Re: [qubes-users] whonix workstation 15 browser dropped both noscript and https

2019-07-09 Thread 'jsnow' via qubes-users

What are they doing over there?

Really? I haven't upgraded to whonix 15 yet, and i'm really not very 
familiar with it, but i can't imagine that whonix would intentionally 
use a version of tor browser without noscript or https everywhere.

Maybe you're affected by the security certificates bug that affected 
firefox and derivatives a while back, where extensions disappeared? Try 
updating tor browser to the most recent version and see if the 
extensions come back. Or reinstall tor browser in the template.


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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Upgrading to whonix 15

2019-07-08 Thread 'jsnow' via qubes-users

Jon deps:

On 7/7/19 10:06 PM, Steven Walker wrote:
I am a virtual newbie to qubes. I am using 4.0.1 on a thinkpad T420. I 
would like to upgrade from whonix 14 to 15 without screwing anything up.

Can anyone advise?


Uninstall old whonix-14   Reinstall  new whonix-15   search this forum 
then ask

it may look more complicated than it is  ; because of the formatting

start at the start , learn the terminology  ,  your just  changing the 
appvms  to not reference the  whonix-14 templates  then removing the 
templates  via   dom0

and either running the script   or  reinstalling  the same way most 
templates are installed via  dom0

only trick  may be  changing the  "jinja" config file
from -14 to -15

though if you read the thread some folks didn't remove  -14 before 
installing -15   and apparently  that may  be  "safe" also

Or if you've made template customizations you want to keep you can 
upgrade your existing templates.

Just clone your templates first and follow the upgrade procedure on the 
clones. Then once you've confirmed everything works as expected and 
switched your appvms over to the new template you can remove the 
original ones.


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Re: [qubes-users] Is not safe to use Qubes OS 3.2?

2019-07-05 Thread jsnow via qubes-users

'awokd' via qubes-users:

Hi, i'm asking because my hardware is not compatible with qubes 4.0

Is not safe to use Qubes OS 3.2?


It is less safe to use 3.2 than it used to be when it was getting 
patches. It doesn't immediately become unsafe once it is no longer 
supported, especially if you are keeping the templates up to date with 
security patches. However, the longer you stay on 3.2, the less safe it 

If the choice is between using qubes 3.2 and using a monolithic linux 
distro (because of incompatibility with 4.0), i'd say 3.2 is still the 
better choice, but i'm not an expert.


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Re: [qubes-users] Is not safe to use Qubes OS 3.2?

2019-07-05 Thread 'jsnow' via qubes-users

'awokd' via qubes-users:

Hi, i'm asking because my hardware is not compatible with qubes 4.0

Is not safe to use Qubes OS 3.2?


It is less safe to use 3.2 than it used to be when it was getting 
patches. It doesn't immediately become unsafe once it is no longer 
supported, especially if you are keeping the templates up to date with 
security patches. However, the longer you stay on 3.2, the less safe it 

If the choice is between using qubes 3.2 and using a monolithic linux 
distro (because of incompatibility with 4.0), i'd say 3.2 is still the 
better choice, but i'm not an expert.


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Re: [qubes-users] Re: off topic - invite codes to 'riseup'

2019-05-01 Thread jsnow


On Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 11:26:49 AM UTC-7, wrote:

Dear qubes-users,

I am long time qubes follower and user. I apologize in advance if anyone
feels this request is spam.

I am looking for two invite codes needed to sign up to anonymous email service.

I am hoping there are some qubes users who are account

Can anyone please send me a couple of invite codes that I might be able
to sign up?

Thank you in advance.

I am using QUbes several years this is my first p3ost to this group,m hope I am 
compliant with the regs and am not inadertantly in viol eg top-posting, etc.

So I am wondering if riseup is not inferior to protonmail or tutanota because 
(1) riseup is ideologically committed to some kind of left/dyi/anarchist 
worldview and might regard almost anyone not in total agreement with the latest 
poliitically correct consensus as evil and possibly subjected therefore to some 
kind of discriminatory process (2) riseup is basically waving a red flag at 
virtually all Western intelligence agencies as well as every form of right wing 
or alt-right in that it's antifa-esque orientation is unduly provocative. (*) 
It may not have the level of professionalism available eg at protonmail 
although its' current look and feel is a big imrpovement .

Adside from that, the lag time and now apparently the need for in vite codes is 
kind of ridiculous.  Just some thoughts herre...

My two cents on riseup, and private and anonymous emails..

I'm not part of the riseup collective so i can't speak for them, but i 
do have a riseup account and i'm at least somewhat familiar with them. 
Riseup is a leftist horizontal collective, basically libertarian 
socialist / anarchist. They don't want anyone diametrically opposed to 
their worldview (like supporters of capitalism, Leninists..) using their 
services. They maintain their services primarily as tools for leftist 
activists and organizers to communicate securely.

But i wouldn't necessarily tie riseup to "political correctness" which 
is a culture war thing, and a whole different set of issues.

Whether you think riseup is an intelligence agency honeypot or has 
otherwise been compromised is up to you.

But i haven't noticed a "lag time" for riseup services. (They offer 
several services other than email by the way, that are worth checking out.)

And you used to be able to sign up for a "red" account, required for 
email, by contacting them directly, but now you need invite codes, which 
i'm pretty sure is for anti-spam reasons.

Regarding other email providers, finding a good anonymous (and tor 
friendly) free email provider is a challenge.

Riseup: tor friendly and a very good provider i think, but with the 
invite code requirement it's not exactly anonymous.

Protonmail: well respected, but free accounts don't support POP3 which i 
need. (bitmailendavkbec.onion): tor friendly, supports POP3, but 
new registrations have been down for a while. Also requires an outside 
email address from another provider in order to register.

VFEmail: they were hacked, old accounts are borked, new registrations 
disabled, maybe forever.

Mail2Tor (mail2tor2zyjdctd.onion): webmail only. (eludemaillhqfkh5.onion): they want verification of an outside 
email address, but that can be skipped. Webmail works but POP3 doesn't 
(apparently if you pay it's supported?) 
(danielas3rtn54uwmofdo3x2bsdifr47huasnmbgqzfrec5ubupvtpid.onion): very 
tor friendly, everything is done through a hidden service, no webmail 
(POP3/IMAP only). Registration is very easy, no outside email address 

But anonymity is not the same as privacy. The above providers are quite 
anonymous since it's through tor, but there's no reason to believe 
they're really private. They say they respect privacy of course but 
that's just a promise that means nothing. They and anyone they give 
access to can easily read all of your emails unless they're encrypted.

If you really want private email (as opposed to anonymous email), your 
best bet is probably to host your own email server (and always use PGP 


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Re: [qubes-users] How do I keep installed app working

2019-04-27 Thread jsnow

'Island Anchor' via qubes-users:

Hi I installed app in Qubes and followed process

sudo apt-get install git build-essential ... etc

finally got to make then I was able to successfully launch the app in my 
folders. When I close the VM or shut-down upon reload I cannot run the app.

However, if I start to run the sudo commands again, I noticed I can actually 
start the old install in the folder.

Am I missing some further command or something to keep the app sticking? Thanks 
for any insight or assistance.


Are you installing in the template or the appvm? Generally software 
installed in appvms won't persist after reboot (unless installed in 
home), so you generally need to install software in the template.


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Re: [qubes-users] Icons on my desktop security question?

2019-04-19 Thread jsnow

Rookie question:

1) Why I didn't discover this before I don't know, simply drag the program from the Qubes 
drop down menu onto the desktop i.e. drag "Fedora-dvm-Firefox" or any other app 
program onto the desktop for easy access.

Does this impact my Qubes security? It asked if I want to execute this program the first 
time I use the icon, clicked "Yes"...

Pretty slick feature...

Yea having shortcuts for frequently used apps on my desktop definitely 
helps usability for me too. I can't think of any security implications 
for this, since an attacker shouldn't be able to execute them unless 
they have access to dom0 anyway, but i'm not an expert!

When xfce asks if you want to execute the shortcut you should be able to 
just mark it executable so it doesn't ask again.


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Re: [qubes-users] Announcement: Qubes Tor onion services will no longer be maintained

2019-03-26 Thread jsnow

My understanding is:

The -gw and -ws templates, -dvm, appvm, etc and functionality will 

The onion site is going away...right?

I have been keeping pretty good track of my changes from default install(dom0 and 
templates) over the past few year when I originally installed 4.0, but "...have been 
relying on (e.g., for package repos..." might have been something I did a while ago. 
How would one check this?

Yes the qubes onion hosting (website and repo) is gone, but the 
announcement from Andrew said that unman is working on hosting it again 
(thank you unman!)

Until that's back up the only thing that needs to be changed is your 
update source, if you changed it to the qubes onion repo before (the 
whonix onion repo is still working).

To check, in debian/whonix templates, look in 
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/qubes-r?.list (? is 4 or 3 depending on qubes 
version). If you have a .onion address in there it needs to be changed 
back to the clearnet address until the onion repo is back up.

In dom0 (and i think in fedora templates too) the relevant files are in 


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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes - Critique (long)

2019-03-17 Thread jsnow

John Goold:

On 3/16/19 6:35 PM, wrote:

[Question] So, what do other Qubes users do to protect their
families in case they die/get killed, get imprisoned, go

In addition to (very) occasional full backups using default qubes
tools, i also backup important data to an external hard drive with
a luks encrypted partition, so it can be easily accessed outside of
qubes if needed.

But that still needs someone (spouse, child, executor of your estate) to
have access to a key phrase (if that is the right term). What about
bank account numbers, etc. If you use KeePassX 2 or similar, what about
access to it?

Do you have the necessary passwords written down with instructions,
sealed in an envelope and stored in a safety deposit box? Something

We tend to keep more and more financial, legal and medical information
on our personal computers rather than keeping paper copies (I am an old
guy but my wife and I keep everything in electronic form unless
required by law to keep a paper copy -- so I expect the "younger" crowd
probably tends to do so as well).

We keep at least two backups of such data -- copies to our shared file
server and backups to external drives.

One of our children has the master password to our password vaults --
there is a non-negligible possibility that both of us could be badly
hurt (or killed) in the same accident (e.g. plane or car crash).

Anyway, with our emphasis on Qubes and security, I was curious about
this other aspect of people's affairs. Do you have all your important
data locked down in Qubes so *only* you can get at it?


I'm the only one who can get into my qubes box. Actually i've been 
thinking about it since you started this thread but i'm not sure of the 
best way to solve that problem of giving someone trusted access to 
important data if needed. i've neglected that so far (i guess i've been 
pretending i'm immortal?)

Anyways, first it has to be someone i really trust, since there really 
isn't a good way to make sure they have access after i die but they 
don't have access before (although maybe something like that could be 
worked out with the safe deposit box you mentioned?)

And second is the problem of preventing access by people other than the 
trusted person. I can write down a passphrase for them and put it in an 
envelope, and tell them don't open it unless i die, but then my 
passphrase is written down and anyone who gains access to the envelope 
can get access to my important data.

And third is the problem that the only people i *really* trust are 
probably going to die before i do, but that's not exactly a technical 

Anyways, if you have a keepassx database you can just put it on a flash 
drive or some other storage since the database file is encrypted, but 
anyone you want to access it will still have to have a passphrase either 


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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes - Critique (long)

2019-03-16 Thread jsnow

Hi John,

John Goold:

* When launching a program from the Qubes menu, particularly if the
   target   appVM has to be started, the program often fails to be
   launched. This happens very frequently with the Text Editor.

   This is annoying as one waits a bit in case one is simply being
   impatient, or at least I do, so as not to launch two copies of the
   program by accident.

I experience that too on debian (i don't use fedora appvms). As Chris 
said it's a longstanding bug with gnome apps like nautilus and gedit.

Actually i much prefer the nemo window manager, i think it's great and 
much better than nautilus (dolphin works too but i don't like it as 
much). You can install whatever window manager you want in the template 
and use it in your appvms.

By the way does anyone know how to add the qubes specific functions 
(move/copy to vm, open in dispvm) to the context menu in nemo? It would 
be nice to not have to switch to nautilus for those functions (i know i 
can use cli for it too tho).

* Ignoring whonix (I do not use it... yet), there are two template VMs
   in the vanilla Qubes 4.0.1 installation: Fedora and Debian. However,
   they have not been treated equally, with Debian being the loser. The
   Qubes documentation indicates that Fedora was favoured for security

I'm also not sure about this. My understanding is that debian is 
actually better than fedora from a security standpoint because of how 
updates are done (fedora updates being more vulnerable to man in the 
middle attacks).

   At least for some people, it seems Debian is a necessity, but it is
   not given the attention it deserves. At a minimum, a GUI software
   installer should be included in the Qubes distribution which would
   make it much easier for people to install other software they feel
   inclined to use.

I'm not sure about the default debian template in 4.0, but i remember 
the default debian 8 template in 3.2 had a gui package install/update 
tool (labelled "Packages" or "Package Updates" or something like that). 
I remember using it a few times, but i mainly just use cli to install 

If the new debian template doesn't have that by default, as airelemental 
said you can install one.

   Using Linux and now Qubes, I not only do not shutdown the computer
   (i.e. power-off), but I do not logout -- I simply "Lock the Screen"
   and power-off my monitor.

I do the opposite, i reboot every day, and i never had any problems with 
copy and paste between qubes, and i very rarely have other problems like 
crashes. I would at least reboot after installing dom0 updates.

[Question] So, what do other Qubes users do to protect their families
 in case they die/get killed, get imprisoned, go missing?

In addition to (very) occasional full backups using default qubes tools, 
i also backup important data to an external hard drive with a luks 
encrypted partition, so it can be easily accessed outside of qubes if 


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Re: [qubes-users] Re: why mail-list?

2019-02-08 Thread jsnow

kitchm via Forum:

The discussion includes the fine points about the legality
of keeping the information of a mailing list on one's own
computer for searching or referencing, or whatever some have
thought it useful for.  Obviously not a good idea for the
security reasons stated.  (I might add that not one person
has listed the steps for so doing anyway.  Even when asked,
it appears it is easy to talk but hard to do.)


I think the easiest way to do that is to sign up for the mailing list 
using an email provider that supports POP3 (i guess IMAP could work too, 
but i hate IMAP). Then set up an email client like Thunderbird using 
POP3, and all posts to the mailing list (from that point forward) will 
be downloaded to Thunderbird as emails. Then you can just archive 
everything (or as much or as little as you want). It may also make sense 
to transfer the archived emails to an offline VM for security reasons.

If you mean to also archive all posts that were made before you joined 
the mailing list, i think there's a way to do that too, but i'm not sure 


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Re: [qubes-users] How secure is a VM if a user tries to tampers it?

2019-02-08 Thread jsnow

On Friday, February 8, 2019 at 10:24:17 AM UTC-5, Laszlo Zrubecz wrote:

This kind of total (enterprise) control was planned for qubes 4.x -
however I don't hear about real life usage.

Yeah, I recall reading about that.

I think this is what you're talking about?

The idea was to separate admin and user roles to allow for remote 
management in an enterprise environment. That post says that's probably 
a 5.0 thing.


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Re: [qubes-users] Backup stops when the backup file reaches 3Gb

2019-01-23 Thread jsnow

Mike Keehan:


I'm using Qubes Backup to save some of my qubes into another VM.
The backup VM has 18 Gb of storage available, but whenever the
backup file reaches 3Gb, the backup process just hangs.

No CPU usage, no error messages, just stops.  The backup window
shows 40% complete, but never moves any further (different % for
different combinations of qubes in the backup list).

After waiting a considerable time (well, 5-10 minutes), hitting
Cancel in the backup window does cancel it.  The rest of the
system is continuing to work without problem.  Happens every
time I try to use Qubes backup.

The Qubes Disk Space widget shows less than 50% disk used overall,
the backupVM shows only 18% disk used when the 3Gb file has been

I'm stumped.



You may have to wait longer than 5-10 minutes. I experience something 
similar when doing a full backup, except it's worse because i'm backing 
up like 2.5TB. It appears to hang for several hours at a time (and this 
happens more than once), but it does eventually make visible progress 
again. The whole process takes over 24 hours. This is why i do full 
backups very infrequently.

For you it shouldn't take nearly as long because it's a lot less data, 
but the progress appearing to hang for a while seems to be normal.

I'm using 3.2 tho, and i know they made changes to the backup mechanism 
under the hood in 4.0, so i'm not sure if this issue still applies in 4.0.


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Re: [qubes-users] QSB #46: APT update mechanism vulnerability

2019-01-23 Thread jsnow

Marek Marczykowski-Górecki:


The Debian Security Team has announced a security vulnerability
(DSA-4371-1) in the Advanced Package Tool (APT).  The vulnerability lies
in the way APT performs HTTP redirect handling when downloading
packages. Exploitation of this vulnerability could lead to privilege
escalation [1] inside an APT-based VM, such as a Debian or Whonix VM.
This bug does _not_ allow escape from any VM or enable any attacks on
other parts of the Qubes system. In particular, this bug does _not_
affect dom0, the Xen hypervisor, or any non-APT-based VMs. Nevertheless,
we have decided to release this bulletin, because if a TemplateVM is
affected, then every VM based on that template is affected.


Does this vulnerability apply to whonix users who download updates over 
tor from .onion repos?

My understanding is that it shouldn't, since the exit node operator or 
any other MITM doesn't even know it's apt traffic, they just see 
encrypted traffic to a hidden service.

Is this right, or am i not understanding something?


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Re: [qubes-users] Using a Desktop Computer with Qubes (R 4.0.1)

2019-01-13 Thread jsnow

John Goold:

Just discovered that there is only one USB controller (but 4 USB connector 
sockets). So when I tried to attach the USB controller to the appVM (had to set 
it to HVM), I lost the mouse and keyboard :-(

I have got the impression from reading the documentation and posts to this 
forum that if I have disk encryption enabled, that I cannot create a sys-usb VM 
without losing the mouse+keyboard (and possibly not being able to enter the 
pass-phrase when powering up.

Yea with only one usb controller you can't attach the whole controller 
to a VM without losing your usb keyboard/mouse. I'm in the same situation.

It sounds like you've already looked at the docs but here's the link:

You have to have sys-usb to attach a usb device like a scanner to an 
appvm (unless you can just attach the whole usb controller, which you 

I haven't done this myself but my understanding from reading the docs is 
it's still possible to have sys-usb, you just have to be careful not to 
lock yourself out (not able to control the system with usb 
mouse/keyboard, or not able to enter encryption passphrase at boot).

According to the docs, if you're using 4.0, you can just use salt to set 
up a usb qube with the ability to use a usb keyboard with the command

sudo qubesctl state.sls qvm.usb-keyboard

The doc says that this will create the usb qube if it's not present, and 
that it will expose dom0 to usb devices on boot so you can enter the 
passphrase. After you do this though you still may want to check your 
grub/efi config file to make sure it doesn't have the 
"rd.qubes.hide_all_usb" line in it, just in case.

Or you can follow the steps in the docs to do it manually, just make 
sure to add the required lines to the qubes.InputKeyboard and 
qubes.InputMouse files first, and don't add the "rd.qubes.hide_all_usb 
line to grub/efi config file.

Also this has security implications since if your sys-usb is compromised 
an attacker could scoop up your keystrokes, but this should still be 
safer than attaching insecure usb devices to dom0.

But it should work, unless i'm reading something wrong.


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Re: [qubes-users] How to create AppVM?

2018-12-02 Thread jsnow


Hi, I'm really excited that i got 4.0.1 RC installed on my desktop. I'm a first 
time Qubes user, but have quickly come up to speed.

One thing I haven't noticed in the Docs is how to create an appVM?  I want to 
setup Google Chrome to play Netflix. But, do that in a separate appVM. 
Similarily for email, etc. Is their documentation on this and I'm just missing 

Thanks in advance for the help!

It's really cool to be using Qubes!


There are a couple ways to do it. In qubes manager there should be a 
button at the top with a plus sign. Or select in the menu VM -> create 
new VM. At least this is true in 3.2. I know qubes manager is different 
in 4.0 so maybe these options have been changed or removed?

Anyways you can also do it on command line with qvm-create.


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Re: [qubes-users] Can I set an unencrypted external HD as /home folder for a VM

2018-08-31 Thread jsnow
Guy Frank:
> I tried Qubes once before but gave up because the hardware I had wasn't 
> compatible.  I'm now giving Qubes another try w/ a new machine and had a 
> couple questions.  Keep in mind I'm a newbie.
> One question I had is whether there is any way to set an unencrypted (or 
> encrypted?) external HD as the /home folder for a VM?  
> This would make it much more convenient for me to move my work between Qubes 
> and a non-Qubes desktop.  I realize this is a security hole, but the 
> alternative of simply sticking with Ubuntu is even less secure.
> Guy

Hi Guy,

I'm not sure about setting it as /home but i think it's possible. But
it's easy to attach an external HD to a vm and save your files to it.

Also it's pretty easy to encrypt it with luks for security, it just
takes a little longer each time.


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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 4, qubes.UpdatesProxy policy, torify everything

2018-08-06 Thread jsnow
> Hi again and thanks for answers to Unman and Ivan. 
> My last question is about qubes.UpdatesProxy policy.
> Now the dom0 is being updated through sys-whonix-14 but all vm templates are 
> being updated over sys-net. 
> Is it possible to update everything over TOR (sys-whonix-14) ? 
> How best to do this - change the repositories into VM templates to TOR repo 
> or change rule for all templates on qubes.UpdatesProxy policy?
> (for example, $type:TemplateVM $default allow,target=sys-whonix-14)
> Thanks.


I think you should be able to just set sys-whonix as updateVM and then
switch to the onion repos in each template. It works for me in 3.2.

There are instructions in the whonix docs:


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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes System Storage Max size

2018-05-27 Thread jsnow
Reza Naqshbendi:
> Hi there,
> I'm using Qubes 3.2 with recently upgraded fedora-28. For one of my VMs
> I wanted to increase the System Storage max size, I mistyped the figure
> and went beyond what I wanted. I've set it around 100GB! I noticed
> immediately but the problem is that I can't change it back. I can
> increase it even more (!) but I can't reduce it. After the setting I got
> the message that I needed to run resize2fs for the change to be
> implemented really. I didn't but after the reboot I see it still having
> the giant size!
> The initial reason for me to increase the system storage size was to be
> able to install GIMP 2.10 through Flatpak. With the default system
> storage size, and in spite of having 15GB in private size of the
> template, I couldn't install the package getting the message that I had
> not enough space left. Space is all over the place, but probably not at
> the right spot.
> Thanks


Yea qubes has a problem with shrinking the image size after it's been

The easiest thing is probably just to leave it as it is. The template
isn't really using that much space and qubes manager will show how much
space it's actually using. You can redownload a fresh template and start
again too tho.


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Re: [qubes-users] whonixdvm isn't using updated torbrowser

2018-05-21 Thread jsnow
> On 05/21/18 06:45, cooloutac wrote:
>> even though I'm updating the template. I have to keep choosing the
>> option to restart the browser to update.
>> Anyone else experience this?  I think maybe I should just delete it
>> an recreate it.
> I'm updating the whonix-ws-dvm (not template) and works fine
Yea i think the dvm template (whonix-ws-dvm or whatever it's called) has
its own copy of tor browser in it so that's the one that needs to be
updated, then the update will be persistent in new dispVMs.

I downloaded tor browser in it manually first, and i think it would
prompt to install tor browser every time otherwise.


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Re: [qubes-users] Re: why Whonix and not Tails or the anon-vm?

2018-05-21 Thread jsnow
> well, it's not really my question, but I did notice that in these
> semi-permanent  fedora-27-dvm  and whonix-dvm  that if I make bookmarks
> in firefox they persist which surprises me, as I thought the whole point
> was that with dvm's  nothing persisted,  I'm not sure I really
> understand why I even have these  domains listed  fedora-27-dvm  etc,
> IIRC, in Q3.2   when you went to make a DVM it started and initially
> took a while, and then told you next time it would be faster, but when
> you closed whatever was using the DVM  no domain persisted in the qvm-ls
>  / VM manager, etc  ; much less things like browser bookmarks ...
> I expect with whonix-appqubes  that bookmarks would persist, but not
> whonix-dvm's

Hmm are you setting the bookmarks in an actual dispVM or in the dvm
template vm (like whonix-ws-dvm)? My understanding is that when you
create a dispVM qubes makes a temporary copy of the dvm template, so
changes made to the dvm template itself would persist. At least that's
the way it works for me in 3.2. I made certain changes in whonix-ws-dvm
like making sure settings are the way i want them, so they'll persist in


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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Install/Import KeePass and the Database

2018-05-16 Thread jsnow
Black Beard:
> Hey again, 
> i instll KeepassX on the Vm "Q" work and put the database in the same Vm. All 
> works perfectly. But if i try to open a website with the autotype function 
> nothing happend. 
> Before i type crtl+k and under windows10 all works without any problems. If i 
> try  the same methode under Qubes it not work. I click in the field(username) 
> and on KeePassX with right click perform autotype. Nothing happend.
> If someone knows why?
> regards

The autotype thing doesn't really work in qubes because of the domain
separation. When you have keepassx open in say vault domain, and then do
autotype, it just copies the username/password into vault domain
clipboard and then pastes it (also into vault domain), even though your
web browser is probably (and should be) running in a different domain.

It's a good idea to keep a domain/vm dedicated to keepassx, for security
of all your passwords. The vault domain is good for this. It's a bit
more of a pain to copy usernames/passwords from keepassx to your web
browser or other application in another domain (in a regular linux not
using virtualization you can just use autotype key) but it's just a
convenience/security tradeoff.

So, say you have your keepassx database opened in vault domain, and your
web browser on a website in work domain, and you want to log into the
website. Here are the steps.

1. click on the entry in vault->keepassx
2. ctrl+b to copy username into vault domain clipboard
3. ctrl+shift+c to copy username from vault domain clipboard to dom0
4. click into work->firefox username field
5. ctrl+shift+v to paste username from dom0 clipboard to work domain
6. ctrl+v to paste username from work domain clipboard to firefox
username field
7. click back on the entry in vault->keepassx
8. ctrl+c to copy password into vault domain clipboard
9. ctrl+shift+c to copy password from vault domain clipboard to dom0
10. click into work->firefox password field
11. ctrl+shift+v to paste password from dom0 clipboard to work domain
12. ctrl+v to paste password from work domain clipboard to firefox
password field
13. then you can log in

This is kinda a pain and it looks long but once you get used to it it
only takes a few seconds really. And there's always a tradeoff between
convenience and security (qubes doesn't normally allow applications to
copy/paste data between domains for security reasons).

There may be a script that does the inter-vm copy/paste automatically?
Not sure about that, but still this doesn't take very long once you get
used to it.

See qubes doc for copy/paste between domains:


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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Install/Import KeePass and the Database

2018-05-16 Thread jsnow
Black Beard:
> Hey guys,
> i install KeepassX on the "Q" Domain Vault and copied the database to 
> "Q" Domain:personal. 
> Yes, the database is in the folder QubesIncoming but i cant find the base 
> with KeepassX.
> Oh, Oh i must learn many... :)

Oh, the database file has to be in the same vm/domain you're running
keepassx on. So in this case copy the database file to the vault domain,
then run keepassx in vault and it should see it.


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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Install/Import KeePass and the Database

2018-05-15 Thread jsnow
Black Beard:
> Hey, 
> i install KeepassX successfully. 
> On my external HDD i have the database on it. Now i played a little bit with 
> the AppVm. 
> On "Q" Service:sys-usb he find my external hdd.
> On "Q" Domain:Vault i install KeePassX before. When i try to put my database 
> in the file directory home-user-Downlads and try opened with Keepassx he cant 
> find the file(The file home lay on my Desktop).On this AppVm i become a 
> warning message if i try to put my USB on it.
> On "Q" Service:sys-usb i install KeepassX again try to bind the database on 
> it and it works, perfectly. 
> I understand now how that works, but i dont know is it the correct way???
> I hope i good write the probleme/question?! :)
> regards


Did you copy the file from your usb vm to the vault vm? In qubes there's
a special way to copy files from one vm to another (the vms are kept
separate for security reasons).

Open the file manager in your usb vm, right click on the database file,
and select copy to another vm, and put in the name of the vm you want to
copy it to.

Once the file's been copied it'll be in the QubesIncoming folder in the
destination vm's home folder.

See this doc page:

There's also a video on the qubes website that shows how to use alot of
qubes features:

It's for an older version but it's still really helpful.


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Re: [qubes-users] Uninstall windows and install qubes

2018-05-15 Thread jsnow
> Hi, I completed my tests on USB Qubes. Now I wonder, while installing Qubes, 
> will it give an option "replace Windows with Qubes" as in the case of Ubuntu?
> My other relevant (real) question is, I have to fully format my PC (format 
> C:) (I want to get rid off someone I know who has been hacking me for 8 
> years!). Then I believe first I need to install Windows so that I can install 
> the drivers, and then replace Windows with Qubes. Because installing all the 
> drivers via Qubes seem to be troublesome.
> Thank you


It's been awhile since i installed qubes, and i'm not sure how much
different the 4.0 installer is from 3.2, but if you choose to delete
your existing partitions during the install and replace them with the
qubes partition, then windows will be wiped out.

Also any drivers installed in windows won't be there when you install
qubes because the whole windows partition was deleted. But qubes comes
with the drivers that most people would need, and for things like
special printer drivers or other kinds of devices there are usually
drivers available for linux.


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Re: [qubes-users] VM maximum size is too small

2018-05-04 Thread jsnow
> That's what I do to change the size:
> 1) I stop the VM
> 2) I select it in the VM Manager (in DOM0)
> 3) I click on "settings" icon (the wheel)and I increase the "private storage 
> max size" from 2048 to its max value 10240 (written right below as 'system 
> storage max size').


The system storage size is based on the template, which generally
doesn't need to be changed. The private storage size is how much space
is available in the vm's home folder, and it can be increased higher
than the system storage size. You can increase it up to 1048576 MB in
qubes manager, and even higher in dom0 terminal (i have a vm with ~2TB


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Re: [qubes-users] Difference between Whonix Workstation and Debian/Fedora?

2018-05-02 Thread jsnow
Daniil .Travnikov:
>> It's possible to use a debian/fedora based appVM with firefox, connected
>> to sys-whonix, and all connections will go through tor.
>> But whonix recommends to use a whonix-ws based appVM with tor browser
>> instead to reduce fingerprintability. Most tor users are using tor
>> browser, so if you're using tor with firefox and not tor browser it's
>> easier to fingerprint you.
> Whonix recommends this, but nothing to tell about Qubes Whonix. Qubes 
> contains the basis of Whonix Workstation logic in all OS.

I'm not sure what you mean here?

> When we use Whonix-Gateway we have one TOR connection (3 onion connections), 
> but when we use TOR browser (in any OS) we have second TOR connection (which 
> means that now we have already 6 onions). And in some reason it is not a safe 
> way.

Whonix already prevents tor over tor connections. When you use tor
browser in a whonix-ws based VM connected to sys-whonix it won't be tor
over tor (there will only be 3 relays not 6).

At least when you use tor browser in a whonix-ws based vm anyways. From
looking at the whonix documentation it looks like if you download tor
browser in a regular debian/fedora based vm and connect to sys-whonix
that would result in tor over tor. Whonix modifies tor browser in
whonix-ws so it works with whonix-gw/sys-whonix to prevent tor over tor.


But anyways, using tor browser in whonix-ws based appVM connected to
sys-whonix doesn't result in tor over tor.

So it looks like there are basically 4 ways to browse the internet using
tor with qubes:

1. Use tor browser in a whonix-ws based appVM connected to sys-whonix
(this is recommended, whonix prevents tor over tor scenarios, and all
other traffic from the vm outside of tor browser is also routed through tor)

2. Use tor browser in a regular debian/fedora based appVM connected to
sys-firewall (just like using tor browser outside of whonix, you'd miss
out on any other whonix features, and other traffic from that vm outside
of tor browser would not be routed through tor)

3. Use regular firefox in a debian/fedora based appVM connected to
sys-whonix (no tor over tor, and all traffic from the VM is routed
through tor, but it would be easier for adversaries to fingerprint you
because most tor users use tor browser, not firefox, so you're more
unique this way)

4. Use tor browser in a regular debian/fedora based appVM connected to
sys-whonix (this would result in tor over tor, which is bad)

At least this is my understanding based in what i've read in the whonix
docs, but someone may know better than me!


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Re: [qubes-users] Difference between Whonix Workstation and Debian/Fedora?

2018-05-01 Thread jsnow
Daniil .Travnikov:
> Could anybody help me to understand what is the difference between Whonix 
> Workstation and Debian/Fedora? (I mean Templates VM in Qubes).
> When I want to use one of my Debian VM through TOR, I am turn on 
> Whonix-Gateway.
> And I am asking beacuse I don't understand for what I must use 
> Whonix-Workstation?


It's possible to use a debian/fedora based appVM with firefox, connected
to sys-whonix, and all connections will go through tor.

But whonix recommends to use a whonix-ws based appVM with tor browser
instead to reduce fingerprintability. Most tor users are using tor
browser, so if you're using tor with firefox and not tor browser it's
easier to fingerprint you.

I don't know if there are any other reasons why you would need to use
whonix-ws instead of debian/fedora or if there's any reason not to use
tor browser in a debian/fedora VM. But i like to use whonix-ws as a
template for any VM that's going to connect to tor, and debian for other


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Re: [qubes-users] Re: debian-9 template

2018-04-28 Thread jsnow
> btw,  which file managers are recommended ?  Nautilus or Nemo  , I
> believe I installed both, but what I see available is just called
> "files" ; IIRC in debian-8  it was actually called Nautilus  or , sorry
> if this is a debian question

I like nemo better than nautilus, but the qubes specific file options
(copy/move to other VM, open in dispVM) only appear in nautilus (or
dolphin for whonix VMs). You can have both installed tho and use nemo
for regular purposes.

Thunar is another good file manager (dom0 uses it) and it comes with a
GUI bulk rename tool that can be handy.

I'm not sure how to enable the qubes specific actions in a non-default
file manager like nemo tho. It's possible to create custom actions but i
haven't really looked into it enough.

But yea nautilus and nemo are both just called "files" in the deb VMs.
You can manually edit the desktop files so they'll display the proper
names to distinguish them.


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Re: [qubes-users] Preventing VPN leaks once VPN connection is disconnect

2018-04-22 Thread jsnow
> I'm user of vpn bitmask software and accidentally, from time to time 
> connection disconnect and there is few second to connect again. 
> How is easiest way to set up firewall rules that prevent leaks with clear and 
> unencrypted traffic?

I'm pretty sure bitmask is supposed to block unencrypted connections
automatically when VPN connection drops (fail closed). The old version
of bitmask had problems when running in a qubes proxyVM (DNS leaks in
particular), but the new version in their debian stretch repo seemingly
fixes these problems. i'm not sure if not failing closed is still a
problem tho.

If you're running the most recent version of bitmask in a proxyVM and
it's not failing closed, maybe run it in the appVM instead? Others will
have to answer the firewall question tho because i don't know much about


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Re: [qubes-users] How to Alt-Tab Cycle Minimized WIndows

2018-04-17 Thread jsnow
> I'm hoping there is an obvious and simple solution, but I have looked through 
> every XFCE and window manager setting I can find.
> System: Qubes 4.0 stable. XFCE desktop.
> Current behavior: If a Window is Minimized, using Alt-Tab to cycle through 
> open windows does NOT show or cycle through the minimized window.
> Expected Behavior: Alt-Tab cycles through all windows on the desktop 
> regardless of minimized status.
> Is this a setting I am missing?
> Is this a security feature I don't understand?
> If so, can I disable it? What are the ramifications?


There's a related setting that should fix it. I'm using 3.2 with XFCE,
and I don't know if 4.0 uses a different version that has the setting in
a different place, but for me anyways..

Qubes menu -> system tools -> window manager tweaks
On cycling tab, make sure "include hidden (ie iconified) windows" is checked


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