Re: Graphics conversion

2003-10-06 Thread Jarek Adamski

 Is there any software available to assist in me designing screens on my
 PC and transferring them to the SAM as screen$ or whatever.
LCD writes a BMP2SCR utility to convert images (.BMP?) and movies
into ZX Spectrum SCREEN$. The conversion is very advanced from
mathematical level (reduces number of colours, converts to 3
screens of RGB, etc.). I have no informations if he supports
other Sam screen formats, but perhaps he could add them. You
can find him on sys.comp.sinclair,

Jarek Adamski
ul.Sobieskiego 10A/5
99-200 Poddębice
tel. +48603445345

Do you wish to upgrade an 8bit computer?
see and contact me.

256kB extension for sale

2002-01-16 Thread Jarek Adamski

I have some 256kB extentions for Sam and I want to sell them at
12 euro. For users from Poland it is only 35PLN.

Also I can sell Kempston Joystick Interfaces mountable under the
Z80 CPU.

Please contact me to [EMAIL PROTECTED], because I don't subscibe


Fd: Returned mail: User unknown (Frode Tenneboe)

2001-06-04 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 28-Maj-01 pisze:
 This is a MIME-encapsulated message


 The original message was received at Mon, 28 May 2001 03:57:41 +0200
 from []

- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -

- Transcript of session follows -
  while talking to
  553 5.3.0 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Open spam relay - see
 550 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... User unknown

 Content-Type: message/delivery-status

 Reporting-MTA: dns;
 Received-From-MTA: DNS;
 Arrival-Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 03:57:41 +0200

 Final-Recipient: RFC822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Action: failed
 Status: 5.1.1
 Remote-MTA: DNS;
 Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 553 5.3.0 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Open spam relay -
 Last-Attempt-Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 03:57:55 +0200

 Content-Type: message/rfc822

 Received: from ( [])
 by (8.8.7/8.8.7) with SMTP id DAA09230
 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mon, 28 May 2001 03:57:41 +0200
 Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 18:13:45 +0200
 From: Jarek Adamski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.16-22 i586)
 X-Accept-Language: pl, en, de, ru, es
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 To: Frode Tenneboe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Fwd: MasterDOS and UZI]
 References: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


 Frode Tenneboe wrote:
  Why you use non-existent e-mail address??
  I'm still not sure what you mean by this...
 When I replied to your messages (at least 3 times)
 I was getting user unknown.



Diskimages and SAM emulators

2001-05-09 Thread Jarek Adamski

My qestions are:

 1. Does SAM emulators support the MV - CPC format
for *.DSK files? (Used e.g. to store ZX+3 disks.)

 2. What will happen when I insert a 720kB raw .DSK
diskimage? (I would like it to be seen as 2 sides of 80
tracks of 9 sectors [1..9] of 512 bytes.)

BTW I've made a MS-DOS tool that makes QED820 disk .DSK
diskimage (CP/M format, 820kB with boot sectors) from 
MS-DOS files and also initializes boot sector when 
CPM22SAM.SYS file is present.


Cuted from READ_E.ME file of CPCEMU v1.4 emulator by Marco Vieth (1996).

  7.7.1  Disc Images

Disc image files consist of a 0x100-byte disc info block and for
each track a 0x100-byte track info block, followed by the data for
every sector in that track.
The new extended disk format is intended for some copy protected disks.
Parts which are new in the extended format are marked with *E*
(from our Extended DISK Format Proposal, Rev.5).

The Disc Information block
Byte (hex): Meaning:
00 - 21  MV - CPCEMU Disk-File\r\nDisk-Info\r\n
 (MV - CPC is characteristic)
*E*  EXTENDED CPC DSK File\r\n\Disk-Info\r\n
*E*  (EXTENDED is characteristic)
22 - 2F  unused (0)
*E*  DSK creator (name of the utility) (no ending \0 needed!)
30   number of tracks (40, 42, maybe 80)
31   number of heads (1 or 2)
32 - 33  size of one track (including 0x100-byte track info)
 With 9 sectors * 0x200 bytes + 0x100 byte track
 info = 0x1300.
*E*  unused (0)
34 - FF  unused (0)
*E*  high bytes of track sizes for all tracks
 (computed in the same way as 32-33 for the normal format).
 For single sided formats the table contains track sizes
 of just one side, otherwise for two alternating sides.
 A size of value 0 indicates an unformatted track.
 Actual track data length = table value * 256
 Keep in mind that the image contains additional 256 bytes
 for each track info.

The Track Information block (for every track)
Byte (hex):  Meaning:
00 - 0C  Track-Info\r\n
0D - 0F  unused (0)
10   track number (0 to number of tracks-1)
11   head number (0 or 1)
12 - 13  unused (0)
Format track parameters:
14   BPS (bytes per sector) (2 for 0x200 bytes)
15   SPT (sectors per track) (9, at the most 18)
16   GAP#3 format (gap for formatting; 0x4E)
17   Filling byte (filling byte for formatting; 0xE5)
Sector info (for every sector at a time):
18+i track number\
19+i head number  | sector ID information
1A+i Sector number|
1B+i BPS/
1C+i state 1 error code (0)
1D+i State 2 error code (0)
1E+i,1F+iunused (0)
 *E* sector data length in bytes (little endian notation)
 This allows different sector sizes in a track.
 It is computed as  (0x0080  real_BPS).

The sector data must follow the track information block in the
order of the sector IDs. No track or sector may be omitted.
With double sided formats, the tracks are alternating,
e.g. track 0 head 0, track 0 head 1, track 1 ...
Use CPCTRANS to copy CPC discs into this format.

[Fwd: MasterDOS and UZI]

2001-04-17 Thread Jarek Adamski

Why you use non-existent e-mail address??

 Frode Tenneboe wrote:
  Take a look at z88dk - should do what you want.
  Where to get it? Or better can you send it to me?
  The source is attached.
 I've just decompressed it under RedHat 7. It has C crosscompiler.
  1. When I try to recompile libs or examples, it reports missing '
 in /libsrc/stdio/fgetc.c. When I added another one - reports Error:#42
 unknown symbol: extern in /include/malloc.h. What to do?
  2. I tried to compile UZI with this compiler. It reports errors like:
 Unexpected text in #control line ignored
 Typedef doesn't support pointer types (sorry!)
 What to do with them???
  I'm currently adding libs to allow for a native SAM target,
  however those would currently be a bit of limited value to you.
  I'm not entirely finished either.
 As I see, it doesn't contain access to disk files, right?


2000-12-20 Thread Jarek Adamski
- Transcript of session follows -
 ... while talking to
 550 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... User unknown

Dnia 00-12-04 Frode Tenneboe pisze:
 The source is attached.
How is it packed? I got only this:

gzip: z88dkv1.31.tar.gz: invalid compressed data--crc error

Can you repack it to ZIP, RAR or LHA?


Re: MasterDOS and UZI

2000-12-03 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-11-24 Frode Tenneboe pisze:

[32MB limit]
 This is likely due to 512B sectors * 65536 = 32MB. Perhaps you
 can make the sector sizes configurable, eg. 2048B * 65536 =
It looks like it uses one 32MB disk divided into some 
partitions... The limit is on low level driver. The bigger 
sectors look possible, but requires bigger buffer, what could
make problems to fit UZI kernel in 32kB.

BTW the floppy has 76 tracks with 26 sectors, 128B each... ;)

 Remember to make any changes to the code portable so we can
 have the posiblity to add it back into UZI in the future.
OK. ;)

 Take a look at z88dk - should do what you want.
Where to get it? Or better can you send it to me?


Filesystem for HDD

2000-12-03 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-12-01 Aley Keprt pisze:

 Also what is the ATOM hard disk interface like - why is the
 disk split into 800K sections. Why wasn't a proper filesystem
 created to handle harddisk properly?
 I have asked this for years. I think it shouldn't be so
 hard to make a simple but HD-oriented OS. But people who made
 Atom are probably more hardware gurus than programmers. So
 that's it.
If someone would like to test the one I'm working on, please
contact me.


MasterDOS and UZI

2000-11-24 Thread Jarek Adamski

I'm looking for new filesystem for MasterDOS and I found that
Unix Z80 Implementation (UZI) should have one. So...

 1. The partition size is limited to 32MB, what gives about 40
SAM disks - is it good or is better to find something better?

 2. Having UZI partitions you can test UZI (including TCP/IP,
etc.) and deal with this partitions (move files, optimize,
repair, etc.) from UZI. So we have disk tools already.

 3. Can someone help me to get Code Works Q/C C compiler? It
works under CP/M and generates files for M80 assembler. I need
it to compile UZI.


Re: Big disk

2000-11-06 Thread Jarek Adamski

Andrew Gale wrote:

 Would a CD drive connected to an Atom interface
 be able to read a PC CD full of DSKs?
I thought about something like:


what means selecting diskimages as changing current path. The
diskimages could be driven by additional Resident System
Extention, loaded when needed (as in ZXVGS).

Luke Trevorrow wrote:

 Why don't we look at porting a new OS of some sort.
For me the problem is: what for? I see the sense in making a
filesystem for big disk. If there's a reason to make new OS, it
is OK. (However, I made a CP/M and it is useless...)

Justin Skists wrote:

 Didn't someone once say they were going to try to port Minix
 to the SAM? Jarek, maybe?
I had a look to UZI (Unix Z80 Implementation). It looks like
designed for SAM, as uses low 32kB RAM for swapping tasks (what
gives 14 separate tasks without need of harddisk swap). However,
the program size is limited to 32kB.


Re: Fred Magazine Web Pages

2000-11-02 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-10-29 Tim P pisze:

 Can I mutter again about wouldn't it be nice if people made
 all old software PD, so we can have a single CD with *every*
 sam disk as a .DSK (or similar) on it?
All software written by me can be freely distributed without any
permition. However, it is still Shareware, but there are only
full versions (no limited ones).

Ps. I'm still lookig for someone who could install my CP/M on
his Atom HDD. (Some close cooperation.)


RE: SAM 2000? To make or not not to make one?

2000-10-27 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-10-25 [EMAIL PROTECTED] pisze:

 Though, I did tend to use Hitech C in CP/M for my SAM
 development. Even though it was slow and cumbersome on ProDOS.
Did you try CPM22QED?

I have Small-C v1.2 with FPC made in 1984. Has someone something


Re: New User

2000-10-24 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-10-19 Aley Keprt pisze:

 The real reasons are:
  1. Sam is 8bit, Amiga 16bit, PC 32bit computer
This is not true. When you mean bitness as number of data lines
outside CPU case (usual meaning), the Amiga 1200 and 4000 are 
32bit, PC was 8bit (8088), 16bit (8086) and 32bit (80386DX). 

But to the code size the registers size has influence. In this
case SAM is 16bit, Amiga 32bit and PC is 16bit (real mode) or
32bit. I cannot say much about PC protected mode, but in real
mode 1/3 of code size is to deal with CPU structure (changing
segment registers or moving data from one register to register
that can be used in particular operation).

  3. PC's op.system has several built-in funcions, which cause
 hello world programs to be quite large. But the point is
 that bigger programs don't grow so fast.
And you have to talk whole sentence to Windows...

 I think it would be much better to have some DOS  utils in
 16kb ROM, and load Basic into RAM.
What we should do now?

 This way Sam would be cheaper, since we don't need 32kb ROM.
The 64kB EPROM chips are cheapar than 32kB and 16kB ones.

 Also, MGT could invest in good C compiler instead of Basic,
 which could dramatically change the state of the software ( =
 very little good software for Sam, compared to other
What we can do now?


Re: Progress - Interlace

2000-10-24 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-10-20 Simon Cooke pisze:

 It's not true interlace though -- but you can tell some
 monitors to move the display down a scanline and have true
 interlacing by doing that, and flashing the border white in
 the off-screen area for a short time when you want to jab it
 down a line :)
This reminds me idea of my LACER interface, that removes the
first vertical synchronization pulse then adds one at the end,
depending on colour in very top border line, what can give real

I was going to use external composite video signal and LM1881
chip to separate synchronization pulses and some logic to count
pulses, etc.

Now I think it is easier (cheaper, too) to use ST62/PIC

Also for SAM an internal version is possible, as SAM has /SYNC
line (no need for LM1881, but must be soldered inside).

If someone can deal with ST62/PIC devices, I can provide
details, how to do all the thing.


Big disk

2000-10-12 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-10-09 Aley Keprt pisze:

 I significantly prefer emulation over real hardware.
OK. You prefer emulation and I prefer hardware. It is easier for
me to solder something to hardware than crack emulator. Anyway,
we can make something useful both for hardware and emulator.

 The one thinkg I know is that you don't need that opcode,
 since there are other possibilities.
I need it to call host operating system in order to access their
disks at file level. This is fastest way and doesn't disturb
when code is used on real hardware.

 This is my idea:
 The dos could simulate a very large diskette, so it would be
 95% compatible with existing software, including programs,
 which use asm-access via RST instruction.
I find it as a monster.

 I think about a diskette with 255 tracks, 255 sectors, etc.
 Each file could occupy a single sector, directory  file
 bodies could share the same space (i.e. whole diskette for
 directory, whole diskette for file bodies) - this is because
 you use different functions to load files and read
Have you seen allocation table in SAMDOS disk directory entry?

 The files would be stored as real files on hard drive to let
 anyone can access them from hosting OS.
And the emulator must build virtual partition every time? Then
convert it back to files? Yuck.

 Sorry, what is DIR$?
A function of MasterDOS.

 I think we can do some tilda-combo for special characters in
 filenames (as M$ do in DOS--Win95), so we can have the same
 filenames as original DOS.
Don't limit your imagination with Win95.

 Maybe I am wrong, but I think it would be nice to have the
 most compatible system with original MasterDos, except the
But why to follow disk structure limitations? I think the
compatibility should end at file access level.

Well, I made such thing in my ZXVGS with TR-DOS.

TR-DOS is also media-related filesystem (people who have
harddisk under TR-DOS divide it into 640kB partitions, too).
So the diskimages are usually 640kB *.TRD files (there's also
compressed form *.SCL). Sometimes *.$? files are used to
every file separately (only for transportation).

In ZXVGS I remapped TR-DOS calls to ZXVGS functions. So, the
program thinks it uses TR-DOS, but in fact deals with *.$?
files stored on independent filesystem (MS-DOS, CP/M, network).
This works also with advanced loaders that read sectors

I think, the filesystem should be abstracted from SAM hardware
and SAMDOS structures.

Let's consider MS-DOS for example. There's 11 characters per
file name, we need only 10. (The $ sign could be pleaced just
after dot to inform there's no dot in SAM name.) We have only
uppercase letters, what makes no problem to SAM. Some characters
are not welcome in file names, so we can convert them to -,
what shouldn't cause problems to SAM. The 9B file headers can be
still used, what only slowes full directory listing (temporary
file can be created). Special header must be developed for some
file types (5, 9, 20???). There's no problem with flags, date,
file length. There's no space for comment - anyone used it?

I can modify the MasterDOS to use other filesystem. By the way
I could add a RSX port, like in ZXVGS. 

All I need is cooperation - I don't feel need to make third
operating system for SAM only for myself.


RE: Console Coupe

2000-10-09 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-10-06 Aley Keprt pisze:

 My favourite configuration is a hard drive, which contains all
 Sam files on it, not divided into 800kb segments (virtual
 dskettes). Again NOT divided.
What about real hardware?

 Maybe some little DOS can be done in emulator, so it don't
 waste too much memory of real Sam, and using a real (i.e.
 PC/Mac) hard drive for files.
I can offer my idea of host DOS access. It is #ED #CF opcode
and function selected by A register. I used something similar in
my ZXVGS installed on Warajevo emulator. From the emulation
level any PC disk can be accessed, like in UAE (Amiga emulator).
(the server sometimes has big time-outs)
(a bit older release, has problems with TR-DOS emulation)

They require Warajevo 2.51 emulator.

 This could be usable for all programs, which are not protected.
The problem is in file names and probably conversion of them is
needed. Something like DIR$ will cause problems.

However, I'm open for cooperation.


Re: Booting

2000-10-09 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-10-06 Aley Keprt pisze:

 I consider a bit stupid to have a MasterDOs-based program on a
 non-bootable diskette.
Unless the program requires MasterDOS and the MasterDOS cannot
be included being comercial. There were no limitations in
including SAMDOS.


Re: Console Coupe

2000-10-05 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-09-29 Ian Collier pisze:

 You can use whatever filetypes you like - have one for
 autoboot and one for not-autoboot if you really want (after
 all, what's in a name? It's just an entry in the registry) -
 but I'm not sure I see the point in the not-autoboot one so
 one might as well just use the DSK filetype as an autoboot
I think the idea was to boot disk with no DOS on it. With only
AUTO* file. So the emulator should do something like this:
 1. Insert dummy disk with DOS.
 2. Press F9.
 3. Wait until OK message.
 4. Remove disk.
 5. Insert disk selected by user.
 6. Press F9.

Or, if it is possible, state after booting DOS can be saved as
snapshot (this means with DOS in memory and modified some system
variables), then:
 1. Insert disk selected by user.
 2. Load booted DOS snapshot.
 3. Press F9.


Re: Console Coupe - more complete calculations

2000-10-05 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-10-02 Howard Price pisze:

 Is it just me, or did it suddenly get geekier in here?  :-)
What is it?

 But is there really positive and negative zeroes? It's peaked
 my geeky interest.
They are only if you define them. I defined them as value
smaller (as absolute) than smalest value having binary
representation. They are usable, when you cannot colculate
value, but you can calculate its sign. So:

 1 / +zero = +infinity,
 1 / -zero = -infinity,
 +zero * -zero = -zero, etc.


Re: Console Coupe

2000-10-05 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-09-29 Ian Collier pisze:

 Lim (n-0) n / n^2  =  0/0 = infinity

because   n/n^2 == 1/n


 Lim (n-0) n / (n+n^2)

and you get 1 as result.


Re: ZXVGS 0.26

2000-09-11 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-09-09 Robert Wilkinson pisze:

 The link doesn't work..
Sorry, not my fault. Try again or try:


I'm not sure if you have to subscribe ZXVGS mail list to
download these files, anyway you can select No Mail/Web Only
option to don't receive messages.


ZXVGS 0.26

2000-09-08 Thread Jarek Adamski

There's ZXVGS 0.26 released:



2000-09-02 Thread Jarek Adamski

The CPM22QED 1.08 still waits to be tested with 1MB memory
extention. It should mount the N: ramdisk in it.

I don't own the memory extention, so I can't test it.

You could need also:

and installation steps are described in:


Re: spec multiface - some questions

2000-08-13 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-08-03 Edwin Blink pisze:

 That can be done by making /BUSREQ low and let your hardware
 wait for /BUSACK
You mean always or while NMI activation?

 Latch interrupt status using /M1=0 AND /MREQ=0 AND
 databus=x011 X=1 for EI or 0 for DI.
What for? This can be read with LD A,I and fail while execution
of INT code (INT are disabled not only with DI).

 Let NMI occure and Latch address (=Z80 program counter) during
 /M1=0 AND /MREQ=0 and /ROMCS=1(NO ROM) A15=0 (prevent use of
 ROM, external RAM and location D (prevent RAM overflow to ROM
When NMI occures, next opcode taken is from 0066.

 Copy some RAM from the latched address
With what? The second CPU or dedicated DMA?


Re: spec multiface - some questions

2000-08-13 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-08-02 Andrew Gale pisze:

 The easiest way to avoid this problem is to latch the NMI
 request from the button and then wait for the CPU to take opcode
 (/M1=0) dealing with the stack.
 That's a very neat idea
And perhaps simplest to do. The possible delay have no meaning,
as nobody is able to press NMI button with precision greater
than 100ms (unless light pen or a condition from bus is used to
generate NMI, but I doubt someone will use them).

 That had been my thinking - disable the SAM's z80 and hang a
 different z80 off the back... then I could trap and memory
 writes before they reach the ASIC.
The problem could be that the NMI isn't acknowledged so you have
to distinguish stacking the PC from opcode writing to RAM.

 Does a write to the ROM region not write to the underlying RAM?
Yes, it doesn't. It happens so in Amstrad CPC, but not in SAM.
I've expected so, but now I checked it.


Re: spec multiface - some questions

2000-08-01 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-07-27 Andrew Gale pisze:

 My question is about the PC that gets written to the stack by
 the z80 - clearly this is going to get written to RAM, exactly
 where being determined by SP. This is fine assuming the program
 being interrupted is using the SP sensibly - i.e. to implement
 a stack -- but what if it is playing silly buggers with the SP
 and some important section of memory gets overwritten?
The easiest way to avoid this problem is to latch the NMI
request from the button and then wait for the CPU to take opcode
(/M1=0) dealing with the stack. The best are #C9 (RET) and
%11xxx000 (conditional RET), assuming the code uses RETs at all.
When you force NMI while #C9 RET, the new PC address is stacked
back to the same location it was taken. In case of conditional
RET two more bytes on stack can be used. (Also CALL opcode can
be detected, what gives hunting for %1100 or %11001x01

However this will not work in every situation - you won't stop
the DI:HALT code. But you could use a switch to enable and
disable waiting till the opcode. Or use a monoflop to force
NMI anyway after a time out.

 I'm trying to decide whether or not to guard against this by
 preventing the PC from being written to the SAM's RAM and
 catching the values in some special latches instead...
You probably won't be able to do it, as SAM doesn't allow to
disable all memory access from expansion slot, untill you modify
the SAM inside or use external CPU.

In case when the SP points to ROM, you could latch address lines
(A0..A15) with /M1=0. Then analyse the opcode at latched


Re: Your offer...

2000-08-01 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-07-22 womoteam pisze:

 Hello Jarek.

 Sorry for such delay in answering.
No problem. BTW You still owe me reply to two my mails... ;)

 Your offer is gtreat and it does exactly that what I want (and
 manually do now): It uses local network (Intranet) to Mo´s
Did you get the YABAK.RAR file, I've send?

 I store my backups as ZIP-Files at the moment there
 on an own partioion F.
So you have to change the default disk in the scripts...

 So I would be very pleased if you would tell me, how to get
 this program as I never want have such trouble again
If you didn't get it by mail, I'll pleace it on my HTTP.


Please mail a note when no reply received during two weeks.

Re: ROM3 - I have some eproms

2000-07-20 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-07-12 Andrew Gale pisze:

 If A14 of the ROM is connected to A14 of the z80 then ROM0 is
 at the bottom,
It is so.


Re: making the SAM spectrum 128 compatible

2000-07-20 Thread Jarek Adamski

Unknown (?) wrote:

 I think I've come up with a fairly practical method of
 making it possible to run speccy 128 programs on the SAM...
Haven't I wrote about it several months ago?  ?:-|

 it involves a plug-in box which has a 32K ram, a z80, and
 a certain amount of logic (and perhaps a sound chip).
I would use a bit other things... Like 4MB RAM and 21MHz CPU
(switchable to 3.5MHz).

Also, I am able to write operating system to make use of such
hardware - loading *.TAP and *.Z80 files, emulating some
disk extentions (TR-DOS, DISCiPLE, +D, Interface 1, TOS),
extending BASIC syntax, etc.

 The question is - is there any point pursuing it?
If it was not only ZX128 - yes. Look at my mail list -;, perhaps you find some

 It wouldn't be compatible with the +2a/+3.
That's OK.

Aley Keprt wrote:

 This sounds like a full ZX 128k. So I ask why to plug
 ZX128 as an interface, when you can get cheap original 128k?
To have disk interface and hardware multicolor screen mode, for

 If this came in 1991, I loved it. But now [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sorry, in 1991 I didn't know how to contact other SAM users...

 From my point of view, most of the people use emulators now,
 not real machines, especially not ZX Spectrums.
But from my point of view, I prefer to hear sound generated by
AY-3-8912 in real time than any emulation or record of it.

Unknown (?) wrote:

 When you say any point in pursuing it, do you mean to sell it?
 If so, then I doubt there is any point, to be entirely honest
 with you - unless it was very cheap.
Or being turbo board for SAM...

Unknown (?) wrote:

 It's a great idea - in principle - but there are quite a
 numbner of potential probs in doing it.
We are here (on Earth) to solve problems and realize our
dreams... ;)

 However, Its probably more easier to hack any unconverted
 Spectrum 128 titles to work on SAM!
Yes, but this divides users to two ghettos. In one are ZX128
users and in second SAM users. None of SAM users will write a
new program working ZX128, and SAM users must convert ZX128
programs to SAM. Each user group can find the other one as

Having ZX128 compatibility SAM users could make some programs
useable on ZX128 and cooperation could be closer.

(Please forgive the simplification.)

Aley Keprt wrote:

 But I am a programmer and I think nothing can be better than
 100% emulation. Software only emulation.
Say, what emulators do? They simulate hardware. Say, what
hardware? Existing one. Existing hardware!

(I know about exceptions like SPEC256, but not much of them are

 This is like making a new human. We make the same machines
 using completely different technology. Software instead of
But I can faster solder e.g. 24E64 chip (8kB IIC memory) than
you write and test emulation of it.

 You'd better stop saying original hardware is better than
 emulation. I think emulation is much hardcore, if you go
 deeper and deeper.
Emulation is good and hardware is good. However emulation
usually follows hardware solutions...

 Our technology isn't good enough to make software humans, so
 we try to make at least software Sams :)))
Software humans are not possible due to lack of the Aumakua
equivalent. ;)

David L wrote:

 Personally, I'd rather see a nice k/b interface :)
Why not make them together?

Aley Keprt wrote:

 I saw a very simple 48k solution. Just a ZX ROM and a button
 to turn it on. When you turn it on, you have nearly-real 48k
 Speccy with no emulation software needs. I don't like this
 solution, since you can't use disk access etc.
An additional piece of hardware is needed and ZXVGS to reach the
Heaven... ;)


Re: be back...

2000-07-05 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-07-05 womoteam pisze:

 Hi there!

 I want to inform you, that I don´t know if there was a virus
 at work or the greatest virus itself: Windows 98. The symptom
 was loosing all partition borders and non realistic FAT
 entries. By loosing partition E I have lost all my SAM stuff
 done on PC (sniff, all Supplement-zips too). So be careful,
 because I only could recover about 66% from all.
I can offer you my backup system. It is useful for files you
work on.
 1. Some spare space on HDD is needed (other partition or disk
than usually used is recommended).
 2. You specify which directories and files to backup.
 3. You specify days when a copy of all files is generated, for
other days only modified files are stored.
 4. Every archive file has different name, related to date.
 5. You specify how much disk space should stay free.
 6. Old archives are automaticly removed.

I use this system about 3 years in my office. Full copy is made
every monday (about 10MB; new files about 2MB). Archive files
(except recent 60 ones) are deleted to keep 60MB free space.
Archives are copied via local network to second computer, so I
have copies of 9 months back. No lost files, no lost work (at
least one day), no unwanted changes.


Re: Power Supply Pinout, Format, Floppy

2000-06-26 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-06-23 Jorge Canelhas pisze:

 thanks a lot for the awnser, made it work , pins 2 and 3
 (purple and whit are connected togethe so my multimeter tells
These pins are connected together inside SAM.

 Hi, i tried to make a disk with fdformat and samdisk, it
 formats ok, and copies the image to the drive, but it returns
 an error No DOS when i try to boot !!!
Try to run CPM22QED.

 1. Go to;.
 2. Download file CPM22SAM.LHA.
 3. Also pctools/LHA.EXE if you don't have one.
 4. Unpack the CPM22SAM.LHA.
  - When LHA.EXE displays special attribute - use -a switch.
  - Unpacked file can be hidden.
 5. Copy file CPM22SAM.108 to a recently formatted 720kB PC
disk (this file _must_ be the first file on the disk). Stick the
hole without slider at bottom side for HD floppy disk!
 6. Boot your SAM Coupe from the PC disk.

More details you can find in files archived in:

You can format a SAMDOS similar disk under CPM22QED using:


If you own a Timex Floppy Disk Drive System, I have some stuff
for you.

 I Got another question, a friend of mine has a sam without
 diskdrive , where can he get one or adapt a pcfloppy to the
You can take the controller from a Timex FDD 3000, that were
produced in Portugal. The FDC 1770 has different hardware head
step rates than FDC 1772-02, but this will work - SAMDOS uses
software step rates and probably other systems, too.

The FDD interface needs still 6 inverse OC gates (7406 or 7416,
also LS or ALS will do) and a D latch (usually 74LS74). (Some
more when as external must work with SAMBUS.) Plus 4 resistors
470om to 2kom.

BTW I'm wonder if SAMDOS and MasterDOS would work correctly when
two drives are connected to one controller with A4 address line
as drive select and both /DISCn lines redirected to one chip...


Re: outlet

2000-06-05 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-06-05 Edwin Blink pisze:

 Does anybody know how to contact Ron and Brian Cavers nowadays ?
Did you try [EMAIL PROTECTED]? (Acknowledged on 99-10-11.)


Re: SAM edge connectors (Was: PC keyboard interface)

2000-05-09 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-05-08 Justin Skists pisze:

 Where can you get the edge connectors from?
Perhaps? (This is 3 years old.)

HARTING Elektronik GmbH
Postfach 1140, D-32325 Espelkamp
Marienwerderstraße 3, D-32329 Espelkamp

HARTING Elektronik Ltd.
Northampton, NN 47 PW

Catalog No. 09 03 164 7 921


Re: next news about ZX-PARTY in Poland.

2000-05-03 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-05-01 David L pisze:

 PS: If You will not send us Your stuff, we will fuck compos,
 but we will have good fun anyway, heheheheheheheheheh. =8-D
 Compost heaps? that's a strange thing to do to them!
I think he meant rather competitions than compost, but we
always can make compost anyway. ;)


And here are some more info from WILL.
Hi :)

   We invite all the fans od ZX SPECTRUM to the party that
is going to take place in August [25..27] at internet cafe
VIRTUAL in Wroclaw (Poland).
  We guarantee lots of fun (various competitions) with
other ZX SPECTRUM maniacs.

  We provide:

- high-speed permanent internet connection (maybe there will
be a special IRC channel devoted to the party itself)
- 12 PC computers (466Mhz, 64 MB RAM, Voodoo3 ) which
can emulate SPECCY excellent :)

  Everyone who would like to join the party is asked to fill in
the application form at:

 See you at the PARTY !!!

PS. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at:

Re: Any news?

2000-04-25 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-04-23 Gavin Smith pisze:

 Next issue of SAM Community will be going out during next week, so if
 you have any news vaguely SAM related, please email me as soon as

1. ZXVGS 0.23 for SAM is released.

2. New is released.

3. Mail list about ZXVGS (including hardware expansions) is
started - [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Send empty e-mail to

4. In a weekend of second half of August will be ZX PARTY 3 in
Wroclaw (Poland, 51N 17E). SAM users are also welcome. More info


Re: Sam Tech manual needed

2000-04-24 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-04-22 Mac Buster pisze:

 Could you please upload it somewhere and make it publically
 downloadable ? There are not only Frans van Egmond need it :)
In 1997 I made translation of SAM Technical Manual to Polish
language. The translation is updated with informations taken
from mouse driver, MasterDOS documentation and my own
experience. Anyone interested?


Re: Two things

2000-04-24 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-04-21 womoteam pisze:

 Sorry that I cannot help you in both questions.
No problem. I just discovered the idea of MPU 401 and now I'm
developing the cable to connect SAM with pc.

Since there's no interest in using Unix on SAM, I'll do it

Now I design an external interface that to generate interlace

 possibility of an extern MP3-chip for the SAM.
Not big problem...


Re: Two things

2000-04-24 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-04-21 Colin Piggot pisze:

 I've been using 8 to 1 compression with 16 bit sample files
 on the sam for the last few years with the Quazar Surround
 soundcard. Not mpeg1 layer 3 but still sounds very good!

 Colin Piggot
 Quazar: Hardware and Software for the Sam.

Can you send me little specification of Quazar Surround? I want
to support sound cards in ZXVGS.


Two things

2000-04-10 Thread Jarek Adamski

First is using a PC as MIDI based file server for SAM. I've just
got sound card with MIDI... Does anyone know how to program the
MPU 401? All I know is it uses 330 and 331 addresses (or 300
and 301); the former is data I/O, the latter is status/address.

Second is UZI (U*ix Z80 Implementation). Did anyone make it for
SAM? If not, then I'm going to do it.


Re: SimCoupe

2000-03-19 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-03-18 Mac Buster pisze:

 Its is possible to format track w/o any ID at all :)
Right, is possible on 1793 type FDC, but not on 765A vel 8272
(the one used by IBM in its primitive computer).

 But you can not read them back =)
Only with #E0 command in 1973 type FDC. Then you have to check
CRC, because the data can be inverted.

 But it is almost impossible to read disks with incorrect side
 marks, etc.
Almost impossible means it is possible, but not via INT 13h.

 E.g. standard Beta 128 disk can't be readed w/o special tricks
 (preliminaly formatting on PC and writting the data on Beta
 128, and reading image on PC).
I had recently the same problem with TOS A.2 disks. But finally
I made it without such special tricks.

It would be better to fix format code in Beta 128...

 And of course you can't read GCR, but 1793 type controllers can't
 too (I think, but must try...).
 May be GCR can be readed by read track and decoded manually
 then ?
That is what I meant.

 Heh, not always better. ;)
 If you're working with standard disks only readed into .
I use 820kB disks with my SAM... ;) With 1kB sectors.


Re: Unusual hardware

2000-03-14 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-03-10 Gavin Smith pisze:

 Erm bloody hell, nice :) Umm you wouldn't like to do a wee
 article for SAM Community on your SAM and its bits and pieces
 would you? :) Oh go on!
I would like to... But what to write?


RE[2]: Unusual hardware

2000-03-11 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dnia 00-03-10 Doore, Dan pisze:

 I've looked at the Averlogic chips and they do the job but
 there is no chance of me building one from scratch as I don't
 have the skills, and it seems that the commercial units start
 at $500 - can you give me some details of what you have?
This is little box (ZX Spectrum sizes) with S-Video, Composite
Video, VGA and TV Antenna inputs. Outputs are VGA and CV (VGA
isn't converted to CV). It is called AVerMedia JOYTV. The
contact address is I bought it in Poland,
for about $150. The only disadvantage is low quality from
Composite, but I needed other possiblilities, like TV programs,
teletext and easy switching between VGA and CV sources, so I'm

Better quality would be from RGB, but I never tried to make
scandoubler myself. 


Re: Unusual hardware

2000-03-10 Thread Jarek Adamski
On 00-03-08 The Mad Goose wrote:

 Sam related - who's got the best specced- SAM on the list then?
 And who owns the most unusal piece of hardware...
Look at;.
This is rear of my SAM. You should see there:
 -HDD interface with flat cable and Seagate ST351A/X;
 -ISA slot and Multi I/O card;
 -AY-3-8910 (in ZX128 mode) inserted into YABUS slot;
 -free YABUS slot, I use for EPROM programmer or simulator.

Not visible are:
 -internal RS232, based on 8250 UART;
 -internal Kempston joystick port with Amiga mouse;
 -100W PSU taken from VMEBUS computer (kind of industry standard);
 -home made +256kB extention.

Andrew Collier wrote:

 Anyone else got their Sam hooked up to a greenscreen monitor?
I used to use one several years (14 Neptun 156). Now I have
AverMedia JoyTV scandoubler and 17 SVGA monitor.


The shortest MS Windows program: 0xA1, 0xFF, 0xFF. Results as usual.

ZXVGS 0.21

1999-12-12 Thread Jarek Adamski

I've released ZXVGS 0.21 for SAM. It is in:

For comparing, there is also ZXVGS for Pentagon:


New releases

1999-09-30 Thread Jarek Adamski

There is new CPM22QED 1.08 release for SAM in file:;.

Also new ZXVGS documentation 0.31 in ZXVGSdoc.lha.

Sorry for forbidden access recently. My fault.


New files

1999-09-25 Thread Jarek Adamski

There is new ZXVGS 0.18 version for SAM in file:;.

Also new documentation 0.30 in ZXVGSdoc.lha.

Ps. ... while talking to
 550 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... User unknown



1999-09-18 Thread Jarek Adamski

I quit. If someone wants to contact me, I am still at:


And new versions of my products for sam will apear at:


ZXVGS 0.18

1999-09-15 Thread Jarek Adamski

There is new ZXVGS desciption (0.29) concerning ZXVGS 0.18 in:


Re: New hardware for SAM

1999-09-10 Thread Jarek Adamski
Simon Cooke wrote:

 We had a prototype that ran at 12MHz with an overclocked
 Z80... and discovered that you'd need to have some glue
 (probably a finite state machine) in the middle that marshals
 memory and IO transactions over to the internal memory.
I know this. The CPU must have its own fast memory.

 Or possibly not; the Z380 (which is what I presume you're
 thinking of using) has different wait-state logic, and can
 hang on a half-clock if you need it to, so it might not be an
I think fast SRAM will be used as base memory. All the SAM 
internal memory will be probably write-only with kind of FIFO
buffer. The reads will be from fast shadow memory.

David L wrote:

  1. 4MB SIMM - 1/3
 Agreed. What types of Simms are u thinking off? EDO is getting
Perhaps EDO, perhaps not. I must try. I don't expect much
difference in standard simple access. I have 1MB SIMM now and I
still have to find the socket for it. I have a lot of sockets
for short SIMMs, but I didn't make the extention some years ago,
so they seem to be useless now. And I still don't know how the
original extention works.

  2. ZX128 emul   - 1/3
 Nope - not as much point. However, if you're talking about a
 parallel processor...?
Yes, second CPU. Probably Z80C at 3.56/10MHz.

  4. ISA cross- 0/3
 Interesting. But not so easy getting of ISA hardware these
You should search at the attic. This is only for things like:
COMs (also internal modems), LPTs and FDC. There is also access
to HDC, but you lose half of harddisk (no matter if you have
4GB anyway).

  7. 28MHz CPU- 0/0
 Yes please - if u can master that one!!
All I know now is the existence of such CPU.

 You  Gordon where discussing MSX hardware not so long ago
 there is an MSX graphics board (Gordon will know the name!)
 which adds a lot of nice extra facilities could it be
 adapted to work?
Yes, I can do everything, but only with some help.

How many people will have this card? Or better I should start
design of new computer apart the SAM? There will be only
extention board with socket for ASIC to get SAM compatibility?

Justin Skists wrote:

 3. DMA  - 0/3
 7. 28MHz CPU- 0/0
 I vote for these two (on one board?)
It would be hard to have them on one board. DMA (limited to
10MHz for Z80C family) with the 28MHz CPU will not help much.
So DMA will work for memory of SAM, while the 28MHz CPU needs
its own separate memory to work at full speed.

And it is very likely I will make DMA as internal version. To
solder over the existing Z80 or to put into the Z80 socket and
under the Z80.

Gordon Wallis wrote:

 But, then, I don't really understand techy stuff like DMA and
In simplification DMA is hardware that copies memory faster than
the CPU can, in theory 8 times.

ISA is the cheapest way to get two serial serial ports and one
parellel port. Also modem can be connected. Since you have ATOM
and 2MB dive, other features won't be very useful for you.

 Although a more direct 128K emulator sounds good, I'd prefer
 some _new_ games ;-)
Well, I can make only the former. :-( By the way, are there SAM
versions of Doom, Worms and Mortal Combat? I have seen them on
ZX128 already.

The present voting is:

 7. 28MHz CPU- 6/0
 3. DMA  - 3/1
 5. Interlacer   - 2/1
 1. 4MB SIMM - 1/1
 2. ZX128 emul   - 1/1
 6. Amiga HDFDD  - 1/0
 4. ISA cross- 0/1

Number of voters: 9 (2 votes to one thing, 1 invalid)

Because the 28MHz CPU is large project that requires a lot of
time to be made, I decided to finish DMA project first. From
this voting, the speed is main direction and the DMA follows it.

I have at home only the Z80A DMA and I try to connect it soon.
To make external version I would need SAMBUS. Where can I get
one from?



1999-09-07 Thread Jarek Adamski

I made some tests. The useful track size is about 12470 bytes. I
managed to QFORMAT disk to 1804KB (82 tracks). But on such
format there's no pleace for boot sectors, so I stick to 1640KB
size. All the more because I expect also problems with FDC 765A
while 1804KB format.

Then I defined QED1M6 CP/M format. I must still test the
variants of phisical sector interleave and size of directory. I
was able to boot TIMEX FDD 3000 from QED1M6 disk without
problems. (Over 800KB still free - what to do with such disk?)

I noticed some more read errors than usual. But this can be only
a coincidence. I have only one such drive, used it with only one
FDC (1770) and only with three floppy disks (one of them was
QED1M6). It worked several hours together. I copied bucket of
files first to QED1M6 disk and then to QED820 disk.

The transmission speed is the same to DD disk. There's only more
sectors per track. Large files will be readed a bit faster due
to low number of heads movement.

I think it is possible to use Amiga HDFDD with Spectrum and SAM.

The only problem is operating system that would use full size of
HD disk.

BTW I'll try to connect the drive to ZX+3 soon. I can also
connect it to Schneider CPC 6128, if anyone interested. Both
have FDC 765A, but with different PLL solution. Also to SVI 738
X'PRESS (MSX, FDC 1793) if it is possible to borrow this


New hardware for SAM

1999-09-07 Thread Jarek Adamski

I want to add one more thing to my hardware project list. This
is extention with CPU compatibile to Z80, but 16b and working at
28MHz. This is all I know in this matter as yet.

So I counted the votes (valid/invalid):

 1. 4MB SIMM - 1/3
 2. ZX128 emul   - 1/3
 3. DMA  - 0/3
 4. ISA cross- 0/3
 5. Interlacer   - 0/3
 6. Amiga HDFDD  - 1/0
 7. 28MHz CPU- 0/0

Number of voters: 5.

Please limit those I'm interested in all of them votes to one
or two things. I want to know what I should finish first.


Re: How to DIR the disk???

1999-09-06 Thread Jarek Adamski
Gasson wrote:

 Hmmm, how about:

 LOAD $ DATA d$()

 where d$ is an array of size (num_files+2,32), with the disk
 name at the top, and free space at the bottom.
At BASIC level you can do everything using RSX. I need directory
access at asm level.

This formats limits the name of file. What should be added to
it? Date? Length? Flags? What will you do when there's 2000
entries in catalog? (My 8MB HDD partition have 1023 entries.)

The number of free KBs you can get with function #C2 for E=0.


Re: Hardware

1999-09-06 Thread Jarek Adamski
Robert Brady wrote:

 I would assume that when someone was talking about High
 Density Floppies, they are in fact referring to High Density
 Floppies, or HDFDs, sometimes erroneously called 1.44MB
 disks, despite the fact that you can easily get 1.6MB on them,
 maybe more if you were feeling dangerous. ;)
I don't understand why everyone writing about increasing
capacity of disk (or changing format at all) calls it dangerous.
If the data don't fit the track, there will be bad sectors from

I am able to store 913KB of data on ordinary disk of SAM (but
such fromat isn't very useful). And this still isn't the end.

BTW does someone know something about graphics tablets?


Re: Hardware

1999-09-06 Thread Jarek Adamski
Gordon Wallis wrote:

 All your ideas sound very good, but the market's so small now.
Some of them I'll do anyway. Why not to share with others?

Will be ever the market bigger?

I've designed YABUS to be able to connect the same device to
different computers, what makes the market a bit bigger.

 My feelings exactly. This probably explains why I fiddle about
 on my Sam designing games that'll never see the light of
 day... or maybe I'm just stupid...
Don't resign the dreams. Perhaps you can do what I can't?
Perhaps I can do what you can't? Perhaps we could work together?

 Either way, if only more people thought like that!
Perhaps there are and we don't know them yet?

 I wish I did! All I know about MSX is stuff I've read on the
I used SVI 738 X'PRESS over 5 years. I gave up because I didn't
know anyone else interested in MSX and wasn't able to show my
programs for it. You are the first one talking to me about MSX.

 I've played a few emulated games (anyone care to tell me
 why the Sam couldn't do something like Metal Gear?),
What is Metal Gear? I have had only about 35 MSX games (in
1990) and no way to get any more. :-( So I decided to buy SAM to
be able to use CP/M programs from MSX. And also some from ZX, I
used before. At end I made CPM22QED for SAM using MSX.

 and a lot appear to be in a mode not too unlike Mode 2.
But MSX has separate VRAM accessible via I/O ports. This could
work with second Z80 extention like for ZX128. The Z80 of SAM
would emulate VDP, PSG, joysticks, keyboard and disk drive.

 Just goes to show, you don't need an OS by Microsoft to run a
 good machine. Oh... Hang on... MSX _did_ have a Microsoft
 OS... Damn.
It would have to be rewritten anyway.


Re: Hardware

1999-09-06 Thread Jarek Adamski
Gasson wrote:

 On the subject of high density floppies, would it be possible
 to connect an Amiga high density drive to the Spectrum and
I think it would. I didn't try. The Amiga HDFDD slows down the
spin of disk, so it doesn't require HDFDC. But for ZX and SAM
still any FDC is needed.

I have Amiga HDFDD at home and could perform an experiment...
Must only move somewhere my HPLJ printer and carry the

 I know someone here in Dunedin, New Zealand who has been
 considering the idea of attaching a high density drive to
 their Spectrum. Neither he nor I know much about the Amiga
 drives though.
I don't, too. At least here the problem is that Amiga HDFDD
still requires FDC and is twice expensive than set of ordinary
HDFDD with ISA Multi I/O card (what gives also 2xCOM and LPT).

Besides, for ZX you need some more memory with operating system.


Re: Hardware

1999-09-06 Thread Jarek Adamski
Gasson wrote:

 On the subject of high density floppies, would it be possible
 to connect an Amiga high density drive to the Spectrum and
I've attached Amiga HDFDD to TIMEX FDD 3000 (it has FDC 1770).
It doesn't want to boot CPM22QED from the usual disk. But I had
another somewhere... I've got it... Oops, 0.04 version - it was
ages ago... Seems to be OK, the DD disks are readed quite
correctly... Mount PRODOS format also work... Let me take HD
disk... I have TDK MF-2HF MS-DOS formatted. It is also readed
corectly... Well, I can say *IT* *WORKS* !!!. So I must consider
the purchase of several Amiga HDFDDs... Why I didn't try this

The speed of spin is selected by right hand hole.

And I still didn't try to write to disk.


How to DIR the disk???

1999-09-05 Thread Jarek Adamski

The last very important thing I need for ZXVGS is the model of
listing directory of disk at program level. I would like to take
advice before I made my mind. The list of files will be mostly
used in file selectors. I know some models now {comments}:

1. Used in AmigaOS:
 lk=Lock (mask,mode)  {to prevent from changes in multitasking}
 Examine (lk,block)   {for first entry; gives 260 bytes per file}
 ExNext (lk,block){for next entries; repeated till the error}
 UnLock (lk)  {release handle}

 - gives 107B filename, 80B comment, flags, size, date, type
 - the buffer is quite big

2. Used in MesS-DOS:
 Int 21h(#4E,mask,flags) {1st; puts information into a buffer}
 Int 21h(#4F){for next entries; until error}

 - no handle for directory
 - gives date, size, flags
 - the OS don't know what program will do then
 - buffer is shorter
 - limited filename length
 - unknown number of entries

3. Used in MasterDOS:
 x=FSTAT(a$(10*n+1 TO 10*n+10),k){for more info about file}

 - a$ can be big
 - gives only set of filenames (all at once)
 - fixed filename length
 - separate function for more info

4. Used in PLUS3DOS:
 n=DOS CATALOG (flags,buffer,mask)  {call until get nbufsize}

 - gives some filenames at once
 - limited filename length
 - fills buffer with filenames and some info

5. Used in TR-DOS:
 OPEN #n,parser {kind of trick}
 TR-DOS function 7 (n){sends directory to stream}

 - the directory list is generated by OS as plain text
 - some info as plain text
 - ready to fill requester window (requires buffer)

6. Used in C64:
 LOAD $,8{phantom file}

 - dedicated filename for list of files (special format)
 - some info as plain text
 - random access to list
 - ready to fill requester window (without buffer)

7. Also possible:
 Open . (or DISK:directory/) file and parse it.

 - as above, but there's no reserved filename
 - length etc. can be as binary
 - random access to list

Which one you find the best?

What informations should be added to filename?

Please note that operarating system has probably better
circumstances to sort files and the program will have limited
space for buffers. Also sometimes there can be a lot of files in
one directory and length of filename isn't limited (especially
on FTP:name.of.server/ disks).

My wishes:
 - let the system count files - will be faster;
 - random access to list of files - allows scroll back the file
selector window without buffers;
 - the same way to list devices - for *: as mask;
 - let the system sort files and put directories at beginning.

To get more informations about ZXVGS read the file


My files available via HTTP.

1999-09-05 Thread Jarek Adamski

My files are now available on:

There are: Length: Date: For: Description:

22dsk142rar.lha 103700 08-12 pc   reads CP/M disks, including QED820
LHA.EXE  34283 07-07 pc   unpacks *.LHA archives
games001.lha627670 06-22 ZX   first disk of ZXVGS games
CPM22QED.LHA205367 08-23 SAM  system disk with utilities
ZXMEM.gif18839 08-24 ?interface with YABUS
ZXVGS016.lha 31934 08-19 ?recent version of ZXVGS (0.16)
ZXVGSdoc.lha 32566 08-31 AG   description of ZXVGS (0.28)
ZXVGSusr.lha  4703 07-26 AG   how to install ZXVGS on SAM

Please tell me if CPM22QED and ZXVGS work on SimCoupe.


Re: Hardware

1999-09-05 Thread Jarek Adamski
David wrote:

 Very interested in all - how much? when? 
I'm only the designer. I don't have a factory. I have very big
troube with printed circuits production. (E.g. one extention
I've designed 1.5 year ago still not exists...) I was talking
about my projects to David L. and Malcolm, but they decided to
do other things. :-( There are also some other problems: I'm not
able to prodcuce cases at all and I don't know the limits of
dimensions (I never seen how SAMBUS looks like.) I need some
help to solve above problems. 

Gordon Wallis wrote:

 The only problem is that so few people want to make the effort
 to use the existing hardware,
Sorry, I do my best.

 so working on upgrading it would end up being a wasted effort
I design hardware and write operating systems because I like to
do it. I do it for myself. And think that someone else can find
them useful. Besides, I can't image myself breeding red fishes.

 Gord. (If only the Sam was the MSX...)
Don't you think so? The biggest problem is the VDP. Some screen
modes could be emulated. But sprites... I could think about it.
BTW do you have one?



1999-09-04 Thread Jarek Adamski

I can design some extentions for SAM. Only need some help. At
this moment I think of:

 4MB memory with long SIMM. (Also 8MB one will work.)

 ZX128 hardware emulator. Perhaps with Z80 turbo mode.

 DMA for better speed.

 ISA Muli I/O card crossing. High density floppy disk access,
two serial and one parallel communication ports. Half capacity
of harddisk. Interrupts with IM 2 verctors.

 Video interlacer to double vertical resolution.

All as external. Software support guarateed. Anyone interested?


MIDI fileserver for SAM

1999-09-01 Thread Jarek Adamski

Could someone help me to write a program for pc that would serve
files to SAM via MIDI (of soundcard)?

I have now:
 -tested point-to-point protocol (works now on 6bit parallel
full duplex cable);
 -started code for pc (uses LPT for above media);
 -tested code for Z80 (works with above media);

To do is:
 -finish and test server code for pc;
 -make MIDI kit for connection with SAM;
 -find way to low level driving MIDI of pc;
 -find way to access TCP stack of pc;
 -write some TCP clients (telnet, ftp).


Re: SAM networks

1999-08-28 Thread Jarek Adamski
Andrew Collier wrote:

 Actually, some years ago I did work on a token-ring[1] system
 for connecting Sams together - my experiments at the time only
 went as far as writing an IRC-style chat program, but it
 should have been extensible.
So, it still isn't working. I want to implement some network
protocols in my operating systems for SAM. Mostly for file
access (also for files like TCP:name.of.server/port).

 Unfortuantely, the only time I ever had more than two Sams in
 the same room to test it was at the first Weatherby show, the
 code didn't work and I didn't really get chance to figure out
 what was going wrong.
Well, I know someone who has 3 SAMs, not far from me... Could
you share the code with me?


Re: SAM networks

1999-08-26 Thread Jarek Adamski
Ian Collier wrote:

 At least, I don't know of any way to control those two pins
 separately from the MIDI, and the networking bits of the Sam
 ROM use port 253 in such a way that you can connect a normal
 MIDI lead and communicate over it.
There's a bit port that allows control ouput line apart from the
UART. MIDI lead is enough to connect two SAMs, but for two way
transmission two MIDI leads are needed. 


Re: SAM networks

1999-08-26 Thread Jarek Adamski
Justin Skists wrote:

 I had always had the impression that the network port was, in
 fact, the MIDI port. You connect the SAMs up as a daisy chain
 and tell the SAM about it.
(Oops, I should write all I know first.)

Gasson wrote:

 Kinda-sorta right. It is the MIDI port, but it's not the MIDI
 hardware running the thing, AFAIK. Those extra 2 pins on the
 MIDI port do the networking.
The 2 pins change only the connection property. MIDI is current
loop, point-to-point, with receiver not connected to GND. With
the network pins the network is like a big OR gate - each
computer has one input and the output is common.

The UART used for MIDI works also in network. But in multi point
network the first byte of frame (computer number) must be send
with checking of actual state of line. If you want low state,
but the state is high, this means other computer also started
transmission and its number is higher, so you must shut up. Such
protocol was used in Interface 1.

I would like to know is there software that allows connect more
than 2 SAMs or connect SAM with Interface 1.

 So I suppose it would be possible to wire up a little patch
 box to allow both MIDI and networking to be used at once.
Only with external switch...

 As for the Network (...) via external MGT interface, I can
 only assume it is a misprint. I guess they were not going to
 build the networking in originally, and then changed their
What about network channels mentioned elsewhere?


SAM networks

1999-08-24 Thread Jarek Adamski

Is there the network interface mentioned in The User's Guide
on page 170. Network, screened microphone cable via external
MGT interface to Expansion Port. I think it must be a kind of
concentrator. On next page there's NETWORK lead with title FROM
NETWORK PLUG DIN 7, so it doesn't mean SAM-to-SAM connection.

In MasterDOS description I found only 'DEVICE n', 'SAVE n:'
and 'LOAD n:'. I tested this, but this is not network
channels described in TUG on pages 118, 119 and 153.


My operating systems for SAM

1999-08-22 Thread Jarek Adamski

Did anybody test my systems on SimCoupe?



1999-07-24 Thread Jarek Adamski
Hello to all active SAM-users!!!

The last version of WINGUIDE can be found on:;

The e-mail of its author is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ps. This program can be used to read, a bit too
technical description of revolutionary operating system for all
ZX Spectrum compatibile computers.



1999-07-21 Thread Jarek Adamski

In the file;
is system disk contents of CPM22QED and ZXVGS 0.14.

ZXVGS 0.14 can load *.TAP files. You can use R-MSDOS program
to read *.TAP files from MS-DOS disk to ramdisk (M:). Then
PPIP these files to QED820 disk. (Ramdisk contents is damaged by
ZXVGS without notice.)

To load program from *.TAP file run ZXVGS with its name:


Then select Continue (or Basic) from menu and enter:


like for tape. To quit the program press rear BREAK then
SPACE. In ZXVGS 0.14 it isn't possible to change *.TAP file
without quiting ZXVGS.

All the programs that use ZX128 banks or AY-3-8910/2 will not
work if you don't have required hardware modifications.

For ZXVGS programs the default config is:
 - joystick 0 = arrow keys and CNTRL as fire;
 - joystick 1 = F8, F5, F4, F6 and F7 as fire;
 - mouse = SAM mouse (not tested);
 - printer = Parallel Printer Interface.



1999-07-20 Thread Jarek Adamski

In the file;
is system disk contents with new version of QFORMAT. The old one
decreased sectors size in case of format errors.


Re: *.TAP files in ZXVGS

1999-06-21 Thread Jarek Adamski

Dnia 99-06-19 James Gasson pisze:

 Well then, you'd better tell me how I can get hold of a copy,
 so I can evaluate the competition. ;-)
Wow! At once the competition. I only was looking for users for
my software... :-) Never mind...

To get working ZXVGS on SAM through Internet is a bit
complicated procedure because of the only one filesystem
implemented now in ZXVGS is CP/M 2.2 one. :-(

So you will need:
 - about 300KB CPM22QED.LHA uuencoded file that I will send;
 - uudecode program;
 - unlha program;
 - 3.5 floppy disk formatted to 72KB in MS-DOS;
 - second 3.5 floppy disk for CP/M installation;
 - file;
 - AmigaGuide program to read it comfortably (or WINGUIDE.EXE).

Mentioned should be in VGSguide.lha on:

Otherwise ask [EMAIL PROTECTED] how to get my

The procedure is:
  1. Uudecode file CPM22QED.LHA.
  2. Unlha it.
  3. Copy file CPM22QED.106 to empty 720KB MS-DOS disk.
  4. Boot SAM from it using e.g. F9.
  5. CPM22QED will copy all files to ramdisk.
  6. Insert new disk (not necessary). ;-)
  7. Format it to 820KB using:


  8. Copy all files to this disk using:

PPIP A:*.* B:

  9. Make the disk bootable using:


 10. Reset SAM. You can use:


 11. Boot SAM from the 820KB disk.

In case of troubles write to me. :-)

On the disk there will be ZXVGS 0.13 that doesn't load
*.TAP... :-) The file VGSSAM.COM.

Then I'll send soon short archive with new VGSSAM.COM and

The R-MSDOS program reads files from 720KB MS-DOS disks and
copies them to M: (ramdisk). You should PPIP them to A: (floppy
disk) before use. This way you will be able to load new ZXVGS
version and new R-MSDOS program that allows load *.TAP files
from MS-DOS. The current R-MSDOS will not save end marker with
*.TAP file, what is required in CP/M filesystem.

  - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
 (expanded from: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

  - Transcript of session follows -
 mail.local: unknown name: no.spam.james.gasson
 550 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... User unknown
And tell me where to I could send uuencoded CPM22QED.LHA file.



1999-06-11 Thread Jarek Adamski

If you want to test my operating systems for SAM, please write
to me at '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.

To TOMBOX: Please give e-mail that does not disapear.


Re: The removal to PC cover.

1998-09-24 Thread Jarek Adamski

 What do you want to do with Spectrum programs that test keyboard
 with 0 in high byte?
 Hi byte is 0 mostly for a PRESS 'ANY KEY' test.
 I would map row SPACE SS M N B as the first row to scan.
 So one of these keys can be pressed in a ANY KEY situation.
Port #00FE is also used for key released test. This won't work

And there's the 9th port #FFFE used to read arrow keys and
CNTRL key.


Re: The removal to PC cover.

1998-09-18 Thread Jarek Adamski

Edwin Blink wrote:

 For the interfacing part Im thinking to use a PIC with 4 (4x4 bit
 dual acces RAM to make it emulate the matrix).
Like 74LS670? 4*4*4 is 64 while SAM have 69 keys. 

What do you want to do with Spectrum programs that test keyboard
with 0 in high byte?


RE: The removal to PC cover.

1998-09-17 Thread Jarek Adamski
Dan Doore wrote:

 If whoever was working on the PC Keyboard interface has done one,  then I
 might have to look into stashing my Sam in a new case, since with the
 amount of stuff dangling off the back and the ATOM inside it's looking a
 bit cramped.
It looks like ATOM is internal inteface. Nobody wants to explain
details to me...

Do you have SAMBUS?

 Did I mention that I have an ATOM with a 1.2Gb Disc in it? :-)
It is called gigalomania. ;-)

Do you use BSDOS with 1500 RECORDs???

Did you think about IOmega ZIP 100MB for easy data transfer??? ;-)


Re: The removal to PC cover.

1998-09-17 Thread Jarek Adamski
Andrew Gale wrote:

 Since there are 9 columns of 8 rows, that's be a 17 way ribbon cable
 (i.e. 1.7 wide).
I think using 74LS148 or 74LS147 could reduce 9 columns to 4
wires. And 2 more must be added as power for decoders.

This gives 14.

The 8 rows can be coded by 74LS151 and decoded by 74LS259 what
reduces required wires to 4.

As result we have 10 wires round cable which can be 2m long
because of amplifiers. This is theory, I didn't try yet.

 I was thinking of desoldering the two keyboard connectors from
 the pcb and putting a 25way D socket in - using the 12 pin row
 to replace the 8-way connector, and the 13 pin row for the 9-way
How do you want to wire the D-Sub DB25 connector? Male or
female? Let's make any standard for this. With power signals,
LED control and beeper(s?).

DB25 could be mistaken with RS232 or Centronics connector. Isn't
better to use D-Sub DB23 male (at SAM-pcb side)??? RS232 signal
voltage can damage ASIC!

 The only thing is: we've now got to hunt around for those disc drive
 blanking plates to fill the holes!
I'm going to exchange SAM Drive to ordinary PC drive.

I don't have the best opinion about SAM Drive mechanics. The
1770 controller with ordinary PC drive doesn't want to read
disks saved on SAM Drive (has troubles with some sectors).


Re: The removal to PC cover.

1998-09-17 Thread Jarek Adamski

Andrew Gale wrote:

 Yup, it was me and hopefully in  a few weekends' time I should
 have some time to finish it off...
Did you use microcontroller (which one?) or EPROM matrix?

I'm thinking about connecting PCKBD to the MIDI IN/OUT. It
should work at least with my CP/M.


The removal to PC cover.

1998-09-16 Thread Jarek Adamski

Does anyone have SAM in PC cover? I'm going to do such removal.

RE: CP/M 2.2 QED

1998-09-16 Thread Jarek Adamski

Dan Doore wrote:

 You can FTP files to
I want it to go to the testers, not to the storage.


Ps. Insted of I want to see new program, please send it to me I 
hear something like No, no, please don't make cattle here.

Re: CP/M 2.2 QED

1998-09-16 Thread Jarek Adamski

Christof Odenthal wrote:

 It's better when you give an email address where the folks can ask for
 it or if you give a ftp- or www-address where they can download it.
I only cannot guarantee that email addresses used by me will be valid
tommorow. Also I cannot point to ftp or www.

Don't afraid. I won't post binaries here. Even so short. Also after my
name at the end. ;-)


CP/M 2.2 QED

1998-09-15 Thread Jarek Adamski

I made demo version of my CP/M 2.2 QED. If anyone wanted 
to test it please let me know. I can also post it here.
It is 20KB long in uuencode. The basic knowledle of CP/M
is needed because there are no docs included.


Re: Z80 snaps

1998-09-15 Thread Jarek Adamski

I only want to add that in my operating system called ZXVGS 
the .Z80 snaps can be loaded by RSX. There's only need to
copy them to CP/M disk.


HDD and operating systems

1998-09-02 Thread Jarek Adamski

Looking at those quarrels I made little summary:

  There are two HD interfaces (not including my inventinon) - SD
and Atom. Atom is better and can be used without HD drive.

My questions:
  Are they compatibile? What has Atom apart from HD controller?
Eg. own ROM, DMA, 1.8MB floppy controller, 8MB RAM, ZX128
hardware emulator, RTC, Centronics, RS232, IEC625, music card
etc. ? Start form HDD or needs floppy disk to first BOOT?

   There are five systems for SAM (not including my work).

PRODOS - a CP/M 2.2 compatibile.
   Does anyone use CP/M on SAM?

SAMDOS 2.0 - freeware, but primitive.

MasterDOS 3.0 - better SAMDOS, but for money.
   I found in Technical Manual that SAMDOS uses hook codes
   80..84, 8B, 93..97, 9E..A1, A4..A6. I know, that
   MASTERDOS uses all 80..AF - where the rest is described?

BSDOS by Edwin Blink - like SAMDOS, but emulates floppies on
   hardisk. Uses special command to login diskimage.

HDOS by Nev - gives direct HD access, but syntax is strange -
   via CALL.

And three system patches: QDOS (but not the ancestor of MS-DOS),
MaxiDOS+ and MaxiDOS.

I have COMET source titled HD DOS 0.1 (C) 1995 Slawomir
Grodkowski. Remarks are in German and some labels in Polish. In
additon are some BASIC procedures that deal with catalogs and
FAT. Is this the same as HDOS?

I am developing multi-hardware operating system for ZX Spectrum
called ZXVGS. When I see the finish of it, I could by the way
make good system for SAM. But it would be SHAREWARE with about
15USD registration. Anybody interested? And I need co-operation.

BTW MS-DOS treats as files only dir-entries-info-area, not the
whole contents of subdirectory.

Some other problems:

I have SAM with ROM 3.0. Is any next?

One of SAM users from Poland asked me to make music interface
for SAM. What it could be?

How looks SAM market now? Are there any new programs?


Ps. If you don't know it is enough not to answer.

I'm new here.

1998-08-30 Thread Jarek Adamski

I am SAM user since 1991. I'm now not up to date about SAM. I
want to ask some questions.

How many SAM users have hard disk (except me)?

Is there any operating system that supports hard disk?

I saw SAMDOS, MasterDOS and PRODOS. Are there more of them?

I want spread my programs (they are CP/M comptibile system and
ZX Spectrum emulator with ZXVGS) as Shareware. Where to send

How many active SAM users are in Poland?
