Re: CSInfo on Yeast treatments

2009-12-14 Thread Annie B Smythe
Yeah, it looks like you take it by mouth.I haven't 
tried caprylic acid yet. I'm interested though. 
I've been looking at Caprol (aka Caproyl), but it 
seems to be nothing more than caprylic acid mixed 
with olive oil, which I can do cheaper than what 
they want for it. It may be that what problems 
I've been having with headaches could actually be 
a yeast overgrowth problem. The whole family was 
on antibiotics for two weeks a few months ago for 
exposure to whooping cough. And since then I'd 
been experiencing digestive disturbances, and some 
irritating symptoms I couldn't pin down.

I bought some probiotics which helped a lot, and 
to my surprise did away with a lot of symptoms. 
But the headaches when I wake up are still 
plaguing me. So I thought I'd try something in 
conjunction with the probiotics. I was searching 
and ran across that website. I thought maybe it 
would be of use to a few of the list members, 
besides me, so voila.  :)

I'll let everyone know how it turns out after I've 
made up my mind what to buy and use it for about 
three months. I like to give anything at least 
that long to prove itself. The problem with most 
folks is they expect an instant fix, and it just 
doesn't work that way. Most times it takes a while 
to get messed up. The body wants homeostasis so 
give the body the help it needs and be patient 
while it heals itself. It's frustrating as the 
dickens, but if ya give it enough help and time, 
the body will right itself most of the time. The 
only problem is figuring out exactly what it 
needs:) That's what Doctors used to do. Figure out 
the problem and help the body just enough for it 
to take care of itself. Now they stuff you full of 
synthetic chemicals, that do as much damage, or 
more, as the original problem, and wonder why the 
patient doesn't get well.

Sorry, didn't mean to speechify.


Leslie wrote:
Thank you Annie as I feel I am fighting fungus so have been looking for 
things to kill this and in so doing caused an imbalance of bacteria. Do 
you take the caprylic acid by mouth? I will be checking out that site 
for sure and thanks. Leslie
- Original Message - From: Annie B Smythe

To: CS List
Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2009 9:14 PM
Subject: CSInfo on Yeast treatments

Ok so I found this website..

Some great info on yeast, fungal, bacteria, and parasite infections..

They sell no products, but they do tell you what stuff works for each 
thing... I do believe this is one of the most useful websites I've 
found on the subjects.

Caprylic acid works by dissolving the yeast cell wall much like 
proteases or cellulases would and it's much cheaper than either of 
those. I'd start with simple first, and if that doesn't work move up 
to combinations of things. Just sayin'. Of course CS should work on 
bacteria. But I'm not sure about yeast or parasites.


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Re: CSac or dc?

2009-12-14 Thread Ode Coyote

 U Current is not expressed in milli volts?


OdeAt 04:41 AM 12/13/2009 -0800, you wrote:
Ah, good.  I'll forget the AC then.  I recently used the electrophoresis 
power supplies to make a couple of gallons, and they came out somewhere 
between 25-30 ppm, and very clear.  I limited their current to around 50 
mV.  Found that switching polarity is really necessary because otherwise 
the negative electrode just collects the silver from the positive, and 
grows long beards with it, while the other one covers itself with, I 
guess, silver oxide and releases less silver into the water.  It was 
stalled around 18 ppm until I started switching polarity, then it picked 
right up.

I also made a third batch, but let it get away from me, up over 100 mV, 
and it turned dark and muddy.  It wasn't a clear brown, but a muddy 
brown.  not sure why.  Anyhow, I thought this might be good to test the 
H2O2 on, so I put in a 1/4 tsp after it sat there for a day.  It turned a 
bilious green color.  Ew.  It is so uglyl that I'm afraid to use it for 
anything, even the hot tub.

Automatic equipment is next on the agenda.  I need to be able to turn it 
on and leave it until it is done.


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Re: CSac or dc?

2009-12-14 Thread Ode Coyote

 Since higher voltage sends ions away from the electrode at higher 
velocity, higher voltage means you can use higher frequency AC.
 When the polarity changes, the suddenly negative pole attracts the 
positive ion back on unless it is far enough away from that pole by that 
time to prevent it.

 Attraction at inverse square of distanceblah blah blah.

 At every pole change, all the electrochemistry has to reverse itself and 
that takes time too..the higher the voltage, the faster the reversal [??]

I have found that at low voltage ranges [ 6-36v ] and a 60 second long 
cycle, about 15 or 20 seconds of that does virtually nothing as the 
chemistry changes [evidenced by flat spots and dips in voltage and current 
charts], so, process times are a LOT slower than at around 3 minutes per 
cycle...which is only just a little bit slower than DC.

 Also, if using a voltage comparator as the basis for conductivity sensing 
to trigger an auto off, you'll need a lot of delay built in to avoid pass 
through zero volts triggering the auto off too early.

 I've never messed with HVAC  [not my thing ] , but I've heard that to 
get anything out of it at 60 Hz over a reasonable length of time, it takes 
at least 5,000 volts and most use around 20,000 volts...using a gradient 
to control current [electrode distance???]
really, dunno much about it.  Just bits and pieces with a few 
assumptions and extrapolations.


At 04:48 AM 12/13/2009 -0800, you wrote:
Since it is recommended, and indeed works much better, to switch the DC 
polarity periodically, it would make sense for AC to work.  I really don't 
understand why it would not, since all it does is switch polarity 
periodically, albeit faster then you could do with a manual switch.

I have always used DC, but not switched it until recently.  The question 
that pops out of this then is:  What is the optimum switching time?  If 
not 60 cycles per second then what? And why?

And I have read every one of those articles below and much more.  Been 
making silver for several years now.  Just trying to refine the technique 
and scale up to faster production.  First step is to develop the best method.


Sent: Fri, December 11, 2009 6:24:05 PM
Subject: Re: CSac or dc?

The answer is DC.
If you didn't know that, you are woefully behind in your understanding
of CS creation and your research.

When you are not looking at it, this sentence is in Spanish

On 12/11/2009 1:19:46 PM, Richard Goodwin 

 Which do you think works better for making EIS, DC that you have to switch
 polarity on every minute or so, or AC, assuming everything else is equal?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: ac or dc?

2009-12-14 Thread Richard Goodwin
I'm thinking more like 10kv-15kv -- high voltage ac.

From: Alchemysa
Sent: Fri, December 11, 2009 6:48:52 PM
Subject: CSRe: ac or dc?

Genuine low voltage AC doesn't work at all. (i.e. a low voltage 50/60hz. AC 
wall adaptor). There a few low voltage AC adaptors around so don't mistakenly 
try to use one.

It has to be DC (or DC with polarity swapping).


 From: Richard Goodwin
 Date: 12 December 2009 4:49:46 AM
 Subject: CSac or dc?
 Which do you think works better for making EIS, DC that you have to switch 
 polarity on every minute or so, or AC, assuming everything else is equal?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSac or dc?

2009-12-14 Thread Ode Coyote

  Yea, the statement is a bit self contradictory? [or, at least, hard to 
make sense out of ]

 Omitting water quality variables, the unknowable contaminant wild card, 
you can tweek for higher or lower TE by adjusting the frequency to 
voltage ratio.


At 05:19 AM 12/13/2009 -0800, you wrote:

 The answer is DC.

Really?  One of  your references you listed, the SilverColloids-s.pdf, on 
page 25, states:

AC- or DC produced solloidal silver
In the marketplace today are found advertisements for
colloidal silver products produced using alternating current
[AC] and direct current [DC] or devices to make colloidal
silver.  The DC-produced colloidal silver products that we
have tested for this study had the highest value of ionic
[dissolved] silver present [up to 17 ppm] and did not have
highly rated colloidal silver.  All of the highest 4-star rated
colloidal silver products tested were produced utilizing the
AC process.

Sent: Fri, December 11, 2009 6:24:05 PM
Subject: Re: CSac or dc?

The answer is DC.
If you didn't know that, you are woefully behind in your understanding
of CS creation and your research.

When you are not looking at it, this sentence is in Spanish

On 12/11/2009 1:19:46 PM, Richard Goodwin 

 Which do you think works better for making EIS, DC that you have to switch
 polarity on every minute or so, or AC, assuming everything else is equal?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSac or dc?

2009-12-14 Thread Richard Goodwin
That's what I figured.  So switching at a lower rate is better.  I normally 
work with 2000v electrophoresis power supplies, so I'm extremely careful about 
touching anything.

From: Ode Coyote
Sent: Sat, December 12, 2009 7:10:05 AM
Subject: Re: CSac or dc?

  DC that you have to switch polarity on every minute or so, IS AC.
You're just Alternating the Current slower than 50- 60 times a second and it's 
Square wave, not Sine wave AC.

Voltage controls ion velocity.
At a high frequency AC, voltage has to be very high so the Ions can get away 
from the electrode fast and far enough, so the polarity change doesn't just 
suck them back on. 60 Hz, that's somewhere around 5 to 20 kilovolts..VERY dangerous... a 
careless heart stopper.


At 10:19 AM 12/11/2009 -0800, you wrote:
 Which do you think works better for making EIS, DC that you have to switch 
 polarity on every minute or so, or AC, assuming everything else is equal?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: ac or dc?

2009-12-14 Thread Ode Coyote

 Stirring helps some, but where most of all that is happening is in the 
micro part of the Nernst Diffusion layer where stirring can't reach that 
nearly atomic level of activity.

..that inverse square stuff again.

 To reach that level, it might take enough water velocity to cut 
steel...tending to mechanically disintegrate the electrodes.

 Humm...does a water jet cutter make colloidal iron?


At 05:49 AM 12/13/2009 -0800, you wrote:

I was thinking high voltage AC, like 10-15 kv.

Perhaps the 60 hz ac doesn't work well because it switch so fast, it 
doesn't give the silver particles time to separate far enough from their 
electrodes, and they plate right back onto them in the reverse cycle?

If that is the case, then better stirring, or flowing of the water might 
help.  I haven't tried ac yet, but will as soon as I can get a 
transformer.  I keep missing them on ebay. :-)

I use DC now -- high voltage to start a fresh batch, and gradually lower 
it to limit the current.  Electrophoresis power supplies are readily 
available on ebay.  Switching polarity makes them work much better.  So 
one question would be:  what is the optimum switching rate?


From: Alchemysa
Sent: Fri, December 11, 2009 6:48:52 PM
Subject: CSRe: ac or dc?

Genuine low voltage AC doesn't work at all. (i.e. a low voltage 50/60hz. 
AC wall adaptor). There a few low voltage AC adaptors around so don't 
mistakenly try to use one.

It has to be DC (or DC with polarity swapping).


 From: Richard Goodwin

 Date: 12 December 2009 4:49:46 AM
 Subject: CSac or dc?

 Which do you think works better for making EIS, DC that you have to 
switch polarity on every minute or so, or AC, assuming everything else is 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSDentists - Lingual Nerve

2009-12-14 Thread Richard Goodwin
I agree -- for sure there are some inept ignorant people who are doctors and 
dentists, just as there are in any profession.  But doctors in particular 
largely have their hands tied, first by their education -- they didn't used to 
even recognize vitamins not too many years ago, and they almost universally 
don't recognize silver or any other alternative medicine today -- but mostly by 
the joint actions of big pharma, and their police force the FDA, and by the 
AMA.  And of course the insurance companies.  Medicine today is all about 
making the most profits for pharmas and insurance companies, and is not about 
what is best for patients.  That's why we have to be in charge of our own 

And it's not a conspiracy theory, unless you consider that a big company, all 
of whose people collaborate to generate profits, is a conspiracy.


From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Sent: Sat, December 12, 2009 7:30:04 AM
Subject: Re: CSDentists - Lingual Nerve

But often the drugs given by doctors are what causes the body to stay sick, or 
become sicker.  Take vaccines for instance, nearly every single person I meet 
who had the 'flu vaccine has become *really* ill.  The doctors may not be aware 
of it, but they believe the drug companies who of course, have a vested 
interest.  Some doctors too, like my friend's who has put her on statins and 
blood pressure meds when she had neither high blood pressure *or* high 
cholesterol.  dee

Almost all disease comes initially from incorrect nutrition and/or ignorance of 
what can make our bodies sick.  Not all of course, but most. dee

On 12 Dec 2009, at 04:23, Steve wrote:

I'm not much into conspiracy theories.

I refuse do believe that All Doctors work hard to keep their clients ill.  
From what I can tell, they are mostly overworked and would be happy to see 
less of their patients due to good health.I've had a lot of different 
doctors over the years.   Absolutely no evidence that that any of them had 
anything in mind other than the best care they could give me.  Of all of them, 
my present doctor is my favorite.   He wants me well, and is obviously very 
concerned about what is in my best interest.  

My wife sees a lot of different doctors because she is very ill.  Her doctors 
don't keep her sick, they don't need to.  Her body does that on it's own.

I'm sure that, just as in any profession, some doctors do not do a very good 
job.  I believe that
 these persons are the exception and not the rule.


Re: CSSpeaking of Oil

2009-12-14 Thread Richard Goodwin
Why extra light olive oil specifically?  Would other forms of olive oil have 
the same beneficial effects?


From: M. G. Devour
Sent: Sat, December 12, 2009 7:59:16 AM
Subject: Re: CSSpeaking of Oil

Hi Steve,

 ... for a period of some months I consumed 2 tablespoons of extra light
 olive oil two times a day. 

 Then I had my annual physical. My doctor was extremely pleased
 with my bloodwork.   My blood cholesterol has never been a big issue but
 has hovered around 200 for years.   This time round it was a mere 147.  
 I can only look to the ingestion of the olive oil as the likely
 candidate for this change.

That number is actually kinda low, by some authorities. If you talked
to Hal Huggins, for instance, he'd tell you it should be around 220 or
so to be healthiest.

I've heard that, below about 180 or so, you actually experience an
increase in the risk of heart attack, I believe.

 My triglycerides were also really low at about 80.  

That's certainly a good number! Are you finding that you're able to
resist the temptation of carbohydrates better on that regemin? High
carb consumption is usually the immediate cause of high triglycerides.

  I have never taken statins and never intend to as I believe
 them to be harmful and at best merely hide a problem instead of
 correcting one.   It's my belief that high cholesterol in itself is not
 the cause of a health problem, but is rather a symptom of a health

Agreed on all counts.

How is your blood pressure. Any effects on that?


Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSac or dc?

2009-12-14 Thread Richard Goodwin
Well ... putting a diode in the line will give you pulsed DC, yes, but that is 
in no way AC, so you won't get the polarity switching benefits.

From: Dan Nave
Sent: Sat, December 12, 2009 2:36:02 PM
Subject: Re: CSac or dc?

Ya, but don't call it AC in this context if you want clarity...
Call it polarity switching or very low frequency AC.

For higher frequency AC, just try putting a diode in line.
You'll have pulsed DC


On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 6:10 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:

  DC that you have to switch polarity on every minute or so, IS AC.
  You're just Alternating the Current slower than 50- 60 times a second and
 it's Square wave, not Sine wave AC.

  Voltage controls ion velocity.
  At a high frequency AC, voltage has to be very high so the Ions can get
 away from the electrode fast and far enough, so the polarity change doesn't
 just suck them back on. 60 Hz, that's somewhere around 5 to 20 kilovolts..VERY dangerous... a
 careless heart stopper.


 At 10:19 AM 12/11/2009 -0800, you wrote:

 Which do you think works better for making EIS, DC that you have to switch
 polarity on every minute or so, or AC, assuming everything else is equal?


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSpeaking of Oil

2009-12-14 Thread Steve

The reason they like extra light is because it has no taste, which is part of 
the protocol of the shangri-la 'diet.'  Other olive oils, or walnut oil etc. 
would also work.   Of course, it depends on what you mean when you say 
'work.'    Are you talking about controlling appetite or the rather significant 
reduction in blood cholesterol?

If you want to control appetite, the olive oil is convenient, but you can go 
with virtually any thing tasteless, including sugar water, just keeping it to 
about 240 calories and nothing with taste for an hour before or after.    You 
can even eat food with taste, if you hold your breath while consuming it to 
prevent yourself from tasting it.

If you are trying to lower cholesterol, I'm thinking it needs to be some sort 
of food, such as olive oil, that is high in Omegas. 

Steve G.

--- On Mon, 12/14/09, Richard Goodwin wrote:

From: Richard Goodwin
Subject: Re: CSSpeaking of Oil
Date: Monday, December 14, 2009, 7:38 AM

Why extra light olive oil specifically?  Would other forms of olive oil have 
the same beneficial effects?


From: M. G. Devour
Sent: Sat, December 12, 2009 7:59:16 AM
Subject: Re: CSSpeaking of Oil

Hi Steve,

 ... for a period of some months I consumed 2 tablespoons of extra light
 olive oil two times a day. 

 Then I had my annual physical. My doctor was extremely pleased
 with my bloodwork.   My blood cholesterol has never been a big issue but
 has hovered around 200 for years.   This time round it was a mere 147.  
 I can only look to the ingestion of the olive oil as the likely
 candidate for this change.

That number is actually kinda low, by some authorities. If you talked
to Hal Huggins, for instance, he'd tell you it should be around 220 or
so to be healthiest.

I've heard that, below about 180 or so, you actually experience an
increase in the risk of heart attack, I believe.

 My triglycerides were also really low at about 80.  

That's certainly a good number! Are you finding
 that you're able to
resist the temptation of carbohydrates better on that regemin? High
carb consumption is usually the immediate cause of high triglycerides.

  I have never taken statins and never intend to as I believe
 them to be harmful and at best merely hide a problem instead of
 correcting one.   It's my belief that high cholesterol in itself is not
 the cause of a health problem, but is rather a symptom of a health

Agreed on all counts.

How is your blood pressure. Any effects on that?


Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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 moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour


Re: CSRe: ac or dc?/Sorry, a 15-lb Meow...Sent It!

2009-12-14 Thread Richard Goodwin
Hahahahaha -- yeah, I too have one of those meows that likes to type.  He wants 
my hands on him, not on the keyboard, so I guess he figures if he puts himself 
where the keyboard is, voila!

Thanks for the info!

From: Dok Dallas
Sent: Sun, December 13, 2009 11:35:37 PM
Subject: CSRe: ac or dc?/Sorry, a 15-lb Meow...Sent It!

ROFL(mao) MEOW, #...@*%, Hisss grin Hey...where's my mouse?
Sorry folks, obviously my REPLY msg. was not-finished, or-ready, to
be SENT earlier...Mr. CAcTus (yes, 15 lb. Cat), walked on Keyboard!

So for-now anyway...please disregard my last msg may try, later?
My intended reply would have been rather-lengthy anyway, but just a
little TEASER so you STAY-TUNED for longer Prime-Time version...?
FYI: Ya can make EIS with ULF-AC Generator ckts. @ Freq. .01Hz!
Also no-one ever mentions Polyphasic AC  BiPhasic DC, on multiple
Electrodes to create 2D Ion-Trajectories (no STIR needed) etc...Hmm?
Nothing new in physics (owner of CS Y-GrOpE on this...died 2yrs ago)
but CS Engineering group never was advertised due to lack-of-interest?
Personally knew Owner/Ernie years earlier in Cathodic-Protection area.  
(Much of his electro-chemistry knowledge, was never publc) 
Warning remember old 3D Movies  Comic Books with the Red+Green
Lens in Glasses we had to wear to see 3D...NEVER cross Red+Green
Laser Pointer beam's when lQQking for TYNDALL, or who-knows-what?  Gee don't anyone tell NEVIL,
that BLUE-RAY  (405 nm) Laser can locate smaller-size particles, than
RED  GREEN Laser Pointers...Yes, check out [photospectrometers]?
(Was it Nevil, said I was blowing BLUE Smoke lQQking at tiny-particle)   
Several other multi-trode tricks...even 2:1 Ag (surface area) multiplier~
or other than 1:1 Trode~Driver tricks...that can alter (pH) Ag+/OH- mix
Well this gets a little too complicated for here and needs more space? 
HVDC also works. but no obvious advantage and to add yet even more
food for thought...Copper  Silver close together inside insulated pipes
where Water Velocity/(pump speed) can be used to move/carry a fresh
ION away quickiy from Nernst region near E-Trodes, works without HV.
If ya need Gallons-Fast...HVAC~OK. but LVDC is Safer, Better  FUN!
I prefer EIS variations on multi-trode/BiPhasic/LVDC @ Lower (I) limits.
If not in timed-race...I can brew excelent 20~25ppm EIS with $15 ckts 
Batt, Current (adj.)/limiter, Blue Led-(ppm-estimated) EOB scale, DIY*!   
(Good news is...EIS...don't need Degree in Physics/Electro-Chemistry)
Oh well, have to go see where Mr. CAcTus ran-off to, with my MOUSE!
This may take me a day or two to get the MOUSE back, so hang-tight.

--- On Sun, 12/13/09, Dok Dallas wrote:

From: Dok Dallas
Subject: Re: CSRe: ac or dc?
Date: Sunday, December 13, 2009, 3:18 PM

Let me throw in some over looked scientific details/(facts) that are never 
mentioned, when the HOW-TO-BREW  LVDC/HVAC

--- On Sun, 12/13/09, Richard Goodwin wrote:

From: Richard Goodwin
Subject: Re: CSRe: ac or dc?
Date: Sunday, December 13, 2009, 5:49 AM

I was thinking high voltage AC, like 10-15 kv.  

Perhaps the 60 hz ac doesn't work well because it switch so fast, it doesn't 
give the silver particles time to separate far enough from their electrodes, 
and they plate right back onto them in the reverse cycle?  

If that is the case, then better stirring, or flowing of the water might 
help.  I haven't tried ac yet, but will as soon as I can get a transformer.  
I keep missing them on ebay. :-)

I use DC now -- high voltage to start a fresh batch, and gradually lower it 
to limit the current.  Electrophoresis power supplies are readily available 
on ebay.  Switching polarity makes them work much better.  So one question 
would be:  what is the optimum switching rate?  


 From: Alchemysa
Sent: Fri, December 11, 2009 6:48:52 PM
Subject: CSRe: ac or dc?

Genuine low voltage AC doesn't work at all. (i.e. a low voltage 50/60hz. AC 
wall adaptor). There a few low voltage AC adaptors around so don't mistakenly 
try to use one.

It has to be DC (or DC with polarity swapping).


 From: Richard Goodwin
 Date: 12 December 2009 4:49:46 AM
 Subject: CSac or dc?
 Which do you think works better for making EIS, DC that you have to switch 
 polarity on every minute or so, or AC, assuming everything else is equal?

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Re: CSDentists - Lingual Nerve

2009-12-14 Thread Steve
Well, I agree that we need to be in charge of our own health.  I'm a big 
believer in being self
reliant and not trusting others to take care of us.  Of course, that is what's 
lead me to exploring colloidal silver, and other alternative therapies.

We are constantly under assault in all walks of life by people and 
organizations who want to exploit us.  I don't think we should trust anyone who 
hasn't earned our trust.  The biggest offender in this regard is our 

--- On Mon, 12/14/09, Richard Goodwin wrote:

From: Richard Goodwin
Subject: Re: CSDentists - Lingual Nerve
Date: Monday, December 14, 2009, 7:37 AM

I agree -- for sure there are some inept ignorant people who are doctors and 
dentists, just as there are in any profession.  But doctors in particular 
largely have their hands tied, first by their education -- they didn't used to 
even recognize vitamins not too many years ago, and they almost universally 
don't recognize silver or any other alternative medicine today -- but mostly by 
the joint actions of big pharma, and their police force the FDA, and by the 
AMA.  And of course the insurance companies.  Medicine today is all about 
making the most profits for pharmas and insurance companies, and is not about 
what is best for patients.  That's why we have to be in charge of our own 

And it's not a conspiracy theory, unless you consider that a big company, all of
 whose people collaborate to generate profits, is a conspiracy.


From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Sent: Sat, December 12, 2009 7:30:04 AM
Subject: Re: CSDentists - Lingual Nerve

But often the drugs given by doctors are what causes the body to stay sick, or 
become sicker.  Take vaccines for instance, nearly every single person I meet 
who had the 'flu vaccine has become *really* ill.  The doctors may not be aware 
of it, but they believe the drug companies who of course, have a vested 
interest.  Some doctors too, like my friend's who has put her on statins and 
blood pressure meds when she had neither high blood pressure *or* high 
cholesterol.  dee
Almost all disease comes initially from incorrect nutrition and/or ignorance of 
what can make our bodies sick.  Not all of course, but most. dee
On 12 Dec 2009, at 04:23, Steve wrote:
I'm not much into conspiracy theories.

I refuse do believe that All Doctors work hard to keep their clients ill.  From 
what I can tell, they are mostly overworked and would be happy to see less of 
their patients due to good health.    I've had a lot of different doctors over 
the years.   Absolutely no evidence that that any of them had anything in mind 
other than the best care they could give me.  Of all of them, my present doctor 
is my favorite.   He wants me well, and is obviously very concerned about what 
is in my best interest.  

My wife sees a lot of different doctors because she is very ill.  Her doctors 
don't keep her sick, they don't need to.  Her body does that on it's own.

I'm sure that, just as in any profession, some doctors do not do a very good
 job.  I believe that
 these persons are the exception and not the rule.



CSPlease unsubscribe me

2009-12-14 Thread Sandy

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Re: CSSpeaking of Migraines.... Rennies and Tri-salts

2009-12-14 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
A stagnating lymph system can be a major cause of migraine (as well as a host 
of other things).  Arabinogalactan is a good lymph mover.  dee

On 13 Dec 2009, at 19:50, Gina Moore wrote:

 I tried the ACV and bicarb of soda the other day for my migraine.  The ACV
 didn't seem to do much after about an hour, but within 30 minutes of taking
 the bicarb of soda the migraine was gone!  The next morning it seemed to be
 coming back so I did the same thing.  Took ACV waited a little over an hour
 with no help, then took the bicarb and within 30 minutes it was gone again.
 I've suffered with migraines since I was 10 years old (I'm 39 now).  I had
 been doing the L-tryptophan protocol and it seemed to lessen the severity a
 bit, but I was still getting them.  Other than Imitrex/Zomig I have never
 found anything to be effective on any migraine I've ever had!  Next time, I
 will try the bicarb of soda first to make sure that's what it is that
 helped, but I'm just so darn happy that something did help!

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Re: CSDentists - Lingual Nerve

2009-12-14 Thread Bob Banever

 Well of course it's a conspiracy.  Big pharma conspires with the FDA to 
keep natural medicines out of the hands of the populace, they conspire between 
themselves to fix prices, and they conspire with lawmakers to make sure that 
only their products are available for use and purchase.  Right now their 
conspiring with the White House and congress to keep cheaper Canadian drugs off 
of the American market.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Steve 
  Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 5:32 AM
  Subject: Re: CSDentists - Lingual Nerve

Well, I agree that we need to be in charge of our own health.  I'm a 
big believer in being self
reliant and not trusting others to take care of us.  Of course, that is 
what's lead me to exploring colloidal silver, and other alternative therapies.

We are constantly under assault in all walks of life by people and 
organizations who want to exploit us.  I don't think we should trust anyone who 
hasn't earned our trust.  The biggest offender in this regard is our 

--- On Mon, 12/14/09, Richard Goodwin wrote:

  From: Richard Goodwin
  Subject: Re: CSDentists - Lingual Nerve
  Date: Monday, December 14, 2009, 7:37 AM

  I agree -- for sure there are some inept ignorant people who are 
doctors and dentists, just as there are in any profession.  But doctors in 
particular largely have their hands tied, first by their education -- they 
didn't used to even recognize vitamins not too many years ago, and they almost 
universally don't recognize silver or any other alternative medicine today -- 
but mostly by the joint actions of big pharma, and their police force the FDA, 
and by the AMA.  And of course the insurance companies.  Medicine today is all 
about making the most profits for pharmas and insurance companies, and is not 
about what is best for patients.  That's why we have to be in charge of our own 

  And it's not a conspiracy theory, unless you consider that a big 
company, all of whose people collaborate to generate profits, is a conspiracy.


  From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
  Sent: Sat, December 12, 2009 7:30:04 AM
  Subject: Re: CSDentists - Lingual Nerve

  But often the drugs given by doctors are what causes the body to stay 
sick, or become sicker.  Take vaccines for instance, nearly every single person 
I meet who had the 'flu vaccine has become *really* ill.  The doctors may not 
be aware of it, but they believe the drug companies who of course, have a 
vested interest.  Some doctors too, like my friend's who has put her on statins 
and blood pressure meds when she had neither high blood pressure *or* high 
cholesterol.  dee

  Almost all disease comes initially from incorrect nutrition and/or 
ignorance of what can make our bodies sick.  Not all of course, but most. dee

  On 12 Dec 2009, at 04:23, Steve wrote:

  I'm not much into conspiracy theories.

  I refuse do believe that All Doctors work hard to keep their 
clients ill.  From what I can tell, they are mostly overworked and would be 
happy to see less of their patients due to good health.I've had a lot of 
different doctors over the years.   Absolutely no evidence that that any of 
them had anything in mind other than the best care they could give me.  Of all 
of them, my present doctor is my favorite.   He wants me well, and is obviously 
very concerned about what is in my best interest.  

  My wife sees a lot of different doctors because she is very 
ill.  Her doctors don't keep her sick, they don't need to.  Her body does that 
on it's own.

  I'm sure that, just as in any profession, some doctors do not 
do a very good job.  I believe that these persons are the exception and not the 


Re: CSPlease unsubscribe me

2009-12-14 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Why Sandy?  dee

On 14 Dec 2009, at 14:23, Sandy wrote:

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

CSCranial Laser reflex Technique; muscle frequencies;

2009-12-14 Thread Rowena

I have Nicholas' permission to forward this for  your information.
Someone asked about it on the Rife group, and Nicholas replied, 
surprised to find it referred to there.

I think it would be of interest to the membership here.


Re:Cranial Laser reflex Technique
Sun, 13 Dec 2009

CLRT is a therapy I developed over the last few years that uses low 
level laser therapy on specific cranial reflexes to reduce 
musculoskeletal pain and improve function in a matter of 
seconds/minutes. Similar in nature to laser acupuncture, the points used 
in CLRT were discovered by DC's and are little known outside of a small 
segment of the chiropractic profession. There are two maps used, one 
holographically linked to every major muscle in the body, the other 
linked to each segment of the spine, ribcage, pelvis etc.
What I discovered was that lasering the correct cranial reflex in the 
correct manner usually causes an immediate decrease in pain and an 
immediate improvement in function (ROM, strength, even neurological 
function.) My working theory is that the coherent light from the laser 
resets the dysfunctional information stored in the body's biofield about 
the particular body part in question. Once the information problem is 
handled, the physical problem has no more reason to be and resets 
accordingly. The results will last anywhere from a couple of days to a 
permanent fix. Adding this to one's existing treatments, whether it be 
chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, PT, etc, definitely takes the 
results to a whole new level.

10 years ago, I started off with a fairly traditional chiropractic 
practice, interested more in bone-moving more than anything else-- I 
wasn't that into electrical modalities or ultrasound that much-- but an 
phenomenal experience with a pulsed laser got me into doing research on 
both LLLT and frequency healing. And from that point on, I was convinced 
that frequency work and laser/light work-- and preferably the 
combination of the two-- was the future. So in addition to CLRT, I also 
developed a device (frequency wand) that turns any computer, iPod, 
iPhone, cd player, laptop, PDA, etc into a portable harmonic healing 
device-- an infinitely tunable tuning fork, if you will. The level of 
results I routinely get from this simple device is mind-blowing, 
especially to the gear-heads on here who realize I'm just using a 
line-level signal without external amplification. It turns out that the 
human body is especially sensitive to low-level signals, which in turn 
can cause massive changes (à la the Arndt-Schultz law.)

And for those of you that are unaware of this, I'll let you in a secret 
hiding in plain sight. The muscle frequencies listed on the NCAFL are 
AMAZING! Having worked with every one of them for years now, I am 100% 
convinced that they change muscle physiology instantly. (If anyone knows 
which DC in Texas came up with them, I'd be very appreciative of any 
info.) I have hundreds of patient cases where I have used the correct 
frequency on the muscle and had it return to normal function instantly. 
Try it.

For more info on CLRT, check out or

Hi Rowena
Most of my work and experience has been with lasers, as they are better suited with a focused beam, but several people who use my system have reported to me that LED's are working quite well too. 

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Re: CSac or dc?

2009-12-14 Thread Richard Goodwin
Right, meant mA

From: Ode Coyote
Sent: Mon, December 14, 2009 6:30:04 AM
Subject: Re: CSac or dc?

U Current is not expressed in milli volts?


OdeAt 04:41 AM 12/13/2009 -0800, you wrote:
 Ah, good.  I'll forget the AC then.  I recently used the electrophoresis 
 power supplies to make a couple of gallons, and they came out somewhere 
 between 25-30 ppm, and very clear.  I limited their current to around 50 mV.  
 Found that switching polarity is really necessary because otherwise the 
 negative electrode just collects the silver from the positive, and grows long 
 beards with it, while the other one covers itself with, I guess, silver oxide 
 and releases less silver into the water.  It was stalled around 18 ppm until 
 I started switching polarity, then it picked right up.
 I also made a third batch, but let it get away from me, up over 100 mV, and 
 it turned dark and muddy.  It wasn't a clear brown, but a muddy brown.  not 
 sure why.  Anyhow, I thought this might be good to test the H2O2 on, so I put 
 in a 1/4 tsp after it sat there for a day.  It turned a bilious green color.  
 Ew.  It is so uglyl that I'm afraid to use it for anything, even the hot tub.
 Automatic equipment is next on the agenda.  I need to be able to turn it on 
 and leave it until it is done.

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Re: CSPlease unsubscribe me is a DIY job

2009-12-14 Thread Rowena

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
Go to and follow the instructions.

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Re: CSPlease unsubscribe me

2009-12-14 Thread MaryAnn Helland
Oh, that's a shame.

From: Sandy
To: CS; SO
Sent: Mon, December 14, 2009 8:23:54 AM
Subject: CSPlease unsubscribe me

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Re: CSCranial Laser reflex Technique; muscle frequencies;

2009-12-14 Thread MaryAnn Helland
Hmmm -- I have an older model Respond low-level laser light unit.  Is this what 
he's referring to?  Think my unit can be used this way?

From: Rowena
Sent: Mon, December 14, 2009 9:59:40 AM
Subject: CSCranial Laser reflex Technique; muscle frequencies;

I have Nicholas' permission to forward this for  your information.
Someone asked about it on the Rife group, and Nicholas replied, surprised to 
find it referred to there.
I think it would be of interest to the membership here.


Re:Cranial Laser reflex Technique
Sun, 13 Dec 2009

CLRT is a therapy I developed over the last few years that uses low level laser 
therapy on specific cranial reflexes to reduce musculoskeletal pain and improve 
function in a matter of seconds/minutes. Similar in nature to laser 
acupuncture, the points used in CLRT were discovered by DC's and are little 
known outside of a small segment of the chiropractic profession. There are two 
maps used, one holographically linked to every major muscle in the body, the 
other linked to each segment of the spine, ribcage, pelvis etc.
What I discovered was that lasering the correct cranial reflex in the correct 
manner usually causes an immediate decrease in pain and an immediate 
improvement in function (ROM, strength, even neurological function.) My working 
theory is that the coherent light from the laser resets the dysfunctional 
information stored in the body's biofield about the particular body part in 
question. Once the information problem is handled, the physical problem has no 
more reason to be and resets accordingly. The results will last anywhere from a 
couple of days to a permanent fix. Adding this to one's existing treatments, 
whether it be chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, PT, etc, definitely takes 
the results to a whole new level.

10 years ago, I started off with a fairly traditional chiropractic practice, 
interested more in bone-moving more than anything else-- I wasn't that into 
electrical modalities or ultrasound that much-- but an phenomenal experience 
with a pulsed laser got me into doing research on both LLLT and frequency 
healing. And from that point on, I was convinced that frequency work and 
laser/light work-- and preferably the combination of the two-- was the future. 
So in addition to CLRT, I also developed a device (frequency wand) that turns 
any computer, iPod, iPhone, cd player, laptop, PDA, etc into a portable 
harmonic healing device-- an infinitely tunable tuning fork, if you will. The 
level of results I routinely get from this simple device is mind-blowing, 
especially to the gear-heads on here who realize I'm just using a line-level 
signal without external amplification. It turns out that the human body is 
especially sensitive to low-level signals, which in turn
 can cause massive changes (à la the Arndt-Schultz law.)

And for those of you that are unaware of this, I'll let you in a secret hiding 
in plain sight. The muscle frequencies listed on the NCAFL are AMAZING! Having 
worked with every one of them for years now, I am 100% convinced that they 
change muscle physiology instantly. (If anyone knows which DC in Texas came up 
with them, I'd be very appreciative of any info.) I have hundreds of patient 
cases where I have used the correct frequency on the muscle and had it return 
to normal function instantly. Try it.

For more info on CLRT, check out or

Hi Rowena
Most of my work and experience has been with lasers, as they are better suited 
with a focused beam, but several people who use my system have reported to me 
that LED's are working quite well too. 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSInfo on Yeast treatments

2009-12-14 Thread Garnet_LDN

One of the challenges in treating Candida over growth is
getting the supplements or treatments to the yeast. Much
of it occurs in areas that are difficult to get to in any 

Enemas can help because they can reach areas of the colon
more effectively.

Allergies and Candida by Rochlitz is a very good book that 
includes some

meridian balancing maneuvers easily done at home. They
helped me a great deal. I also used urine enemas. For more
on that there is a list on Yahoo. I read a book called Your
Own Perfect Medicine by Christy after hearing of some curing 

MCS using this method. MCS can sometimes be caused
by Leaky Gut Syndrome from Candida.


Leslie wrote:
Thank you Annie as I feel I am fighting fungus so have been looking for 
things to kill this and in so doing caused an imbalance of bacteria. Do 
you take the caprylic acid by mouth? I will be checking out that site 
for sure and thanks. Leslie
- Original Message - From: Annie B Smythe

To: CS List
Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2009 9:14 PM
Subject: CSInfo on Yeast treatments

Ok so I found this website..

Some great info on yeast, fungal, bacteria, and parasite infections..

They sell no products, but they do tell you what stuff works for each 
thing... I do believe this is one of the most useful websites I've 
found on the subjects.

Caprylic acid works by dissolving the yeast cell wall much like 
proteases or cellulases would and it's much cheaper than either of 
those. I'd start with simple first, and if that doesn't work move up 
to combinations of things. Just sayin'. Of course CS should work on 
bacteria. But I'm not sure about yeast or parasites.


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Re: CS2 questions

2009-12-14 Thread Marshall Dudley

Deborah Gerard wrote:

Hi everyone,
Does cs do anything do to a blood cell, since it kills single organism?

Not that I am aware of.
Also my mom spilled some cs on my sister's bathroom counter and it 
stained a real colour is there any repairing this?

H2O2 should take it out.


thanks much,

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Re: CSac or dc?

2009-12-14 Thread Marshall Dudley

Richard Goodwin wrote:
Since it is recommended, and indeed works much better, to switch the 
DC polarity periodically, it would make sense for AC to work.  I 
really don't understand why it would not, since all it does is switch 
polarity periodically, albeit faster then you could do with a manual 
AC does work.  I worked out the formula some years ago as to the voltage 
needed VS the switching rate, but don't remember what it was now. But it 
works out that 20 to 30 volts requires switching every minute ( about 
1/2 htz), and 10,000 volts requires switching around every 120th second, 
or 60 htz.

The reason is simple.  When the ions are stripped from the anode, the 
progress toward the cathode at a drift velocity set by the electric 
field in the vicinity of the anode.  Thus if you double the voltage, the 
ions drift away from the anode quicker, and the convection, or stirring 
is able to move the ions sufficient that they don't get sucked back on 
the next half cycle.

I have always used DC, but not switched it until recently.  The 
question that pops out of this then is:  What is the optimum switching 
time?  If not 60 cycles per second then what? And why?
Depends on the voltage gradient. With a gradient of 20 to 30 volts per 
inch (that is voltage divided by the spacing between the electrodes) 1/2 
cycle per minute is about the optimum, and at 10,000 volts 120th cycle 
per second or 60 htz is near optimum.  The equation is not linear though.


And I have read every one of those articles below and much more.  Been 
making silver for several years now.  Just trying to refine the 
technique and scale up to faster production.  First step is to develop 
the best method.


*Sent:* Fri, December 11, 2009 6:24:05 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSac or dc?

The answer is DC.
If you didn't know that, you are woefully behind in your understanding
of CS creation and your research.

When you are not looking at it, this sentence is in Spanish

On 12/11/2009 1:19:46 PM, Richard Goodwin (

 Which do you think works better for making EIS, DC that you have to 
 polarity on every minute or so, or AC, assuming everything else is 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSac or dc?

2009-12-14 Thread Marshall Dudley
This confirms what I said previously.  LVDC produces higher ionic 
content and smaller particles than HVAC.  That site rates collidal 
silver by the amount of colloid it contains, so they rate the HVAC 
higher.  However almost everyone here will dispute that higher colloid 
content means better EIS, and the HVAC produces larger particles as well 
as higher percentage of colloid, so it can be argued either way 
depending on if you consider high colloid content a plus or a minus.


Richard Goodwin wrote:

 The answer is DC.

Really?  One of  your references you listed, the SilverColloids-s.pdf, 
on page 25, states:

AC- or DC produced solloidal silver
In the marketplace today are found advertisements for
colloidal silver products produced using alternating current
[AC] and direct current [DC] or devices to make colloidal
silver.  The DC-produced colloidal silver products that we
have tested for this study had the highest value of ionic
[dissolved] silver present [up to 17 ppm] and did not have
highly rated colloidal silver.  All of the highest 4-star rated
colloidal silver products tested were produced utilizing the
AC process.

*Sent:* Fri, December 11, 2009 6:24:05 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSac or dc?

The answer is DC.
If you didn't know that, you are woefully behind in your understanding
of CS creation and your research.

When you are not looking at it, this sentence is in Spanish

On 12/11/2009 1:19:46 PM, Richard Goodwin (

 Which do you think works better for making EIS, DC that you have to 
 polarity on every minute or so, or AC, assuming everything else is 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: ac or dc?

2009-12-14 Thread Marshall Dudley

Richard Goodwin wrote:
I was thinking high voltage AC, like 10-15 kv. 

Perhaps the 60 hz ac doesn't work well because it switch so fast, it 
doesn't give the silver particles time to separate far enough from 
their electrodes, and they plate right back onto them in the reverse 
Yes that is the reason unless the voltages are high enough to get them 
away from the layer which basically does not move with convection.

If that is the case, then better stirring, or flowing of the water 
might help.
It helps if the frequency is not too high for the voltage. But it does 
little if the ions don't have time to move out of the layer of water 
next to the electrode which hardly moves with stirring.
I haven't tried ac yet, but will as soon as I can get a transformer.  
I keep missing them on ebay. :-)

Go to a sign company that does neon signs. They replace signs and 
usually have a bunch of old used transformers that they will give you 
for free. 15,000 is best, but 12,000 will work.  Remember that these 
transformers name plate voltage is around 50% over the full load voltage.
I use DC now -- high voltage to start a fresh batch, and gradually 
lower it to limit the current.  Electrophoresis power supplies are 
readily available on ebay.  Switching polarity makes them work much 
better.  So one question would be:  what is the optimum switching rate? 

For what voltage? The rate is proportional to the voltage.



*From:* Alchemysa
*Sent:* Fri, December 11, 2009 6:48:52 PM
*Subject:* CSRe: ac or dc?

Genuine low voltage AC doesn't work at all. (i.e. a low voltage 
50/60hz. AC wall adaptor). There a few low voltage AC adaptors around 
so don't mistakenly try to use one.

It has to be DC (or DC with polarity swapping).


 From: Richard Goodwin

 Date: 12 December 2009 4:49:46 AM
 Subject: CSac or dc?

 Which do you think works better for making EIS, DC that you have to 
switch polarity on every minute or so, or AC, assuming everything else 
is equal?


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CSCancer Can Be Beaten | The Dr. Rath Health Foundation

2009-12-14 Thread Brooks Bradley
   Although this talk was given, by Mathias Rath, in 2002...the 
only change, since then, seems to be that the geneal situation involving 
allopathic attempts at treatment.are just

continuing to fail-as an effective address for overcoming
carcinoma and its effects.
 Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSDentists - Lingual Nerve

2009-12-14 Thread Marshall Dudley
Well, if you have a group of people working toward a common goal it is 
either co-operation if the goal is positive, or a conspiracy if the goal 
is negative.  The word conspiracy is a charged word that is used by 
those who are often behind conspiracies to make them seem laughable.


Richard Goodwin wrote:
And it's not a conspiracy theory, unless you consider that a big 
company, all of whose people collaborate to generate profits, is a 


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCranial Laser reflex Technique; muscle frequencies;

2009-12-14 Thread Rowena
Not familiar myself. Check the videos and see what you think.  If in 
doubt - experiment!


MaryAnn Helland wrote:
Hmmm -- I have an older model Respond low-level laser light unit.  Is 
this what he's referring to?  Think my unit can be used this way?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: ac or dc?

2009-12-14 Thread Richard Goodwin
 For what voltage? The rate is proportional to the voltage.

When I start a batch, I crank it up to 2000 v.  Then as I limit the current to 
below 50 ma, the voltage drops down to maybe 500 or less.  Depends on spacing 
of the wires and immersion depth.  Eventually I will make this more 
standardized, but for now I'm stuck with a lot of manual procedures.

Do you have any kind of graph of switch speed vs voltage?

If not I'll approximate it from your earlier numbers, which I believe were:  60 
hz at 10,000 volts, and 1/2 cycle per minute for 20-30 volt gradient.

What I really want to do is get or make a computer controlled power supply.  I 
would want to be able to write a program to control the entire process:  
initial voltage and current based on electrode surface area and distance, 
switching time, and shutoff time.

Seems like you should be able to calculate ppm according to the voltage and 
current and electrode geometry.  Is there a formula for this?  You could just 
take a series of measurements with a ppm meter and calibrate the system 
manually, I suppose.

The big thing is the computer controlled power supply. So far I haven't found 
one for any kind of reasonable price.


From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Mon, December 14, 2009 1:41:59 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: ac or dc?

Richard Goodwin wrote:
 I was thinking high voltage AC, like 10-15 kv. 
 Perhaps the 60 hz ac doesn't work well because it switch so fast, it doesn't 
 give the silver particles time to separate far enough from their electrodes, 
 and they plate right back onto them in the reverse cycle? 
Yes that is the reason unless the voltages are high enough to get them away 
from the layer which basically does not move with convection.
 If that is the case, then better stirring, or flowing of the water might help.
It helps if the frequency is not too high for the voltage. But it does little 
if the ions don't have time to move out of the layer of water next to the 
electrode which hardly moves with stirring.
 I haven't tried ac yet, but will as soon as I can get a transformer.  I keep 
 missing them on ebay. :-)
Go to a sign company that does neon signs. They replace signs and usually have 
a bunch of old used transformers that they will give you for free. 15,000 is 
best, but 12,000 will work.  Remember that these transformers name plate 
voltage is around 50% over the full load voltage.
 I use DC now -- high voltage to start a fresh batch, and gradually lower it 
 to limit the current.  Electrophoresis power supplies are readily available 
 on ebay.  Switching polarity makes them work much better.  So one question 
 would be:  what is the optimum switching rate? 
For what voltage? The rate is proportional to the voltage.

 *From:* Alchemysa
 *Sent:* Fri, December 11, 2009 6:48:52 PM
 *Subject:* CSRe: ac or dc?
 Genuine low voltage AC doesn't work at all. (i.e. a low voltage 50/60hz. AC 
 wall adaptor). There a few low voltage AC adaptors around so don't mistakenly 
 try to use one.
 It has to be DC (or DC with polarity swapping).
  From: Richard Goodwin
  Date: 12 December 2009 4:49:46 AM
  Subject: CSac or dc?
  Which do you think works better for making EIS, DC that you have to switch 
  polarity on every minute or so, or AC, assuming everything else is equal?
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Re: CSSpeaking of Oil

2009-12-14 Thread Marshall Dudley

Richard Goodwin wrote:

Why extra light olive oil specifically?
Normally what one looks for is cold pressed extra virgin olive oil.  
This is the pure stuff that has not had enzymes destroyed by heat or 

Would other forms of olive oil have the same beneficial effects?

From what I have read, the benefits if the oil is heat or solvent 
extracted are greatly reduced.

4 tablespoons of olive oil contains just under 500 calories, so if one 
takes this much, food intake needs to be reduced by about 25% to prevent 
gaining weight.



*From:* M. G. Devour
*Sent:* Sat, December 12, 2009 7:59:16 AM
*Subject:* Re: CSSpeaking of Oil

Hi Steve,

 ... for a period of some months I consumed 2 tablespoons of extra light
 olive oil two times a day. 

 Then I had my annual physical. My doctor was extremely pleased
 with my bloodwork.   My blood cholesterol has never been a big issue but
 has hovered around 200 for years.   This time round it was a mere 147.  
 I can only look to the ingestion of the olive oil as the likely

 candidate for this change.

That number is actually kinda low, by some authorities. If you talked
to Hal Huggins, for instance, he'd tell you it should be around 220 or
so to be healthiest.

I've heard that, below about 180 or so, you actually experience an
increase in the risk of heart attack, I believe.

 My triglycerides were also really low at about 80.  

That's certainly a good number! Are you finding that you're able to
resist the temptation of carbohydrates better on that regemin? High
carb consumption is usually the immediate cause of high triglycerides.

  I have never taken statins and never intend to as I believe
 them to be harmful and at best merely hide a problem instead of
 correcting one.   It's my belief that high cholesterol in itself is not
 the cause of a health problem, but is rather a symptom of a health

Agreed on all counts.

How is your blood pressure. Any effects on that?


Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSac or dc?

2009-12-14 Thread Richard Goodwin
I'm happy with whatever works well for people.  And I'm trying to learn all I 
can from this list.

DC has been working well for me, so I just need to get a better power supply 
that I can automate the way I want.


From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Mon, December 14, 2009 1:33:09 PM
Subject: Re: CSac or dc?

This confirms what I said previously.  LVDC produces higher ionic content and 
smaller particles than HVAC.  That site rates collidal silver by the amount of 
colloid it contains, so they rate the HVAC higher.  However almost everyone 
here will dispute that higher colloid content means better EIS, and the HVAC 
produces larger particles as well as higher percentage of colloid, so it can be 
argued either way depending on if you consider high colloid content a plus or a 


Richard Goodwin wrote:
  The answer is DC.
 Really?  One of  your references you listed, the SilverColloids-s.pdf, on 
 page 25, states:
 AC- or DC produced solloidal silver
 In the marketplace today are found advertisements for
 colloidal silver products produced using alternating current
 [AC] and direct current [DC] or devices to make colloidal
 silver.  The DC-produced colloidal silver products that we
 have tested for this study had the highest value of ionic
 [dissolved] silver present [up to 17 ppm] and did not have
 highly rated colloidal silver.  All of the highest 4-star rated
 colloidal silver products tested were produced utilizing the
 AC process.
 *Sent:* Fri, December 11, 2009 6:24:05 PM
 *Subject:* Re: CSac or dc?
 The answer is DC.
 If you didn't know that, you are woefully behind in your understanding
 of CS creation and your research.
 When you are not looking at it, this sentence is in Spanish
 On 12/11/2009 1:19:46 PM, Richard Goodwin (
  Which do you think works better for making EIS, DC that you have to switch
  polarity on every minute or so, or AC, assuming everything else is equal?
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: ac or dc?

2009-12-14 Thread Marshall Dudley

Richard Goodwin wrote:

 For what voltage? The rate is proportional to the voltage.

When I start a batch, I crank it up to 2000 v.  Then as I limit the 
current to below 50 ma, the voltage drops down to maybe 500 or less.  
Depends on spacing of the wires and immersion depth.  Eventually I 
will make this more standardized, but for now I'm stuck with a lot of 
manual procedures.

Do you have any kind of graph of switch speed vs voltage?
I don't have a graph, I really don't have enough data points to make a 
graph.  I think you are making it a lot more difficult than need be.  If 
you use a simply current controlled supply with about 35 volts source 
voltage ( which can be made using one resistor and a 7805 regulator) and 
either spike the stuff to start with, or even better flow the water 
through the cell, it is very easy to make consistant high quality and 
high quantity EIS.

If not I'll approximate it from your earlier numbers, which I believe 
were:  60 hz at 10,000 volts, and 1/2 cycle per minute for 20-30 volt 

Yes, those are the two data points.

What I really want to do is get or make a computer controlled power 
supply.  I would want to be able to write a program to control the 
entire process:  initial voltage and current based on electrode 
surface area and distance, switching time, and shutoff time.
You cannot just have a shutoff time, as the progress will depending very 
much on the quality of the water.  Now if you spike it to a known 
starting impedance then it might work.

Seems like you should be able to calculate ppm according to the 
voltage and current and electrode geometry.  Is there a formula for 
this?  You could just take a series of measurements with a ppm meter 
and calibrate the system manually, I suppose.
You can compute the amount of silver from the current and time, minus 
any which gets deposited on the other electrode. The formula has been 
posted here many times, I am sure someone else has it handy

The big thing is the computer controlled power supply. So far I 
haven't found one for any kind of reasonable price.
Get an wall wart which puts out 30 to 40 volts, put a constant current 
diode in series with it, put a timer relay after that set to switch 
every 60 seconds, and get a magnetic pump and a flow meter and flow the 
water through the jug at a constant rate ( approximately 20 gallons per 
hour per amp for 10-12 ppm EIS). Make sure you have enough anode to keep 
it under 1 mA per square inch of active area.  Monitor the ppm by the 
voltage the current gives, and adjust the flow rate for the desired 
ppm.  Very easy, reliable, fast and consistent.



*From:* Marshall Dudley
*Sent:* Mon, December 14, 2009 1:41:59 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSRe: ac or dc?

Richard Goodwin wrote:
 I was thinking high voltage AC, like 10-15 kv.
 Perhaps the 60 hz ac doesn't work well because it switch so fast, it 
doesn't give the silver particles time to separate far enough from 
their electrodes, and they plate right back onto them in the reverse 
Yes that is the reason unless the voltages are high enough to get them 
away from the layer which basically does not move with convection.

 If that is the case, then better stirring, or flowing of the water 
might help.
It helps if the frequency is not too high for the voltage. But it does 
little if the ions don't have time to move out of the layer of water 
next to the electrode which hardly moves with stirring.
 I haven't tried ac yet, but will as soon as I can get a 
transformer.  I keep missing them on ebay. :-)

Go to a sign company that does neon signs. They replace signs and 
usually have a bunch of old used transformers that they will give you 
for free. 15,000 is best, but 12,000 will work.  Remember that these 
transformers name plate voltage is around 50% over the full load voltage.
 I use DC now -- high voltage to start a fresh batch, and gradually 
lower it to limit the current.  Electrophoresis power supplies are 
readily available on ebay.  Switching polarity makes them work much 
better.  So one question would be:  what is the optimum switching rate?

For what voltage? The rate is proportional to the voltage.



 *From:* Alchemysa

 *Sent:* Fri, December 11, 2009 6:48:52 PM
 *Subject:* CSRe: ac or dc?

 Genuine low voltage AC doesn't work at all. (i.e. a low voltage 
50/60hz. AC wall adaptor). There a few low voltage AC adaptors around 
so don't mistakenly try to use one.

 It has to be DC (or DC with polarity swapping).


  From: Richard Goodwin 

Re: CSCancer Can Be Beaten | The Dr. Rath Health Foundation

2009-12-14 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
This is brilliant Brooks!  I have kept it.  dee

On 14 Dec 2009, at 18:43, Brooks Bradley wrote:

   Although this talk was given, by Mathias Rath, in 2002...the only 
 change, since then, seems to be that the geneal situation involving 
 allopathic attempts at treatment.are just
 continuing to fail-as an effective address for overcoming
 carcinoma and its effects.
 Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSInfo on Yeast treatments

2009-12-14 Thread Leslie
What is MCS?  Does anyone know the two types of good bacteria that balances 
the bacteria; this was discovered not too long ago so is not in all 
acidolphis. I had info concerning this but cannot find where I learned this.

- Original Message - 
From: Garnet_LDN

Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 11:38 AM
Subject: Re: CSInfo on Yeast treatments

One of the challenges in treating Candida over growth is
getting the supplements or treatments to the yeast. Much
of it occurs in areas that are difficult to get to in any concentration.

Enemas can help because they can reach areas of the colon
more effectively.

Allergies and Candida by Rochlitz is a very good book that includes some
meridian balancing maneuvers easily done at home. They
helped me a great deal. I also used urine enemas. For more
on that there is a list on Yahoo. I read a book called Your
Own Perfect Medicine by Christy after hearing of some curing their
MCS using this method. MCS can sometimes be caused
by Leaky Gut Syndrome from Candida.


Leslie wrote:
Thank you Annie as I feel I am fighting fungus so have been looking for 
things to kill this and in so doing caused an imbalance of bacteria. Do 
you take the caprylic acid by mouth? I will be checking out that site for 
sure and thanks. Leslie
- Original Message - From: Annie B Smythe

To: CS List
Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2009 9:14 PM
Subject: CSInfo on Yeast treatments

Ok so I found this website..

Some great info on yeast, fungal, bacteria, and parasite infections..

They sell no products, but they do tell you what stuff works for each 
thing... I do believe this is one of the most useful websites I've found 
on the subjects.

Caprylic acid works by dissolving the yeast cell wall much like 
proteases or cellulases would and it's much cheaper than either of 
those. I'd start with simple first, and if that doesn't work move up to 
combinations of things. Just sayin'. Of course CS should work on 
bacteria. But I'm not sure about yeast or parasites.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSInfo on Yeast treatments

2009-12-14 Thread Garnet_LDN

MCS = Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

There are many strains of beneficial bacteria and yeast in 
the gut beside acidophilous. Each actually occupies a

certain segment. It can get highly specific and involved.


Follow us on twitter

LDNNow, a patient and friend led organisation, not a 
charity, which has no funding and no affiliation to any 
company or organisation, but rather  a group of concerned 
individuals focussed on improving the health of those who 
suffer from the many disease and conditions that LDN treats

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Leslie wrote:
What is MCS?  Does anyone know the two types of good bacteria that 
balances the bacteria; this was discovered not too long ago so is not in 
all acidolphis. I had info concerning this but cannot find where I 
learned this.

- Original Message - From: Garnet_LDN
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 11:38 AM
Subject: Re: CSInfo on Yeast treatments

One of the challenges in treating Candida over growth is
getting the supplements or treatments to the yeast. Much
of it occurs in areas that are difficult to get to in any concentration.

Enemas can help because they can reach areas of the colon
more effectively.

Allergies and Candida by Rochlitz is a very good book that includes some
meridian balancing maneuvers easily done at home. They
helped me a great deal. I also used urine enemas. For more
on that there is a list on Yahoo. I read a book called Your
Own Perfect Medicine by Christy after hearing of some curing their
MCS using this method. MCS can sometimes be caused
by Leaky Gut Syndrome from Candida.


Leslie wrote:
Thank you Annie as I feel I am fighting fungus so have been looking 
for things to kill this and in so doing caused an imbalance of 
bacteria. Do you take the caprylic acid by mouth? I will be checking 
out that site for sure and thanks. Leslie
- Original Message - From: Annie B Smythe

To: CS List
Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2009 9:14 PM
Subject: CSInfo on Yeast treatments

Ok so I found this website..

Some great info on yeast, fungal, bacteria, and parasite infections..

They sell no products, but they do tell you what stuff works for 
each thing... I do believe this is one of the most useful websites 
I've found on the subjects.

Caprylic acid works by dissolving the yeast cell wall much like 
proteases or cellulases would and it's much cheaper than either of 
those. I'd start with simple first, and if that doesn't work move up 
to combinations of things. Just sayin'. Of course CS should work on 
bacteria. But I'm not sure about yeast or parasites.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour


2009-12-14 Thread khoshaba mirza
Please subscribe me from the list.


CSOT Mental Clarity

2009-12-14 Thread Jeff Maahs

I was wondering if anyone had something that's worked for them in helping with 
mental clarity. Increasing it actually.




2009-12-14 Thread mukta1

See also

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSOT Mental Clarity

2009-12-14 Thread Steve

Do some googling on colloidal gold, which has quite a reputation of doing just 

Steve G.

--- On Mon, 12/14/09, Jeff Maahs wrote:

From: Jeff Maahs
Subject: CSOT Mental Clarity
Date: Monday, December 14, 2009, 4:32 PM

I was wondering if anyone had something that's worked for them in helping with 
mental clarity. Increasing it actually.




Re: CSOT Mental Clarity

2009-12-14 Thread
Jeff, Mental clarity means so many different things! 
I go by the old remedy ofincreasing oxygen and nutrients to the brain and let 
it do the trick.
I take a daily combo of:
Gingko Biloba 24/6% extract 120 mg
Vinpocetina 30 mg
Bacopa Monnieri200 mg
and Cayenne 50,000 HU 500 mg

This blend does the trick for me. 
Others need to take choline supplents like phosphatidyl chloline. Others need 
acetyl carnitine to increase the metabolic effciency of the neurons, etc.
Exercise to increase blood flow to the brain is essential. Upside down swing 
beds are excellent.
If the blood is too thick (hypercoagulability) take digestive enzymes in an 
empty stomach and /or Nattokinase enzymes.

Most common problems witth clarity, in our society, have to do with 
insufficient blood flow. All of the above will help. carful is taking blood 
thinners or bleed easiliy.

God luck
Frank ND- Original Message - 
  From: Jeff Maahs 
  Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 4:32 PM
  Subject: CSOT Mental Clarity

  I was wondering if anyone had something that's worked for them in helping 
with mental clarity. Increasing it actually.


Re: CSSpeaking of Oil

2009-12-14 Thread Steve

Seth Roberts, the guy behind the Shangrila 'diet' believes that  the 
consumption of flavorless food in-between meals tricks the body into lowering 
it's weight set-point.   I do not know whether that is true or not.  I do know 
that most people who follow this regimen does result in a diminished appetite 
at their other meals, thereby reducing overall caloric intake without having 
requiring the dieter to avoid any particular foods.

I have thought about this some.   From what I can tell, thin people tend to eat 
smaller meals, but more frequently.   In general, we are told that many small 
meals are much better for us than 2 or 3 large ones.    I figure that by taking 
in the flavorless food in-between meals as called for by the protocol results 
in the person consuming the equivalent of 5 or 6 small meals a day.

So does it work because the set point was lowered, or does it work because the 
person is consuming many mini meals?    I don't know.

If someone is curious and wants to experiment, I suggest trying it out and 
seeing what they think.    To get a better feel for following such a regimen, I 
recommend going to the bulletin board  maintained by the guy who wrote the 
book. -

The guy discovered the phenomenon by accident while vacationing in France.  He 
was thirsty between meals and drank various samples of French soda pop.  This 
stuff had unfamiliar flavors, and he ended up feeling less hungry at 
mealtime.    Whether he understands how this really works or not is another 
issue.  Could be that the soda in France is sweetened with real sugar rather 
than High Fructose Corn Syrup... and HFCS is yet another entirely different 


--- On Mon, 12/14/09, Marshall Dudley wrote:

From: Marshall Dudley
Subject: Re: CSSpeaking of Oil
Date: Monday, December 14, 2009, 2:08 PM

Richard Goodwin wrote:
 Why extra light olive oil specifically?
Normally what one looks for is cold pressed extra virgin olive oil.  This is 
the pure stuff that has not had enzymes destroyed by heat or chemicals.
 Would other forms of olive oil have the same beneficial effects?

From what I have read, the benefits if the oil is heat or solvent extracted 
are greatly reduced.

4 tablespoons of olive oil contains just under 500 calories, so if one takes 
this much, food intake needs to be reduced by about 25% to prevent gaining 

 *From:* M. G. Devour
 *Sent:* Sat, December 12, 2009 7:59:16 AM
 *Subject:* Re: CSSpeaking of Oil
 Hi Steve,
  ... for a period of some months I consumed 2 tablespoons of extra light
  olive oil two times a day. 
  Then I had my annual physical.     My doctor was extremely pleased
  with my bloodwork.   My blood cholesterol has never been a big issue but
  has hovered around 200 for years.   This time round it was a mere 147.   I 
  can only look to the ingestion of the olive oil as the likely
  candidate for this change.
 That number is actually kinda low, by some authorities. If you talked
 to Hal Huggins, for instance, he'd tell you it should be around 220 or
 so to be healthiest.
 I've heard that, below about 180 or so, you actually experience an
 increase in the risk of heart attack, I believe.
  My triglycerides were also really low at about 80.  
 That's certainly a good number! Are you finding that you're able to
 resist the temptation of carbohydrates better on that regemin? High
 carb consumption is usually the immediate cause of high triglycerides.
   I have never taken statins and never intend to as I believe
  them to be harmful and at best merely hide a problem instead of
  correcting one.   It's my belief that high cholesterol in itself is not
  the cause of a health problem, but is rather a symptom of a health
 Agreed on all counts.
 How is your blood pressure. Any effects on that?
 Mike D.
 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [                        ]
 [Speaking only for myself...              ]
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour


Re: CSCayenne Pepper

2009-12-14 Thread Steve

Like Frank,  I am likely to take Cayenne Pepper pills, but for a different 
reason.  I have pervasive seasonal allergies that tends to make me stuffy in 
the spring and fall and cause sinus headaches.  Such a pain!

Eventually I discovered Sinus Buster, which is a very dilute spray with a tiny 
bit of capsaicin in it.  Holy M. O. G!  That stuff works like a charm, but 
you're supposed to spray it twice into each nostril.  Feels like someone jammed 
a red hot nail up your nose.   The good part is that the pain only lasts a 
couple seconds, and you can get accustomed to it in time with regular use so 
that it isn't such a jolt. I save that stuff for emergencies.

To avoid the lightning bolts up the nose, I take a capsule of red pepper in the 
morning.  It's a bit more slow, and less effective but is a great 
preventative.    If that's not enough, I've taken a small dab of Capsaicin HP 
or similar cream and applied it on my forehead and cheekbones and on my nose.   
No lightning, and it works pretty good.    My big caution is to use your little 
finger to dab this stuff.  If you use your forefinger, you will a)find that all 
food you eat for the rest of the day is spicy,  b)sincerely regret it if you 
rub your eyes later on.


Steve G.

--- On Mon, 12/14/09, 

Subject: Re: CSOT Mental Clarity
Date: Monday, December 14, 2009, 5:41 PM

#yiv1032291696 DIV {

Jeff, Mental clarity means so many 
different things! 
I go by the old remedy ofincreasing oxygen 
and nutrients to the brain and let it do the trick.
I take a daily combo 
Gingko Biloba 24/6% extract 120 
Vinpocetina 30 mg
Bacopa Monnieri    200 
and Cayenne 50,000 HU 500 
This blend does the trick for me. 

Others need to take choline supplents like 
phosphatidyl chloline. Others need acetyl carnitine to increase the 
metabolic effciency of the neurons, etc.
Exercise to increase blood flow to the 
brain is essential. Upside down swing beds are excellent.
If the blood is too thick 
(hypercoagulability) take digestive enzymes in an empty stomach and /or 
Nattokinase enzymes.
Most common problems witth clarity, 
in our society, have to do with insufficient blood flow. All of the above 
will help. carful is taking blood thinners or bleed 
God luck
Frank ND- Original 
Message - 

  Jeff Maahs 
  Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 4:32 
  Subject: CSOT Mental Clarity

  was wondering if anyone had something that's worked for them in helping with 
  mental clarity. Increasing it 



RE: CSOT Mental Clarity

2009-12-14 Thread Norton, Steve
It depends on what you mean by helping mental clarity. Is it mental
tiredness or something more like memory loss?


Low dose methylene blue has been shown to increase mental activity and
reduce mental tiredness. Studies have shown it to be effective for
memory improvrment even at low doses. Here is a link to one study:


Together the findings suggest that low-dose MB enhances spatial memory
retention in normal rats by increasing brain cytochrome c oxidase

Extinction Memory Improvement by the Metabolic Enhancer Methylene Blue

 I dilute methylene blue to 0.1% and take two drops in the morning and
two drops in the evening. That dosage is derived from a study done by
researchers at Children's Hospital  Research Center Oakland:
And from other sources. A company is trying to patent methylene blue as
an Alzheimer's drug and their testing uses much larger doses, 65 mg
three times daily:


Another study for methylene blue and Alzheimer's:

Rember for Alzheimer's: Methylene Blue's Comeback

For memory loss some other good supplements are:

* Vitamin B-3 (no flush type only)

* Curcumin

* Virgin coconut oil


-  Steve N


From: Jeff Maahs
Subject: CSOT Mental Clarity
Date: Monday, December 14, 2009, 4:32 PM

I was wondering if anyone had something that's worked for them in
helping with mental clarity. Increasing it actually.



Re: CSOT Mental Clarity

2009-12-14 Thread Garnet_LDN
Gingko works pretty well by itself and is a heart 
circulation booster as well as increasing
brain circulation. It is widely used by many seniors and 
well thought of as doing what is

claimed. I buy Jarrow brand.

I have used Colloidal Gold and enjoyed the effects but it is 
expensive. It also has a mood
balancing effect. One study was said to have shown a 20% 
increase on IQ tests.

There are also a range of amino acids that will drive 
production of various neurotransmitters.
Also Omeg 3's are helpful. You can read about some of this 

He has lots of great articles on improving and protecting 
brain function:

The cost of some of amino acid supplements can get high so 
finding them in bulk helps.


Follow us on twitter

LDNNow, a patient and friend led organisation, not a 
charity, which has no funding and no affiliation to any 
company or organisation, but rather  a group of concerned 
individuals focussed on improving the health of those who 
suffer from the many disease and conditions that LDN treats

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Jeff Maahs wrote:

I was wondering if anyone had something that's worked for them in 
helping with mental clarity. Increasing it actually.


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSOT Mental Clarity

2009-12-14 Thread Craig Chamberlin

>From Brooks Bradley:


Memory Boosters

Brooks Bradley

Thu, 12 Nov 2009 14:58:29 -0600





 Recently, we completed some limited, short-term evaluations of a
number of "memory enhancing" substances...including

some from the pharmaceutical community---but most from the natural
plant community. At least eight of the plant candidates demonstrated
sufficient value to recommend their utilization. However, two
demonstrated to be far and away more effective

than the restat least in our evaluations. Our primary concern was
in areas of short-term recall and speed of recognition. The champion
turned out to be bacopa monnieri..a herb which has been used in
ancient Asiatic medical practice for several thousands of years.
Using the extract of this plant ONLY , we were able to witness

of 40% in the test group over those in the control group. Our test,
similar to the one conducted by an Australian group...yielded these
results based on calendar time. e.g. Test group time required for
baseline results===6 days. Control Group time required for

baseline results10 days. The next best protocol using a SINGLE
component...demonstrated to be essential oil of the Rose

flower. The Rose essential oil yielded an average 11% net increase in
short-term memory gain. If you do not think that is a very significant
increaseI suggest that during your next business presentation
relating to the technical parameters of your profession

that you consider the effect of 10 objective errors out of a population
of 100 total references! Or even more distasteful..not even

remembering to include their subjects.

 Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

p.s. When combined with several other brain-enhancing
substancessuch as Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphorylcholine (Alpha-GPC),
Ginkgo Biloba and vinpocetine, we achieved over 70% improvement in
memory and brain acuity.

Others have reported even superior results to ours, sometimes using
additional components however.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSOT Mental Clarity

2009-12-14 Thread Jeff Maahs
Thank you all for the information. I'm starting to go through it now.

More information: What I mean is ability to focus. Usually I'll have trouble 
concentrating on something I'm reading, like
my screen at work while programming. Other times it might be a book or
long email.

I'm 48. Stopped smoking 5 years ago and gained weight. I've told the doctor 
maybe it's the crestor and he says its not enough blood to the brain cause I'm 
fat. (Yeah he tells it like it is so I stay with him.)

I've been taking Ginko (~120 mg/day) and Omega 3 along with some other 

From: Norton, Steve
Sent: Mon, December 14, 2009 5:50:32 PM
Subject: RE: CSOT Mental Clarity

depends on what you mean by helping mental clarity. Is it mental tiredness or
something more like memory loss?


Re: CSOT Mental Clarity

2009-12-14 Thread Craig Chamberlin

Hi Jeff,

You may also want to get on the iodine list at
of what you are describing "could" be attributed to hypothyroid, iodine
deficiency, etc. It is a bit overwhelming, but filled with information
about how to get OTC testing (saliva) and what taking Iodoral (Lugol's
in the form of a tablet)

It has worked for me, as has the alkalizing water from an ionizing
water filter, which Marshall has detailed in a previous message.

Also may want to check the side effects of Crestor:)

Good luck,


Jeff Maahs wrote:

  Thank you all for the information. I'm starting to go through it
More information: What I mean is ability to focus. Usually I'll have
trouble concentrating on something I'm reading, like
my screen at work while programming. Other times it might be a book or
long email.
I'm 48. Stopped smoking 5 years ago and gained weight. I've told the
doctor maybe it's the crestor and he says its not enough blood to the
brain cause I'm fat. (Yeah he tells it like it is so I stay with him.)
I've been taking Ginko (~120 mg/day) and Omega 3 along with some other

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSsaliva thyroid test?

2009-12-14 Thread jessie70
Craig where do you get OTC saliva testing for thyroid? I've only heard of
blood or urine. Jess
  -Original Message-
  From: Craig Chamberlin []
  Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 9:07 PM
  Subject: Re: CSOT Mental Clarity

  Hi Jeff,

  You may also want to get on the iodine list at of
what you are describing could be attributed to hypothyroid, iodine
deficiency, etc.  It is a bit overwhelming, but filled with information
about how to get OTC testing (saliva) and what taking Iodoral (Lugol's in
the form of a tablet)

  It has worked for me, as has the alkalizing water from an ionizing water
filter, which Marshall has detailed in a previous message.

  Also may want to check the side effects of Crestor:)

  Good luck,


  Jeff Maahs wrote:
Thank you all for the information. I'm starting to go through it now.

More information: What I mean is ability to focus. Usually I'll have
trouble concentrating on something I'm reading, like my screen at work while
programming. Other times it might be a book or long email.

I'm 48. Stopped smoking 5 years ago and gained weight. I've told the
doctor maybe it's the crestor and he says its not enough blood to the brain
cause I'm fat. (Yeah he tells it like it is so I stay with him.)

I've been taking Ginko (~120 mg/day) and Omega 3 along with some other

  -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post,
address your message to: Address Off-Topic messages
to: The Silver List and Off Topic List
archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSOT Mental Clarity

2009-12-14 Thread Peter Converse
Hi Jeff,

I found that liposomic vitamin C does wonders to improve mental clarity. 
Exercise, such as rebounding on a mini-trampoline works well for me as well. 
Walking outdoors briskly also works well.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jeff Maahs 
  Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 4:32 PM
  Subject: CSOT Mental Clarity

  I was wondering if anyone had something that's worked for them in helping 
with mental clarity. Increasing it actually.


Re: CSsaliva thyroid test?

2009-12-14 Thread Craig Chamberlin


Fast fingers...slow brain:) These are a combination of saliva and
blood spot panels:) They go to ZRT Laboratories...but they are still
OTC:) Sorry for the mislead.


jessie70 wrote:

  Craig where do you get OTC saliva testing for thyroid?
I've only heard of blood or urine. Jess
-Original Message-
From: Craig Chamberlin
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: CSOT Mental Clarity

Hi Jeff,

You may also want to get on the iodine list at
of what you are describing "could" be attributed to hypothyroid, iodine
deficiency, etc. It is a bit overwhelming, but filled with information
about how to get OTC testing (saliva) and what taking Iodoral (Lugol's
in the form of a tablet)

It has worked for me, as has the alkalizing water from an ionizing
water filter, which Marshall has detailed in a previous message.

Also may want to check the side effects of Crestor:)

Good luck,


Jeff Maahs wrote:

  Thank you all for the information. I'm starting to go
through it now.
More information: What I mean is ability to focus. Usually I'll have
trouble concentrating on something I'm reading, like my screen at work
while programming. Other times it might be a book or long email.
I'm 48. Stopped smoking 5 years ago and gained weight. I've told the
doctor maybe it's the crestor and he says its not enough blood to the
brain cause I'm fat. (Yeah he tells it like it is so I stay with him.)
I've been taking Ginko (~120 mg/day) and Omega 3 along with some other

-- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal
Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver List and Off Topic List
archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour <>
__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus
signature database 4687 (20091214) __
The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

Re: CSsaliva thyroid test? temp test

2009-12-14 Thread Deborah Gerard
Don't forget the temperature test under your arm first thing in the morning for 
three days straight.

From: Craig Chamberlin
Sent: Mon, December 14, 2009 9:29:21 PM
Subject: Re: CSsaliva thyroid test?


Fast fingers...slow brain:)  These are a combination of saliva and blood spot 
panels:)  They go to ZRT Laboratories...but they are still OTC:)  Sorry for the 


jessie70 wrote: 
Craig where do you get OTC saliva testing for thyroid? I've only heard of blood 
or urine. Jess
-Original Message-
From: Craig Chamberlin []
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: CSOT Mental Clarity

Hi Jeff,

You may also want to get on the iodine list at of what 
you are describing could be attributed to hypothyroid, iodine deficiency, 
etc.  It is a bit overwhelming, but filled with information about how to get 
OTC testing (saliva) and what taking Iodoral (Lugol's in the form of a tablet)

It has worked for me, as has the alkalizing water from an ionizing water 
filter, which Marshall has detailed in a previous message.

Also may want to check the side effects of Crestor:)

Good luck,


Jeff Maahs wrote: 
Thank you all for the information. I'm starting to go through it now.

More information: What I mean is ability to focus. Usually I'll have trouble 
concentrating on something I'm reading, like my screen at work while 
programming. Other times it might be a book or long email.

I'm 48. Stopped smoking 5 years ago and gained weight. I've told the doctor 
maybe it's the crestor and he says its not enough blood to the brain cause 
I'm fat. (Yeah he tells it like it is so I stay with him.)

I've been taking Ginko (~120 mg/day) and Omega 3 along with some other 

-- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 
Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, 
address your message to: Address Off-Topic messages 
to: The Silver List and Off Topic List 
archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour 

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature 
database 4687 (20091214) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.


Re: CSOT Mental Clarity

2009-12-14 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
If you're overweight, it could be damp heat bearing down with lucid yang unable 
to rise to the head.  Could be phlegm damp obstructing the heart orifice.  (In 
TCM, the heart is the seat of the mind.)  There are some great points for 
mental clarity, such as du 20 and sishencong on the top of the head.  The herbs 
would depend more on your overall pattern diagnosis.
Avoid greasy and phlegmy foods.  Drink more water, do more exercise, especially 
qigong or walking.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jeff Maahs 
  Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 7:51 PM
  Subject: Re: CSOT Mental Clarity

  Thank you all for the information. I'm starting to go through it now.

  More information: What I mean is ability to focus. Usually I'll have trouble 
concentrating on something I'm reading, like my screen at work while 
programming. Other times it might be a book or long email.

  I'm 48. Stopped smoking 5 years ago and gained weight. I've told the doctor 
maybe it's the crestor and he says its not enough blood to the brain cause I'm 
fat. (Yeah he tells it like it is so I stay with him.)

  I've been taking Ginko (~120 mg/day) and Omega 3 along with some other 

  From: Norton, Steve
  Sent: Mon, December 14, 2009 5:50:32 PM
  Subject: RE: CSOT Mental Clarity

  It depends on what you mean by helping mental clarity. Is it mental tiredness 
or something more like memory loss?

Re: CSOT Mental Clarity

2009-12-14 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
If it's low thyroid, there are some good formulas for that.  In TCM, low 
thyroid corresponds roughly to spleen qi deficiency.  Being overweight and 
having low energy is a sign of this.  Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang is a good formula 
here, but as always in TCM, it depends on your overall pattern diagnosis.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Craig Chamberlin 
  Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 8:07 PM
  Subject: Re: CSOT Mental Clarity

  Hi Jeff,

  You may also want to get on the iodine list at of what 
you are describing could be attributed to hypothyroid, iodine deficiency, 
etc.  It is a bit overwhelming, but filled with information about how to get 
OTC testing (saliva) and what taking Iodoral (Lugol's in the form of a tablet)

  It has worked for me, as has the alkalizing water from an ionizing water 
filter, which Marshall has detailed in a previous message.

  Also may want to check the side effects of Crestor:)

  Good luck,


  Jeff Maahs wrote: 
Thank you all for the information. I'm starting to go through it now.

More information: What I mean is ability to focus. Usually I'll have 
trouble concentrating on something I'm reading, like my screen at work while 
programming. Other times it might be a book or long email.

I'm 48. Stopped smoking 5 years ago and gained weight. I've told the doctor 
maybe it's the crestor and he says its not enough blood to the brain cause I'm 
fat. (Yeah he tells it like it is so I stay with him.)

I've been taking Ginko (~120 mg/day) and Omega 3 along with some other 

  -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 
Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, 
address your message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver List and Off Topic List archives 
are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSOT Mental Clarity

2009-12-14 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Yes these exercises would tend to get yangqi up.  Bouncing on a rebounder for 
10 minutes a day is one of the best things you can do for your overall general 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Peter Converse 
  To: Jeff Maahs ; 
  Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 8:29 PM
  Subject: Re: CSOT Mental Clarity

  Hi Jeff,

  I found that liposomic vitamin C does wonders to improve mental clarity. 
Exercise, such as rebounding on a mini-trampoline works well for me as well. 
Walking outdoors briskly also works well.

- Original Message - 
From: Jeff Maahs 
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 4:32 PM
Subject: CSOT Mental Clarity

I was wondering if anyone had something that's worked for them in helping 
with mental clarity. Increasing it actually.


Re: CSSpeaking of Migraines.... Rennies and Dolomite

2009-12-14 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Rowena and All,

Be sure to take acid with that. Otherwise most of it emerges as chalk the 
other side. 

Its better to dissolve in vinegar or VitC or even very dilute 
hydrochloric acid. Add a little water to the powder (crush tabs to a 
powder ) Ad a teaspoon of acid, stir until it stops foaming, Add more 
acid, and stir until it stops foaming. If no more bubbles appear when 
acid is added that enough. Dilute with some more water and glug , rinse 
mouth with water or juice.

I try to take this with food or straight afterwards. 

Comments are welcome.


On 14 Dec 2009 at 11:20, Rowena wrote about :
Subject : Re: CSSpeaking of Migraines Re

 Dolomite!  Of course!  I have a practically untouched container, years
 old, somewhere.  Sounds better than Rennies!  More magnesium. R
 Norton, Steve wrote:
  Dolomite powder might work the same as Rennies. It is basically 
  Calcium Carbonate and Magnesium Carbonate but with a higher percentage
  of magnesium. Per teaspoon of Dolomite: Calcium carbonate - 1100mg
  Magnesium carbonate - 630mg
   - Steve N
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Address Off-Topic messages to:
 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
 List maintainer: Mike Devour