> a fancy vpn/firewall setup, it's likely

Thanks - I added the sys-firewall gateway value and that seemed to do the trick 
in restoring connectivity (which is of course, entirely obvious in hindsight). 
A couple of oddities I noticed though:

With everything manually configured and working, I can successfully ping the 
VM's own ip address and the gateway from within the VM, however I can *NOT* 
ping the DNS servers at all.

Attempting to ping or results in:

Response from Destination net unreachable

I have no idea what that IP address above is. Obviously DNS resolution is 
working since I can lookup websites correctly as expected, but the ping attempt 
either fails with that reply or times out completely, every single time.

Also, if I delete the DNS entries from adapter IPv4 config completely and then 
do "ipconfig /all" from command line, they seem to get magically filled in by 
themselves, with one slight change:  <-- (note the 138 instead of 139)

..And everything continues to work fine in terms of connectivity. The Qubes 
Network Setup service is definitely disabled and stopped, so I am not quite 
sure how that auto-fill is occurring.

I can also use other externally operated DNS like:

And it gets saved correctly in ipconfig and also produces full connectivity. I 
am going to try garbage values and see what happens, but it almost seems like 
the HVM is somehow routing its DNS queries automatically regardless of entered 
values, but maybe not.

> I've also added a note about QWT 4 breaking *new* HVMs (I thought the 
> breakage was only when updating from QWT3 to QWT4). It seems it's a 
> hit-or-miss process, IIRC some users managed to have QWT4 running.

Hit or miss, yes... possibly partially related to the state of updates in 
Windows 7 at the time QWT4 is installed. Those reporting success (in this 
thread and issue 3585) seem to have installed updates into Win7 first before 
installing the guest tools. In my case I tried installing QWT4 into a fresh 
Win7 SP1 with no updates applied yet, and it broke completely. So that might be 
the crux, though it's just a hypothesis. 

At some point if I have the 2-3 days needed to fully update Windows 7, I may 
try removing QWT3 and installing QWT4 to see what happens. Of course I will try 
this in a clone, since I have no idea how easy or difficult it actually is to 
uninstall QWT3223 cleanly, and it's far more likely I'll break something in the 
attempt. Is it just a question of selecting "Remove" from the internal Win7 
"Add/Remove Programs", and then installing QWT4 anew? Or is there a more 
elaborate procedure required?

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 4: Windows 7 HVM loses internet connection after installing Qubes Windows Tools

2018-11-12 Thread Otto Kratik
On Monday, November 12, 2018 at 1:52:44 PM UTC-5, Ivan Mitev wrote:
> Hi,
> Since you mention that the network is functional without QWT installed 
> there's probably an issue with your ip settings in the windows HVM. Make 
> sure that the IP you've manually configured in windows matches the one 
> assigned to the VM (in dom0, run `qvm-prefs vmname visible_ip`).
> Also check that the ip/gateways/dns ips you've configured are properly 
> applied in the vm (`ipconfig /all` in a command prompt), it could be 
> that the "Qubes Network Setup" service is still active for some reason.
> Then, if everything looks OK, try to ping the VM's IP from the VM (this 
> should work), then the gateway, then the DNS IPs.

I'll give this a try, thanks. So far in the Windows HVM I have not put any 
value under "gateway" because that is not mentioned in the instructions from 
Issue3585 above. Only IP address, Subnet mask, and DNS server fields are filled 
out. Default gateway is left empty.

What value, if anything, should go under Gateway in the VM? The ip address 
shown by Qubes as belonging to the network-providing VM itself, ie Sys-Net or 
Sys-Firewall, namely ? Or something else?

Also, I am presuming the values listed for DNS servers are universal constants 
at the moment in Qubes 4, meaning and are absolute values 
for all installations and not dynamically dependent on specific configuration?

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[qubes-users] Qubes 4: Windows 7 HVM loses internet connection after installing Qubes Windows Tools

2018-11-12 Thread Otto Kratik
Here's what I've done so far:

Created a new Windows 7 SP1 HVM by using an .iso as I've done many times 
successfully in the past on Qubes 3.2. Everything works fine, HVM is created 
and runs correctly, internet connection is intact and functioning as expected.

Downloaded Qubes Windows Tools 4.0 and installed them into the HVM as per 
documentation. Installation of QWT 4.0 completely *breaks* HVM and places it 
into a totally irrecoverable state, as detailed here near the top:


"at the following reboot, windows fails to boot and tries to repair files, 
which as usual doesn't fix anything (the VM might boot at some point, without 
the tools installed)"

Deleted the HVM, and started over from scratch by creating a new one. This 
time, I installed Qubes Windows Tools version instead of 4.0. That 
worked perfectly fine, and the usual QWT-enhanced Windows HVM appeared with 
full screen resolution, mouse pointer integration etc. Except, the internet 
connection suddenly completely went offline and stopped functioning.

As per Issue 1 again from the same source, I tried the following instructions:


Issue 1 - Networking isn't set up properly

The PV adapter's status is stuck at "Identifying"; pinging an ip works but 
pinging a host fails, indicating a problem with DNS resolution. A tcpdump on 
sys-firewall indeed shows that DNS requests are sent to the gateway's ip and 
are rejected. The reason is that in R4 VMs are now using the exposed 
"/qubes-{primary,secondary}-dns" values, while R3.2's Windows Tools still use 
/qubes-gateway (whose IP in R4 is different from /qubes-primary-dns).

Workaround: disable the "Qubes Network Setup" service (with gui/msconfig, or sc 
config "QubesNetworkSetup" start= disabled in a command prompt) and configure 
the network manually.


IP: in dom0, qvm-prefs vmname ip will output the VM's ip. Caveat: a 
cloned/restored/... VM will likely have its IP changed so you'll have to 
remember to update your network settings.

Implementing this attempted fix did *NOT* solve the problem, and the lack of 
internet connectivity persists despite doing everything suggested. All other 
VMs on the system have their internet connections working perfectly fine.

What are the next suggested steps to try? Should that fix have worked 
regardless of using QWT rather than 4.0, as long as the base system is 
Qubes 4 instead of 3.2? If not, what options should I be using for my specific 
situation? What do I do from here to get internet connectivity back?

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[qubes-users] Re: Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'qubes-dom0-cached', disabling.

2018-11-09 Thread Otto Kratik
On Friday, November 9, 2018 at 3:42:40 PM UTC-5, alrojs wrote:
> On Friday, October 5, 2018 at 11:48:01 AM UTC-7, Otto Kratik wrote:
> > Qubes 3.2
> > 
> > Ever since a routine qubes-dom0-update was interrupted in the middle of the 
> > upgrade process, I can no longer run any updates on dom0. Instead I see the 
> > message:
> > 
> > "Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'qubes-dom0-cached', disabling."
> > 
> > ..in response to most commands that I attempt through 
> > yum/dnf/qubes-dom0-update to try fixing it. None of the usual approaches 
> > like --clean have been successful.
> > 
> > What should I try from here to correct the issue?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Otto
> hello,
> I'm having the same issue.
> dom0 fails to synchronize cache for repo 'qubes-dom0-current' and 
> 'qubes-template-itl'. 
> I've tried the steps recommended above and the proxy seems to be opperating 
> fine but whenever i try to update i am unable to.
> My main goal is the get qubes-u2f working which wont' because it fails to 
> synchronize.

It's been a few weeks, but I believe the synchronize cache issue resolved 
itself the next time I forcibly installed something on dom0 using yum/dnf or 
qubes-dom0-update. I don't remember which package I installed or reinstalled, 
but forcing it to perform an install from a repo that *was* working seemed to 
refresh everything again.

In my case the stuck pseudo-repo was the local qubes-dom0-cached one, so if 
qubes-dom-current isn't working I'm not sure the same procedure will be 

I'd go back and check my command line history, but I ended up having to 
reinstall the entire OS shortly afterward since the glitch that caused the 
entire situation in the first place (interrupted kernel update) was 

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 4: Unable to get any DVM app to ever launch

2018-11-09 Thread Otto Kratik
On Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at 10:29:49 AM UTC-5, unman wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 05, 2018 at 01:56:00PM -0800, Otto Kratik wrote:
> > > Thanks for the extensive troubleshooting.
> > > 
> > > It looks as if there's a problem *either* with the service *or* with the
> > > desktop files on fedoratest.
> > > Can you check the contents of /etc/qubes/rpc/policy/qubes.StartApp to
> > > make sure that you dont have a "deny" statement at the top of that file?
> > > You could temporarily insert a line at the top:
> > > dom0 $anyvm allow
> > > $anyvm $anyvm allow
> > > 
> > > Just concentrate on using:
> > > qvm-run -a --service --dispvm=fedoratest -- qubes.StartApp+firefox (or
> > > gedit)
> > > Check the log file in /var/log/qubes : you should see a log created for
> > > whatever dispVM is atrted and qubes.log updated.
> > > 
> > > unman
> > 
> > 
> > So during testing, even though I'd stopped all other VMs from running, I 
> > started noticing some odd slowdowns and other memory-related issues, 
> > wondered if RAM shortage was affecting my attempts, and decided to reboot 
> > and try again from scratch with no autostart VMs enabled.
> > 
> > After that, I am now able to run pretty much any app in a Debian or Whonix 
> > based DispVM without issue. In Fedora based DVMs, some apps like Firefox, 
> > Filezilla, Calculator etc all run fine from the DVM menu, while other apps 
> > such as Gedit and Nautilus/Files simply don't seem to want to act as the 
> > "launch leaders" for DispvM's. 
> > 
> > Meaning, the DispVM gets launched, but those apps don't open, and then the 
> > DVM halts again a minute or so later, as previously described. If I launch 
> > Firefox instead first in a Fedora DVM, and then from the widget select "Run 
> > terminal" for that very same already-open DVM, I can then launch Gedit or 
> > Nautilus or any other app from the command line without any problem. But 
> > those apps won't open as the initial "launch-apps" for Fedora DVMs.
> > 
> > By contrast, in Debian DVM's I can launch KWrite or Dolphin or whatever 
> > other equivalents easily, a well as Firefox or Tor Browser, and so far 
> > haven't found one that refuses to launch. 
> > 
> > Thus it seems like a bit of an interoperability quirk between Fedora26 and 
> > the DVM system, so far as I can tell. Results are the same whether trying 
> > from gui menu or dom0 command line, though admittedly with some apps like 
> > Gedit, I am unsure which of the following I should be typing:
> > 
> > qvm-run -a --service --dispvm=fedoratest -- qubes.StartApp+gedit
> > qvm-run -a --service --dispvm=fedoratest -- qubes.StartApp+org.gnome.gedit
> > qvm-run -a --service --dispvm=fedoratest -- "qubes.StartApp+Text Editor"
> > 
> > All of them fail in the same way, however.. so I'm not sure it makes much 
> > difference.
> > 
> > Out of curiosity for comparison, are you able to launch Gedit or 
> > Nautilus/Files in a Fedora based DVM without issue, as the initial 
> > launch-app either from the menu or command line?
> > 
> I'm glad that some progress is being made.
> I wonder if there's some issue with the desktop files in Fedora which
> are preventing those applications from running? Those symptoms are
> exactly those that fit with problems with the desktop files.
> I dont have Fedora here to test, I'm afraid: Debian and BSD only.
> If you open a Fedora based qube, do the applications work if you try to
> open files that would use them? I mean create text file, and then double
> click on it in nautilus, etc etc
> unman

If I run a fedora based qube normally, all of those applications open and run 
completely fine, whether I launch them on their own or open files that would 
naturally use them as their default handlers. Gedit and Nautilus etc are 
perfectly willing to act at launch-starters for a fedora based qube, as long as 
that qube is a regular AppVM and not a DVM-template.

It is *only* when trying to open those apps as launch-starters from DVM 
templates (such as fedora-26-DVM) that they refuse to open. Other apps like 
Firefox/Calculator open fine as launch-starters for fedora DVM's, and once 
open, I can run-terminal from the widget for that Disp8375 or whatever, and 
from that terminal launch Gedit or Nautilus or whatever, no problem.

Only trying to start a new fedora based DVM with some specific apps (gedit, 
nautilus) fails, with the Disp7473 halting a minute or so after it initially 

Re: [qubes-users] Cannot boot new HVM from cdrom. What is the new command?

2018-11-05 Thread Otto Kratik
Thanks, Unman and Ivan..

I ended up trying:

qvm-start --cdrom=dom0:/dev/sr0 win7

..and it worked, since that's where my CD drive was mounted as. I'll give the 
suggested syntax a try as well, and imagine it will succeed also.

The transition from Qubes 3.2 to 4.0 has been full of hiccups both large and 
small due to various scattered system changes like this one, and I appreciate 
the assistance here.

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 4: Unable to get any DVM app to ever launch

2018-11-05 Thread Otto Kratik
On Sunday, November 4, 2018 at 8:22:33 AM UTC-5, unman wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 03, 2018 at 03:14:00PM -0700, Otto Kratik wrote:
> > On Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 10:13:36 AM UTC-4, unman wrote:
> > > On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 12:27:06PM -0700, Otto Kratik wrote:
> > > > On Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at 7:49:43 AM UTC-4, awokd wrote:
> > > > > Otto Kratik wrote on 10/31/18 2:28 AM:
> > > > > > Qubes 4.0
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Whenever attempting to launch an app in a DVM, the result is always 
> > > > > > the same. The popup message comes up saying "Disp1234 has started", 
> > > > > > and then nothing happens. Then about two minutes later, another 
> > > > > > popup says "Disp1234 has halted". No app ever launches.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > It doesn't matter what app I try.. xterm, konsole, firefox, 
> > > > > > dolphin, thunar, tor browser, gedit, kwrite etc. Always the same 
> > > > > > behavior. Also doesn't matter if I try from Q Menu shortcuts, 
> > > > > > command line in dom0, command line in another AppVM.. no 
> > > > > > difference. Just the same type of message in the terminal, says 
> > > > > > it's launching, then shuts down two minutes later with no output.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Doesn't make a difference either if I try to open a file in a DVM 
> > > > > > or just straight launching an app. Nothing ever opens. Launching 
> > > > > > apps regularly from normal AppVM's works perfectly all the time, 
> > > > > > just not DVM's.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Slight correction: About 1 in 10 times, launching Firefox from a 
> > > > > > Fedora-template-based DVM succeeds. The other 9 times it fails. All 
> > > > > > other apps fail 10 out of 10 times. And launching any app 
> > > > > > (including Firefox) from a Whonix-ws-14-template-based DVM also 
> > > > > > fails 100% of the time as described above.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > How is this issue best investigated and resolved?
> > > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Have you upgraded to Whonix 14 or customized the DVM? Try removing it 
> > > > > completely (you might have to temporarily change DVM defaults to a 
> > > > > different template), then recreating it with `sudo qubesctl state.sls 
> > > > > qvm.whonix-ws-14-dvm`. If that doesn't work, see 
> > > > > https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Qubes/Uninstall and 
> > > > > https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Qubes/Install to completely uninstall and 
> > > > > reinstall the workstation template and DVM. You can skip the gateway 
> > > > > steps if you've already upgraded it to 14 since it sounds like that's 
> > > > > still working.
> > > > 
> > > > It's a fresh install of Qubes 4 with freshly downloaded/installed 
> > > > Whonix 14/DVM templates using the salt/qubesctl command mentioned above 
> > > > and in the documentation. No customisations. So I doubt reinstalling 
> > > > would have any effect. 
> > > > 
> > > > Whonix-ws-14 template works perfectly fine for running apps the normal 
> > > > way, from AppVMs based upon it. No issue whatsoever. Only running them 
> > > > from whonix-ws-14-dvm causes trouble.
> > > > 
> > > > However as I said, even trying to run apps from Fedora-26-dvm also 
> > > > fails the majority of the time, so I'm not even convinced it's a whonix 
> > > > specific issue. Rather a DVM one in general.
> > > > 
> > > > Any other things to try?
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > I would try this:
> > > Install all updates in dom0 and qubes.
> > > Create a new Fedora based qube.
> > > Confirm you can run programs as expected.
> > > Make it a template for dispvms, using qvm-prefs.
> > > Close all unnecessary qubes.
> > > Then , at command line, start to test running programs in dispvms based
> > > on the qube.
> > > 
> > > Generally , the command should be:
> > > qvm-run --dispvm  
> > > 
> > > That's the most basic form.
> > > Anything you can run using qvm-run   should work in
> > > disposable

[qubes-users] Cannot boot new HVM from cdrom. What is the new command?

2018-11-04 Thread Otto Kratik
Previously when creating a new Windows HVM on Qubes 3.2, to boot from a 
physical CD in the physical CD drive I would do:

qvm-start --cdrom=/dev/cdrom win7

When I try that in Qubes 4.0, I get an error that starts with "Traceback" and 
ends with "Not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)."

What am I doing wrong? What is the new command to make this work in Qubes 4?

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 4: Unable to get any DVM app to ever launch

2018-11-03 Thread Otto Kratik
On Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 10:13:36 AM UTC-4, unman wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 12:27:06PM -0700, Otto Kratik wrote:
> > On Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at 7:49:43 AM UTC-4, awokd wrote:
> > > Otto Kratik wrote on 10/31/18 2:28 AM:
> > > > Qubes 4.0
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Whenever attempting to launch an app in a DVM, the result is always the 
> > > > same. The popup message comes up saying "Disp1234 has started", and 
> > > > then nothing happens. Then about two minutes later, another popup says 
> > > > "Disp1234 has halted". No app ever launches.
> > > > 
> > > > It doesn't matter what app I try.. xterm, konsole, firefox, dolphin, 
> > > > thunar, tor browser, gedit, kwrite etc. Always the same behavior. Also 
> > > > doesn't matter if I try from Q Menu shortcuts, command line in dom0, 
> > > > command line in another AppVM.. no difference. Just the same type of 
> > > > message in the terminal, says it's launching, then shuts down two 
> > > > minutes later with no output.
> > > > 
> > > > Doesn't make a difference either if I try to open a file in a DVM or 
> > > > just straight launching an app. Nothing ever opens. Launching apps 
> > > > regularly from normal AppVM's works perfectly all the time, just not 
> > > > DVM's.
> > > > 
> > > > Slight correction: About 1 in 10 times, launching Firefox from a 
> > > > Fedora-template-based DVM succeeds. The other 9 times it fails. All 
> > > > other apps fail 10 out of 10 times. And launching any app (including 
> > > > Firefox) from a Whonix-ws-14-template-based DVM also fails 100% of the 
> > > > time as described above.
> > > > 
> > > > How is this issue best investigated and resolved?
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > Have you upgraded to Whonix 14 or customized the DVM? Try removing it 
> > > completely (you might have to temporarily change DVM defaults to a 
> > > different template), then recreating it with `sudo qubesctl state.sls 
> > > qvm.whonix-ws-14-dvm`. If that doesn't work, see 
> > > https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Qubes/Uninstall and 
> > > https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Qubes/Install to completely uninstall and 
> > > reinstall the workstation template and DVM. You can skip the gateway 
> > > steps if you've already upgraded it to 14 since it sounds like that's 
> > > still working.
> > 
> > It's a fresh install of Qubes 4 with freshly downloaded/installed Whonix 
> > 14/DVM templates using the salt/qubesctl command mentioned above and in the 
> > documentation. No customisations. So I doubt reinstalling would have any 
> > effect. 
> > 
> > Whonix-ws-14 template works perfectly fine for running apps the normal way, 
> > from AppVMs based upon it. No issue whatsoever. Only running them from 
> > whonix-ws-14-dvm causes trouble.
> > 
> > However as I said, even trying to run apps from Fedora-26-dvm also fails 
> > the majority of the time, so I'm not even convinced it's a whonix specific 
> > issue. Rather a DVM one in general.
> > 
> > Any other things to try?
> > 
> I would try this:
> Install all updates in dom0 and qubes.
> Create a new Fedora based qube.
> Confirm you can run programs as expected.
> Make it a template for dispvms, using qvm-prefs.
> Close all unnecessary qubes.
> Then , at command line, start to test running programs in dispvms based
> on the qube.
> Generally , the command should be:
> qvm-run --dispvm  
> That's the most basic form.
> Anything you can run using qvm-run   should work in
> disposableVM based on qube (except gnome-terminal)
> That will test the basic infrastructure.
> If all is good, start testing a more complex form:
> qvm-run -a  --service  --dispvm= --qubes.StartApp+
>  here should have an associated desktop file.
> Again, anything you can run using qvm-run --service   should 
> work in
> disposableVM based on the qube (except gnome-terminal)
> That will test the more complex infrastructure.
> If all's good, you can start testing different template based qubes,
> including Whonix. If it's not good there's something fundamentally
> broken.
> qvm-run *does* have -v option, but it doesn't generate verbose output.
> Check back when you have some results from testing.
> unman

Hi, thanks for your detailed reply and suggesti

Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 4: Unable to get any DVM app to ever launch

2018-10-31 Thread Otto Kratik
On Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at 7:49:43 AM UTC-4, awokd wrote:
> Otto Kratik wrote on 10/31/18 2:28 AM:
> > Qubes 4.0
> > 
> > 
> > Whenever attempting to launch an app in a DVM, the result is always the 
> > same. The popup message comes up saying "Disp1234 has started", and then 
> > nothing happens. Then about two minutes later, another popup says "Disp1234 
> > has halted". No app ever launches.
> > 
> > It doesn't matter what app I try.. xterm, konsole, firefox, dolphin, 
> > thunar, tor browser, gedit, kwrite etc. Always the same behavior. Also 
> > doesn't matter if I try from Q Menu shortcuts, command line in dom0, 
> > command line in another AppVM.. no difference. Just the same type of 
> > message in the terminal, says it's launching, then shuts down two minutes 
> > later with no output.
> > 
> > Doesn't make a difference either if I try to open a file in a DVM or just 
> > straight launching an app. Nothing ever opens. Launching apps regularly 
> > from normal AppVM's works perfectly all the time, just not DVM's.
> > 
> > Slight correction: About 1 in 10 times, launching Firefox from a 
> > Fedora-template-based DVM succeeds. The other 9 times it fails. All other 
> > apps fail 10 out of 10 times. And launching any app (including Firefox) 
> > from a Whonix-ws-14-template-based DVM also fails 100% of the time as 
> > described above.
> > 
> > How is this issue best investigated and resolved?
> > 
> Have you upgraded to Whonix 14 or customized the DVM? Try removing it 
> completely (you might have to temporarily change DVM defaults to a 
> different template), then recreating it with `sudo qubesctl state.sls 
> qvm.whonix-ws-14-dvm`. If that doesn't work, see 
> https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Qubes/Uninstall and 
> https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Qubes/Install to completely uninstall and 
> reinstall the workstation template and DVM. You can skip the gateway 
> steps if you've already upgraded it to 14 since it sounds like that's 
> still working.

It's a fresh install of Qubes 4 with freshly downloaded/installed Whonix 14/DVM 
templates using the salt/qubesctl command mentioned above and in the 
documentation. No customisations. So I doubt reinstalling would have any 

Whonix-ws-14 template works perfectly fine for running apps the normal way, 
from AppVMs based upon it. No issue whatsoever. Only running them from 
whonix-ws-14-dvm causes trouble.

However as I said, even trying to run apps from Fedora-26-dvm also fails the 
majority of the time, so I'm not even convinced it's a whonix specific issue. 
Rather a DVM one in general.

Any other things to try?

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[qubes-users] Qubes 4: Unable to get any DVM app to ever launch

2018-10-30 Thread Otto Kratik
Qubes 4.0

Whenever attempting to launch an app in a DVM, the result is always the same. 
The popup message comes up saying "Disp1234 has started", and then nothing 
happens. Then about two minutes later, another popup says "Disp1234 has 
halted". No app ever launches.

It doesn't matter what app I try.. xterm, konsole, firefox, dolphin, thunar, 
tor browser, gedit, kwrite etc. Always the same behavior. Also doesn't matter 
if I try from Q Menu shortcuts, command line in dom0, command line in another 
AppVM.. no difference. Just the same type of message in the terminal, says it's 
launching, then shuts down two minutes later with no output.

Doesn't make a difference either if I try to open a file in a DVM or just 
straight launching an app. Nothing ever opens. Launching apps regularly from 
normal AppVM's works perfectly all the time, just not DVM's.

Slight correction: About 1 in 10 times, launching Firefox from a 
Fedora-template-based DVM succeeds. The other 9 times it fails. All other apps 
fail 10 out of 10 times. And launching any app (including Firefox) from a 
Whonix-ws-14-template-based DVM also fails 100% of the time as described above.

How is this issue best investigated and resolved?

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 4: Syntax Error in qubes.GetAppmenus during every package install

2018-10-27 Thread Otto Kratik
On Saturday, October 27, 2018 at 10:43:15 PM UTC-4, unman wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 07:39:10PM -0700, Otto Kratik wrote:
> > Qubes 4.0
> > 
> > Any time I use apt-get to install software into a debian-type TemplateVM 
> > (Debian-9, Whonix GW or WS), I always get the following error during the 
> > installation phase:
> > 
> > Processing triggers for qubes-core-agent (4.0.37-1+deb9u1) ...
> > 
> > /etc/qubes-rpc/qubes.GetAppmenus: 20: /etc/qubes-rpc/qubes.GetAppmenus: 
> > Syntax error: "(" unexpected
> > 
> > 
> > As a result, the software is installed correctly but the App menu shortcuts 
> > are not sent to the dom0 menus or Applications List of the relevant 
> > Template or related AppVMs, and I have to do qvm-sync-appmenus manually 
> > from the dom0 terminal every time. That command works fine with no errors, 
> > and the new shortcut entries appear as expected.
> > 
> > Installing new software packages in Fedora templates work fine and do not 
> > cause any issues, it is only Debian type templates that are affected.
> > 
> > What is causing this issue and how is it corrected?
> > 
> It's a known issue, (#4417) and the fix is already in the pipeline.
> You can work around by calling qvm-sync-appmenus  from the
> command line.
> unman

Thanks, I'm glad at least to hear that it's universal and not a specific fault 
related to my particular installation. I will just wait for the fix and use the 
workaround in the meantime.

Appreciate the quick and helpful reply.

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[qubes-users] Qubes 4: Syntax Error in qubes.GetAppmenus during every package install

2018-10-27 Thread Otto Kratik
Qubes 4.0

Any time I use apt-get to install software into a debian-type TemplateVM 
(Debian-9, Whonix GW or WS), I always get the following error during the 
installation phase:

Processing triggers for qubes-core-agent (4.0.37-1+deb9u1) ...

/etc/qubes-rpc/qubes.GetAppmenus: 20: /etc/qubes-rpc/qubes.GetAppmenus: Syntax 
error: "(" unexpected

As a result, the software is installed correctly but the App menu shortcuts are 
not sent to the dom0 menus or Applications List of the relevant Template or 
related AppVMs, and I have to do qvm-sync-appmenus manually from the dom0 
terminal every time. That command works fine with no errors, and the new 
shortcut entries appear as expected.

Installing new software packages in Fedora templates work fine and do not cause 
any issues, it is only Debian type templates that are affected.

What is causing this issue and how is it corrected?

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Re: [qubes-users] Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'qubes-dom0-cached', disabling.

2018-10-05 Thread Otto Kratik
On Friday, October 5, 2018 at 3:26:51 PM UTC-4, Ivan Mitev wrote:
> Every time I had a "failed to synchronize..." erorr it was because there 
> was a problem with the proxy in sys-net. Restarting it usually did the 
> trick, eg:
> sudo systemctl restart qubes-updates-proxy.service
> (run the command sys-net ; the syntax is for R4.0, I don't have R3.2 to 
> test but it shouldn't be too different).
> Check the proxy's status with
> sudo systemctl status qubes-updates-proxy.service

Thanks for your help and suggestion. I just tried both of those commands and 
sys-net reports the update proxy is working perfectly, however there is no 
change in the result from dom0 and I get the same error message as before.

The original interruption glitch happened after dom0 had already successfully 
downloaded all updates, but during the upgrade/install of those new packages. 
Ever since then, this issue has occurred. So I am thinking something local has 
gotten messed up rather than a connection issue.

Any other ideas I should try in order to fix this?


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[qubes-users] Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'qubes-dom0-cached', disabling.

2018-10-05 Thread Otto Kratik
Qubes 3.2

Ever since a routine qubes-dom0-update was interrupted in the middle of the 
upgrade process, I can no longer run any updates on dom0. Instead I see the 

"Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'qubes-dom0-cached', disabling."

..in response to most commands that I attempt through yum/dnf/qubes-dom0-update 
to try fixing it. None of the usual approaches like --clean have been 

What should I try from here to correct the issue?


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[qubes-users] Re: Help: Qubes dom0 update interrupted, kernel panic resulted

2018-10-02 Thread Otto Kratik
Just to clarify, the original abort/glitch happened after all updates were 
successfully *downloaded*, but during the upgrade/install process itself.

At present when I try to do:

sudo dnf check-update

I get:

Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'qubes-dom0-cached', disabling.

I have already tried doing:

qubes-dom0-update --clean

and it has no effect on the issue.

I believe some packages are still "stuck" in the local qubes-dom0-cached repo, 
but I have no idea how go about fixing this issue and getting back on track.

Could someone please advise next steps to get this resolved?


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[qubes-users] Help: Qubes dom0 update interrupted, kernel panic resulted

2018-10-02 Thread Otto Kratik
Qubes 3.2

Last night I was updating dom0, but in the middle of the update I accidentally 
hit some keys on the keyboard, which I now in hindsight realize must have 
included Ctrl-Z.

At that point the update just stopped and froze at item 13/42 which just so 
happened to be qubes kernel 4.14.67-1.

I tried to exit the console but was told there were stopped jobs (update was 
backgrounded no doubt). Not knowing any better in the moment, I force restarted 
my computer and retried the dom0 update. 

It did successfully re-download and install the new kernel, but also said that 
was the only new thing to be installed, and did not make any attempt to pick up 
where it left off and download the other remaining items, 14-through-42 of 42. 
I did qubes-dom0-update a few more times with the same result - it says there's 
nothing new available. The system seemed to think and act as though the other 
packages had all already been updated/installed, even though they hadn't.

The next time I tried a reboot, the boot-up failed with a kernel panic and went 
into a boot loop. Choosing advanced options and using the older kernel 
4.14.57-1 allowed me to boot up, and here I am.

So what should I do from here? Is there any way to force the dom0 update to 
refresh or redo or reset, so that it gets everything it needs to function 
correctly with the newer kernel? I'm not sure what command to use or what 
file(s) to edit in order to forcibly instruct it to re-download and install all 
possible missing packages, when the normal qubes-dom0-update insists there's no 
update available. Right now I have a half-broken system and am not sure how to 

Any help would be very greatly appreciated..

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[qubes-users] Migrating TemplateVMs and AppVMs from Qubes 3.2 to 4.0

2017-10-24 Thread Otto Kratik
Generally speaking, once the full release version of Qubes R4.0 is published, 
and due to the completely re-worked infrastructure underlying how VMs function 
in the newer edition versus the old, will it still be at all possible to 
backup-and-restore either Templates or AppVM's from 3.2 over to 4.0, or is that 
a completely hopeless cause and everything will have to be created again from 

What about specifically a Whonix-Workstation where I have tons of software 
installed and customized, and don't want to redo from start. Can it be migrated 
through backup-and-restore, or has all compatibility between versions 3.2 and 
4.0 been lost already?

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[qubes-users] Re: How to recover Qubes when keyboard / mice is dysfunctional due to USB qube setup issues?

2017-10-24 Thread Otto Kratik
A while back I used an extremely simple fix for a similar issue, which may or 
may not work in this specific situation described.

In my case I had assigned a network card/controller to the Sys-Net VM, which 
Qubes hated so much compatibility-wise that it subsequently refused to boot 
altogether, simply because attempt to initialize that net card caused such 
catastrophic failure on startup that the entire OS became non-startable.

However, since devices assigned to VM's have specific serial identifiers that 
Qubes is looking for on bootup to assign to chosen VM, and since Qubes was in 
this case itself installed on a flash drive, it stood to reason that by simply 
booting it on a completely different laptop which did not have that relevant 
network card and serial number present, Qubes would simply ignore the requested 
assignment and boot normally, with no network card (not even the one in the 
second laptop) assigned to Sys-net upon boot completion. And this is exactly 
what happened.

>From there, with system successfully booted on second laptop without problem 
>card, it is/was still necessary to use Qubes Manager to graphically edit 
>settings for that Sys-net VM, and look in its list of assigned devices, which 
>*appears* empty but is not really (because a non-present device is still 
>assigned to it "invisibly"). Because of this, it was needed to click the 
>"unassign all" button (two arrows pointing left:  << ) and then save settings, 
>so that even non-visible/present devices (the problem card) became unassigned 
>to that Sys-Net VM.

After that, I shut down and placed Qubes flash drive back in original laptop, 
booted, and everything worked fine. Problem network card was back to Dom0 and 
not assigned to Sys-Net, and all worked fine (with no networking, obviously, 
but still usable system).

This approach may or may not work for de-assigning USB controller from USB-VM, 
since when booted on a different laptop, that specific USB controller won't be 
found, and the assign request will be ignored, and you can unassign-all-devices 
from USB-VM on that second laptop, before shutting down and then booting again 
on original machine.

Like I said, possibly this tactic won't work for some unpredictable reason, but 
it worked in my case when network card was the "accidentally" assigned device 
causing non-startable system.

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[qubes-users] Removing unwanted menu items under xfce?

2017-01-07 Thread Otto Kratik
I recently did a fresh install of Qubes R3.2, and then proceeded to restore 
several VM's from my previous installation, among them a Windows 7 HVM. I also 
installed qubes-windows-tools, which I also previously had installed. 

As a result of that restore/install, xfce has placed about 50 win7-related app 
shortcuts in both the win7 sub-menu of the start menu (expected and desired) 
and also simultaneously into the "System Tools" sub-menu of the start menu (not 
wanted), intermingled among the normal items one usually expects to find there 
(terminal, file manager etc).

KDE is not affected, and logging into that environment shows the proper 
expected behavior: win7 shortcuts in the win7 sub-menu only, and system tools 
shortcuts where they belong.

What is the easiest way to edit the entries appearing under the System Tools 
sub-menu of xfce, so as to remove the approximately 50 win7-related shortcuts 
that I don't want appearing there?


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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Dom0 (System tools) shortcuts suddenly disappeared

2017-01-07 Thread Otto Kratik
On Friday, January 6, 2017 at 5:05:38 AM UTC-5, Ángel wrote:
> Do you still have those files listing the .desktop entries that should
> be shown in the menu?

Seeing no other recourse, I opted to re-install my entire operating system in 
order to correct the menu issue, prior to having a chance to check this 
specific item. Thank you for the suggestion though, nonetheless.

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Re: [qubes-users] Dom0 (System tools) shortcuts suddenly disappeared

2017-01-05 Thread Otto Kratik
On Wednesday, January 4, 2017 at 1:01:49 PM UTC-5, Unman wrote:
> I'd expect to see the .desktop files.
> Here's a sample - save it as xfce4-terminal.desktop:

Thanks for your efforts to assist with this. I copied the text you posted and 
saved it as a .desktop text file as you suggested, and then moved it into the 
/usr/share/applications folder of dom0, and then rebooted.

It doesn't seem to have had any effect, though it's hard to tell since the xfce 
"start menu" doesn't appear to even have a "system tools" menu entry to begin 
with, unlike the kde plasma one. There is a "System" menu at the very top, but 
that contains a whole gigantic mess of shortcuts from every VM I have, all 
jumbled together in one big chaotic list. However, clumped together midway 
through that menu are the few dom0 shortcuts I still have (apper, DispVM 
Browser etc) and there doesn't seem to be any new item referencing the xfce4 

Is there anything else I can try at this point? I've noticed that I keep 
getting notified that Qubes Dom0 updates are available, but whenever I run sudo 
qubes-dom0-update it reports no packages to download, nothing to update.

Any other ideas or suggestions would be more than welcome. Thanks.

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Re: [qubes-users] Dom0 (System tools) shortcuts suddenly disappeared

2017-01-03 Thread Otto Kratik
On Tuesday, January 3, 2017 at 8:55:58 PM UTC-5, Unman wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 03, 2017 at 04:12:28PM -0800, Otto Kratik wrote:
> > On Tuesday, January 3, 2017 at 6:02:09 PM UTC-5, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Try running `xdg-desktop-menu forceupdate`.
> > 
> > Ran it as su from dom0 terminal. Command was accepted, but no noticeable 
> > effect or change, or output.
> > 
> Have you checked the menu files?
> For xfce, in /etc/xdg/menus/xfce-applications.menu you should have a
>  section with  System that references 
> qubes-System-Tools.directory
> There should be an  section containing 
> and Excludes for X-Qubes_VM and X-Xfce-Toplevel
> The actual desktop files should be in /usr/share/applications: check
> that they are there.
> Confirm the Categories of a sample desktop file.
> I can't imagine that these have been deleted - if they have then you don't
> need to reinstall, just replace the missing files.
> let us know what you find (or not, as the case may be).

Here are the contents of the xfce-applications.menu file:













In /usr/share/applications I see:

kde (folfer)
kde4 (folder)
screensavers (folder)

Does that reveal anything? What should I be looking for within this location 


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Re: [qubes-users] Dom0 (System tools) shortcuts suddenly disappeared

2017-01-03 Thread Otto Kratik
On Tuesday, January 3, 2017 at 6:02:09 PM UTC-5, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki > 

> Try running `xdg-desktop-menu forceupdate`.

Ran it as su from dom0 terminal. Command was accepted, but no noticeable effect 
or change, or output.

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Re: [qubes-users] Dom0 (System tools) shortcuts suddenly disappeared

2017-01-03 Thread Otto Kratik
On Tuesday, January 3, 2017 at 4:32:11 PM UTC-5, Andrew David Wong wrote:

> I'm afraid I don't have any special insight into this problem. (I
> vaguely recall that it happened to me once on 3.1, then I think I
> ignored the problem and it eventually reverted itself somehow.)
> However, it occurs to me that what you're asking about is primarily a
> KDE issue, and the information you seek should, in principle, be
> available from a KDE source (docs, devs) or even Fedora or another
> distro that uses KDE. To clarify: The *cause* may be Qubes-related (I
> have no idea), but the default file/list for KDE System Tools should
> probably be the same as in non-Qubes KDE installations. At least, it's
> worth checking.

The file may possibly be in the same place, but of course in the case of Qubes 
it is a customized one containing entries like "Qubes VM Manager" etc, so I 
would need that specific one. I don't know the default location.

Also as noted however, it makes no difference whether I use Xfce or KDE. In 
either case I have no menu item available anywhere for "Qubes VM Manager" which 
I normally would, so it is a pan-desktop-environment issue, likely related to 
Qubes itself rather than one of the DE's.

So far I have not found any solution to this, and am looking at a complete 
system re-install in order to fix one single interface issue.

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[qubes-users] Re: Dom0 (System tools) shortcuts suddenly disappeared

2017-01-03 Thread Otto Kratik
As one approach, is there any command that will force a re-download and 
re-install of ALL dom0 packages and components, despite cache showing them as 
already up to date? If one or more elements are broken or corrupted, a refresh 
update might do the trick.

Similar to if I'd made a dom0 backup and wanted to restore it completely. But 
since I don't have such a backup, can dom0 be effectively restored with a 
terminal command that will force-refresh everything from the repository?

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Re: [qubes-users] Dom0 (System tools) shortcuts suddenly disappeared

2017-01-03 Thread Otto Kratik
On Tuesday, January 3, 2017 at 6:54:24 AM UTC-5, Fred wrote:

> I can't help but I had this happen once using Xfce as the desktop. All
> my 'start menu' disappeared bar a few.

It happened to me at least once before under R3.1 as well, also randomly with 
no obvious or apparent cause. The System Tools menu items stayed gone for 
several weeks, then one day after new Dom0 updates they magically re-appeared 
again, with no explanation.

I can also confirm that at the login screen if I choose xfce as the desktop 
environment, the missing shortcut issue still persists, so it isn't an 
intrinsic KDE thing indeed, as surmised.

On a related note, I'm not even sure whether entries like "DispVM: Web Browser" 
are meant to appear under System Tools in R3.2, or if that is a menu glitch as 
well. Previously DispVM had its own top-level menu entry like any other AppVM, 
under which different app shortcuts appeared, so I don't know if something else 
has gone wrong.

Is there a text file somewhere in Dom0, from which the System Tools menu 
obtains its default list of items? And if so, is it possible for someone with a 
functioning menu to "dump" the contents of that file here in this thread, so 
that I can copy and paste them into my presumably broken source file here, if 
such a thing is even possible?

> I re-installed. Possibly a bug then in this case?

I would really, really, really like to avoid having to re-install my entire 
operating system just to fix some missing menu entries, especially since it 
could presumably happen again at any given time thereafter. No other template 
or app vm's are affected, only Dom0. Surely there must be some alternative way 
to fix this issue, without resorting to ssuch drastic measures. Anyone?

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[qubes-users] Re: Dom0 (System tools) shortcuts suddenly disappeared

2017-01-02 Thread Otto Kratik
Is there any way to easily refresh/restore the System Tools shortcuts, without 
having to add each one back manually in some obscure way? I don't even remember 
what all the normal items under that menu are, but they suddenly just vanished 
without warning or explanation, and I have no idea whatsoever how to get them 
back. Can anyone please help?

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[qubes-users] Dom0 (System tools) shortcuts suddenly disappeared

2017-01-02 Thread Otto Kratik
I am using Qubes R3.2. Suddenly almost all of the KDE shortcuts usually found 
under applications-> system tools have completely vanished. I have no konsole, 
file manager, system settings etc. Only four remain:

DispVM: Terminal
DispVM: Web Browser
Screen Capture Program
Software Management

Everything else is gone. They were there one minute, and then gone the next. I 
have performed Dom0 updates and rebooted afterward to see if it fixed the 
issue, without success.

What is the recommended course of action?

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Re: [qubes-users] Fullscreen mode and/or single mouse pointer with Linux HVM?

2016-09-23 Thread Otto Kratik
On Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 7:54:31 PM UTC-4, Andrew David Wong wrote:
> There are certainly Qubes-specific customizations that will cause a Debian
> TemplateVM (or StandaloneVM created from the Qubes Debian TemplateVM) to
> be different from a Debian HVM. 

Thanks again. Just to clarify, there is no actual step required to create a 
StandaloneVM "from" a TemplateVM, correct? All I am doing is cloning the 
standard Debian 8 TemplateVM and then operating that TemplateVM independently, 
treating effectively it as a StandaloneVM. Meaning, installing software in it 
and then then running that software directly in/from it, instead of creating 
AppVM's based on it and running the software from those.

If there is an extra step needed to transform a TemplateVM into a true 
StandaloneVM (not a full HVM) I am not aware of it, or doing it.

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Re: [qubes-users] Fullscreen mode and/or single mouse pointer with Linux HVM?

2016-09-22 Thread Otto Kratik
On Wednesday, September 21, 2016 at 9:03:30 PM UTC-4, Andrew David Wong wrote:
> Since your question is about the functional or behavior differences
> between TemplateVMs and HVMs, I take it that what you're really
> interested in is the practical difference between using TemplateVMs and
> StandaloneVMs as VMs which do not depend on any other VM for their root
> filesystems.
> The only significant difference I'm aware of is that using a TemplateVM
> allows you to retain the option of creating TemplateBasedVMs based on
> this TemplateVM in the future, whereas a StandaloneVM does not. If you
> one day decide that you'd like to have a TemplateBasedVMs based on your
> StandaloneVM, you'll have to re-create it as a TemplateVM. There's no
> (easy) way to turn a StandaloneVM into a TemplateVM.

Your interpretation is correct, I am mainly interested in the practical 
differences between running either a TemplateVM or a StandaloneHVM as a 
self-contained VM that doesn't depend on another VM's root filesystem.

As in my example, if I want a self-contained, non-dependent Debian VM it's far 
easier to just clone a Debian TemplateVM and use it independently as such, and 
thus get the single mouse-pointer desired, as opposed to creating an HVM and 
installing Debian there, and getting dual mouse pointers instead. If the two 
solutions are functionally the same, the first is more optimal.

However one reason I ask is that I seem to have in fact noticed some behavioral 
differences I wouldn't have expected, based on the descriptions above. The 
example case is unfortunately too unique to be likely duplicable by others for 
testing, but here it is nonetheless.

I purchased a Linux game that needs no installation, you just download it from 
the vendor website, unpack the tar.gz archive and run it from shell. At first 
run it asks you to input the license code received at the time of purchase, 
which is easy to do. After that, all future launches don't ask you to input the 
code again, as it's already saved and stored by the game.

On normal standalone Linux systems (whether an HVM within Qubes or a truly 
separate bare-metal installation on another computer/drive) this works as 
expected. Enter the code once, game works smoothly forevermore.

But on a TemplateVM, the code works for that session, but doesn't seem to 
"stick" or get saved next time around, and it has to be entered again each time 
the game is launched. While I'd understand and perhaps expect this if running 
from a TemplateBasedAppVM, since maybe the location where the game records the 
registration is on the rootFS and isn't remembered next time, I'm perplexed to 
see it occurring on a TemplateVM, which shouldn't have this issue saving data 
to rootFS if necessary - which isn't of course even the logical place for game 
data to be stored, as it should use a local directory like Home I would think.

I've even made sure to run the game's launch command as sudo in case elevated 
permissions are needed to write the registration data permanently, but without 
any luck.

As I said, this specific game issue is outside the scope of Qubes or its dev 
team to attempt to solve, but it does illustrate at least one behavioral 
difference between the two VM types. On a StandaloneHVM, the game registration 
is saved successfully as expected. On a TemplateVM, the registration is 
forgotten each time. To make things even more confusing, the registration is 
forgotten each and every time even within the *same session* of the TemplateVM 
being run. Shutdown and restart isn't necessary to trigger the problem. Launch 
game, enter code, proceed with game. Exit game, launch it again, and code is 
requested again, even though TemplateVM is still running continuously without 
interruption or restart. Thus, anything saved during session should still be 
preserved, and yet isn't.

Again, not asking for a solution here, just describing the scenario that 
precipitated the issue. Could just be some odd quirk of the game itself. Who 

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Re: [qubes-users] Fullscreen mode and/or single mouse pointer with Linux HVM?

2016-09-21 Thread Otto Kratik
On Friday, September 16, 2016 at 4:44:10 PM UTC-4, Andrew David Wong wrote:

> There's also a more general workaround for the screen resolution issue
> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/linux-hvm-tips/

Thanks Andrew. I was able to use the instructions on that linked page to fix 
the screen resolution as desired. Much appreciated.

> (as well as a pointer regarding Qubes agents)

I'm not currently familiar enough with the inner workings or code underlying 
Qubes Agents to take a casual shot at customising them, but it's good to know 
for future reference what would need to be tweaked in order to modify mouse 
pointer behavior. For now I'll just live with the dual pointers in standard 
Linux HVM's.

> I think you (or someone else) would have to put in the coding work in
> order to make this work in the desired way. However, a lot of work
> has already been done on the Archlinux Template (which, I assume,
> can be run as an HVM if desired, though I haven't tried it myself):
> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/templates/archlinux/
> Some work has also been done on an Ubuntu template:
> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/templates/ubuntu/

Generally speaking, is it the case that running apps directly from a TemplateVM 
(whether it's Debian, Fedora, Arch, Ubuntu) is functionally equivalent and 
identical to operating that template/distro as a self-contained standalone HVM? 
Meaning if I wanted a Debian HVM, it's just as easy to clone my Debian 
TemplateVM and treat it as an HVM, instead of creating an actual new HVM the 
classic way and then installing a Debian ISO?

Is there any fundamental intrinsic difference between how a Template behaves if 
used in this fashion, and how a normal HVM would behave?

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[qubes-users] Fullscreen mode and/or single mouse pointer with Linux HVM?

2016-09-16 Thread Otto Kratik
With a Windows 7 HVM, initially upon creation it is a fixed small window size 
and shows two mouse pointers chasing each other within that HVM window. By 
installing Qubes Windows Tools, both of these limitations are removed. One 
single mouse pointer and full screen resolution are achieved - as well as 
seamless mode becoming available.

My question is, can the same full window size and single mouse pointer 
objectives be achieved when using a Linux-based HVM, such as one in which 
Ubuntu for example is installed? As far as I know, there is no equivalent 
"Qubes Ubuntu Tools" which facilitates this.

I know of course that regular Fedora/Debian/Whonix type PVM's based upon 
templates already do this perfectly, and I use them frequently for almost 
everything. I am asking specifically about an HVM for a special usage case. It 
doesn't have to be Ubuntu specifically, but it does have to be a Linux distro 
capable of running within an HVM under Qubes R3.1.

Does any such option exist?

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Qubes-OS 3.1 unusable on my HP 355 G2 Laptop

2016-06-20 Thread Otto Kratik
On Monday, May 23, 2016 at 4:08:42 PM UTC-4, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki 
> Ah, sorry, wrong package name - for VM kernel it is 
> 'kernel-qubes-vm-3.18*' 

Using this package name did indeed in fact allow me to install the older 
3.18 kernel on my Qubes system, thank you. Interestingly it actually 
automatically changed/set the "default kernel" under VM Settings to this 
one upon completion of download and install, but it was easy enough to 
change this back centrally to 4.1.x and have all VM's acknowledge it again 
instantly upon startup. But I was surprised to see this auto-set behavior 
upon install.

Unfortunately, the older kernel made no difference in the ability of Qubes 
3.1 to work with my wifi card. In fact, no combination of various templates 
(fedora 21, 23 either R3.0 or R3.1 versions, Debian) or kernels allowed the 
wifi card to work properly under Qubes R3.1.   And yet when I boot into my 
Qubes R3.0 installation (all my installations are on external flash media, 
not internal HD) on the very same laptop, the wifi card works flawlessly as 

Very strange that a forward upgrade to a newer version, would somehow 
completely break a previously existing functionality with a peripheral.

If there are another suggestions that I'd be advised to try before giving 
up entirely, I'm all ears. I know that generally Qubes can be finicky about 
hardware environment, but this is a laptop/wireless-card that works 
perfectly under R3.0.

Thanks again...

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