RE: CS>CS and the Immune System

2003-11-08 Thread Rob Combis
Here is my quick view on CS and the immune system.  Our bodies use energy 
everyday to digest food, proper muscle function, proper organ function and on 
top of that fighting bacteria, virus and other pathogens.  CS helps your body 
to fight off these infections leaving energy to perform other tasks.  I will 
give an example.  I have an individual who before 6 months ago was also having 
respiratory sicknesses, bronchial infections and basic problems with her lungs. 
 She was always on antibiotics and would get the same sicknesses over and over. 
 She started taking CS and hasn't been on antibiotics for 5 months or so.  She 
also has not been sick for this duration until last week.  She got really bad 
symptoms in her lungs.  Like she was having a bronchial infection.  She was 
really scared that she was going to end up in the hospital again.  I focused 
her attention on taking CS and Echinacea/goldenseal, vitamin C and Zinc.  She 
was getting worse though.  Why I thought??  Well her body had more energy from 
not taking antibiotics and taking CS.  And her body was going through a 
retracing of old symptoms, a healing reaction or crisis.  You see for the body 
to get better is must address old sickness and areas of the body that have been 
'damaged'.  I continued her on the CS and other stuff and also had her focus on 
increasing the efficiency of her elimination organs through distilled water 
with fresh lemon and taking very hot baths with Epsom salts.  Today she is much 
better and she did not take antibiotics!!!  Her body was using the excess 
energy to address old problem areas.  I think many people do not understand or 
buy into the fact of a healing reaction and retracing.  It is real.  Many 
people think they are sick, but really the symptoms they are facing is the 
bodies way of healing itself.

Well CS is part of this process.  She also changed a few things in her diet, 
but not much.  The goal of alternative medicine is to give the body ingredients 
to heal itself.  It needs energy to do this and CS helps this process along.  
Well those are my thoughts and if one does a search on healing reactions and 
retracing, there are loads of articles to better explain what I am talking 

-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote []
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 7:27 AM
Subject: Re: CS>CS and the Immune System

  I use the 3 breaths/ 3 steps rule.
 Pick up food off the floor.
 Blow on it 3 times to remove as many crunchies as possible and sterilize it.
 Eat that thang!


At 10:58 AM 11/7/2003 -0800, you wrote:
>silversurfer1952 .   11/6/03 8:58 PM  Wrote:
>> At the risk of raising some people's ire, isn't it a good idea to let our
>> bodies get the occasional cold?  Doesn't that help strenghthen the immune
>> system?  Are we trying to *replace* the immune system by taking CS all the
>> time, or what?  I'm not attacking anyone or any point of view.  I'm just
>> questioning.  If, for example, Marshalee got a cold shortly after stopping
>> her CS, that tells me that CS doesn't boost the immune system, but rather
>> works very much like an anti-biotic/anti-viral.  Not that that's a bad
>> thing, I don't know.  It just seems to me that unless there are very clear
>> reasons for taking CS all the time, are we not doing our immune systems a
>> disservice by not challenging it with the odd cold or flu?
>Hi Elle,
>I see that has occured to both you and
>Ode Coyote. I have noticed that many CSers
>are ignoring the power of the immune system -
>let us not sell it short at our peril.
>A recent article was deploring the excessive
>use of "Germ fighters" - aerosol sprays,and hand
>soaps, because the writer  maintained that the practice
>weakened the ability of the immune system to respond
>when an invader launched an attack that our immune
>system was unprepared to deal with.
>If, as a child, I had dropped something I was eating on to the floor
>I would have been told by my grandmother --
>" You have to eat a peck of dirt before you die"
>I have been involved with the production and use of CS
>for about a year ( I bought my first generator) - BUT
>I haven't had a cold since 1955, of flu since 1972,
>but as Ode pointed out, by 1972 the only teeth which
>I had, had been made for me by a dentist !
>Not all genes are created equal !
>There are nutritional supplements whose purported
>use will BOOST the power of our immune systems,
>and a good investment they might be if some listers
>are experiencing less that robust good health.
>CS does not replace our immune systems !
>Be Nice
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
>To post, address your message to:
>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Dev

RE: CS>Fasting with CS

2003-11-08 Thread Rob Combis
I am reading this book called 'Folk Medicine' by DC Jarvis.  It has to do with 
natural healthcare.  The individual who wrote the book was a doctor.  He grew 
up on the farms in Vermont and he used to study animals and watch what they did 
when they got sick.  He said he noticed that when a certain animal was sick 
with a fever or something, it would find a comfortably place to rest near a 
water supply and just rest and drink water until it was better.  I really don't 
know how he studied this, but I think the power of a juice fast is remarkable.  
A water fast takes more dedication because your body will probably be very 
hungry.  Below is a cut and paste from the herbal remedies yahoo group about a 
juice fast.  It has a pretty good explanation on what it does.  I found it 
interesting and I hope you do too.  I know it is a little off topic, but I feel 
it is well woth while...

This cleansing program purifies the body so it can heal more easily. If you are 
overweight, this program will take you down to your normal weight; if you are 
underweight, it will bring you up to normal. The entire purpose of the program 
is to eliminate mucus from the body, which will simplify healing.
Dr. Christopher always said that there are no incurable diseases, but only 
people who think they are incurable. He offered this cleansing program as an 
essential part of healing virtually any infirmity.
The cleansing program will:
*Clean the mucus out of the body; mucus is the source of polyps, tumors,
 cysts, etc. and also the cause of allergies, disease, pain, and death.
  *Give you foods that are alive, nutritious and healthful, foods which can 
rebuild your body.
*Provide you with herbal formulas and corrective aids to facilitate 
healing and regeneration of the body.
*Release static electricity from the body to eliminate frustrations and
The Three Day Juice Cleanse
To begin, you will have three days detoxification (body purification)
thereapy, and then proceed with the diet outlined hereafter. This three-day 
cleanse is taken in part from Dr. N. W. Walker's book, Raw Vegetable 
Juices, "To Detoxicate," Phoenix, AZ:  Norwalk press, Publishers, P.O. Box 
Supreme cleanliness is the first step towards a healthy body. Any toxins 
within us will retard our progress towards recovery. The natural eliminative 
channels are the lungs, the pores of the skin, the kidneys, and the bowels. 
When we perspire, our sweat glands throuw off toxins which would be toxic to 
us if retained. The kidneys excrete the end products of food and body 
metabolism from the liver. The bowels eliminate not only the food waste but
also matter known as body waste, in the form of used-up cells and tissues, 
the  result of our physical and mental activities, which if retained can 
cause protein putrefaction, resulting in toxemia or acidosis.
Retaining such body waste is much more damaging to our helath than is 
generally suspected, and when we begin to cleanse it, we experience perceptible
 progress. One efficient method to eliminate it quickly, particularly for 
adults, is the following procedure:
First thing in the morning upon arising, drink 16 ounces or more of prune 
juice. The purpose of this is not primarily to empty the bowels, which it will 
do anyway, but rather to draw into the intestines from every part of the body 
such toxic matter as may be there, and eliminate it through the bowels.

Take one or two tablespoons of olive oil three times a day, to aid in
 lubricating bile and liver ducts.
To prevent dehydration, and to alkalinize the body as it cleanses, drink 
at least two quarts of fruit juices, preferably freshly made. You might choose
 apple, carrot, grape, citrus, tomato, etc. but for the one chosen, use it 
exclusively for the three days, and chew each mouthful thoroughly.
Use this without diluting as directed below.
If you live where citrus is grown, make a combination. Use four to six 
grapefruit, two to three lemons, and enough oranges to make two quarts. Dilute 
with two quarts of water, making one gallon. Proceed as below.
Use unsweetened juice without additives or preservatives. Bottled juice is
 better than frozen, which often contains sugar and usually contains additives 
not listed on the label. The best juice would be homemade, unsweetened, but you 
can buy organic grape juice at the health food store which is excellent. People 
have had good results using grape juice from the grocery, such as Welch's, 
Church, Tea Garden, Queen Isabell--just check the label to be sure it has no 
additives. Dilute half and half with water.
Use freshly pressed apple juice if available, from unsprayed, organic 
apples if possible. Making your own apple juice is ideal. You can also use 
bottled apple juice, if it contains no preservatives or chemicals of any kind. 
Do not use frozen ju

RE: CS>Raw Eggs and Salmonella

2003-11-11 Thread Rob Combis
I am on an herbal list that is run and maintained by a Naturopathic Doctor.  He 
has been asked many times about eating raw eggs.  His reply is to only eat raw 
eggs that are organic as these eggs have a much, much smaller chance of ever 
being infected with Salmonella.  It is something to do with the diet of the 
birds being much healthier and without antibiotics and growth hormones.  This 
produces a much healthier egg that is far, far less susceptible to Salmonella.  
If you think about this it makes some sense.  I eat two raw organic eggs 
everyday and I have never had a problem.  I know this is a little bit of a leap 
of faith but to me it makes sensehope this helps

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Raw Eggs and Salmonella

Wayne Fugitt wrote: 

Evening Marshall, 
   ( I am aware that neither you nor any one person made all the 
statements below. ) 

>I'll take my CS. I had salmonella once before CS... picked up in a 
>restaurant. Nasty. 

Did you eat raw eggs in the restaurant? 

>>>Raw eggs are a good source of salmonella. I would certainly take CS if I 
>>>choose to eat them raw. 

 Over your lifetime, how many people have you known that had 
salmonella, and how many of them got it from eggs?

I don't think I know of anyone who has not had salmonella.  In fact I got it 
within the last week from some fish i ate at O'Charley's restaurant.  I don't 
know about eggs, I just remember reading in some magazine, I think it was 
Consumer Reports, that their tests showed that about 1 in 50 eggs were 
contaminated with salmonella. 


  I realize that it is a small percent of the people who eat raw 
eggs.  Likely about .001 of 1 percent, or less.  I have been eating raw 
eggs for a few years now, so, I may be due the salmonella at any time. 

 >>>It is the egg shells that are the source of salmonella.  Just wash the 
eggs first then you have nothing to worry about. 

I know all this is good advice, if one is the worrying type.  Maybe 
I need to get it once, then I would be the worrying type.

You have never had food poisoning? If so then you are indeed rare. 


Two things keep me from worrying about this issue.  Supposedly, 
only one egg in 30,000 will have salmonella.

According to the article I read it was closer to 1 in 50.  Where do you get 
that figure? 

The cdc indicates 1 in 10,000 for internally contaminated eggs for the 
Northeast.  Externally contaminated rate is much higher. 

The second thing is that a healthy body, digestive system, 
adequate HCL,  Enzymes, and Saliva, should kill salmonella before it even 
makes one sick.

Yes and no.  Small amounts of it it can take care of. However if it has been 
multiplying for a while in a dish (or an egg), then the dish ends up with 
ptomaine, which is very toxic, and the immune system does not handle that well 
at all. 


Often I think most of this is "hearsay evidence", including the 
statements I made.

The magazine article was based on research I am sure.  They quoted rates for 
different company's eggs if I remember right. I am pretty sure it was the same 
article that said that the law need to be changed on how expired eggs are 
handled.  Apparently they are sent back to the distributor, who reboxes them, 
and puts a new expiration date on them, then ships them back out again. That 
article I am certain was in Consumer reports a year or so ago. 


Check the cdc for more information. 

Egg-associated salmonellosis is an important public health problem in the 
United Statesand several European countries. A bacterium, Salmonella 
enteritidis, can be inside perfectly normal-appearing eggs, and if the eggs are 
eaten raw or undercooked, the bacterium can cause illness. During the 1980s, 
illness related to contaminated eggs occurred most frequently in the 
northeastern United States, but now illness caused by S. enteritidis is 
increasing in other parts of the country as well. Consumers should be aware of 
the disease and learn how to minimize the chances of becoming ill. 

CS>Yeast Infection

2003-11-12 Thread Rob Combis
Has anyone been successful in treating a female yeast infection with CS?  If so 
what kind of treatment protocol?  And how to apply?   A dropper?  For how long? 
 I am trying to get as much info as possible.  A friend said she was willing to 
try it to combat a yeast infection and asked me what to do...Thanks...

-Original Message- 
From: Ode Coyote [] 
Sent: Sun 10/12/2003 8:20 AM 
Subject: Re: CS>New Member has questions?

  Hiya Kortron!


At 02:48 PM 11/11/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi folks: New here. But I'd like to ask a question or two. Whos knows 
>do's and don'ts about zapping with a pacemaker in? I've got one and 
feel a
>need to zap.
>Also what's the recipe mix to nebulize cs into your lungs? Thanks in
> Walt
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
>Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
>To post, address your message to:
>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 


RE: CS>Diabetes

2003-11-13 Thread Rob Combis
I could not agree more.  This is definitely a condition not a disease.  It is 
very easily reverseable.  There is an herbal remedies group on yahoo where you 
can learn a lot from asking questions about this.  I have learned a ton there.  
Your diet is vital in reversing this.  Stay away from carbs and especially 
refined sugars.  As you body gets bombarded with sugar in order for it to burn 
off the sugar it excretes insulin.  After a while your body develops a 
resistance to insulin and must produce more and more to burn off the sugar.  
This resistance to insulin is called, diabetes.  Here is a post from the herbal 
remedies group that talks a little about this.  --Rob
 I want to bring up the sugar thing. Eating too much sugar does make you gain 
weight because it burns off very slow in our bodies. Sugar is a carb. It 
increases your appetite and causes your insulin levels to spike. When you eat 
starches, flours, and yeasts your also adding sugar into your body.

To burn off these sugars your body puts out insulin. By bombarding your body 
with so much sugar for so long, your cells become resistant to the insulin 
thats put out to burn all this sugar off and now your body must produce more 
and more of it and the result is insulin resistance (Diabetes). When the FDA 
told us to cut out meats because it raises our cholesteral and eat more 
macaroni and such, it created the largest generation of Diabetics.

I believe (this is my own thoughts) that sugar was not meant to be a part of a 
healthy diet for us. It has only negative effects on the body and nature always 
balences things out so because sugar has such a bad effect on us, I dont 
believe we were ever intended to eat it.  I have done so much reading on this.

-Original Message- 
From: Dean Miller [] 
Sent: Thu 11/13/2003 3:06 PM 
Subject: Re: CS>Diabetes

On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 14:35:28 -0500, "Charles Sutton"

>I was diagnosed with type II diabetes last week.   I guess CS doesn't
>prevent it.   I hear the feds say there is no cure, so I know there is 
>somewhere.  any clues..??


You have a "condition," not a disease.  The condition is caused by
massive intake of carbohydrates, and it's reversed by simply not
eating carbohydrates.  Your energy comes from fats, especially animal
fats (70% of your calories should be from fats, 5% from carbs -- most
people do the reverse, or worse).  You can't have diabetes eating
mostly fats and protein.

IOW, don't eat anything with: sugars, wheat or other grains, legumes,
root vegetables (potatoes, carrots, etc), squashes.  Eat other
vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes and such to provide
the small amount of carbohydrates needed to prevent ketoacidosis
(ketosis is good for the body, as the stored body fats are burned).

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


RE: CS>Diabetes

2003-11-14 Thread Rob Combis
I think it has to do with our bodies resistance.  It is like why can some 
people smoke for 50 years and not get lung cancer.  If you eat a lot of refined 
(processed) sugars your body will become suceptible to a wide variety of 
conditions, including diabetes.  This is not to say that you will get them.  
But you will put your body at a higher risk.  There are more factors other than 
diet such as exercise, mental health, stress levels, genes, etc...These also 
play a huge part.  I think that if you have a high carb, high refined sugar 
diet you are putting yourself at risk and when you get older you are way more 
likely to develop conditions like diabetes.  Like I said before there are other 
factors...but I think the bottom line is to avoid refined, processed sugars.  
Eating fresh, raw fruits and vegetables can correct a lot of problems..

-Original Message- 
From: Kimberly Sharples [] 
Sent: Fri 11/14/2003 3:21 AM 
Subject: Re: CS>Diabetes

so why do you think it is that some people can eat tons of carbs and 
sugars and never get diabetes??? and then others do
I think it contributes, but I don't think it causes it, or everyone who 
ate lots of carbs and sugars would have diabetes

- Original Message - 
    From: Rob Combis <>  
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 1:32 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Diabetes

I could not agree more.  This is definitely a condition not a 
disease.  It is very easily reverseable.  There is an herbal remedies group on 
yahoo where you can learn a lot from asking questions about this.  I have 
learned a ton there.  Your diet is vital in reversing this.  Stay away from 
carbs and especially refined sugars.  As you body gets bombarded with sugar in 
order for it to burn off the sugar it excretes insulin.  After a while your 
body develops a resistance to insulin and must produce more and more to burn 
off the sugar.  This resistance to insulin is called, diabetes.  Here is a post 
from the herbal remedies group that talks a little about this.  --Rob
 I want to bring up the sugar thing. Eating too much sugar does 
make you gain weight because it burns off very slow in our bodies. Sugar is a 
carb. It increases your appetite and causes your insulin levels to spike. When 
you eat starches, flours, and yeasts your also adding sugar into your body.

To burn off these sugars your body puts out insulin. By 
bombarding your body with so much sugar for so long, your cells become 
resistant to the insulin thats put out to burn all this sugar off and now your 
body must produce more and more of it and the result is insulin resistance 
(Diabetes). When the FDA told us to cut out meats because it raises our 
cholesteral and eat more macaroni and such, it created the largest generation 
of Diabetics.

I believe (this is my own thoughts) that sugar was not meant to 
be a part of a healthy diet for us. It has only negative effects on the body 
and nature always balences things out so because sugar has such a bad effect on 
us, I dont believe we were ever intended to eat it.  I have done so much 
reading on this.

-Original Message- 
From: Dean Miller [] 
Sent: Thu 11/13/2003 3:06 PM 



2003-11-17 Thread Rob Combis
Well, my uncle has been diagnosed with pre-leukemia.  His red, white and 
platelets are low.  He is on an all-natural organic diet.  To my surprise and 
delight he has agreed to start taking colloidal silver.  I have a secondary cs 
generator (silverpuppy) which I will give to him tomorrow.  He has about 2 
months before they want to do a bone marrow transplant, but they monitor his 
blood levels every week or so.  So I think this will be a great opportunity for 
colloidal silver to help.  What should I watch out for here?  Should I start 
him out slow?  I want him to get up to 16oz a day or so.  Should I start him 
out on 1 or 2 oz a day?  Is the worst thing that could happen a bad detox 
reaction?  Drinking pure distilled water on top of this should help?  What 
should be the protocol?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I had to 
convince his son to convince my the door is open here...I really 
hope this helps...any reading or anyone that has faced a similar experience, 
please let me know what you did..

RE: CS>Allergy..?? ( Was Asthma ..Update )

2003-11-19 Thread Rob Combis
Hi Helena-

Thanks for the update.  Keep up the good work.  I am proud that you stuck with 
it and I admire your courage and perseverance.  I wish the people around me 
that I try to help had as much 'fight' in them as you do!!


I think the zapper and CS working together is a powerful combo and strange 
things may occur.  I have been using my terminator for a while, when I first 
started using it I got achy and stuff and I would notice other things that use 
to be problems before begining to resurfacing.  Like jock itch.  I had that 
years ago and would put the CVS creams on it.  It hadn't resurfaced until I 
started the terminator, but then went away in a few days. (I put nothing on 
it).  This is called retracing where your body goes through problem areas and 
heals them.  The areas that had problems before needs to be healed and when 
they are healing you will feel all the symptons like you felt before and maybe 
worse.  But they should go away and your body should be ready to get to the 
next level of healing.  CS and the terminator are great ways to facilitate this.


The biggest problem is when a person gets a healing reaction (herexmier 
reactions are part of these) is that they think they are actually getting sick. 
 And some times it is tough to tell between sickness(disease) and healing.  
Symptoms are the same  My girlfriend used to take antibiotics all the time 
before about 6 months ago.  Introduced her to CS and she has not had to take 
them since.  She has also modified her diet slightly and went off some other 
meds.  She is now pharma drug free.  (She use to get bronchitis, lung and sinus 
infections all the time).  So about three weeks ago she got this horrible 
healing reaction where she felt like she was getting bronchitis and felt 
horrible.  It took a while to convince her to stay off the anti biotics because 
I knew her body was going through a healing crisis.  She stayed off them, 
dranks lots of distilled water with lemon in it and took epson salt baths, 
obviously still taking CS.  It took her about a week but she started doing much 
better and has no trace of sickness.  I was initially worried because she said 
she had gotten pneumonia before after letting a bronchial infection go for too 
longso I was a little nervous that maybe I was wrong and was steering her 
down the wrong path...but I thought long and hard about it and knew that I was 
correct.  She was saying that she needed the antibiotics and for a second it 
crossed my mind that maybe she did...but then I though what the heck are the 
antibiotics going to do that CS on top of echinacea/goldenseal/vit c/ and zinc 
can't do...NothingShe didn't take them, to my surprise,and got better.. 
and, hopefully, this nudged her a little towards the 'I believe' side...


I have included a few articles below on healing reactions.  Herx reactions and 
healing reactions are related somehow (they may be the same) but they are 
basically the same concept, I think.  These articles are brief but I think they 
provide great insight.  One thing I did learn from them is if you have a 
healing reactions to stay away from pain killers and antibiotics if you can.  
These block your bodies ability to heal itself.
Take care and good luck on continuing your journey,

-Original Message- 
From: Helena Hsu [] 
Sent: Tue 11/18/2003 11:57 PM 
Subject: CS>Allergy..?? ( Was Asthma ..Update )

Aloha Jack, Rob and Mike D.,

Thank you all for your input on the nebulizer...  I haven't ordered one 
yet, due to other health problems cropping up that same week

Mike, which one did you purchase..??

As I mentioned in an earlier post...I ordered and received the 
Terminator zapper from Don Croft.  

The first few days, I wore it inside my socks while at work.  Whatever 
the reason, my skin itched and I started scratching till it was all bloody from 
knee to ankle, both legs.  Then a horrible allergic reaction set in and skin on 
both legs "bruised" (turned black & blue) and became infected...possibly from 

I suspect I may have become allergic to Iodine in seafood which I also 
ate that same week..??. I've eaten shrimps, crabs and lobsters all my life 
without any reactions.  I lost my thyroid over 20 yrs. ago and have been on 
Synthroid ever since.  Why this sudden onset of allergy is beyond my 
understanding.  Could killing the parasites and pathogens have changed my body 
chemistry..??  Affected the medication..?? Or perhaps, it's the zinc from the 
pennies..??  I really don't know.  I tried shrimps again last week a

CS>Magnetic Pulser...pre-leukimia

2003-11-19 Thread Rob Combis

I took your advice and I ordered the magnetic pulser (SOTA) today.  Nobody has 
the water ozanators in stock but I read and heard that putting food grade 
hydrogen peroxide in some water accomplishes the same taskoxygenating your 
body.  So my uncle will begin these as soon as they come in...together with CS 
and the zapper...

So here is my question.  How does one use the magnetic pulser??  Like how 
long??  Where on the body is best??  Once a day, twice a day??  I can't find 
any info on this on the web...I know this is the wrong forum for this but I 
don't know where to look...




RE: CS>Bacteria & Mental Illness & Cancer

2003-11-26 Thread Rob Combis
I think that is true, but I think that are bodies being bombarded daily with 
more and more toxins, are oxygen content in our environment being the lowest on 
record, our food supply being the least nutrious in history, and stress levels 
that are always rising, add in the rise of anti-biotics and my friends we have 
the recipe for disaster.  If our bodies were properly nourished and taken care 
of if would and could fend off almost all the bacteria and other junk it comes 
in contact with.  I think CS is a godsend and I would never be without it but 
if your body is really functioning properly it will defeat almost all bacteria 
and viruses.  God gave us everything we need to survive on this earth.  Again 
CS is a Godsend but nourishing your body with a proper diet is vitally 
important.  It can make or break usok everyone that is enough for nowI 
hope evrtyone has a great Thanksgiving...if you celebrate itif not I hope 
you have a great day tomorrow anyways

-Original Message- 
From: Heidrun Beer [] 
Sent: Wed 11/26/2003 1:43 PM 
Subject: Re: CS>Bacteria & Mental Illness & Cancer

On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 03:43:52 +1000, Douglas Haack wrote in

>As soon as you enter your home environment from outside -- wash
>your hands!! Avoid introducing the dirt and bacteria etc from outside.
>Forgive me for reminding us all about this very simple but important

Studies done in my home country, Austria, have shown that the
healthiest children are farm children, whose contact with
outside bacteria is frequent and intense.

It would not surprise me if our sensitivity to infections
were not a result of too many, but too little bacteria
in our daily environment!

The immune system seems to need training like any other
body function.

Heidrun Beer

Workgroup for Fundamental Spiritual Research and Mental Training

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


RE: CS>Help for Hepatitis C???

2003-12-01 Thread Rob Combis
I would look at the Beck's protocol for this.  It uses colloidal silver, blood 
electrification, magnetic pulsing and ozonated water in combination to fight 
any disease or condition.  It is said to be extremely effective.  I have just 
started my uncle on this, as he is fighting what they call 'pre-leukimia'.  So 
let me know if you have any questions on what to do or where to get the 
supplies or whatever.
Here are some articles on Beck's protocols.
You can fight this alternatively, however sometimes it is just hard to convince 
the parties involved that it can work.  Please let me know if I can help you 
any further.  There is a good video on the beck's protocol that is available at 
a bunch of different alternative healing shops on the web.
-Original Message- 
From: Judydownmaine [] 
Sent: Mon 12/1/2003 4:04 PM 
To: Silver-List 
Subject: CS>Help for Hepatitis C???

A friend has severe Hep C and the doctors want to do “The Treatment,” 
which, they admit, has a 40% chance of working “for a while” and then the Hep C 
is very likely to return. The treatment is 46 weeks long, painful and very like 
chemo, he was told.
Does anyone on the list have knowledge of recovery from Hep C using CS?
If so, what was your procedure?
Judy Down Maine
We have an Attention Deficit 
Democracy in this country.
James Bovard, author
"Terrorism and Tyranny"

RE: CS>Silver-heavy metal NOT

2003-12-07 Thread Rob Combis
Here is a great article on colloidal silver.
I think it does a great job in explaining everything about colloidal silver.  I 
cut and pasted the parts I though appropriate for this discussion below, 
however the rest of the article is fantastic as well.
Silver is referred to as a transition metal in chemical literature, along with 
copper and gold. They are metals that are heavier than the life giving light 
metals, such as sodium, calcium, and potassium, yet lighter than the toxic 
heavy metals such as lead, arsenic and mercury. Gold and silver are considered 
noble metals because they tend to not react easily to form compounds. The 
transition metals are known for their catalytic properties.

Although ionic silver (such as any silver compound dissolved in water) has very 
little if any catalytic effect, and macroscopic silver has little effect 
either. However, very finely powdered silver becomes a very good oxidizing 
catalyst. Starting with atomic or ionic silver, the catalytic effect increases 
with particle size until it reaches a peak at some value, then drops off to a 
much lower level when the particles approach the wavelength of light.

This is easy to explain by examining how a catalyst works. Each positively 
charged silver atom will attract one negatively charged atom or molecule. Once 
they touch, the charge is neutralized. If you have more than one positively 
charged atom of silver in a particle, then each can attract a negatively 
charged atom or particle. If a clump of silver atoms binds with two negatively 
charged particles, such as oxygen and something else, these two particles will 
no longer electrostatically repel each other, but will be brought together and 
will react, oxidizing the particle. 

 -Original Message-
From: sol []
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2003 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Silver-heavy metal NOT

   That's ok, people seem to be mis-reading my intent, I do not need arguments 
that silver is not toxic or that water can be toxic. I just want to stop 
telling folks it is not a heavy metal, if in fact it is. I have also read it 
called a "transition" metal, and the toxic heavy metals are also listed as 
transition metals on the table I sent the link to.  I sh ould have researched 
this a long time ago, and not parroted things I read.
   There is plenty of evidence that silver (EIS) is not toxic without making 
false arguments, which is what I want to avoid, as when I myself find out that 
a fact is mis-stated or false, I tend to disbelieve everything else, you know? 
I simply want to be accurate.

- Original Message - 
From: mamapug   
Even water is toxic in amounts

large enough to drown in.
Water can also be toxic when swallowed in large amounts. Here in Utah, a couple 
is up for murder, for forcing their adopted child to drink quarts of water as a 
It killed her. She was 5.

CS>lung congestion

2004-04-12 Thread Rob Combis
I have used CS in a nebulizer (along with MSM and a small amount of DMSO) to 
treat asthma very successfully in my sister.  She had a healing reaction for a 
few days, felt like bronchitis, but she continued and her asthma symptoms were 
reduced by 80% or so.
My questions is this.  My father is a carpenter who has inhaled fumes, saw 
dust, sheet rock dust, etc...for almost 40 years.  Just recently he has had 
trouble breathing and needs to wear a mask on the job site to get through the 
day.  He has serious congestion in the lungs from these foreign substances that 
are affecting his lungs.  My initital thought would be that CS wouldn't be able 
to help here because it is not bacteria/fungus related, but I am not sure.  
Could the foreign substances be allowing bacteria/fungus to prosper thus 
causing the congestion.  Would CS help out here??  
Any advice would be much appreciated


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
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Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>need help

2003-10-07 Thread Rob Combis
Check these guys out...
Why don't you make you own.  For $99, shipped to your door, you can get a CS 
maker that will make for you, great and very effective CS.  All you need is 
some distilled water and some electricity.  It is very easy to make.  Check out 
the silverpuppy if you have some time.  There are others out there but this one 
is inexpensive and easy to use.

-Original Message- 
From: Pow-Map [] 
Sent: Tue 10/7/2003 10:06 AM 
Subject: CS>need help

Hi list,
I was taking CS from Innovative Natural Products until Frank tested the 
product and confirmed it to be a MSP.  I want to take a CS from a company that 
I can actually buy.  Does any one know of any good brands of CS-that aren't MSP?
I know people will probably not understand but I simply don't want to 
make my own CS. Laziness and money aren't an issue but time is! 
If anyone knows of any good companies, please email me:
Thank you in advance :)
Thank you for all the post


RE: CS>Colloidal Master Generator - Opinions

2003-10-07 Thread Rob Combis
What is your setup for making a gallon at a time?  I am very interested in 
knowing how you do this with the Collidal Master.  I have one and I use a 
canning jar.  How long does it take for around 10ppm?
Thanks for your time

-Original Message- 
From: Tel Tofflemire [] 
Sent: Tue 10/7/2003 11:03 AM 
Subject: Re: CS>Colloidal Master Generator - Opinions

The Colloidal Master  is the best on the market  (for price) I have 
used one for years, I make a (Gallon) at a time, not a (Pint)
Tel tofflemire
Dewey , AZ   

Lisa MacDonald wrote:

Just looking for opinions about the Colloidal Master Generator. 
 Has anyone here used it?  What do you like or not like about it?  [ ] 

Looking at the information I thought this was what I wanted to 
buy as it seemed to be the easiest to use and reasonably priced.  Everyone 
seems to really like and suggest the Silver Puppy though. 

I asked these questions about the Colloidal Master on another 
list and one person thought that I would need to also purchase an aquarium 
bubbler for stirring if I were to buy this generator? 

Any thoughts?  Would I be better off with a Silver Puppy? 

Thanks for any suggestions, 


Lisa D. MacDonald 
Veterinary Assistant 
C.E.F. certified Level 1 Western Coach 
Nova Scotia, Canada 

Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of 
colloidal silver. 

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: 

To post, address your message to: 

Silver-list archive: 

List maintainer: Mike Devour  


RE: CS>howtudu?

2003-10-15 Thread Rob Combis
I think the easiest way to start for a beginner is to look at the silver puppy 
generator.  It costs $99, delivered to your door.
You do not have to be a chemist to do this.  It is really straightforward.  The 
basic are pure silver, distilled water and electricity.  Use nothing but 
distilled water when making colloidal silver.  The silver puppy comes with 
everything you need but the distilled water.  I have found the best distilled 
water to be steam distilled from my local health food store.  It cost a little 
more but it seems much purer.
If you have the money, I would also buy a Hanna Pure Water Tester.  This will 
measure the conductivity of any solution and give you a rough measure of the 
amount of silver in your water (ppm).  You can also measure your distilled 
water with this to gauge it's pureness.
I good explanation can be found here...
I have the colloidal master generator and it makes bigger batches but is harder 
to initially set up.  The silver puppy comes ready to go out of the box.
Let me know if you have any question, but I think this should get you 

-Original Message- 
From: faith [] 
Sent: Wed 10/15/2003 12:22 AM 
Subject: CS>howtudu?

I see a LOT of discussion about the profundities of CS,
I did NOT find anywhere 
HOW to proceed to make one's own.
I am new in town.
I am interested.
Can anyone help me to the right instructions as to how to make my own 
I am a teacher, I am not a chemist.
Hope to hear,



2003-10-15 Thread Rob Combis
My sister began nebulizing a few days ago with the mystique ultrasonic 
nebulizer.  She is using just plain CS.  She has bad asthma.  It seems that she 
can only use it for about 3 minutes and then her airway closes up and she needs 
her inhaler.  Is this normal for a person with asthma??  She is going to 
continue with this but I am just looking for some more info.  Should I be 
adding the MSM or DMSO??  I figured I would just start her out with straight CS 
but maybe the MSM or DMSO would aid her??  Do I use the powdered MSM and mix it 
in with the CS?

I am just looking for some more info b/c my sister called me tonight and gave 
me some feedback.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Nebulizing

2003-10-16 Thread Rob Combis
That is funny.  I got a vicks ultrasonic humidifier and have put some CS in it. 
 It does have a charcoal filter but I removed it because I thought it might 
remove the silver.  I had no idea though...thanks for the makes 
sense and now I know.

-Original Message- 
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Thu 10/16/2003 1:31 PM 
Subject: Re: CS>Nebulizing

Check if the unit has a filter in it. If so remove it, it is likely a 
filter that will remove the silver.


kittykat wrote:

> Having lurked on this list, I knew when I got a cold 2 1/2 weeks ago I
> needed to get something to get the CS down into my lungs to get rid 
of the
> cold before it turned into an asthma problem too as it often does.  I 
> a sunbeam ultrasonic humidifier and modified it to have a hose at the 
> of the mister so I didn't have to stick my face in the machine.  I 
used that
> humidifer for over one week, and I got no relief.  In fact I had 
coughing so
> bad, I couldn't breathe.  So two days ago I went to my doctor who 
wrote a
> prescription for a nebulizer.  It was delivered that night and I 
> put CS in it and got immediate relief.  The coughing was greatly 
> and I was able to finally get some sleep and start healing.   My 
> iswhy didn't my humidifier help me?  It is ultrasonic, I breathed 
> but got no relief.  I wonder if the hose was too long?  Could the CS 
> gotten caught in the hose and not delivered to my lungs?  My hose is 
about 2
> feet long.
> Thanks for your insight.
> Debbie
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


RE: CS>Nebulizing

2003-10-16 Thread Rob Combis
Thanks, Jack and to everyone else who has responded.  I greatly appreicate your 
time and I will let you all know how she progresses.  The good thing about this 
situation is that she is sort of a non-believer but she saw how my girlfriend, 
after ingesting CS, doesn't get sick anymore and she is willing to 
if I can make a believer out her, then we will have one more person who can 
spread the word

-Original Message- 
From: Jack Dayton [] 
Sent: Thu 10/16/2003 2:07 PM 
Subject: Re: CS>Nebulizing

    Rob Combis   10/15/03 8:18 PM  Wrote:

> My sister began nebulizing a few days ago with the mystique ultrasonic
> nebulizer.  She is using just plain CS.  She has bad asthma.  It 
seems that
> she can only use it for about 3 minutes and then her airway closes up 
and she
> needs her inhaler.  Is this normal for a person with asthma??  She is 
going to
> continue with this but I am just looking for some more info.  Should 
I be
> adding the MSM or DMSO??  I figured I would just start her out with 
> CS but maybe the MSM or DMSO would aid her??  Do I use the powdered 
MSM and
> mix it in with the CS?

Hi Rob,

the following is based on my experience.

When I began using a nebulizer I had been
diagnosed with asthma, COPD, and emphysema,
( long time smoker ).
I began with straight CS, approx. 6ppm and put
about 3 eye droppers full (actually about half
full ) , because that is how much I get with each
squeeze of the bulb.

As to time, it takes approximately 10 minutes
to empty the meds container.  You might want to
suggest that she use her inhaler ( albuterol ? )
about 5 minutes before she begins the nebulizing.

If you think that greater lung tissue penetration
might help her, than a mix of CS / DMSO -
10 / 1 ratio -  should increase the effectiveness,
Tell her to take small breaths the first few, it
makes me cough, then that stops.

I made up a batch of CS / MSM, but haven't
found a use for it yet. If you decide to make a
batch, begin adding the MSM a small amount at
a time and stir until it dissolves, and then add more
until no more will dissolve, and the amount remaining
at the bottom can be discarded.


Be Nice

-- Be Nice

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?

2003-10-17 Thread Rob Combis
I would look into a product called the terminator zapper and also look into 
Grapefruit seed extract to complement your CS regimine.
The zapper use electrical frequencies to kill pathogens (bacteria, fungus and 
virus) and Grapefruit seed extract is very similar to CS in its broad spectrum 
ability to fight pathogens.  I think if you attack you problem from more than 
one angle you will succeed...
Terminator is about $110 and GSE can be purchased at local health food store.  
I recommend the nutribotic brand
let me know if you would like more info on either...Both of these products have 
worked for me...

-Original Message- 
From: Smith, Michael [] 
Sent: Fri 10/17/2003 5:39 AM 
To: '' 
Subject: RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll definitely try the Gatoraid. I have a 
annoying bacterial infection which my CS is just not touching. I've been
drinking 2 litres a day of 10-12ppm for over two weeks and I feel that 
CS is holding it at bay but is far from curing it. I'm thinking that 
the strength of the CS in ppm is not adequate (and I've just ordered a 
known generator that makes 24ppm perfectly clear CS to address this) or 
CS is not getting to where it's needed hence the need for some sort
circulatory enhancer. I was also thinking of cayenne pepper. Has anyone 
tried this?


Mike S

-Original Message-
From: Richard Harris []
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 9:21 PM
Subject: RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?

Hi Michael,
Being a U of F Florida Gator, I really appreciate Jack's suggestion of
Gatoraid. I would also suggest that you try a smaller quantity of H2O2 
such as, 1 or 2 drops to a quart CS (I use 4 cc H2O2 3% per quart). For 
long time, I added nothing to my CS (which I made with only Pure Silver,
Pure Steam Distilled Water and low voltage and all users found that very
effective). Then I read Jason's statement that the H2O2 really 
compounds the
germ-killing power of CS, so I added H2O2 and the taste did indeed 
but not too much. If that's too distasteful for you, then "Go Gators! 
use their Gatoraid, and they and I will thank you!"
Best regards,
Richard Harris, 56 yr FL Pharmacist

-Original Message-
From: Jack Dayton []
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?

Smith, Michael   10/16/03 8:18 AM  Wrote:

> I've been reading a lot about how H202 added to CS enhances the
> effectiveness of the CS. Could the same be true for a stabilised oygen
> product? ie. I would normally dilute some drops of stabilised liquid
> in water if I put this into CS would it also enhace the effectiveness 
> or be detrimental in some way? The reason I ask is because I just 
> stand the taste of H202! Any responses would be appreciated.
Hi Mike,

before you try something so exotic to
"enhance" the effectiveness of CS,
you might want to try Gatoraid -
check out the archives for the


Be Nice

-- Be Nice

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 



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RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?

2003-10-20 Thread Rob Combis
If you don't mind can you let us know where the bacterial infection is??  This 
may help explain why it is only keeping the infection at bay.
I would look at including Grapefruit seed extract into your regimen to 
complement your CS intake.  It is also a strong, natural anti-bacterial

-Original Message- 
From: Smith, Michael [] 
Sent: Mon 10/20/2003 9:02 AM 
To: '' 
Subject: RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?

Well first of all there is the sheer volume of water. I personally do 
want to spend all day drinking litres and litres of water and then 
having to
run to the toilet to pee 37 times a day!

Secondly - Ronald J. Gibbs studied the efficacy of colloidal silver 
bacteria,(which is of relevance to my current infection) and concluded 
a minimum of 9 parts colloidal silver to 1 part bacteria-laden water is
required for colloidal silver to be effective in reducing the bacteria
colony count to one. He further concluded that a 20:1 ratio provided 
efficacy. Any concentration less than 9 parts CS to 1 part 
water and the bacteria colony would not be killed off totally and would 
start to multiply again. So what I conclude from this in my current
situation is that my 2 litres a day of 10ppm CS for the last two + weeks
which has done nothing but keep the infection where it is is not enough 
totally destroy the infection. So the way I see it is that I can drink 
with a higher ppm (of course the best quality, smallest particles,
completely clear) OR I can drink more volume of the same CS.
I would rather drink CS with a higher ppm at the same volume because:

1: Too much volume of water is uncomfortable for me

2: The lower ppm CS may not be enough to reduce the bacterial colony

3: Not enough CS may be reaching the the infected area anyway so 
drinking a higher pppm CS would get enough down there to do the job.

This is just my view based on what I am experiencing and what I have 
I'm not saying anything is better than anything else - I am just trying 
come to an informed solution to my problem.



-Original Message-
From: George []
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 9:05 AM
Subject: RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?

The only thing you are drinking more of is ... water.  The amount of 
(in this hypothetical example) would be
roughly the same.  Why are you assuming that 10 ppm is in any way 
than 20 ppm except in the gross
amount of silver present?  The ppm value is only a ratio of silver to 


On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 09:19:05 +0100, Smith, Michael wrote:

>I'm sorry but I don't agree. I'd rather drink 2 litres of a stronger
>than 4 litres of a lesser product.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 



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RE: CS>RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?

2003-10-20 Thread Rob Combis
Thanks, Mike.  Are you willing to try anything else to complement your CS 
I think you hit the nail on the head when you said that the CS is not getting 
to the infection.  It can't kill what it doesn't come in contact with.  I think 
I might have said this before, but I had cold sores for the longest time.  I 
can't remember when I didn't get them.  I ran into CS about a year and a half 
ago.  It has been great for me and the people around who are willing to try 
something 'new'.  Literally everyone who I make some for has been sick free 
since beginning CS.  It is amazing stuff.  But I would still get cold sores 
every few weeks or so.  I started using the terminator zapper around the middle 
of august and I haven't had a cold sore since.  I haven't changed anything else 
in my daily routine, but I use the terminator zapper.  This is my own story 
that I figured I would share with you
So I would add 2 things to your CS intake:Grapefruit seed extract ($20 or so at 
local health food store) and wear the terminator zapper ($110 online) as many 
hours of the day as you can.  It is easy to wear.
Let me know if you would like more info.  Good luck and I hope this helps.

-Original Message- 
From: Smith, Michael [] 
Sent: Mon 10/20/2003 10:37 AM 
To: '' 
Subject: CS>RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?

Yes Rob - 
It's Gonorrhea.

        -Original Message-
From: Rob Combis []
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 2:30 PM
Subject: RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?

If you don't mind can you let us know where the bacterial 
infection is??  This may help explain why it is only keeping the infection at 
I would look at including Grapefruit seed extract into your 
regimen to complement your CS intake.  It is also a strong, natural 

-Original Message- 
From: Smith, Michael [] 
Sent: Mon 10/20/2003 9:02 AM 
To: '' 
Subject: RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?

Well first of all there is the sheer volume of water. I 
personally do not
want to spend all day drinking litres and litres of 
water and then having to
run to the toilet to pee 37 times a day!

Secondly - Ronald J. Gibbs studied the efficacy of 
colloidal silver against
bacteria,(which is of relevance to my current 
infection) and concluded that
a minimum of 9 parts colloidal silver to 1 part 
bacteria-laden water is
required for colloidal silver to be effective in 
reducing the bacteria
colony count to one. He further concluded that a 20:1 
ratio provided optimum
efficacy. Any concentration less than 9 parts CS to 1 
part bacteria-laden
water and the bacteria colony would not be killed off 
totally and would then
start to multiply again. So what I conclude from this 
in my current
situation is that my 2 litres a day of 10ppm CS for the 
last two + weeks
which has done nothing but keep the infection where it 
is is not enough to
totally destroy the infection. So the way I see it is 
that I can drink CS
with a higher ppm (of course the best quality, smallest 
completely clear) OR I can drink more volume of the 
same CS.
I would rather drink CS with a higher ppm at the same 
volume because:

1: Too much volume of water is uncomfortable for me

2: The lower ppm CS may not be enough to reduce the 
bacterial colony

3: Not enough CS may be reaching the the infected area 
anyway so possibly
drinking a higher pppm CS would get enough down there 
to do the job.

This is just my view based on what I am experiencin

RE: CS>bladder infection

2003-10-20 Thread Rob Combis
I would like to know, too.  Please share the answer with the list.

-Original Message- 
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Mon 10/20/2003 10:15 AM 
Subject: Re: CS>bladder infection

Charles Sutton wrote: 

Yes Rob - It's Gonorrhea.MikeWhat I would try is using a turkey 
baster, fill the bladder with CS, and hold it for 6 min.

How the heck do you do that?  Can this be done by males, females, or 

You can email me all list if you like. 



RE: CS>RE: CS>RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?

2003-10-20 Thread Rob Combis
You are headed down the right path.  The journey may be a bit longer, but your 
body with reap the benefits of it.  Anti-biotics should be an absolutely last 
resort.  They are very harmful to your body.  You seem to understand this and 
that is good.  Please keep in touch with the list and share with us how you are 
doing and what worked and didn't work for you.  I am sure that you will find 
the right combination/application to eradicate the infection.

-Original Message- 
From: Smith, Michael [] 
Sent: Mon 10/20/2003 12:06 PM 
To: '' 
Subject: RE: CS>RE: CS>RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?

So those people who are battling HIV, Hep C, MS and Cancer etc by 
treating themselves with natural methods are messing around too? I want to beat 
this infection using natural methods without having to resort to anti-biotics 
which have always had a bad effect on me. I think I have that right.

-Original Message-
From: David Bearrow []
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: CS>RE: CS>RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised 

For gonorhea I wouldn't mess around. Get yourself to a doctor 
quickly and get some antibiotics prescribed to you!

Smith, Michael  wrote: 

Thanks Rob for the suggestions.
I'm actually in the process of ordering some GSE as 
well as some Olive leaf Extract as I've heard very good things about that too. 
If the CS, OLE, GSE combo doesn't do it for me - I'll also look into the 
Thanks again

-Original Message-
From: Rob Combis []
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 3:14 PM
Subject: RE: CS>RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and 
stabilised oxygen?

Thanks, Mike.  Are you willing to try anything 
else to complement your CS regimen??
I think you hit the nail on the head when you 
said that the CS is not getting to the infection.  It can't kill what it 
doesn't come in contact with.  I think I might have said this before, but I had 
cold sores for the longest time.  I can't remember when I didn't get them.  I 
ran into CS about a year and a half ago.  It has been great for me and the 
people around who are willing to try something 'new'.  Literally everyone who I 
make some for has been sick free since beginning CS.  It is amazing stuff.  But 
I would still get cold sores every few weeks or so.  I started using the 
terminator zapper around the middle of august and I haven't had a cold sore 
since.  I haven't changed anything else in my daily routine, but I use the 
terminator zapper.  This is my own story that I figured I would share with 
So I would add 2 things to your CS 
intake:Grapefruit seed extract ($20 or so at local health food store) and wear 
the terminator zapper ($110 online) as many hours of the day as you can.  It is 
easy to wear.
Let me know if you would like more info.  Good 
luck and I hope this helps.

-Original Message- 
From: Smith, Michael 
Sent: Mon 10/20/2003 10:37 AM 
To: '' 
Subject: CS>RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and 
stabilised oxygen?

Yes Rob - 
It's Gonorrhea.

CS>Cool stuff, new appliances have material with silver ions to kill bacteria, etc...

2003-10-21 Thread Rob Combis


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Nasal ingestion

2003-10-21 Thread Rob Combis
Does anyone know where I can get some bottles for nasal ingestion of CS?  I 
have been looking online but I have had no success.  What does everyone else 
use???  Thanks

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>cheap nasal irrigation bottles

2003-10-21 Thread Rob Combis
Thanks Shirley and to everyone who has helped!!!

-Original Message- 
From: Shirley Reed [] 
Sent: Tue 10/21/2003 4:23 PM 
Subject: CS>cheap nasal irrigation bottles

   Walmart has some very cheap ones.  They are Equate brand, nasal 
spray--plain saline.  Upright delivers a spray;  horizontally a stream;  upside 
down a drop.  I think it was only $.87 so can't complain about the price.  They 
were up quite high and sorta hidden though, so you may have to look or even 
enquire.  pj


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RE: CS>Terminator Zappers

2003-10-22 Thread Rob Combis
Below is a cut and paste from another message.  It should point you in the 
right direction.  I know from my own experience that the terminator zapper does 
work.  I feel combined with colloidal silver and GSE that it can be a potent 
attack against almost any pathogen.  However whatever you are trying to 
accomplish, collidal silver should be taken at least 2x times daily.  Sometimes 
a zapper will kill a larger parasite and when that dies it releases a lot of 
additional parasites (bacteria, fungus or viruses) from inside it.  If these 
aren't killed or you stop zapping you can run into problems.  Attacking it with 
CS is a great way to hit it from another angle and kill these additional 
pathogens.  Grapefruit seed extract consumption also adds another dimension of 
attack as it is another strong anti-microbial.  I started the terminator to try 
to stop getting cold sores.  Believe it or not, I haven't had one since I 
started using the terminator zapper almost 2 1/2 months ago!!!
(see info below)

Below are some links to some useful information.  Basically it is a device that 
uses an electrical current to kill pathogens (bacteria, virus and fungus).  It 
is pretty simple stuff and I feel it works.  There are a lot of zappers out 
there, but I like the terminator because it is small and easy to use.  I use it 
in my sock at work and/or I strap it to my inner arm or inner leg when I sleep.\ 

Some of the information talks about orgone, which is a little bit above our 
discussion here.  Because frankly I can't explain it well.  But the I got this 
model zapper b/c it is more convenient to use.  It also uses a 15kHZ frequency 
which they say penetrates better than the standard 30kHZ.  If you do a search 
for Hulda Clark zappers you will find a ton of info.  The terminator is based 
on the original zapper design and I think it is better b/c it is easier to use.

-Original Message- 
From: Robb Allen [] 
Sent: Wed 10/22/2003 12:29 AM 
Subject: CS>Terminator Zappers

Hi.I've been reading alot about these zappers..about the Mobius 
coils..?.and the orgone generator..?.what the heck are these people believe this stuff?.someone please explain what 
these things arethanks.Robb


RE: CS>Terminator Zappers

2003-10-22 Thread Rob Combis
I couldn't agree more.  You have to find avenues that work for you and find 
people that have experienced something that actually works.  If it wasn't for 
the CS lists I would have never learned so much about the wonderful benefits of 
colloidal silver.  And hearing people's experiences with it has been awesome.
I wish they had a list like the CS ones for the terminator zapper, so that 
people can share and learn about other's experiences.  Maybe we should start 
one??  I have received a great benefit from it but it works differently than CS 
and probably not as fast.  I feel that people who have had negative experiences 
with the zapper, should have been using colloidal silver as well.  Sometimes 
the zapper can shake things up and if you stop zapping for the day and don't 
have anything like colloidal silver or GSE going for you, then you will run 
into problems.
The principles behind it make complete sense when you think about.  Use an 
electirical current/frequency that is safe for healthly human cells but harmful 
to pathogens (bacteria, fungus and parasites).  That is it.  The simplest 
solutions are often the best.

-Original Message- 
From: Delmont Neroni [] 
Sent: Wed 10/22/2003 11:25 AM 
Subject: Re: CS>Terminator Zappers

Besides, when you try to look up stuff on the internet, you get a lot 
of arguments on both sides of the issue, and you don't know who to believe.  
Most of the "positive" reports on the zapper I have found are on the web sites 
of those who are selling them, and to me that always raises a red flag.  So I 
rely more on the experiences of other users who, like me, are interested in 
what works rather than pursuing profit or propaganda.  The only way to find out 
what really works is to talk to people who have tried it, the more the better.  
Thus the value of these mailing lists.
With that said, if something looks like a good idea, and if I am pretty 
sure it will do no harm, then I will sometimes try it anyway just to see if it 
does anything.  If I don't see any results within a reasonable amount of time, 
I assume it is snake oil and discard it.
That is how I found out about colloidal silver, which gave me positive 
results immediately and has continued to do so ever since. 
I am also interested in the zapper, so if there is anybody else out 
there who has direct experience with it, please chime it.  Since Rob gives it a 
positive report, I am inclined to try it, but more information from people with 
first hand experience would be welcome.

- Original Message - 
From: Robb Allen   
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Terminator Zappers

I intend to..I was just hoping that others already have 
some knowledge.isn't that how we learn..?asking questions?.Robb

- Original Message - 
From: Sara Mandal-Joy   
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 8:56 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Terminator Zappers

Why don't you do some actual research, and make up your 
own mind.  Joy

- Original Message - 
From: Robb Allen   
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 11:29 PM
Subject: CS>Terminator Zappers

Hi.I've been reading alot about these 
zappers..about the Mobius coils..?.and the orgone 
generator..?.what the heck are these people believe this 
stuff?.someone please explain what these things arethanks.Robb

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: cs>brown recluse spider bite

2003-10-22 Thread Rob Combis
Here is a couple of articles I found on using electricity on snake bites.

-Original Message- 
From: Jack Milliorn [] 
Sent: Wed 10/22/2003 2:45 PM 
Subject: Re: cs>brown recluse spider bite

WhoaI never heard of using Zappers for snake venom.  I'm not sure 
how that would work since the Zappers purpose is the kill organic living things 
like parasites.  Is snake venom parasitic?  I don't think so.

- Original Message - 
From: sol   
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: cs>brown recluse spider bite

If you can find out what current and voltage is used in the 
electrical zappers used for snake venom in India, that might give you good 
info. I have not been able to find anything though (I do terrible searches!)

- Original Message - 
From: tbass   
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: cs>brown recluse spider bite

CS Gang,

Does anyone know what kind of minimal voltage
applied to the bite will break down spider venom?
I can't see many folks grabbing onto running
automotive sparkplug wires willingly. Or zapping
themselves with a stun gun..!! 

Are we talking microamp currents here? The average 
person starts to feel voltage tingles at around 40 
(depending upon skin resistance) indicating to me there 
some current flow at this voltage level. Think this is
enough to do the neutralizing job?

Any knowledgeable comments..??

Tom Bassett

- Original Message - 
From: "Dan Nave" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: cs>brown recluse spider bite

> If a 5-9 volt wall wart will work, then a 9 volt 
battery will work.
> Just hold the battery terminals on the skin with the 
bite between them.
> The terminals should have about the right spacing.  I 
just wonder if 
> you would have to do something to reduce the skin 
resistance a bit.
> Dan
> Re: cs>brown recluse spider bite
>  From: Duncan Crow (view other messages by this 
>  Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 17:06:12 
> Electricity will break toxins. Use something like a 
herpes zapper 
> or a wall wart with about 1-5 mA current and about 
5-9 volts. A 
> Beck blood electrifier works very well if you have 
one, but a Clark 
> zapper probably lacks the power needed.
> Duncan Crow
> > Could anyone tell me how to neutralize the toxins 
from a brown
> > recluse spider bite?  My husband has been bitten at 
least once, but
> > has multiple erruptions that keep occurring every 
few days.  He has
> > a couple that have healed, one that is pretty bad, 
one that is just
> > starting to get sore.  Thanks for any advise.
> > 
> > Becky
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated 

RE: CS>Zapper

2003-10-23 Thread Rob Combis
I fell asleep with it secured to my outer, upper arm.  I woke up with a skin 
irritation or more rather a burn mark/area.  But if you move it around 
frequently, you will not have this problem.  Also I have read that, for 
sleeping, if you secure it to the bottom of your feet you will have no problem. 
 I have not needed to do this yet, as I have secured it to my inner thigh and 
inner upper, arm if I plan to sleep with it.  This has seemed to work for me.
Also you will feel it itch and tingle before it does any damage to your skin.  
So if you are aware of this you should have no problem.

-Original Message- 
From: Delmont Neroni [] 
Sent: Thu 10/23/2003 7:09 AM 
Subject: CS>Zapper

Question for people using the terminator zapper:  have you had any 
with skin irritation where the electrodes touch?  One report I read 
said the
copper in the pennies could react with perspiration and create a lot of
irritation.  The same web site offered an option where the copper is 
with silver, but said that could also darken the skin.

Is this a serious problem?  Can it be solved by just relocating the 


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>bladder infection

2003-10-23 Thread Rob Combis
Great to hear, Mike!!  Keep up the good work and keep us informed of your 

-Original Message- 
From: Smith, Michael [] 
Sent: Thu 10/23/2003 5:25 AM 
To: '' 
Subject: RE: CS>bladder infection

Hello list
I'd like to thank everybody for the kind advice given with reference to 
my G infection and also as promised give you a quick update.
Three days ago I acquired some Olive leaf extract and some freshly cut 
sandalwood. I've been taking 500mg four times a day and making a cup of 
sandalwood decoction and drinking that three times a day. Along with this I've 
been drinking cranberry juice around the clock as well as my normal regimen of 
CS. I'm happy to say that I have already seen a marked improvement. The 
discharge has decreased dramatically - it's almost nothing but not quite 
completely eliminated. I'll stick to this regimen as well as try to irrigate 
the bladder/urethra with CS using a turkey baster over the weekend.
Thanks and regards



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RE: CS>Terminator Zapper

2003-10-23 Thread Rob Combis
Here are some links where you can get one...I think the cheapest I have found 
is for $110.  Anyone find it for cheaper??


-Original Message- 
From: [] 
Sent: Thu 10/23/2003 4:58 PM 
Subject: CS>Terminator Zapper

Where can you purchase the terminator zapper?
Shizua Oliver

Doggies: Dru, Cookie, Spike
Kitties: Megalito & Tequila

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"


RE: CS>Terminator Zappers

2003-10-23 Thread Rob Combis
I don't doubt that there are instruments that are more powerful than the 
terminator zapper.  But I have not found any that I can wear in my sock at work 
without anyone noticing.  The benefits from the terminator are that it is small 
and very effective.  Its design allows users to wear it more often and for 
longer durations unlike traditional zappers with the copper handhelds.  
I think everyone should come to their own conclusions and do their own 
research.  I had bought a combo Beck blood electrifier /  Zapper that has the 
copper handhelds.  I used it for about a week.  For me it was cumbersome to use 
and I could not allocate the time in my day to do just that.  This is me, 
Maybe there is a Beck device that is more conveinent to wear or use??  Anyone 
know of one??

-Original Message- 
From: Duncan Crow [] 
Sent: Wed 10/22/2003 10:17 PM 
Subject: Re: CS>Terminator Zappers


I'd just make sure that you know the difference between a "zapper"
a la Hulda Clark and a 'blood electrifier" A la SOTA instruments.

My money is on the blood electrifier - it has magnitudes more
power. I have seen it work very reliably, and works for
external/infection purposes too.

Duncan Crow
> I am also interested in the zapper, so if there is anybody else out
> there who has direct experience with it, please chime it.  Since Rob
> gives it a positive report, I am inclined to try it, but more
> information from people with first hand experience would be welcome.
> Del

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: cs> Zappers

2003-10-24 Thread Rob Combis
Robb- I would disagree with that.  What are you trying to use a zapper for??  
If you are not sick or do not have an incurable or chronic virus or disease 
than this device might not be for you.  It in and of itself will not make you 
better.  It can help you get there, if there is something wrong.  
This is not a miracle device that once used is going to give you this burst of 
energy or make you feel like you are 15 again.  I feel that when there is an 
instance that CS can't seem to get to that adding the terminator zapper to your 
routine can push you over the edge to get at the pathogen.  If you are tired 
all the time CS is not going to give you energy just like the zapper will not.  
(A side effect of its use (cs or zapper) may be to give your body more energy 
by killing the pathogens that your body would otherwise have to spend energy to 
If you are relatively healthy, take some CS and have no chronic virus or 
disease then the zapper is not going to help you run a marathon or feel 
incredibly better.  If you do have some issues that you need to deal with and 
CS is not totally getting you there, then I would look into a zapper.  If this 
isn't the case, I think you would be wasting your time and money.
I just get upset when other bad mouth something because it did not work for 
them.  It has worked for a lot of people including myself, but it didn't make 
me run any faster or lift more weights at the gym.  It has, however, since 
beginning to use it, prevented me from getting any cold sores which I use to 
get every few weeks.
-Original Message- 
From: Robb Allen [] 
Sent: Fri 10/24/2003 12:15 PM 
Subject: Re: cs> Zappers

Hi Richard...I can't answer that question because I also have yet to
experience any benefit whatsoever from a zapper...evadently they 
work for a select fewRobb

- Original Message -
From: "Richard Harris" 
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 9:27 AM
Subject: RE: cs> Zappers

> Hi Robb,
> You failed to address the inquirer you were answering--could have been
> me--thanks for your advice and patience with us seekers--my wife & I 
use a
> SOTA (Beck) zapper & it does have pulse a square wave (Super-Square 
> output circuitry) at several adjustable low-currents--uses a 9 v 
> but converts this to 12 volts and maintains 12 v even as the battery
> drains down (this feature is not avbailable on any other known unit 
> description is in their own words--Model # ZHC5 $110 + shipping). WE 
> yet to observe any positive effects; therefore my questions as to how 
> YOU know it's doing anything. Can and how would you use a meter or
> to confirm the voltage?
> Thanks again--please let me know if I can be of help,
> Richard Harris, 56 yr FL Pharmacist
> -Original Message-
> From: Robb Allen []
> Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:58 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: cs> Zappers
> The one that you are talking about isn't a is a blood
> electrification devicezapper pulse a square wave positive 
> signaland zappers also put out much less current..Robb
> - Original Message -
> From: "silversurfer1952 ." 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 9:46 PM
> Subject: Re: cs> Zappers
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I'm interested, at long last, in zappers.  At this point I think I'd
> rather
> > make one myself than shell out an extra $100, which I don't really 
> and
> > give it a try.  I have basic wiring skills and could make the one
> > on the microelectricitygermkiller homepage without any problem.
> > (instructions are provided)
> >
> >
> > Could I get some feedback from any of you on how effective you think
> > homemade devise might be?  Any suggestions for alternative devises 
> > could make, or easily adapt which might be better?  I haven't a clue
> > one should be looking for in a zapper.
> >
> > Elle
> >
> >
> > >From: tomy thomson
> > >
> > >I use my home made Zapper on spider bites with great
> > >success.
> >
> > _
> > Concerned that messages may bounce because your Hotmail ac

CS>Asthma ..Update

2003-11-01 Thread Rob Combis
I posted a few weeks ago asking about using CS through a nebulizer to treat 
asthma...well my sister has bad asthma and about three weeks ago she started 
using the nebulizer with CS about once a day.  The first few times, she got an 
asthma attack right after nebulizing and need to use her inhaler, so I changed 
her treatment so she would nebulize for about a 30 seconds to a minute and do 
this 4-6 times in an hour or so, taking a break in between.  She is not getting 
asthma attacks from the treatment anymore.  

She called me up monday and said she was coughing up a very dark mucus and said 
she felt like she had bronchitis.  I told her that this is what I expected and 
wanted and I was actually glad she was having this type of reaction.  She felt 
better tuesday but had been coughing up stuff and still is.  Today she went 
running and for the first time in 13 years she didn't need to use her inhaler 
before and after...she didn't need to use it at all!!!  She was amazed and 
very, very happy.  She is totally a non-believer in alternative remedies but 
was willing to give this a shot b/c she didn't want to take the additional 5 
medications/steroids her doctor prescribed for her.  I am so happy for her and 
I can't wait to spread this great story around.  She stills has a ways to go 
but she is making tremendous progress!!!

I added MSM into the mix on monday, 2 weeks into the treatment.  I have DMSO 
which I may add in the mix.  The stuff I bought is industrial grade and I am a 
little nervous on that fact but maybe we can start slow with one drop added.  I 
need to do some more research on this.

I would like to thank everyone that helped with information.  These lists are 
great for info and learning.  I hope maybe this story can help others out too.  
Sometimes it is hard to get someone started on alternative remedies but they 
provide so many benefits.  If anyone is having a tough time convincing someone 
about CS for asthma, maybe talking with my sister either through an email or 
phone call would help.  Let me know off list and I am sure we can arrange 

I hope everyone has a great night!!! 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Asthma ..Update

2003-11-02 Thread Rob Combis
Hi Helen-
I bought the mystique ultrasonic nebulizer from portalabs.

It looks like the one Jack recommends is cheaper, so if he says that works go 
for it.  I have read that an ultrasonic one is the way to go, but I don't know 
for sure.

Thanks for the nice words.  Good luck to you.  

-Original Message-
From: Helena Hsu []
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2003 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Asthma ..Update 

Aloha Rob,

That's great news.  I hope your sister continues nebulizing to regain her 
good health.

I've finally saved enough to buy a nebulizer and will be ordering one right 
away.  However, before I do so, I would like to know which brand and model 
you got and why you chose that particular one.  Thanks in advance for the info.

Warmest regards,

At 05:42 PM 11/01/2003, you wrote:
>I posted a few weeks ago asking about using CS through a nebulizer to 
>treat asthma...well my sister has bad asthma and about three weeks ago she 
>started using the nebulizer with CS about once a day.  The first few 
>times, she got an asthma attack right after nebulizing and need to use her 
>inhaler, so I changed her treatment so she would nebulize for about a 30 
>seconds to a minute and do this 4-6 times in an hour or so, taking a break 
>in between.  She is not getting asthma attacks from the treatment anymore.
<<<   snip   >>> 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Asthma ..Update

2003-11-03 Thread Rob Combis
Thanks for the info on DMSO and thanks for the kind words.  I will check out 
the MSDS!!

As for a nebulizer, I ordered the one for my sister online at .  You do not need an RX.  It is 
$84.99.  That is the cheapest ultrasonic one I have found and it is working for 
her.  She started out for the first two weeks just using straight CS and then 
added in about 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of MSM to the CS in the beginning of the third 
week.  If you are going to use this therapy, start slow.  I had my sister start 
with 6 minutes straight and she had an asthma attack the first time she did 
this.  She had her inhaler ready and needed to use it.  Now I have her do 30 
seconds to a minute about 4-5 times in an hour period.  This seems to work for 
her.  After 2 weeks she started having a 'healing reaction' and felt like she 
had bronchitis but that only lasted a day or so.  She started coughing up a 
very dark mucus and still is.  Make sure that someone is around when the 
therapy is first started just in case and start slow.

Good luck to you.  I am trying to have my sister record her steps in a journal 
so I can pass on her story in a more 'scientific manner'.  I am so excited and 
happy for her.  I know a lot of people with asthma and if they are willing I 
hope to share this protocol with them so they can find an alternative way to 
combat asthma.  I hope to see a total reversal in my sister's condition and we 
will see how it goes.  I will make sure to post her progress to the lists.

Have a good night and let me know if you need or want any more info.


-Original Message-
From: Garnet []
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 9:51 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Asthma ..Update


I just had to do a sub Q administration of DMSO on my dog. The vet
wanted to IV drip it but could not hit a vien to put in the catheter. He
uses DMSO orally and IV in horses, sub q and IV in dogs and knows of
people using it orally in dogs as well. He uses the industrial grade,
not the pharmaceutical.

You may want to look at an MSDS on the industrial grade. That may be
where you will find the most info. It is a Material Safety Data Sheet. I
would also check Dr Jacobs has been the pioneer in DMSO
and has been using it in humans for many years.

Fantastic news on your sister BTW. I am thinking of trying it on my
family, all three of us have mild asthma. Got to find a nebulizer first,
which I suppose means I have to go to the doctor to get a Rx. Does
anyone know if I can buy one without an Rx?


On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 21:42, Rob Combis wrote:
> I posted a few weeks ago asking about using CS through a nebulizer to treat 
> asthma...well my sister has bad asthma and about three weeks ago she started 
> using the nebulizer with CS about once a day.  The first few times, she got 
> an asthma attack right after nebulizing and need to use her inhaler, so I 
> changed her treatment so she would nebulize for about a 30 seconds to a 
> minute and do this 4-6 times in an hour or so, taking a break in between.  
> She is not getting asthma attacks from the treatment anymore.  
> She called me up monday and said she was coughing up a very dark mucus and 
> said she felt like she had bronchitis.  I told her that this is what I 
> expected and wanted and I was actually glad she was having this type of 
> reaction.  She felt better tuesday but had been coughing up stuff and still 
> is.  Today she went running and for the first time in 13 years she didn't 
> need to use her inhaler before and after...she didn't need to use it at 
> all!!!  She was amazed and very, very happy.  She is totally a non-believer 
> in alternative remedies but was willing to give this a shot b/c she didn't 
> want to take the additional 5 medications/steroids her doctor prescribed for 
> her.  I am so happy for her and I can't wait to spread this great story 
> around.  She stills has a ways to go but she is making tremendous progress!!!
> I added MSM into the mix on monday, 2 weeks into the treatment.  I have DMSO 
> which I may add in the mix.  The stuff I bought is industrial grade and I am 
> a little nervous on that fact but maybe we can start slow with one drop 
> added.  I need to do some more research on this.
> I would like to thank everyone that helped with information.  These lists are 
> great for info and learning.  I hope maybe this story can help others out 
> too.  Sometimes it is hard to get someone started on alternative remedies but 
> they provide so many benefits.  If anyone is having a tough time convincing 
> someone about CS for asthma, maybe talking with my sister either through an 
> email or phone call would help.  Let me know off list and I am sure we can 
> ar

CS>Strring CS with an aquarium air pump

2003-11-04 Thread Rob Combis
I am modifying my CS production so that I can make a gallon at a time.  I have 
picked up some sun tea jars that are made of glass.  They have spouts but I 
don't think that should be a problem.  I want to stir the solution some way and 
was told to use an aquarium air pump to do this.  Is this safe for the 
production of the CS?  I have read that it may introduce differents particles 
from the air that could hamper the CS.  Is this true?  Should I worry about 
this?  What else can I do that is relatively easy to acquire and assemble.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2003-11-05 Thread Rob Combis
I mix the MSM right in with the CS at the time of treatment.  Like 1/2-1 
teaspoon or so...I don't use distilled water in the treatment, just CS.  This 
is just how I do it.  Also I like to mix the CS with the MSM just for the 
amount I am going to use for the treatment. 
Below is some info on MSM and DMSO from a web page...
Hope this helps,

DMSO is a widely used commercial solvent derived from trees (living plants) as 
a byproduct from the production of paper. There are so many claimed health 
benefits from its use, one has to wonder if it doesn't perform a similar vital 
function in the biochemistry of plants. If so, it may be no accident that it 
can provide such broad ranging health benefits to us. It has been written up in 
many places such as the recent book "DMSO, Nature's Healer" by Dr. Morton 
Walker (1993), and by Dr. Julian Whitaker in his newsletter "Health and 
Healing" in the August, 1995 issue. It is sold in many if not most health food 
stores in the US and in most countries around the world. Apparently it is used 
by millions of people for its health benefit properties. I have also found it 
has a profound beneficial effect in the treatment of Crohn's Disease as 
discussed in an earlier Health Note. It is commonly used for treating animals, 
horses in particular, but the FDA has approved it for only one use for humans, 
the treatment of interstitial cystitis. Since so many people use it anyway, 
this has made it a controversial subject. Possibly one reason for this is that 
no one has ever explained how it works biochemically. If that can be done, it 
should take it out of the controversial "magic" health benefit classification, 
and put it on a sound technical foundation. It is the purpose of this Health 
Note to present my new insight/views into that needed description of the 
primary biochemical function of DMSO in combination with its spontaneously 
created oxidized form, MSM.

In the Health Note for Crohn's Disease I describe a mechanism where the DMSO 
stimulates a mechanism that enhances the transport of iron from the intestine 
to the rest of the cells in the body. This is a very specialized mechanism, 
which is not the primary health benefit mechanism that will be discussed here. 
The primary mechanism discussed here is how I believe DMSO, in combination with 
its spontaneously generated oxidized form, MSM, act as an antioxidant pair, in 
the same sense as I discuss other antioxidants in the previous Health Note, in 
other words the biochemistry of how DMSO and MSM act together to enhance 

Oxidation States of DMSO

In the body, DMSO can and does take three different oxidation states. It is 
useful to think of them as being in equilibrium, with the distribution between 
them at any point being determined by the localized conditions that exist 
within the cells. The first oxidation state is DMSO itself which has one oxygen 
atom attached to the sulfur atom. The other two are 1) dimethyl sulfone, also 
known as methlysulfonylmethane (MSM), which is DMSO with an additional oxygen 
atom attached to the sulfur atom, forming a molecule with a total of two 
attached oxygen atoms, and 2) dimethyl sulfide which is DMSO with the oxygen 
atom removed, forming a molecule with no oxygen's attached. Both DMSO and MSM 
have the property of being quite soluble in both oil and water based liquids. 
However, dimethyl sulfide is hydrophobic and tends to be insoluble in water and 
soluble in oil based liquids.


It should be mentioned here that dimethyl sulfone, the oxidized form of DMSO, 
is just the more commonly used chemical name for methlysulfonylmethane (MSM) 
which is now readily available in health foods stores, and which many claim to 
greatly enhance energy. According to my theory presented here, DMSO and MSM, 
which form each other in the body, should be essentially indistinguishable in 
their biochemical effects. They reach a equilibrium distribution between them 
that is dependent on the local body chemistry, and is independent of which one 
you start with.

The Metabolic Enhancement (Antioxidant) Mechanism of the DMSO-MSM Pair

The metabolic enhancement mechanism of DMSO (or MSM) is that of an 
exceptionally effective oxygen transport system. This transport system involves 
only two of the three oxidation forms, DMSO and dimethyl sulphone (also known 
as MSM). If we consider both DMSO and MSM coexisting in equilibrium within the 
body, (as they always would no matter which you started with) and recognizing 
that different parts of the body have different oxidation potentials. Then, as 
the combination is exposed to a zone of high oxidation potential, DMSO is 
oxidized to MSM resulting in a new distribution of DMSO and MSM which is higher 
in MSM. Then as the combination moves to a zone of lower oxidation potential, 
the MSM releases its oxygen, delivering it to the metabolic processes, 
resulting in a new distribut