2008-09-06 Thread AScottSilver
Hi Neville,

Most LEDs need a  resistor in series with them to limit the current and keep 
them from blowing up.  Most common LEDs use about 10 to 20 milliamps. Unless 
you have more than one  resistor in your setup you are cooking at what I would 
consider a pretty high  current limit. People seem to like clear or yellow CS. 
When it turns gold or  pink it means you are running it too long or you have 
un-pure water. You have a  DVM and ohms law so you should know what to do. 
Personally I like to slow brew  at about 1 ma or less. 

Hope this helps,

In a  message dated 9/5/2008 3:06:08 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
Morning Dan,

OK, yep well you are  right, the adaptor is 24v rated, the resistor is in 
circuit after the led,  and I am still working on the ohms, kilohms x100 or 
1000 thing, still  studying that bit.  Don't like the sound of that 60mA 
part. Although,  going by all the anecdotal writings that abound in the 
public domain, I  appear to get a good product though, going by taste, 
(minimal), colour, (DS  water usually clear, Pure water seems to give varying 
colours from  clear/pink/gold, but never darker), and TE.  I assumed this was 
fairly  good stuff.  After spending many hours reading all the 'rumours', (I  
have to call them rumours as it's impossible to find 'dead set facts', if  
you get my meaning), I have sort of made up my own mind as a result until I  
find someone who actually can definitely confirm what is 'good' and what is  
'not', you see what I mean here, an abundance of  
info/misinfo/anecdotal/could be this/could be that/this is a pretty  
colour/that is a pretty colour etc etc.  Oh, the rainwater CS tastes  like I 
have eaten a jam tin though.



**Pt...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, 
plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at  

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSSalt and Lyme

2008-09-06 Thread Rowena
Some links at foot of post, as you should go to the sites specific to the 
protocol to check out the whole deal.

Brine Therapy as a standalone:
Preparation of Himalayan Crystal Salt Brine
Loosely fill a closable glass container (such as a Mason jar) with several 
crystal or rock salt pieces. Add pure spring or energized water, completely 
filling the container.
After approximately 24 hours, look to see if the salt pieces have completely 
dissolved. If so, add a few more crystals. When the water can no longer 
dissolve any more salt, the salt crystals will sit at the bottom of the jar 
without dissolving. At this point the solution will have become saturated at 
26%, ready to use as brine.
The glass can be refilled again and again with water and salt, continuing 
this process.
This brine solution is stable, and absolutely sterile  germ-free. It can be 
stored for years in a closed glass container without it changing or 
Directions for Many Uses of Himalayan Salt Brine
Brine Therapy and the Drinking Cure For Detoxification, Various forms of 
Arthritis, Skin Problems (rashes, herpes), Reducing Addictive Desires, Flu 
and Fever Relief, Rid Yourself of Heavy Metal Toxicity, Balance Your Body's 
The easiest way to dissolve old sodium chloride poisons built up as 
crystalline deposits in your system is to take the brine drinking cure.
From a bio-chemical viewpoint, within minutes, your whole stomach and 
intestines are being stimulated. This further stimulates your digestion and 
metabolism. Your overall availability of electrolytes is built up, and thus 
the conductivity in your body is increased, which in turn affects your 
circulation. The salt allows your energy currents to flow freely once again.
Drinking Himalayan Salt Brine is an excellent way to balance the pH factor 
of your body. You can also eliminate toxicity from heavy metals such as 
lead, mercury, arsenic and calcium. The brine is able to break up the 
metal's molecular structures.
Every morning on an empty stomach, take anywhere from one drop to one 
teaspoon of Himalayan Salt Brine, with a glass of energized water. Wait 10 
minutes before eating or drinking anything else. The amount you take is not 
as important as the regularity. It's better to take it regularly than in 
large doses. It is very important to drink lots of energized water 
throughout the day.

Lyme specific:
What I could find indicated equal quantities of each, but you should go to 
the Lyme sites to get the details.  But you start small!  Then go up noting 
the reactions on the way.
As far as treatment goes, the results were forthcoming with the taking of 8 
grams or more. We have actually increased to as much as 24 grams, but find 
that no one really wants to take that many pills in one day. Remember it is 
a one-two punch: the treatment is both salt and vitamin C.

Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, MS, Salt and C protocol, saunas,

A Dr Whitaker at Bowen Lab found Lyme in 100% of fibromyalgia 
sufferers tested.  It has also been found that many people diagnosed with 
Multiple Sclerosis (cause unknown) have been found to be suffering from Lyme 
Disease (which while usually attributed to a tick bite is now found to be 
acquired in other ways also.)
People on the Lymestrategies list have found Igenex and Bowen 
lab tests reliable for testing for Lyme, but other orthodox tests do not 
reveal it. has a number of microscope photos of organisms 
observed in the body of Lyme patients, and the original Salt and Vitamin C 
protocol is listed there.  The salt indicated on that protocol is salt 
tablets.  However, some people are taking sea salt, Celtic salt Himalayan or 
other good, mineral rich salt and Vitamin C and finding it also is effective 
in killing spirochetes etc. in the body. They start with a small dose such 
as 1 gram a day and increase gradually, with most marked results coming from 
the higher doses. There are a variety of symptoms as it takes effect, skin 
eruptions etc. The herxes are pretty powerful, and people can also be 
surprised to find tiny parasitic creatures exiting the body through the skin 
or mucous membranes as they seek to escape the dehydrating effects of the 
salt.  Some believe it would work for Morgellons and other unusual 
infestations also.
 People on the protocol take salt in a variety of ways as they 
choose, some dissolved in water, others pop a little in their mouth from a 
measured dose in a dish throughout the day, some in capsules.  Taking it 
with food, while good, is not counted as part of the dose.
We have been so indoctrinated to avoid salt that we are lacking 
in it, as is our food.  In former times, people consumed from 20 to 40 grams 
a day. However, today the salt most people use is refined sodium chloride, 
which has none of the original natural minerals.  So many old remedies 
involved salt solutions, such as bathing the eyes with it, sniffing it 


2008-09-06 Thread Neville

G'day Andy,

It'a amazing what one learns isn't it, I always thought power ran FROM the 
positive TO the negative but going on what I am reading it is 'PUSHED', so 
to speak, from the NEG to the POS.  I have looked at power backwards all my 
life.  Apparently I am using 60+ current but the thing is, I usually use 
distilled water and have never got it yellow or golden before, it has always 
been clear with the resultant ppm level I have stopped process at.  I did 
get a couple of tests done years ago when first getting into EICS, and not 
knowing what to ask for specifically, but the results were, OH, and this was 
when I was using my battery generator as well...Test #1)...250ml glass of 
Distilled water, (temperature unknown), 5 minute brew time resulted in 
2.5ppm in solution with total aggregate of 6.  I don't believe I had an LED 
in circuit then either, can't remember as too long ago.  Now, I can only 
assume the 6 represents the total amount of silver both in solution and 
particle content as I didn't know much about what testing was required back 
then ?  I don't really know what the 6 represented ?  The 2.5 would 
obviously represent the ionic content.  Test #2)...250ml glass of Distilled 
water, (again temp unknown), 15 minute brew time resulting in 3.9ppm in 
solution, (again, this would be the ionic content), and 4.6 total silver 
aggregate.  And again, I don't know what the 4.6 represents? I am assuming 
it is total ppm of silver in the solution...both ions and particles.  Oh, 
and the size was .2 micron, (They used a .2 micron filter so I guess the 
particulate silver content passed through the filter, or something like that 
anyway, so the particles are less than 2 microns.  Will study microns more 
closely a little later, have read heaps but have other points of higher 
priority I need to get an understanding of first, they can come a little 

P.S.  Yes, I need to play around with multimeter more to get a better 
familiarity with how to read 1 or 10, 100, 1000 etc.  Slow and steady wins 
the race though!  It usually takes a while for me to 'get' things but when I 
do then I have 'got' it.  I freely admit I am not the sharpest knife in the 
draw, not when it comes to damn electrickery anyway.


- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2008 5:38 PM

Hi Neville,

Most LEDs need a  resistor in series with them to limit the current and 
them from blowing up.  Most common LEDs use about 10 to 20 milliamps. 
you have more than one  resistor in your setup you are cooking at what I 
consider a pretty high  current limit. People seem to like clear or yellow 
When it turns gold or  pink it means you are running it too long or you 

un-pure water. You have a  DVM and ohms law so you should know what to do.
Personally I like to slow brew  at about 1 ma or less.

Hope this helps,

In a  message dated 9/5/2008 3:06:08 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
Morning Dan,

OK, yep well you are  right, the adaptor is 24v rated, the resistor is in
circuit after the led,  and I am still working on the ohms, kilohms x100 

1000 thing, still  studying that bit.  Don't like the sound of that 60mA
part. Although,  going by all the anecdotal writings that abound in the
public domain, I  appear to get a good product though, going by taste,
(minimal), colour, (DS  water usually clear, Pure water seems to give 
colours from  clear/pink/gold, but never darker), and TE.  I assumed this 
fairly  good stuff.  After spending many hours reading all the 'rumours', 

have to call them rumours as it's impossible to find 'dead set facts', if
you get my meaning), I have sort of made up my own mind as a result until 
find someone who actually can definitely confirm what is 'good' and what 

'not', you see what I mean here, an abundance of
info/misinfo/anecdotal/could be this/could be that/this is a pretty
colour/that is a pretty colour etc etc.  Oh, the rainwater CS tastes  like 

have eaten a jam tin though.



**Pt...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion 

plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at

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2008-09-06 Thread Neville
Andy, I forgot to say that I found out in my 'studies' what that flat spot 
represents on an LED as well...DUH!!  I am astonished at how I could have 
been playing around with CS for so long not having a clue what I am doing, 
basically, and only going on colour and meter!  But it has worked for me 
though, (well, I believe it has). lol.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2008 5:38 PM

Hi Neville,

Most LEDs need a  resistor in series with them to limit the current and 
them from blowing up.  Most common LEDs use about 10 to 20 milliamps. 
you have more than one  resistor in your setup you are cooking at what I 
consider a pretty high  current limit. People seem to like clear or yellow 
When it turns gold or  pink it means you are running it too long or you 

un-pure water. You have a  DVM and ohms law so you should know what to do.
Personally I like to slow brew  at about 1 ma or less.

Hope this helps,

In a  message dated 9/5/2008 3:06:08 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
Morning Dan,

OK, yep well you are  right, the adaptor is 24v rated, the resistor is in
circuit after the led,  and I am still working on the ohms, kilohms x100 

1000 thing, still  studying that bit.  Don't like the sound of that 60mA
part. Although,  going by all the anecdotal writings that abound in the
public domain, I  appear to get a good product though, going by taste,
(minimal), colour, (DS  water usually clear, Pure water seems to give 
colours from  clear/pink/gold, but never darker), and TE.  I assumed this 
fairly  good stuff.  After spending many hours reading all the 'rumours', 

have to call them rumours as it's impossible to find 'dead set facts', if
you get my meaning), I have sort of made up my own mind as a result until 
find someone who actually can definitely confirm what is 'good' and what 

'not', you see what I mean here, an abundance of
info/misinfo/anecdotal/could be this/could be that/this is a pretty
colour/that is a pretty colour etc etc.  Oh, the rainwater CS tastes  like 

have eaten a jam tin though.



**Pt...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion 

plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSIodine, Allergic ? ( other food problems )

2008-09-06 Thread Paula Perry
What you said was very interesting about iodine causing the release of
mercury, etc. I wonder if it isn't one of the reasons many with thyroid
issues benifit from supplementing with Selenium, since Selenium has a way of
removing mercury and other heavy metals from the system? I believe Iodine
also has the ablility to destroy virus, bacteria, and fungus. The symptoms
you describe would indicate die-off.

I have the other problem. If I get too much iodine I get shakey and a little
hyper. I have been working on building up the Adrenals which appear
insufficient. I believe you can't handle iodine very well with weakened
Adrenals. At least that seems to be my experience. I had most of my thyroid
removed. Then I was on Synthyroid for about 25 years. My thyroid must have
atrophied from that. I am on Armour now and some other supplements.

Thanks for the comment.

 Well put, Wayne. Often, people do not realize
 that what's happening is not an allergy,
 but is the result of what the nutrient is doing in
 the body. For instance, iodine can cause
 toxic metals like mercury, lead and cadmium
 to be released from the fat cells into the
 bloodstream. This can manifest as fatigue,
 muscle aches, fever, diarrhea, brain fog, etc.

 This is actually a DETOX process, and not
 an allergy to iodine itself.

 An important distinction.

 Sometimes, the form in which the mineral
 occurs is problematic. One woman was
 unable to take Lugol's (normally effective
 for most people, and well tolerated), but
 she could assimilate her iodine from lobster.
 An expensive, but life-saving diet. With
 others, it's the opposite.


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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSLED's, What Voltage ? How Dangerous ?

2008-09-06 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Morning Andy,

  At 03:08 AM 9/6/2008, you wrote:

Most LEDs need a  resistor in series with them to limit the current and keep

them from blowing up.

  True Indeed.  Some stand very little over current.

 Most common LEDs use about 10 to 20 milliamps. Unless
you have more than one  resistor in your setup you are cooking at 
what I would

consider a pretty high  current limit.

  They almost need a driver transistor so they would be more 
effective with very low current flow, used to provide higher 
intensity and more current to the LED.

 I use my LED to reject water.  If it glows at all with water alone, 
or more that a microscopic glow, the water is too conductive and 
contains something,  I will not use it for making CS.

What I wanted to tell you, 

I have connected LED'S into 480, 3 phase voltage.

These were indicators I needed for boiler and large motor control systems.
A conventional lamp would have been safer I suppose, but would not 
last as long as the LED's.

I have some LED's that have lasted 25 years.

Sooner of later, some monkey will come along that has the mind set 
that all LED's are connected to low voltage DC.

How wrong can he be ?   He may get a tingle and a shock, if he does 
not use his meter and realize that the monkey before him, may not 
think like he does.

That was years before I became addicted to electrical safety.

I suppose I should have used a transformer, and a very low value fuse.

Or a warning sign that says,...

Hey you nut ?  Be careful with this LED !

Who would believe it anyway.

The main point is, ..

  Be suspicious and cautious of all electrical circuits.

  The Resistor, the Diode, and the LED could all offer a shock, and kill you.

One of the stupidest things I ever saw a man do,

  Was the safety officer at a large hospital.  I stood right 
beside him and saw him try hard to get killed.   He shook, quivered, 
and scared me half to death.

His left hand was gripping the center support ( metal ) of a large cabinet.
( not a good thing to do under any condition )

His right hand gripped the end of a fuse that failed to come out of a 
fuse holder.

No doubt his shaking and quivering caused the fuse to loose contact 
with the higher voltage

in time   How long does it take ?  1 second ?  Actually much less.

Survival Lessons exist every day, ... if you are lucky enough 
to get the lesson, and

live thru it.



People seem to like clear or yellow CS.
When it turns gold or  pink it means you are running it too long or you have
un-pure water. You have a  DVM and ohms law so you should know what to do.
Personally I like to slow brew  at about 1 ma or less.

Hope this helps,

In a  message dated 9/5/2008 3:06:08 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
Morning Dan,

OK, yep well you are  right, the adaptor is 24v rated, the resistor is in
circuit after the led,  and I am still working on the ohms, kilohms x100 or
1000 thing, still  studying that bit.  Don't like the sound of that 60mA
part. Although,  going by all the anecdotal writings that abound in the
public domain, I  appear to get a good product though, going by taste,
(minimal), colour, (DS  water usually clear, Pure water seems to give varying
colours from  clear/pink/gold, but never darker), and TE.  I assumed this was
fairly  good stuff.  After spending many hours reading all the 'rumours', (I
have to call them rumours as it's impossible to find 'dead set facts', if
you get my meaning), I have sort of made up my own mind as a result until I
find someone who actually can definitely confirm what is 'good' and what is
'not', you see what I mean here, an abundance of
info/misinfo/anecdotal/could be this/could be that/this is a pretty
colour/that is a pretty colour etc etc.  Oh, the rainwater CS tastes  like I
have eaten a jam tin though.



**Pt...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog,
plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSPower ? How fast does if flow ?

2008-09-06 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Morning  Neville,

 At 04:27 AM 9/6/2008, you wrote:

It'a amazing what one learns isn't it, I always thought power ran 
FROM the positive TO the negative but going on what I am reading it 
is 'PUSHED', so to speak, from the NEG to the POS.

  It does not matter much which way the current goes.  That is an 
age old classical question you will learn about in due time.   It 
would be better if you just skipped it.

 I have looked at power backwards all my life.

  Power,  What is that ?  It does not normally flow, it sits in one 
place and does the job, work,

or whatever.   ( and it can be very dangerous too )

  The term is not used often in descriptions of electrical 
circuits.  ( I did not say NEVER )

It is somewhat general, and says very little.  The reader had to 
visualize what you meant.

  Apparently I am using 60+ current but the thing is

  Again, I have not a clue what you are saying, and if you confuse 

I am sure many others do not know either.  grin

This is not to say, I cannot figure it out from you messages.

But... If you would study and get your terms in order, 
the help offered would be of much

greater value to you.

What really concerns me, is, .

One of your circuits will read your messages, and decide,..

   I am really doing it wrong !

  What I need to do is..  Blow UP !

P.S.  Yes, I need to play around with multimeter more

NO !   Stop playing and start working.

I freely admit I am not the sharpest knife in the draw, not when it 
comes to damn electrickery


   What can I say ?   You almost leave me speechless at times.

   A dull knife, pushed hard enough, in the right place, can get the 
job done.  grin

   ( don't ask for any more details or instructions on how to do that )



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Re: CSParticle size - Comments please

2008-09-06 Thread Ode Coyote

At 12:21 PM 9/5/2008 -0500, you wrote:

Inhaling silver dust? Now that scares me.

 Silver miners do it and only 1 in 2000 are smurfs.
 Also have the lowest absentee rates due to colds and flu.


- Original Message -
From: Ode Coyote
Sent: Fri Sep 05 08:30:10 2008
Subject: RE: CSParticle size - Comments please

   90% of an **inhaled** dose of finely divided silver **dust** was
excreted by dogs in 30 days though the feces. [Phalen and Morrow 1973]
  The only way that silver can do that, is though the blood stream.


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2008-09-06 Thread Ode Coyote

  Cancer is a viable DNA mutation...a cell replication error that's not 
too far off to stay alive and replicate the error.Mutation has many causes.
Instead of fiddling with resistors, get a potentiometer and dial in the 
resistance you want that puts the current where you want.
 Toenails are darned near waterproof.  The fungus lives not only in the 
nail bed, but also in the nail itself.
 CS kills it in the nail bed pretty well, but only slows it down in the 
nail itself as the fungus grows around imbedded immobile silver.

 If your nails grow fast, that's sometimes good enough.


At 01:54 PM 9/5/2008 -0400, you wrote:
In a message dated 9/4/2008 2:55:44 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

electronic components: Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Violet Gives
Willingly; Get Some Now

My electronic class (Air Force) left off the GSN part. Also I forget if 
its black brown or brown black. Our school had the half clothed Indian 
maiden named Sohc-ah-to-a. Trig functions were never a problem there 
after. Sine o/h Cosine a/h tangent o/a. I printed your e-mail and will 
keep it in the garage where I do my CS generation. Just the other day I 
decided to add a resistor to my 2 1/2 gallon aquarium CS generator that 
old Bob helped me put together and he has in his handbook. If I got 
distracted I would end up with black sludge. I wanted to limit the current 
to 8 ma. Over the years the 8 ma CS seems to work for me. I got my stack 
of mixed resistors and had a tough time finding the right resistors as I 
forgot the color code. My $3 meter also helped to identify the right ones. 
First batch I forgot the time and ended up with a batch of black 18 PPM 
per my PWT. Added several capfulls of H2O2 which cleared it. Plan to use 
it for sinus flushes and CPAP.

I have been trying 17 drops MMS activated plus DMSO activated foot baths 
for toenail fungus. Also I used mySilver Pulsar (SOTA) with probes in 
separate tubs. The Silver Pulsar needed a resistor as its zap was too much 
even at its minimum output. Used the color code again for a 2.2K resistor. 
I can now turn the volume up to near maximum. Royalrife says the DC offset 
voltage pulls mold toxins out like the ionic foot baths advertised. I know 
fungus is a problem as I have high uric acid levels which are said to be 
created by fungus. CS falls flat trying to treat a fungus. I am wondering 
how come the success of CS for cancer (Trem) when they now say cancer is a 
fungus (DR Simoncilli). MMS is said to be effective against fungus problems


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2008-09-06 Thread Ode Coyote

 If you can watch yourself do that in a mirror, you WILL have a sense of 
 Hysterical laughter counts the same as a's a scream laughing 
at itself. of my favorite sports..except maybe for mental masturbation.

 Dayam, that didn't work REAL good, but at least it was hard and took a 
long time.

 Who screamed that?

Oh, I'm the only one here.


One, two..four ..and ten.
 Good, they're all still's a fine day when I don't have to stop 
counting at 8 and carry the two in my pocket.


At 07:51 AM 9/6/2008 +0930, you wrote:
Sense of humour, invaluable, god forbid if we ever lose that, thanks ode. 
Sorry, but it's just too easy to break out into uncontrolled hysterics 
when frustration reaches a certain level.

Good morning anyway.


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Re: CSLED's, What Voltage ? How Dangerous ?

2008-09-06 Thread Neville

- Original Message - 
From: Wayne Fugitt

Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2008 8:26 PM
Subject: CSLED's, What Voltage ? How Dangerous ?

Morning Wayne,

Not sure if you are directing this at me?

Just in case you are I would like to say that the although the adaptor I am 
using plugs in to 240 Volt mains supply, (our mains power supply is 240 V), 
it is 24Volt DC output.  Not sure if you are thinking I am using 24 volt  AC 
MAINS SUPPLY power on my CS generator, as that is NOT the case, it runs on 
DC not AC.

I can also remember when I was 3 or 4 years old, (long before school), my 
mother screamed from the laundry and as I walked in to see her she told me 
to get out, rather abruptly, (I thought I had done something wrong you see, 
and as it happened I almost DID), I can still see here in my minds eye today 
getting the strength up to rip her clenched hand off the top of the agitator 
on the old washing machine and after doing so immediately lying down on a 
bed.  To this day I will never understand how she managed to remain alive, 
considering the time lapse spoken of here, and ripping her clenched hand 
free from the machine due to the electricity acting on the muscles in her 
fingers, and not being killed, (one tough SOB I guess).  When I was older 
she told me that she yelled at me because she knew I would touch her and 
then I would get it also.  From this I always approach electricity with the 
back of my hand as if it is live I won't grasp whatever it is I touch...she 
taught me that.

There's a little 'story' as well.  I know how dangerous mains power can be 
Wayne, don't worry about that.  That lesson is well embedded in my mind and 
this is why I am doing my utmost to get a better understanding now, even if 
it is only 'piddly' DC.

Would like to re-iterate, I am not sure if you are referring to me here, but 
if disrespect or offence intended.  I can't see how you would take 
this as either of those two anyway, but nevertheless I needed to say that.


  They almost need a driver transistor so they would be more effective 
with very low current flow, used to provide higher intensity and more 
current to the LED.

 I use my LED to reject water.  If it glows at all with water alone, or 
more that a microscopic glow, the water is too conductive and contains 
something,  I will not use it for making CS.

What I wanted to tell you, 

I have connected LED'S into 480, 3 phase voltage.

These were indicators I needed for boiler and large motor control systems.
A conventional lamp would have been safer I suppose, but would not last as 
long as the LED's.

I have some LED's that have lasted 25 years.

Sooner of later, some monkey will come along that has the mind set that 
all LED's are connected to low voltage DC.

How wrong can he be ?   He may get a tingle and a shock, if he does not 
use his meter and realize that the monkey before him, may not think like 
he does.

That was years before I became addicted to electrical safety.

I suppose I should have used a transformer, and a very low value fuse.

Or a warning sign that says,...

Hey you nut ?  Be careful with this LED !

Who would believe it anyway.

The main point is, ..

  Be suspicious and cautious of all electrical circuits.

  The Resistor, the Diode, and the LED could all offer a shock, and kill 

One of the stupidest things I ever saw a man do,

  Was the safety officer at a large hospital.  I stood right beside 
him and saw him try hard to get killed.   He shook, quivered, and scared 
me half to death.

His left hand was gripping the center support ( metal ) of a large 

( not a good thing to do under any condition )

His right hand gripped the end of a fuse that failed to come out of a fuse 

No doubt his shaking and quivering caused the fuse to loose contact with 
the higher voltage

in time   How long does it take ?  1 second ?  Actually much less.

Survival Lessons exist every day, ... if you are lucky enough to 
get the lesson, and

live thru it.



People seem to like clear or yellow CS.
When it turns gold or  pink it means you are running it too long or you 

un-pure water. You have a  DVM and ohms law so you should know what to do.
Personally I like to slow brew  at about 1 ma or less.

Hope this helps,

In a  message dated 9/5/2008 3:06:08 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
Morning Dan,

OK, yep well you are  right, the adaptor is 24v rated, the resistor is in
circuit after the led,  and I am still working on the ohms, kilohms x100 

1000 thing, still  studying that bit.  Don't like the sound of that 60mA
part. Although,  going by all the anecdotal writings that abound in the
public domain, I  appear to get a good product though, going by taste,
(minimal), colour, (DS  

Re: CSPower ? How fast does if flow ?

2008-09-06 Thread Neville

What can I say Wayne...Now you have me speechless. BIG g.

Yeah, perhaps I had better just take one step back and hide in the shadows 
for a while until I learn to talk in better terminologies.  I'll do some 
more...(hate to say it), 'printing', and continue my 'studies'.  Hopefully I 
shall return 'better educated'.  Yep, and I can see that I should have said 
'amps' not 'current'.  Yes/No?  It's ok, I shall return.


- Original Message - 
From: Wayne Fugitt

Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2008 8:46 PM
Subject: CSPower ? How fast does if flow ?

Morning  Neville,

 At 04:27 AM 9/6/2008, you wrote:

It'a amazing what one learns isn't it, I always thought power ran FROM the 
positive TO the negative but going on what I am reading it is 'PUSHED', so 
to speak, from the NEG to the POS.

  It does not matter much which way the current goes.  That is an age old 
classical question you will learn about in due time.   It would be better 
if you just skipped it.

 I have looked at power backwards all my life.

  Power,  What is that ?  It does not normally flow, it sits in one place 
and does the job, work,

or whatever.   ( and it can be very dangerous too )

  The term is not used often in descriptions of electrical circuits.  ( I 
did not say NEVER )

It is somewhat general, and says very little.  The reader had to visualize 
what you meant.

  Apparently I am using 60+ current but the thing is

  Again, I have not a clue what you are saying, and if you confuse me, 

I am sure many others do not know either.  grin

This is not to say, I cannot figure it out from you messages.

But... If you would study and get your terms in order, the 
help offered would be of much

greater value to you.

What really concerns me, is, .

One of your circuits will read your messages, and decide,..

   I am really doing it wrong !

  What I need to do is..  Blow UP !

P.S.  Yes, I need to play around with multimeter more

NO !   Stop playing and start working.

I freely admit I am not the sharpest knife in the draw, not when it comes 
to damn electrickery


   What can I say ?   You almost leave me speechless at times.

   A dull knife, pushed hard enough, in the right place, can get the job 
done.  grin

   ( don't ask for any more details or instructions on how to do that )



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2008-09-06 Thread Neville
Unable to respond at the moment...just fell out of the chair and am on the 
floor...when I regain suitable composure I'll reply ode!


- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote

Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2008 10:19 PM

 If you can watch yourself do that in a mirror, you WILL have a sense of 
 Hysterical laughter counts the same as a's a scream laughing 
at itself. of my favorite sports..except maybe for mental masturbation.

 Dayam, that didn't work REAL good, but at least it was hard and took a 
long time.

 Who screamed that?

Oh, I'm the only one here.


One, two..four ..and ten.
 Good, they're all still's a fine day when I don't have to stop 
counting at 8 and carry the two in my pocket.


At 07:51 AM 9/6/2008 +0930, you wrote:
Sense of humour, invaluable, god forbid if we ever lose that, thanks ode. 
Sorry, but it's just too easy to break out into uncontrolled hysterics 
when frustration reaches a certain level.

Good morning anyway.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSPower ? How fast does if flow ?

2008-09-06 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Morning Neville.

At 08:25 AM 9/6/2008, you wrote: have me speechless. BIG g.

Yeah, perhaps I had better just take one step back and hide in the 
shadows for a while until I learn to talk in better terminologies.

   No, don't do that. You can learn then one by one.

I had a hard time learning, likely harder than you.
My problem was, I had no one to ask, at that time.

I had to read, study, experiment, scratch my head, then read some more.

I was at a party one night, and this guy told me, IBM was hiring technicians.
I went home, right then, and started studying.

When I went in for my second interview, I met this guy in the 
lobby.  I was a bit early.
We talked about bass fishing and the effect weather had on the 
bass.   Yes, I was a half fast expert at bass fishing. I told him many things.

A short while later,  I found out, He was the branch manager, 
and his decision to hire me, may have been about bass fishing, 
instead of electronics.

Did I con IBM ?  I have often wondered about that.

 I'll do some more...(hate to say it), 'printing', and continue my 
'studies'.  Hopefully I shall return 'better educated'.

   If you can find what you print ?  grin

I can find a file, quicker than finding any paper.  Plus, I have 25 
to 35,000 text files and about
30,000 medical articles and E books.  I still have all my files from 
the days of BBS's, Fidonet, and

Survival Net.

If you could calculate how much paper and how much ink that would 
take,  Glory BE !

 Yep, and I can see that I should have said 'amps' not 
'current'.  Yes/No?  It's ok, I shall return.

   No matter what you say, . some of us can figure it out.

   Often I say, . Don't read what I wrote, read what I meant.

   I think that is my phrase, but you can borrow it, anytime.  grin


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CSFw: Salt and Lyme. . . . Note of Warning!

2008-09-06 Thread S-Max

Rowena and group - 

If anyone is planning on using salt for Lyme, please do yourselves a favor
and learn the correct treatment protocol. You will find the directions for
the protocol over at Lymestrategies along with a couple thousand members who
correspond about it on a daily basis and have for over five years who are
experienced and knowledgeable about this protocol. The Lymestrategies
protocol is absolutely NOT the recipe written below. It is a simple recipe
of sea salt and Vitamin C in ratio to body weight and a strict ramp-up over
time methodology. 
Those who do use the Lymephotos approach below often find themselves in REAL
TROUBLE because they ramp up to fast and don't have an understanding as to
the physiological effects. This will cause much toxicity to be released so
quickly in the body that the body can not eliminate it fast enough. And much
of the time the paths of elimination are blocked and not effectively working
 You will then feel extremely sick and uncomfortable and in the middle of a
huge Herx looking for help and what to do. If you suspect you have Lyme or
want to know what the symptoms are please join
---Original Message--- 
From: Rowena 
Date: 9/6/2008 1:28:47 AM 
Subject: CSSalt and Lyme 
Some links at foot of post, as you should go to the sites specific to the 
protocol to check out the whole deal. 
Brine Therapy as a standalone: 
Preparation of Himalayan Crystal Salt Brine 
Loosely fill a closable glass container (such as a Mason jar) with several 
crystal or rock salt pieces. Add pure spring or energized water, completely 
filling the container. 
After approximately 24 hours, look to see if the salt pieces have completely

dissolved. If so, add a few more crystals. When the water can no longer 
dissolve any more salt, the salt crystals will sit at the bottom of the jar 
without dissolving. At this point the solution will have become saturated at

26%, ready to use as brine. 
The glass can be refilled again and again with water and salt, continuing 
this process. 
This brine solution is stable, and absolutely sterile  germ-free. It can be

stored for years in a closed glass container without it changing or 
Directions for Many Uses of Himalayan Salt Brine 
Brine Therapy and the Drinking Cure For Detoxification, Various forms of 
Arthritis, Skin Problems (rashes, herpes), Reducing Addictive Desires, Flu 
and Fever Relief, Rid Yourself of Heavy Metal Toxicity, Balance Your Body's 
The easiest way to dissolve old sodium chloride poisons built up as 
crystalline deposits in your system is to take the brine drinking cure. 
From a bio-chemical viewpoint, within minutes, your whole stomach and 
intestines are being stimulated. This further stimulates your digestion and 
metabolism. Your overall availability of electrolytes is built up, and thus 
the conductivity in your body is increased, which in turn affects your 
circulation. The salt allows your energy currents to flow freely once again.

Drinking Himalayan Salt Brine is an excellent way to balance the pH factor 
of your body. You can also eliminate toxicity from heavy metals such as 
lead, mercury, arsenic and calcium. The brine is able to break up the 
metal's molecular structures. 
Every morning on an empty stomach, take anywhere from one drop to one 
teaspoon of Himalayan Salt Brine, with a glass of energized water. Wait 10 
minutes before eating or drinking anything else. The amount you take is not 
as important as the regularity. It's better to take it regularly than in 
large doses. It is very important to drink lots of energized water 
throughout the day. 
Lyme specific: 
What I could find indicated equal quantities of each, but you should go to 
the Lyme sites to get the details. But you start small! Then go up noting 
the reactions on the way. 
As far as treatment goes, the results were forthcoming with the taking of 8 
grams or more. We have actually increased to as much as 24 grams, but find 
that no one really wants to take that many pills in one day. Remember it is 
a one-two punch: the treatment is both salt and vitamin C. 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSSalt and Lyme. . . . Note of Warning!

2008-09-06 Thread S-Max
Rowena and group - 
If anyone is planning on using salt for Lyme, please do yourselves a favor
and learn the correct treatment protocol.  You will find the directions for
the protocol over at Lymestrategies along with a couple thousand members who
correspond about it on a daily basis and have for over five years who are
experienced and knowledgeable about this protocol.  The Lymestrategies
protocol  is absolutely NOT the recipe written below.  It is a simple recipe
of sea salt and Vitamin C in ratio to body weight and a strict ramp-up over
time methodology.  

Those who do use the Lymephotos approach below often find themselves in REAL
TROUBLE because they ramp up to fast and don't have an understanding as to
the physiological effects.  This will cause much toxicity to be released so
quickly in the body that the body can not eliminate it fast enough. And much
of the time the paths of elimination are blocked and not effectively working
  You will then feel extremely sick and uncomfortable and in the middle of a
huge Herx looking for help and what to do.  If you suspect you have Lyme or
want to know what the symptoms are please join


---Original Message---
From: Rowena
Date: 9/6/2008 1:28:47 AM
Subject: CSSalt and Lyme
Some links at foot of post, as you should go to the sites specific to the
protocol to check out the whole deal.
Brine Therapy as a standalone:
Preparation of Himalayan Crystal Salt Brine
Loosely fill a closable glass container (such as a Mason jar) with several
crystal or rock salt pieces. Add pure spring or energized water, completely
filling the container.
After approximately 24 hours, look to see if the salt pieces have completely
dissolved. If so, add a few more crystals. When the water can no longer
dissolve any more salt, the salt crystals will sit at the bottom of the jar
without dissolving. At this point the solution will have become saturated at
26%, ready to use as brine.
The glass can be refilled again and again with water and salt, continuing
this process.
This brine solution is stable, and absolutely sterile  germ-free. It can be
stored for years in a closed glass container without it changing or
Directions for Many Uses of Himalayan Salt Brine
Brine Therapy and the Drinking Cure For Detoxification, Various forms of
Arthritis, Skin Problems (rashes, herpes), Reducing Addictive Desires, Flu
and Fever Relief, Rid Yourself of Heavy Metal Toxicity, Balance Your Body's
The easiest way to dissolve old sodium chloride poisons built up as
crystalline deposits in your system is to take the brine drinking cure.
From a bio-chemical viewpoint, within minutes, your whole stomach and
intestines are being stimulated. This further stimulates your digestion and
metabolism. Your overall availability of electrolytes is built up, and thus
the conductivity in your body is increased, which in turn affects your
circulation. The salt allows your energy currents to flow freely once again.
Drinking Himalayan Salt Brine is an excellent way to balance the pH factor
of your body. You can also eliminate toxicity from heavy metals such as
lead, mercury, arsenic and calcium. The brine is able to break up the
metal's molecular structures.
Every morning on an empty stomach, take anywhere from one drop to one
teaspoon of Himalayan Salt Brine, with a glass of energized water. Wait 10
minutes before eating or drinking anything else. The amount you take is not
as important as the regularity. It's better to take it regularly than in
large doses. It is very important to drink lots of energized water
throughout the day.
Lyme specific:
What I could find indicated equal quantities of each, but you should go to
the Lyme sites to get the details.  But you start small!  Then go up noting
the reactions on the way.
As far as treatment goes, the results were forthcoming with the taking of 8
grams or more. We have actually increased to as much as 24 grams, but find
that no one really wants to take that many pills in one day. Remember it is
a one-two punch: the treatment is both salt and vitamin C.


2008-09-06 Thread Deborah Gerard
I sure would like to know where the heck Mike is this is sickening...debbie

--- On Sat, 9/6/08, Neville wrote:

From: Neville
Date: Saturday, September 6, 2008, 10:04 AM

Unable to respond at the moment...just fell out of the chair and am on the 
floor...when I regain suitable composure I'll reply ode!


- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote
Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2008 10:19 PM

  If you can watch yourself do that in a mirror, you WILL have a sense of 
  Hysterical laughter counts the same as a's a scream
 at itself. of my favorite sports..except maybe for mental masturbation.

  Dayam, that didn't work REAL good, but at least it was hard and took
 long time.

  Who screamed that?

 Oh, I'm the only one here.


 One, two..four ..and ten.
  Good, they're all still's a fine day when I don't
have to stop 
 counting at 8 and carry the two in my pocket.


 At 07:51 AM 9/6/2008 +0930, you wrote:
Sense of humour, invaluable, god forbid if we ever lose that, thanks
Sorry, but it's just too easy to break out into uncontrolled
when frustration reaches a certain level.

Good morning anyway.


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Address Off-Topic messages to:

 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour


RE: CSParticle size - Comments please

2008-09-06 Thread bob Larson
Re: CSParticle size - Comments pleaseyeah, that's the kind of thing where
you can end up with big problems like convulsive seizures and organ damage.
the scariest stuff that i found in gov't websites re silver dangers always
turns out to be from something like industrial exposure situations.  has
nothing to do with drinking CS.

i thought the part of the silver not assimilated through the intestines (too
large particles) would come out through the stool, but the fine part  that
gets through and around in the body  gets pissed out?  is that wrong? ...i
hate my poor  unpredictable memory but often forget about it's
  -Original Message-
  From: Norton, Steve []
  Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 1:22 PM
  Subject: Re: CSParticle size - Comments please

  Inhaling silver dust? Now that scares me.

  - Original Message -
  From: Ode Coyote
  Sent: Fri Sep 05 08:30:10 2008
  Subject: RE: CSParticle size - Comments please

 90% of an **inhaled** dose of finely divided silver **dust** was
  excreted by dogs in 30 days though the feces. [Phalen and Morrow 1973]
The only way that silver can do that, is though the blood stream.


At 03:09 PM 9/4/2008 -0700, you wrote:
  Hi; this is a little too mechanistic to account for the body's ability
  to break down and recombine not only proteins sugars and fats but also
  mineral constituents of what we ingest.  Nevertheless, it's been stated
  here in the past that 80 - 90% of CS is excreted through the bowel; I
  don't know if this is really true or not, but there are a few confusion
  factors to muddy the issue for ya.g
  On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 14:54 -0500, Norton, Steve wrote:
Ok, I am responding to my own query. If I have something wrong, let me
know. This may only be an exercise without use except as my attempt to
understand CS and it's limits as best as I can. What I have found:
  * Nothing on the permeability limits of sublingual although I
expect it to be less than the intestinal permeability.
  * The permeability of the intestines allows the passing of
molecules up to 9200 Daltons, typically.
  * While Daltons is a measure of molecular weight, 9200 Daltons
roughly equates to 13 Angstroms.
  * As a sanity test, NaEDTA is used to measure intestinal
permeability. Being a relatively large molecule (approximately
11 Angstroms) it has  roughly a 5% (to maybe 18%) absorption
rate. One can measure the levels of  NaEDTA in the blood
stream against the expected amount that should have been
absorbed and determine if the permeability of the intestines
is to high or too low. This correlates well with the previous
  * CS with a yellow color has particle sizes in the .01 to .001
micron (10 to 100 Angstroms).
  * This would mean that most if not nearly all the CS particles
in a yellow batch is not absorbable by the digestive system.
(assuming a symmetrical distribution such as an even or
Gaussian distribution)
  * There are factors such as pH and electrical charge that can
increase or decrease absorption.
  * This would also mean that little CS is absorbed sublingually.
Comments? Ideas?
 - Steve N
-Original Message-
From: Norton, Steve []
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 8:06 AM
Subject: CSParticle size
Does anyone know what the maximum size particle is that can be
absorbed into the body either sublingually or through the stomach and
 - Steve N
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  No virus found in this incoming message.
  Checked by AVG -
  Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.6.16/1652 - Release Date: 9/4/2008
  6:54 PM


2008-09-06 Thread bob Larson
CS taken internally has been clearing my toenail fungus.  when i noticed
that all the small toes were fresh and new and the worst thickened distorted
big one growing in clean also i started spraying some on my toes and socks
and inside my shoes also.  i put often some Lugol's around the edges of the
one worst toe still not grown/trimmed all the way to new nail.  the stuff i
could scrape from under the thickened edge used to stink, but it never does
anymore... so it's dead, just has to grow so it can be cut off.  so i
wouldn't say CS doesn't do fungus.

MMS doesn't seem to be all that great for fungus, at least not all fungus.
some folks end up with candida overgrowth after a bunch of MMS for awhile.
i suspect the regular high dose MMS if not used wisely (timing around
food/supps) depletes the body of what it needs to control such things on
it's own, so it'll start off killing it but after awhile results diminish.

i think i'd try alternating regularly between MMS and CS in the footbath?

-Original Message-

I have been trying 17 drops MMS activated plus DMSO activated foot baths for
toenail fungus. Also I used mySilver Pulsar (SOTA) with probes in separate
tubs. The Silver Pulsar needed a resistor as its zap was too much even at
its minimum output. Used the color code again for a 2.2K resistor. I can now
turn the volume up to near maximum. Royalrife says the DC offset voltage
pulls mold toxins out like the ionic foot baths advertised. I know fungus is
a problem as I have high uric acid levels which are said to be created by
fungus. CS falls flat trying to treat a fungus. I am wondering how come the
success of CS for cancer (Trem) when they now say cancer is a fungus (DR
Simoncilli). MMS is said to be effective against fungus problems

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

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Re: CSParticle size - Comments please

2008-09-06 Thread Dee
Actually I would beg to differ about the plastic Marshall, as I have had 
negative experiences with it.  I still use it, but have to 'season' the 
bottles first i.e. put in either distilled water or made CS and leave it 
for a few days.  If it is made CS, it will go yellow and then I tip it 
away and can then use it for the next brew.  This has happened with 
brand new PET 1 bottles.  dee

Marshall Dudley wrote:
There is no problem storing CS in plastic, as long as the proper kind 
of plastic is used, and it is clean.  30 ppm for EIS is about the 
limit of what can be produced and remain stable.  It is very difficult 
to make stable 30 ppm.  Basically it has to be composed of 13 ppm of 
silver oxide 13 ppm of silver hydroxide, and 4 ppm of colloid.  That 
is the saturation level of silver oxide and silver hydroxide.


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Re: CSLED's, What Voltage ? How Dangerous ?

2008-09-06 Thread Malcolm
Hi Neville,
I don't think you've got DC theory down yet and AC theory is already
rearing it's ugly head for you.  

Safety first, though.  240VAC (that is, Volts [of] Alternating Current)
is deadly; I was taught the One hand in your pocket rule regarding ANY
high voltage.  This tends to reduce the chance of passing electric
current from one hand to the other through the heart; glad your mom

So; on to the mythical 24 volts DC from a wall-wart;  Alternating
Current is electricity that varies in a smooth (we hope) manner, over
time, 50 or 60 times per second, with the voltage pushing it rising to a
maximum value which is about 1.4 times higher than the stated value
of, for instance, a positive 120 Volts, then sinking in value through 0
Volts, then proceeding smoothly until a minimum (i.e. maximum negative)
value of about 1.4 times negative 120 Volts, returning through 0 volts
again and so on.  there is a difference of 240 volts electrical
potential between the greatest positive ROOT-MEAN-SQUARE value and the
greatest negative RMS value.  

Why the confusion factor of 1.4 times?  (RMS?)? Aahhh, AC theory, that's
why!  If you were to simply use a Direct Current value of 240 volts
(240VDC) between the supply and return electric lines there would be
quite a bit more power available in the lines than there is when the AC
voltage is at less than it's maximum positive or negative value for
significant parts of the alternating cycle.  To compensate - more or
less [Bad pun, Bad!]- for this the electrical engineering wizards in
their infinite mathematical wizardry calculated that upping the ante to
1.414141... times the nominal value for AC would give the same power
carrying capacity that a DC supply at that nominal value would exhibit;
simple, no?  No.  But there you are.  

There are some weird consequences to this hokey-pokey, one being that
your 24VDC wall-wart can yield about 1.4 times its nominal voltage
when it is very lightly loaded.

More fun;  Malcolm

On Sat, 2008-09-06 at 22:33 +0930, Neville wrote:
 - Original Message - 
 From: Wayne Fugitt
 Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2008 8:26 PM
 Subject: CSLED's, What Voltage ? How Dangerous ?
 Morning Wayne,
 Not sure if you are directing this at me?
  Just in case you are I would like to say that the although the adaptor I am 
 using plugs in to 240 Volt mains supply, (our mains power supply is 240 V), 
 it is 24Volt DC output.  Not sure if you are thinking I am using 24 volt  AC 
 MAINS SUPPLY power on my CS generator, as that is NOT the case, it runs on 
 DC not AC.
 I can also remember when I was 3 or 4 years old, (long before school), my 
 mother screamed from the laundry and as I walked in to see her she told me 
 to get out, rather abruptly, (I thought I had done something wrong you see, 
 and as it happened I almost DID), I can still see here in my minds eye today 
 getting the strength up to rip her clenched hand off the top of the agitator 
 on the old washing machine and after doing so immediately lying down on a 
 bed.  To this day I will never understand how she managed to remain alive, 
 considering the time lapse spoken of here, and ripping her clenched hand 
 free from the machine due to the electricity acting on the muscles in her 
 fingers, and not being killed, (one tough SOB I guess).  When I was older 
 she told me that she yelled at me because she knew I would touch her and 
 then I would get it also.  From this I always approach electricity with the 
 back of my hand as if it is live I won't grasp whatever it is I touch...she 
 taught me that.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSIodine, Allergic ? ( other food problems )

2008-09-06 Thread sol

Wayne Fugitt wrote:

I read your long message,  Very Interesting indeed.

At 06:40 PM 9/4/2008, you wrote:
Fish and kelp fertilizers are increasingly used by home gardeners 
also. Iodine I am extremely allergic/senstive to,

 Glad you used the word,  sensitive.

One of my daughters appears to be allergic to iodine, she thinks she 
is, and has had reactions, will not eat shrimp, and anything that 
contains very much iodine.

While I am not disagreeing with you, my daughter, and many others, it 
is very hard for me not to do it.

It is beyond my belief and all my years of study, to believe anyone 
can be allergic to a proven,

known, necessary nutrient.
 It does happen. I have mostly stopped using the word allergic 
because it produces such a knee-jerk but you can't be allergic to a 
necessary nutrient reaction. Even doctors who should know better react 
that way. However, let me say for the record what I have is a true IgE 
mediated allergic histamine reaction to iodine, and sufficient 
antihistamines control it.
 People have DIED of anaphylactic reactions to iodine, and from my 
personal experience I don't believe those reactions have been solely due 
to other components of iodine compounds.

It is almost like someone saying,

I am allergic to protein
I am allergic to fat
I am allergic to carbohydrate !
I am allergic to a couple of things commonly found in all of those 
except possibly pure fat.
So far as I can find in years of researching iodine in foods, the lowest 
iodine content food is white sugar, oh, and also either pepsi cola or 
coca cola (original).
Iodine is totally impossible to avoid (well unless I confine myself to 
eating white sugar with a spoon) but there is a level that is so low it 
doesn't cause a reaction, or at least a troublesome reaction. The 
problem is since iodine is ubiquitous and mostly hidden once one stops 
eating anything from the ocean, I have no way to determine what my 
highest safe level of intake is. And everyday some new food I could eat 
yesterday now has an iodine containing ingredient added. The canned 
chicken that was a staple of my diet when I couldn't find natural raw 
chicken now has sea salt, where formerly it had non-iodized plain salt.

What if someone said, I am allergic to Water  ?
Given the toxins common to tap water all over the U.S. these days, such 
a statement would not surprise me. As in *I* would not be allergic to 
anything but ocean products, if iodine and iodine containing ingredients 
were not commonly added to foods. Nearly 25 years ago when this allergy 
popped up almost literally overnight, that is all I had to do, once it 
was determined the cause was iodine, I just stopped eating ocean fish, 
and seafood and seaweeds. That was it. I could still use iodized salt 
too. And I could actually eat fish about once a month if the serving was 
small. 25 years later, I haven't used iodized salt in at least 15 years, 
have to strictly limit eggs, broccoli, asparagus, many nuts and seeds, 
and so on. Every time I get iodined and have a reaction I become more 
sensitive to it. And it gets easier and easier to get too much. And even 
th ough I avoid it so assiduously, I have not developed a goiter in all 
that decade and a half. Which I've been told means I am NOT 
succcessfully eliminating it. Probably a good thing, but I wish I knew 
what my reaction limit is and how many mcg of iodine in what foods. 
Except for salt this factoid is amazingly difficult to find out. Instead 
iodine is listed in ppm in some foods at some sites, and other foods are 
simply listed as low or high in iodine content.

Now,.. my two bit opinion
I firmly believe that there is a problem with

Body Chemistry
Intercellular Communications,( or all three )
I have no problem agreeing with that. SOMETHING went awry in my body for 
me to be allergic to iodine, and for the allergy to happen so suddenly. 
Unfortunately, so far, I have not found a way to fix it, whatever it is. 
Many of my attempts to get healthier have made me worse in fact. I can 
deal with most of it one way or the other, but it is hard to eliminate 
the root cause when there is no way to know what it is.

ality, ever.

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Re: CSIodine, Allergic ? ( other food problems )

2008-09-06 Thread sol

Clayton Family wrote:
bear with me now: what if the reaction she has to the iodine is 
because of getting way too much of another halogen, like maybe 
bromine, or maybe even chlorine?  They react similarly chemically, so 
maybe it is a simple thing to figure out.  There is a lot of bromine 
in processed food.
I have been unable to find any serious studies proving the bromine 
idea.  Plus for me personally, I don't use very much processed food, at 
least ones that contain bromine. Of course, it could be hidden, as is 
iodine. Maybe chloride is also a problem?


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Re: CSadrenal fatigue

2008-09-06 Thread sol

Will write to you off-list. I have too much to post here, LOL.

Dee wrote:
Does anyone have any info on adrenal fatigue (sol?) 

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CSVaricose veins?

2008-09-06 Thread B Magnatta
Hi, My Husband has just discovered why his legs are aching and swollen, He
has varicose veins.  DOes anyone have any good natural forms of treatment
and healing?

Sincerely, Barb M.faint_grain.jpg

Re: CSIodine, Allergic ? ( other food problems )

2008-09-06 Thread Starshar
Hi Sol

I have a longish file on bromine, but I'll just put a couple of excerpts here:

Bromide is an insidious, additive used in many common products, and as a 
pesticide.  Because of the sheer amount of bromide-supplemented products, 
exposure to this man-made additive has caused a depletion of iodine in human 
populations.  Studies in lab animals provide alarming evidence that even small 
amounts of bromide exposure can be toxic. (1)

What products contain bromide?

Currently, bromide is found in pesticides (methyl bromide),  some bread 
products (potassium bromate), brominated vegetable oil that may be added to 
citrus-flavored drinks, hot tub cleansers, certain asthma inhalers and 
prescription drugs, plastic products, some personal care products, some fabric 
dyes, and as a fire retardant in mattresses, carpeting, etc.  (See expanded 
Products' Discussion Below.)

Back in 1999, the Center for Science in the Public Interest petitioned the FDA 
to prohibit the use of potassium bromate, charging that the FDA has known for 
years that bromate causes cancer in lab animals, but has failed to ban it. (24) 
 As of September 2007, the US FDA responded to Breast Cancer Choices inquir 
with the statement,  Potassium Bromate is still listed as a safe additive.

WATER When drinking water containing bromide is exposed to ozone, bromate ion, 
a powerful oxidizing agent, is formed.  Two significant recalls of drinking 
water involving bromate have occurred:  Wegmann's Food You Feel Good About 
Spring Water Recall in 2006, and Coca-Cola's Dasani in 2004. (25)

TOOTHPASTE, MOUTHWASH AND GARGLES Potassium bromate is an antiseptic and 
astringent in toothpaste, mouth and gargles.  Very toxic if taken internally.  
May cause bleeding and inflammation of gums in toothpaste.  (26)

BROMIDE IN FLAME RETARDANTS Flame retardants reduce the flammability of a wide 
variety of commercial and household products.  Some brominated home retardants 
migrate from the products in which they are used and are entering the 
environment and people.  (27)

PERSONAL PRODUCTS AND SOME COSMETICS Sodium bromate in Products: Permanent 
Waves, Hair Dyes, Textile Dyes Sodium bromate is in permanent wave 
neutralizers, hair dye material, and the textile dyeing process. (28) 
Benzalkonium is used as a preservative in some cosmetics. (29)

Chloride should not be a problem, but chlorine sure is.

The website:

is loaded with info on all the halogens that displace iodine, and why this is a 
problem (obviously no help to those with an iodine allergy, though)

Sharon M

 I have been unable to find any serious studies proving the bromine 
 idea.  Plus for me personally, I don't use very much processed food, at 
 least ones that contain bromine. Of course, it could be hidden, as is 
 iodine. Maybe chloride is also a problem?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVaricose veins?

2008-09-06 Thread Smitty
 Hi, My Husband has just discovered why his legs are aching and swollen, He
 has varicose veins.  DOes anyone have any good natural forms of treatment
 and healing?

 Sincerely, Barb M.

You might look here =


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVaricose veins?

2008-09-06 Thread B Magnatta
Thanks! I have looked into it and will take action!.

Sincerely, Barb M. 

---Original Message---

From: Smitty
Date: 9/6/2008 11:17:53 PM
Subject: Re: CSVaricose veins?
 Hi, My Husband has just discovered why his legs are aching and swollen, He
 has varicose veins.  DOes anyone have any good natural forms of treatment
 and healing?

 Sincerely, Barb M.
You might look here =
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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVaricose veins?

2008-09-06 Thread Dave
 I am 72 and don't have a spider vein or varicose vein anywhere on my 
body. The trick is to increase circulation.
 The way I did it was to suffer through high doses of niacin ( the 
flushing type is necessary)
You have to start small like 100 mg and work up until you can stand two 
or three grams a day'
It opens up the smallest of veins  and  gives the whole body the 
circulation it needs  to keep your skin  smooth and your organs working  


B Magnatta wrote:
Hi, My Husband has just discovered why his legs are aching and 
swollen, He has varicose veins.  DOes anyone have any good natural 
forms of treatment and healing?
Sincerely, Barb M.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVaricose veins?

2008-09-06 Thread Dave
 I might add that I also rid myself of restless leg syndrome and toe 
nail fungus a the same time
and haven't had a relapse  so I still take 500 grams a day  for 
maintenance. A word of caution, if you stop for very long you have to 
start small and work up all over.

BTW that was four years ago I started this regimen.

B Magnatta wrote:
Hi, My Husband has just discovered why his legs are aching and 
swollen, He has varicose veins.  DOes anyone have any good natural 
forms of treatment and healing?
Sincerely, Barb M.

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