CS>B-6 and the FDA

2009-02-22 Thread Steven Foss
Hi Silver List,

The FDA did not say that one form of B-6 will become an illegal drug (LSD, 
Cocaine, Anabolic Steroids).

Rather, one of "Big Pharma" has applied for a received approval and this one 
from will be only available as a prescription as a legal drug when approved for 

A North Carolina-based firm called Biostratum began manufacturing 
pyridoxamine-based drug called Pyridorin designed to prevent the progression of 
diabetic nephropathy (kidney disease). The company then petitioned the FDA to 
declare pyridoxamine a “new drug,” clearing the way for them to hold an 
iron-clad monopoly on its sale. NephroGenex, a biotechnology company developing 
treatments for kidney
disease utilizing molecular profiling, entered into licensing agreement with 
BioStratum Incorporated that acquires
commercial rights to Pyridorin(TM) (pyridoxamine dihydrochloride) for
diabetic nephropathy. 


has demonstrated a significant treatment effect in slowing the
progression of diabetic nephropathy in two Phase 2 clinical trials, and
it has been awarded Fast Track status by the FDA. Pyridorin™ is one of
the leading drug candidates in advanced clinical trials for diabetic
kidney disease.NephroGenex has recently initiated a new Phase 2b clinical trial 
(PYR-210) that is
evaluating the safety and efficacy of Pyridorin™ in slowing the
progression of nephropathy in patients with type 2 diabete

The FDA agreed with Biostratum, 
and declared this most popular form of vitamin B-6 to indeed be a “new drug,” 
using the argument that its medical qualities had been under investigation 
for years before it was ever used as a nutritional supplement under the 
DSHEA, which ironically was enacted in 1994 in order to protect nutritional 
supplements from excessive FDA regulation or removal from the market as drugs.

Not to worry, said many 
observers in the nutritional supplement industry. After all, there are two 
natural forms of vitamin B-6 that can still be used in multi-vitamin 

The problem is, another drug company has already petitioned the FDA to declare 
the second 
most popular form of B-6, pyridoxal 
5'-phosphate, which is also called P5P, a “new drug,” apparently 
for the very same reason pyridoxamine has been declared a drug, i.e., it’s 
purely medical qualities have been investigated long before it was ever used as 
a nutritional supplement.

How much longer until the third most popular 
natural form of B-6, pyridoxine will be declared a “drug”? You can bet your 
boots the 
pharmaceutical companies are racing to get in on the FDA’s new fast-track for 
turning B-vitamins into drugs.

If that is the case, then B complex formulas and Multi Vitamins will either 
have to remove B-6 from their formulations or become Rx drugs.

There is a petition at 
You should also write and call your Congressmen and Senators immediately, and 
tell them you don’t want the FDA banning any more vitamins by turning them into 


PS.  There is less than 30 days to let the EPA know how you feel about 
regulating Colloidal Silver.  See, 
 for information where and how to post.


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>re: avoid gold

2009-02-13 Thread Steven Foss
Dear List,

There is a bit of difference between Gold salts used in drugs and Colloidal 
Gold, (source of information is Wikipedia (I believe the bulk of information 
which I am responding was derived from Wikipedia) 

Two gold drugs remain in active clinical use for this purpose in the United 
States: sodium aurothiomalate (gold sodium thiomalate) and Aurothioglucose, 
sold under the trade names Myochrysine and Solgonal, respectively. In the 
United Kingdom, only sodium aurothiomalate and auranofin are used.
Gold thioglucose features gold in the oxidation state of +I, like other gold 
thiolates. It is a water-soluble, non-ionic species that is assumed to exist as 
a polymer Under physiological conditions, an oxidation-reduction reaction leads 
to the formation of metallic gold and sulfinic acid derivative of thioglucose.
2 AuSTg → 2 Au + TgSSTg 
TgSSTg + H2O → TgSOH + TgSH 
2 TgSOH → TgSO2H + TgSH 
Overall: 2 H2O + 4 AuSTg → 4 Au + TgSO2H + 3 TgSH 
(where AuSTg = gold thioglucose, TgSSTg = thioglucose disulfide, TgSO2H = 
sulfinic acid derivative of thioglucose)
Disodium aurothiomalate is a chemical compound with the formula 
AuSCH(CO2Na)CH2CO2Na. In conjunction with its monoprotonated derivative, this 
coordination complex or closely related species are used to treat rheumatoid 
arthritis, under the tradename Myochrysine.
In vitro experiments have shown that Au(I) can inhibit lymphocyte 
proliferation, lysosomal enzyme release, the release of reactive oxygen species 
from macrophages, and IL-1 production.
Gold salts can decrease the inflammation of the joint lining. This effect can 
prevent destruction of bone and cartilage. In former times gold salts were used 
as second-line drugs (used when the arthritis progressed in spite of 
antiinflammatory drugs). Nowadays such former "second-line" drugs are used from 
the beginning of therapy to inhibit joint erosion if possible.
The salt CsNa2Au2T(TH) salt (T = thiomalate3-, TH = monoprotonated 
thiomalate2-) is related to disodium aurothiomalate but is easier to 
crystallise and characterise by X-ray crystallography. The compound is 
polymeric with Au-S-Au-S... chains with succinoyl groups attached to the sulfur 
Sodium aurothiosulfate is the inorganic compound with the formula 
Na3Au(S2O3)2·2H2O. This salt contains an anionic linear coordination complex of 
gold(I) bound to two thiosulfate ligands. Like several other gold compounds, 
this species is used as an antirheumatic.
Colloidal gold, also known as "nanogold", is a suspension (or colloid) of 
sub-micrometre-sized particles of gold in a fluid — usually water. The 
nanoparticles themselves can come in a variety of shapes. Spheres, rods, cubes, 
and caps are some of the more frequently observed ones.
Colloidal gold has been successfully used as a therapy for rheumatoid arthritis.
Homeopathic Gold, Aurum Metallicum was for the following:
Mind.--Feeling of self-condemnation and utter worthlessness. Profound 
despondency, with increased blood pressure, with thorough disgust of life, and 
thoughts of suicide. Talks of committing suicide. Great fear of death. Peevish 
and vehement at least contradiction. Anthropophobia. Mental derangements. 
Constant rapid questioning without waiting for reply. Cannot do things fast 
enough. Oversensitiveness;  to noise, excitement, confusion.Head.--Eyes.--
Bones.--Destruction of bones, like secondary syphilis. Pain in bones of head, 
lumps under scalp, exostosis with nightly pains in bones. Caries of nasal, 
palatine and mastoid bones. Soreness of affected bones, better in open air, 
worse at night.
The rest is at http://homeoint.org/books/boericmm/a/aur.htm

There is no listing for Gold at The Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease 

There is a listing for Silver.
Steve FossExtreme photophobia. Great soreness all about the eyes and into 
eyeballs. Double vision; upper half of objects invisible. Feel tense. Sees 
fiery objects. Violent pains in bones around eye. Interstitial keratitis. 
Vascular cornea. Pains from without inward. Sticking pains inward. Trachoma 
with pannus.Violent pain in head; worse at night, outward pressure. Roaring in 
head. Vertigo. Tearing through brain to forehead. Pain in bones extending to 
face. Congestion to head. Boils on scalp.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>re cs & antibiotics

2009-02-10 Thread Steven Foss
Hi Steve Norton,

I agree with what you wrote about NCCAM. 

The original intent was to research Alternative Medicine. From its inception, 
however, the agency has down nothing but slam anything that isn't orthodox. Of 
course there favorite reference sources are: Agency for Healthcare Research and 
Quality (a government agency), National Cancer Institute (Tool of the Drug 
companies), etc.

Basically, the NCCAM purpose is to belittle, negate, or ignore the benefits; to 
scare away the websurfer from using what ever isn't orthodox medicine. There 
are a few favorable references to Acupuncture, but not much more.


"Colloidal silver may interfere with the body's absorption of the
following drugs: penacillamine, quinolones, tetracyclines, and


The words "may" is the keyword.  

Of course NCCAM ignores a Brigham-Young Clinical Study. -- This study, 
published in the journal Current Science in 2006, found that a 19 antibiotic 
drugs which had previously been able to kill MDR (multiple drug-resistant) 
pathogens such as MRSA could be restored to full efficacy against the deadly 
pathogens, but only if a liquid silver solution similar to colloidal silver (a 
stabilized form of  CS called Silver Water Suspension) was used in conjunction 
with these drugs. 

The original study noted:

Nineteen antibiotics were checked in combination with Silver–Water
Dispersion™ solution against seven microbial organisms
for synergism.

Those combinations of individual antibiotics with Silver–
Water Dispersion™ that displayed synergism were
further evaluated through the checkerboard method.
Synergistic activity of Silver–Water Dispersion™ solution
in combination with nineteen antibiotics was tested
against seven bacterial strains, except where an organism
was known to be resistant to the antibiotic. Out of
96 tests, five were synergistic, 89 additive, and two antagonistic

To validate the results of Amoxicillin antagonism,30 mcg dilution of 
Amoxicillin was prepared in Silver–
Water Dispersion™ (32 ppm) solution. 100 ml of this combination was added to a 
single well, and kept for diffusion
followed by incubation. 
No antagonistic effectswere noted under these conditions as the zone of 
observed was 19 mm, comparable to 20 mm with a Silver–Water Dispersion™ and 21 
mm with Amoxicillin.

Whereas well B having a combination of Penicillin-G and Silver–Water Dispersion
™ demonstrates the powerful clearing ability of Silver–Water Dispersion
The study noted that  Ciprofloxacin when added to the Silver showed 
effectiveness that was additive against a variety of pathogens.  Ciprofloxacin 
is a quinolone.
Tetracycline was made even more effective with Silver 

And a more recent Iranian Clinical Study – This study also found that silver 
increases the effectiveness of antibiotic drugs against staph infections.  The 
researchers concluded: 

“The antibacterial activities of penicillin G, amoxicillin, erythromycin, 
clindamycin, and vancomycin were increased in the presence of silver 
nano-particles (Ag-NPs) against both test strains. The highest enhancing 
effects were observed for vancomycin, amoxicillin, and penicillin G against S. 
From the synthesis of metallic nanoparticles of silver using a reduction of 
aqueous Ag+ ion ).


Searching Silver on the NCCAM site references Silver build-up in the body of 
animals. However they neglect to mention these studies were based on Silver 
Nitrate was given to lab rats, dogs, monkeys.  The amounts given were 89 
"milligrams" per Kilogram of body weight.

As to Penicillamine: a pharmaceutical of the chelator class. It is sold under 
the trade names of Cuprimine and Depen. The pharmaceutical form is 
D-penicillamine, as L-penicillamine is toxic (it inhibits the action of 
pyridoxine). It is a metabolite of penicillin, although it has no antibiotic 

Penicillamine is used as a chelating agent for rare diseases.
In Wilson's disease, a rare genetic disorder of copper metabolism, 
penicillamine treatment relies on its binding to accumulated copper and 
elimination through urine. 
In cystinuria, a hereditary disorder featuring formation of cystine stones, 
penicillamine binds with cysteine to to yield a mixed disulfide which is more 
soluble than cystine. 
These are both hereditary disorders and uncommon to rare, (cystinuria is found 
in 562 out of one million infants screened). 
Penicillamine has been used to treat mercury poisoning. (So has Silver 
The only reference I can find about Silver and Thryoxine and drug interactions 
all come from the same source and are repeated verbatim on umpteen websites.  
The source? 
The NCCAM website.
Steve Foss

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org


CS>Silver Ions

2008-10-08 Thread Steven Foss
Dear Silver List,

As to regards to my earlier post  about Silver Ions vs Metallic Particles

1: Med Eng Phys. 2007 Dec 7. [Epub ahead of print] Links
Colloidal silver fabrication using the spark discharge system and its 
antimicrobial effect on Staphylococcus aureus.

Tien DC, Tseng KH, Liao CY, Tsung TT.
Graduate Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, National 

Taipei University of Technology, No. 1, Sec. 3, Chung-Hsiao E. Rd., 

Da-An District, Taipei 106, Taiwan.
Nanoscale techniques for silver production may assist the resurgence 
of the medical use of silver, especially given that pathogens are 
showing increasing resistance to antibiotics. Traditional chemical 
synthesis methods for colloidal silver (CS) may lead to the presence 
of toxic chemical species or chemical residues, which may inhibit the 
effectiveness of CS as an antibacterial agent. To counter these 
problems a spark discharge system (SDS) was used to fabricate a 
suspension of colloidal silver in deionized water with no added 
chemical surfactants. 

SDS-CS contains both metallic silver nanoparticles (Ag(0)) and ionic silver 
forms (Ag(+)). The 
antimicrobial affect of SDS-CS on Staphylococcus aureus was studied. 

The results show that CS solutions with an ionic silver concentration 
of 30ppm or higher are strong enough to destroy S. aureus. 

In addition, it was found that a solution's antimicrobial potency is 
directly related to its level of silver ion concentration.

[Article in German]

Benz MR.
Pädiatrische Nephrologie, Dr. von Haunersches Kinderspital, Müchen. 


Curr Probl Dermatol. 2006;33:17-34.Links
Silver in health care: antimicrobial effects and safety in use.

Lansdown AB.
Imperial College Faculty of Medicine, Charing Cross Hospital, London, 

UK. a.lansd...@imperial.ac.uk
Silver has a long and intriguing history as an antibiotic in human 
health care. It has been developed for use in water purification, 
wound care, bone prostheses, reconstructive orthopaedic surgery, 
cardiac devices, catheters and surgical appliances. Advancing 
biotechnology has enabled incorporation of ionizable silver into 
fabrics for clinical use to reduce the risk of nosocomial infections 
and for personal hygiene. The antimicrobial action of silver or silver 
compounds is proportional to the bioactive silver ion (Ag(+)) released 
and its availability to interact with bacterial or fungal cell 
membranes. Silver metal and inorganic silver compounds ionize in the 
presence of water, body fluids or tissue exudates. The silver ion is 
biologically active and readily interacts with proteins, amino acid
residues, free anions and receptors on mammalian and eukaryotic cell 
membranes. Bacterial (and probably fungal) sensitivity to silver is 
genetically determined and relates to the levels of intracellular 
silver uptake and its ability to interact and irreversibly denature 
key enzyme systems. Silver exhibits low toxicity in the human body, 
and minimal risk is expected due to clinical exposure by inhalation, 
ingestion, dermal application or through the urological or 
haematogenous route. Chronic ingestion or inhalation of silver 
preparations (especially colloidal silver) can lead to deposition of 
silver metal/silver sulphide particles in the skin (argyria), eye 
(argyrosis) and other organs. These are not life-threatening 
conditions but cosmetically undesirable. Silver is absorbed into the 
human body and enters the systemic circulation as a protein complex to 
be eliminated by the liver and kidneys. Silver metabolism is modulated 
by induction and binding to metallothioneins. This complex mitigates 
the cellular toxicity of silver and contributes to tissue repair. 
Silver allergy is a known contra-indication for using silver in 
medical devices or antibiotic textiles.


Steve Foss


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Blue Nails.

2008-10-08 Thread Steven Foss
Dear Marshall,

You wrote:

"I am not sure why you posted all this.  All that is known, and has
already been discussed."

Why did I post this? There are more people with Cyanosis in the US than with 
Argyria.  Not everyone reads every Silver List. And what about any person who 
may have joined?

I was merely pointing out that there are other reasons besides Argyria for blue 
moons. If this information was stated before, that's good and it is worth 
stating again. Some cases of "Blue Moons," and Blue Nails have medical 
implications that are quite serious. Poisoning in children for one comes to 
mind. Blue Moons have been found in the literature for HIV. Did the previous 
postings list all the medical reasons for cyanosis?

 "A sky blue moon that goes away with pressure, is completely different than a 
slate blue that does not."

Not all cases of Cyanosis disappear with pressure. Not all Cyanosis are sky 

Not all cases of Argyria are Slate Blue.  Some are Slate Grey. Some in the Case 
of Paul Karason are a Deep Violet Blue.  

You are entitled to your opinion in regard to my postings.

Best Regards,

Steve Foss


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>RE Mesosilver/Ionic Silver Debate.

2008-10-08 Thread Steven Foss
Dear Steve N.

Here is some quick and dirty cut and paste to answer your question.

I think the information you are looking for is at 

John W. Roberts, Ph.D. of Natural-Immunogenics Corp (a competitor of 
MesoSilver)  performed an experiment comparing MesoSilver and 
Natural-Immunogenics Corp product (Colloidal Silver predominately Silver Ions). 
 The end result was Ionic Silver became more effective in the presence of HCl 
acid and Silver Particles did not.

As the test seems to have been performed "in house" and not by an independent 
laboratory, there is the usual criticism on my part.

Before any starts to point any fingers at John Roberts, Ph.D.,  Mr Roberts was 
refuting the information on http://www.silver-colloids.com written by Frank 
Keys and performed by CSL in house  (owned by Frank Keys).

Frank Keys responded with a test performed by EMSL labs, the response is at the 
bottom of the of http://www.silver-colloids.com/Pubs/bogus-bio-study.html

(EMSL Analytical, Inc. is an
environmental testing firm, the EMSL Analytical, Inc. network of
laboratories offer a wide array of services supporting investigations
in asbestos, microbiology, lead, chemistry, indoor air quality and
industrial hygiene applications.)

"View the study results here. (click link at site for PDF)

The study clearly shows that the effectiveness of the ionic silver product was 
substantially reduced as a result of being exposed to stomach acid while the 
colloidal silver product remained effective against the bacteria."

I will assume a response by Natural-Immunogenics was a test performed by STS 
Duotek, an independent, FDA licensed, 3rd party laboratory:


(STS Duotek tests are conducted in accordance with applicable Quality System 
Regulation (QSR)/Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirements and, when 
requested, in accordance as well with Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) 
regulations. Routine internal auditing, trending, and management review of 
progress ensures continual improvement of the quality system, as well as 
accuracy and strict adherence to both the FDA and ISO requirements. Somewhat 
better pedigree than EMSL.) 

Sovereign Silver demonstrated superior broad spectrum antimicrobic activity 
against all three of the U.S.P. <51> bacteria, compared to the 6 competitive 
product performances, as tested, some of which were effective against only one 
or two of the challenge microorganisms.

Sovereign Silver killed a minimum of 13 times as many Staph. aureus as did the 
next most effective competitor…. and in most cases, Sovereign Silver was almost 
1,600 X more potent than other competitors.
Sovereign Silver killed over 4 times more E. coli than Mesosilver, 13 times 
more than Silver Biotics, and in most cases, thousands of times more E. coli 
than any other competitor.

Sovereign Silver was about 40 X more potent than Mesosilver and 50 X more 
potent than Silver Biotics vs. P. aerugenosa, and at least 5,000 X more potent 
than other competitive products vs. P. aerugenosa.

The website www.hydrosolinfo.com by coincidence is hosted by the same webhost 
as natural-immunogenics.com with a hydrosolinfo.com as the Organization and no 
address other than the webhost. (Draw you own conclusions).

Is this science or a contest between to business competitors?  

Best Regards,

Steve F.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Ionic Silver transport throught the digestive tract an into the cells.

2008-10-08 Thread Steven Foss
Hi Silver List.

Taking Colloidal Silver by mouth (and with food) raises the point of 

"Your saliva has over 200 different proteins and fully one third of body 
proteins are metalloproteins I.E. carrying metallic ions. Thus, reactive ions 
(missing one or more electrons) can be transported past the stomach and thru 
the circulatory system without local reactions, ie Silver Ions reacting with 
chloride ions to from Silver chloride. 

Metal ion substitution permits even a zinc metalloprotein to take up the silver 
ion and release the zinc ion. The free, ionized zinc, which would be toxic if 
permitted to accumulate, binds to a metal regulatory element on the promoter 
region of the metallothionein gene and "turns on" the synthesis of more 

Metallic ions, either free or disassociated from dissolved soluble salts are 
absorbed and isolated by ligands in the saliva, usually metalloproteins. (The 
main reason you are meant to chew your food well). Metallothionein (MT) is a 
relatively small molecule that binds heavy metals including silver, cadmium, 
iron, copper and zinc, and is made by most cells in our body.

MT's production can be induced in the intestinal cells where it is thought to 
help keep us from absorbing a lot of toxic heavy metals such as cadmium. MT is 
also thought to be involved in the regulation of the cellular concentration of 
the essential minerals copper and zinc. The lining of our blood vessels is made 
up of a specific cell type called endothelial cells. Whereas the intestinal 
cell is the first barrier to the absorption of minerals, the endothelial cells 
are the secondary barrier to getting minerals into our tissues and organs. "

Cells are constantly pumping ions in and out through their plasma membranes. In 
fact, more than half the energy that our bodies consume is used by cells to 
drive the protein pumps in the brain that do nothing else but transport ions 
across plasma membranes of nerve cells.  This same process is used throughout 
the body.

How can ions be transported across membranes that are effectively impermeable 
to them? Cells contain proteins that are embedded in the lipid bilayer of their 
plasma membranes (which are also Colloidal in nature) and extend from one side 
of the membrane through to the other. Such transmembrane proteins function to 
effect ion transport. "

I apologize for the cut and paste, however, I have little time for writing at 
present and the issue of Silver Ions/Silver chloride has resurfaced.  

I have known too many people with Terminal Cancer alive today that used 
Colloidal Silver produced by low voltage DC Generators (90 % Silver Ions) who 
are neither blue nor dead after being given months to live. 



PS Silver Ions can also be sub lingually absorbed.

PPS Also Google the Ammonia Hypothesis


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: CS and Blue Moons

2008-10-08 Thread Steven Foss
Hi Silver List,

Did I read this correctly, is the writer inferring that People with Blue Moons 
have Argyria?

I only briefly perused this posting, however, "Blue Moons" in the Finger Nails 
have many possible causes besides Argyria.  

Hypoxia or the lack of oxygen is often manifested in a condition called 
cyanosis, a blue discolouration. 

Cyanosis can occur in the fingers, including underneath the
fingernails, as well as other extremities (called peripheral cyanosis),
or in the lips and tongue (central cyanosis). It occurs when the oxygen 
saturation of arterial blood falls below 85-90%.

Cynanosis is not specifically limited to Mt Everest Climbers and  High Altitude 
Balloonists; individuals with some forms of heart disease, blood conditions, 
drug side effects, or lung diseases (either Chronic or Acute cases) exhibit 
this condition as in the following:

# Arterial obstruction
# Cold exposure (due to vasoconstriction)
# Raynaud's phenomenon (vasoconstriction) (a co-worker developed this disease 
as a result of frost-bite when lost in the wilderness)
# Reduced cardiac output (e.g. heart failure, hypovolaemia)
# Vasoconstriction (medication)
# Venous obstruction (e.g. deep vein thrombosis)
# Abnormal hemoglobin levels (blood loss from bleeding ulcer for example)
# Bronchospasm
# Congenital heart disease
# Heart failure
# Heart valve disease
# High altitude
# Hypothermia
# Hypoventilation
# Lung disease
# Myocardial infarction
# Polycythaemia
# Pulmonary embolism
# COPD (Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis)
# Asthma

In my 30 years in the health field I saw a quantity of individuals (especially 
in the elderly, but not limited to the elderly) with blue moons. 

Needless to say, with a rare exception or two, none of these people had ever 
taken CS.  The one time I required a trip to the ER for anaphylactic shock due 
to a food allergy, my "moons" were indeed bluish in color, however my fingers 
were not. This predated my taking Colloidal Silver in any form by 25 years.

Best Regards,

Steve Foss


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>RE: Silver non-neurotoxicity.

2008-10-08 Thread Steven Foss
Hi Silver List,

Re Silver and non-neurotoxicity:

Below is an abstract of an vitro (test-tube) trial in which Colloidal Silver 
showed protective against the type of free radical damage (Reactive Oxygen 
Species) caused by chemotherapy and observed in some forms of 
neuro-degenerative illnesses. 

The Brain Cells cultured where Astrocytes. Astrocytes are star-shaped glial 
cells in the brain and spinal cord. They perform many functions, including 
biochemical support of endothelial cells which form the blood-brain barrier, 
the provision of nutrients to the nervous tissue (neurons), and a principal 
role in the repair and scarring process in the brain 

The study show:

Colloidal Silver was non-toxic to Astrocytes and showed Anti-oxidant properties.

Colloidal Silver did not protect against H2O2 free radical damage, which in my 
opinion is a positive finding, Colloidal Silver does not interfere H2O2 which 
is used by the Immune System.

>From the Abstract available online at Pubmed.com

Central Research Institute, Natural F&P Co., LTD, 
Chunchon, South Korea. drki...@hanmail.net

One major pathogenesis in degenerative disorders of the 
central nervous system (CNS), including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's 
disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and ischemia, is the oxidative stress 
induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS). The present study investigated the 
protective effect of colloidal silver, which is widely marketed as a dietary 
supplement for diseases like diabetes, AIDS, cancer, and various infections, 
upon the oxidative brain damage induced by H(2)O(2) or naphthazarin treatment. 
LDH release from primary cultured astrocytes was enhanced by naphthazarin 
treatment, and this elevation of the LDH concentration in medium was blocked by 
colloidal silver treatment. However, hydrogen peroxide was little affected by 
the colloidal silver. Fluorescence of DCF (peroxides) increased in astrocytes 
incubated with hydrogen peroxide or naphthazarin compared to the control. When 
exposed to naphthazarin-induced cells, ROS formation appeared to be reduced by 
colloidal silver. However, intracellular ROS formation in hydrogen 
peroxide-treated cells slightly reduced by colloidal silver. These results 
suggest that colloidal silver has a protective activity against the oxidative 
stress induced by naphthazarin, but not by hydrogen peroxide.

Kim DW, Hong GH, Lee HH, Choi SH, Chun BG, Won CK, Hwang IK, Won MH.

Effect of colloidal silver against the cytotoxicity of hydrogen peroxide and 
naphthazarin on primary cultured cortical astrocytes.

Int J Neurosci. 2007 Mar;117(3):387-400.

Best Regards,

Steve Foss


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Ions and particles, etc.

2008-09-21 Thread Steven Foss
Hi David

You wrote:

"Sure he knew the difference between ions and particles, he just had  
wrong info about the the proportions of those things in the batches  
he was testing."

Based on Frank's website commentary?

I re-read Professor Gibbs book, page 13 "The total silver concentration 
reported on the products in this study are determined from chemical analysis 
and are a function of:

1. the particulate silver
2. the dissolved silver"

While most of the products investigate for this study have concentrations of 
silver in the 3 to 10 parts per million [ppm] range, the actual proportions 
between dissolved and particulate material were rarely discussed in a 
quantitative manner on the labels."

(Yes Prof Gibbs called Ionic Silver dissolved)

Since I cannot cut and paste from his book, and have to type all the quotes 
from it, I have to for brevity of time just type the highlights.

"In fact, anaylses conducted on these products indicated that a great deal of 
the material in many of the samples was dissolved (my parenthesis, ionic) in 

Prof Gibbs continues to state the lower concentrations of particulate silver 
were found and the combined value of both forms of silver were given..

"While the concentration of silver in colloidal silver samples is important, 
concentration alone is misleading without knowing the proportion of dissolved 
material to particulate material and without knowing the size distribution of 
particles. We should always try to ascertain the proportion of dissolved 
material to particulate silver material as well as the size distrbution of the 
particulat silver if we are to know the quality of the colloidal silver product 
we are using."

In the previous 2 paragraph he address large particle size as well as 
concentration, "As an example, in a ten ppm sample actually composed of half 
dissolved and half particulate there could be only five ppm of colloidal 
particles present." In the next paragraph, "In the example discused above 
having having half of the silver in particulate form [5ppm] dominate by large 
particles [greater than 1 micron] the efeective colloidal silver present could 
be very low, even less than one ppm, hardly an effective suspension of 
colloidal silver."

The next chapter deals with confocal microscopic examination of the colloidal 
silver, in which he eliminates four samples for large particles on the bottom 
of the samples "of unindentifiable material, hair, large Silver particles not 
in suspension, fibrous organic material (paper fibers)." A fifth sample is 
eliminated because of bacteria. A sixth sample was eliminated for having high 
amounts of Flocs (clustering of silver particles). 

Three additional samples had flocs. 

We are now at 6 eliminated

Prof G then said he found three samples "with a number of small clusters along 
with a number of small silver particles."

We are now at 9 eliminated 

Prof G then went to example dried samples under the confocal microscope. 
Anything other than metal particles.

Subsequently Prof G went to TEM examination.

I am not an expert on TEMs although I do remember that the TEMs I ran across 
use a vacuum chamber for the specimens to be observed. 

(Has anyone place Ionic Silver in a vacuum chamber to "boil away the water and 
thus eliminate the possibility of producing silver oxide in the drying process?)

After examination all but one product was eliminated as ideal. 

This I believe was rated 5 stars.

(There were several 4 star products with 3 star, 2 star, 1 star making up the 
balance and are all are referenced in the Bacteria study in vitro.)

By page 25 there is commentary about AC and DC generated Colloidal Silver with 
the statement that DC was the highest in Ionic Silver and had very low level of 
metal particles. 

The AC process was the method in which all the "4 star product" (out of 5 
stars) were produced.

(The HVAC Colloidal Silver is produced either by a total submersion method or a 
plasma underwater arc method.)

"I think its pretty obvious CSL did all the analysis of the physical  
properties of the 15 samples."

On what do you base that assumption? It isn't obvious to me. Nowhere did CSL 
labs receive mention in the book. 

It could be equally obvious that the 15 samples were tested at Univeristy of 

Their are also plenty of FDA approved labs in the vicinity of Delaware but why 
use them if you have facilities in house.

"In addition to that, they actually 'made' some of the samples."

Did MesoSilver make some of the samples or CSL?

The report mentions 15 retail products. 

Are you suggesting "Ringers" were used or one or more of the retail products 
were manufactured by Frank's company?  

"'Where' Ron Gibbs did the follow up testing on the samples I dont  
know. "

"Perhaps the booklet reveals 'where', but I just tried to read  
Ron Gibbs booklet again and to be honest I gave up. Its a pointless  
excercise. Obviously he did NOT know what he was playing with"


CS>Ions in Food

2008-09-20 Thread Steven Foss
Dear Kathryn,

You wrote

"Interesting point. I was not aware that silver ions occur in food."   

Whole Wheat (Wheat Germ), Mushrooms, Shell Fish, and Marine Fish are natural 
sources of Silver.

Or more to the point, Minerals in food (either from plants or the animals that 
eat the plants) are Ionic.

Best Regards


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2008-09-19 Thread Steven Foss
Dear David, 

you wrote

"I'm confused about your point here. That comment in quotes above is  
mine. It's not a  quote from silver-colloids and I'm not sticking up  
for mesosilver."

I said it "sounded like." I am not attacking MesoSilver. I do have an issue 
over Silver-Colloids.com definitions which conflict with reliable sources of 

"I basically agree. But I believe Frank when he implies that the  
techniques for determining THE RATIO of ions to colloids was not  
perfected. (At least not at Colloidal Science Labs who, I think, did  
the analysis)."

I wonder why Frank implies this?  Professor Gibbs noted the High Level Ions in 
the Electrically produced CS. Professor Gibbs even distinguished between the 
two forms.

"Thats an interesting interpretation. I hadn't looked at it like that.  
But I don't agree. I don't believe Frank Key would simply lie about  
this. I havent studied the site for a few years but (as i recall)  
heres how the situation appeared to me. (And apologies if I have this  

Frank Key and Ron Gibbs were friends and colleagues. The purpose was  
to release a booklet that would have the effect of promoting their  
colloidal CS (mesosilver) whilst casting doubt on ionic CS.  Frank  
Key made and analysed the 'good' CS, using technology he had  
available at the time, and mistakenly told Ron it was 'colloidal'.  
Ron did the follow-up research and, as predicted, found that  
colloidal CS worked better than ionic CS.

But then a problem popped up. Frank discoved the 'good stuff' he had  
made wasn't colloidal (by his definition) at all. It was at least 50%  
ionic, just like all the other stuff. So Ron Gibbs had simply proved  
that Franks good ionic CS worked better than other peoples crappy  
ionic CS. So what does Frank do about it?"

Easy... just admit (in the  
hard to find FAQs) that a mistake was made but leave the brochure on  
the website hoping that not too many people realise its got almost  
nothing to do with mesosiver at all.  You gotta admire Franks  
solution. It's not dishonest, it doesn't show disrespect for his  
friend, and it still has the effect of promoting mesosilver!"

(Your memory serves you well.)

If Professor Gibbs had mentioned the brand names, it would have simplified 
matters. He did not. So we do not know which brand was High quality.

And this is what I don't understand:

Professor Gibbs goes to great length to explain that he was examining 15 
different brands of commercially sold (retail) Colloidal Silver.

Professor Gibbs states that the "DC Produced Colloidal Silver that we have 
tested had the highest value of ionic silver present..." Obviously, Professor 
Gibbs knew what Silver Ions were as opposed to the Metallic particles and 
stated so. (Yes, I am repeating myself, but it is worth repeating)

(Quote from FAQ page you referenced above:For example, the samples that Ron 
tested, some of which were made for him in the Colloidal Science Lab. Inc.(CSL) 
were believed by Ron to be at least 50% colloidal when in fact they were mostly 
ionic (typically 90%). The methods developed at CSL to determine ionic vs. 
particle concentration were just being developed at the time Ron wrote the book 
and so he was not fully informed about the ion/particle ratio of the test 
samples and consequently made some erroneous assumptions. Ron assumed the 
sample were at least 50% particles when they were only 10%.)

Professor Gibbs explains the methodology used in examining the samples. He even 
list the brand names of the equipment used, a Confocal Microscope and a 
Transmission Electron Microscope. This sounds like an in house job.

Professor Gibbs does not state that any tests on the 15 brands were performed 
by any outside laboratory. If Prof Gibbs was such a good friend and colleague, 
one would think that he would have mentioned and acknowledge the assistance of 
such a good friend and his business. As a Academic professional, anything 
outsourced to another lab would have to be mentioned, the tests performed and 
on what equipment, and the Lab's "pedigree." Not to do so would be a source of 
criticism against the books findings.

The Purpose of the book was: "The objective of this presentation is to provided 
a clear, thorough understanding of what to look for and and what to avoid in 
choosing good colloidal silver products. 

He continues, "Information presently available about colloidal silver products 
is sometimes confusing and is often misleading. Much of the advertising and 
"literature" about colloidal silver is written by non-experts and is slanted 
toward promoting a particular product or particular devices to make it."

You additionally, wrote,

"Silver ions and silver particles (colloids) are obviously very  
different critters. Unlike many of his competitors (such as Natural- 
Immunogenics) Frank always makes this very clear and I applaud him  
for that. I don't know if mesosilver works or not, but at least i  
think I know what

CS>re: CS-silver-colloids.com

2008-09-18 Thread Steven Foss
Dear David

you wrote:

"Actually it was me not Neville who wrote the quote that you open with  

I read the header in haste, and already made my apologies to Neville in private

'And perhaps I wasn't clear in my purpose. My question should  
have been  "What method is used to make these products that are at  
least 50% colloidal?" If they are not MSP then how are they made?   
Its something I've wondered about for a long time.'

For that you have to ask the manufacturer. 

"Incidentally, Ron Gibbs conclusions can be viewed in a whole new light  
when you realise that didn'tt actually know what he was studying."

That sounds like a direct quote from Silver-colloids.com

Prof Gibbs was more than well aware of what he was studying. He was studying 
Retail "Colloidal Silver." He noted the Silver Ions in two of the Colloidal 
Silver samples he had from commercial sources. 

Prof Gibbs wasn't an undergraduate student.

He was the director of the Center for Colloidal Science
in the U of Delaware for 15 years, had published over 85 peer reviewed journal 
articles and 5 technical reports, edited 14 books and had presented 61 talks  
nationally and internationally. His research and teaching dealt with a wide 
variety of topics involving colloidal materials; hot to analyse them, what they 
are composed of, what happens the them in nature. He had a specialy involving 
stuudies of metals accociated with colloidal particles, including toxicity and 

His book was written "after observing an abundance of incorrect and misleading 
opinions in advertising and related literature, coupled with the lack of 
availability of correct and useful information."(The above is taken from his 
introduction to his book on Colloidal Silver.)

(I find this Ironic, as his book is available as a free download from 
silver-colloids.com which is a best an infomercial site.)

Colloids and their properties had been known to science for than 120 years when 
Gibbs took his post. The American Chemical Society Division of Colloid and 
Surface Chemistry Symposium was celebrating its 66th annual event.

With all the resources of the U of Delware, I believe Prof Gibbs knew exactly 
what he was dealing with.

"At the time of his reseach the techniques used to analyse CS were so  
underdeveloped that he thought he was examining 'colloidal' silver  
when in fact he was examining ionic silver. Thats why he makes the  
rather odd statement that the best CS is 'clear' on a website thats  
promoting a product that clearly isn't."

Another Silver-Colloids.com quote.  

Transmission Electron Microscopes had been available since 1939, Scanning 
Electron Microscopes had been commercially availalbe since 1965. Atomic 
absorption spectroscopy had been available since the late 1950's. There are of 
course other methods.

The Technology had been around for decades. Universities usually have access to 
cutting edge tech long before the private sector does, too. This isn't to say 
that in 8 years time there haven't been improvements and advances, this is a 
given, but I wouldn't say Prof Gibbs was in the stone-age as the website 
infers. Plus there are hundreds of independent FDA approved Labs he could have 

If as the website owner maintains that Prof Gibbs changed his opinion before 
his death, why didn't Prof Gibbs write a letter confirming this? A verbal 
"personal communication" that cannot be verified is a convenient explanation, 
but hardly proof. A paper trail would be nice.

"You'll find this revealed in the FAQ's on silver-colloids website in  
answer to a question about "Why is mesosilver colored?" The answer is  
worth reading in full."

I have read it, many times, and come to the same conclusion each time:


Here is why. If the particles are as small as manufacturer claims, even into 
the hundreds of millions, these particles would be very diffuse and scattering 
light in so many directions that insufficient light would reach the human eye. 

One way to overcome this would be to increase the concentration to multiple 
100s of PPM. Another explanation is the particle size isn't what it claims to 

The particle size he is claiming is so small that one would have to enlarge it 
175,000 times to observe it. By comporasion, A small stone in the palm of one's 
hand if magnified 175,000 would appear as large as Mt. Everest. His particle 
size claim is about 56 angstrom. Visible light is between 4,000 violet 
angstroms to 7,000 angstroms dark red. Yellow is at 5700 angstroms. 

However, I have also read the rants against Transmission Electron Microscopy by 
said owner of one of his websites. A TEM was used by Professor Gibbs to examine 
potentional high quality Colloidal Silver in including those made by the 
Electro Colloidal method which Gibbs noted the Silver Ion content in his book 
and an Electron Microscope was more recently as 2006 to observe how Colloidal 
Silver kills HIV 1 in the lab by U of Texas and the

CS>Re: silver-colloids.com

2008-09-17 Thread Steven Foss
Dear Neville, 

You wrote: 

"Looking at the reports on silver-colloids.com it appears that the  products 
that are classified as 'colloidal' have quite low ionic  
silver levels. I assume these are the products most likely to be high  
voltage but I could be wrong."

High Voltage DC or High Voltage AC is not the reason for the "classified as 
'colloidal' have quite low ionic silver levels." It may have more to do with 
"high voltage" sales tactics. 

Products classified as Colloidal deal with particle size range and how the 
particles are held in this system.  

A Colloid is in essence a type of mechanical mixture where one substance is 
dispersed evenly throughout another. It is not a solution. The particle size is 
between one nanometer (1/1000 of a micron) and 1 micron.  Fog, Smoke, Red 
Stained Glass, Milk, and Paint for example are Colloids. Because of this 
dispersal, some colloids have the appearance of solutions.  A hydrosol is a 
colloid with water as the dispersing medium.  

The website www.silver-colloids.com which appears to be an information site is 
in fact owned by a commercial colloidal silver manufacturer and seller. His 
retail site links extensively to this website to back up his claims that EICS 
is not Colloidal Silver. 

Here is my opinion: 

The main purpose of silver-colloids.com is to slam EICS (Commercially available 
EICS) and Colloidal Silver Generators to sell his bottle colloidal silver 

The website makes some provacative statements:

"If the product is clear, then it is ionic silver, not a true silver colloid,"  

(The late Professor Ronald J. Gibbs, of the Center for Colloidal Science at the 
University of Delaware in his book,Silver Colloids, Do They Work?, wrote, "The 
highest quality Colloidal Silver is colorless." If a yellow color is present in 
the product it is probably indicating that some other unwanted substance is 
present causing the color, or that the particles are too large, either way 
indicating the colloidal silver product is not acceptable nor is the highest 

and elsewhere on this website:

"We do not provide advice on making colloidal silver at home. Many companies 
sell colloidal silver generators and dozens of web sites provide information 
for experimenters and home hobbyists. All the machines sold for making 
colloidal silver use an electrolysis process and make ionic silver. There are 
no machines sold that are capable of making true colloidal silver."  

Harvard University Physics department considers Electrically produced Silver 
Ions as Colloidal Silver.

I found this bit of information at the Harvard Physics Website in connection 
with a lesson.  Although I did not have permission to access their homepage on 
the Colloidal Silver Generator (and its construction), please note below:


"The present success of the CS (Colloidal Silver) generator is largely 
attributable to the high quality of the new electrical unit, which converts 
240AC to 24DC.  What is indicated here is a simple cost analysis of producing 
this kind of CS. 

The concentrated CS generator shown on the home page is currently utilizing two 
flasks, of 2.4 liters each.  However additional flasks can be wired into the 
system, up to eight in all.  Given that each flask contains about 500 ppm of 
CS, this will saturate sixteen candles.  So, 8 flasks x 16 candles per flask =  
128 candles, the daily production of concentrated CS. 

Several people have asked whether the flask size can be increased, so as to get 
bigger volumes of CS, and in my view this may be tricky.  For example, if the 
flask size is doubled then the wet surface area of electrodes must be 
increased, quite clearly.  And the DC voltage would also need to be increased.  
But at what DC voltage would the system require safety apparatus?  While we 
feel confident that the 24 volts DC for the generator is perfectly safe, at 
additional voltage would tend toward an unsafe system.  Would a 4.8 liter flask 
require double the voltage, something like 48 volts DC?  And would this require 
the enclosure of the leads to the circuit, so as to avoid a shock to the 

Post Script of 23 April:  If the producers are purchasing the concentrated 
colloidal silver, for saturation of their filters, then this should be 
carefully sourced.  It may be considered best to know the form of the silver, 
resulting within the filter, in case further studies on these are at some point 
considered desireable.  In general, however, silver is considered to be among 
the most benign of substances, no harmful health effects associated." 

I guess someone should inform the Harvard Physics department they are not 
producing "True Colloidal Silver."

As to www.silver-colloids.com 

I won't go into a line by line analysis of the website's "Reign of Error." I 
would be typing for days.  (The owner has a background in engineering and 

RE: CS>OT: cleaning microwave guts

2008-09-13 Thread Steven Foss
Dear Malcolm,

Very good explanation of how Caps regain a charge after being discharge.

For that reason I attached clipped leads to the caps after discharging them

On the subject of Power supply caps, I recommend some type of resistance rather 
than say a direct short from an old tool to drain the cap unless you plan on 
replacing the cap. Using the direct short method can damage either the Caps 
plates, the di-electric, or both.


Steve Foss



2008-09-11 Thread Steven Foss
Evening Wayne,

>I was aware of everything you said, . I simply did not deduct 
>that anyone here would be working with some of these things.
Well someone may have either written about AC colloidal Silver Generators which 
infers high voltage, or maybe they had a dual power supply (AC rectified into 
DC to be used in place of batteries) when I quickly perused the list.
I have seen other posts referring to converting Microwaves into Colloidal 
Silver Generators and Gold Generators elsewhere on the internet, so I couldn't 
keep silent in either case. The subject is bound to come up. 

You cannot talk about Safety too early. Working on High Voltage Devices can 
make the incautious unconscious. Or worse
(Although High Voltage usually means over a Kilovolt)
>I have been shocked with 750 VDC.  Only once, I did not stay 
>connected long, it knocked me all
>the way across the room.
That happened to a friend of mine, he reached to turn on an electrical switch 
on a Tube Amp he was repairing and inadvertently discharged a electrolytic 
filter capacitor. He was knocked over a five foot glass display case, and 
behind the counter. He only remembers reaching for the switch and the picking 
himself up off the ground.

>True indeed.  I have some new capacitors, rated at 5000 V I 
>think, and others that are the largest I have seen, other than 
>coupling capacitors for power systems.
I have worked only with 600V Capacitors, although I have stacked them to make 
higher voltage and lower Cap Values. I've worked 1000+V Coupling caps but at 
lower voltages than 1000V;I use over rated parts in my work.
>Likely you have seen them,   Capacitor Rooms,   a room full 
>of capacitors that make your hair stand up, even at the door.   Not 
>for the faint hearted.
Yes, very briefly, I rather walk in to a room full of Cobras; at least you can 
get anti-venom. (Grins).  

>Many do not understand that, of course.
>Now, . how many Step Down Transformers, with  the 
>intended primary of 480 VAC,
have you seen,  that was connected backwards ?   
>The 480 was connected to the secondary.
>This made the turns ratio reversed.   Instead of the 480 being 
>stepped down, it was in fact, stepped up.
I have not seen wired backwards unintentionally, I have actually wired two 
identical transformers one back to back with two transformers to make a 
composite isolation transformer, or to use one lower voltage and to use the 
"backward" transformer for a B+ that I then used with a voltage doubler. 
Transformers can be used either direction depending on what you are trying to 
>That is a gosh awful situation.  A man that worked for me, not as 
>knowledgeable as he should be, tried to measure the output, 
>not knowing that the voltage was several thousand volts.
>Of course the meter melted down, and went up in smoke.  The man was 
I had only one meter melt down on me. I was working with a transformer that had 
wrong specifications, 32 Volts AC but the amperage was higher than rated on its 
specification sheet, (it was actually 12 amps) over the rating of my DVM.
On the higher voltage that needs to be tested I use insulated probes on my HP 
VTVM (Vacuum Tube Voltage Meter). Its rated to 1000V & higher Amps than many of 
the conventional VOM or DVM you can buy at a Radio Shack.
>Always beware of the people there before you.
Too true.
>I am not afraid of any of them.   I did not say, .. I have no >respect.I 
>have high voltage probes, rubber gloves ( with leather on >top of the rubber ) 
>and have serviced and calibrated high voltage >test equipment.
Maybe I was being melodramatic, I work with circuits (but not into the 
Kilovolts) lets say I have equal respect for AC & DC, but I respect more DC as 
I work in higher DC voltages than AC. Either could injury the inattentive.
>I stand on a rubber mat, touch nothing with the power applied, and I 
>do discharge capacitors.
An extra layer of protection is just that, it helps but isn't 100%. Just trying 
to eliminate another path to ground. Beats the Air Force method of "Grounding" 
your "probe" arm by physically making contact with a surface. 
>I connect services, with power on, directly from the pole.  I did not 
>say I like to do this or that I do it often.  Only in rare cases, do 
>I get backed into the corner.
In our part of California, they make the electric company switch of the power. 
Inconvenience is better than liability. The Electric Company's line, "We had to 
turn off someone else power to install yours."
>You could have made the most important statement about them.
>They offer protection from the Power Wire ( called HOT by some ) to 
>the neutral, but offer
>zero protection from the power wire to ground.
A very good point, which I omitted in my haste, along with "Don't bet on a GFIC 
to protect you in every instance.
>They could do both.  Not sure why they are not designed to do so.
I don't know the answer to that ques

CS>RE OT Microwave Guts, etc

2008-09-11 Thread Steven Foss
Dear Kathryn,
I would consider the vapors ammonia solutions as potentional airborne toxins. 
Just my two cents.
Steve Foss


RE: CS>OT: cleaning microwave guts

2008-09-11 Thread Steven Foss

Hi Steve Norton,
Just a brief comment (for me)
"Before you open the microwave, let it set for 2 to 3 days unplugged to 
discharge the capacitors. BTW, TVs also have a high voltage capacitor on the 
versions with a picture tube."
Uplugged Television Capacitors can carry High Voltage charges for longer than 
several days. As everyone may know, the first use of Capacitors was to store 
Electricity. I would worry about the Microwave Caps, too, although I haven't 
worked on any.
Not all TVs and I can only guess Microwaves or not as the case may be have 
bleeder resistors across the high voltage capacitors to discharge them. 
Unfortunately Consumer Grade Appliances are dollar driven designs. 
A manufacture will leave out parts (sometimes call Munzting) to save a 
pittance.  I can and have purchased resistors at a fraction of a penny for 
manufacturing. Bean Counters working for Mass Market Manufacturers seem to have 
more control in industrial design than engineers. That fraction of a penny 
multiplied by 500,000 parts comes to $3,500 at the end of the year for one 
design alone. In other words to save a few dollars, manufactures will omit 
parts that would make a design safer. They have consistently done this unless 
required by regulatory statute for safety concerns.
When I work on anything with high voltage caps, I discharge them use using a 
"Snuffer Stick" (It has a 200K, 2 watt resistor in series with the nose probe 
and ground wire to large clip for ground on the other) and then use clip leads 
on the caps to ground. 
I haven't worked on Microwaves and bow to your experience in this area.  I 
wouldn't have them in my house for years.  I remember all the Pacemaker 
Best Regards,
Steve Foss



Re: CS>generator advice? ( Safety Lectures )Wednesday, September 10, 2008 12:31 PM

2008-09-11 Thread Steven Foss
Dear Silver List,
I would be more concerned with Capacitors as to being a potentially fatal 
electrical component. Capacitors used in power supplies, especially, can hold 
charges for long periods of time (weeks and longer) even when the appliance is 
unplugged. Capacitors can even after being discharged re-energize to be a shock 
hazard, potentially injurious ones at that.  
You don't see Caps (as capacitors are sometimes called) in most Colloidal 
Silver Generators; you will see them used in high voltage devices.
The Secondary windings on transformers are the next most dangerous 
electrocution hazard (the device is plugged into an electrical outlet).
I am personally more attentive (read afraid) of DC Voltages than AC.  AC can 
hurt you, but DC grips onto until you are good and end. High Voltage, AC or DC, 
is best left to the trained professional. 
A GFI (Ground Fault Indicator) outlet will trip with an AC fault or short and 
provide some protection against AC (think hair dryer or radio falling into a 
bathtub or sink), but a GFI provides no protection against DC shorts or faults. 
(No AC fault to trip the protection)
Not to steal Wayne's thunder, here are my safety list for working on any 
electrical circuit:
1.  Do not work when you are Tired, Inebriated, or Upset.
2.  Remove all jewelry, including wedding rings.
3.  Wear Rubber Sole Shoes. (A rubber mat in addition is smart when working on 
a cement floor.) 
4.  Have the device on a wooden or other non conductive workbench.
5.  If you have long hair, tie it back
6.  Never trust an on/off switch, unplug from the outlet..
7.  If you have to reach into the device when it is plugged in, keep one hand 
in your pocket. I also use rubber gloves (the thick type used for washing 
8.  A chopstick is better than a hand in most instances to "poke" around in the 
above case.
9. Wear Safety Goggles one soldering. Never Solder into a live (plugged in) 
9. Never work when distracted (TV show, Nagging spouse or kids, Talking on the 
But the most Important rule is:

10. If you don't have a clue what you are doing, stop and find someone who 
It is cheaper in the long run. (Funerals can be quite expensive.)
Resistors and diodes threat vanishes (unless tied to a Cap) as soon as the 
power chord is removed from the outlet.  We use to joke Resistors are more 
likely to be fatal if swallowed (choking hazard), diodes likewise. 
Steve Foss


RE: CS>Particle size - Comments please

2008-09-07 Thread Steven Foss
Hi Bob Larson,


Liver and the kidneys both are involved in the excretion of silver.  I  suggest 
http://www.silver-colloids.com/Papers/AltmanStudy.PDF on Silver excretion from 
the body.

Silver Dust ranges from very large particles to microscopic. In Scandinavia, 
Silver Reclaimation workers have been observed in 20 year plus studies. They 
were in perfect health.

The organ damage cited was from a study of Mine workers who beside being 
exposed to Silver were also exposed to Cadmium (known heavy metal poison 
injurious to kidneys). The Toxicological Registry Report notes this and says 
that silver and kidney damage in this case has to be discounted.  The writers 
that cite this 1990 study for kidney damage are committing the sin of omission, 
or at least are taking part of the quote out of context to support their 
position. You can find the study at the CDC website if you know where to look. 
It is peer reviewed.

Colloidal Silver taken orally causing injury:

Mirsattari SM, et al. Myoclonic status 
epilepticus following repeated oral ingestion of colloidal silver. 
Neurology 2004;62:1408-10.
Researchers concluded that 
the neurotoxicity and the resulting death were due to ingestion of colloidal 

This one case and only of Silver and Seizures (status epilepticus, continuing 
seizures) dealt with a 71 year old man who took Colloidal Silver and FOUR 
VITAMIN SUPPPLEMENTS over a 4 month period. How much CS, what PPM, and what 
type of CS was never addressed in the study. The 4 neurologists had the man on 
plasmapheresis as his blood levels in tests showed high silver levels. After 
being treated (to remove the silver) the man still in a coma, and died 5 1/2 
months later.

Status epilepticus is defined as recurrent or continuous seizure activity 
lasting longer than 30 minutes in which the patient does not regain baseline 
mental status, in other words regaining consciousness. In the United States, 
the overall mortality is 10-15%. In people who are note epilectic, its first 
appearance normally indicates a tumour, abscess, or traumatic brain injury. The 
after the first 5 minutes of the seizure, the damage can be sufficient to 
prevent the patient from reawakening on their own.

The 5 doctors writing the above paper published in Neurology concluded it was 
the silver that induced the status epilepticus. 

Here is what the doctors wrote. Mind you they did not mention the supplements 
the man was taking as a possible contributory factor:

"The authors report a case of a 71-year-old man who developed myoclonic status 
epilepticus and coma after daily ingestion of colloidal silver for 4 months 
resulting in high levels of silver in plasma, erythrocytes, and CSF. Despite 
plasmapheresis, he remained in a persistent vegetative state until his death 
months later. Silver products can cause irreversible neurologic toxicity 
associated with poor outcome."

Argyric Rats have been studied for years as to silver accumlation in the brain, 
silver excretion, etc. Concerning these lab rats, one would think that seizures 
would have been observed from high concentrations of silver given to these 
animals at all stages of life and a relationship between silver and seizures 
would have been established.

My questions,

What were the additional supplements the man was taking?  If none invasive 
methods (MRI) were used did the MDs look for a Tumor? (I am assuming that 
neither injury, abcess, or tumors were found, considering the number of MDs on 
the case. Although Doctors have been known to overlook the obvious.)What other 
Rx medications was the senior on?Was the man taking pilocarpine for Glaucoma? 
This drug has been used to induce SE in laboratory rats? (Pilocarpine, or 
Pilocar usage is limited by its toxic side effects or adverse reactions. The 
drug has been suggested to test the effects of Germ warfare damage in animals.
Did he use Aspartame?  N-methyl-d-aspartate is known to induce SE in rats.Was a 
post mortem was performed? (In Calif. those under a doctor's care at time of 
death do not require a PM.)As emergency personal had been called, was CPR used. 
Generalized myoclonus (a type of SE) is commonly seen in comatose patients 
following CPR and is seen by some as an indication of catastrophic damage to 
the neocortex.Was the cause of death from SE or the drugs used to treat SE?

"On February 20, 2008, a fourteen year old girl who had been seeing a 
neurologist, but had not been diagnosed with epilepsy had a convulsive seizure 
at her school that lasted less than five minutes, and an ambulance was called 
because nobody present was able to properly handle the situation. She was 
transported to the hospital, but after an abnormal amount of time she still had 
not awakened. After EEG electrodes were attached to her head, it was discovered 
that she was suffering from status epilepticus. Her doctor went through the 
routine normally used to stop an episode of status epilepticus, but the seizure 

CS>Re: Iodine and other Allergies.

2008-09-05 Thread Steven Foss
Dear Silver List,

Iodine allergies are as well known as contact allergies to Silver.  Reactions 
to shrimp, shellfish, kelp, etc. have been traced to iodine. Even when used as 
a disinfectant in a purified form, Iodine is very well know to cause allergic 
reaction.  My sister almost died from an unknown iodine allergy during a 
medical test using radioactive iodine to check her kidneys, she literally 
passed out on the table. 

(Immune systems have also been know to attack thyroid hormones for that matter 
causing low thyroid.)

Most people when allergic to wheat gluten, corn gluten, etc are allergic to the 
proteins (gluten specifically to the sugar binding proteins called lectins).  
Being allergic to protein is true with bee venom (foreign proteins), grass 
pollens, and the majority of milk and egg allergies. 

This isn't so astounding; all proteins, fats, oils, etc coming into the body 
are foreign bodies. How the digestive tract, Liver, and the immune system react 
to this foreign matter varies from individual to individual.  

I had one client's son who could only eat distilled water, white rice, and a 
"milk" made from lamb's meat. The child should have had beri-beri, scurvy, and 
a host of other deficiency disease, but did not. The child would go into 
anaphylactic shock from infancy (rules out the psychological factor),  when 
other foods were introduced, even when in dilute or minute quantities, and 
unknown to the child. 

A favorite website on Iodine.


I am not biased against iodine, but as allergies go it is a very common 
allergy.  One can even be allergic to sunlight, it is rare disease called Solar 


Steve Foss 


CS>Re: Garth Nicolson

2008-09-01 Thread Steven Foss
Dear Silver List, et al.

I mentioned the work of Dr. Garth Nicolson who is a PhD researcher who used to 
be with M D Anderson (University of Texas) as a cancer researcher, the 
researcher who discovered the infectious relationship of the disease, who took 
up the cause of Gulf War Veterans with GWI as well as investigated links 
between infection and chronic illnesses including ALS, MS, MD.

I thought his research and his ideas (many counter to conventional medicine) 
would be worthy of investigation and exposure to the Silver List.

Dr. Nicolson is not an MD, he cannot prescribe medicine, he cannot have 
patients. He is a researcher with an open and inquisitive mind. Anyone who 
chose to take the time to investigate his background and his hypotheses would 
see he makes a very good case. 

(Dr. Nicolson would be financially better renumerated if he had stayed with the 
University of Texas than venturing into Molecular Medicine (the gene expression 
of illness) at his own institute.)

His point was that many auto immune diseases (which do exist by definition) and 
debilitating illnesses require longterm treatment to knock out underlying 
infection in many cases by Mycoplasmas.  Whether one chooses to antibiotics, 
Colloidal Silver, Lomatium dissectum, Olive Leaf Extract, Grapefruit See 
Extract, etc, his point was that a longer period than days (as commonly used by 
Medical Doctors) to address these underlying infection is possibly indicated.

Anyone who took the time to investigate his background would find he has locked 
horns with both the DoD and VA over Gulf War Illness and the stupidity of our 
government to give partial payment to disabled Veterans who do not fit the 
psychological requirements of the above governmental agencies for GWI and 
addressed that family members of GWI Veterans have also contracted this disease 
(something the US government denies).

Dr Nicolson has also worked with CFS when it was still barely accepted by 
conventional medicine.

As to comments about Dr Nicolson's Peer review articles:

One of the criticisms of Alternative Medicine in General and Colloidal Silver 
in particular is that it is not evidence based.  Closed minds used that 
argument to dismiss both by Conventional Medical without investigating 
further.  Conventional Medicine or (Allopathic Medicine) does not have a 
monopoly on closed mindedness, it would seem.

I have spent more than 30 years countering that charge (non evidence based) for 
Alternative Medicine (or as it was being called Orthomolecular Medicine, etc) 
and 20 years for Colloidal Silver.  

The best arguments to validate either have been from Scientific and Medical 
Journals, many of these articles find their way into the Townsend Letter for 
Doctors and Patients.  These studies are harder to dismiss than anecdotal 
evidence. The recent studies from U of Texas and U of Mexico, from Iran, 
Taiwan, Brigham Young U, etc have brought greater validity to Colloidal Silver. 

I read Paavo Airola's book, I used to sell it in as a clerk in a Health Store 
in the 1970's.   Basically it was a vegetarian diet devoid of refined 
carbohydrates and salt.  It wasn't any different from his other books. Nothing 
special, revolutionary, or brand new when first released. The owners of the 
store loved the book,
besides its high price, his regimen of supplements if followed to the
letter would cost over $100.00 per month (about $342.09 in 2007 dollars). 

The publisher loved the book, too as it was profitable, and never would release 
a Paper Back version for the masses version during Dr. Airola's lifetime.  

A mutual friend of Dr Airola and myself telephoned and informed me of his 
passing in 1983, which at the time was thought to be a heart attack. I called 
Best Ways Magazine to verify his death which they had not yet been alerted to 
and would not comment. Another of his friends asked if he had been shot by a 
jealous husband. Many among the Natural Health movement couldn't believe he had 
died so early at 64 years of age. The current story that he died of a stroke 
from "the result of complications from injuries sustained during his emigration 
Finland to Canada after World War II," 37 years after the fact seem less 
plausible. Neither stroke or heart attack make a good case for his diet or 
programs, he did not even reach average life expectancy.  

Best Regards,


PS I am well aware of the morphology of the word "antibiotics."


Re:CS>Motor Neuron Disease

2008-09-01 Thread Steven Foss
Hi Silver List:

Dr. Garth Nicolson has done an extensive amount of research with Auto Immune 
disease, including those that affect the Neurons.

Dr. Nicolson founded the Institute for Molecular Medicine in Huntington Beach, 
California. He  has published over 500 studies in peer-reviewed journals and 
isolated the infective factor in Gulf War Disease.

His protocol is long administration of antibiotics. 

Institute For Molecular Medicine
16371 Gothard St 
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Some links:



Infections have been 
found in a variety of Autoimmune Diseases, particularly in Rheumatic Diseases, 
such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Scleroderma, and other rheumatic disorders. We 
others have gathered substantial evidence that chronic bacterial and viral 
infections are commonly associated with Rheumatic Diseases, and many of these 
patients respond to antibiotic therapy. These patients are now recovering from 
their illnesses after decades of inadequate diagnoses and treatments. The 
recovery is slow; it usually takes up to or over a year to recover, but these 
patients had no alternative or effective treatments for their conditions, other 
than the alleviation of pain. 
Chronic infections are 
important in a variety of autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases, such as 
Lupus (SLE), among others, and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Amyotrophic 
Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). We previously proposed that many and perhaps a 
of these patients might be suffering from mycoplasmal and other infections that 
can cause, in part, their complex signs and symptoms. Systemic chronic 
infections (caused by bacteria such as Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Borrelia, 
Brucella, etc. or viruses such as CMV, HHV6, EV or enterovirus, etc.) can 
invade virtually every human tissue and can compromise the immune system, 
permitting opportunistic infections by other bacteria, viruses, fungi and 
Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Borrelia, Rickettsia 
and other pathogens can also directly damage and kill nerve cells in a process 
called apoptosis, resulting in nervous system degeneration.





CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2008 #510

2008-08-30 Thread Steven Foss
Hi Wayne

Thank you for your reply and insights.

Yes, I believe a phone line powered can be safely made used as you addressed in 
your email. 

However, my post dealt with Do It Your Selfers that do not have your level of 

My point of reference was "Phone Generators" that were somewhat less 
sophisticated which I have "dissected" when I repaired them. 

The majority of them were "Beck Units" consisting of a resistor to drop voltage 
and a diode to keep the silver particle size from being all over the map.  Some 
of the units did not even contain even these components. All of the users 
related the use of saline to accelerate the time/make the unit work; not one 
ever used only DW. A few were making CS into the hundreds (based on time) ppm.

None of these units contain a bridge rectifier as you mentioned in your design.

(Personally, I would add either a "voltage" clamp" (various ways to achieve 
this)or add two ICs to doubly regulate the power supply to keep the Voltage 
from increasing.)

As I previously related most of the people who had me repair these Phone 
Generators were senior citizens, who were living in homes they purchased 
pre-owned.  As I lived 30 years in a home built in late 1940's (with additions 
in the 1960's) and worked in Retail Stores built in the 1920's-1970's, the 
phone wiring has varied from the barely functional to the poorly designed. Some 
of the wiring was essential copper with varnished cloth as an insulation. This 
was also true for most of the electrical wiring (not the phone system) in a 
pharmacy I worked in housed in a building built before 1925. The phone system 
was fortunately from the 1960s.

I did not use the term "office" as none of these phones systems at my work 
places were offices or were comparable to the systems found in even the 
smallest banks, real estate offices, doctor or legal offices. Two or three 
phone lines at best. No PBX to be scene or dedicated operator. Most of the 
businesses were small "mom and pop shops." The owners were more concerned with 
dollar driven economics than anticipating growth and future expandability. And 
they lived with these phone "systems" using the term loosely for 30 years or 
until the phone system died.

I, too have worked with regulated voltage supplies, Lower Voltage/DC to about 
800V, in this case in Tube Amplifiers all of with can kill you. I never wanted 
to work in High Voltage (1000V or higher). The technology has varied from WE 
and RCA designs to present innovations. 

For those of the readers without Wayne's Credentials or background. All safety 
precautions apply.

If you do not know what these precautions are, either use batteries or be 
prepared to educate yourself. First thing to learn, always keep one hand in 
your pocket when around live circuit.

Best Regards,


> You open a big can of very mean worms, .
> but I have killed them all long, long ago.
> I could explain virtually all of them from a safety
> standpoint, and 
> other standpoints also.
> I have worked in telephone exchanges, designed and build
> custom 
> regulated power supplies to power many things from their
> huge power 
> supplies, ... with their sanction and permission.
> Never worked for the phone company, but 
> as  an  independent  technician  or contractor.
> And I think, I may have build the first phone line powered
> silver 
> generator, years before one or two similar showed up on the
> internet.  Never read anything about it, or got any idea
> from 
> anywhere, other than my imagination.
> I have also worked with hundreds of telephone leased
> circuits too, 
> for many purposes.
> That is another book.
> The voltage I am concerned with,  is the ringing voltage. 
> That will 
> get your attention in grand style.
> If I have to tell you about that, .. You have never
> experienced it.  
> The phone line generator consists of
> 1 full wave bridge
> 1 LED
> 1 Resistor
> About as simple as one can get, nothing automatic, all
> manually controlled.
> Here are some pictures.  
> http://www.fugitt.com/files/phonegen/
> As to a fire hazard, I can't help but appreciate your
> concern.
> But if I could build 1,000,000 and give them all away, I
> would bet 
> everything I own, no fire hazard would exist and not one
> fire would result.
> And of course Electrical Safety is one of my main concerns.
>  I preach 
> it everywhere I go.
> If anyone does not want to listen, they can get up and walk
> away,  I 
> will tell them, whether they want to hear it or not.
> In any house, I would wager I can find hazards and
> electrical code 
> violations..
> As to my certification, I am a Master Electrician and
> Certified 
> Electrical Inspector, among many other things.
> It takes wattage to start a fire,  it takes wattage to make
> CS  ( but 
> not much ) and it takes wattage to melt down hydrogen 
> generators.  Many amateurs that do not understand a

Re: CS>Rule of Thumb, don't get it, etc, etc. comments

2008-08-29 Thread Steven Foss
Dear Silver List



On using the power from the phone line. 

There is a possibility that you could short out a home or work phone electrical 
system using this approach.  This especially true with older buildings or older 

If your generator consists of basic (or simple) components such as a couple of 
silver wires, alligator clips, and wire/connectors, or additional circuitry 
such as diode and a resistor to drop current ala Bob Beck,  substituting the 
phone's power "rail" for batteries and using a saline or baking soda 
"accelerant," one could possibly overload your wires by drawing more more 
current through the lines than than were originally designed for, telephone use.

I can say a former manufacturer of such devices received several complaints of 
this happening. The disgruntled home owners had to pay to have their houses to 
be rewired for telephone service, the phone companies claim responsibility for 
the telephone line from the exterior box to the telephone pole and not interior 
wiring. The possibility of a fire, although remote was an additional liability. 

(Yes there are ways electronically to prevent overloads to one' house wiring.)

It doesn't happen with everyone who use this type of power method, but suffice 
to say, it is a possibility to contemplate.  

As to:

">-- you don't have to use part of the old batch to make a new one.

No one said you did.

>  You can if you want to, as it apparently speeds things up.

   Is that hearsay evidence, speculation, or have you tried it ?"

Hearsay: Unverified information heard or received from another; rumor

The use of a "starter batch" of previously made colloidal silver to seed the 
distilled water has been referenced enough on online forums, in CS generator 
manufacturers instruction manuals, on websites, and in books on CS that one can 
say that it is a given. It isn't considered unverified information. There is a 
considerable body of literature that supports this use.

I am all for replicating previous experiments, however one need not re-invent 
the wheel every time one goes to drive a car or use a bicycle or to tell 
another individual that a car or bike will get them from point a to point b

"How do you define Quality, and what part of Quality, does
the  mixing of CS actually effect?"

Quality: Degree or grade of excellence. When one is talking about something 
that is to be either ingested, or used for a particular purpose one has an 
expectation of some level of performance and purity. 

Quality is both subjective and comparative. In essence, a judgmental assessment 
between standard or idealized standards and pertaining to how a particular item 
or property is rated by an individual, group, government agency or committee. 

I define an A rating for a restaurant a reasonable expectation of not getting 
food poisoning as opposed to a Grade C rating.

If quality is equated with Purity, then one would endeavor to acquire the best 
of the available ingredients or products made from those ingredients produced 
under local/cultural value systems for cleanliness (as rated from either 
laboratory analysis, government rating systems, personal inspection, industrial 
standards, etc) or available by trade in one's area, that one could reasonably 
afford (if price is an object).

Some call the extremes of this approach "overkill." Using 99.99% Silver Wire, 
Laboratory and Technical Grade Distilled water, a power conditioner/limiter 
between my generator and the electrical outlet, etc this to one individual 
would be considered highest quality. No effort was spared.

If one defines quality as producing the smallest particles possible, then using 
a CS to seed the water (or adding saline or soda solutions) would increase the 
transconductance of the water with the consequence of larger particles being 
produced. This could be perceived as lower quality as opposed to using 
distilled water alone with the consequent smaller particles produced. 

(Here the point of diminishing returns with CS as a seed, the amount of silver 
in suspension of the starter solution in to what volume of water and how long 
the CS batch takes to "brew". These variables and others would effect the final 
outcome, and could result in nearly as small particles in some instances, or 
not in other instances. 

Some Generators require a starter batch to produce CS and specify this as a 
normal part of operation in the instruction manual.)

A CS generator that did not require such CS starter seed and produced smaller 
particles would be perceived or judged as being Superior or higher Quality to 

The common use of NaCl or Soda produces sufficiently large particles that one 
can sees the silver coming off one of the silver wire. These would be perceived 
as lower quality using a smallest particles possible as the standard.

Any of the above may be of adequate utility to the given task, especially if 
used externally, or used in the laundry, and in many

CS>Aspartame and Silver

2008-08-26 Thread Steven Foss
Hi Marshall,

Interesting point, you made a request to the EPA for Aspartame use as an ant 
poison. (Rat Poison may have been more appropriate) The EPA might possibly have 
considered Aspartame as a Ant Poison had you submitted the requisite science 
(proving that it was an insecticide) and an environmental study showing that it 
wasn't a threat (it breaks down into to naturally occurring amino acids found 
in the environment.) 

Do you have any positive experience with Aspartame and killing Ants?

Some observations:

Aspartame (a laboratory union of Aspartic Acid and Phenylalanine) is an FDA 
approved food additive, an artificial sweetener. It is considered safe and 
effective.  Silver is barely tolerated under the DSHEA as a mineral supplement 
and is neither considered safe and effective.

Aspartame is metabolized into its component parts of Aspartic Acid, 
Phenylalanine after ingestion, and may generate methanol (eventually 
formaldehyde) by hydrolysis under certain conditions during storage. However,a 
glass of orange juice contains a magnitude greater quantity of methanol by 

Silver remains silver after leaving the body

Neither Aspartic Acid nor Phenylalanine are considered threats to the 

Silver is now considered a potential threat to the environment

Monsanto owns Aspartame and could easily fight off any challenge, which is 
unlikely. The CS retailers, wholesales, manufacturers, etc do not have the 

(Monsanto purchased G. D. Searle the company that invented Aspartame. G. D. 
Searle was the descendant company of the drug company founded by Dr A.B. 
Searle, MD who wrote a book, The Use of Colloids in Health and Disease in 1919, 
which includes using Colloidal Silver against a number of diseases, citing peer 
review medical journals.)

It does not matter as to the form of Colloidal Silver (metal particle, ionic, 
silver protein, etc) as all forms have been listed in a 200+ product list 
submitted as part of the petition by CTA. Nano Silver Particles from EIS is 
quite possible (Sovereign Silver fits this description and is on the list). The 
petition concerns Nano Technology Silver.

Aspartame does not have have a coalition of Environmental Groups etc 
petitioning the EPA to follow its own regulations on the subject of enforcement.

However, Aspartame info (which is far from safe):

After discovery in 1965, Aspartame had a long road to approval, interestingly 
enough because of health safety issues. 

Following safety testing, a debate as to whether these tests had indicated that 
aspartame may cause cancer in rats. The FDA, which at that time was showing 
some independence from big Pharma, unlike it is now, investigated Searle and 
published a scathing, 76 page report uncovering the discrepancies, 
inconsistencies, and evidence of fabrication of records in Searle's lab work. 
They also performed their own autopsies on the remaining corpses of the rats 
and found a large number of pathological conditions which were caused by the 
aspartame but not reported by Searle in their analysis of the results. This is 
known as the Bressler report. The Bressler Report compared all the available 
raw data and summary data against the manufacturer's FDA submission and found 
missing raw data, errors and discrepancies in available data, but later the FDA 
would chose to ignore Bressler's report.  

In essence the Bressler report dealt with Searle's shoddy job of covering up 
the evidence. Lab rats turned up with brain tumors, atrophied testicles, and 
other conditions and anomalies, and many of them began dying unexpectedly.This 
report was subsequently buried and only recently obtained under the FOIA.

The U.S. FDA did not approve Aspartame's use as a food additive in the United 
States at that time. 

In 1980, the FDA convened a Public Board of Inquiry (PBOI) consisting of 
independent advisers to reexamine Aspartame's risks. The PBOI concluded that 
aspartame does not cause brain damage. The PBOI recommended against approving 
aspartame citing unanswered questions about cancer in laboratory rats. At that 
point in time, there was no requirement in place in FDA regulations to include 
brain research in the approval process, only cancer research.

Searle's Chief Operating Officer, Donald Rumsfeld, reapplied for FDA 
certification immediately after U.S. President Ronald Reagan took office. FDA 
Commisioner, Jere E. Goyan, was removed from his post on the first day of 
Ronald Reagan's presidency (1981). 

Goyan had refused to approve the use of aspartame due to studies documenting 
increase of cancers in rats. 

President Ronald Reagan appointed Arthur Hull Hayes, MD as FDA Commissioner in 
April 1981. In the same year Hayes approved aspartame as a food additive 
against an FDA Public Board of Inquiry (PBOI) recommendation citing data from a 
Japanese study that had not been available to the members of the PBOI, Hayes 
approved aspartame for use in dry goods.(It is notable h

CS>Food Irradiation OT

2008-08-24 Thread Steven Foss
Dear Silver List,

I have posted some comments on food irradiation at 
silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com for those who are interested.


Steve Foss


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re Silver and the EPA

2008-08-24 Thread Steven Foss
Dear Donna Gros,

You wrote, 

"With the use of Silver being on the increase in the hospitals for use in so 
many areas and it also has been used with burn patients over the years in the 
burn centers."

Silver's use in medicine is not in question, Silver Nitrate, Silver Chloride, 
and Silver Sulfadiazine (Silver Compounds) are approved drugs which have been 
in use for multiple decades, some 
silver compounds have been in use for nearly a century. Indeed Silver still has 
a place in medicine at least in the US. These drugs are regulated by the FDA.

Where you aware that the European Economic Community banned the use of Silver 
by mouth for medicine prior to 2000? Or that during the year 2000 an EEC 
committee discussed the ban of Silver as a food coloring agent in medicine 
(pill colorants), even though the quantity of Silver contained was so minuscule 
and the cumulative effect to be unlikely to cause harm, just harmonize the by 
mouth medicine rule? 

Contact me personally if you want a PDF copy of the Report.

The EEC ruling isn't very strictly enforced or has EEC's rulings have 
inadequate resources to police its decisions. For example over the counter 
medicine (OTC), a good friend of mine purchases OTC preparations of Colloidal 
Silver, Copper, and Zinc in France as well as Argentum metalicum, a homeopathic 
remedy made from Silver.

"I feel that the use of silver will never be banned."

Silver as used in electronics, jewelry, eating utensils will never be banned. 
These uses are not under question as these are not a Nano Technology issue. 

Nano Silver Particles in Clothes, in Bandages, in carbon water filters, and 
Colloidal Silver (including generators that produce Colloidal Silver)is under 

"My question to others after knowing this info is why would the hospitals with 
their use and also the help healing critical burn patients let silver be banned 
from use?" 

I never said that Silver compounds or FDA approved Silver drugs would be 
banned, nor has the EPA. I was referring to silver in colloidal silver 
preparations (and some other uses) as being banned if not registered and 
approved as pesticides. I presume that not all the subscribers to the Silver 
List have their own colloidal silver generators.

On the other hand Hospitals have little say as to what is used or not used 
other than choosing from FDA approved Drugs, Medical Devices, etc. Use a non 
approved device and the administrators would have liability issue, face losing 
their insurance, or both.

"Working in the emergency medical field for a good may years and also knowledge 
with my son-in-law in medical supplies with a very large hospital I do have 
this knowledge that the increase is on the rise with the use of CS and  my 
feelings that the hospitals will fully support the use of silver even in the 
medical facilities."

Silver use in medical facilities is on the increase and elsewhere in industry, 
but Colloidal Silver per se is not among the Silver used or approved for use in 
Medical Facilities. Silver impregnated dressings which are used for instance 
are among the items listed by the CTA for regulation as "pesticides." 

There is a stabilized Colloidal Silver that has EPA approval for use on Cruise 
Ships for killing a variety of pathogens including Avian Flu virus, Human 
Corona Virus (SARS), MRSA (Antibiotic resistant Staph)on hard surfaces. The 
Dept of Defense also has authorized the use of a Patented stabilized Colloidal 
silver (with Naptha and Formaldehyde, or Moth Balls and Embalming Fluid, both 
Carcinogens) for application against Biological Agents. Both fall under the 
pesticide descriptions.

The 200 odd items that are list by the CTA regulations do include Colloidal 

"Door to door, I just really had a good laugh from that and know this will 
never ever happen."

I had to laugh, too, because my post said the exact opposite. If one takes time 
to read it, you will find that I stated,
"I do not think that your generators would be confiscated, nor will there be 
door to door searches." 

(I am reminded of the game of  telephone we played in grammar school.)

The EPA doesn't have the personnel, nor are they an arm of the Justice Dept. or 
any Law enforcement agency. 

The EPA does have a fine for knowingly selling an unapproved pesticide (or 
pesticide related device). $5,000 per incident. Tell me who would attempt to 
sell generators or CS under such a threat.

I do not think that Silver in all its uses will be banned.  

I definitely believe that Bottle Colloidal Silver retail sales and Colloidal 
Silver Generator sales could be regulated out of existence in the US. 

We will find out in less than eight months.

Best Regards,

Steve Foss



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-of

Re: CS>EPA to Ban CS and CS generators as Pesticides.

2008-08-24 Thread Steven Foss
s, but OT I have seen reports on the relationship of increased 
Melanoma incidences from regular Sunscreen use.

Both Petitions want NanoTech to be halted until proven safe (harder to do than 
to prove unsafe) and to be licensed, regulated, etc.

In closing, the petitions by sundry organization are trying to force the EPA to 
follow its own rules and regulate Nano Silver in which generators and CS 
products are included. It is not a done deal, but most likely a fait accompli.

Warmest Regards,

Steve Foss

PS If having an opinion in light of the above is hyping, then I would rather be 
guilty than silent.

PPS, I already have in my possession several CS generators, so in the EPA is 
not of my concern.  I did think this topic would be of interest to the Silver 

PPPS, If anyone is going to write letters, petitions, etc, the time is now. The 
above Environmental groups, etc, have websites with petitions against.

"Faith Gagne" 
- Original Message -
From: "Steven Foss" 
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 2:32 AM
Subject: CS>EPA to Ban CS and CS generators as Pesticides.

Dear Silver List,

Here are some links to websites on this issue. The CTA and FOE (Center for
Technology Assessment and Friends of the Earth) are making a big issue over
Nano Technology.)

However, in the case of the CTA the Nano Technology is only Silver, and the
hit list contains a number of bottle Colloidal Silvers including Sovereign
Silver and Meso Silver among Silver Socks and Cosmetics, etc.

I do not think that your generators would be confiscated, nor will there be
door to door searches.  However, if you have any plans of purchasing
additional Colloidal Silver Generators after the EPA ruling you may be
disappointed. The Colloidal Silver Generator may go the way of the Rife
Machine. It is illegal to purchase a Rife Machine in California.

Dear Mr. Foss:

You are hyping this to the skies and you are way WAY out of line.

First of all, this is far from being a done deal.  (One of the Ph.D ' health
scientists' writes in one of these articles that nano silver that is washed
down the drain may get into the environment (as if people are not the
environment)  and kill fish and other animals.  Huh?  Evidently this "Ph.D"
knows nothing about CS.  I emailed that group and told them that a Ph.D
after one's name does not stand for education (anymore).  We should all
start emailing these groups and telling them that they are poorly informed
and to look elsewhere to entertain themselves.

Secondly, Whoever heard of door to door searches in this country looking for
a product that is no longer on the market?   This is ridiculous and
FABRICATED fear mongering.  You get a big fat Zero Flunk!


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>EPA to Ban CS and CS generators as Pesticides.

2008-08-23 Thread Steven Foss
Dear Silver List,

Here are some links to websites on this issue. The CTA and FOE (Center for 
Technology Assessment and Friends of the Earth) are making a big issue over 
Nano Technology.)

However, in the case of the CTA the Nano Technology is only Silver, and the hit 
list contains a number of bottle Colloidal Silvers including Sovereign Silver 
and Meso Silver among Silver Socks and Cosmetics, etc.  

I do not think that your generators would be confiscated, nor will there be 
door to door searches.  However, if you have any plans of purchasing additional 
Colloidal Silver Generators after the EPA ruling you may be disappointed. The 
Colloidal Silver Generator may go the way of the Rife Machine. It is illegal to 
purchase a Rife Machine in California.

For those who inquired about not finding information on the EPA website, the 
federal government generally does not list lawsuits against them. 
 There are a number of pages at the EPA about Nano Silver and pesticides:


"Any product containing silver – in any form – that makes claims to control 
pests (kills bacteria or fungi, my addition) must first be evaluated and 
registered by EPA to ensure it meets the FIFRA human health and environmental 
safety standards before it can be distributed or sold."


EPA is actively participating in the Working Party and contributes to all of 
the projects. Of particular relevance to the in-depth portion of the Agency's 
Nanoscale Materials Stewardship Program (NMSP) is the project on Safety Testing 
of a Representative Set of Manufactured Nanomaterials. The WPMN has identified 
a representative list of manufactured nanoscale materials for environmental 
health and safety testing, including: silver nanoparticles

The WPMN has also published a list of testing endpoints in the following 
nanomaterial information/identification 
physical-chemical properties 
material characterization 
environmental fate 
environmental toxicology 
mammalian toxicology 
material safety

You will find in the links below that the CTA website www.nanoaction.org states 
that the petition (suit) against the EPA started in May 2008.

The CTA action states Nano technology but their focus is nano silver which 
includes Colloidal Silver.  The EPA has until March 2009 to make its ruling.

Quick background

The EPA using the The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (or 
FIFRA) of 1947,  ruled that Silver particles are a pesticide using the the 
definition of antimicrobials contain with that act. They have also ruled that 
Colloidal Silver Generators which produce Silver Ions and is listed for sale as 
producing a substance capable of killing microbes is also a "pesticide" in 
essence, "nano silver pesticide devices." The EPA ruled over they had 
jurisdiction to regulate Sammsung Washing Machine that incorporated a small 
Generator to add Silver Ions to kill bacteria in the wash water. More recently 
they had issues with a computer company and its claims of nano silver (I can't 
recall if it was silver on the keyboard.)

Not to be outdone, the Friends of the Earth (FOE) is circulating petitions to 
the FDA for the removal nanotechnology in cosmetics, as well.  

The size range for nanotechnology is definitely
 in the Colloidal Range.

ICTA-Led Coalition Petitions for FIFRA Regulation of Nanoscale Silver Products 
Posted on May 7, 2008 by Lynn L. Bergeson 
On May 1, 2008, the International Center for 
Technology Assessment (ICTA), together with 13 other consumer, health, and 
environmental groups, filed a petition 
with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) demanding that EPA regulate 
as pesticides under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act 
(FIFRA), and that it take additional actions under FIFRA and other 
environmental statutes concerning, consumer products containing nanoscale 
silver. ICTA also released an inventory 
 of the nano silver-containing consumer products referenced in the 

The petition contends that nano silver is “the most commonly used 
nanomaterial in consumer products and the fastest growing sector of 
nanomaterial commercialization,” and that most companies “market 
their nano-silver products [by] putting emphasis on the nano-silver ingredient, 
touting its antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities . . . .” The petition 
states that “research has mounted to indicate that nano-silver materials pose 
risks to human health and the environment.” In support of the petition, the 
ICTA-led coalition pointed to, inter alia, EPA Region 9’s recent FIFRA 
enforcement settlement with a California company, IOGEAR, that had been making 

CS>EPA to Ban CS and CS generators as Pesticides.

2008-08-23 Thread Steven Foss
Dear Silver List,

I hope this post will be on topic.  I received a newsletter that states that 
Colloidal Silver and CS Generators could be banned by March 2009 by the 
Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA is being sued by an environmental 
lobbyist  organization. I have checked out several websites and this is indeed 
true, not a conspiracy theory.

The lawsuit mentions about every brand of CS of the market. 

Of the reason for this, the EPA reclassified CS as a Pesticide using an obscure 
50+year old law. 

Best Regards,

Steve Foss


CS>Carole's mother and CS

2008-08-23 Thread Steven Foss
Hi Carole (with an "E")

I use one to two Fluid Ounces of CS  10 ppm, daily and have (knock on wood) 
been Flu free for 3 years.

I would say that CS would be less of a risk than the amount of  mercury in one 
Flu shot.  One would have to consume 40 million ounces of Colloidal Silver at 
10 ppm (using the Toxicological Registry's 1990 paper on Silver Safety) for a 
extrapolated fatal dosage of Silver.  

As you maybe aware of there is a ten year study of Flu shots in which a 
relationship between 5 consecutive yearly Flu shots and a significant increase 
in Alzheimer's disease. I am quoting someone else's blog on the subject,  "Hugh 
Fudenberg, MD, an
immunogeneticist and biologist with nearly 850 papers published in peer
review journals, has reported that “if an individual had five
consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years studied),
his/her chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease is ten times higher than
if they had zero, one, or two shots."

I received my first and last Flu shot and was sick in the time it took to walk 
home from the Doctors (a matter of  5 minutes.) When I phoned the Doctor's 
office, the "gate-keeper" answering the phone curtly said, "it's a 
coincidence!" and hung up the phone before I could say another word or even 
request to speak to the Doctor.  I could have a number of medical conditions 
from severe allergic reaction, etc.  In the years between 1969 and 1975 (and I 
had a number of upper respiratory infections, ect) I only twice went to his 
office that I did not receive an injection (including exams to participate in 
sports and yearly physical exams). The in family joke was that his nursing 
staff could pick out anyone's tush from a lineup. The typical greeting when 
returning home from his office was, "Right or Left side," and they didn't mean 

The statistics for Flu shots aren't that impressive.  The 2007-2008 flu season 
was among the worst performance of the Flu vaccines. Based on adult deaths from 
and pneumonia, this season is the worst since 2003-2004 - another time
when the vaccine did not include the exact flu strain responsible for
most illnesses partly because the vaccine didn't work well against the viruses 
that made most people sick.  

The Flu Vaccines are best guesses as to which strains will be prevalent. Yes, 
there are risks.  I had an older female client still suffering 20 years later 
from the Guillian Barre Syndrome after effects from the 1976 Swine Flu 
vaccinations. Ironically, more people died of the Flu Shot side effects (25) 
than the Flu that year. (There was no Swine Flu epidemic.) 

"The Cochrane Collaboration
produced a series of articles in 2005 reviewing the published
literature to determine the effectiveness of the flu shot. A total of 25 
studies were
reviewed that included more than 60,000 study participants. The
Cochrane Group found that vaccination reduced risk of influenza by a
meager 6% and reduced the number of days missed from work by less than
one (0.16) day. Researchers concluded, “Universal immunization of
healthy adults was not supported by the results of this review.”

the elderly population, the prime target group for flu shots, The
Cochrane Group reviewed 64 studies and chided that, “The runaway 100%
effectiveness that's touted by proponents [of the flu shot] was nowhere
to be seen…What you see is that marketing rules the response to
influenza, and scientific evidence comes fourth or fifth.”

A new study, soon to be released in the prestigious medical journal, Vaccine,
resulted in the same conclusion. The study was undertaken to determine
whether the incidence of influenza had decreased in Ontario, Canada
following the introduction of the Universal Influenza Immunization
Campaign (UIIC) in 2000. All laboratory-confirmed influenza
cases—diagnosed between January 1990 and August 2005—were analyzed. It
was determined that, “…despite intensified vaccination distribution and
the increased financial resources used to promote vaccination,” the
incidence of influenza had not been decreased by the national flu shot

I have used CS as an adjunct to my over all Health regimen for nearly 20 years. 
 For me it is almost a sure thing.  I can't say the same for my relatives who 
do receive Flu shots (its their choice).  I have had respiratory challenges 
since childhood, so I am more susceptible than the average person.

Other than using in excess or being allergic to Silver the chances are your Mom 
would have little reason for concern in using CS, but I am not a Doctor, this 
is only my opinion. However, I was involved in retail sale of CS for over 15 
years, most of the products were 250ppm or higher CS. We never had a return for 
adverse reaction, argyria, etc. 

I would have see no problem with my 85 year old Mom using Colloidal Silver, 
other than my Mom's heart Doctor has forbidden her to take any supplements of 
any sort with the medicine she is on (Coumadin).   He does recommend yearly Flu 

CS>Silver and Salt

2008-08-20 Thread Steven Foss

Hi Andy and Silver List

Here is my third attempt at posting a reply I typed up on Saturday.  Sometimes 
technology gets in the way of communication, especially when I am the one at 
fault. My many thanks to the patient people at eskimo.com:

Yes, I am saying that salt is more conductive in solution than silver in 
hydrosol, twice as conductive.  (Discussions of conductivity of Metallic Silver 
Wire, the lack of conductivity of Salt Crystals, or the conductivity Ionic 
Solutions of Molten Salt will have to wait)

In this instance we are discussing Silver Ions in suspension and Ions of Sodium 
and Chlorine (Salt) in a  liquid solution, in both cases water. 

With apologies to my physics and chemistry teachers (and my English composition 

A solution is a homogeneous mixture of the solute (in this case salt) and the 
solvent (in this case water).
Salt (Sodium chloride aka table salt) dissolves into water to form a solution. 
As a result, most of the Sodium and the Chlorine ionize to form sodium ions 
(Na+) (positive charge ions, also called Anions) and and chlorine ions (Cl-) 
(negative charge ions, called cations), respectively. Both the Sodium and 
Chlorine are a discrete particles that conduct electricity, one with a positive 
charge imbalance and one with negative.  Being homogeneous the ions are equally 
well mixed with the solvent (water) through out.

(For all those who do not know otherwise, an Ion by definition is an atomic or 
molecular particle with an electrical charge.)

A Hydrosol is a colloid (a mix of particles held in suspension) with water as 
the dispersing medium.Colloidal Silver is a Hydrosol. Colloidal Silver made by 
DC Generators (or chemically) primarily contain Silver Ions (Positive charge 
ions).  Hydrsols being Colloids are not homogeneous although often have the 
appearance of a solution.

Colloidal Silver lacks the negative charged ions found in the saline solution 
which would facilitate current flow. Silver in a hydrosol has half the 
potential that Salt has in a solution.  Both pass electrical currents (the 
properties of an electrolyte) which can be measured in micro Siemens.  

Measuring a 10 ppm solution of salt, and a 10ppm Colloidal Silver hydrosol (if 
one was sure that it was 10ppm) could be measured as an experiment in µS, 
however,  our initial discussion was using a Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Meter 
to measure ppm.

What's the connection between conductivity and TDS? Not very much other than an 
observered "relationship."

TDS is more precisely measured in the laboratory by evaporating a measured 
sample gently to dryness then calculating how much solids are left.Conductivity 
is usually given as µS/cm which measures the ability of the sample to conduct 
an electric current.

There is no exact relationship between conductivity as µS/cm and TDS as ppm. So 
why are both measurements used? It has been discovered experimentally that for 
particular types of water there is an approximate relationship. Most 
Manufacturers of TDS meters dissuade their use in measure Colloidal Systems


Steve Foss

PS.  I did not consider Ion drift, a very good point I did not bring up.


CS>What multiplier do you use and how accurate do

2008-08-16 Thread Steven Foss
Hi Silver List,
"What multiplier do you use and how accurate do
you think your measurements are???"
I use 4  as the multiplier with TDS meters.  Why?
To date no major reputable commerical manufacturer produces a meter to 
specifically test for PPM levels for Colloidal Silver Suppensions. When I asked 
(Hannah), "Not enough sales to justify manufacture, to small a market." 
A TDS meter is designed to measure Total Dissolved Solids in soltion for 
applications such as hydroponic gardening, testing tap water and Reverse 
Osmosis water, industrial uses for contaminants. 
The typical TDS meter measures from 0 ppm to 999 PPM and was not designed to 
measure small measurements with an  accuracy of less than 50% under 100 of PPM
TDS meters measure transconductance (opposite of resistance) in micro Siemens 
and then use circuitry to convert this measurement into a PPM number (called a 
Conversion Factor).
The Conversion Factor circuitry "translates" roughly 1 micro Siemen into 1ppm 
at Part Per Million readings of 100 PPM or higher at 90% accuracy. At PPM 
levels lower than 100 PPM the Conversion Factor translates 1 micro Siemen  as 
0.5 PPM, 50% of what is measured.
TDS meters were designed to measure dissolved solids conductivity and are 
calibrated with Sodium Chloride (the "yellow" solution sold with these meters) 
as a rough "Guesstimate." Salt is used as an average approximation of the 
conductivity of the compounds and elements (and polutants) found in water.  
(Potassium Chloride is the world standard for calibration, but then TDS meters 
do not require scientific accuracy.) 
Soldium Chloride or table salt has twice the conductivity of Silver. Or Silver 
has 1/2 the conductivity of table Salt. So any measurement of Colloidal Silver 
will be half of that for dissolved solids.
TDS meters round off their measurements downwards after conversion.  0 to 0.9 
PPM will read as 000 PPM.  Likewise,  1 to 1.9 PPM reads as 1 PPM, etc.
Let's use some numbers.  Let's say I have finished a batch of CS and send half 
of it to a lab that runs an Atomic Aborption Spectragraphy.  The batch was made 
with Lab & Tech distilled water (0 PPM).  The test measurement is 10 ppm
I reach for my trusty TDS meter.  The meter measures  90 % of the 
transconductace (calibrated to Sodium Chloride which has twice transconductance 
of CS) so 4.5 only is measured and  the conversion factor has a 50% error 
(under 100ppm readings) so 2.25, rounded down becomes 2 PPM.
I have a batch of 30 PPM CS.  15 X 90%= 13.5 microS measured multiplied by 50% 
Conversion=6.75 rounded down to 6 ppm
If I have a reading of 3 PPM X 4= 12 PPM (3 times 2 (for Conversion Factor) 
times 2 (Salt factor) equals 12 PPM)
This doesn't account for Commerical Distilled water which measures from 0 to 2 
ppm (0 to 4 ppm if taking into account the Conversion Factor from circuitry).  
The DW will measure as 0 ppm at levels as high as 1.9 ppm (actual).
That is why I use the number 4 as a multiplier when using a TDS meter to 
measure CS batches.
How accurate do I think these measures are with TDS meters? 
Not very accurate, but better than nothing, or shelling out $400 USD everytime 
I make CS to get an accurate reading.
Steve Foss
If you are using Sodium Chloride or Sodium bicarbonate as an electrolyte this 
muddies the water (and the measurement) further.

>Question for the group: What multiplier do you use and how accurate do
you think your measurements are???

Just make sure the TDS meter probe is not contaminated when measuring,
make sure there are no bubbles on the probe tips and do not try to
measure moving water (keep TDS meter still in water).
- Steve



    Hi Steve.  How does one use a TDS meter?  Thanks.  Faith G.