[sage-devel] Re: Help on pyprocessing - Multicore CPU Usage Problem

2008-07-10 Thread Yi Qiang
If you're doing everything on a local mutli-core machine (i.e. shared
memory), you should probably be using pyprocessing at the momement. If
you're going to be using a cluster of some sort, then dsage is the way to



On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 3:59 AM, Michael Mardaus 

 Yes your right, factoring integers was only a simple example to make
 my point.
 Actually I'm working together with a fellow student (Tobias Nagel) on
 the project Computing integral points on elliptic curves (as diploma
 thesis supervised by Stefan Mueller-Stach (Uni-Mainz, Germany)).
 We just finished programming the function (working over QQ) and now
 starting our tests. Therefore we want to test our function also on
 curves with high rank, which increases the computation time extremly.
 But as far as the process can be split up into several independent
 parts, we tried to do that and in this process the first post was
 After our post we also figured out how to use dsage to help us with
 the problem.  But now with thanks to Martin we have another option -
 Which one would you advise? Which one is suitable for what kinds of

 We hope we don't find any bugs in order to send you the file in the
 next weeks.



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[sage-devel] Re: Any chance of a permanent link to latest code?

2008-06-06 Thread Yi Qiang


I think this is a fantastic idea and hope who ever has write access to
sagemath.org will do this.

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 6:43 PM, Dr. David Kirkby

 I think it would be useful if there were two fixed links


 so one had a *permanent* link to the latest version, no matter if its
 an alpha, beta, release or whatever.

 It would then be relatively easy to check for a new release and if one
 exits to download it and compile without human intervention. (i.e test
 in a cron job). A developer with a slightly obscure system could then
 make the results of the build available to all on a web page by
 putting the last 500 or so lines in a web page.

 I'll soon be out of England on business and will have little time to
 work on Sage. But if there was a way to download the latest version
 from a fixed URL, then I could put the results in a web page as soon
 as the compile has finished.

 As long as the md5 checksum was in a small file, it would not be
 necessary to download 200 MB file only to find its the same as the
 version one already has.


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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 3.0.3.alpha0 released!

2008-05-29 Thread Yi Qiang

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 9:44 AM, mabshoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On May 29, 6:33 pm, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 8:18 AM, John Cremona [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  3.0.3.alpha0 built ok and all test passed!

 My 3.03.alpha0 build testing:`

 Fedora 8, x86_64: pass
 suse, x86_64: pass
 osx10.5 intel: pass
 ubuntu32bit: pass
 debian32bit: pass
 debian 64bit: pass
 ubuntu 64bit: pass

 So far so good :)

 Suse, Itanium: fails; can't build clisp
 rhel5 32-bit: fail in sage -t  devel/sage/sage/rings/polynomial/pbori.pyx
 Fedora 8, i686: fail -- sage -t  devel/sage/sage/dsage/tests/testdoc.py
 osx10.5 ppc:  fail  sage -t  devel/sage/sage/matrix/matrix_mod2_dense.pyx
sage -t

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] sage-3.0.3.alpha0]$ ./sage -t
 sage -t  devel/sage/sage/rings/polynomial/pbori.pyx sh: line
 1: 27584 Killed

 A mysterious error (perphaps a memory error?) occurred, which may have
 crashed doctest.

 This is a VMWare image IIRC? How much RAM+Swap does it have?

 The new matrix mod2 code is *all wrong* there.  Endianess?

 Well, all these failures are caused by different output from
 A.randomize(). Does that code use cwitty's randgen? If so we have a
 bug, otherwise we need to fix the doctests.

 sage -t  devel/sage/sage/matrix/matrix_mod2_dense.pyx
 File /Users/was/build/sage-3.0.3.alpha0/tmp/matrix_mod2_dense.py, line 873:
 sage: A.randomize(); A
 [0 0 1 1 0]
 [1 1 0 0 1]
 [1 1 1 1 0]
 [1 1 1 1 1]
 [0 0 1 1 0]
 [0 1 0 0 1]
 [1 0 1 1 0]
 [1 1 1 1 1]
 [0 0 1 0 1]
 [0 1 1 1 0]


 fedora8:   dsage doctesting all broken:

 *all*? I see only one test and would be curious if rerunning it fixes
 the issue. There are certainly gremlins in the DSage code somewhere,
 but we need a reproducible test case.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] cicero]$ cd build/sage-3.0.3.alpha0/
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] sage-3.0.3.alpha0]$ ./sage -t
 sage -t  devel/sage/sage/dsage/tests/testdoc.py
 File /home/wstein/cicero/build/sage-3.0.3.alpha0/tmp/testdoc.py, line 13:
 sage: a.wait(timeout=30)

 Maybe we ought to raise the timeout?

 Total time for all tests: 49.5 seconds

Can someone give me access to a fedora8 machine so I try to reproduce
the bug? We should not need to raise the timeout for this particular



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[sage-devel] Re: New Sage website

2008-05-13 Thread Yi Qiang

+1 on too much blueness.

A couple of comments that were made previously but I think are
important to reiterate:

1) Don't place equal weight on all the links. I think that the
Download link should stand out since that's what most people want to
do, or at least that's what we want them to do to try Sage!

2) I think the link extern is a bit confusing. I have no idea what
that means and have never seen that language used in any other

3) The sliding bar that goes with the tabs on the top are neat but get
old quick and don't really add too much value.

I will have more comments when I get to think about the site more but
I wanted to write these down so I don't forget them.

I also wanted to say that even at this early stage, I think it's a
_huge_ improvement in functionality and look  feel over the current
site. The search feature is really killer for me.

Keep up the good work!



On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 7:33 PM, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  A while ago we had a huge thread on sage-devel with lots of criticism
  that I dutifly
  listened to which resulted in the current sagemath.org frontpage.  Every
  sentence of the current sagemath.org page got carefully written and rewritten
  numerous times based on *your* feedback.

  Recently I asked Harald Schilly to spend some time and create a new
  fresh website design for Sage.  His new design is here:


  It rocks!   It just looks modern.

  However, please, look at it, and criticize it!  People *will* decide
  between using Sage and not based on just the web page, so this
  really does matter. I assure you that we can take
  any criticism you throw our way. But please take a look,
  show the demo page to your friends, get feedback, etc.  Now
  is the time.

  I'll start.  Since these are all suggestions for ways to change
  perhaps for the worse, please feel free to criticize them too.

  1. I will start out by saying that the page looks too blue to me; so
  blue it is hard for me to look at it.  If the background were a bit lighter
  I personally would find the page vastly easier to read.  Right
  now it hurts my eyes.

  2. At the top right it says please report problems of new website.
  This doesn't sound like correct English.  Maybe just delete of new website.

  3. The title is Sage Computer Algebra System.  I personally really
  don't like the term computer algebra system to refer to Sage, since I
  think it unduly limits Sage to just computer algebra, though Sage does
  much much more than that.  That's why I like the term open source
  mathematical software much more.

  4. I think the dash in open-source on the intro page is perhaps technically
  correct but is completely not needed, since nobody uses it and there is
  no chance of confusion.

  5. This sentence on the opening page is horrible: It provides an entire in
  itself closed distribution of various software packages and is actively
  developed by many people.   It needs to be rewritten a lot.  closed
  doesn't sound right at all -- it suggests closed source.  Maybe complete?



  William Stein
  Associate Professor of Mathematics
  University of Washington


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[sage-devel] Re: Making waves

2008-05-12 Thread Yi Qiang

Fluid does not use the Mozilla (Gecko) engine so this will probably
not work. Check this out for a workaround using Fluid:


Fluid really shines on the Mac desktop by the way. It almost makes
Spaces useful! :-) (I can now assign a dedicated 'space' to sage
related stuff).

On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 1:01 PM, mhampton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I wonder if this would fix the problem I had trying to use Yi's Fluid
  app idea - fluid doesn't seem to be able to handle the certificates at
  -M. Hampton

  On May 12, 1:59 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I finally found a workaround!
  1) Go to a notebook with a certificate which fails
  2) Click on the warning sign next to the location bar, then more 
  3) Click View Certificate, and go to the Details tab
  4) Click Export, and save the file to your local machine
  5) Open Firefox Preferences - Advanced - Encryption
  6) Click View Certificates, then Import
  7) Import the file that you saved in step 4
  8) Reload the notebook, you should see another warning message, which 
 has a link Or you can add an exception... and the rest is straightforward.
   *whew*!  I can use my server again!

  On Mon, 12 May 2008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I recently upgraded my Ubuntu, which, of all things, forced an upgrade 
 to a BETA version of firefox.  To my horror, I was completely unable to 
 override the security feature that blocks my personal notebook server.  I 
 spent a while trying to figure out what was wrong with the certificate, and 
 eventually found this:
We've exposed a bug in firefox, which has been fixed.  w00t.  In a 
 certain sense, this is bigger news than many of the other Sage in the news 

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[sage-devel] Re: Txt sage?

2008-05-12 Thread Yi Qiang

I think Robert Bradshaw's simple web api implementation would be
useful here. I mean, it would be very easy to send it one liner sage
commands and get an HTTP response containing the output. I have no
idea how to hook that up with SMS though.

On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 11:08 AM, John Voight [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

  I had a crazy idea walking home today.  How difficult would it be to
  piggyback off of Google's free text search to include one-line sage
  commands?  I'm thinking of sending a text message like
   sage primitive_root(37)
  and then waiting for it to return the answer 2, presumably fed to the
  sage.math notebook.  (This is a real life example from lunch with a
  colleague a month ago!)


  John Voight
  Assistant Professor of Mathematics
  University of Vermont


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[sage-devel] Re: Migrating CDF and RDF matrices to numpy

2008-05-10 Thread Yi Qiang

Are there going to be any API incompatibilities going to be introduced
by this move? That is, will existing code written against RDF and CDF
matrices still just work?

On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 6:41 PM, Jason Grout

 Currently CDF and RDF matrices wrap GSL matrices and use GSL algorithms
 for part of the computations.  After talking with a few lead developers
 on IRC, it seems that the consensus is that numpy is generally better
 and has a much, much stronger community.  What do people think of moving
 the RDF and CDF matrices to a numpy backend?

 If we do this, then I think that much of the code in RDF and CDF becomes
 simple calls to numpy, and the current functions that fall back to
 generic algorithms (like inverse()) also become easy calls to numpy
 functions which do proper numerical linear algebra.

 Josh, apparently you did lots of work in this area; I'm particularly
 interested in hearing your comments.




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[sage-devel] Re: Fwd: Does anyone else have this matrix problem

2008-05-02 Thread Yi Qiang

The Sage lab on UW campus has a lot of shelf space :-)

On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 1:43 PM, mabshoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On May 2, 10:28 pm, Robert Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  On May 2, 2008, at 11:25 AM, mabshoff wrote:


Could we use a bunch on non-SSE2 Athlons with
decent, i.e. 1GB RAM, this would be doable.
   I'm sure the UW Math department has machines that old which we could
   get for free when the swap out hardware. (One would probably want to
   add some RAM though, the box I used to have in my office only had 256

  That would be nice. RAM is cheap, so I would guess it is mostly about
  finding a physical place for the boxen to stash.

   - Robert




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[sage-devel] why do we not use malb's libsingular wrappings by default?

2008-04-30 Thread Yi Qiang

How come we use the pexpect interface for singular to compute the
groebner basis as the default? It seems to me we should be using
malb's excellent libsingular wrapper.

sage: R.x,y = PolynomialRing(QQ,order='degrevlex')
sage: I=(x^2+3*x*y/2+y^2/2-3*x/2-3*y/2,x*y^2-x,y^3-y)*R

sage: %timeit I.groebner_basis()
10 loops, best of 3: 2.05 ms per loop

sage: %timeit I.groebner_basis(algorithm='libsingular:std')
1 loops, best of 3: 72.5 µs per loop



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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 3.0.rc1 released!

2008-04-21 Thread Yi Qiang

Please keep reporting them. It should be the case that these tests
pass on the first run.

On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 2:14 PM, John Cremona [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  2008/4/21 William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 12:49 PM, Jaap Spies [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  mabshoff wrote:
   Hello folks,
   here goes Sage 3.0.rc1. We are down to one blocker, i.e. the -O0
   fallback for clips in case of failure. Other than that this release
   should build and test fine. The 3.0 release is imminent, so if you
   find anything you better be quick. The plan is to follow up the 3.0
   release with one or two bug fix releases, i.e. 3.0.1 and 3.0.2. The
   timing of those releases will depend on the coercion rewrite.
   Sources and binaries are in the usual place:

  On Fedora 7, 32 bits:

  The following tests failed:

  sage -t  devel/sage/sage/server/simple/twist.py
  Total time for all tests: 4315.7 seconds
  Please see /home/jaap/downloads/sage-3.0.rc1/tmp/test.log for the 
 complete log from this test.


  [EMAIL PROTECTED] sage-3.0.rc1]$ ./sage -t  
  sage -t  devel/sage/sage/server/simple/twist.py
   [9.9 s]

  All tests passed!
  Total time for all tests: 10.0 seconds
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] sage-3.0.rc1]$

Hi Jaap and John,
Both of the failures you guys report -- in twist.py and testdoc.py involve
opening a network port, doing some tests that things are working,
then closing it. I think closing just takes a while with ports, perhaps,
and that might be relevant.I think if we make the ports in the tests
more spread out that could help.

  That makes sense.  Would it be better not to report such test failures
  which pass on a second try?


 -- William



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[sage-devel] Re: textmate

2008-04-19 Thread Yi Qiang

I use TextMate. I am assuming he/she is talking about creating a
Bundle for Sage, which would be pretty cool and not that hard.
Bundles are just a collection of shell scripts.

On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 9:49 PM, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Does anybody here use the OS X TextMate programmer's editor?


  This is a closed source but cheap editor that is evidently popular
  with professional programmers.   Anyway, a student in my class
  wants to do a project on creating a nice TextMate editor mode
  for Sage, so if you're a TextMate user, please let me know.

   -- William

  William Stein
  Associate Professor of Mathematics
  University of Washington


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[sage-devel] Re: One Laptop Per Child Is very interested in Sage

2008-04-17 Thread Yi Qiang

Yes, I'm definitely interested. Please forward the meeting details
when you've got them. I think the goals of the OLPC align quite well
with some of the goals of Sage. You should probably also include the
sage-edu folks who are probably going to be even more interested in

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 3:50 PM, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Is there anybody at UW that is interested in meeting with some OLPC
  people?  (I'm cc'ing this to sage-devel, because people there are generally
  interested in OLPC.)

  -- Forwarded message --
  From: Seth Woodworth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 3:40 PM
  Subject: One Laptop Per Child Is very interested in Sage


  I'm an intern at OLPC and I'm throwing an event at UW this weekend.
  While the event is specifically about healthcare, there will be
  several people there that are strongly involved in OLPC.  For some
  time SAGE has been kicked around as a back end for a graphic
  calculator application on the XO laptop, and there are many developers
  that would love to pick your brain on the subject.

  Since there will be several OLPC people at the UW this weekend, I was
  wondering if you would be interested in meeting up with us and
  discussing SAGE.  This invitation of course applies to any of the
  other SAGE team members as well.

  The XO laptop is a great piece of machinery.

  Seth Woodworth, HealthJam Organizer.

  William Stein
  Associate Professor of Mathematics
  University of Washington


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[sage-devel] sage-3.0.alpha5 OS X 10.5.2 binary available

2008-04-15 Thread Yi Qiang

If people are like me an don't like to wait a couple of hours
compiling the latest alpha:



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[sage-devel] Re: hyperlinks for Colloquy users

2008-04-09 Thread Yi Qiang

Do you use Leopard? I don't know if pyobjc is distributed in pre 10.5.

Any chance you've installed a different Python.framework other than
what's shipped in /System/Library/Frameworks?

On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 6:12 AM, David Harvey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  This sounds like a much better approach than what I did, but when I
  run that I get an error message about not being able to find the objc


  On Apr 9, 2008, at 2:54 AM, Yi Qiang wrote:

   I thought this was a great idea but I found the patching Colloquy
   approach to be a bit hardcore, especially since it does the wrong
   things for channel urls in other channels.
   I whipped up a quick python plugin using Colloquy's plugin framework.
   To install it, just drop it into ~/Library/Application
   Support/Colloquy/PlugIns/ and type /reload plugins or restart
   You can get the plugin here:
   On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 10:22 AM, David Harvey
Hi all,
This message is for Sage developers who use the Colloquy IRC chat
I have patched Colloquy so that text like #1234 gets
   hyperlinked to
the sage trac server.
Here is the patch file, which should get applied to the file Panels/
JVDirectChatPanel.m in the root of the colloquy tree (you can get
original source via svn from the main colloquy web site):
Also I made a binary. I think I made it Universal. But really I have
no idea what I'm doing, since I don't really know how to use XCode,
but it seems to work for me (OSX 10.4.11, intel):


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[sage-devel] use zip instead of 7zip for distributing the sage binary

2008-04-09 Thread Yi Qiang

Hi all,
When creating binary releases for Sage in the future, could we please
put out a release in the 'zip' format as well as '7z'?

The success rate of installing Sage in my algebraic geometry class is
incredibly low. Today 2 students told me they couldn't get Sage
working on their Windows machines so they gave up and used Maple

Both of them were stuck at trying to _decompress_ Sage. They had no
idea what 7zip was and asked why we use 7zip, instead of WinZip, which
everyone knows and for which Windows has support built-in. I told them
about how the compression ratio is better for 7zip. Their comment was
it's already such a big download anyways, what's the difference?

I think using zip instead of 7z removes one of the many hoops users
have to jump through to get Sage working on their Windows box.


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[sage-devel] Fwd: use zip instead of 7zip for distributing the sage binary

2008-04-09 Thread Yi Qiang

William forgot to CC sage-devel.

-- Forwarded message --
From: William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 4:18 PM
Subject: Re: use zip instead of 7zip for distributing the sage binary

On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 1:57 PM, Yi Qiang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,
   When creating binary releases for Sage in the future, could we please
   put out a release in the 'zip' format as well as '7z'?
   The success rate of installing Sage in my algebraic geometry class is
   incredibly low. Today 2 students told me they couldn't get Sage
   working on their Windows machines so they gave up and used Maple
   Both of them were stuck at trying to _decompress_ Sage. They had no
   idea what 7zip was and asked why we use 7zip, instead of WinZip, which
   everyone knows and for which Windows has support built-in. I told them
   about how the compression ratio is better for 7zip. Their comment was
   it's already such a big download anyways, what's the difference?
   I think using zip instead of 7z removes one of the many hoops users
   have to jump through to get Sage working on their Windows box.


 I very strongly agree with this.  I've completely *replaced* the 7z file with
 a zip file, updated the readme, etc.

  -- William

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[sage-devel] Re: hyperlinks for Colloquy users

2008-04-09 Thread Yi Qiang

I debugged this some more with Craig Citro and it turns out it's a bug
in Colloquy itself. It seems that on Leopard system it links against
Python 2.3 by default. I've recompiled it so it links against Python
2.5 if it exists and falls back to Python 2.3 if it does not (so it's
still compatible on 10.4)

You can find the app here:


Follow the same instructions as in the previous email to install the plugin.

Craig reported it working correctly on his machine now so I'm curious
to see if anyone else has success =)

On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 1:08 PM, Yi Qiang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Do you use Leopard? I don't know if pyobjc is distributed in pre 10.5.

  Any chance you've installed a different Python.framework other than
  what's shipped in /System/Library/Frameworks?

  On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 6:12 AM, David Harvey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This sounds like a much better approach than what I did, but when I
run that I get an error message about not being able to find the objc
On Apr 9, 2008, at 2:54 AM, Yi Qiang wrote:

 I thought this was a great idea but I found the patching Colloquy
 approach to be a bit hardcore, especially since it does the wrong
 things for channel urls in other channels.

 I whipped up a quick python plugin using Colloquy's plugin framework.
 To install it, just drop it into ~/Library/Application
 Support/Colloquy/PlugIns/ and type /reload plugins or restart

 You can get the plugin here:




 On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 10:22 AM, David Harvey

  Hi all,

  This message is for Sage developers who use the Colloquy IRC chat

  I have patched Colloquy so that text like #1234 gets
 hyperlinked to
  the sage trac server.

  Here is the patch file, which should get applied to the file Panels/
  JVDirectChatPanel.m in the root of the colloquy tree (you can get
  original source via svn from the main colloquy web site):


  Also I made a binary. I think I made it Universal. But really I have
  no idea what I'm doing, since I don't really know how to use XCode,
  but it seems to work for me (OSX 10.4.11, intel):




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[sage-devel] Re: hyperlinks for Colloquy users

2008-04-09 Thread Yi Qiang

Haha, yeah, it almost makes your solution look simple at this point.
I filed a bug report in their trac.

On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 10:22 PM, David Harvey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Apr 10, 2008, at 1:02 AM, Yi Qiang wrote:

   I debugged this some more with Craig Citro and it turns out it's a bug
   in Colloquy itself. It seems that on Leopard system it links against
   Python 2.3 by default. I've recompiled it so it links against Python
   2.5 if it exists and falls back to Python 2.3 if it does not (so it's
   still compatible on 10.4)
   You can find the app here:
   Follow the same instructions as in the previous email to install
   the plugin.
   Craig reported it working correctly on his machine now so I'm curious
   to see if anyone else has success =)

  So now I have to both use a patched Colloquy *and* a plugin? :-)

  But seriously, if this is really a colloquy bug, you should submit it
  to the author(s). They seem to have a pretty ferocious release schedule.

  I'm too tired to try it now, will try tomorrow.



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[sage-devel] Re: 2.11 on Ubuntu Hardy beta; parallel doctesting

2008-04-01 Thread Yi Qiang

Hey Dan,
The testdoc.py file looks to be right. I just upgraded to Ubuntu 8.04
(32bit) and could not reproduce the problem with the 2.11 binary
posted on sagemath.org.

Has anyone else seen the problem Dan reported in 2.11?


On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 7:00 PM, Dan Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 at 05:28PM -0700, Yi Qiang wrote:
   Hi Dan,
   the dsage doctest failure you're seeing should not be happening with
   the official 2.11 release.  Can you
   1) Verify that you are running the official 2.11 release

  sage: version()
  'SAGE Version 2.11, Release Date: 2008-03-30'

  I also ran an upgrade() and it concluded that it has the most recent

   2) Provide sage/dsage/tests/testdoc.py from your source tree.

  It's attached.


  ---  Dan Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  -  KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
  ---  http://math.kaist.ac.kr/~drake

  Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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[sage-devel] Re: 2.11 on Ubuntu Hardy beta; parallel doctesting

2008-03-31 Thread Yi Qiang

Parallel dsage doctesting simply will not work at this point and I am
not sure how to fix that yet. Is there a way to declare doctests so
they do not get executed in parallel? I imagine this functionality
might be useful for other features as well (if not now, in the



On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 5:15 PM, mabshoff

  On Apr 1, 1:58 am, Dan Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Just as a data point, I built 2.11 on the Ubuntu Hardy beta with
   (almost) no troubles. I suppose this isn't anything too surprising,
   since I don't think much changed with the compilers and so on.
   I am seeing big problems with the parallel testing. A usual 'make test'
   passes with all tests (except the known testdoc.py failure), but there a
   number of problems with ./sage -tp 2 -long ...: first, it takes much
   longer (38700 seconds versus 4500 seconds). I'm running this on a
   single-core system (Pentium 4), but I don't think it should be nearly an
   order of magnitude slower.
   Second, a huge number of tests fail, even with -long. Some of these are
   timeouts and are related to the first problem, but many fail for no
   reason. Sometimes it looks like the result was correct but the test
   Here are the relevant logs:
http://math.kaist.ac.kr/~drake/logs/test.log('make test')
http://math.kaist.ac.kr/~drake/logs/tptest.log('./sage -tp 2 -long devel)
   The install log says it's 2.11.rc0 but that's just the directory -- I
   built rc0, then did an upgrade() to 2.11.
   Any ideas?

  Hi Dan,

  there is two issues:

  a) you ended up doctesting the complete documentation directoy. That
  didn't work too well.  Run

  export SAGE_TEST_TEX=1
  ./sage -tp 2 -long devel/sage/sage

  By setting SAGE_TEST_TEX to 1 the three default tex files are also

  but the main time came from timeouts in dsage doctests: One is
  [10097.1 s], the other one [7581.5 s] and then I stopped looking. I
  think Gary might have some lead why that is happening, so he might
  come up with something. Once we actually find the bug we will open a



   ---  Dan Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  -  KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
   ---  http://math.kaist.ac.kr/~drake

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[sage-devel] Re: 2.11 on Ubuntu Hardy beta; parallel doctesting

2008-03-31 Thread Yi Qiang

Hi Dan,
the dsage doctest failure you're seeing should not be happening with
the official 2.11 release.  Can you

1) Verify that you are running the official 2.11 release
2) Provide sage/dsage/tests/testdoc.py from your source tree.

I have a feeling that at least the dsage code did not get upgraded properly.

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 4:58 PM, Dan Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just as a data point, I built 2.11 on the Ubuntu Hardy beta with
  (almost) no troubles. I suppose this isn't anything too surprising,
  since I don't think much changed with the compilers and so on.

  I am seeing big problems with the parallel testing. A usual 'make test'
  passes with all tests (except the known testdoc.py failure), but there a
  number of problems with ./sage -tp 2 -long ...: first, it takes much
  longer (38700 seconds versus 4500 seconds). I'm running this on a
  single-core system (Pentium 4), but I don't think it should be nearly an
  order of magnitude slower.

  Second, a huge number of tests fail, even with -long. Some of these are
  timeouts and are related to the first problem, but many fail for no
  reason. Sometimes it looks like the result was correct but the test

  Here are the relevant logs:

   http://math.kaist.ac.kr/~drake/logs/test.log ('make test')
   http://math.kaist.ac.kr/~drake/logs/tptest.log ('./sage -tp 2 -long devel)

  The install log says it's 2.11.rc0 but that's just the directory -- I
  built rc0, then did an upgrade() to 2.11.

  Any ideas?


  ---  Dan Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  -  KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
  ---  http://math.kaist.ac.kr/~drake

  Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 2.11.rc0 released!

2008-03-30 Thread Yi Qiang

On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 5:44 AM, mabshoff

  On Mar 30, 2:13 pm, Carlo Hamalainen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 1:41 AM, mabshoff

 here we go with 2.11.rc0. Hopefully this will be identical
 to the final 2.11 release. So please build, doctest and
 report all issues you hit.
   On 32bit-intel Ubuntu 7.10 I had one failure, same as Jaap found but
   with more detail:
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/sage$ sage -t  


  Carlo, Jaap

  thanks for the repo. I don't consider this a show stopper.

  Yi: Do you have any idea what is wrong here?
I am working on it right now but I don't have a clear answer yet.
Googling for thread safety of subprocess.Popen did come up with some
interesting results though. I agree that this isn't a show stopper
since the tests do actually pass. If you look carefully, the exception
gets thrown on shutdown.




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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 2.11.alpha2 released!

2008-03-29 Thread Yi Qiang
Hey Kiran,
Can you run
sage -t -verbose devel/sage-main/sage/dsage/tests/

and attach the output of that?


On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 11:01 PM, Kiran Kedlaya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Am I first to respond? w00t! But I have an unfair advantage this week,
  being in an unusual time zone (India).

  Anyway, on 64-bit RH (Opteron), I get one doctest failure (not in

 sage -t  devel/sage-main/sage/dsage/tests/testdoc.py

  which fails as follows:
  sage -t  devel/sage-main/sage/dsage/tests/testdoc.pyException
  exceptions.TypeError: TypeError('NoneType' object is not callable,)
  in bound method Popen.__del__ of subprocess.Popen object at
  0x1bb1a850 ignored
  Exception in thread Thread-1 (most likely raised during interpreter
  Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /scratch/sage-2.11.alpha2/local/lib/python2.5/threading.py,
  line 460, in __bootstrap
   File /scratch/sage-2.11.alpha2/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
  sage/dsage/interface/dsage_interface.py, line 46, in run
   File /scratch/sage-2.11.alpha2/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
  twisted/internet/posixbase.py, line 220, in run
   File /scratch/sage-2.11.alpha2/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
  twisted/internet/posixbase.py, line 233, in mainLoop
  type 'exceptions.AttributeError': 'NoneType' object has no attribute
  Unhandled exception in thread started by
  Error in sys.excepthook:

  Original exception was:

  [17.3 s]
  exit code: 1024

  mabshoff wrote:

   Hello folks,
   this is 2.11.alpha2. It is a little later than I had hoped and
   planned mostly due to the fact that Easter and Spring break
   put somewhat of a damper on development. So far we merged 111
   patches into this release.
   There were fixes all over the map. This build should now also
   build fine on OSX 10.5.2 and higher. If you had some major
   feature merged in this release please add some info about it
   at the Sage 2.11 Release Tour wiki page located at
   This is likely the last release before 2.11.final unless we
   hit some major show stopper. Please build, doctest and report
   any issue you hit in this thread. But I am sure by now you
   know the drill :=)
   Please also correct and spelling issues as well as wrongly
   assigned credit in the list below.
   Merged in alpha2:
   #1010: Marshall Hampton: upgrade gfan to version 0.3
   #1618: Michael Abshoff: Make SCons ignore Intel ifort's
  linker options
   #1707: Carlo Hamalainen: add Carlo Hamalainen's latin square
  stuff to Sage
   #2276: Martin Albrecht: M.divides(N) gives an error if M and
  N are monomials in R.x,y = PolynomialRing(QQ)
   #2355: Didier Deshommes, Gary Furnish: Write a clearer
  submatrix implementation
   #2415: Michael Abshoff: update NTL to 5.4.2 (bugfix release)
   #2417: Alex Ghitza: discriminant method sometimes returns
  values in the fraction field
   #2470: Yi Qiang: dsage docs in tutorial -- can't tex them
   #2498: Alex Ghitza: PARI's is_irreducible being used
   #2565: Dan Drake: logging is extremely broken
   #2596: William Stein: Sage 2.11.alpha0: sage/plot/plot.py
  doctest failure
   #2597: Ryan HintonAdd reduced adjacency matrix and a list
  file format support to BipartiteGraph
   #2600: Carl Witty: vector plot throws error when function
  contains a float
   #2609: Robert Miller: generators for congruence subgroups
   #2611: Martin Albrecht: add monomial_coefficent to boolean
   #2612: Robert Bradshaw: String to Integer Conversion
   #2614: Joel Mohler: MPolynomial coefficient/
  polynomial_coefficient merging
   #2627: Robert Bradshaw: Integer(abs(gamma(n+1))) is not always
  equal to factorial(n) for n a positive integer
   #2634: Martin Albrecht: Unable to create certain multivariate
  polynomial rings since libsingular is invoked instead
  of generic code
   #2642: Martin Albrecht, Carl Witty: doctest failure in
  polynomial_modn_dense_ntl.pyx: .small_roots()
   #2645: Jason Grout: arrow3d is sometimes too long
   #2653: Robert Bradshaw: norm and trace of elements of orders
  are Rational not Integer
   #2657: Tim Abbott: Debian fplll cleanup
   #2660: Michael Abshoff: copy work around stdint.h on Solaris 9
   #2661: Mike Hansen: sage cannot compute floor / ceil of
   #2664: Nick Alexander: implement a symplectic form for
  finding symplectic bases
   #2668: Nick Alexander, Carl Witty: loads/dumps do not work
  with QQbar and AA
   #2672: Michael Abshoff: Fix OSX 10.5 detection code - it
  fails for the currect OSX 10.5.2
   #2674: Craig Citro, Justin Walker: Bug in modforms
   #2676: Robert Miller: equitable partitions: two bugs
   #2677: Didier Deshommes: sage

[sage-devel] Re: Sage 2.11.alpha2 released!

2008-03-29 Thread Yi Qiang

Patch #2553 is not related to the doctest failures.  dsage is probably
the only module in Sage right now that has both unit tests and
doctests and they are completely separate.  Unit tests get run by the
twisted trial test runner while doctests use the Sage doctest runner.
If someone could apply the patch, try it out on machines that were
failing before (linux 32bit), that would be excellent. The patch only
changes the way the unit tests get run and does not affect the
functionality of dsage at all.



On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 10:12 AM, mabshoff

  On Mar 29, 5:35 pm, Yi Qiang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Yeah, the tests passed fine but because twisted isn't thread safe and
   I am abusing it in ways it was never intended there are some issues
   with closing the thread. I'm installing Fedora Core 64bit right now
   and see if I can reproduce it.
   Thanks for the feedback. Also, this is the same error that William has
   on his athlon 32bit machine.

  There is also on outstanding unreviewed patch for the 32 bit Linux
  unit tests. If somebody reviews it I think it should go into 2.11. But
  we still might leave the doctest turned off per default.

  I have also fixed all known 2.11.alpha2 documentation build errors.
  That is now #2720 and I will post a patch for that shortly.




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[sage-devel] Re: Mac-like application for Sage on Mac

2008-02-11 Thread Yi Qiang
I think the Fluid idea is brilliant! I've actually used it before and never
thought to use it with SAGE. Can you post instructions on how you set it up?



On Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 7:43 PM, Ivan Andrus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm certainly not a mac expert. However, I got Sage working through a
  mac-like icon using the Platypus program (http://www.sveinbjorn.org/
  platypus). There's a good article here (http://www.tuaw.com/
  platypus-create-mac-binaries-from-ruby-perl-shell-scripts-et/) about
  how to use the program here. But it's kinda nice. Among other
  programs, the Gimp.app program uses Sage for it's Mac application
  and had Platypus run it, putting the output into a text window. This
  runs the notebook() function and the twisted server, and pops open the
  browser with the Sage notebook.

 I have actually taken a slightly different approach, in that I used
 Fluid.app http://fluidapp.com/ to create a site specific browser
 that also starts Sage.  This means that Sage is a real application
 that I can Cmd-Tab between etc.  Can Platypus does this?  If not it
 probably could (I may look into it).  Frankly, I hate using Sage in a
 browser, because it is mixed in with all my other browser windows.
 For me a separate application is the only acceptable long-term solution.

 There are a few problems with my Fluid-based app currently.  One is
 that Fluid tacks on '.com' to the URL for local addresses.  That
 certainly means it's not ready to be released to end users.  There is
 also a certificate issue, but I assumed that was my fault for running
 the sage server wrong.  There is also a potential licensing issue.
 Fluid is closed source, and I don't know how applications built with
 it can be distributed.

 If you are interested I would be more that happy to tell you more/send
 you what I have.  It's at a very early stage and I haven't worked out
 the problems, but since you brought it up, I thought I would mention
 what I have done.

  The drawback is that the script needs to know the path to my sage
  installation. I think that the workaround to this is to actually put
  the entire Sage installation in the folder that Platypus creates for
  the application. OS X applications on the Mac are actually folders
  (unix directories).

 That's the solution that I was considering as well.  We could just
 distribute binary versions as regular applications.  The only
 (potential) problem that I see it that notebooks should be stored in
 some place that will be saved across upgrades/new installs.  This
 shouldn't be hard to fix though.

  Does this sound like it would be useful to the Sage community if I
  could get it working?


 -Ivan Andrus


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[sage-devel] Re: Beefing up the VMware image and ncurses admin menu

2008-01-30 Thread Yi Qiang

I agree, I think, that doing the configuration via ncurses would be a
step backwards. People who are not familiar with *nix are most likely
not going to be familiar with managing their computer through text
(curses or not) interfaces.

On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 9:29 AM, Joel B. Mohler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 10:13:09AM -0600, Jason Grout wrote:
   Now, for the ncurses part.  It seems like it would be very, very nice to
   have a minimal admin menu using ncurses or newt (with the python snack
   module) or dialog.  Each of these has a python module, so hopefully it
   should be fairly easy.  I've never done any text-based GUI programming,
   but I'm willing to try to whip up something.  Are there any experts here
   that could give some advice about what to use or how to do it (or whip
   something up even faster)?  It seems that an interface that at least has
   the options to create a remote ssh account, set up sage to start on
   bootup, and set the networking information for the box (DHCP or a static
   address) would answer some of the issues above.  In the future, we could
   add to the menu and keep things simple for non-unix people.

  Wouldn't it be much easier to program and use if the vmware image would 
 start a
  web server (presumably something from twisted) and provide control panel from
  the default IP address?  All of these configuration things (which don't 
  vmware player) are quite doable from a web interface.  This is would fit in 
  the sage web interface idea and also be quite similar to the things that 
  needs to know to set up any old router that they buy for their home network.

  All you have to do then is start the image in vmware player, wait a suitable
  period of time, load up your web-browser and go to http://192.168.x.x.



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[sage-devel] Re: YUI info for notebook developers

2008-01-29 Thread Yi Qiang

I think that's a great summary of what those JavaScript libraries have
to offer. I've actually used jquery a little bit for the web front-end
of DSage and I like it a lot. The learning curve is not *nearly* as
steep as it is with twisted (I think Alex Clemesha would agree).

I think one big pro that was not explicitly mentioned is that both
jquery and YUI get *a lot* more testing than the notebook javascript
code ever will. I especially like the idea that Tom suggested of
making things which are sage notebook specific jquery plugins. This
would allow other people to use/test/contribute that part and
hopefully make it better.


On Jan 29, 2008 11:05 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 29 Jan 2008, Jason Grout wrote:

  David Joyner wrote:
  I don't use the notebook but thought that possibly those
  who do development might want to check out
  It's BSD licensed, and I'm guessing might have some useful code.
  - David Joyner
  This is interesting, thanks for pointing it out.
  There's also some new stuff going on over in the jquery camp too.  One
  place either of these might be interesting is using the libraries to do
  interactive plotting of data.  YUI has a chart control that relies on
  Flash, but jquery has a new charting control that is entirely javascript
  over at http://code.google.com/p/flot/
  There are some cool examples of the jquery plotting control at

 Ok, I've looked at both jQuery and YUI.

 YUI is highly modular.  It's also frikkin' HUGE -- the source zip weighs in 
 at 7MB!  That scares me.

 jQuery is a subtle little 50k package that, like Twisted, seems like it will 
 be a little hard to wrap one's head around, but comes with the kitchen sink.

 For the record, my AJAX handler is easy to those who I've explained it to 
 (and probably nobody else), and if I got hit by a bus tomorrow and something 
 went wrong with my keyboard compatability code... William would probably come 
 to my funeral to beat my corpse with a keyboard.  It's been noted a few times 
 that there isn't any documentation in the javascript -- this isn't entirely 
 true, I leave little cryptic clues for myself as I go along; like a squirrel 
 hiding nuts for the winter.

 I'm sorry to say, but the keyboard handler is going to stay no matter what 
 package we go with.  I'll try to document it.  Eventually.  Until then, I'll 
 run *behind* busses, not in front of them.

 * Huge
 * Lots of features (dunno if this is a pro or a con)
 * Lots of documentation
 * Supported by a massive, non-evil corporation
 * BSD License (modified, I'm sure)
 * Easy DOM
 * Easy Ajax
 * Has naive, ultimately broken keyboard support
 * Crazy modularity -- it looks like Java
 * Active development
 * Supports all target browsers

 * Pretty small
 * Good feature-set, lots of kickass plugins
 * Great documentation, it's a wiki!
 * MIT License
 * Very wide user-base
 * Easy Ajax
 * Easy DOM
 * Keyboard support is essentially left to the user
 * Active development
 * Supports all target browsers

 * Pretty small
 * Already works
 * Almost no documentation
 * GPL license
 * Easy Ajax
 * DOM is easy... for me
 * Unheard of cross-platform keyboard support!
 * Primary developer doesn't want to touch it
 * Supports all target browsers

 It should be pretty clear by now that I like jQuery about as much as my own 
 dogfood.  Anybody who has suggested a javascript library to me before has 
 always gotten the same line, I don't see what they offer that's better than 
 mine.  And now, jQuery has gotten to the point that I will suggest using it. 
  Going over won't be easy -- the notebook code is riddled with funny 
 cross-browser hacks that probably won't just go away.  It shouldn't be too 
 hard, though -- most of it should just be going through every function and 
 changing names of function calls.  And as always, I offer: if somebody wants 
 to take the reins, I'll help with the dirty debugging work.

 Also, I might export my keyboards code to a useful jQuery plugin, if we go 
 that route.  The HotKeys plugin won't quite do it for us -- but maybe I can 
 just fix it.


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[sage-devel] Re: Online free sage notebook slowness

2008-01-21 Thread Yi Qiang

I just tried the public notebook and it feels very snappy for me,
including tab completion!



On Jan 20, 2008 9:22 PM, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 This email is about the free public online Sage notebook server:

 I think I just fixed some scalability issues that were responsible for
 the online free
 Sage notebook server feel vastly slower than it should have.   Let me know 
 your experience is like with it now.I also made it so the notebook doesn't
 require a funny port, so it should work fine if you're behind some
 sort of firewall
 that doesn't allow connections to ports.   Finally, I reduced the
 number of security

  -- William

 MORE DETAILS, and other changes unifying the servers:

 (Ignore the rest of this unless you're interested in more details etc.)

 I think it turned out that there was a huge amount of user data that
 was being saved every few
 seconds, so basically the notebook was spending all of its time
 backing itself up.   This sort
 of paranoid constant backing up was really important when the notebook
 actually used to crash.
 Now the notebook can easily run for many weeks without crashing (in
 fact, I don't know how to
 crash it -- it just goes and goes).   So I changed the parameters for

 Thus if you've quit using the public notebooks in frustration because
 they feel very sluggish,
 please try again and let me know if they feel more robust and usable now.

 Also, I would really like to go from having three separate servers to
 exactly 1 server.
 The only reason we ever had three servers was because the previous 
 version of the notebook would crash regularly, etc.  The current notebook is 
 more robust.  It would be better to have one server.  However, I have
 nothing in place
 for migrating existing worksheets, etc.   The simplest thing to do
 would be to just select
 one of


 to be the canonical one, make all the links point to it, and just
 leave the other servers
 running for people who want to directly connect to them (and tell
 people about them
 if they freak about their documents all being missing).

 I just made 8101 the canonical one, since it is now the one most people use.


 OK, I've now made it so

https://www.sagenb.org   etc

 *all* point to the same server.

 William Stein
 Associate Professor of Mathematics
 University of Washington


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[sage-devel] Re: sage-trac email notification enabled

2007-12-31 Thread Yi Qiang

Well done!



On Dec 31, 2007 1:37 AM, mabshoff


 I finally did something about the non-working sage-trac email
 notification and I got it to work. The main problem was that


 needed to be fixed (among other things). I also default CC the google
 group sage-trac. In addition the owner, reporter and commenter is
 always CCed. That might be overkill, so we need to figure out whether
 to disable some of them per default.

 Let me know if anything is broken.



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[sage-devel] Re: #1426: new trac view: tickets ***reported by*** given user

2007-12-20 Thread Yi Qiang

I believe it is supposed to be a custom view that shows tickets you've
reported, although it's not working for me.

On Dec 20, 2007 5:47 PM, Robert Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Did you mean to attach something to that ticket?

 -- Robert M

 On Dec 20, 8:07 pm, David Harvey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi paul,
  is this what you wanted?

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[sage-devel] Re: Announcing planet.sagemath.org!

2007-12-13 Thread Yi Qiang

Hi Marshall,
You should be on there now with the very top entry ;)



On Dec 13, 2007 2:45 PM, mhampton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am not sure I understand things.  I have tried to make a small sage-
 related post, and labeled it with sage on blogspot (http://
 neutraldrifts.blogspot.com/).  It hasn't shown up yet, but I don't
 know how long the feed delay is.  If it doesn't work, could someone
 tell me what I'm doing wrong?

 Since people who already had blogs are adding a lot right now, I think
 these first few days may be misleading in terms of volume.  But I
 agree, there should be a tight focus on sage.


 On Dec 13, 3:02 pm, Ondrej Certik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Dec 13, 2007 7:44 PM, Yi Qiang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Just a heads up, for people who are blogging about Sage, please tag
   your posts with 'sage'. This way we can keep the noise to signal ratio
   down on planet.sagemath.org.
  Yes, this is imho very important. If there is a need, there can also
  be another planet, that will gather all blogs, so that people could
  see what the people around Sage are doing, even not related to Sage.
  But the planet.sagemath.org should be about Sage only imho.

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URLs: http://sage.scipy.org/sage/ and http://modular.math.washington.edu/sage/

[sage-devel] Announcing planet.sagemath.org!

2007-12-12 Thread Yi Qiang

Since people expressed interest, I set up http://planet.sagemath.org.
You can go there now to read some excellent entries from people who've
listed themselves at:


If you'd like me to add your blog, please email me the URL for your
blog and I will add a wiki entry as well.



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[sage-devel] Re: Fwd: blog and rss

2007-12-10 Thread Yi Qiang

I would say that unless you are really serious about blogging, using
hosted blogging is even easier. Try blogspot

As for setting up planet.sagemath.org, I tried to set it up on
sage.math.washington.edu last night but ran into this problem:

In [1]: import bsddb
type 'exceptions.ImportError'   Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/yqiang/ipython console in module()

/home/was/s/local/lib/python2.5/bsddb/__init__.py in module()
 49 from bsddb3.dbutils import DeadlockWrap as _DeadlockWrap
 50 else:
--- 51 import _bsddb
 52 from bsddb.dbutils import DeadlockWrap as _DeadlockWrap
 53 except ImportError:

type 'exceptions.ImportError': libdb-4.1.so: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory

The planetplanet software requires the bsddb module.  Maybe someone
with more knowledge can resolve that issue on

On Dec 10, 2007 12:53 PM, Bobby Moretti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think there are two steps:

 1) start a blog - wordpress is frickin' easy to set up. For that, you'd go to


 - grab the software, untar, set up apache to serve the directory (so
 perhaps you would want something like http://wstein.org/blog)

 - pt-get install mysql and php.

 - follow the instructions here:

 2) set up planet.sagemath.org

 - I'm not so knowledgeable about this one, but the instructions look
 pretty straightforward, and it's written in python.

 On Dec 10, 2007 12:18 PM, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Dec 10, 2007 12:15 PM, Ondrej Certik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Dec 10, 2007 8:07 PM, Bobby Moretti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Very cool. Now I just need to find time to blog! :)
   And that's exactly the point of the planet, you don't have to find
   time to blog regularly. If there are enough people on it, and if the
   atmosphere is that they mark by sage only post about Sage and not
   some stupid things, then planet always contains some interesting info,
   and it's really cool to read it as a user.
  Could somebody post trivial steps so I can -- in a manner of moments -- go
  from somebody who has never written a blog post to somebody who is
  writing a blog post that appears on some sort of Planet Sage?  I'm sure
  I could write a little something about the slashdotting this weekend,
  status of sage,
  etc  I bet there are a few other people out there in the audience that
  would similarly like to follow such directions.
   -- Willam

 Bobby Moretti


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URLs: http://sage.scipy.org/sage/ and http://modular.math.washington.edu/sage/

[sage-devel] Re: Fwd: blog and rss

2007-12-09 Thread Yi Qiang

Ok, there seems to be enough interest for this idea. I think the next
step will be actually finding out HOW many of us blog, or would be
willing to start blogging about SAGE.


Please go there and put a link to your blog if you have one, or make
an entry saying you are interested in starting a blog.



On Dec 9, 2007 3:49 AM, Robert Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 +1 to the planet.sagemath.org idea, including official blog with
 release announcements, bug and Sage days info, etc.

 A semi-official, regular (weekly? authorship could rotate) tips and
 tricks blog could be good too, and another idea would be a regular
 How do I ___ in Sage which could take email submissions. From a
 marketing standpoint, I think regularity is an important thing, like
 newspaper columns and TV shows (you want people to keep coming back
 because they know there's going to be something new and then
 anticipate it.) It could grow into a large resource of examples too
 (and maybe even get doctested?)

 Of course, this could turn out to be a significant time investment
 (though the latter could be largely fleshed-out responses to sage-


 On Dec 8, 2007, at 10:04 PM, Ondrej Certik wrote:

  Yes, I was just going to say the same thing. planet.sagemath.org is
  the way to go. Besides developers blogs, there can also be an official
  blog (with several core sage developers having a write access to),
  where official things will be announced.
  Its true, that writing a blog requires time, but it's worthy and
  On 12/9/07, alex clemesha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Dec 8, 2007 8:09 PM, Yi Qiang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Actually, depending on how many SAGE developers blog at all, we
  consider a planet.sagemath.org style blog.  The idea is the planet.*
  is an aggregator of blogs it subscribes to and publishes blogs with
  specific tags.  For example, planet.sagemath.org would subscribe to
  Mike Hanson, Martin Albrecht, and Ondrej Certik's blog. Each time
  those people post something to their own blogs with the 'sage'
  tag, it
  will show up on planet.sagemath.org.  Many open source
  communities use
  this. See the urls below for examples.
  The software that makes it happen is called PlanetPlanet
  Some projects that use this include:
 * Planet GNOME (planet.gnome.org)
 * Planet Debian (planet.debian.org)
 * Planet Twisted (planet.twistedmatrix.org)
  etc..You can see a more complete list at planetplanet.org.
  Hey Yi, that's a really good idea.
  Even Python has their own planet:
  and on the side bar of that page there is a link to
  a bunch more planets ... basically there's a lot of gravity to
  this idea ;)
  On Dec 8, 2007 7:05 PM, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Dec 8, 2007 7:03 PM, Bobby Moretti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At the very least, I think it would be a good idea to use a
  management system for the website.
  That's a really good idea.  Mike Hansen has been getting really
  into Django lately, so maybe he can help with that.  Using Django
  would probably make a lot of sense.
  The front page could be blog-like, containing mostly news,
  info, and releases.
  Then if someone has a personal blog entry that says something
  interesting about Sage, we can just link to it from the front
  page as
  a news story. This way everything would be archived, etc.
  I like this idea.
  On Dec 8, 2007 6:59 PM, didier deshommes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  2007/12/8, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  My brother suggests that a Sage blog be somehow created (see
  below).  It's
  a good idea.  Any ideas about what this might entail?   Weekly
  summaries?  A cool trick?  Little articles?  Etc.   I have
  This could also be good to announce new versions, improvements,
  written in Sage, etc. Developers blogging about Sage could be
  would expose how some other parts of the Sage code works (this
  also help Bus Days). For example, when I wrote QDRF, I blogged
  what one would need to do in order to implement (floating-point)
  fields in Sage since I had learned a great deal about this
  part of
  Of course, the thing with blogging is time :) . If you're
  you're not writing code and sometimes you just can't afford
  that ;).
  at all, but I know some of you (e.g., Martin Albrecht and Ondrej
  are old pros at blogging.  Thoughts?
  -- Forwarded message --
  From: Dennis Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Dec 8, 2007 1:28 PM
  Subject: blog and rss
  To: William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Non-developer users of Sage might enjoy learning more about what

[sage-devel] Re: Fwd: blog and rss

2007-12-08 Thread Yi Qiang

Actually, depending on how many SAGE developers blog at all, we should
consider a planet.sagemath.org style blog.  The idea is the planet.*
is an aggregator of blogs it subscribes to and publishes blogs with
specific tags.  For example, planet.sagemath.org would subscribe to
Mike Hanson, Martin Albrecht, and Ondrej Certik's blog. Each time
those people post something to their own blogs with the 'sage' tag, it
will show up on planet.sagemath.org.  Many open source communities use
this. See the urls below for examples.

The software that makes it happen is called PlanetPlanet

Some projects that use this include:

* Planet GNOME (planet.gnome.org)
* Planet Debian (planet.debian.org)
* Planet Twisted (planet.twistedmatrix.org)

etc..You can see a more complete list at planetplanet.org.

On Dec 8, 2007 7:05 PM, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Dec 8, 2007 7:03 PM, Bobby Moretti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At the very least, I think it would be a good idea to use a content
  management system for the website.

 That's a really good idea.  Mike Hansen has been getting really
 into Django lately, so maybe he can help with that.  Using Django
 would probably make a lot of sense.

  The front page could be blog-like, containing mostly news, updates,
  info, and releases.


  Then if someone has a personal blog entry that says something
  interesting about Sage, we can just link to it from the front page as
  a news story. This way everything would be archived, etc.

 I like this idea.


  On Dec 8, 2007 6:59 PM, didier deshommes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   2007/12/8, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
My brother suggests that a Sage blog be somehow created (see below).  
a good idea.  Any ideas about what this might entail?   Weekly developer
summaries?  A cool trick?  Little articles?  Etc.   I have never 
   This could also be good to announce new versions, improvements, papers
   written in Sage, etc. Developers blogging about Sage could be fun: it
   would expose how some other parts of the Sage code works (this would
   also help Bus Days). For example, when I wrote QDRF, I blogged about
   what one would need to do in order to implement (floating-point)
   fields in Sage since I had learned a great deal about this part of the
   Of course, the thing with blogging is time :) . If you're blogging,
   you're not writing code and sometimes you just can't afford that ;).
at all, but I know some of you (e.g., Martin Albrecht and Ondrej Certik)
are old pros at blogging.  Thoughts?
-- Forwarded message --
From: Dennis Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Dec 8, 2007 1:28 PM
Subject: blog and rss
To: William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Non-developer users of Sage might enjoy learning more about what is
going on in the Sage world.  A blog would be a great way to do this.
You could post things like the AMS event, published articles, news of
major changes in the software, upcoming cool new features, something
funny that is Sage related, a profile of someone who has significantly
contributed to the software, a user profile, and so on.  People could
subscribe to it via email or RSS.  You could use a free blog service
(webpress or blogspot or whatever) and use Google's free Feebburner
for the email subscription service for people to subscribe.
Google has a blog that they post to about once every three weeks or so.
Obviously making the software the best it can be is a bigger priority,
but a blog could be useful at some point for keeping in touch with
people (reporters, users, fans).
William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

  Bobby Moretti

 William Stein
 Associate Professor of Mathematics
 University of Washington


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[sage-devel] more SAGE publicity :-)

2007-12-07 Thread Yi Qiang


A movement is afoot among some mathematicians in academia to make the
switch from expensive, closed-source calculation software to free,
open-source alternatives.


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[sage-devel] Re: DSage under Windows/VMware

2007-10-12 Thread Yi Qiang
Thanks William,

I just tested it and it works fine with execfile.


On 10/12/07, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 10/12/07, John Voight [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks Yi,
  It's definitely a start.  I absolutely need Cython compatibility--the
  whole reason I'm using SAGE is the ease at which I can write optimized

 Very interesting :-)

  Should we make this a trac ticket?  Why can't the dsage worker just
  execute a load command?

 Because the workers don't run Ipython, etc. They are just running pure
 python after all preparsing, etc.

 However, don't worry, you can easily just embed/inline cython code
 in a .sage file as illustrated below, so the fact that loading .sage
 files works is enough. E.g.,

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp$ more foo.sage
 def foo(x,y):
 return x*y

 print foo(2,3)

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp$ sage
 | SAGE Version 2.8.6, Release Date: 2007-10-06   |
 | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.|

 sage: load foo.sage
 Exiting SAGE (CPU time 0m0.04s, Wall time 0m14.25s).


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[sage-devel] Re: DSage Zombie issue on sage.math

2007-10-11 Thread Yi Qiang
Hi Michael,
I think there is a problem with the way the individual workers are restarted
which leaves them as zombie processes.  I'll look into this.


On 10/11/07, mabshoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 zombies have taken over sage.math:

 top - 09:48:46 up 36 days, 18:09, 17 users,  load average: 2.24, 1.79,
 Tasks: 864 total,   3 running, 550 sleeping,   0 stopped, 311 zombie
 Cpu(s):  8.1%us,  1.0%sy, 13.1%ni, 76.7%id,  1.2%wa,  0.0%hi,
 0.0%si,  0.0%st

 They all appear to be dsage jobs started by was yesterday. Any ideas
 what happened?




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[sage-devel] Re: DSage Zombie issue on sage.math

2007-10-11 Thread Yi Qiang
Yup, you are right.  The processes are dead but have an entry in the process
table.  I fixed this issue btw.


On 10/11/07, Justin C. Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 11, 2007, at 10:19 AM, William Stein wrote:

  On 10/11/07, Yi Qiang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Michael,
  I think there is a problem with the way the individual workers are
  which leaves them as zombie processes.  I'll look into this.
  Yep.  I killed them all, since my entire huge job finished (yes!).
  But yeah, it would be good to make sure zombies don't get created
  in the future.

 FWIW, zombies are fairly light-weight processes :-}

 They are really skeletons of what the process was: essentially enough
 state information so that the parent can reap them and collect the
 status information (I think it amounts to a process descriptor in the
 kernel), so even 300 of them shouldn't be a drain (despite
 Hollywood's unflattering depiction of them :-}).

 It does pay to get rid of them, of course.


 Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large
 Institute for the Absorption of Federal Funds
 Men are from Earth.
 Women are from Earth.
 Deal with it.


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[sage-devel] Re: DSage under Windows/VMware

2007-10-10 Thread Yi Qiang
Hi John,
I have only tested DSage with workers running in VMWare and not servers.
Everyone else does live in the 'happy' place :)  I will try to get both the
server and workers running in Windows if I can this weekend and document the


On 10/10/07, John Voight [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyone get DSage to work under Windows/VMware?

 I'm able to get workers (under Windows) to connect to sage.math when I
 run the client/server there, so that works.  But repeating the same
 client/server steps on a Windows machine has yielded nothing.  Just
 wondered if anyone has tried this--or maybe you all live in a happy
 world where you're not surrounded by Windows machines...



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[sage-devel] Re: DSage under Windows/VMware

2007-10-10 Thread Yi Qiang
I also wanted to mention that you should apply this latest dsage bundle
since it fixes a lot of the rough edges that William mentioned.


There is documentation on how to do this here:


Let me know if you need any help doing this.


On 10/10/07, John Voight [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Yes, if you can actually believe it, I was asking (quite gently) about
 running the DSage client/server under Windows.  Other than my dual-
 boot machine at home, I don't have access to a Linux machine here at
 UVM--in particular the 31-machine lab where I'd like to run projects
 from is all Windows machines.

 I've gotten it to work with sage.math running as the client/server--
 does that especially bother you, Will?


 John Voight
 Assistant Professor of Mathematics
 University of Vermont


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[sage-devel] Re: does this mean anything to you?

2007-10-05 Thread Yi Qiang
Please try this bundle which is against  It should fix this issue.



On 10/5/07, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Yi,

 I'm having some slight problems with the dsage unit tests, which I've
 actually seen before a few times.

 I get the following (see below) on a clean install of sage-2.8.6.pre3
 on Intel OSX (actually on the computer bsd in my office), after
 doing make test.  Does it mean anything to you?  Any idea how to fix
 it?   If you want to help out, just download the tarball from


 for sage-2.8.6.pre3 and take a look.

 testremoteSubmitBadJob ...
 cleanup errors[ERROR]

 twisted.trial.reporter.BrokenTestCaseWarning: REACTOR UNCLEAN!
 traceback(s) follow:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /Users/was/sage-2.8.6.pre2
 line 652, in _classCleanUp
   File /Users/was/sage-2.8.6.pre2
 line 68, in postClassCleanup
 'cleanPending', 'cleanThreads')
   File /Users/was/sage-2.8.6.pre2
 line 72, in _dispatch
 getattr(self, do_%s % attr)()
   File /Users/was/sage-2.8.6.pre2
 line 126, in do_cleanReactor
 raise DirtyReactorError(' '.join(s))
 twisted.trial.util.DirtyReactorError: THIS WILL BECOME AN ERROR SOON!
 reactor left in unclean state, the following Selectables were left
 over:  Broker #0 on 0

 testget_killed_jobs_list ...
 testremote_get_job ...

 William Stein
 Associate Professor of Mathematics
 University of Washington

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[sage-devel] Re: bug squashing Sunday

2007-08-15 Thread Yi Qiang

Will there be any structure to the bug squashing day? Usually on these
days someone (or many people) will do a triage before the bug hunting
starts to prioritize bugs that need to be fixed.  It is very easy for
the process to become randomized unless there is some sort of ordered
list on which bugs are important to tackle.  Maybe this is too much
for the first bug squash day, but definitely something to keep in mind
for later ones especially when more people participate.


On 8/15/07, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 8/15/07, Craig Citro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So I'd like to be there, but I'll be on a plane. Would there be any
  value to try to get a log of the chat posted, or will all of the
  relevant information get posted on trac? (I have to bet I'm not the
  only one who'd like to be there but can't.)

 Would Saturday be better than Sunday?   The only reason I chose
 Sunday was that Martin had suggested it in his original email.
 Saturday might be better for a lot of people.  What do you think?

  On Aug 15, 2007, at 5:32 PM, William Stein wrote:
   The first bug squashing day will be this Sunday, August 19.  Please
   email sage-devel if you're interesting in participating, and maybe
   what sort of bugs you'll want to attack.
   On Sunday we'll coordinate via IRC.
-- William
   William Stein
   Associate Professor of Mathematics
   University of Washington

 William Stein
 Associate Professor of Mathematics
 University of Washington


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[sage-devel] Re: 2.7 alpha^2?

2007-07-10 Thread Yi Qiang

Hi guys,
I am just catching up on sage-devel reading.  To figure out the next
available port, I used the follow snippet in DSage:

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(('', NEW_CLIENT_PORT))
port_used = True
except socket.error, msg:
port_used = False

where NEW_CLIENT_PORT is the next port you want to try.  This way you
can quickly find an open port you can listen on.



   (2) There are some issues remaining with the new SAGE notebook:
 (a) Auto-opening of next available port needs to be implemented
 (b) I suspect running two SAGE notebooks from the same directory
   might not correctly give a lock message.

 I'll give (a) a shot -- dunno if I'll get to (b) tonight.


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[sage-devel] Re: Crash in sage 2.5

2007-05-12 Thread Yi Qiang

Hi Michael,
I am not sure if this functionality is exposed through the SAGE, but  
you can definitely do it just by using the mercurial tool itself (my  
preferred way of doing things anyways).

Do this:
hg export revA:revB

i.e. hg export 4428:4429  mypatch.patch

Make sure that you are cd'ed into your branch first before doing this.


On May 12, 2007, at 1:23 PM, Michel wrote:

 Ok I made some local changes that fixes this problem but I am at a
 how to proceed.

 I made my own repository, applied and comitted the changes. Now how
 do I generate a patch from this?


 generates a binary file and I don't know what's in there so I don't
 trust it.

 hg_sage.export generates a patch for every revision.

 Is there a command that generates a single nice text patch for the
 difference between two revisions?


 On May 12, 12:46 pm, Michel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The following crashes sage!

 sage: floor(RR(+infinity))
 get_z.c:35:  assertion failed: (!(((r)-_mpfr_exp) == (((-2147483647L
 - 1L))+2))  !(((r)-_mpfr_exp) == (((-2147483647L - 1L))+3)))
 //usr/local/sage/local/bin/sage-sage: line 167: 18419
 Aborted sage-ipython -c $SAGE_STARTUP_COMMAND; $@

 There are variants with ceil instead of floor and -infinity and NaN
 instead of +infinity.
 I assume the solution is not calling mpfr_floor and mpfr_ceil with an
 infinite or NaN value.




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URLs: http://sage.scipy.org/sage/ and http://modular.math.washington.edu/sage/

[sage-devel] Re: sage-2.5 build report

2007-05-11 Thread Yi Qiang
Hi Kate,
Can you try applying the follow patch and see if the tests pass now?
You do not need to run make test all over again, the dsage unit tests  
can be run by simplying typing


in a SAGE session.

To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
URLs: http://sage.scipy.org/sage/ and http://modular.math.washington.edu/sage/

Description: Binary data

On May 11, 2007, at 6:05 AM, Kate wrote:


 On my ia64-Linux machine I get

 % uname -a
 Linux lepidus 2.4.21-sgi302r24 #1 SMP Fri Oct 22 22:43:12 PDT 2004
 ia64 ia64 ia64 GNU/Linux
 % python
 Python 2.2.3 (#1, Nov 14 2003, 16:25:37)
 [GCC 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-20)] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import sys


 On May 10, 5:56 pm, Yi Qiang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Kate,
 Can you please report what sys.platform says on an ia64 machine?

 On May 10, 2007, at 1:24 PM, Kate Minola wrote:


 I was able to successfully build sage-2.5 on
 my development network for the following architectures:


 Unfortunately when I moved over to a department
 network that uses automounting, the build on
 pentium4-Linux failed in 'linbox' (specifically
 linbox_wrap), and 'make test' failed on x86_64-Linux.
 I have a patch for the the second problem that
 I will send in a separate email.

 On ia64-Linux, 'make test' fails as follows:

 testremoteSubmitBadJob ...
 [OK] testremoteSubmitJob ...
   MonitorRemoteCallsTest testget_killed_jobs_list ...
 testremote_get_job ...

 testremote_job_done ...
 testremote_job_failed ...

 Traceback from remote host -- Traceback unavailable
  Traceback (most recent call last):   File
 line 420, in requestAvatar
avatar.attached(avatar, mind)   File
 line 264, in attached
 self.DSageServer.monitordb.add_monitor(self.host_info)   File
 line 122, in add_monitor
 cpu_model = host_info['cpu_model'] exceptions.KeyError:

 Kate Minola
 University of Maryland, College Park



 To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to sage-devel- 
 For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/ 
 URLs: http://sage.scipy.org/sage/ and http:// 



[sage-devel] Re: sage-2.5 build report

2007-05-10 Thread Yi Qiang

Hi Kate,
Can you please report what sys.platform says on an ia64 machine?

On May 10, 2007, at 1:24 PM, Kate Minola wrote:


 I was able to successfully build sage-2.5 on
 my development network for the following architectures:


 Unfortunately when I moved over to a department
 network that uses automounting, the build on
 pentium4-Linux failed in 'linbox' (specifically
 linbox_wrap), and 'make test' failed on x86_64-Linux.
 I have a patch for the the second problem that
 I will send in a separate email.

 On ia64-Linux, 'make test' fails as follows:

 testremoteSubmitBadJob ...
 [OK] testremoteSubmitJob ...
   MonitorRemoteCallsTest testget_killed_jobs_list ...
 testremote_get_job ...
 testremote_job_done ...  
 testremote_job_failed ...
 Traceback from remote host -- Traceback unavailable
  Traceback (most recent call last):   File
 line 420, in requestAvatar
 avatar.attached(avatar, mind)   File
 line 264, in attached
 self.DSageServer.monitordb.add_monitor(self.host_info)   File
 line 122, in add_monitor
 cpu_model = host_info['cpu_model'] exceptions.KeyError:  

 Kate Minola
 University of Maryland, College Park




To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
URLs: http://sage.scipy.org/sage/ and http://modular.math.washington.edu/sage/

[sage-devel] Re: web page redesign

2007-05-06 Thread Yi Qiang

On May 6, 2007, at 10:41 AM, William Stein wrote:

 I like it a lot.  I have a few aesthetic complaints:

 1) Use the logo Alex designed.

I couldn't help myself:




To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
URLs: http://sage.scipy.org/sage/ and http://modular.math.washington.edu/sage/

[sage-devel] Re: dsage stats

2007-04-25 Thread Yi Qiang

A couple more comments:

1) Could you make the job_id column entries links to the specific  
job? It is a lot easier to click on it than to copy paste it into the  

2) Could you make the default refresh time to be like 10 seconds or  
so?  5 seconds feels to short and was disconcerting since it jumped  
around so much.

On Apr 25, 2007, at 1:28 PM, alex clemesha wrote:

 Hi all,
 I've been working on making a web interface to dsage, check it out:
 made with Twisted, MochiKit and sqlite.

 Couple of notes:
 This is an Ajax app, I've only viewed it in Firefox, but I will  
 FF, IE6 and IE7, Safari, Opera (via the excellent js library MochiKit,

 'SELECT STATUS OF TYPE' is not turned on yet, would that be a good  
 there could be efficiency issues with very large dynamically  
 changing stats
 in browsers,
 right now the view is basically:
 jobs_you_are_seeing = [random.choice(query_result) for _ in range(20)]

 One feature I will be putting in is a 'user console' to manage one's
 jobs, (ie, view stats, starting, stopping, uploading new jobs).
 I have code that will enable this feature to be *SSL and
 cookie-based-session enabled*

 Other thoughts? Other stat views? Feature requests, styling issues?  
 code is alpha-ish, so be nice ;)

 Now start some jobs on sage.math and view their status!


 This server was started running this command in the dir
 /home/agc/dsage_stats on sage.math:

 $ sage td.py -oy dsage_stats_server.tac

 to kill the server started in this way type (in the same dir):

 $ kill -9 `cat twistd.pid`




To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
URLs: http://sage.scipy.org/sage/ and http://modular.math.washington.edu/sage/

[sage-devel] Distributed SAGE dashboard widget

2007-03-31 Thread Yi Qiang

Hello guys,
If you happen to use a Mac (OS X 10.4.3 or greater) and would like  
some new eye candy, I encourage you try out this new Dashboard widget  
for Distributed SAGE.  It is currently pointing at the DSage server I  
am running on sage.math.washington.edu.


If you do not have a Mac, you can read the more boring XML file here:




To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
URLs: http://sage.scipy.org/sage/ and http://modular.math.washington.edu/sage/

[sage-devel] linbox error upgrading to sage-

2007-03-29 Thread Yi Qiang

Trying to upgrade to sage- gives this:

/linbox-20070328/linbox  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/ 
include  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include - 
D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS -c gmp++_int_io.C
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../.. -I../../.. -I../../../gmp++ -I/ 
Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include -I/Users/yqiang/Software/ 
sage-2.4/local/include -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/ 
include -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include -fPIC -I/ 
Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include -L/Users/yqiang/Software/ 
sage-2.4/local/lib -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/spkg/build/ 
linbox-20070328/linbox -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/ 
include -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include - 
D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS -Wp,-MD,.deps/gmp++_int_io.pp -c gmp++_int_io.C - 
o gmp++_int_io.o
/bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. - 
I../../.. -I../../.. -I../../../gmp++   -I/Users/yqiang/Software/ 
sage-2.4/local/include  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/ 
include -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include -I/Users/ 
yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include   -fPIC -I/Users/yqiang/ 
Software/sage-2.4/local/include -L/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/ 
local/lib -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/spkg/build/ 
linbox-20070328/linbox  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/ 
include  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include - 
D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS -c gmp++_int_pow.C

/bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=link g++  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/ 
sage-2.4/local/include -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/ 
include -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include   -fPIC -I/ 
Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include -L/Users/yqiang/ 
Software/sage-2.4/local/lib -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/spkg/ 
build/linbox-20070328/linbox  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/ 
include  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include - 
D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS  -o libgmpxx.la   gmp++_int_mul.lo gmp+ 
+_int_mod.lo gmp++_int_cstor.lo gmp++_int_add.lo gmp++_int_div.lo gmp+ 
+_int_io.lo gmp++_int_pow.lo gmp++_int_gcd.lo gmp++_int_misc.lo gmp+ 
+_int_sub.lo gmp++_int_compare.lo  /usr/lib/libcblas.dylib -L/Users/ 
yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/lib -lgmp -lgmpxx
mkdir .libs
libtool: link: warning: library `/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/ 
local/lib/libgmp.la' was moved.
libtool: link: warning: library `/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/ 
local/lib/libgmpxx.la' was moved.
grep: /Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.3/local/lib/libgmp.la: No such  
file or directory
sed: /Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.3/local/lib/libgmp.la: No such  
file or directory
libtool: link: `/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.3/local/lib/libgmp.la'  
is not a valid libtool archive
make[5]: *** [libgmpxx.la] Error 1
make[4]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
Error building linbox
Making install in gmp++
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
/bin/sh ../mkinstalldirs /Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/ 
/opt/local/bin/ginstall -c -m 644 gmp++_int.h /Users/yqiang/Software/ 
/opt/local/bin/ginstall -c -m 644 gmp++_int.inl /Users/yqiang/ 
/opt/local/bin/ginstall -c -m 644 gmp++.h /Users/yqiang/Software/ 
Making install in linbox
Making install in util
Making install in gmp++
/bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=link g++  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/ 
sage-2.4/local/include -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/ 
include -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include   -fPIC -I/ 
Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include -L/Users/yqiang/ 
Software/sage-2.4/local/lib -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/spkg/ 
build/linbox-20070328/linbox  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/ 
include  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include - 
D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS  -o libgmpxx.la   gmp++_int_mul.lo gmp+ 
+_int_mod.lo gmp++_int_cstor.lo gmp++_int_add.lo gmp++_int_div.lo gmp+ 
+_int_io.lo gmp++_int_pow.lo gmp++_int_gcd.lo gmp++_int_misc.lo gmp+ 
+_int_sub.lo gmp++_int_compare.lo  /usr/lib/libcblas.dylib -L/Users/ 
yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/lib -lgmp -lgmpxx
libtool: link: warning: library `/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/ 
local/lib/libgmp.la' was moved.
libtool: link: warning: library `/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/ 
local/lib/libgmpxx.la' was moved.
grep: /Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.3/local/lib/libgmp.la: No such  
file or directory
sed: /Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.3/local/lib/libgmp.la: No such  
file or directory
libtool: link: `/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.3/local/lib/libgmp.la'  
is not a valid libtool archive
make[4]: *** [libgmpxx.la] Error 1
make[3]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
Error installing linbox


[sage-devel] Re: linbox error upgrading to sage-

2007-03-29 Thread Yi Qiang

On Mar 29, 2007, at 11:06 AM, William Stein wrote:

 Maybe you moved your SAGE install?  Could you try:
   (1) Move it again (anywhere but where it originally was), then start
 SAGE, then do the upgrade again.  If that doesn't work, try:

1 worked for me.

   (2) Move it back to where it was originally
 (/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.3/), start SAGE once, then do the
 upgrade again.

 It's definitely a bug that this isn't working, so please report what
 happens when
 you try the above.  Very likely one of (1) or (2) will work, and
 knowing what happens
 will help me fix the problem in general.


 On 3/29/07, Yi Qiang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Trying to upgrade to sage- gives this:

 /linbox-20070328/linbox  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/
 include  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include -
 D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS -c gmp++_int_io.C
 g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../.. -I../../.. -I../../../gmp++  
 Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include -I/Users/yqiang/ 
 sage-2.4/local/include -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/
 include -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include -fPIC -I/
 Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include -L/Users/yqiang/ 
 sage-2.4/local/lib -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/spkg/build/
 linbox-20070328/linbox -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/
 include -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include -
 D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS -Wp,-MD,.deps/gmp++_int_io.pp -c gmp+ 
 +_int_io.C -
 o gmp++_int_io.o
 /bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -
 I../../.. -I../../.. -I../../../gmp++   -I/Users/yqiang/Software/
 sage-2.4/local/include  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/
 include -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include -I/Users/
 yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include   -fPIC -I/Users/yqiang/
 Software/sage-2.4/local/include -L/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/
 local/lib -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/spkg/build/
 linbox-20070328/linbox  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/
 include  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include -
 D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS -c gmp++_int_pow.C

 /bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=link g++  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/
 sage-2.4/local/include -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/
 include -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include   -fPIC -I/
 Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include -L/Users/yqiang/
 Software/sage-2.4/local/lib -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/spkg/
 build/linbox-20070328/linbox  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/ 
 include  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include -
 D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS  -o libgmpxx.la   gmp++_int_mul.lo gmp+
 +_int_mod.lo gmp++_int_cstor.lo gmp++_int_add.lo gmp++_int_div.lo  
 +_int_io.lo gmp++_int_pow.lo gmp++_int_gcd.lo gmp++_int_misc.lo gmp+
 +_int_sub.lo gmp++_int_compare.lo  /usr/lib/libcblas.dylib -L/Users/
 yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/lib -lgmp -lgmpxx
 mkdir .libs
 libtool: link: warning: library `/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/
 local/lib/libgmp.la' was moved.
 libtool: link: warning: library `/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/
 local/lib/libgmpxx.la' was moved.
 grep: /Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.3/local/lib/libgmp.la: No such
 file or directory
 sed: /Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.3/local/lib/libgmp.la: No such
 file or directory
 libtool: link: `/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.3/local/lib/libgmp.la'
 is not a valid libtool archive
 make[5]: *** [libgmpxx.la] Error 1
 make[4]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
 Error building linbox
 Making install in gmp++
 make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
 /bin/sh ../mkinstalldirs /Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/
 /opt/local/bin/ginstall -c -m 644 gmp++_int.h /Users/yqiang/Software/
 /opt/local/bin/ginstall -c -m 644 gmp++_int.inl /Users/yqiang/
 /opt/local/bin/ginstall -c -m 644 gmp++.h /Users/yqiang/Software/
 Making install in linbox
 Making install in util
 Making install in gmp++
 /bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=link g++  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/
 sage-2.4/local/include -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/
 include -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include   -fPIC -I/
 Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include -L/Users/yqiang/
 Software/sage-2.4/local/lib -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/spkg/
 build/linbox-20070328/linbox  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/ 
 include  -I/Users/yqiang/Software/sage-2.4/local/include -
 D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS  -o libgmpxx.la   gmp++_int_mul.lo gmp+
 +_int_mod.lo gmp++_int_cstor.lo gmp++_int_add.lo gmp++_int_div.lo  
 +_int_io.lo gmp++_int_pow.lo gmp++_int_gcd.lo gmp++_int_misc.lo gmp+
 +_int_sub.lo gmp++_int_compare.lo  /usr/lib/libcblas.dylib -L/Users/

[sage-devel] Re: sage-2.4.1

2007-03-28 Thread Yi Qiang

On Mar 28, 2007, at 2:33 AM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:

 I'm getting an error trying to clone from a fresh

 robert-bradshaws-computer:~/sage/current/devel robert$ sage -clone
 Now cloning the current SAGE library branch...
 hg clone  sage sage-spring
 abort: No such file or directory: sage-spring/.hg/store/data/sage/
 Error cloning
I am getting the same error as well.



To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
URLs: http://sage.scipy.org/sage/ and http://modular.math.washington.edu/sage/

[sage-devel] Re: sage-2.4.1

2007-03-28 Thread Yi Qiang

Actually I think the easiest way to fix this, at least for me, was to  
do sage -upgrade, have mercurial roll back the merge and then simply do:
sage: hg_sage.pull()

This will get you up to the latest version.

On Mar 28, 2007, at 12:27 PM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:

 When I looked carefully at my sage -upgrade output, I noticed a hg
 rollback caused by the error indicated in my previous email. This
 is why I didn't get any of the patches without moving sage-main
 first. Perhaps the hg repository in the sage- is corrupted?

 - Robert

 On Mar 28, 2007, at 12:16 PM, Joel B. Mohler wrote:

 Actually, what I get after a sage -upgrade didn't include the
 patch.  Did
 my -upgrade go south?  There should not be a
 number_field_element.py and
 there should be a number_field_element.pyx in the sage/rings/


 On Wednesday 28 March 2007 10:30, William Stein wrote:
 On 3/28/07, Joel B. Mohler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've released sage-2.4.1.  It has:

* d roe: massively updated p-adics code
* r bradshaw: much misc code; Coleman integration
* misc bug fixes

 What about my number field pyrexification?

 I forgot to mention Joel Mohler's excellent contribution to number
 arithmetic, which is also included in SAGE-  Now basic
 arithmetic is much faster than it was before.





To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
URLs: http://sage.scipy.org/sage/ and http://modular.math.washington.edu/sage/

[sage-devel] Re: dark days ahead

2007-03-19 Thread Yi Qiang

Hi William,
Perhaps you should put up a note on http://www.sagemath.org informing  
people to download from the mirrors instead of your home connection.   
I imagine it is going to get killed by anymore than 1 person  
downloading at a time :)

On Mar 19, 2007, at 2:15 PM, William Stein wrote:


 sage.math will be turned off in about 1 hour.  A few minutes ago, I
 backed up the hard drive to
 modular.math.washington.edu, so if you go to
 you'll get the latest version of people's home directories, at least
 if they are world
 readable (let me know if you need anything that isn't -- I'm the only
 one with a shell
 account on modular.math.washington.edu).

 modular.math.washington.edu will likely go down either this evening  
 or tomorrow
 morning, since the math department is turning off everything then.  I
 will hopefully
 be able to get it back on tomorrow sometime, but we'll see.

 I will connect the hard drive that is in sage.math.washington.edu to
 tonight.  Then all home directories should become accessible from

 The machine www.sagemath.org should remain online irregardless of  
 that happens with the UW networking situation, since it's an imac in
 my living room :-).
 Unfortunately, the net connection is quite slow -- e.g., it takes 45
 minutes to download
 the 120MB SAGE binaries right now.

 In the meantime, when sage.math is offline I'm going to attempt to  
 do a fresh
 install of Redhat Enterprise Linux on it.  (I'll do this on a separate
 physical hard
 drive, so if it goes horribly wrong sage.math will still come back
 later as it is

 My understanding is that all this downtime, etc., should end on  
 Friday, at
 the latest.

 William Stein
 Associate Professor of Mathematics
 University of Washington



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URLs: http://sage.scipy.org/sage/ and http://modular.math.washington.edu/sage/

[sage-devel] Re: DSAGE Questions

2007-03-18 Thread Yi Qiang

On Mar 18, 2007, at 2:21 PM, Mike Hansen wrote:

 That really shouldn't be happening.  It looks like Worker 1 and
 Worker 14 are getting the same job which is definitely not right.
 Your job database might have gotten screwed up.  I think the easiest
 thing to try right now is to remove the $HOME/.sage/dsage/db and
 $HOME/.sage/dsage/tmp_worker_files directory and try again.

 This happens even after wiping .sage/dsage and running dsage.setup().

 Are you trying to run DSAGE between different versions of SAGE?  The
 way that jobs are handled changed quite a bit, which is why it
 complains about some attributes not being there.  Try it again using
 sage-2.3 throughout.

 I've been tesitng with two separate DSAGE instances so that there is
 no talking between different versions of DSAGE.  It works fine on my
 local machine with 2.1.4, but gives the Job attribute when I try just
 running it the 2.3 install.  This is the job method that I'm using:

 def t32_job(self, i):
 job = Job(file=

 h_basis = load_da_basis(%s)
 k_basis = load_da_basis(%s)
 pairs = %s
 result = map(lambda x: theorem32(h_basis[x[0]], k_basis[x[1]], %s),  
 save(result, 'result')
 DSAGE_RESULT = 'result.sobj'

  % (self.file_text,  str(self.h), str(self.k),
 str(self.p_pairs[i]), str(self.rep) ) , name='t32')
 job.i = i
 return job

 Is there something obvious that I'm missing with it?
Mike and I figured this one out over google talk.  It appears that  
the problem was with setting the attribute 'job.i'.  For some reason,  
setting that attribute caused unpickling the Job object on the  
otherside to fail.  Changing that one line to 'job.n = i' fixed the  


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URLs: http://sage.scipy.org/sage/ and http://modular.math.washington.edu/sage/

[sage-devel] Re: my photos from sd3

2007-03-02 Thread Yi Qiang

On Mar 2, 2007, at 4:38 PM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:

 Is your mysql server down?
Yeah, I am migrating hosts, give me a couple days to iron things out :)

 On Feb 21, 2007, at 4:43 PM, Yi Qiang wrote:





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URLs: http://sage.scipy.org/sage/ and http://modular.math.washington.edu/sage/

[sage-devel] upgrading personal branches

2007-02-28 Thread Yi Qiang

What is the best way to upgrade a branch you've created to the latest  
version of sage?
sage -upgrade only does sage-main which is a good thing, I think.  I  
have always just done:

sage -br mybranch
sage: hg_sage.pull()
sage: hg_sage.merge()

This however involves manually merging in all the changes.  Is there  
a better way to do this?


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[sage-devel] dsage sd3 slides

2007-02-18 Thread Yi Qiang

Some people have requested the dsage slides from SD3.  They are  
available directly here now, it is also linked on the wiki.



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[sage-devel] Error installing linbox-20070214

2007-02-16 Thread Yi Qiang

Doing a sage -upgrade gives me the following:

Software/sage/local/include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include
-fPIC -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -I/Users/yi/Software/ 
sage/spkg/build/linbox-20070214/linbox  -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/ 
local/include  -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include - 
D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS -c gmp++_int_pow.C
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../.. -I../../.. -I../../../gmp++ -I/ 
Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/ 
include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -fPIC -I/Users/yi/ 
Software/sage/local/include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/spkg/build/ 
linbox-20070214/linbox -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -I/ 
Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS -c gmp+ 
+_int_pow.C -o gmp++_int_pow.o
/bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. - 
I../../.. -I../../.. -I../../../gmp++ -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/ 
local/include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -I/Users/yi/ 
Software/sage/local/include   -fPIC -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/ 
include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/spkg/build/linbox-20070214/linbox   
-I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include  -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/ 
local/include -D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS -c gmp++_int_gcd.C
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../.. -I../../.. -I../../../gmp++ -I/ 
Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/ 
include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -fPIC -I/Users/yi/ 
Software/sage/local/include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/spkg/build/ 
linbox-20070214/linbox -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -I/ 
Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS -c gmp+ 
+_int_gcd.C -o gmp++_int_gcd.o
/bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. - 
I../../.. -I../../.. -I../../../gmp++ -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/ 
local/include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -I/Users/yi/ 
Software/sage/local/include   -fPIC -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/ 
include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/spkg/build/linbox-20070214/linbox   
-I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include  -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/ 
local/include -D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS -c gmp++_int_misc.C
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../.. -I../../.. -I../../../gmp++ -I/ 
Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/ 
include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -fPIC -I/Users/yi/ 
Software/sage/local/include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/spkg/build/ 
linbox-20070214/linbox -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -I/ 
Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS -c gmp+ 
+_int_misc.C -o gmp++_int_misc.o
/bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. - 
I../../.. -I../../.. -I../../../gmp++ -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/ 
local/include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -I/Users/yi/ 
Software/sage/local/include   -fPIC -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/ 
include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/spkg/build/linbox-20070214/linbox   
-I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include  -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/ 
local/include -D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS -c gmp++_int_sub.C
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../.. -I../../.. -I../../../gmp++ -I/ 
Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/ 
include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -fPIC -I/Users/yi/ 
Software/sage/local/include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/spkg/build/ 
linbox-20070214/linbox -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -I/ 
Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS -c gmp+ 
+_int_sub.C -o gmp++_int_sub.o
/bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. - 
I../../.. -I../../.. -I../../../gmp++ -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/ 
local/include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -I/Users/yi/ 
Software/sage/local/include   -fPIC -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/ 
include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/spkg/build/linbox-20070214/linbox   
-I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include  -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/ 
local/include -D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS -c gmp++_int_compare.C
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../.. -I../../.. -I../../../gmp++ -I/ 
Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/ 
include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -fPIC -I/Users/yi/ 
Software/sage/local/include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/spkg/build/ 
linbox-20070214/linbox -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -I/ 
Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -D__LINBOX_HAVE_CBLAS -c gmp+ 
+_int_compare.C -o gmp++_int_compare.o
/bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=link g++  -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/ 
local/include -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/include -I/Users/yi/ 
Software/sage/local/include   -fPIC -I/Users/yi/Software/sage/local/ 

[sage-devel] changes in dsage

2007-02-16 Thread Yi Qiang

Hi all,
Distributed SAGE is now part of the standard sage distribution now.  
This means that there are no more separate spkgs and you get new  
versions when you upgrade SAGE. The reason for this move is that it  
should allow people to work on it more easily, and also perhaps make  
programming against dsage easier within the sage libraries.
If you have previous installations of dsage, I urge you to remove
to prevent any funny python module problems that might occur.
The dsage modules are now in sage.dsage so you can look at the code  

Also I will be giving an extensive demo at SD3 so hopefully I can  
post some notes after the workshop for those who can not attend.


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[sage-devel] Re: sage.math down?

2007-02-08 Thread Yi Qiang

On Feb 7, 2007, at 11:24 PM, Joshua Kantor wrote:

 yep it is up, that was pretty weird . . .
Damn, I was going to say someone should take this opportunity to  
build a new kernel for SAGE so we can use 100% of it's capacity  
(versus 50% currently) :)


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[sage-devel] Re: Determining the number of CPUs

2007-02-07 Thread Yi Qiang

On Feb 7, 2007, at 2:04 PM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:

 Rather than num_cpus, I think at startup time a user should be able to
 specify a maximum number of parallel processes to span. For  
 instance, if I
 wanted to run two dsage workers on a machine with 4 cpus, I might  
 want to
 give each of them only two cpus to use.

This is currently possible in dsage.  You can set the number of  
workers in ~/.sage/dsage/worker.conf.


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[sage-devel] Re: look and feel of SAGE website

2007-02-03 Thread Yi Qiang

On Jan 29, 2007, at 5:04 PM, Timothy Clemans wrote:

 I have some ideas for a new design of the SAGE website. See the design
 I've created so far at http://sage.50webs.com/ Please look at it and
Hi Timothy,
I liked your original design a lot!  It definitely gives SAGE a more  
modern look, much better in my opinion than the hand written html  
that is so common among mathematicians websites.  I would not get  
discouraged because of one persons opinion.  I for one would greatly  
appreciate a facelift to sage.math.washington.edu/sage .


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[sage-devel] sage's save() command

2007-01-25 Thread Yi Qiang

Hey William,
I implemented saving of distributed jobs.  You can do this now:

In [1]: r = DistributedPOVRay(DSage(), 'checkitout', '/Users/yi/ 
povray/out.pov', 20, W=1024, H=768, A=0.01)

In [2]: r.start()

In [3]: r.save()
Out[3]: 'checkitout.sobj'

Come back a few days later...

In [1]: r = load('checkitout.sobj')

In [2]: r.restore(DSage())

In [3]: Got all the images, stiching them now.

Instead of udoing r.save() though I'd like to use sage's save()  
method.  However when I try to save one of my objects it gives me  
this error:

In [4]: save(r)
type 'exceptions.TypeError' Traceback (most recent call  

/Users/yi/Software/dsage-pickle/ipython console in module()

/Users/yi/Software/dsage-pickle/sage_object.pyx in sage_object.save()

/Users/yi/Software/dsage-pickle/sage_object.pyx in sage_object.process()

type 'exceptions.TypeError': 'NoneType' object is unsliceable

Any ideas why?


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[sage-devel] sage's sigint handler

2007-01-20 Thread Yi Qiang

When running twisted programs in sage, the sigint handler seems to  
cause problems;

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Software/dsage/  sage dsage_server.py
2007/01/20 17:01 -0700 [-] Log opened.
^C2007/01/20 17:01 -0700 [-] Unexpected error in main loop.
2007/01/20 17:01 -0700 [-] Unhandled Error
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File dsage_server.py, line 142, in module
   File dsage_server.py, line 139, in main
   File /Users/yi/Software/sage/local/lib/python2.5/site- 
packages/twisted/internet/posixbase.py, line 220, in run
 --- exception caught here ---
   File /Users/yi/Software/sage/local/lib/python2.5/site- 
packages/twisted/internet/posixbase.py, line 231, in mainLoop
   File /Users/yi/Software/sage/local/lib/python2.5/site- 
packages/twisted/internet/selectreactor.py, line 97, in doSelect
 [], timeout)
   File /Users/yi/Software/sage/local/lib/python2.5/site- 
packages/sage/interfaces/get_sigs.py, line 8, in my_sigint
 raise KeyboardInterrupt

Both sage and twisted register sigint handlers, and sage wins  
apparently.  Any ideas how I should go about fixing this?


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[sage-devel] Re: sage's sigint handler

2007-01-20 Thread Yi Qiang

On Jan 20, 2007, at 4:17 PM, William Stein wrote:

 Take a look at

 The point is that for dsage_server you are probably not using
 much of the SAGE library.  Maybe you can get away with only
 importing the expect interfaces stuff and nothing else.  Then
 you'll get to keep the signal handler.

Thanks, that was easy enough to fix.


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[sage-devel] Re: DistributedFactor does not mark itself done even though all the factors have been found

2007-01-20 Thread Yi Qiang

On Jan 16, 2007, at 10:11 PM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:

 I will be very useful, that's on my todo list. Another  
 distributed thing I was thinking about is graph theory  
 computations... Is there a readme for how to do dsage 0.0.2? What  
 do you have to import? Perhaps you could just post a single dsage  
 interaction from start to finish.
Hi Robert,
dsage is much easier to use now.  This is what you have to do to get  

Get my dsage.hg bundle (this adds a dsage interface to sage, so you  
don't have to import anything, set any funky paths) and apply it to  
your sage tree

Then follow the instructions on

For good measure, make sure you remove ~/.dsage before starting.

BTW, You will notice that ECM Factor is much smarter now and actually  
goes and kills jobs once prod(self.prime_factors) == self.n :)


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[sage-devel] sys.maxint = 0.01 == False?

2007-01-20 Thread Yi Qiang

Ok, here is a weird bug:
on sage.math.washington.edu

sage: sys.maxint
sage: sys.maxint = 0.01

sage: sys.maxint = int(0.01)

Looks to be a problem with type 'sage.rings.real_mpfr.RealNumber'

Any ideas on how to fix this?


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[sage-devel] dsage-0.0.2 (Distributed SAGE) released

2007-01-15 Thread Yi Qiang

Short Changelog:
Fixed interactive spkg-install
Added DistributedPOVRay (requires you to have povray and the program  
'combineppm' installed)

spkg here: http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/yi/spkgs/ 


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[sage-devel] Re: sage-1.6

2007-01-13 Thread Yi Qiang

On Jan 12, 2007, at 5:29 PM, William Stein wrote:

 Thanks.  It installs.  However the first thing I tried doesn't work:

 sage: import twisted.web2
I can't reproduce here.  I just set up a brand new install of Ubuntu  
in Parallels and installed the spkg, module imported fine.


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[sage-devel] Re: help with getting openssl into SAGE

2007-01-13 Thread Yi Qiang

On Jan 13, 2007, at 11:13 AM, William Stein wrote:

Could you help by testing building of the relevant SAGE packages
on your system?  If so, please do the following and email to let
me know what happens.

Worked on Ubuntu 6.10 and OSX 10.4.8 Intel.



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[sage-devel] Re: help with getting openssl into SAGE

2007-01-13 Thread Yi Qiang

On Jan 13, 2007, at 2:20 PM, William Stein wrote:

Now you should make your distributed SAGE secure :-).

I'm getting on it.

Can you send me a prerelease version, so I can start making it part
of SAGE somehow?

I haven't made a tarball yet, but you can check out:

hg clone http://www.yiqiang.net/dsage

Let's talk about how to best incorporate this into SAGE while it's  
still moldable.

ECM factorization is working and I have a framework now to allow  
others to write distributed methods.

I will post a demo/screencast soon!


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[sage-devel] Re: sage-1.6

2007-01-12 Thread Yi Qiang

On Jan 12, 2007, at 10:17 AM, William Stein wrote:

 Post a package in your home directory on sage.math that takes
 the twisted-2.5 package and includes web2, so I can include
 it for SAGE-1.7.
I didn't know anyone actually used TwistedWeb2.  Anyhow, since I've  
been making the Twisted packages, here is one for TwistedWeb2:



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[sage-devel] SAGE 1.5 fails to compile on OS X

2006-12-12 Thread Yi Qiang

It looks like it is breaking on configuring GMP.  This is on a Macbook
Pro Core 2 Duo.

Below is the relevant part from the install log:

Finished extraction

Host system
uname -a:
Darwin zeus.local 8.8.2 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.2: Thu Sep 28
20:43:26 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.14.14.obj~1/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386

GCC Version
gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: i686-apple-darwin8
Configured with: /private/var/tmp/gcc/gcc-5367.obj~1/src/configure
--disable-checking -enable-werror --prefix=/usr --mandir=/share/man
--with-gxx-include-dir=/include/c++/4.0.0 --with-slibdir=/usr/lib
--build=powerpc-apple-darwin8 --with-arch=nocona --with-tune=generic
--program-prefix= --host=i686-apple-darwin8
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)

./spkg-install: line 32: [: =: unary operator expected
checking build system type... Invalid configuration
`core2-apple-darwin8.8.2': machine `core2-apple' not recognized
configure: error: /bin/sh ./config.sub core2-apple-darwin8.8.2 failed
Failed to configure.

sys 0m0.918s
sage: An error occured while installing gmp-4.2.1.p2
Please email William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] explaining the
problem and send him /Users/yi/Software/sage-1.5/install.log
If you want to try to fix the problem, *don't* just cd to
/Users/yi/Software/sage-1.5/spkg/build/gmp-4.2.1.p2 and type 'make'.
Instead (using bash) type source local/bin/sage-env from the directory
in order to set all environment variables correctly, then cd to
make[1]: *** [installed/gmp-4.2.1.p2] Error 1

sys 2m25.194s

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[sage-devel] Re: SAGE development machines

2006-12-12 Thread Yi Qiang

On 12/12/06, David Joyner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 IMHO, it is also important to test specific flavors of linux
 (eg, debian, redhat, freeBSD) and windows types (windows XP,
 vista). Laptops could probably be used for this.

Wouldn't something like VMWare Server on a reasonably powerful machine
do exactly that?  There are also other solutions such as OpenVZ and
Xen.  I saw a demo of Virtuozzo by one of the employees and it looked
very cool.  I think we should leverage the power and in this
particular case, space efficiency of virtualization as much as
possible :)  I think that the OSX is the only exception, but I see a
Mac Pro is already on the list.


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