Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Cuban Government Releases Votes of Teenaged Elian Gonzalez

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
Keith, the Elian issue slipped into a near-Pythonesque level of comedy about
two days after it began. That's when I washed my brain of it.

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 11:34 PM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.netwrote:

 Well, I'm not happy that little Elian is being indoctrinated into the
 Communist party of Cuba, nor that he's used as a propaganda tool for the
 government. But i also know that returning him to his father was the right
 thing to do. There was no real reason for his legal, biological father to be
 denied custody of his son--the late mother's feelings notwithstanding. While
 I understand his relatives and other Cubans wanting him to enjoy the
 freedoms of America, they didn't have a leg to stand on in this case. Elian
 wasn't abused, he loved his father, and, reports to the contrary, he wasn't
 starving. We can't start breaking the bonds of family across international
 waters just because we don't like the governmental system under which a
 child may be raised.

 I also must say I found all the wailing and teary-eyed celebs, ex-pats, and
 Americans decrying his horrible future a bit irritating, given all the
 children living here in the States who could use some of that concern.
 A lady at my old job was extremely upset with me when I said he should go
 back to Cuba.
 But Keith, he want even have milk to drink there! she cried, quoting that
 curiously oft-stated fact.
 I replied, I can take you to half a dozen spots not twenty miles away
 right here in Atlanta where black kids don't have milk, bread, or eggs, I
 replied, and I've *never* heard you utter one word about wanting to help
 The horrified look on her face as she walked away was memorable. She rarely
 spoke to me after that...

 Oh--and what's up with this Yahoo story talking about a paramilitary
 outfit menacing Elian? They weren't menacing the boy, they were simply
 following orders to retrieve him. Menacing would connote intentionally
 trying to threaten, frighten, bully, or hurt him...
 Cuban government releases photos of teenaged Elian Gonzalez
 Ten years ago this month, the saga of a Cuban boy named Elian 
 Gonzalezcaptivated the nation and much of the world. Elian, 6, was found 
 floating on
 an inner tube off the coast of Florida, after his mother drowned trying to
 reach America.

 The Cuban immigrant community in Florida embraced the boy as a symbol of
 the struggle of ordinary Cubans to flee the oppression of Fidel Castro's
 communist regime, and rallied behind the boy's extended family in Miami,
 which sought custody of young Elian.

 But U.S. immigration officials insisted that the boy be returned to his
 father in Havana. Agents of the Immigration and Naturalization Service
 conducted an armed raid on Elian's adoptive Miami home - yielding a
  paramilitary forces in America menacing a frightened 6-year-old.
 Florida's Cuban immigrant community brandished that infamous photo as a
 reminder of what they considered American power effectively doing the
 bidding of a heartless Castro government.

 A decade later, however, there are new photos of a nearly grown-up Elian
  and they present a very different kind of propaganda image.*

 The new pictures show a serious-looking 16-year-old sporting a closely
 cropped haircut, wearing an olive-green military school uniform with red
 shoulder patches, as he attends a Young Communist Union meeting. The Cuban
 government press released the images under the none-too-subtle 
  Elian Gonzalez defends his revolution in the youth

 Since winning Elian's return to Cuba in 2000, the Castro regime has
 closely tracked the boy and his father. (Indeed, Cuban State Security has a
 monitoring station next to their home.) In his homeland, Elian Gonzalez is
 hailed as a national hero who embodies the triumph of Cuba over the United
 States. Every few years, the Cuban government has floated news updates and
 photographs trumpeting Elian's progress as a model young citizen of the
 Castro regime.

 In 2004, NBC's Keith Morrison traveled to 

Re: [scifinoir2] Dubai upholds British pair's jail term over kiss

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
Note to self -- avoid Dubai.

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 Dubai upholds British pair's jail term over kiss
 Mon Apr 5, 2010 10:56am EDT

 DUBAI (Reuters) - A Dubai court Sunday upheld a one-month jail sentence
 given to a British pair for kissing in public, media reports said.

 Oddly Enough

 The British man living in Dubai and a female friend were arrested in
 November on charges of kissing intimately in public and consuming alcohol.
 An Emirati mother had complained her child had seen their indiscretion.

 The case is the third time in under two years that Britons have fallen foul
 of indecency laws in Dubai, a Muslim emirate popular with sun-seeking
 Western tourists and expatriates.

 The defendants are consulting their lawyer on whether to appeal Sunday's
 ruling before a cassation court, the website of the daily Gulf News

 The pair, who had been free on bail, are also to pay a fine of 1,000
 dirhams ($272) for illegal consumption of alcohol and will be deported after
 serving their jail term, the website said.

 Dubai's foreign population expanded rapidly in recent years as expatriates
 flocked to the Gulf Arab trade and tourism hub for its tax-free earnings and
 year-round sunshine.

 The changes have challenged the Emirati population, now vastly outnumbered
 by foreigners, raising concerns that the rapid pace of growth is a threat to
 their social and religious identity in what remains a deeply conservative

 In 2008, a British couple narrowly escaped jail after a court found them
 guilty of engaging in drunken sexual activity out of wedlock and in public
 on a beach in the emirate.

 They were sentenced to three months in prison followed by deportation, but
 had their jail terms overturned on appeal.

 In another case this year, a British couple who shared a hotel room managed
 to escape trial in Dubai for having sex out of wedlock by producing a
 marriage certificate.

 (Reporting by Firouz Sedarat)

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:


Re: [scifinoir2] FCC loses Comcast's court challenge

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
A victory only for the broadband industry and their lobbyists. [?][?]

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 7:06 PM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.netwrote:

 Man, this is really bad for us. I'm amazed that Comcast is allowed to block
 certain types of traffic without telling subscribers. But then, this is the
 same damn outfit that cut off service to subscribers who were using too
 much bandwidth on downloads, but refused to give a number as to what
 exactly the download limit in GB's was.
 The FCC has been a weak, shortsighted body for years. Here they are
 actually working on something good: bringing our communications
 infrastructure up to the 20th century, and putting our Internet capabilities
 into maybe the top 20 or so industrialized countries. And now this blow?
 I am very disappointed...


  FCC loses Comcast's court challenge, a major setback for agency on
 Internet policies

 *Comcast *on Tuesday won its federal lawsuit against the Federal
 Communications Commission in a ruling that undermines the agency's ability
 to regulate Internet service providers just as it unrolls a sweeping
 broadband agenda.

 The decision also sparks pressing questions on how the agency will respond,
 with public interest groups advocating that the FCC attempt to move those
 services into a regulatory regime clearly under the agency's control.

 The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, in a 3-0 decision,
 ruled that the FCC lacked the authority to require Comcast, the nation's
 biggest broadband services provider, to treat all Internet traffic equally
 on its network.

 That decision -- based on a 2008 ruling under former FCC chairman *Kevin
 Martin* -- addresses Comcast's argument that the agency didn't follow
 proper procedures and that it failed to justify exercising jurisdiction
 when it ruled Comcast violated broadband principles by blocking or slowing a
 peer-sharing Web site, Bit Torrent.

 But it also unleashed a broader debate over the agency's ability to
 regulate broadband service providers such as *ATT*, Comcast, and *Verizon

 The judges focused on whether the FCC has legal authority over broadband
 services, which are categorized separately from phone, cable television and
 wireless services. The agency currently has only ancillary authority over
 broadband services, a decision made by past agency leaders in an attempt to
 keep the fast-moving Internet services market at an arm's distance from the

 A key part of the opinion:

 The Commission may exercise this ancillary authority only if it
 demonstrates that its action . . . is reasonably ancillary to the ...
 effective performance of its statutorily mandated responsibilities. The
 Commission has failed to make that showing.

 The court's decision comes just days before the agency accepts final
 comments on a separate open Internet regulatory effort this Thursday. And
 the agency will be faced with a steep legal challenge going forward as it
 attempts to convert itself from a broadcast- and phone-era agency into one
 that draws new rules for the Internet era.

 *Andrew Schwartzman*, policy director for Media Access Project, said the
 ruling represents a severe restriction on the FCC's powers.

 Public interest groups have urged the agency to reclassify broadband
 services so that they are more concretely under the agency's authority. The
 FCC has been reluctant to say if it would do so, and a spokesperson didn't
 immediately respond to a request for comment.

 Analysts said the agency may not be able to proceed on its net neutrality
 policy -- a rule that Internet service providers have fought against. And
 there is doubt the agency could reform an $8 billion federal phone subsidy
 to include money to bring broadband services to rural areas.

 *Bruce Mehlman*, former assistant secretary of commerce for technology
 policy, however, said the decision may help speed the development of faster
 and more robust networks.

 It may drive greater investment in broadband networks by removing
 regulatory uncertainty and perceived disincentives to invest in
 infrastructure, Mehlman said.



Re: [scifinoir2] FCC loses Comcast's court challenge

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
I'm willing to be first on the line in the war.

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 7:32 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 They are an evil entity that must be destroyed.

 On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Keith Johnson 

 Man, this is really bad for us. I'm amazed that Comcast is allowed to
 block certain types of traffic without telling subscribers. But then, this
 is the same damn outfit that cut off service to subscribers who were using
 too much bandwidth on downloads, but refused to give a number as to what
 exactly the download limit in GB's was.
 The FCC has been a weak, shortsighted body for years. Here they are
 actually working on something good: bringing our communications
 infrastructure up to the 20th century, and putting our Internet capabilities
 into maybe the top 20 or so industrialized countries. And now this blow?
 I am very disappointed...


  FCC loses Comcast's court challenge, a major setback for agency on
 Internet policies

 *Comcast *on Tuesday won its federal lawsuit against the Federal
 Communications Commission in a ruling that undermines the agency's ability
 to regulate Internet service providers just as it unrolls a sweeping
 broadband agenda.

 The decision also sparks pressing questions on how the agency will
 respond, with public interest groups advocating that the FCC attempt to move
 those services into a regulatory regime clearly under the agency's control.

 The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, in a 3-0 decision,
 ruled that the FCC lacked the authority to require Comcast, the nation's
 biggest broadband services provider, to treat all Internet traffic equally
 on its network.

 That decision -- based on a 2008 ruling under former FCC chairman *Kevin
 Martin* -- addresses Comcast's argument that the agency didn't follow
 proper procedures and that it failed to justify exercising jurisdiction
 when it ruled Comcast violated broadband principles by blocking or slowing a
 peer-sharing Web site, Bit Torrent.

 But it also unleashed a broader debate over the agency's ability to
 regulate broadband service providers such as *ATT*, Comcast, and *Verizon

 The judges focused on whether the FCC has legal authority over broadband
 services, which are categorized separately from phone, cable television and
 wireless services. The agency currently has only ancillary authority over
 broadband services, a decision made by past agency leaders in an attempt to
 keep the fast-moving Internet services market at an arm's distance from the

 A key part of the opinion:

 The Commission may exercise this ancillary authority only if it
 demonstrates that its action . . . is reasonably ancillary to the ...
 effective performance of its statutorily mandated responsibilities. The
 Commission has failed to make that showing.

 The court's decision comes just days before the agency accepts final
 comments on a separate open Internet regulatory effort this Thursday. And
 the agency will be faced with a steep legal challenge going forward as it
 attempts to convert itself from a broadcast- and phone-era agency into one
 that draws new rules for the Internet era.

 *Andrew Schwartzman*, policy director for Media Access Project, said the
 ruling represents a severe restriction on the FCC's powers.

 Public interest groups have urged the agency to reclassify broadband
 services so that they are more concretely under the agency's authority. The
 FCC has been reluctant to say if it would do so, and a spokesperson didn't
 immediately respond to a request for comment.

 Analysts said the agency may not be able to proceed on its net neutrality
 policy -- a rule that Internet service providers have fought against. And
 there is doubt the agency could reform an $8 billion federal phone subsidy
 to include money to bring broadband services to rural areas.

 *Bruce Mehlman*, former assistant secretary of commerce for technology
 policy, however, said the decision may help speed the development of faster
 and more robust networks.

 It may drive greater investment in broadband networks by removing
 regulatory uncertainty and perceived disincentives to invest in
 infrastructure, Mehlman said.

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:


Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Cuban Government Releases Votes of Teenaged Elian Gonzalez

2010-04-07 Thread Keith Johnson
I hear you, Martin. News junkie that I am, I followed it long past the point of 
sanity. I still remember when the government had to go in and get the boy. I am 
well aware of the excesses to which the government can go, but this time I was 
angered that the family forced them to do what was needed in this way. Worst of 
all was when they made Elian do that pathetic video where he said Papa, I do 
not want to come back to Cuba. The fact that the kid was smiling the whole 
time tells you it thought it was all a game. Disgusting how many people felt 
that was okay, even necessary. Ironic that, in the name of Elian's freedom from 
a society his family said would brainwash and manipulate him, they tried to 
brainwash and manipulate him to make that false video. 

- Original Message - 
From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Wednesday, April 7, 2010 8:17:51 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Cuban Government Releases Votes of Teenaged Elian 

Keith, the Elian issue slipped into a near-Pythonesque level of comedy about 
two days after it began. That's when I washed my brain of it. 

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 11:34 PM, Keith Johnson  

Well, I'm not happy that little Elian is being indoctrinated into the Communist 
party of Cuba, nor that he's used as a propaganda tool for the government. But 
i also know that returning him to his father was the right thing to do. There 
was no real reason for his legal, biological father to be denied custody of his 
son--the late mother's feelings notwithstanding. While I understand his 
relatives and other Cubans wanting him to enjoy the freedoms of America, they 
didn't have a leg to stand on in this case. Elian wasn't abused, he loved his 
father, and, reports to the contrary, he wasn't starving. We can't start 
breaking the bonds of family across international waters just because we don't 
like the governmental system under which a child may be raised. 

I also must say I found all the wailing and teary-eyed celebs, ex-pats, and 
Americans decrying his horrible future a bit irritating, given all the 
children living here in the States who could use some of that concern. 
A lady at my old job was extremely upset with me when I said he should go back 
to Cuba. 
But Keith, he want even have milk to drink there! she cried, quoting that 
curiously oft-stated fact. 
I replied, I can take you to half a dozen spots not twenty miles away right 
here in Atlanta where black kids don't have milk, bread, or eggs, I replied, 
and I've *never* heard you utter one word about wanting to help them. 
The horrified look on her face as she walked away was memorable. She rarely 
spoke to me after that... 

Oh--and what's up with this Yahoo story talking about a paramilitary outfit 
menacing Elian? They weren't menacing the boy, they were simply following 
orders to retrieve him. Menacing would connote intentionally trying to 
threaten, frighten, bully, or hurt him... 

Cuban government releases photos of teenaged Elian Gonzalez 

Ten years ago this month, the saga of a Cuban boy named Elian Gonzalez 
captivated the nation and much of the world. Elian, 6, was found floating on an 
inner tube off the coast of Florida, after his mother drowned trying to reach 

The Cuban immigrant community in Florida embraced the boy as a symbol of the 
struggle of ordinary Cubans to flee the oppression of Fidel Castro 's communist 
regime, and rallied behind the boy's extended family in Miami, which sought 
custody of young Elian. 

But U.S. immigration officials insisted that the boy be returned to his father 
in Havana . Agents of the Immigration and Naturalization Service conducted an 
armed raid on Elian's adoptive Miami home - yielding a powerful image of 
paramilitary forces in America menacing a frightened 6-year-old. Florida's 
Cuban immigrant community brandished that infamous photo as a reminder of what 
they considered American power effectively doing the bidding of a heartless 
Castro government. 

A decade later, however, there are new photos of a nearly grown-up Elian 
Gonzalez - and they present a very different kind of propaganda image. 

( AP ) 

The new pictures show a serious-looking 16-year-old sporting a closely cropped 
haircut, wearing an olive-green military school uniform with red shoulder 
patches, as he attends a Young Communist Union meeting. The Cuban government 
press released the images under the none-too-subtle headline Young Elian 
Gonzalez defends his revolution in the youth congress . 

Since winning Elian's return to Cuba in 2000, the Castro regime has closely 
tracked the boy and his father. (Indeed, Cuban State Security has a monitoring 
station next to their home.) In his homeland, Elian Gonzalez is hailed as a 

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Cuban Government Releases Votes of Teenaged Elian Gonzalez

2010-04-07 Thread Keith Johnson
You are absolutely right. There was no child abuse, no legal proceedings, 
nothing. His mother just up and left with the kid. 
Again, i get wanting to raise him in America versus Cuba. This just ain't the 

- Original Message - 
From: Tracy Curtis 
Sent: Wednesday, April 7, 2010 9:19:26 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Cuban Government Releases Votes of Teenaged Elian 

If I remember correctly, this was also a case of custodial kidnapping. The 
father had primary custody and the childcare responsibilities in Cuba. No one 
even bothered to come up with a legal justification for treating this case 
differently than we would any other kidnapping. 

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 10:34 PM, Keith Johnson  

Well, I'm not happy that little Elian is being indoctrinated into the Communist 
party of Cuba, nor that he's used as a propaganda tool for the government. But 
i also know that returning him to his father was the right thing to do. There 
was no real reason for his legal, biological father to be denied custody of his 
son--the late mother's feelings notwithstanding. While I understand his 
relatives and other Cubans wanting him to enjoy the freedoms of America, they 
didn't have a leg to stand on in this case. Elian wasn't abused, he loved his 
father, and, reports to the contrary, he wasn't starving. We can't start 
breaking the bonds of family across international waters just because we don't 
like the governmental system under which a child may be raised. 

I also must say I found all the wailing and teary-eyed celebs, ex-pats, and 
Americans decrying his horrible future a bit irritating, given all the 
children living here in the States who could use some of that concern. 
A lady at my old job was extremely upset with me when I said he should go back 
to Cuba. 
But Keith, he want even have milk to drink there! she cried, quoting that 
curiously oft-stated fact. 
I replied, I can take you to half a dozen spots not twenty miles away right 
here in Atlanta where black kids don't have milk, bread, or eggs, I replied, 
and I've *never* heard you utter one word about wanting to help them. 
The horrified look on her face as she walked away was memorable. She rarely 
spoke to me after that... 

Oh--and what's up with this Yahoo story talking about a paramilitary outfit 
menacing Elian? They weren't menacing the boy, they were simply following 
orders to retrieve him. Menacing would connote intentionally trying to 
threaten, frighten, bully, or hurt him... 

Cuban government releases photos of teenaged Elian Gonzalez 

Ten years ago this month, the saga of a Cuban boy named Elian Gonzalez 
captivated the nation and much of the world. Elian, 6, was found floating on an 
inner tube off the coast of Florida, after his mother drowned trying to reach 

The Cuban immigrant community in Florida embraced the boy as a symbol of the 
struggle of ordinary Cubans to flee the oppression of Fidel Castro 's communist 
regime, and rallied behind the boy's extended family in Miami, which sought 
custody of young Elian. 

But U.S. immigration officials insisted that the boy be returned to his father 
in Havana . Agents of the Immigration and Naturalization Service conducted an 
armed raid on Elian's adoptive Miami home - yielding a powerful image of 
paramilitary forces in America menacing a frightened 6-year-old. Florida's 
Cuban immigrant community brandished that infamous photo as a reminder of what 
they considered American power effectively doing the bidding of a heartless 
Castro government. 

A decade later, however, there are new photos of a nearly grown-up Elian 
Gonzalez - and they present a very different kind of propaganda image. 

( AP ) 

The new pictures show a serious-looking 16-year-old sporting a closely cropped 
haircut, wearing an olive-green military school uniform with red shoulder 
patches, as he attends a Young Communist Union meeting. The Cuban government 
press released the images under the none-too-subtle headline Young Elian 
Gonzalez defends his revolution in the youth congress . 

Since winning Elian's return to Cuba in 2000, the Castro regime has closely 
tracked the boy and his father. (Indeed, Cuban State Security has a monitoring 
station next to their home.) In his homeland, Elian Gonzalez is hailed as a 
national hero who embodies the triumph of Cuba over the United States. Every 
few years, the Cuban government has floated news updates and photographs 
trumpeting Elian's progress as a model young citizen of the Castro regime. 

In 2004, NBC's Keith Morrison traveled to Cuba to interview Elian's father, 
Juan Miguel Gonzalez, and filmed footage of a communist museum that houses a 
bronze statue of Elian raising a 

[scifinoir2] SGU Actress Blogs about Adult Themes on Show

2010-04-07 Thread Keith Johnson
I may have missed the SGU ep, Darkness, but evidently it generated some talk 
about actress Julia Benson's...assets? What did I miss? I do remember when show 
when Eli was using one of those remote cams, and everyone noticed he seemed to 
be hovering around the character's chest area. 
Aside from that, I've missed a few eps of SGU. Does the adult stuff work in the 
narrative of the show, or is it a bit unnecessary, the way there were sometimes 
gratuitous scenes in Enterprise, and, I'd argue, some of the more explicit 
stuff in BSG with Number 6 and Baltar? 


In the last two days I have started a blog and joined the world of Twitter! All 
year people have been trying to get me to -start a blog, join twitter, get a 
facebook fanpage or a website and all year I have resisted...and now after 
Stargate Universe's episode Darkness aired on Friday night, I find myself 
with something to say. Something that people may or may not want to read. As an 
actor, Stargate Universe has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. 
The producers have created the best atmosphere! I love going to work. I love 
the character I get to play, I love the people I get to act with, and I love 
the crew. I am now introduced to the fans. What an amazing franchise that so 
many people out there are so passionate about our show. It is a gift to be 
involved in something that people have opinions about. As an actor it is an 
honor for people to have opinions about you. Better that then nothing at all, 
right? I play 2nd Lt. Vanessa James and for all the talk about my natural (and 
believe me they are 100%) assets I promise you that there is much more to my 
character. Who knew that a tank top could cause such a stir. LOL!! Our show is 
about people and people have sexuality. The creators are not exploiting it, 
they are exploring it. That is what writers, actors and directors do. I thank 
all of you for your kind words and excitement about the show- it is thrilling 
to be in this world and I hope that you continue to enjoy SGU as the season 
goes on. You will get to see all of the characters grow! Aaaah first blog done! 
Thanks for reading...I promise to post again soon. Julia 

[scifinoir2] Lost and Found

2010-04-07 Thread Kelwyn
I recently discovered I own a copy of DC's Superman vs. Muhammad Ali.  It 
literally fell out of a box I accidentally knocked over in my ridiculously 
cluttered office.  I suspect this may have been part of my late brother's 
collection as I was an unrepentant Marvel snob back in 1978.  

Two things jump out at me immediately: first, how BIG the book is.  It is 13 
and 1/2 inch long and ten inches wide and 72 pages.  The pencils by Neal Adams, 
the inking of Dick Giordano and the colors by Cory Adams are big, bold and 
vibrant - and frankly - stunning.

Whenever I sample a comic book these days I am startled by how slight and 
expensive they are.  

Superman vs. Muhammad Ali cost $2.50 (currently $34.99 on Ebay).

Also in the box:

Superman vs. Wonder Woman ($2.00 in 1978) with great pencils by the 
incomparable Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez.


The Astonishing Spider-Man #18 (A special collector's edition of Spidey's 
Greatest Team-ups featuring The X-Men, Iron Fist, Werewolf by Night and Ghost 
Rider - $2.00 for 80 pages).



Re: [scifinoir2] Lost and Found

2010-04-07 Thread Keith Johnson
Any of those worth any dough? 
I can relate to size/pricing. When I was a wee lad, my mom used to take me on 
errands with her, and we'd always stop by the neighborhood drugstore (back when 
it was a true neighborhood store, locally owned, soda fountains, etc). The 
drugstore was the local source for comics, and Mom would always buy a few for 
me. The cost? Ten cents each. I still budget for my weekly comic run--to 
specialty stores now--and I still choke at the average price now of three to 
four bucks, with specials going up to five or six dollars. 

- Original Message - 
From: Kelwyn 
Sent: Wednesday, April 7, 2010 10:34:30 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Lost and Found 

I recently discovered I own a copy of DC's Superman vs. Muhammad Ali. It 
literally fell out of a box I accidentally knocked over in my ridiculously 
cluttered office. I suspect this may have been part of my late brother's 
collection as I was an unrepentant Marvel snob back in 1978. 

Two things jump out at me immediately: first, how BIG the book is. It is 13 and 
1/2 inch long and ten inches wide and 72 pages. The pencils by Neal Adams, the 
inking of Dick Giordano and the colors by Cory Adams are big, bold and vibrant 
- and frankly - stunning. 

Whenever I sample a comic book these days I am startled by how slight and 
expensive they are. 

Superman vs. Muhammad Ali cost $2.50 (currently $34.99 on Ebay). 

Also in the box: 

Superman vs. Wonder Woman ($2.00 in 1978) with great pencils by the 
incomparable Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez. 


The Astonishing Spider-Man #18 (A special collector's edition of Spidey's 
Greatest Team-ups featuring The X-Men, Iron Fist, Werewolf by Night and Ghost 
Rider - $2.00 for 80 pages). 


Re: [scifinoir2] Lost and Found

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
(rubbing rave's e-mail, hoping that his luck is transferrable)

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 10:34 AM, Kelwyn wrote:

 I recently discovered I own a copy of DC's Superman vs. Muhammad Ali. It
 literally fell out of a box I accidentally knocked over in my ridiculously
 cluttered office. I suspect this may have been part of my late brother's
 collection as I was an unrepentant Marvel snob back in 1978.

 Two things jump out at me immediately: first, how BIG the book is. It is 13
 and 1/2 inch long and ten inches wide and 72 pages. The pencils by Neal
 Adams, the inking of Dick Giordano and the colors by Cory Adams are big,
 bold and vibrant - and frankly - stunning.

 Whenever I sample a comic book these days I am startled by how slight and
 expensive they are.

 Superman vs. Muhammad Ali cost $2.50 (currently $34.99 on Ebay).

 Also in the box:

 Superman vs. Wonder Woman ($2.00 in 1978) with great pencils by the
 incomparable Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez.


 The Astonishing Spider-Man #18 (A special collector's edition of Spidey's
 Greatest Team-ups featuring The X-Men, Iron Fist, Werewolf by Night and
 Ghost Rider - $2.00 for 80 pages).



Re: [scifinoir2] SGU Actress Blogs about Adult Themes on Show

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
Keith, I saw it twice and, in perfect honesty, I never noticed these
assets she and others speak of.

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 10:34 AM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.netwrote:

 I may have missed the SGU ep, Darkness, but evidently it generated some
 talk about actress Julia Benson's...assets?  What did I miss? I do remember
 when show when Eli was using one of those remote cams, and everyone noticed
 he seemed to be hovering around the character's chest area.
 Aside from that, I've missed a few eps of SGU. Does the adult stuff work in
 the narrative of the show, or is it a bit unnecessary, the way there were
 sometimes gratuitous scenes in Enterprise, and, I'd argue, some of the
 more explicit stuff in BSG with Number 6 and Baltar?


 In the last two days I have started a blog and joined the world of Twitter!
  All year people have been trying to get me to -start a blog, join twitter,
 get a facebook fanpage or a website and all year I have resisted...and now
 after Stargate Universe's episode Darkness aired on Friday night, I find
 myself with something to say.  Something that people may or may not want to
 read.   As an actor, Stargate Universe has been the best thing that has ever
 happened to me.  The producers have created the best atmosphere! I love
 going to work.  I love the character I get to play, I love the people I get
 to act with, and I love the crew.  I  am now introduced to the fans.  What
 an amazing franchise that so many people out there are so passionate about
 our show.  It is a gift to be involved in something that people have
 opinions about.  As an actor it is an honor for people to have opinions
 about you.  Better that then nothing at all, right?  I play 2nd Lt. Vanessa
 James and for all the talk about my natural (and believe me they are 100%)
 assets I promise you that there is much more to my character.  Who knew that
 a tank top could cause such a stir.  LOL!! Our show is about people and
 people have sexuality.  The creators are not exploiting it, they are
 exploring it.  That is what writers, actors and directors do.  I thank all
 of you for your kind words and excitement about the show- it is thrilling to
 be in this world and I hope that you continue to enjoy SGU as the season
 goes on.  You will get to see all of the characters grow!  Aaaah first blog
 done!  Thanks for reading...I promise to post again soon.


Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Cuban Government Releases Votes of Teenaged Elian Gonzalez

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
You're nail on the head, Tracy. If memory now serves me as well, the
mother's family (she died during the boat passage from Cuba to Florida) said
that she took the boy to give him a better life here in America. Oddly
enough, the publicity this all engendered resulted in his having a far
better life in Cuba than he would ever have had, had he beeen allowed to
stay here. Had he done so, he'd be an afterthought, a Dateline story years
after the fact.

Whatever Happened to Little Elian?

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 9:19 AM, Tracy Curtis wrote:

 If I remember correctly, this was also a case of custodial kidnapping.  The
 father had primary custody and the childcare responsibilities in Cuba.  No
 one even bothered to come up with a legal justification for treating this
 case differently than we would any other kidnapping.

 On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 10:34 PM, Keith Johnson 

 Well, I'm not happy that little Elian is being indoctrinated into the
 Communist party of Cuba, nor that he's used as a propaganda tool for the
 government. But i also know that returning him to his father was the right
 thing to do. There was no real reason for his legal, biological father to be
 denied custody of his son--the late mother's feelings notwithstanding. While
 I understand his relatives and other Cubans wanting him to enjoy the
 freedoms of America, they didn't have a leg to stand on in this case. Elian
 wasn't abused, he loved his father, and, reports to the contrary, he wasn't
 starving. We can't start breaking the bonds of family across international
 waters just because we don't like the governmental system under which a
 child may be raised.

 I also must say I found all the wailing and teary-eyed celebs, ex-pats,
 and Americans decrying his horrible future a bit irritating, given all the
 children living here in the States who could use some of that concern.
 A lady at my old job was extremely upset with me when I said he should go
 back to Cuba.
 But Keith, he want even have milk to drink there! she cried, quoting
 that curiously oft-stated fact.
 I replied, I can take you to half a dozen spots not twenty miles away
 right here in Atlanta where black kids don't have milk, bread, or eggs, I
 replied, and I've *never* heard you utter one word about wanting to help
 The horrified look on her face as she walked away was memorable. She
 rarely spoke to me after that...

 Oh--and what's up with this Yahoo story talking about a paramilitary
 outfit menacing Elian? They weren't menacing the boy, they were simply
 following orders to retrieve him. Menacing would connote intentionally
 trying to threaten, frighten, bully, or hurt him...
 Cuban government releases photos of teenaged Elian Gonzalez
 Ten years ago this month, the saga of a Cuban boy named Elian 
 Gonzalezcaptivated the nation and much of the world. Elian, 6, was found 
 floating on
 an inner tube off the coast of Florida, after his mother drowned trying to
 reach America.

 The Cuban immigrant community in Florida embraced the boy as a symbol of
 the struggle of ordinary Cubans to flee the oppression of Fidel Castro's
 communist regime, and rallied behind the boy's extended family in Miami,
 which sought custody of young Elian.

 But U.S. immigration officials insisted that the boy be returned to his
 father in Havana. Agents of the Immigration and Naturalization Service
 conducted an armed raid on Elian's adoptive Miami home - yielding a
  paramilitary forces in America menacing a frightened 6-year-old.
 Florida's Cuban immigrant community brandished that infamous photo as a
 reminder of what they considered American power effectively doing the
 bidding of a heartless Castro government.

 A decade later, however, there are new photos of a nearly grown-up Elian
  and they present a very different kind of propaganda image.*

 The new pictures show a serious-looking 16-year-old sporting a closely
 cropped haircut, wearing an olive-green military school uniform with red
 shoulder patches, as he attends a Young Communist Union meeting. The
 Cuban government press released the images under the none-too-subtle

Re: [scifinoir2] Lando's Love Lessons

2010-04-07 Thread Augustus Augustus
this was freaking GREAT! thanks!--- On Tue, 4/6/10, Martin Baxter wrote:From: Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comSubject: Re: [scifinoir2] Lando's Love LessonsTo: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.comDate: Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 6:23 PM


On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 5:41 PM, Mr. Worf HelloMahogany@ wrote:


Someone turn on the Barry White, awww yeah...
Lando's Love LessonsHere are 8 simple rules for getting galactic tail courtesyof Lando Calrissian.Visit: http://egotvonline. com/2010/ 04/01/landos- love-lessons- eight-simple- rules-for- getting-galactic -tail/
-- Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity! Mahogany at: http://groups. group/mahogany_ pleasures_ of_darkness/




[scifinoir2] 150-pound velociraptor on the loose in suburbs

2010-04-07 Thread Kelwyn

Gary and Cathy Crawford could use some help locating their 150-pound steel 
dinosaur sculpture.  

The sculpture of a velociraptor -- the same dinosaur shown hunting in packs in 
Jurassic Park-- was stolen last week from the front yard of their Midlothian 
home and they hope someone will spot the 3-foot high by 6-foot-long work of art 
before it ends up in a scrap yard somewhere

Re: [scifinoir2] SGU Actress Blogs about Adult Themes on Show

2010-04-07 Thread Mr. Worf
Some guys are looking a little too hard for just about anything.

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 7:34 AM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.netwrote:

 I may have missed the SGU ep, Darkness, but evidently it generated some
 talk about actress Julia Benson's...assets?  What did I miss? I do remember
 when show when Eli was using one of those remote cams, and everyone noticed
 he seemed to be hovering around the character's chest area.
 Aside from that, I've missed a few eps of SGU. Does the adult stuff work in
 the narrative of the show, or is it a bit unnecessary, the way there were
 sometimes gratuitous scenes in Enterprise, and, I'd argue, some of the
 more explicit stuff in BSG with Number 6 and Baltar?


 In the last two days I have started a blog and joined the world of Twitter!
  All year people have been trying to get me to -start a blog, join twitter,
 get a facebook fanpage or a website and all year I have resisted...and now
 after Stargate Universe's episode Darkness aired on Friday night, I find
 myself with something to say.  Something that people may or may not want to
 read.   As an actor, Stargate Universe has been the best thing that has ever
 happened to me.  The producers have created the best atmosphere! I love
 going to work.  I love the character I get to play, I love the people I get
 to act with, and I love the crew.  I  am now introduced to the fans.  What
 an amazing franchise that so many people out there are so passionate about
 our show.  It is a gift to be involved in something that people have
 opinions about.  As an actor it is an honor for people to have opinions
 about you.  Better that then nothing at all, right?  I play 2nd Lt. Vanessa
 James and for all the talk about my natural (and believe me they are 100%)
 assets I promise you that there is much more to my character.  Who knew that
 a tank top could cause such a stir.  LOL!! Our show is about people and
 people have sexuality.  The creators are not exploiting it, they are
 exploring it.  That is what writers, actors and directors do.  I thank all
 of you for your kind words and excitement about the show- it is thrilling to
 be in this world and I hope that you continue to enjoy SGU as the season
 goes on.  You will get to see all of the characters grow!  Aaaah first blog
 done!  Thanks for reading...I promise to post again soon.


Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at:

[scifinoir2] Croatia comes out with an electric car

2010-04-07 Thread Mr. Worf

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] FCC loses Comcast's court challenge

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
Mr Worf, in cases like these, all I'm seeing/hearing is the money talking.
And anyone who believes that the courts are impartial... I've got prime
oceanfront property south of Rapid City that might interest them.

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 I'm always bothered at how often the courts rule in favor of big
 businesses. Sometimes it is because the courts don't know much about the
 issue at hand so they play it safe. I believe this ruling is holding us back
 in unforeseen ways.

 On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 5:33 AM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 A victory only for the broadband industry and their lobbyists. [?][?]

 On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 7:06 PM, Keith Johnson 

 Man, this is really bad for us. I'm amazed that Comcast is allowed to
 block certain types of traffic without telling subscribers. But then, this
 is the same damn outfit that cut off service to subscribers who were using
 too much bandwidth on downloads, but refused to give a number as to what
 exactly the download limit in GB's was.
 The FCC has been a weak, shortsighted body for years. Here they are
 actually working on something good: bringing our communications
 infrastructure up to the 20th century, and putting our Internet capabilities
 into maybe the top 20 or so industrialized countries. And now this blow?
 I am very disappointed...


  FCC loses Comcast's court challenge, a major setback for agency on
 Internet policies

 *Comcast *on Tuesday won its federal lawsuit against the Federal
 Communications Commission in a ruling that undermines the agency's ability
 to regulate Internet service providers just as it unrolls a sweeping
 broadband agenda.

 The decision also sparks pressing questions on how the agency will
 respond, with public interest groups advocating that the FCC attempt to move
 those services into a regulatory regime clearly under the agency's control.

 The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, in a 3-0
 decision, ruled that the FCC lacked the authority to require Comcast, the
 nation's biggest broadband services provider, to treat all Internet traffic
 equally on its network.

 That decision -- based on a 2008 ruling under former FCC chairman *Kevin
 Martin* -- addresses Comcast's argument that the agency didn't follow
 proper procedures and that it failed to justify exercising jurisdiction
 when it ruled Comcast violated broadband principles by blocking or slowing a
 peer-sharing Web site, Bit Torrent.

 But it also unleashed a broader debate over the agency's ability to
 regulate broadband service providers such as *ATT*, Comcast, and *Verizon

 The judges focused on whether the FCC has legal authority over broadband
 services, which are categorized separately from phone, cable television and
 wireless services. The agency currently has only ancillary authority over
 broadband services, a decision made by past agency leaders in an attempt to
 keep the fast-moving Internet services market at an arm's distance from the

 A key part of the opinion:

 The Commission may exercise this ancillary authority only if it
 demonstrates that its action . . . is reasonably ancillary to the ...
 effective performance of its statutorily mandated responsibilities. The
 Commission has failed to make that showing.

 The court's decision comes just days before the agency accepts final
 comments on a separate open Internet regulatory effort this Thursday. And
 the agency will be faced with a steep legal challenge going forward as it
 attempts to convert itself from a broadcast- and phone-era agency into one
 that draws new rules for the Internet era.

 *Andrew Schwartzman*, policy director for Media Access Project, said the
 ruling represents a severe restriction on the FCC's powers.

 Public interest groups have urged the agency to reclassify broadband
 services so that they are more concretely under the agency's authority. The
 FCC has been reluctant to say if it would do so, and a spokesperson didn't
 immediately respond to a request for comment.

 Analysts said the agency may not be able to proceed on its net neutrality
 policy -- a rule that Internet service providers have fought against. And
 there is doubt the agency could reform an $8 billion federal phone subsidy
 to include money to bring broadband services to rural areas.

 *Bruce Mehlman*, former assistant secretary of commerce for technology
 policy, however, said the decision may help speed the development of faster
 and more robust networks.

 It may drive greater investment in broadband networks by removing
 regulatory uncertainty and perceived disincentives to invest in
 infrastructure, Mehlman said.

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at: 

Re: [scifinoir2] Croatia comes out with an electric car

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
Strangely enough, the land Great Tesla Himself hails from... must be
something in the air. I'd buy one in a heartbeat.

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 5:27 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Dubai upholds British pair's jail term over kiss

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
Funny thing, B.

Thirty seconds after posting that, I realized that I have been there,
traveling with an ex-SO who was on business. She never did try to kiss me
while we were there, and it never occurred to me as to why she didn't (lots
of looks instead). Once we were on the way back to the States, though, she
laid one on me that still remains in memory.

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 4:58 PM, B Smith wrote:

 Big time. I don't see the appeal considering their laws are harsh and
 western style fun is frowned upon at the very least. There are plenty of
 other places to see in the world.

 --- In, Martin
 Baxter martinbaxt...@... wrote:
  Note to self -- avoid Dubai.
  On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@... wrote:
   Dubai upholds British pair's jail term over kiss
   Mon Apr 5, 2010 10:56am EDT
   DUBAI (Reuters) - A Dubai court Sunday upheld a one-month jail sentence
   given to a British pair for kissing in public, media reports said.
   Oddly Enough

   The British man living in Dubai and a female friend were arrested in
   November on charges of kissing intimately in public and consuming
   An Emirati mother had complained her child had seen their indiscretion.
   The case is the third time in under two years that Britons have fallen
   of indecency laws in Dubai, a Muslim emirate popular with sun-seeking
   Western tourists and expatriates.
   The defendants are consulting their lawyer on whether to appeal
   ruling before a cassation court, the website of the daily Gulf News
   The pair, who had been free on bail, are also to pay a fine of 1,000
   dirhams ($272) for illegal consumption of alcohol and will be deported
   serving their jail term, the website said.
   Dubai's foreign population expanded rapidly in recent years as
   flocked to the Gulf Arab trade and tourism hub for its tax-free
 earnings and
   year-round sunshine.
   The changes have challenged the Emirati population, now vastly
   by foreigners, raising concerns that the rapid pace of growth is a
 threat to
   their social and religious identity in what remains a deeply
   In 2008, a British couple narrowly escaped jail after a court found
   guilty of engaging in drunken sexual activity out of wedlock and in
   on a beach in the emirate.
   They were sentenced to three months in prison followed by deportation,
   had their jail terms overturned on appeal.
   In another case this year, a British couple who shared a hotel room
   to escape trial in Dubai for having sex out of wedlock by producing a
   marriage certificate.
   (Reporting by Firouz Sedarat)
   Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
   Mahogany at:


Re: [scifinoir2] SGU Actress Blogs about Adult Themes on Show

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
Mr Worf, I did know a ouple of guys when I was at Virginia State who only
watched shows for the T*t Appreciation Factor. Ask them anything about
content... you could hear the crickets.

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 Some guys are looking a little too hard for just about anything.

 On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 7:34 AM, Keith Johnson 

 I may have missed the SGU ep, Darkness, but evidently it generated some
 talk about actress Julia Benson's...assets?  What did I miss? I do remember
 when show when Eli was using one of those remote cams, and everyone noticed
 he seemed to be hovering around the character's chest area.
 Aside from that, I've missed a few eps of SGU. Does the adult stuff work
 in the narrative of the show, or is it a bit unnecessary, the way there were
 sometimes gratuitous scenes in Enterprise, and, I'd argue, some of the
 more explicit stuff in BSG with Number 6 and Baltar?


 In the last two days I have started a blog and joined the world of
 Twitter!  All year people have been trying to get me to -start a blog, join
 twitter, get a facebook fanpage or a website and all year I have
 resisted...and now after Stargate Universe's episode Darkness aired on
 Friday night, I find myself with something to say.  Something that people
 may or may not want to read.   As an actor, Stargate Universe has been the
 best thing that has ever happened to me.  The producers have created the
 best atmosphere! I love going to work.  I love the character I get to play,
 I love the people I get to act with, and I love the crew.  I  am now
 introduced to the fans.  What an amazing franchise that so many people out
 there are so passionate about our show.  It is a gift to be involved in
 something that people have opinions about.  As an actor it is an honor for
 people to have opinions about you.  Better that then nothing at all, right?
  I play 2nd Lt. Vanessa James and for all the talk about my natural (and
 believe me they are 100%) assets I promise you that there is much more to my
 character.  Who knew that a tank top could cause such a stir.  LOL!! Our
 show is about people and people have sexuality.  The creators are not
 exploiting it, they are exploring it.  That is what writers, actors and
 directors do.  I thank all of you for your kind words and excitement about
 the show- it is thrilling to be in this world and I hope that you continue
 to enjoy SGU as the season goes on.  You will get to see all of the
 characters grow!  Aaaah first blog done!  Thanks for reading...I promise to
 post again soon.

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] 150-pound velociraptor on the loose in suburbs

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
Danged headlines! Always promising hew-mon death and terror, then failing to
provide! [?]

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Kelwyn wrote:

 Gary and Cathy Crawford could use some help locating their 150-pound steel
 dinosaur sculpture.

 The sculpture of a velociraptor -- the same dinosaur shown hunting in packs
 in Jurassic Park-- was stolen last week from the front yard of their
 Midlothian home and they hope someone will spot the 3-foot high by
 6-foot-long work of art before it ends up in a scrap yard somewhere



Re: [scifinoir2] Missing link between man and apes found

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
I am considering that, but I want to finish it first, because I've read a
couple of other stories posted online that were truly spectacular, but ended
up unfinished because the writers lost steam or focus. Don't want to leave
readers hanging.

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 2:53 PM, brent wodehouse

 Martin Baxter

 Basically, a modern-day nobleman revisiting his pirate days in order to
 help a friend and save his own life (through the injudicious use of time
 travel). This comes in because I have a character whose species evolved
 from a primitive offshoot of mankind

 Do you have plans to post it once you've completed it? It sounds an
 interesting read. Good luck with it. :-)


 On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 6:38 PM, brent wodehouse [ ] wrote:
 Martin Baxter [

 ] wrote:
 The screaming you hear is from every fire-and-brimstone preacher south of
 the Mason-Dixon, lest anyone wonder...
 Seriously, this is amazing stuff. Fuel for part of the story I'm working
 on. Thanks again, Brent!
 Story? Of what variety? Inquiring minds...
 On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 2:49 PM, brent wodehouse


 Missing link between man and apes found.
 A missing link between humans and their apelike ancestors has been


Re: [scifinoir2] Boondocks season 3 sneak preview

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
GOTTA catch this, if for no other reason than to know what right thing Huey
did to end up being burned in effigy.

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] I know what I saw

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
Aubrey, there are those fools inside the Beltway who truly believe that a
few well-placed nukes can turn the trick. They conveniently ignore the fact
that the craft can pull Mach 12 on a slow day, turn on the width of a
positron and can't even be reliably tracked by conventional means.

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 7:33 PM, Aubrey Leatherwood wrote:

 That was along the lines of what I was going to say... Who had any faith
 that we could prevent an invasion in the first place?

 *Aubrey Leatherwood
 FaceBook * 
 Model Lover
 A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
 *The People You Know, The Sex They 

 Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 19:10:05 -0400
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] I know what I saw

  I did, Mr Worf, but I doubt that we're talking an invasion from beyond.
 If that were true, they could've mopped the floor with Humanity fifty years
 ago. IMO, they're observers from the future, UFOs being time machines,
 flitting back and forth via artificial wormholes.

 On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 Did anyone catch this show? It is a documentary on UFOs made by James Fox
 who gathered people from all over the world to tell their personal accounts
 of UFO sightings. The people that he invited were all former military, and
 airline pilots from the UK, France, Spain, and the US to the National Press
 Club in DC.

 By the end of the show, it made me think that UFOs were not only real but
 we have no way to prevent an invasion.

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:

 The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with
 Hotmail. Get 


Re: [scifinoir2] Crazy Burger King Ads offend Mental Health Group

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
Yes! A few years a go, I got something NSFW in the mail, a video of a couple
making love in the boyfriend's apartment. At one point, the young lady slips
below the sheets for... well, do I need to draw a map here? The camera then
focuses on the man's face, filled with pleasure. Then, in the background,
you begin to here whimpered muffling... the man eventually is curious enough
to open his eyes and looka round, where he sees his girlfriend on the floor
to his right, tied up, terror in her eyes. The man then looks down, seeing
someone still under the covers...

They rise, revealing the Burger King, with a smear of something white and
gooey at one corner of that grinning mask...

That's the day I began cringing every time a BK commercial came on.

On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.netwrote:

 That's the least of the issues. Am I the only one creeped out by that
 grinning, leering rictus of a mask the King wears? Remember the commercials
 where people would wake up in the morning to find him in their bedrooms,
 staring at them, holding out a burger or egg sandwich or something? man,
 that'd be like having Freddy Kreuger's face on the pillow next to you!

 - Original Message -
 From: Kelwyn
 Sent: Friday, April 2, 2010 10:34:26 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Crazy Burger King Ads offend Mental Health Group

 Bad week for fast-food mascots. In the same period that
 launched to blast McDonald's clown for luring kids into unhealthy
 lifestyles, two locally based mental health organizations have been deeply
 upset by a Burger King advertisement that can best be described as
 completely bonk . . . er, nut . . . er, cucko . . . er, in poor taste.

[scifinoir2] Re: FCC loses Comcast's court challenge

2010-04-07 Thread Badie

--- In, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@... wrote:

 A victory only for the broadband industry and their lobbyists. [?][?]
 On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 7:06 PM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@...wrote:
  Man, this is really bad for us. I'm amazed that Comcast is allowed to block
  certain types of traffic without telling subscribers. But then, this is the
  same damn outfit that cut off service to subscribers who were using too
  much bandwidth on downloads, but refused to give a number as to what
  exactly the download limit in GB's was.
  The FCC has been a weak, shortsighted body for years. Here they are
  actually working on something good: bringing our communications
  infrastructure up to the 20th century, and putting our Internet capabilities
  into maybe the top 20 or so industrialized countries. And now this blow?
  I am very disappointed...
   FCC loses Comcast's court challenge, a major setback for agency on
  Internet policies
  *Comcast *on Tuesday won its federal lawsuit against the Federal
  Communications Commission in a ruling that undermines the agency's ability
  to regulate Internet service providers just as it unrolls a sweeping
  broadband agenda.
  The decision also sparks pressing questions on how the agency will respond,
  with public interest groups advocating that the FCC attempt to move those
  services into a regulatory regime clearly under the agency's control.
  The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, in a 3-0 decision,
  ruled that the FCC lacked the authority to require Comcast, the nation's
  biggest broadband services provider, to treat all Internet traffic equally
  on its network.
  That decision -- based on a 2008 ruling under former FCC chairman *Kevin
  Martin* -- addresses Comcast's argument that the agency didn't follow
  proper procedures and that it failed to justify exercising jurisdiction
  when it ruled Comcast violated broadband principles by blocking or slowing a
  peer-sharing Web site, Bit Torrent.
  But it also unleashed a broader debate over the agency's ability to
  regulate broadband service providers such as *ATT*, Comcast, and *Verizon
  The judges focused on whether the FCC has legal authority over broadband
  services, which are categorized separately from phone, cable television and
  wireless services. The agency currently has only ancillary authority over
  broadband services, a decision made by past agency leaders in an attempt to
  keep the fast-moving Internet services market at an arm's distance from the
  A key part of the opinion:
  The Commission may exercise this ancillary authority only if it
  demonstrates that its action . . . is reasonably ancillary to the ...
  effective performance of its statutorily mandated responsibilities. The
  Commission has failed to make that showing.
  The court's decision comes just days before the agency accepts final
  comments on a separate open Internet regulatory effort this Thursday. And
  the agency will be faced with a steep legal challenge going forward as it
  attempts to convert itself from a broadcast- and phone-era agency into one
  that draws new rules for the Internet era.
  *Andrew Schwartzman*, policy director for Media Access Project, said the
  ruling represents a severe restriction on the FCC's powers.
  Public interest groups have urged the agency to reclassify broadband
  services so that they are more concretely under the agency's authority. The
  FCC has been reluctant to say if it would do so, and a spokesperson didn't
  immediately respond to a request for comment.
  Analysts said the agency may not be able to proceed on its net neutrality
  policy -- a rule that Internet service providers have fought against. And
  there is doubt the agency could reform an $8 billion federal phone subsidy
  to include money to bring broadband services to rural areas.
  *Bruce Mehlman*, former assistant secretary of commerce for technology
  policy, however, said the decision may help speed the development of faster
  and more robust networks.
  It may drive greater investment in broadband networks by removing
  regulatory uncertainty and perceived disincentives to invest in
  infrastructure, Mehlman said.

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: FCC loses Comcast's court challenge

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
Speak your curses louder, pal... some damfool neighbor of mine is getting
the hook-up from them as I type. [?]

And how does the day find you, sir?

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:23 PM, Badie wrote:


 --- In, Martin
 Baxter martinbaxt...@... wrote:
  A victory only for the broadband industry and their lobbyists. [?][?]
  On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 7:06 PM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@...wrote:

   Man, this is really bad for us. I'm amazed that Comcast is allowed to
   certain types of traffic without telling subscribers. But then, this is
   same damn outfit that cut off service to subscribers who were using
   much bandwidth on downloads, but refused to give a number as to what
   exactly the download limit in GB's was.
   The FCC has been a weak, shortsighted body for years. Here they are
   actually working on something good: bringing our communications
   infrastructure up to the 20th century, and putting our Internet
   into maybe the top 20 or so industrialized countries. And now this
   I am very disappointed...
   FCC loses Comcast's court challenge, a major setback for agency on
   Internet policies
   *Comcast *on Tuesday won its federal lawsuit against the Federal
   Communications Commission in a ruling that undermines the agency's
   to regulate Internet service providers just as it unrolls a sweeping
   broadband agenda.
   The decision also sparks pressing questions on how the agency will
   with public interest groups advocating that the FCC attempt to move
   services into a regulatory regime clearly under the agency's control.
   The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, in a 3-0
   ruled that the FCC lacked the authority to require Comcast, the
   biggest broadband services provider, to treat all Internet traffic
   on its network.
   That decision -- based on a 2008 ruling under former FCC chairman
   Martin* -- addresses Comcast's argument that the agency didn't follow
   proper procedures and that it failed to justify exercising
   when it ruled Comcast violated broadband principles by blocking or
 slowing a
   peer-sharing Web site, Bit Torrent.
   But it also unleashed a broader debate over the agency's ability to
   regulate broadband service providers such as *ATT*, Comcast, and

   The judges focused on whether the FCC has legal authority over
   services, which are categorized separately from phone, cable television
   wireless services. The agency currently has only ancillary authority
   broadband services, a decision made by past agency leaders in an
 attempt to
   keep the fast-moving Internet services market at an arm's distance from
   A key part of the opinion:
   The Commission may exercise this ancillary authority only if it
   demonstrates that its action . . . is reasonably ancillary to the ...
   effective performance of its statutorily mandated responsibilities.
   Commission has failed to make that showing.
   The court's decision comes just days before the agency accepts final
   comments on a separate open Internet regulatory effort this Thursday.
   the agency will be faced with a steep legal challenge going forward as
   attempts to convert itself from a broadcast- and phone-era agency into
   that draws new rules for the Internet era.
   *Andrew Schwartzman*, policy director for Media Access Project, said
   ruling represents a severe restriction on the FCC's powers.
   Public interest groups have urged the agency to reclassify broadband
   services so that they are more concretely under the agency's authority.
   FCC has been reluctant to say if it would do so, and a spokesperson
   immediately respond to a request for comment.
   Analysts said the agency may not be able to proceed on its net
   policy -- a rule that Internet service providers have fought against.
   there is doubt the agency could reform an $8 billion federal phone
   to include money to bring broadband services to rural areas.
   *Bruce Mehlman*, former assistant secretary of commerce for technology
   policy, however, said the decision may help speed the development of
   and more robust networks.
   It may drive greater investment in broadband networks by removing
   regulatory uncertainty and perceived disincentives to invest in
   infrastructure, Mehlman said.



Re: [scifinoir2] what if: immortality

2010-04-07 Thread Mr. Worf
Depends on the family. Not every victim family is for the death penalty but
the every time they show something like that on tv they show the families
that are for it.

Also, the type of crime doesn't always fit. For example, I mentioned the
story about a guy that ran a financial fraud scheme. He was sentenced with
800+ years. Meanwhile, a guy that committed a rape or assault will receive a
lot less time.

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 6:23 AM, wrote:

 Interesting question...

 Should such technology happen, I think existing prisoners would be deemed
 ineligible for life extension and continue to serve existing sentences.

 BUT... should inmates be offered such a life extension, I can't see the
 rationale for exoneration based on longevity alone. That case would likely
 continue to be made based on its merits, exclusive of age. I'm reminded of
 an old saying from military school, When the enemy is in range, so are
 you! My sense is that if inmates were to live forever, so would their
 victims and/or families. Who would represent a powerful voice against an
 inmate's release, again, based on longevity.

 -later -jeff

 Mar 25, 2010 12:58:53 AM, wrote:

 I was watching the tv show American Greed. The show was about a guy named
 Shalom Weiss who ripped off over $450 million from an insurance company here
 in the US. At his trial he was charged with 845 years for his crimes. The
 question that popped into my head after watching the show was what if
 tomorrow they develop something that allowed us to live forever. What
 happens to people in prison? Would they be forced to stay in jail for 1000
 or 15000 years? Or even worse, the rest of eternity?

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:


Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at:

[scifinoir2] Re: Crazy Burger King Ads offend Mental Health Group

2010-04-07 Thread Badie
Offends mental health group...excuse me...GET A FRICKIN' LIFE

--- In, Aubrey Leatherwood aubrey.leatherw...@... 

 A... I'd like to get him talking for once ;)
 Aubrey Leatherwood
 FaceBook * MySpace 
 Model Lover
 A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
 The People You Know, The Sex They Have
 From: keithbjohn...@...
 Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 20:51:32 +
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Crazy Burger King Ads offend Mental Health Group
 Okay, pretend you roll over in bed in the middle of the sense a 
 presence in the room, so you pop on the light, only to see that plasticized 
 face, that manic frozen grin staring at you, sitting atop the body of someone 
 dressed crazily, hands outstretched trying to offer you food.
 Do you:
 (a) Jump for joy and say, Hey, King! Thanks for the burger! and then invite 
 him to share it with you in your bed?
 (b) Say, Thanks dude, but I'm not hungry now. Be sure to close the window on 
 your way out, then roll over and go to sleep... or 
 (c) Scream bloody murder and reach for the gun/knife/baseball bat/golf 
 club/mace/pepper spray?
 Me? Option C all the way baby!
 - Original Message -
 From: Aubrey Leatherwood aubrey.leatherw...@...
 Sent: Sunday, April 4, 2010 8:22:54 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Crazy Burger King Ads offend Mental Health Group
 I love the creepy king!
 Aubrey Leatherwood
 FaceBook * MySpace 
 Model Lover - Cobblestone Press
 Can Nicole resist the call of the stage or the call of her heart?
 A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
 The People You Know, The Sex They Have
 ISBN: 978-0-9818905-0-0
 From: keithbjohn...@...
 Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2010 20:38:20 +
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Crazy Burger King Ads offend Mental Health Group
 That's the least of the issues. Am I the only one creeped out by that 
 grinning, leering rictus of a mask the King wears? Remember the commercials 
 where people would wake up in the morning to find him in their bedrooms, 
 staring at them, holding out a burger or egg sandwich or something? man, 
 that'd be like having Freddy Kreuger's face on the pillow next to you!
 - Original Message -
 From: Kelwyn ravena...@...
 Sent: Friday, April 2, 2010 10:34:26 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: [scifinoir2] Crazy Burger King Ads offend Mental Health Group
 Bad week for fast-food mascots. In the same period that 
 launched to blast McDonald's clown for luring kids into unhealthy lifestyles, 
 two locally based mental health organizations have been deeply upset by a 
 Burger King advertisement that can best be described as completely bonk . . . 
 er, nut . . . er, cucko . . . er, in poor taste.
 The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with 
 Hotmail. Get busy. 
 The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with 

Re: [scifinoir2] SGU Actress Blogs about Adult Themes on Show

2010-04-07 Thread Keith Johnson
Well, it's not exactly unknown in the annals of scifi TV: Uhura, Troi, Seven, 
T'Pol, Number Six (never did see the attraction there), etc., etc. I did notice 
that Benson's character is always in clingy shirts, which I assume are part of 
the uniform for her rank. But I have also noticed the camera lingers in certain 
places at times. 

- Original Message - 
From: Martin Baxter 
Sent: Wednesday, April 7, 2010 5:49:45 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] SGU Actress Blogs about Adult Themes on Show 

Mr Worf, I did know a ouple of guys when I was at Virginia State who only 
watched shows for the T*t Appreciation Factor. Ask them anything about 
content... you could hear the crickets. 

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Mr. Worf  wrote: 

Some guys are looking a little too hard for just about anything. 

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 7:34 AM, Keith Johnson  

I may have missed the SGU ep, Darkness, but evidently it generated some talk 
about actress Julia Benson's...assets? What did I miss? I do remember when show 
when Eli was using one of those remote cams, and everyone noticed he seemed to 
be hovering around the character's chest area. 
Aside from that, I've missed a few eps of SGU. Does the adult stuff work in the 
narrative of the show, or is it a bit unnecessary, the way there were sometimes 
gratuitous scenes in Enterprise, and, I'd argue, some of the more explicit 
stuff in BSG with Number 6 and Baltar? 


In the last two days I have started a blog and joined the world of Twitter! All 
year people have been trying to get me to -start a blog, join twitter, get a 
facebook fanpage or a website and all year I have resisted...and now after 
Stargate Universe's episode Darkness aired on Friday night, I find myself 
with something to say. Something that people may or may not want to read. As an 
actor, Stargate Universe has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. 
The producers have created the best atmosphere! I love going to work. I love 
the character I get to play, I love the people I get to act with, and I love 
the crew. I am now introduced to the fans. What an amazing franchise that so 
many people out there are so passionate about our show. It is a gift to be 
involved in something that people have opinions about. As an actor it is an 
honor for people to have opinions about you. Better that then nothing at all, 
right? I play 2nd Lt. Vanessa James and for all the talk about my natural (and 
believe me they are 100%) assets I promise you that there is much more to my 
character. Who knew that a tank top could cause such a stir. LOL!! Our show is 
about people and people have sexuality. The creators are not exploiting it, 
they are exploring it. That is what writers, actors and directors do. I thank 
all of you for your kind words and excitement about the show- it is thrilling 
to be in this world and I hope that you continue to enjoy SGU as the season 
goes on. You will get to see all of the characters grow! Aaaah first blog done! 
Thanks for reading...I promise to post again soon. Julia 

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity! 
Mahogany at: 

Re: [scifinoir2] I know what I saw

2010-04-07 Thread Mr. Worf
They seem to think that they can do it because they have shot a couple down
before. (probably by accident) One of the things that I find interesting is
that there have been ufo sightings in the DC area before. Back in the 50s
there was one that put the government on high alert and prompted project
blue book.

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 8:42 AM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 Aubrey, there are those fools inside the Beltway who truly believe that a
 few well-placed nukes can turn the trick. They conveniently ignore the fact
 that the craft can pull Mach 12 on a slow day, turn on the width of a
 positron and can't even be reliably tracked by conventional means.

 On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 7:33 PM, Aubrey Leatherwood wrote:

 That was along the lines of what I was going to say... Who had any faith
 that we could prevent an invasion in the first place?

 *Aubrey Leatherwood
 FaceBook * 
 Model Lover
 A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
 *The People You Know, The Sex They 

 Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 19:10:05 -0400
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] I know what I saw

  I did, Mr Worf, but I doubt that we're talking an invasion from beyond.
 If that were true, they could've mopped the floor with Humanity fifty years
 ago. IMO, they're observers from the future, UFOs being time machines,
 flitting back and forth via artificial wormholes.

 On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 Did anyone catch this show? It is a documentary on UFOs made by James Fox
 who gathered people from all over the world to tell their personal accounts
 of UFO sightings. The people that he invited were all former military, and
 airline pilots from the UK, France, Spain, and the US to the National Press
 Club in DC.

 By the end of the show, it made me think that UFOs were not only real but
 we have no way to prevent an invasion.

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:

 The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with
 Hotmail. Get 


Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] SGU Actress Blogs about Adult Themes on Show

2010-04-07 Thread Mr. Worf
The last two trek shows played up the sexual aspect. The holodeck action and
the ladies in the clingy outfits was pushing the eye candy factor. (Dax
should have been on that list too.)

I think that someone in management is thinking that if they make sex symbols
out of the characters that they will increase their ratings with numbers
from the puberty set.

That's why Dollhouse poured it on.

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 4:32 PM, Keith Johnson keithbjohn...@comcast.netwrote:

 Well, it's not exactly unknown in the annals of scifi TV: Uhura, Troi,
 Seven, T'Pol, Number Six (never did see the attraction there), etc., etc.  I
 did notice that Benson's character is always in clingy shirts, which I
 assume are part of the uniform for her rank. But I have also noticed the
 camera lingers in certain places at times.

 - Original Message -
 From: Martin Baxter
 Sent: Wednesday, April 7, 2010 5:49:45 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] SGU Actress Blogs about Adult Themes on Show

 Mr Worf, I did know a ouple of guys when I was at Virginia State who only
 watched shows for the T*t Appreciation Factor. Ask them anything about
 content... you could hear the crickets.

 On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 Some guys are looking a little too hard for just about anything.

 On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 7:34 AM, Keith Johnson 

 I may have missed the SGU ep, Darkness, but evidently it generated some
 talk about actress Julia Benson's...assets?  What did I miss? I do remember
 when show when Eli was using one of those remote cams, and everyone noticed
 he seemed to be hovering around the character's chest area.
 Aside from that, I've missed a few eps of SGU. Does the adult stuff work
 in the narrative of the show, or is it a bit unnecessary, the way there were
 sometimes gratuitous scenes in Enterprise, and, I'd argue, some of the
 more explicit stuff in BSG with Number 6 and Baltar?


 In the last two days I have started a blog and joined the world of
 Twitter!  All year people have been trying to get me to -start a blog, join
 twitter, get a facebook fanpage or a website and all year I have
 resisted...and now after Stargate Universe's episode Darkness aired on
 Friday night, I find myself with something to say.  Something that people
 may or may not want to read.   As an actor, Stargate Universe has been the
 best thing that has ever happened to me.  The producers have created the
 best atmosphere! I love going to work.  I love the character I get to play,
 I love the people I get to act with, and I love the crew.  I  am now
 introduced to the fans.  What an amazing franchise that so many people out
 there are so passionate about our show.  It is a gift to be involved in
 something that people have opinions about.  As an actor it is an honor for
 people to have opinions about you.  Better that then nothing at all, right?
  I play 2nd Lt. Vanessa James and for all the talk about my natural (and
 believe me they are 100%) assets I promise you that there is much more to my
 character.  Who knew that a tank top could cause such a stir.  LOL!! Our
 show is about people and people have sexuality.  The creators are not
 exploiting it, they are exploring it.  That is what writers, actors and
 directors do.  I thank all of you for your kind words and excitement about
 the show- it is thrilling to be in this world and I hope that you continue
 to enjoy SGU as the season goes on.  You will get to see all of the
 characters grow!  Aaaah first blog done!  Thanks for reading...I promise to
 post again soon.

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:


Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] I know what I saw

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
I'd love to see how they'd deal with an actual alien attack.

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 7:35 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 They seem to think that they can do it because they have shot a couple down
 before. (probably by accident) One of the things that I find interesting is
 that there have been ufo sightings in the DC area before. Back in the 50s
 there was one that put the government on high alert and prompted project
 blue book.

 On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 8:42 AM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 Aubrey, there are those fools inside the Beltway who truly believe that a
 few well-placed nukes can turn the trick. They conveniently ignore the fact
 that the craft can pull Mach 12 on a slow day, turn on the width of a
 positron and can't even be reliably tracked by conventional means.

 On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 7:33 PM, Aubrey Leatherwood wrote:

 That was along the lines of what I was going to say... Who had any faith
 that we could prevent an invasion in the first place?

 *Aubrey Leatherwood
 FaceBook * 
 Model Lover
 A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
 *The People You Know, The Sex They 

 Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 19:10:05 -0400
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] I know what I saw

  I did, Mr Worf, but I doubt that we're talking an invasion from beyond.
 If that were true, they could've mopped the floor with Humanity fifty years
 ago. IMO, they're observers from the future, UFOs being time machines,
 flitting back and forth via artificial wormholes.

 On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.comwrote:

 Did anyone catch this show? It is a documentary on UFOs made by James Fox
 who gathered people from all over the world to tell their personal accounts
 of UFO sightings. The people that he invited were all former military, and
 airline pilots from the UK, France, Spain, and the US to the National Press
 Club in DC.

 By the end of the show, it made me think that UFOs were not only real but
 we have no way to prevent an invasion.

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:

 The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with
 Hotmail. Get 

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:


Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Crazy Burger King Ads offend Mental Health Group

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
Scared BK enough to pull the ads, pal. We live in the PC Era.

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 7:31 PM, Badie wrote:

 Offends mental health group...excuse me...GET A FRICKIN' LIFE

 --- In, Aubrey
 Leatherwood aubrey.leatherw...@... wrote:
  A... I'd like to get him talking for once ;)

  Aubrey Leatherwood
  FaceBook * MySpace
  Model Lover
  A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
  The People You Know, The Sex They Have
  From: keithbjohn...@...
  Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 20:51:32 +
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Crazy Burger King Ads offend Mental Health
  Okay, pretend you roll over in bed in the middle of the sense
 a presence in the room, so you pop on the light, only to see that
 plasticized face, that manic frozen grin staring at you, sitting atop the
 body of someone dressed crazily, hands outstretched trying to offer you
  Do you:
  (a) Jump for joy and say, Hey, King! Thanks for the burger! and then
 invite him to share it with you in your bed?
  (b) Say, Thanks dude, but I'm not hungry now. Be sure to close the
 window on your way out, then roll over and go to sleep... or
  (c) Scream bloody murder and reach for the gun/knife/baseball bat/golf
 club/mace/pepper spray?
  Me? Option C all the way baby!

  - Original Message -
  From: Aubrey Leatherwood aubrey.leatherw...@...
  Sent: Sunday, April 4, 2010 8:22:54 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
  Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Crazy Burger King Ads offend Mental Health
  I love the creepy king!

  Aubrey Leatherwood
  FaceBook * MySpace
  Model Lover - Cobblestone Press
  Can Nicole resist the call of the stage or the call of her heart?

  A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
  The People You Know, The Sex They Have
  ISBN: 978-0-9818905-0-0
  From: keithbjohn...@...
  Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2010 20:38:20 +
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Crazy Burger King Ads offend Mental Health
  That's the least of the issues. Am I the only one creeped out by that
 grinning, leering rictus of a mask the King wears? Remember the commercials
 where people would wake up in the morning to find him in their bedrooms,
 staring at them, holding out a burger or egg sandwich or something? man,
 that'd be like having Freddy Kreuger's face on the pillow next to you!

  - Original Message -
  From: Kelwyn ravena...@...
  Sent: Friday, April 2, 2010 10:34:26 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
  Subject: [scifinoir2] Crazy Burger King Ads offend Mental Health Group
  Bad week for fast-food mascots. In the same period that
 launched to blast McDonald's clown for luring kids into unhealthy
 lifestyles, two locally based mental health organizations have been deeply
 upset by a Burger King advertisement that can best be described as
 completely bonk . . . er, nut . . . er, cucko . . . er, in poor taste.
  The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with
 Hotmail. Get busy.

  The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with


Re: [scifinoir2] I know what I saw

2010-04-07 Thread Martin Baxter
Let us know how it works out, Mr Worf. Sounds like a great one.

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 9:34 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 I have been working on that story. I'm stuck in the middle.

 I've also been thinking about doing it in an alternate reality.

 On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 5:29 PM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 I'd love to see how they'd deal with an actual alien attack.

 On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 7:35 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 They seem to think that they can do it because they have shot a couple
 down before. (probably by accident) One of the things that I find
 interesting is that there have been ufo sightings in the DC area before.
 Back in the 50s there was one that put the government on high alert and
 prompted project blue book.

 On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 8:42 AM, Martin Baxter 

 Aubrey, there are those fools inside the Beltway who truly believe that
 a few well-placed nukes can turn the trick. They conveniently ignore the
 fact that the craft can pull Mach 12 on a slow day, turn on the width of a
 positron and can't even be reliably tracked by conventional means.

 On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 7:33 PM, Aubrey Leatherwood wrote:

 That was along the lines of what I was going to say... Who had any
 faith that we could prevent an invasion in the first place?

 *Aubrey Leatherwood
 FaceBook * 
 Model Lover
 A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
 *The People You Know, The Sex They 

 Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 19:10:05 -0400
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] I know what I saw

  I did, Mr Worf, but I doubt that we're talking an invasion from
 beyond. If that were true, they could've mopped the floor with Humanity
 fifty years ago. IMO, they're observers from the future, UFOs being time
 machines, flitting back and forth via artificial wormholes.

 On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.comwrote:

 Did anyone catch this show? It is a documentary on UFOs made by James
 Fox who gathered people from all over the world to tell their personal
 accounts of UFO sightings. The people that he invited were all former
 military, and airline pilots from the UK, France, Spain, and the US to the
 National Press Club in DC.

 By the end of the show, it made me think that UFOs were not only real
 but we have no way to prevent an invasion.

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:

 The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with
 Hotmail. Get 

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:

 Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
 Mahogany at:


Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Crazy Burger King Ads offend Mental Health Group

2010-04-07 Thread Mr. Worf
Last year Jack in the box had to pull a series of ads that featured a group
of angry mothers. (anyone remember this ad?) They were out to kill jack
because he made the grilled cheese sandwich to well.

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 5:30 PM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 Scared BK enough to pull the ads, pal. We live in the PC Era.

 On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 7:31 PM, Badie wrote:

 Offends mental health group...excuse me...GET A FRICKIN' LIFE

 --- In, Aubrey
 Leatherwood aubrey.leatherw...@... wrote:
  A... I'd like to get him talking for once ;)

  Aubrey Leatherwood
  FaceBook * MySpace
  Model Lover
  A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
  The People You Know, The Sex They Have
  From: keithbjohn...@...
  Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 20:51:32 +
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Crazy Burger King Ads offend Mental Health
  Okay, pretend you roll over in bed in the middle of the
 sense a presence in the room, so you pop on the light, only to see that
 plasticized face, that manic frozen grin staring at you, sitting atop the
 body of someone dressed crazily, hands outstretched trying to offer you
  Do you:
  (a) Jump for joy and say, Hey, King! Thanks for the burger! and then
 invite him to share it with you in your bed?
  (b) Say, Thanks dude, but I'm not hungry now. Be sure to close the
 window on your way out, then roll over and go to sleep... or
  (c) Scream bloody murder and reach for the gun/knife/baseball bat/golf
 club/mace/pepper spray?
  Me? Option C all the way baby!

  - Original Message -
  From: Aubrey Leatherwood aubrey.leatherw...@...
  Sent: Sunday, April 4, 2010 8:22:54 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
  Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Crazy Burger King Ads offend Mental Health
  I love the creepy king!

  Aubrey Leatherwood
  FaceBook * MySpace
  Model Lover - Cobblestone Press
  Can Nicole resist the call of the stage or the call of her heart?

  A tale of perfect commitment, perfect love... and perfect sex.
  The People You Know, The Sex They Have
  ISBN: 978-0-9818905-0-0
  From: keithbjohn...@...
  Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2010 20:38:20 +
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Crazy Burger King Ads offend Mental Health
  That's the least of the issues. Am I the only one creeped out by that
 grinning, leering rictus of a mask the King wears? Remember the commercials
 where people would wake up in the morning to find him in their bedrooms,
 staring at them, holding out a burger or egg sandwich or something? man,
 that'd be like having Freddy Kreuger's face on the pillow next to you!

  - Original Message -
  From: Kelwyn ravena...@...
  Sent: Friday, April 2, 2010 10:34:26 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
  Subject: [scifinoir2] Crazy Burger King Ads offend Mental Health Group
  Bad week for fast-food mascots. In the same period that
 launched to blast McDonald's clown for luring kids into unhealthy
 lifestyles, two locally based mental health organizations have been deeply
 upset by a Burger King advertisement that can best be described as
 completely bonk . . . er, nut . . . er, cucko . . . er, in poor taste.
  The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars
 with Hotmail. Get busy.

  The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with


Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at:

Re: [scifinoir2] I know what I saw

2010-04-07 Thread Mr. Worf
I've been using the voice recognition program while I write the current
story I'm working on. It has increased my productivity by 300%. About 5
pages an hour. I can probably do more once I train it more and outline the
story more in advance.

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:48 PM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 Let us know how it works out, Mr Worf. Sounds like a great one.

 On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 9:34 PM, Mr. Worf wrote:

 I have been working on that story. I'm stuck in the middle.

 I've also been thinking about doing it in an alternate reality.

 On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 5:29 PM, Martin Baxter martinbaxt...@gmail.comwrote:

 I'd love to see how they'd deal with an actual alien attack.

 On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 7:35 PM, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.comwrote:

 They seem to think that they can do it because they have shot a couple
 down before. (probably by accident) One of the things that I find
 interesting is that there have been ufo sightings in the DC area before.
 Back in the 50s there was one that put the government on high alert and
 prompted project blue book.

 On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 8:42 AM, Martin Baxter 

 Aubrey, there are those fools inside the Beltway who truly believe that
 a few well-placed nukes can turn the trick. They conveniently ignore the
 fact that the craft can pull Mach 12 on a slow day, turn on the width of a
 positron and can't even be reliably tracked by conventional means.

 On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 7:33 PM, Aubrey Leatherwood wrote:

 That was along the lines of what I was going to say... Who had any
 faith that we could prevent an invasion in the first place?

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 Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 19:10:05 -0400
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] I know what I saw

  I did, Mr Worf, but I doubt that we're talking an invasion from
 beyond. If that were true, they could've mopped the floor with Humanity
 fifty years ago. IMO, they're observers from the future, UFOs being time
 machines, flitting back and forth via artificial wormholes.

 On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Mr. Worf hellomahog...@gmail.comwrote:

 Did anyone catch this show? It is a documentary on UFOs made by James
 Fox who gathered people from all over the world to tell their personal
 accounts of UFO sightings. The people that he invited were all former
 military, and airline pilots from the UK, France, Spain, and the US to 
 National Press Club in DC.

 By the end of the show, it made me think that UFOs were not only real
 but we have no way to prevent an invasion.

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[scifinoir2] The Perfect Weapon--Pollen

2010-04-07 Thread Keith Johnson
You know those movies like War of the Worlds, where vicious, technologically 
advanced aliens are brought low by something such as a measly bacterium? Well I 
say bunk that! Just send 'em down here to Atlanta and let the pollen do a 
number on them! This is one of the most beautiful cities you'll see in North 
America in the spring, literally a riot of colors: Reds, pinks, violets, 
lavenders--every color under the rainbow. Every yard, park, and street is 
filled with dogwoods, azaleas, roses, crepe myrtles. 
But the pollen? Oh my gosh. An extremely high pollen count--where just about 
anyone with even the slightest allergy tendencies will feel some effects--is a 
measure of 120. Our pollen count today? A whopping 5733! I literally wrote my 
name on my car windshield with my finger today, the pollen's so thick. I washed 
the car off, went to the gym for one hour, and came out to see the entire car 
completely covered again in yellow dust. Pictures taken from news copters show 
the entire city covered in a thick haze like smog, obscuring visibility, but it 
ain't smog. That's pollen so thick in the air the city is barely visible from a 
thousand feet up! Needless to say I am miserable: running eyes, congestion, 
coughing, sneezing, wheezing. 

So let Mars attack. Bring on the Invaders. Let the First Wave come. They might 
decimate the rest of the country, but an hour of sneezing in Atlanta will have 
them fleeing the Earth never to return--with a brief stop at CVS on the way for 
some Benedryl! 


ATLANTA - The Metro area is seeing a record high pollen count Wednesday. 

Wednesday's pollen count is an incredible 5733, nearly double Tuesday's count. 

The recent spike in pollen has allergy sufferers facing miserable symptoms. 

I literally could not sleep at night. I was up all night coughing, sneezing, 
my eyes were watering, said allergy sufferer Kathleen Daniel. 

Kathleen Daniel has struggled with allergy problems since childhood and says 
she knows she'll be on allergy medication for much of her life. 

So when the warm weather hit our area -- she knew she was in a world of 

When I see all those pretty blooms I think oh no, here it comes, said Daniel. 

A pollen count of 120 is considered high -- Tuesday's pollen count was a 
whopping 2967. 

Wednesday's warm weather could make it even higher. Allergist Dr.. Stanley 
Fineman said this year's pollen season has hit hard and quickly. 

There's been a delay in the high pollen counts, so now we're seeing it all of 
a sudden, said Dr. Stanley Fineman of Atlanta Allergy and Asthma Clinic. 

And it's not just the thick yellow film that covers your car that makes life 
miserable, adding that microscopic pollens from nut trees may be causing the 
most difficulty. 

Fineman said for patients like Daniel -- doctors recommend limiting their 
exposure to the outside conditions. 

They should be indoors. Close the windows, use the a.c., wash their hair 
before they go to sleep. Because there may be pollen in their hair, and 
basically strict avoidance techniques, said Fineman. 

[scifinoir2] Accused man's mom blames Fox News for behavior

2010-04-07 Thread Mr. Worf
Accused man's mom blames Fox News for behavior
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
[image: Accused man's mom blames Fox News for behavior]
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   [image: Greg Giusti was arrested for making threatening phone calls to
Nancy Pelosi.] [image: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif. speaks during a
news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington]

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   - FBI arrests man for threatening

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SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Gregory Giusti's 83-year-old mother had not heard
that her son had been arrested, but she told ABC7 he has a history of mental
problems. She does not think he would be capable of carrying out the threat;
he has never owned a gun, and she blames Fox News for getting her son worked

 Giusti was arrested Wednesday afternoon for threatening Speaker of the
House Nancy Pelosi over recent healthcare legislation.

Greg frequently gets in with a group of people that have really radical
ideas and that are not consistent with myself or the rest of the family,
which gets him into problems, Eleanor Giusti said. I say Fox News, or all
of those that are really radical, and he, that's where he comes from.

Related Content

Story: FBI arrests man for threatening
Giusti, 48, has a long history of encounters with law enforcement.

In 2004, Giusti was convicted of criminal threats. The San Mateo District
Attorney's office says he was trying to evade the fare on a Caltrain, and
when the conductor tried to kick him off, Giusti started yelling and
threatening the conductor's life. As a result, Giusti was sentenced to one
year in county jail and three years supervised probation. He was also
ordered to undergo mental health counseling.

There is also a lawsuit filed in February by Hamilton Square Baptist Church
in San Francisco. It says, Giusti has engaged in and continues to engage in
a campaign of harassment against people at the church.

Giusti also has a record of skipping out on his BART fares and causing
disruptions. BART sued him in 1996.

He also has two convictions in San Francisco for welfare fraud and petty
theft from 1992.

According to ABC7 legal analyst Dean Johnson, there is a point at which free
speech ends and a threat begins.

Communicating a threat with the intent that it be taken seriously is one of
those types of speech that is simply not protected, Johnson said. Even
under state law, as well as the federal law that applies here, there are
crimes that are based on threatening another individual, you simply cannot
do that.

Eleanor Giusti also told ABC7 she talked to her son earlier in the day --
apparently before the arrest. He asked about his niece and nephew and acted
as though nothing was going on.

The FBI told ABC7 Giusti will be booked into San Francisco County Jail to
spend the night, before appearing in federal court Thursday morning.

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