RE: [saligaonet] Life is not fair, get used to it

2004-03-19 Thread Val Souza
Interesting how these "spoofs"  keep resurfacing from time to time on the 
Internet, sometimes in the strangest of places. Bill Gates never made this 
speech (not that the advice in it is bad, though). It's actually the work of 
Charles J. Sykes, author of the book "Dumbing Down Our Kids: Why American 
Children Feel Good About Themselves But Can't Read, Write, Or Add." Somebody 
attributed it to Gates once (perhaps because of "Rule 11: Be nice to 
nerds"??!!), posted it on the Net, and it's been accepted as Gospel since. 
Another such urban legend is the "Sunscreen Speech" attributed to Kurt 
Vonnegut Jr as the commencement address he gave at MIT (he in fact did no 
such thing). Some years ago I'd devoted one of my columns to this topic and 
perhaps some of you might like to read it at

While this particular hoax is rather harmless, there could be times when the 
information is damaging or even dangerous. So be sure that you take advice 
only from legitimate, credible sources on the Net--especially when it's of a 
medical/finacial/personal nature!


- Val

This is what Bill Gates said in his speech delivered
at Mt. Whitney High School at Visalia, California.
Love him or hate him, he sure hits the nail on the
head with this speech!  He talks about how feel-
good, politically correct teachings created a
generation of kids with no concept of reality and how
this concept set them up for failure in the real
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[saligaonet] Msg from Fr Nascimento re Antonio Sebastiao Remedios

2004-03-19 Thread Val Souza
Dear Saligaonetters

Fr Nascimento Mascarenhas has asked me to pass on this message (below) to 
Saligaonet and also re-post his earlier mail on Mr Antonio Sebastiao 
Remedios who celebrates his 108th birthday today. The re-post is in the next 


- Val

"Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas wishes Mr. Antonio Sebastiao Remedios a happy 
108th birthday. May God bless you always and live to celebrate many more 
happy birthdays. He joins the family members and  Saligao folks in wishing 
Mr. Remedios God's choisest blessings on this great day of the feast of St. 
Joseph. He will remember Mr. Remedios at his mass at St. Andrew's Church, 
Vasco da Gama, Goa."

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[saligaonet] Antonio Sebastiao Remedios - 108 not out

2004-03-19 Thread Val Souza
This mail re-posted at the request of Fr Nascimento Mascarenhas:



Among the centenarians from Saligao whom I had a chance to meet and watch 
their performance from close quarters were Fr. Estevao Luis Gonzaga de 
Carvalho (Grande Morodd), Mrs. Rita Joaquina D'Souza (Arrarim)and Mr. Luis 
Caetano Figueiredo(Donvaddo). Today they are no more, yet as Canon Orlando 
Ribeiro de Santana, ex-Vicar of Saligao says" they lived hectic days of the
Portuguese monarchy, right from King Luis I, up to its sudden end in 
1910.They were witnesses, though from far, to the troublesome days of King 
Carlos and his sons Prince Luis Felipe, assassinated with him in 1908 and 
the unfortunate king Manuel II, who left the throne two years later and fled
hurriedly to England where he lived in Richmond and expired in 1932. Then 
they went through the changes the Portuguese Republic brought to the nation 
and her colonies.

Following the sequence of time they came in contact from 1928 onwards with
Dr. Salazar's dictatorship and the prosperity it brought to Portugal, though
it was little felt in Goa." Then came the two great world wars , India's
Independent in 1947 and its turning into a Sovereign Republic on 26th
January, 1950 and other happenings close at home in Goa especially the
blockades between Portuguese territory of Goa and India Free India made them
dream that Goa would also be freed one day from the Portuguese colonial
rule.' Unexpectedly one night the Indian army walked in and they changed
overnight their nationality. They went to sleep as Portuguese and awoke as
Indians in December, 1961.There were long faces, but also there was the
fanfare and joy of something new coming in.'
Another personality who watched some of these events from far off Uganda
was another Saligonense Mr. Antonio Sebastiao Remedios from Tabravaddo,
Saligao. He is still living and is 108 years old. In Saligao he is known as
Bostu or A.S. Remedios' while others simply call him Jose (after Sao Jose,
as he was born on 19th March).
Recently I met him at Mrs. Lucy Cordeiro's residence at Mollebhatt where his
daughter Mrs. Maria Severina Remedios Cordeiro alias Rina Cordeiro married
to Caridade Cordeiro alias Carey Cordeiro, who besides, taking care of her
two sons and one daughter, also looks after all the needs of her father
Antonio Sebastiao. After an interview with the centenarian, his close
relatives I walked to the Church of Saligao where the Rev. Vicar Fr.
Francisco Ataide was kind enough to hand over to me the Registration Book of
Baptism of the year 1896 and this is what I found:
A child of male sex was solemnly baptized in this Church of Mae de Deus of
Saligao on 5th April, 1896 and given the name Antonio Sebastiao Remedios
Born at Tabravaddo, Saligao, on 19th March, 1896, he is the legitimate son
of S. Anna Michael Remedios( Tabravaddo) and Ritta Carlota Fernandes (
Donvaddo), married in Nagoa Church Paternal grand-parents are Eugenio
Sebastiao Remedios and Maria Severina Albuquerque and Maternal grand-parents
are Vicente Xavier Fernandes and Maria Angelica Pinto. God-father: Diogo
Sebastiao Aleixinho Pinto and God-mother Preciosa Escholastica Cordeiro. The
Parish Priest is Fr. Caetano Vicente Rosario(1879-1903)..( Vide Baptism
Registration Book, Mae de Deus Church, No.59/1896, page 84).
Antonio Sebastiao was married twice . His first wife was Anna Severina
Saldanha from Salmona. They got married in 1920.. From this couple three
children were born, two sons and a daughter. Napoleao Remedios the eldest
was married to late Mina.. He lives in Canada and is 81 years old. The
second son is Denise Remedios is married to Anne. He is at Abreu-vaddo,
Saligao and is 76 years old while Linda Remedios is married to John Paul
Pinto from Nachinola. She was born in 1932 and is in Canada.
After his wife's death Antonio Sebastiao got married the second time to
Maria Aurora Bonifacia de Souza from Bambordem, Moira in 1961.Of this
wedlock they have a daughter Maria Severina Remedios alias Rina married to
Carey Cordeiro in 1984. She resides at Mollebhatt.
Antonio Sebastiao is the last among the brothers. His eld4est brother is
Antonio Francisco Xavier Remedios married Filomena de Souza from Arrarim.
She is aunt of Fr. Edwin de Sousa. The second brother is Camilo Remedios. He
married Florentina from Arrarim. The third brother is Caetano Paulo Remedios
. He married Carmelina Abreu from Chorao. His sisters Clotildes, Lucinda and
Josefina were married in Porvorim, Vaddem de Socorro and Moira respectively.
Meeting the venerable old man and talking to him was great fun. Lucid in
his mind , clear in his speech, he told me that he first went to school at
Hortencia Cordeiro's residence in Mollebhatt Then followed his studies at
Aula, St. Mary's Boys School at Arrarim and finally at St. Stanislaus in
Bandra, Bombay. Whilst in Goa he loved agriculture and worked in the fields.
In Bombay hr got a job as a 

RE: [saligaonet] children's park in Saligao !

2004-05-24 Thread Val Souza

have some grant available. Set up a committee, a
fund/bank account and get Saligaokar's living abroad
to contribute. I will find all Saligaokar who I know &
get them to contribute.
While I am unable to get personally involved in the execution of this 
project, I am fully in support of it. To set the ball rolling, I pledge Rs 
Twelve Thousand towards the Saligao children's park [to be deposited once a 
concrete plan is ready and the bank account set up].

- Val Souza
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RE: [saligaonet] Saligaonet is not reaching some of our subscribers...

2004-05-26 Thread Val Souza

Please see the list below, and alert them if possible. FN
(reason: 550 5.1.1 unknown or illegal alias: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
(expanded from: :include:/var/lib/majordomo/lists/saligaonet)

Well, what I could immediately spot in the list was the incorrect address 
entry for Fr Nascimento. It should be [EMAIL PROTECTED] (rather than 

No wonder then that he was wondering why he had been 'bumped off' the 
mailing-list and had to send his mail for Saligaonet through Annette, Daniel 
and others! Once the correction is made, hope he'll resume posting his 
interesting notes and anecdotes frequently!

Frederick/Ashley, trust you'll be able to rectify this inadvertent error 

Thanks and regards,
- Val
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Re: [saligaonet] India's "first modern artist"

2004-06-08 Thread Val Souza
I fully agree with Annette on this. Once you get into this road naming game, 
there's no end to it--the only fallout will be a whole lot of grief for 
everyone. Hundreds of productive hours will be wasted on inane deliberations 
and arguments and it will be impossible to keep everyone happy. Instead, 
we'd all do well to devote whatever spare time we have to more constructive 

I'd say leave the naming business to the politicians--they seem to have a 
lot of time to waste and nothing better to do anyway.

- Val

Kevin, Rico & like-minded Saligaonkars,
Nice & good thoughts, but let them be just that.   The various house names 
are enough & the colloquial names for lanes & bridges - nobody can quibble 
over them since considerered as inheritance, came down through the ages - 
he he!  But naming streets, roads, lanes & bylanes???  forget it!

From past experience,  I can tell you that you'll have people (neighbours & 
friends alike) making verbal mincemeat of each other & a few ashes will be 
raked in/out - grrh!  These are my thoughts after hearing people around 
Saligao talking & rumbling over names - especially older folks.  & we 
definitely dont want to upset them.  The youngsters couldnt care less what 
is named after whom.

Have a nice day!

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Re: [saligaonet] Fr Nasciment's book on Saligao.

2004-06-08 Thread Val Souza
Hi everyone!
While most of the raw material for a book exists (Fr Nascimento's 
literary-output is truly voluminous!) there is a need to decide what exactly 
will go in, what the theme will be, etc, etc. Then there's the editing, 
photography, design, paper quality and costing decisions, publish-ing, 
print-ing, distribution plan, etc.

We're talking of producing a highly professional volume here, one that every 
Saligaokar -- wherever in the world he or she may be -- would be proud to 
possess, read and 'show off'. (Of course, somehow, we also need to give the 
book a more general appeal, else the printrun would be too small to make the 
project financially viable).

I had already briefly discussed all this with Fr Nascimento some time ago 
and volunteered to do the editing and provide other requisite professional 
inputs. However, due to work and other pressures I have not yet been able to 
devote enough time to this project yet. Now that some interest is 
forthcoming from othes on the list, we seem ready to take it forward.

A project of this nature would involve substantial time and effort. My 
estimate is about 6-9 months, if we are to do a really good job. I suggest 
we target release of the book to coincide with the Church feast next May 
(giving all of us ample time to fine-tune every aspect of the book to 

Fr Nascimento, ultimately it's for *you* to decide how *you* would like to 
proceed. Once you do that, I'm sure we'll all be able to get together and 
come out with something spectacular.

- Val

Dear Mario & Muriel,
Thank you very much placing your thoughts on Saligaonet. Yes photography is
my main corcern . I may ask Dyanita Singh to help me as I know her well.
There may be Salikaokars from diaspora willing to support financially the
book if it is presented to them in better format and also edit by you, Val
etc  than what I wrote and use the money for a good purpose and project on
Saligao.My contribution is to Saligao and I am only trying to contribute
what I received from the village and villagers by way of history, music.
etc. God bless you both. Much love, Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas.

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Re: [saligaonet] India's "first modern artist"

2004-06-09 Thread Val Souza
With the construction of new houses and older ones being sold off, this
system may not be sufficient.
Directing visitors to unfamiliar areas of the village requires vague 
references to
landmarks and distances usually denoted by the time it takes to get there 
I'm not recommending having a name for every piggy causeway that exists but
celebrating appropriate venues with the names of illustrious villagers.

Kevin, your logic is irrefutable and your arguments are well-reasoned. If a 
majority feels this is a worthwhile project to undertake, so be it. Indeed, 
my concern was never with the concept itself, but whether spending time and 
effort on something like this was worth it right now.

We've talked about so many projects these past couple of years on 
Saligaonet, but not a single one is anywhere near off the ground (I'm not 
blaming any individuals here, but in a way we're all 'collectively' 
responsible). That's the problem with 'collective' responsibility and 
'community' action -- it's so difficult to get off the "collective ass" and 
actually do something concrete. Everyone talks, but everyone waits for 
everyone else to raise the first leg! [I humbly accept that I'm one of the 
worst culprits in this regard].

I guess what we need is a 'project coordinator' -- appointed by consensus 
for each project -- who would then be responsible and accountable to make 
sure the project actually gets off the mailing list and into the real world, 
and gets completed in real time -- with assistance from everyone else who 
offers to help, of course.

- Val
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RE: [saligaonet] project co-ordinator

2004-06-10 Thread Val Souza
Thanks, Sanjeev. I guess suitability for co-ordinating a particular project 
would depend on the person's areas of expertise, location, time 
availability, etc.

Project Co-ordinator - great idea !!!
I don't mind volunteering for a project that I can handle.

Personally, I would like to volunteer as project co-ordinator for the 
Saligao Book project. In this case, I think it's for Fr Nascimento to decide 
whom he would like to have as co-ordinator, and if he feels that someone 
else (like Mario & Muriel for instance) would be better suited, then I would 
certainly support them and still help out with the concept and editing as 

I forgot to mention in the previous mail that while a project co-ordinator 
is expected to be responsible and accountable, I feel that he or she should 
also be given full authority to take decisions pertaining to the project, 
once appointed -- even though some others might have differing opinions on 
the decisions taken.

As far as I can recollect, the pending projects that have been talked about 
on the list are as follows:

1. Saligao Book (authored by Fr Nascimento)
2. Map of Saligao village
3. Children's Park
4. Saligao website (it's been static and unchanged since 1998!)
5. Weekly news snippets from the village
6. Computer Club
7. Fitness Centre
8. Road Naming
Please add to this list, share your thoughts, volunteer -- whatever!
Best wishes,
- Val
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RE: [saligaonet] project co-ordinator

2004-06-10 Thread Val Souza

Project Co-ordinator - great idea !!!
I don't mind volunteering for a project that I can handle.
Thanks, Sanjeev. I guess suitability for coordinating a particular project 
would depend on the person's areas of expertise, location, time 
availability, etc.

Personally, I would like to volunteer as project coordinator for the Saligao 
Book project. In this case, I think it's for Fr Nascimento to decide whom he 
would like to have as coordinator, and if he feels that someone else (like 
Mario & Muriel for instance) would be better suited, then I would certainly 
support them and still help out with the concept and editing.

I forgot to mention in the previous mail that while a project coordinator is 
expected to be responsible and accountable, he or she should also be given 
full authority to take decisions pertaining to the project, once appointed 
-- even though some others might have differing opinions on the decisions 

As far as I can recollect, the pending projects that have been talked about 
on the list are as follows:

1. Saligao Book (authored by Fr Nascimento)
2. Map of Saligao village
3. Children's Park
4. Saligao website (it's been static since 1998!)
5. Weekly news snippets from the village
6. Computer Club
7. Fitness Centre
8. Road Naming
Please add to this list, share your thoughts, volunteer -- whatever!
Best wishes,
- Val
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Re: [saligaonet] project co-ordinator

2004-06-11 Thread Val Souza
I am based in Bombay. That's why I will only be able to take up projects 
which do not need my continuous physical presence in Saligao. The book 
project fits into this scheme quite nicely. Meanwhile, I am planning to make 
more frequent visits to Goa in the next few months (a trip next week is 
likely) -- I will contact Fr Nascimento independently and seek his advice on 
how he would like to proceed. Will keep the list updated on whatever 

- Val

Succinctly put - Val !! Bravo.
Now , I think we have reached the limit of managing things in cyberspace. 
We must meet in person to brainstorm and come to some conclusions and 
formulate an action plan.

I volunteer my office / home as a venue for this meeting. Fred or Val can 
you please be the convener , fix the date, quorum/ invitees, agenda and 

office  : 2407066, 7
home  : 2409935
mobile: 3116638

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Re: [saligaonet] Fr. Nasciment's Book On Saligao.

2004-06-17 Thread Val Souza
While most of the raw material for a book exists (Fr Nascimento's output is 
truly voluminous!) there is a need to decide what exactly will go in, what 
the theme will be, etc, etc. Then there's the editing, photography, design, 
paper quality and costing decisions, publishing, printing, distribution 
plan, etc.

We're talking of producing a highly professional volume here, one that every 
Saligaokar -- wherever in the world he or she may be -- would be proud to 
possess, read and 'show off'. (Of course, somehow, we also need to give the 
book a more general appeal, else the print run would be too small to make 
the project financially viable).

I had already briefly discussed all this with Fr Nascimento some time ago 
and volunteered to do the editing and provide other requisite professional 
inputs. However, due to work and other pressures I have not yet been able to 
devote enough time to this project yet. Now that some interest is 
forthcoming from othes on the list, we seem ready to take it forward.

A project of this nature would involve substantial time and effort. My 
estimate is about 6-9 months, if we are to do a really good job. I suggest 
we target release of the book to coincide with the Church feast next May 
(giving all of us ample time to fine-tune every aspect of the book to 

Fr Nascimento, it's for *you* to decide how *you* would like to proceed. 
Once you do that, I'm sure we'll all be able to get together and come out 
with something spectacular.

- Val

Dear Mario & Muriel,
Thank you very much placing your thoughts on Saligaonet. Yes photography is
my main corcern . I may ask Dyanita Singh to help me as I know her well.
There may be Salikaokars from diaspora willing to support financially the
book if it is presented to them in better format and also edit by you, Val
etc  than what I wrote and use the money for a good purpose and project on
Saligao.My contribution is to Saligao and I am only trying to contribute
what I received from the village and villagers by way of history, music.
etc. God bless you both. Much love, Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas.
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2004 1:00 AM
Subject: [saligaonet] Fr. Nasciment's Book On Saligao.

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RE: [saligaonet] project co-ordinator

2004-06-17 Thread Val Souza
Project Co-ordinator - great idea !!!
I don't mind volunteering for a project that I can handle.
Thanks, Sanjeev. I guess suitability for co-ordinating a particular project 
would depend on the person's areas of expertise, location, time 
availability, etc.

Personally, I would like to volunteer as project co-ordinator for the 
Saligao Book project. In this case, I think it's for Fr Nascimento to decide 
whom he would like to have as co-ordinator, and if he feels that someone 
else (like Mario & Muriel for instance) would be better suited, then I would 
certainly support them and still help out with the concept and editing.

I forgot to mention in the previous mail that while a project co-ordinator 
is expected to be responsible and accountable, he or she should also be 
given full authority to take decisions pertaining to the project, once 
appointed -- even though some others might have differing opinions on the 
decisions taken.

As far as I can recollect, the pending projects that have been talked about 
on the list are as follows:

1. Saligao Book (authored by Fr Nascimento)
2. Map of Saligao village
3. Children's Park
4. Saligao website (it's been static since 1998!)
5. Weekly news snippets from the village
6. Computer Club
7. Fitness Centre
8. Road Naming
Please add to this list, share your thoughts, volunteer -- whatever!
Best wishes,
- Val
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Re: [saligaonet] Fr. Nasciment's Book On Saligao.

2004-06-17 Thread Val Souza

While most of the raw material for a book exists (Fr Nascimento's output is 
truly voluminous!) there is a need to decide what exactly will go in, what 
the theme will be, etc, etc. Then there's the editing, photography, design, 
paper quality and costing decisions, publishing, printing, distribution 
plan, etc.

We're talking of producing a highly professional volume here, one that every 
Saligaokar -- wherever in the world he or she may be -- would be proud to 
possess, read and 'show off'. (Of course, somehow, we also need to give the 
book a more general appeal, else the print-run would be too small to make 
the project financially viable).

I had already briefly discussed all this with Fr Nascimento some time ago 
and volunteered to do the editing and provide other requisite professional 
inputs. However, due to work and other pressures I have not yet been able to 
devote enough time to this project yet. Now that some interest is 
forthcoming from othes on the list, we seem ready to take it forward.

A project of this nature would involve substantial time and effort. My 
estimate is about 6-9 months, if we are to do a really good job. I suggest 
we target release of the book to coincide with the Church feast next May 
(giving all of us ample time to fine-tune every aspect of the book to 

Fr Nascimento, ultimately it's for *you* to decide how *you* would like to 
proceed. Once you do that, I'm sure we'll all be able to get together and 
come out with something spectacular.

- Val

Dear Mario & Muriel,
Thank you very much placing your thoughts on Saligaonet. Yes photography is
my main corcern . I may ask Dyanita Singh to help me as I know her well.
There may be Salikaokars from diaspora willing to support financially the
book if it is presented to them in better format and also edit by you, Val
etc  than what I wrote and use the money for a good purpose and project on
Saligao.My contribution is to Saligao and I am only trying to contribute
what I received from the village and villagers by way of history, music.
etc. God bless you both. Much love, Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas.
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2004 1:00 AM
Subject: [saligaonet] Fr. Nasciment's Book On Saligao.

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[saligaonet] Repeating messages

2004-06-17 Thread Val Souza
For some inexplicable reason, the older messages seem to be repeating on 

Please ignore.
- Val
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[saligaonet] Saligao Book: Status Update 1

2004-06-24 Thread Val Souza
Hello everyone
Please do continue the debate about the location of project co-ordinators. 
Maybe it will motivate me to move back to Goa :-)

Meanwhile, last Sunday (June 20) I met with Fr Nascimento at St Andrew's 
Church in Vasco. We had a long discussion on how we should proceed with his 
book on Saligao. We debated on several alternative approaches and the pros 
and cons of each of them. We made a rough plan outlining the various stages 
of the project. We also listed down the names of all those whom we would 
like to rope in for support (based on their areas of expertise) -- some of 
them would form the core group that would need to meet at stipulated 
intervals in order to monitor progress and fine-tune plans for the 
subsequent stages.

Based on our discussions, I will be preparing a concept note and initial 
project plan, as well as a suggested framework for the book structure (from 
a content perspective). This will be presented to the core group for 
deliberation and embellishment. Fr Nascimento has suggested that the core 
group meet in Saligao at the end of July (coinciding with the St Anne's 
Chapel feast, when he will be spending a couple of days there).

Fr Nascimento will be individually contacting all those who have volunteered 
to help, and inviting some of them who are Saligao-based to be part of the 
core group. As soon as I am ready with the detailed plan, I will post a 
summary of it to the list, and keep you all informed of the progress of the 
project as it moves ahead.

Best wishes,
- Val
P.S.: Sanjeev, I am extremely sorry that our proposed meeting did not 
materialise, as I got completely tied up with other meetings I had scheduled 
earlier. I hope I didn't inconvenience you too much -- will make up for it 
next time!

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RE: [saligaonet] Illness

2004-07-19 Thread Val Souza

Dear Fr Nascimento
This is real bad news. Perhaps you have been exerting yourself a little too 
much with the numerous postings to SaligaoNet these past few days.

Please do take complete rest till you feel absolutely well again.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
- Val
Dear Saligao Netters,
 This is to inform you all that this morning after the 2nd mass which I 
celebrated, my diabetes went very high and it resulted in heart problem. 
The doctor has curtailed my activities and hence it will not be possible 
for me to send you Saligao News which I felt could now be taken by some one 
younger, more energetic and fit and also based in Saligao.

The other postings can hold on .till I am better to resume , but when? This 
time will tell. However I must  thank Daniel, Val, Maureen , Nancy, 
Annette, Zelma and  recently Shanon for the encouragement they gave me all 
this while. My prayers are with all Saliganvkars and God bless you all . 
Kindly keep the Saligao spirit moving higher. With much love, warm wishes 
and prayers.

Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas, St. Andrew's Church, Vasco da Gama, 403802. 
Goa, India..

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RE: [saligaonet] Open Air Classroom: Plastic Picking In Saligao.

2004-08-30 Thread Val Souza
What a wonderful initiative! Kudos to all the kids and adults who rolled up 
their sleeves and just did it! It's heartening to note that when people put 
their minds to it, individuals can still make a difference in this 
beleaguered world.

I think the 'open-air classroom' idea for a hands-on education on 
environment and ecology is also a super idea. While I cannot be physically 
present, I would be delighted to support this initiative in any other way 
that's needed. Muriel & Mario, do let me know.

- Val

Open Air Classroom: Plastic Picking In Saligao.

Inspired and led by senior citizen Jean Kalgutkar, that
never-say-die, lone, plastic-picker of Saligao, five junior
citizens of Lourdes Convent Saligao - Rohit, Tarika, Shanawaz,
Sheetal, Suhail - and one dad began a campaign to rid their
village of plastic litter.

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