Re: X-CD Roast question again please

2003-10-21 Thread John P Verel

On 10/21/03 10:09 -0400, damovand wrote:
> On Tuesday 21 October 2003 09:29 am, Matthias Krebs wrote:
> First I want to thank everyone for the information and hints you are 
> providing.
Under "Options", you can select "Default Write Options".  There is a
known bug in cdrecord (for which xcdroast is a graphical front end), the
workaround of which is to use "Disk-At-Once".  How is yours set up?


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Re: X-CD Roast question again please

2003-10-21 Thread John P Verel

On 10/20/03 23:13 -0400, damovand wrote:
> On Monday 20 October 2003 11:09 pm, damovand wrote:
> Here's the output that I get from X-CD Roast which seems to indicate I should 
> have something on the CD.
What command line did you use?


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Re: X-CD Roast setup question,

2003-10-01 Thread John P Verel

On 10/01/03 14:15 -0400, damovand wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am using X-CD-Roast GUI to set it up.  When I press SETUP button I go to a 
> page with five tabs.  On the first tab both my CD-ROM and CD-RW are listed on 
> the first tab.  But going forward on the subsequent tabs (CD Setting/HD 
> Setting/ Miscellaneous/ and Options) there's no information how set up the 
> parameters. 

What version are you running?  Sounds like and older one.  Please post.


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Re: Script using sed or awk

2003-09-05 Thread John P Verel

On 09/05/03 11:12 -0700, Patrick Nelson wrote:
> RH9
> Have a php page and I want the outcome of 
> du -hs /var/spool/imap/$username | awk '{print $1}'
> however, username is (say) but the directory is
> joe^user^example^com
> Any sed or awk experts help me do this in one line?  The output is
> simply the amount of space used by the user.
Not sure of your question, but maybe it's this:

echo '' | sed 's/\./^/g'

This changes all the dots in the address to carats.


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Re: /Boot is full - advice please

2003-08-22 Thread John P Verel

On 08/22/03 14:11 +0100, Kevin Passey wrote:
> I have been updating my server using RHN no - problem there - but now my /boot
> is full - can I delete anything from there.
> It seems to keep all the kernel packages.
You have to either erase old, unused kernels, via rpm -e or increase
the size of you boot partition.

If you erase kernels, be sure you have a rescue disk on hand.  You never


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Re: RPM for TIN newsreader

2003-08-21 Thread John P Verel

On 08/21/03 09:31 -0400, Jason Dixon wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 09:28, John P Verel wrote:
 > Have a look at Mutt.  It's terrific.
Oops.  Sorry, I misread and thought mail reader 

I agree that slrn is a great choice.


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Re: RPM for TIN newsreader

2003-08-21 Thread John P Verel

On 08/21/03 06:01 -0700, SAQIB wrote:
> If not what is a good command line newsreader, that is available on RHN?

Have a look at Mutt.  It's terrific.


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2003-08-14 Thread John P Verel

On 08/11/03 15:05 -0400, Jean-Paul Natola wrote:
> I just downloaded and created my disks and just installed the os ,  I would
> like to know where I can get more info specific to red hat linux, I am a
> windows administrator  looking to miigrate to linux.
The full documentation if available as a separate iso image at your
favorite download site.


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Re: RH8 System locking up when using CDRW drive

2003-08-14 Thread John P Verel

On 08/08/03 13:20 -0400, James Pifer wrote:
> Hi. I have a CDRW drive on RH8. Been working great for quite some time.
> I usually use the webmin interface(I believe just makes calls to
> cdrecord) to burn my CDs. I couple weeks ago I tried to burn a CD and
> the system kept locking up part way through the burn. I assumed it was
> something with the structure I was trying to burn and didn't have toime
> to troubleshoot at the time. 
> I had not used it since then and tried to blank a cdrw today with:
> cdrecord blank=fast dev=0,1,0
> Same thing. After 30 seconds or so the monitor goes blank and the CAPS
> and SCROLL lights on my keyboard start flashing. System is not
> accessible either on the console or from other machines. I don't see
> much in the message log around the time of the crash. I believe these
> are the relevant lines:
> Aug  8 11:40:04 tweety kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout :
> pid 56316753, scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0 Request Sense 00 00 00 40 00
> Aug  8 11:40:34 tweety kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout :
> pid 56317186, scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0 Test Unit Ready 00 00 00 00
> 00 
> Aug  8 11:45:47 tweety syslogd 1.4.1: restart.

I had exactly these symptoms. This is kernel panic.  I'm imagining
you're running RH9, with the version of cdrecord that came with it (I
don't remember).  Upgrade to cdrecord-2.0-11.1, on rpmfind and be sure
to run cdrecord with the 'dao' option.


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Re: Gnome font failure ??

2003-08-11 Thread John P Verel
On 08/11/03 10:10 -0400, Mark Bruen wrote:
> Is there a way to rebuild the gnome fonts for RedHat 9? Something blew 
> away my font configuration so when gnome starts the fonts are so small 
> they're unreadable, I'm using KDE in the mean time. Thanks.
> -Mark

Does this happen for all users?  If it's just for one, move the gnome
dot files in the affected user's home directory and restart.


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AOL DHCP/Cable Modem Problem: Another soltuion using /etc/mailertable

2003-06-27 Thread John P Verel

Per Steve Cowles on the Shrike list, here's another way to solve the
AOL/DHCP issue.  I like this better than the SMARTHOST option, as it
allows finer control over the delivery.  I've tried it and it works fine
with AOL and allows me to send other mails without relaying through my

Quoting Mr. Cowles (with a couple of minor edits):

"For each domain you want to send through your ISP's SMTP server, add an
entry to /etc/mailertable.  Example (as root)

#cd /etc/mail
#vi mailertable


No need to restart sendmail because you're editing a database file.  The
"make'" recreates the database from the ascii file you edited.

Now test by sending to a buddy at aol".

If, however, you've used the SMARTHOST option, as I had, you'd need to
edit /etc/mail/ to comment out this option, remake and
restart Sendmail.


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Re: AOL Now Bouncing DHCP Addresses, Residential Addresses[May Be OT]

2003-06-19 Thread John P Verel

On 06/18/03 07:35 +1000, Peter Kiem wrote:
> > You and Drew are the ones playing semenatic games by trying to equate
> > the use of SMTP to be equal to a server.
> OK, but will you admit that in 99% cases SMTP is sent from a server?  In the
> vast majority of cases it is the ISP's mailserver that is used.  Only the
> people that insist on setting up their own mailservers on dynamic addresses
> get affected and quite often these people don't know fully what they are
> doing and cause a problem for everyone else on the Net.

Well, yes and no, IMHO.  When I first set up my Red Hat box at home and
started using Mutt ... around 4 or so years ago ... Sendmail was part of
the default installation from Red Hat (probably 6.0).  Taking the
default install for Mutt to me meant using Fetchmail to POP from my
cable provider and Sendmail to send outgoing.  It never occurred to me
to think that I was doing other than sending via my ISP for outgoing,
nor was there anything in any documentation I read (and I DO read it) to
tell me I was, in effect, setting up a server.  Also, when I first
began using Optimum Online, I was assigned a static address.  

Am I a mail/Sendmail guru?  No.  Am I an imprudent newbie?  No.  I'm a
developer with a good number of years in the Linux world.

My take on this is that this is evolutionary.  A few years ago, when
spam was a minor issue, it didn't matter.  Now it so many
things that have changed in response to new security issues.

> > I understand the practical aspects for an ISP using this
> > "killing a rabbit with tactical nuke" approach" but from an engineering
> > point of view its sheer laziness and innapropriate.
> To some point I do agree.
> To quote Wietse from Postfix fame:
> "Junk mail is war.  RFCs do not apply"
> To me junk mail is war!  If by blocking dynamic addresses I can get rid of a
> large percentage of junk mail to provide better service to my clients but in
> the process I lose the 1% of mail coming from dynamic addresses that happens
> to be legitimate then I think that is a fair and cost effective tradeoff.
> There ARE alternatives to running mailservers from dynamic addresses but
> some people are just too damn stubborn :)
> > I have noticed in the many versions of this discussion I have seen and
> > participated in that the people who think it "OK" almost always work
> > for an ISP, or were people who didn't know how to protect their own
> > systems from spammers.
> >
> > The majority of end-users who use SMTP are almost always thinking the
> > opposite.
> Exactly!
> Regards,
> +-+-+
> | Peter Kiem.^.   | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
> | Zordah IT /V\   | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766|
> |   IT Consultancy &  /(   )\ | WWW   :  |
> |   Internet Hosting   ^^-^^  | ICQ   : "Zordah" 81 |
> +-+-+
>My current spamtrap address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> redhat-list mailing list
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Re: AOL Now Bouncing DHCP Addresses,Residential Addresses[May Be OT]: Solved

2003-06-18 Thread John P Verel

On 06/18/03 17:12 -0500, Bret Hughes wrote:
> Definitely going through something.  Can you hit your aol friends/family
> now?
Yes.  This fixed the problem.

Seems AOL got it right and I had it wrong.


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Re: AOL Now Bouncing DHCP Addresses,Residential Addresses[May Be OT]: Solved

2003-06-18 Thread John P Verel

On 06/18/03 15:55 -0500, Ed Wilts wrote:
> Don't forget that you need to restart sendmail.  Any time you regenerate
>, you need to restart for it to take effect.  Changes to the
> data files (virtusertable, access, etc) do not require restarts.

Yah, I forgot that at first :|


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Re: AOL Now Bouncing DHCP Addresses,Residential Addresses[May Be OT]: Solved

2003-06-18 Thread John P Verel

On 06/18/03 15:57 -0500, Bret Hughes wrote:
> Sounds right. it is still not going through your isp.  Hav you made your
> change yet?
> Received: from
> []) by (8.11.6/8.11.6) with SMTP id
> h5IJ10H25487 for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Wed, 18 Jun 2003 15:01:00
> -0400

Just made the change and, to my reading of my headers it's now going
through my ISP.  Agree?

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Re: AOL Now Bouncing DHCP Addresses, Residential Addresses[May Be OT]: Solved

2003-06-18 Thread John P Verel

On 06/18/03 10:07 -0400, John P Verel wrote:
> On 06/18/03 06:42 -0400, Anthony E. Greene wrote:
> > 
> > Not all mail cients include that capability.
> Correct.  I use Mutt as my client, Sendmail to drop off to my ISP and
> Fetchmail for POP3.  I have no problem with anyone except AOL
As a result of the info in this thread, I've discovered that the Red Hat
default for Sendmail is to send directly to the recipient and, in my
case, not go through my ISP's SMTP Server.

Feedback from the Mutt list (as that's what I use) is to find the line:
dnl define(`SMART_HOST',`smtp.your.provider') in, change to
define(`SMART_HOST', `'), 
remove 'dnl_' and run the Sendmail Macro.

I've examined my mail log and don't see anything suspicious to suggest my
having been used as a spam relay.

Thanks to all for help on this.  I've learned a good bit.



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Re: AOL Now Bouncing DHCP Addresses, Residential Addresses[May Be OT]

2003-06-18 Thread John P Verel

On 06/18/03 06:42 -0400, Anthony E. Greene wrote:
> Not all mail cients include that capability.
Correct.  I use Mutt as my client, Sendmail to drop off to my ISP and
Fetchmail for POP3.  I have no problem with anyone except AOL


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Re: AOL Now Bouncing DHCP Addresses, Residential Addresses[May Be OT]

2003-06-17 Thread John P Verel

On 06/17/03 16:23 -0400, Michael Kalus wrote:
> Try telnetting to your mailserver on port 25, you can send the message
> directly, no server on your end involved. It's all plain Text.
I get this in response to telnet localhost 25:

220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.12.8/8.12.8; Tue, 17 Jun 2003 22:27:58 -0400

I run Sendmail to deliver my mail to my ISP.  Does this constitute
running a server?


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Re: AOL Now Bouncing DHCP Addresses, Residential Addresses[May Be OT]

2003-06-17 Thread John P Verel

On 06/18/03 06:05 +1000, Peter Kiem wrote:
> > I am a home user, running stock Red Hat 9, using Sendmail.  The only
> > "server" software I run on this box is MySQL, for local use only.  I do
> > not run any DHCP sofware on this machine.  My ISP, Cablevision, does.
> > So, this AOL policy blocks ALL Optonline subscribers from sending to any
> > AOL customer.  This is grossly offensive by AOL.
> Sorry John, no it doesn't.  If you are on a DHCP assigned address then you
> should be relaying email through your ISP not directly out.

That is what I'm doing.

> If you are using your ISP's mailserver then you have no problems emailing
> AOL.

Well, I do.  What I've not yet read in this thread is how I (a
developer, not a mail guru) can do to fix this... if anything.

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Re: AOL Now Bouncing DHCP Addresses, Residential Addresses[May Be OT]

2003-06-17 Thread John P Verel
I am a home user, running stock Red Hat 9, using Sendmail.  The only
"server" software I run on this box is MySQL, for local use only.  I do
not run any DHCP sofware on this machine.  My ISP, Cablevision, does.
So, this AOL policy blocks ALL Optonline subscribers from sending to any
AOL customer.  This is grossly offensive by AOL.

On 06/17/03 10:55 -0400, Drew Weaver wrote:
> Do you run a mail server on a DHCP address? this makes perfect sense not to
> accept email from SMTP servers on dynamic addresses.

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AOL Now Bouncing DHCP Addresses, Residential Addresses [May Be OT]

2003-06-17 Thread John P Verel
I've just gotten a couple of messages bounced back from AOL, indicating
that they will not accept mail from DHCP addresses.  They describe
them as "Residential" addresses (whatever that means).

Here's the link:

Unless I'm missing something, this will cut off AOL recepients from most
of the Cable Modem/Broadband world.  AOL customers:  you have been


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Re: .bashrc not executed

2003-06-13 Thread John P Verel

On 06/13/03 09:34 -0400, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
> Hi,
> I recenltly moved around my home directory. Previously it was in /rdonald 
> (separate partition), and then I move it to /home/rdonald. I logged in as 
> root, and edit /etc/passwd and put my home dir as /home/rdonald there.
> However, I forgot to copy some files from the old home before I deleted it, 
> including .bashrc. No problem, I though, I just copied it from my other 
> machine. But then whenever I log in, the /home/rdonald/.bashrc file does not 
> get executed. I know this because I customize my prompt there, and I defined 
> some aliases. If after log in, I type 'bash' again, then all is well. What do 
> I need to look to fix this? It's just little annoying.

Have you checked the ownership of the file?  Does it match your new user
name?  Are the permission appropriate?


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Re: my server has been hacked again

2003-05-30 Thread John P Verel

On 05/29/03 12:58 -0400, Jeff Lane wrote:
> 1: format and reinstall this machine
...with Red Hat 9!

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Re: up2date: copying authentication information from one system to another

2003-03-15 Thread John P Verel

On 03/14/03 09:38 -0600, Ed Wilts wrote:
> I'm trying to add a system not under my control to my RHN account -
> we've got an extra subscription and one of our remote offices would like
> to use it.  What I'd like to do is give the remote office the encrypted
> username/password information so that they can run up2date but not have
> access to any of my current system information via the web.  Is this
> do-able?  The username seems to be in /etc/sysconfig/rhn/systemid but
> the password doesn't seem to be there.  There's a long checksum string,
> but that's not constant between the systems I've already got registered
> on the same account.

I have no idea how to do this.  However, I found the Red Hat support
email help to be immediatly responsive in fixing a Catch-22 email
address problem and had it resolved within a half business day.


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Re: RedHat Network Demo Account Disabled

2003-03-10 Thread John P Verel
Solved.  I wrote to Red Hat who updated my email address before noon
today.  Great service by them, IMHO.

Thanks again to all who wrote.

On 03/10/03 09:17 -0500, John P Verel wrote:
> On 03/09/03 20:05 -0600, Ed Wilts wrote:
> > 
> > Perhaps I'm missing the obvious, but since this is a demo account with
> > only a single system, do the following:
> > * create a new demo account using your proper e-mail address
> > * re-run rhn_register or rhn_configure
> > * up2date -p
> Ed,
> Tried as you suggested.  up2date-3.0.7-1 does not provide rhn_register
> or rhn_configure.  up2date-config is available, however.  It provides
> for Username and Password at the General tab.  Trying this with a newly
> established account did not work.  I got the same error message noted
> below.
> As noted, I wrote to Red Hat yesterday and await their response.
> Absent that, I'm inclined to rpm -e up2date-3.0.7-1 and do a reinstall.
> BTW, I note that I did not mention that this error was not in an email
> but rather in an error message provided upon launching up2date from the
> icon.
> John
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
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Re: RedHat Network Demo Account Disabled

2003-03-10 Thread John P Verel

On 03/09/03 20:05 -0600, Ed Wilts wrote:
> Perhaps I'm missing the obvious, but since this is a demo account with
> only a single system, do the following:
> * create a new demo account using your proper e-mail address
> * re-run rhn_register or rhn_configure
> * up2date -p


Tried as you suggested.  up2date-3.0.7-1 does not provide rhn_register
or rhn_configure.  up2date-config is available, however.  It provides
for Username and Password at the General tab.  Trying this with a newly
established account did not work.  I got the same error message noted

As noted, I wrote to Red Hat yesterday and await their response.
Absent that, I'm inclined to rpm -e up2date-3.0.7-1 and do a reinstall.

BTW, I note that I did not mention that this error was not in an email
but rather in an error message provided upon launching up2date from the


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Re: RedHat Network Demo Account Disabled

2003-03-09 Thread John P Verel

On 03/09/03 11:15 -0800, Richard S. Crawford wrote:
> Ah, but John's problem is that he has lost the password *and* the e-mail
> address to which the password would be re-sent is no longer valid.  And
> since the way Red Hat would fix the password issue is to send his
> password to the e-mail address he has on file with them, it does him no
> good.
> John, all I can personally suggest is to poke around in the Help Desk
> and see if you can find a helpful e-mail address or phone number that
> you can contact for this issue.
I've written to Red Hat for help on this as I can think of now other way
to fix it.

Thanks to all who responded.

> On Sun, 2003-03-09 at 11:07, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> > 
> > On Sun, 9 Mar 2003 13:31:16 -0500, John P Verel wrote:
> > 
> > > > Have you tried logging the RHN, ?  Once 
> > > > logged in, you can change your email address. This worked well for me 
> > > > when I changed my email address a couple of months ago.
> > > > 
> > > > Regards,  Mike Klinke
> > > 
> > > My bone-headed problem is I've lost my password to log in :(
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > which is a big fat link on the top page.
> > 
> > - -- 
> > Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
> > 
> > iD8DBQE+a5ED0iMVcrivHFQRAnYJAJ4mtyBjb7MoZH+wmy4O5/917tVp+wCfebI9
> > /GPkVl+RyDerKIboF3xWYLs=
> > =mSck
> -- 
> Slainte,
> Richard S. Crawford
> AIM: Buffalo2K / Y!: rscrawford / ICQ: 11640404
> "It is only with our heart that we can see clearly.  What is essential
> is
> invisible to the eye."  --Antoine de Saint Exupery

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Re: RedHat Network Demo Account Disabled

2003-03-09 Thread John P Verel

On 03/09/03 16:39 +, MKlinke wrote:
> Have you tried logging the RHN, ?  Once 
> logged in, you can change your email address. This worked well for me 
> when I changed my email address a couple of months ago.
> Regards,  Mike Klinke

My bone-headed problem is I've lost my password to log in :(


> > Doesn't work for me because the @home ISP is out of business, so that
> > address is no longer valid.  A Catch 22;)
> >
> > John
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Re: RedHat Network Demo Account Disabled

2003-03-09 Thread John P Verel

On 03/09/03 13:57 +0800, Edward Dekkers wrote:
> On the page they give you, there's a confirm button for your e-mail address.
> Hitting it and filling in your e-mail address sends you a link via e-mail to
> click on. Doing so re-enables the account.
> Doesn't this work for you, or did you miss it?

Doesn't work for me because the @home ISP is out of business, so that
address is no longer valid.  A Catch 22;)


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RedHat Network Demo Account Disabled

2003-03-08 Thread John P Verel
Just got the following note from RedHat Network while trying to run

Error Message:
Your demo account has been disabled. To enable your account, you
 verify your email address by visiting:

 You may also enable your account by purchasing Red Hat Network
service at:

 Your account name:  jverel
 Current email on file:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Error Class Code: 111
Error Class Info: Email address not validated; service disabled

My email address has in fact changed.  However there seems to be no way
on the Red Hat site to make this change.

While I have written to [EMAIL PROTECTED] in this regard, I wonder
if anyone else has experienced and solved this sort of thing.



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Re: rpm --erase freezes

2003-02-26 Thread John P Verel

On 02/26/03 03:46 -0600, Robert Canary wrote:
> Not with mine I am running 7.2.
> No _db.* files.  I am trying to figure out how to get my package db from
> RHN.  However, if wipeout the rpm files, do a --initdb and then a
> --rebuilddb then up2date complains it can't figure out what rom version
> I am using.  

Have you cleaned out all your temp files owned by root and tried again?


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Re: Forced File System Check on Linux

2003-02-15 Thread John P Verel

On 02/15/03 16:39 +1000, Matthew Melvin wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Feb 2003 at 10:09pm (-0800), Jiahan Chen wrote:
> > 
> > I need to switch between Windows/Linux on PC
> > often because of Dual-Boot sysyems.
> > 
> > Recently, I found every 20 times, Linux boot procedure forced
> > to check all the Linux file system partitions, 
> > which took a long time.
> > 
> > I wondering if there is any way to change this number 
> > (e.g to 200), or to turn off this feature.
> > 
> tune2fs sounds like the command you want.  As always the details are in the
> man page but you probably want to look at the max-mount-counts and
> interval-between-checks options in particular.
or convert to ext3


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Re: Windows to Linux

2003-02-01 Thread John P Verel

On 01/31/03 14:15 +0200, Jonathan Hardisty wrote:
> Hi
> I've been working with Windows systems for the last 12 years and I'm very
> new to Linux. Are there any resources that explain/help the move from
> Windows to Linux?
The best general reference I've found, especially when I was early in my
migration from Window to Linux, is "Running Linux", from O'Reilly.
There's just out the 4th Edition, available from O'Reilly's web site;
may not yet be in the stores.  As the third edition is from August 2000,
I get the 4th.  Highly recommended.


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Re: Help a newbie to install Sun Java IDE... please!

2003-01-30 Thread John P Verel
Point granted.  However, as I recall from when I did this install (a
while ago) what I came up against was that the way Red Hat sourced
various other startup files when starting an interactive non login bash
shell, this was the only way I could figure out to prevent multiple
instances of the Java part of the path.

I'd have to trace back through the config file sourcing to remember all
the gory details, which mercifully I've forgotten ;)  But, this
accomplishes what I wanted:  System wide access to jdk without multiple
instance of the java sub-path.

On 01/30/03 11:02 -0400, Ted Gervais wrote:
> On Wednesday 29 January 2003 10:42 pm, John P Verel wrote:
> I don't want to be critical here, but was just wondering if it is correct to 
> put this path statement in the /etc/profile file?  Isn't the /home and /root 
> .bashrc and .bash_profile files used for that?
> Just wondering???
> > I have this in /etc/profile:
> >
> > if ! echo $PATH | /bin/grep -q "/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.3.1/bin";
> > then PATH="$PATH:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.3.1/bin"
> >
> > This makes the jdk available to all users.  It also eliminates the
> > potential for appending the java sub-path more than once, which can
> > easily happen with an out of the box Red Hat install.
> >
> > John
> >
> > On 01/29/03 09:25 +, Stephen Cox wrote:
> > > Thanks for your help that did it.
> > >
> > > >Edit .bashrc in your home directory and add this line:
> > > >
> > > >PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0/bin
> > > >
> > > >(assuming you have version 1.4.0--change the path to wherever the java
> > > > SDK was installed.) Then restart your desktop GUI.
> > >
> > > When I asked this at a forum I got told to put that line in
> > > .bash_profile, should I remove the line from there (because it didn't
> > > work)? Also I was told to make a link of java and javac and but them in
> > > /usr/local/bin. Are they still needed?
> > >
> > > Lastly, when I tried to install the Studio ONE IDE it wanted to install
> > > it inside /root. Where should I put it if I want all users to be able to
> > > access it?
> > >
> > > _
> > > Worried what your kids see online? Protect them better with MSN 8
> > >
> > >059
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > redhat-list mailing list
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> > >
> -- 
> T.L.Gervais
> Coldbrook, NS
> Canada.
> -- 
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Re: Help a newbie to install Sun Java IDE... please!

2003-01-29 Thread John P Verel

I have this in /etc/profile:

if ! echo $PATH | /bin/grep -q "/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.3.1/bin"; then

This makes the jdk available to all users.  It also eliminates the
potential for appending the java sub-path more than once, which can
easily happen with an out of the box Red Hat install.

On 01/29/03 09:25 +, Stephen Cox wrote:
> Thanks for your help that did it.
> >Edit .bashrc in your home directory and add this line:
> >
> >PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0/bin
> >
> >(assuming you have version 1.4.0--change the path to wherever the java SDK 
> >was installed.) Then restart your desktop GUI.
> When I asked this at a forum I got told to put that line in .bash_profile, 
> should I remove the line from there (because it didn't work)? Also I was 
> told to make a link of java and javac and but them in /usr/local/bin. Are 
> they still needed?
> Lastly, when I tried to install the Studio ONE IDE it wanted to install it 
> inside /root. Where should I put it if I want all users to be able to 
> access it?
> _
> Worried what your kids see online? Protect them better with MSN 8 
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
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Re: dd vs. cdrecord

2003-01-26 Thread John P Verel
n 01/25/03 22:44 -0800, nate wrote:
> SoloCDM said:
> > Is it possible to use dd to burn a CD without using cdrecord?
> > Does an iso need to be made first when using dd?  What would the
> > dd syntax be to go from the directory to the CD or from the iso to the CD,
> > whichever is the most appropriate?

My experience is that it is well worth reading the CD Writing HowTo
(easily found), man cdrecord and mkisofs.  Once you've got it, it's a
snap to burn a cd using cdrecord and, in my experience, much faster than
any gui based front end.  YMMV


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Re: cable modem

2003-01-24 Thread John P Verel

On 01/24/03 08:47 -0500, Mike Burger wrote:
> DEVICE=eth0
> ONBOOT=yes
BTW, for benefit of the original poster, this is all quite well set out
in the Red Hat Documentation.


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Re: second fat hard drive

2003-01-14 Thread John P Verel

On 01/14/03 11:22 -0600, Oscar Medina wrote:
> Hi all:
> I need to mount a second hard drive on my linux system. It has a fat
> partition. How can I mount this disk?
man mount
man fstab


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Re: select-paste does not work(annoying)

2003-01-07 Thread John P Verel

On 01/07/03 11:24 -0500, Jianping Zhu wrote:
> I have redhat 7.3 linux box, in text mode (or conmand line) when i try to
> select something then click to paste, it does not work it is very
> annoying. any susggestion
> how to fix this problem ?
Are you using a two or three button mouse?  To paste its either the
middle button in a three button (scroll wheel works, too) or right and
left simultaneously.  Works in and out of X.


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Re: Oracle & Redhat 8.0 Help

2003-01-07 Thread John P Verel

On 01/07/03 08:05 -0700, Roger Keslar wrote:
> I was able to get oracle 8.1.7 installed on RH 8.0 but am having problems
> with creating a database.  The DBA and myself start the dbassist and in just
> hangs on the first option.  I have gone through the installation
> instructions and have installed the glibc stubs patch and everything there
> went okay.
> If anyone has been through this or knows of a how to please let me know.  

Have you tried exporting:


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Re: List of software

2003-01-06 Thread John P Verel

On 01/06/03 12:35 +0100, Alexis MOREAU wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I am happy to re-discover Linux with this new Red Hat 8.0 version !
> I have for the moment a little question :
> I installed RH 8.0 on a computer o, which I can not work this week, and I want
> to study the way to install nVidia products.
> For that I need to know if the software have the right version number.
> Do you know how I can fiond the version number of each producty in Red Hat 8.0

At a console, type:

rpm -qa | sort

You can pipe this output into a pager such a less or a file.


> ?
> Thank you in advance,
> Alexis
> ---
> Do You Yahoo!? -- Une adresse gratuite et en français !
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Re: The "rm" command and non root users

2002-12-05 Thread John P Verel

On 12/05/02 08:24 -0800, Rick Johnson wrote:
> Would be nice if Red Hat and others would include by default for root a
> "motd" that displayed as root reading:

IIRC, Red Hat 7.3 Gnome login did just that.  I'm away from my Red Hat
8.0 machine as I write this, but I think this feature went away in Gnome
under 8.0


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Re: gnome terminal memory leak in 8.0?

2002-11-28 Thread John P Verel

On 11/28/02 14:28 +, rupert wrote:
> Also, out of interest, why is there no redhat 8.0
> specific list?

The Psyche list is specific to 8.0.:


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Re: Out of office loop

2002-11-15 Thread John P Verel

On 11/15/02 08:24 -0500, Mike Burger wrote:
> Oh,'s as simple as:
> :0:
> /dev/null

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Re: rh8 and speed (Out of Office)

2002-11-15 Thread John P Verel
Will someone from Red Hat please deal with this Out Of Office Spam
Machine by unsubscribing?  Thanks.

On 11/15/02 02:35 -0800, Jacob Petrie wrote:
> I will be out of the office Friday, November 15th.  If this is an emergency please 
>contact the IT help desk.
> Thank you,
> Jacob Petrie
> Web Systems/Information Technology
> Kitsap Community Federal Credit Union
> 360.662.2140
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
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Re: RH 8.0 man pages show wired charters

2002-11-11 Thread John P Verel
On 11/11/02 10:55 -0600, Jon Etkins wrote:

>Consult the archives. :)

Is it just me, or does is the search engine in the redhat-list archives
broken?  I can't get ANY results back.


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Re: Tar Gunzip Question

2002-10-26 Thread John P Verel

On 10/26/02 16:47 -0400, MET wrote:
> I have a folder called 'webroot'.  Inside of webroot I have 2 dozen
> folders and some more files.  Simple layout, nothing fancy.  I'd like to
> archive and compress them all using a shell script which of course would
> be run through the cron daemon.  I compress as so:
>   tar zcvf webroot.tar.gz webroot
> That begins to work fine until it hits the 'stats' folder inside of
> webroot because there is a script my host is providing that runs 24/7
> which generates errors on the 'tar' command and errors out.  So how
> would I go about excluding the 'stats' folder from the command?
Do tar  --exclude=/path/to/stats zcvf webroot.tar.gz webroot

This is in the tar info file, but not in the man page, IIRC.


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Re: where is kaffe

2002-09-11 Thread John P Verel

IIRC, Kaffe was deprecated/not included with 7.3.
On 09/11/02 19:29 -0300, Martín Marqués wrote:
> Where is kaffe in RH 7.3???

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Re: Mozilla 1.1 processes not terminating, have to kill manually!

2002-09-08 Thread John P Verel

On 09/08/02 14:27 -0400, John P Verel wrote:
> Clarification here. 

Further clarification.  This seems to be url specific, and may implicate
jsp .  I've filed buzilla at


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Re: Mozilla 1.1 processes not terminating, have to kill manually!

2002-09-08 Thread John P Verel

On 09/08/02 14:20 -0400, John P Verel wrote:
> Just installed Mozilla 1.1 yesterday.  When I close it and restart, ps -A
> shows that mozilla-bin is still running.  

Clarification here.  This happens if I close it while it is seeking a
page (e.g. when the wheel in top right is spinning.  If this is not the
case, it terminates normally.

>The only way I can get it restarted is by manually killing the first
>process number shown by ps -A.  Any suggestions on what's wrong here?


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Mozilla 1.1 processes not terminating, have to kill manually!

2002-09-08 Thread John P Verel

Just installed Mozilla 1.1 yesterday.  When I close it and restart, ps -A
shows that mozilla-bin is still running.  The only way I can get it
restarted is by manually killing the first process number shown by ps
-A.  Any suggestions on what's wrong here?



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Re: Want to upgrade to Mozilla 1.1

2002-09-04 Thread John P Verel

The latest version of galeon, 1.2.5-1, needs Mozilla 1.0.  Mozilla 1.1
will break it.  The best you can do for now is to upgrade to Galeon
1.2.5 and Mozilla 1.0, assuming you want to keep Galeon.  Otherwise,
remove Galeon and all should be fine.  There is said to be a new release
of Galeon "in the works" but I have no handle on the time frame.


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Re: ls --author?

2002-08-28 Thread John P Verel

On 08/28/02 10:06 -0400, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
>   just noticed the "--author" option to ls.  what means this?
> doesn't seem to print anything extra for me.  just curious.
Where do you see it?  It does not appear in man ls for version 4.1 on my
machine.  I get: ls: unrecognized option `--author' when I type  "ls
--author" (no quotes, of course)


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Re: Where's the panel gone & user permissions?

2002-08-02 Thread John P Verel

> On 01-Aug-2002/10:09 +0100, Nigel Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >If I log in as a normal user and startx, I see the gnome interface with
> >panel, but when logging in as root, the panel is missing...can I please
> >ask...

I've also observed this behavior as a result of temp files that didn't
get cleaned up (I forget which at the moment).  Always worth while
making sure /tmp is clean.


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Re: Does anyone has problem with ghostview in 7.3?

2002-08-02 Thread John P Verel

On 08/02/02 15:29 -0400, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
> The one that comes with RH 7.3 CDs is 
> gv-3.5.8-15.i386.rpm
> This one gave me trouble.
That's what I'm using with no problems.  Sorry, no insight from me on
this one.  Was your 7.3 install from CD's you burned?  Did you do a
checksum on the disks?

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Re: Does anyone has problem with ghostview in 7.3?

2002-08-02 Thread John P Verel

On 08/02/02 13:43 -0400, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
> Hi,
> I am just wondering if anyone has problem with ghostview for viewing ps/pdf 
> files in Redhat 7.3. 
No.  What version gv are you using?  I'm on 3.5.8.


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Re: Java problems on Redhat 7.2

2002-08-01 Thread John P Verel

Hope the following helps.

I installed jdk-1.3.1 under 7.2 (now running under 7.3).  The only thing
I did was modify my path to look like this:


I installed via rpm, using Sun's directions at:

I've never had a hitch doing it this way.

On 08/01/02 13:46 -0400, James Pifer wrote:
> This obviously isn't a mailing list for Java questions, but I'm not
> getting any answers on the Javasoft forum and it is related to Redhat
> 7.2. I have Sun's JDK 1.3.1_03 installed by using the RPM. 

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Re: LILO boot Problem with RAID

2002-07-27 Thread John P Verel

On 07/27/02 12:11 -0400, Matthew Scarrow wrote:
> I have setup RedHat 7.2 on a Promise RAID controller.
> When I reboot for the first time I get LI and that's it. Anyone got
> suggestions on what's wrong. Thanks.

Check and see, but most likely your boot partition is located above
cylinder 1024.  See the docs about this.  If this is the case, you'll
have to reinstall, fixing this location.


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Re: lilo and dual boot master/slave hd set up

2002-07-26 Thread John P Verel

It is common for Windows to want to be on the first primary partition of
the first hard drive, or else it won't boot.  Check the Red Hat
documentation on their site for further insight.


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Re: run root script at start-up

2002-07-16 Thread John P Verel

On 07/16/02 16:48 +0200, Banze, Andreas wrote:
> > I have a couple scripts that mount my windows c: and d: 
> > drives. How can I get them to run at start-up for a non-root user?
Simply put them in /etc/fstab thusly:

/dev/hda1 /mnt/vfatvfat 
user,owner,exec,dev,suid,rw,conv=binary,uid=500,gid=500,auto 0 0
/dev/hdb1 /mnt/ddrive  vfat 
user,owner,exec,dev,suid,rw,conv=binary,uid=500,gid=500,auto 0 0

This will do exactly what you want.  Pick whatever mount points suit
your needs.


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Re: Red Hat 8

2002-07-11 Thread John P Verel

On 07/11/02 12:04 -0700, Fulbright Commission wrote:
> when will this new version be available?
> Is there a release date yet?

There is a new beta out, called limbo.  Head on over the the RedHat site
for the mailing list and download sites info.


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Re: Can't get Acroread working in Netscape or Mozilla:Solved!!!

2002-06-25 Thread John P Verel

On 06/25/02 11:41 -0400, Javier Gostling wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-06-24 at 22:20, John P Verel wrote:
> > Soo.put a copy of acroread in /home/john/bin,
> > which is in my path, changed the helper command line to simply:
> Or even better, make a sym link in /usr/local/bin.
Indeed.  Done.  Much better.


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Re: Can't get Acroread working in Netscape or Mozilla:Solved!!!

2002-06-24 Thread John P Verel

On 06/24/02 21:06 -0400, John P Verel wrote:
> On 06/24/02 17:40 -0400, Javier Gostling wrote:
> > I have it working in galeon. Can you describe what you did in some
> > detail?

Got it.  Upon closer reading of man plugger, (which I gather is the
driver for all the helper apps), I find this line:

"Note that Plugger will check the first word of the command and search
your $PATH  for  that command. If that command is not found Plugger will
go to the next line in your pluggerrc."

I took this to mean that Plugger will not make use of a fully qualified
path name.  I also took it to explain why gv would always run, as it's
the next in line.

Soo.put a copy of acroread in /home/john/bin,
which is in my path, changed the helper command line to simply:

acroread %s

and voila!

Seems to me that not allowing for a fully qualified path...which BTW is
what adobe had a plugger bug.  Agree?


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Re: Can't get Acroread working in Netscape or Mozilla.

2002-06-24 Thread John P Verel

On 06/24/02 17:40 -0400, Javier Gostling wrote:
> I have it working in galeon. Can you describe what you did in some
> detail?

Downloaded the tarball linux-505.tar.gz from adobe, untarred, executed
install script.

I have my helper application set up as:

application/x-pdf file type.  The command is specified as:

/usr/local/Acrobat5/bin/acroread %s

Acrobat is installed in the directory shown.

I also have run the script /usr/local/Acrobat5/Browsers/Netscape

The operative sections from my /etc/pluggerrc are:

application/pdf: pdf: PDF file
application/x-pdf: pdf: PDF file
text/pdf: pdf: PDF file
text/x-pdf: pdf: PDF file
repeat swallow(documentShell) fill: acroread -geometry
+9000+9000 -xrm '*userFrontEndProgram: FALSE' "$file"
repeat swallow(gv) fill: gv -safer -quiet -antialias -geometry
+9000+9000 "$file" 2>/dev/null
repeat swallow(xpdf) fill: xpdf -g +9000+9000 "$file"

None of these plugger entries have been edited by hand; all are
application generated.

As noted, gv always opens.



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Re: Can't get Acroread working in Netscape or Mozilla.

2002-06-24 Thread John P Verel

Just to add (as I forgot) ghostview opens, no matter what I try.


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Can't get Acroread working in Netscape or Mozilla.

2002-06-24 Thread John P Verel

Having gone through man plugger and the Adobe README for acroread, I'm
still unable to get acroread to work within Netscape or Mozilla.  I've
edited the helper configurations in ways that seem to make sense, but so
far no luck.

Is there a trick that I'm missing?



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Re: How do I make boot disk after installation?

2002-06-23 Thread John P Verel

On 06/23/02 17:57 +0200, Anand Buddhdev wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 23, 2002 at 05:45:37PM +0200, Kristian Sørensen wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I didn't make a boot disk during the installation of RH7.3. How do I
> > make one now?
> Use the "mkbootdisk" command. See the man page for usage.
Or Programs|System|Make a boot disk.


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Re: search files for key words

2002-06-18 Thread John P Verel

On 06/18/02, 08:15:43PM -0400, John P Verel wrote:
> find /home -name "rules.ima" | xargs grep ""
You may need/want to ues grep -e or egrep


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Re: search files for key words

2002-06-18 Thread John P Verel

On 06/18/02, 11:06:53AM -0500, Schmeits, Roger wrote:
> If I run the command:
> find /home -name "rules.ima" 
> it lists all rules.ima directories. perfect!
> but if I run:
> find /home -name "rules.ima" | grep ""
>  it comes up with nothing.
> So I drill down to a directory that has both a rules.ima file and a entry
> within that file with the entry "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".
> I run the command grep -e -f rules.ima
> It just sits there and spins.
> Any ideas?

find /home -name "rules.ima" | xargs grep ""


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Re: upgrading?

2002-06-15 Thread John P Verel

On 06/15/02, 10:26:47PM +0200, Nick Wilson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> * and then John P Verel declared
> > > Is it possible to download 7.3 and do an upgrade without transfering to
> > > a cd?
> > Yes.  You can mount the images and upgrade from them.  See the Red Hat
> > documentation on their web site.
> Right. Thanks john. I can download the ISO's but I can't find how to
> start the installation process? If you know, please tell ;-) or a link
> to the instructions would be superb. I had a good look but can't work it
> out?
Here's the installation manual.  You'll need the boot image on a floppy
to do a hard drive install.  It's all covered in the manual.


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Re: upgrading?

2002-06-15 Thread John P Verel

> On 06/15/02, 09:54:58PM +0200, Nick Wilson wrote:
> Hi
> Is it possible to download 7.3 and do an upgrade without transfering to
> a cd?
Yes.  You can mount the images and upgrade from them.  See the Red Hat
documentation on their web site.


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Re: Printing problems

2002-06-15 Thread John P Verel

On 06/15/02, 01:34:23PM -0400, Aravind Vinnakota wrote:
> Any suggestions? 
Have you experimented with different drivers?

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Re: ext3

2002-06-14 Thread John P Verel

On 06/14/02, 12:25:55PM -0500, Kevin Krieser wrote:
> What is the reason you want to change from ext3 to ext2?  That is a question
> many of us probably have.

One reason, for me in any case, is that as I use Partition Magic as my
partitioning tool, it does not yet support ext3.  Red Hat notes the same
in the Reference Guide, section 5.4, with respect to resize2fs.

In any event, there is a good discussion of how change from ext3 to ext2
in the Red Hat Reference Guide for 7.3, sections 5.3 and 5.4, pp 92-93.


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Re: RH7.3 boot freeze

2002-06-14 Thread John P Verel

I had a simlar problem upgrading to 7.2.  It was caused by attempting to
do a file check on the vfat/dos partitions.

The way I fixed was to boot into linux single user.  Edit /etc/fstab,
checking that your vfat/dos partitions end like this:
/dev/hdb1 /mnt/ddrive vfat user,owner,exec,dev,suid,rw,conv=auto,uid=500,gid=500,auto 
0 0

The critical part is the two 0's.


On 06/14/02, 11:33:01AM -0400, Timothy Lee Young wrote:
> Hey all...
> Last night I installed Red Hat 7.3 on my new Epox 4G4A+ P4 i845g board,
> with an 80gb hd, for the first time.  Install finished properly, I
> rebooted, Linux started coming up, it all daeomons started [OK], and then
> it just froze after the last daemon (the USB ones), and didn't respond.
> This point of the boot is where it starts checking & mounting the mount
> points, but it just froze the PC and I had to manually power off the PC.
> Background: I have an 80gb hard drive, where I installed Windows 2000 on
> the first 17.5gb of it.  When Linux installed, I chose to put GRUB on the
> MBR, which it did.

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Re: uninstalling packages

2002-06-12 Thread John P Verel

On 06/12/02, 05:38:50PM +, Adam Becker wrote:
> hmmm, look around the man and --help. there may be one showing what files
> are only required by the Package you are uninstalling.

Easiest way is to do rpm -e --test foo  If there are any dependencies
that would be broken by erasing foo, they'll be listed.  Otherwise,
you'll simply be returned to the command prompt, without having erased
the package, as it was, "only a test".


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Re: up2date root fs space error

2002-06-11 Thread John P Verel

Do you have any old kernels laying around that you aren't using?
Erasing them can save a lot of space.

On 06/11/02, 12:08:10PM -0400, Ray Stell wrote:
> I am using up2date-2.7.61-7.x.1 to upgrade the kernel packages and get
> this error:
> fatal rpm error:
> Failed installing packages:
> 'installing package kernel-smp-2.4.9-34 needs 19Mb in the / filesystem',
> (9,'/',19089408)
> Is there a work around?  Do I just need to do all the upgrade stuff
> by hand instead?  There is 39Mb free in root:

Redhat-list mailing list

.xsession-errors: No value for $TERM and no -T specified

2002-06-04 Thread John P Verel

I get this regularly in my ~/.xsession-errors:

No value for $TERM and no -T specified

What app is writing this?  I've looked everywhere but find no reference
to this sort of error.  Anyone?


John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Partition Problem

2002-05-31 Thread John P Verel

>On 05/31/02, 11:17:10AM +0200, Van Den Abeele Kristof wrote:

Be sure to take note of item 3.20 in the Red Hat Installation Guide re:
Boot Loader Installation.  If you intend to use LILO or Grub as a
secondary boot loader, it must be installed either below the 1024
cylinder limit or you must select "Force use of LBA32 at the boot loader
installation screen.  Otherwise, you will be unable to boot your linux
installation.  Your hard drive must be able to support this option.

If you intend to use LILO or Grub as your primary boot loader, this will
not be an issue, as it will install in the Master Boot Record of your
first hard drive.

> Hello all , 
> I have currently one harddisk ( 45GB )  running Win98/WinXP
> ( Pri - C:\ - Win 98 - FAT ) ( Extended D:\ & E:\ - Data - FAT ) ( Pri - H:\ - NTFS )
> But now I have seen the light and I want to install Redhat 7.3 :)
> Can this be done by removing the E:\ partition an placing Redhat there.
> It would be ideal situation having all those 3 systems as a boot option.
> Reason : I still have some family who needs to use Win. :(
> ( Win Xp because multiple users and easy interface , win 98 for support of TV-card 
>and old driver support)
> Or is it maybe better to place an extra HD ? 
> Because Linux works also with seperate partitions / , /usr , ...

John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: upgrading to 7.3

2002-05-30 Thread John P Verel

> I've not done an upgrade before and I have tons of stuff on my machine
> that I don't want to lose. So my question is, if I upgrade, am I likely
> to lose any information?

I've never had a data loss.  However, what I do is tar up my /etc, /root
and /home directories and send the tar balls off to one of the vfat
partitions on this machine.  You might want to burn them onto a CD, if
extra cautious.

And...make sure you've got an emergency boot disk for yor current
working system.

John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: CD Burning Questions/Problems

2002-05-30 Thread John P Verel

On 05/29/02, 08:40:37PM -0400, James Pifer wrote:
> Is there a better Howto or some more explicit instructions somewhere?
> Am I going about this the correct way or is there a better way?

There is Winfried Trumper's, "CD-Writing HOWTO", easily found with

John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Need help with 'mount'

2002-05-28 Thread John P Verel

Assuming you're logging in as root, have you simply tried:

mount  /mnt/usr2

As the file system is setup in fstab, you shouldn't need the full mount
> [root@worf mnt]# cat /etc/fstab
> LABEL=/ /   ext3defaults1 1
> LABEL=/boot /boot   ext3defaults1 2
> none/dev/ptsdevpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0
> none/proc   procdefaults0 0
> none/dev/shmtmpfs   defaults0 0
> /dev/sda3   swapswapdefaults0 0
> /dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom  iso9660
> noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 0
> 0
> /dev/fd0/mnt/floppy autonoauto,owner,kudzu 0
> 0
> /dev/sdb1   /mnt/usr2   ext3defaults
> /dev/sdb2   /mnt/dstext3defaults
> When I run the mount command, though, I always get the following error:
> [root@worf mnt]# mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usr2
> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,
>or too many mounted file systems

John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Accessing a SparQ Drive: Solved!

2002-05-27 Thread John P Verel

Got it...without an excessive amount of wizardry ;)

The only screwy part was the hardware, as I'd never worked with this
gadget before.   Once I figured out that I had to first:

Start up the device, before system power up, using the startup cartridge
that comes with the SparQ drive, all went well.  The steps were:

modprobe paride
modprobe epat
modprobe pd

By having a terminal open running $tail -f /var/log/messages
I could see pd establishing the drive as /dev/pda1.  I simply then

inserted the source cartridge into the drive
mount -t msdos /dev/pda1 /mnt/sparq.
copied the files I wanted
did a umount
had a beer :)

After that, nothing unique.

The kernel source documentation was my answer, at
/usr/share/doc/kernel-doc-2.4.18/paride.txt, on my machine.

Like I say, the linux part was easy (of course) the hardware part was


On 05/27/02, 11:51:47AM -0400, John P Verel wrote:
> I'd trying to access a Syquest SparQ Drive, under 7.3, kernel
> Has anyone any experience in this and perhaps a suggested link?

John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: What is correct way to load modules before file systems are mounted?

2002-05-25 Thread John P Verel

On 05/25/02, 12:43:00AM -0500, ABrady wrote:
> Here's mine in its entirety, USB and all.

John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: What is correct way to load modules before file systems are mounted?

2002-05-24 Thread John P Verel

BTW, upon inspection of /etc/rc.d/rc.init, I see how this works.

John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: What is correct way to load modules before file systems are mounted?

2002-05-24 Thread John P Verel


My modules.conf is below.  It has evolved over some time (haven't we all
;)  You'll note the alisa usb uhci line which I added earlier this year.
Either I made a mistake with the entry or this option changed?

I'd be interested in seeing what an "out-of-the-box" modules.conf file
looks like, if someone could share it with me.  Mine has, um, "evolved"
from 6.0, the earliest Red Hat on this machine.



alias eth0 3c59x 
alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc 
# added 2/19  jpv
# added next lines 4/16/00 jpv
# per CD-Writing HOWTO
# install ide-scsi
options ide-cd ignore='hcd hdd' 
alias scd0 sr_mod #load sr_mod upon access of scd0
alias scd1 sr_mod #load sr_mod upon access of scd1
pre-install sg   modprobe ide-scsi #before sg, load ide-scsi
pre-install sr_mod   modprobe ide-scsi #before sr_mod, load ide-scsi
# End of lines added per CD-Writing HOWTO
alias sound-slot-0 es1371 
post-install sound-slot-0 /bin/aumix-minimal -f /etc/.aumixrc -L >/dev/null 2>&1 || : 
pre-remove sound-slot-0 /bin/aumix-minimal -f /etc/.aumixrc -S >/dev/null 2>&1 || : 
# Next lines added 3/6/02 to enable usb.
alias usb uhci
post-install uhci modprobe printer
post-install printer modprobe joydev
post-install joydev modprobe hid
# End usb entries

On 05/24/02, 10:02:55AM -0700, Gordon Messmer wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-05-23 at 16:45, John P Verel wrote:
> > I have to do the following:
> > 
> > load the module usb-uhci
> > mount the usbdevfs on /proc/bus/usb.
> > 
> > How do I get the module to load before mount is invoked?
> If you have it configured properly (which should be done out of the box)
> there will be the line:
> alias usb-controller usb-uhci
> in /etc/modules.conf.  The RH init scripts will load the module during
> the boot sequence.  It should be installed in time for anything listed
> in /etc/fstab to be mounted.
> ___________
> Redhat-list mailing list

John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

hotplug not working

2002-05-24 Thread John P Verel

I must be missing something obvious, but hotplug-2002_04_01-3 is not
working.  I understand it should be automatically set up in rc.sysinit.
and others (on the gphoto list in particular) report it works.

I'm running a stock 7.3 upgrade, with the 2.4.18-4 kernel.  The only way
I can get my usb ports to work is to:

modprobe usb-uhci and 
mount -t usbdevfs none /proc/bus/usb

from my rc.local

Any advise appreciated

John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

What is correct way to load modules before file systems are mounted?

2002-05-23 Thread John P Verel

I have to do the following:

load the module usb-uhci
mount the usbdevfs on /proc/bus/usb.

How do I get the module to load before mount is invoked?

At the moment, I'm doing the above in /etc/rc.d/rc.local, which strikes
me as the wrong way to go about it.



John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Changing ownership of windows partition.

2002-05-22 Thread John P Verel

My /etc/fstab entry for my windows partition looks like this and works just

/dev/hda1   /mnt/vfat   vfat 
user,owner,exec,dev,suid,rw,conv=auto,uid=500,gid=500,auto 0 0

Check your boot log to be sure your windows partition is hda1...which is

Make a backup of your /etc/fstab before you do any of this.  Get it
wrong, and you'll need it :)

See man mount and man fstab for details on the above entry.

On 05/23/02, 03:31:01AM +0200, Javier de Lazaro wrote:
> Hi list.
> I succesfully installed RH 7.3 
> I mounted the windows partition under /mnt/windows but now I can't modify 
> files in that partition. Don't know exactly if it is an ownership problem, or 
> a mode problem.

John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: need source for

2002-05-22 Thread John P Verel

On 05/22/02, 01:26:38PM -0700, Isaac Liu wrote:
> Hello,
> Which RPM contain

At bash prompt, type:
rpm -q --whatprovides
(See man rpm)


John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Observation: cdrecord easier to use than I realized :)

2002-05-21 Thread John P Verel

So, you just used the mount point to label the CDR_DEVICE?
On 05/21/02, 04:05:32PM -0700, Samuel Flory wrote:
> Mine looks like this:
> CDR_DEVICE=cdrom
> # drive namedevice  speed   fifosize driveropts
> cdrom=  0,0,0   10  4m      ""

John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Observation: cdrecord easier to use than I realized :)

2002-05-21 Thread John P Verel

On 05/21/02, 03:19:55PM -0700, Samuel Flory wrote:
>It get's every easier once you find /etc/cdrecord.conf;-)

Actually, I tried to get the scsi bus setting detected via
cdrecord.conf by using the CD-RW label as shown in -scanbus, but I must
have gotten it wrong.  My /etc/cdrecord.conf (edited) looks like this:

# This file is /etc/cdrecord.conf
# Inserted device line below, 4/31/02 jpv
# The default FIFO size if, not specified elsewhere
# End /etc/cdrecord.conf

The CDR_DEVICE entry was based on -scanbus output of this (again,

0,0,0 0) 'LG  ' 'CD-ROM CRD-8480C' '1.04' Removable CD-ROM
0,1,0 1) 'SONY' 'CD-RW  CRX100E  ' '1.0m' Removable CD-ROM

The man page indicates that is if the CDR_DEVICE matches the -scanbus,
the dev option should not be needed.  I found it was.

John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Observation: cdrecord easier to use than I realized :)

2002-05-21 Thread John P Verel

Just an observation.  Until just now, I'd been intimidated by the, um, opaque (IMHO)
man page of cdrecord.  I'd fumbled around with Xcdroast and the burner
software on my Windows partition to burn iso images.  (I'd gotten
ide-scsi emulation working sometime ago on the linux box).

Well, today, as root, I executed the following "exotic" command at my
bash prompt:

cdrecord -vv dev=1,0 valhalla-docs.iso
  (I like lots of output)

Sure enough, cdrecord went without a hitch.  On my somewhat older CD-RW,
(4x,2x,24x), the write time for the docs iso, about 55.5 megs, was 91
seconds.  I assure you this way outperforms the Windows GUI tool.

So, the point is that cdrecord is a lot easier to use than I'd
thought...arguably easier than a gui interface ... at least for iso
images.  Good work, and thanks, to Jorge Schilling :)

John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: RH vs. LILO

2002-05-20 Thread John P Verel

My machine is a dual boot Win 98 / RH 7.3.  I use PM's Boot Magic,
installed on my MBR, as my primary boot manager.  I use LILO, installed
in my linux boot partition, as my secondary boot loader to load Red Hat.

You might try:

1) Booting into Windows to make sure Boot Magic installed and working.
Make emergency boot discs using Partition Magic and Windows while you're
2) Do a reinstall of RH 7.2, installing LILO in your /boot partition,
NOT your Master Boot Record (MBR).  Do be sure that your /boot partition
is below the 1024 cylinder boundary.  You may need to juggle things
around with Partition Magic to get it this way.  BTW, Partition Magic 5.0
will NOT work with Ext3 file systems.
3) Go back to Windows and add the linux partition to your Boot Magic
4) Reboot the machine and see that Boot Magic gives you Windows and
Linux as options.  When you choose Linux, you'll go to the LILO menu.
Choose linux again.

This works for me.
On 05/19/02, 11:14:50PM -0700, Eric Kadison wrote:
> Hi all,
> Can someone help me figure out how to get my RH 7.2 back?  I've used a LILO
> boot diskette since installing RH on my dual boot RH 7.2 / Win 98 system.  I
> recently used Partition Magic to increase the size of my RH / partition and
> now the boot diskette won't work.  I guess it knew the partition layout.  My
> RH partitions are all Ext2, not Ext3 type.
> Now I need to figure out how to boot something that will allow me to get
> back into RH and I haven't a clue as to what.
> I might install PM's boot loader to give me a permanent solution.  Is this a
> viable solution?  I have PM 5.0.  I've not been successful with GRUB -- it
> got an exception during the RH 7.2 install.  I backed off to LILO,  But it
> would not install on the hdd -- cylinder no > 1024.  System is an Athlon
> 850, 256 MB RAM, 13 GB IBM HDD (ATA66) using an Via-based MB.
> TIA,
> Eric

John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: ximian gnome vs. gnome delivered with rh 7.3 and migrating from one distribution to another

2002-05-19 Thread John P Verel

On 05/19/02, 10:13:45AM +0200, Joachim Breuer wrote:
> Hm. I've done more than one upgrade (7.0 -> 7.1 -> 7.2 -> 7.3) of
> several Ximianized RH systems, one of them yesterday (7.2 -> 7.3). (I
> wanted to verify this procedure again before commenting on it in the
> other message about removing rpms in this thread).
> All I usually did was upgrade using the CDs (booting off them,
> choosing "upgrade") as usual, where I had to tell RH that it's ok with
> me that it does what it sees fit with "overlapping 3rd party
> packages".
> After upgrading RH I simply reinstalled ximian using the following
> procedure:
> - "System-wide" X server turned off (telinit 3 or edited initdefault)
> - On text console 1 log in as root, start X (using just
> X 
> so it will sit there without any applications - especially no gnome
> ones)
> - On text console 2 log in as root, start the ximian installer
> DISPLAY=:0 ./installer-rpm-glibc2.2-i386
> - Switching to the X screen (usually console 7) shows the ximian
> installer sort of stuck in the upper left corner without any
> decoration (because no window manager is running); but it is fully
> useable nonetheless. Finish installation as usual.
> + Sometimes the installer complains about requireing specific versions
> of some packages (but that is no longer related to the RH upgrade -
> would happen with a full reinstall as well, I guess). When you have
> the machine being installed connected to the internet just removing
> the offending packages is usually sufficient; if it is in the way a
> different version would be installed by ximian anyway ;-)
> - After installation has completed, exit X server (for example using
> Ctrl-Alt-Backspace in the now empty graphics screen); go back to
> runlevel 5 (telinit 5) and exit the text consoles.
> Worked for me everytime; yesterday even between upgrading RH and
> reinstalling Ximian the gnome desktop was in a useable state (as my
> girlfriend accidentally found out :-)
> What exactly are the upgrade problems you're experiencing?

I commend you on your acumen in carrying out the upgrade/ximianisation,
as you've described.  You are at a different level than I, for sure.

When I attempted the upgrade of my ximianised 7.1 machine, I followed
the Red Hat release notes, which are, as I recall, identical to the
release notes for 7.3.  After upgrade, I went (whilst logged in to a
Ximian Gnome desktop) to the Ximian site to perform a reinstall.  It
simply bombed.  The machine was unusable as a gnome machine.  KDE
worked, however.   So, faced with an unusable gnome environment, I went
through the rpm -e route, as noted earlier in the thread.

Thanks for your note, though, as it is a real technical tour de force
> So long,

John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: ximian gnome vs. gnome delivered with rh 7.3 and migrating from one distribution to another

2002-05-18 Thread John P Verel

On 05/18/02, 11:03:41AM +0200, Joachim Breuer wrote:
> A possibly easier way to achieve the above (for the "daring"):

Um, yep, sounds "daring" to me ;)
> Just log into a text console (possibly from single user mode, or do
> "telinit 3" to shut down the gnome login screen), and then:
> rpm -e `rpm -qa | grep ximian`
> (The "backticks" around the "inner" half of the command cause its
> output to be used as the command line of the outer half). If it
> complains about dependencies etc. you might have to use --nodeps or
> maybe even --force with the -e.

I had to use --force.


John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: ximian gnome vs. gnome delivered with rh 7.3 and migrating from one distribution to another

2002-05-17 Thread John P Verel

On 05/17/02, 05:34:09PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The problem with sticking with just RH gnome/sawfish is, RH never upgrades 'em.
> At least, they didn't for 7.2, so you're hopelessly behind the curve when you
> try and do things and have problems.  You go to a public forum with your
> problem, and everyone asks what the hell you're doing running stuff so old.
> I wonder what the versions of gnome/sawfish are included in 7.3?


John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: ximian gnome vs. gnome delivered with rh 7.3 and migrating from one distribution to another

2002-05-17 Thread John P Verel

On 05/17/02, 05:12:53PM -0500, Bret Hughes wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-05-17 at 16:52, John P Verel wrote:
> > On 05/17/02, 12:56:52PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > As I say, I liked Ximian.  But upgrading, at least for now, is not
> > ready for prime time, IMHO.  I'm quite happy with RedHat's out of the
> > box Gnome install.
> I am in the same boat now.  I have a laptop that is my primary
> workstation and I wanted to try evolution so I did the ximian thing. 
> Now I can't even upgrade mozilla since ximian gets its fingers into
> everything.  I am going to try and upgrade it to 7.3 from 7.2 but first
> I guess I will have to undo the ximian stuff.  Any tips on it?  

The only thing that worked for me was to remove all the ximian rpms,
using a KDE Konsole.  Presulably a regualr console would work as well.
What I did was 

rpm -qa | grep ximian | lpr, then 

rpm -e --force foo.rpm-ximian through the whole list.  

This will leave your machine unusable as a gnome machine.  You will then
have to do an upgrade, presumably from the cds/boot floppy you have on

After doing this, you'd be free to go back to the ximian site and do a
reinstall.  That should work.

John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: ximian gnome vs. gnome delivered with rh 7.3 and migrating from one distribution to another

2002-05-17 Thread John P Verel

On 05/17/02, 12:56:52PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  2) What are the benefits and disadventages with Ximian compared to Gnome installed 
>with RH?

Ximian is effectively a fork of its own.  If you apply Ximian over
RedHat, you may have a much more "intense" experience with future
upgrades of Red Hat.  Read the 7.3 release notes, section titled,
"Distribution General Notes", on CD1 very carefully for a broader
discussion of this issue.  

I used Ximian over 7.1 and liked it very much.  However, my upgrade to
7.2 was, simply, a horror show.  I tried Red Hat's options 2 of doing a
RedHat upgrade and then reinstalling Ximian.  I had a completely
unstable machine.  I had to tediously uninstall all the Ximian packages
(using KDE), and then do a reinstall of Red Hat.  Not a lot of fun, I
assure you.

As I say, I liked Ximian.  But upgrading, at least for now, is not
ready for prime time, IMHO.  I'm quite happy with RedHat's out of the
box Gnome install.
John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

New Bash files: profile.rpmnew, bashrc.rpmnew.

2002-05-16 Thread John P Verel

I note from the upgrade log that the upgrade to bash 2.05a created a
couple of *.rpmnew files, e.g:


The old files were left unchanged.  Does anyone know if these are
proposed to be used in place of the old ones?

John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list


2002-05-16 Thread John P Verel

Can you post some sample code?

On 05/16/02, 07:17:33PM -0300, Ted Gervais wrote:
> I wonder what I can do with my PATH statements. When I run a script or try and 
> run a file, while logged in as root - it says command not found.  So I run 
> 'source' and the file name and it runs. But not all of the file  works.  
> There are commands in that file that are being called and these commands 
> don't work. So what do I do.  I even tried running the file with './' in 
> front of it and not all the functions/calls in that file work.

John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

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