Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha

2011-11-11 Thread Jim Weinheimer
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Armin Stephan wrote:

  The work Genesis is the work genesis. I see no need for any
 qualifier at all.

 (AACR cataloguers use to qualify everything. German cataloging tradition
 shows, that it is possible to use less qualifiers.)


I would just like to point out the Wiki disambiguation page for Genesis:

As I have pointed out before, the disambiguation pages of Wikipedia are one
area where we can see a huge improvement over our traditional library
tools. I can't imagine anybody preferring our methods to a page like this.

Still, even they add several qualifiers.


James L. Weinheimer
First Thus:
Cooperative Cataloging Rules:

Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha

2011-11-10 Thread Armin Stephan
The work Genesis is the work genesis. I see no need for any 
qualifier at all.

(AACR cataloguers use to qualify everything. German cataloging tradition 
shows, that it is possible to use less qualifiers.)

Am 10.05.2011 21:01, schrieb Adam L. Schiff:

Mac wrote:

Just Genesis is a faith neutral compromise.

Ah, yes it might very well be.  But since that title conflicts with 
other works that have the same title, if you are using an authorized 
access point you will need to qualify it.  By what? (Torah), (Bible), 
(Book of the Torah), (Book of the Bible), (Holy scripture) - one could 
get into the same dilemma we've been discussing even with the qualifier.

* Adam L. Schiff * * Principal 

* University of Washington Libraries *
* Box 352900 *
* Seattle, WA 98195-2900 *
* (206) 543-8409 * * (206) 685-8782 
fax *
*   * 


Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Armin Stephan
Jefe de Biblioteca
Augustana-Hochschule / Bibliothek
D-91564 Neuendettelsau
Tel. 09874/509-300
 |  ,__o
 |   (*)/'(*)

Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha

2011-05-11 Thread Brenndorfer, Thomas

From: J. McRee Elrod []
Sent: May-10-11 12:36 PM
To: Brenndorfer, Thomas
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha

Thomas said:

It would make sense then for religious works to follow the same pattern, which
would mean the Preferred Title for Genesis could be
Genesis instead of Bible. Genesis

Very true.  How nice to agree with Thomas for a change.  It is
Christian bias which has Bible. Genesis as opposed to Torah.
Genesis.  Genesis was in the Torah  centuries before it entered the
Christian Bible.  Just Genesis is a faith neutral compromise.

In this case, I'm looking at Genesis as the value for the Preferred Title 

That doesn't preclude constructing authorized access points like Bible. 

Parts of the works generally have the part standing alone as the element for 
the Preferred Title in RDA. Authorized access points for parts of works, on the 
other hand, are often constructed by combining with other authorized access 
points (such as for persons, corporate bodies, works):

Example: Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel), 1892-1973. Two towers

Or elements can be added as qualifiers, as in the case of this variant 
authorized access point:

Example: John (Book of the Bible)
In this case, the added element is called Other Distinguishing Characteristic 
of the Work. This element can also be recorded separately in MARC authority 
field 381-- Other Distinguishing Characteristics of Work or Expression 

So one could have the RDA elements arranged like this:

Preferred Title for the Work: Genesis
Other Distinguishing Characteristic of the Work: Book of the Bible

While the authorized and variant access points could remain the same as in RDA 

Authorized Access Point: Bible. Genesis
Variant Access Point: Genesis (Book of the Bible)

In the case of Bible. Apocrypha. Tobit, one change would be to change the 
authorized access point to:
Bible. Tobit

A different change would be to not use this entire long string as the Preferred 
Title, but to just use Tobit as the Preferred Title, and to construct 
authorized and variant access points out of it as needed. For those using 
future databases that don't rely on authorized access points, this would 
eliminate some confusion in having the value for elements carry embedded 
authorized access points for larger works, which is inconsistent with how 
titles of parts of works are treated throughout much of the rest of RDA. For 
example, Law, etc. and Treaties, etc. are Preferred Titles in RDA, even 
though they never appear alone in authorized access points.

Thomas Brenndorfer
Guelph Public Library

Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha

2011-05-10 Thread Armin Stephan

This discussion about biblical or apocryphal works seems unbelievable to me.

The AACR cataloging tradition concerning these works is an anachronism. 
It was invited many, many years ago for card catalogs. All parts of the 
Bible should be found at one place in the card catalog. (I know this 
system from a German catalog in an university library. This catalog was 
founded in 1912!)

In electronical systems it's no longer necessary to produce such 
unpractical monsters of authority names. (But abbreviations to make them 

The second unbelievable point is, that AACR and RDA use Latin numbers in 
the names of biblical works. No electronical system can handle such 
numbers perfectly.

In Germany we cancelled this cataloging tradition in the eighties, when 
the new rules RAK have been developed.

And now we shall get back these old-fashioned rules ... :-((  I'm very, 
very sad about the JSC discussion and decision. Of course the church 
libraries in Germany tried to get in contact with the national 
cataloging agency. But the problem got lost in the huge RDA discussion.

If You treat the works of the Bible as individual works, You don't have 
the problem of a construction of hierarchical authority names and You 
don' t have the problem to decide if a work is a part of the biblical 
canon or not.

It's problem enough that we have several names for the same work in the 
different confessions and denominations and so a big problem of 
authority control.

Am 10.05.2011 00:34, schrieb Brenndorfer, Thomas:

The issue of Apocrypha titles has been discussed in the RDA historical 

In particular,

List of documents at:

The original proposal included removing O.T. Apocrypha from individual titles 
of the Protestant Apocrypha, but this did not make it into RDA.

Using the Authorized Version list of titles was considered an arbitrary simplification, biased, 
but a necessary evil. That would mean that Catholic canon books in the Protestant Apocrypha would have 
Apocrypha as part of the preferred title.

I think one needs to draw some Venn diagrams to see what books of the Bible are 
covered in each set of instructions in RDA:


For RDA For books of the Catholic or Protestant canon, record the brief 
citation form of the Authorized Version as a subdivision of the preferred title for the 
Bible the governing list is the list of books in the Authorized Version, regardless 
of the Catholic canon.


For RDA Apocrypha For an individual book use the name of the book as a further 
subdivision, the list is in the Protestant Apocrypha: 1-2 Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Rest 
of Esther, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, History of Susanna, Song of the Three 
Children, Bel and the Dragon, Prayer of Manasses, 1-2 Maccabees.

... meaning Bible. Apocrypha. Tobit is the preferred title.


For RDA Apocryphal Books. This is for all that's leftover that is not in the 
Catholic canon or the Protestant Apocrypha (i.e., one included neither in the 
Catholic canon nor in the Protestant Apocrypha).


Thomas Brenndorfer
Guelph Public Library


Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Armin Stephan
Jefe de Biblioteca
Augustana-Hochschule / Bibliothek
D-91564 Neuendettelsau
Tel. 09874/509-300
 |  ,__o
 |   (*)/'(*)

Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha - make a proposal!

2011-05-10 Thread Mike Tribby
Adam Schiff makes a fair point that it would be far more constructive to 
suggest improvements rather than just airing grievances about particular 
aspects of RDA. Still, it seems to me that, at least for some listmembers, what 
appear as complaints are also questions about why RDA has the provisions it 
has. Were altenate ways of dealing with Apocrypha discussed and discarded? If 
so, would airing the same alternatives that were already rejected serve a 
useful purpose (beyond the obvious purpose of calling the decisions reached in 
creating RDA into question)? It seems to me from my narrow perspective on this 
particular issue, that since there are widely divergent ideas about what 
constitute Apocrypha in the many versions of the Bible, it may well be 
impossible to reach a consensus. So do we want air-tight rules that will 
inevitably leave some feeling wronged? Do we want another area for cataloger's 
judgment (on this issue I would assume not, but what do I know?)? How do we 
deal with a situation for which there may well not be an entirely equitable 

And, more in keeping with my history on this list, where does this issue or set 
of issues fall on the RDA is not a cataloging code---RDA is silent on display 

Mike Tribby
Senior Cataloger
Quality Books Inc.
The Best of America's Independent Presses

-Original Message-
From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Adam L. Schiff
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 5:10 PM
Subject: [RDA-L] Apocrypha - make a proposal!

It's frustrating to see all of the griping about RDA instructions like the ones 
dealing with Apocrypha, which will lead nowhere unless someone actually makes a 
revision proposal.  If there is a problem that needs fixing, the way to get it 
fixed is to ask one of the JSC constituent bodies to make a proposal to change 
RDA.  Thus the best course of action would be contact the appropriate 
constituent body with a summary of the problem and a concrete suggestion on the 
way to fix it.  If the fix is not obvious at first, the body could decide to 
form a task group to investigate and to recommend an appropriate 

To get the ball rolling, one could contact the chairs of the appropriate

ALA Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA): Lori Robare, Chair

Canadian Committee on Cataloguing (CCC): Christine Oliver

Australian Committee on Cataloguing: Deirdre Kiorgaard

CILIP/BL Secretariat, c/o Katharine Gryspeerdt

See also the page on Submitting Proposals to Revise RDA at  Several of the constituents have 
guidelines on submitting proposals:

ALA CC:DA: How to Submit a Rule Change Proposal to CC:DA
(hasn't yet been revised from AACR2, but the principles/procedures will be the 

CCC: How to submit a Canadian proposal for a revision to Resource Description 
and Access (RDA)

For proposals coming from outside the RDA author countries, they would be 
submitted to the Chair of JSC, currently Alan Danskin

Adam L. Schiff
Principal Cataloger
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA 98195-2900
(206) 543-8409
(206) 685-8782 fax

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Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha - make a proposal!

2011-05-10 Thread John Attig
I'd like to respond to a number of the issues that are raised by Mike's 
comments below.  I cannot speak for all of the members of the Joint 
Steering Committee, but I can talk about how ALA approaches both this 
specific issue and the more general issues of RDA revision.

On 5/10/2011 9:23 AM, Mike Tribby wrote:

Adam Schiff makes a fair point that it would be far more constructive to 
suggest improvements rather than just airing grievances about particular 
aspects of RDA.

1. The Joint Steering Committee is open to proposals for revising RDA 
instructions.  The general guidelines on submitting proposals through 
the various constituency groups still apply, and are stated on the JSC 
website in Submitting proposals to revise RDA

2. ALA's document on How to submit a rule change proposal to CC:DA is 
about to be updated to reflect RDA.  Anyone interested in submitting a 
revision proposal to CC:DA should contact the Chair of CC:DA for advice.

3. As ALA Representative to the Joint Steering Committee, I do monitor 
discussions on RDA-L.  In this specific case, I have already contacted 
the representatives from the groups on which CC:DA relies for advice on 
issues relating to religious works (the American Theological Library 
Association, the Catholic Library Association, and the Association of 
Jewish Libraries); at least one representative has already indicated an 
interest in doing further work on the instructions for parts of biblical 
works, based on the RDA-L discussions. I anticipate that there will 
eventually be a proposal from ALA that will address the issues raised.

  Still, it seems to me that, at least for some listmembers, what appear as 
complaints are also questions about why RDA has the provisions it has. Were 
altenate ways of dealing with Apocrypha discussed and discarded? If so, would 
airing the same alternatives that were already rejected serve a useful purpose 
(beyond the obvious purpose of calling the decisions reached in creating RDA 
into question)?

4. All of the instructions in RDA have a historical background.  One of 
the expectations for those submitting a revision proposal is that the 
proposer has taken that historical background into account.  Therefore, 
Mike's point above is well taken.  It is not so much that the JSC 
refuses to reconsider arguments previously rejected or decisions already 
made, but that we expect that any new proposal will take that history 
into account.

5. In most cases, the historical background of particular RDA 
instructions may be limited to the text of AACR2.  In this particular 
case, however, there was an attempt to reconsider the instructions for 
naming parts of the Bible.  A proposal from the Library of Congress -- 
5JSC/LC/8 -- and a whole series of responses and follow-ups, deal with 
the issue, and the JSC discussions and decisions on these documents are 
reported in the JSC minutes.  All of this documentation is available on 
the JSC website:

6. In this case, the JSC decided to take some modest steps to remedy the 
problem of bias in the authorized access points for biblical works, 
while also recognizing that significant issues remained unresolved.  
This means that there is definitely room for further revision proposals 
in this area.  We would hope that any such proposals would take into 
account all of the discussion that has already taken place in the 
documents I referred to above.

7.  Finally, as Mike notes, the issues in question relate to 
instructions on formulating authorized access points for biblical 
works.  In such cases, there is a need to balance a desire to respect 
the various confessional traditions relating to the canon of sacred 
scriptures with the need for consistent practice within a shared 
authority file.  We would like to do both, but that is not always possible.

John Attig
ALA Representative to the Joint Steering Committee

Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha - make a proposal!

2011-05-10 Thread James Weinheimer
Concerning the changes to the Apocrypha, I wish the powers of modern 
computing could be employed to solve these matters. At its basis, I 
don't think that this issue is any different from any other authorized 
point: there is the conceptual consideration that everyone can more or 
less agree on: the concept of Bel and the Dragon or Tobit or 
Apocrypha, but there is no agreement on the name of that concept. This 
is the same as for Confucius or Santa Claus: everybody has their own 
name for it, and there is no correct name. The Chinese form of 
Confucius is no more correct than the English form but the English 
form makes no sense to use for Chinese users, just as the Chinese form 
makes no sense for English users. But you must choose one form as the 
authorized form, and the moment you do that, you must alienate certain 
groups who prefer some other form. If you change it again for those 
groups, you make still other groups angry. Some of these groups can 
react *very strongly*. It is a completely no-win situation.

Except this can be averted today. There is now no need for everybody to 
be forced to use the same form of name since the point of organization, 
e.g. LC Control Number for Bel and the Dragon 88039735 (but other means 
can be used as well) can be used as a URI, while the actual form can 
display according to how each library, or even each person wants.

I really wish that the resources could be placed into these kinds of 
real solutions, instead of re-airing the same old arguments, as I am 
sure catalogers were arguing these same issues about the Apocrypha 100 
years ago!

James L. Weinheimer
First Thus:
Cooperative Cataloging Rules:

Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha

2011-05-10 Thread Brenndorfer, Thomas
I think that RDA having to support the three scenarios 
( means that the construction of 
authorized access points (only really needed in scenario 3 (card catalogs) and 
scenario 2 (MARC)) will continue to affect how Preferred Titles and Preferred 
Names are determined. The choice for preferred title and preferred name is 
consistently stated in RDA as being done in light of being the basis for the 
authorized access point.

But there appears to be an alternative procedure already in place in RDA. 
Generally, parts of works are treated as standalone titles (RDA, even 
a title as non-distinct as Part 1. Stitching together the elements for 
authorized access point for non-distinct titles involves bringing in other 
elements, such as the authorized access point for the larger work (RDA

It would make sense then for religious works to follow the same pattern, which 
would mean the Preferred Title for Genesis could be

Genesis instead of Bible. Genesis

leaving the authorized access point to be a concatenated construction including 
either the authorized access point for the larger work or qualifiers consisting 
of other elements.

In the case of religious works, there is a consistent pattern for all 
scriptures to use subdivisions of the larger work (Bible, Talmud, Qur'an, 
Vedas, Upanishads, and so on) in the authorized access point for the part. 
These could be covered as additional exceptions for Parts of Works in RDA

There is also an inherent bias to choosing forms for preferred titles as well, 
in the choice of predominant form (or as RDA describes the choice-commonly 
found or commonly identified). I'm not sure how that relates to the bias for 
the adherence to the Protestant Authorized Version in the choices for the 
authorized access points. However, separating out the individual title of the 
book of the Bible as the Preferred Title of the Religious Work (consistent with 
RDA from the concatenation for the authorized access point for the 
work might go partway in resolving this issue.

Thomas Brenndorfer
Guelph Public Library

From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Armin Stephan
Sent: May 10, 2011 4:31 AM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha

This discussion about biblical or apocryphal works seems unbelievable to me.

The AACR cataloging tradition concerning these works is an anachronism. It was 
invited many, many years ago for card catalogs. All parts of the Bible should 
be found at one place in the card catalog. (I know this system from a German 
catalog in an university library. This catalog was founded in 1912!)

In electronical systems it's no longer necessary to produce such unpractical 
monsters of authority names. (But abbreviations to make them shorter??)

The second unbelievable point is, that AACR and RDA use Latin numbers in the 
names of biblical works. No electronical system can handle such numbers 

In Germany we cancelled this cataloging tradition in the eighties, when the new 
rules RAK have been developed.

And now we shall get back these old-fashioned rules ... :-((  I'm very, very 
sad about the JSC discussion and decision. Of course the church libraries in 
Germany tried to get in contact with the national cataloging agency. But the 
problem got lost in the huge RDA discussion.

If You treat the works of the Bible as individual works, You don't have the 
problem of a construction of hierarchical authority names and You don' t have 
the problem to decide if a work is a part of the biblical canon or not.

It's problem enough that we have several names for the same work in the 
different confessions and denominations and so a big problem of authority 

Am 10.05.2011 00:34, schrieb Brenndorfer, Thomas:

The issue of Apocrypha titles has been discussed in the RDA historical 

In particular,

List of documents at:

The original proposal included removing O.T. Apocrypha from individual titles 
of the Protestant Apocrypha, but this did not make it into RDA.

Using the Authorized Version list of titles was considered an arbitrary 
simplification, biased, but a necessary evil. That would mean that 
Catholic canon books in the Protestant Apocrypha would have Apocrypha as part 
of the preferred title.

I think one needs to draw some Venn diagrams to see what books of the Bible are 
covered in each set of instructions in RDA:


For RDA For books of the Catholic or Protestant canon, record the 
brief citation form of the Authorized Version as a subdivision of the preferred 
title for the Bible the governing list is the list of books in the Authorized 
Version, regardless of the Catholic canon

Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha

2011-05-10 Thread J. McRee Elrod
Armin Stephan said: 

In electronical systems it's no longer necessary to produce such
unpractical monsters of authority names.

While I think you make good points, there is the browse feature in
some OPACs.  Our law firm clients were upset by Insurance subject
headings being uninverted.  There are advantages to collocation even
in the electronic environment.

This is not to defend putting Apocrypha under Bible.

   __   __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
  {__  |   / Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
  ___} |__ \__

Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha

2011-05-10 Thread J. McRee Elrod
Thomas said:

It would make sense then for religious works to follow the same pattern, wh=
ich would mean the Preferred Title for Genesis could be

Genesis instead of Bible. Genesis

Very true.  How nice to agree with Thomas for a change.  It is
Christian bias which has Bible. Genesis as opposed to Torah.
Genesis.  Genesis was in the Torah  centuries before it entered the
Christian Bible.  Just Genesis is a faith neutral compromise.

This is one of many areas in which old practices were carried forward,
by RDA, rather than being revised to agree with the overall RDA principles
stated.  RDA should be delayed until these matters are addressed.

   __   __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
  {__  |   / Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
  ___} |__ \__

Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha

2011-05-10 Thread Jonathan Rochkind
RDA should be delayed because it didn't change AACR2 _enough_ for your 
tastes, because it left some AACR2 practices intact that you think 
should be changed?  That's not a reason to delay a standard.  That's 
ridiculous. If you wait until RDA is perfect in the judgement of 
everyone involved, it will never be released at all. Which I understand 
may be some people's preference, but come on.

On 5/10/2011 12:36 PM, J. McRee Elrod wrote:

Thomas said:

It would make sense then for religious works to follow the same pattern, wh=
ich would mean the Preferred Title for Genesis could be

Genesis instead of Bible. Genesis

Very true.  How nice to agree with Thomas for a change.  It is
Christian bias which has Bible. Genesis as opposed to Torah.
Genesis.  Genesis was in the Torah  centuries before it entered the
Christian Bible.  Just Genesis is a faith neutral compromise.

This is one of many areas in which old practices were carried forward,
by RDA, rather than being revised to agree with the overall RDA principles
stated.  RDA should be delayed until these matters are addressed.

__   __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
   {__  |   / Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
   ___} |__ \__

Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha

2011-05-10 Thread J. McRee Elrod
Jonathan said:

RDA should be delayed because it didn't change AACR2 _enough_ for your 
tastes, because it left some AACR2 practices intact that you think 
should be changed? 
Yes.  If RDA is to be an improvement on AACR2, it is not too much to
ask that it be so.

Otherwise, why the trouble and expense?

   __   __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
  {__  |   / Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
  ___} |__ \__

Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha

2011-05-10 Thread J. McRee Elrod
 Just Genesis is a faith neutral compromise.

Ah, yes it might very well be.  But since that title conflicts with other 
works that have the same title, if you are using an authorized access 
point you will need to qualify it. 
Genesis (Septuagent)?

   __   __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
  {__  |   / Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
  ___} |__ \__

Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha

2011-05-09 Thread Gene Fieg
I have already responded to this question.

The rule is badly written in RDA.  It should state the rule deals with the
books of the canon that Protestants and Catholics hold in common.

On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 9:02 AM, Elissa Patadal wrote:


 With all due respect, I have never heard of several of the books that you
 mentioned as part of the Apocrypha.  My Catholic Study Bible lists only
 Sirach, Wisdom, Baruch, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Tobit, and Judith.

 25.18A. Bible

25.18A1. General rule. Enter a Testament as a subheading of Bible.

 Enter a book of the Catholic or Protestant canon as a subheading of the
 appropriate Testament.

25.18A3. Books. Use the brief citation form of the Authorized Version.

25.18A5. *Apocrypha. Enter the collection known as the Apocrypha*

 *(1-2 Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Rest of Esther, Wisdom of Solomon,
 Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, History of Susanna, Song of the Three Children, Bel
 and the Dragon, Prayer of Manasses, 1-2 Maccabees)* under Bible. O.T.
 Apocrypha.[5] Enter an individual book as a further subheading.

[5] Do not treat an edition of the Bible lacking these books as being

 Elissa Patadal

 Co-Director of Library Services

 Mid-America Christian University

 3500 S.W. 119th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73170

 (405)692-3168 |

Gene Fieg
Cataloger/Serials Librarian
Claremont School of Theology

Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha

2011-05-09 Thread Shorten, Jay
Ecclesiasticus = Sirach
1  2 Esdras, not part of Catholic canon, but part of Orthodox canon
Wisdom of Solomon = Wisdom
Susanna, Three Children, Bel  Dragon = extra chapters in Daniel
Prayer of Manasses, not part of Catholic canon, but part of Orthodox canon

Jay Shorten
Cataloger, Monographs and Electronic Resources
Associate Professor of Bibliography
Catalog Department
University Libraries
University of Oklahoma

From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Elissa Patadal
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 11:03
Subject: [RDA-L] Apocrypha


With all due respect, I have never heard of several of the books that you 
mentioned as part of the Apocrypha.  My Catholic Study Bible lists only Sirach, 
Wisdom, Baruch, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Tobit, and Judith.

25.18A. Bible

   25.18A1. General rule. Enter a Testament as a subheading of Bible.

Enter a book of the Catholic or Protestant canon as a subheading of the 
appropriate Testament.

   25.18A3. Books. Use the brief citation form of the Authorized Version.

   25.18A5. Apocrypha. Enter the collection known as the Apocrypha

(1-2 Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Rest of Esther, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus, 
Baruch, History of Susanna, Song of the Three Children, Bel and the Dragon, 
Prayer of Manasses, 1-2 Maccabees) under Bible. O.T. Apocrypha.[5] Enter an 
individual book as a further subheading.

   [5] Do not treat an edition of the Bible lacking these books as being 

Elissa Patadal
Co-Director of Library Services
Mid-America Christian University
3500 S.W. 119th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73170
(405)692-3168 |

[RDA-L] Apocrypha - make a proposal!

2011-05-09 Thread Adam L. Schiff
It's frustrating to see all of the griping about RDA instructions like the 
ones dealing with Apocrypha, which will lead nowhere unless someone 
actually makes a revision proposal.  If there is a problem that needs 
fixing, the way to get it fixed is to ask one of the JSC constituent 
bodies to make a proposal to change RDA.  Thus the best course of action 
would be contact the appropriate constituent body with a summary of the 
problem and a concrete suggestion on the way to fix it.  If the fix is not 
obvious at first, the body could decide to form a task group to 
investigate and to recommend an appropriate solution/revision.

To get the ball rolling, one could contact the chairs of the appropriate 

ALA Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA): Lori Robare, 

Canadian Committee on Cataloguing (CCC): Christine Oliver

Australian Committee on Cataloguing: Deirdre Kiorgaard

CILIP/BL Secretariat, c/o Katharine Gryspeerdt

See also the page on Submitting Proposals to Revise RDA at  Several of the constituents have 
guidelines on submitting proposals:

ALA CC:DA: How to Submit a Rule Change Proposal to CC:DA
(hasn't yet been revised from AACR2, but the principles/procedures will be 
the same)

CCC: How to submit a Canadian proposal for a revision to Resource 
Description and Access (RDA)

For proposals coming from outside the RDA author countries, they would be 
submitted to the Chair of JSC, currently Alan Danskin

Adam L. Schiff
Principal Cataloger
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA 98195-2900
(206) 543-8409
(206) 685-8782 fax

Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha

2011-05-09 Thread Brenndorfer, Thomas
The issue of Apocrypha titles has been discussed in the RDA historical 

In particular,

List of documents at:

The original proposal included removing O.T. Apocrypha from individual titles 
of the Protestant Apocrypha, but this did not make it into RDA.

Using the Authorized Version list of titles was considered an arbitrary 
simplification, biased, but a necessary evil. That would mean that 
Catholic canon books in the Protestant Apocrypha would have Apocrypha as part 
of the preferred title.

I think one needs to draw some Venn diagrams to see what books of the Bible are 
covered in each set of instructions in RDA:


For RDA For books of the Catholic or Protestant canon, record the 
brief citation form of the Authorized Version as a subdivision of the preferred 
title for the Bible the governing list is the list of books in the Authorized 
Version, regardless of the Catholic canon.


For RDA Apocrypha For an individual book use the name of the book 
as a further subdivision, the list is in the Protestant Apocrypha: 1-2 
Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Rest of Esther, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus, 
Baruch, History of Susanna, Song of the Three Children, Bel and the Dragon, 
Prayer of Manasses, 1-2 Maccabees.

... meaning Bible. Apocrypha. Tobit is the preferred title.


For RDA Apocryphal Books. This is for all that's leftover that is not 
in the Catholic canon or the Protestant Apocrypha (i.e., one included neither 
in the Catholic canon nor in the Protestant Apocrypha).


Thomas Brenndorfer
Guelph Public Library

Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha

2011-05-09 Thread Young,Naomi Kietzke
This is a lack of historical knowledge on the part of JSC as to the nature of 
the Authorized Version, then. As originally published, it had all the books of 
the present Catholic canon. I don't think it is a necessary evil to ignore 
Biblical textual history. 

Naomi Young
University of Florida

-Original Message-
From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Brenndorfer, Thomas
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Apocrypha

The issue of Apocrypha titles has been discussed in the RDA historical 

In particular,

List of documents at:

The original proposal included removing O.T. Apocrypha from individual titles 
of the Protestant Apocrypha, but this did not make it into RDA.

Using the Authorized Version list of titles was considered an arbitrary 
simplification, biased, but a necessary evil. That would mean that 
Catholic canon books in the Protestant Apocrypha would have Apocrypha as part 
of the preferred title.

I think one needs to draw some Venn diagrams to see what books of the Bible are 
covered in each set of instructions in RDA:


For RDA For books of the Catholic or Protestant canon, record the 
brief citation form of the Authorized Version as a subdivision of the preferred 
title for the Bible the governing list is the list of books in the Authorized 
Version, regardless of the Catholic canon.


For RDA Apocrypha For an individual book use the name of the book 
as a further subdivision, the list is in the Protestant Apocrypha: 1-2 
Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Rest of Esther, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus, 
Baruch, History of Susanna, Song of the Three Children, Bel and the Dragon, 
Prayer of Manasses, 1-2 Maccabees.

... meaning Bible. Apocrypha. Tobit is the preferred title.


For RDA Apocryphal Books. This is for all that's leftover that is not 
in the Catholic canon or the Protestant Apocrypha (i.e., one included neither 
in the Catholic canon nor in the Protestant Apocrypha).


Thomas Brenndorfer
Guelph Public Library