[atlas] Reverse traceroute

2024-04-16 Thread Hank Nussbacher


"Measure at least one reverse path from 39,544 Autonomous System (AS) 
destinations, which host 92.6% of Internet users. As a comparison, RIPE 
Atlas vantage points can measure from 4,344 AS destinations, 
representing 67.1% of the Internet user base."

Has anyone tried this and indeed found better visibility via their system?



ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] Thanks!

2023-09-21 Thread Hank Nussbacher

On 21/09/2023 18:44, Ernst J. Oud wrote:


I know I was a bit harsh commenting about the degraded performance of Atlas the 
last couple of days.

Therefore herewith also kudos now that the problems appears to be solved. I 
guess a number of people have worked hard on the issue. Appreciated!

Ernst J. Oud

Kudos to RIPE for their ATLAS service.  Add a +1.


ripe-atlas mailing list

[atlas] RIPE probes vs OONI probes

2022-08-11 Thread Hank Nussbacher

Why couldn't they have used RIPE probes to conduct the analysis:
Why did they need OONI probes?   What services do OONI probes provide 
that RIPE probes cannot?

Thanks and regards,

ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] Probe on sailboat with Starlink

2022-06-23 Thread Hank Nussbacher

On 24/06/2022 03:21, Phillip Remaker wrote:

There are a number of satellite providers for boats/ships: viasat, 
inmarsat, speedcast, marlink, navarino, kvh, thrane, iridium, hughes and 
probably others I am missing.  I seem to remember that Maxmind and 
others used some sort of ad-hoc country code like XX to signify an IP 
associated with an area not covered by a country.


I don;t know who gets to decide such a thing, but I think it's a great 
idea as long as it is appropriately tagged. Diversity of deployed probes 
is helpful.

On Wed, Jun 1, 2022 at 10:16 AM Michael Markstaller via ripe-atlas 
mailto:ripe-atlas@ripe.net>> wrote:


just a question:
any interest to have a probe on a sailboat with Starlink (not

Just got my probe Probe #27837 fixed again at home (usb-stick RO/dead)
and now I wonder if I leave it at home or take it with me over

ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] Looking for a hardware probe

2022-05-24 Thread Hank Nussbacher

On 24/05/2022 14:36, Johan ter Beest wrote:

Hi Giuseppe (and others reading this),

We are still shipping hardware probes, unfortunately we were out of 
stock of the v4 and we had to find a new hardware platform so everything 
took longer than expected.

The new version is aptly named v5 and was shown at RIPE84 in Berlin 

Once the new batch of v5 probes is ready (soon, fingers crossed) , we 
will start shipping them again including to the people that applied 
before (after they confirm they still want one).

Can the probe ambassador page be updated to display the probe version 
handed out next to each probe?


RIPE Atlas Team

ripe-atlas mailing list

[atlas] Training material

2021-10-11 Thread Hank Nussbacher

I know of:
which from slide 79-176 is dedicated to explaining RIPE Atlas. Problem 
is that it is from July 2019.  Is there a later more up to date RIPE 
Atlas PPT?


Re: [atlas] New RIPE Atlas Sponsorship opportunities

2021-10-07 Thread Hank Nussbacher

On 06/10/2021 11:04, Lia Hestina wrote:

Dear colleagues,

Today we launch our new RIPE Atlas sponsorship model, offering more benefits 
and exposure to our future sponsors. Thanks to the contributions we've received 
so far, we've been able to keep distributing hardware probes free of charge all 
over the world, with each new probe helping make RIPE Atlas a more useful tool 
for measuring and monitoring the state of the Internet. Read our story on RIPE 


We're now asking you to help us expand the RIPE Atlas network further still. 
Even the smallest contribution from you will keep our vibrant community going 
so we can carry on making the Internet a more stable place for all. Check what 
our new sponsorship opportunities have to offer:


Kind regards,

Lia Hestina
On behalf of the RIPE Atlas team

I am a bit confused:
Based on the 2021 budget (above) ATLAS has 130KEuro in Capex.  How much 
does it cost RIPE to make and distribute 1000 hardware probes?  Based on 
the sponsorship page it costs about 100Euro per probe (10Euro funds 
1000 probes) which seems to be a bit excessive.

Also, why couldn't the RIPE NCC decide to allocate 500KEuro in 2022 for 
exactly this purpose?  If added to the budget - let the membership decide.


[atlas] Measuring reachability query

2021-01-27 Thread Hank Nussbacher

I found this presentation:
  I ran a test from 40 Israeli probes to see if there are any issues
  accessing zoom.us:
  https://atlas.ripe.net/measurements/28912347/#probes [1st run]
  https://atlas.ripe.net/measurements/28912916/#probes [2nd run]

It shows all in Israel getting to Zoom.us with an average of
  But 3 sites –  show under 1ms response time – as if they run some
  local proxy.   I checked with them and they said they have nothing
So how come probe 17832 gets .869ms and probe 17875 gets .610ms
  and probe 27091 gets .718ms to zoom.us?



[atlas] Credit page 404ed?

2020-11-08 Thread Hank Nussbacher

When viewing the credit page:
One can see numerous lines where one has accumulated credits (see
  attached screenshot).

Each line has a hotlink similar to:

This always leads to:
This page does not seem to exist…

What am I doing wrong?



Re: [atlas] RIPE Atlas usage webinar (and software probe installation demo)

2020-08-17 Thread Hank Nussbacher

On 17/08/2020 13:46, Lia Hestina wrote:

I guess I missed the original notice,
  but if not, how does RIPE announce a webiner with less than 24
  hours notice?


  Dear all,
  The RIPE NCC will host a two day RIPE Atlas webinar
with two RIPE Atlas ambassadors as guest trainers, Anurag Bhatia
and Swapneel Patnekar. If you are interested in learning to use
RIPE Atlas for network monitoring and troubleshooting, and also
learning how to install a RIPE Atlas software probe, please join
us tomorrow.
  More information is available here: 
  If you would like to participate, please send an email
to e-learn...@ripe.net.
  Thank you,
  Lia Hestina


Re: [atlas] Request RIPE Atlas Credit for Research

2019-03-06 Thread Hank Nussbacher

On 06/03/2019 13:59, Tim Chown wrote:

On 6 Mar 2019, at 13:48, Nick Hilliard (INEX)  wrote:

陆超逸 wrote on 06/03/2019 11:41:

Greetings! I'm a PhD student at Tsinghua University, China.
Recently a large-scale measurement via RIPE Atlas is needed for my
research. However, as a new user I don't have any credit to proceed,
and unfortunately the time doesn't allow me to earn them by myself.
So I'm here to ask for help. Is it possible for anyone generous
enough to offer me some RIPE Atlas credits (like, a million)?
My account at RIPE NCC is lc...@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn

sure - just sent you 10m.

Perhaps a naive question, but how do you gift credits?

We run an anchor and would like to send researchers in our community some 




Re: [atlas] Why has probe growth stagnated?

2019-03-02 Thread Hank Nussbacher

On 01/03/2019 16:14, Robert Kisteleki wrote:


On 2019-02-20 09:36, Gert Doering wrote:


On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 06:52:28AM +0200, Hank Nussbacher wrote:

On Tue, 19 Feb 2019, s...@gibbard.org wrote:

ASN coverage is just 5.6%.  That really doesn't give a complete global
view for stats.  Rather than return money to LIRs every year in their
bill, why not state that any LIR running an active probe within their ASN
will get a 50Euro credit on their bill?  That alone would increase ASN
footprint coverage quickly within RIPE.

I like that suggestion :-)

(Not sure how that will pan out if we reach 50% of all LIRs, but to get
from 5% to 20%, it might definitely be an idea)

Interesting idea indeed!

Let me try to address a few points that were mentioned before, perhaps
by providing some background information along the way.

The growth rate is indeed slower than in the early days. As with
everything, there's no single reason for this. On one hand we had
shortage of hardware probes (which is hopefully solved for the moment,
On the other hand, it's harder to reach "uncovered" networks and as
someone mentioned before, the "the low hanging fruit being pretty

We measure ASN coverage compared to all ASN-s that announce anything at
all, so depending on how hard one wants to argue for having a probe "in
every AS", this may or may not need improvement. We're certainly
encouraging all our ambassadors and prospective hosts to deploy probes
where we don't have them yet. The current application process has a
built-in preference for new networks.

For a few years now the procurement of new probes is funded exclusively
by sponsors. Therefore we'd be very happy to see more sponsors stepping up.

Finally: the public graph about the number of users shows the total we
have so far (meaning users who interacted with RIPE Atlas while they
were logged in via RIPE Access). We can, if this is deemed useful, track
the number of recent users too (for some definition of recent).


And what about the idea to encourage greater ASN coverage by providing a 
discount on LIR

membership for those who have at least one active ASN probe in their ASN?

Re: [atlas] Why has probe growth stagnated?

2019-02-19 Thread Hank Nussbacher

On Tue, 19 Feb 2019, s...@gibbard.org wrote:

ASN coverage is just 5.6%.  That really doesn't give a complete global 
view for stats.  Rather than return money to LIRs every year in their 
bill, why not state that any LIR running an active probe within their ASN 
will get a 50Euro credit on their bill?  That alone would increase ASN 
footprint coverage quickly within RIPE.


I think it’s worth first considering a couple questions:  what is the goal 
here, and what are the constraints on meeting that goal?

If the goal is “lots and lots of probes in ever increasing numbers,” than 
spinning up lots of VM probes would be great.  It would be an easy way to get 
probes in large numbers cheaply and efficiently.  But if the goal is to do 
actual network performance measurements from the perspective of the end users 
who actually use the Internet, that doesn’t help much.

Where Atlas really shines is in the huge number of measurement points on end 
user connections all over the world.  Need to understand what the network looks 
like to users on some ISP in Venezuela?   Atlas probably has a probe, and can 
tell you that.

Here we get into an issue of the low hanging fruit being pretty saturated.  For 
instance, I could plug in a probe at my house, but it would be the third Atlas 
probe on Comcast in Oakland, California, and wouldn’t really add anything 
(thus, I have a probe that I’ve been carrying around in my bag for the last few 
months waiting until I have time to plug it in somewhere more interesting). But 
there are still a lot of smaller ISPs that don’t have Atlas probes despite 
having enough end users for measurements to matter, probably because they don’t 
have any customers who are part of the global network operations community.  It 
should be possible to get probes installed in a bunch of those, but it would 
require both available probe hardware and a targeted effort.

My second question is what the constraints are on sending out new probes.  Is 
there a shortage at the supplier, or is this just something that needs funding?


On Feb 14, 2019, at 11:22 AM, Jared Mauch  wrote:

I think it’s quite easy to get a VM these days as well, so the needs have 
perhaps changed somewhat.

I know that hosting a VM anchor is a lot easier now, and people may have an 
easier time hosting a VM than a probe in some cases.

- Jared

On Feb 14, 2019, at 12:13 PM, James Gannon  wrote:

Hard to get new probes these days.

On 14.02.19, 18:10, "ripe-atlas on behalf of Hank Nussbacher" 

  On 12/02/2019 18:22, Hank Nussbacher wrote:

  As I am preparing my presentation I went to the stats page:
  and found that even user growth continues upward as well as number of
  anchor probes, the number of actual probes has more or less tapered off
  as of mid-2017 and ends close to 10,000 probes.  Why is that?
  Since Nov 2015 when we passed the 9000 probe mark, probe growth is
  Why have all these new users (20,000 new uses since Nov 2015!) not added
  What are we doing wrong to entice users to install probes?


I have been invited to a large CS dept in a university to give a 40
minute intro into
what is RIPE ATLAS, how does it work, how do you get credits, how many
are there, what is an anchor, where are they located, how does the GUI
work, what type of measurements
can one do, etc.  Very very introductory - just to whet their
appetite.  A basic intro to RIPE ATLAS.
So I looked in:
and didn't find anything (PS the webinar link is broken).
I am sure there must be some PPT/PDF presentation out there for this.


[atlas] Why has probe growth stagnated?

2019-02-14 Thread Hank Nussbacher

On 12/02/2019 18:22, Hank Nussbacher wrote:

As I am preparing my presentation I went to the stats page:
and found that even user growth continues upward as well as number of 
anchor probes, the number of actual probes has more or less tapered off 
as of mid-2017 and ends close to 10,000 probes.  Why is that?
Since Nov 2015 when we passed the 9000 probe mark, probe growth is 
Why have all these new users (20,000 new uses since Nov 2015!) not added 

What are we doing wrong to entice users to install probes?


I have been invited to a large CS dept in a university to give a 40 
minute intro into
what is RIPE ATLAS, how does it work, how do you get credits, how many 
are there, what is an anchor, where are they located, how does the GUI 
work, what type of measurements
can one do, etc.  Very very introductory - just to whet their 
appetite.  A basic intro to RIPE ATLAS.

So I looked in:
and didn't find anything (PS the webinar link is broken).
I am sure there must be some PPT/PDF presentation out there for this.


Re: [atlas] Intro presentation to RIPE ATLAS?

2019-02-12 Thread Hank Nussbacher

On 12/02/2019 18:48, Johan wrote:

Hi Hank,

On 12 Feb 2019, at 17:22, Hank Nussbacher <mailto:h...@efes.iucc.ac.il>> wrote:

I have been invited to a large CS dept in a university to give a 40 
minute intro into
what is RIPE ATLAS, how does it work, how do you get credits, how 
many probes
are there, what is an anchor, where are they located, how does the 
GUI work, what type of measurements
can one do, etc.  Very very introductory - just to whet their 
appetite.  A basic intro to RIPE ATLAS.

So I looked in:
and didn't find anything (PS the webinar link is broken).
I am sure there must be some PPT/PDF presentation out there for this.

The PDF’s and Keynote can be found here:

I had looked at that - specifically:
and started from slide 113-173 and found it a bit outdated (see slide 123).
Anything else available?



Kind regards,
Johan ter Beest
RIPE Atlas Team



[atlas] Intro presentation to RIPE ATLAS?

2019-02-12 Thread Hank Nussbacher
I have been invited to a large CS dept in a university to give a 40 
minute intro into
what is RIPE ATLAS, how does it work, how do you get credits, how many 
are there, what is an anchor, where are they located, how does the GUI 
work, what type of measurements
can one do, etc.  Very very introductory - just to whet their appetite.  
A basic intro to RIPE ATLAS.

So I looked in:
and didn't find anything (PS the webinar link is broken).
I am sure there must be some PPT/PDF presentation out there for this.


[atlas] Wifi measurements?

2017-07-24 Thread Hank Nussbacher
When I start a new measurement, in addition to the standard measurements
like ping and traceroute, I see a "wifi" measurement that appears for
about 2 seconds at the end of the list and then auto-disappears.  See
attached screenshot. 


Re: [atlas] API probe search

2016-09-08 Thread Hank Nussbacher
On 08/09/2016 17:13, Jasper den Hertog wrote:



> Hank,
> Sorry for the late reply. 
> Indeed the GUI basically provides a blanket search over all kinds of
> text fields AND strips AS or ASN from the user input. This is not very
> convenient and we will improve this,
> greetings,
> Jasper den Hertog
> RIPE Atlas software engineer
>> On 29 Aug 2016, at 18:11, Hank Nussbacher <h...@efes.iucc.ac.il
>> <mailto:h...@efes.iucc.ac.il>> wrote:
>> On 8/29/2016 3:23 PM, Jasper den Hertog wrote:
>> Sorry I wasn't more clear.  I am referring to the GUI API located at:
>> https://atlas.ripe.net/probes/
>> There is a search box on that page.  It even says "filter by
>> id/asn/country/description"  Put in there AS222 and see what pops up.
>> Regards,
>> Hank
>>> Hi All,
>>> Please note that the v1 API is deprecated.
>>> The latest and greatest query would be:
>>> https://atlas.ripe.net/api/v2/probes/?asn=
>>> and the docs for this live at:
>>> https://atlas.ripe.net/docs/api/v2/manual/probes/queryparameters.html
>>> and
>>> https://atlas.ripe.net/docs/api/v2/reference/#!/probes/Probe_List_GET
>>> <https://atlas.ripe.net/docs/api/v2/reference/#%21/probes/Probe_List_GET>
>>> Greetings,
>>> Jasper den Hertog
>>>> On 29 Aug 2016, at 14:20, Wenqin SHAO
>>>> <wenqin.s...@telecom-paristech.fr
>>>> <mailto:wenqin.s...@telecom-paristech.fr>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Here is an example from the official
>>>> doc https://atlas.ripe.net/docs/rest/#probe
>>>> https://atlas.ripe.net/api/v1/probe/?asn=
>>>> It queries the probes hosted in AS .
>>>> It works for me.
>>>> My two cents,
>>>> wenqin
>>>>> On 29 Aug 2016, at 13:10, Hank Nussbacher <h...@efes.iucc.ac.il
>>>>> <mailto:h...@efes.iucc.ac.il>> wrote:
>>>>> When searching for specific ASN probes via:
>>>>> https://atlas.ripe.net/probes/
>>>>> and entering a search like "AS", why does the API ignore the
>>>>> letters AS and respond with probes that have an id of y or
>>>>> y or ASN yxxxy?  Shouldn't it be if I specify a specific
>>>>> string of ASxxx the response should be *only *those probes in
>>>>> ASxxx or at the worst also ASxxxy?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Hank

[atlas] API probe search

2016-08-29 Thread Hank Nussbacher
When searching for specific ASN probes via:
and entering a search like "AS", why does the API ignore the letters
AS and respond with probes that have an id of y or y or ASN
yxxxy?  Shouldn't it be if I specify a specific string of ASxxx the
response should be *only *those probes in ASxxx or at the worst also ASxxxy?


Re: [atlas] Is the Atlas probe hackable?

2016-07-06 Thread Hank Nussbacher
On 06/07/2016 09:56, Daniel Karrenberg wrote:

It is indeed a FP.

There was a collision between variant of Tinba DGA and legit domain -

As you can see it the below link, a lot of malwares samples communicated
with thinksquare.net on the exact same day.



> I am positive tinba cannot run on the probes.
> So either that IDS is brain damaged or some joker made a UDM that acts
> like tinba or both. What Marc said: the 'CnC' appears to be at the root
> name servers. Queue conspiracy theory .
> Daniel
> On 5.07.16 14:15 , Hank Nussbacher wrote:
>> I received a report from one of our security monitoring systems about
>> one of our probes (#17846) - https://atlas.ripe.net/probes/17846/ which
>> appears to be infected with Tinba:
>>> Security incident #1 - Tinba infection
>>> Involved internal Hosts:
>>> atlas-probe.cc.biu.ac.il spotted since
>>> 2016-06-30
>>> 23:58:54 till 2016-07-01 05:01:20
>>> Malicious activities found:
>>> Tinba infection
>>> related indication of compromise:
>>>  Communication with CnC
>> Should we be worried?
>> Thanks,
>> Hank

[atlas] Is the Atlas probe hackable?

2016-07-05 Thread Hank Nussbacher
I received a report from one of our security monitoring systems about
one of our probes (#17846) - https://atlas.ripe.net/probes/17846/ which
appears to be infected with Tinba:

> Security incident #1 - Tinba infection

> Involved internal Hosts:

> atlas-probe.cc.biu.ac.il spotted since

> 2016-06-30

> 23:58:54 till 2016-07-01 05:01:20

> Malicious activities found:

> Tinba infection

> related indication of compromise:

>  Communication with CnC












Should we be worried?



[atlas] Hackathon code & presentations?

2016-05-26 Thread Hank Nussbacher
Any code or presentations to share?
Is the code available on Github yet?


[atlas] Documentation

2016-05-23 Thread Hank Nussbacher
Just saw announced the following:
> We’ve updated the RIPE Atlas APIs and created a comprehensive user
> manual that explains everything you need to know about how to use them:
> https://labs.ripe.net/Members/suzanne_taylor_muzzin/new-ripe-atlas-apis
which leads me to:
Would it be possible to create a single file PDF of the API manual?


Re: [atlas] USB drive more harmful than helpful?

2016-05-21 Thread Hank Nussbacher
On 20/05/2016 22:08, Phillip Remaker wrote:
> When most flash sticks get errored out enough, they permanently fail
> into a read only mode, or become fully unreadable. Read-only mode can
> be reset on some models, but it is not recommended by the vendor.  At
> least one of the failed SANdisk units I had was stuck in a read-only mode.
> Also, probes may be subjected to ungraceful power down situations,
> depending on where they are stationed. That can also be a flash drive
> killer.
> I don't think we are hitting the write limits of the sticks. I suspect
> the units are often in underpowered or ungraceful pwoer-down
> situations, or the USB flash itself is not responding gracefully to
> poweroff situations.
> I don't suppose RIPE buys enough USB sticks to get to talk to
> engineers at SanDISK?
Sandisk R is located in Israel:
I could probably arrange a meeting with the technical staff there
provided there is a clear document detailing the issue.
Maybe RIPE ATLAS technical staff would like to come to a meeting?


Re: [atlas] An article/FAQ entry about probe troubleshooting

2016-05-01 Thread Hank Nussbacher
On 01/05/2016 10:56, Michael Ionescu wrote:
> Hi,
>>> I think though that there should still be more debugging info for 
>>> connections.
>>> However, we're working on a feature to give probe hosts more guidance about
>>> what's going on (and especially what's going wrong) with their probe (*),
>>> and here we will make it clear if the USB replacement is in order.
> In the interim, the status feature has been launched, but it doesn't help 
> when the probe does not connect to the atlas server.
>> Besides this, I'm sure we'll happily endorse any kind of community-written
>> troubleshooting guides :)
> For want of a better place I've started a troubleshooting guide on my 
> wikipedia sandbox and would invite the community to help bring it to 
> fruition. Your contributions are appreciated!
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Mhi/sandbox/Troubleshooting_RIPE-Atlas_Probes

Very nice!


> Regards,
> Michael
> Sent via RIPE Forum -- https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/forum

Re: [atlas] Probe status / self-help

2016-04-20 Thread Hank Nussbacher
On 20/04/2016 15:32, Robert Kisteleki wrote:
> Dear All,
> Today we released a new feature intended to help the probe hosts detecting,
> understanding and fixing various issued related to probes.
> You should be able to see a new "Status" tab on your probe page. This is
> where we explain various conditions, such as USB problems, non-working IPv6
> or DNS resolutions quirks.
> Please note that this bit is in early stages (officially labeled as beta).
> We believe it works in general, however for now it only explains various
> system tags that mark error conditions. It will have more features in the
> future. It is also intended to be a place where we can add features that
> explain, for example, "your probe behaves differently than the rest" or
> "path MTU issues detected" or such.
> We think this will be a useful feature to hosts. Let us know if you have
> specific suggestions for improvement.
> Regards,
> Robert Kisteleki

It would be nice if not only the probe owner but other users would be
able to view this tab in order to help the users with problematic probes
fix their issues.


Re: [atlas] Probe offline

2016-03-07 Thread Hank Nussbacher
On 07/03/2016 15:24, M. Piscaer wrote:

Thanks.  I will try that on Wed when I am back next to our LO site.


> Hi Hank,
> On https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8oF0MaoUlQ I saw that you can use an
> new clean USB disk. When the usb disk is FAT formated, the probe will
> use that new usb stick.
> Kind regards,
> Michiel Piscaer
> On 07-03-16 14:09, Hank Nussbacher wrote:
>> On 07/03/2016 10:49, Gert Doering wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Mon, Mar 07, 2016 at 10:39:47AM +0200, Hank Nussbacher wrote:
>>>> What does that mean?  I can try reseating the USB again, but if that
>>>> doesn't work, it could be the USB is fried?
>>> Try the USB stick in a "normal" PC and see whether it can be formatted
>>> there.  I recently had one of mine completely break - the stick could be
>>> seen, but it was empty and all write access failed.
>> I pulled the USB stick and tried formatting it.  Even though it says 4GB
>> Sandisk, I could only get it to 1GB.
>> So I opened a new probe, extracted its USB stick and stuck it into the
>> probe as well (unformatted).   Still off-line.
>> I went to our "lights out" facility 3x today - a 15 minute brisk walk
>> across campus and don't have time to
>> go there again. 
>> At home it is far easier to play with these things then it is when the
>> probe is installed as close to your network core as possible (which is
>> usually at a LO facility).  I know exactly how you feel!
>> -Hank
>>> I'm not sure what the Atlas v3 does with its USB stick, but this is the
>>> number one problem issue...  maybe a new firmware version could be designed
>>> that has more advanced flash handling (like, ubifs instead of "normal"
>>> filesystems) and falls back to "not use flash if the flash is broken".
>>> What I see with my probes is that the aim of the flash buffer ("we can 
>>> store measurement results if we can't upload them to the control server
>>> due to network outages etc." -> less probability of result loss) is 
>>> actually backfiring into "extended downtimes of probes due to USB breakage
>>> of probes in locations where you can't just-so swap the USB flash"...
>>> (two of my 3 v3 probes have had virtually no network outages since they
>>> are operating, and the central servers also had few outages - but both
>>> have been down for weeks because I just had no time to go out, buy a 
>>> new flash drive, and *drive over* to replace it - once again)
>>> Gert Doering
>>> -- NetMaster

Re: [atlas] Probe offline

2016-03-07 Thread Hank Nussbacher
On 07/03/2016 09:45, Alistair Mackenzie wrote:
ResolverTime (UTC)  Query Type  Power-up Time   Info
2001:bf8:900:5:20c:29ff:fe79:3b51   2016-03-07 08:37:54 A   1h 50m  
NO-USB 2016-03-07 08:37:54 1h 50m  NO-USB

What does that mean?  I can try reseating the USB again, but if that
doesn't work, it could be the USB is fried?


> Can you send the SOS DNS packets?
> On 7 Mar 2016 07:37, "Hank Nussbacher" <h...@efes.iucc.ac.il
> <mailto:h...@efes.iucc.ac.il>> wrote:
> I too have a probe that won't come online after being online for
> months:
> https://atlas.ripe.net/probes/17879/#!tab-general
> <https://atlas.ripe.net/probes/17879/#%21tab-general>
> I did the reset trick:
> I've stopped the probe, removed the USB drive, started the probe,
> waited
> 5 minutes and inserted the USB stick again. The probe comes up but via
> the WebGUI it shows offline.
> The IP is pingable so I am at a loss of what I should now do to get it
> back into the on-line mode.
> Any help appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Hank