Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] My Squeezebox Radio works OK!

2010-06-22 Thread copperstate

Afaik 7.5 introduced some significant changes, but it is always
advisable to use the coresponding firmware with a given SBS / mysb


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] My 7.5.1 experience so far.....

2010-06-22 Thread gcparris

Hi there, just to confirm that I am getting exactly the same problems
with the alarm as Dolph. The alarm comes on for a few seconds and then
turns off.

This makes the radio completely useless for me as the only reason I
purchased it was for the flexible alarm system.


Dolph;556565 Wrote: 
> Ya now when i check i can see the "off" screen flashing and then the
> "now playing" screen comes back and the alarm is off.
> So sequence is: Alarm activates-> snooze screen->off screen->now
> playing screen
> Ohhh that would be really awsome making alarms go off at other ppl
> *evil grin*
> But no i cant see anything strange in the MySB its only my device with
> my ip and my mac adress.
> Will make a post on the logitech support forum tomorrow, and post back
> any answer i get.
> Thanks again for your help
> Regards
> /Dolphe


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Line-in: sound volume not high enough

2010-06-22 Thread valentine

thanks mpower9. I have filed a bug / feature request, please vote for it


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Radio restarting relatively randomly.

2010-06-22 Thread TimM

I'm currently running 7.42 on WHS. I am not, and have never been a user
of MySB in it's current or any of it's prior manifestations.

>From time to time, generally, but not always at the start of a
listening session, the radio will go through the restart process.
Generally it re connects back to the wireless network, and usually
after that it works flawlessly, sometimes I have to point it back at
the network.

I can't see anything obvious in the various logs I've looked at - is
there a debug type I've overlooked?

It doesn't do this every time, and please don't take this as a
complaint - more a question - is anyone else seeing this kind of
behaviour while only streaming music locally, and using the BBC Iplayer
plug in.

Is anyone seeing this on 7.51?




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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread Nazgul

Wow, you guys are a treat, nothing like attacking the messenger.  This
is a fine example of what I would like to see stop, and I think almost
all of you are represented.  Bravo!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio restarting relatively randomly.

2010-06-22 Thread Siduhe

What router are you using?  I saw similar behaviour on 7.4.2 and 7.5.0
with a Netgear router, but 7.5.1 has fixed this completely.


Who am I on 'LAST.FM' (
"-Siduhe Loved Tracks radio got the thumbs up. Feedback included: yeah,
it's good... got the odd dodgy track tho...-" (c) 'ModelCitizen'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread garym

Nazgul;556985 Wrote: 
> Wow, you guys are a treat, nothing like attacking the messenger.  This
> is a fine example of what I would like to see stop, and I think almost
> all of you are represented.  Bravo!

It's called having a sense of humor. The actual point of this thread
was over 30 posts ago. You made your point, others made theirs. Free
speech is a good thing.  But now its time to move on to actually
helping users in the community with potentially solvable problems
rather than continuing to debate how many angels can dance on the head
of a pin.


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Picked up a Radio yesterday - quite good...

2010-06-22 Thread mobileadam

I'm actually quite surprised how good it sounds on the majority of my

I foolishly decided to do a 7.5.1 upgrade on my main SBS before
purchasing but hadn't realised it would take that long to install so I
gave up after an hour of 'Create Directories' but then couldn't get SBS
to run again! I must admit by laptop running SBS is a PIII with hardly
any RAM and is long due for replacement athough it is very stable with
SBS running a Duet with two receivers and one boom. I did have some
weird network problems occasionally but they were eventually solved
with by replacing the Powerline adapter at the latop.

Anyway, I reinstalled XP and then put on 7.5.1 (very quick to install),
got iTunes back on, imported my tracks and have done two full scans
since in SBS and I'm now finally enjoying some music on the Radio. 

My prime reason for purchasing was for the odd B-B-Q outside (UK based)
and as a table top unit for when I'm working and don't want the full
Hi-fi on so not to wake the baby or annoy the wife. I find it slightly
amusing that the Radio interface seems to be completely lifted from the
Duet controller and even the startup times seem similiar. I think the
Boom has the advantage on speed of UI and boot up time and of course
sound quality (I'm always surprised how good the Boom sounds). 

I won't be using an alarm (I have a baby for that) and unlikely to be
on so I don't expect any problems. Just need to purchase a



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread Nazgul

Phil Leigh;556752 Wrote: 
> This post is informative...
> 4 years is a long time to lurk amongst the community. Not that I have
> anything against lurking (I do it myself on a small number of other
> forums) - but then again I wouldn't dream of then joining them JUST to
> tell them how they should be run. 
> Maybe "Nazgul" is a new name for an old friend :-)
I thought I was on your ignore list?  And again Phil, this is not your
forum and it's not a private forum, it's a public forum for a consumer
product.  You are not "them".  "Them" is all of the old users and the
new users who deserve to be able to say what they'd like about the
product they bought without being told to pipe down.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Picked up a Radio yesterday - quite good...

2010-06-22 Thread aubuti

mobileadam;556991 Wrote: 
> I find it slightly amusing that the Radio interface seems to be
> completely lifted from the Duet controller and even the startup times
> seem similiar.
Glad to hear the Radio is working well for you. The interface that was
"lifted" from the Duet controller is SqueezePlay aka SqueezeOS. It's
the operating system that runs on all the newer SB devices, including
SB Controller, Radio, and Touch. It makes more sense from both a user
consistency point of view and a development/maintenance point of view
to have the different hardware running the same OS and interface. But
if it's amusing as well, that's another benefit.  ;o)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread Nazgul

garym;556986 Wrote: 
> It's called having a sense of humor. The actual point of this thread was
> over 30 posts ago. You made your point, others made theirs. Free speech
> is a good thing.  But now its time to move on to actually helping users
> in the community with potentially solvable problems rather than
> continuing to debate how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

I guess the thread will die when people stop discussing it, not when
your personal threshold is reached.  Again, not-your-forum.  There was
an entire page posted since my last reply, most of it attacking me
personally.  So who's the troll?


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[SlimDevices: Radio] How to change behavior of power button?

2010-06-22 Thread Apesbrain

Is there a way to change what pushing the power button does
_when_on_MySB.com_?  Currently it refreshes the display to show the
logo of the last radio station but it does not start playing unless I
push the play button or press one of the presets.  I'd like it to start
playing the last station again when power is pushed.  Thanks if you


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread Soulkeeper



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Set clock time

2010-06-22 Thread Shellness

I have the same problem and can't resolve it.

1. With the player set on the time behaves itself (i.e.
GMT+0h - though this should read GMT+0h+1hDaylight saving))

2. With the player set to SqueezeServer the time is presented as
GMT+DaylightSaving-5h.  I thought this might be a glitch in
SuperDateTime, which was set to Eastern+5h, so I removed the plug in
and restarted SqueezeServer.  Still the time is presented as
GMT+DaylightSaving-5h.  I can see no options for setting the time zone
in Settings/Advanced - with SuperDateTime removed there are no
Date/Time options for setting the zone offset.

The box that hosts SqueezeServer gives the correct time, i.e.
GMT+0h+Daylight Saving.  The PC that browses the box that hosts
SqueezeServer gives the correct time, i.e. GMT+0h+Daylight Saving.  All
timings in BBCiPlayer show BST-5h (GMT+Daylight saving-5h).

Any tips, please?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio restarting relatively randomly.

2010-06-22 Thread TimM

Siduhe;556988 Wrote: 
> What router are you using?  I saw similar behaviour on 7.4.2 and 7.5.0
> with a Netgear router, but 7.5.1 has fixed this completely.

Linksys wrt54g, I may well give 7.51 a pop in a week or 2.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] How to change behavior of power button?

2010-06-22 Thread toby10

Unfortunately, MySB does not support "resume at power on" like on SBS.

If Radio is in Standby just press Play or a Preset.
If Radio is truly Off then you must use Power button first, then Play
or Preset.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread Fluffdaddy

Thank you..Nazgul 

All you said needed to be said.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Picked up a Radio yesterday - quite good...

2010-06-22 Thread tcutting

I believe adding a battery will just add to the "magic".  One simple
advantage of the battery - you don't have to power-down the Radio to
move it, so the time to "boot" goes away... not to mention you can
continue to listen as you move from location to location! :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread brucegrr

Nazgul;556985 Wrote: 
> Wow, you guys are a treat, nothing like attacking the messenger.  This
> is a fine example of what I would like to see stop, and I think almost
> all of you are represented.  Bravo!

Glad we could help you with your Squeezebox related problem. :)

The Backoff problem you are having was posted as a bug. I understand it
will get all the attention it deserves.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Picked up a Radio yesterday - quite good...

2010-06-22 Thread davein

I think you'll like it. I use it on battery a lot now and I'm very glad
I purchased the battery kit.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] ScannerBox App.

2010-06-22 Thread davein

I see he is keeping it up to date with the live feed provider also.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread garym

The "senior members" being accused of bad behavior have hundreds of
posts helping complete strangers resolve issues with their squeezeboxes
(with quite a success rate it appears). Nazgul doesn't have a single
post assisting another user; it appears that 100% of his posts have
been merely to complain. A community thrives on the former and shrivels
and dies on the latter. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I rest my


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread Nazgul

garym;557049 Wrote: 
> The "senior members" being accused of bad behavior have hundreds of
> posts helping complete strangers resolve issues with their squeezeboxes
> (with quite a success rate it appears). Nazgul doesn't have a single
> post assisting another user; it appears that 100% of his posts have
> been merely to complain. A community thrives on the former and shrivels
> and dies on the latter. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I rest my
> case.
You're a genius if you completely remove what I've been saying from the
context in which it was delivered.  And I would bet there are some folks
here that would argue that I have done more of a service to this forum
than a boatload of technical posts.  It's also interesting that most of
you annoying silencers have outed yourselves, given examples, and proven
my point all in the name of attacking this issue.  Thank you for that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread Nazgul

brucegrr;557041 Wrote: 
> Really?Yea, really.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread Phil Leigh

Nazgul;556995 Wrote: 
> I thought I was on your ignore list?  And again Phil, this is not your
> forum and it's not a private forum, it's a public forum for a consumer
> product.  You are not "them".  "Them" is all of the old users and the
> new users who deserve to be able to say what they'd like about the
> product they bought without being told to pipe down.

I haven't figured out how to do that yet - I've never needed to until
Anyway, I wasn't replying to you.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread iPhone

Phil Leigh;557057 Wrote: 
> I haven't figured out how to do that yet - I've never needed to until
> now...
> Anyway, I wasn't replying to you.

Phil, Its easy to add a Troll to the Ignore List. Goto User Control
Panel, scroll down to Edit Ignore List, click, add Troll to the list,
save, then enjoy the lack of Forum Noise.


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5
Reference Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide
AutoScope 2.35:1   

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread brucegrr

Phil Leigh;557057 Wrote: 
> I haven't figured out how to do that yet - I've never needed to until
> now...
> Anyway, I wasn't replying to you.

Same here.I have never used the ignore function so I am not even sure
how it works.

All I know is that the Squeezebox forum is becoming a place that I no
longer enjoy visiting. Far too often it reminds me of a Youtube comment

I have been able to help some people when they had problems. Bigger
still this forum has been a great technical education for me. (that I
didn't have to pay a dime for) It is sad to see it deteriorate into
just another forum, no different from all the rest.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread Phil Leigh

Nazgul;557050 Wrote: 
> You're a genius if you completely remove what I've been saying from the
> context in which it was delivered.  And I would bet there are some
> folks here that would argue that I have done more of a service to this
> forum than a boatload of technical posts.  It's also interesting that
> most of you annoying silencers have outed yourselves, given examples,
> and proven my point all in the name of attacking this issue.  Thank you
> for that.

Now I'm replying to you.

This "service" of which you speak - what is it exactly? Nothing appears
to have changed...

People still come here for help and where possible they get it.
People still come here with issues that can't be addressed via the
forum community and get directed to the official support channels.
People still come here to vent.

Apparently you've been coming here for over 4 years for reasons that
you haven't yet explained - I can only presume you never had a problem
or were able to find whatever information you were seeking without
needing to post (in which case, great!).

What I don't understand is... Why now? What has precipitated this
sudden change on your part?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread brucegrr

iPhone;557063 Wrote: 
> Phil, Its easy to add a Troll to the Ignore List. Goto User Control
> Panel, scroll down to Edit Ignore List, click, add Troll to the list,
> save, then enjoy the lack of Forum Noise.

Does this block them from everything then?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread Phil Leigh

iPhone;557063 Wrote: 
> Phil, Its easy to add a Troll to the Ignore List. Goto User Control
> Panel, scroll down to Edit Ignore List, click, add Troll to the list,
> save, then enjoy the lack of Forum Noise.

iPhone - you have just violated (new) Forum Rule #1 - never offer
unsolicited help to another member. 

Anyway, thanks for tip... :-)

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread iPhone

brucegrr;557066 Wrote: 
> Does this block them from everything then?

By everything do you mean the Forum, no it doesn't.

I don't use it, but one would think that it would act as a filter and
just not show the posts in threads of a Forum Member that is in 'your'
ignore list. So I would think one would see a whole in the tread
sequence numbers if anybody in 'your' ignore list is in the thread.

Somebody using it might know more how it actually works.


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5
Reference Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide
AutoScope 2.35:1   

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread aubuti

iPhone;557072 Wrote: 
> Somebody using it might know more how it actually works.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread Soulkeeper

It does show the post, but the only text you'll see is:

> This message is hidden because (name of troll) is on your ignore list.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread Phil Leigh

iPhone;557072 Wrote: 
> By everything do you mean the Forum, no it doesn't.
> I don't use it, but one would think that it would act as a filter and
> just not show the posts in threads of a Forum Member that is in 'your'
> ignore list. So I would think one would see a whole in the tread
> sequence numbers if anybody in 'your' ignore list is in the thread.
> Somebody using it might know more how it actually works.

I think I'm about to find out...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread iPhone

Phil Leigh;557071 Wrote: 
> iPhone - you have just violated (new) Forum Rule #1 - never offer
> unsolicited help to another member. 
> Anyway, thanks for tip... :-)

I didn't get the "New" Forum Rules. Guess it didn't get sent out to
Senior Forum Members. And thanks for the heads up but didn't you
*-Just-* violate the New Rule #1 by telling me about the new rule?

One of those endless code loops ;=}


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5
Reference Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide
AutoScope 2.35:1   

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread Nazgul

Phil Leigh;557065 Wrote: 
> Now I'm replying to you.
> This "service" of which you speak - what is it exactly? Nothing appears
> to have changed...
> People still come here for help and where possible they get it.
> People still come here with issues that can't be addressed via the
> forum community and get directed to the official support channels.
> People still come here to vent.
> Apparently you've been coming here for over 4 years for reasons that
> you haven't yet explained - I can only presume you never had a problem
> or were able to find whatever information you were seeking without
> needing to post (in which case, great!).
> What I don't understand is... Why now? What has precipitated this
> sudden change on your part?
The service is awareness.  I've seen many people, again and again, ask
the "senior users" to stop trying to control the discussions. 
Incredible as it may seem, some of those "senior users" never got the
point. Now, maybe, just maybe, they understand.  And also those people
who asked them to stop now know that they have support in their

Understand, and apparently I need to reiterate this, the helpful posts
are appreciated and truly valuable, I've never once said that the
helpful posts are a problem, though some of the other posters wanted to
attribute that meaning to my words.  I simply want the bullying and
silencing of valid opinions to stop.  This is a public forum and all
opinions are valid and worthy of the disk space they take up.

If you guys want to ignore my posts because I want more civility here
and can logically and effectively discuss my opinion, then your loss. 
It shows your true character I think.  I've said nothing uncivil or out
of line and I've stuck to my topic through all the personal attacks. 
Well, there was that thing about spending too much time on the forums,
but we all know that's true.  And the title of this thread, but that
was meant to grab attention, and worked very nicely I think.

What reason do I need to come here that needs explained?  I'm a SBR
owner and I use it daily, and I'll mention that I use it with
Squeezebox server since that seems to be some random badge of
importance to some of you.  I've followed Slim Devices for years
because I'm a home theater owner and software developer and I have an
interest in their work.

What prompted me into action was reading yet another post where someone
rudely told the original poster that what they said didn't belong here,
and frankly I was fed up.  And here you see the results, a mostly civil
discussion about the issue.  The uncivil parts I can attribute to the
people who are the problem, and frankly I'm not surprised.  When the
bullies get told to stop of course they fight back, and then put their
hands over their ears.  It's typical and expected.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] How to change behavior of power button?

2010-06-22 Thread Jukebox

Is there any reason why the radio pauses the stream on power on?
For me that makes no sense at all and is completely different from
every other device on earth.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread tcutting

iPhone;557078 Wrote: 
> I didn't get the "New" Forum Rules. Guess it didn't get sent out to
> Senior Forum Members. And thanks for the heads up but didn't you
> *-Just-* violate the New Rule #1 by telling me about the new rule?
> One of those endless code loops ;=}

That's OK... the whole "ignore" thing for me was actually anonymously
unsolicited as I haven't been actively participating in this thread...
but as posted in another thread, my sanity is already improving by
seeing certain posts hidden by the line "This user is on your Ignore

Thank you, even for breaking the rules!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread brucegrr

tcutting;557095 Wrote: 
> That's OK... the whole "ignore" thing for me was actually anonymously
> unsolicited as I haven't been actively participating in this thread...
> but as posted in another thread, my sanity is already improving by
> seeing certain posts hidden by the line "This user is on your Ignore
> List."
> Thank you, even for breaking the rules!

I just used the ignore list for the first time. It works! Makes for
this discussion to seem like we are talking to ourselves..but apart
from that, great feature.  :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread iPhone

tcutting;557095 Wrote: 
> That's OK... the whole "ignore" thing for me was actually anonymously
> unsolicited as I haven't been actively participating in this thread...
> but as posted in another thread, my sanity is already improving by
> seeing certain posts hidden by the line "This user is on your Ignore
> List."
> Thank you, even for breaking the rules!

Your welcome. As almost always, just trying to help. Enjoy.


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5
Reference Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide
AutoScope 2.35:1   

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread Nazgul

Hands firmly over ears.  Too funny.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread funkstar

Nazgul;557089 Wrote: 
> This is a public forum and all opinions are valid and worthy of the disk
> space they take up.
So lets be clear, you are also contradicting what you are trying to
argue in this thread then?

If "all opinions are valid and worthy" then so are those of the "senior
users" that you disagree with. 

This thread is redundant*

*also a valid and worthy contribution by another senior user that has
been sitting on the sidelines of this thread until now.


'[project log] funkstars digital lifestyle'
- '' (

*in use:* *1*x touch, *1*x boom, *2*x sb3, *1*x controller
*in a box:* *1*x radio, *1*x (beta) controller, *1*x receiver, *1*x sb2
wired (silver), *1*x sb (black), *1*x slimp3 (with rear shield)

if you have any others, let me know, i'm interested!!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread Nazgul

funkstar;557134 Wrote: 
> So lets be clear, you are also contradicting what you are trying to
> argue in this thread then?
> If "all opinions are valid and worthy" then so are those of the "senior
> users" that you disagree with. 
> This thread is redundant*
> *also a valid and worthy contribution by another senior user that has
> been sitting on the sidelines of this thread until now.
I addressed that earlier and I think the reasoning is valid.
Nazgul;556422 Wrote: 
> And let me be specific lest I be accused of hypocrisy: it is wrong
> unless it is in support of the basic function of this FORUM--to
> communicate.  Promoting forum communication is in itself of worth and
> not the doctor proving himself in need of medication.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread maggior

Nazgul;557143 Wrote: 
> And fantastically that's led to all these attacks and claims that I'm a
> troll.  I hope that makes sense to someone here.

Nothing fanstatic about it at all...makes 100% sense to me.

Please make it STOP!!!


Setup: 2 SB3s, 4 Booms, 1 Duet, 1 Receiver, 1 Touch.  SuSE 11.0 Server
running SqueezeBoxServer 7.5.0, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave.  
Current library stats: 33,060 songs, 2,656 albums, 484 artists.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread Soulkeeper

maggior;557160 Wrote: 
> Please make it STOP!!!

Huh? Make what stop? 

Come to think of it, I'm not sure I want to know. But if some user is
bothering you, you can always ignore him/her. The instructions on how
to do it are to be found earlier in this thread. :) I assure you, it is
very effective.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread maggior

Very effective indeed.  Ahhh.


Setup: 2 SB3s, 4 Booms, 1 Duet, 1 Receiver, 1 Touch.  SuSE 11.0 Server
running SqueezeBoxServer 7.5.0, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave.  
Current library stats: 33,060 songs, 2,656 albums, 484 artists.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] SqueezeBox Radio battery kit avalible

2010-06-22 Thread mobileadam


Excluding the kit as supplied from the US. Can I ask has anybody in the
UK sourced the other remaining parts (batteries and wire) from a UK
supplier and if so who and what exactly?

Many thanks



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread Nazgul

Well, I guess I'm done with this, I think I made my point and defended
it quite well.  For those that took my words to heart I hope that
things change.  To those that attacked me and childishly put me on
their ignore lists, you know what I think of you at this point, and I'm
glad I exposed some of you for the haters you are.  And I think you know
the pointlessness of ignoring someone when you really don't have to read
what they write in the first place.

Never be afraid to be the gadfly if you believe the cause is worth it,
that is truly what makes a great citizen.



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[SlimDevices: Radio] Paypal was charged for battery pack

2010-06-22 Thread majkeli

Hey gang,

I was charged already for the battery pack that I ordered last week. 
Do you think that means it's gong to ship, or did that happen because I
paid with Paypal?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread Phil Leigh

Nazgul;557200 Wrote: 
> Well, I guess I'm done with this, I think I made my point and defended
> it quite well.  For those that took my words to heart I hope that
> things change.  To those that attacked me and childishly put me on
> their ignore lists, you know what I think of you at this point, and I'm
> glad I exposed some of you for the haters you are.  And I think you know
> the pointlessness of ignoring someone when you really don't have to read
> what they write in the first place.
> Never be afraid to be the gadfly if you believe the cause is worth it,
> that is truly what makes a great citizen.
> Peace,
> Nazgul

The only person who has actually resorted to personal insults and
childish behaviour in this thread is you. I hope you are pleased with
your performance. We've (mostly) tried to engage you in an adult
debate, but it hasn't worked out.

Life goes on.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread Nazgul

You've got to be kidding.  I actually doubted myself for a second and
re-read everything I wrote, pretty dang civil I think for all the
attacks made on me for defending my point.


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Take apart squeezebox radio case

2010-06-22 Thread danicakk

Hiyo all. Does anyone know if any guides on taking apart the squeezebox
radio, without the use of a hammer? I don't really need to put it back
together again, but I do need it to still be working fine s...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Take apart squeezebox radio case

2010-06-22 Thread diannabill

danicakk;557224 Wrote: 
> but I do need it to still be working fine s...

"Still" working fine kind of implies that it's working fine now.  Why
would you want to take it apart?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Paypal was charged for battery pack

2010-06-22 Thread diannabill

I think that's what happens with paypal.  I know I'm immediately charged
when I use Paypal for an eBay purchase.  

But I like that optimism about the battery shipping!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Take apart squeezebox radio case

2010-06-22 Thread danicakk

diannabill;557231 Wrote: 
> "Still" working fine kind of implies that it's working fine now.  Why
> would you want to take it apart?

It's for a project I'm working on. I rebuilt an art deco tube radio
case from the 1930s and am putting a modern system inside. To do that I
need to take it apart


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread brucegrr

I asked the original poster:

Time to put up here..Please give some specific examples of what you
are complaining about. I am willing to give you the benefit of the
doubt...Point us to the exact posts that you believe are so offensive.
This will allow us all to see the context AND who wrote them.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Take apart squeezebox radio case

2010-06-22 Thread peterw

You can use something like a credit card to pry the speaker grille off.
Once you've done that, you'll see the two screws that hold the
display/button/knob portion to the case (next to preset button 1 and
the volume knob). Remove those and I think you then remove the
display/button/knob portion like a door with a hinge on the right side.
There are three sets of wires connecting the display/button/knob portion
to the rest of the case (for speaker, AC adapter, and battery

Personally I've gone no farther than removing the speaker grille, but
I've seen pictures of the rest. :)

Free plugins:  'AllQuiet'
( 'Auto Dim/AutoDisplay'
( 'BlankSaver'
( 'ContextMenu'
( 'DenonSerial'
'FuzzyTime' ( 'KidsPlay'
( 'KitchenTimer'
( 'PlayLog'
( 'SaverSwitcher'
( 'SleepFade'
( 'StatusFirst'
( 'SyncOptions'
( 'VolumeLock'

peterw's Profile:
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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Take apart squeezebox radio case

2010-06-22 Thread danicakk

Thanks a lot! I'll try it tonight


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread peterw

brucegrr;557234 Wrote: 
> I asked the original poster:
> Time to put up here..Please give some specific examples of what you
> are complaining about. I am willing to give you the benefit of the
> doubt...Point us to the exact posts that you believe are so offensive.
> This will allow us all to see the context AND who wrote them.

Yeah, I started to write that I thought that was a great suggestion. I
expect the OP doesn't believe that we "senior members" want to help,
but we do. And we'd welcome constructive suggestions like how to gently
tell some frustrated new customer that they won't get satisfaction from
Logitech here, but might in other venues. 

But then the OP posted ever more confrontational messages. (Bullies?
Haters? Really -- "haters"?) Thanks to Phil (yes, OP, I, too, am
ignoring you), I now see that he thinks he's Socrates -- the virtuous
gadfly fighting the ignorant establishment. Ridiculous. 

Thanks to all who suggested the Ignore List -- it's been probably a
decade since I've used anything like a killfile, and I'm really glad to
see vBulletin includes that feature.

Free plugins:  'AllQuiet'
( 'Auto Dim/AutoDisplay'
( 'BlankSaver'
( 'ContextMenu'
( 'DenonSerial'
'FuzzyTime' ( 'KidsPlay'
( 'KitchenTimer'
( 'PlayLog'
( 'SaverSwitcher'
( 'SleepFade'
( 'StatusFirst'
( 'SyncOptions'
( 'VolumeLock'

peterw's Profile:
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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread brucegrr

Nazgul;557200 Wrote: 
> Well, I guess I'm done with this, I think I made my point and defended
> it quite well.  For those that took my words to heart I hope that
> things change.  To those that attacked me and childishly put me on
> their ignore lists, you know what I think of you at this point, and I'm
> glad I exposed some of you for the haters you are.  And I think you know
> the pointlessness of ignoring someone when you really don't have to read
> what they write in the first place.
> Never be afraid to be the gadfly if you believe the cause is worth it,
> that is truly what makes a great citizen.
> Peace,
> Nazgul

You live in an interesting world

You post an inflammatory post  directed at those who have donated
countless hours to help users and make the Squeezebox products the
superb products they are today. (radio excluded) :)

You lurk for 4 years and then come out of the closet only to blast some
of the senior members of this forum. (whom you refuse to name or give
any illustration of your charge)

You call us childish when it is you who is acting childish. (reminding
me of one of my grandkids throwing a temper tantrum)

You want the freedom to say whatever you want. You don't want others to
have that same freedom. (regardless of how you explain it, you want
TOTAL free speech but you want senior members to have only "some" free

You call us haters. Really? You know nothing about any of us and based
on this discussion we are haters? Either you don't know the definition
of hate or you confuse disagreement and churlishness with hate. I don't
know you. Why would I waste my time hating you? In the grand scheme of
life you are like mosquito flying around my head. Irritating, but of no

You don't have the first clue as to what makes a great citizen. If you
think your words here make you a great citizen then the comment section
on Youtube (and most other public forums) is overrun with great

A great citizen values those who are a part of his collective.
(country, state, Church, forum, etc) You have showed little regard for
"others" in your post and subsequent comments. You lack respect for
other people and you have this idea that there is no value for time and
experience. The poster of  a single comment should be afforded the same
respect as a poster of 6000 comments. Bull s**t. Go try this at work or
any other place for that matter.

You asked us to read your mind as to "what you think of us." I hope you
know no one gives a __.



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[SlimDevices: Radio] Can't connect to wireless network

2010-06-22 Thread danicakk

Well, my plans are on hold until I can actually get my Squeezebox
working in the first place. I can't seem to connect to my wifi network.
It sees the network just fine, which is primarily a 802.11n network,
with WPA2-AES security. It says that it supports WPS, which my router
does, but I've tried the push button method and the pin method multiple
times and it just doesn't seem to work. I enter the pin on the router
setup page, start both timers, and nothing.

I've also tried the old school method of entering in the pass key, it
looks like it's going to connect and then it just won't. Gives me a
message that says "can't connect." I'm stumped! Anyone have any ideas?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread bluegaspode

brucegrr;557238 Wrote: 
> (whom you refuse to name or give any illustration of your charge)

Bruce - I think Nazgul is talking about the thread starting here:

If one looks at it one might find the posting of iPhone a bit offending
(though I'm sure he didn't mean it this way). 
A 'BUT' in capital letters possibly is a bit harsh as a response to a
user who did a first reluctant moan on the forum (even in a nice way
with no cursing and ranting, I mean 
> "Love the Radio's but customer service.not to much." actually is 
> quite nice compared to what we are used :D) .

User diannabill kicks in (actually he seemed to be offended by the
'BUT') and gets answered by an even more unfriendly post (in my
opinion) by pfarrell. 
So much for communication between 'VeryNewUsers' vs 'Senior members'.

Then feelings ran high leading into this thread, not much to analyze
there. When I started posting here I didn't know of this other thread
(and if I did I maybe even agreed to some points of Nazguls first post)
- anyway - I had the endless looping discussions about Radio alarms with
notwired and 0xdeadbeef in my mind.
These were 'NotSoNewUsersButStillEndlessRanting' vs. 'Senior Members'
discussions where I'd still draw the line and don't agree with Nazgul.

To take something constructive from this thread: I think we users that
post quite often should look to write in a more friendly manner to very
new users even if they are ranting. They just don't know better (yet)
and everyone has the right to leave his frustration here (once !).
Also there's nothing wrong in telling everyone what help they can
expect from this forum and where their rantings should be placed (to at
least have a possible small effect on logitech). 

If you look on how erland explains this kind of stuff to users compared
to this particular post by iPhone (as an example) then there are a lot
of shades of grey inbetween. Lets all move a bit to the lighter

I still take the right to put users who repeatedly rant on my ignore
list. Nazgul doesn't belong to this list - given that everyone posted
against him he 'defended' his opinion quite well and calm I think (of
course also changing in the tone depending on how nice people spoke to
him ;) )


1x SB-Controller+Receiver (Duet), 1xSB-Boom. 1xSB-Radio
Server (7.5.1) running on SheevaPlug (Ubuntu) with attached Western
Digital MyBook Essential.

Want to see a Weather Forecast on your Radio/Touch/Controller ? => why
not try my 'Weather Forecast Applet'
Want to use the Headphones with your Controller ? => why not try my
'Headphone Switcher Applet'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio Accessory Pack

2010-06-22 Thread iPhone

Fluffdaddy;556514 Wrote: 
> No need for a noob welcome, I been here since Dec 09 and lurking long
> before then that.

I don't look at the date, if I know I haven't posted to them before
they reach 5 posts, then I usually put in the Welcome. Sorry that you
took it to mean newbie, its just a Welcome.


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5
Reference Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide
AutoScope 2.35:1   

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive

iPhone's Profile:
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Radio mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Paypal was charged for battery pack

2010-06-22 Thread iPhone

diannabill;557232 Wrote: 
> I think that's what happens with paypal.  I know I'm immediately charged
> when I use Paypal for an eBay purchase.  
> But I like that optimism about the battery shipping!

I believe PayPal and Ebay are the same thing, doesn't one own the
other. Ebay is an Auction and one must pay before the shipper ships the
item. With a Retailer and credit cards, they must ship an in stock item
before they can charge ones card. I don't know if those rules apply to
PayPal transactions.

I bought a new printer last week and used PayPal. The transaction
showed, but the money did not move until they shipped the printer two
days later.

I'm with you, let's hope this means battery packs are shipping!

To the OP: keep us posted if something shows up at your door. Do you
mind telling us what country you are in?


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5
Reference Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide
AutoScope 2.35:1   

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Can't connect to wireless network

2010-06-22 Thread danicakk

Issue solved. Firmware update took care of it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Take apart squeezebox radio case

2010-06-22 Thread diannabill

That sounds like a pretty ambitious but very cool project.  Would like
to see some pics when you're done if you're able.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread brucegrr

Thanks for the thread reference. The OP implied this was a major
problem. So, is his post the result of one thread or a large number of

Each of us responds to things differently. Generally, I try to help
those I can. (and my skill set is not anywhere near some of the senior
members on this forum)

I will admit rants bring out the hidden snark in me. :) There have been
a lot of rants in recent months. The forum has decidedly become less
friendly. The noise level is much higher.

Yet, I understand some it. The Radio has been a huge disappointment for
a lot of people. I understand their frustration. 

That said, I lost my patience with posters who couldn't get their radio
to work right and who were demanding Logitech fix the problem. No matter
what they were told they continued to rant. When it was suggested they
used the server software..they went off on any suggestion of
such a thing. Using the server software provided an interim fix until
Logitech fixed the software/firmware/mysb. It was/is good advice. Users
are free to ignore it. But, bashing senior members for giving such
advice and calling them lackey's for Logitech is wrong.

I suspect the answer is for senior members to leave the rants alone.
Let the post count remain 0. Perhaps there needs to be a stricter
enforcement of the inflammatory title rule.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Take apart squeezebox radio case

2010-06-22 Thread danicakk

Sure! Assuming I complete it successfully, I'll put some pics in this
thread. I've already been working on it for almost two months now (on
and off)...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Back off

2010-06-22 Thread mherger

Please let's let this thread die now and forever. Nobody is going to win
a useless battle, neither Junior nor Senior. Thanks.



- - AlbumReview, Biography,

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