Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-09 Thread Michael Barabanov


Of course, I can not prove it, but at the time I put in the tracer support, I
was not aware of LTT's existence. I was trying to track down a timing problem
with in beta15, so I wrote this trace program that did help to solve the
problem.  Apart of "similar code" (note, I never saw any of LTT's
until your message about do_gettimeofday),
these two tools, as I see now, solve different purposes.


Karim Yaghmour ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Few were convinced, but I thought that Micheal's code was amazing and that the idea 
 great, even though it seemed to be deja-vu. When I started working on the Linux
 Trace Toolkit, bringing LTT support for RTL was my ultimate dream. I thought that
 this would surely make it very clear that Linux could be used as an embedded/RT OS.
 Having been very busy developing LTT and attending every day obligations, I only
 got time to check LTT support for RTL in autumn '99, some time __after__ the first
 release. I went over to and downloaded a copy of the latest RTL.
 To my dreadful surprise, someone had tried to instrument RTL. Not only that, but
 the code used to instrument RTL was severely familiar. No mention of my name could
 be found anywhere and no mention of the addition was made to any file. I only knew
 because I read the source code. This happened somewhere between beta 15 and beta 16
 in September '99, clearly two months after LTT's first release.
 I was very disappointed by this. I thought to myself that if you take an idea from
 someone it would be the least of things to drop him an e-mail and tell him that you
 really liked what he did and that you might build on that. Least of things, you might
 ask him about what advice he might have about the problems he encountered so that you
 wouldn't fall in the same traps. You could even inquire about his desire to help out.
 It seems all of this was too much to ask.
 Therefore, there is no surprise that I find it very credible when someone states that
 they've been copied by RTL and that they received no credit for their work. In
 Paolo's HAL case, this was blatant. There is no surprise either when I state that
 I am firmly against including any RTL code into the Linux source code. You've 
 once, that's OK. RTAI will probably live on. Allowing such a mistake with Linux would
 be very harmfull to the open-source movement.
 This is not the first time I post my views on your methods and motivations. On the
 last occasion, I was very flamy (accusing you of M$ behavior). Ensued a private
 discussion were I agreed to publicly apologize for my flaming so that we might
 continue the discussion at a more productive level. As I said above, the discussion
 didn't lead anywhere and I eventually abandoned it. This time though, my previous
 posting did not warrant any of your flak.
 We probably will never agree on any of the things I'm pointing out and that's OK
 with me. One thing though, do refrain from spreading FUD about things you do not
 understand. If not for yourself, then for the negative image you are spreading about
 the open-source community.
 Karim Yaghmour
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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-09 Thread Herman Bruyninckx

On Fri, 8 Sep 2000, Karim Yaghmour wrote:

 I'm sorry to say this, but you got this all upside down. Paolo and
 all the other RTAI developers, for that matter, have been very keen to
 recognize the contributions of RTL. The contrary, though, is not
 true. RTL developers have strived very hard to demonstrate that RTAI
 "features" are, at best, trivial to implement and, at worst, technically
 deficient. Now, these guys can go on believing what they wish, and so
 can you, but from where I stand, I don't see any reason why anyone would
 choose RTL over RTAI, because of the feature-rich nature of RTAI. By this
 I mean that there are things possible in RTAI which aren't possible in RTL,
 least of them enabling a normal Linux process to become hard-RT, which,
 for me at least, deserves a Nobel by itself. 
Well, let me try (as a _neutral_ observer) to make this clear: there
is a trade-off between (i) adding features that people (think they)
need, and (ii) offering a system that is and remains as predictable as
possible. The former is the Microsoft/RTAI/... way, the latter is
Linux(kernel)/RTL/... way.
( Don't flame me for being over-simplistic :-) )
There is a room for both parts of this spectrum.

 I applaud the wisdom of the RTAI guys for having recognized that RTL
 was a dead-end 
??Mmmm. Strong claim you make here :-)

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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-09 Thread Karim Yaghmour

Hello Herman,

Don't worry, I'm not about to flame you :)

I do disagree with your appreciation of the situation, but I do
respect your point of view. I don't think there can be a comparison
between MS and RTAI; their goals, dynamics and finalities are
completely different. As for my "dead-end" claim, you are right, it
is pretty strong, but then again, it does reflect my opinion about
RTL in its current state. I don't pretend to be __neutral__ here,
though I do think that there are misconceptions about how RTAI came
to be, where it's going and how it's going there.

By the way, thanks for your HOWTO, I think it's a great starting
point for anyone wanting to do RT using open-source.

Best regards


Herman Bruyninckx wrote:
 Well, let me try (as a _neutral_ observer) to make this clear: there
 is a trade-off between (i) adding features that people (think they)
 need, and (ii) offering a system that is and remains as predictable as
 possible. The former is the Microsoft/RTAI/... way, the latter is
 Linux(kernel)/RTL/... way.
 ( Don't flame me for being over-simplistic :-) )
 There is a room for both parts of this spectrum.
  I applaud the wisdom of the RTAI guys for having recognized that RTL
  was a dead-end
 ??Mmmm. Strong claim you make here :-)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ph.D.)Fax: +32-(0)16-32 29 87
 Dept. Mechanical Eng., Div. PMA, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
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 Karim Yaghmour
  Operating System Consultant
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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-09 Thread Karim Yaghmour

Hmm... Very interesting remarks :)

 Karim was also astounded to find that IBM had a remarkably
 similar product, and he apparently never looked at Oleg Subbotin's MS
 thesis in which he traced RTLinux threads or  Ismail Rippoli's
 RTLinux graphing tool (, or
 read my 1996 paper on tracing Linux file system behavior or ...

First I wasn't astounded by IBM's stuff, I've known for a long time
that AIX has had a tracing facility and so does SUN. This is nothing
new to me, FYI. As for Oleg Subbotin's and Ismail Rippoli's stuff, thank
you for the pointer, but then again I see no relation between this and my
remarks except trying to discredit me. As I've told you before, this
is called sophism in philosphy 101.

(By the way I'd really like to read Oleg's stuff, but I can't seem
to find it, anyone have a valid pointer ... thanks.)

I might also point out that LTT is not a product, it is a project.
There is a big difference between those two concepts. A product is
something you can sell, a project is something you contribute to.
This actually goes to show that my analysis is right, you view open-
source projects as something you can market, not something you can
provide expertise for. This is the same mind-set most Linux vendors
have. There is nothing wrong with it per-se, but there is something
wrong in your misleading the community to believe that you are truly
of open-source spirit.

 Shockingly, many of these projects use the same method of spooling data
 in a buffer and having a daemon empty the data -- in fact, somehow Linux has
 been doing this for syslog for many years.

That has never been my claim ...

Please do go to LTT's web site and go get the paper I presented at the
last annual Usenix conference as part of the main refreed track on LTT.
In it, you would see that I do not claim to have invented the data
collection methods I use, rather I emphasize on the fact that this
data had not been used in this manor before. I have read a couple of
your papers, I think you ought to read some of mine. Especially since
said paper was presented as part of one of the most important computer-
science conferences in the world.

 Next month, when someone else from Lineo invents local variables or
 the letter "a", we will undoubtedly see yet another one of these strange

I guess, my advice wasn't heard. In any case, it should be clear to any
reader that your statement is very harmfull to the open-source community's
image. But then again, you don't really care about that community, you
care about the possible revenus. So be it.

Best regards

Karim Yaghmour

 Karim Yaghmour
  Operating System Consultant
 (Linux kernel, real-time and distributed systems)
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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-09 Thread Stuart Hughes


 Next month, when someone else from Lineo invents local variables or
 the letter "a", we will undoubtedly see yet another one of these strange


How about we all lighten up a little.

Regards, Stuart
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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-08 Thread Karim Yaghmour
RTL", but what Paolo really says
 is "Clearly RTAI has reinvented the wheel as it was already in use with
 DOS, using APIs found elswhere, but not in RTL".
  I wish I had saved old emails from when Paolo's memory was actually
 keen and he admitted the contributions from RTLinux. It seems that a few
 things in life do have the power to erase our memories.
  Again, I apologize for this non-technical outburst. Maybe I was
 too naive to believe that the unification was possible and RT people
 could do the same that was done to Linux itself. After all, humans
 cannot overcome human nature.  ;-)
  Hats on for all of us.   ;-)
 From: Karim Yaghmour [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux
 Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 07:03:34 -0400
 I'm sorry to say this, but you got this all upside down. Paolo and
 all the other RTAI developers, for that matter, have been very keen to
 recognize the contributions of RTL. The contrary, though, is not
 true. RTL developers have strived very hard to demonstrate that RTAI
 "features" are, at best, trivial to implement and, at worst, technically
 deficient. Now, these guys can go on believing what they which, and so
 can you, but from where I stand, I don't see any reason why anyone would
 choose RTL over RTAI, because of the feature-rich nature of RTAI. By this
 I mean that there are things possible in RTAI which aren't possible in RTL,
 least of them enabling a normal Linux process to become hard-RT, which,
 for me at least, deserves a Nobel by itself. Actually some of the
 contributions of RTAI are so fundemental that it doesn't make sense to
 see those as "small contributions". In that sense, having to state
 the name of RTL as a mantra every time one writes new features for RTAI
 would be like having to chant a song in recognition to the glories of Donald
 Knuth every time you wrote an algorithm. Seriously, I applaud the wisdom of
 the RTAI guys for having recognized that RTL was a dead-end and having the
 guts to go against the wind, as you so well put it, to answer their true
 calling, technical excellence.
 Hats off for the RTAI guys!
- G. N. DeSouza -
-- --

 Karim Yaghmour
  Operating System Consultant
 (Linux kernel, real-time and distributed systems)
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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-08 Thread Karim Yaghmour

 As usual, I will not reply to a completely untechnical  post on the newsgroup.
 However, I should point out that I admire the consistency with which Lineo 
 repeat the advertising slogan and forget to point out that they have a financial

Your answer to my public posting was outright unwarranted, unjustified and completely
unacceptable. Even your base assumption is completely inaccurate and goes to show
that you are very much unaware of the personalities of the people your are referring
to and their motivations.

For the public record, I think it ought to be known that I have my opinions and
motivations which are not for sale even though I do offer my expertise commercially.
I accepted to develop LTT support for RTAI under Lineo sponsorship because we agreed
on the way the project should be done and on it's ultimate goal. This included making
sure the resulting code was available for everyone in the best quality it could be.
Lineo's initiative showed that they were inclined to fund open-source projects and
share their expertise while respecting the open-source movement. My duty, as an
open-source contributor, was to make sure that the project remained free. Having
secured this, I see no reason why I shouldn't offer my expertise to participate in
my project's development as I would do to participate in any other consulting activity
that I usually do. Ergo, your assumption is wrong. There was financial 
but the incentive was that of an open-source enthusiast who wanted to add new features
to a project he very much enjoys working on.

As for your constant desire to point out that Lineo is contributing to RTAI, the
community should be aware that you yourself are very much a commercial entity making
money around RTL. Your patent __and__ the fact that most RTL code is copyrighted to
FSMLabs are the proof of this. I had privately raised questions about those two
items, but you never answered fully. You even went to the point of ridiculing me and
saying that I didn't have any weight to discuss such things since I hadn't contributed
anything to the open-source movement. You were forced to drop that line when I pointed
out that I was the author of the Linux Trace Toolkit, but you still weren't very
interested in clarifying things. Today, I must say that only one of the four questions
I asked remain unanswered. That is, I still have no explanation as to why you are
now the lead RTL developer and not M. Barbanov. I also inquired about the reason of
this switch, was it voluntary or "forced"? In a subquestion, I asked why Micheal's
name wasn't on the patent. If nothing else, this really intrigues me. Isn't he
the first to have implemented RTL? Doesn't he deserve to be on the patent. In any case,
we might never know, but going back to the patent and copyright thing, I think some
things should be made very clear to the open-source community. And in my opinion,
these two items can't be viewed separately.

Having copyrighted RTL code to FSMLabs, FSMLabs, as a commercial entity, and Victor
Yodaiken, as the CEO, can decide to commercially sell the source code to any private
entity. How is this? Well, they own the copyright (look at the file headers). This
means they can choose to distribute this in as many licensees as they which. Why?
Simple, RTL is under GPL and if any commercial entity wanted to patch their OS with it,
they'd suffer GPL contamination. Of course, this isn't definitive and the GPL hasn't
been tested enough to disprove this possibility, but it would be fair to say that no
commercial entity would take such a risk. But then why couldn't they simply do their
own simili-RTL for their own OS? Well, they can't ... Victor owns the patent to that
idea. Case closed.

This might be clear for you Victor, but very few people in the open-source community
see this and I think that a lot of people in the community would be outraged by this.
Frankly, I think your are doing a great disservice to the community by behaving so
recklessly towards the freedoms and obligations the GPL embodies. Lineo is clearly
a commercial entity, they've never tried to hide this. You, on the other hand, are
dancing on both feet between the open-source world and the commercial world, trying
to make everyone believe that you're the only reference and that all the others are
bad guys. In the open-source world, you claim to be the RTL benevolent dictator leading
the way for bringing real-time to Linux and in the commercial world, you trumpet your
company's "possessions" (RTL) and "powers" (the patent). Acting as an open-source 
you take the liberty to attack a commercial company on the grounds that they are
coercing developers into adopting RTAI while you are yourself a commercial entity who's
whole existence and financial future is based on the success of RTL.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't jump into the RTAI bandwagon out of the blue for no
reason. Actually, I have 

Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-07 Thread yodaiken

On Thu, Sep 07, 2000 at 06:58:48AM +0200, Paolo Mantegazza wrote:
 - . do we want to bet how long will it take to see a real time
 memory manager in RTL?

There is no such thing as a dynamic real time memory manager.

It's been some years since RTL has been available and we have
many times had this silly discussion. 

The code for a simple version is trivial.

Step 1: write some module code:
In Linux init:
   ask for a soft RTL interrupt
   install a handler

  read from request queue (could be a fifo)
  v = kmalloc(
  *requested.result = v;

Step 2: write some RTL thread code.

In  rtl  periodic thread;

   queue request.
   while( !request.result)

Step3 : receive Nobel Prize.

Victor Yodaiken 
Finite State Machine Labs: The RTLinux Company.

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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-07 Thread Paolo Mantegazza

 On Thu, Sep 07, 2000 at 06:58:48AM +0200, Paolo Mantegazza wrote:
  - . do we want to bet how long will it take to see a real time
  memory manager in RTL?
 There is no such thing as a dynamic real time memory manager.

In fact I was just betting there will be one in the future :-).
 It's been some years since RTL has been available and we have
 many times had this silly discussion.

 The code for a simple version is trivial.
 Step 1: write some module code:
 In Linux init:
ask for a soft RTL interrupt
install a handler
   read from request queue (could be a fifo)
   v = kmalloc(
   *requested.result = v;
 Step 2: write some RTL thread code.
 In  rtl  periodic thread;
queue request.
while( !request.result)
 Step3 : receive Nobel Prize.

Since you like joking, I feel invited to go on ;-).

Once more RTAI has no problem in doing that. RTAI fifos were already
based on the use of its srqs when RTL was still patching the kernel to
protect Linux tasks queues to be used with fifos in real time.

In fact we (I, Steve and Pierre) discussed a similar solution before
they implemented theirs ideas, but they denied its usefulness because
was too much not deterministic, and they needed a truly fast minimal
latency dynamic memory manager for their applications.
So I was just pleased to have them add, and copyright, what I think is
an usefull service for RTAI. Recall that I support the idea that a reach
toolbox of mechanisms enhances user politics implementation freedom.

Note also that RTAI calls what you name soft interrupts as system
requests and they are structured with two handlers, one for user and one
for kernel space. So it could be simple for a supervisory user space
process, acting as a user interface, to pre allocate memory in kernel
space for a new stack of a to be launched rt_task, or a larger one onto
which save an already in use stack, so that a real time task could be
dynamically resumed on a larger stack if needed, and many other fancy
things. However all those things were believed not satisfactory, because
tightened to Linux, and thus miles away from a minimal latency memory

Nonetheless RTAI exploits the idea of using an srq in relation to memory
managment, but just for kfreeing kmalloced memory when tasks are

Clearly I applied to have a Nobel Prize. They already promised me one
when the euro will be worth .001 dollars, and it seems it will happen
quite soon.

Ciao, Paolo.
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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-07 Thread yodaiken

On Thu, Sep 07, 2000 at 03:50:17PM -0400, Tony Mouawad wrote:
 I'm new to the RT world, but I'm curious... what significant challenges are
 there when working with dynamic memory and real time?  Just the term
 "dynamic" gives us an indication that the mechanism would be
 undeterministic... but what's worse case here?  Why is it impossible to have
 a "real time" dynamic memory manager?  At worst, nothing is "real time",

To illustrate:

   wait for an interrupt
   copy data to buffer
   dispatch buffer
  else try_to_recover();
  goto loop

Case 1: "get_a_buffer" may sometimes stall the thread
 Result: program may stop at any momement.
Case 2: "get_a_buffer" allocates from a pool that is used by other threads and 
 just returns failure if there is no free buffer.
 Result: program may fail at any input load depending on who else
 uses the buffer pool.
Case 3: "get_a_buffer" allocates data from a static pool used only by this thread
   and freed by the destination.
 Result: thread can handle sizeof(buffer_pool)/sizeof(buffer) outstanding
 requests. If a dispatched buffer is known to be freed within K time
 units and interrupts take less than K time units plus 
jitter+interrupt dispatch
 + copy time ...  then there will never be a out of buffer failure.

So it's a subtle difference with big implications.  In the case of  Steve 
module, things are more complex since he essentially manages a cache of memory and 
replenishes this cache from Linux when the system is not busy. I think this is an
especially dangerous method since it makes out-of-memory failures  harder to find by 
testing. I'm in favor of:
 crank the input device up to full speed and see what happens
but to test our program above using a caching memory allocator we need
 crank the input device up to full speed, make Linux busy and
   also do something to exercise all other modules that may use 
   the memory allocator so that they use max memory.

All that said and done, however, since implementing a cache memory pool is the work of 
an hour, at best, this discussion is more about philosophy of design than about 
anything concrete.

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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-07 Thread Guilherme Nelson F De Souza

Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 14:23:55 +0200
From: Paolo Mantegazza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux


Once more RTAI has no problem in doing that. RTAI fifos were already
based on the use of its srqs when RTL was still patching the kernel to
protect Linux tasks queues to be used with fifos in real time.

   Am I wrong, or RTAI was based on RTL?  This sounds like someone here
is spitting in the wind. (Or, assuming it will make as much sense in 
english as it does in portuguese: one is spitting on the plate that 
oneself's eating from)

So I was just pleased to have them add, and copyright, what I think is
an usefull service for RTAI.   ...

   "COPYRIGHT"??!! What kind of copyright? A GPL, I presume.
   But then again, copyright what??!! These things (ideas) are older than
the bible -- or maybe even older than the first draft of the book of 
Genesis.  ;-)

   Now I remember why I unsubscribe this list a year ago. 
   Isn't that about time we had one single RT-LINUX, or whatever
you want to call it?
   A year went by, and there are still threads like this one. Titled
"RTAI and RTLinux" or "RTAI vs. RTLinux".

   How about getting a Nobel Prize, a lot of people in this list will
get a Nobel Prize, alright. But first, the Nobel Foundation have to 
start awarding people for re-inventing the wheel.


   - G. N. DeSouza -
   -- --

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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-06 Thread Stuart Hughes

 On Tue, Sep 05, 2000 at 10:18:25AM -0700, David Schleef wrote:
  I don't think that "running out of memory" and "running out of CPU
  time" are fundamentally different things.  It's just that with a
  memory allocator, you are notified of a lack of resources and can
  do something graceful instead of locking the machine.
 Sure. But I think there is a significant difference between:
   1. At startup time, allocate N buffers for a pool
  for a particular purpose and have an allocate/free
   2. Maintain a general purpose buffer pool with unknown
  size and many users.

Hi Victor,

I think the big misunderstanding is that the pool of memory is only
available to real-time tasks.  This means that a design can be made
based upon things you can control, whereas in a soft real-time system,
you are subject to the interference of things you cannot control (such
as a disk surge from an active web server for instance).  In the same
way you have to take care not to exceed the maximum frame time allocated
per task (CPU budget), you must also take care that you understand the
limitations of the memory allocator (e.g don't ask for too much too

Remember also that people seem to be thinking here in terms of a task
meeting its deadline with high precision every time.  That is fine for
the highest priority task, but if you have many task, the lower priority
tasks will have significant jitter.   Again, only a problem if you don't
take this into account in the design.

Regards, Stuart
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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-06 Thread David Olofson

Tue, 05 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 05, 2000 at 10:18:25AM -0700, David Schleef wrote:
  I don't think that "running out of memory" and "running out of CPU
  time" are fundamentally different things.  It's just that with a
  memory allocator, you are notified of a lack of resources and can
  do something graceful instead of locking the machine.
 Sure. But I think there is a significant difference between:
   1. At startup time, allocate N buffers for a pool 
  for a particular purpose and have an allocate/free
   2. Maintain a general purpose buffer pool with unknown
  size and many users.

Exactly, and it's really all about defining what can happen in a system under
any likely or unlikely conditions. For 1. this is (usually) very easy, while you
have to take tons of code interacting in complex ways in account to figure out
how 2. will behave.

David Olofson
 Reologica Instruments AB

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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-06 Thread David Olofson

Tue, 05 Sep 2000 David Schleef wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 05, 2000 at 05:05:56PM +0200, David Olofson wrote:
  Tue, 05 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Let's say I have N message buffers in a pool. What if
 there is no more free buffer?

Then the design for your hard real
time system was wrong :-)
   Or system reached its limits.
  Yep, and the only options are a) redesign and b) upgrading the hardware.
   It depends on your possibilities and intentions.
   What if amount of incoming data is unpredictable but you have
   to process at most as you can with a limited hardware?
  That's a kind of *soft* real time system, which is not really what RTL is
  intended for. (Although the input-"some kind of output" latency could have a
  hard RT requirement - but the memory allocation would still be soft RT.) You
  can't optimize a single API for both hard and soft RT, at least not without
  making it a major PITA to use if you want hard RT, so IMHO, it's a very good
  idea not to mix these two kinds of systems up when discussing APIs.
 I don't think that "running out of memory" and "running out of CPU
 time" are fundamentally different things.  It's just that with a
 memory allocator, you are notified of a lack of resources and can
 do something graceful instead of locking the machine.

Yes indeed; but still, if either of these things happen, you don't have a hard
RT system. Hard RT systems shouldn't have to worry about missed deadlines OR
running out of memory (or any other resources), as they have already failed if
they ever get into that situation.

Or; it's a good idea to handle every possible error condition nicely (within
reasonable limits!) as that makes debugging a lot easier, and it *might* save a
buggy hard RT system a few times, until the effect of the bug coincides with a
critical situation. And, as hard RT actually isn't in real life, improving the
statistics is a good thing. However, I believe *designing* around that
philosophy will result in serious problems sooner or later.

A general rule of all kinds of programming:

Fix design problems as you find them - don't burry them in code.

David Olofson
 Reologica Instruments AB

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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-06 Thread yodaiken

On Wed, Sep 06, 2000 at 07:49:45AM +0100, Stuart Hughes wrote:
 I think the big misunderstanding is that the pool of memory is only
 available to real-time tasks.  This means that a design can be made

I agree with David Olofson here.

Victor Yodaiken 
Finite State Machine Labs: The RTLinux Company.

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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-06 Thread David Olofson

Wed, 06 Sep 2000 Stuart Hughes wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 05, 2000 at 10:18:25AM -0700, David Schleef wrote:
   I don't think that "running out of memory" and "running out of CPU
   time" are fundamentally different things.  It's just that with a
   memory allocator, you are notified of a lack of resources and can
   do something graceful instead of locking the machine.
  Sure. But I think there is a significant difference between:
1. At startup time, allocate N buffers for a pool
   for a particular purpose and have an allocate/free
2. Maintain a general purpose buffer pool with unknown
   size and many users.
 Hi Victor,
 I think the big misunderstanding is that the pool of memory is only
 available to real-time tasks.

Well, I might have lost track somewhere, but if the pool is only available to
RT tasks, and statically allocated, there is no resource balancing between RT
and non RT - which would be one useful advantage if this could work. However,
it cannot work, if the RT allocations are supposed to be hard RT.

Anyway, even if the pool and allocator is RTL only, designing applications this
way makes it a lot harder to figure out how much memory you really need not to
ever run out of it. Then again, memory is rather cheap these days, and you can
usually have lots of it if you need, even in embeded systems, so it might pay
off if it simplifies the rest of the design to great extent...

 Remember also that people seem to be thinking here in terms of a task
 meeting its deadline with high precision every time.  That is fine for
 the highest priority task, but if you have many task, the lower priority
 tasks will have significant jitter.   Again, only a problem if you don't
 take this into account in the design.

Indeed, but the lower prio tasks (if any at all!) usually don't deal with that
critical stuff - having the output data ready before the deadline is all that
matters, since the actual timing is managed by the highest prio task, or in
hardware. That is, jitter is not a big and complex problem in a correct design.

Running out of memory OTOH, being forced to wait until some other task
releases some, may well stall your task long enough to miss the deadline
several times over. And if you have more than two or three tasks doing dynamic
allocation, there's no realistic way of defining the worst case latency.

David Olofson
 Reologica Instruments AB

..- M u C o S . .- David Olofson --.
|   A Free/Open Multimedia   | | Audio Hacker |
|  Plugin and Integration Standard   | |Linux Advocate|
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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-06 Thread Karim Yaghmour

Even though some of your points are quite interesting, to me the real question
is whether the RT subsystem should decide a policy or provide a capability. From
what I see, some think that rt-mem-management is a bad policy, whereas others
think that rt-mem-management is a very interesting capability.

Given the applications of RT systems and the underlying responsibilities of
their designers, both legal and moral, the system designers better know what
they are doing. This we will surely agree on. In that sense, there should be
very strict policies regarding possible behavior when designing and RT-based
system. That said, I'm not sure that limiting the capabilities of an RT system
designer will help make him/her a responsible human-being. Actually, it is likely
that if he/she feels limited, he/she will attempt to bypass/hack the current
capabilities to obtain the results he/she desires. In fact, chances are that
by providing a capability that has been designed and implemented by pros will
make RTL-systems safer since even though the designer might be inexperienced/
irresponsible, the system will know better.

To sum up, I assume we all are mature adults. Nobody needs to be told how
he/she should or should not design/program. Given the lead of an RTL-based system
that has rt-mem-management capability, I would very likely set a policy by which
rt-mem-management usage would require __Pontifical__ approval, but I'd nonetheless
appreciate the fact that it's available just in case ...

My 2 cents

David Olofson wrote:
 Well, I might have lost track somewhere, but if the pool is only available to
 RT tasks, and statically allocated, there is no resource balancing between RT
 and non RT - which would be one useful advantage if this could work. However,
 it cannot work, if the RT allocations are supposed to be hard RT.
 Anyway, even if the pool and allocator is RTL only, designing applications this
 way makes it a lot harder to figure out how much memory you really need not to
 ever run out of it. Then again, memory is rather cheap these days, and you can
 usually have lots of it if you need, even in embeded systems, so it might pay
 off if it simplifies the rest of the design to great extent...
  Remember also that people seem to be thinking here in terms of a task
  meeting its deadline with high precision every time.  That is fine for
  the highest priority task, but if you have many task, the lower priority
  tasks will have significant jitter.   Again, only a problem if you don't
  take this into account in the design.
 Indeed, but the lower prio tasks (if any at all!) usually don't deal with that
 critical stuff - having the output data ready before the deadline is all that
 matters, since the actual timing is managed by the highest prio task, or in
 hardware. That is, jitter is not a big and complex problem in a correct design.
 Running out of memory OTOH, being forced to wait until some other task
 releases some, may well stall your task long enough to miss the deadline
 several times over. And if you have more than two or three tasks doing dynamic
 allocation, there's no realistic way of defining the worst case latency.
 David Olofson
  Reologica Instruments AB
 ..- M u C o S . .- David Olofson --.
 |   A Free/Open Multimedia   | | Audio Hacker |
 |  Plugin and Integration Standard   | |Linux Advocate|
 ` -' | Open Source Advocate |
 ..- A u d i a l i t y . |Singer|
 |  Rock Solid Low Latency Signal Processing  | |  Songwriter  |
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 Karim Yaghmour
  Operating System Consultant
 (Linux kernel, real-time and distributed systems)
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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-05 Thread David Olofson

Tue, 05 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Let's say I have N message buffers in a pool. What if
   there is no more free buffer?
  Then the design for your hard real
  time system was wrong :-)
 Or system reached its limits.

Yep, and the only options are a) redesign and b) upgrading the hardware.

 It depends on your possibilities and intentions.
 What if amount of incoming data is unpredictable but you have
 to process at most as you can with a limited hardware?

That's a kind of *soft* real time system, which is not really what RTL is
intended for. (Although the input-"some kind of output" latency could have a
hard RT requirement - but the memory allocation would still be soft RT.) You
can't optimize a single API for both hard and soft RT, at least not without
making it a major PITA to use if you want hard RT, so IMHO, it's a very good
idea not to mix these two kinds of systems up when discussing APIs.

(The general problem of soft RT capable systems is that the dynamic allocation
and other stuff they provide makes it virtually impossible to write hard RT
applications, even if the kernel theoretically could provide the required
timing guarantees.)

 Then one can choice a stragegy of survival: throw away unprocessable
 data and do some clever. (Plan B: crash and reboot. ;-)

Well, with some systems, plan B and the "stragegy of survival" both actually
give the same result as plan C: miss a deadline and wreck some very expensive

This basically applies to all control systems dealing with powerful and/or
sensitive machines, and particularly in situations where people may get hurt or
killed if the machines freak out. I'd say that a thoroughly tested RTL solution
could be appropriate at least for the less critical systems in this range, but
that doesn't go for *any* kind of soft RT system - and anything that shares
resources with non RT tasks in a similar way to a shared memory pool is
actually a soft RT system.

David Olofson
 Reologica Instruments AB

..- M u C o S . .- David Olofson --.
|   A Free/Open Multimedia   | | Audio Hacker |
|  Plugin and Integration Standard   | |Linux Advocate|
` -' | Open Source Advocate |
..- A u d i a l i t y . |Singer|
|  Rock Solid Low Latency Signal Processing  | |  Songwriter  |
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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-05 Thread David Schleef

On Tue, Sep 05, 2000 at 05:05:56PM +0200, David Olofson wrote:
 Tue, 05 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Let's say I have N message buffers in a pool. What if
there is no more free buffer?
   Then the design for your hard real
   time system was wrong :-)
  Or system reached its limits.
 Yep, and the only options are a) redesign and b) upgrading the hardware.
  It depends on your possibilities and intentions.
  What if amount of incoming data is unpredictable but you have
  to process at most as you can with a limited hardware?
 That's a kind of *soft* real time system, which is not really what RTL is
 intended for. (Although the input-"some kind of output" latency could have a
 hard RT requirement - but the memory allocation would still be soft RT.) You
 can't optimize a single API for both hard and soft RT, at least not without
 making it a major PITA to use if you want hard RT, so IMHO, it's a very good
 idea not to mix these two kinds of systems up when discussing APIs.

I don't think that "running out of memory" and "running out of CPU
time" are fundamentally different things.  It's just that with a
memory allocator, you are notified of a lack of resources and can
do something graceful instead of locking the machine.


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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-05 Thread yodaiken

On Tue, Sep 05, 2000 at 10:18:25AM -0700, David Schleef wrote:
 I don't think that "running out of memory" and "running out of CPU
 time" are fundamentally different things.  It's just that with a
 memory allocator, you are notified of a lack of resources and can
 do something graceful instead of locking the machine.

Sure. But I think there is a significant difference between:
  1. At startup time, allocate N buffers for a pool 
 for a particular purpose and have an allocate/free
  2. Maintain a general purpose buffer pool with unknown
 size and many users.

Victor Yodaiken 
Finite State Machine Labs: The RTLinux Company.

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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-04 Thread yodaiken

On Fri, Sep 01, 2000 at 04:35:26PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't agree.
 The world - where the program runs - is undeterministic.
 Program must adapt itself to various circumstances including lack of
 resources. Let's say I have N message buffers in a pool. What if
 there is no more free buffer?
 Running out of memory is just a situation what the task must handle
 if necessary. This is their problem, not yours.

For me, there is a critical difference between:
Spec 1: If there are no more than N events every K time units the 
system will never drop data.  
Spec 2: If total system memory demands allows, the system will never
drop data ...

If you allocate memory from a shared dynamic pool with open 
access to that pool, then any user of system resources, or any shifts 
in even the timing of the the non-RT portion of your total system may
cause failures. 

Running out of memory is tough enough in the non-RT domain. Linux kernel
list features endless discussions on how to keep the Linux kernel floating
when there is no more space. I think it all comes down to the specification of
the system. If non-deterministic failures are ok, then dynamic memory allocation
is ok. But if non-deterministic failures are ok, why not run in the Linux domain

Victor Yodaiken 
Finite State Machine Labs: The RTLinux Company.

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RE: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-01 Thread Chris Clark

-Original Message-
Sent:   Thursday, August 31, 2000 9:38 PM
To: Herman Bruyninckx
Cc: Paolo Mantegazza; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 05:18:35PM +0200, Herman Bruyninckx wrote:
 Another thing: if Victor is right about the fact that POSIX doesn't
 specify which signals can or should be used, then (i) we cannot blame
 him for using this option, (ii) the ``error'' lies with the POSIX

This is not an error -- it would be an error to fix a set of 
signals that would be presumed to all that are needed in any
 systems. POSIX defines a core set of signals that must be implemented and
an API.  BTW the RT signals are merely defined by a range. The
implementation is required to provide MAX and MIN definitions but POSIX
at least does not presume to tell us how big this range must be.

But POSIX does require that the range is at least 8. How big is the range in RTLinux 
and RTAI?
Chris Clark
LynuxWorks SA

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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-01 Thread kissg

  For what it is worth. Steve P. sent me a perfectly polite and 
  useful explanation of how his memory allocator works and how it 
  returns a failure instead of suspending when memory is exhausted. 
  I do continue to think that RT software should be simple and 
  not rely on dynamic allocation of resources -- since this is not
  compatible with determinism.  

I don't agree.
The world - where the program runs - is undeterministic.
Program must adapt itself to various circumstances including lack of
resources. Let's say I have N message buffers in a pool. What if
there is no more free buffer?
Running out of memory is just a situation what the task must handle
if necessary. This is their problem, not yours.


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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-01 Thread Bernhard Kuhn


 Let's say I have N message buffers in a pool. What if
 there is no more free buffer?

Then the design for your hard real
time system was wrong :-)

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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-09-01 Thread Rus V. Brushkoff

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, Pierre Cloutier wrote:

: I switched to RTAI many moons ago when I finally understood Victor's ego
: was bigger than everest.

Time to read Carlos Castaneda.



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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-08-31 Thread Michael Barabanov

Stuart Hughes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  As I have pointed out before, the purpose of Steve Papacharalambous'
  POSIX package is very much different from the purpose of our PSE51
  API -- even though we draw from the same base spec. Steve's package
  is great for people who want to port code from Chorus or Lynx or
  something to RTLinux.  
 Indeed, very good for people porting real applications to RTAI.  I guess
 from the late addition of pthread_mutex_xxx and pthread_cond_xxx to
 RTLinux that you agree with his philosophy of using the Linuxthreads
 package as a template.

No, our philosophy is different, and we are not using Linuxthreads as a
template.  Rather than starting with Linuxthreads, we build our own
implementation.  We feel that this leaves us more freedom in choosing correct
(performance- and otherwise) design decisions. 


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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-08-31 Thread Trevor Woolven


 On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 03:18:23PM +0100, Trevor Woolven wrote:
  BTW, can anyone *really* explain the point of non-portable extensions in a
  (supposedly) portable standard? I'm not saying they're wrong but they don't
  make sense (to me).

 We follow POSIX PSE51 for reasons of simplicity, coherence, programmer
 familiarity, and because there is a real standard, not a creature of
 any company.  POSIX is specified so that implementation extensions can
 be accomodated. For example, to reserve a RTLinux only processor in
 an SMP system, we have
pthread_kill(pthread_linuxthread(),RTL_SIG_SUSPEND_LINUX );
 Of course, there is no signal RTL_SIG_SUSPEND_LINUX in the
 POSIX specifications and this code will fail on Chorus -- but  our
 goal is to make RTLinux programming easy, not to make RTLinux as slow
 and clumsy as Chorus. And the POSIX standard is designed to allow for
 such extensions.

 This is also an illustration of why we moved past the very simple V1
 API. In order to add this functionality to V1 we would have had to
 extend V1 and we decided that after a while V1-extended would be
 a horrible mess.  So between the choice of extending V1 and adopting
 a flexible, Pthreads API, we chose Pthreads.  The existence of PSE51,
 a POSIX standard that allowed us to do Pthreads without e.g. unix
 file system, made it possible.

 As I have pointed out before, the purpose of Steve Papacharalambous'
 POSIX package is very much different from the purpose of our PSE51
 API -- even though we draw from the same base spec. Steve's package
 is great for people who want to port code from Chorus or Lynx or
 something to RTLinux.  But RTLinux is based on fundamentally
 different design than those systems and we are trying to make a
 convenient API for that design. So it misses the point to critique
 Steve's package for lack of speed/determinism or our work for
 exposing the RTLinux design.

I wasn't being critical just asking for information but I have to echo Stuart
here, if you have some speed/determinism problems with Steve's pThreads package
then I'd like to take a look at them if you don't mind.

I personally seem to be a bit out of date here - how does PSE51 differ from
1003.1x ?

Thanks for your help

 Victor Yodaiken
 Finite State Machine Labs: The RTLinux Company.

Zentropix Inc - a Lineo company

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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-08-31 Thread yodaiken

On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 11:18:34AM +0100, Trevor Woolven wrote:
 I wasn't being critical just asking for information but I have to echo Stuart
 here, if you have some speed/determinism problems with Steve's pThreads package
 then I'd like to take a look at them if you don't mind.

My understanding is that, for example, 
there is dynamic memory allocation in Steve's package.

 I personally seem to be a bit out of date here - how does PSE51 differ from
 1003.1x ?

The POSIX 1003.13 standard defines 4 "environments" ranging from 
PSE51 (minimal realtime system) to PSE54 (multipurpose)
Linux itself is essentially PSE54 compliant -- with all the usual POSIX file
system  facilities etc. PSE51 defines a multi-threaded
 "single process" environment. So RTLinux defines a PSE51 system where
one of the threads, Linux, is a PSE54 system.  The enormous 
advantage of PSE51 is that it provides an accepted standard API that is
compatible with the RTLinux model and that can be adapted to our
programming environment without requiring us to add features that 
compromise the model and/or performance.
We have found that the pthreads model fits RTL surprisingly well:
"pthread_kill(pthread_linux_thread(), RTL_LINUX_IRQ_SIG+irq) "
to send an interrupt to Linux and  pthread_create to create a new
thread, and etc. 

IEEE standards can be purchased online from 

Victor Yodaiken 
Finite State Machine Labs: The RTLinux Company.

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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-08-31 Thread Paolo Mantegazza


 We follow POSIX PSE51 for reasons of simplicity, coherence, programmer
 familiarity, and because there is a real standard, not a creature of
 any company.  POSIX is specified so that implementation extensions can
 be accomodated. For example, to reserve a RTLinux only processor in
 an SMP system, we have
pthread_kill(pthread_linuxthread(),RTL_SIG_SUSPEND_LINUX );
 Of course, there is no signal RTL_SIG_SUSPEND_LINUX in the
 POSIX specifications and this code will fail on Chorus -- but  our
 goal is to make RTLinux programming easy, not to make RTLinux as slow
 and clumsy as Chorus. And the POSIX standard is designed to allow for
 such extensions.

In any case it remains not portable. Standards are a good things and
often people have to adhere to them, but IMHO saying that POSIX is
simple is wrong.

 As I have pointed out before, the purpose of Steve Papacharalambous'
 POSIX package is very much different from the purpose of our PSE51
 API -- even though we draw from the same base spec. Steve's package
 is great for people who want to port code from Chorus or Lynx or
 something to RTLinux.  But RTLinux is based on fundamentally
 different design than those systems and we are trying to make a
 convenient API for that design. So it misses the point to critique
 Steve's package for lack of speed/determinism 

Apart from the fact that Steve's package cannot run with RTL, but only
with RTAI, from my limited tests experience with Steve's POSIX the above
seems a quite unfair statement.
In fact thank to Steve's package RTAI has POSIX, for those that needs
and wants to use it, with as much determinism as RTL, along with
"simplicity, coherence, programmer familiarity", to say the least.

Ciao, Paolo.
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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-08-31 Thread yodaiken

On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 12:52:58PM +0200, Paolo Mantegazza wrote:
 Apart from the fact that Steve's package cannot run with RTL, but only
 with RTAI, from my limited tests experience with Steve's POSIX the above


  |From: Stuart Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |Organization: zentropix
  |X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.3.99-pre8 i686)
  |X-Accept-Language: en
  |MIME-Version: 1.0
  |Subject: Re: [rtl] SEMAPHORE MODULE =?iso-8859-1?Q?DON=B4T?= COMPILE
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  |Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
  |Precedence: bulk
  |Status: RO
  |Content-Length: 2970
  |Lines: 88
  |Hi Victor,
  |That's correct, the portable fifos/semaphores/mailboxes can be found at
  | by selecting
  |Please note that I have not tested this since RTLinux 2.0 or RTAI 1.0. 
  |Please let me know if you have any changes you want to go in.
  |Regards, Stuart
  |Victor Yodaiken 
  |Finite State Machine Labs: The RTLinux Company.
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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-08-31 Thread Steve Papacharalambous

 On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 11:18:34AM +0100, Trevor Woolven wrote:
  I wasn't being critical just asking for information but I have to echo Stuart
  here, if you have some speed/determinism problems with Steve's pThreads package
  then I'd like to take a look at them if you don't mind.
 My understanding is that, for example,
 there is dynamic memory allocation in Steve's package.

Hi Victor,

You're correct, there is dynamic memory allocation in the pthreads
package, but it makes use of pre-allocated chunks of memory during the
real time phases.  These chunks of memory are replenished and/or
released when the real time components are inactive, and so the impact
on speed and determinism is minimal.  There are no calls made to
allocate or deallocate memory from the Linux kernel during real time

Best regards,



Lineo Industrial Solutions Group

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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-08-31 Thread Herman Bruyninckx

[ about RTLinux's POSIX compliance...]

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, Paolo Mantegazza wrote:
[ about RTAI's POSIX compliance...]
 Apart from the fact that Steve's package cannot run with RTL, but only
 with RTAI, from my limited tests experience with Steve's POSIX the above
 seems a quite unfair statement.
 In fact thank to Steve's package RTAI has POSIX, for those that needs
 and wants to use it, with as much determinism as RTL, along with
 "simplicity, coherence, programmer familiarity", to say the least.

This thread is very interesting: under ``pressure'' of the news group
both Victor and Paolo seem to release much more information than I
could find on the webpages or in the source of both real-time Linux
forks :-)

However, the discussion reminds me of some other holy wars (KDE-GNOME;
NT-Linux; vi(m)-emacs; ...), which means that they focus on the
differences, instead of on the commonalities. I would say the current
POSIX-efforts of both projects bring them closer together again. After
all, the major aim of POSIX was to bring ``simplicity, coherence,
programmer familiarity'', wasn't it? :-)

But do these POSIX efforts achieve what the common API initiative
wanted to achieve in the first place, or is this something completely

Another thing: if Victor is right about the fact that POSIX doesn't
specify which signals can or should be used, then (i) we cannot blame
him for using this option, (ii) the ``error'' lies with the POSIX
organisation, (iii) both RTAI and RTLinux are POSIX compliant.
Or am I overlooking some facts here...

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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-08-31 Thread yodaiken

On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 05:18:35PM +0200, Herman Bruyninckx wrote:
 Another thing: if Victor is right about the fact that POSIX doesn't
 specify which signals can or should be used, then (i) we cannot blame
 him for using this option, (ii) the ``error'' lies with the POSIX

This is not an error -- it would be an error to fix a set of 
signals that would be presumed to all that are needed in any
 systems. POSIX defines a core set of signals that must be implemented and
an API.  BTW the RT signals are merely defined by a range. The
implementation is required to provide MAX and MIN definitions but POSIX
at least does not presume to tell us how big this range must be.

Victor Yodaiken 
Finite State Machine Labs: The RTLinux Company.

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OT: RE: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-08-31 Thread Stephen D. Cohen


This is horribly and completely off topic, but I simply can not

 However, the discussion reminds me of some other holy wars (KDE-GNOME;
 NT-Linux; vi(m)-emacs; ...), which means that they focus on the
 differences, instead of on the commonalities. I would say the current
 POSIX-efforts of both projects bring them closer together again. After
 all, the major aim of POSIX was to bring ``simplicity, coherence,
 programmer familiarity'', wasn't it? :-)

What holy wars?  KDE, Linux and emacs: anything less would be
uncivilized. Was there ever any question?



P.S. I like RTL as well, but then I haven't spent that much time with RTAI.
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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-08-31 Thread Pierre Cloutier

At 06:18 AM 31-08-00 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 11:18:34AM +0100, Trevor Woolven wrote:
 I wasn't being critical just asking for information but I have to echo
 here, if you have some speed/determinism problems with Steve's pThreads
 then I'd like to take a look at them if you don't mind.

My understanding is that, for example, 
there is dynamic memory allocation in Steve's package.

There goes Victor again. Dynamic memory allocation must be bad, and, of
course it is bad because Victor says so. Never mind how efficient the
algorithm is.
Don't even waist time to read the code. Real time programmers should
allocate all resources in init_module() and reboot their computers when
things go wrong.

I switched to RTAI many moons ago when I finally understood Victor's ego
was bigger than everest.


Pierre Cloutier  

Pierre Cloutier  
Tel: (450)-659-9186
Fax: (450)-659-0014

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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-08-31 Thread yodaiken

On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 11:13:54PM -0400, Pierre Cloutier wrote:
 I switched to RTAI many moons ago when I finally understood Victor's ego
 was bigger than everest.

Yet your website advertises a RTLinux project.  How curious.

In any event,  despite my vast ego, I really would appreciate it if we
could forgo another round of these ill-mannered and rather peculiar
discussions of my personality.
If you have a question, if you have a critique of how RTLinux works,
if you have a technical comment,
if you have a suggestion about anything from API to 
business model to proper compiler, that's fine.  Otherwise, please go

 For what it is worth. Steve P. sent me a perfectly polite and 
 useful explanation of how his memory allocator works and how it 
 returns a failure instead of suspending when memory is exhausted. 

 I do continue to think that RT software should be simple and 
 not rely on dynamic allocation of resources -- since this is not
 compatible with determinism.  

 This is an interesting and important technical topic and one that 
 would benefit from real data and cases. 

Todays contest: Who wrote ?
In a world of enormous and intricate interfaces, constantly
changing tools and languages and systems, and relentless pressure for more
of everything, one can lose sight of the basic principles
-- simplicity, clarity, generality -- that form the bedrock of good software.

best regards 

Victor Yodaiken 
Finite State Machine Labs: The RTLinux Company.

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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-08-30 Thread Trevor Woolven

Karim Yaghmour wrote:

 This is actually quite interesting and goes to show that not all is clear
 about what RTAI is (no offence to Ivan, I'm just raising concerns).

 As others will fast point out, RTAI is an RT extension to Linux on it's own.
 It has very little to do with RTL in it's current form and doesn't have
 a pretence to it, in any case, even though it might have started from the
 same source.

 Therefore, RTAI features are RTAI features and RTL features are RTL features,
 no effort is made to "be compatible". Exception made of different independant
 projects who make an effort to be compatible with both (comedi is an example
 to this).

 In other words, your first assumption is wrong: RTAI is __NOT__ a compatible
 extension to RTL with extra features.

However, LineoISG (for whom I work - formerly called Zentropix) have developed a
API compatibility layer (it's actually a header file) which allows users to write
one set of
code that can then be used to run either RTAI or RTL. This was produced after the
Linux workshop held in Vienna last December as most of the delegates seemed to
want one.

The general idea is that users can now take the same application code and use
underlying Real-Time Linux they want. They can also migrate between them as
and features change/improve etc. We would like to see a *real* common API but that
to get far too political, so for the forseeable future we will maintain our
compatibility header and
try to keep up with the changes.

The Common API is available for free but you have to go to our website to get it,
(I hope that's not too much to ask :-)

We use the Common API  internally to support our customer base on both 'flavours'
of Real-Time Linux.

Hope this helps


 Hope this clear things a little for you (Ivan) and other readers out there.


 Ivan Martinez wrote:
  Hello all:
  I'm comparing RTAI to RTLinux and I just want to make you a couple of
  questions. Please don't start fighting about which sytems is best!. It's
  not about that.
  I understood RTAI is a compatible extension of RTLinux with extra
  features, right?. Is the extension made from every RTLinux version or
  it's a different project-branch now?.
  If it's an extension, how is compatibility kept?. Let's say RTLinux
  guys decide to implement their own semaphores after RTAI. Because of
  being the original project, they don't care about how things are already
  implemented in RTAI, do they?. What happens then in RTAI?. Does it keep
  both its original implementation and the new RTLinux one?.
  Thank you, and please stay as friends ;-)
  Ivan Martinez (Rodriguez)
  Bch in Software Engineering - MSc student
  "Got fabes?"
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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-08-30 Thread Trevor Woolven

Herman Bruyninckx wrote:

 On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Trevor Woolven wrote:

 [... (in)compatibilities between RTL and RTAI...]
  However, LineoISG (for whom I work - formerly called Zentropix) have
  developed a Common API compatibility layer (it's actually a header
  file) which allows users to write one set of code that can then be
  used to run either RTAI or RTL.
  The general idea is that users can now take the same application
  code and use whichever underlying Real-Time Linux they want. They
  can also migrate between them as functionality and features
  change/improve etc.
 How well does this common API follows the evolution of both forks? I
 mean, if RTL comes out with version 3.0, how fast will the common API
 follow this new version? Or will it, by definition, be a greatest
 common divisor of the functionality of both forks?

The Common API will be updated once we're happy that a release has
stabilized enough for us to do the work without wasting too much of it.
Obviously, we're susceptible to commercial pressure if customers want
the updates early.

  We would like to see a *real* common API but that starts to get far
  too political, so for the forseeable future we will maintain our
  compatibility header and try to keep up with the changes.
 Shouldn't this *real* API be the POSIX-compliant one that RTL is
 trying hard to follow as far as reasonably possible? Or am I stating
 things a bit too simply here...

Well, if you look at the Common API it's very simple and the beauty of both
RTL and RTAI is that their 'core' APIs are so similar (for very good
reasons) and simple. The idea behind the Common API is to provide a small,
functional core to allow users to get the maximum, hard real-time
performance from their chosen Real-Time Linux without having to learn a
huge and unwieldy API. A small, well-chosen API that provides all the
necessary real time functionality is what we're after. Unfortunately, there
are subtle differences that (we thought) needed to be covered. Life would
be easier for all of us if the core APIs of RTAI and RTL could be merged
(yes, I know we've been here before!). 'Nuff said...

As to POSIX, we'd need to get a consensus from the providers of RTL and
RTAI on which POSIX calls to implement and which to ignore. I think it's
going to be extremely difficult for anyone to be fully POSIX-compliant (in
this area) due to the size and complexity of the standards (plus you have
to pay for them!). I understand that the standards do not mandate
everything in them (but I don't know which bits as I haven't read the
entire set). To my mind you are either compliant or you're not and
filling-up the grey area with a list of areas of non-compliance just
muddies the water further (and taxes my brain :-).

BTW, can anyone *really* explain the point of non-portable extensions in a
(supposedly) portable standard? I'm not saying they're wrong but they don't
make sense (to me).

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ph.D.)Fax: +32-(0)16-32 29 87
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Re: [rtl] RTAI and RTLinux

2000-08-30 Thread yodaiken

On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 03:18:23PM +0100, Trevor Woolven wrote:
 BTW, can anyone *really* explain the point of non-portable extensions in a
 (supposedly) portable standard? I'm not saying they're wrong but they don't
 make sense (to me).

We follow POSIX PSE51 for reasons of simplicity, coherence, programmer
familiarity, and because there is a real standard, not a creature of
any company.  POSIX is specified so that implementation extensions can
be accomodated. For example, to reserve a RTLinux only processor in 
an SMP system, we have 
   pthread_kill(pthread_linuxthread(),RTL_SIG_SUSPEND_LINUX );
Of course, there is no signal RTL_SIG_SUSPEND_LINUX in the
POSIX specifications and this code will fail on Chorus -- but  our
goal is to make RTLinux programming easy, not to make RTLinux as slow
and clumsy as Chorus. And the POSIX standard is designed to allow for
such extensions. 

This is also an illustration of why we moved past the very simple V1
API. In order to add this functionality to V1 we would have had to 
extend V1 and we decided that after a while V1-extended would be 
a horrible mess.  So between the choice of extending V1 and adopting
a flexible, Pthreads API, we chose Pthreads.  The existence of PSE51,
a POSIX standard that allowed us to do Pthreads without e.g. unix 
file system, made it possible.

As I have pointed out before, the purpose of Steve Papacharalambous'
POSIX package is very much different from the purpose of our PSE51
API -- even though we draw from the same base spec. Steve's package
is great for people who want to port code from Chorus or Lynx or 
something to RTLinux.  But RTLinux is based on fundamentally
different design than those systems and we are trying to make a 
convenient API for that design. So it misses the point to critique
Steve's package for lack of speed/determinism or our work for
exposing the RTLinux design.

Victor Yodaiken 
Finite State Machine Labs: The RTLinux Company.

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Re: [rtl] RTAI Vs RTLinux

2000-06-30 Thread Paolo Mantegazza

Jeff Studer wrote:
 I think the point you missed, Karim, was that a function pointer is no big
 deal.  The fact someone makes out like it was, is sort of silly.

So I was a silly guy from the very beginning, the good guys became such
afterwards only afterwards. BTW: then all PPC Linux is a silly code as
most basic mach dep functions, including sti/cli equivalents, are
pointers natively.
Clearly I do not think so, in fact all Linux versions should be
structured that way. Note that I'm not supporting that specific
implementation but just the idea behind it, i.e. a complete HAL, which
despite someone's claim is not present yet in i386 Linux.
Torvalds likely does not like it and is accepting such a solution for
other archs just because that helps in promoting his creature and, being
almost god but not completly, cannot do everything by himself.  

The truth is that pointers are not so silly as they affect only Linux
and ease making real time simpler, without any real time loss of
performace since real time does use those machine instructions that are
forbidden to Linux.

As I said many times people that want to enter this discussion should
read the code and know the whole story from its beginning. If they have
no time they should stay shut up. It makes no sense to take excerpts of
the whole story only because they can be bent to your own deceiving

So I suggest you just go to, browse their March 1999
archives for:

Subject: [rtl] Real Time Application Interfaces/
From: Paolo Mantegazza [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 11:34:44 +

It is a rather long and annoying one, but you should read it to get an
hystorical perspective for my claims.

Then look at the following mails and check the, deceiving, debate that
went on at that time against the present one on the subject. Even
better, dowload all the RTL and myrtlinux/RTAI versions from the very
beginning and cross check them. Maybe you can end in writing a book
paralling Pulitzer prize winners "The Making of the atomic/H bomb", but
it should be called "the making of real time Linux, how to smuggle
business as OSS ethos"

Ciao, Paolo.
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Re: [rtl] RTAI Vs RTLinux

2000-06-29 Thread Jeff Studer

I think the point you missed, Karim, was that a function pointer is no big
deal.  The fact someone makes out like it was, is sort of silly.

There is no reason for this mailing list to turn into a mud slinging fest
that it has been for the past few weeks.  This is supposed to be a
constructive helpful group, not a flaming 'mine is better than yours' debate
group.  I'm rather appalled at the juvenile behavior and comments coming out
of here.

I think every developer wants to improve their product, and that is the
point of this list.  Arrogance, on anyone's part, is not going to help.

Lets bring this list back on topic.

My feeble attempt at mediating,


- Original Message -
From: "Karim Yaghmour" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Michael Barabanov" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: "Paolo Mantegazza" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Zdenek Kabelac"
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [rtl] RTAI Vs RTLinux

 Michael Barabanov wrote:
  For you, not being a computer scientist -- like you acknowledged
  so many times before -- using function pointers may be something of
  an innovation; for me at least this is an obvious thing to do.
  To me, the position like "here! he used a function pointer
  like a I did a year ago!!!" seems quite strange.

 Regardless of the current context of discussion, I would like to
 point out that this is a cheap shot. The fact that Paolo isn't a
 computer scientist doesn't mean he can't make the difference between
 what is an innovation and what isn't. I've seen electrical and civil
 engineers become the best of programmers and invent quite very usefull
 pieces of software because they recognized the need to innovate, I don't
 see why a mechanical engineer couldn't. Being a computer engineer myself,
 I do see quite a difference between the way hooking onto Linux is done in
 RTAI and in RTL.

  Karim Yaghmour
   Operating System Consultant
  (Linux kernel, real-time and distributed systems)
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Re: [rtl] RTAI Vs RTLinux

2000-06-29 Thread Karim Yaghmour

Following my first posting on this thread, Victor and I have
exchanged quite a heated discussion (off the list). I can't
say that we reached any agreement on anything and I still do
have my concerns, but I would like to publicly apologize for
flaming Victor. My intent was to spark a fruitful discussion
and it wasn't necessarily the best way to start.

That said, I still do think that there are serious issues that
need to be resolved (which means that the discussion is still
ongoing). I have my concerns, so does Victor and so do others,
but as Jeff has just pointed out: "Arrogance, on anyone's part,
is not going to help". So here, this is an attempt to push
things on a more reasonable track.

 Karim Yaghmour
  Operating System Consultant
 (Linux kernel, real-time and distributed systems)
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Re: [rtl] RTAI Vs RTLinux

2000-06-28 Thread Mike Cravens

We noticed and appreciated it.

Mike Cravens

Paolo Mantegazza wrote:
BTW, there is one thing I forgot to acknowledge to Victor along this
heated debate of "ideas", his attitude in keeping this list unmoderated
and open also to this kinds of exchanges.
Ciao, Paolo.
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Re: [rtl] RTAI Vs RTLinux

2000-06-27 Thread Karim Yaghmour

Hello Cort,

Thank you for your informative reply. Victor's quote is indeed misleading
compared to the statement you make.

The "unfortunate" nature of the inclusion of RTL stuff into the mainstream
kernel has to do with the way the project is being developed, not because
of the technical advantages of having RT support in Linux. I agree with
you fully on this, having RT support in Linux would be a very good thing
for everyone. What I would find very unfortunate would be to include the
RTL form of doing RT in Linux rather than the RTAI way.

This brings me to the Microsoft-part of my comment which is directly linked
to the comment made by Paolo in this thread regarding Victor's claims
about RTL. In fact, my mail is seriously misleading if read without the
context established by Paolo's remarks. What I mean by Microsoft-like
way of innovating is the fact that Victor has taken a lot of ideas, that
had been put forward by Paolo, and put them into RTL without __explicit__
recognition of the source of inspiration. The reason RTAI ever started
(or, at least, what I make of it) is that Paolo kept sending good ideas
to Victor and Victor kept ignoring Paolo. Having had enough of this,
Paolo went on his way and started RTAI. It seems now that someone somewhere
realized that the Paolo's ideas were good after all and that they should
be part of RTL.

Of course no one can stop any open-source contributor from taking
inspiration from another project, but I think that there is a bare minimum
of social decency and scientific honesty to give back the merit where it
belongs. I might be very wrong about Victor (and I hope I am), but the
record has shown that recognizing that others can have good ideas, if not
better, has been late to come. (and this is where my comments fit in)

As for authority regarding inclusion or exclusion of RT in Linux, this
of course goes to Linus and he has done quite a good job until now
of sorting the good ideas from the bad ones. I usually tend to agree
with what he decides. Your are right, objecting would put me at the
end of the queue, but if it is worth, I'll wait in that queue.

Keep up the good work and thank you for the information.

Best regards,


Cort Dougan wrote:
 How is this unfortunate?  Making any form of real-time Linux available on
 PowerPC (and Alpha, which we've done as well) is a good thing in my
 To make what Victor wrote more accurate: "...RTLinux _works_ with the default
 PowerPC Linux kernel...".  We have not put RTLinux into the main kernel
 tree nor would Linus allow that.
 I don't understand how you see that any Microsoft tricks have been used.
 Linus is the final authority on what goes into the kernel.  If he merged in
 changes that you don't approve of then take that up with him (you'll be
 a the tail end of a very very large line) but that isn't something you
 should be unhappy with us about.  That goes doubly so if no other candidate
 patches have been sent.  I'm the Linux/PPC maintainer and I haven't seen
 any patches from anyone else for giving real-time performance on Linux/PPC.
 }  RTLinux is in the default PowerPC Linux kernel in development versions.
 } Given your previous record, I must admit that this is quite an
 } unfortunate event! I'm siding with Paolo on this one and hope
 } that most people reading this do take a very serious look at
 } RTAI. In my opinion, it far outdoes anything RTLinux can ever
 } do (plus, it doesn't need to employ Microsoft-like tricks to
 } innovate).
 } My 2$
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Re: [rtl] RTAI Vs RTLinux

2000-06-27 Thread Jacques GANGLOFF

Hi all,

Just a short end-user observation :

With rtlinux v2.3, I crashed the computer about 50 times
for the developpement of various programs whose total length
is about 1000 lines. I never got any explanation about these
crashes (see the thread "rt-linux:strange random system hang using FP" in this list).

With rtai 1.3, I never crashed the computer while developping
a project (a robot controller) of 1 lines with a lot of FP operations.

Best regards,


)   Jacques GANGLOFF
(   Associate Professor
(   Bd Sébastien Brant
)   67400 Illkirch
(   Tel : +33 (0)3 88 65 50 84
)   Fax : +33 (0)3 88 65 54 89

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Re: [rtl] RTAI Vs RTLinux

2000-06-27 Thread Zdenek Kabelac

 Zdenek Kabelac wrote:
  there are no kernel modification - CLI/STI are the enemies and I would
  like to know how they are handled in RTAI. What happens when
  SBLive driver calls spinlock_irq_safe ??
 One of the main advantages of RTAI (but my understanding is that RTL
 has included this now ... see what I mean) is that it doesn't take RT
 control over from Linux right away. RTAI inserts generalized hooks
 into Linux which are not used right away. These hooks end up calling
 on the normal Linux functions as long as RTAI isn't installed. Once
 installed, RTAI uses those hooks to take the control of the system.
 Therefore, if SBLive calls on spinlock_irq_safe, it is caught by RTAI.
 Meanwhile RTAI uses true locking facilities to further it's ends.

I don't understand this - you mean when CPU executes CLI/STI its being catch
by some trap  - I could imagine that Linux kernel runs on 
different level of protection (i386 has four of them if I remember this
correctly), but this exception handling takes quite a lot of CPU cycles.

Is there any explanation/article I could learn more about this "magic"  ??
(Basicaly how RTAI could hold with timelimit if the linux-driver calls CLI
and wait in busy-loop for 1ms)

(I still suppose there are no internal kernel modifications and I could
use RT just with module insert of RTAI modules)

 There are three types of people in the world:
   those who can count, and those who can't.
  Zdenek Kabelac [EMAIL PROTECTED] {;}
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Re: [rtl] RTAI Vs RTLinux

2000-06-26 Thread Karim Yaghmour

 RTLinux is in the default PowerPC Linux kernel in development versions.

Given your previous record, I must admit that this is quite an
unfortunate event! I'm siding with Paolo on this one and hope
that most people reading this do take a very serious look at
RTAI. In my opinion, it far outdoes anything RTLinux can ever
do (plus, it doesn't need to employ Microsoft-like tricks to

My 2$

 Karim Yaghmour
  Operating System Consultant
 (Linux kernel, real-time and distributed systems)
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Re: [rtl] RTAI Vs RTLinux

2000-06-20 Thread Paolo Mantegazza


 To be honest, I've never understand what Paolo means by the concept of a hardware 
 layer beyond some renaming and use of indirect pointers to implement the redirection.

Yes it is just that. But  see the following part of my answer,

 In V2
 RTLinux  uses a technique in which Linux "cli" is redefined to be a static call to a 
 function, in V3 x86 uses a indirect jump.  In later versions, we will get rid of 
this jump
 again -- it was easy to implement but it does have a cost that is more noticeable in 
 end processors. So from my point of view: cli compiles to "jsr rtl_cli" or
 cli compiles to "movl rtl_table,%eax; movl CLIOFFSET(%eax),%eax; jsr *%eax"  is  
 the same with only a performance/ease_of_programming tradeoff.

The above is just the confession that in V3 you are now using the HAL
concept, i.e. instead of patching the kernel use pointers. 
You are really a nice chap, when I proposed it you refused it, now, as
usual, you are doing it and is OK, even dare to claim nothing changed.

The fact is that at the beginning RTL V2 patches were 1.8 K-lines now V3
is just 600 and it is in fact RTHAL-RTAI in disguise.

People reading this message should have the patience of getting RTAI-0.1
(April 1999) and check it against the old versions of RTL-V2 and the
newest V3.

Just some samples about V3:

- you use pointers for interrupt menagements (RTAI native);
- now RTL is mounted at rtl_core insmod, you  call it arch_something,
(RTAI native);
- in MP now you can direct interrupts to specific CPUS (RTAI native),
but the concept is now also in vanilla Linux;
- and so on and so on..

You know very well that users do not mind about and never check the
basic items. So you hope that they end in thinking that I'm just a
boring old man, while Yodaiken is the master.

Ciao, Paolo.
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Re: [rtl] RTAI Vs RTLinux

2000-06-19 Thread yodaiken

Linux provides a informal hardware abstraction layer, otherwise RTLinux would be
impossible -- and Linux itself would be painful to port.
That is, Linux makes use of calls to "cli" and "sti" etc.  which RTLinux converts into 
to the emulator code.  

To be honest, I've never understand what Paolo means by the concept of a hardware 
layer beyond some renaming and use of indirect pointers to implement the redirection. 
In V2
RTLinux  uses a technique in which Linux "cli" is redefined to be a static call to a 
function, in V3 x86 uses a indirect jump.  In later versions, we will get rid of this 
again -- it was easy to implement but it does have a cost that is more noticeable in 
end processors. So from my point of view: cli compiles to "jsr rtl_cli" or 
cli compiles to "movl rtl_table,%eax; movl CLIOFFSET(%eax),%eax; jsr *%eax"  is  
the same with only a performance/ease_of_programming tradeoff.

On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 08:40:27AM -0700, roux jean-denis wrote:
   Hi guys,
   I would like to know how RTLinux works. I know that
 both RTAI and RTL turn Linux to a task running when no
 real-time activity occurs and that RTAI use the
 concept of the Hardware Abstraction Layer (RT HAL) but
 not RTL. That's why I would like to know what concept
 use RTLinux.
   Jean-Denis ROUX
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Victor Yodaiken 
FSMLabs is a servicemark and a service of 
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Re: [rtl] RTAI and rtlinux

2000-03-16 Thread Trevor Woolven

They're both very similar and use the same mechanism to achieve real
time performance. However, there are differences between them, so I
suggest you visit the two websites, download the latest versions and
take a look.



Zhixu Liu wrote:
 What's the difference between RTAI and rtlinux (FSM Lab.)?
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