Re: CS>LDN (low dose Naltrexone)

2021-11-25 Thread david moskovits
order from India

From:  on behalf of Linda Ellis 

Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2021 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: CS>LDN (low dose Naltrexone)

Do I need a prescription for this?

When I went to Amazon, I got a list of a lot of other things, not this.  A 
compounding pharmacy said it required a prescription.

From: "pc" 
Date: Mon, Nov 22, 2021 9:05 am
Subject: Re: CS>LDN (low dose Naltrexone)
Jean - if you go to ... 
lots of info and also where to buy.

Ive been taking it for years ... got off for a bit when I recently had knee 
surgery and having some trouble
getting the dosage back up to 3 mg.  I'm at 1.5 now.  Major difference in my 
immune system .. I used to have pneumonia several times a year .. Not had it at 
all since taking ldn.  lots of other benefits .. My understanding is that it is 
more effective if taken at night .  you will have to research it.
Patricia Cassidy

On Mon, Nov 22, 2021 at 12:30 AM Jean Baugh <> wrote:
I used to be on a list called the LDN (low dose Naltrexone).  It was 
fascinating and very informative, but like the Chemtrail list, one day it 
disappeared, never to be seen again.

Before it was 'disappeared', I'd researched a bit and found it offered for sale 
by River Pharmacy in Canada.  Not sure why I originally ordered it but think it 
had to do with it balancing your immune system, as needed.  The first time I 
ordered it, the package was gobbled up by customs and they resent the package.  
Then I realized this was something to stock up on.  It was not illegal in any 
sense of the word, but apparently had some very good side effects.  I remember 
hearing a TV anchor saying, "If they found a cure for cancer, our economy would 

Low and behold if this didn't come up today on Dr. Mercola.

The way I used it, brand Nodict, was one pill dissolved in 50cc of water but I 
always used colloidal silver, then the dose was started at 2.5cc and raised to 
about 4.5cc.  Some people reported they were very sensitive at even 1/4cc but 
some I suspect were trolls.  Never to be hesitant, I took the 4.5cc right off 
and it did have an effect on me and that was technicolor dreams that were 
interesting.  For one thing, I took it first thing in the morning because it 
seemed to make it harder to fall asleep if taken late in the day.

What is REALLY interesting about the LDN list being disappeared is, the list 
was discussing using it at much higher rates, and bam, it was gone.

If I remember right, addicts or alcoholics, were guinea pigged up to 5 pills a 
day, so apparently it was safe.

There were so many stories from the list members that it seemed as if was a 
miracle drug.  Off patent so they couldn't charge big bucks.  I did notice they 
used this and something else together, to use to lose weight.  How that works 
is, the same way it works in druggies and alcoholics.

Here is the link if they haven't taken it away:


Re: CS>US Supreme Court ruled mRNA Covid VAX is NOT a VACCINE, is UNSAFE and must be AVOIDED

2021-11-20 Thread david moskovits
read the other articles from the website ... it seems its not true

From: Douglas Haack 
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2021 10:35 PM
Subject: CS>US Supreme Court ruled mRNA Covid VAX is NOT a VACCINE, is UNSAFE 
and must be AVOIDED

I still need to CONFIRM this -- if TRUE, Fantastic . . .

BREAKING NEWS: The Supreme Court In The US Has Ruled That The Covid Pathogen Is 
Not A Vaccine, Is Unsafe, And Must Be Avoided At All Costs-Supreme Court has 
canceled universal vax - best news 

BREAKING NEWS: The Supreme Court In The US Has Ruled That The Covid Path...


Re: CS>Ivermectin for cancer

2021-10-27 Thread david moskovits
Wouldnt it be great if the truth would come out on everything 

From: Jean Baugh 
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2021 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Ivermectin for cancer


I clicked on my link about Ivermectin and cancer and it opened.  It might very 
well be opposed by a lot of people, who stand to lose a lot of money.  What 
would I have given to know this back in 2005?  My Mother was lost to 
chemotherapy and greed.

Passing on that link was hopefully helpful to others who are dying because they 
represent lots of money.  I heard a TV anchor say, If we found a cure for 
cancer, our economy would crash.  He spoke the truth!

May I suggest you use Duckduckgo to search for those terms?


On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 5:43 PM Rick>> wrote:
For me it says The Conversation Requested Could Not Be Loaded

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 5:50 PM p c>> wrote:
Yes   Me too.   My doc won’t prescribe ivermectin - he likes 
hydroxychloroquine. But also said crack down on drs writing scripts.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 27, 2021, at 4:41 PM, Smitty>> wrote:

I got a message.
*Not able to download*
Censored. ??
Does Anyone have this problem ?

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 11:27 AM Jean Baugh>> wrote:


2021-10-12 Thread david moskovits

Sources: VAXXED Delta Pilot DIES IN-FLIGHT, Emergency Landing Required 
Sources: VAXXED Delta Pilot DIES IN-FLIGHT, Emergency Landing 
BREAKING: During an interview with Stew Peters, Dr Jane Ruby provided Breaking 
information, corroborated by multiple sources, that a Vaxxed Delta Airlines 
pilot died in flight within the last two weeks, an emergency landing was 
forced, and the company is covering it up!

Re: CS>

2021-08-30 Thread david moskovits
its easy just pretend you have a criminal mind and want to get as many sheeple 
to follow orders.

From: Greg Kentwell 
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2021 5:30 PM
To: pal joey 
Subject: Re: CS>

I agree and would go as far as to say that this is highly likely.
Some weeks ago there was a msm article about a group of people the received 
saline shots “in error”.
They wanted those people to come back and get the correct shot.
How could this possibly happen if they did not have the saline shots lined up 
ready to administer.
It was almost like they were telling us of this possibility. ( saline instead 
of poison).



> On 29 Aug 2021, at 5:09 am, pal joey  wrote:
> Not saying I know this is happening,  but there is some talk of some people 
> get a saline shot instead of the real vaccine. And the motive is a guess, but 
> theories include creating a segment of the group that won't have problems, or 
> become magnetized because they got saline. They would then be pro "vaccine", 
> (look, nothing happened to me).  Yes, it is far out speculation,  I agree, 
> but this entire event is like something out of a sci fi horror movie, so 
> anything is possible.  If I got the "vaccine", I would look into the d- dimer 
> blood test for blood clots,  and then look into non toxic treatments to 
> alleviate them as well as any possible antidotes, until this is all sorted 
> out. If the blood tests showed all clear, I'd still plan to get more later, 
> and continue to look at antidotes. Then, if all was still clear, I'd consider 
> whether I got the saline.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>YUGE!!! Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid-19 Is A Hoax & All Restrictions Have Now Been Dropped

2021-08-05 Thread david moskovits
New strain will be called Hellta.

From: V 
Sent: Thursday, August 5, 2021 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: CS>YUGE!!! Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid-19 Is A Hoax & All 
Restrictions Have Now Been Dropped

Good point! Also someone else pointed out the Delta choice of name being 
Delta brainwaves are associated with being completely unconscious, and in this 
state we do not remember or know anything.
Delta is the realm of your unconscious mind, and the gateway to the universal 
mind and the collective unconscious. This is where you can receive Information 
that is unavailable at the conscious level.

On Thu, Aug 5, 2021, 8:35 AM Neville Munn,>> wrote:
Whoops, here's an edit or an addition.

Remember when this crap first started they called it  - Novel - well "they" 
were stomped on, they had to stop using that Novel label because Novel means 
New​, and this is Not new, there's the giveaway for an engineered 'disease'.  
For some they think it is some 'strange Coronavirus' or a somehow it's 
something new, when in fact it's not.  Now it's mutated so now "they" call it 
the Delta Strain, LOL, I wonder what "they" will call it when it mutates AGAIN?


From: V>>
Sent: Friday, 6 August 2021 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: CS>YUGE!!! Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid-19 Is A Hoax & All 
Restrictions Have Now Been Dropped

Yup every person who says they have or had it, by what test do you assert that 
as fact? I have had nasty flu in the past way pre scary so called novel virus. 
I am not saying people were sick. I am asking what test? And what are they 
really finding ? Fragments. Jon Rappaport and I and just a few others I guess 
not buying any of the numbers or narratives.

Re: CS>TROLLS...!!!

2021-07-27 Thread david moskovits

What a joke

History tells us that severe side effects are extremely rare, and if they if do 
occur, they usually happen within the first two months.

History what history from 6 months?

From: Max 
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2021 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: CS>TROLLS...!!!

this statement in the link below is blatantly false;  "mRNA vaccines. The 
vaccines made by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech use messenger RNA, or mRNA, to 
deliver a message to your immune system with instructions on how to fight the 
coronavirus infection."   It can be forgiven only because the article is a 
fluff piece written by an unknown for god knows what motive.  The few decades 
of research with mrna vaccines against corona viruses was a failure.

It must be increasingly embarrassing to call all of the dissenting 
professionals nutjobs.  Can you get better credentials than the likes of John 
Ioannidis,  Sucharit Bahkdi, Peter McCullough?

Its hard to believe the incredible narrative these people are exposing, as it 
seems so unbelievable.  Even if they are wrong on half of it, the scam is about 
as bad as it gets.  But when you look at history, mankind has always engaged in 
heinous atrocities.

I dont have a problem with people ignoring those they deem trolls, but nor do I 
have a problem exposing their false narrative.  Ive got scientific references 
for days



The new vaccines from mRNA have been studied about 30 years but you think using 
shady links to ivermectin crap is a better solution, you are a conspiracy 

Re: CS>If You Absolutely Must Vaccinate Against Covid-19 Out of Fear or Coercion, Hold Out for This Already Proven Vaccine - LewRockwell

2021-03-25 Thread david moskovits
why would anyone willingly take a gene therapy that failed when tested on 
animals 10 years ago. . The ceo of Liezer wont take it and Liezer been fined 
countless times for fraud? Besides f you got covid you have a 99.97 chance of 
recovery with this gene therapy ?  chance of recovery.

From: Deborah Gerard 
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2021 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: CS>If You Absolutely Must Vaccinate Against Covid-19 Out of Fear 
or Coercion, Hold Out for This Already Proven Vaccine - LewRockwell

Congrats to the DUMMY you are a ticking time bomb people are dying daily after 
these shots from hell are WILLYFULLY IGNORANT
On Thursday, March 25, 2021, 05:52:02 PM EDT, Cyndiann Phillips 

I got mine. I was not afraid nor was I coerced. I was smart!

On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 9:33 AM Gmail>> wrote:

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Lord Acton

Re: CS>Hemorrhoid HELPP

2020-08-14 Thread david moskovits
I use coconut oi relieves the pain and swelling fast .

Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Hemorrhoid HELPP

There is a natural product called 'Collinsonia Root" that has a good track 
record for
treating hemorrhoids.  I like the Standard Process product.  I think you can 
check out
the reviews on Amazon and you can purchase the root from them.  Many start to
experience relief in just a few days/weeks.

I always start off low and slow with any new product and work up to a full dose.
Sufferers sometimes work with their doc who may prescribe anywhere from 4 to 9
caps per day in divided doses.  As always do your own due diligence and

- Original Message -
From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Fri, 14 Aug 2020 09:10:33 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>Hemorrhoid HELPP

Prep H and a "butt plug" to hold things in a relaxed not under pressure without 
support state where they should be while it heals up

On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 12:22 AM Reid Harvey>> wrote:
I just turned 70 and that seems to be around the time the body begins giving 
out.  Does EIS/ CS help with hemorrhoids?  For other reasons the Beck Protocol 
seems to make sense as well.  Silverlisters, you are the salt of the earth.

Re: CS>PETITIONS: FDA-Big Pharma revolving door; 5G expansion; Estriol in danger

2020-06-26 Thread david moskovits

thanks I will sign and forword it to my Whats app groups many Alt medicine 
people there

From: Nenah Sylver 
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2020 1:27 PM
Subject: RE: CS>PETITIONS: FDA-Big Pharma revolving door; 5G expansion; Estriol 
in danger

david moskovits wrote: thanks wonder if anything can help



You (and others) might be surprised by the power of petitions. I used to think, 
"Why bother?" until I heard reports from the organizations that sponsor the 
petitions. They told us petition signers that all those signatures really do 
make a difference--and that on a given issue, the bully agency (whichever one 
it happened to be at the time) backed down because it was flooded by so many 

Bullies need to know that others will stand up to them. It's the basic "power 
in numbers" principle.

So don't despair. Your signature DOES make a difference.

Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health:

an integrated approach for cancer and other diseases

NEW 5th Edition<>

NEW! See my EarthRiches Etsy shop:

Beautiful, handmade, one-of-a-kind items from

semiprecious stones for healing and enrichment

Re: CS>PETITIONS: FDA-Big Pharma revolving door; 5G expansion; Estriol in danger

2020-06-26 Thread david moskovits

thanks wonders if anything can help

From: Jim 
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2020 6:41 AM
Subject: RE: CS>PETITIONS: FDA-Big Pharma revolving door; 5G expansion; Estriol 
in danger

Thanks Nenah

From: Nenah Sylver 
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2020 4:25 AM
To: Nenah Sylver 
Subject: CS>PETITIONS: FDA-Big Pharma revolving door; 5G expansion; Estriol in 

The Alliance for Natural Health has prepared petitions for three vitally 
important issues. Please consider signing them.

1) Pharmaceutical executives getting high-ranking jobs in the FDA; former FDA 
employees going to work for Big Pharma. This revolving door between regulator 
and industry is the very definition of the “fox guarding the henhouse.” This 
cronyism is putting Americans lives at risk and it needs to stop. Action 

2) There is a bill in Congress, the Rural Broadband Acceleration Act, which 
would direct the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to accelerate an FCC 
program designed to bring broadband to rural communities and small businesses. 
Separately, the FCC passed an order to make it easier for companies to install 
5G in rural communities by streamlining the process to upgrade existing towers 
to 5G. Action 

3) Estriol and other bioidentical hormones have been nominated to the FDA’s 
Demonstrably Difficult to Compound List; items that appear on the list when it 
is final will no longer be able to be made at compounding pharmacies. We need 
to let the FDA know that we’re watching. Action 

Also, for those who can: On July 1, the National Academy of Sciences, 
Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) is holding a webinar to release their report 
on the “clinical utility” of compounded bioidentical hormone replacement 
therapy. We expect the FDA will use this report as ammunition to ban estriol 
and other bioidentical hormones from pharmacy compounding. It is critical that 
consumers attend this 
 to let the FDA know that we’re watching them.

Thank you.

Nenah Sylver, PhD

[Avast logo] 

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: CS>

2020-03-26 Thread david moskovits

dont click

From: Karis Cromartie 
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:33 PM
To: silver list 
Subject: CS>



Re: CS>Coronavirus

2020-03-17 Thread david moskovits
recommendations for a good nebulizer?

From: Reid Harvey 
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 3:58 PM
To: Silverlist Post 
Subject: Re: CS>Coronavirus

If I get the gist of this discussion correct I have a question:  If EIS works 
in nebulizing why would it not work orally, periodically taking a teaspoon?

On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 9:25 AM Neville Munn>> wrote:
Sorry Teri, I found an article which states this Coronavirus *IS* gram 
negative.  Yes, I know, there are a million articles rabbiting on about Corona, 
the Internet is full or crap, but going deeper I actually found one such 
article stating its negative.

A Jean-Louis Vincent, M.D., Ph.D., at Erasme Hospital states it in an article I 
found.  God knows who or where he hails from?

Quote: "So far, it seems to be Gram-negative than Gram-positive organisms in 
patients with COVID-19" end quote.

Have I misunderstood that?


From: Teri Kavakos>>
Sent: Wednesday, 18 March 2020 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Coronavirus

This is a virus.  It is bacteria that is either gram positive or gram negative

Re: CS>zapper application

2018-07-06 Thread david moskovits
How long do you leave it on? thanks

From: Shirley Reed 
Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2018 7:21 PM
Subject: CS>zapper application

I cut off the top 5 or 6 inches of a black sport sock and put my leg through it 
up to about my knee.  Then just put the zapper inside, turn it on and  let 'er 

Re: CS>osteoarthritis

2018-07-05 Thread david moskovits
Do you think this would help with MS? how long and where do you apply? thanks

From: Shirley Reed 
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 3:40 PM
Subject: CS>osteoarthritis

  Silver seems to be good for nearly everything.  But a Don Croft zapper has 
taken down the osteoarthritis in my hands for  20 years now.  No pain, no 
disfigurement of the hands and fingers, no heat or redness for 20 years.  No 
meds either.  And 9 volt batteries last for 60 or  70 hours or so and are 2 for 
a dollar at the dollar store.  Don't know about fibro but suspect it will do 
the same for it.  My son's acne was gone in 3 days.  Extreme fatigue on my part 
took a couple of weeks to greatly resolve and longer to be completely gone.

Re: CS>Sodium Carbonate and "reducer" to make colloidal silver rather than ionic

2018-03-22 Thread david moskovits

How do you make cs? thanks

From: Phil Morrison 
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 8:53 PM
Subject: CS>Sodium Carbonate and "reducer" to make colloidal silver rather than 

Adding anything to pure distilled water used to make CS is counterproductive.

Making CS is a KISS process.

Re: CS>Mouth wash

2018-03-12 Thread david moskovits
Your supposed  to use steam distilled water to make silver anything else will 
have impurities in it .

From: Carlos Pérez 
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 8:56 PM
Subject: CS>Mouth wash

Dear friends.

A good friend of mine on my suggestion bought a Silver Puppy several years ago 
and he and his family have been using very successfully EIS produced with it.

A relative of my friend uses daily at his home sea water, preparing an isotonic 
solution with it in order to drink it, mouthwash, gargle and other purposes. He 
is very much interested in finding out if there is any incovenient in mixing 
EIS and Isotonic Sea Water for tose purposes. ¿Would there be a reaction 
producing some type of salts that would destroy the bactericidal efect of EIS?

Thank very much for any suggestions you may have.



Re: CS>OT - Lugol's solution 7%

2017-07-27 Thread david moskovits

An HTML attachment was scrubbed...

anyone have a link?

From: RaVen Sequoia 
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2017 1:59 AM
Subject: Re: CS>OT - Lugol's solution 7%

Here is a link to Terry's instructions about making colloidal silver:

RE: CSImportant question about the new SuperBug 2015 CRE

2015-02-20 Thread david moskovits
CS may help his tumor also .

Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 13:57:24 -0500
Subject: Re: CSImportant question about the new SuperBug 2015 CRE


As far as I know, there is no superbug that is immune to CS since
the hospitals don't ever use it (plus it is likely that immunity is
impossible anyway.)


On 2/20/2015 1:22 PM, Judy Knowlton wrote:


A friend must
  have throat-larynx surgery
  very soon for a tumor (operated upon 5 years ago) the
  tumor has
grown back. He
  is more concerned about
  the new Superbug that is killing 50% of those who get
  it, since the tests will
  be taken with tools that are likely to have CRE (His
  immune system is low as
  well.) He is a professional story teller, and losing
  his voice seems like  losing
  his life.
Any information
  from you folks on facing
  CRE and surgery?
Judy Down Maine


RE: CSElectrode cleaning?

2015-02-18 Thread david moskovits
Mary,I don't have a unit yet and I would consider buying your old silver gen.  
Thanks   Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 07:42:16 -0800 From: 
Subject: RE: CSElectrode cleaning? To:   Jason, I 
just received a new Silver gen, my old one was 18 yrs old and worked perfectly, 
but my kids decided I needed a new one, so the new Silver gen has flat 
electrodes is this good? It was hard to talk to the maker of the product as he 
does not like to talk much so I know nothing about these flat electrodes.   
Any information would be helpful. Thank You  
Mary On Tue, 2/17/15, Neville wrote:   Subject: RE: CSElectrode cleaning?  To:  Date: Tuesday, February 17, 
2015, 6:46 PM#yiv0707868960  #yiv0707868960 --  .yiv0707868960hmmessage 
P  {  margin:0px;padding:0px;}  #yiv0707868960 body.yiv0707868960hmmessage  
{  font-size:12pt;font-family:Calibri;}  #yiv0707868960 Sorry  Jason, don't 
know anything about flat electrodes.   Praps I shouldn't have said anything.  
You know the  old saying, Rather not say anything and let people  think 
you're an idiot, than open your mouth and remove  all doubt...LOL.  Thanks 
for your insight regarding  pads.  Well here's  one hypothesis, the 
suspected poor quality DW used on that  occasion, in combination with the stir 
bar spinning action,  may have developed a situation whereby whilst in 
storage  some silver was pulled to the centre where the stir bar  spun?  
Cross contamination?  I know silver is not  magnetic, but who knows if other 
unknown contaminants in the  DW may have combined to encourage that end 
result?  I  don't know, perhaps a magnetic field was created, again  with the 
combination of impurities in that particular batch  of DW, created an 
opening/situation for some  reaction? or agglomeration or  something? to 
take place, and to take place  *only* where the stir bar was situated?  What 
confounded me was the fact that  it not only occurred once, it occurred twice 
after filtering  and cleaning that storage vessel out?  Another of life's 
mysteries I  guess.  Cheers  N. Date: Tue, 17 Feb  2015 17:50:02 
-0800   From:   To:   
Subject: Re:  CSElectrode cleaning?  Hi Neville:  I remember 
reading your initial post and  being puzzled by it, but nothaving  
anything of value to contribute.  As far as scrub pads contaminating 
pure  silver, since silver is waysofter  than steel, risk fo 
contamination is low unless you think cleaning the silver is a sanding  
project.  You make  my point.  I myself use a plastic scrubber for my 
   straight/rounded electrodes, and have no  problem.  The point of using an 
abrasive is to eliminate or reduce the electrode  degradation, which is 
asignificant  issue in my opinion, as far as it effects the brewing
process.  You might be able to get away  with using a paper towel to
clean  electrodes, but you also might be surprised at the amount of 
jagged edges are actually created on  the silver electrode in the
standard  home brew setup, over time.   Cleaning my Silvergen SG7 
electrodes  is much more involved.  Luckily,the  degradation of the 
electrodes is very minimal due to the  reversepolarity used and the 
rapid  water circulation.  I have to use makeupremovers, which are made 
from a dense  cotton, similar in shape to Q-Tips.  Since these are 
flat electrodes, ***the  silver oxide particles that dobuild  up*** on 
the electrodes provides enough abrasion to  reproduce acompletely smooth 
surface  on the electrodes, thanks to the perfectdesign of the electrode 
configuration.  ~Jason  
  -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing 
Colloidal Silver.   Rules and Instructions:  
 Off-Topic discussions: List Owner: 
Mike Devour   

RE: CSForum

2015-02-16 Thread david moskovits
Just because people dont respond doesn't mean they didnt get  the  ideas you 
are posting, and learning new things. I still dont have a silver generator but 
Im learning a lot from the posts. Keep them coming we all care even if we are 

 Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 18:36:32 -0800
 Subject: Re: CSForum
 Hi Dan:
 It's not that it is a big deal (or desireable even) it's about the 
 creativity and exploration.
 The idea of a slow burn is a favorite amongst some of the old timers (no 
 longer part of the list, I believe)... brewing silver according to moon 
 cycles, and other more ancient patient practices.
 What was noticed was that via this slow burn, the silver ions or 
 particles deeply penetrated the glass container forming complex crystals 
 in the glass itselfway to deep into the glass to even sand away.
 I would greatly like to see a TEM of what the silver particles look like 
 via this process, but I no longer have access to this equipment.
 We know that the FAST burn method (HVAC) creates larger, very jagged 
 crystalline silver particles via the work of Ole Bob Berger.
 I'm wondering if the slow burn process creates much more refined and 
 non-chaotically organized colloidal crystalline particles.
 On 2/16/2015 10:56 AM, Dan Nave wrote:
  Time for your yearly post on cleaning electrodes.  Frankly, I seem to
  have missed it...
  I would also be interested in hearing about the crystallization
  effects of the slow brew process.
  On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Jason wrote:
  Hi Gail/David:
  Facebook is the worst of the worst for their groups setup and activity.
  The lack of accurate information on those groups is astounding, and even
  when someone posts something of real value, it is lost in obscurity a
  few minutes later... not to mention the instant bullying and control
  freaks that thrive in such a setting.
  I'm very active in some other lists because there is a lot of very
  dynamic exchanges of ideas.
  I'm all for getting away from the status quo, because the status quo
  means stagnation.
  I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on the
  silverlist... oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last
  before that was probably a rehash on some ideas pioneered by Brooks
  I was on the phone with Peter Lindeman last year, and had a great
  discussion about brewing silver for a few weeks using only a trickle
  of a current solar-generated. This slow process creates some amazing
  crystallization effects.
  Also, posts that have gotten through in the past few years have gone
  largely ignored.  I do a yearly test here about the importance of
  cleaning the silver electrodes if you really want a great product.
  I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious about how I
  personally tested this theory or how they can test to see the
  difference in quality.  Just three people or so saying they have no
  need to clean the electrodes.
  I really like the last innovation I'd seen from Ken; those looped
  electrodes make a big difference in cutting down electrode degradation.
  ...also, Trem's electrode configuration on the SG-7 is excellent,
  and I think it only works so well because he uses both polarity
  reversal and water-pump driven water circulation.
  On 2/16/2015 8:25 AM, wrote:
  Hi David,
  Do u think a new forum will really help?
  Personally I think many have gone to Facebook.   I'm amazed how so
  many groups r dying out when they use to be so active.People
  be off doing other things with their life.  I know I've lost
  as I'm busy with other things.
  This list is kind of like old faithful to me.  I just assumed it
  would go on as usual.
  Uncle Ben would have certainly added some spice to the group.   Who
  knows maybe his posts aren't getting through either so he gave up.
  I don't post often either as I really just don't have much to
  say and
  some of the few posts I've tried to post didn't show up either.
  Hopefully things will straighten out quickly.
  Now let's see if this goes through fwiw.
  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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RE: CS Anti-Inflammatory Lemonade

2012-06-26 Thread david moskovits

1 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice: (4 -6 lemons)
4-6 cups of clean water (to taste) 
1 tsp of ground turmeric
1 tsp of cinnamon
Pinch of Himalayan salt
pinch of cayenne pepper
pinch of ginger 
pinch of basil 
1/2 tsp of liquid stevia (or to taste)


Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 20:12:24 -0600
Subject: Re: CS Anti-Inflammatory Lemonade

For internal?  How much? 



On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Harold wrote:

My understanding about Citrus fruits acidity is; it is converted in the body to 
an Alkaline ash and should have no effect on leaching Calcium and Magnesium.
Am enclosing  an important recipe for treating inflammation which is very 
prevalent in most diseases.
Anti-Inflammatory Lemonade:
1 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice:
(4 -6 lemons)

4-6 cups of clean water (to taste)
1 tsp of ground turmeric
1 tsp of cinnamon
Pinch of Himalayan salt

1/2 tsp of liquid stevia (or to taste)
Optional: 1 tsp ground/fresh ginger


RE: CSAd, I did not write!

2012-04-24 Thread david moskovits

dont try to figure it out just change all your passwords 

Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:40:42 -0700
Subject: Re: CSAd, I did not write!

Checked my computer with 5 different programs nothing found? Do not know how 
this was done, unless while I was on line and piggybacked?

RE: CSCardiac/arterial benefits?

2012-04-16 Thread david moskovits

 Blockbuster allclear read up on it !

Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2012 18:26:29 -0400
Subject: Re: CSCardiac/arterial benefits?

In a message dated 4/16/2012 6:40:08 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Good morning.I new to the world of colloidal silver so, please forgive my 
ignorance!  Here's my question.can colloidal silver help repair/reverse 
clogged arteries in the body?  Thanks - Diane

Forgot this info from Brooks Bradley... { If you are around this site you will 
surely see his name mentioned many times with valuable info. }...Lois
The article you refer to is both interesting...and helpful.  I  am 
stimulated to relate a brief synopsis of our recent experiences relating to 
experimental research on the complete spectrum of cardiac arrhythmia 
presentationsand their' fellow travelers.  Early on, in our literature 
searches we came across the work of   George Eby and William Halcomb.  Our 
early experiments yielded very promising much so---that we 
expanded our endeavors in this investigation.   Without relating laborious 
details I summarize:  The simple protocol involving the use of Taurine and 
L-Alanine yielded very powerful positive response among volunteers presenting 
with both Premature Atrial Contractions ([PAC) and Premature Ventricular 
Contractions (PVC).  Using the dosage range recommended in their research (i.e. 
 approximately 12 grams Taurine and 4 to 6 grams L divided (2) 
doses...per day), we were successful in mitigating against the occurrence 
of both of these challenges.  Some of the volunteers were beyond 82 
yearsand had been manifesting pronounced skips, pauses and rhythm 
YEARS..enjoyed total corrections of ALL VARIATIONS in normal heartbeat.  
This, ALONE, was the most striking positive effect that we have EVER any cardiovascular research endeavor that we have ever 
undertaken.  Just, simply, amazing. The correction rate was 90% among a 
population of 14 subjects and the TOTAL positive correction percentage (from 
the entire experimental group) was over 80%.   This was almost 
unbelievable.for us.   I was one of the volunteers..having suffered 
from both contraction excursionsand pauses.for over 20 years.   After 
about 20 days on the protocol, my pauses and ventricular variations were 
reduced by 10%.   After 4 months..reduced by 80%.  It is hard to express my 
surprise...and delight---just like getting a 25% increase in cardiac output.
I will not extend this diatribe any longer, but I strongly suggest that 
interested/concerned members conduct a Google search for Eby and Halcomb's 
Interenet articles..and make a considered judgment relating to the possible 
benefits of this totally non-toxic, vascular system support protocol.
I must go now.Best Regards to All for the coming year, Brooks 